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                       I. Monographs

                       Ago, Roberto, Il requisto dell’effettivita dell’occupazione in diritto internazionale
                       Ahmed, Dirdeiry M., Boundaries and Secession in Africa and International Law:
                         Challenging Uti Possidetis (2015)
                       Allcock, John B. et al., Border and Territorial Disputes (3rd ed., 1992)
                       Aznar, Mariano J., La administración internacionalizada de territorios (2008)
                       Bastid, Suzanne, Le territoire dans le droit international contemporain 403 (1954)
                       Beaudouin, Anouche, Uti possidetis et secession (2011)
                       Belgrad, Eric Aristide, The Theory and Practice of Prescriptive Acquisition in Inter-
                         national Law (1969)
                       Benedikter, Thomas, The World’s Modern Autonomy Systems: Concepts and Experi-
                         ences of Regional Territorial Autonomy (2009)
                       Benmessaoud Tredano, Abdelmoughit, Intangibilité des frontières coloniales et espace
                         étatique en Afrique (1989)
                       Bernstein, Itamar, Delimitation of International Boundaries (1974)
                       Bleiber, Fritz, Die Entdeckung im Völkerrecht: Eine Studie zum Problem der Okkupa-
                         tion (1933)
                       Blum, Yehuda Z., Historic Titles in International Law (1965)
                       Blum, Yehuda Z., Secure Boundaries and Middle East Peace (1971)
                       Blum, Yehuda Z., The Juridical Status of Jerusalem (1974)
                       Boggs, Samuel Whittemore, International Boundaries: A Study of Boundary Functions
                         and Problems (1940)
                       Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, Les conflits de frontières en Afrique (1972)
                       Brownlie, Ian, African Boundaries: A Legal and Diplomatic Encyclopaedia (1979)
                       Burgis, Michelle L., Boundaries of Discourse in the International Court of Justice:
                         Mapping Arguments in Arab Territorial Disputes (2009)
                       Casello, Paulo Borba, Direito internacional dos espaços (2009)
                       Cassese, Antonio, Self-Determination of Peoples: A Legal Reappraisal (1995)
                       Cassese, Sabino, Territori e Potere. Un nuovo Ruolo Per Gli Stati? (2016)
                       Castellino, Joshua and Allen, Steve, Title to Territory in International Law. A Temporal
                         Analysis (2003)
                       Chemillier-Gendreau, Monique, Sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Island (2000)
                       Christakis, Theodore, Le droit à l’autodétermination en dehors des situations de
                         décolonisation (1999)
                       Couveinhes-Matsumoto, Florian, L’effectivité en droit international (2014)
                       Crawford, James, The Creation of States in International Law (2nd ed., 2006)
                       Cukwurah, A.O., The Settlement of Boundary Disputes in International Law (1967)
                       De Lapradelle, Paul, La frontière: Étude de droit international (1928)
                       De Visscher, Charles, Les effectivités du droit international public (1967)
                       De Visscher, Charles, Problèmes de confins en droit international public (1969)

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                                                                                                     Bibliography 441

