Bibliography OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS - Elgaronline

Page created by Nathaniel Terry
                  OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS
                  Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, ‘Health Consultation
                    Chesapeake ATGAS 2HWell Site Leroy Hill Road, Leroy Township,
                    Bradford County’ Study on behest the US Environment Protection Agency
                    available at:
                    Site Chesa­peakeATGASWellSiteHC110411Final.pdf [accessed 26 April
                  AMEC Ltd., ‘Technical Support for Assessing the Need for a Risk
                    Management Framework for Unconventional Gas Extraction’ (2014)
                    available at:
                    studies_en.htm [accessed 4 September 2014]
                  Andruleit H et al., ‘Kurzstudie- Reserven, Ressourcen und Verfügbarkeit
                    von Energierohstoffen 2011’ (Deutsche Rohstoffagentur (DERA)
                    in der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR),
                    Hannover November 2011) available at:
                    DE/Themen/Energie/Downloads/Energiestudie-Kurzf-2011.pdf ?__
                    blob=publicationFile&v=3 [accessed 31 October 2012]
                  Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre, ‘A Quest for Energy Security in the
                    21st Century’ (Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre, Tokyo 2007)
                  Bartel H, ‘Wasserwirtschaft in Deutschland Teil 1: Grundlagen’ (Umwelt­
                    bundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau 2010)
                  Böhm M, ‘Rechtsgutachten Voraussetzungen einer bergrechtlichen
                    Erlaubnis nach § 7 BBergG unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der
                    Versagungsgründe des § 11 Nr. 10 BbergG’ available at: http://fracking
                    zu-fracking.pdf [accessed 9 January 2015]
                  Boxtel Council, ‘Motie De raad van de gemeente Boxtel in openbare ver-
                    gadering bijeen op 5 maart 2012’ at
                    20305motieschaliegasvrijegemeenteboxtel.pdf [accessed 15 June 2012]
                  Boyer E W et al., ‘The Impact of Marcellus Gas Drilling on Rural
                    Drinking Water Supplies’ (Center for Rural Pennsylvania, Harrisburg
                    2012) available at:
                    Marcellus_and_drinking_water_2012.pdf [accessed 5 July 2013]


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               Broderick J and Anderson K, ‘Has US Shale Gas Reduced CO2 Emissions?
                 Examining recent changes in emissions from the US power sector and
                 traded fossil fuels’ (Tyndall Centre at the University of Manchester,
                 October 2012) available at:
                 Emissions.pdf [accessed 20 October 2012]
               Broomfield M, ‘Support to the identification of potential risks for the
                 environment and human health arising from hydrocarbons operations
                 involving hydraulic fracturing in Europe’ (AEA Technology, Didcot
                 2012) available at:
                 uff_studies_en.htm [accessed 4 September 2014]
               Bulgarian National Assembly, ‘Ad-hoc Committee to study and analyse
                 and discuss best practices and legislative decisions concerning the regu-
                 lation of activities in exploration and mining and effects on the environ-
                 ment ‘MINUTES № 1’ of 11/April/2012’ page 3 (Временна комисия за
                 проучване, анализ и обсъждане на добри практики и законодателни
                 решения във връзка с регулирането на дейности по проучване и добив
                 на подземни богатства при опазване на околната среда ‘ПРОТОКОЛ
                 № 1’ of 11 April 2012, 3 available at:
                 liamentarycommittees/members/1464/steno/ID/2430 [accessed 29 April
               Bulgarian National Assembly, ‘Assessment and Discussion Committee for
                 the Environment and Water, of the Legislative Proposal’ (КОМИСИЯ
                 ПО ОКОЛНАТА СРЕДА И ВОДИТЕ Разглеждане и обсъждане на
                 законопроект) of 1 November 2011 available at: http://www.parliament.
                 bg/bg/parliamentarycommittees/members/234/steno/ID/2267 [accessed
                 20 April 2014]
               Bulgarian National Assembly, ‘Information on the legal project to
                 outlaw exploration for and production of shale gas’ (Информация
                 за законопроектИме на законопроектаЗаконопроект за забрана на
                 проучване и добив на шистов газ) available at: http://www.parliament.
                 bg/bg/bills/ID/1756 [accessed 30 April 2014]
               Bulgarian National Assembly, ‘Legal project to outlaw exploration
                 and production of shale gas’ (Проект ЗАКОН ЗА ЗАБРАНА НА
                 ПРОУЧВАНЕ И ДОБИВ НА ШИСТОВ ГАЗ) available at: http://parlia
        [accessed 30 April 2014]
               Bulgarian National Assembly, ‘Stenographic report of 304th Plenary
                 Sittings, Sofia, Wednesday, 18 January, 2012’ (Стенограми от пленарни
                 заседания ТРИСТА 7 ЧЕТВЪРТО ЗАСЕДАНИЕ София, сряда, 18
                 януари 2012 г.) available at:
                 ns/7/ID/2688 [accessed 29 April 2014]
               Bulgarian National Assembly Committee for Economic Policy, Energy

