Bett 2017 - The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2017

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Bett 2017 - The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2017
Bett 2017

       The only secondary-specific guide to the
      exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2017

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Bett 2017 - The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2017

                                       Show organiser
                                       Debbie French
                                       welcomes us to Bett
                                                                                Bett 201
                                       2017, which takes
                                       place from January
                                       25 to 28, and
                                       provides an outline
                                       of what January’s
                                       show has in store to
                                       inspire and stimulate

                                            t is incredible to consider how
                                            few years ago it was that we
                                            had virtually no technology
                                       in schools. Today it quite simply
                                       touches everything we do.
                                          Whether the activity is
                                       about learning, administration,
                                       assessment, record-keeping,
                                       reporting or planning, technology
                                       will undoubtedly be a part of it –
                                       and when used effectively, it will
                                       improve it.
                                          And it is that “improvement” that
                                       is the foundation of Bett. You and
                                       your colleagues come to Bett to
                                       experience the latest game-changers      new products and services. Visitors
                                       in education. I use the term “game-      are therefore often the first ones to

     REASON NO. 1
                                       changer” because I believe that          have sight of these new resources.
                                       is exactly what Bett has become.            Furthermore, what is unique
                                       Each year we receive feedback            about Bett exhibitors is that they
                                       from visitors who have come to the       use the show to engage with their
                                       show and have found insight and          audience. They recognise that
     to offer on-screen assessments    the motivation to change the way
                                       they teach – to try different ideas
                                                                                product sales information is freely
                                                                                available online, but that what it
                                       and new techniques.                      is not possible to get online is the
                                          We work closely with the              in-depth discussion, personalised
                                       Department for Education (DfE),          advice and consultation.
        The technology provides        government agencies, subject                Bett provides this time for
                                       associations, awarding bodies,           companies to understand each
      examinations that are reliable   other influencers and of course          visitor’s unique requirements in
                                       teachers to ensure that Bett evolves     greater detail and provide tailored
           and measurable.             in line with the changing needs of       advice and ideas.
                                       the sector. Whatever new policy,            Whether it is having the
                                       initiative or guidelines educators are   time to gather advice from the
                                       faced with, Bett will undoubtedly        supplier themselves or whether it
                                       have a variety of solutions to           is meeting other teachers on the
                                       support the change.                      show floor to share experiences,
                                          Our team is very aware that for       the exhibitor stands have become
                                       most teaching professionals, taking      a forum for discussions on many
                                       a day out to attend an exhibition        different areas of learning.
                                       is a difficult decision to justify. So      For the exhibitors, it is not about
        To learn more, meet the IB     why do so many educators visit
                                       Bett every year? I would argue that
                                                                                the quantity of business leads
                                                                                generated, but the quality of the
                                       the main reason is the fact that Bett    conversations they have. The most
          at Stand B468 or visit       hasn’t actually been an “exhibition”
                                       for many years.
                                                                                common conversations at Bett are
                                                                                an exchange of thought, not sales             Traditional exhibitions are
                                       defined as a public display of
                                                                                – which is an unique aspiration for
                                                                                a trade show.
                                       products: a place where companies           Another major part of Bett is
                                       grab the attention of passing visitors   its shift to becoming a place to be
                                       to fulfil their lead-generation quota.   inspired by sector evangelists. At
                                          Bett couldn’t be more different.      the show, visitors can acquire high-
                                       More than 600 companies are              quality CPD free of charge.
                                       present at Bett with many using             Throughout Bett, the Learn Live
                                       their time at the show to launch         Arenas, the Bett Arena and the

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Bett 2017 - The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2017

17: Learning conversations
                                                                                                                 Bett Show top tips
                                                                                                                 • Unless you spend all week at Bett, it is unlikely that you
                                                                                                                   will get to see all the CPD sessions and exhibitors, so we
                                                                                                                   recommend that you use the Bett Show website, including
                                                                                                                   its criteria-based search engine, to pre-plan your visit. Visit
                                                                                                                 • Register for the show in advance on the Bett Show website.
                                                                                                                   This means you can walk straight in on arrival.
                                                                                                                 • Post-show planning is just as important as pre-show planning
                                                                                                                   – gather information and take the time to reflect with your
                                                                                                                   colleagues on what you saw at the show.
                                                                                                                 • Make the most of the BESA Information Point (stand B138)
                                                                                                                   – it is there to help you get the most from your visit and the
                                                                                                                   BESA staff can point you in the direction of the suppliers
                                                                                                                   addressing your areas of interest.
                                                                                                                 • Reserve a free seat for your chosen seminars in advance of
                                                                                Image: Jack Terry Photography

                                                                                                                   the show through the website.
                                                                                                                 • Take advantage of the networking opportunities that the
                                                                                                                   show provides – share ideas and source advice from peers.
                                                                                                                 • Last but not least, wear comfortable shoes!

                                                                                                                show is Bett Futures, back for a        criteria search engine to select the
                                                                                                                third year to showcase the latest       exhibitors that they want to meet
 School Leaders Summit all offer        STEAM Village will be presenting                                        edtech start-ups and innovative         with. Pre-planning your day or days
 free CPD delivered by outstanding      the latest initiatives and approaches                                   smaller companies. This year we         at Bett will ensure that you invest
 and influential speakers.              that are shaping education in                                           also have the Bett Futures seminar      your time well.
    The popular practitioner-led        the STEAM subjects – science,                                           theatre hosting sessions designed to
 Learn Live sessions run across all     technology, engineering, the arts                                       provoke debate and give practical       • Debbie French is the show
 four days of Bett and are designed     and mathematics.                                                        ideas (see pages 12 and 13).            organiser for Bett 2017.
 for primary, secondary and SEND           Key themes for 2017 include                                             While Bett and its seminar
 educators among others (some           “why STEAM as opposed to                                                programme are free of charge, I do      Further information
 of the secondary sessions are          STEM?”, “integrating a STEAM                                            recommend that you pre-register         You can register for your free entry
 previewed on pages 20 to 24).          approach into your everyday                                             online to save time on arrival. Also,   to Bett 2017, which takes place
    Whether you are struggling to       practice”, and “bridging the gap                                        be sure to book yourself onto your      from January 25 to 28, and reserve
 engage your students in the new        between education and industry”.                                        seminar sessions as these fill up       places at any of the seminars
 maths curriculum, you haven’t             Another popular area of the                                          quickly. Many visitors also use our     online. Visit
 had much success rolling out
 mobile devices across your school,      Bett Show facts and figures
 or you want to get parents more
 engaged in their child’s learning,      • The first ever Bett show was held in 1985 as the “Hi Technology and Computers in Education
 Bett’s CPD programme will                 Exhibition” at the Barbican Centre, London. Bett 2017 will be the 33rd show.
 offer something to help solve the       • A total of 34,676 people attended Bett in 2016, coming from 128 countries.
 challenges you are facing.              • Almost 600 companies who market to schools, colleges and education establishments will
    Elsewhere, the STEAM Village
 was new to Bett 2016 and will be
                                           exhibit at the show in 2017.
 back again in 2017 (see pages 8, 9      • The BBC has attended and filmed at every Bett since 2006.
 and 28). Through a series of panel      • The show floor space at ExCeL London equals that of 13 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
 discussions and live demos, the

  Contents: Bett Guide 2017
  Introductions                                       • The Bett Awards 2017:            Pages 14                                         • Careers connections                 Page 23
  • Introduction to Bett 2017        Pages 2 & 3     • Bett 2017 floorplan         Pages 16 & 17                                         • Behaviour trends                    Page 24
  • State of the ICT nation          Pages 4 & 5     • Selected exhibitor listings Pages 15 & 18                                         • Parental engagement                 Page 24
                                                                                                                                                                                               Cover image: Adobe Stock

