Best Practice in Supporting Adults Who May Be Vulnerable to Manage Their Own Finances -

Page created by Ron Howard
Best Practice in Supporting Adults Who May Be Vulnerable to Manage Their Own Finances -
May 2020

Best Practice in Supporting Adults
Who May Be Vulnerable to
Manage Their Own Finances
A Discussion Document           Nothing about you/ without you
sage advocacy                                                                                                                                                                      sage advocacy

Contents                                                                                                This Discussion Document has been compiled by Sage Advocacy
                                                                                                        in consultation with the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies
                                                                                                        (NFVB), the HSE Patient Private Property Accounts Section, HIQA,
                                                                                                        representatives of the private nursing home sector and the Department
Section One                                         Indicative methods of support identified   23       of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.
Introduction                                4         Method 1: Minimal Support                23
                                                      Method 2: Support with oversight         23       A Draft of the Document was circulated to a number of selected
Purpose of Document                         4
                                                      Method 3: Management by a third party 24          stakeholders and responses received (12) are reflected in the document.
Who the Document is for                     4
                                                    Section Four                                        It should be noted that supporting vulnerable adults to manage their
Defining and understanding vulnerability    4
                                                                                                        finances is a hugely complex area and one where there is a wide range of
                                                    Concluding Observations                    28
Why additional discussion on                                                                            views, including among the above stakeholders. How best to ensure that
supporting vulnerable adults with                   Overarching factors                        28       people’s independence in managing their finances is maximised within a
financial management is important           5                                                           rights-based supported decision-making framework is critically important
                                                    Families as support providers              28
                                                                                                        as is the need to ensure that people’s legal rights are protected.
Section Two:                                        Assessing decision-making capacity         29
Regulatory Framework and                                                                                Arriving at definitive guidance on best practice is challenging because of
                                                    Joint Accounts                             30
Legislative Provisions                     8                                                            the need to cater for the needs of people in very different circumstances
                                                    Other issues                               30       and with different levels of capacity to manage their finances, including
Management of the personal finances
of people in residential care services      8                                                           those living in nursing homes, people with disabilities in residential care
                                                    Glossary of Terms                          31       facilities and those with disabilities living their lives in the community.
National Quality Standards                  8

HSE Private Property Accounts               9       Appendix One                                        It is envisaged that the Discussion Document will contribute to opening
                                                    Indicative Case Examples                   35       up further discussion on this important matter and will contribute to
Social welfare payments agents             10                                                           developing best practice in supporting adults who may be vulnerable to
Ways of getting assistance with                     Appendix Two                                        manage their finances and to maximise their capacity in this regard.
managing accounts                          13       HSE Patients’ Private Property
                                                                                                        Sage Advocacy acknowledges with thanks the valuable contributions to
Provisions of the Assisted Decision-                Account Guidelines:                                 this document of the agencies listed above and of the stakeholders who
making (Capacity) Act 2015                 15       Selected Extracts                          39       commented on a Draft of the Document.
Role of HSE Safeguarding Teams             17
                                                    Appendix Three
Role of financial service providers
                                                    S.I. No. 378 of 2009 Social Welfare
in safeguarding the finances of an adult
who may be vulnerable to financial abuse   17       (Consolidated Claims, Payments
                                                    And Control) (Amendment)
Role of Independent Advocacy in ensuring
the support needs of an adult who may
                                                    (No. 6) (Nominated Persons)                     Structure of Document
be vulnerable to financial abuse are
                                                    Regulations 2009                    42
                                                                                                    The Document contains four sections.
adequately met                           18
                                                    Appendix Four
                                                                                                        Section 1 (Introduction) explains the rationale for the document,
Section Three                                       Selected Provisions of the ADM                      its purpose and sets out some key contextual factors.
Providing Assistance to People                      (Capacity) Act 2015                        43
Who Require Support with                                                                                Section 2 describes the background to and current regulatory context
Money Management                           20       Appendix Five                                       for the management of the finances of adults who may be vulnerable.

Legal presumption of capacity              20
                                                    State Funding for Services                          Section 3 provides principles and related guidance for effective support
                                                    Provided by Non-Governmental                        in the management of vulnerable adults’ personal finances.
Best practice considerations               21       Organisations                              44
Supporting adults who may be vulnerable
                                                                                                        Section 4 contains some concluding observations.
to financial abuse to manage their money   21       Appendix Six:                                       A Glossary of Terms used in the Document is provided.
Need for an individualised support                  Useful Resources                           45
needs approach                             22                                                           Six appendices are included.

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Section One                                                                                                          People differ in their exposure to risk as a
                                                                                                                     result of their social group, gender, ethnic
                                                                                                                     or other identity, age and other factors.”
                                                                                                                                                                                     Why additional discussion on
                                                                                                                                                                                     supporting vulnerable adults with

