Page created by John Cobb
FengShui & Chinese Astrology

BaziChic                        March 2016
                                   1st Quarter 2016

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                         | March 2016   1

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                                    COVER STORIES
                                    FengShui & Chinese Astrology

                                                March 2016
                                                                     1st Quarter 2016

                                     DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR
                                     PROPETY FAST?
                                                      FIND OUT HOW INSIDE...

                              THIS MONTH’S HIGHLIGHT
                              14 FENG SHUI TIPS TO
                                 SELL YOUR PROPERTY

2 March 2016 |
     ~ DUMB FAME
                                                       Leader & Warrior
9    SELLING YOURSELF AS A SMALL                   Director Josephine Phang
     BUSINESS OWNER OR FREE-                          Editor Ooi Eu Geen
12 A SIMPLE GUIDE TO INVESTING                       Writer Ooi Eu Geen
                                                    Writer Josephine Phang
   LIVING!                                                  Free Artist
                                                  Graphic Designer Microkey
                                                 Advertising enquiries contact
    THE WAY OF WIND &                      
                                                BaziChic is a digital magazine published

   OUT A COMPASS                            YOUR ASSISTANT
                                                       in Every Issue

    LEARNING                               69     1-Q&A JUST ASK

                                           70     MONTHLY OUTLOOK
26 BAZI 101
   Finding the 十神 Ten Gods (Wealth Ele-
                                           82     GOOD DATES PLANNER

                                           88     ANNUAL & MONTHLY FLYING
   Top 5 Signs of Loss of Wealth On Your
                                           91     UNIVERSAL QI MAP

30 LAW OF ATTRACTION with a twist
                                           CHEAT SHEET
   十幹 Ten Stems
                                           99 24 Mountains Reference Chart
                                           100 24 Mountains Compass
                                           101 Feng Shui Eight Mansions: East & West
                                               Group Direction
                                           102 Nine Life Gua
                                           104 Bazi Reference Table

                                                              | March 2016   3
     from the
         Dear Readers,

         Well, the festivities are finally over here in Malaysia, and it really feels like it’s time
         to finally get down to business!

         I think the ancient Romans got it right when they placed March, or Martius as they
         called it, as the first month of the calendar, using it to mark the beginning of the
         farming and warring season. If you, like me, have been wondering where the year
         has gone, let’s use the month of March as a re-start, and get to sowing the seeds of
         our goals and aspirations, so that we’ll have a good harvest at the end of the year.


                                                                               Eu Geen

4 March 2016 |
        Have a pressing matter?
         You ask, we answer!

What am I good at doing? How can I im-
prove my talent? Should I change jobs
              this year?
How can I improve my wealth? How can
I improve my talent? Should I look for a
               new job?​
When is my Prince Charming going to ap-
pear? How can I boost my chances at love?
  How can I improve my relationship?
Send one (1) question together with your
birth details (gender, date and time of
     birth) to

                                            Time for Prosperity!
                                            Ensure a Positve Bank
                                              Balance for 2016!
                                             Activate the Qi at Southeast sector
                                                  at 11:30 on 5 April 2016.

                                                         | March 2016   5
         ~ DUMB FAME

           o you want to turn heads while walking down the street? Be asked for autographs? Or be
           asked to take a photo together with a stranger? This is the public life of famous people.
           It seems glamorous and desirable for many of us, as along with the fame comes respect,
     acknowledgment and recognition as well as wealth.

     In Bazi study, there is “Dumb Fame” and “Smart Fame”. Dumb fame refers to people who get
     lucky, or in this case, famous by accident. While smart fame comes as a result of sweat and toil.

     In this article, lets look mainly at “Dumb Fame”. Some people have more chances of getting famous
     than others. In Bazi study, the Career Palace can give a very strong indication of whether you can
     be famous or not. When the Peach Blossom star appears on the Career Palace, there are very high
     chances of becoming famous. There are four zodiac signs that represent the Peach Blossom star as
     shown in the Table 1.

         Table 1: 桃花星 Peach Blossom Stars
                                    桃花星        Peach Blossom Stars

                   卯                    午                      酉                      子
                  Mao                   Wu                    You                     Zi
                 Rabbit                Horse                 Rooster                  Rat

6 March 2016 |
As long as you have one of these Peach Blossom stars, fame and fortune will shine on you.
These Peach Blossom stars may be your personal Peach Blossoms or otherwise. Refer to Table
2 to find your Personal Peach Blossom star. However, if you are getting famous by accident, the
Peach Blossom star in your Career Palace is most likely not your Personal Peach Blossom star.

Look at PSY’s Bazi chart as an example. PSY is a stage name. His birth name is a Park Jae-sang.
He was born on 31 December 1977, time unknown. He became famous when he released the
song, "Gangnam Style" in 2012. He was subsequently recognized by the media as the "King of
YouTube". The latest record shows that there are over 2.4 billion views of the Gangnam Style
video on YouTube. It is still one of the most viewed videos on YouTube.

                                 八 字 PSY’s Bazi Chart
        時 Hour                   日 Day             月 Month                年 Year
                                               比                   正                         天干

                                 壬                   壬                    丁
                                               肩                   財

                                               F                  DW

                               Ren                    Ren                   Ding
                            Yang Water             Yang Water             Yin Fire

                                 戌                   子                    巳

                                Xu                     Zi                    Si
                                Dog                   Rat                 Snake
                             Yang Earth            Yang Water             Yin Fire

                          丁      戊       辛            癸            庚       丙          戊

                          Ding    Wu     Xin          Gui          Geng     Bing     Wu
                          DW      7K     DR           RW            IR       IW      7K
                          正財      七殺     正印           劫財           偏印       偏財       七殺

In PSY’s Bazi chart, the Career Palace (Month Branch) contains the Rat zodiac sign which is
one of the four Peach Blossom stars. PSY’s Personal Peach Blossom stars (Refer to Table 2) are
the Rabbit, based on the Day Branch (Dog) and Horse, based on the Year Branch (Snake). This
explains why PSY's fame is accidental. His fame is not a result of his work or charisma. In fact,
many consider him unpolished and unpredictable. And he doesn't look like your typical Korean

Gangnam Style became popular outside of South Korea in 2012, a Water Dragon year. This is
where another Peach Blossom star in PSY’s Bazi Luck Pillar, the Rooster sign, triggered the Rat
sign in his Career Palace. It involved a combination and uncivilized punishment relationship
as the zodiacs interact with each other. PSY considers Gangnam Style one of his greatest

However, there are many controversies about the originality of the song. His former best
friend, Kim Jang-hoon, accused him of stealing the song and dance move from him. On the
other hand, some have said that Gangnam Style was copied from “Chespirito” who has been
entertaining young Latino audiences since 1968. While others said that it was an imitation

                                                                          | March 2016   7
of the famous Taiwanese singer Jay Chou, who also had a similar dance in his music video,
      ‘Cowboy on the Run.’

        Table 2: Personal 桃花星 Peach Blossom Stars
                               Zodiac Sign                                   Personal
                          (Day or Month Branch)                         Peach Blossom Star
                  寅                  午                     戌                     卯
                  Yin                Wu                   Xu                    Mao
                 Tiger              Horse                 Dog                  Rabbit
                  巳                  酉                     丑                     午
                  Si                You                   Chou                  Wu
                Snake              Rooster                 Ox                  Horse
                  申                  子                     辰                     酉
                Shen                 Zi                   Chen                  You
               Monkey                Rat                 Dragon                Rooster
                  亥                  卯                     未                     子
                 Hai                Mao                   Wei                   Zi
                 Pig               Rabbit                 Goat                  Rat

      Do you want to be famous? Check your Career Palace in your Bazi chart.