  • Sponsor’s message                    Page 6
                                                      Learn Live CPD previews                                                              My Bett: Themed show guides
  Bett highlights and advice                          • Thinking skills                                                      Page 20      • Assessment                          Page 26
  • Bett Arena & other features:Pages 8 & 9          • Adventurous ICT                                                      Page 21      • SEND                                Page 27
  • Bett survival advice:          Page 10           • Insights into Finland                                                Page 21      • STEM                                Page 28
  • Bett Futures Zone        Pages 12 & 13           • Social media                                                         Page 22      • School leadership                   Page 30

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Bett 2017 - The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2017

When times are tight…
                                                    forecast a more than six per cent decline. This      better than in 2014, when
As Bett 2017 approaches,                            comes after a period of substantial growth in        60 per cent of primary
schools continue to face                            terms of ICT spending.                               school teachers needed
                                                       During times of uncertainty, the natural          training, a majority
financial constraints and tight                     reaction is to rein in expenditure and batten
                                                    down the hatches. But the schools that will
                                                                                                         – 51 per cent –
                                                                                                         still do today. In
budgets. Patrick Hayes                              flourish during the coming period of belt-           secondary schools
                                                    tightening are those that innovate instead,          the situation is
from the British Educational                        finding new ways of using edtech in the              better, but
                                                    classroom that is more cost-effective, and           36 per cent of
Suppliers Association gives us                      finding ways to make better use of the               all secondary
                                                    technology that is already there.                    school
his ‘state of the ICT nation’                          Elsewhere, one of the positive things that        teachers are

                                                    has emerged from BESA’s recently published           still deemed to
        he past year has seen a huge amount of      annual ICT in Schools report is the finding          be in need of
        change in the UK, from the Brexit vote to   that the poor broadband connectivity that has        training.
        a new prime minister.                       blighted schools is set to improve.                     An emerging
   As ever, there have been equally turbulent          While only 44 per cent of primary schools         area of training
times in education, with new curricula, new         say they are currently well-resourced with           need is around
exams, a changing assessment landscape and          broadband, this is set to rise by 18 percentage      e-safety. On
more – all while the real-terms cuts to frontline   points in 2017. In secondary schools,                average, around
education budgets have also started to bite.        penetration is now edging ever-closer to 100 per     half of the teachers
   It is no surprise then that the “barometers”     cent. No longer is it the case in many schools       in the research say they
that we at the British Educational Suppliers        that the ideal piece of tech cannot be used          need help in this area – extrapolated, this
Association (BESA) undertake to show                because the infrastructure isn’t up to scratch.      could amount to more than 250,000 teachers
projected headteacher spending are now                 Training remains a major issue, however. We       nationwide.
displaying some of the most concerning findings     are all aware of the transformative potential of        Indeed, when schools are asked what
since the recession.                                using edtech in assessment, for example. But         their biggest IT challenge is over the next 12
   Primary school headteachers say they forecast    if teachers don’t know how to use assessment         months, training teachers in using ICT comes
a three per cent decline in IT expenditure, and     solutions, then no change in attainment will         top, even ahead of securing funds (in second
the picture is worse in secondary schools, which    result. And while the situation is certainly         place). So when engaging with suppliers at

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            GCSE products for
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      Visit our website for your FREE online trial!                            01623 413 333

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Bett 2017 - The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2017

Bett, do ensure that you ask about how your                                  classroom, it is paramount that it is having the          Spent wisely, this could have a big impact
staff can get fully trained and versed in using                              transformational impact that it has the potential      that could boost both pupils’ attainment at

the products on show.                                                        to deliver.                                            school and their future career prospects.
   Sourcing effective digital content comes
                       third in the list of schools’
                         priorities. Our members
                              at BESA are aware
                                                                                IT budgets remain substantial – around
                                of this challenge
                                    and have been
                                                                               £60,000 for an average secondary school.
                                       doing a lot of
                                        work looking                         Spent wisely, this could have a big impact that
                                         at how to
                                         measure                             could boost both pupils’ attainment at school

                                        the impact
                                          of digital
                                                                                    and their future career prospects
                                           exploring                            When walking through the halls at Bett this            The world’s leading education show, Bett
                                           the myriad                        year, do ensure you speak to your existing             is at the cutting-edge of developments in the
                                           of options                        suppliers about the training they provide to           field. Spending a day or two engaging in the
                                            during                           ensure teachers in your school make full use of        many free CPD sessions, the on-stand talks and
                                            the Bett                         the edtech you currently have.                         training, talking to peers from other schools that
                                           Show,                                Do also take a look at the Bett Futures Zone,       are facing the same challenges as you, as well
                                                        Image: Adobe Stock

                                          look for                           which is packed full of innovative new suppliers       as the many suppliers at the show will almost
                                        companies                            – many run by former teachers – who are                certainly pay dividends for your school.
                                      that display                           developing new ways of using tech to help drive           At a time when schools are tightening their
                                      the BESA                               up educational standards.                              belts, the solution is to innovate, and there is no
                                    logo, and                                   This year, Bett Futures is bigger than ever         better place to gain inspiration for innovative
                              they will, I’m sure,                           and you might just find among the stalls some          edtech practices than at Bett 2017.
     happily discuss this with you.                                          solutions to challenges that your school is
   Our research shows that there has been a                                  facing. I can guarantee that you will also find it     • Patrick Hayes is the director of the British
steady increase in the amount of time pupils                                 an exhilarating experience (see pages 12 and 13        Educational Suppliers Association (BESA). Visit
spend exposed to edtech in the classroom. In                                 for more on this zone).                      
primary schools, this now stands at 54 per cent                                 Despite the cutbacks, our research shows that
of the time in an average week. In secondary                                 IT budgets remain substantial – around £60,000         Further information
schools, it is 56 per cent.                                                  for an average secondary school and £14,000            BESA will be operating the Bett Show 2017
   Given the centrality of edtech in the                                     for an average primary.                                Information Point on stand B138.

      Distributing mobile devices - save 70 Advertorial
      hours each year per cart with LocknCharge
      There are plenty of advantages of using mobile devices in the                                             For under £900, the Joey 30 Cart allows schools to utilise the
      classroom, but it brings a new responsibility to time strapped                                             education-focused designs that LocknCharge is known for, at a
      teachers to assure devices are ready to use for instruction.                                                   more entry level price. The Joey Cart can charge, store and
                                                                                                                       transport up to 30 of almost any mobile device. The Joey
      LocknCharge focuses on making the management of                                                                  will also be available in a 40 unit design.
      devices far easier for both teachers and IT staff and at
      BETT, visitors can experience their latest storage and                                                             LocknCharge recognizes that not all schools are the same,
      charging solutions, many of which include their                                                                    and the Joey carts have been designed with this in mind.
      signature Baskets.                                                                                                Schools only need to pay for the features they need, with
                                                                                                                         a clever ‘bolt on’ system. Customizable features include
      Deploying mobile devices with LocknCharge’s unique                                                                  LocknCharge’s unique and innovative baskets, which
      basket system saves up to 70 hours of class time each                                                              keep devices safe during deployment and allow a few
      year per 30 unit cart, compared to traditional cabinet style                                                      students to distribute an entire cart’s worth of devices in
      carts. Baskets by LocknCharge make device deployments faster and                                  a fraction of the time.
      safer, so that teachers and IT administrators can focus on creating an
      engaging learning environment.                                                                    What’s more, if you stop by the stand, take a selfie with the Joey 30 cart,
                                                                                                        tweet it and tag #WinAJoey you could win one for your school!
      Appreciating that budget is a genuine concern for many schools who do
      not want to compromise on choosing the right cart or charging station,
      LocknCharge has developed a new range of cost effective products. On
      stand F380, LocknCharge is launching the new                                                       Watch how LocknCharge can save up to 2 hours per week at:
      Joey 30 and 40 mobile device charging and storage carts.                                 

