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Archives of the Balkan Medical Union vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 172-181 Copyright © 2019 Balkan Medical Union March 2019 HISTORICAL REVIEW JOSEPH-PIERRE ÉLÉONORD PÉTREQUIN (1809-1876), THE MAJESTIC FRENCH SURGEON WHO INTRODUCED THE CONCEPT OF SURGICAL ANATOMY Gregory TSOUCALAS1,2 , Eleni PANAGOULI3, Konstantinos LAIOS4, Marianna KARAMANOU2,4,5, Theodoros PAPAIOANNOU6, Aliki FISKA1, George ANDROUTSOS2,7, Panagiotis SKANDALAKIS3 1 History of Medicine, Anatomy Department, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece 2 University Institute of History of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Claude Bernard University Lyon-1, Lyon, France 3 Anatomy Department, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece 4 History of Medicine, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece 5 Institute of History of Medicine and Public Health, Medical School, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland 6 Biomedical Engineering Unit, 1st Department of Cardiology, Hippokration Hospital, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece 7 History of Medicine, The Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Athens, Greece Received 07 Jan 2019, Accepted 24 Febr 2019 ABSTRACT RÉSUMÉ Pétrequin was a French surgeon born in the town of Joseph-Pierre Éléonord Pétrequin (1809-1876), le Villeurbanne, near the city of Lyon. He lived in an majestueux chirurgien Français qui a introduit le era when surgery was evolving towards a more com- concept d’Anatomie Chirurgicale plex and modern specialty. His magnificent career was shared between surgical pathology and history of Joseph-Pierre Éléonord Pétrequin était un chirurgien surgery. His two most significant works were „Traité Français né à Villeurbanne, près la ville de Lyon. Il d’anatomie médico-chirurgicale et topographique“ a vécu dans une époque où la chirurgie évoluait vers (An Assay of Medical and Surgical Anatomy and une spécialité plus complexe et moderne. Sa carrière Topography) and „La chirurgie d’Hippocrate“ (The magnifique a été partagée entre la pathologie chirur- Surgery of Hippocrates). Having realized the need gicale et l’histoire de la chirurgie. Ses deux travaux for surgery to be combined with anatomy, he was the les plus significatifs sont intitulés «Traité d’anatomie scholar who introduced the concept of surgical anato- médico-chirurgicale et topographique» et «La chirurgie my. His innovations, travels and publications won him d’Hippocrate». Ayant compris la nécessité de combiner Address for correspondence: Gregory TSOUCALAS History of Medicine, Anatomy Department, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece Address: Ierolohiton 155, Agioi Anargyroi 38334, Volos, Greece Email:; Phone 00306945298205
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union a series of nominations and a place among th greatest la chirurgie avec l’anatomie, il fut l’érudit qui intro- European surgeons and philosophers of all times. duisit le concept d’anatomie chirurgicale. Ses innova- tions, voyages et publications lui ont valu une série de Keywords: Joseph-Pierre Éléonord Pétrequin, French nominations et une place parmi les plus grands chir- surgery, surgical pathology, surgical anatomy, history urgiens et philosophes Européens de tous les temps. of surgery, Lyon. Mots-clés: Joseph-Pierre Éléonord Pétrequin, chirur- gie Française, pathologie chirurgicale, anatomie chirur- gicale, histoire de la chirurgie, Lyon. INTRODUCTION Our study endeavors to bring in light an unap- preciated surgeon, a neglected physician, who man- When someone describes an important medical aged with his work to set the foundations of modern figure, he is usually narrating his significant contri- surgery and to permanently unite it with anatomy un- butions. However, in the case of our man, innova- der the term „Surgical Anatomy“. A thorough search tion became synonym with Joseph-Pierre Éléonord was contacted in the Google Books database, with Pétrequin (Figure 1), the pioneering surgeon from his name as a key term (in French- Pétrequin and in Lyon. Pétrequin lived in the 19th century when ad- English- Petrequin). Moreover, a series of obituaries vances in science marked the beginning of modern and treatises from the Library of the Medical School surgery. of Lyon were used for his biography to be composed. In the 19th century, surgery was blooming, wit- nessing a complete transformation in surgical tech- PÉTREQUIN’S BIOGRAPHY AND PUBLICATIONS niques, finding its path to a modern era with the help of an improved anesthesia, antiseptic protocols, Pétrequin was born in 26th of June 1809 (or 5th and new apparatus and equipment in medicine’s ser- of June 1810) in the town of Villeurbanne near the vice1. Surgery was defined since its birth as a branch French city of Lyon, a city with one of the most dis- for physicians to cure by means of bodily invasion. tinguished medical schools in Europe. His secondary Pétrequin recognized the brutality and risks of open- studies were mostly based on the literature and an- ing a living person’s body and dedicated his whole life cient languages. After obtaining his bachelor of arts, to studying and exploring methods to minimize the literature and sciences, he began his medical studies invasiveness of surgical procedures, to alleviate pain in Lyon. He was admitted to an internship in Paris and shorten the time in operating rooms2. in 1829, commissioned to it though two tears later, in Figure 1. Joseph-Pierre-Éléonor Pétrequin Figure 2. Hôtel-Dieu de Lyon Hospital, engraving, (1809-1876), portrait from the «Académie des 19th century, artist unknown. Sciences, Belles-lettres et Arts» of Lyon. March 2019 / 173
