ESC Congress Munich 2018 - Industry Prospectus Where the world of cardiology comes together - ESC Exhibitors and Industry Partners ...

Page created by Daniel Stephens
ESC Congress Munich 2018 - Industry Prospectus Where the world of cardiology comes together - ESC Exhibitors and Industry Partners ...
ESC Congress
Munich 2018
25-29 August

Where the world of
cardiology comes together

ESC Congress Munich 2018 - Industry Prospectus Where the world of cardiology comes together - ESC Exhibitors and Industry Partners ...

Organiser                                    European Society of Cardiology
                                             2035 Route des Colles
                                             CS 80179
                                             06903 Sophia Antipolis cedex

ESC Team
Project Management                           Industry Services
Mr Nata Nambatingué                          Mr Fabrice Calabrese
ESC Congress Manager                         Head of Industry Services          

Scientific Programme                         Exhibition
Ms Christine Gouillard Poulsen     
Head of Scientific Programme Department                      Industry Sponsored Sessions
Registrations, Housing & Events
Ms Linda Olivereau                           Sponsorship
Head of Housing & Registrations Department
                                             Rooms at ESC
Industry Relations                 
Mr Malek Lebsir
Head of Industry Relations

Messe München GmbH
81823 München
ESC Congress Munich 2018 - Industry Prospectus Where the world of cardiology comes together - ESC Exhibitors and Industry Partners ...
Welcome Letter

       Dear Industry Partners,

       We would officially like to welcome you to ESC Congress, which has developed into the world’s
       largest conference in cardiovascular medicine, with a strong global reputation as an event
       that provides the latest research findings and their interpretation, in-depth science, and solid
       education. This year’s journey will take us to Munich, Germany.

       The aims and objectives of our congress are clear and well aligned with the mission of the
       European Society of Cardiology, “To Reduce the Burden of Cardiovascular Disease”. ESC Congress
       is designed to disseminate all the information and knowledge that will allow cardiologists and
       allied professionals around the world to improve their practice and better patients’ lives, while
       simultaneously serving as a platform for intense collaborative learning and interaction between
       experts and practitioners from all continents. As such, ESC Congress 2018 will ensure the very
       best content on the latest advances in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular
       disease and will continue to invest in optimal, engaging and interactive methods of presentation.

       The Congress Programme Committee is structuring the finest in science, innovation and research
       in cardiology into more than 500 sessions and over 4 000 abstract presentations with a world
       renowned faculty. In 2018, the Congress Spotlight will be “Valvular Heart Disease” so that the
       innovative treatments, techniques and ongoing research in this critical field of cardiology will
       receive particular exposure.

       ESC Congress has become, for the global cardiovascular community, a focal point where science,
       innovation, advances in technology, updates on best practice and cutting-edge techniques are
       introduced. It is without a doubt a place where our industry partners play an integral role in the
       delivery of such advances and have a unique opportunity to interact with congress attendees
       from all geographic and professional backgrounds.

       The fight against cardiovascular disease is a shared mission in which you are our partners. We
       welcome you to join us in realising our vision that ESC Congress 2018 will contribute to raising
       global standards in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

       Yours sincerely,

       Prof Jeroen J Bax, FESC                        Prof Stephan Achenbach, FESC
       President 2016 - 2018                          Chairman 2016 - 2018
       European Society of Cardiology                 ESC Congress Programme Committee

• ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                                            3
ESC Congress Munich 2018 - Industry Prospectus Where the world of cardiology comes together - ESC Exhibitors and Industry Partners ...
ESC Congress
    Where the world of cardiology comes together
     The premier conference for global cardiology professionals

                                Abstract Submissions 2009 – 2017

                                                             11444   11306    11139
                                   10836                                               10804
       10000             9511               9614






               2009      2010      2011     2012     2013    2014    2015    2016     2017

               Participation Healthcare Professionals 2009 – 2017

                                    32897                            32758   33130
                 31323                                                                31705
                                                     29990   30330
                           27496             27279







                 2009      2010      2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016     2017

ESC Congress Munich 2018 - Industry Prospectus Where the world of cardiology comes together - ESC Exhibitors and Industry Partners ...

                                      2 148
Delegate Origin            2000

Top 30 Countries
Barcelona 2017

                                                1 356

                                                         1 236
                                                                  1 232

                                                                                          1 146
                                                                                  1 147

                                                                                                  1 126













                                                                  United States
                                                                                                  United Kingdom









Delegate Place of Work                                                                                                                            Delegate Professional Activity
Barcelona 2017                                                                                                                                    Barcelona 2017

 Workplace                                      % / Prof. Family                                                                                                Activity                                                                                                                % / Prof. Family

 Healthcare - Hospital                                                             43.8%                                                                        Physician - Cardiology                                                                                                                                    43.5%
 Research Institution - University                                                 19.7%                                                                        N/A                                                                                                                                                       21.2%
 In University Hospital                                                            2.8%                                                                         Cardiologist                                                                                                                                              6.1%
 Industry                                                                          8.2%                                                                         Physician - Interventional Cardiology                                                                                                                     6.9%
 In Non-University Hospital                                                        2.0%                                                                         Other                                                                                                                                                     5.3%
                                                                                                                                                                Scientist                                                                                                                                                 4.4%
 Research Institution - Non-University                                             3.8%
                                                                                                                                                                Physician - Internal Medicine                                                                                                                             2.3%
 Private Practice                                                                  0.9%
                                                                                                                                                                Other Healthcare Profession                                                                                                                               2.2%
 Administration and Government                                                     2.3%
                                                                                                                                                                Nurse/nurse practitioner                                                                                                                                  1.3%
 Other                                                                             0.9%
                                                                                                                                                                Cardiologist - Trainee                                                                                                                                    0.4%
 Healthcare - Private Practice                                                     7.3%                                                                         Industry/Agent                                                                                                                                            0.7%
 Research                                                                          0.3%                                                                         Physician - Other Specialty                                                                                                                               1.1%
 Insurance                                                                         0.1%                                                                         Physician - Cardiac Surgery                                                                                                                               1.0%
                                                                                                                                                                Physician - General Practice                                                                                                                              0.7%
                                                                                                                                                                Medical Technician                                                                                                                                        0.3%
                                                                                                                                                                Physician - Intensive Care                                                                                                                                0.4%
                                                                                                                                                                Press/Medical Writer                                                                                                                                      0.2%
                                                                                                                                                                Administrator                                                                                                                                             0.4%
                                                                                                                                                                Physician - Vascular Medicine / Angiology                                                                                                                 0.3%
                                                                                              2.8%                                                              Nurse                                                                                                                                                     0.1%
                                                                                                                                                                General Practitioner                                                                                                                                      0.1%
                                                                                                                                                                Engineer                                                                                                                                                  0.3%
                                                                                             8.2%                                                               Physician - Emergency Medicine                                                                                                                            0.2%
                                                                                                                                                                Physician - Endocrinology                                                                                                                                 0.2%
                                                                                     2%                                                                         Surgeon                                                                                                                                                   0.1%
                                                                                                                                                                Physician - Nephrology                                                                                                                                    0.1%
                                                            .9%                                                                                                 Physician - Neurology                                                                                                                                     0.1%
                                            .9%                                                                                                                 Physician - Radiology                                                                                                                                     0.1%

 • ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5
ESC Congress Munich 2018 - Industry Prospectus Where the world of cardiology comes together - ESC Exhibitors and Industry Partners ...
ESC Congress 2018
        Preliminary Schedule
                 7:00   |   8:00    |   9:00    |    10:00     |   11:00    |   12:00   |   13:00    |   14:00   |    15:00   |   16:00   |   17:00   | 18:00   |   19:00   | 20:00


                                              SESSIONS                 SESSIONS                          SESSIONS                 SYMPOSIA
                                                                                                                                                 INAUGURAL NETWORKING
                                                                                                                                                   SESSION    EVENT

                                                GENERAL CARDIOLOGY FOR PHYSICIANS, NURSES
                                                        AND ALLIED PROFESSIONALS
       25                                                CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY TRACK
     August                                                                                   M
                                                                       POSTERS                         POSTERS

                                                             EOS                             SATELLITE                              EOS                     SATELLITE
                                        SESSIONS                       SESSIONS              SYMPOSIA                SESSIONS                 SESSIONS
                                                             CBS                                                                    CBS
       26                                                     M                             POSTERS                                  M
     August                                                                                  EXHIBITION

