Berita Boustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad

Page created by Timothy Owen
Berita Boustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad
Berita Boustead
        JANUARY - MARCH 2019                                                             For internal circulation only

                              pg 4                                                       pg 5

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                                                           pg 15

BERSAMA PENGARAH URUSAN         AGREEMENT                   OPEN HOUSE PARTY     - PG 10                 KATEGORI SPRINT
- PG 4                          - PG 5                      - PG 8                                       - PG 15
Berita Boustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad

                                                  Dear fellow Bousteadians,

                                                  The year 2018 was undoubtedly           much from him personally and we are
                                                  a challenging one for the Group,        thankful for his vision, guidance and
                                                  as our Divisions were affected          leadership. We wish him all the very
                                                  by turbulent market conditions.         best.
                                                  Nevertheless,       despite       the
                                                  demanding environment, we are           As we move forward, there is every
                                                  confident in our ability to persevere   reason to see a silver lining for the
                                                  and reinforce our position as a         Group’s performance. Our nation’s
                                                  leading Malaysian conglomerate.         economic fundamentals remain solid,
                                                                                          with the domestic economic landscape
                                                  While our profitability was             expected to see steady expansion.
                                                  impacted, we continued to record a      Given that the Group participates in key
                                                  sound revenue of RM10.2 billion for     sectors of the economy, these factors
                                                  the financial year. This is testament   along with our continuous drive to
                                                  to the fact that our Divisions were     succeed will help to propel us forward.
                                                  able to generate business even
                                                  amidst trying circumstances.            Overall, we are encouraged by positive
                                                                                          long-term prospects. Building on our
                                                  Certainly, challenges are not new       strong foundation, the Group is poised
                                                  to this Group. Over these past          to tap on opportunities and new avenues
                                                  decades, we have weathered              of growth for our various Divisions.
                                                  through many storms, as our
                                                  diversified nature has enabled us       Looking ahead, we believe that with
                                                  to remain resilient and withstand       the current environment, there is all
                                                  the test of time.                       the more incentive for all Bousteadians
                                                                                          to step up their efforts as we strive
                                                  On this note, it would be remiss        towards achieving greater success.
                                                  of me if I did not extend our
                                                  sincere gratitude to our former         By working together as a team, I am
                                                  Deputy Chairman/Group Managing          optimistic that the Group will be able to
                                                  Director, YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri      see positive momentum in the coming
                                                  Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, for his           year.
                                                  many years at the helm of the
                                                  Group. Many of us have learned          Thank you.

    Staf Boustead yang dihargai,

    Tahun 2018 tidak disangsikan lagi merupakan satu tahun          Ketika mengorak langkah ke hadapan, kita perlulah
    yang cukup mencabar buat Kumpulan di mana Bahagian-             mengharapkan yang terbaik dan positif buat prestasi Kumpulan.
    bahagian kita terjejas akibat keadaan pasaran yang bergolak.    Asas ekonomi negara kita kekal kukuh dan landskap ekonomi
    Namun begitu, meskipun persekitaran adalah mendesak,            dalam negeri dijangka mengalami perkembangan yang stabil.
    kita yakin dengan keupayaan kita untuk terus bertahan dan       Memandangkan Kumpulan terlibat dalam beberapa sektor
    memperkukuh kedudukan kita sebagai sebuah konglomerat           utama ekonomi, faktor-faktor ini beserta dorongan berterusan
    utama di Malaysia.                                              untuk berjaya akan membantu kita melonjak ke hadapan.