                    Distefano, Giovanni, L’ordre international entre légalité et effectivité: Le titre juridique
                      dans le contentieux territorial (2002)
                    Distefano, Giovanni, Droit international des espaces: morceaux choisis (2017)
                    Dolzer, Rudolf, The Territorial Status of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas): Past and
                      Present (1993)
                    Donati, Donato, Stato e territorio (1924)
                    Downing, David, An Atlas of Territorial and Border Disputes (1980)
                    Dunn, Frederick S., Peace-Making and the Settlement with Japan (1963)
                    Duran Bächler, Samuel, La doctrina latinoamericana del Uti Possidetis: Concepción
                    Fawcett, Charles B., Frontiers: A Study in Political Geography (1918)
                    Foucher, Michel, Fronts et frontières: Un tour du monde géopolitique (2nd ed., 1991)
                    Foucher, Michel, L’obsession des frontières (2nd ed., 2012)
                    Fuglsang, Walter, Der amerikanisch-holländische Streit um die Insel Palmas vor dem
                      Ständigen Schiedshof im Haag 86 (1931)
                    Garfield, Simon, On the Map: Why the World Looks the Way It Does, 186–202 (2012)
                    Giraudeau, Géraldine, Les différends territoriaux devant le juge international: Entre
                      droit et transaction (2013)
                    Goebel, Julius, The Struggle for the Falkland Islands: A Study in Legal and Diplomatic
                      History (1927)
                    Grant, Thomas, Aggression Against Ukraine: Territory, Responsibility, and Inter-
                      national Law (2015)
                    Hébié, Mamadou, Souveraineté territoriale par traité: Une étude des accords entre
                      puissances coloniales et entités politiques locales (2015)
                    Henry, Laurence, Mutations territoriales en Asie centrale et orientale (2008)
                    Hill, Norman, Claims to Territory in International Law and Relations (1945)
                    Hiroyuki, Yanagihashi, The Concept of Territory in Islamic Law and Thought (2000)
                    Jennings, Robert, The Acquisition of Territory in International Law (with a new
                      Introduction by Marcelo Kohen) (2017)
                    Jeze, Gaston, Etude théorique et pratique sur l’occupation comme mode d’acquérir les
                      territoires en droit international (1896)
                    Johnston, Ross W., Sovereignty and Protection: A Study of British Jurisdictional
                      Imperialism in the Late Nineteenth Century (1973)
                    Jones, Stephen Barr, Boundary-Making: a Handbook for Statesmen, Treaty Editors, and
                      Boundary Commissioners (1945)
                    Kaikobad, Kaiyan H., The Shatt-al-Arab Boundary Question (1988)
                    Kaplan, Robert D., The Revenge of Geography (2012)
                    Keller, Arthur S., Oliver J. Lissitzyn and Frederick J. Mann, Creation of Rights of
                      Sovereignty through Symbolic Acts 1400–1800 (1938)
                    Kohen, Marcelo G., Possession contestée et souveraineté territoriale (1997)
                    Kohen, Marcelo G. and Rodriguez, Facundo D., The Malvinas/Falklands between
                      History and Law. Refutation of the British Pamphlet: ‘Getting It Right: the Real
                      History of the Falklands/Malvinas’ (2017)
                    Korman, Sharon, The Right of Conquest: The Acquisition of Territory by Force in
                      International Law and Practice (1996)

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                       442 Research handbook on territorial disputes in international law