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268              Shale gas, the environment and energy security

                    and Tourism, ‘Report on the legislative proposal to outlaw explora-
                    tion for and production of shale gas № 154-01-106’ (КОМИСИЯ ПО
                    К Л А Д по законопроект за забрана на проучване и добив на шистов
                    газ № 154-01-106) of 16 January 2012 available at: http://www.parlia
                    [accessed 30 April 2014]
                  Bulgarian National Assembly Committee for Economic Policy, Energy
                    and Tourism, ‘Report on a draft resolution on a moratorium on explora-
                    tion and production of shale gas in Bulgaria, № 154-02-93 and a draft
                    decision to ban mining shale gas and the method of hydraulic fractur-
                    ing and similar methods at its exploration and production of oil and
                    natural gas on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, № 154-02-101’
                    И ТУРИЗЪМ Д О К Л А Д относно проект за решение за налагане на
                    мораториум върху проучванията и добива на шистов газ на територията
                    на Република България, № 154-02-93 и проект за решение за забрана
                    на добива на шистов газ и прилагането на метода на хидравлично
                    разбиване и сходни 7 него методи при проучване и добив на нефт и
                    природен газ на територията на Република България, № 154-02-101)
                    of 16 January 2012 available at:
                    committees/members/224/reports/ID/3180 [accessed 1 May 2014]
                  Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), ‘Abschätzung
                    des Erdgaspotenzials aus dichten Tongesteinen (Schiefergas) in
                    Deutschland’ (Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe,
                    Hannover 2012)
                  Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), ‘Schieferöl
                    und Schiefergas in Deutschland Potenziale und Umweltaspekte’ (Bunde­
                    san­stalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover 2016) 13/14
                  Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) ‘Wissenswertes
                    über Schieferöl und Schiefergas’ available at: https://www.bgr.bund.
                    [accessed 30 June 2016]
                  Bundesrat, ‘Draft Ordinance on alteration of the ordinance on
                    Environmental Impact Assessment and mining activities’ (Entwurf einer
                    Verordnung zur Änderung der Verordnung über die Umweltverträglich­
                    keitsprüfung bergbaulicher Vorhaben) available at: http://www.bun
                    blob=publicationFile&v=1 [accessed 16 April 2014]
                  Bundesrat, ‘Drucksache 144/15 German Ministry of the Economy and
                    Energy Ordinance on the introduction of Environmental Impact
                    Assessments and on mining requirements in deployment of the

