Page created by Mike Reeves
©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd

        BEST TRIPS
                32 AMAZING
                   ROAD TRIPS

                     Regis St Louis
Ray Bartlett, Oliver Berry, Gregor Clark, Shawn Duthie
 Steve Fallon, Carolyn Heller, Anna Kaminski, Adam
   Karlin, John Lee, Craig McLachlan, Liza Prado,
           Brendan Sainsbury, Phillip Tang
                           History &                  Essential
     Top Tips
                           Culture                    Photo

     Link                  Family                  Walking
     Your Trips                                    Tour

     Tips from
                        Food &
                        Drink              5 Eating                 PLAN YOUR TRIP
                           Outdoors        4 Sleeping
                                                                  Welcome to Canada......................... 7
                                                                  Canada Highlights...........................10
% Telephone       i Internet              E English-
Number            Access                  Language Menu           If You Like....................................... 20
h Opening Hours W Wi-Fi Access            c Family-
                                          Friendly                Need to Know.................................. 22
p Parking         v Vegetarian
n Nonsmoking      Selection               # Pet-Friendly          City Guide........................................ 24
a Air-            s Swimming
Conditioning      Pool                                            Canada by Region........................... 28
                                                                  Canada Classic Trips...................... 30
 Routes                     Trips
      Trip Route                       Trip Numbers
      Trip Detour
      Linked Trip                      Trip Stop
                                                                    ON THE ROAD
      Walk Route
      Tollway                          Walking tour
      Primary                          Trip Detour
      Secondary                                                   BRITISH COLUMBIA.......... 33
      Tertiary              Population
      Unsealed Road
                                  Capital (National)
                                                                  1 Vancouver  & the
                                                                    Fraser Valley.............2 Days                37
      Steps                       City/Large Town
                                                                  2 Sea to Sky
                                                                    Highway.................1–2 Days                45
        Overpass            Areas
      Walk Track/Path                  Beach
                                                                  3 A Strait Hop.......... 2–3 Days
      International                    Cemetery (Other)
                                                                  4 Southern  Vancouver
                                                                    Island Tour............ 4–5 Days                65
 Hydrography                           Urban Area
                                                                  5 Vancouver Island’s
                                                                    Remote North....... 2–3 Days                    73
      Canal                 Transport
      Water                       Airport
       Intermittent Lake
                                  Cable Car/
                                                                  6 Okanagan  Valley
                                                                    Wine Tour..................2 Days               81
      Glacier                     Metro/Muni station

 Route Markers
       Trans-Canada Hwy
                                  Subway station
                                                                  7 Haida Gwaii
                                                                    Adventure..................2 Days               91
       Provincial/                Tram
       Territorial Hwy
       US National Hwy
                                         Note: Not all symbols
  2 US    Interstate Hwy
       US State Hwy
                                    displayed above appear on
                                         the maps in this book

8 Circling the
  Rockies......................3 Days   99       d North from
                                                   Saskatoon............ 3–4 Days       151

9 Around the
  Kootenays............. 5–6 Days       107      e Klondike
                                                   Highway................ 4–5 Days     159

THE PRAIRIE                                      f Dempster
                                                   Highway.................6–7 Days     167
THE NORTH..................... 119               ONTARIO.......................... 179
a Dinosaurs, Hoodoos &
  the Wild West...... 2–3 Days          123      g Lake Superior
                                                   Coastline...................7 Days   183

b Icefields
  Parkway.....................2 Days    133      h People &
                                                   Culture Loop......... 4–5 Days       191

c Explore Southern
  Saskatchewan .... 3–4 Days            143      i The Niagara
                                                   Peninsula...................3 Days   201

                      The Prairie
                      Provinces &
                       the North
  British                 p119
 Columbia                                                Québec          The Atlantic
   p33                                                    p241             Region

Contents cont.
j The Kawarthas..........5 Days           213       THE ATLANTIC
                                                    REGION............................ 307
k Southern Ontario
  Nature Loop...........5–7 Days          219       s Central
                                                      Nova Scotia ............10 Days                     311
      Thousand Island
l     Parkway.....................7 Days 229        t South Shore
                                                      Circular....................10 Days                 319

QUÉBEC........................... 241               u The  Cabot
                                                      Trail....................... 2–3 Days              329
      Up to the
m     Laurentians...............2 Days 245          v Two Islands, Three
                                                      Provinces..................8 Days                  339
n     Townships....................1 Day 255        w Icebergs, Vikings
                                                      & Whales...................5 Days                  349
      Montréal to
o     Québec City.................1 Day 265

p Around,
  In the St
            Over &
                                                      ROAD TRIP
      Lawrence River.........3 Days 273
q The Saguenay Fjord
  & Lac St Jean....... 3–4 Days           283
                                                    Canada Driving Guide ..................361
r Circling
                                                    Canada Travel Guide.................... 366
      Peninsula ............. 7–8 Days 293

Nova Scotia Fishing boats in Peggy’s Cove (p321)                                 JUSTIN FOULKES/LONELY PLANET ©