      And stay tuned for our next article, Fame and Fortune – The Smart Way…

8 March 2016 |
r s e l f
                                                          l i n g          You
                                                     Se l

                  As A Small Business Owner
                  or Freelancer

       re you an insurance agent, a property       thing” that helps you settle into your niche.
       agent, a consultant, a freelancer
       or small home-based business                Realizing your angle is finding your unique
owner? All businesses start in a small way.        value proposition. Once you’ve found it,
Most successful business owners or self-           then it’s time to start evaluating how you’re
proprietors know how to sell themselves.           going to reach these people. In Bazi study,
We're not talking about sales. We're talking       the Year Pillar of a person's Bazi chart,
about "Selling Yourself". Selling yourself is      besides representing grandparents, friends
very close to marketing. It is a strategy to       and acquaintances, also represents your
bring awareness to the business and also           door to the outer world. The Five Elements
build trust. This is a very effective way for      and Ten Gods that reside on the Year Pillar
small business owners to build a brand             indicate how people perceive you and how
for themselves and their business. Even            you reach out to people.
employees need to sell themselves.
                                                   By knowing the Ten Gods in Year Pillar of
Selling yourself is easier when you aim            your Bazi chart, you can improve the odds
for a niche. You need to be different but          when you are selling yourself. Refer to Table
this doesn’t necessarily mean being wacky          1 to discover the suitable tactics or media to
or doing something offensive. It is about          use to reach out to your target audience.
differentiating your products and services
from your competitors. It can also mean
targeting a different segment of customers
such as different income group, age group or
location. A lot of the time, it is only the “one

     Table 1: 十神 Ten Gods and Selling Yourself

              十神 Ten Gods                             Channel to Reach People

                                             Social Media i.e. Twitter, Facebook, blog-
     比肩 Friends
                                             ging, Instagram

     劫財 Rob Wealth                           Referral / Network/ Affiliate

                                                                      | March 2016   9
十神 Ten Gods                        Channel to Reach People

               食神 Eating God                          Demonstration

               傷官 Hurting Officer                     Video

               偏財 Indirect Wealth                     Main stream media i.e. newspaper

               正財 Direct Wealth                       Store / Office / Exhibition Counter

               七殺 Seven Killings                      Meeting In Person / Word of Mouth

               正官 Direct Officer                      Meeting In Person / Word of Mouth

               偏印 Indirect Resource                   Telephone / Skype / Email / Virtue Office

               正印 Direct Resource                     Publishing Books / e-books

       For example, Alan Lee is born on 22 March 1982 at 10:53 in the morning.

                                    八 字 Alan Lee’s Bazi Chart
                  時 Hour                日 Day              月 Month                年 Year
          正                                           正                    偏                     天干

                   己                    甲                   癸                     壬
          財                                           印                    印
          DW                                          DR                   IR

                      Ji               Jia                    Gui                  Ren
                  Yin Earth         Yang Wood              Yin Water            Yang Water

                  巳                     辰                   卯                     戌

                     Si               Chen                   Mao                   Xu
                  Snake              Dragon                 Rabbit                 Dog
                  Yin Fire          Yang Earth             Yin Wood             Yang Earth

           庚        丙        戊     癸    戊       乙             乙             丁      戊         辛

           Geng     Bing     Wu   Gui    Wu      Yi            Yi          Ding    Wu      Xin
            7K       EG      IW   DR     IW     RW            RW           HO      IW      DO
           七殺       食神       偏財   正印     偏財     劫財            劫財           傷官      偏財      正官

10 March 2016 |
His Bazi chart’s Year Pillar contains Indirect
   Resource on the Heavenly Stem and
   Indirect Wealth on the Earthly Branches as
   well as Hurting Officer and Direct Officer
   on the Hidden Stem. According to his Bazi
   chart, he has several options to use to sell
   himself. He can reach out to people through
   social media, main stream media, videos or
   personal meetings.

   The best choice is social media since the
   Heavenly Stem contains Indirect Resource.
   Heavenly Stem refers to what is given by
   heaven – things that easily come to you,
   whereas Earthly Branch refers to your man
   luck - what is immediately available if you
                                                    You are unique!
   put effort into it. The secondary channel is
   to use main stream media such as television,     Officer is about meeting the right people
   radio, newspapers or billboards. Hosting a       in person, Alan can also accept interviews
   live-show or participating in a live-show that   hosted by special news network channels
   is related to him and his aspirations can help   or television networks. A recorded video of
   him spread awareness about his business          the interview can then be spread across his
   faster. The Hidden Stems usually indicate        social media channels.
   what is available, but are more difficult to
   access. In Alan's case, he can actually use      The above methods can also apply to your
   a combination of channels to help him out.       sales tactics.
   Since Hurting Officer’s channel is video, he
   can do a promotional video on television         Happy selling for 2016!
   networks or social media. Since Direct

 Did you know...
Annual Flying Star No.9 can act as a Peach Blossom star
too. It brings positive romance luck influence. Those homes
that face West and sitting in the East will benefit from the
Peach Blossom influence of Annual Flying Star No.9 and
 Star No.4

                                                                     | March 2016   11
A Simple Guide To Investing

         fter careful studying and analyzing of            this company. The Surging Snake Deity further
         stocks to invest in and having considered         confirms the presence of positive news about the
         all the important factors such as the stock’s     company many times.
  expense ratio, management stability, sector
  weighting, style and asset allocation to ensure that  Another important focus point to look at is actually
  the investment is likely to perform positively, you   the Palace that contains the 戊 Wu Earth Heavenly
  are ready to invest. Still, the price of the stock mayStem which is on the West Palace (Metal Element).
  not rise as expected due to unexpected market         Wu Earth represents profit or loss. The Southwest
  conditions or you may have already missed the         Palace produces to West Palace. This indicates
  boat, price wise, if your investment decision is      that the catalysts or news for this company has
  based on an event or catalyst. 奇門遁甲 Qi Men            already been priced into the stock. Notice the
  Dun Jia (“QMDJ”) can be used to help you estimate     馬 Horse and 空 Death & Emptiness signs on the
  a time frame to enter or exit your investment.        Southwest Palace? The 馬 Horse means that the
                                                        price has already gone up very fast while 空 Death
  QMDJ is originally devised to help form military & Emptiness means the stock is not available for
  strategies and tactics. It is used for the purpose of you to purchase during the time of this QMDJ
  strategic planning. Over the centuries, the QMDJ reading. This can happen if you are doing the
  system has been expanded to many uses, most reading during a long holiday where there is no
  notably as a forecasting tool. Through careful trading or if the stock is being suspended for the
  study of the system by practitioners who have time being.
  knowledge in business, finance and QMDJ, this
  forecasting system has been expanded further Conclusion: Although this is a good stock to
  to investments. It is popularly used by Chinese invest in, this is not the right time to buy as the
  businessmen in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan in price has already shot up. You may want to wait
  their business strategic planning.                    for the price to decrease to a reasonable level.
                                                        You may ask, “Will this stock price fall then?”
  Let’s take a look at the QMDJ chart on 23 February The answer is “Yes” because the Southwest Palace
  2016 at 20:54, and how this chart can give you produces to West Palace. You can do the reading
  simple investment guidance. For investment again after 2 days to check if it is the right time for
  related matters, the focus point to look into is entry.
  the 生門 Life Door. Therefore, the Southwest
  Palace (Earth Element) is used for this reading. QMDJ Forecasting gives a straight forward and
  Southwest Palace shows positive structures, 跌 simple answer. It is easy to understand and use.
  穴 Die Xue and 月使 Yue Shi with positive stems You can learn QMDJ Forecasting or consult a
  丙 Bing Fire and 戊 Wu Earth. This can simply QMDJ consultant about your investment. Bazichic
  mean that the stock that you intend to invest in is offering QMDJ Forecasting workshop. If you
  has positive fundamentals. The Heavenly Hero are interested, please email customer_support@
  Star indicates that the stock is popular in the stock for further information.
  market now. There is a lot of positive news about