Joseph-Pierre Eléonord Pétrequin (1809-1876), the majestic French surgeon who introduced… – TSOUCALAS et al 1831. He received his diploma in medicine in August Arts of Lyon, of which he became a president in 1859, 1835 in Paris, where he stayed to improve his skills in and of Savoy. In 1862, he had been elected president the service of the great medical masters and in par- of the National Society of Medicine and Medical ticular in the service of Alfred Velpeau at the Pitié. Sciences of Lyon and an honorary member of the In April 1837 he achieved to finish his doctorship in Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, a the Hôtel-Dieu de Lyon Hospital (Figure 2), becom- member of the National Academy of Surgery2-4. ing a surgeon-major in January 1844. At the same pe- Pétrequin was married in 1849 to Adélaïde riod, from November 1843, he was appointed as an Sargnon, having two children, Louis-Éléonor assistant professor of the surgical clinic. Practicing (1810-1877) and Jeanne (1851-1877). He died in June more than 2000 surgical operations and introducing the 2nd 1876 in his property of Fontaines-sur-Saône, new techniques he had received the gold medal of the being buried in Lyon’s cemetery. After his death, he Society of Medicine of Bordeaux in 1844. In 1854, was highly celebrated among Lyon’s medical societies, he was appointed as a Professor of Surgical Pathology a tribute to his achievements3-4. and Operative Medicine, a position he held until A plethora of works, treatises and paper publica- 1873. Due to his academic career, he raised to the tions were published by Pétrequin. A series of scien- rank of Knight of the Legion of Honour in August tific manuscripts were composed during his career, 1855. He was the one who started a noble cause to focused on public health and hygiene and mainly on transform the preclinical school of Lyon into a sepa- surgery (Table 1). Those concerning surgical proce- rate medical faculty of full potential2-5. dures or case reports stigmatized the nomenclature In 1852, Pétrequin had been elected as a mem- among surgeons as they contained detailed anatomic ber of both the Academy of Sciences, Literature and descriptions even in their titles, with an emphasis in Table 1. Medical publications, treatises, works and lectures during Pétrequin’s career. No Title Publisher Year Recherche sur le traitement qui convient à la galactirrhée. Bulletin de thérapeu- Bulletin de 1 1836 tique (Research on the treatment that is suitable for galactirrhea) Thérapeutique Expériences comparatives sur l’emploi thérapeutique de la kréosote et de l’eau de goudron dans le catarrhe pulmonaire chronique et dans la phthisie à divers Gazette Médicale de 2 degrés (Comparative Experiments on the Therapeutic Use of Creosote and Tar Paris 1836 Water in Chronic Pulmonary Catarrh and Phthisis to varying degrees) Recherches sur un nouveau procédé pour obtenir la cure médicale de la fistule Bulletin de 3 lacrymale (Research on a new process to obtain a medical cure for lacrimal 1836 Thérapeutique fistula) Etudes sur les luxations scapulo-humérales (Studies on scapulohumeral disloca- Gazette Médicale de 4 tions) Paris 1837 Considérations pratiques sur les doctrines des écoles de France et d’Italie, sur Bulletin Général de 5 le réunion des plaies (Practical considerations on the doctrines of the schools of Thérapeutique 1837 France and Italy, on the meeting of wounds) Mémoire pour servir à l’histoire des résections du membre inférieur, ou Considérations chirurgicales sur quelques nouveaux cas de résections pratiquées, soit dans la contiguité, soit dans la continuité des os (Memory for use in the Gazette Médicale de 6 history of resections of the lower limb, or Surgical considerations on some new Paris 1837 cases of resections practiced, either in the contiguity or in the continuity of the bones) Mémoire sur quelques cas remarquables d’anomalies organiques, pour servir à l’histoire de l’organo-génésie chez l’homme, avec des applications à la pathologie Gazette Médicale de 7 (Memory on some remarkable cases of organic abnormalities, to serve the history Paris 1837 of organo-genesis in humans, with applications to pathology) Sur quelques points de la physiologie du cervelet et de la moëlle épinière (On Mémoires de la 8 some points of the physiology of the cerebellum and the spinal cord) Société de Médecine 1837 de Gand Tipographia della 9 Comentarii di medicina; opera periodica (Medical commentaries) 1837 Minerva Les avantagés de l’opium dans les perforation spontanées de Gazette Médicale de 10 l’appendiciceiléo-coecale (Advantages of opium in the spontaneous perforation 1837 Paris of the appendiciceileo-coecale) * Those are his first 10 works. For further information until 1875 please see References 6-96 174 / vol. 54, no. 1