©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd

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      WRITER THANKS                         into shape, and to my fellow
                                            writers for making this book
                                                                                Banff and Jasper’s trails: Chloe,
                                                                                Sophie, Wes and Ted, that means
      RAY BARTLETT                          what it is. Heartfelt thanks        you! Couldn’t have asked for a
      Thanks first and foremost, to         to Rosie Hillier for putting up     more delightful research crew.
      Buck, for the chance to work on       with my wanderlust, and to
      this, and to each of the editors      Susie Berry for long-distance       SHAWN DUTHIE
      who will peek at it afterwards,       correspondence. Thanks also         It was great to re-connect with
      and to the great team of co-          to Sam White, Justin Foulkes,       my home province and my
      authors. Thanks as well to            Deborah Gill, Anna Louis            deepest thanks to Vivek, Danny
      my family, friends, and to the        and many others for useful          and Stefan for allowing me to
      incredible collage of folks I met     Canadian tips and much-needed       sleep on your couch, driving too
      along the way: Kristina, Vera,        hospitality.                        many kilometres to count and
      Rubí, Miro, Allan & Dan, Cat and                                          just making the research even
      Greg, Louise and Melva, Alice H,      GREGOR CLARK                        more fun than usual. Of course,
      Molly and Spencer (congrats!),        Heartfelt thanks to all of the      my biggest thank you is to my
      Morgan, William Flenders, Josh        kind Albertans and fellow           wife and son who put up with all
      W, Char, the “Lindsays,” Riya,        travelers who shared their love     my traveling!
      and many more.                        and knowledge of Banff and
                                            Jasper – especially Karina Birch,   STEVE FALLON
      OLIVER BERRY                          Kate Williams, Ken Wood, Paul       Un très grand merci to the folk
      Big thanks to Ben Buckner             Krywicki, Erin Wilkinson, Ed and    who offered assistance, ideas
      for the chance to return to           Vanessa, Shauna and Lindsay.        and/or hospitality along the way,
      write about Canada, to the LP         Thanks also to the family and       including Gabriel d’Anjou Drouin
      editors for whipping my work          friends who helped me explore       and Maxime Aubin in Québec

      THIS BOOK                             Destination Editor Ben Buckner      Dankel, Carly Hall, Victoria
                                                                                Harrison, Jennifer Hattam,
      This 1st edition of Lonely Planet’s   Senior Product Editors Martine
                                            Power, Saralinda Turner, Grace      Gabrielle Innes, Kellie Langdon,
      Canada’s Best Trips guidebook
                                            Dobell                              Jodie Martire, Lou McGregor,
      was curated by Regis St Louis.
                                                                                Christopher Pitts, Sarah
      It was researched and written         Product Editor Jenna Myers
                                                                                Reid, Tamara Sheward, Simon
      by Ray Bartlett, Oliver Berry,        Regional Senior Cartographer        Williamson
      Gregor Clark, Shawn Duthie,           Corey Hutchison
      Steve Fallon, Carolyn Heller,                                             Cover Researcher Naomi Parker
                                            Book Designer Gwen Cotter
      Anna Kaminski, Adam Karlin,                                               Thanks to Catherine Naghten
      John Lee, Craig McLachlan, Liza       Assisting Editors Sarah Bailey,
      Prado, Brendan Sainsbury and          James Bainbridge, Judith
      Phillip Tang. This guidebook was      Bamber, Michelle Bennett, Joel
      produced by the following:            Cotterell, Lucy Cowie, Melanie

City; Vicky Drolet in Malbaie;       wild little Isaac, and my favorite   passers-by who helped me,
Sylvie Senécal & Pierre Lachance     traveling companions: Rachel,        unwittingly or otherwise, during
in Ville de Mont-Tremblant; and      who can layer for anything, and      my research trip. Special thanks
Carolyne Cyr and Pierre-André        Sanda, who endures the road          to my wife Liz, my son Kieran
Guichoud in Ste-Adèle. Et à mon      better than her daddy.               and my mother-in-law Ammy for
cher ‘pays d’hiver’ qui a combattu                                        their company (and patience) on
le bon combat et gagné! (And to      JOHN LEE                             the road.
my beloved `land of winter’ that     Heartfelt thanks to Maggie
fought the good fight and won!)      for joining me at all those          PHILLIP TANG
As always, my share is dedicated     restaurants and for keeping me       Thank you to Ben Buckner and
to my now spouse and almost          calm during the brain-throbbing      the DEs for your expertise and