                                                                                                                                                                                     financial management is important
                                                                                                                     (International Federation of Red Cross and
                                                                                                                     Red Crescent Societies5                                         There is a clear obligation to ensure that
                                                                                                                                                                                     the financial rights and freedoms of adults
Purpose of Document                                           Also, it is relevant to the Department of              While acknowledging the vast spectrum of
                                                                                                                                                                                     who may be vulnerable are promoted and
                                                              Employment Affairs and Social Protection               vulnerabilities that people may experience,
This Discussion Document aims to promote                                                                                                                                             protected. Many people face challenges to
                                                              (DEASP) and it is hoped that it will be taken          vulnerability is understood in this document in
openness, accountability and consistency                                                                                                                                             their financial independence due to cognitive,
                                                              into account by the Department in setting out          accordance with the definition of a vulnerable
in working with adults who may be                                                                                                                                                    physical or sensory disability, an acquired brain
                                                              the requirements for Agents for social welfare         person in the HSE Safeguarding Vulnerable
vulnerable and who may need support in                                                                                                                                               injury, mental health difficulties, an inability to
                                                              payments which are likely to arise out of the          Persons at Risk of Abuse – National Policy and
the management of their personal finances.                                                                                                                                           communicate effectively, lack of family and
                                                              implementation of the Assisted Decision-               Procedures’ (2014).6
It also seeks to place the protection of the                                                                                                                                         community supports, or an inability to access
                                                              Making (Capacity) Act 2015.4 It should also                                                                            financial services that meet their needs. For
human and legal rights of such persons to                                                                            “An Adult who may be restricted in capacity
                                                              have relevance for the Decision Support                                                                                some people, this vulnerability is due to a
the fore through ensuring the safe, open and                                                                         to guard himself/herself against harm or
                                                              Service in implementing the Act.                                                                                       lifelong condition and for others their ability
accountable management of their money.                                                                               exploitation or to report such harm or
This is deemed necessary in order to reflect                                                                         exploitation” Restriction of capacity may                       to manage their financial affairs effectively
                                                              Focus of Document                                      arise as a result of physical or intellectual                   deteriorates slowly as a condition, such as
the basic principles of ‘voice and ‘nothing
about you/without you’.                                       While the focus of the document is on                  impairment. Vulnerability to abuse is                           dementia, develops over time.
                                                              supporting adults who may be vulnerable to             influenced by both context and individual
The document locates the discussion on best                                                                                                                                          While it is likely that the majority of persons
                                                              manage their finances, it is acknowledged              circumstances” (p.3).
practice in the context of existing guidelines                                                                                                                                       supporting people to manage their finances
                                                              that the term ‘vulnerable’ presents difficulties                                                                       (e.g., those acting as Agents for social
and standards, viz. HIQA Standards1 and HSE                                                                          It is also noted that a vulnerable consumer is
                                                              for a number of reasons, not least because                                                                             welfare payments for people unable to do
Patients Private Property Guidelines2. It takes                                                                      defined in the Consumer Protection Code as
                                                              vulnerability may have as much to do with                                                                              so themselves) act out of a genuine caring
cognisance of principle that an individual’s                                                                         meaning a person who:
                                                              people’s living circumstances and environment                                                                          disposition and in good faith, there is an
finances are theirs to be used by them for                    as with their ability/disability, decision-making         •   Has the capacity to make his or her own                  increasing awareness and evidence of the
their benefit and as they choose in accordance                capacity or coping skills. Also, there is a wide              decisions but who, because of individual                 financial abuse of vulnerable adults which has
with the principles outlined in the HIQA and                  spectrum of vulnerability and some people                     circumstances, may require assistance to                 been documented in research.7
Safeguarding Ireland Guidance on a Human                      may be more vulnerable because of their high                  do so (for example people with hearing
Rights-based Approach in Health and Social                    level of risk-taking.                                         or visual difficulties); and/or                          A Red C poll8 conducted for Safeguarding
Care Services.3 These are fairness, respect,
equality, dignity and autonomy and are often                                                                                                                                         Ireland highlighted the fact that half of all Irish
                                                              Defining and understanding                                •   Has limited capacity to make his or
referred to as the FREDA principles.                                                                                                                                                 adults say they have experienced the abuse of
                                                                                                                            her own decisions and who requires
                                                              vulnerability                                                                                                          vulnerable adults either through being abused
                                                                                                                            assistance to do so (for example, persons
                                                                                                                                                                                     themselves or having seen somebody close to
Who the Document is for                                       Broadly speaking, vulnerability can be defined                with intellectual disabilities or mental
                                                                                                                                                                                     them abused. Two in 5 people think vulnerable
                                                              as the diminished capacity of an individual                   health difficulties)
This Discussion Document is for consideration                                                                                                                                        adults are badly treated and 1 in 3 believes
                                                              or group to anticipate, cope with, resist and
by those who are over 18 years of age                                                                                It is acknowledged that there are important                     vulnerable adult abuse to be widespread.
                                                              recover from the impact of a natural or man-
who may be vulnerable to financial abuse,                                                                            issues associated with the quick onset of
                                                              made hazard. The concept is relative and
their families, service providers, including                                                                         vulnerability arising from, for example,                        National Centre for the Protection of Older
                                                              dynamic. Vulnerability can arise when people
financial, legal, medical and allied health care                                                                     dementia or Acquired Brain Injury which                         People (NCPOP) research9 shows that financial
                                                              are isolated, insecure and defenceless in the
professionals, along with housing, day care and                                                                      need to be further identified, analysed and                     abuse is the most common type of abuse
                                                              face of risk, shock or stress.
residential care service providers.                                                                                  addressed but which are beyond the scope                        reported in relation to older persons.
                                                                                                                     of the current document.

1 National Standards for Adult Safeguarding (2019),
  National-Standards-for-Adult-Safeguarding.pdf                                                                      5
  National Standards for Residential Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities Standard 3.1                 6                         7 Safeguarding Ireland Report
  National Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland,     guarding-office-report-2017.pdf
  files/2017-01/National-Standards-for-Older-People.pdf                                                                RED C Poll National Public Opinion Survey in relation to Vulnerable Adults in Irish Society
  Guidance for Designated Centres: Resident’s Finances       wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Red-C-Survey-Vulnerable-Adults-in-Irish-Society-060417-1.pdf
  HIQA/Residents%20Finance%20Guidance.pdf                                                                              Fealy, G., Donnelly, N., Bergin, A., Treacy, M.P., Phelan, A. (2012) Financial Abuse of Older People: A Review, NCPOP,
2 HSE Patients Private Property Guidelines,                    University College Dublin.
  patients%20private%20property%20guidelines.pdf                                                                       People-_-A-Review.pdf
3                              8
4 It is envisaged that Agent payments will, post the commencement of the ADM Act, come within the                      Society-060417.pdf
  remit of the Act and be governed by its provisions for supported decision-making.                                  9 See