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union Figure 3. Pétrequin’s work «Traité d’anatomie Figure 4. Pétrequin’s work médico-chirurgicale et topographique», 1844, Paris. «La chirurgie d’Hippocrate», 1877, Paris. topographic anatomy. Among his work stands his demonstrated that Hippocrates was not only a great masterpiece „Traité d’anatomie médico-chirurgicale symptomatologist, but also a momentous surgeon et topographique“ (An Assay of Medical and Surgical whose observations and surgical techniques had Anatomy and Topography) (Figure 3), which was pub- been unjustly neglected4,6,115. lished soon after his doctorship in 1844 by Baillère in From the early 15th century, physicians aban- Paris, followed by several translated editions all over doned the Hippocratic medicine believing that al- Europe4-5. Despite his youth, Pétrequin, succeeded in though it was progressive in its era, it was actually composing a significant surgical and anatomical text- a result based upon medico-philosophical concepts. book for all surgeons of the era. His magnitude was Pétrequin was one of the most scholarly physicians recognized and testified by the plethora of his trea- of his time with a huge scientific work principally in tises and re-publications which followed in France surgery and topographic anatomy. His esteemed per- and abroad for more than 40 years6-96. sonality made easier for the medical community to Apart from Pétrequin’s pure interest towards accept the re-introducing of the Hippocratic views. surgery, he managed through the years to establish The idea was first introduced by the great medi- a strong connection with the history of medicine co-philologists Emile Littré (1801-1881) and Charles both French and ancient Greek. A succession of Daremberg (1817-1872), so that the opposition of the historical papers (Table 2), concerning again mainly medical societies to have been smoothened greatly118. surgery 97-115, placed him among the most important Around 1870 Pétrequin, with his French translation French historians of his time116. With his steady of the surgical writings of Hippocrates, stated that he outflow of serious investigation in the Hippocratic considered „Hippocrates, as far as fractures and dis- history of medicine, Pétrequin, became one of the locations of the lower arm are concerned, to be more most able writers on the surgery of the Hippocratic complete than Alexis Boyer (1757-1833), and as far period117. In his monumental work „La chirur- as congenital dislocations are concerned, richer than gie d’Hippocrate“ (The Surgery of Hippocrates) Guillaume Dupuytren (1777-1835)“. Hippocratic sur- (Figure 4), a 2 volumes, 1200 pages book, Pétrequin gery, revealed, explained and compared with modern March 2019 / 175
Joseph-Pierre Eléonord Pétrequin (1809-1876), the majestic French surgeon who introduced… – TSOUCALAS et al Table 2. Historical and philological publications, treatises, works and lectures during Pétrequin’s career No Title Publisher Year Découverte d’un manuscrit de Pétrone à Trau, en 1663 (Discovery of a 1 manuscript of Petronius in Trau, in 1663) L Boitel 1835 Histoire d’un voyage médico-chirurgical en Italie (History of a medical-sur- Gazette Médicale de 2 gical trip to Italy) Paris 1837-1838 Recherches pour servir à l’histoire générale de la grippe de 1837 en France Gazette Médicale de 3 et en Italie (Research to serve the general history of the 1837 flu in France 1838 Paris and Italy) Mélanges de chirurgie, ou Histoire médico-chirurgicale de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Lyon, depuis sa fondation jusqu’à nos jours, avec l’histoire spéciale de la 4 syphilis dans cet hospice (Blend stories of surgery, or Medico-surgical his- J-B Baillière 1845 tory of the Hôtel-Dieu de Lyon, from its founding to the present day, with the special history of syphilis in this hospice) Chirurgie d’Hippocrate. Recherches historiques sur l’origine du Traité 5 du médecin (Hippocratic Surgery. Historical research on the origin of the H-V de Sercy 1847 Treatise of the physician) Clinique chirurgicale de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Lyon, ou compte rendu de la pra- 6 tique chirurgicale de cet hôpital pendant six années (Surgical clinic of the J-B Baillière & 1850 Hôtel-Dieu of Lyon, or report of the surgical practice of this hospital during Germer Baillière a six year period) Essai sur l’histoire de la chirurgie à Lyon (Essay on the history of surgery in 7 Séance publique 1856 Lyon) Fragment sur l’histoire de la littérature médicale au moyen âge, Poema 8 medicum (Fragment on the history of medieval medical literature, Poema Aimé Vingtrinie 1857 medicum) Etudes médicales, historiques et critiques sur les médecins de l’Antiquitè 9 (Medical, Historical and Critical Studies of Ancient Physicians) Aimé Vingtrinie 1858 Aperçu historique sur l’enseignement médical à Lyon: depuis la restaura- 10 tion des lettres par Charlemagne (Historical overview of medical education Adrien Delahaye 1864 in Lyon: since the restoration of letters by Charlemagne) * Those are his first 10 works. For further information until 1877 please see References 97-115 techniques, re-emerged and re-entered into the daily day from his scrupulous regularity in making the cur- surgical practice of the 19th century in France119. rent, due to his feverish eagerness to seek the new4. However, his greatest contribution was to be Pétrequin composed a series of treatises on the understood eons later. Besides his great innovations foreign bodies introduced into the digestive tract, in surgery, his advancements in anesthesia, his fruit- on a process for amputation of the penis, on ways ful proposals concerning public health, his thought for ligation of the axillary and ischiatic arteries, on which stigmatized science was his prelude in surgical glossotomy, on resection of the lower extremity, on anatomy. An ancient concept of a necessary practical the cerebellum and the spinal cord, on the restora- reconciliation between surgery and anatomy, brought tion of the rectovaginal septum, on the perineal cys- in vogue to revolutionize education and