                                                             EOS                             SATELLITE                              EOS                     SATELLITE
                                        SESSIONS                       SESSIONS              SYMPOSIA                SESSIONS                 SESSIONS
                                                             CBS                                                                    CBS
                                                              M                             POSTERS                                  M                      AWARDS
       27                                                                                                                                                  CEREMONY

     August                                                                                  EXHIBITION

                                                             EOS                             SATELLITE                              EOS                   SATELLITE
                                        SESSIONS                       SESSIONS              SYMPOSIA                SESSIONS                 SESSIONS
                                                             CBS                                                                    CBS
                                                              M                             POSTERS                                  M
     August                                                                                  EXHIBITION

    Wednesday                              CONGRESS
                                          CONDENSED           HIGHLIGHT SESSION
       29                                                    EXHIBITION CLOSED

                                                                           ESC PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS' LOUNGE
     Other                                                                      PRACTICAL TUTORIALS
    Activities                                                                   ESC TV STAGE

                 7:00   |   8:00    |   9:00    |    10:00     |   11:00    |   12:00   |   13:00    |   14:00   |    15:00   |   16:00   |   17:00   | 18:00   |   19:00   | 20:00

                                                                                                                                                                    Subject to change
    M     Moderated Posters             EOS     Experts on the Spot                     CBS         Coffee Break Sessions

ESC Congress Munich 2018 - Industry Prospectus Where the world of cardiology comes together - ESC Exhibitors and Industry Partners ...
• ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus   7
ESC Congress Munich 2018 - Industry Prospectus Where the world of cardiology comes together - ESC Exhibitors and Industry Partners ...
Congress Spotlight
                                                               “Valvular Heart Disease”, selected as the
                                                               Spotlight of ESC Congress 2018, is a topic of
                                                               particular interest and relevance. On one hand,
                                                               the aging population leads to an increasing
                                                               incidence of valvular heart disease in most parts
                                                               of the world. On the other hand, interventional as
                                       Disease                 well as surgical techniques to treat valve disease
                                                               are evolving at a rapid pace, accompanied by
                                                               advances in imaging techniques for diagnosis and
                                                               intervention planning. Valvular Heart Disease
                                                               has implications on all other areas of cardiology,
                                                               from Prevention to Arrhythmias, Heart Failure
                                                               and Intervention. It is therefore a very timely
                                                               Spotlight for ESC Congress 2018 in Munich.

    Dedicated “Villages” for main topics to cover
    the wide spectrum of cardiovascular disease

       •             Basic science
       •             Imaging
       •             Arrhythmias and device therapy
       •             Heart failure
       •             Preventive Cardiology (including cardiovascular disease
     		              in special populations)
       •             Hypertension

     Spotlight • Coronary artery disease, acute coronary syndromes,
     village		 acute cardiac care
       •             Valvular, myocardial, pericardial, pulmonary, congenital
     		              heart disease
       •             Interventional cardiology & cardiovascular surgery,
     		              aortic disease, peripheral vascular disease, and stroke

     In addition, among the dedicated tracks:
       •             Cardiovascular pharmacology
       •             Cardiovascular nursing
       •             e-Cardiology / digital health, public health, health economics,
     		              research methodology
       •             General cardiology

ESC Congress Munich 2018 - Industry Prospectus Where the world of cardiology comes together - ESC Exhibitors and Industry Partners ...
Some key features

The latest in cardiology, New ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines, Hot Line sessions,
and Highlight sessions will be presented in room “Munich” (Main Auditorium with
3 000 seats).

New this year! The SPOTLIGHT Village will be hosting sessions on Valvular Heart
Disease and other related topics.

The “Hub” at the heart of the Congress venue provides for an intense and close-up
experience in an open design. The Hub will feature interactive sessions that host international
experts in interactive and lively formats such as “Great Debates”, special tracks, and selected
original research. In the “Hub“ area, the Centre Stage will feature interactive sessions such as Live-in-the-Box
scenarios and other special formats.

Throughout the villages, do not miss the best in each of the Congress topics covering the entire spectrum of
cardiology, allows delegates to exchange, and get first-hand scientific findings as well as clinical education
through symposia, case-based sessions and other session formats.

Original science remains a key element in the programme and will be given dynamic platforms in all categories
of presentation (Posters, Best Posters, Moderated Posters, and Rapid Fire abstracts) to enhance scientific
exchange and networking. Particularly highly ranked research abstracts will be presented orally in the very
popular “Advances in Science” sessions, where the abstract presentations are complemented by state-of-the-
art lectures given by experts in the field.

Further to the success of the newly introduced formats “Let’s Discuss Strategy”, “Expert Advice” and ”Image
Interpretation with the Masters”, more of these special sessions will be included in the programme throughout
the villages. Introducing a particularly rich and dynamic learning experience, “Cardiology in 4 Days“ will present
the essential Core Curriculum knowledge in each topic.

Furthermore, Digital Health, a very important topic for the future of cardiology, will be addressed in various
formats, including a specific track of sessions.

                 Important Dates
                 December 2017		Opening of online services

                 February 2018		Scientific programme available online

                 14 February 2018          Abstract submission deadline

                 1 March 2018		ESC Cardiologists of Tomorrow – Clinical case submission

                 Mid-May 2018		Abstract results announcement

                 21 May 2018               Late-Breaking Science Submission

                 Mid-June 2018		Full Scientific Programme available online

• ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                                                     9
ESC Congress Munich 2018 - Industry Prospectus Where the world of cardiology comes together - ESC Exhibitors and Industry Partners ...
Industry @ ESC Congress 2017
     The ESC gratefully acknowledges the following companies and
     organisations who contributed to the success of ESC Congress 2017:

     3M Health Care                                      CNSystems Medizintechnik AG
     4YFN                                                Community Health
     Abbott Vascular International BVBA                  Content Ed Net Medicom
     Abiomed Europe GmbH                                 ContinUse Biometrics
     Acarix A/S                                          Creavo Medical Technologies Ltd
     Acon Laboratories Inc.                              CRI-The Clinical Research Institute GmbH
     Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd                        custo med GmbH
     AMEDTEC Medizintechnik Aue GmbH                     Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH
     Amgen Cardiovascular                                Defibtech
     AstraZeneca                                         Denka Seiken co., LTD.
     Bayer AG                                            dms-service llc
     Beneware Medical                                    DocCheck Medical Services GmbH
     BioMed Central                                      Edan Instruments, Inc
     BioSenseTek Corps. Ltd                              Edwards Lifesciences
     BIOTRONIK                                           EKOS Corporation, a BTG International group company
     Bittium                                             Eli Lilly and Company
     BMS Pfizer Alliance                                 ELSEVIER LTD
     Boehringer Ingelheim                                ERCULES COMUNICAZIONI
     BPLab                                               Esaote SpA
     Cardio Alex                                         European Medical Journal
     Cardioline SPA                                      Ferrer Internacional SA
     Cardiologs                                          FibriCheck
     Cardioscan Pty. Ltd                                 Fondazione Internazionale Menarini
     CardioSecur                                         Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma
     CASIS – CArdiac Simulation & Imaging Software       Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
     CD Leycom                                           FUKUDA DENSHI
     CellAegis Devices                                   GE Healthcare GmbH
     Charité – Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK)             Genoss Co., Ltd.
     CHF Solutions                                       GlaxoSmithKline PLC
     China Qingdao Bright Medical Manufacturing Co Ltd   GLENMARK PHARMACEUTICALS LTD
     Circle Cardiovascular Imaging                       Health in Code, S.L.
     Cleveland Clinic Foundation                         HealthSTATS Technologies (UK) Ltd

