BATTLE GROUND - INSIDE - Community News ePapers

BATTLE GROUND - INSIDE - Community News ePapers
Thursday, June 18, 2020                                     COMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AU


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     Page 18                 APPEAL OVER RATES REASSESSMENT PAGE 3

BATTLE GROUND - INSIDE - Community News ePapers
2            NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                     June 18, 2020

                                                                                                  Present time
             NEWS ......................................................................... 1-9
             ZEST FOR LIFE ............................................................ 10
             BAPTISTCARE FEATURE ............................................ 11
             OPEN FOR BUSINESS................................................. 12
             REAL ESTATE ......................................................... 13-14
             CLASSIFIEDS .......................................................... 15-18
             EMPLOYMENT ........................................................... 18
                                                                                                  at the zoo
                                                                                                  Greig Johnston                      also been known to gently

             NEWS EXTRA .............................................................. 18
                                                                                                                                      stroke their bellies.
             SPORT ......................................................................... 19   IT’S a double celebration for         The zoo said 50 was a
                                                                                                  Perth Zoo, with the facility’s      “great age” for an orang-
                                                                                                  oldest female orang-utan            utan, with those in the wild
                                                                                                  Puteri turning 50 last week         lucky to reach their late 40s.
                                                                                                  just a week after the zoo reo-        Puteri is Perth Zoo’s
                                                                                                  pened to the public.                oldest female orang-utan
                                                                                                     Puteri, a female sumatran        and mother to Temara, who
                                                                                                  orang-utan, is regarded as a        made history as the first zoo-
                                                                                                  special member of the fam-          born orang-utan to be
             Editorial Director:                            Amanda Keenan                         ily at Perth Zoo.                   released into the wild in
             News Production:                                  David Friedlos                        She is described as a “gen-      2006. Puteri’s other daugh-
             Design:                                             Carly Pilton                     tle soul” who is very mater-        ters, Utama and Teliti, are
             Features Editor:                      Arylene Westlake-Jennings                      nal and loves watching              still at the zoo.
             Digital Editor:                                Alison Middleton                      human children from her ex-           In 2018, the zoo farewelled
                                                                                                  hibit.                              Puan, who at 62 was then the
             General inquiries:                             9237 1000
                                                                                                     When any of the zoolo-           oldest sumatran orang-utan
                                                                                                  gists are pregnant, she has         in the world.                    Puteri opens her present. Picture: Perth Zoo
             Carmelle Wilkinson                                              9237 1464
             (Canning, South Perth)
             Sarah Brookes                                                    9237 1455
             (Belmont, Victoria Park)
             David Baylis, Andrew Ritchie

             Group Sales Director:
             Max Wilson                                                  0420 927 511                    
             Business Development Manager:
             Andrew Clark                                               0413 444 031
             Contact Centre/Trades:
             Ilsa Yates                                                       9237 1465
             Distribution:                                              08 9237 1630
             Published by: Community Newspaper Group
             50 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.                                                                 /TheSouthernGaz
             Printed by Colourpress                                                                                                                                    Visit
             54 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.

BATTLE GROUND - INSIDE - Community News ePapers
June 18, 2020                                                                                                                                                                NEWS                  3