                       Labrecque, Georges, Les différends territoriaux en Europe: jurisprudence de la Cour
                         Internationale de Justice (2009)
                       Lalonde, Susanne, Determining Boundaries in a Conflicted World: The Role of Uti
                         Possidetis (2002)
                       Langer, Robert, Seizure of Territory (1947)
                       Lauterpracht, Elihu, Jerusalem and the Holy Places (1968)
                       Levie, Howard S., The Status of Gibraltar (1983)
                       Lindley, Mark F., The Acquisition and Government of Backward Territory and
                         International Law: Being a Treatise on the Law and Practice Relating to Colonial
                         Expansion (1926)
                       Lopez Martin, Ana Gemma, El territorio estatal en discusión: la prueba del título
                       Lord Curzon’s Frontiers (1907)
                       MacHugo, John, How to Prove Title to Territory: a Brief, Practical Introduction to the
                         Law and Evidence (1998)
                       MacMahon, Matthew Mark, Conquest and Modern International Law: the Legal
                         Limitations on the Acquisition of Territory by Conquest (1940)
                       Meyer, Georg, Die staatsrechtliche Stellung der deutschen Schutzgebiete (1888)
                       Milano, Enrico, Unlawful Territorial Situations in International Law: Reconciling
                         Effectiveness, Legality and Legitimacy (2006)
                       Miyoshi, Masahiro, Considerations of Equity in the Settlement of Territorial and
                         Boundary Disputes (1993)
                       Monmonier, Mark, How to Lie with Maps (1996)
                       Nesi, Giuseppe, L‘Uti possidetis iuris’ nel diritto internazionale (1996)
                       Oduntan, Gbenga, International Law and Boundary Disputes in Africa (2015)
                       Polat, Necati, Boundary Issues in Central Asia (2002)
                       Prescott, John R.V., Political Boundaries and Frontiers (1987)
                       Prescott, Victor and Triggs, Gillian D., International Frontiers and Boundaries: Law,
                         Politics and Geography (2008)
                       Rastbeen Ali, The Three Iranian Islands of the Persian Gulf: Based on Documents and
                         Historical Evidence (2008)
                       Ribère, Auguste, Les occupations fictives dans les rapports internationaux (1897)
                       Roche, A.G., The Minquiers and Écrehos Case: an Analysis of the Decisions of the
                         International Court of Justice (1959)
                       Rongxing, Guo, The Land and Maritime Boundary Disputes of Asia (2009)
                       Rossi, Christopher, Sovereignty and Territorial Temptation: the Grotian Tendency
                       Rousseau, Charles, Droit international public – vol. 3 (Les compétences) (1977)
                       Sahurie, Emilio J., The International Law of Antarctica (1992)
                       Schenk, Dieter, Kontiguität als Erwerbstitel im Völkerrecht (1978)
                       Schofield, Richard, Kuwait and Iraq: Historical Claims and Territorial Disputes (1993)
                       Şen, İlker Gökhan, Sovereignty Referendums in International and Constitutional Law
                       Sharma, Surya Prakash, International Boundary Disputes and International Law (1976)
                       Sharma, Surya Prakash, Territorial Acquisition, Disputes and International Law (1997)
                       Shaw, Malcolm, Title to Territory in Africa (1986)

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                                                                                                     Bibliography 443

                    Smedal, Gustav, Acquisition of Sovereignty over Polar Areas (1931)
                    Smith, Gordon W., A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North:
                      Terrestrial Sovereignty, 1870–1939 (2014)
                    Veicopoulos, Nicolas, Traité des territoires dependants 3 vols. (1960, 1971, 1985)
                    Verykios, P. A., La prescription en droit international public (1934)
                    Verzijl, J. H. W., International Law in Historical Perspective, vol. 3 (State Territory)
                    Wambaugh, Sarah, A Monograph on Plebiscites (1920)
                    Wambaugh, Sarah, Plebiscites Since the World War (1933)
                    Wolff, Stefan, Disputed Territories: The Transnational Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict
                      Settlement (2003)
                    Yoshitsu, Michael N. M., Japan and the San Francisco Peace Settlement (1983)
                    Zimmer, Gerhard, Gewaltsame territoriale Veränderungen und ihre völkerrechtliche
                      Legitimation (1971)

                    II. Edited volumes

                    Kohen, Marcelo G. (ed), Secession: International Law Perspectives (2006)
                    Kohen, Marcelo G. (ed.), Territoriality and International Law (2016)
                    Pratt, Martin (ed.), Borderlands Under Stress (2000)
                    Shaw, Malcolm N (ed.), Title to Territory (2005)
                    Société française pour le droit international (ed.), La frontière (1980)
                    Société française pour le droit international (ed.), Les compétences de l’état en droit
                      international: colloque de Rennes (2006)
                    Société française pour le droit international (ed.), Droit des Frontières – The Law of
                      International Boundaries (2016)

