BEST. CAMP. EVER - CALL NOW... 248-661-3630 - 3 0th - Summer Impressions Day Camp

BEST. CAMP. EVER - CALL NOW... 248-661-3630 - 3 0th - Summer Impressions Day Camp
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                                              Ages 3 to 14

             BEST. CAMP. EVER.
                       SINCE 1989

             Sessions Begin June 10th
  CALL NOW...       248-661-3630                Connect
            4150 Middlebelt Road                 us on
         West Bloomfield, MI 48323
     Download Application and Register Now!
BEST. CAMP. EVER - CALL NOW... 248-661-3630 - 3 0th - Summer Impressions Day Camp
BEST. CAMP. EVER - CALL NOW... 248-661-3630 - 3 0th - Summer Impressions Day Camp
 Cool Kids                                 Awesome          Energetic
 Camp                                      Adventurers Camp Explorers Camp
 Making new friends, learning new           From sports, to swimming, to art,           Activities rotate daily to provide lots of
 skills and having fun is what              to drama, to science and everything         variety. We give campers an o­ pportunity
 it’s all about for our younger set         in between, you decide. The choices         to participate in the p­ lanning process
 at Cool Kids Camp. For your                are b­ ountiful... whether you want         which results in unique schedules for
 child’s first camp e­ xperience our        to become an ace tennis player, a           all our campers. From weekly adventure
 counselors are ready to teach, to          super swimmer or a budding stage            trips to overnights, there is always
 listen and to guide your camper            ­performer, we will be there to help        ­something exciting just around the
 through a p­ ositive camp experience.       you succeed.                                corner. The p­ ossibilities are endless.

     Our camp is directed by Libby and Art White, whose degrees include a B.A. and a B.S. in Education, an M.S. in
 Guidance and Counseling and forty-nine combined years of experience active private day school and camp ownership.
 The new generation, Mackenzie White (with a B.S. in Audiology and Speech Sciences and an M.A. in Counseling) is
 complimenting the staff. With their membership in the American Camp Association and a wealth of experience, they
 are ultimately qualified to insure our campers a memorable camp adventure.
     Our staff, directors, specialty i­nstructors and counselors have been with us for years and many are certified
 teachers. In a­ ddition to our c­ ounselors, we have professional, certified instructors in swimming, arts and crafts,
 physical education/sports, s­ cience and drama. Staff m ­ embers are selected after a comprehensive i­nterviewing process.
 Personnel are hired based on maturity, enthusiasm and special talents as well as their ability to nurture children.
 Intensive pre-camp training is held prior to camp and ongoing meetings and in-service workshops during the ­season all
 help the staff implement camp philosophy and curriculum. With special attention to each and every camper, our staff
 develops the total child through an exciting camp ­experience.
     With the perfect location, extended days, flexible scheduling and reasonable
 rates, Summer Impressions will provide children with the greatest summer
 camp experience imaginable. The accreditation process evaluates more than
 300 specific aspects of camp, including health, safety, programming, staff
 development and emergency response practices. The ACA’s seal of accreditation
 means that Summer Impressions is amongst the top tier of summer camps in the
 United States!