    Walaupun keuntungan Kumpulan menyusut, kita masih dapat         Pada keseluruhannya, kita didorongi oleh prospek jangka panjang
    mencatatkan pendapatan yang baik sebanyak RM10.2 bilion         yang positif. Berbekalkan asas kita yang kukuh, Kumpulan
    untuk tahun kewangan ini. Ini adalah bukti bahawa Bahagian-     bersedia untuk memanfaatkan segala peluang serta kaedah
    bahagian kita dapat menjana perniagaan walaupun dalam           baharu yang ada untuk pertumbuhan Bahagian-bahagian kita.
    keadaan sukar.
                                                                    Memandang ke hadapan, kita percaya dengan keadaan
    Cabaran sudah pasti bukanlah perkara baru buat Kumpulan.        persekitaran masa kini, staf Boustead lebih terdorong untuk
    Sepanjang dekad yang lalu, kita berjaya mengatasi               meningkatkan lagi usaha mereka bagi mencapai kejayaan yang
    pelbagai rintangan memandangkan sifat kepelbagaian kita         lebih besar.
    membolehkan Kumpulan kekal berdaya tahan dan tabah
    menghadapi ujian masa.                                          Saya yakin Kumpulan dapat menyaksikan momentum
                                                                    perkembangan yang positif pada tahun yang akan datang jika
    Sehubungan dengan ini, saya mengambil kesempatan untuk          kita bekerjasama sebagai satu pasukan.
    menzahirkan rasa terhutang budi kepada bekas Timbalan
    Pengerusi/Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan, YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’         Terima kasih.
    Seri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin yang telah menerajui Kumpulan
    ini selama beberapa tahun. Ramai di antara kita telah banyak
    belajar daripada beliau secara peribadi dan kita sungguh
    berterima kasih di atas pandangan, bimbingan dan kepimpinan
    beliau. Semoga beliau berjaya dan selamat sejahtera.            Dato’ Sri Ghazali Mohd Ali
Berita Boustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad

                                                Sungai Jernih Palm Oil Mill in Pahang


O    ne of Boustead Plantations Berhad’s key
     sustainability priorities is to ‘produce more with
less’. This enables us to achieve higher productivity on
a per unit land area. This not only contributes to our
profitability, but more importantly, ensures that we
leave a smaller footprint on the environment.

Our commitment to driving productivity is clearly
demonstrated by the high oil extraction rate (OER) of
our two most productive palm oil mills, Sungai Jernih in
Pahang and Segaria in Sabah. Since 2009, both mills have
consistently surpassed the national average for their
respective regions.

As a result of these achievements, our Sungai Jernih Palm
Oill Mill received the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry Award
from Malaysian Palm Oil Board under the categories,
National Highest OER Achievement 2017/2018 and
Best Palm Oil Mill 2017/2018 in Peninsular Malaysia.
Meanwhile our Segaria Palm Oil Mill received the award
for Best Palm Oil Mill 2017/2018 in Sabah/Sarawak.

We are proud to have been recognised with these
accolades. The award recognises the Group’s efforts
to enhance productivity and firm commitment towards
improving performance and ensuring sustainable
Berita Boustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad

                                                                  Tan Sri Ramli sedang menyampaikan ucapan

                                     BNS ANJUR MAJLIS ‘TOWNHALL TALK 2019’
                                               BERSAMA PENGARAH URUSAN
    P  ada 28 Februari 2019, Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn.
       Bhd. (BNS) menganjurkan Majlis ‘Townhall Talk 2019’
    bersama Pengarah Urusan, YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ahmad
                                                                                          Majlis kemudiannya disusuli dengan acara penyampaian
                                                                                          sijil penghargaan dan baucar tunai bagi para pemenang
                                                                                          Anugerah Projek Penambahbaikan Berterusan -
    Ramli Hj. Mohd Nor untuk kakitangan syarikat yang                                     Penjimatan Kos Tertinggi dari bulan Mei hingga
    berpangkalan di Lumut, Perak.                                                         Disember 2018. Tempat pertama telah dimenangi oleh
                                                                                          Unit Perancangan Pengeluaran dan Kawalan (PPC-PMO
    Turut hadir ialah Ketua Pegawai Operasi BHIC, Mr. Ir. Ee                              LCS) dengan jumlah projek penjimatan kos sebanyak
    Teck Chee; Ketua Pegawai Kewangan BHIC, En. Ahmad                                     RM866,358.04 diikuti tempat kedua oleh Jabatan
    Nordin Mohammad; Pengarah Program LCS, Ir. Azhar                                      Sistem Maklumat dengan jumlah projek penjimatan kos
    Jumaat; Pengarah Program LMS, Ir. Hairutdin Ayob; Ketua-                              sebanyak RM449,953.11. Tempat ketiga pula dimenangi
    ketua syarikat subsidiari BHIC, Ketua-ketua Jabatan BNS                               oleh Jabatan Pengurusan Modal Insan dan Pentadbiran
    dan kakitangan syarikat.                                                              dengan jumlah projek penjimatan kos sebanyak
    Majlis dimulakan dengan ucapan oleh Pemangku
    Pengarah Operasi BNS, En. Mohd Sidek Zambri dan diikuti                               Selepas sesi pertama berakhir, majlis diteruskan dengan
    dengan ucapan oleh Pengarah Urusan BNS. Seterusnya,                                   sesi kedua iaitu sesi pertemuan antara Pengarah Urusan
    Ketua Kumpulan Pengurusan Modal Insan BHIC, En. Amli                                  bersama kakitangan eksekutif dan ke atas. Pada sesi ini,
    Saprin menyampaikan taklimat berkenaan pengurusan                                     kakitangan berpeluang mengajukan beberapa usul dan
    modal insan kepada kakitangan.                                                        cadangan kepada Pengarah Urusan.