SecEd                                                                                                                                                                                5
Bett 2017 - The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2017

Assessment and technology
Technology is allowing us
to ensure that assessment
in education is relevant
to today’s world. Adrian
Kearney from the
International Baccalaureate
explains how

          lobally, students have unlimited access
          to information and entertainment, via
          the latest apps and gadgets, throughout
their education and in their free time. Technology
and connectivity are having a dramatic impact
on schools, and revolutionising good practice for
teaching and learning.

                                                                                                                                                              Image: Jack Terry Photography
   It is now unusual for schools not to provide
students with access to a range of devices, and
progressive schools are developing innovative
ways to integrate technology in many aspects of
day-to-day teaching – from online collaboration
with peers or subject matter experts in other
locations, to better involving parents in their
children’s learning.
   Modern technology also offers educators a         which offer students little opportunity to exhibit   Engaged: Students taking part in a
variety of new tools, processes and resources,       the depth of their learning in context, their        presentation in the Bett Arena during
which can be used inside and outside of the          creative and critical-thinking, or the breadth of    last year’s show
classroom, to allow teachers to track and assess     their imaginations.
their students’ performance throughout the              These one-dimensional assessments only test       of content more easily accessible to students:
academic year.                                       students on a narrow range of skills, and reveal     digital design makes it possible for students to
   It seems surprising, therefore, that technology   very little about what today’s technology-savvy      engage with images, visual texts, videos and
has not been integrated to the same extent in        students know, and are able to do.                   animations; on-screen tools support candidates
educational assessment processes – particularly         It is important that educational assessments      working in a language that may not be their
in the UK’s GCSE and A level examinations.           should measure applied and contextual                first or best language; and adaptive technologies
   More often than not, examination boards           knowledge – not just what has been learned by        ensure that the examinations are accessible to
utilise a bank of questions that are either          rote – to significantly increase the relevance of    students with special needs.
multiple-choice or “fill in the blank” style,        test results.                                           As the education sector continues to catch
                                                        Students themselves, teachers, higher             up with the rapid pace of technological

                                                     education establishments and future employers        advancements seen at home and in the
                                                     alike benefit from understanding not only what       workplace, examination boards must work
     It is important                                 students know on a given examination date,
                                                     but also their aptitude and ways of learning and
                                                                                                          together to understand and develop assessment
                                                                                                          models that measure what, we predict, will
                                                     working, as learners, and as citizens of local,      matter in tomorrow’s world.
   that educational                                  national and global communities.                        We are only now beginning to unleash
                                                        Taking the initiative to lead the change in       the power of technology to promote more
  assessments should                                 assessment, the International Baccalaureate has      meaningful assessment and better learning, but it
                                                     launched a new electronic model for assessing        is a really exciting place to start.
 measure applied and                                 students’ achievements in its Middle Years
                                                     Programme (MYP), which includes a new                • Adrian Kearney is director of IB World
                                                     on-screen examination process.
contextual knowledge                                    The new eAssessment model is taken by
                                                                                                          Schools, International Baccalaureate.

                                                     16-year-olds upon completion of the MYP              Further information
  – not just what has                                and pushes students to go beyond the rote            • At Bett 2017, representatives from the IB
                                                     memorisation of content; just 25 per cent of the       will be demonstrating its new innovative
    been learned by                                  assessment is based explicitly on knowledge
                                                     and understanding – the rest focuses on inquiry,
                                                                                                            on-screen examinations which offer a media-
                                                                                                            rich immersive assessment experience
 rote – to significantly                             communication and critical-thinking skills.
                                                        Technology facilitates every step of the
                                                                                                            for the authentic assessment of skills and
                                                                                                            knowledge. The session takes place at 3:45pm
                                                     MYP eAssessment delivery, providing                    on Wednesday, January 25, in the Learn Live
increase the relevance                               examinations that are valid and reliable,              Secondary Arena.

                                                     manageable and measurable.                           • For more on the IB, visit
     of test results                                    The greatest impact of the technology,              or at Bett come and speak to the team on
                                                     however, is its impact on making a broader range       stand B468.

6                                                                                                                                                   SecEd
Bett 2017 - The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2017
         to offer on-screen assessments
Students and teachers benefit from understanding not only
 what the students know on a given examination date but
            their aptitude and ways of learning.

         To learn more, meet the IB at Stand B468
             or visit
Bett 2017 - The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2017

Headliners at Bett
Bett is defined by a number of key features throughout                                             Headline speakers: There was often
                                                                                                   standing room only in the Bett Arena
its four days – from the headline presentations of the                                             during the 2016 show – the feature is
                                                                                                   expected to be a popular attraction
Bett Arena to the STEAM Village, Learn Live CPD and Bett                                           once again in 2017

Futures Zone. We look at these key features for 2017                                               a serious career? What can be done to build
                                                                                                   stronger links with the education sector? A
                                                                                                   panel of leading women from the creative
The Bett Arena                                    – classrooms, schools, districts and even        sector will gather to discuss the issues they
The 2017 Bett Arena will host educators           countries. HundrED, a collaborative, global      face and to explore potential solutions.
from across the globe, who will present on        project aims to determine how the next 100
the show’s centre stage across all four days.     years of education should look to make it        David Faulkner, founder at Education
The arena aims to offer visitors a mix of         relevant, exciting and fit for the needs of an   Changemakers (5:30pm to 6:15pm): Six
practical advice and educational inspiration.     increasingly globalised world. At its heart,     start-ups from the Bett Futures Zone 2017
Below we preview some of the speakers who         the project empowers teachers to share           cohort face some of the greatest names in
will be taking to the stage and the topics they   their innovations and helps them to spread       education and technology. Which of them
will be discussing.                               to schools across the world. Over the past       will survive the encounter and which one will
                                                  several months, HundrED has been searching       receive, based on the audience vote, the title
Wednesday, January 25                             for exciting, inspiring innovations that are     of Bett 2017’s “One to Watch”?
Maarit Rossi and Kazaya Takahashi                 already changing the face of education
(2:30pm to 3:15pm): What does it take to          globally. In this session, they will explore     Thursday, January 26
become a world-class teacher? These two           why it is that changes struggle to spread,       Ed Stafford, explorer at Discovery
Global Teacher Prize 2016 top 10 finalists        and share insights on how to embed new           (11:30am to 12:15pm): Renowned
will be discussing what, in their view, makes     practices and approaches successfully. To do     adventurer, explorer and broadcaster, Ed
a world-class teacher.                            this, Saku will give examples and announce       Stafford, shares his view on why the spirit of
                                                  HundrEd’s first 10 worldwide innovations.        exploring is so important in today’s world.
Saku Tuominen, founder of HundrED,
and Kate Robinson, editor in chief at             Karen Blackett, chair at Mediacom,               Professor Stephen Heppell, CEO at
HundrED (3:30pm to 4pm): The world                and Elspeth Finch, founder at Indigo&   (1:30pm to 2:15pm): Don’t
is changing faster than ever. Education is        (4:30pm to 5:15pm): The creative industries      sweat the orders from above, renowned
struggling to keep up. In many areas, the         have become a global powerhouse, one that        educationalist Stephen Heppell shares
field is in need of massive change, but           increasingly requires STEAM talent. How          stories of some transformational bottom-
implementing new methods and innovations          can the sector achieve gender parity and         up projects making an impact in today’s
is difficult as the sector operates in silos      remove the reputation that it does not offer     educational landscape.