FACILITIES                                                        SWIMMING
  Summer Impressions Day Camp is located on over five acres         At Summer Impressions campers use our swimming facilities
with three main buildings. The camp features a separate well-      twice daily. Our heated bowl shaped wading pool, with a depth
equipped arts and crafts b­ uilding, a camp store, arcade game     of only 18 i­nches, is specially designed to introduce campers
room and additional air-conditioned buildings for inclement        to the fun of water sports. Our “S” shaped in-ground, heated
weather activities. In addition, our outdoor f­acilities consist   swimming pool, ranging from a depth of 2-1/2 to 4 feet, allows
of two heated in-ground pools, p­ rofessional junior tennis        elementary to excellent swimmers certified water instruction
courts, Safety City, miniature golf course, four basketball        taught by our professional American Red Cross water safety
courts, two state-of-the-art p­ laygrounds, a rock climbing        instructors.
course, awesome bounce, a challenge trail, Ga-Ga courts,              The swimming pools are completely enclosed and lifeguards
table tennis, fitness course and sports fields for soccer,         are on duty continuously. All campers receive instructional and
baseball, field hockey, volleyball and many more.                  free swim daily. Counselors participate in swimming activities
                                                                   to give additional guidance and supervision to their campers.
BEST. CAMP. EVER - CALL NOW... 248-661-3630 - 3 0th - Summer Impressions Day Camp
NATURE & CRAFTS                                                     FIELD TRIPS
   Our crafts program includes all the traditional camp favorites      Let’s get the show on the road! Field trips are a big hit
such as tie-dying, paper maché, seed mosaics, lanyards, clay,       at Summer Impressions for campers entering first grade
­woodworking and beading plus ample opportunity for self-           and older. Past campers enjoyed adventures such as
 expression.                                                        rollerblading, bowling, Paradise Park, Glow-In-The-Dark Golf,
    Our campers gain an appreciation of their e­ nvironment and     Cranbrook Science Museum and Greenfield Village. Singing
outdoor living skills as they learn about nature, wildlife and      on air-conditioned, luxury buses, socializing with friends
history. Many of the craft projects are theme and nature related.
                                                                    and exposure to such a variety of interesting places makes
                                                                    ­summertime FUN time!
    In addition to the swimming, soccer and t­ennis offered
during the camp day, we also offer private group swim, soccer,
tennis, math, hip-hop and cheerleading lessons between              IN TRAINING
3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. for an additional fee. All classes are          Jr. L.I.T.’s (ages 11-14 years old) participate in the
taught by q­ ualified and experienced instructors. The swimming     ­traditional camp activities. Throughout the session, L.I.T.’s
­lessons are an American Red Cross based program. Information        meet for training and developing skills for leadership. They
 for r­egistration for p­ rivate lessons will be mailed after        participate in challenging and motivating activities. As the
 acceptance to s­ ummer camp.
                                                                     session goes on, they spend a portion of each day assisting
                                                                     counselors and specialty teachers in an area of personal
SPECIAL WAYS ON                                                      interest... whether it be swimming, art, science, drama,
SPECIAL DAYS                                                         sports, etc.
   Everyday is a special day at Summer Impressions. Whether             This is a mentoring program. Our L.I.T.’s are never left
it’s ­our annual talent show, Karaoke, or our hip-hop dance-         alone with groups but participate in and assist our staff to
a-thon… every day is an u­ nforgettable e­ xperience. Every          learn responsibility, teamwork and a taste of what it would
session features a camp cookout. Our special days, spirit days       be like to be a future leader.
and visitors from around the world c­ reate an e­ nthusiastic
mood and camp excitement u­ nsurpassed by any other facility        CREATIVE
SUMMER STOCK                                                          Our highly skilled staff brings to life the exciting world of
                                                                    performing arts. Campers learn acting techniques through
THEATRE                                                             improvisation, mime, puppetry, role playing, pageants and
                                                                    skits on the camp stage. Incorporated into all these events
   Participate in an exceptional theatrical experience ...
                                                                    are special musical a­ ctivities — of course, camp would not be
                                                                    complete without the rousing singing of camp songs.
offers children hands-on experience with the entire show
process from learning their lines to performing in front of
a crowd. What a self-esteem enhancer!! What a confidence            FIELD SPORTS
builder! What FUN!                                                      Campers participate in a variety of sports ­including
   Our S.I. Theatre Camp will be offered for two - single week      basketball, ­­­­minia­ture golf, Ga-Ga, field hockey, ­soccer,
sessions at a nominal fee. Don’t miss out! Register soon.           volleyball, T-ball and box hockey, just to name a few. Of
                                                                    special interest to our budding tennis p­ layers is the junior
SAFETY CITY                                                         ­tennis program. All campers are taught sportsmanship,
    This great program for our 4-6 year old campers provides         safety and game skills, as well as the cooperative spirit of
childhood safety education in our “Summer Impressions                ­competition and fair play.
City”, a miniature town with streets, vehicles, stoplights,
crosswalks and stores! Parents will not have to pay an              OVERNIGHTS
­additional charge for any other safety program this summer           Overnights are a cherished tradition at Summer
                                                                    Impressions. They include extended swimming, campfires,
 considerable cost savings when compared to similar safety
                                                                    cookouts, late night movies, games, breakfast, a special
                                                                    theme and are a­ vailable for our campers ages five to ten in
    Our SAFETY CITY program includes safety instruction of
 all types – street, playground, home, b­ icycle, fire, p­ oison,   Sessions I, II and III for an additional fee of $50.00 each.
 stranger, animal, pool and school bus safety.                      Spaces are l­imited, r­eservations are required. So pack your
                                                                    gear and experience sleepover camp!
BEST. CAMP. EVER - CALL NOW... 248-661-3630 - 3 0th - Summer Impressions Day Camp
BEST. CAMP. EVER - CALL NOW... 248-661-3630 - 3 0th - Summer Impressions Day Camp
Please reserve the following camp sessions:
  n Mini Camp I      n Session I*    n Session II                                             n Session III                 n Mini Camp II                  n Mini Camp III
       (1 week)                        (3 weeks)                     (3 weeks)                    (3 weeks)                      (1 week)                        (M-TH Only)
       June 10 - June 14               June 17 - July 5              July 8 - July 26             July 29 - Aug. 16              Aug. 19 - Aug. 23               Aug. 26 - Aug. 29
                        Schedule                                                Monday                Tuesday              Wednesday               Thursday                    Friday
   FULL DAY (9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.)
   EXTENDED CARE  (7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.)
       (7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.)              NO AL
       (9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.)           AD I ARGE!
Please print clearly:                                                          *No Camp July 4