Heart Test Laboratories Inc.                       Portola Pharmaceuticals
HEARTROID PROJECT                                  Preventicus GmbH
Hemologic B.V.                                     Radcliffe Cardiology
Hexacath / Novacor                                 Randox Laboratories Ltd
Hitachi Medical Systems Europe                     RenalGuard Solutions, Inc.
I.E.M GmbH                                         ResMed
Impulse Dynamics Germany GmbH                      Roche Diagnostics International Ltd
Kinpo Electronics, Inc                             Rooti Labs Limited
Labtech Ltd.                                       SAGE Publishing
McGraw-Hill Education                              Sanofi-Aventis Groupe
Medimatic Srl                                      SCHILLER AG
Medis Medical Imaging Systems                      SERVIER INTERNATIONAL
Medscape Cardiology                                Shire International GmbH
Medtronic International Trading SARL               Siemens Healthineers
MENARINI INTERNATIONAL                             SOLUBIO – Koch Evolution
MESI Medical                                       SOMNOmedics GmbH
Microlife AG                                       Sonovum Ag
MIDES GmbH                                         The Jama Network
Millar, Inc.                                       Thrombosis Research Institute
Mortara Instrument, Inc.                           TOMTEC IMAGING SYSTEMS GMBH
MSD                                                Toshiba Medical Systems Europe BV
Mylan EPD – BGP Products Operations GmbH           Vales & Hills BioMedical Tech.Ltd
NEJM Group                                         Vifor Pharma
NORAV Medical GmbH                                 Wavelet Health
NorthEast Monitoring Inc                           Whispering Hearts Inc
Novartis Pharma AG                                 Wiley
Novo Nordisk A/S                                   Wisepress Medical Bookshop
Omron Healthcare Europe B.V.                       Wolters Kluwer Health
Orion Corporation                                  Ziosoft Inc
Oxford University Press                            Zoll CMS GmbH
Physicians’ Academy for Cardiovascular Education

   • ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                      11

Why exhibit at ESC Congress 2018?                           Strict application criteria apply to avail of this special
ESC Congress 2018 will host an exhibition area at a prime   exhibition category. Please contact industry@escardio.
location in the congress centre surrounded by scientific    org for further details.
resources such as the Hub, Poster areas and Villages.
                                                                Application Deadline: 20 February 2018
Join the discussion – How can I participate?
The exhibition area will allow for further exchange         Benefits for all exhibitors:
and learning on the latest developments in the              •       Company listing in the Industry Programme
cardiovascular field, important for the healthcare          •       Company listing on the ESC website
professional and their patient.                           
                                                            •       Company listing in the Final Programme and Mobile
Exhibition Space for Commercial Exhibitors:                         App
Early fee                                 @420 / m2         •       Allocation of General Exhibitor and Scientific
(applications by 31 March 2018) 		                                  Exhibitor Badges
Late fee                                  @460 / m   2

(applications from 1 April 2018)                            General exhibitor badges will not allow access to the
                                                            scientific sessions of the congress except for those
Cost is for floorspace only (no structure or amenities)     sessions sponsored by the exhibitor.
Minimum exhibition space is 9m     2                        Scientific exhibitor badges will allow access to the
                                                            scientific sessions of the congress.

  Deadline for application for Top 10 point holders:        Accrued points
  20 November 2017                                          •       5 points are awarded for exhibiting at the ESC
  Deadline for application for Top 20 point holders:                Congress 2018.
  11 December 2017                                          •       The 5 participation points for exhibiting are not
  Deadline for application with priority status:                    accrued by non-exhibiting session organisers.
  15 January 2018                                           •       1 point is accrued per full 9m2 of exhibit space.
                                                            •       ETSA exhibitors accrue 5 points for participation,
Exhibition Space for Publishers, Non for                            but no points for their stand space.
Profit Organisations:
Early fee                                 @270 / m2         NEW Exhibition Opening Hours
(applications by 31 March 2018)
Late fee                                                        Saturday 25 August                       10:00 – 17:00
(applications from 1 April 2018)          @300 / m  2           Sunday 26 August                         10:00 – 17:00
                                                                Monday 27 August                         10:00 – 17:00
Cost is for floorspace only (no structure or amenities)         Tuesday 28 August                        10:00 – 17:00
Minimum exhibition space is 6m     2                            Wednesday 29 August                      CLOSED

  Deadline for application with priority status:                Booking conditions and next steps
  15 January 2018                                               -     Applications can be submitted as of
                                                                      8 November 2017

Emerging Technologies Showcase Area:                            -     Submit your Application Form from our

The ESC has committed to an ETSA area within the                      website

exhibition, whereby start-up companies with a drug or           -     Cancellation fees will apply upon signature of

technological product in development can showcase at                  the Order Form

the ESC Congress exhibition.                                    -     Exhibition stand space will be assigned in line
                                                                      with the accrued point ranking

Cost for stand package: @2 500

• ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                                                         13
Industry Sponsored Sessions

Industry sponsored sessions allow for the review and discussion of recent trials and ongoing studies with the
objective of providing the latest information on new therapies and techniques in cardiovascular medicine.

Embargo regulations
Industry meetings open to ESC Congress 2018 delegates are strictly forbidden outside of the official ESC
congress offer (Industry Sponsored Sessions and Rooms at ESC) from Saturday 25 August through Wednesday
29 August 2017, 08:00 to 20:00.

Satellite Symposia
Companies are cordially invited to attend a series of Satellite Symposia included in the ESC Congress 2018
scientific programme. These sessions will offer pertinent data on the latest scientific information and
developments from the industry. Satellite Symposia will be held within the congress centre in fully furnished and
AV equipped ESC lecture rooms ranging in capacity from 125 to 1 400 seats.

Open Lecture Rooms
Organise your Satellite Symposia in one of our 6 state-of-the-art Open Lecture Rooms:

  Room type	Availability
  The Hub (250 seats)      3
  The Hub (300 seats)      2
  Centre Stage (500 seats) 1

Satellite Symposia organisers may coordinate receptions or distribute lunch boxes before or after the session.

Programmes need to be submitted and approved by an appointed ESC Scientific Committee before 31 March
2018. Satellite Symposia can be CME accredited. The supporting company is free to choose their CME provider
and accrediting body.

Satellite Symposia					                                               Exhibitor      	Non-exhibitor 	Accrued
					                                                                  Prices            Prices       Points
Saturday 25 August 2018            15:30   –   16:15    45 mins        @24 000              @44 000    10
                                   15:30   –   16:30    60 mins        @30 000              @50 000    12
                                   15:30   –   16:45    75 mins        @33 000              @53 000    13
                                   15:30   –   17:00    90 mins        @36 000              @56 000    14

Sunday 26 August 2018              13:00   –   13:45    45 mins        @24 000              @44 000    10
                                   13:00   –   14:00    60 mins        @30 000              @50 000    12
                                   18:15   –   19:00    45 mins        @24 000              @44 000    10
                                   18:15   –   19:15    60 mins        @30 000              @50 000    12
                                   18:15   –   19:30    75 mins        @33 000              @53 000    13
                                   18:15   –   19:45    90 mins        @36 000              @56 000    14

Monday 27 August 2018              13:00   –   13:45    45 mins        @24 000              @44 000    10
                                   13:00   –   14:00    60 mins        @30 000              @50 000    12
                                   18:15   –   19:00    45 mins        @24 000              @44 000    10
                                   18:15   –   19:15    60 mins        @30 000              @50 000    12
                                   18:15   –   19:30    75 mins        @33 000              @53 000    13
                                   18:15   –   19:45    90 mins        @36 000              @56 000    14

Tuesday 28 August 2018             13:00   –   13:45    45 mins        @24 000              @44 000    10
                                   13:00   –   14:00    60 mins        @30 000              @50 000    12
                                   18:15   –   19:00    45 mins        @24 000              @44 000    10
                                   18:15   –   19:15    60 mins        @30 000              @50 000    12

All prices are exclusive of VAT
The accrued points ranking will determine the assignment of time-slots and lecture rooms.

• ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                                                    15
Satellite Symposia lecture rooms: (Subject to changes)

     Rooms Capacities		Rental Prices
     Standard Rooms
     125 seats		        @625
     200 seats		        @1 000
     300 seats		        @1 500
     400 seats		        @2 000
     500 seats		        @2 500
     600 seats		        @3 000
     900 seats		        @4 500
     1 000 seats		      @5 000
     1 400 seats 		     @7 000

     Open Lecture Rooms
     The Hub (250 seats) 		                @2 500
     The Hub (300 seats) 		                @3 000
     Centre Stage (500 seats) 		           @5 000

     Companies are entitled to 1 point per @2 500 invested in lecture room rentals.