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Bett 2017 - The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2017
Images: Jack Terry Photography

                                 Ger Graus, education director at Kidzania          Sir Ken Robinson (4:30pm to 5:15pm):             techniques that educators can take away
                                 (3:30pm to 4:15pm): Facts, thoughts and            Entitled, Creative schools: The grassroots       and implement in their own classrooms.
                                 aspirations about a careers curriculum fit for     revolution that’s transforming education, Sir    The sessions will take place across the
                                 the 21st century and its children.                 Ken’s keynote is sure to inspire teachers,       four days of Bett under five themes in five
                                                                                    parents and policy-makers alike to rethink       different arenas – primary, secondary, higher
                                 Sir Tony Robinson, actor and TV presenter          the real value and purpose of education. After   education, SEND, and further education and
                                 at Discovery (5:30pm to 6:15pm): Actor,            all, as Sir Ken pointed out at Bett 2015, “our   skills. Previews of a handful of secondary
                                 historian and “national treasure”, Sir Tony        job is not to teach the national curriculum,     Learn Live sessions can be found on pages
                                 will explain why he believes learning needs        it’s to teach our children”.                     20 to 24 and some SEND sessions are listed
                                 to be brought to life to be most effective. He                                                      on page 27.
                                 will also share insights into his work with        Saturday, January 28
                                 Discovery in the education arena.                  Professor Stephen Heppell, CEO at                School Leaders Summit
                                                                           (10:30am to 11:15am):                The School Leaders Summit also returns to
                                 Friday, January 27                                 Education policy changes are announced so        Bett for 2017, with the leadership sessions
                                 Eric Sheninger, senior fellow at the               frequently that progress should be meteoric,     now broken into two streams. Stream 1
                                 International Center for Leadership                surely? But it isn’t, is it? If technology is    will focus on challenges, innovation and
                                 in Education in New York (10:30am to               to keep on making learning better, in the        the future of education, probing some
                                 11:15pm): Awe is a huge component of               way we have seen throughout the life of          of the biggest challenges facing senior
                                 life – it’s hardwired in our brains. When          Bett, then it needs to be happening from the     school leaders today. Stream 2 will address
                                 we experience the sensation of awe, we are         bottom up. Luckily, there is much that can be    the practical and business challenges of
                                 consumed by wonder, relevancy, emotion,            done in families, by parents and guardians,      leadership in education, making it especially
                                 engagement, inspiration, and real-world            and children, to bring learning alive. This      relevant for school business managers and
                                 connections. Awe is a driving force for            talk explores what is possible and what is       other members of the senior leadership team.
                                 learning that will not just benefit our students   happening today.                                 For full details, including selected seminar
                                 now, but also well into their future. However,                                                      listings, see page 30.
                                 the traditional views and functions of school      Zach Shelby, CEO at micro:bit foundation
                                 deprive many students from experiencing            (2:30pm to 3:15pm): Zach will talk about         STEAM Village
                                 the joy and power of awe as a catalyst for         micro:bit a year since its launch to one         Following its success in 2016, the STEAM
                                 meaningful learning. During this keynote,          million young people in the UK, where the        (science, technology, engineering, art and
                                 Eric will share innovative, research-based         diminutive device has had an impressive          mathematics) Village will play host to a
                                 practices that you can implement to bring          impact. Now, it is being launched around the     number of companies and other organisations
                                 back a sense of awe to learning.                   globe and Zach will share his vision for the     supporting learning in the STEAM subjects.
                                                                                    future of micro:bit.                             It will also host a range of presentations and
                                 Heston Blumenthal, celebrity chef                                                                   demonstrations. For more information on this
                                 (1:30pm to 2:15pm): Heston’s session               Learn Live CPD                                   popular Bett feature as well as listings for
                                 is intriguingly entitled: Is the answer to         The Learn Live CPD seminars at Bett are          some of the range of STEM exhibitors to be
                                 question everything? Creativity offers us          practitioner-led lectures and workshops          found at Bett, see page 28.
                                 the opportunity to explore and discover.           addressing a range of issues from classroom
                                 Children – and teachers – should not be            advice to whole-school challenges.               Further information
                                 afraid to ask questions or to fail. If you           With leading speakers from across all          For full listings of presentations and seminars
                                 question nothing you lose the essence of           walks of the education sector, these sessions    at Bett 2017, visit
                                 what it is to be human.                            are designed to provide practical ideas and      content/bett-seminar-agenda

                                 SecEd                                                                                                                                           9
Bett 2017 - The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2017

Attending Bett can be an
exhausting experience given
the size and scale of the
                                                  Bett survival guide
show. We ask some seasoned
Bett exhibitors to offer their
advice on how you can make
the most of your time there

      or those of you who haven’t been to
      Bett before, it is important to take on
      board as much advice as possible in
order to make the most from your time at the
show. As such, we have asked a number of
seasoned Bett-goers for their top tips.
Austin Booth (Flex Assessment)
• Plan your visit. Bett is huge, so it is vital
  that you plan who you want to see – not
  just the speakers on the various stages but
  also companies that are offering products
  and services you are interested in!
• Work out what you want to ask. You will
  have one or one or two things you want
  to find out about. Research different

                                                                                                                                                       Image: Jack Terry Photography
  companies and find out how they differ,
  then plan what questions you can ask.
• Be open to ideas. You will be able to learn
  about concepts and ideas that you might
  not be aware of. Often these ideas can
  come from the new start-up companies that
  are exhibiting. Be prepared to look around.
• Look for networking opportunities:
  introduce yourself to people around you in        Bett all day, but your pedometer will give          and visit with a definite plan of action
  the seminars and coffee bars.                     you a glow of pride and a reason to tuck            in mind.
• Wear comfortable shoes – you’ll do a lot          into a large slice of cake and hot chocolate.   •   Preparation, preparation, preparation: there
  of walking!                                     • Do chat to other people at the phone                is so much to see and do that it is easy to

                                                    charging point if you go there – it’s where         miss lots of things that you would have
                                                    people are forced to lift their heads from          liked to have seen. It is essential to plan,
                                                    technology as they have run out of battery,         plan and plan again. The Bett website
     If you simply                                  so have a retro return to the 90s and have a        and magazines will help with this. And
                                                    little chat with someone – you never know           if you’re travelling to London, it is even
    amble around,                                   who you might meet.                                 more important that you organise your day
                                                  • Use the Bett app to line up all the events          in advance. Most visitors underestimate the
 picking up brochure                                and seminars you want to attend; it is
                                                    really handy to track where you are
                                                                                                        scale of the event held at ExCeL London
                                                                                                        and fail to maximise their time there as
                                                    meant to be.                                        a result.
  after brochure and                              • I’m from the North, so I am bold as brass       •   Tap the app: remember to download the
                                                    and say “hello” to people in the queues             Bett app. It allows you to plan routes and
 don’t ask exhibitors                               (and there are queues) for the coffee shops         will save you valuable time needlessly
                                                    in the entrance area. I know it’s not quite         roaming the venue trying to find a stand.
 questions, you won’t                               the done thing sometimes, however I think       •   Get involved: if you simply amble around,
                                                    life is about the interactions we have,             picking up brochure after brochure and
  get any real value                                so the more the merrier. Queues could               don’t ask exhibitors questions, you won’t