12 March 2016 |
QMDJ Chart: 23 February 2016 at 20:54
                                                         空                                             空
                                                        DE                                             DE
           巽        4木                                  離         9火                                  2土           坤
  SE       Xun      WOOD                          S      Li        FIRE                               EARTH        Kun       SW
                                天 庚
                                 Tian      Geng
                                                       輔 Fu
                                                                  符    Fu
                  Destructor   Heaven                 Assistant   Chief                               Hero        Snake
                                         龍 相                      奇 太 跌 月
                                         返 佐                      格 惑 穴 使                                                     HS
                                         Long Xiang               Qi        Tai    Die     Yue
                                         Fan Zuo                  Ge        Huo    Xue     Shi

                    開                                  休                                              生

                    Open         1 丙        Bing
                                                        Rest                6 戊          Wu
                                                                                                       Life        8
                                地 辛
                                 Di         Xin
                                                                              戊          Wu

   E              Ambassador    Earth
                                                                                                      Grain       Moon


   Zhen                                                                                                                       兌
   3木                                                                                                                        7金
                    驚                                                                                 傷                      METAL
                     Fear        9 辛        Xin
                                                                                    癸    Gui
                                                                                                      Harm         4
                                雀 壬
                                 Que        Ren
                                                       心 Xin
                                                                                    癸    Gui
                    Grass      Phoenix                 Heart      Hook                                Pillar     Harmony

                    死                                  景                                              杜
                    Death               5 乙  Yi
                                                      Scenery                7 壬     Ren
                                                                                                     Delusion            3
  NE       艮
                                              N         坎
                                                                                                                   Qian      NW

                                                                              馬                                   空
符首 Lead Stem 庚 Geng                                                           HS 馬星                               DE   空亡
                                                                             Horse Star                        Death & Emptiness
直使 Envoy          杜門 Delusion Door                                                  申
                                                                                                                 午 Wu Horse
直符 Lead Star      天輔星 Heavenly Assistant                                                                         未 Wei Goat

                                                                                                       | March 2016   13
Feng Shui Tips To Sell
        Your Property Fast

               ant to set your property up for a quick    that placing the banners or billboards at visible
               sale? Looking at the current property      and busy areas will give rise to higher chances
               market, especially in Malaysia, the        of attracting more buyers. You can further
     peak homebuying season may be over. Still,           enhance this effect by placing sales banners
     Malaysia generally has a young population            and billboards at the Nobleman direction of
     where 80% of Malaysians are below the age of         your home or office (if you are a business owner
     50. This means that the demand for houses is         who has your own premises). You can place
     only going to increase as more young adults          the sales banners and billboards far away from
     come into the workforce, and look to settle down     your home or office using your home or office as
     to form their families. The development of the       the centre point to measure the direction. This
     LRT/MRT lines which enhances connectivity            nobleman sector is calculated from the opposite
     to the outer Klang Valley will bode well for the     position of the main door of your home or office.
     residential and commercial property market           It is not based on the property that you intend
     too.                                                 to sell. Refer to Table 1 to find the Nobleman
                                                          direction .
     The slowing economic conditions and the
     depreciating ringgit caused Malaysia’s property      Tip 2: Activate the Nobleman Sector of
     market to slow sharply. Overall property             your Home or Office
     prices, especially house prices in Malaysia will     You can place water or spring clean the
     continue to rise, but at a slower pace. Property     Nobleman sector of your home and office on
     transactions will be negatively affected. Property   a selected auspicious date (refer to Good Date
     developers, taking the cue from the market,          Planner for auspicious dates). The Nobleman
     have slowed down construction activities.            sector of your home is actually the same as the
                                                          Nobleman direction. Refer to Table 1 to find the
     Property investors with plenty of cash, this is the  Nobleman direction.
     best property hunting ground now. For those
     who are looking to dispose of the properties in You should take into consideration the Annual
     their investment portfolio, here are some Feng Affliction sectors such as the Grand Duke, Five
     Shui tips for you to ensure a speedy sale.          Yellow and Three Killings sectors. Should the
                                                         Annual Affliction fall into the same sector of your
     The only Feng Shui that affects you is that of house’s Nobleman sector, then avoid activating
     your home or the office that you work in. The the sector. Refer to BaziChic December 2015
     following Feng Shui tips should be applied Issue, page 38 on Avoiding the Feng Shui
     based on your home or office measurements.          Afflicted Sectors in 2016 to find out more about
                                                         the Annual Affliction.
     Tip 1: Placement of Sales Banner and
     Billboard                                           Tip 3: Activate the Flying Star 2 Sector of
     The placement of property sales banners and your Home or Office
     billboards is very important. Everyone knows Flying Star 2 represents property and business

14 March 2016 |
Table 1: Nobleman Direction of your Property
         Main Door Location                                    Nobleman Direction

                Northeast 3
                East 1
                Southeast 1
                                                 Northeast 1                     Southwest 1
                West 1
                Northwest 1
                Southwest 3

                East 2
                East 3
                                                      North 2                    Southwest 3
                Northeast 1
                Southwest 1

                South 1
                South 2
                                                Northwest 3                         West 2
                South 3
                Southeast 3

                North 1
                North 2
                                                      East 2                     Southeast 3
                North 3
                Northwest 3

                West 2
                                                      South 2                    Northeast 3
                West 3

                Northwest 2
                Southwest 2
                                                       NIL                           NIL
                Southeast 2
                Northeast 2

income. By activating the Star 2 sector of your
home, besides enhancing your business income,          In 2016, Yearly Flying Star 4 falls into West
it also increases the earning opportunities from       sector. In the Month of May 2016, Flying Star 1
your property investment. However, activating          also resides at the West sector. Hence, you only
Star 2 creates a side effect. Flying Star 2 is         have to wait for the Daily Flying Star 7 to fly into
also known as the Illness Star 2. Thus, after          the West sector of your home. Refer to Table 2
activating this Star 2 sector, occupants will be       for the dates where the combination of Flying
prone to illness.                                      Star 1, 4 and 7 happen to be in the West Sector
                                                       and the best time to activate the West sector.
Tip 4: Activate combination of Flying
Star 1-4-7                                             The Yearly Flying Star 1 falls into Southeast
Activation of the combination of Flying Star 1, 4      sector. In the Month of August 2016, Flying Star
and 7 is greatly restricted due to the time factor.    4 also resides at the Southeast sector. Hence,
This is because you have to wait for Star 1, 4 and     you only have to wait for the Daily Flying
7 to fall into the same sector.                        Star 7 to fly into the Southeast sector of your

                                                                         | March 2016   15
                  DIR ECT ION

     home. Refer to Table 2 for the date where the   into the North sector of your home. Star 7 at the
     combination of Flying Star 1, 4 and 7 happen to North sector is also known as Robbery Star. It
     be in the Southeast Sector and the best time to can bring negative influences such as scandal,
     activate the Southeast sector.                  robbery and legal disputes. Thus, it is best to
                                                     only activate this star on an auspicious date to
     Similarly you can activate the Yearly Flying mitigate the side effects. Refer to Table 2 for the
     Star 7 which falls into the North sector. In dates where the combination of Flying Star 1, 4
     the month of August 2016, Flying Star 1 also and 7 happen to be in the North Sector and the
     resides at the North sector. Hence, you only best time to activate the North sector.
     have to wait for the Daily Flying Star 4 to fly

     Table 2: Sector with the Combination of Flying Star 1, 4 and 7
                                                                                  Not Suitable for
              Sector                   Date             Auspicious Time
                                                                                   Zodiac Sign
                                    7 May 2016                 13:30                   Goat
               West                16 May 2016                 15:30                  Dragon
                                   25 May 2016                 09:30                    Ox
                                   3 June 2016                 09:30                    Dog
            Southeast             11 August 2016               05:30                   Goat
                                  20 August 2016               05:30                  Dragon
                                  29 August 2016               09:30                    Ox
              North               29 August 2016               09:30                    Ox

     With the tips above, we hope that you successfully sell off your property.