determine totomy to extract voluminous calculi and on litho- skillful surgeons120. tripsy4,12,29,32. Apart from his announcements, he had introduced a plethora of surgical innovations4. His ACHIEVEMENTS TOWARDS A NEW ERA OF SURGERY work on the restoration of the face tissues after trau- mas or tumors was of great importance. Pétrequin Pétrequin with continuous waves of impor- visited Joseph Gensoul’s (1797-1868) surgical clinic to tant publications accomplished to register a steady learn from the best and to operate with him4,121-122. stream of seminal breakthroughs in surgery (Figure A new process of cirsocele, a new lithotome and a 5). Hardly a tranquil person, he visited Italy, not as new apparatus for metacarpal fractures were initi- a tourist, but visiting with great interest universities, ated in surgical practice due to his efforts4,40,45. Due and hospitals to acquire knowledge and skills from to his affection towards ancient Greek nomenclature, the peninsula which gave birth to modern anatomy. when all anatomic terms should have been accurate, His frequent travels around France were also for him and the 14th century trend of term combination with a routine. During his career, he did not escape one Latin and ancient Greek words, he had introduced a 176 / vol. 54, no. 1
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union Figure 5. Pétrequin’s statistics concerning his work in total. new terminology123-124. Thus, for strabismus, he had sanguine-congested condition of the optic apparatus proposed the term „opthalmokopie“, from the Greek in some cases, or its anaemic state in others. He was word for the eye (Greek: μό, opthalmos) and also the first to introduce a classification for eye tu- the word for fatigue and toil (Greek: όπ, kopos)22. mours and tumour-like bodies, dividing these bodies In his essay for a new operation for the restoration of into three categories, those which were arrested on the perineum, he suggested the term perinorrhaphy the surface of the eye, those which became embed- from the Latin word perineum and the Greek word ded in the cornea, and those which perforating the for sewing „rhaphia“ (Greek: ή, raphe)43. cornea, penetrated more or less deeply into the cham- Another field where the pioneer French surgeon bers of the eye22,125. contributed greatly was the eye surgery. Pétrequin re- Aneurysms presented in Pétrequin’s era a fatal alized that ophthalmology was at his era included, condition. Surgical intervention was usually an un- even lost, in the teaching of general surgery. This successful effort to save the patient. He had however meant that in general diagnosis and treatment of proposed an innovative method to treat this entity, eye diseases were somewhat neglected. Thus, he sug- a direct application of galvano-puncture for the con- gested the use of thorough ophthalmoscopy, he had centrated blood to be coagulated so that a massive studied methods of treatment on the adhesions of hemorrhage to be avoided. This was not always a suc- the palpebral conjunctiva of the eyelid to the bulbar cessful attempt, but he had mentioned some cases of conjunctiva of the eyeball and proposed a new sur- adequate and promising results46-48, 53, 67-68. gical technique for the eye tumors and ophthalmic In the 19th century both chloroform and ether dyscrasias (Greek: ί, the state of abnormal were in use for anesthesia in the operating theatres condition). He annotated in the term of amauroses all around Europe and America. However, during the (mauro, Greek: μύ, the word for the black colour eighteen-fifties and sixties, there was a strong belief in Greek), the partial or total loss of sight without that chloroform was the most important anesthetic pathology of the eye, being the first to propose that it agent yet to be discovered. Nevertheless, in France, was not the powerless state of the sub-inflammatory Pétrequin as the senior surgeon of the Hôtel-Dieu de irritated optic nerve which was to be treated, but the Lyon Hospital, and a few of his colleagues and pupils March 2019 / 177
Joseph-Pierre Eléonord Pétrequin (1809-1876), the majestic French surgeon who introduced… – TSOUCALAS et al were the first to dissociate themselves from this opin- international journals of his era had tributes for ion. He himself returned to the exclusive use of sul- each one of his publications127-131, while researchers phuric ether in 1849, but it was 1855 before the ma- two centuries after his death continue to cite his jority of surgeons in Lyon’s area to likewise return to work132-134. His actions and reactions, his travels, his its use, leading globally the way of the international concern about the public health, his surgical skill, his surgical societies82,126. love for the history of surgery won him more admira- tion than sympathy. With his ethos of radical action FROM SURGICAL PATHOLOGY TO SURGICAL ANATOMY and perfectionist refinement, he defined much of the medical culture in the eve of modern surgery, and The work of Pétrequin was characterized by the anatomy shone once more among surgeons135. use of anatomic terms to describe every area and substance of the human body, every physiological procedure, and every surgical intervention. On one Compliance with Ethics Requirements: hand, in every treatise he gave a thorough analysis of „The authors declare no conflict of interest regarding diseased which was to be confronted, a full cluster this article“ of its symptoms, he introduced new classifications and engraved new innovative paths of surgical op- erations, combining