                                                                                                      Pihak pengurusan bersama para pemenang Anugerah Projek
    Seorang kakitangan mengajukan soalan kepada Pengarah Urusan                                         Penambahbaikan Berterusan - Penjimatan Kos Tertinggi
Berita Boustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad

            OF UAC’S
         AGREEMENT                                                                                   Mr. BT Gan exchanging documents with En. Raja Afandi

T   he 16th Collective Agreement (CA)
    between UAC Berhad (UAC) and Non-
Metallic Mineral Products Manufacturing
                                                                     Following the successful conclusion of the negotiations, a signing ceremony
                                                                     was held on 5 December 2018 at Weil Hotel, Ipoh. UAC was represented by
                                                                     Mr. BT Gan, Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director and Mr. Loon Peng
Employees’ Union (NMMPMEU) expired                                   Wai, Financial Controller, whilst NMMPMEU was represented by En. Raja
on 31 January 2018. The period covered                               Afandi bin Raja Ismail, President; Mr. V. Veeramanie, General Secretary;
by the 16th CA was from 1 February 2015                              En. Hailmi Farizal bin Hairudin, Chairman Union Works Committee; En.
to 31 January 2018. A total of 43 articles                           Ganesan a/l Nagappan, Vice Chairman Union Works Committee and Pn.
under the CA were negotiated, with the                               Natasyalisa bt. Pakharudin, Secretary Union Works Committee.
first CA negotiation meeting taking place
in April 2018. The entire CA negotiations                            The signing ceremony was witnessed by Tn. Mohd Napiah bin Haris,
subsequently concluded within six                                    Director of Industrial Relations, Perak. The current 17th CA is in effect for
meetings.                                                            three years from 1 February 2018 until 31 January 2021.

                                  UAC’S PRODUCTS
                        USED IN VARIOUS PROJECTS
U  AC Berhad (UAC) was chosen to supply UCO SolidPanel products for the
   dilapidated school project, a school renovation and restoration project.
UCO SolidPanel products were selected given their various beneficial
properties, such as a two-hour fire rating, durability, high impact resistance
and rapid construction.

Apart from that, using 14,000 pieces of UCO SolidPanel products,
Singapore-based developer, Beverly Group in collaboration with Mapletree
Investments from Singapore and Lai Sun Group from Hong Kong, completed                                                         UCO SolidPanel products used for Lexa high rise
                                                                                                                                condominium in Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur

                                                                                                                   the construction of two 30-storey
                                                                                                                   towers, housing a total of 460 units
                                                                                                                   of Lexa Residences, a freehold mixed
                                                                                                                   development of serviced apartments
                                                                                                                   and retail property in The Quartz,
                                                                                                                   Wangsa Maju. UCO SolidPanel products
                                                                                                                   were used for internal walls such as
                                                                                                                   rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and living
                                                                                                                   rooms, riser rooms, corridors and fire
                                                                                                                   escape staircases. The UCO SolidPanel
                                                                                                                   installation was successfully completed
                                                                                                                   on September 2018.

UCO SolidPanel products supplied to a dilapidated school located in a flood-prone area in Kelantan
Berita Boustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad

        HANG NADIM
    TUN ABDUL JAMIL                                                      Sesi menandatangani Sijil Penerimaan