                                                          4                                                                                                                      5
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These research findings indicate a very                           agent with the obligations set out in its             Current Standards and Guidelines for the                          The following related domains have been
worrying prevalence of vulnerable adult                           legislation (which the nominated person/              management of the finances of people                              identified14 - basic monetary skills, financial
abuse, uncertainty over what constitutes                          agent undertakes to adhere to at the outset,          living in residential care services may not                       conceptual knowledge, cash transactions,
psychological and financial abuse, and a lack                     and which are again notified to the agent             be sufficiently detailed to cater for the                         cheque book management, bank statement
of knowledge of what to do when someone                           at the time of their appointment). While              specific support needs of a range of people                       management, and financial management. For
becomes aware of the abuse of vulnerable                          legislation provides for the payment recipient        with different decision-making capacity                           example, support with everyday transactions
adults. It should, of course, be noted that                       to request the discontinuation of an agent            in relation to financial management. For                          is clearly different to the more complex task of
adults without any cognitive impairment or                        arrangement if at any time they are not               example, feedback from Sage Advocacy                              managing investments.
lack of financial capacity can be financially                     satisfied with the arrangement, this presumes         personnel on this matter refers to a ‘one size
exploited through the use of psychological                        that the recipient has decision-making                fits all’ approach in some services to the                        Decision-making capacity
manipulation or misrepresentation, coercion                       capacity. There is some concern expressed             management of residents’ personal finances
                                                                                                                                                                                          The matter of the management by vulnerable
or undue influence.                                               by Sage advocates and other frontline staff           with active engagement with residents around
                                                                                                                                                                                          adults of their personal finances is intrinsically
                                                                  about the level of control which may be               money matters remaining underdeveloped.
A question arises as to how well current                                                                                                                                                  linked to decision-making capacity. There
                                                                  exercised by family members over people’s
policy and practice supports and facilitates                                                                                                                                              is a common law assumption, now given
                                                                  finances in some instances, with particular           Understanding ‘financial abuse’
the development of people’s decision-making                                                                                                                                               statutory effect in the Assisted Decision
                                                                  reference to the Agency system for social
capacity to the greatest extent possible in                                                                             Financial abuse is broader than abuse relating                    Making (Capacity) Act 201515 (ADM Act), that
                                                                  welfare benefit payments.
respect of understanding and using money,                                                                               to personal finances. Financial exploitation                      all persons are presumed to have the capacity
experiencing ‘ordinary’ social transactions in                    Significant progress has been made in recent          of vulnerable adults can often include the                        (or ability or competency) to make a specific
the community, knowing where their money                          decades in relation to the way the finances           illegal or improper use of property, the misuse                   decision or decisions until the contrary is
comes from, why they receive it, how much                         of people in residential care facilities are          of an adult’s home, theft of possessions,                         indicated. A person is therefore ONLY to
money they get and where it goes.                                 managed taking into account the need                  inappropriate use of resources such as                            be regarded as having reduced capacity
                                                                  to protect the rights of vulnerable adults.           utilities, food and transfer of resources such                    to understand and manage their finances
Ireland currently does not have legislation                       Residential care service providers are                as property and assets and coercion and                           AFTER all efforts have been made to support
giving a statutory right to protections for                       generally engaged in a process of developing          intimidation to gain access to assets including                   their decision making by facilitating them
vulnerable adults, but legislation is planned10.                  appropriate protocols in this regard. Many            gift giving and creating a will. The HIQA                         to understand the decision to be made (see
In 2017 the Government approved the                               have set out in detail policies and procedures,       National Standards for Residential Services                       Appendix 4).
development of a national policy on national                      including staff role and responsibilities in          include the protection of both personal
safeguarding in the health and social care                                                                              property and finances (3.6.1).                                    Pending the implementation of the Act, the
                                                                  facilitating and supporting service users’
sector and underpinning legislation. HIQA                                                                                                                                                 presumption of capacity and a functional
                                                                  choice. Protocols for accounting, record-
and the Mental Health Commission (MHC)                                                                                                                                                    approach to capacity (detailed in Section 3
                                                                  keeping, opening and managing bank accounts           Financial Capacity
have jointly developed National Standards                                                                                                                                                 below) should prevail in all situations. Under
                                                                  have been developed and disciplinary action
for Adult Safeguarding.11                                                                                               Financial capacity has been found to be an                        current provisions, where there is no legal
                                                                  relating to any misuse of service users’
                                                                                                                        advanced activity of daily life, conceptually                     provision for the management of a person’s
While this safeguarding legislation is pending,                   accounts has been identified.
                                                                                                                        distinct from household activities and basic                      personal finances on their behalf, e.g., an
there remains inadequate protection for                           HIQA inspection reports over the years have           activities of daily life. Research has shown                      attorney or attorneys under a registered
vulnerable adults relating, inter alia, to                        referenced evidence in many residential care          that financial capacity is already significantly                  Enduring Power of Attorney (see Glossary),
protection from financial abuse. For example,                     services of robust systems in place in relation       impaired in mild Alzheimer’s disease                              the only alternative available in order to
there are no guidelines in existence for                          to the management of residents’ finances.             especially in the more complex domains                            safeguard a vulnerable adult’s personal
safeguarding the finances of a person who                         However, a gap identified in HIQA Inspection          of cheque book use and management, bank                           money is wardship. When the ADM Act is fully
may be vulnerable to financial abuse who                          Reports has referred to insufficient support          statement management, bill payment and                            commenced a number of decision support
lives on his/her own in the community or                          being provided to residents to manage their           financial judgement.13 The decline in financial                   mechanisms will be available to people (see
with a family member or in a house with other                     own financial affairs as well as some lack of         capacity can be rapid, for example, in                            below). Under the Act, where a person who
people (apart from HSE funded community                           transparency around the use of residents’             Alzheimer’s disease.                                              has been assessed as lacking decision-making
group homes).                                                     money to cover certain staff expenses. For                                                                              capacity for specific matters, the Circuit Court
                                                                                                                        The development of a domain-based approach
                                                                  example, a 2019 Overview Report12 noted                                                                                 will appoint a Decision-Making Representative
DEASP requirements in respect of Agency                                                                                 to financial capacity recognises that an
                                                                  that in some services where it was deemed                                                                               to act for that person.
for Social Welfare Payments (see below)                                                                                 individual may be competent to carry out
provides some protection in that the                              that the risk of financial abuse was too great,
                                                                                                                        some financial activities and not others.
Department will act promptly to investigate                       some residents were denied the right to
any case of alleged non-compliance by an                          manage (with support if required) their own
                                                                  financial affairs.

10 In March 2017, the Adult Safeguarding Bill was introduced in the Seanad. The Bill received cross party support and   13 Marson, D.C. et al (2009), Clinical Interview Assessment of Financial Capacity in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive
   was passed to committee stage.                                                                                          Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease,
11                        14 Ibid.
12 p.46                      15 Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015 Section 8 (2)