   Child’s Name________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                         Last                            First                           Middle
   Child’s Birthdate_________________________________________________________________________________________________                                                 Female           Male
                                  Month           Date           Year
   Age At Camp___________________________________ Grade Next Fall_____________________ School_____________________________________________
   Child’s T-Shirt Size:      n Small (6-8)          n Medium (10-12)           n Large (14-16)           n Adult Small         n Adult Medium            n Adult Large
   Resides with(Check One): n Both Parents               n Mother        n Father       n Other–Legal Guardian Name _____________________________________________
   Parent/Guardian 1 Name________________________________ Cell Phone_______________________ Daytime Number_________________________________
   Alternate Number________________________ Address___________________________________________                                     City/Zip_________________________________
   Business Name and Address___________________________________________________________ E-mail___________________________________________
   Parent/Guardian 2 Name________________________________ Cell Phone_______________________ Daytime Number_________________________________
   Alternate Number________________________ Address___________________________________________                                     City/Zip_________________________________
   Business Name and Address___________________________________________________________ E-mail___________________________________________
   Child may be released to         n Parent/         n Parent/        n Other 1. ____________________________ 2.__________________________________________
                                      Guardian1         Guardian2
                                                                                  3. ____________________________ 4.__________________________________________

   Emergency Contact(s) (other than parents)________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                              Name                       Relationship                           Phone
   Child’s Physician_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                            Name                                                             Phone
   Hospital preferred                                           Health insurance program
   for emergency treatment ____________________________________ and identification number___________________________________________________
   Any dietary, food or allergy restrictions?__________________________________________________________________________________________________
   Any medical instructions?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
   Friends to be grouped with (limit 2)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
   Interests or special abilities: Art, Dance, Sports, etc.________________________________________________________________________________________
   Prior camp experience        n Summer Impressions            n Other (please specify)___________________________________________________________________
   Where did you hear about Summer Impressions?___________________________________________________________________________________________
   Is there additional information that would help us better care for your child? (Ex: glasses, shyness, tubes in ears, etc.)______________________________
   It is understood that Summer Impressions Day Camp, Inc. has the right to request the withdrawal from the camp of any child for reasons in its sole discretion at any time. It is con-
   templated, but not limited to, situations involving a child or parent/guardian’s failure to abide by the rules and ­procedures set by the camp; conduct or influence of parent or child
   deemed by the camp to be unsuitable for continuation in the program; a child who is not b­ enefitting from the program; any flexibilities in enrollment and such other situations as may
   arise. If only one parent signs this agreement, that parent agrees that he/she is also acting as an agent of the other parent with authority to enroll the child at camp.
   I grant permission for taking and/or using my child’s name and image for any purpose, including educational and advertisement purposes, and in any medium, including print and elec-
   tronic. I further waive any claim, including claims for compensation, of any kind for the taking, use or publication.
   I give permission to Summer Impressions Day Camp, Inc. to secure emergency medical treatment for the above named child if required when the p­ arent(s)/guardian and/or emergency
   contacts cannot be reached. I agree to send my child with a nutritional lunch. I give my permission for my child to participate in all camp activities including field trips and enclose a
   $200 deposit, payable to Summer Impressions Day Camp, 4150 Middlebelt Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48323. I further agree and understand that this $200 deposit and all prepaid
   tuition are non-refundable and non-transferable for any reason whatsoever including but not limited to absences due to illness, surgery, communicable diseases, vacation, withdrawal,
   holidays, or any other unforeseen c­ ircumstances, etc.