    M    ajlis penerimaan KD LAKSAMANA
    TUN ABDUL JAMIL telah berlangsung
                                               Sidek Zambri; Ketua Jabatan Pembaikan Kapal, Komander Syed Ahyattudin
                                               Shid Idris TLDM; kakitangan BNS, para pegawai Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia
                                               (TLDM) serta anak-anak kapal.
    dengan jayanya pada 12 Mac 2019 di
    Jeti Terapung Boustead Naval Shipyard      Upacara menandatangani Sijil Penerimaan yang merangkumi tiga sesi
    Sdn. Bhd. (BNS).                           dimulakan dengan upacara menandatangani Sijil Penerimaan Pembaikan
                                               Kecemasan KD LAKSAMANA TUN ABDUL JAMIL diikuti upacara
    Majlis dihadiri oleh Panglima Logistik     menandatangani Sijil Penerimaan Pembaikan Slipping KD LAKSAMANA
    Barat,    Laksamana     Pertama     Ir.    TUN ABDUL JAMIL dan yang terakhir upacara menandatangani Sijil
    Franklin Jeyasekhar Joseph; Pegawai        Penerimaan Pembaikan Slipping KD LAKSAMANA HANG NADIM.
    Memerintah KD LAKSAMANA HANG
    Pegawai Memerintah KD LAKSAMANA            telah selesai menjalani rutin selenggaraan berjadual Slipping yang
    TUN ABDUL JAMIL, Leftenan Komander         dilaksanakan selama empat bulan bermula pada 16 November 2018 bagi KD
    Firdaus Mohd Hassan TLDM; Pegawai          LAKSAMANA HANG NADIM dan 24 November 2018 bagi KD LAKSAMANA
    Memerintah Depot Senggaraan Armada         TUN ABDUL JAMIL. Kerja-kerja penyelenggaraan kedua-dua kapal tersebut
    Barat, Komander Mas Yuri Yusoff TLDM;      berjaya disiapkan pada 8 Mac 2019 dan diserahkan tepat pada tarikh yang
    Pemangku Pengarah Operasi, En. Mohd        telah dipersetujui oleh TLDM.

                                                         BRITISH HIGH COMMISSIONER
                                                                      CONFERRED AS
                                                               HONORARY GRADUATE
                                          O   n 23 February 2019, the
                                              University    of    Nottingham
                                          conferred an honorary degree
                                                                                      in 1989 and was made a Companion
                                                                                      of the Order of St. Michael and St.
                                                                                      George (CMG) in 2010. She won the
                                          to British High Commissioner to             Public Sector Award in the prestigious
                                          Malaysia, H.E. Vicki Treadell, during       Asian Women of Achievement Award
                                          the university’s February 2019              in 2009 and was awarded an Honorary
                                          Graduation held at its campus in            Doctorate of Laws by Reading University
                                          Semenyih.                                   in 2016.

                                          Treadell was the British High               She was born in Malaysia and raised
                                          Commissioner to Malaysia from               here until the age of eight when her
                                          October 2014 until February 2019.           family migrated to the UK in 1968.
                                          She was previously British High             Treadell believes she embodies the
                                          Commissioner to New Zealand and             best of modern multicultural Britain as
                                          Samoa and Governor of the Pitcairn          she hails from a half Dutch-half French
                                          Islands.                                    father via the Dutch Burgher community
                                                                                      of Sri Lanka and a Singaporean Chinese
                                          She was awarded Membership of               mother. Her interests include reading,
           Vicki Treadell                 the Royal Victorian Order (MVO)             art and photography.
Berita Boustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad


M    ohd Radzi Ahim and Redhalina Abdullah recently
     did the Company proud when they recently
completed and attained the ACA qualification from
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England
and Wales (ICAEW) and the Certified Internal
Auditors (CIA) certification from the Institute of
Internal Auditors Malaysia (IIAM) respectively.

Radzi, a graduate from the prestigious London
School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) with
a degree in Accounting and Finance joined Boustead
in 2014 as an Accountant Trainee under Boustead’s
Accountant Trainee Programme and today, adding
another feather to his cap, Radzi is a qualified                                                             En. Mohd Radzi flanked by his proud parents,
chartered accountant (ICAEW). In his free time,                                                                   En. Ahim Noh and Pn. Melor Kassim
Radzi enjoys travelling and spending quality time
with his family in Sarawak.                                                         Manager in the Group Internal Audit. Redha is also a certified
                                                                                    chartered accountant having attained the certification from
Redha as she is fondly known, also joined Boustead                                  the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
in 2014. She pursued the CIA qualification through                                  in 2014. Her hobbies include reading and travelling. She also
the Boustead CIA Programme. Redha started her                                       volunteers for a non-profit organisation in helping school
career as a Senior Executive and today she is a                                     students.

                                                                                               En. Harizal Halim, En. Iskandariah, Cik Farha, Pn. Redhalina, Cik Jas Noor,
 Pn. Redhalina with her supportive husband, En. Affendi Rashdi                          Cik Nik Syazwani, Cik Farrazurin, En. Mohd Hafizam, En. Ahmad Faizal and En. Musfazli

                                                                                                                                              On behalf of Boustead,
                                                                                                                                              we would like to
                                                                                                                                              congratulate      both
                                                                                                                                              Radzi and Redha on
                                                                                                                                              their success and we
                                                                                                                                              look forward to seeing
                                                                                                                                              them both build long
                                                                                                                                              and successful careers
                                                                                                                                              with Boustead.