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Section Two:                                                                                                                3.1.15 Where people need support to manage
                                                                                                                                   their financial affairs, they nominate
                                                                                                                                   a person to be entrusted with this
                                                                                                                                                                                     for directions as to the use of amounts over
                                                                                                                                                                                     €5,000. The HSE must inform the account
                                                                                                                                                                                     holder and publish a notice of its intention in a
Regulatory Framework and Legislative Provisions                                                                                    responsibility. Nominated persons keep
                                                                                                                                   an account of all monies spent.
                                                                                                                                                                                     daily newspaper. Concern has been expressed
                                                                                                                                                                                     about this requirement and an important
                                                                                                                                   If nominated persons are staff members,           question raised as to right of the wider
                                                                                                                                   they are accountable to the person in             community to have access to such information
Management of the personal                                                 The resident’s right to control their
                                                                                                                                   charge as well as the person concerned.           and related data protection issues.
                                                                           own personal property and finances is
finances of people in residential                                          respected for as long as they wish.              3.1.16 People do not contribute to any                   The Minister may appoint an independent
care services                                                                                                                      communal fund without their                       person to monitor Patient’s Private Property
                                                                  3.6.3 The residential service keeps an
                                                                                                                                   informed consent.                                 accounts and ensure that the money is used
National Quality Standards                                              accurate and up-to-date record of
                                                                                                                                                                                     for the person’s benefit. Regulations may be
                                                                        all money, personal possessions and                 3.1.17 People can avail of facilities for the safe
National Quality Standards 16 stipulate                                                                                                                                              made to enable the HSE to impose a charge
                                                                        valuables held on behalf of each                           storage of their money and valuables.
that each person should be facilitated and                                                                                                                                           for administering Patients’ Private Property
                                                                        resident. Each resident, if they choose
supported to take responsibility for his/her                                                                                3.1.18    Records and receipts of possessions            accounts under the terms of the 2006 Act.
                                                                        to do so, may nominate a person to
own financial affairs.                                                  keep an account of all monies spent.                         handed over for, or withdrawn from,
                                                                                                                                     safekeeping are kept up to date.                HSE Guidelines
The National Standards for Adult Safeguarding                     3.6.4 Where any money or valuables belonging
require that each person is supported and                               to the resident is handled by staff within          3.1.19 The person-in-charge ensures that                 The HSE Patients’ Private Property Account
encouraged to make decisions around their                               the residential service, dated, signed                     people have access to advocates and/              Guidelines and associated information can be
personal welfare, affairs and property and that:                        records and receipts are kept. All records                 or legal advice in any situation where it         viewed on-line at
Arrangements are in place for each person to                            are signed by the resident.                                appears they are subject to any form of           list/4/olderpeople/pppaccounts/
look after their own personal belongings and                                                                                       financial abuse by a third party.
finances in a way that takes account of the                       3.6.5 Where residents need support to                                                                              The Guidelines state (Par. 7.3.3) that they
will and preferences of the person. Where a                             manage their financial affairs, they are                                                                     do not adopt the status-based concept of
person needs support to do this, the service                            facilitated to access information, advice           HSE Private Property Accounts                            capacity whereby all clients are classified
has transparent and secure arrangements in                              and support on money management.                                                                             as either having full capacity or not
                                                                                                                            People in residential services who are
place (3.1.9).                                                                                                                                                                       having capacity.
                                                                  3.6.6 A resident does not contribute to any               deemed unable to manage their own property
Standard 3.6 of the National Standards for                              communal or business fund without                   (including money) are assigned a ‘Patient’s              The following stipulations are included in
Residential Care Settings for Older People in                           their informed consent. Where funding is            Private Property Account’ (PPPA) (see                    the Guidelines:
Ireland requires that each resident’s personal                          pooled or communal, proper accounting               Appendix 2) if they have capacity to indicate
                                                                                                                            this preference. It may also be considered                  •   HSE responsibilities to its service users
property and finances are managed and                                   for contributions to and withdrawals                                                                                include respecting and reinforcing their
protected. The criteria set out under this                              from the fund are ensured.                          the most appropriate option for people who
                                                                                                                            are a Ward of Court or have another legal                       personal dignity and their freedom to
Standard provide a comprehensive framework                              3.6.7 Where arrangements are in                                                                                     determine matters relevant to them;
for the development of mechanisms and                                   place for staff to collect social welfare           representative. These accounts are managed
protocols for an effective and inclusive                                payments or pensions for residents,                 by the HSE or by someone else on behalf of                  •   The functional interpretation of capacity
approach to the management of people’s                                  guidelines issued by the Department of              the HSE (a service provider). Monies on behalf                  is to be used to the greatest extent
personal finances which would support and                               Social Protection are adhered to.                   of people with a PPPA are kept in special                       practicable, i.e., that capacity is specific
maximise personal control.                                                                                                  accounts separate and apart from the HSE’s                      to the particular act or decision at the
                                                                           The HIQA National Standards for                  own accounts. The HSE is responsible for the                    time it is being made;
3.6.1 The residential service has a clear policy                           Residential Services for Children and            administration of these accounts and acts as
                                                                                                                                                                                        •   People, whether they are deemed to
      and procedure on the management and                                  Adults with Disabilities stipulate that:         trustee of the funds. Patients’ Private Property
                                                                                                                                                                                            have decision-making capacity or not,
      protection of personal property and                                                                                   accounts are independently audited each year.
                                                                  3.1.13 Information, advice and support on                                                                                 must be involved in decisions affecting
      finances including pension management.
                                                                         money management are made available.               Money lodged into private property accounts                     them, including decisions around finance,
3.6.2 Each resident has access to their                                                                                     can only be used for the benefit of the                         to the greatest extent practicable and
                                                                  3.1.14     People have easy access to personal                                                                            consistent with their overall well-being.
      personal property and finances and                                                                                    individual. The HSE Central PPPA Unit may
                                                                           monies and control their own financial
      secure facilities are provided for the safe-                                                                          invest the money held in account or spend it