16 March 2016 |
Top 5 Tips for
Determining Direction
without a Compass
 Application of Feng Shui requires you to roughly know the direction of your home or
 property. Apart from Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia and the Yi Jing 易經 divination method
 may also require you to know the direction, depending on what type of question you want
 ask. Nowadays, most people with a smart phone can access a compass easily.

 However, if you still manage to find yourself without a compass, here are 5 tips to determine
 direction without a compass.

 No. 1: The Divination method
 If you do not have a compass and are not sure of the direction, you can use the Chinese
 Metaphysics divination method to determine your direction. This is not the actual direction.
 It is used mostly when you have a question to ask related to a certain direction as a focal
 point. In this method, you are the centre. To your front is the South, to you left, the West,
 to your right is the East and the North is at your back.

 Do not worry about this divination direction not being the actual direction in the compass.
 It will give you an accurate answer because this method taps into the universal energy
 which is called Yi (易).

 For example, Annie sees a red Porsche that she loves so much right in front of her car as she
 is waiting at the traffic light. She has a strong feeling that it is a divine message telling her
 something. She wants to know what the message means. As this occurred on 15 February

                                                                     | March 2016   17
2016 at around 11:42, she uses the QMDJ chart based on the date and time given to do the
        reading. The focal point for interpreting the message is the South Palace since the Porsche
        is right in front of her.

        No. 2: Big Dipper
        Now, we move on to methods of determining the actual directions. We are unfortunately
        not able to use the Divination method for Feng Shui purposes.

        In the old days, people could find their way in the outdoors without a compass, using
        nature's own signs. The most accurate and reliable direction during the night is right over
        your head. Yes, it is Polaris, the North Star. Sailors at sea and nomads in the deserts navigate
        at night using the North Star.


        Here's how to find the North Star:
        1. First find the Big Dipper in the night sky.
        2. Then, find the two stars at the outer edge of the Dipper's bowl. These are pointer stars,
           pointing to the North Star.
        3. Extend an imaginary line from the pointer stars across the sky to the next bright star.
        4. Stretch your arm out full length and spread your fingers, and the North Star should be
           about as far away as your thumb is from your middle finger.

        The North Star is important in many Chinese Metaphysics studies and Taoist practice. There
        is an old Chinese saying, “An excellent Feng Shui Master study stars and constellations,
        and a good Feng Shui Master study the landforms whereas a low grade Feng Shui Master
        runs around the mountain trying to spot the meridian spot.”

18 March 2016 |
No. 3: The Crux
The North Star is however, not visible in the Southern Hemisphere. However, from the
Southern Hemisphere, you can see the Crux constellation. The Crux is also known as the
Southern Cross because it is dominated by a cross-shaped or kite-like asterism. It points
you towards the South. To find the direction from the Southern Cross constellation:






1. Find the Southern Cross in the night sky
2. The Southern Cross constellation is formed by five stars. The four brightest stars form
   a cross that is angled to one side.
3. Identify the two stars that make up the longer axis of the cross.
4. These stars form a line which "points" to an imaginary point in the sky which is above
   the South Pole.
5. Imagine a line down from the two stars five times the distance between them.
6. Extend a line at the end of the imaginary point to the ground.
7. Identify a corresponding landmark to steer by.
8. Since this is true south, true north is directly opposite it which is behind you if you are
   looking at the point.

No. 4: The Sun's Path
An excellent Feng Shui Master not only studies the stars and constellations during the night
but also observes the sky during the day. The biggest star in the solar system is actually the
Sun. It makes a good indicator of direction.

The Sun’s Path is the most popularly used method to determine the East-West direction.
Here's how to determine directions from the Sun’s Path:

1. When you determine that the sun is in the east (early in the morning), then north will

                                                                 | March 2016   19
be roughly a quarter turn counterclockwise.
        2. If you're facing the sun, you would turn to the left. This is the north.
        3. When the sun is in the west during the evening, then north is roughly a quarter turn
        4. Face the sun and you turn to the right. This is the north.
        5. South is directly opposite it.
        6. At 12 noon, and depending on daylight savings time, as well as your position within the
           time-zone, the sun will be pointed due south in the northern hemisphere, and due north
           in the southern hemisphere.

        No. 5: The Sun and Wristwatch
        The sun and wristwatch can be excellent tools for finding direction. You’ll need an analog
        wristwatch - the kind with hour and minute hands. With a little extra practice, this method
                                       Northern Hemisphere
                                 Without daylight  With daylight
                                     savings          savings

        can help you locate the 24-Mountains directions popularly used in the Feng Shui compass.

        Here's how to determine directions using a wristwatch if you're in the Northern Hemisphere:
        1. Set the time on the wristwatch accurately.
        2. Hold it horizontal in your hand.
        3. Point the hour hand at the sun.
        4. Find the angle between the hour hand and the twelve o'clock mark
        5. The centre of the angle between the hour hand and twelve o'clock mark is the north-
           south line.
        6. If you are not sure which way is north and which way is south, just remember that the
           sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
        7. In the Northern Hemisphere the sun is due south at midday. (Important: If your watch
           is set to daylight saving time, use the centre line of the angle between the hour hand and
           the one o'clock mark instead)

        If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, here is how to determine directions using a
        1. Ensure that the watch is set accurately.
        2. Point the twelve o'clock mark of the wrist watch toward the sun. (Important: If your
            watch is set to daylight savings time, point the one o'clock mark toward the sun.)

20 March 2016 |
Southern Hemisphere
                         Without daylight  With daylight
                             savings          savings

3. Find the angle between the twelve o'clock mark and the hour hand. The centre of the
   angle between the hour hand and twelve o'clock mark is the north-south line.
4. In the southern hemisphere, the sun is due north at midday.

In the final step, imagine the 24-Mountain compass superimposed onto the wristwatch.
Now you can estimate the 24-Mountain (Refer to page 64) directions.

There are many more methods for determining direction. However, I think these 5 methods
are good enough to give you an indication of the direction when you want to check on minor
issues with a Feng Shui consultant but find yourself without a compass.

                                                              | March 2016   21
The Art of 食神 Eating God Living!
         On the auspicious day, 15 March 2016, make a wish for prosperity and happiness at 17:30
         with your back facing North. Then indulge in a luscious dinner. And have a cup of coffee!