Quebecer, Michael Rothschild.        final write-up phase of this         legacy. Muchas gracias a Lalo
                                     project. Thanks also to Max,         (José Eduardo García Sánchez)
CAROLYN HELLER                       our crazy-whiskered ginger           por tu apoyo y consejo sobre
Many thanks to all the friends       cat, for sticking by my desk and     estilo y mucho más desde lejos.
and colleagues who shared their      also reminding me to chase him       Thank you to Felix, Nick Zhang
Québec tips, especially Kim          around the house every once in a     and all the other Montréalers
Huard-Carette and Emily Dunn.        while. Cheers also to my brother     who offered guidance; and to
Special thanks to Ben Buckner        Michael for visiting from England    Manuelle González Goretti for
for signing me onto the Canada       and checking out some local          advice on the Eastern Townships
team, to Suzie Loiselle and          breweries with me: you really        and adventures in the Village.
Étienne Fiola for all the advice     know how to go the extra mile.
and the crêpes, and to Michaela
Albert, ace travel buddy, snow       CRAIG MCLACHLAN                      ACKNOWLEDGE-
hiker, and champion lobster
                                     A hearty thanks to all those
                                     who helped out on the road, but
                                                                          Climate map data adapted
                                     most of all, to my exceptionally
ANNA KAMINSKI                        beautiful wife, Yuriko, who
                                                                          from Peel MC, Finlayson BL &
                                                                          McMahon TA (2007) ‘Updated
Huge thanks to Ben for               maintained semi-control of my
                                                                          World Map of the Köppen-Geiger
entrusting me with Nunavut,          craft-beer intake.
                                                                          Climate Classification’, Hydrology
NWT and Manitoba, and to
                                     LIZA PRADO                           and Earth System Sciences, 11,
everyone who’s helped me along
the way. In particular: Theresa      A shout out to the extraordinary
and the merry crew of medics,        LP team: Ben Buckner, the            Front cover photographs
plus Stephen, Alan and Brian in      production crew, my co-authors       (clockwise from top):
Iqaluit, Markus in Pangnirtung,      – I’m so proud to be able to work    Icefields Parkway, Alberta and
Joamie, Pootoogook and               with you. Mil gracias to Mom and     British Columbia; Chantal de
Silaqqi in Cape Dorset, Don and      Dad for your boundless support,      Bruijne/Shutterstock ©; Totem
Christine in Fort Smith, Sherry      love, and curiosity about places     Pole, Stanley Park, British
in Valleyview, Jacob and Herb        so close to home. Big thanks         Columbia; Apexphotos/Getty
in Yellowknife, John and Gina        to Eva and Leo for waiting so        Images ©; Vintage car, Québec;
in Fort Providence, Lois in Fort     patiently for ‘Fun…With Mom.’        Design Pics Inc/Alamy Stock
Simpson, Wayne at Checkpoint,        And Gary, my love, there is          Photo ©
and Minerva in Inuvik.               absolutely no way I could do my      Back cover photograph:
                                     job without you. Your support,       Okanagan Lake, Kelowna,
ADAM KARLIN                          your understanding, your             British Columbia; Stan Jones/
Big thanks: Ben Buckner, for         cheerleading. Thank you, always.     Shutterstock ©
getting me on this project, Anna
Kaminski, my commiserator            BRENDAN SAINSBURY
in chief, my fellow co-authors,      Many thanks to all the skilled
Carolyn and Adam in St John’s,       bus drivers, helpful tourist
Gordon in Bonavista, the             information staff, generous hotel
construction crews of the New        owners, expert burger flippers,
Wes Valley, Mom and Dad, my          unobtrusive bears and numerous

©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd


                                       Bishop’s University 262         Burgess Shale World
      A                                Blackfoot Crossing Historical     Heritage Site 104
      Abbaye St-Benoît-du-Lac 259        Park 126-7                    business hours 372
      accessible travel 367            Blue Mountain 220-1, 226        Butterfly Conservatory 204
      accommodations 23, 367-8         boat travel 366-7
      activities, see individual       Boldt Castle 231                C
        actvities                      Bonanza Creek
                                                                       cable cars 276
      Advocate Harbour 313-14, 317       Discovery Site 164
                                                                         Sea to Sky Gondola 48
      air travel 366                   Bonaventure 296
                                                                       Cabot Trail, the 17, 329-36
      Alert Bay 78, 79                 Bonavista 355, 357
                                                                       Calgary 174-5
      Algonquin Provincial Park        border crossings 363
                                                                       Campbell River Museum 77
        216, 217                       Botanical Beach 70
                                                                       Canada Place 115
      Alice Lake 48-9                  Bow Lake 135, 141
                                                                       Canal de Lachine 302
      animals 126                      Brackendale 48
                                                                       canoeing 185, 323
      Annapolis Royal 323-4, 327       Brandywine Falls
                                         Provincial Park 51-2          Canso 314
      Anne of Green Gables 344
                                       Brantford 197                   Cap Tourmente National
      Antigonish 315, 317                                                Wildlife Area 277, 279
      apps 363                         breweries
                                                                       Cape Blomidon 325
      Aquatarium 232                     Battery Park Beerbar 312
                                                                       Cape George 315
      aquatic adventures 21              Brothers Brewing Co 193
                                                                       Cape Smokey 332
      Arctic Circle 170-1                Craft Beer Corner 345
                                                                       Capilano Suspension Bridge 39
      area codes 373                     Dildo Brewing Company 352
                                                                       car hire 22
      arts 68, 194, 209                  Garrison Brewing
                                           Company 358                 car insurance 361
      Athabasca Falls 140                                              car travel, see driving
                                         Lake of the Woods Brewing
      Athabasca Glacier 137                                            Carcross 160-2
                                           Company 188
      Atlas Coal Mine 126                                              Carleton 296, 301
                                         Sleeping Giant Brewing
      ATMs 372                             Co 188                      Carmacks 163, 165
      Avon River 194                     Stone City Ales 231           Carmelis Goat Cheese
                                         Tatamagouche Brewing            Artisan 87
      B                                    Co 314                      Cassis Monna & Filles 275
                                       Brier Island 324, 327           Cathedral Grove 75
      Baddeck 336, 337
                                       Brigus 352, 357                 Cavendish 344, 347
      Baie St Paul 280, 281
                                       Britannia Beach 47, 53          cell phones 23, 373
      Banff National Park 101-2, 105
                                       Brockville 232, 235             Charlevoix 18
      Bay St Lawrence 332-3
                                       Brohm Lake 49                   Charlottetown 345, 347
      BC Forest Discovery Centre 59
                                       Bromont 257, 263                cheese 69, 87
      beaches 19, 75
                                       Bruce Peninsula National Park   Chemainus 59-60, 62-3
      Berthierville 266
                                         221-2, 226                    Chester 321-2
      Big Tancook Island 321