surgery with pathology. On the REFERENCES other hand, anatomy was for him the essential in- gredient for a felicitous surgeon. Being a votarist of 1. Gawande A. Two Hundred Years of Surgery. N Engl J Med the Hippocratic School on the matter of a detailed 2012; 366:1716-1723. anatomic description, he had always tried to give 2. Bouchet A. La Médecine à Lyon. Lyon, Editions Hervas, 1987. the most possible accurate delineation, combining 3. Guiart J. Joseph Pierre Eléonore Pétrequin, Biographies mé- surgery with anatomy and more precisely with top- dicales. Paris, Baillère et fils, 1937. ographic anatomy (Greek: πιή from the 4. Diday P. Notice Historique sur le dr Joseph Pierre Pétrequin. words „topos“-όπ meaning a specific place and Lyon, Association Typographique, 1878. „grafo“-ά meaning to write). His „anatomism“ 5. Fournier YP. La chirurgie à Lyon: Les chirurgiens majors de was destined to change surgery as it was. The crucial l’Hôtel-Dieu de 1788 à 1913. Thèse, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I Faculté de Médecine Lyon Nord, 2005. spark of transformation, the moment that changed 6. Joseph Pierre Pétrequin. Comité des travaux historiques not just the future of surgery but of medicine as a et scientifiques, Institut rattaché à l’École nationale des whole, was the publication of his masterpiece „Traité chartes. Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de d’anatomie médico-chirurgicale et topographique“, Savoie. Accesed April the 4th, 2018. which was translated in three languages and became 7. Pétrequin JPE. Recherche sur le traitement qui convient à la classical in Italy, Spain and Germany42, 120. galactirrhée. Bulletin de Thérapeutique 1836; Janvier 15. 8. Pétrequin JPE. Expériences comparatives sur l’emploi thé- Pétrequin was a member of the Medical School rapeutique de la kréosote et de l’eau de goudron dans le of Lyon from the beginning of its reformation in catarrhe pulmonaire chronique et dans la phthisie à divers 1842, having thus a key role for the designing of degrés. Gazette médicale de Paris 1836;4:705-711. the school’s curriculum. Being firstly professor of 9. Pétrequin JPE. Recherches sur un nouveau procédé pour the clinical surgery. In 1854 he was nominated as a obtenir la cure médicale de la fistule lacrymale. Bulletin de Thérapeutique, 30 Janvier, 1836. professor of surgical pathology and operative medi- 10. Pétrequin JPE. Etudes sur les luxations scapulo-humérales. cine connecting in a way pathology with surgery. Gazette Médicalε de Paris 20 Mai 1837;20. But this was not enough in his thoughts. According 11. Pétrequin JPE. Considérations pratiques sur les doctrines to his opinion, anatomy should have been emerged des écoles de France et d’Italie, sur la réunion des plaies. from preclinical studies and transformed in a precise Bulletin général de thérapeutique médicale, chirurgicale, topographic description with a higher impact in sur- obstétricale et pharmaceutique 1837;25(13):333-340. 12. Pétrequin JPE. Mémoire pour servir à l’histoire des résec- gery to exalt every surgical operation. The era of the tions du membre inférieur, ou Considérations chirurgicales „Surgical anatomy“ began in Lyon, by Pétrequin, to sur quelques nouveaux cas de résections pratiquées, soit alter all known until then approaches120. dans la contiguité, soit dans la continuité des os. Gazette médicale de Paris 1837;5-8:35-38. EPILOGUE 13. Pétrequin JPE. Mémoire sur quelques cas remarqua- bles d’anomalies organiques, pour servir à l’histoire de l’organo-génésie chez l’homme, avec des applications à la An artist, a philosopher, a scholar, a hygienist, pathologie. Gazette médicale de Paris 1837;5:195-200. a pathologist, a surgeon, an anatomist, Pétrequin 14. Pétrequin JPE. Sur quelques points de la physiologie du cer- had just triumphed and was highly celebrated, gain- velet et de la moëlle épinière. Mémoires de la Société de ing a series of scientific titles. Almost all major médecine de Gand 1837;3-4. 178 / vol. 54, no. 1
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union 15. Spongia GF. Comentarii di medicina; opera periodica, Bulletin de la société de médecine de Gand 1841:15-16. Volume 4. Padova, Tipogr. della Minerva, 1837. (Correspondance) 16. Pétrequin JPE. Les avantagés de l’opium dans les perfora- 38. Pétrequin JPE. De la restauration du périnée. Bulletin de tions spontanées de l’appendicite iléo-coecale. Gazette mé- l’Académie de médecine 1841;6:359. (Correspondance) dicale de Paris 1837;5:438. 39. Pétrequin JPE. Note sur un cas remarquable d’extraction 17. Pétrequin JPE. Recherches d’anatomie pathologie sur la na- d’une longue épingle à grosse tête introduite dans la ves- ture du ptérygion. Lyon, Gand F et E. Gyselynck, 1838. sie, et note sur l’extraction d’un sou double profondément engagé dans l’oesophage. Lyon, Imprimerie de Marle Ainé, 18. Pétrequin JPE. Histoire d’un cas remarquable de nécrose du 1842. frontal, suivie de quelques considérations sur la mortifica- 40. Pétrequin JPE. Description d’un appareil nouveau pour les tion des os du crâne. Lyon, Éverat imprimeur, 1838. fractures du métacarpe. Mémoires de l’Académie des sci- 19. Pétrequin JPE. Recherches sur les usages de la capsule dite ences, arts et belles lettres de Dijon 1842:130-138. de Glisson. Annales de la Société de médecine de Gand 41. Pétrequin JPE. Treatment of Recto-Vaginal Fistulae. Dublin 1838:15-38. Medical Press 1842;7:60. 20. Pétrequin JPE. Notes sur quelques nouveaux procédés chi- 42. Pétrequin JPE. Traité d’anatomie médico-chirurgicale et rurgicaux. Bulletin général de thérapeutique médicale et topographique. Paris, J-B Baillière, 1844. chirurgicale 1838;14:104-108. 