                                               Parent or Legal Guardian                                                Date
                                               Parent or Legal Guardian                                                Date
BEST. CAMP. EVER - CALL NOW... 248-661-3630 - 3 0th - Summer Impressions Day Camp
1. AGES-Campers 3 years old (by January 1, 2019) through          14. SCHEDULE CHANGES-Due to the popularity of our
   10 years of age are accepted in our camp program. The              camp program, no schedule changes are accepted
   L.I.T. program accepts campers ages 11-14 years old.               after the ­application is submitted.
2. CAMP DAY-From 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. is considered          15. LUNCH AND SNACK-Campers must pack a nutritious
   a full day.                                                        bag lunch. All campers will receive an afternoon
3. EXTENDED DAY CAMP-If you require an e­ xtended day,                snack. Beverages will be provided at snack and lunch
   your camper may attend camp from 7:00 a.m. until                   as well as throughout the day.
   9:00 a.m. and from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. at
                                                                  16. PRIVATE GROUP SWIM, SOCCER, TENNIS, HIP-HOP,
                                                                      CHEERLEADING LESSONS AND MATH TUTORING-
4. HOURS-Camp will be open from the hours of 7:00 a.m.                In addition to the swimming, soccer and tennis
   until 6:00 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday.                   offered during the camp day, we also offer ­private
                                                                      group swim, soccer, tennis, hip-hop, cheerleading
5. LATE PICK-UP-There will be a $5.00 late charge fee
   assessed for each 5 minute interval or portion thereof for         lessons and math tutoring between 3:00 p.m. and
   late pick-up after 6:00 p.m. payable upon pick-up.                 5:00 p.m. for an additional fee. Information for
                                                                      registration for private lessons will be mailed after
6. EXTRA DAYS OR SESSIONS-Extra days may be added for                 acceptance to summer camp. Lessons are skill
   an additional charge of $75 per day based on availability.         building and cannot be pro-rated.
   Sessions may be added on an availability basis. Call 248-
   932-2955 for arrangements.                                     17. SLEEPOVERS-Spaces are limited, reservations are
                                                                      required. Staff is committed for sleepovers so
7. GROUPING-Campers are grouped according to age until                no refunds or make-ups are allowed. Payment by
   kindergarten and then by grade level. In order to insure           cash or check of $50.00 is required no later than
   that your camper is with a chosen friend (of similar age
                                                                      the Wednesday prior to the sleepover. Credit card
   or grade), your application must be received by April 5,
                                                                      payments are not accepted.
   2019. If the application is not received by this date we
   cannot g­ uarantee placement with a friend.                    18. HEALTH FORM-A health form is required of all
8. T-SHIRTS-Each registered camper will receive one camp              campers and will be mailed after registration. The
   T-Shirt at no additional fee. Any camper going on a field          form is also available online. The health form must
   trip must wear a camp T-Shirt. Additional T-Shirts and other       be returned by ­May 2, 2019. No exceptions!
   camp products will be available for purchase at Brody’s.       19. RELEASE POLICY-A camper can be released only to
9. DEPOSIT-A non-refundable $200.00 deposit is required               the parent, guardian, custodial parent or p­ erson(s)
   with each application to reserve a place in camp and is            ­indicated on the application. The camper is released
   applied to camp tuition.                                            only to the custodial parent unless the custodial
                                                                       ­parent indicates otherwise in writing. A copy of the
10. PAYMENTS-Camp fees must be paid in full by May 2, 2019.
                                                                        legal custody documents­indicating the custodial
    If full payment is not received by May 2, 2019 the camper
                                                                        ­parent must be submitted prior to the start of camp.
    loses his/her space. Make all checks payable to Summer
    Impressions Day Camp and mail to 4150 Middlebelt Road,        20. LOST OR MISSING ITEMS-Summer Impressions Day
    West Bloomfield, MI 48323.                                        Camp is not responsible for lost or missing items.
11. RETURNED CHECKS-There will be a $30.00 charge for                 Please label all campers’ items. Also, please do not
    returned checks.                                                  send valuables.