Chéticamp 333, 335, 337             driving 13, 361-5, 366            Fort George 205
Chibougamau region 288                fuel 22, 49, 186, 365           Fortress of Louisbourg 331
Chinatown (Vancouver) 114             road rules 60, 364-5            Grassy Island Fort 314
Chinatown (Victoria) 116              tips 170, 362                 fossils 314
churches & cathedrals               Drumheller 125, 131             fuel 22, 49, 186, 365
   Basilica of Our Lady             Duck Lake Interpretive
     Immaculate 193                   Center 155                    G
   Église de Bonaventure 296        Dungeon Park 355                Gabriola Island 61
   Église St-Jean 275                                               Gananoque 231-2, 235
   Her Majesty’s Chapel of the
     Mohawks 197
                                    E                               gas 22, 49, 186, 365

                                                                                                         INDEX C-H
                                    Eagle Plains 170                Gaspé 297-8, 301
   Our Lady of the Assumption                                       Gastown 114
     Co-Cathedral 147               East Point 342-3, 346
                                    Eastend 145-6, 149              gay travelers 371
   St Dunstan’s Basilica 345
                                    electricity 370                 Géopark de Percé 297
   Ursulines Chapel 304
                                    Elliston 353                    Georgetown 342, 346
Cirque de Soleil 269
                                    Emerald Lake 104                Gibsons 60-1
climate 22
                                    emergencies 22                  Golden 104, 105, 108-9, 113
CN Tower 236
                                    Engineer Creek                  Golden Spruce, the 94
Coaticook 259
                                      Campground 168-9              gold-panning 41
Columbia Icefield Discovery
                                    Englishtown 331                 Goldstream Provincial Park 57-8
   Centre 137, 139, 141
                                                                    Grand Pré 325
Confederation Bridge 345
                                                                    Grasslands National Park 148
Confederation Trail, the 344        F                               Gravelbourg 147-8
Coombs 75-6                         Far North 288                   Green Gables Heritage
costs 23                            Fathom Five National Marine       Place 344
Cowboy Trail, the 130, 131            Park 223                      Greenwich Dunes 343, 346-7
Cowichan Bay 58-9, 62               ferries 342                     Grouse Mountain 40
Cranbrook 110, 113                  festivals 84, 96, 208           Guelph 192-3, 198
credit cards 372                    Field 103-4, 105                Gwaii Haanas National Park
Cumberland 76-7, 79                 First Nations                     Reserve 92
Cupids 352, 357                       communities 78, 224
currency 22                           culture 288
cycling 322                           dance 78
Cypress Hills Interprovincial         Eskasoni 331                  Haida Gwaii 12
   Park 145, 149                      Haida, the 96                 Haliburton Forest 215
                                      history 197                   Haliburton Highlands 215-16,
D                                     literature 197
                                                                    Halifax 320-1, 326, 340, 358-9
dangers, see safety                   Mi’kmaq 331
                                                                    Hamilton 209
Dartmouth 312-13, 317               Fish Point Provincial Nature
                                      Reserve 225                   Harrison Hot Springs 42, 43
Dawson City 12, 164, 165                                            Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
                                    Flowerpot Island 223
Dempster Highway 167-72                                               World Heritage Site 130
                                    food 20, 23, 370-1
Dildo 352                                                           highlights 10-19
                                    Forillon National Park 298
Dinosaur Provincial Park 127, 131                                   hiking 21
                                    Fort Langley 40-1, 43
dinosaurs 127, 147, 314                                             historic sites
                                    Fort McPherson 171-2, 173
disabilities, travelers with 367                                      Alexander Graham Bell
                                    Fort Steele Heritage Town 110
discount cards 369                                                      National Historic Site 336
                                    Fort Whoop-Up 130
diving 223                                                            Chiefswood National Historic
                                    forts                               Site 197
Dolbeau-Mistassini 288
                                      Fort Anne 323                   Citadel Hill National Historic
Dr Sun Yat-Sen Classical
  Chinese Garden 114                  Fort Calgary 174                  Site 359

Cupids Cove Plantation                                             Lucy Maud Montgomery’s
                Provincial Historic           K                                    Cavendish Homestead 344
                Site 352                                                         Lunenburg 322, 326
                                              Kakabeka Falls Provincial
              Fort Henry National               Park 188                         Lynn Canyon Park 40
                Historic Site 231                                                Lynn Canyon Park Ecology
                                              Kawartha Highlands
              Fort Langley National             Provincial Park 214-15             Centre 40
                Historic Site 40
                                              Kawarthas, the 213-16
              Fort Walsh National
                Historic Site 146
                                              kayaking 231, 315, 323, 324        M
                                              Keji Seaside Adjunct 324           Magog 259, 261, 263
              Fortifications of Québec
                National Historic Site 304    Kejimkujik National Park 322-3,    Maison Drouin 275

