Bespoke glazing solutions for the world's finest homes

Page created by Jared Hartman
Bespoke glazing solutions for the world's finest homes

Bespoke glazing
solutions for the
world’s finest homes

Bespoke glazing solutions for the world's finest homes

“I have high    Contents
                Windows and doors
expectations;   Sliding patio doors

I will not      Bifold doors

settle for
                Panoramic windows
                Casement windows
second best”    Glazed walls
Bespoke glazing solutions for the world's finest homes

                                                                    “I like quality brands”
For over 50 years, Reynaers has been designing cutting-edge
glazing solutions for some of the most iconic buildings in the
world. Engineered without compromise, our range of aluminium
windows and doors have been specified, time and again, by the
world’s leading architects and construction companies.

Reynaers at Home will connect you to a network of carefully
selected Partners who will guide you through the home
transformation process, from the initial design and specification
stages through to the supply and installation of your bespoke
window and door systems from Reynaers Aluminium.

                                                                                      Featuring Reynaers CP 155 and CS 68
Bespoke glazing solutions for the world's finest homes

“I like to
buy from a
I feel I can
               Featuring Reynaers Hi-Finity
Bespoke glazing solutions for the world's finest homes

                             “Style is
Whether you are
designing and building
your own house, adding a
new extension to your
current home or replacing
the tired old French doors
with a stunning new set of
Bifold doors, choosing the
right doors and windows
can make the difference
between the ordinary and
                             to me”
the spectacular.

Installing Reynaers
products in your home is a
lifestyle statement that
will not go unnoticed.

When only the best is
good enough, Reynaers
is the only choice.
Bespoke glazing solutions for the world's finest homes

“My home feels special”

                          You want your home to feel warm,     Having worked with some of the most
                          safe and secure; a place where you   renowned architects in the world, we
                          can relax in comfort.                know that with a bold design, our
                                                               stunning windows and doors can make
                                                               your home feel truly special.
Bespoke glazing solutions for the world's finest homes

                               “For me, it’s not about
                               price, it’s about quality
                                and value for money”

 “I want windows and doors
that add style and character
        to my house”
Bespoke glazing solutions for the world's finest homes

“I want to be able to enjoy an
                                 With decades of experience of working     Not only does this mean our aluminium
                                 with architectural aluminium, our doors   frames are slimmer than equivalent
                                 and windows lead the way in combining     uPVC and timber alternatives, but we can
                                 structural integrity with slim frame      also span much greater lengths, giving

unobstructed view”               profiles that maximise the glass area.    you unobstructed panoramic views.
Bespoke glazing solutions for the world's finest homes

“I love

               It is no coincidence that
               aluminium is widely used as a
               window and door frame material
               in the most prestigious and iconic
               new buildings around the world.

               Select from hundreds of hard-
               wearing, durable colour finishes
               and rest assured that they will
               never need repainting.

               Furthermore, expansion and
               contraction with changes in
               temperature are kept to a
               minimum, making aluminium the
               only sensible choice for bifold
               doors, patio doors and large
               picture windows.
Bespoke glazing solutions for the world's finest homes

                                      Featuring Reynaers CS 68

                                      “I like to have things
Most commonly used in projects
with a more contemporary design,
aluminium is often overlooked as
a suitable material for more
traditional properties.

Our slim frame profiles mimic the
                                      that are different”
sightlines of old Crittall windows,
and a modern glass extension can
both contrast and complement an
older character property.

“I don’t mind
                 With a world-class testing and
                 design centre and more than 50
                 years industry experience,
                 Reynaers are proud to be pushing

paying a bit     the boundaries of product quality
                 and performance.

                 All our products are tested to

more for a       meet and often exceed the British
                 and European standards for
                 security, weather resistance,

quality brand”
                 thermal insulation, durability and
                 noise reduction and have been
                 installed in some of the most
                 exposed locations.