22 March 2016 |
(A proposed refurbishment of Shaolin Temple)

    've been fortunate enough to visit many              Bodhidharma came to Song San and chose
    famous Feng Shui landmarks and one of my             enlightenment. He was a Buddhist monk who
    favourite places is the Shaolin Temple and           lived during the 5th or 6th century, who many say
Bodhidharma's cave, which I visited in 2014. The         brought Ch'an Buddhism to China. Many of us
legendary Shaolin Temple is located in Song San.         know Ch'an Buddhism by the more familiar term,
Funnily enough, it actually does not have the ideal      Zen Buddhism, as it is called in Japan. Legend
Feng Shui environment. So why is it one of my            also has it that Bodhidharma began the physical
favourite places?                                        training of the Shaolin monks which led to the
                                                         creation of Shaolin Kung Fu.
I feel that this is a place where you have a choice as
to what you want to be. You have a choice to choose
immortality or just be a mortal. Around the Shaolin
Temple, there are mountain formations that give
rise to power, fame and fortune. There are also
mountain formations that create wise men. This
place births warriors, and also stoic labourers.
You can choose the path of enlightenment, as
Bodhidharma did in his sacred cave, or just be
an ordinary girl, planting some vegetables and
enjoying a peaceful life. It is not like the labyrinth
that is Qing Long Mountain in Zhengzhou, where
only spiritual mountain formations can be found.

                                                                         | March 2016   23
(A large Pen Holder mountain formation)

  The Shaolin Temple                                     nothing is absolutely good or bad. It all depends
                                                         on the use of the land.
  Shaolin Temple sits on an embrace formed by two
  mountains and a water crossing. The embrace            Bodhidharma’s Cave
  moves outward and is regarded as a non-ideal           It was a tough one-hour hike to Bodhidharma's
  embrace. Who would have thought that, seeing the       Cave, but I was eager to see the spot where
  fame of the temple and its monks? But it seems that    Bodhidharma         achieved        enlightenment.
  it is this non-ideal formation that gave rise to its   While everyone maybe hoping to experience
  fame. It's not ideal Feng Shui in the conventional     enlightenment for themselves, even if only for a
  sense because it causes the descendants of the         short while, I only wanted to be a little wiser and
  people living in this type of embrace to leave         richer, no more no less. As for enlightenment, not
  their home. That's definitely not what any family      for me, I don’t want to be a nun in this lifetime!
  patriarch would want to hear. However, it was          Upon arriving, I respectfully offered my prayers in
  great for a temple wanting to spread its teachings     the Holy Cave.
  and influence. As students and monks left the
  temple and went out into the world, they spread        Inside the cave, I took a moment to experience the
  the teachings and name of Shaolin, turning it into     energy. After all, this is the energy that brought
  a household name.                                      enlightenment. Then I looked at the statue of
                                                         Bodhidharma. This statue is located right on the
  I loved this unexpected twist to the Shaolin           meridian spot, which was constructed out of a
  Temple's Feng Shui. It really goes to show that        clipper formation. The mountains around this

24 March 2016 |
(Bodhidharma’s Cave)

cave form a large Pen Holder formation, which
brings about wisdom. The formations around this
cave are mentioned in the Jade Essence Classic,         (Bodhidharma’s statue in the
an important Feng Shui classic written about            Meridian Spot)

A Jade Screen formation in front of the cave
gives rise to spiritual people, military officers and
imperial officers. This formation explains how the
Shaolin Temple has been able to host emperors
and empresses of China and more recently, world
leaders like the Russian President, Vladimir Putin.

There is also a Reward Star Mountain formation
which creates enormous wealth, making the
Shaolin Temple one of the richest temples in the
world. The bigger macro landform surrounding
the temple is called the Jade Screen Dragon
structure. This is a structure that produces monks
and ministers.

It was an incredibly wonderful experience,
exploring the Shaolin Temple. I hope to make my
way back here again sometime in the future.

                                                                    | March 2016   25

                               FINDING THE 十神 TEN GODS

                                   (WEALTH ELEMENT)

              here are altogether 10 types of Day Masters arising from the two different polarities
              (Yin and Yang) of the Five Elements. The Ten Gods are derived from the interaction
              of the Five Elements with the Day Master. Each of these Five Elements can support,
        destroy, control, or exhaust one another.

        In this issue’s Bazi 101, we want to explore the Wealth element. The Wealth element is
        derived from the element that the Day Master controls in the controlling cycle of the Five
        Elements. For example, the Water Day Master controls the Fire element. Hence, Fire
        represents wealth to Water Day Master people. The Wealth element is further divided into
        Yin and Yang polarity, resulting in Direct Wealth and Indirect Wealth. Direct Wealth has
        the same polarity as the Day Master. Indirect Wealth is of the opposite polarity to the Day
        Master. Table 1 shows the Day Masters’ Wealth elements.

26 March 2016 |
Table 1: The Wealth Element of the 10 Day Masters.
                                                   十神 (財星)
                                          Ten God for Wealth Element
    日主 Day Master
                                正財 Direct Wealth             偏財 Indirect Wealth
             甲                            己                            戊
            Jia                            Ji                          Wu
         Yang Wood                     Yin Earth                    Yang Earth

             乙                            戊                            己
             Yi                          Wu                             Ji
         Yin Wood                     Yang Earth                    Yin Earth

             丙                            辛                            庚
            Bing                          Xin                         Geng
          Yang Fire                    Yin Metal                    Yang Metal

             丁                            庚                            辛
           Ding                         Geng                           Xin
          Yin Fire                    Yang Metal                    Yin Metal

             戊                            癸                            壬
            Wu                            Gui                          Ren
         Yang Earth                    Yin Water                    Yang Water

             己                            壬                            癸
              Ji                         Ren                           Gui
          Yin Earth                   Yang Water                    Yin Water

             庚                            乙                            甲
           Geng                            Yi                          Jia
         Yang Metal                    Yin Wood                     Yang Wood

             辛                            甲                            乙
             Xin                         Jia                            Yi
          Yin Metal                   Yang Wood                     Yin Wood

             壬                            丁                            丙
            Ren                          Ding                         Bing
         Yang Water                     Yin Fire                    Yang Fire

             癸                            丙                            丁
            Gui                          Bing                         Ding
         Yin Water                     Yang Fire                     Yin Fire

Stay tuned to our next issue to find out more about the Ten Gods.

                                                             | March 2016   27

         ON YOUR FACE

            n the study of Face Reading, the face can tell a lot about a person. Besides telling us
            about the character of a person, the face can also be used to forecast a person's destiny.
            The nose is an important feature in a person’s face. A well-formed straight nose adds
        elegance to a face.

        The nose represents wealth. To know a person's capacity to earn and accumulate wealth,
        we study the nose. A straight nose bridge indicates that a person earns his or her income
        through legal means whereas a person with curved or crooked nose is likely to take under-
        table money.

        In this issue’s Face Reading, we look into the Top 5 signs (some temporary, some permanent)
        that indicate that a person is likely to lose money.

28 March 2016 |
1. Itchiness
The nose may sometimes feel itchy because of oiliness, a dusty environment or for no
reason at all. Usually this feeling of itchiness on the nose indicates the likelihood of losing
some money. It is usually a minor loss - money frittered away on unnecessary things to
fulfill your short term desires.

2. Dry flaking skin or blackheads
If a person does not usually have skin problems, but suddenly finds small patches of dry
flaking skin or blackheads on the nose, it is an indication that the person will need to
foot out expenses. It will be a problem of their own doing, such as overdue installment
payments which result in interest penalties.