                                                                                                                                              All the best!

            From left: En. Harizal Halim, En. Adzli Shaferul, Pn. Nawal Hanafiah, En. Fahmy Ismail, Mr. Paul Aplin,
                  President of ICAEW; En. Mohd Radzi, En. Ahim Noh, Pn. Melor Kassim and Pn. Zetty Ilyda
Berita Boustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad

                                “May each moment of the New Year steer you towards a new
                                 and better direction to mold your life with all that is good!”

                  MUTIARA RINI
             OPEN HOUSE PARTY
    O   n 2 March 2019, Mutiara Rini Sdn. Bhd. hosted an open
        house party at One Cochrane Sales Gallery to celebrate
    Chinese New Year with its supporters and share exciting
    news with the public: a RM20,000 rebate for purchases at
    One Cochrane Residences!

    The event kicked off at 10:30am with a welcome speech
    by Hansen Lee, a fitness instructor cum emcee for the day.
                                                                                                                 The art corner for kids to get artsy and creative
    Columbia Asia Hospital was also invited to provide a free
    basic health screening for guests.

    Both the fitness and health check programmes were                                             all our staff and guests. One of the lions also
    organised to promote a healthy lifestyle, especially for                                      performed a jaw-dropping stunt on a high pole which
    those who wanted to get back in shape after a month of                                        earned many rounds of applause from spectators.
    Chinese New Year celebrations. Our guests participated
    enthusiastically in yoga and HIIT workout sessions conducted                                  Making the event even more memorable, a photo
    by Hansen Lee.                                                                                booth decorated in a traditional Chinese style was
                                                                                                  set up for our guests to capture festive moments
    The highlight of the day was an Acrobatic Lion Dance                                          together with their families and friends. Kids were
    Performance. Three playful lions were in the house greeting                                   also not forgotten as a card-making corner awaited
                                                                                                  them, where they could unleash their creativity and
                                                                                                  socialise with each other.

                                                                                                  Approximately 100 guests attended the event, which
                                                                                                  concluded at 5:00pm.

                                                                                                  The One Cochrane Residences promotional campaign
                                                                                                  is offering a special rebate and attractive down
                                                                                                  payment options to interested purchasers who are
                                                                                                  looking for their dream home in Kuala Lumpur. For
                                                                                                  further details, call 03-9200 8008 or send a WhatsApp
                                                                                                  message to 019-298 1868.

               Stay fit and healthy over festive season
Berita Boustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad

T    he University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) held its
     second Staff Engagement Day on 26 March 2019, after
its successful first run in 2018. Led by its Human Resources
                                                                         Boustead Properties showcasing the upcoming mixed
                                                                           development project in Semenyih - Mutiara Hills

department, the event saw collaborative efforts between
                                                               help cultivate a happier and healthier workforce. The
departments and participation by both staff and students.
                                                               Staff Engagement Day also provided an opportunity
UNM Provost and CEO, Professor Graham Kendall, graced
                                                               for staff to spend some time away from their desks,
the event.
                                                               socialise with colleagues and increase their awareness
                                                               on physical, mental and financial wellbeing. This
Themed #makeachange, the event was aimed at
                                                               initiative is also part of the University’s efforts to
encouraging staff to make positive changes in their lives,
                                                               transform the campus into a one-stop centre for staff,
which in turn would contribute to a more conducive
                                                               with a wide range of products and services available.
workplace. These small changes could range from
losing weight to improving fitness to better financial
                                                               Several service providers were on site to offer and
management for peace of mind, which could ultimately
                                                               introduce their services and products. In addition,
                                                               various activities were organised such as games, health
                                                               and financial planning talks, quizzes, health checks and
                                                               fitness challenges, amongst others. The health check
                                                               corners in particular were a big hit with staff members.
                                                               They also had the opportunity to enjoy a delicious
                                                               spread of food and delicacies, apart from those readily
                                                               available on campus, catered by food trucks.