     Benefits include:
     • Standard lecture room set-up (customisation needs to be approved by the ESC and ordered through our
        suppliers at extra cost)
     • Dedicated listing in the Scientific Programme & Planner, Industry Programme, Final Programme and
        Mobile App
     • Slot to promote the session onsite in the Industry Display Racks
     • Roll-up in front of or in close vicinity of the lecture room from one hour before the session starts
     • Invitations distributed in front of or in close vicinity of the lecture room from 30 minutes before the session starts
     • Companies organising a non-exhibitor Symposium will be provided with an allocation of 10 General Exhibitor
        badges and 5 Scientific Exhibitor badges.

     Satellite Symposia - Experts on the spot
     These 30-minute sessions provide delegates attending or interested in Satellite Symposia with a further
     opportunity to question and exchange with topic experts in a concise and interactive format on the
     session content.

     Satellite Symposia - Experts on the Spot sessions are complementary to Satellite Symposia. The condition to
     hold one or several Experts on the Spot sessions is to already hold a Satellite Symposium.

     The session organiser is permitted to invite speakers different from those participating in the Satellite
     Symposium, the topic must however be in line with the Satellite Symposium.

     These short style sessions will be arranged in The Hub centrally located within the Congress Centre and designed
     to ensure experts interact with delegates.

     Experts on the Spot session assignment
     • Experts on the Spot sessions can be scheduled prior to or post your related Satellite symposium, at your
     • 45-minute Satellite Symposium: 1 Experts on the Spot session permitted
     • 60-minute, 75-minute or 90-minute Satellite Symposium: 2 Experts on the Spot sessions permitted

Deadline for application for Top 10 point holders:
                      11 December 2017
    year              Deadline for application with priority status:
                      15 January 2018

Satellite Symposia-Experts on the Spot		                        Exhibitor   	Non-exhibitor 	Accrued
(Rooms rental included)					                                     Prices         Prices       Points

Saturday 25 August 2018            12:45 – 13:15   30 mins      @20 000           @30 000         8

Sunday 26 August 2018              10:15 – 10:45   30 mins      @20 000           @30 000         8
                                   16:00 – 16:30   30 mins      @20 000           @30 000         8

Monday 27 August 2018              10:15 – 10:45   30 mins      @20 000           @30 000         8
                                   16:00 – 16:30   30 mins      @20 000           @30 000         8

Tuesday 28 August 2018             10:15 – 10:45   30 mins      @20 000           @30 000         8
                                   16:00 – 16:30   30 mins      @20 000           @30 000         8

The accrued points ranking will determine the assignment of time-slots and lecture rooms.

Benefits include:
• Standard lecture room set-up (installation of extra materials or any alterations to The Hub rooms is
   not allowed)
• Dedicated listing in the Scientific Programme & Planner, Industry Programme, Final Programme and
   Mobile App
• Slot to promote the session onsite in the Industry Display Racks
• Roll-up in the direct vicinity of The Hub room from one hour before the session starts
• Invitations distributed in the direct vicinity of the Hub room from 30 minutes before the session starts

• ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                                                  17

Practical Tutorials
     Practical Tutorials, previously named Hands-On Tutorials, offer companies a mean of associating with the
     educational requirements of delegates in a classroom environment. These industry sponsored tutorials provide
     participants with an opportunity for hands-on and/or one-on-one learning from clinical and/or technical experts
     on specific areas of expertise.

     The number and duration of Practical Tutorials sessions is not restricted. It is left to the appreciation of the

     Practical Tutorials are organised in state of the art temporary rooms of 80m2 located in the Exhibition. One
     room is allocated per company for the duration of the congress. Sessions can be organised from Saturday 25
     August to Tuesday 28 August, between 08:30 and 18:00.

     Practical Tutorial organisers are responsible for room set-up and furniture, AV equipment and catering

     Practical Tutorials    Prices	Accrued
     (Room rental included)		       points

     Exhibitors                     @35 000
     Non-Exhibitors                 @50 000

     Benefits include:
     • Standard room (customisation must be approved by the venue’ Health & Safety authorities and needs to be
        ordered through our suppliers at extra cost).
     • Dedicated listing in the Scientific Programme & Planner, Industry Programme, Final Programme and
        Mobile App
     • Slot to promote the session onsite in the Industry Display Racks.
     • Non-exhibiting organising companies will be provided with an allocation of 10 General Exhibitor badges and
        5 Scientific Exhibitor badges.

       Booking conditions and next steps
       -   Applications can be submitted as of 8 November 2017
       -   Submit your Application Form from our website
       -   Cancellation fees will apply upon signature of the Order Form.
       -   Industry Sponsored Sessions will be assigned in line with the accrued point ranking.
       -   Satellite Symposium – Expert on the Spot deadline for application for Top 10 point holders:
           11 December 2017
       -   Deadline for applications with priority status: 15 January 2018.
       -   All Industry Sponsored Sessions are subject to ESC Congress 2018 Programme Committee approval.
       -   Scientific programme submissions must be received before 31 March 2018.
       -   The full list of equipment will be communicated upon room assignment. Cost of additional equipment,
           furniture, food and beverages will be at the expense of the sponsor.

Independent research shows those companies who integrate additional marketing strategies into their congress plans
are far more successful in developing meaningful take-home messages.

A wide range of services for congress attendees are available for sponsorship by our industry partners providing
essential support for the congress and opportunity for novel communication to the healthcare profession.

Deadline for applications with priority status: 11 December 2017

 Click on any item to consult full description

Tangible                                                                  Digital
  Badge Lead Management System                                              eBlast pre-congress
  Create your own database                                                  Promote your Congress activities

                                                                            eBlast post-congress
  Bookmark in Final Programme
                                                       B                    Stay in the Congress spotlight

  Congress in Review                                   r                    e-Daily News Adverts
  Posted to all delegates after the Congress
                                                       a                    emailed to ~130 000 healthcare
  Congress News Advertisement                          n
  Daily update on the Congress news                                         Industry Sponsored Session
  and events                                           d                    Display Screen
                                                                            Increase the visibility of your Sponsored
  Final Programme Advertisement
                                                                            Live Broadcast
                                                       x                    Stream your Sponsored Session to the
  Industry Programme Sponsorship
  Included in the Congress Bag                         p                    audience of your choice

  Industry Programme
                                                       o                    Mobile App
  Invitation Advert                                    s                    The growing platform of reference for all
  Included in the Congress Bag                                              things related to Congress
                                                       u                    26 000+ downloads in 2017
  Onsite Advertisement                                 r
  Follow the traffic’s flow                                                 Mobile App Splash Screen & Push
                                                       e                    Notification
  Poster Area – per topic                                                   Make the delegate’s mobile device a
  Associate your name with one of the nine                                  platform for promotion
  scientific topics
                                                                            Voting and Ask a Question
  Programme at a Glance                                                     For delegate interaction and engagement
                                                                            Webcast - Video & Slides
                                                                            Accessible via ESC Congress resources

                                                                            PDF invitation posted on the ESC online

• ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                                                        19
     Product                      Description                                                       Price             Accrued
                                                                                                    (excl. VAT)        Points

                                  Badge Lead Management System                                      @3 500                1
                                  Enrich your database by scanning the badge of delegates
                                  who visit your booth or attend your Sponsored Session and
                                  increase opportunities to reach out to them in the future.

                                  Reach & audience: all delegates who visit your booth and
                                  attend your sponsored session(s).
                                                                                                                    back to top

      ESC Congress
      Munich 2018                 Bookmark in Final Programme                                       @50 000         20 points & 5
      25-29 August
      Where the world of
      cardiology comes together
                                  No product advertising permitted - Exclusive sponsorship                          bonus points
                                  The bookmark is attached to the hard copy of the Final
                                  Programme. This simple yet popular delegate item
                                  provides significant visibility for the promoting company.
                                  Industry advertisement is on one side of the bookmark
                                  while the other promotes ESC Congress 2019.

                                  Lifespan: congress and beyond

                                  Quantity: 15 000 (subject to change)

                                                                                                                    back to top

                                  eBlast – Pre-congress                                             @12 000         5 points & 1
                                  Product advertising permitted for exhibition adverts only         1 eBlast        bonus points
                                  Promote your exhibition space or sponsored sessions to
                                  all ESC Congress 2018 pre-registered delegates a few days
                                                                                                    @30 000         12 points & 3
                                  prior to the congress.
                                                                                                    All 3 eBlasts   bonus points
                                  A customised mailing will be sent out on 9 August, 16
                                  August and 23 August in order to increase delegate
                                  awareness surrounding your activities.