3. Pimple
A pimple on the nose is another sign of losing money. When a pimple appears, it usually
indicates that some form of minor accident will occur, which require you to compensate
others. Pimples are also a sign of overspending and overindulgence. Money is spent on
luxury items with the swipe of the credit card when you can’t afford it in the first place.

4. Exposed nostrils
Exposed nostrils on a person’s face indicates that a person is not careful with money.
They do not have the discipline to save. These people are gullible when it comes money.
They are the easy prey of schemers, sweet-talking salesmen and cunning friends.

5. Nasal hair
Exposed nasal hair at the tip of the nostrils is another sign of losing money. Usually
laziness and lack of discipline is the cause of constant money worries and financial
problem. Grooming is all about keeping good habits. Trimming the little strand of hair
requires only a little discipline and time. This action also reflects your mindset about
money and how you manage it.

                                                                   | March 2016   29
with a Twist
      法奇門 FA QI MEN

                    LAW OF ATTRACTION
                      十幹 TEN STEMS

            n this issue we will discuss the Realm of the Ten Stems in more detail. There are alto-
            gether Ten Stems in the theory of Qi Men Dun Jia (QMDJ).

              I wish to
            stay near my                                We are so
           friends’ home.                             happy to have a
                                                        new home.

        The Ten Stems in QMDJ study is very different from what it represents in Bazi study,
        although they are represented by the same Chinese character. In QMDJ, the Ten Stems
        represent the relationship between the reality of a person’s circumstances and the end
        results of what the person seeks using Fa Qi Men, and how this affects their satisfaction
        with the results.

        Reality is actually a perception. Hence, it differs from one person to another. For example,
        John and Patricia may wish for more money. Both of them get an extra $1,000. Patricia is
        very happy with the extra $1,000 but John who is earning $50,000 a month does not feel
        the same happiness as Patricia. For him, the extra $1,000 doesn’t make much of difference.

        The conscious mind is represented by the Top Stem, and the subconscious mind is

30 March 2016 |
represented by the Bottom Stem of the QMDJ chart. Top Stem shows the result while the
Bottom Stem shows how you feel about the outcome. Thus, a happy and beautiful reality as
well as a final outcome that matches a person’s perception usually is shown with a positive
Stem on both the Top and Bottom Stems whereas dissatisfaction arises from a negative
Stem. When there is one negative and one positive Stem, the person may not feel fully
satisfied with the outcome. Refer to Table 1 to find out which are the positive and negative

Table 1: 十幹特徵 Positive and Negative Stems

                 幹 Stems                                   特徵 Attributes
                    Jia                                          Positive
                 Yang Wood
                      Yi                                         Positive
                  Yin Wood
                    Bing                                         Positive
                  Yang Fire
                    Ding                                         Positive
                   Yin Fire
                    Wu                                           Positive
                 Yang Earth
                      Ji                                         Negative
                  Yin Earth
                   Geng                                          Negative
                 Yang Metal
                     Xin                                         Negative
                  Yin Metal
                    Ren                                          Negative
                 Yang Water
                     Gui                                         Negative
                  Yin Water

In QMDJ, a negative Stem doesn’t mean that you do not get the thing you wished for when
practicing Fa Qi Men, but rather, whether you are satisfied or happy with what you get.
Therefore, when practicing the Law of Attraction with Fa Qi Men, look for an outcome on
a positive stem, which will result in satisfactory results where you will be more than happy.

                                                                   | March 2016   31
         Have a pressing matter?
           Join our 1-Q&A

                                                              toilet is situated and gets used daily will
                                                             it also activate the Sun star in a beneficial
                                                             way or to try to avoid using this toilet in this
     I am reading through the 2016 Fire Monkey
                                                             sector but shower is OK?
     articles and need some clarification:-
                                                          Just Ask
     1. Boosting     immunity      against   Annual
                                                          Bathroom and toilet will suppress the positive
                                                          Sun star effect. You can still continue using the
        It says to activate Duke Virtue ( DV) on a
                                                          bathroom and toilet but the effects of the benefit
        good date - Bing Day in another sector if we
                                                          of the Sun star is less. It is best to use other
        are not confident of locating S1. So can we
                                                          positive sectors in such a case.
        then activate (move furniture, play music,
        open window in East sector where star 9
                                                          5. It says Grand Duke is in SW3 in 2016 and
        resides on Feb 24 Bing Day for example.....
                                                             Annual Sha is in SW1.
        but not to drill , knock and ground break.
                                                             For a SW1 facing house in period 8 does
                                                             a water feature in the garden need to be
     Just Ask
                                                             relocated to SW2 instead or dismantled.
     Yes, the activities you mentioned above are
     considered activation.
                                                          Just Ask
                                                          It is best to dismantle the water feature or at
     2. Positive Bank Balances
                                                          least empty the water in the water feature for
        It says ensure SE3 is spacious & uncluttered
        and activate Duke Reward (DK) on a good
        date using Snake day which has DK stars in
        other positive sectors. In the 24 mountain
        chart it shows that E1 has Duke Reward in
        2016, so it is OK to activate E1 on a good day
        such as Success Day. Is my understanding          Question
        right?                                            Amy Wong
                                                          How can i improve my wealth & should I change
     Just Ask                                             jobs in the year 2016?
     Yes, you are right.
                                                          Date of Birth: 30 August 1971
     3. Clearing Obstruction                              Time of Birth: 02:50
        On the 24 mountain chart it shows that E2         Gender: Female
        has the Dragon Virtue star. However in the
        paragraph under clearing obstruction, it          Just Ask
        says ‘ activate E3 to help clear blockages and    There is no dumb money luck for you in 2016.
        enhance wealth luck..... so is it E2 or E3 that   If you want improvement in your income, you
        has to be activated                               need to put in effort.

     Just Ask                                             Advice: Look for long term investments in
     Yes, either E2 or E3 will do. Or you can consider    property and shares. Make sure you study the
     activating the whole East sector which includes      company or stock thoroughly before making
     E1, E2 and E3. Qi has no actual boundaries.          your investment decision. Do not speculate in
                                                          the stock market.
     4. The Sun Star
        If W2 in a house is where the bathroom and

32 March 2016 |
ily, that is your mother. More travel is likely too
                                                     in 2016. So do not be too worried about crying
                                                     events. Such events can simply mean that you
I have a question about my 2016 fuyin cry event.
                                                     will be watching too many sad Korean dramas.
I heard from another bazichic graduate that I
will experience a loss in my family members.
The only family I’ve had since I was 8, been my
mom. I’m very worried that she will die. She’s
all I have in US. Can you give me much more
details of my 2016 fuyin cry event? Like.. Is my     Question
mom going to die? Or grandma? Should I buy           Veronica Zanetti
lottery tickets? I heard you are most likely to      Should I look for a new job?
win the lottery while going through a fuyin.
                                                     Date of Birth: 29 January 1973
                                                     Time of Birth: 11:20
Date of Birth: 30 August 1971                        Gender: Female
Time of Birth: 02:50
Gender: Female                                       Just Ask
                                                     Yes, if you have the right job offer you can consider
Just Ask                                             moving into a new job or a new company.
Fu Yin is not necessarily negative. Yes, you can
try your best to maximize your wealth but buy-       Advice: Besides thinking of moving into a new job,
ing a lottery ticket is not the way. In your case,   this year is also the best time to learn something
                                                     new. Learn some extra knowledge that can bring
it is most likely that you will experience extra
                                                     your career to another level.
workload and have less time to be with your fam-

 Special Tips
 Monkey, Rooster and Pig, keep these essential oils on hand as they act as mood savers for
 those bad days.
 Sponsored by dōTERRA Wellness Advocate
               Calming                                                        Invigorating
             Composing          I                                      II     Stimulating
              Placating                                                       Motivating