              Kilby Historic Site 42                                             Maitland 313, 317
                                              Kelowna 83-4, 88-9
              Pointe-au-Père National                                            Malagash Peninsula 314
                Historic Site 299             Kenora 188
                                                                                 Manitou Beach 154
              SS Klondike National            Kicking Horse Pass 103
                                                                                 Manitoulin Island 224
                Historic Site 162             Killarney Provinical Park 185-6,
                                                                                 Maple Creek 144-5, 149
              Uncle Tom’s Cabin Historic        189
                                                                                 maple syrup 250
                Site 196-7                    Kimberley 109-10
                                                                                 maps 363
            history 21                        Kingston 230-1, 235
                                                                                 Marble Canyon 101
            Hockey Hall of Fame 236-7         Klondike Highway 159-64
                                                                                 Margaree Fish Hatchery 336
            holidays 373                      Knowlton 259
                                                                                 Margaree Valley 335-6
            Hoodoo Trail 125                  Kootenay Lake 110-11
            Hope 42
            Hopewell Rocks 345                L                                   Artisan Market 356
                                                                                  Bromont Flea Market 257
            Horseshoe Bay 46                  La Malbaie 280, 281
                                                                                  ByWard Market 238
            Horseshoe Canyon 125              Lac Brome 258-9
                                                                                  Coombs Old Country
            hot springs 112                   Lac St-François 258
                                                                                     Market 75-6
                                              Lake Cowichan 69-70
                                                                                  Hamilton’s Farmers
            I                                 Lake Louise 10-11, 102, 105,
                                                 135, 141
                                                                                     Market 209
            ice skating 220                                                       Marché Atwater 302
                                              Lake Superior Provincial Park
            Icefields Parkway 14-15, 133-40                                       Saturday Market 70
                                                 186-7, 189
            Île Bonaventure 297                                                   St Jacobs Farmers Market 193
                                              Langley Farmland 41-2
            Île d’Orléans’ North Coast                                            St Lawrence Market 237
                                              languages 22
               275, 281                                                           Sunday Antique Market 237
                                              L’Anse St Jean 290
            Île d’Orléans’ South Coast                                            Val-David Summer
                                              La Ronge 156, 157
               275-6, 281                                                            Market 248
                                              Laurentians, the 245-51
            Indian Head Cove 222                                                 Mashteuiatsh 287-8
                                              Lawrencetown Beach 316
            Ingonish 332, 337                                                    Masset 95, 97
                                              lesbian travelers 371
            insurance 361                                                        Mayne Island 68, 71
                                              Lethbridge 129-30, 131
            internet access 23, 371                                              measures 369
                                              LGBTIQ+ travelers 371
            internet resoures 23, 25, 26,                                        Memory Lane Heritage
                                              lighthouses                         Village 316
               27, 365
                                                 Cape Bear Lighthouse 342        Merridale Estate Cidery 58
            Inuvik 172, 173
                                                 Cape d’Or Lighthouse 314        Mi’kmaq culture 331
                                                 Cape George Point               Mission Hill Family Estate 83, 88
            J                                      Lighthouse 315
                                                                                 mobile phones 23, 373
            Jasper 140, 141                      East Point Lighthouse 342
                                                                                 money 22, 23, 372
            Jeddore Oyster Ponds 316             Peggy’s Cove
                                                                                 Montague 342
            Joggins Fossil Cliffs 314              Lighthouse 321
                                                                                 Montgomery, Lucy Maud 344
            Juan de Fuca Provincial Park 70      Point Prim Lighthouse 345
                                                                                 Montréal 26, 302-3
                                              London 195-6, 199
                                                                                 Mont-Ste-Anne 277

Mont-Tremblant Village 251        MacBride Museum of Yukon        Ursulines Museum 304
Moraine Lake 102                    History 162                   Vancouver Art Gallery 114-15
Morrisburg 234                    Maple Syrup Museum 193          Waterfront Gallery 68
motorcycles, see driving          Margaree Salmon                music 362
Mt Edith Cavell 140                 Museum 336
                                  Maritime Museum of the
Mt Garibaldi 51
                                    Atlantic 358                 N
Mt McKay 188
                                  Mennonite Heritage             Nakusp 112
museums & galleries
                                    Museum 154                   national & provincial parks
 Art Gallery of Greater
                                  Musée Acadien du                 Alice Lake Provincial Park 49
    Victoria 57
                                    Québec 296                     Arisaig Provincial Park 315
 Art Gallery of Guelph 192-3

                                                                                                     INDEX M-N
                                  Musée Amérindien de              Basin Head Provincial
 Art Gallery of Hamilton 209        Mashteuiatsh 287                 Park 343
 Art Gallery of Nova Scotia       Musée d’Art Contemporain         Blomidon Provincial Park 325
    358-9                           de Baie St Paul 280            Cabots Landing Provincial
 Audain Art Museum 52             Musée d’Art Contemporain           Park 332
 BiIl Reid Gallery of Northwest     des Laurentides 247            Caribou-Munroes Island
    Coast Art 115                 Musée de Charlevoix 280            Provincial Park 342
 Britannia Mine Museum 47         Musée de l’Amérique              Kakabeka Falls Provincial
 Canada War Museum 239              Francophone 305                  Park 188
 Canadian Canoe Museum 214        Musée du Chocolat du             Kejimkujik National Park
 Canadian Museum of                 Chocolat de la Confiserie        322-3
    Immigration 358                 Bromont 257                    Killarney Provinical
 Centre d’Art Marcel              Musée Québécois de Culture         Park 185-6
    Gagnon 295                      Populaire 270                  Kootenay National Park 100
 Cité de l’Énergie 269            Museum at Campbell               Lac La Ronge Provincial
 Crystal Cabin 93                   River 77                         Park 156
 Cumberland Museum 77             Museum London 195                Lake Superior Provincial
 Deep South Pioneer               Musquodoboit Harbour               Park 186-7
    Museum 148                      Railway Museum 316             Naikoon Provincial Park 96
 Dixon Entrance Maritime          Niagara Falls History            Parc de la Gorge de
    Museum 95                       Museum 203                       Coaticook 259
 Eagle Aerie Gallery 75           Okanagan Wine and Orchard        Parc d’Environnement
 East Coulee School                 Museum 84                        Naturel 258
    Museum 126                    Parisian Laundry Gallery 303     Parc National de
 Eastend Historical               Pender Islands Museum 68           Frontenac 258
    Museum 146                    Port Clements Museum 94          Parc National de la
 Elmira Railway Museum 342        Powell River Museum 61             Gaspésie 299
 Empress of Ireland               Power Plant Contemporary         Parc National de la
    Museum 299-300                  Art Gallery 236                  Mauricie 268
 Esker Foundation Contempo-       Prince Albert Historical         Parc National de la Pointe-
    rary Art Gallery 174-5          Museum 155                       Taillon 289
 Fisheries Museum of the          Revelstoke Railway               Parc National de la
    Atlantic 322                    Museum 112                       Yamaska 258
 Fisherman’s Life Museum 316      Royal BC Museum 56-7             Parc National de l’Île-
 Fundy Geological                 Royal Tyrrell Museum of            Bonaventure-et-du-Rocher-
    Museum 313                      Palaeontology 125                Percé 296-7
 FUSE 115                         Silvery Slocan Museum 112        Parc National de
 Galerie d’Art Beauchamp 280      Sooke Region Museum 70             Miguasha 295
 Gibsons Public Art               Spirit Gallery 46                Parc National du Bic 300
    Gallery 61                    Trinity Museum 353               Parc National du Mont Orford
 Keno City Mining Museum 162                                         258, 261
                                  Trois Pignons 335