43. Pétrequin JPE. Sur la cause des accidents qu’entraînent les 21. Pétrequin JPE. Nouvelles remarques sur l’opération de contusions violentes du périnée et sur une nouvelle méth- la cataracte par abaissement. Lyon, Imprimerie de Alp. ode opératoire destinée à les prévenir. Lyon, Imprimerie de Deghistelle, 1838. Marle, 1844. 22. Pétrequin JPE. Revue ophthalmologique de l’Hôtel-Dieu de 44. Pétrequin JPE. Memoria sulla cistomia ureto-vestibulare Lyon. Paris, Imprimerie de Félix Malteste et Cie, 1838. in caso di corni stranicri nella vesica delle done Milano. 23. Pétrequin JPE. Frammenti di fisiologia. Giornale de’letterati Milano, Chiusi, 1844. di Pisa 1838;102:1-16. 45. Pétrequin JPE. Recherches sur un nouveaux procédé opé- 24. Pétrequin JPE. On Artificial auscultation. In: Revue ratoire de cirsocèle. Gazette médicale Belge 1845;3:32. Medical 1838;3. British and Foreign Medical Review (Correspondance) 1838;6-11:532-533. 46. Pétrequin JPE. Nouvelle méthode pour guérir certains 25. Pétrequin JPE. Note sur l’usage des eaux minérales de anévrismes sans opération par la Galvano-puncture. Journal Plombières dans les maladies des yeux. Annales d’oculistique de Médecine de Lyon 1846;30:1-14. 1839;2-3:22-31. 47. Pétrequin JPE. On the treatment of certain aneu- 26. Pétrequin JPE. Memoria sull’estirpazione dell’occhio. risms by Galvano-Puncture. The Dublin medical press Giornale de’letterati di Pisa. 1839;105. 1846;16:322-326. 27. Pétrequin JPE. Utility of Nux Vomica in various forms of 48. Pétrequin JPE. New method of Cure of certain Aneurisms paralysis. The Medico-chirurgical Review and Journal of by Galvano-Puncture, without operation. In: The Half-yearly Medical Science 1839;35:217-219. Abstract of the Medical Sciences: Being a Digest of British 28. Pétrequin JPE. Etudes sur les maladies des organes des sens. and Continental Medicine: And of the Progress of Medicine Lyon, Gand F et E. Gyselynck, 1840. and the Collateral Sciences, Volumes 3-4. Philadelphia, 29. Pétrequin JPE. De la restauration du périnée et de la cloison recto-vaginale. Gazette Médicalε de Paris 1840. Lindsay and Blakiston, 1847. 30. Diday P, Pétrequin JPE. Mémoire sur une nouvelle es- 49. Pétrequin JPE. De certaines tumeurs sanguines et d’une pèce de voix chantée, extrait de la Gazette Médicale de nouvelle méthode de traitement. Bulletin de thérapeutique Paris. Imprimerie Malteste, Paris 1840;11(52):817-822. 1848;35:66. (Correspondance) 31. Pétrequin JPE. Nouvelles recherches sur l’action thérapeu- 50. Pétrequin JPE. Nouvelles recherches sur l’emploi thé- tique de la noix vomique et de ses préparations dans les rapeutique du manganèse comme adjuvant du fer. Milano, affections paralytiques. Paris, Imprimerie Malteste, 1840. Giuseppe Chiusi, 1849. 32. Pétrequin JPE. Mémoires et observations médico-chirurgi- 51. Pétrequin JPE. De la restauration du prépuce dans cales sur quelques maladies du tube digestif, perforations l’opération du phimosis et du paraphimosis. Lyon, spontanées, invaginations, hernies, corps étrangers, avec des Imprimerie de Hennuyer, 1849. applications à la médecine légale. Archives de la médecine 52. Pétrequin JPE. Nuovo ricerche ed esperienze sull’esistenza Belge 1840;1:422-458. e sulla diagnosi differenziale della cataratta nera. Milano, Chiusi, 1849. 33. Pétrequin JPE. Corps étrangers introduits dans les voies 53. Pétrequin JPE. Nouvelles recherches sur le traitement de digestives et sortis à la périphérie des corps. Annales de la certains anévrysmes sans opération sanglante, a l’aide de Société des Sciences Médicale et Naturelles de Bruxelles la galvano-puncture. Bulletin Generale de Therapeutique, 1840. 1849. 34. Pétrequin JPE. Merkwürdiger Fall von Gynäkomastie. 54. Pétrequin JPE. Tratado de anatomía médico-quirúrgica y Medicinische Jahrbücher des kaiserl.-königl. österreichis- topográfica: considerada especialmente en sus aplicaciones chen Staates 1840:144. á la patologia, medicina legal, obstetricia y medicina opera- 35. Pétrequin JPE. Traité pratique de l’amaurose ou goutte toria. Madrid, Imprenta y libreria de Roman Matute, 1849. sereine. Paris & Lyon, J-B Baillière, 1841. 55. Pétrequin JPE. Sull’ imprego terapeutico delle preparazioni 36. Pétrequin JPE. Recherches sur quelques variétés de bégaie- di manganese qual mezzo condjuvante oqual succedaneo di ment et sur un nouveau procédé opératoire. Bulletin général quella di feno. Milan, Chiusi, 1849. de thérapeutique 1841;25(20):359-365. 56. Pétrequin JPE. Nuovo ricerche ed esperienze sull’esistenza 37. Pétrequin JPE. Recherches cliniques sur la diagnostique e sulla diagnosi differenziale della cataratta nera. Milan, différentiel et de la thérapeutique spéciale de la surdité. Chiusi, 1849. March 2019 / 179
