Bitcoin Price Prediction using SVM and ARIMA

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Bitcoin Price Prediction using SVM and ARIMA
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
                       International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

                                                           Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2021
Impact Factor: 4.819

             Bitcoin Price Prediction using SVM and ARIMA
                               Gausiya Momin1, Trupti Ingle2, Vaishnavi Mirajkar3, A. A. Magar4
                                             Students, Department of Computer Engineering1,2,3
                                              Professor, Department of Computer Engineering4
                                               Sinhgad Academy of Engineering, Pune, India

                 Abstract: Bitcoin is the most profitable in the cryptocurrency market. However, the prices of Bitcoin
                 have highly fluctuated which makes them very difficult to predict. This research aims to discover the
                 most efficient accuracy model to predict Bitcoin prices from various machine learning algorithms. Using
                 one-minute interval trading data on the exchange website name is bit stamp from January 1, 2012, to
                 January 8, 2018, some different regression models with sci-kit- learn and Keras libraries had
                 experimented. The best results showed that the Mean Squared Error (MSE) was as low as 0.00002 and
                 the R-Square (R2) was as high as 99.2 Percentage.

                 Keywords: Bitcoin; Cryptocurrency; Machine Learning

                                                                 I. INTRODUCTION
             Time series prediction is not a new phenomenon. Prediction of mature financial markets such as the Stock market
          has been researched at length. Bitcoin presents a fascinating time series prediction problem in a market still in its short-
          lived stage. As a result, there is a high irregularity in the market and this provides an opportunity in terms of prediction
          with adoption growing consistently over time due to the open nature of bitcoin. To decrease the risks, this project has
          been carried out to predict the price of bitcoin using recurrent neural network (RNN), support vector machine (SVM),
          and linear regression (LR) to predict the price of bitcoin. Evaluation of these algorithms is carried out to determine.

                                                        II. PREDICTION TECHNIQUES
          2.1 Linear Regression Model
             Linear regression is one of the most significantly used predictive modelling techniques. In this model, the
          relationship between a dependent variable and independent variables. Linear regression is used to fit a predictive model
          to an observed data set of values of the response and explanatory variables.

          2.2 Support Vector Machine
             Support Vector Machines (SVM) are popularly and widely used for classification problems in machine learning.
          There are a few important parameters of SVM that you should be aware of before proceeding further: Kernel, Hyper
          plane, Decision Boundary.

          2.3 ARIMA Model
             ARIMA stands for AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average. It is a class of models that captures a suite of
          different standard temporal structures in time series data. A popular used statistical method for time series forecasting
          in this model.

                                                        III. LITERATURE SURVEY
             [1] In recent years, Bitcoin is the most valuable in the cryptocurrency market. However, prices of Bitcoin have
          highly fluctuated which make them very difficult to predict. Hence, this research aims to discover the most efficient
          and highest accuracy model to predict Bitcoin prices from various machine learning algorithms. By using 1-minute
          Copyright to IJARSCT                                   DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-1486                                     1094
Bitcoin Price Prediction using SVM and ARIMA
ISSN (Online) 2581
                       International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

                                                           Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2021
Impact Factor: 4.819

          interval trading data on the Bitcoin exchange website named bitstamp from Januaryy 1, 2012 to January 8, 2018, some
          different regression models with scikit learn and Keras libraries had experimented.
                                                                                   experimented. The best results showed that the
          Mean Squared Error (MSE) was as low as 0.00002
                                                      0.        and the R-Square (R2) was as high as 99.2 percentage.
              [2] Crypto-currency
                          currency such as Bitcoin is more popular these days among investors. In the proposed work, it is studied
          to forecast the Bitcoin price precisely considering different parameters that influence the Bitcoin price. This study first
          handles, it is identified
                                ied the price trend on day by day changes in the Bitcoin price while it gives knowledge about
          Bitcoin price trends. The dataset till current dateis taken with open, high, low and close price details of Bitcoin value.
          Exploiting the dataset machine learning module is introduced for prediction of price values. The aim of this work is to
          derive the accuracy of Bitcoin prediction using different machine learning algorithm and compare their accuracy.
          Experiment results are compared for decision tree and regression m model.

                                                            IV. PROPOSED WORK
          It is important to be allowed to predict Bitcoin price changes. The stock market prediction has grown over decades
          using daily data and accessible high-frequency
                                                 frequency data. As we studied previously we predicted Bitcoin price in two ways:
              pirical analysis and analysis of robust machine learning algorithms. Machine learning algorithms has been widely
          used to make accurate predictions in many areas, including product manufacturing and finance. There are more
          methods about feature selection and   d measurements are an advantage, previous related works have depended on the
          researchers’ domain knowledge and lack a comprehensive consideration of feature dimensions.

                                                        Figure 4.1: Block diagram

                                                             V. CONCLUSION
          Machine learning techniques have recently gained a lot of popularity among the international community. The main
          purpose of this dissertation was to know whether these new approaches are more powerful than the traditional methods,
          or not. The results show that SVM predictions have a better display on average an improvement of 92% and 94%,
          respectively, for the ARIMA model.
          Copyright to IJARSCT                                   DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-1486                                    1095
Bitcoin Price Prediction using SVM and ARIMA
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
                       International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

                                                        Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2021
Impact Factor: 4.819

               [1] D. Shah and K. Zhang, “Bayesian regression and Bitcoin,” in 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on
                   Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton),2015, pp. 409-415.
               [2] Huisu Jang and Jaewook Lee, “An Empirical Study on Modelling and Prediction of Bitcoin Prices with
                   Bayesian Neural Networks based on Blockchain Information,” in IEEE Early Access Articles, 2017, vol. 99,
                   pp. 1-1.
               [3] M. Daniela and A. BUTOI, “Data mining on Romanian stock market using neural networks for price
                   prediction”.informatica Economica, 17,2013.
               [4] Jui-Sheng Chou and Thi-Kha Nguyen "Forward Forecast of Stock Price Using Sliding-Window Metaheuristic-
                   Optimized       Machine-Learning      Regression"    in     IEEE      Transactions       on     industrial
               [5] Ruchi Mittal, Shefali Arora and M.P.S Bhatia "Automated cryptocurrencies prices prediction using machine
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          Copyright to IJARSCT                                DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-1486                                1096
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