Parc National du Mont-          Parc National du Mont-
                Mégantic 258                    Tremblant 251                     Q
              Parc National du Mont-          Parc Nationale des Hautes           Quail’s Gate 88
                Tremblant 251                   Gorges de la Rivière
                                                                                  Quails’ Gate Winery 83
              Parc Nationale des Hautes         Malbaie 277
                                                                                  Qualicum Beach 76, 79
                Gorges de la Rivière          Parker Ridge Trail 136
                Malbaie 277                                                       Québec City 304-5
                                              parking 365
              Prince Edward Island            parks & gardens                     Québécois culture 270
                National Park 343-4             Beacon Hill Park 117
              Strathcona Provincial             Botanical Gardens 204             R
                Park 78
                                                Butchart Gardens 67               radio 362, 369

            National Gallery of Canada 238
                                                Fort William Historical           Radium Hot Springs 100-1, 109
            Neil’s Harbour 332                    Park 188                        rafting 104
            Nelson 111-12, 113                  Halifax Public Gardens 359        Rathtrevor Beach 76
            New Denver 112                      Parc Linéaire du P’tit Train du   Regina 148, 149
            New Glasgow 344-5, 347                Nord 246
                                                                                  Revelstoke 112, 113
            newspapers 369                      Parc Maritime de
                                                                                  Rimouski 299-300
            New-Wes-Valley 356                    St-Laurent 276
                                                                                  Ripley’s Aquarium of
            Niagara Falls 16-17, 203, 205,      West Coast Railway
                                                                                    Canada 236
              210                                 Heritage Park 48
                                                                                  road distances 363
            Niagara Glen Nature               Parliament Hill (Ottawa) 239
              Reserve 204                                                         road rules 60, 364-5
                                              Parrsboro 313, 317
            Niagara Peninsula, the 201-8                                          Roberval 287, 290-1
                                              Peggy’s Cove 13, 321, 326
            Niagara-on-the-Lake 205, 207-                                         Rocher Percé 296
                                              Pelee Island 225, 227
              8, 210-11                                                           Rose Spit 96, 97
                                              Pender Island 67-8, 71
            Nitainlaii Territorial Park 171   Percé 296-7, 301                    Rosthern 154
            North Hatley 261-2, 263           Peterborough 214, 217
                                              Petrofka Orchard 152-3              S
            O                                 Petroglyphs Provincial Park 216     safety 364, 365, 373
            Ochre Ponds 101                   petrol 22, 49, 186, 365             Saguenay 286, 290
            Ogema 148, 149                    Peyto Lake 135-6                    Saint Peter’s Bay 343
            Ogopogo 85                        Pictou 341-2, 346                   Salt Spring Island 68-9, 71
            Okanagan Lavender Farm 84-5       Pinery Provincial Park 223-4,       Saskatchewan River
            Okanagan Valley 12                  227                                 Crossing 136
            Old Masset 95                     Pleasant Bay 333, 337               Saskatoon 152, 157, 176-7
            opening hours 372                 Point Pelee National Park           Sault Ste Marie 186, 189
                                                224-5, 227                        seals 353
            Ottawa 234, 235, 238-9
                                              Port Clements 94-5, 97              Shannon Falls 48
            Ottawa Locks 238-9
                                              Porte St-Louis 304                  Shawinigan 268-9
                                              Porteau Cove Provincial             Sherbrooke 262
            P                                   Park 46                           shipwrecks 223
            Paint Pots 101                    Powell River 61                     Shubenacadie 340-1
            Parc de l’île St-Quentin 270      Prairies, The 18                    Sidney 66-7, 71
            Parc Linéaire du P’tit Train du   Prince Albert 155-6, 157            Signal Hill 350
              Nord 248                        Prince Albert National Park         Silver Trail, the 162
            Parc National de la                 156, 157
                                                                                  Singing Sands 222
              Mauricie 268                    Prince Edward Island
                                                                                  Six Nations of the
            Parc National de la Pointe-         National Park 17, 343-4
                                                                                    Grand River 197
              Taillon 289, 291                public holidays 373
                                                                                  Skagway 160, 165
            Parc National de Miguasha         puffin-watching 353
              295-6                                                               Skerwink Trail 353
                                                                                  Skidegate 92-4

skiing 52, 220, 247, 250-1,      Telegraph Cove 77-8, 79
  257, 277                       telephone services 23, 373          W
Skyline Trail, the 336           Terra Nova National Park 356        water parks 39, 247
Skylon Tower 203                 Thousand Island Parkway             waterfalls
Slate Islands 187                   229-32, 234                        American Falls 203
smoking 369                      Thousand Islands National             Athabasca Falls 140
snorkelling 223                     Park 232
                                                                       Brandywine Falls 51
Sooke 70, 71                     Thunder Bay 187-8
                                                                       Bridal Veil Falls 203
Spiral Tunnels 103               tipping 23
                                                                       Horseshoe Falls 203
Squamish 53                      Tithegeh Chii Vitaii Lookout 172
                                                                       Sunwapta Falls 139-40
Squamish Lil’wat Cultural        Tlell 93-4, 97