                                  Reach & audience: emailed to approximately 13 000
                                  pre-registered delegates
                                                                                                                    back to top
                                  Lifespan: a few days prior to the congress

                                  eBlast – Post-congress                                            @12 000         5 points & 1
                                  Product advertising permitted for exhibition adverts only         1 eBlast        bonus points
                                  Our post-congress eBlast is the ideal way to remain in
                                  the spotlight once the event is over by promoting your
                                  activities and association with the congress to a broad
                                  audience, most notably with the inclusion of the screencast
                                  of your Sponsored Session.

                                   A customised mailing will be sent                     2
                                                                           NEW       DATES!
                                   out on 20 & 27 September 2018.                    instead of 1

                                  Reach & audience: emailed to approximately 100 000
                                  healthcare professionals
                                  Lifespan: post-congress                                                           back to top

Product                       Description                                                         Price                Accrued
                                                                                                  (excl. VAT)           Points

                              e-Daily News Adverts                                                @20 000            8 points & 2
                              No product advertising permitted                                    per day            bonus points
                              Two digital versions of the Congress News with the most
                              up-to-date scientific information from ESC Congress 2018            @10 000            4 points & 1
                              will be emailed to approximately 130 000 healthcare                 Wednesday          bonus point
                              professionals with a My ESC account from 25 – 29 August (1          issue
                              digital version on Wednesday). This is an ideal opportunity
                              to extend your visibility well beyond the Congress itself and
                              spark interest in one of your live streaming video sessions,
                              with your advertisement as a banner in the e-Daily News. A
                              maximum of two adverts available per sponsor.

                              Reach & audience: all owners of a My ESC account
                              (~130 000 healthcare professionals)
                                                                                                                   back to top
                              Lifespan: daily emailing during the congress

                              ESC Congress News 2018 - Advertisement Spaces
                              No product advertising permitted
                              Printed daily and delivered to the congress centre and key delegate hotels in time for breakfast. The
                              highly popular Congress News is a daily publication providing delegates with an update on the congress
                              news and events. This paper is a must-have and is very much consulted by a large number of delegates
                              over their morning cup of tea, so we invite you to seize the opportunity to post your key congress
                              message in this popular publication in one of the following formats:

                              Back Page 5 Days @42 000				 17 points & 4
                              						 bonus points
                              Page 9 5 Days @37 000				 15 points & 3
                              						 bonus points
                                             Sat           Sun	Mon                      Tues         Wed
                              Center page    @12 000       @12 000 @12 000              @12 000      @10 000        4 points + 1
                              Page 3         @10 000       @10 000 @10 000              @10 000      @5 000         bonus point
                              Page 5         @10 000       @10 000 @10 000              @10 000      @5 000

                              Reach & audience: all congress delegates present on the day of the issuing
                              Lifespan: daily publication
                                                                                                                   back to top

                              ESC Congress in Review – Official Highlights                        @180 000            72 points
                              Report                                                                                  & 18 bonus
                              Product advertising permitted - Exclusive sponsorship                                     points
                              An independent peer-reviewed publication in English,
                              reviewed by the congress programme chairperson, posted
                              to all attendees post-congress and shared on-line on the
                              ESC website. This exclusive sponsorship opportunity
                              provides an excellent four-page advertisement space with
                              two-page advertorial and two-page editorial, or a four-
                              page advertorial - to extend the reach and impact of your
                              congress activities beyond the congress.

                              Reach & audience: all congress delegates ~25 000 pax
                              and an online audience of ~4 500 pax                                                 back to top

  • ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                                                                  21
                           Product                                                                                                                           Description                                                       Price             Accrued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (excl. VAT)        Points

                                                                                                                                                             Final Programme Advertisements                                    @40 000         16 points & 4
                            ESC Congress                                                                                                                     No product advertising permitted - multi-sponsorship              Back Cover      bonus points
                            Munich 2018
                            25-29 August
                                                                                                                                                             Promote your activities or products on the back cover or on
                            Where the world of
                            cardiology comes together
                                                                                                                                                             the inside page of our essential guide to ESC Congress 2018.      @30 000         12 points & 3
                                                                                                                                                             The Final Programme is the reference document for all             Inside Back     bonus points
                                                                                                                                                             delegates to consult, as it contains everything they need to
                                                                                                                                                             know about the congress:
                                                                                                                                                             • Full scientific programme details
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               @20 000         8 points & 2
                            Final Programme                                                                                                                  • Information on Industry Sponsored Sessions
                                                                                                                                                             • Full list of poster authors and their locations                 Inside Page     bonus points
                                                                                                                                                             • Congress & Association General information

                                                                                                                                                             Hard copies will be distributed to each delegate on demand,

                                                                                                                                                             offering you a great opportunity for maximum exposure and
                                                                                                                                                             recognition by associating your name with this ever-requested
                                                                                                                                                             guide, with many delegates taking it home for future reference.

                                                                                                                                                             Lifespan: congress and beyond
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               back to top
                                                                                                                                                             Quantity: 15 000 (subject to change)

                                                                                                                                                             Industry Programme Sponsorship                                    @40 000         16 points & 4
                            ESC Congress
                            Munich 2018                                                                                                                      Product advertising permitted - Exclusive sponsorship             Including:      bonus points
                                                                                                                                                             The Industry Programme provides delegates with a full             Back Cover,
                            25-29 August

                            Where the world of
                            cardiology comes together

                                                                                                                                                             overview of the contribution industry partners have made          Inside Front
                            Industry Programme
                                                                                                                                                             to the congress. The programme is a comprehensive series          Cover, 2 Tabs
                                                                                                                                                             of industry activities listings and invitations to Industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Back Pages

                                                                                                                                                             Sponsored Sessions. One copy will be provided to each delegate
                                                                                                                                                             in the congress bag. The exclusive sponsor will benefit from
                                                                                                                                                             visibility via advertisements on both the back cover and inside
                                                                                                                                                             front cover and on 2 tabs within the programme.

                                                                                                                                                             Reach & audience: all congress delegates ~25 000 pax
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               back to top
                                                                                                                                                             Lifespan: congress

                            Expanding our knowledge
                            of NOACs in SPAF:
                                                                                                                                                             Industry Programme Invitation Advert                              @7 500            3 points
                                                                                                                                                             Product advertising permitted for exhibition only
                            from evidence to enhanced
                            patient outcomes

                                                                                                                                                             The Industry Programme advert is an invitation in the


                                                                         Satellite Symposium
                                                                         Sunday 27th August
                                                                         18:30 – 20:00
                                                                         Skopje – Village 5

                                                                                                                                                             Industry programme detailing your exhibition activities or
                                                        This Satellite Symposium is fully organised and funded by:

                                                                Date of preparation: July 2017 PP-ELI-EUR-0655
                                                                                                                                                             Industry Sponsored Sessions. The Industry Programme will be
                                                                                                                                                             distributed to each delegate in the congress bag.

                                                                                                                                                             Reach & audience: all congress delegates ~25 000 pax
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               back to top
                                                                                                                            Roxana Mehran and Stefan James

                                                                                                                                                             Lifespan: congress

                                                                                                                                                             Industry Sponsored Sessions Display Screen                        @4 500            2 points
                                                                                                                                                             No product advertising permitted
                                                                                                                                                             Distinguish your educational sessions by broadcasting an
                                                                                                                                                             advertisement on the large information screen located near
                                                                                                                                                             the Industry Sponsored Session racks. The display screen will
                                                                                                                                                             attract immediate delegate attention and ensure additional
                                                                                                                                                             visibility for your session in this area dedicated to the
                                                                                                                                                             promotion of Industry Sponsored Sessions. Opportunities are
                                                                                                                                                             limited, so be sure to apply early.

                                                                                                                                                             Reach & audience: all congress delegates ~25 000 pax
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               back to top
                                                                                                                                                             Lifespan: congress

Product                      Description                                                           Price          Accrued
                                                                                                   (excl. VAT)     Points

                             Live Broadcasting                                                     @10 000       4 points & 1
                             Reach out to healthcare professionals beyond the congress                           bonus point
                             lecture rooms! The ESC offers you the possibility to optimise
                             your investment and extend the reach of your Industry
                             Sponsored Sessions organised during ESC Congress 2018 to
                             an audience experiencing your innovations and research from
                             home or their institution, with a live stream of your session
                             from the congress centre.
                             You are obliged to use the services of the Speaker Service
                             Centre to avail of this product. You must set up your stand-
                             alone webpage to receive the live broadcast provided by the
                             ESC. No Live Broadcasting permitted outside this product.