                                                    generally be much more interesting if we            get any real value out of the show. Engage
                                                    have a chat while we’re in them about               with the people on the stands. If you spot
   out of the show                                  what we are there for, whether it                   something of interest, you can ask an
                                                    is a cappuccino or a solution for homework          exhibitor to email you a brochure or quote
                                                    – who knows what a brave conversation               after the show. You’ll be surprised how
Dinah Turner (Stepping into Business)               may unearth.                                        much literature you can accumulate in a
• Wear something comfortable with layers,                                                               single day.
  so when it is freezing outside you are fine,    Simon Smith (Capita SIMS)                         •   Remember your comfy shoes: sensible
  and when you are boiling in a packed            • Why are you visiting Bett? To make the              shoes are an absolute must. Bring water
  seminar session you won’t feel too                most of the show, before you visit, think           and a packed lunch with you to avoid
  much like a leftover Christmas pudding            about your school’s development priorities.         queuing for lunch too. And if it is not too
  being steamed!                                    Then check out the Bett website to see              cold, leave the heavy winter coat at home
• Comfortable shoes – and your app for              which exhibitors can provide you with               as you will waste precious time at the
  recording your steps! Your feet will tell         the technology that matches your school’s           start and end of your day in the queue for
  you that you have been running around             requirements. This way you can save time            the cloakroom.

10                                                                                                                                          SecEd
Organised by:
                                                                                                          BOOK BY 21ST DECEMBER
                                                                                                         FOR EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT

7th National Conference
The Pupil Premium & Ofsted:
Ensuring Successful Outcomes
A SecEd & Headteacher Update conference
3 March 2017 The Gallery, The NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT
 One-day programme
9:00-9:25       Registration, refreshments and exhibition viewing              1.00-2.00       Lunch and exhibition viewing

9:25-9:30       Welcome & introduction
                Pete Henshaw, editor SecEd & Headteacher Update
                                                                               2.00-2.50       WORKSHOP SESSION 2
                                                                                           A   EARLY YEARS & KEY STAGE 1: A pick & mix of Pupil
9.30-10.45      KEYNOTE 1: Identifying and understanding the many,                             Premium interventions for pupils aged 4 to 9
                varied and significant social barriers that impede the
                                                                                               Claire Oaten, Headteacher and Andrea Jones, Deputy
                life chances of Pupil Premium students
                                                                                               Headteacher, Greenfylde Church of England First School,
                Graham Moore, former teacher, co-founder and director,
                                                                                               Ilminster, Somerset
                Humanutopia, with KS2 and KS4 students
                                                                                           B   PRIMARY: Successful Pupil Premium interventions
10.45-11.05     Refreshments & exhibition viewing
                                                                                               and impact measurements
11.05-12.05     KEYNOTE 2: The Pupil Premium: what Ofsted looks for                            Helen Frostick, National Leader of Education, Headteacher,
                Lorna Fitzjohn HMI, Regional Director for the West Midlands,                   St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary School, Richmond, London
                                                                                           C   SECONDARY: A strategic Pupil Premium approach:
                                                                                               practical interventions, evaluation, Ofsted
12.10-1.00      WORKSHOP SESSION 1                                                             preparation and the role of governors
            A   CROSS-PHASE: How to identify and remove key                                    Phil Denton, Assistant Headteacher, Edmund Arrowsmith RC
                social barriers that dictate youth culture and how to                          High School, Wigan
                empower young people to rise above them in order to
                fulfil potential                                               2.50-3.10       Refreshments & exhibition viewing
                Graham Moore, former teacher, co-founder and director,
                Humanutopia, with KS2 and KS4 students
                                                                               3.10-4.00       WORKSHOP SESSION 3
            B   PRIMARY: The role of parental accountability with
                Pupil Premium strategy and how this impacts                                A   PRIMARY: session title and speaker to be confirmed
                positively on all children
                                                                                           B   SECONDARY: Reporting the Pupil Premium: Who
                Donna Chambers, Headteacher and Michelle Bates, Deputy
                Headteacher, Greasley Beauvale Primary, Nottinghamshire                        needs to know what?
                                                                                               Clare Mills, Future Leaders facilitator, teacher and school
            C   SECONDARY: The importance of careers and                                       leader
                enterprise encounters, information and support in
                unlocking pupil potential                                                  C   SECONDARY: Pupil Premium: proven intervention
                Alastair Falk, Head of Education, Careers and Enterprise                       strategies for improving pupil progress and how to
                Company, London
                                                                                               demonstrate their impact for Ofsted
            D   CROSS-PHASE: DATA: Identifying, analysing and                                  Matt Bromley, education consultant, SecEd writer, author,
                presenting Pupil Premium data                                                  experienced secondary education leader, Derbyshire
                Anu Monga, Deputy Headteacher, St Paul’s School for Girls,
                Birmingham                                                     4.00            Close of conference

                Call +44 (0)207 501 6343 or visit

A glimpse of the future...
After just two years, Bett
Futures has become one of
the most popular parts of
Bett. Back for its third year, we
preview the zone for 2017

        platform designed to nurture emerging
        edtech start-ups, Bett Futures is
        returning for a third year following its
launch in 2015. The aim is to showcase new and
developing edtech companies that promise to be
game-changers in years to come.
   There are now more than 60 exhibitors and at
Bett 2017 you will find the newest and smallest
start-ups in the dedicated Bett Futures Zone.
Other edtech start-ups that are slightly further
along in their development can then be found
out on the main show floor (with Bett Futures