                                                                           affairs in accordance with their wishes.
      keeping of money and valuables.                                                                                       for the benefit of the account holder unless
                                                                                                                            directed otherwise by the account holder
                                                                                                                            or by any person legally appointed by the
16 HIQA and Mental Health Commission, National Standards for Adult Safeguarding,
                                                                                                                            court. The HSE may apply to the Circuit Court
   HIQA, National Standards for Residential Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities
   HIQA, National Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland,
                                                              8                                                                                                                  9
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The HSE’s responsibilities, where there are                     The Guidelines state that it is neither practical          who signed the form) or a person who                             •   An inability to understand and
doubts around a person’s decision-making                        nor appropriate for the HSE to seek to be fully            appears to the Department to have a good                             complete the claim form
capacity, are set out as follows:                               prescriptive, particularly “on issues impacted             and sufficient interest in the welfare of the
                                                                                                                                                                                            •   An inability to understand and deal
                                                                by the lack of capacity of clients” and that               claimant. If the person lives in a residential
   •   The HSE’s sole duty concerning PPPA                                                                                                                                                      with correspondence and enquiries
                                                                local clinical and other staff are best placed             service for a continuous period of four weeks
       funds is to ensure their funds held by                                                                                                                                                   concerning the claim
                                                                to know what is appropriate for an individual              or more, and, if no other person is available
       the HSE are safeguarded for their direct                 service user. Local discretion must, however,              or willing to be appointed as an Agent, a                        •   An inability to manage benefit
       benefit and their benefit alone;                         “be exercised purely on the basis of the client’s          representative of the service provider may be                        payments received
                                                                best interests and their interests alone and               appointed as an Agent.
   •   The HSE has a duty to be able to
                                                                must be within the parameters set by these                                                                                The DEASP has advised that where a
       properly record and account for any
                                                                guidelines” (Par. 7.6.3 p.8).                              There are two types of Agent:                                  registered care provider is acting as a Type
       movements in the funds held by it in
       safekeeping for clients;                                                                                                                                                           2 agent, the Department can facilitate
                                                                Process for accessing PPPA Funds                           Type 1                                                         electronic payments directly to the central
   •   The HSE has no clear legal power                         for the benefit of the Individual                          This type of agent collects the payment on                     residents’ account of the institution. All
       to hand over, without their informed                                                                                behalf of a person who is unable to do so                      monies transferred must be individually and
       consent, the funds of any individual, to                 The Guidelines stipulate that each person’s                due to illness or loss of mobility.20 Type 1                   correctly managed on behalf of the resident.
       any other person other than where that                   ability to derive benefit from any item or                 agency confers no authority on the agent to
       person is a Ward of Court (WOC), or has                  service that might potentially be purchased                do anything other than collect the payment                     Ward of Court or Power of Attorney
       in place an operative Enduring Power of                  using their PPP funds must be assessed by                  and s/he has no responsibility in relation
       Attorney (EPA) or has died;                              clinical staff in the context of the person’s              to informing the DEASP of any changes                          In the case of a Ward of Court or an attorney
                                                                overall Care Plan. In cases where there is an              of circumstance – the recipient retains                        appointed under an enduring power of
   •   The continued independence of people                     agreed decision by the clinical team that a                                                                               attorney (EPOA), the DEASP will make
                                                                                                                           responsibility for this. The person may cancel
       is promoted to the greatest extent                       service user would benefit from the purchase                                                                              payments directly to the Committee of the
                                                                                                                           or revoke an agent arrangement at any time
       practicable, consistent with the provision               of an item or service not deemed to be                                                                                    Ward or to the attorney by nominating them
                                                                                                                           and appoint another agent by completing
       of safe and appropriate care;                            necessary for his/her care, application can                                                                               as agent for the beneficiary. All such payments
                                                                                                                           the Authority to Appoint an Agent form21.
                                                                be made to use the person’s PPPA funds to                  The Department can also withdraw consent                       are made electronically to a nominated
   •   In allowing any utilisation of PPPA funds
                                                                purchase such an item or service.18                        to a nomination at any time where it has                       bank account. In EPOA cases, this must be
       where a person cannot give an informed
                                                                                                                           reason to believe that the arrangement is not                  a financial institution account of which the
       permission, the HSE must be guided by
                                                                                                                                                                                          payment recipient is a registered party.
       the overriding requirement that it acts in               Social welfare payments agents                             working satisfactorily or that that the payment
       the clear best interests of the individual;                                                                         is not being used for the benefit of the
                                                                The Social Welfare (Consolidated Claims,                   recipient. If this occurs, the Agent must, where               The DEASP is in the process24 of reviewing and
   •    The HSE cannot permit any ‘pooling’ or                  Payments and Control) (Amendment) (No.6)                   relevant, return the payments on request.                      revising the general use of Agents for receiving
       ‘general use’ of funds -- each person’s                  (Nominated Persons) Regulations 200919                                                                                    the State payments of adults who may be
       individual fund can only be used for his/                provide for the payment of social welfare                  Type 222                                                       vulnerable to financial abuse and to this end
       her specific benefit;                                    benefits and pensions to a person other                    This applies where a person is deemed unable                   established a Working Group to examine and
                                                                than the claimant or beneficiary. A person                 to manage his/her own financial affairs and                    make recommendations on the adequacy of
   •   Service users’ funds must be clearly                     may be either nominated by the claimant or                                                                                the current procedures and processes for:
                                                                                                                           an agent is appointed to collect the payment
       separated from service provider funds                    beneficiary to act as Agent and receive the                and act on behalf of the claimant.23 In all cases                •   Appointing agents for social
       in order to ensure clarity as to what                    payment on his/her behalf or be appointed                  a medical practitioner must certify that the                         welfare payments
       service users are expected to fund from                  by the Minister. The Regulations specify the               person is unable for the time being to manage
       their own resources and what they can                    circumstances in which such appointments                                                                                    •   Reviewing existing agent arrangements
                                                                                                                           his/her own financial affairs for reasons which
       reasonably expect the HSE to provide for                 may be made and, also, set out the duties and              may include:                                                     •   Dealing with specific complaints
       as part of its care obligation;                          responsibilities of the appointed person. The
                                                                                                                                •   An inability to understand the basis of                     regarding named agents when they
                                                                Agent must be over the age of 18 years and be                                                                                   arise (with the involvement of relevant
   •   Any net interest earned on investment of                                                                                     possible entitlement to benefit
                                                                a prescribed relative, a person who has been                                                                                    external agencies as necessary) and
       PPPA funds belongs to the clients and
                                                                appointed to be a Care Representative of the
       cannot be retained by the HSE.17
                                                                person (other than the medical practitioner