                                                               Involved in the event were Boustead Properties, Affin
                                                               Bank, Celebrity Fitness, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri,
                                                               Employees Provident Fund, Perbadanan Tabung
                                                               Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional, Amanah Saham Nasional
                                                               Berhad and Tabung Haji.
                  Professor Kendall gracing the event

                 Health check by KPJ Kajang Hospital
                                                                                            Health talk

               Smoking cessation test by caring pharmacy                                 Fitness challenge
Berita Boustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad

                                           URBAN FARMING
           In conjunction with Boustead Sustainability Day 2018,
            the Boustead Sustainability Secretariat (Sustainability
           Secretariat) organised an Urban Farming Competition.
           Those involved were selected departments and business
           units of the Boustead Group.

           The purpose of this competition was to introduce a
           hydroponic system to plant vegetables at the office, with
           minimal maintenance required as the system is equipped
           with an automatic pump that can control irrigation of
           plants as well as nutrient supply. As a result, Bousteadians
           can have a free supply of organic vegetables while learning
           a new technique to grow their own greens.

                                                                                                       The Urban Farming Competition was conducted in two

                                                                                                       • 1st round - 17 December 2018 to 18 January 2019
                                                                                                       • 2nd round - 21 January 2019 to 22 February 2019

                                                                                                       The departments and business units involved were then
                                                                                                       required to submit their vegetables to the Sustainability
                                                                                                       Secretariat to record the weight of the vegetables
                                                                                                       after they were fully-grown. The departments and
                                                                                                       business units with the highest average weight won the

                                                                                                       Hence, the Sustainability Secretariat is pleased to
                                                                                                       announce the top 5 winners for the Urban Farming
                               The winner of the competition - Mutiara Rini

            No. Department / Business Unit Level                                                                                                Average Weight
               1.      Mutiara Rini Sdn. Bhd.                                                                                       18                     2.226
               2.      Group Information Technology, Boustead Holdings Berhad                                                       19                     1.993
               3.      Group Secretarial, Boustead Holdings Berhad                                                                  13                     1.632
               4.      Group Corporate Communication & Administration, Boustead Holdings Berhad                                     15                     1.069
               5.      Finance Department, Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad                                             17                     0.986

            A big congratulations to all the winners! To everyone who took part, thank you for your participation in making the
            competition a success.

     Staff of Group Corporate Communication & Administration posing with their full-grown vegetables                              Veggies to bring home!

                                                                           Group photo with YB Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Yusof &
          Basic health consultation                                          its secretary general, Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi

  SKUAD OPERASI                             O   n 19 and 20 January 2019, 13 volunteers from Skuad Operasi Sihat (SOS)
                                                from the Finance and Investment Division comprising Group Information

 SIHAT BOUSTEAD                             Technology, Group Finance, Group Secretarial and Corporate Planning
                                            participated in a community programme held at Marina Convention Hall,

        IN ACTION                           Lumut, Perak.

                                            This initiative was carried out in conjunction with ‘Satu Daerah Satu Industri’
                                            programme which was officiated by YB Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Yusof,
                                            Minister of Entrepreneur Development.

                                            During the two-days programme, the SOS volunteers managed to carry out
                                            free basic health check-up for 250 people. Among the activities held were
                                            blood pressure test, sugar level test, BMI and basic health consultation.

                                            The SOS team hopes to participate in more activities in the future that
                                            can benefit the urban and rural communities especially the vulnerable and
                                            underprivileged communities.


           NEW PINTAR

A    s part of its commitment to
     making a positive impact on the
community with various corporate
social    responsibility     initiatives,
Boustead       Holdings         Berhad                          En. Mohd Najib Mohd Seth, Manager of Corporate Planning Department
                                                                 hands over an agreement letter to the Headmaster of SK Raja Chulan
(Boustead) has adopted four new
schools via the PINTAR Foundation
programme for a period of three             children of serving Armed Forces personnel. For the three-year engagement
years, from 2019 to 2021. The schools       period, Boustead will assist the schools by sponsoring various educational
are located within the vicinity of Army     programmes, including motivational camps, additional classes, seminars,
Camps, namely SK Kem Terendak 1 &           workshops and educational visits. It is hoped that this initiative will support
2 (Kem Terendak), SK Kem Gerakhas           the development of Armed Forces children.
(Kem Sungai Udang), Melaka as well
as SK Raja Chulan (Kem Syed Putra),         Boustead has been a member of the PINTAR Foundation since 2009 and
Perak.                                      previously adopted 11 schools across Malaysia, where all the schools have
                                            successfully graduated from the three-year engagement programme.
The majority of the students from           Through the PINTAR Foundation, Boustead is able to support a wide range of
these adopted schools comprised             educational initiatives, especially for under-served students.