                                                                                                                                                             Image: Adobe Stock
branding). We preview a selection here.
123GO! was developed to help with CPD.
Using a “Look, Learn, Try, Earn” structure,
schools and businesses can take any content,       Century Tech                                          students with personalised learning paths
break it up into bite-sized chunks, add a          Students access a range of multi-modal learning       according to their level, pace and needs
checklist and challenge, and reward progress       material via CENTURY and complete quizzes             (stand G19).
and mastery with badges (Bett Futures Zone).       after each topic. In turn, it provides constructive
                                                   feedback that encourages a growth mindset             Drawp for School
ANT                                                approach (stand F60).                                 A workflow management platform with
The concept of ANT products is to combine                                                                built-in design tools, patented swipe-to-share
brain training and motivational strategies to      Coo                                                   collaboration and unlimited cloud storage for
build fluency in literacy and numeracy. The        Coo has been designed to boost parental               teachers and students (stand E52).
ANT Maths App, Numberella and Go Poet!             engagement. It is a free app created by two
are all based on researched theory (Bett           Harvard-educated parents (Bett Futures Zone).         Drum Roll HQ
Futures Zone).                                                                                           Erase all Kittens (E.A.K.) is a game that makes
                                                   Creoqode                                              learning real-life coding languages fun. The
Artsmiths                                          Creoqode 2048 is a DIY kit that allows users to       web-based platform has been designed for
Visitors to the Artsmiths stand will see how       build their games console and create their own        students aged eight to 14 (Bett Futures Zone).
its Scribeasy app offers an effective method       video games while learning about coding
of helping students who do not naturally lean      (stand G362).                                         eaware
towards literacy (Bett Futures Zone).                                                                    Eaware is a provider of cyber-awareness
                                                   Cuppla Technology                                     programs with a focus on assessing the
Astute Digital Solutions                           Cuppla is a digital classroom and Mobile              vulnerability of minors. The eaware assessment
Astute’s REF-N-WRITE tool is inspired              Device Management solution that builds a base         service provides a reading of the vulnerability
by the problems faced by its founder while         for focused and safe mobile education (Bett           of children operating online and offers schools
writing scientific papers. REF-N-WRITE is a        Futures Zone).                                        and parents guidance and remediation solutions
Microsoft Word add-in that allows users to pull                                                          (stand E93).
information across hundreds of user-selected       CxD (Child Experience Design)
documents (Bett Futures Zone).                     Hopspots is a new interactive learning tool,          Emile Education
                                                   offering 12 wireless spots which are distributed      Emile Education’s Cyber Coach combines
Beam Riders                                        in or outside the classroom. Pupils jump on the       the teaching of maths with French or English,
This is a cloud-based solution that enhances       spots to provide input to a range of games (Bett      creating an exciting way to learn these subjects
the learning process of new information,           Futures Zone).                                        (Bett Futures Zone).
languages, motoric and cognitive skills by
using cutting-edge neuroscience, neuro-            Dinantia                                              Evied
feedback, and cognitive psychology techniques      Dinantia is an all-in-one communication               Flex Assessment takes the pain out of Question
(Bett Futures Zone).                               tool that allows schools and teachers to send         Level Analysis of any test or mock exam.
                                                   unlimited messages to parents’ and students’          Students can reflect on their performance and
Centric Learning                                   SmartPhones, in real time, without sharing any        enter their own assessment data (stand F452).
HERO is a revolutionary project-based              phone numbers (Bett Futures Zone).
Digital Learning Environment: coupled with a                                                             Explain Everything
curriculum that works to develop learners’ real-   Domoscio                                              Explain Everything is a design, screen-
world, 21st century problem-solving skills         A French edtech startup specialising in big data      casting and interactive whiteboard tool with
(stand B80).                                       for learning. “Adaptive Learning” provides            real-time collaboration that lets you record,

12                                                                                                                                                  SecEd

collaborate and explore ideas, knowledge and        questions anonymously, and safely share             vocabulary learning and grammar practice (Bett
understanding (stand C478).                         concerns (Bett Futures Zone).                       Futures Zone).
FindEd                                              Mentorina                                           Trackit Lights
FindEd enables schools to connect directly with     The adaptive Mentorina learning platform is         Based on the traffic lights behaviour
teachers looking for a job and also to receive      focused on assessing students and giving real-      management methods, Trackit Lights is an app
immediate feedback from suitable potential          time feedback, using an intelligent tutor agent     for the interactive whiteboard and is free
candidates (stand F103).                            that teachers create and customise (stand H89).     (stand G369).
Grofar                                              Pinemarten Education                                Video Enhanced Observation (VEO)
Grofar is designed to improve the careers           SmartRubric is a curriculum-agnostic platform       A video-tagging app and system in which
service in schools and raise student aspirations.   for creating, sharing and using interactive         teachers and students record and tag key
Grofar manages all the complicated processes        rubrics to evaluate student work. Its rubrics       moments of activity, creating easily searchable
performed by school careers services (Bett          capture formative assessment data as teachers       and shareable portfolios of practice (Bett
Futures Zone).                                      mark (Bett Futures Zone).                           Futures Zone).
Handy Little Modules – ChickBot Club                Revisio                                             Zzish
ChickBot is a practical, affordable and effective   Revisio is a web app that prepares students for     A data-driven app platform that turns
learning tool that goes beyond just being a         their GCSE exams and gives them on-going            educational apps into classroom tools for
robot, allowing add-ons that provide a whole        feedback on how well-prepared they really are       formative assessment (stand E46).
platform for inventing with physical computing      (stand G355).
(Bett Futures Zone).                                                                                    Further information
                                                    RoboTerra                                           These are some of the more than 60 Bett
iSchool Solutions                                   RoboTerra’s robotics kits and software are          Futures exhibitors. Full listings can be found on
iSchool is a software package that monitors,        designed to inspire creativity and motivate         the Bett website at
records and reports on safeguarding and other       students to learn about science, while
welfare issues. It works in line with a school’s    providing a foundation for tech-driven careers
existing safeguarding policy (stand F109).          (stand E440).                                        Bett Futures: Presentations
                                                                                                         The Bett Futures area has its own
Interactive Scientific                              Robotix                                              seminar theatre and will feature relevant
Nano Simbox tackles misconceptions and              Robotix has created PHIRO, a robotics and            CPD and discussion sessions, innovation
improves access to science learning using a         coding platform to inspire young engineers           showcases, ‘product pitch’ sessions, and
story-telling narrative (Bett Futures Zone).        and to strengthen important STEAM skills
                                                    (stand A432).                                        other presentations. Highlights include:
Kano                                                                                                     • Panel discussion: The best apps to
Kano empowers curious minds to build their          Simply Do Ideas                                        use with the equipment your school
own computers before using code to create art,      Simply Do Ideas is a web-based platform, built         probably already has. Chaired by
games, music and more (stand G451).                 on top of tried and tested techniques in order to      Caroline Wright, BESA (3:25pm on
                                                    effectively teach enterprise and entrepreneurship      Wednesday, January 25).
Kapture 8                                           (Bett Futures Zone).                                 • Getting to know you: Showcase
A creative learning platform and app that                                                                  sessions from emerging edtech start-
allows learners to record their learning journeys   Studentnomic
through a variety of different media, giving        A school to student communication platform             ups (12:05pm on Wednesday, January
teachers an immediate and broad view of their       that aims to simplify the revision and learning        25; 12:20pm on Thursday, January 26;
progress (stand C480).                              process and helps schools to effectively               1:15pm on Friday, January 27).
                                                    communicate and engage with their learners           • Adaptive learning: Why, how,
Learning by Questions                               (Bett Futures Zone).                                   what? Benoit Praly, founder & CTO,
Learning by Questions improves the efficiency                                                              Domoscio (1:30pm on Thursday,
of learning in classrooms using question            Studytracks                                            January 26).
sets with immediate feedback, insight and           An app that turns revision material into lyrics      • Student panel: Ingredients for an
intervention (stand H70).                           and places them into a variety of musical tracks.
                                                    It is aimed at students studying for their GCSEs,      outstanding lesson, featuring students
Markit!!                                            AS and A level exams (Bett Futures Zone).              from Wildern School (2:30pm on
A website that helps students tackle exam-style                                                            Friday, January 27).
questions with timely and relevant feedback.        Teacher Portfolio                                    • Empowering students to take better
As a result, STEM subjects become more about        Teacher Portfolio supports teachers to showcase        informed career decisions. Antony
thinking, deductive reasoning and logic (Bett       their teaching abilities, evidence proficiencies       Jinman, Polar explorer and founder
Futures Zone).                                      and track CPD (Bett Futures Zone).                     of LiketoBe (3:50pm on Friday,
MathSpire                                           TeachPitch (As We Grow)                                January 27).
MathSpire provides software courses for             A cloud-based platform that helps teachers and       • Case study: Strategies to improve
A level maths. In line with the new curriculum,     schools to discover and manage the best online         parent awareness. Antonio Mariconda,
it is based on building an understanding of each    learning resources (Bett Futures Zone).                Highover School (11:15am, Saturday,
mathematical concept and how it can be applied                                                             January 28).
(Bett Futures Zone).                                Tech Camp                                            • Morning keynote: Ross McGill
                                                    The Robot Starter Kit is easy to use and rugged.       (@Teachertoolkit) shares his insights
Maze Education                                      Based on a drag-and-drop system, the core              on social media analytics (11:45am,
Maze Education’s solutions ensure that school       module can be programmed using a USB cable             Saturday, January 28).
leaders’ time is freed up to concentrate on what    from PCs, Macs and Linux computers (Bett
is happening in the classroom (stand G182).         Futures Zone).
                                                                                                         Details correct at the time of going to press
MeeTwo Education                                    TheLanguageApp                                       but subject to change. For full details of the
MeeTwo is a digital solution to provide             TheLanguageApp provides a series of free             Bett Futures Zone presentations, visit www.
teenagers with a supportive, moderated              Windows 10 apps designed to assist students
community where they can ask awkward                with their pronunciation, memory techniques,