         NO                                                                      NO
        PEACE                                                                  PASSION

              Grounding                                                       Inspring
             Reassuring         IV                                    III     Encouraging
              Consoling                                                       Cheering

                                                                           | March 2016   33

        MARCH 2016 辛卯 METAL RABBIT
                                                 八 字 Bazi Chart
                 時 Hour                    日 Day               月 Month          年 Year
           偏                                              正                比                     天干

                 甲                         丙                    辛               丙
           印                                              財                肩

           IR                                             DW               F

                   Jia                      Bing                  Xin            Bing
                Yang Wood                 Yang Fire            Yin Metal       Yang Fire

                 午                         戌                    卯               申

                   Wu                     Xu                     Mao              Shen
                  Horse                   Dog                  Rabbitt          Monkey
                 Yang Fire             Yang Earth              Yin Wood        Yang Metal

                   丁         己     丁        戊         辛          乙         戊     庚          壬

                    Ding      Ji   Ding     Wu     Xin             Yi      Wu     Geng     Ren
                    RW       HO    RW       EG     DW             DR       EG      IW      7K
                    劫財       傷官    劫財       食神     正財             正印       食神     偏財       七殺

        Auspicious Stars
        龍德 Dragon Virtue
        紫微 Emperor Star
        息神 Rest God
        玉堂 Jade Hall

        Inauspicious Stars
        咸池 Salty Pool
        暴敗 Brutal Defeat
        天厄 Dark Sky

              ook forward to a fortunate Rabbit Month with the presence of many auspicious stars
              that bring good reputation, nobleman effect, wealth and happiness. This is the best
              month for businessmen and entrepreneurs. Long standing companies and start-ups
        will have better chances of tapping into opportunities that can lead to more success in
        terms of profit and reputation. Do not shy away from seemingly tough obstacles. This is the
        best month to take challenges head-on.

        The Salty Pool star indicates that romance luck is abundant. This star is best for single men
        and ladies looking for a spark to start a relationship. However, this star spells scandal for
        married couples. Stay faithful to your partner.

        The presence of auspicious stars in the Rabbit month, such as Dragon Virtue, Emperor Star
        and Jade Hall, benefits those in the entertainment industry where looks play an important

34 March 2016 |
role. These stars also benefit those who work in an authoritative position and those in the
government sector.

If the month’s Qi is unfavourable to you, especially those who have Rooster or Dragon at
the Hour and Year Pillar, be careful of unexpected disruptions to your plans. Be ready to
make changes.

This month’s energy does not favour those who have the following zodiacs: Rooster or

This month’s energy favours those who have the following zodiacs: Dog, Goat and Pig.

Wood Day Masters (甲 Jia Yang Wood and 乙 Yi Yin Wood) can look forward to a promotion
careerwise, or at least see their reputations rise this Rabbit Month. People believe in your

Fire Day Masters (丙 Bing Yang Fire and 丁 Ding Yin Fire), continue to enjoy Wealth luck.
Keep your profits and gains to yourself. Otherwise, greedy friends and relatives will seek to
borrow your money.

Earth Day Masters (戊 Wu Yang Earth and 己 Ji Yin Earth) should try to keep their sharp
tongues in check. Arguments and disputes can be easily provoked by small issues. Be
diplomatic when handling difficult people.

Metal Day Masters (庚 Geng Yang Metal and 辛 Xin Yin Metal) need to be alert to their
surroundings. Injuries, theft and robberies are indicated. With the presence of many
auspicious stars, know that help is near. Reach out if you find yourself in difficult situations.

Water Day Masters (壬 Ren Yang Water and 癸 Gui Yin Water), you will be absent-minded.
You are in your comfort zone and like to enjoy yourself. Use this period to learn something

                                Single Tigers may have a romantic encounter at work,
                                especially if you are a Wood or Fire Day Master. While you
                                may enjoy the lovely company, do not let the relationship
                                affect your professionalism at work. Stay focused. In
                                the Rabbit month, expect the unexpected where work
                                is concerned. Projects at work may encounter sudden
                                changes and challenges.

                                People with the Rabbit sign in their Bazi chart can look
                                forward to a fortunate month. Wealth opportunities
                                abound. Advice is being given freely by noblemen with
                                experience in your area of business or work. Put in
                                effort in whatever you choose to do and you will get the
                                recognition you deserve. Romance luck is strong with
                                single Rabbits too.

                                                                    | March 2016   35
                               You may face the possibility of a legal problem. Adhere to
                               the law and regulation diligently. You will still experience
                               a volatile month. It is for the better. There is no cause for
                               alarm, as there are still opportunities to increase wealth
                               and good status.

                               You may be a little scatter-brained this month with so
                               many things calling for your attention. Delegate your
                               work to others. Then, give your best in what you have
                               chosen to do. Great rewards await you.

                               This is a stable month where everything can work out
                               smoothly with good planning. Horse people in sales,
                               marketing, public relations and customer service can
                               benefit further from their already good reputation.

                               Goat people can look forward to a productive month.
                               Everything will get done as long as you set your mind
                               to it. You will experience good wealth luck too. Hunt for
                               some good investments, especially Water Day Masters.
                               Auspicious stars will keep your pockets fat and full. Put
                               more effort into finding additional sources of income.

                               This month is a catch-22 for you. You have hidden
                               nobleman luck. However, this luck can only be activated
                               when trouble comes. Hence, you will get unexpected
                               help from strangers and people you don’t know when
                               you land yourself in trouble. Nevertheless, you need to
                               act wisely!

36 March 2016 |
A hectic month lies ahead of you this Rabbit month.
It will be easy to lose your temper with so much to do.
There may also be many minor disruptions to your plans
that hinder your progress. Reign in your emotions. Your
complaints will only reflect badly on you. Instead ask for
help. Everything will work out smoothly in the end.

Look forward to a stable month. You have ample time to
relax and rejuvenate this Rabbit month. You may meet
new friends too. At work, for those who have always been
hard working and diligent, this is indeed a fortunate time
for you with recognition and acknowledgement of your
hard work.

Your good luck rests with your friends in this Rabbit
month. Socialise with friends who have a positive mind-
set so that their positive energy rubs off on you too. Many
noble helpers will come to your assistance. Be open to
the help offered to you. Show gratitude!

This can be a chaotic month where love and romance is
concerned. There is likely to be miscommunication with
loved ones. Be concise with your words. Be softspoken
when relaying your message. Do not raise your voice in
anger to avoid aggravating the situation. If all else fails,
it is best that you keep quiet and lay low.

Ox people should pay more attention to their health.
Take some time off just to relax and de-stress. While this
month is generally good for your career and team work,
you find that you lack the energy to give support to your
work and team. Do what you can, and have faith that
everything will fall in place.