Ball in Eagles’ court
Sarah Brookes                    has issued the Eagles with a    favourable outcome from             “The Town has recently         ny that owns the West Coast
                                                                                                                                                                      Killer guilty
                                                                                                                                                                      of fraud
                                                                                                                                                                      AHMED Seedat — the Car-
                                                                                                                                                                      lisle accountant who mur-
                                 rates notice, backdated to      the Town, with whom we           adopted a financial hardship      Eagles, had been paying the       dered his wife and buried
THE West Coast Eagles face       July 1, 2019, for $228,420.     have worked closely to deliv-    policy,” she said. “Business      Town of Victoria Park an in-      her in their suburban back-
an uphill battle in seeking a      Council rates are calculat-   er a raft of community out-      are entitled to make an           terim rate of just $6100          yard — has also pleaded
reduction in council rates       ed by multiplying the gross     comes in our 12 months at        application for rates relief.     annually for Lathlain Park        guilty to more than $5.5 mil-
levied against its new home      rental value set by the         Mineral Resources Park.             “If successful, they may be    based on its value as a vacant    lion of thefts and frauds.
ground after it was revealed     Valuer General by the rate in      “We have done that de-        able to extend the time they      block.                               Seedat is serving a life
no other local business has      the dollar set by the Town.     spite some obvious impedi-       have to pay their rates.”           Ratepayers Association of       term for the killing of his
been successful in reducing        Chief executive Trevor        ments created by the                She said businesses could      the Town of Victoria Park         wife Fahima, who in August
its rates.                       Nisbett said the club paid no   COVID-19 pandemic.”              also appeal their Gross Ren-      Group chair Vince Maxwell         2018 was killed then dumped
   It comes after a property     rates during its tenure at         However, in the Town’s 30-    tal Value with the Valuer         said the Eagles, like any resi-   in a shallow grave at their
revaluation by Landgate on       Subiaco Oval and planned to     year history Mayor Karen         General to try reduce the         dent or business in the           Carlisle home while their
Lathlain Park put the gross      appeal the decision.            Vernon said there was no         amount on their rates no-         Town, should pay its fair         two young children slept
rental value of the property       “The club did not antici-     businesses they were aware       tice.                             share.                            inside.
at $2.4 million, triggering a    pate such a significant rate    of that had successfully            The club was granted a           Mr Maxwell said the rates          But a separate probe into
larger than expected spike       reassessment and has asked      been granted a rates reduc-      rates exemption of $11,847        were important because the        Seedat’s financial affairs
in rates owed to the local       the Town to review the rates    tion.                            for the Wirrpanda Founda-         Eagles were charged a pep-        has ended with him pleading
council.                         levy,” he said.                    She said the club could       tion at Lathlain Park.            percorn rent to lease the         to stealing and fraud offenc-
   The Town of Victoria Park       “We are hopeful of a          seek to defer its rates.            Indian Pacific, the compa-     park.                             es involving more than 20
                                                                                                                                                                         They occurred as part of
                                                                                                                                                                      his professional life as an
       Sadie Sims, Isabelle                                                                                                                                           accountant, which in public
       Rattanakitti, Michael                                                                                                                                          was described as “specialis-
       Kryvetski and Patrick                                                                                                                                          ing     in    superannuation,
       Welfar try out the new                                                                                                                                         SME’s and high-net-wealth
       McDougall Park Community                                                                                                                                       individuals”.
       Kindergarten playground.                                                                                                                                          In reality, from 2013 the 37-
       Picture: Andrew Ritchie                                                                                                                                        year-old was plundering
                                                                                                                                                                      tens of thousands of dollars
                                                                                                                                                                      at a time from customer
                                                                                                                                                                      accounts, then squandering
                                                                                                                                                                      the money on astronomical
                                                                                                                                                                         The thefts ranged from $5
                                                                                                                                                                      to $1,621,948 at a time.
                                                                                                                                                                         And his frauds even
                                                                                                                                                                      included transferring the
                                                                                                                                                                      deeds of a house into his
                                                                                                                                                                      name, which left one ageing
                                                                                                                                                                      client facing eviction.
                                                                                                                                                                         Earlier this month, Seedat
                                                                                                                                                                      formally admitted 98 serious
                                                                                                                                                                      charges and is facing an-
                                                                                                                                                                      other huge jail term when he
                                                                                                                                                                      is sentenced for a second
                                                                                                                                                                      time. It will complete the dis-
                                                                                                                                                                      turbing picture of an appar-
                                                                                                                                                                      ently happy and successful
                                                                                                                                                                      family man, who in actuality
                                                                                                                                                                      planned for weeks to murder
                                                                                                                                                                      his wife, researched online
                                                                                                                                                                      how to bury her alive and

  Fun is second nature for kindy students
                                                                                                                                                                      harboured a secret desire for
                                                                                                                                                                      his sister-in-law — having
                                                                                                                                                                      also stolen millions from
                                                                                                                                                                      people who entrusted him
  A NEW nestled-in-nature           McDougall Park Com-          been possible,” she said.           The upgrade includes a        classroom activities.              with their life savings.
  playground is bringing          munity Kindergarten par-         “Learning        through       new fort structure, with a         The new playground was              During his sentencing for
  smiles to the faces of kindy    ent           management       nature and play is at the        slide and fireman’s pole, a      constructed by Dan Hurrell         murder last year, Justice
  kids at a Manning com-          committee president Lami-      core of our kindy and we         new play zone focused on         and his team at DG Land-           Bruno Fiannaca described
  munity kindergarten.            sa Ahmed said the new          look forward to welcoming        upper body strength and          scaping.                           Seedat’s slaying of his wife
    Construction was com-         playground was funded          the next generation of kin-      gross motor skills, a new          Mr Hurrell attended              as a “callous, cowardly and
  pleted last month at            through grants by Lotte-       dy kids to come and explore      paved track, limestone           McDougall Park Commun-             premeditated murder of the
  McDougall Park Commun-          rywest and the City of         with us.”                        rocks and jarrah steppers,       ity Kindergarten in the            most serious kind”.
  ity    Kindergarten       to    South Perth, with addition-      First opened in 1966,          a reconditioned flying fox,      1980s and returned to lead            In her final moments, he
  upgrade the existing struc-     al fundraising by past         McDougall Park Commun-           the replacement of the two       the build at his former kin-       bashed Ms Yusuf with a
  tures, with many new ele-       McDougall Park families.       ity Kindergarten has wel-        existing tunnel structures       dergarten, where some of           wheel brace while she slept.
  ments having been added to        “Without their support       comed kindy students for         and an extended grass area       the structures he played on           Seedat will be sentenced
  the nature playground.          this project would not have    more than 50 years.              for ball games and outdoor       were still in place.               this year for his financial