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                 fracking technology and deep drills’ (Verordnung zur Einführung von
                 Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen und über bergbauliche Anforderungen beim
                 Einsatz der Fracking-Technologie und Tiefbohrungen) available at: http://
                 =true [accessed 7 April 2016]
               Bundesrat, ‘Drucksache 353/1/16 (Empfehlungen der Ausschuesse
                 30.06.2016)’ available at:
                 sachen/2016/0301-0400/353-1-16.pdf ?__blob=publicationFile&v=1
                 [accessed 13 July 2016]
               Bundesrat, ‘Drucksache 353/16 (Beschluss des Bundesrates)’ avail-
                 able at:
                 0400/353-16(B).pdf ?__blob=publicationFile&v=1 [accessed 13 July
               Bundesrat, ‘Drucksache 358/16 (Beschluss des Bundesrates)’ avail-
                 able at:
                 0400/358-16(B).pdf ?__blob=publicationFile&v=1 [accessed 13 July
               Bundesrat, ‘Drucksache 358/16 (Empfehlungen der Ausschüße
                 05.07.2016)’ available at:
                 sachen / 2016 / 0301 - 0400 / 358 - 16 . pdf ? __ blob = publicationFile&v = 1
                 [accessed 13 July 2016]
               Bundesrat, ‘Drucksache 754/1/12 Committee Recommendations on
                 the resolution of the Bundesrat on the handling of the applica-
                 tion of fracking-technologies of 21 January 2013’ (Empfehlungen der
                 Ausschüsse zur Entschließung des Bundesrates zum Umgang mit dem
                 Einsatz von Fracking-Technologien) Bundesratsdrucksache 754/1/12
                 available at:
                 2012/0701-0800/0754-12.html [accessed 16 April 2014]
               Bundesrat, ‘Drucksache 754/12 Resolution of the Bundesrat on the
                 handling of the application of fracking-technologies with environ-
                 mentally-toxic chemicals during the exporation and production of
                 unconventional deposits of 3rd December 2012’ (Entschließung des
                 Bundesrates zum Umgang mit dem Einsatz von Fracking-Technologien
                 mit umwelttoxischen Chemikalien bei der Aufsuchung und Gewinnung
                 von Erdgas aus unkonventionellen Lagerstätten) Bundesratsdrucksache
                 754/12 available at:
                 gaenge/2012/0701-0800/0754-12.html [accessed 15 April 2014]
               Bundesrat, ‘Plenarprotokoll 947. Sitzung 8.7.2016’ available at: http://
                 node.html [accessed 15 July 2016]

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270              Shale gas, the environment and energy security

                  Bundesrat, ‘Stenographic Report 904th session of 14th December 2013’
                    (Stenografischer Bericht 904. Sitzung) Plenarprotokoll 904 available at:
           [accessed 16 April 2014]
                  Bundesrat, ‘Stenographic Report 906th session of 1st February 2013’
                    (Stenografischer Bericht 906. Sitzung) Plenarprotokoll 906 available at:
                    2013/Plenarprotokoll-906.pdf ?__blob=publicationFile&v=3 [accessed
                    16 April 2014]
                  Bundestag, ‘A new Mining Act for the 21st Century of 14 December 2011’
                    (Ein neues Bergrecht für das 21. Jahrhundert) Bundestagsdrucksache
                  Bundestag, ‘Bill of the German government draft on a Mining Act’
                    (Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung Entwurf eines Bundesberggesetzes)
                    Bundestagsdrucksache 8/1315 available at:
                    e&datumVon= [accessed 8 January 2015]
                  Bundestag, ‘Drucksache 18/4713 Bill of the German Federal Government
                    on the alteration of water and environmental protection norms with
                    the aim of prohibiting and minimizing risks associated with the proce-
                    dures of the fracking technology’ (Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung
                    ‘Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung wasser- und naturschutzrechtli-
                    cher Vorschriften zur Untersagung und zur Risikominimierung bei den
                    Verfahren der Fracking-Technologie’) available at: http://dipbt.bunde-
           [accessed 7 April 2015]
                  Bundestag, ‘Drucksache 18/4714 German Government Draft Bill to
                    expand mining liability to wellbore mining and caverns’ (Bundesregierung
                    Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Ausdehnung der Bergschadenshaftung auf den
                    Bohrlochbergbau und Kavernen) available at:
                    doc/btd/18/047/1804714.pdf [accessed 7 April 2015]
                  Bundestag, ‘Drucksache 18/4949 Report by the government according
                    Drucksache 18/4713 Position of the Bundesrat and rebuttal of the gov-
                    ernment’ available at
                    pdf [accessed 5 July 2016]
                  Bundestag, ‘Drucksache 18/4952 Report by the government according
                    Drucksache 18/4714 Position of the Bundesrat and rebuttal of the gov-
                    ernment’ available at
                    pdf [accessed 5 July 2016]
                  Bundestag, ‘Drucksache 18/8907 Recommendation and Report of the
                    Committee for Economic Affairs and Energy concerning Drucksache