                                                                     16 JANUARY '19      Royale Chulan Seremban

            NEWS FROM
            & RESORTS
                                                                    Annual Dinner
                                                                    General Manager, Mr. Leo Kuscher with The Best Employee
                                                                    Award 2017, The Best Employee Award 2018, and employees
      1 JANUARY '19      Royale Chulan Cherating                    who have received their Healthy Awards.

                                                                    11 FEBRUARY '19       Royale Chulan Bukit Bintang

     New Year’s Eve Dinner 2019
     Guests and staff members came together in celebration of the
     New Year during the New Year’s Eve Dinner.
                                                                    Yee Sang Luncheon
                                                                    General Manager, En. Mashor Din; Group Operation & Business
                                                                    Development General Manager, Mr. Tiong Yeo Chuan and
                                                                    the management team of Royale Chulan Bukit Bintang came
      16 JANUARY '19      Royale Chulan Penang                      together for a Yee Sang luncheon.

                                                                    13 FEBRUARY '19       Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur

     Chinese New Year Media Appreciation                            Lion Dance Performance
     General Manager, Mr. Philip D. Theseira, accompanied by        Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur celebrated the 9th day of Chinese
     Marketing & Communications Manager, Ms. Vayshnavee             New year with a spectacular lion dance performance. General
     Shunmugam, presenting a Chinese New Year cake to the           Manager, En. Kamaruddin Baharin and the team joined in for
     General Manager of China Press Berhad, Ms. Lim Kek Hong and    the blessing of the Lunar year.
     Advertising Sales Representative, Mr. Heng Jih Kang, during
     the Chinese New Year Food Review.

     IKRAR BEBAS RASUAH                                    Pada majlis ini, YBhg. Dato’ Farshila Emran,
                                                           Pengarah Urusan Pharmaniaga telah mengetuai
           PHARMANIAGA                                     sesi lafaz IBR yang melibatkan seramai 150
                                                           kakitangan dan telah disaksikan oleh P/TPj YBhg.

P  harmaniaga    Berhad     (Pharmaniaga)     telah        Dato’ Hj. Alias Salim, Pengarah SPRM Negeri
   menzahirkan sokongan terhadap usaha pencegahan          Selangor.
rasuah dengan menandatangani dan melafazkan Ikrar
Bebas Rasuah (IBR) pada majlis yang telah diadakan         Turut hadir ialah Ketua Unit Pendidikan
di pejabat Pharmaniaga di Seksyen 7, Shah Alam,            Masyarakat (Penmas) SPRM Negeri Selangor, PPj
Selangor pada awal bulan Mac yang lalu.                    Kamaruzaman Yusof serta para pegawainya.

      Senior citizens receiving ang pows and goodie bags                  A delicious lunch awaits them at Ah Tuan Ee’s Place restaurant

        THE CURVE                                           I n the spirit of togetherness, the Curve played host to a
                                                              group of 20 senior citizens from Rumah Charis KL for a

       PLAYS HOST                                            Chinese New Year celebration full of excitement, fun and a
                                                             delicious meal. The esteemed guests were entertained by

TO SENIOR CITIZENS                                           a series of activities, including a live musical, A Grand Tea
                                                             House Musical and an acrobatic lion dance performance.

                                                             As the fun-filled afternoon came to an end, the senior
                                                             citizens were presented with Chinese New Year angpows
                                                             and goodie bags, before heading to Ah Tuan Ee’s Place
                                                             restaurant for lunch.


             O     n 26 January 2019, Boustead Curve Sdn. Bhd. (Boustead Curve)
                   launched Games Challenge 2019 with the participation of all
              Boustead Curve and Boustead DCP Sdn. Bhd. staff. A total of eight
              ‘Rumah Sukan’ were introduced with each comprising 28 staff from
              both companies. The Games Challenge involved various sports with
              the final winner receiving a ‘Piala Pusingan’ for the year.

              The first game started off with a Paintball Competition aiming at
                        promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle among staff as
                                               well as emphasising on teamwork
                                               between them. Staff interacted
                                               and got to know each other during
                                              the game. The Games Challenge was
                                             launched and officiated by En. Jazmi
                                             Kamarudin, Senior General Manager
                                             of Boustead Curve.