                                                                                                                           20 This practice is sometimes just an informal arrangement between the two parties.
                                                                                                                           22 It is likely that a significant number of Type 2 agents are service providers.
17 The HSE may however retain a portion of interest earned on funds invested by the PPPA Central Unit, Tullamore as
   provided for in Statutory Instrument No. 639 of 2007.                                                                   23 An Application Form, Appointment of Agent - Where a person is unable to manage their financial affairs,
18 Concern has been expressed about the requirement for the HSE to apply to Circuit Court as to the use of monies over        4 must be completed and returned to the relevant section of the DEASP – see
   €5000 and publish a notice in the daily newspaper and an important question raised as to right of the wider community      451fd7-authority-to-appoint-an-agent/.
   to have access to such information.                                                                                     24 Source:
19                                                                 vulnerable-adults-at-risk

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   •   Continuing to raise the awareness of                     •   Niece or nephew                             Institutional Agents                                             Guidelines are regarded by the DEASP as fully
       staff on safeguarding and protection                                                                                                                                      meeting the current requirements under social
                                                                •   Grandchild                                  SI 142/2007, as amended by S.I. No. 378
       of vulnerable adults, with a particular                                                                                                                                   welfare legislation and are regarded by the
       emphasis on financial abuse                              •   Grandparent                                 of 2009 202A(f),26 stipulates that after an                      Department as best practice in this area.
                                                                                                                institutional agent has collected a pension
The Working Group is also assessing the                         •   Aunt or uncle
                                                                                                                or benefit payment (normally by direct
implications for processes and procedures                       •   An appointed Care Representative            EFT transfer to the residential care centre                      Ways of getting assistance with
for agent arrangements in the context of the                        (see Glossary)                              account)27 and after the agent has undertaken                    managing accounts
Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015                                                                    any authorised financial transaction/offset
                                                                •   A representative of a residential                                                                            There are people who need ‘physical’ support
and will make recommendations for changes                                                                       on behalf of the recipient/patient, they must
                                                                    care facility                                                                                                in managing their financial affairs as, for
necessary in order for the Department to                                                                        ensure that the balance of any benefit is
comply with that legislation.                                   •   A person, other than the medical                                                                             example, their mobility deteriorates but who
                                                                                                                lodged to an interest bearing trust account
                                                                    practitioner who signed the form, who                                                                        still understand and can still give direction as
                                                                                                                for the benefit of the claimant or beneficiary
The Group has submitted its Report and                              appears to the Department to have                                                                            to what they want done with their money. They
                                                                                                                (see Appendix 3). In line with the above
Recommendations to the Management Board.                            a good and sufficient interest in the                                                                        may want support or assistance with paying
                                                                                                                provision, as long as all monies are used by
                                                                    welfare of the beneficiary                  the institution only for the benefit of the                      bills or withdrawing funds for daily living.
Persons that can be appointed Agent                                                                             recipient (Provisions 202A (d) and (e)) and
                                                              Obligations of persons appointed                  that clear and accurate records are maintained                   Putting an account into a
The Minister can appoint a person or an
                                                              as Agents                                         (Provisions 202A (g) and (h)), the interest-                     “Joint Account”
organisation to be Agent.25 Appointed agents
                                                                                                                bearing account need not be an existing or
have a legal duty to ensure the money is used                                                                                                                                    It is often suggested to people who are
                                                              A ‘Type 1’ agent must hand all monies             new personal account in the name of the
for the benefit of the recipient and they must                                                                                                                                   experiencing such difficulty in managing
                                                              collected to the due recipient without            person concerned.28
also notify the DEASP of any changes to the                                                                                                                                      their finances that placing their bank or
                                                              deduction of any kind.
benefit recipient’s circumstances.                                                                              The DEASP is satisfied that the accounting                       credit union account into the joint names
                                                              A ‘Type 2’ agent is responsible for               obligation in paragraph (f) of the legislation                   of themselves and the other person who
Many family members act as the Agent for
                                                              ensuring that:                                    can be met by a designated centre if it has in                   is prepared to support them is a way of
individuals who lack the capacity to manage
                                                                                                                place a secure and reliable internal structure/                  achieving this. This, however, can present a
their money or do not wish to do so. Some                       •   The payment is used for the benefit
                                                                                                                system for individualised accounting and                         significant problem which is very difficult
services may ask families to transfer the                           of the recipient
                                                                                                                tracking of patients’ finances. This means                       to address if this “arrangement” is not set
agency for the social welfare payment to the                    •   Monies are not spent on items or services   that once there is a detailed account of                         up with due diligence and absolute clarity
service, when a person in receipt of a payment                      that the recipient has an entitlement to    every transaction which is traceable to each                     as to the intentions of the account owner.
goes into residential care.                                         and are available                           individual resident then the entirety of the                     The putting of an account with a financial
If the person concerned wishes that their                       •   The payment is lodged to an interest        funds for all residents can be held in one                       institution which contains money belonging
family member continue as the agent, they                           bearing account for the benefit of          dedicated client account.                                        to one party only (for example accumulated
may do so. However, it is important that the                        the recipient                                                                                                Disability Allowance or savings from it
                                                                                                                The DEASP takes into account the practical
weekly contribution to the residential care                                                                                                                                      or other income or allowances) into joint
                                                                •   Any changes in the recipient’s              difficulties and legislative obstacles which
service continues to be met. There is no legal                                                                                                                                   names with another party has serious legal
                                                                    circumstances are reported to               would be encountered in the opening of a new
obligation to have the service provider take on                                                                                                                                  (and potentially taxation) consequences
                                                                    the Department                              bank account by a person with diminishing
the agency but a resident of a nursing home                                                                                                                                      because of the operation in law of the
                                                                                                                decision-making capacity and by a designated
may decide to nominate the person in charge                   The Agent must also keep a record of all sums                                                                      concepts known as “resulting trusts“ and
                                                                                                                centre if it were seeking to facilitate that for
of the nursing home as their Agent.                           received and all transactions made in relation                                                                     “presumption of advancement”.29 These legal
                                                                                                                a number of its residents. The Departmental
                                                              to the benefit payment, and produce the                                                                            concepts can operate to deprive the rightful
The person nominated to act as Agent must                                                                       view is that the legislation does not require
                                                              records if requested to do so by either                                                                            owner of some or even all of their money
be over 18 years:                                                                                               that new personal accounts be opened for
                                                               the recipient, his/her advocate or an officer                                                                     and may make it impossible for them to
                                                                                                                this purpose.
   •   Spouse                                                  of the Department.                                                                                                access the funds without the approval and/
                                                                                                                The financial management structures outlined                     or signature of the other party whose name
   •   Parent, step parent or foster parent                   The Department may cancel an agency               in the HSE’s Patient’s Private Property                          is put on the account.
       Legal guardian                                         arrangement at any time where it has reason
   •   Child or step-child                                    to believe that the arrangement is not working
                                                              satisfactorily or that the payment is not being
   •   Brother or sister, step-brother or
                                                              used for the benefit of the recipient. If this
       step-sister; half-brother or half-sister
                                                              occurs, the Agent must, where relevant, return    26
   •   Son-in-law or daughter-in-law                          the payments on request.                          27 There is a DEASP Application Form for Direct Payment to an Account in a Financial Institution
                                                                                                                28 These regulations are likely to be updated when the ADMC Act and related Codes of Practice are implemented.
                                                                                                                29 These are relatively complex legal terms which highlight the potential consequences for a person of putting an account
25 See                                         in the sole name of an individual into a ‘joint account’.