Joseph-Pierre Eléonord Pétrequin (1809-1876), the majestic French surgeon who introduced… – TSOUCALAS et al 57. Pétrequin JPE. Clinique chirurgicale de l’Hôtel-Dieu de 80. Pétrequin JPE. New researches on the therapeutic use of Lyon, ou compte rendu de la pratique chirurgicale de cet manganese as an adjuvant of iron. Paris & London & New hôpital pendant six années. Paris, J-B Baillière & Germer York, Grimault, 1866. Baillière, 1850. 81. Pétrequin JPE. Sur un procédé particulier, propre à préve- 58. Pétrequin JPE. Su l’impiego terapeutico del Bochet dupura- nir la suppuration, après l’ablation de certaines tumeurs, tivo e del Bochet purgativo. Milano, Chiusi, 1850. de façon à obtenir la guérison de la plaie par première inten- 59. Pétrequin JPE. Nuove ricerche sperimentali sulla prova delle tion. Mémoire présenté à l’eAcadémie des sciencese, Assoc. tre imagini e sull’applicazione che si puo farne alla diagnosi typogr.1866. delle malattie oculari, raccolte alle lezioni cliniche del pro- 82. Pétrequin JPE. Nouvelles recherches sur le choix à faire en- fessore Petrequin. Milano, Chiusi, 1850. tre le chloroforme et l’éther rectifié dans la pratique de la 60. Pétrequin JPE. Osservazioni pratiche su’l metodo a seguirsi médecine opératoire. L’Union médicale 1867;2:84. per estrarre i corpi stranieri introdutti in vescica senza op- 83. Pétrequin JPE. Dell’uso terapeutico dei lattati alcalini nelle erazione cruenta. Milano, Chiusi, 1851. malattie fonzionali dell’apparecchio digestivo. Parigi, Burin 61. Pétrequin JPE. Mémoria su’l metodo a seguirsi nella cis- du Buisson, 1867. totomia perineale per estrarre calcoli voluminosi. Milano, 84. Pétrequin JPE. Tratado de anatomía topográfica médi- Chiusi, 1851. co-quirúrgica: considerada especialmente en sus aplica- 62. Pétrequin JPE. De la taille et de la lithotritie. Nombreuse ciones a la patologia, a la medicina legal, a la obstetricia Observations Cliniques 1852;1(8):225. y a la medicina operatoria. Madrid, Librería de Saturio 63. Pétrequin JPE. Recherches sur l’action des eaux minérales Martínez, 1868. d’Aix en Savoie dans les maladies des yeux. Chambéry, 85. Pétrequin JPE. De l’organisation de l’assistance publique Puthod, 1852. à Lyon et de l’opportunité d’introduire l’élément médi- 64. Pétrequin JPE. Mémoire sur la suppuration bleue avec des cal dans le sein de l’administration hospitalière. Paris, J-B recherches nouvelles sur la pyogénie. Paris, Moquet, 1852. Baillière, 1869. 65. Pétrequin JPE. Traitement de Staphylome. Gazette médicale 86. Pétrequin JPE. Notice historique sur le docteur Corneille de Paris 1852;25:394-395. Broeckx d’Anvers. Mémoires de l’Académie des sciences, 66. Pétrequin JPE. Richerche su l’azione della aque minerali belles-lettres et Arts de Lyon 1870-1871;18:21-50. d’Aix in Savoya nelle malatie degli occhi: con nuovo espe- 87. Pétrequin JPE. Mémoire sur quelques cas d’Anévrysmes rienze intorno alla laro influenza su la circolazione la tem- traumatiques du plu du coude. Mémoires de l’Académie des peratura animale. Milano, Chiusi, 1852. sciences, belles-lettres et Arts de Lyon 1870-1871;18:51-82. 67. Pétrequin JPE. Note pour ser vir à l’histoire de la 88. Pétrequin JPE. Etudes médicales sur les Eaux minérales de Galvano-puncture et des injections coagulantes. Lyon, Aimé Royat. Mémoires de l’Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et Vingtrinie, 1853. Arts de Lyon 1870-1871;18:83-114. 68. Pétrequin JPE. Note pour ser vir à l’histoire de la 89. Pétrequin JPE. Recherches sur les Eaux potable de Galvano-puncture et des injections coagulantes. Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand. Mémoires de l’Académie des sciences, Vingtrinier, 1853. belles-lettres et Arts de Lyon 1870-1871;18:115-148. 69. Pétrequin JPE. Nouvel agent hémostatique et hémoplastique 90. Pétrequin JPE. Conférences sur les Ambulances lyonnaise. pour le traitement des hémorragies, des anévrysmes et des Mémoires de l’Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et Arts varices. Gazette médicale de Paris 1853; de Lyon 1870-1871;18:149-184. 70. Pétrequin JPE. Nouvelles recherches et expériences sur 91. Pétrequin JPE. Du transport des blessés dans les ambulances l’existence de la cataracte noire et son diagnostic différen- de sièges. Le Bulletin de la Société de Médecine de Paris tiel. Anvers, Buschmann, 1857. 1872;4. 71. Pétrequin JPE. Mémoire sur le traitement opératoire de 92. Pétrequin JPE. Étude comparée des eaux minérales de la l’hydrocèle fondé sur des expériences de chimie et de physi- France et de celles de l’Allemagne. Paris, Blanpain, 1873. ologie pathologique. Anvers, Buschmann, 1857. 93. Pétrequin JPE. Examen critique des divers modes de pré- 72. Pétrequin JPE. Traité d’anatomie médico-chirurgicale et parations qu’on fait subir aux eaux minérales (lettres au topographique. Paris, V Masson, 1857. Dr Payen, 1863). Catalogue des livres composant la biblio- 73. Saint-Lager JB, Pétrequin JPE. Su la melanosi dell’occhio: thèque de feu M. J. F. Payen. Paris, A Labitte, 1873. nuove ricerche con experimenti chimici. Milano, Chiusi, 94. Pétrequin JPE. Vues nouvelles sur la composition chimique 1857. du cérumen et son rôle dans certaines maladies de l’oreille. 74. Pétrequin JPE. Sur une methode particuliére pour guérir Presse médicale Belge 1874;26:236. l’hydrocéle sans opération chirurgicale. Paris, F Thonot, 95. Pétrequin JPE. Climatologie. Recherches expérimentales de 1859. thermométrie sur la climatologie du midi de la France, et en 75. Pétrequin JPE. Traité général et pratique des eaux minérales de particulier sur Nice comparé à Lyon, avec des applications à la France et de l’étranger. Lyon, Imprimerie de Lender, 1860. l’hygiène des malades et des touristes. Lyon, Georg H, 1874. 76. Pétrequin JPE. Mémoire sur le traitement des rétrécisse- 96. Pétrequin JPE. Recherches thermométriques sur la climatol- ments organiques de l’urèthre par l’incitation méthodique à ogie du midi de la France et en particulier sur Nice comparé l’aide d’un nouvel uréthrotome. Anvers, Buschmann, 1861. à Lyon. Paris, N Blanpain, 1875. 77. Pétrequin JPE. De l’emploi thérapeutique des lactates alca- 97. Pétrequin JPE. Découverte d’un manuscrit de Pétrone à lins dans les maladies fonctionnelles de l’appareil digestif. Trau, en 1663. Lyon, L Boitel, 1835. Paris & Lyon, Reyer Sézanne, Savy et Mégret, 1862. 98. Pétrequin JPE. Recherches pour servir à l’histoire générale 78. Pétrequin JPE. Préparations des eaux minérales dans le but de la grippe de 1837 en France et en Italie. Gazette Médicale d’en concentrer les éléments de minéralisation. Gazette de Paris, 1838. Hebdomadaire de Médecine et de Chirurgie 1863;10:499. 99. Pétrequin JPE. Histoire d’un voyage médico-chirurgical 79. Pétrequin JPE. Die milchsauren Salze des Alkalien. Wien, en Italie. Gazette Médicale de Paris 1837;5:609-751 & Simon, Berlin und Raabe und Roder, 1864. 1938;6:1-33. 180 / vol. 54, no. 1