                                   | March 2016   37

        APRIL 2016 壬辰 WATER DRAGON
                                               八 字 Bazi Chart
                 時 Hour                  日 Day              月 Month              年 Year
           比                                           偏                    比                     天干

                 丙                       丙                    壬                  丙
           肩                                           財                    肩

           F                                           IW                   F

                 Bing                     Bing                 Ren                Bing
               Yang Fire                Yang Fire           Yang Water          Yang Fire

                 申                       辰                    辰                  申

                  Shen                    Chen                Chen                 Shen
                Monkey                   Dragon              Dragon              Monkey
               Yang Metal               Yang Earth          Yang Earth          Yang Metal

            戊     庚         壬     癸       戊      乙      癸      戊      乙     戊     庚          壬

            Wu     Geng     Ren   Gui     Wu      Yi   Gui     Wu      Yi   Wu     Geng     Ren
            EG      IW      7K    DO      EG     DR    DO      EG     DR    EG      IW      7K
            食神     偏財       七殺    正官      食神     正印    正官      食神     正印    食神     偏財       七殺

        Auspicious Stars
        華蓋 Elegant Seal
        三台 Three Stages

        Inauspicious Stars
        白虎 White Tiger
        黃幡 Yellow Flag
        飛廉 Flying Chaste
        天雄 Sky Warrior

               ook forward to a stable and agreeable Dragon Month. Three Stages indicates good
               connections. The star connects the right people and resources together. It is a good
               month to socialize and meet new people.

        This month also favours people who are in the creative arts, and those who are studying
        and sitting for exams. It also bodes well for those in the education line, researchers, writers
        and authors. While there are good connections, the presence of harbinger stars such as
        Sky Warrior and White Tiger indicate unrest. Disagreements and fighting can easily be
        provoked by petty people who seek to benefit from other’s misfortune.

        Hence, in general it is best to keep strong opinions to yourself. Wait for a better month to
        voice out differences. Be diplomatic when handling difficult issues and people.

        If the month’s Qi is unfavourable to you, especially those who have Rabbit or Dog at the

38 March 2016 |
Hour and Year Pillar, be careful of sharp objects because you are prone to injuries and
accidents. Avoid travelling abroad.

This month’s energy does not favour those who have the following zodiacs: Rabbit or Dog.

This month’s energy favours those who have the following zodiacs: Rooster, Monkey and

Wood Day Masters (甲 Jia Yang Wood and 乙 Yi Yin Wood), jot down your ideas – whatever
you have in mind, as it can be useful later.

Fire Day Masters (丙 Bing Yang Fire and 丁 Ding Yin Fire), will face legal problems. Be a
law abiding citizen, and follow the rules and regulations. Avoid dangerous sports. You are
prone to accidents.

Earth Day Masters (戊 Wu Yang Earth and 己 Ji Yin Earth) will find their wealth luck
improving. Your skill and contribution will ensure your success.

Metal Day Masters (庚 Geng Yang Metal and 辛 Xin Yin Metal) should try to keep their
sharp tongues in check. Arguments and disputes can easily be provoked by small issues. It
is best to keep quiet and lie low.

Water Day Masters (壬 Ren Yang Water and 癸 Gui Yin Water), especially those born in the
autumn and winter season, will see an increased inflow of income and wealth opportunities.
While pursuing financial freedom, take some time off for yourself to reduce your stress.
Rest and recharge.

                             A busy month is in store for you. Your temper can flare
                             easily with the hectic workload. There are chances
                             of misunderstanding and miscommunication with
                             colleagues which will make matters worse at work. Take
                             some time off just to relax and rejuvenate. You will need
                             it. Nevertheless, it is a good time to build and expand
                             your network. Be open to share your experiences and
                             accept advice from the people around you.

                             Look forward to a smooth sailing month. Water Day
                             Masters with a Rabbit sign will do better in their careers
                             and business will flourish. You are well-liked and your
                             good work improves your reputation. Even if you do
                             nothing, the universe will conspire to drag you out from
                             your Rabbit hole.

                                                               | March 2016   39
                               You may think you are clever and lucky to get away with
                               your mischievous act or even illegal activities. You are
                               wrong and you’ll be punished for your wrongdoing.
                               Know that everything will be exposed. It is better to find
                               the right way to fulfill your desires. There are plenty of
                               opportunities, so don’t miss-out out on the little gems
                               because you want a short-cut and fast results.

                               Beware! You are likely to let your bad mood rear its
                               ugly head. It is time to exercise your EQ. Focus on the
                               solution rather than the problem, and you will see good
                               improvement in all matters.

                               Single Horses are going through good romance luck. Fill
                               your schedule with travel, be it far or near. Romance is
                               waiting for you in a foreign land. Put yourself out there
                               to make full use of this month’s auspicious influence.
                               Horse people in sales, marketing, public relations and
                               customer service can benefit from the good connection.

                               You will be a bit absent-minded. Take care of important
                               documents and belongings while travelling overseas. The
                               Dragon month is still positive for Goat people overall.

                               You may be a little frustrated due to your mood.
                               However, this month’s energy bodes well for you in all
                               aspects. A little extra socializing out of your usual circle
                               of friends will improve your emotions and may open-up
                               new opportunities in your career or business.

40 March 2016 |
Good fortune is smiling your way. Your effort at work
will be recognized. An unexpected small bonus that
boosts your income may come your way too. All-in, this
is a promising month with few hiccups. Romance luck is
smiling on single Roosters too. Be ready to accept a new
relationship in your life.

This is going to be a hectic month at work. Moderation
is the word to strive for through the month. Dog people
should take precautionary measures with regards to
your health and safety as the stars indicate that you may
suffer injuries to the leg.

Generally, you are going through a stable month. This is
the best time to learn a new subject. At work, contribute
and do your work within established boundaries and
everything will go smoothly.

Look forward to a smooth sailing month. Nevertheless,
you may be easily affected by sad events while attending
funerals and visiting sick people in the hospital. This will
affect your physical, emotional and mental health. Try to
avoid these areas or events if possible.

The Dragon month can be disruptive to down-to-earth
Ox people. You are prone to erratic mood swings.
Everything seems to be working against you. Look at the
events that happen in a positive light as there are lessons
to be learned in the obstacles that you go through. When
you look back in the near future, this could be a positive
turning point in your life.

                                   | March 2016   41

        MAY 2016 癸巳 WATER SNAKE
                                              八 字 Bazi Chart
                  時 Hour              日 Day                 月 Month                 年 Year
           劫                                           七                      劫                      天干

                  丁                   丁                       癸                     丙
           財                                           殺                      財

           RW                                          7K                     RW

                    Ding                Ding                   Gui                   Bing
                  Yin Fire            Yin Fire              Yin Water              Yang Fire

                  巳                   亥                       巳                     申

                     Si                 Hai                      Si                   Shen
                  Snake                 Pig                   Snake                 Monkey
                  Yin Fire           Yin Water                Yin Fire             Yang Metal

            庚      丙         戊         壬         甲      庚      丙         戊    戊      庚          壬

           Geng     Bing     Wu         Ren      Jia   Geng     Bing     Wu   Wu      Geng     Ren
           DW       RW       HO         DO       DR    DW       RW       HO   HO      DW       DO
           正財       劫財       傷官         正官       正印    正財       劫財       傷官   傷官      正財       正官

        Auspicious Stars
        德福 Fortune Virtue
        天德 Heaven Virtue
        福星 Prosperity Star
        祿勳 Lu Xun
        歲合 Grand Duke Combination

        Inauspicious Stars
        絞煞 Crossing Sha
        卷舌 Curled Tongue
        披麻 Drapes Star

                ook forward to a magnificent month in May. Chances of success in terms of wealth
                and career are plenty. In general, people will experience good fortune. The easy mood
                is conducive for networking, building public rapport and romantic relationships.

        This month also favours people who are in entertainment, public relations, research and
        development. It also bodes well for those in the scientific field. This month does not favour
        those in power. Internal fights for more power and authority may take place.

        While there are chances for good connections, the presence of harbinger stars such as
        Crossing Sha and Curled Tongue indicates scandals and gossip. In general, companies will
        see higher turnover in their employees as people seek better fortune and opportunities.

42 March 2016 |
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