                                                                                                        INDEX S-Z
                                                                       Takakkaw Falls 103
  Centre 52                      Tobermory 223, 226-7
                                                                     weather 22
Stanley Park 38-9, 43            Tofino 74-5, 79
                                                                     weights 369
Stawamus Chief 48                toll roads 194
                                                                     whale-watching 289, 324, 333
Ste-Adèle 2F47-8, 252            totem poles 39, 78, 92, 95, 117
                                                                     Whistler 52, 53
Ste-Agathe-des-Monts 249         Tombstone Territorial Park 168
                                                                     White Pass 160
Ste-Anne de Beaupré 276-7, 281   Toronto 27, 236-7
                                                                     Whitehorse 162, 165
Ste-Irénée 279-80                tourist information 373
                                                                     wi-fi 23, 371
Ste Anne des Monts 299, 301      Tow Hill 96
                                                                     Wilcox Ridge 137
Ste Flavie 294-5                 Townsite 61
                                                                     Wild Play Element Parks 60
Ste Rose du Nord 289, 291        train travel 367
                                                                     wildlife watching 20, 136, 277
St-Élie-de-Caxton 266-8          transport 23, 366-73, see
                                                                     wine 20
St-Faustin-Lac-Carré 250            also driving
                                                                       festivals 84, 208
St-Jérôme 246-7                  Trinity 353, 357
                                                                       tasting 12
St-Sauveur-des-Monts 247, 252    Trois-Rivières 269-70, 271
                                                                       tips 83
St Hubertus Estate Winery        Tuktoyaktuk 172, 173
  85, 89                         TV 369
                                                                       Blomidon Estate Winery 325
St Jacobs 193                    Twenty Valley Wine Country
                                    208-9, 211                         Chaberton Estate Winery 41
St John’s 350-1
                                 Twillingate 356, 357                  Creekside Estate Winery 208
Stewart Crossing 163
                                                                       Jost Winery 314
Stratford 194-5, 198             Tyrannosaurus rex 147
                                                                       Konzelmann Estate Winery
Sudbury 184-5, 189
Summerhill Pyramid 89            U                                     Nk’Mip Cellars 84
Summerhill Pyramid
                                 Upper Canada Village 234              Pelee Island Winery 225
  Winery 85
                                                                       Rossignol Estate Winery 342
Summerlands Creamery 152
Sunwapta Falls 139-40            V                                     Sandhill Wines 84
                                                                       Sea Star Vineyards 67
surfing 316                      vacations 373
                                                                       Strewn 207
Sutton 257-8, 263                Val Marie 146-7, 149
                                                                       Tawse Winery 209
Sydney 331, 337                  Val-David 248-9, 252-3
                                                                       Vista D’oro 41
                                 Vancouver 24-5, 114-15
                                                                     Wolfe Island 231
T                                Vancouver Aquarium 39
                                                                     Wolfville 324-5, 327
                                 Vancouver Island 19
Table Rock 203                                                       Woodland Cultural Centre 197
                                 Victoria 56-7, 62, 70, 71, 116-17
Tadoussac 289, 291                                                   World’s Largest Dinosaur 125
                                 Victoria Harbour Ferry 57
Takakkaw Falls 103                                                   Writing-on-Stone Provincial
                                 Ville de Mont-Tremblant 250-1,
Tantalus Lookout 49, 51            253                                 Park 129
Tantalus Mountain Range 49       visas 22, 373
Tatamagouche 314
Taylor Head Provincial Park
                                 Vulcan 127                          Z
  315-16, 317                                                        zip-lining 40, 268

©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd

ADAM KARLIN                                             JOHN LEE
Adam has contributed to dozens of Lonely Planet         Born and raised in the historic UK city of St Albans,
guidebooks, covering an alphabetical spread that        John slowly succumbed to the lure of overseas
ranges from the Andaman Islands to the Zimbabwe         exotica, and arrived on Canada’s West Coast in 1993
Border. As a journalist, he has written on travel,      to begin an MA in Political Science at the University of
crime, politics, archeology and the Sri Lankan Civil    Victoria. Regular trips home to Britain ensued, along
War, among other topics. He has sent dispatches         with stints living in Tokyo and Montréal, before he
from every continent barring Antarctica (one day!)      returned to British Columbia to become a full-time
and his essays and articles have featured in the BBC,   freelance writer in 1999. Now living in Vancouver,
NPR, and multiple non-fiction anthologies. Adam is      John specializes in travel writing and has contributed
based out of New Orleans, which helps explain his       to more than 150 different publications around the
love of wetlands, food and good music.                  world.

CRAIG MCLACHLAN                                         LIZA PRADO
Craig has covered destinations all over the globe       Liza has been a travel writer since 2003, when she
for Lonely Planet for two decades. Based in             made a move from corporate lawyering to travel
Queenstown, New Zealand, for half the year, he runs     writing (and never looked back). She’s written dozens
an outdoor activities company and a sake brewery,       of guidebooks and articles as well as apps and blogs
then moonlights overseas for the other half, leading    to destinations throughout the Americas. She takes
tours and writing for Lonely Planet. Craig has          decent photos too. Liza is a graduate of Brown
completed a number of adventures in Japan and           University and Stanford Law School. She lives very
his books are available on Amazon. Check out www.       happily in Denver, Colorado, with her husband and                                      fellow LP writer, Gary Chandler, and their two kids.