SecEd                                                                                                                                                    13

The Bett Awards 2017
The Bett Award finalists are                         ClickView Interactive Videos (ClickView);          Discovering Antarctica (Royal Geographical
                                                     Clicker 7 (Crick Software); NEO LMS (Cypher        Society – with IBG).
always worth a visit during the                      Learning); Firefly (Firefly Learning); Just2easy
                                                     Toolsuite (Just2easy); Pobble (Pobble); SMART      Educational Apps: Andrew Brodie Let’s do
show, with the winners due                           Learning Suite (SMART Technologies).               Spelling Apps (Bloomsbury Education); Busy
                                                                                                        Water (Edoki Academy); Word Creativity
to be unveiled on the opening                        ICT Tools for Learning, Teaching and               Kit – Creative writing for kids (Gebo Kano);
                                                     Assessment (Whole School): Boxlight                Raz-Plus via the Kids A-Z app (Learning A-Z);
day of Bett 2017                                     MimioMobile (Boxlight); EDLounge                   Matific (Matific); Meetoo (Lumi); OneNote

                                                     assessment (EDLounge); GoConqr (ExamTime);         Learning Tools (Microsoft); Come Alive App
        he Bett Awards bring together developers,    Experiential Learning Schools and School           Collection – Traditional Tales and Nursery
        distributors and educational practitioners   Management System (Extramarks Education);          Rhymes (Yellow Door).
        to recognise, reward and celebrate           FrogProgress (Frog Education); Learning
excellence in the sector. This year there are        Ladders (School Explained); Carrot Rewards         ICT Leadership and Management Solutions:
finalists across 19 categories. The awards will      (School Stickers); Tute (Tute).                    EDLounge (EDLounge Ltd); Class Charts
be held on Wednesday evening, January 25,                                                               (Edukey Education Ltd); Impero Education Pro
the opening day of Bett. Finalists in selected       ICT SEN Solutions: C-Pen Exam Reader               (Impero Software); Link2ICT Digital Monitoring
categories are listed below. For a full list of      (C-Pen); Educater SEND (Educater); SEN             Service (Link2ICT); CPOMS (Meritec Limited);
categories/finalists, visit       Assessment Toolkit (GL Assessment);                Questa (Novatia plc); Show My Homework
                                                     InfoMentor (InfoMentor); Kurzweil 3000             (Show My Homework); TES School Portal
Bett Awards 2017: Selected finalists                 (Kurzweil Education); Nessy Reading &              (TES Global).
Secondary Digital Content: Mathletics                Spelling (Nessy Learning); ReadSpeaker
(3P Learning); (Blue Duck              TextAid (ReadSpeaker); Read&Write (Texthelp).      ICT Service and Support: 3BM; Atomwide;
Education); Educake Science (Educake);                                                                  Exa Education; Firefly Learning; Joskos
EzyEconomics (EzyEducation); Frog Play (Frog         Free Digital Content/Open Educational              Solutions; Plum Innovations; RM Education;
Education); Cornerstone Maths (LGfL/UCL              Resources: Barefoot (Barefoot Computing);          Scomis.
Institute of Education); MoovBank (MoovBank/         BBC micro:bit (BBC Learning); National
LGfL); Studytracks (Studytracks).                    Theatre: In School. On Demand (Frog                Edtech Start-up Company of the Year:
                                                     Education); FutureLearn for Schools                Balance Technologies Ltd; CENTURY Tech;
ICT Tools for Learning, Teaching and                 (FutureLearn); Gojimo Revision App (Gojimo);       Monster Phonics; pi-top; TeacherIn; tootoot;
Assessment (Classroom): Bulb (Bulb);                 j2data (Just2easy); (Q-files Ltd);     ULAS.

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        best practice guidance and leading commentary.
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14                                                                                                                                            SecEd

Listings correct at the time of going to press, but subject to change. Visit for latest listings