                    III. Articles

                    Abi-Saab, Georges, La pérennité des frontières en droit international, 64 Relations
                      Internationales 341–9 (1990)
                    Abushov, Kavus, Autonomy as a Possible Solution to Self-determination Disputes:
                      Does It Really Work, 22 Int’l J. Minority & Group Rights 182–201 (2015)
                    Accioly, Hildebrando, Le Brésil et la Doctrine de L’uti Possidetis, 9 Revue de droit
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                    Adler, Ron, Geographical Information in Delimitation, Demarcation and Management
                      of International Land Boundaries, 3 (4) IBRU Boundary and Territory Briefing 76–8
                    Ajala, Adekunle, The Nature of African Boundaries, 18 (2) Africa Spectrum 177–89
                    Åkermark, Sia Spiliopoulou, Internal Self-Determination and the Role of Territorial
                      Autonomy as a Tool for the Resolution of Ethno-Political Disputes, 20 Int’l J.
                      Minority & Group Rights 5–25 (2013)
                    Akweenda, Sakeus, The Legal Significance of Maps in Boundary Questions: a
                      Reappraisal with Particular Emphasis on Namibia, 60 Brit. Y.B. Int’l L. 205–55

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                       Al-Henazy, Askar Halwan, The International Boundary Treaty (Treaty of Jeddah)
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                       Alvarez, Alexandre, Des occupations de territoires contestés, 10 R.G.D.I.P. 651–90
                       Alvarez-Jimenez, Alberto, Boundary Agreements in the International Court of Justice’s
                         Case Law, 2000–2010, 23 (2) Eur. J. Int’l L. 495–515 (2012)
                       Andrews, J.A., The Concept of Statehood and the Acquisition of Territory in the 19th
                         Century, 94 The Law Quarterly Review 408–27 (1978)
                       Audinet, Eugène, De la prescription acquisitive en droit international public. Son rôle,
                         son objet et ses conditions d’existence, 3 R.G.D.I.P. 313–25 (1896)
                       Ayala, Eusebio, Le principe de l’‘uti possidetis’ et le règlement des questions
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                       Bantz, Vincent P., The International Legal Status of Condominia, 12 Florida Journal of
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                       Bardonnet, David, Les frontières terrestres et la relativité de leur tracé (Problèmes
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                       Bartoš, Tomas, Uti Possidetis: Quo Vadis?, 18 Austl. Y.B. Int’l L. 37–96 (1997)
                       Bastid, Suzanne, Les problèmes territoriaux dans la jurisprudence de la Cour
                         Internationale de Justice, 107 (III) R.C.A.D.I. 391–495 (1962)
                       Blay, S. K. N., Self-Determination versus Territorial Integrity in Decolonization, 18
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                       Blum, Yehuda Z., The Missing Reversioner: Reflections on the Status of Judea and
                         Samaria, 3 Israel Law Review 279–301 (1968)
                       Bowett, Derek, Estoppel before International Tribunals and its Relation to Acquies-
                         cence, 33 Brit. Y.B. Int’l L. 176–202 (1957)
                       Brilmayer, Lea, Secession and Self-Determination: A Territorial Interpretation, 16 Yale
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                       Burgis, Michelle, The Promise of Solid Ground: Arab Territorial Disputes and the
                         Discourse of International Law, 10 (1) Int’l Com. L. Rev. 73–99 (2008)
                       Burgis, Michelle, Faith in the State? Traditions of Territoriality, International Law and
                         the Emergence of Modern Arab Statehood, 11 (1) J.H.Int’l L 37–79 (2009)
                       Caflisch, Lucius, Règles générales du droit des cours d’eau internationaux, 219
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                       Caflisch, Lucius, Essai d’une typologie des frontières, 63 Relations Internationales
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                       Caflisch, Lucius, Les frontières, limites et délimitations internationales: quelle import-
                         ance aujourd’hui?, 368 R.C.A.D.I. 9–45 (2014)
                       Cassese, Antonio, Legal Considerations on the International Status of Jerusalem, 3
                         Palestinian Yearbook of International Law 13–39 (1986)
                       Cavaglieri, Arrigo, Trapassi di territorio senza trattato, 19 Rivista di Diritto internazi-
                         onale 317–53 (1927)
                       Cavare, Louis, Quelques notions générales sur l’occupation pacifique, 31 R.G.D.I.P.
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                       Kohen, Marcelo, Le règlement des différends territoriaux à la lumière de l’arrêt de la
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                       Kohen, Marcelo G., Uti possidetis, prescription et pratique subséquente à un traité
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