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Third Party/Agency Account                                  This is necessary in order to ensure that it is     Provisions of the Assisted Decision-                       Capacity assessment
                                                            identified as an agency account and that their      Making (Capacity) Act 2015                                 The Act provides for a flexible and functional
The only way of making sure that the legal                  customer receives full information and that the
concepts of “resulting trust” and “presumption                                                                                                                             approach whereby capacity is assessed only
                                                            third party signatory is properly designated.       It is almost certain that the full implementation
of advancement” DO NOT apply to an account                                                                                                                                 in relation to the matter in question and only
                                                                                                                of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity)
in joint names and ensure that the money in                 A third party authority ceases automatically if                                                                at the time in question. If a person is found to
                                                                                                                Act 2015 will have significant implications for
the account continues to be the property of                 the account owner lacks the capacity to make                                                                   lack decision-making capacity in one matter,
                                                                                                                the management of people’s personal finances
the original account holder or owner and is                 decisions around their finances or to direct the                                                               this will not necessarily mean that she/he
                                                                                                                in that the Act takes the presumption of
to be used for their benefit only, is to make               agent in matters concerning the money in the                                                                   also lacks capacity in another matter. The
                                                                                                                capacity to another level by making provision
sure that all of the parties involved are made              account. If this occurs, any Enduring Power of                                                                 Act recognises that capacity can fluctuate in
                                                                                                                for supported decision-making. The Act
aware in writing that the additional person                 Attorney made by the account owner should                                                                      certain cases.
                                                                                                                provides for three types of decision-making
whose name is being added to the account                    then be registered to enable the attorneys          support options to respond to the range of
is being appointed as AGENT for the original                appointed by the account owner to act on                                                                       Decision-making support options
                                                                                                                support needs that people may have in relation
account holder only. These parties include                  behalf of the account owner in relation to their    to decision-making capacity.                               The legislation recognises different levels of
the financial institution, the original account             finances. If not, then an application to court                                                                 decision-making capability and, therefore,
holder, the person whose name is to be added                will be necessary – currently wardship is the       The legal requirement to engage in supported               provides for different categories of interveners
to the account and all other relevant parties               only option available and this will remain the      decision-making mechanisms and related                     to assist a person in maximising his or her
(for example, a care provider or solicitor or               case until the ADMC Act 2015 is implemented.        provisions envisaged in the ADM Act 2015                   capacity. The Act thus provides for three types
family members). In the case of the financial                                                                   provides necessary impetus and a more                      of decision-making support options to respond
institution, a note to the effect that the                  Power of Attorney                                   robust system for ensuring that people are                 to the range of support needs that people may
additional person acts only as an agent for the                                                                 enabled to manage their own financial affairs              have in relation to decision-making capacity.
account holder should be put on the account.                Another option for a person who needs               to the greatest extent possible. The full
In banking terms this additional person is                  physical support in managing their finances         implementation of this legislation will be a                  1)   Assisted decision-making: a person
called a “third party signatory” being given                is to put in place a Power of Attorney (POA).       significant milestone and will reflect in Irish law                may appoint a decision-making
third party authority.                                      This is often referred to as an “ordinary” or       core provisions of the UN Convention on the                        assistant – typically a family member
                                                            “general” Power of Attorney provided for            Rights of Persons with Disabilities in respect of                  or carer – through a formal decision-
 A third party authority allows the account                 in Section 16 of the Powers of Attorney Act         supported decision-making.                                         making assistance agreement
owner to select a third party (usually a trusted            1996. It is completely different to an Enduring                                                                        to support him/her to access
relative or close friend) to do their day-to-day            Power of Attorney (EPA) also provided for           The Act sets out guiding principles that are                       information or to understand, make
banking without opening a joint account. The                under the same Act. A POA automatically             intended to safeguard the autonomy and                             and express decisions;
third party is regarded in law as the account               ceases when the person creating it loses            dignity of the person with reduced decision-
owner’s agent. The account still belongs to the                                                                 making capacity. The guiding principles                       2)    Co-decision-making: a person can
                                                            capacity, unlike an EPA which is only capable
account owner, not to the agent, and the agent                                                                  state that:                                                        appoint a trusted family member or
                                                            of being brought into effect after the donor
is bound to use the money in the account at                                                                                                                                        friend as a co-decision-maker to make
                                                            loses capacity. As with the appointment of             •   There is a presumption of decision-
the direction of the account owner and for                                                                                                                                         decisions jointly with him or her under
                                                            any agent, the attorney under a POA should                 making capacity unless the contrary
their exclusive benefit.                                                                                                                                                           a co-decision-making agreement;
                                                            be given clear instructions in the POA as                  is shown;
                                                            to which of the donor’s assets they will, as                                                                      3) Decision-making representative: for
Like any other agency agreement, there can
                                                            attorney, have power over, how they are to             •   No intervention will take place unless                    the small minority of people who are
be rules or limits imposed on the agent. In
                                                            exercise that power and for whose benefit.                 it is necessary;                                          not able to make decisions even with
the context of a vulnerable account owner
                                                            In the context of a vulnerable account                                                                               help, the Act provides for the Circuit
needing support with personal finances, those                                                                      •   Any act done or decision made under
                                                            owner needing the support of an attorney                                                                             Court to appoint a decision-making
rules would include an agreed list of bills to be                                                                      the Act must be done or made in a way
                                                            with personal finances, those instructions                                                                           representative where no other provision
paid on the third party’s authorization and a                                                                          which is least restrictive of a person’s
                                                            would include an agreed list of bills to be                                                                          is in place and whose functions will be
weekly/monthly limit to the cash that can be                                                                           rights and freedoms;
                                                            paid by the attorney out of a specified bank                                                                         as limited in scope and duration as is
taken out by the agent. The account owner can
                                                            account and a weekly/monthly limit to the              •   Any act done or decision made under                       reasonably practicable.
at any stage cancel the authority of the third
                                                            cash that can be taken out by the attorney.                the Act in support or on behalf of a
party by giving notice to the bank and to the
third party.                                                                                                           person with reduced decision-making                 Section 8 of the ADM Act 2015 includes the
                                                            Without these limitations an attorney could
                                                                                                                       capacity must give effect to the                    principles that apply and which should be
                                                            deal with all of the assets of the donor and, for
Not all financial institutions will offer the “third                                                                   person’s will and preferences.
                                                            example, sell their land or shares even though                                                                 given effect when supporting a person to
party signatory” facility. For those that do it
                                                            the intention of the donor was simply that                                                                     make decisions which are summarised on
is recommended that the assistance of the
                                                            the attorney be able to utilize their current                                                                  the next page.
financial institution’s Vulnerable Customer
                                                            account to pay household bills and expenses.
Service be requested.