                                      BOFA KS2 & 11+                 B442    DINANTIA             BETT FUTURES      GL ASSESSMENT                  B149
Listed here and on page                                                      DISCOVERY EDUCATION          F200
                                      BOOLINO – FICTION EXPRESS      A406                                           GLOBAL CLASSROOM                H88
18 are selected exhibitors.           BOSCH                          G280    DODDLE (BOARDWORKS)          A140      GLOBAL VOCATIONAL SKILLS       B112
For full listings, see www.           BOXLIGHT                        A40    DODIGITAL/MIND MOOSE BETT FUTURES      GOOGLE UK                      C241
                                      BRAINPOP UK                    C259    DOMOSCIO                      G19      GRATNELLS                      A320 You can                 BRAINSTORM MULTIMEDIA          D352    DOODLEMATHS                   F79      GRIFFIN TECHNOLOGY             G160
also visit the Bett Show              BRETFORD MANUFACTURING         G440    DOUBLE FIRST                 D400      GROFAR                 BETT FUTURES
                                      BRICK’R’KNOWLEDGE – ALLNET     E442    DRAWP FOR SCHOOL              E52      GROUPCALL                      B188
Information Point, run by             BRITANNICA DIGITAL LEARNING    B327    DRUM ROLL HQ         BETT FUTURES      GROWING MINDS                   G81
the British Educational               BROADCASTRADIO                 G350    DSDX – ISCHOOLS              G375      GUANGZHOU DTECH
Suppliers Association, on             BT BUSINESS                    C278
                                                                             EARETE                          F379
                                                                                                                    ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY         B345
                                      BULB                            H73                                           GUANGZHOU FOCUS DIGITAL
stand B138.                           BUSINESSFRANCE – MARSEILLE      C88    EASYREAD TIME TEACHER           G356   TECHNOLOGY                     B232
                                      BYBOX                          B452    EAWARE                           E93
                                                                             EDLOUNGE                         E95   HABOOK IT                      E130
Selected Exhibitors                   CAPITA                          B190   EDOPTIM (WONKSKNOW LLC)         D462   HAIER                          C394
10 SQUARED                     C450   CAPSTONE                        F105   EDQUALS                          E95   HANSHIN INTERNATIONAL           B70
123GO!                 BETT FUTURES   CB INFO SYSTEMS                 E468   EDTECHTEAM                      H240   HARDSOFT COMPUTERS             F318
1ST TECHNOLOGIES               B412   CCKF                            E418   EDUCAKE                          G16   HEART BUSINESS SYSTEMS         A400
2SIMPLE SOFTWARE               D370   CEED                            F460   EDUCATER                        G150   HELLO TELECOM                  G430
3B SCIENTIFIC                  B213   CEM CENTRE FOR EVALUATION &            EDUCATION SUPPORT                      HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE     F240
5-A-DAY FITNESS                 G68   MONITORING                       B89   PROFESSIONALS                   A150   HEWLETT-PACKARD INTL           D200
9SHARP                         F360   CENSORNET                       G300   EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH CENTRE C259       HIGHLIGHTS INTL                E379
                                      CENTRIC HERO LEARNING SYSTEM B80       EDUCATORS INTERNATIONAL         H72A   HILLS COMPONENTS               C446
ABCMOUSE FOR SCHOOLS           F140   CENTURY TECH                     F60   EDUCLEVER                        C88   HODDER EDUCATION               C116
AC LEIGH                       E411   CHARITY LINK                    D459   EDUFLICKS                       A404   HOLDAN                         B446
ACADEMIA                       C180   CHEN-SOURCE                     E131   EDUKEY EDUCATION                A215   HORIZON FUEL CELL EUROPE       B486
ACCROSOFT                      C398   CHESS.COM                        D50   EDURIO                           E50   HPC LASER                      A408
ACER UK                        B109   CHICKBOT CLUB           BETT FUTURES   ELMO EUROPE                     E380   HUE                            B322
ACHIEVE3000                    C451   CHQ GROUP                        D41   EMILE EDUCATION         BETT FUTURES   HYPERSOCKET SOFTWARE           G384
ACROSSLIMITS                    G82   CIRCLE IT                       B408   ENCORE REPAIR SERVICES UK       B283
ACTIONTEC ELECTRONICS           C69   CISCO MERAKI                    E260   ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA        B327   I3-TECHNOLOGIES                 C128
AGE OF LEARNING                F140   CLARO SOFTWARE                  A440   ENOTIFY – VLE SUPPORT            G96   IAM CLOUD                       D380
AGILE ICT                      E422   CLASS123                        G377   ENTREPRENAWS –                         IBOSS NETWORK SECURITY          C250
AIRWATCH                       C269   CLASSCHARGE                     C106   STEPPING INTO BUSINESS BETT FUTURES    IBT (IBOARDTOUCH)               D180
ALBION COMPUTERS               C270   CLASSROOM MONITOR               B238   EPSON (UK)                      D270   ICT2BIZ                          TB1
ALEXANDRA INSTITUTE            C440   CLEAPSS                          G88   ERA                             H330   IDEASWISE                       B148
ALICE INNOVATION               G357   CLEVERTOUCH                     C288   EUROCOMS (UK)                    E66   IDXTRA                          A230
ALLIED TELESIS INTL            H285   CLICKMEETING                    B448   EUROPEAN ELECTRONIQUE           C240   IGEL TECHNOLOGY                 E389
ALMOTAHIDA PIRON INNOVATIONS F320     CLICKVIEW                       B300   EUROTALK                       E280A   IKT-NORGE                       B390
ANALYSISPRO                    G354   CLYDE BROADCAST PRODUCTS         F82   EXA NETWORKS                    C325   IMMERSIVE INTERACTIVE           A404
ANARKIK3D              BETT FUTURES   CODE COLLEGE                    D449   EXERTIS                         F380   IMPERO SOLUTIONS                D160
ANT                    BETT FUTURES   CODIMG                           TB4   EXPLAIN EVERYTHING              C478   INFOMENTOR                      B200
APP DYNAMIC                    C458   COMPILATIO.NET                  H400   EXPONENTIAL-E                   B340   INFORMIKA                       B457
APPMAMA                        D472   CONCEPT4                        H245   EXTRAMARKS                      D430   INFOUROK                        C390
ARCKIT                         G449   CONNECT                         B346   EXTRON ELECTRONICS EUROPE       B419   INK OPTIONS                     G458
ARTEC                          B222   CONQUERMATHS.COM                A455   EYE2EYE SOFTWARE                C483   INKJETS AND TONERS              C151
ARTSMITHS              BETT FUTURES   CONSTELLATIONS                  C168   EYETEACH                        A170   INSEAD                  BETT FUTURES
ASTUTE DIGITAL                        CONVERSOR LIMITED                G83                                          INSTRUCTURE GLOBAL              B110
SOLUTIONS              BETT FUTURES   COO                     BETT FUTURES   FAIRWAY IT                       H71   INTEGREX                        C429
ASUS GLOBAL                    C260   CORNELSEN EXPERIMENTA           TB62   FALCON INTERNATIONAL BAGS        C68   INTEL CORPORATION               C210
ATOMWIDE                       D260   COUNTERPOINT MTC                B328   FILEWAVE EUROPE                 B258   INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE    F440
AVANTIS SYSTEMS                C100   CRAFTUNIQUE                     G422   FILISIA INTERFACES              D446   INTERACTIVE SCHOOLS              E70
AVCOM                          G320   CRAMBO                          D300   FINDED                          F103   INTERACTIVE SCIENTIFIC           G17
AVER INFORMATION               F350   CREOQODE                        G362   FINDOUTFRESHER          BETT FUTURES
AVOCOR                         C320   CRICK SOFTWARE                  D140   FLAT                            B212
AXEL TECHNOLOGIES               C88   CTOUCH EUROPE                   D365   FLOWOL/ROBOT MESH               A195
                                      CUNNINGHAMS EPOS SOLUTIONS E365        FOCUS EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE       D70
B SQUARED                      B245   CUPPLA TECHNOLOGY       BETT FUTURES   FOLIO                           E390   INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE B468
BALANCEBOX                      D60   CURIOUS CHIP                     G20   FORTINET                        E280
BARCO                          D398   CXD (CHILD EXPERIENCE                  FOURIER SYSTEMS                 D105
BARRACUDA CAMPUS               H380   DESIGN)                 BETT FUTURES   FROG EDUCATION                  C163   INTERNET MATTERS               A350
BARRACUDA NETWORKS             C412                                          FRONT ROW – OPTICON             A305   INTREPICA PTY                  C402
BCS LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT     E450   D&E OFFICE SOLUTIONS            G94    FSE DESIGN                      B326   INTRICON UK                    A270
BEAM RIDERS            BETT FUTURES   DAP SERVICES (ABAKU)           B456    FSP COOL LOCKER                 H446   INVENTRY                       E140
BEIJING MOLY TECHNOLOGY        B447   DATA HARVEST GROUP             G140    FUJITSU (FTS)                   C388   INVEST NORTHERN IRELAND        C105
BEIJING WEICHENGYA                    DCRS                           A250    FURLONG                         C393   ISAMS INDEPENDENT              E180
LABORATORY EQUIPMENT           D390   DELL CORPORATION               B330    FUTURE 3D TECH GROUP            B281   ISCHOOL SOLUTIONS              F109
BELKIN UK                       F80   DEPARTMENT FOR                         FUTURE NETWORK DISTRIBUTION E403       ISDI                           D352
BENQ                           B180   INTERNATIONAL TRADE             D30                                           ISMART                          G82
BI-BRIGHT                      G130   DERVENTIO EDUCATION             G70    GAIA TECHNOLOGIES              F260    ISRAELI PAVILION               B426
BIOSTORE                       C354   DESIGNSOFT                     TB41    GAYATECH                        C88    ITEC GLOBAL                    E381
BKSB                           B228   DIAMOND EDUCATION SERVICE      D455    GBM                            C180    ITOP EDUCATION                  C88
BLUE OCEAN ROBOTICS             G69   DIGIEXAM SOLUTIONS SWEDEN      G448    GCSEPOD                        B118    ITSI                           G180
BLUE SKY SYSTEMS               G351   DIGIMANIA                      C401    GEBO KANO                      A431    ITWORX EDUCATION               B235
BODET                          A255   DIGITALAIR WIRELESS            B450    G-HOLD                          E90           Continued on page 18

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