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                 18/4714 (Beschlussempfehlung und Bericht des Ausschusses für Wirtschaft
                 und Energie zu Drucksache 18/4714)’ available at: http://dipbt.bundestag.
                 de/doc/btd/18/089/1808907.pdf [accessed 5 July 2016]
               Bundestag, ‘Drucksache 18/8916 Recommendation and Report of the
                 Committee for Environment, Nature Protection, Building and Reactor-
                 safety concerning Drucksache 18/4713 (Beschlussempfehlung und Bericht
                 des Ausschusses für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit
                 zu Drucksache 18/4713)’ available at:
                 btd/18/089/1808916.pdf [accessed 5 July 2016]
               Bundestag, ‘Guidelines of the German government on environmen-
                 tal precaution by avoidance and reduction of pollutants of 19
                 September 1986’ (Leitlinien der Bundesregierung zur Umweltvorsorge
                 durch Vermeidung und stufenweise Verminderung von Schadstoffen)
                 Bundestagsdrucksache 10/6028
               Bundestag, ‘Motion guidance notes on transparency and environmen-
                 tal soundness during unconventional gas production of 8 November
                 2011’ (Antrag Leitlinien für Transparenz und Umweltverträglichkeit bei
                 der Förderung von unkonventionellem Erdgas) Bundestagsdrucksache
                 17/7612 available at:
                 1707612.pdf [accessed 16 April 2014]
               Bundestag, ‘Motion no gas extraction at the expense of drinking water –
                 banning fracking for gas extraction purposes of 8 June 2011’ (Antrag
                 Keine Erdgasförderung auf Kosten des Trinkwassers – Fracking bei der
                 Erdgasförderung verbieten) Bundestagsdrucksache 17/6097 available at:
        [accessed 17
                 April 2014]
               Bundestag, ‘Motion transparency and control of unconventional gas
                 production in Germany of 13 April 2011’ (Antrag Transparenz
                 und Kontrolle bei der Förderung von unkonventionellem Erdgas in
                 Deutschland) Bundestagsdrucksache 17/5573 available at: http://dip21.
        [accessed 16 April 2014]
               Bundestag, ‘Report of the Committee for Education, Research and
                 Technology Assessment CCS at power plants of 1 July 2008’ (Bericht
                 des Ausschusses für Bildung, Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung
                 (18. Ausschuss) gemäß § 56a der Geschäftsordnung Technikfolgen­
                 abschätzung (TA) CO2-Abscheidung und -Lagerung bei Kraftwerken)
                 Bundestagsdrucksache 16/9896, available at:
                 dip21/btd/16/098/1609896.pdf [accessed 16 December 2013]
               Bundestag, ‘Resolution recommendation and report of the commit-
                 tee on the environment, environmental protection and reactor
                 safety on motions 17/5750, 17/6264 of the German government of
                 6 July 2011’ (Beschlussempfehlung und Bericht des Ausschusses für