                             Reach & audience: your own list of invitees                                         back to top
                             Lifespan: congress

                             Mobile App                                                            @180 000       72 points
                             Product advertising permitted in sponsor button only                                 & 18 bonus
                             Provide delegates with this indispensable tool and showcase your                       points
                             company’s involvement in your dedicated sponsor section which
                             • Your advertisement in the form of sliding banners (up to 4
                                 banners - product advertisement permitted)
                             • Details of your sponsored sessions (which are also highlighted
                                 in the daily schedule section)
                             • Stand positioning
                             • Your activities on site
                             • Contact details

                             This environmentally-friendly initiative is rapidly becoming
                             the platform of reference for delegates who wish to have the
                             Congress at the tip of their finger. With this mobile device tool,
                             delegates are able to:
                             • Consult the daily updated Final Programme
                             • Build their schedule with their sessions of interest
                             • Receive your Splash Screen & Push Notification adverts
                             • Navigate through the venue thanks to the intuitive floor plan

                             Reach & audience: congress delegates and non-attendees who
                             have downloaded the app (26 000+ downloads in 2017)
                                                                                                                 back to top
                             Lifespan: pre-congress/congress/post-congress

                             Mobile App Splash Screen & Push Notifications                         @10 000       4 points & 1
                             No product Advertising permitted                                                    bonus point
                             This virtual Splash Advert is an innovative way for session
                             organisers to reach out to delegates by offering catchy versions
                             of their adverts in the Mobile App. The advert promotes your
                             sessions for 4 seconds before it is closed both when the Mobile App
                             is launched and once an update is accepted.
                             In addition to this, the Push Notification (linked to the related
                             Splash Advert) will add a link to your scientific programme to
                             the device’s newsfeed in chronological order, thus making your
                             Satellite Symposium the absolute “Do not miss” session of the day.
                             Due to the limited number of Mobile App Splash Screen
                             opportunities, be sure to apply early.

                             Reach & audience: all delegates having downloaded the ESC
                             Congress 2018 Mobile App (26 000+ downloads in 2017)
                             Lifespan: congress                                                                  back to top

  • ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                                                              23
     Product                       Description                                                        Price            Accrued
                                                                                                      (excl. VAT)       Points

                                   Poster Area Advertisement - per topic                              @65 000 per    26 points & 6
                                   No product advertising                                             topic area     bonus points
                                   The ESC Poster Area is dedicated to research in the
                                   cardiovascular field through the display of all accepted
                                   posters for the Congress. Presented in a state-of-the-art
                                   setting, with moderated posters for discussion and debates
                                   during the breaks, the Poster Area is organised in nine main
                                   topics relevant to the congress. Each topic area is available
                                   for exclusive Industry sponsorship. In addition to having your
                                   logo within said area, you will have the opportunity to place a
                                   30 second onscreen advertisement of your congress activities
                                   which will repeat every minute (outside of Moderated Poster
                                   sessions timeslots). This sponsorship will make your company
                                   an obvious association with the topic for all delegates visiting
                                   the Poster Area.
                                   Due to the limited number of Poster Area topics, be sure to
                                   reserve early.

                                   Reach & audience: delegates visiting the Poster Area of the
                                   chosen topic
                                                                                                                     back to top
                                   Lifespan: congress

      ESC Congress                 Programme at a Glance Advertisements                               @50 000        20 points & 5
      Munich 2018                  No product advertising permitted - multi-sponsorship               Back Cover     bonus points
                                   Second to none in terms of practicality in paper format, this
       25-29 August

       Where the world of
       cardiology comes together

                                   popular and essential pocket guide fits in the Delegate Badge      @25 000        10 points & 2
                                   Holder which every attendee receives on their first day at the     Inside Front   bonus points
                                   Congress. Place your message in one of three areas of this         Cover
                                   concise and efficient day-to-day programme and ensure your
                                   company name is seen as frequently as the Programme at a           @15 000        6 points & 1
                                                                                                      Inside Page    bonus points
       Programme at a Glance
                                   Glance is taken out of the Badge Holder.

                                   Reach & audience: all congress delegates ~25 000 pax

                                   Lifespan: congress                                                                back to top

                                   Voting and Ask a Question                                          @7 000           2 points
                                   No product advertising permitted
                                   At a Congress “where the world of cardiology comes together”,
                                   it is of the utmost importance that the delegates attending
                                   your sessions be able to formulate their questions and remarks
                                   in an engaging and interactive manner. The Mobile App Voting
                                   and “Ask a Question tools” have been developed internally
                                   with the specific aim of making your sessions the platform for
                                   scientific exchange which delegates are looking for.
                                   You are obliged to use the services of the Speaker Service
                                   Centre to benefit from this service.

                                   Reach & audience: congress delegates attending your
                                   session, who have downloaded the Mobile App
                                   Lifespan: duration of your session                                                back to top

      Product                          Description                                                          Price                  Accrued
                                                                                                            (excl. VAT)             Points

                                       Webcast – Video and Slides                                           @10 000               4 points & 1
                                       Extend the reach of your Satellite Symposium to all those who                              bonus point
                                       were not able to attend your Satellite Symposium or Experts
                                       on the Spot sessions (or even the Congress itself) by posting
                                       the webcast of your session on the Scientific Programme &
                                       Planner (SP&P) / ESC Congress 365.
                                       This platform offer access to resources from the congress
                                       (abstracts, slides, webcasts, e-Posters) to the entire
                                       cardiovascular healthcare community.
                                       The use of the speaker service centre is mandatory. Exceptions
                                       are subject to ESC approval with an increase in the price offer.
                                       Webcasts are uploaded within 24 hours of the session
                                       maximum. The ESC will provide webcast sponsors with the
                                       video files after the congress.

                                       Reach & audience: congress delegates and non-attendees, via
                                       the ESC scientific resources platform SP&P / ESC Congress 365                            back to top
                                       Lifespan: post-congress

                                       Weblink                                                              @3 500                  1 point
                                       No product advertising permitted
                                       Create an invitation in pdf format to invite delegates to your
                                       Industry Sponsored Sessions from the ESC Congress 2018
                                       Scientific Programme & Planner (SP&P). This invitation will
                                       communicate your congress message to delegates online.

                                       Reach & audience: congress delegates and non-attendees, via
                                       the ESC scientific resources platform SP&P                                               back to top
                                       Lifespan: pre-congress

                                       Onsite Advertising
                                       Product advertising permitted on selected items
                                       Blend your company name with the venue and communicate
                                       on your therapeutic areas of research & innovation, promote
                                       your Industry Sponsored Sessions or encourage delegates to
                                       visit your stand by branding various highly visited locations
                                       available throughout the Congress centre.
                                       Please contact to enquire about the
                                       different opportunities.

                                       Reach & audience: all congress delegates ~25 000 pax
                                                                                                                                back to top
                                       Lifespan: congress

       Booking conditions and next steps
       -     Applications can be submitted as of 8 November 2017
       -     Submit your Application Form from our website
       -     Cancellation fees will apply upon signature of the Order Form
       -     The use of product names identifying product logos, misleading names that could be perceived as product names or registered
             trademarks are strictly limited and are only permitted for products and services where product promotion is clearly stated.
       -     Sponsorship items will be assigned in line with the accrued point ranking
       -     Deadline for applications with priority status: 11 December 2017
       -     For given Sponsorship & Advertising products ESC permits product advertising. Local regulatory approval is incumbent on
             the company selecting the product. The ESC acts in good faith and is not liable for refund of contracted services in the case of
             regulatory or legislative bodies refusing the content of same.

           • ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                                                                      25
Partner Services

The ESC has created four product categories to             Standard board room set-up included in price.
allow exhibiting companies or non-exhibitor Industry       Organisers are responsible for additional furniture,
Sponsored Session organiser to organise different          AV equipment and catering arrangements.
meeting formats within the congress centre during
the congress hours.                                        Room sizes               Prices	Accrued Points
                                                           Room of 21 m2            @8 000       3
Embargo regulations                                        Room of 27 m2            @9 000       3
Industry meetings open to ESC Congress 2018                Room of 34 m2            @10 500      4
delegates are strictly forbidden outside of the official   Room of 37 m2            @11 000      4
ESC congress offer (Industry Sponsored Sessions and        Room of 43 m2            @12 500      5
Rooms at ESC) from Saturday 25 August through              Room of 51 m2            @13 500      5
Wednesday 29 August 2018, 08:00 to 20:00.
                                                           Closed Industry Meetings
Industry Welcome Desk                                      During available time slots, fully furnished and AV
Exhibiting companies are invited to rent Industry          equipped lecture rooms can be used to organise
Welcome Desk located next to the registration. These       closed industry meetings which are on invitation only.
desks will enable you to distribute your company’s         The following rules apply to this meeting category:
delegate registrations directly to recipients, manage      • Meeting is “closed” and on invitation only.
your clients on their arrival in the congress centre       • Maximum attendance is 200 guests.
and provide an important information point for guest       • Meeting is not promoted in the congress centre or
during the congress. Limited spaces available.                 in any ESC Congress 2018 publications.

Price	Accrued Points                                                                Prices 	Accrued Points
@5 000      2                                              60 mins meeting          @5 000               2
                                                           Additional cost per      @2 500                1
Meeting Rooms                                              increment of 30 mins
Meeting Rooms, previously named Function Spaces,
allow companies to host a limited number of                Permitted meeting types:
guests and organise small and informal meetings            Company staff meeting, congress briefing,
(up to approximately 20 pax) in a range of rooms           investigators meeting, clinical trial updates.
available within the Congress Centre. Hands-on and
training of products/ therapies are not permitted in       Strictly forbidden: meeting       with   any   formal
Meeting Rooms.                                             presentations for delegates.

Meeting Rooms are rented for 5 days, from Friday 24        Business Suites
August to Tuesday 28 August 2018.                          The ESC allows companies to book available spaces
                                                           or unused restaurants within the congress centre.
State-of-the-art customised rooms
33 high standard, modular rooms with optimal sound         Price and complementary information available upon
reduced levels will be built in the Exhibition halls.      request at

Organisers    are    responsible     for  furniture,
AV equipment and catering arrangements.                      Booking conditions and next steps
Customisation must be approved by the venue’s                - Applications can be submitted as of
Health & Safety authorities and needs to be ordered            8 November 2017
through our suppliers at extra cost.                         - Submit your Application Form from our
Room size              Prices	Accrued Points                 - Cancellation fees will apply upon signature
Room of 48 m2          @18 000      7                          of the Order Form
                                                             - Rooms will be assigned in line with the
Permanent Venue rooms                                          accrued point ranking
12 rooms are available for rental and are located on         - Deadline for applications with priority
the first floor of 2 of the exhibition halls.                  status: 15 January 2018
                                                             - Deadline for applications: 31 May 2018

• ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                                                    27
Key Dates
     20 November 2017         Exhibition application deadline for Top 10 point holders

     11 December 2017         Exhibition application deadline for Top 20 point holders
                              Satellite Symposium – Expert on the Spot deadline for Top 10 point holders
                              Sponsorship application deadline with priority status

     15 January 2018          Exhibition deadline for application with priority status
                              Industry Sponsored Sessions application deadline with priority status
                              Rooms at ESC application deadline with priority status

     31 March 2018            Early fee Exhibition deadline
                              Industry Sponsored Sessions scientific programme submission deadline

     31 May 2018              Rooms at ESC application deadline

     1 April 2018             Late fee Exhibition deadline

     Application & ESC Guidelines
     for Industry @ Congresses

     All Exhibition, Industry Sponsored Sessions and Sponsorship forms should be completed, signed and returned
     as soon as possible, items will be assigned in line with the accrued point ranking.

     Returning a signed Order Form implies a tacit agreement of the ESC Guidelines for Industry @ Congresses and
     complementary ESC Guidelines for Industry @ ESC Congress 2018.

     The ESC Guidelines for Industry @ ESC Congress 2018 will be communicated to the participating companies
     in due course to help with the organisation of the event.

     All terms and conditions regarding your participation will be detailed in these Guidelines for Industry

     Should you require any further information regarding the application process, please contact us at

Accrued Point Ranking 2018

The Accrued Point System was established
to recognise long term investment in the ESC
Congress. Points are accumulated over a total of
four congresses and products are assigned on a
priority basis in line with the ranking.

• ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                   29
                                                                                          Barcelona 2017                     Total
Ranking                                        Barcelona London   Rome                                                       ESC
          Company Name                                                                                                                 2014
 2018                                           2014     2015     2016 Exhibition Rooms Sponsored Sponsorship Registration Congress
                                                                                                                                      - 2017
                                                                    			Session                                               2017

  52      3M Health Care                          8       9        9        9					                                            9         35
  14      Abbott Vascular International BVBA     149      82      106       10       1        26		                14         51        388
  43      Abiomed Europe Gmbh			                                   21       11       2         12       5		                  30         51
  131     Acarix A/S			                                            5        5					                                            5         10
  111     Accriva Diagnostics                     6       6							                                                            0         12
  111     Acon Laboratories Inc.                  6			                      6					                                            6         12
  12      Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd           123      139     105       33       6        26       100         4         169       536
 227      Advanced Cooling Therapy		                      5						                                                             0         5
  149     Advanced Medical Education		                    6							                                                            0         6
  48      Aegerion Pharmaceuticals               20       20							                                                           0        40
  139     AGFA HEALTHCARE NV.		                           7							                                                            0         7
  149     Aggredyne Inc                           6								                                                                   0         6
  111     Ai Mediq SA                             6       6							                                                            0         12
  139     Alta Care Laboratoires			                                7						                                                    0         7
  111     AMEDTEC Medizintechnik Aue GmbH			                       6        6					                                            6         12
   8      Amgen (Europe) GmbH                    130     270      365       60       9        42        132       24         267       1032
  149     APT Medical lnc.			                                      6						                                                    0         6
  149     Armstrong Medical Ltd                   6								                                                                   0         6
  54      Aspen Pharma                            16      8        9						                                                    0        33
   6      AstraZeneca                            387     473      225       50       14       63        118       27         272       1357
  149     AtCor Medical                           6								                                                                   0         6
  128     AUM Cardiovascular                      6       5							                                                            0         11
  149     Barrington James Ltd                    6								                                                                   0         6
   3      Bayer AG                               304     362      357       89       18       108      346        104        665       1688
  149     BCTS DABEIYAO BRANCH				                                          6					                                            6         6
  149     Beijing Crealife Technology Co., Ltd.			                 6						                                                    0         6
  149     Beneware Medical				                                              6					                                            6         6
  108     BePATIENT                               6       7							                                                            0         13
  149     Berlin Heals                            6								                                                                   0         6
  111     BioMed Central			                                        6        6					                                            6         12
  88      Biosense                               19								                                                                   0         19
  149     BioSenseTek Corp. Ltd				                                         6					                                            6         6
  103     Biosensors Europe SA			                                  14						                                                   0         14
  149     BIOSPACE Co., Ltd.                      6								                                                                   0         6
  19      Biotronik SE & Co KG                   44       47       41       16       4		                8          11        39        171
  139     Bioventrix, Inc.                        7								                                                                   0         7
  149     Bittium Corporation				                                           6					                                            6         6
  149     BL NANOBIOMED			                                         6						                                                    0         6
  111     Blueprint Genetics Oy                   6       6							                                                            0         12
  4       Boehringer Ingelheim                   329     381      397       54       17       120      187        102        480       1587
  98      Boryung Pharmaceutical Company			                        17						                                                   0         17
  42      Boston Scientific International SA		            29       23						                                                   0        52
  149     British Journal of Cardiac Nursing		            6							                                                            0         6
  139     CardiacAssist                           7								                                                                   0         7
  131     Cardio Alex			                                           5        5					                                            5         10
  149     Cardioline SPA				                                                6					                                            6         6
 227      Cardiologs				                                                    5					                                            5         5
  34      Cardiome/ Correvio                     39       30       23						                                                   0        92
  149     Cardioscan Pty. Ltd				                                           6					                                            6         6
  98      CardioSecur			6                                                   11					                                           11        17
 227      Casis				                                                         5					                                            5         5
  111     CD Leycom			                                             6        6					                                            6         12
  149     CeGaT GmbH			                                            6						                                                    0         6