BRENDAN SAINSBURY                                       PHILLIP TANG
Born and raised in the UK in a town that never merits   Phillip grew up on a typically Australian diet of pho
a mention in any guidebook (Andover, Hampshire),        and fish’n’chips before moving to Mexico City. A
Brendan spent the holidays of his youth caravanning     degree in Chinese- and Latin-American cultures
in the English Lake District and didn’t leave Blighty   launched him into travel and then writing about it for
until he was 19. Making up for lost time, he’s since    Lonely Planet’s Canada, China, Japan, Korea, Mexico,
squeezed 70 countries into a sometimes precarious       Peru and Vietnam guides. Writing at,
existence as a writer and professional vagabond. In     photos @mrtangtangtang, and tweets @philliptang.
the last 11 years, he has written over 40 books for
Lonely Planet from Castro’s Cuba to the canyons of
OLIVER BERRY                                             GREGOR CLARK
Oliver Berry is a writer and photographer from           Gregor Clark is a US-based writer whose love of
Cornwall. He has worked for Lonely Planet for more       foreign languages and curiosity about what’s around
than a decade, covering destinations from Cornwall       the next bend have taken him to dozens of countries
to the Cook Islands, and has worked on more than         on five continents. Chronic wanderlust has also
30 guidebooks. He is also a regular contributor to       led him to visit all 50 states and most Canadian
many newspapers and magazines, including Lonely          provinces on countless road trips through his native
Planet Traveller. His writing has won several awards,    North America. Since 2000, Gregor has regularly
including The Guardian Young Travel Writer of the        contributed to Lonely Planet guides, with a focus on
Year and the TNT Magazine People’s Choice Award.         Europe and the Americas.
His latest work is published at

SHAWN DUTHIE                                             STEVE FALLON
Originally from Canada, Shawn has been traveling,        A native of Boston, Massachusetts, Steve graduated
studying and working around the world for the past       from Georgetown University with a Bachelor of
13 years. A love of travel merged with an interest in    Science in modern languages. After working for
international politics, which led to several years of    several years for an American daily newspaper
lecturing at the University of Cape Town and, now,       and earning a Master’s degree in journalism, his
as a freelance political risk consultant specialising    fascination with the ‘new’ Asia and led him to Hong
in African countries. Shawn lives in South Africa        Kong, where he lived for over a dozen years, working
and takes any excuse to travel around this amazing       for a variety of media and running his own travel
continent.                                               bookshop. He has written or contributed to more than
                                                         100 Lonely Planet titles.

CAROLYN HELLER                                           ANNA KAMINSKI
Carolyn has been a full-time travel, food, and feature   Originally from the Soviet Union, Anna grew up in
writer since 1996, writing for publications including    Cambridge, UK. She graduated from the University, Forbes Travel Guide, Boston Globe,     of Warwick with a degree in Comparative American
Los Angeles Times and Viator Travel. The author of       Studies, a background in the history, culture and
several guidebooks, she’s also contributed to 50+        literature of the Americas and the Caribbean, and an
travel and restaurant guides for Lonely Planet and       enduring love of Latin America. Anna has contributed
other publishers. She’s eaten her way across more        to almost 30 Lonely Planet titles. When not on the
than 40 countries on six continents.                     road, Anna calls London home.
                                                                                 A beat-up old car, a few
                                                                                 dollars in the pocket and a

                                                                                 sense of adventure. In 1972
                                                                                 that’s all Tony and Maureen
                                                                                 Wheeler needed for the

   WRITERS                                                                       trip of a lifetime – across
                                                                                 Europe and Asia overland
                                                                                 to Australia. It took several
                                                                                 months, and at the end –
                                         broke but inspired – they sat at their kitchen table writing and
                                         stapling together their first travel guide, Across Asia on the Cheap.
                                         Within a week they’d sold 1500 copies. Lonely Planet was born.
                                           Today, Lonely Planet has offices in Franklin, London, Melbourne,
                                         Oakland, Dublin, Beijing and Delhi, with more than 600 staff and
                                         writers. We share Tony’s belief that ‘a great guidebook should do
                                         three things: inform, educate and amuse’.

REGIS ST LOUIS                                                  RAY BARTLETT
Regis grew up in a small town in the American                   Ray has been travel writing for nearly two decades,
Midwest – the kind of place that fuels big dreams               bringing Japan, Korea, Mexico, Tanzania, Guatemala,
of travel – and he developed an early fascination               Indonesia, and many parts of the United States to life
with foreign dialects and world cultures. He spent              in rich detail for top-industry publishers, newspapers,
his formative years learning Russian and a handful              and magazines. His acclaimed debut novel, Sunsets
of Romance languages, which served him well                     of Tulum, set in Yucatán, was a Midwest Book Review
on journeys across much of the globe. Regis has                 2016 Fiction pick. Among other pursuits, he surfs
contributed to more than 50 Lonely Planet titles,               regularly and is an accomplished Argentine tango
covering destinations across six continents. His                dancer. He currently divides his time between homes
travels have taken him from the mountains of                    in the USA, Japan, and Mexico.
Kamchatka to remote island villages in Melanesia,
and to many grand urban landscapes. When not on
the road, he lives in New Orleans.

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