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                    Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (16. Ausschuss) zu dem
                    Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung – Drucksachen 17/5750, 17/6264)
                    Bundestagsdrucksache 17/6507 available at:
                    dip21/btd/17/065/1706507.pdf [accessed 16 April 2014]
                  Bundestag, ‘Resolution recommendation and report of the committee
                    on the environment, environmental protection and reactor safety on
                    a) motion of MPs Frank Schwabe, Ingrid Arndt-Brauer, Dirk Becker
                    and others as well as the SPD- parliamentary group b) motion of MPs
                    Oliver Krischer, Hans-Josef Fell, Bärbel Höhn and others as well as
                    the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group of 26 April
                    2012’ (Beschlussempfehlung und Bericht des Ausschusses für Umwelt,
                    Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (16. Ausschuss) a) zu dem Antrag
                    der Abgeordneten Frank Schwabe, Ingrid Arndt-Brauer, Dirk Becker,
                    weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion der SPD – Drucksache 17/7612
                    – b) zu dem Antrag der Abgeordneten Oliver Krischer, Hans-Josef Fell,
                    Bärbel Höhn, weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/
                    DIE GRÜNEN – Drucksache 17/5573 –) Bundestagsdrucksache 17/9450
                    available at:
                    [accessed 16 April 2014]
                  Bundestag, ‘Resolution Recommendation and Report of the committee on
                    consumer protection, nutrition and agriculture’ (Beschlussempfehlung
                    und Bericht des Ausschusses für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und
                    Landwirtschaft (10. Ausschuss)’ Bundestagsdrucksache 15/3344
                  Bundestag, ‘Resolution Recommendation and Report of the committee on
                    the economy and technologies on the motion of MPs Johanna Voß, Dr.
                    Barbara Höll, Eva Bulling-Schröter and others as well as the LINKE-
                    parliamentary group of 28 March 2012’ (Beschlussempfehlung und
                    Bericht des Ausschusses für Wirtschaft und Technologie (9. Ausschuss)
                    zu dem Antrag der Abgeordneten Johanna Voß, Dr. Barbara Höll, Eva
                    Bulling-Schröter, weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion DIE LINKE.
                    – Drucksache 17/6097) Bundestagsdrucksache 17/9196 available at:
           [accessed 17
                    April 2014]
                  Bundestag, ‘Speech of federal agriculture minister Ilse Aigner on the
                    23/April/2009’ reproduced in Plenarprotokoll 16/217, 23540 available
                    at: [accessed 16 April
                  Bundestag, ‘Stenographic Report 178th session of 10th May 2012’
                    (Stenografischer Bericht 178. Sitzung) Plenarprotokoll 17/178 available
                    at: [accessed 17 April
                  Bundestag , ‘Stenografischer Bericht 180. Sitzung Plenarprotokoll 18/180’

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                 at 17795 available at:
                 pdf#P.17790 [accessed 30 June 2016]
               Bundestag, ‘Third report on emission protection’ (Dritter Imissions­
                 schutzbericht) Bundestagsdrucksache 10/1345 (Bonn 1984)
               Burgoyne J H, ‘Offshore Safety: Report of the Committee’ (Cmnd. 7866,
               Cantabrian Parliament, ‘Minutes of Parliamentary Meeting on 8 April 2013’
                 (Parlamento Cantabria ‘Diario de Sediones 8 de abril de 2013’) avail-
                 able at:
                 Punto%201%20Pleno%28%2066-A%29.pdf [accessed 28 April 2014]
               Cantabrian Parliament, ‘Session of the environmental committee of the
                 Parliament of Cantabria of 21 March 2013’ (‘Estudio, debate y votación
                 del Informe de la Ponencia y de las enmiendas presentadas al Proyecto
                 de Ley de Cantabria por la que se regula la prohibición en el territorio de
                 la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria de la técnica de fractura hidráu-
                 lica. [8L/1000-0011]’) available at:
                 Ambiente%20%28122-B%29.pdf [accessed 28 April 2014]
               Carbon Capture and Storage Association, ‘Submission to the UNFCCC:
                 Carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean
                 development project activities’ available at:
                 docs/2012/smsn/ngo/154.pdf [accessed 16 February 2013]
               Clingendael International Energy Programme, ‘Study on Energy Supply
                 Security and Geopolitics Final Report’ (2004) available at: http://www.
        [accessed 25
                 April 2013]
               Committee for Energy, ‘Infrastructure and Rural Development of
                 Mecklenburg-Hither Pomerania “Recommendation and Report”
                 Drucksache 6/750 of 16/May/2012’ available at: http://www.landtag-mv.
                 0750.pdf [accessed 16 October 2012]
               Constitutional Council France, Decision 79-105 DC, Right to Strike on
                 Radio and Television, 25 July 1979, Rec. 33 Constitutional Council
                 France, Decision 2008-564 DC, Genetically Modified Organisms, of 19
                 June 2008, Rec. 313
               Council of Europe, ‘Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity
                 Strategy of 25 October 1995’ (Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg
               Council of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,
                 ‘Recommendation of the Council on Integrated Cooperation and
                 Development, Pollution Prevention and Control’ of 31 January 1991,