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union 100. Pétrequin JPE. Mélanges de chirurgie, ou Histoire médi- 117. Garisson HF. An Introduction to the History of Medicine, co-chirurgicale de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Lyon, depuis sa fonda- with Medical Chronology, Bibliographic Data and Test tion jusqu’à nos jours, avec l’histoire spéciale de la syphilis Questions. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1913. dans cet hospice. Paris, J-B Baillière, 1845. 118. Lichtenthaeler C. Des Conferences. Geneve, Librairie 101. Pétrequin JPE. Chirurgie d’Hippocrate. Recherches his- Droz, 1959. toriques sur l’origine du Traité du médecin. Lyon, H-V de 119. de Moulin D. A history of surgery. Dordrecht, Martinus Sercy, 1847. Nijhoff, 2012. 102. Pétrequin JPE. Essai sur l’histoire de la chirurgie à Lyon. 120. Discours prononce le 5Juin 1876 aux funérailles de M le Séance publique du 22 janvier, Lyon, 1856. Dr Pétrequin. Lyon, Académie de Lyon, Aimé Vingtrinier, 103. Pétrequin JPE. Fragment sur l’histoire de la littérature 1876. médicale au moyen âge, Poema medicum. Lyon, Aimé 121. Tsoucalas G, Karamanou M, Skarpas G, Piagkou M, Vingtrinie, 1857. Skandalakis P, Patsouris E, Androutsos G. Joseph Gensoul’s 104. Pétrequin JPE. Etudes médicales, historiques et critiques operation for sarcoma of the maxillary antrum, one century sur les médecins de l’Antiquitè. Revue du Lyonnais recueil before Moore. J BUON. 2012;17(4):801-803. Historique et Littéraire, Aimé Vingtrinie, 1858. 122. Tsoucalas G, Gentimi F, Kousoulis AA, Karamanou M, 105. Pétrequin JPE. Aperçu historique sur l’enseignement Androutsos G. Joseph Gensoul and the earliest illustrat- médical à Lyon: depuis la restauration des lettres par ed operations for maxillary sinus carcinoma. Eur Arch Charlemagne. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1864. Otorhinolaryngol. 2013;270(1):359-62. 106. Pétrequin JPE. De L’Intervention de La Physiologie Dans 123. Galen. [∏εί Διαφοράς Σφυγμών Λόγος Α΄], Volume L’Interpretation D’Un Passage Fort Controverse Des VIII. Opera, Kaktos, Athens, 2002. Eglogues de Virgile. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1864. 124. Wulff HR. The language of medicine. J R Soc Med 107. Pétrequin JPE. Mélanges d’histoire, de littérature et de cri- 2004;97(4):187-188. tique médicales. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1864. 125. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 108. Pét requin JPE. Vues nouvelles sur la chirurgie Philadelphia, Lea and Blanchard, 1847. d’Hippocrate: touchant les luxations du coude et les poses 126. Cleanings for the Foreign Journals. The New York Lancet, académique de l’école de Cos. Anvers, Buschmann, 1864. Volume 2. New York, Bennett and Houston, 1842. 109. Pétrequin JPE. Etudes nouvelles sur la chirurgie 127. Gubian L. Nota sopra una particolare operazione pratica d’Hippocrate et spécialement sur le traité des plaies de tête. dal professore Pétrequin per un tumore ipertrofico del lab- Anvers, Buschmann, 1868. bro superiore raccolta dal signor. Milano, Chiusi, 1849. 110. Pétrequin JPE. Nouvelles Recherches Historiques Et 128. Editorial. Notice on Pétrequin’s Memoir on Galvano- Critiques Sur Petrone: Suivies D’Etudes Litteraires Et puncture. The Monthly journal of medical science Bibliographiques Sur Le Satyricon. Paris, J-B Baillière, 1847;1:373. 1869. 129. Johnson J, Johnson HJ. London, The Medico-Chirurgical 111. Pétrequin JPE. L’éthérisation et la chirurgie lyonnaise Review, 1841. : pour l’histoire de l’anesthésie chirurgicale en France. 130. Bell J. Notice on Utility of Nux Vomica in various forms of Lyon, Extrait Gazette Hebdomadaire de Médecine et de paralysis The Eclectic journal of medicine 1840;4:94. Chirurgie, 1869. 131. Editorial. Foreign bodies introduced in the eyes. Provincial 112. Pétrequin JPE. Œuvres poétiques d’Eugène Faure. Medical and Surgical Journal 1847:530. Mémoires de l’Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts 132. Duncum BM. The Development of Inhalation Anaesthesia de Lyon. Lyon, Palud, 1874. with Special Reference to the Years 1846-1900. Oxford 113. Pétrequin JPE. Étude littéraire et lexicologique sur le University Press, 1947. Dictionnaire de la langue française de M. E. Littré. Lyon, 133. Patterson KD. Pandemic Influenza, 1700-1900: A Study Georg H, 1875. in Historical Epidemiology. Totowa, Rowan & Littlefield, 114. Pétrequin JPE. Derniers Melanges de Chirurgie, de 1986. Medecine et de Litterature. Paris, J-B Baillière, 1877. 134. Hirschberg J. The History of Ophthalmology: Optical in- 115. Pétrequin JPE. La chirurgie d’Hippocrate. Paris, Imprimerie struments. Boon, Verlag JP Wayenborgh, 1988. Nationale, 1877. 135. Pétrequin JPE. Medico-Chirurgical Anatomy. The British 116. Despaigne IW. Les historiens français de la médecine au and Foreign Medical Review 1845;20:133. XIXe siècle et leur bibliographie. Paris, Vrin, 1987. March 2019 / 181
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