Benjamin Fulford: Wochenbericht vom 29.11.2021 - Catbox

Page created by Kenneth Harrison
Benjamin Fulford: Wochenbericht vom 29.11.2021 - Catbox

Benjamin Fulford: Wochenbericht vom
9-12 minutes

You can almost taste the fear in the mouths of the Khazarian Mafia
leadership as they circling the drain of doom. The signs of panic at
the highest level in the KM leadership become more and more
evident over time. They are desperate knowing that it is only a
matter of time before they go bankrupt and then are charged with
war crimes.

The most obvious example of their panic was the moronic omigod
last week! omicron version of their fake pandemic. This "new
variant", which is "500 times more contagious" than previous
versions, orbited the globe faster than the speed of light after it was
"discovered" in Africa. The Presidential Covid-19 Task Force in
Botswana announced that the new variant was first found in four
fully vaccinated travelers.
The military, police and law enforcement agencies in need of fact-
based evidence strongly oppose the KM. For example, U.S. District
Judge T. Kent Wetherell II completely destroys the coronavirus

citing : -COVID's low mortality rate and low severity for most
people, the risk-benefit ratio of vaccinations, which is more risky

-protected natural immunity

-Alternative treatments such as ivermectin and monoclonal

-The vaccinations do NOT prevent the infection and transmission of
the virus.

This is only part of an avalanche of law enforcement actions
against the false pandemic pushers. Vaccine pusher Bill Gates has
been charged with murder and faces the death penalty for vaccine
deaths in India.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could soon see real justice for the murders of
his uncle and father thanks to the implosion of the vaccine /
pandemic attempt to enforce global totalitarianism. "Instead of a
medical response to a medical crisis, we had a militarized response
and a monetized response," Kennedy said.

The goal of this pandemic fear porn is "to put people under house
arrest and create a condition known as Stockholm Syndrome,
which leads people to be grateful to their kidnappers and to believe
that the only way to survive is." The only way out of the crisis is
total obedience to the kidnapper's orders, "he says.
The problem is that Islamic terrorists do not kill enough people to
scare enough Americans into giving up their constitutionally
guaranteed freedoms. Nor could it be used to force people in the
free world to accept compulsory vaccinations.

The program was started by the Nazi regime of George Bush Jr.
when the US military released anthrax to use "terrorism" as a
pretext for abolishing vaccine safety testing, he notes.

A landmark moment came in 2000 when Bill Gates and Anthony
Fauci "shook hands in the living room of [Gates] $ 87 million
mansion ... in partnership to vaccinate the world by 2020." "said

Now an alliance of the US military, Asian secret societies and the
benevolent faction of the European nobility is countering on all

In Japan, for example, the fake pandemic is being put down by the
new Kishida administration with support from the US military. A
police investigation is ongoing to identify and prosecute not only the
masterminds of the fake pandemic, but also those responsible for
the Fukushima terrorist attack.

Last week, this author met a senior member of the Kishida cabinet
who said that as part of the counterattack, the Bank of Japan had
been nationalized. The next step will be the confiscation of the
nearly 40% stake in Japan's listed companies that the KM has
extorted from Japan through the threat of an earthquake attack, the
cabinet minister said.

The Korean gangsters who commissioned the KM to assassinate
Japanese politicians are also being put out of the way by an
unprecedented investigation by the Japanese police, supported by
the emperor, it is said.

Ultimately, the investigation will target the entire North Korean
nexus of the KM, the source said.

The loss of Japan was a fatal blow to the KM and their false Biden
regime in the US, according to Pentagon sources.

In the United States, the hammer on Project Odin is about to fall,
according to a senior official associated with the Space Force
Intelligence Agency. According to the source, Project is Odin

The Space Forces military intelligence service, operating from the
Thule military base and the Cheyenne Mountain bunker complex
(which is still locked by the Commander in Chief). It is connected to
the Starlink satellite system which controls all networks around the
world and bypasses all media, radio and internet platforms. Project
Odin can take over all media platforms via the emergency system.
The Alliance is preparing to get it going.

However, we have seen so many false positives regarding the 911
system that we encourage readers to believe this when they see it.

As we wait for the space forces to come to the rescue, we are
already seeing signs that the US KM control network is collapsing.

Ghislaine Maxwell's pedophilia trial is a very visible sign of this. As
we previously reported, the process is expected to involve a large
part of the Western oligarchy. Now it looks like it could even topple
the United Nations.

As incredible as it sounds, Ghislaine Maxwell was in control of the
world's oceans with the approval of the UN. This happened through
the TerraMar project, a UN-NGO micronation with diplomatic
immunity and its own passports, as the CIA announced. While
TerraMar was purported to "protect the world's oceans," it was in
fact advocating the interests of Jeffrey Epstein and the Clinton
Foundation, the source said. TerraMar, which had its own
submarine, was a facade for human trafficking, the Mossad sources
add. The tycoon Richard Branson was also involved, it is said. His
island Necker Island is right next to Epstein's Little St. James
Island, according to the sources.

More from the CIA about TerraMar:

The TerraMar project's partners and financiers included many of
those we now know to be linked to child sex trafficking, including
the Clinton Foundation, James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong, John
Podesta and Tamera Luzzatto, along with many others.

Luzzatto was Hillary Clinton's chief of staff. She is now the Senior
Vice President of Government Relations at The Pew Charitable
Trusts. Luzzatto published a troubling website called Evie's Crib.
She wrote the infamous email to John Podesta published by
WikiLeaks that made it appear like she had sold her young
grandchildren to the political elite.

After the death of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine's father, in 1991, she
moved to a Manhattan estate owned by Lynn Forester de
Rothschild, whose husband is British banker Evelyn Robert de
Rothschild. The property was also given as the base for Terramar.

No wonder Maxwell is asking the UN to get her out of jail.

Of course, it is more likely that the owners of the UN are the ones
who will end up in jail.

The key event is likely to be the bankruptcy of the US Corporation.
In this context, we note that the false Biden regime has managed to
buy time until December 15th by selling the US strategic oil
reserves to China and India.

The bogus Biden government has also already sold over 30% of
US commercial real estate in the 20 largest cities to China in order
to keeping oneself in power, according to financial industry sources.

But like Jim Willie from the Hat Trick newsletter

noted, the US financial system is on the verge of implosion. With
real inflation at 15% and an interest rate of 1%, the real interest rate
would be minus 14%, said Willie. This happened because the
money supply has doubled while productivity has decreased by
30% in the past two years.

The result of this mismanagement quickly turns into a popular revolt
against the KM and their lackeys in the top 1%. The massive
attacks on the boutiques of the rich are a sign of this. "Popular
shopping districts, affluent residents and celebrities" are
"systematically targeted," according to LA police.

The question is when the KM Politburo, which is hiding on Lake
Geneva in Switzerland, will finally be brought to justice, either by
the mob or by the police.

In this context we remember that the P2 (now P3) Freemasons who
control the Vatican told us that their Swiss overlords were
"extraterrestrials". We can't confirm this, but to wrap up this week
we'd like to give our readers the following picture to think about.
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