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274              Shale gas, the environment and energy security

                  Cuadrilla Resources Ltd, ‘Geomechanical Study of Bowland Shale
                    Seismicity Synthesis Report’ (2011) available at: http://www.cuadril
                    Bowland-Shale-Seismicity_02-11-11.pdf [accessed 24 April 2012]
                  Cullen D, ‘The Public Inquiry into the Piper Alpha Disaster’ (Cm 1310,
                  Czech House of Representatives, ‘Sněmovní tisk 902 Novela z. v souvis-
                    losti se zákazem hydraul.štěpení hornin’ available at:
                    sqw/historie.sqw?o=6&t=902 [accessed 23 May 2014]
                  Czech Senate, ‘Minutes of the 23rd Senate meeting (2nd day of meeting
                    – 14.06.2012)’ (Těsnopisecká Zpráva z 23. schůze Senátu (2. den schůze
                    – 14.06.2012)) available at:
                    ovani?action=steno&O=8&IS=4817&D=14.06.2012#b12986 [accessed
                    23 May 2014]
                  Czech Senate, ‘Minutes of the 25th meeting of the Senate (2nd day of
                    meeting – 16 August 2012)’ (Těsnopisecká zpráva z 25. schůze Senátu
                    (2. den schůze – 16.08.2012)) available at:
                    2#b13127 [accessed 23 May 2014]
                  Czech Senate, ‘Minutes of the fourth Senate Meeting (1st day of meeting
                    – 30 January 2013)’ (Těsnopisecká zpráva z 4. schůze Senátu (1.
                    den schůze – 30.01.2013) available at:
                    pssenat/htmlhled?action=doc&value=67073 [accessed 27 March 2014]
                  Czech Senate, ‘Minutes of the fourth Senate meeting (2nd day of meeting
                    – 31 January 2013)’ (9. funkční období Těsnopisecká zpráva z 4. schůze
                    Senátu (2. den schůze – 31.01.2013)) available at:
                    xqw/webdav/pssenat/original/67114/56512 [accessed 27 March 2014]
                  Czech Senate, ‘Proposal for a Senate bill by Senators Pakosty Peter, George
                    Oberfalzer and Paul Trpák’ (Návrh senátního návrhu zákona, senátorů
                    Petra Pakosty, Jiřího Oberfalzera a Pavla Trpáka) available at: http://
           [accessed 23
                    May 2014]
                  Czech Senate Committee on National Economy, Agriculture and
                    Transport, ‘292nd RESOLUTION of the 29th meeting held on July 12,
                    2012’ (292. USNESENÍ z 29. schůze konané dne 12. července 2012) avail-
                    able at:
                    [accessed 23 May 2014]
                  Czech Senate Committee on National Economy, Agriculture and
                    Transport, ‘307th resolution of 31st meeting held on August 14, 2012’
                    (307. USNESENÍ z 31. schůze konané dne 14. srpna 2012) avail-
                    able at:
                    [accessed 23 May 2014]

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               Czech Senate Committee on National Economy, Agriculture and
                 Transport, ‘330th RESOLUTION of the 32nd meeting held on October
                 23, 2012’ (330. USNESENÍ z 32. schůze konané dne 23. října 2012) avail-
                 able at:
                 [accessed 23 May 2014]
               Czech Senate Committee on Regional Development, Public Administration
                 and Environment, ‘19th RESOLUTION of the 4th meeting held
                 on January 30, 2013’ (19. USNESENÍ z 4. schůze konané dne 30.
                 ledna 2013) available at:
                 nal/67109/56508 [accessed 23 May 2014]
               Czech Senate Committee on Regional Development, Public Administration
                 and Environment, ‘120th RESOLUTION of the 29th meeting held
                 on August 8, 2012’ (120. USNESENÍ z 29. schůze konané dne 8.
                 srpna 2012) available at:
                 nal/65564/55259 [accessed 23 May 2014]
               Czech Senate Committee on Regional Development, Public Administration
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