                                                                                             Barcelona 2017                      Total
Ranking                                            Barcelona London   Rome                                                       ESC
           Company Name                                                                                                                    2014
 2018                                               2014     2015     2016 Exhibition Rooms Sponsored Sponsorship Registration Congress
                                                                                                                                          - 2017
                                                                        			Session                                               2017

  83       CellAegis Devices Inc                      7       7		               7					                                            7         21
  227      Celyad Sa			                                                5						                                                    0         5
  39       Charite - Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK)		          25		              6		               26			                          32        57
  149      Chek Diagnostics                           6								                                                                   0         6
  227      CHF Solutions				                                                    5					                                            5         5
  111      China Qingdao Bright Medical		                     6		               6					                                            6         12
		         Manufacturing Co Ltd
  69       CIRCLE Cardiovascular Imaging Inc          6       6        6        6					                                            6        24
  23       Cleveland Clinic Foundation               39       48       29			                      25			                          25        141
  111      CLINICAL RESEARCH MALAYSIA			                               6        6					                                            6         12
  89       CNSystems Medizintechnik AG                6		              6        6					                                            6         18
  227      Cogent		                                           5							                                                            0         5
  227      ContinUse Biometrics				                                             5					                                            5         5
  139      Covance Laboratories		                             7							                                                            0         7
  149      CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group			                        6						                                                    0         6
  139      Creavo Medical Technologies Ltd				                                  7					                                            7         7
  103      CRI-The Clinical Research Institute GmbH			                 7        7					                                            7         14
  58       custo med GmbH                             7       7        7        7					                                            7        28
  149      Cytori Therapeutics Inc                    6								                                                                   0         6
   7       Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH                267     394      345       49       6        40        74        64         233       1239
  89       DAILYCARE BIOMEDICAL                       6       6        6						                                                    0         18
  69       Defibtech LLC                              6       6        6        6					                                            6        24
  149      Denka Seiken co., LTD.				                                           6					                                            6         6
  149      DIADEXUS                                   6								                                                                   0         6
  149      DMS Service				                                                      6					                                            6         6
  89       DocCheck Medical Services GmbH		                   6        6        6					                                            6         18
  227      Dot Medical Ltd		                                  5							                                                            0         5
  100      DSM Nutritional Products Europe Ltd		              16							                                                           0         16
  149      Eccosur                                    6								                                                                   0         6
  69       Edan Instruments, Inc                      6       6        6        6					                                            6        24
  30       Edwards Lifesciences                      20       21       18       9		               21        16		                 46        105
  46       EKOS Corporation, a BTG international      6       6        6        11       6        6			                           23         41
		         group company
  29       Eli Lilly and Company                      18      31       12       18       3        21        3		                  45        106
  227      Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital				                                    5					                                            5         5
  57       Elsevier Ltd                               8       7        7        7					                                            7        29
  139      Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd.			                              7						                                                    0         7
  149      ENVERDIS GMBH                              6								                                                                   0         6
  84       Ercules Comunicazioni                      5       5        5        5					                                            5        20
  149      Ergospect GmbH                             6								                                                                   0         6
  48       Esaote SpA                                 13      9        10       8					                                            8        40
  149      European Medical Journal				                                         6					                                            6         6
  149      Everist Health		                                   6							                                                            0         6
  22       Ferrer Internacional SA                   40       32       33       16       3        12		                10         41        146
  84       FibriCheck / Qompium BVBA		                        5        5        10					                                          10        20
  149      FINAPRES MEDICAL SYSTEMS BV                6								                                                                   0         6
  103      Fondazione Internazionale Menarini			                       7        7					                                            7         14
  89       FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE                     6       6        6						                                                    0         18
  108      Frontiers			                                                6        7					                                            7         13
  31       FUKUDA DENSHI                             23       28       29       8		               12			                          20        100
  149      GAMPT mbH                                  6								                                                                   0         6
  26       GE Healthcare GmbH                        33       26       29       11		              10        6		                  27        115

          • ESC 2018 Industr y Prospec tus                                                                                                  31
                                                                                            Barcelona 2017                     Total
Ranking                                          Barcelona London   Rome                                                       ESC
          Company Name                                                                                                                   2014
 2018                                             2014     2015     2016 Exhibition Rooms Sponsored Sponsorship Registration Congress
                                                                                                                                        - 2017
                                                                      			Session                                               2017

  149     Genoss Co., Ltd				                                                 6					                                            6         6
  52      GILEAD SCIENCES                           7		28						                                                                 0        35
  40      GlaxoSmithKline PLC		                             21       10       12		               12			                         24        55
  89      GLENMARK PHARMACEUTICALS LTD		                    6        6        6					                                            6         18
  149     Global CVCT Forum				                                               6					                                            6         6
  69      Health in Code SL                         6       6        6        6					                                            6        24
  149     HealthSTATS Technologies (UK) Ltd				                               6					                                            6         6
  227     Heart Organization			                                      5						                                                    0         5
  149     Heart Test Laboratories Inc				                                     6					                                            6         6
  149     HEARTROID PROJECT				                                               6					                                            6         6
  227     Hemologic B.V.				                                                  5					                                            5         5
  136     Hexacath / Novacor				                                              8					                                            8         8
  56      HITACHI Medical Systems Europe AG         8       7        6        9					                                            9        30
  149     HRA HEALTHCARE RESEARCH                   6								                                                                   0         6
		        & ANALYTICS
  149     I.E.M. GmbH				                                                     6					                                            6         6
  149     i-cor (Novalung)                          6								                                                                   0         6
  149     Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore Srl			                     6						                                                    0         6
  139     Impulse Dynamics Germany GmbH				                                   7					                                            7         7
  149     Imricor			                                                 6						                                                    0         6
  149     Incathlab		                                       6							                                                            0         6
  111     ITAMAR                                    6       6							                                                            0         12
  58      John Wiley & Sons Ltd                     7       7        7        7					                                            7        28
  111     Kaneka Pharma Europe N.V.		                       6        6						                                                    0         12
  89      Kinpo Electronics, Inc		                          6        6        6					                                            6         18
  69      Labtech Ltd.                              6       6        6        6					                                            6        24
  149     Le-Cor Co., Ltd.			                                        6						                                                    0         6
  128     Lev El Diagnostics of Heart Disease       6       5							                                                            0         11
  149     LOI Medical - HEMO SAPIENS INC            6								                                                                   0         6
  131     Maltron International Ltd		                       5        5						                                                    0         10
  149     Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute			                     6						                                                    0         6
  149     McGraw-Hill Education				                                           6					                                            6         6
  149     McKesson Technologies UK Ltd		                    6							                                                            0         6
  149     Medical ECONET GmbH			                                     6						                                                    0         6
  149     Medicys Limited		                                 6							                                                            0         6
  58      Medimatic Srl                             7       7        7        7					                                            7        28
  69      Medis Medical Imaging Systems             6       6        6        6					                                            6        24
  149     MEDISPEC LTD                              6								                                                                   0         6
  100     Meditek Ltd                               8       8							                                                            0         16
  149     MEDITERRANEAN CARDIOLOGY			                                6						                                                    0         6
  149     Medpace Inc			                                             6						                                                    0         6
  15      Medscape Cardiology                      66       60       40       30       1        33        43		                 107       273
  13      Medtronic International Trading SARL      111     122      123      16       6        25        8         41         96        452
  11      MENARINI INTERNATIONAL                   157      133      130      56		              33        5         27         121       541
  84      MESI Medical		                                    6        7        7					                                            7        20
  58      Microlife AG                              6       7        8        7					                                            7        28
  69      MIDES GmbH                                6       6        6        6					                                            6        24
  111     Millar, Inc.			                                            6        6					                                            6         12
  103     MINDRAY BIO-MEDICAL EELEDTRONICS		                7        7						                                                    0         14
		        CO., LTD
  44      Mortara Instrument Inc                    12      11       14       13					                                           13       50
  10      MSD (Merck Sharp & Dohme)                121      157      183      40       18       66        47        31         202       663
  149     MyDiagnostick Medical                     6								                                                                   0         6

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