                           “I want windows and doors
                               that look stunning”

Featuring Reynaers CF 77

Featuring Reynaers CF 77

“My home tells other
                           Bifold doors can transform an ordinary   An innovative, modern design
                           room and make it a feature of the        statement, our aluminium bifold doors
                           house, opening up the house to the       offer industry-leading sizes, giving your
                           garden and letting the outside in.       house the real wow factor.

people who I am”

                                                                                            “I want the very latest in
The Hi-Finity sliding patio door system is     You can even choose to have a fully
the epitome of modern design, combining        automated door that glides open and
contemporary aesthetics with outstanding       closed at the push of a button. For the

                                                                                            contemporary design”
performance. This exclusive door offers        discerning homeowner who wants the very
floor-to-ceiling glass, super-thin aluminium   latest in contemporary design and ultimate
sections, an ergonomically designed soft-      performance, the Hi-Finity door sets a new
touch, slim-line handle and a concealed        benchmark of excellence.
electronic locking system.

“I take pride
                Huge unobstructed glass areas
                and an effortless sliding
                mechanism combine to make our
                sliding doors the perfect solution

in my home”     for rooms with a view.

                Designed with security and
                weather resistance in mind, these
                low-maintenance doors combine
                state-of-the-art performance with
                stunning aesthetics.

“Returning home
puts a smile on
my face”

“I like to
               Our innovative opening corner
               solution allows you to open up two
               doors that sit perpendicular to
               each other on adjacent walls,

entertain      meeting at the corner without a
               fixed corner post.

               When both doors are open, the

friends and    ceiling above appears to defy
               gravity, creating a really stunning
               architectural feature.

family in my

“I will only buy products for
  my home that have been
 thoroughly tested and are
    known to be reliable”

                              “I love light
Whether you want a
modern conservatory or a
stylish extension, Reynaers
can offer a made-to-
measure solution that is
perfect for your home.        and airy living
What is more, you can
include our patio doors or
bifold doors in the design
to give a truly spectacular
additional living space.

“I like to keep my
home looking good”

As you would expect, Reynaers offers a comprehensive range
of complementary windows and doors. Whether you choose a
fixed panoramic window, a tilt-turn window, a parallel opening
window or a casement window, you can rest assured that they
are all designed to offer uncompromising performance and
stunning aesthetics.

“I want my home to be individual”

Featuring Reynaers CP 155, CS 77 and CW 50

                                             All Reynaers products are made-to-            can have a realistic wood-grain effect or
                                             measure to meet your very specific            for a real wow factor, choose one of our
                                             individual requirements. With all our         stunning metallic finishes. You can even
                                             products you can choose from hundreds         have a different colour inside and out.
                                             of colours with a matt or gloss finish, you

“Looking after the
                           Aluminium is an abundant
                           material that is infinitely
                           recyclable with no loss of quality.

environment is             What is more, the industry-leading
                           thermal insulation that our
                           products offer will help keep your
                           energy bills down, helping homes

important to me”           to become more sustainable.

Featuring Reynaers CW 50

“I want to be treated like a
valued customer and made
to feel special”

Reynaers products are available through a network of
carefully selected partners.

All have demonstrated an exceptionally high level
of customer service and have agreed to work to our
stringent code of conduct.

Featuring Reynaers CS 68

“I love the idea of being able
to open up the house to the
   garden on a sunny day”                  Reynaers Aluminium constantly seeks to develop and improve its products
                                           and service for its customers. Therefore, it reserves the right to amend the
                                           product specification, from time to time. The photographs in this brochure
                                           show Reynaers products which may occasionally differ in detail and
                                           appearance to those we currently offer.

                                           ©2021 No part of this brochure may be reproduced in any form without the
                                 Featuring Reynaers  CP 155 of Reynaers Aluminium.
                                           written permission
Partner details

Our partners                                    Why Reynaers?
Reynaers at Home connects you to a network      For over 50 years, Reynaers Aluminium Ltd has
of carefully selected Partners who will guide   been designing cutting-edge glazing solutions
you through your home transformation            for some of the most iconic buildings in the
process, from the initial design and            world.
specification stages through to the supply
and installation of your bespoke aluminium      Engineered without compromise, our ranges
window and door systems.                        of aluminium windows, doors and curtain wall
                                                systems have been specified time and again by
For more information, please visit              the world’s leading architects and construction                        companies.

                                                         Together for better
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