                                       ATEGORI SPRINT
                     PARTAN RACE 2019 K
         KSB SERTAI S                                                                                                              Pasukan Spartan KSB

P   ada 2 Mac 2019, Kelab Sukan Boustead
    (KSB) telah menyertai pertandingan
Spartan Race di dalam kategori ‘Sprint’
jarak 5km yang bermula dan berakhir
di Semenyih Eco Venture Resort &

Pasukan Spartan KSB yang terdiri daripada
lapan orang peserta berjaya menamatkan
cabaran sukar sejauh 5km merentasi lebih
25 jenis halangan mencabar yang berbeza.

Terdapat kira-kira 240 pertandingan
‘Spartan Races’ yang dianjurkan di 30
buah negara setiap tahun. Spartan Race
kali ini berjaya menarik penyertaan lebih
daripada 2,000 orang peserta daripada
dalam dan luar negara termasuklah dari
negara Singapura, Filipina, Thailand,
Amerika Syarikat dan England.
                                                                                Antara aksi menarik yang dipamerkan oleh Pasukan Spartan KSB

                                  Salah satu halangan yang perlu ditempuhi oleh para peserta Spartan Race

                                                                                                                      MESYUARAT AGUNG                                   P  ada 13 Februari 2019, Kelab Sukan Boustead (KSB)
                                                                                                                                                                           telah mengadakan Mesyuarat Agung Tahunannya

                                                                                                                              KSB 2019                                  yang ke-35 di Kompleks Sukan Boustead. Mesyuarat
                                                                                                                                                                        dipengerusikan oleh Presiden KSB, En. Fahmy Ismail dan
                                                                                                                                                                        dihadiri oleh seramai 121 orang ahli.

                                                                                                                                                                        Antara agenda utama mesyuarat adalah permilihan
                                                                                                                                                                        Presiden dan ahli jawatankuasa KSB baharu bagi sesi
                                                                                                                                                                        2019/2021 serta kelulusan Pindaan Perlembagaan KSB
                                                                                                                                                                        1984. En. Fahmy telah dilantik sekali lagi sebagai Presiden

                                                                                                                                                                        Berikut adalah senarai      Ahli Jawatankuasa dan Juruaudit
                                                                                                                                                                        Sesi 2019/2021:
                                                                                                                                                                        Presiden             :       En. Fahmy Ismail
                                                                                                                                                                        Naib Presiden        :       En. Ahmad Fazril Mohd Fauzi
                                                                                                                                                                        Setiausaha           :       En. Mohamed Hisham Hashim
                                                                                                                                                                        Naib Setiausaha      :       Pn. Juniza Azizan
                                                                                                                                                                        Bendahari            :       En. Hazranshah Abd Hamid
                                                                                                                                                                        Naib Bendahari       :       En. Amir Zuhair Abd Khalid
                                                                                                                                                                        Juruaudit            :       En. Mohamad Mahazir Mustaffa
                                                                                                                                                                                             :       En. Nazri Suhaimie
                                                                                                                                                                        Ahli-ahli            :       En. Asrul Sani Pesal
                                                                                                                                                                        Jawatankuasa		               Pn. Nurfaizha Asmaá Hussin
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           En. Ahmad Farid Yaácob
                                                                                                                Ucapan aluan daripada Presiden KSB
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           Cik Siti Sarah Kamal Affandi
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           En. V. Subaseelan
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           En. Badrul Hisham Hamzah
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           En. Mohd Zaki Bakri
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           Pn. Masaslinda Mahadi
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           En. Rathuan Mohamed
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           Cik Nurul Azira Noor Azman
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           En. Mohamad Shamsur
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           Mohamad Ramley
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           En. Nor Azman Abd Rahman
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           En. Abdul Halim Mohd Junit
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           En. Mohd Kamal Jamil
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           En. Mohamad Shahid
                                                                                                   Pemilihan AJK KSB bagi sesi 2019/2021 sedang berlangsung
                                                                                                                                                                        		                           Mohd Shukri

                                                                                                                                                                        Pindaan Perlembagaan KSB 1984 turut diluluskan pada
                                                                                                                                                                        mesyuarat tersebut yang berakhir pada pukul 5:00
Published by: Boustead Holdings Berhad (3871-H) Printed by: Pencetak Weng Fatt Sdn Bhd (19847-W)

                                                                                                                                                                                   Ahli KSB bergambar bersama barangan yang
                                                                                                               Penyampaian sijil penghargaan kepada AJK KSB sesi 2018               dibeli semasa jualan penghabisan stok KSB
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