12. DISCOUNTS-A 10% discount will be given to the                 21. CAMP CLOSING-If there is a camp closing due to
    second, third, etc. camper in the family if all the campers       unforeseen circumstances, listen to FOX 2 WJBK-TV
    attend five full days for the same schedule. There is no          DETROIT, LOCAL 4 WDIV-TV, CHANNEL 7 WXYZ-TV, CBS
    discount for Mini Camps for all campers, including L.I.T’s.       WWJ-TV, CHANNEL 50 WKBD-TV, NEWS/TALK WJR-AM
                                                                      760 or WWJ-950 AM Radio.
13. REFUNDS/MAKE-UPS-Upon withdrawing from camp for
    any reason, your prepaid deposit or tuition is non-refund-
    able and non-transferable. No make-up days or tuition
    adjustments are allowed for absences due to illness,
    ­vacation, withdrawal, surgery, communicable diseases,
     ­holidays, or any unforeseen c­ ircumstances, etc.
BEST. CAMP. EVER - CALL NOW... 248-661-3630 - 3 0th - Summer Impressions Day Camp
NOTE: All camp fees due by May 2, 2019

                             (3 years old by January 1, 2019 through 10 years old)*
  MINI CAMP I (1 week) JUNE 10 - JUNE 14                                    **SESSION I (3 weeks) JUNE 17 - JULY 5 or
  MINI CAMP II (1 week) AUG. 19 - AUG. 23                                    SESSION II (3 weeks) JULY 8 - JULY 26 or
 MINI CAMP III (M-TH Only) AUG. 26 - AUG. 29
		                                                                           SESSION III (3 weeks) JULY 29 - AUG. 16
     FULL DAYS                       Ages 3 - 10                               Ages 3 - 5                       Ages 6 - 10
         2                               $148                                     $444                             $450
         3                               $221                                     $665                             $675
         4                               $274                                     $822                             $835
         5                               $321                                     $964                             $983
NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR EXTENDED HOURS!                        *11-14 year old L.I.T.’s receive 10% discount   **No Camp July 4

             SAFETY SMART
                         •                                                                     Simply pack a lunch
   SUNSCREEN PROVIDED                                                                         for your campers and
                         •                                                                     leave the rest to us.
       ALLERGEN AWARE                                                                           Each camper gets a
                         •                                                                       free t-shirt, too!

   Hula Ball            Basketball              Tennis             Campfires                  Digital Photography    Tie-Dying
   Ga-Ga                Challenge Trail         Safety City        Field Trips                Rock Climbing          Games Galore
   Science and Nature   Softball                Kickball           Summer Stock Theatre       Clay Making            Arts and Crafts
   Creative Dramatics   Floor Hockey            Box Hockey         Sing-A-Longs               Paper Maché            Table Tennis
   Fitness Course       Sand Volleyball         Dance Parties      Storytelling               Ceramics               Disc Golf
   Miniature Golf       Lawn Games              Swimming           Skits & Plays              Jewelry Making         Pickle Ball
   Awesome Bounce       Soccer                  Overnights         Parades                    Lanyards               Karaoke
   Badminton            T-Ball                  Cookouts           Special Visitors           Bead Making            Arcade Games

          OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2019 2:00-4:00 P.M.
                        YOU ARE INVITED!

                 4150 Middlebelt Road (between Lone Pine and Long Lake Roads) West Bloomfield 48323
BEST. CAMP. EVER - CALL NOW... 248-661-3630 - 3 0th - Summer Impressions Day Camp BEST. CAMP. EVER - CALL NOW... 248-661-3630 - 3 0th - Summer Impressions Day Camp
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