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Pending the implementation of the legislation,           that considers whether a person is able to     Role of HSE Safeguarding Teams                                     Financial or material abuse, which includes
there would be much merit in all those                   understand the nature and consequences of                                                                         theft, fraud, exploitation; pressure in
supporting people with reduced decision-                 the decision in the context of the available   HSE Safeguarding and Protection Teams are                          connection with wills, property, inheritance
making capacity with financial transactions              choices. The test is a functional one, which   in place all over the country and work with                        or financial transactions; or the misuse or
to follow these principles. In other words,              asks whether the person can understand,        services, families and community organisations                     misappropriation of property, possessions or
assessment of decision-making capacity                   retain and weigh up information and            to stop abuse and to ensure that people are                        benefits, is listed among the types of abuse.
must be in a time-specific, issue-specific way           communicate their decision.                    safeguarded. These Teams can be contacted
                                                                                                        through local HSE Community Healthcare                             A HSE National Safeguarding Office
                                                                                                        Organisation Areas (CHO).30                                        was established in December 2015 in
                                                                                                                                                                           accordance with the HSE’s Social Care
           Guiding Principles of the ADM (Capacity) Act 2015 (Section 8)                                Safeguarding Teams have an important role                          Division Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at
                                                                                                        to play in addressing concerns about financial                     Risk of Abuse National Policy & Procedures
                • A person is presumed to have capacity                                                 abuse. In circumstances where a service,                           in order to oversee the implementation,
                • All practical steps have to be taken to help a person make a decision                 professional or family members believes there                      monitoring, review and ongoing evaluation
                • A person is not unable to make a decision merely because they make an                 are concerns about bad practice and are a                          of the Safeguarding Policy as well as
                  unwise decision                                                                       mechanism for reporting any such concerns.                         coordinating the development and roll-out
                • A decision (intervention) is only made for a person when it is necessary                                                                                 of safeguarding training.
                                                                                                        The underlying rationale for the Safeguarding
                                                                                                        Teams is that all adults have the right to
                     A decision (intervention) made for a person must                                   be safe and to live a life free from abuse                         Role of financial service
                                                                                                        regardless of their circumstances. They have                       providers in safeguarding the
                • be the least restrictive of their rights and freedom
                                                                                                        a right to be treated with respect and to feel                     finances of an adult who may be
                • respect the person's right to dignity, bodily integrity, privacy, autonomy
                                                                                                        safe, regardless of the setting in which                           vulnerable to financial abuse
                  and control over their financial affairs and property
                                                                                                        they live.
                • be proportionate to the significance and urgency of the decision                                                                                         The Central Bank of Ireland Consumer
                • be time limited                                                                       The “Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk                       Protection Code31 stipulates that where a
                                                                                                        of Abuse - National Policy and Procedures”,                        Bank has identified that a personal consumer
                    The person making the decision (intervener) must                                    which applies to all HSE and HSE funded                            is a vulnerable consumer, the Bank “must
                                                                                                        services, outlines a number of principles to                       ensure that the vulnerable consumer (see
                • permit, encourage and facilitate the person to participate in the decision            promote the welfare of vulnerable people                           Glossary)32 is provided with such reasonable
                • take into account the person's past and present will and preferences                  and safeguard them from abuse, including,                          arrangements and/or assistance that may
                                                                                                        in particular, respect for human rights and                        be necessary to facilitate him or her in his or
                • take into account the person's beliefs and values
                                                                                                        empowerment of individuals. All vulnerable                         her dealings with the regulated entity” (3.1).
                • take into account any other factors the person themselves would consider
                                                                                                        people have a right to be protected against
                  if they were able to
                                                                                                        abuse and to have any concerns regarding                           A Financial Service Provider who is engaging
                • act in good faith and for the benefit of the person                                   abusive experiences addressed.                                     with a person who is perceived by a staff
                • consider all other circumstances which are relevant                                                                                                      member of that Financial Service Provider to
                • consider the likelihood of the person recovering the ability to make the                                                                                 be potentially vulnerable to financial abuse
                  decision themselves and the urgency of the decision to be made                                                                                           has a particular duty of care to that person
                • obtain relevant information only, use the information only for the purpose                                                                               on account of their vulnerability. This was
                  of making the decision, keep the information secure and dispose it safely                                                                                established by a High Court judgement in
                  when no longer required                                                                                                                                  October 2010.33

            The person making the decision must, unless not appropriate
                                   or practical
                • consider the views of others the person names as people to                            31
                  be consulted
                                                                                                        32 A vulnerable consumer is defined in the Consumer Protection Code as meaning a person who:
                • consider the views of the person's decision-making assistant,                            a) has the capacity to make his or her own decisions but who, because of individual circumstances, may require
                                                                                                           assistance to do so (for example people with hearing or visual difficulties); and/or
                  co-decision-maker, decision-making representative or attorney                            b) has limited capacity to make his or her own decisions and who requires assistance to do so (for example, persons
                                                                                                           with intellectual disabilities or mental health difficulties).
                             The person making the decision may                                         33 Bourke v O’Donnell & Others [2010] IEHC 348 The bank’s customer was a woman who had been in bad health for some
                                                                                                           years and was now living in a nursing home. She attended at the bank to withdraw all of the proceeds of an insurance
                                                                                                           policy, which had recently been lodged to her account and which was her only asset, in order to give the money to her
                • consider the views of a health professional, the person's carer or other                 neighbours. Mr Justice Hedigan considered that the customer was highly vulnerable, the transaction wholly improvident
                                                                                                           and its circumstances so bizarre that the bank ought to have enquired further to satisfy itself that their customer had the
                  person who has a genuine interest in the person's welfare                                capacity to issue instructions free from undue influence and in not doing so had breached its duty of care and so was
                                                                                                           liable for the sum of money. See als
                                                    16                                                                                                                17
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