BATTLE GROUND - INSIDE - Community News ePapers
4        NEWS                                                                   June 18, 2020

 Asbestos was discovered during works at Peachey Park in Kewdale Picture: David Baylis

 Asbestos removal
 resumes at park
 Sarah Brookes                    After receiving advice         mont chief executive John
                                from these two agencies, the     Christie said the total
 WORK has started on            City had to develop an asbe-     amount of asbestos contain-
 removing asbestos from a       stos    management        plan   ing material was unknown
 children’s playground in       before allowing the public to    due to the invasive nature of
 Kewdale.                       use the park.                    works required to determine
    Peachey Park was closed       DWER and the DoH               the extent. However, he said
 off to the public when frag-   recently approved the City’s     the park did not pose a
 ments of asbestos-contain-     plan and it resumed works        health risk as long as the
 ing      material      were    on June 8.                       asbestos-containing materi-
 discovered in September          The Peachey Park rein-         al remained buried.
 2019 while moving the play-    statement works include the        Mr Christie said pre-1965,
 ground.                        removal of asbestos-affected     the park and surrounding
    The City of Belmont was     soil and replacement with        area was a wetland but in
 legally obligated to cease     clean fill, repairing the bike   1974 the site appears to have
 works and seek advice from     track with new track fea-        been filled, likely with
 the Department of Water        tures and reinstating the        uncontrolled fill including
 and Environmental Regula-      grassed area surrounding         bricks, roof tiles, roof sheet-
 tion (DWER) and the Depart-    the bike track.                  ing and concrete, which con-
 ment of Health (DoH).            In January, City of Bel-       tained the asbestos.

BATTLE GROUND - INSIDE - Community News ePapers
June 18, 2020                                                                                                                                                        NEWS                 5

  Brother inspires technological vision
  IT was university academic
  Iain Murray’s close rela-
                                                                                              a huge impact on me.
                                                                                                 “I donated a kidney to
                                                                                                                             Future is
                                                                                                                             on track
  tionship with his brother                                                                   him when I was 29. He
  that set him on the road to a                                                               could never lead an inde-
  long career helping people                                                                  pendent life but he had a
  with disabilities.                                                                          good life.”
     His sibling Gordon was a                                                                    Professor Murray said
  rubella baby, born blind                                                                    his proudest achievement       Dave Friedlos                     day for up to 1 minute 33 sec-
  after his mother contracted                                                                 in his career was the Cisco                                      onds per closure, meaning it
  the virus, also known as                                                                    networking training initia-    NEW train stations will be        is down for up to six hours
  german measles, during                                                                      tive known as the Cisco        built at Carlisle, Oats Street,   daily.
  her first trimester of preg-                                                                Academy.                       Beckenham and potentially            “This plan will transform
  nancy.                                                                                         “It was established 18      Queens Park, Welshpool sta-       the Armadale line as we
     Professor Murray, who                                                                    years ago and is still going   tion will close and up to 3km     know it, setting it up for the
  lives in Victoria Park, has                                                                 strong today and has part-     of rail line could be elevated    next 100 years and creating
  just received one of the                                                                    ner organisations in India,    under a bold State Govern-        more liveable and vibrant
  highest accolades at Curtin                                                                 Myanmar (Burma), Sri           ment plan to transform the        communities linked to Met-
  University to become a                                                                      Lanka, England and South       Armadale rail line.               ronet,” Mr McGowan said.
  John Curtin Distinguished                                                                   Africa, along with many           Premier Mark McGowan              “This year alone we will
  Professor.                                                                                  people studying online         announced on Tuesday the          have seven Metronet pro-
     The accolade shines a                                                                    from all over the world,” he   preferred plan to deliver on      jects under construction,
  spotlight on his remarka-                                                                   said.                          an election promise to            supporting and creating
  ble achievements in the                                                                        “It encourages people       remove six level crossings        local jobs and providing a
  world of accessible tech-                                                                   with vision loss to become     from Victoria Park to Beck-       pipeline of work for local
  nology.                                                                                     programmers and to confi-      enham and in the process          businesses.”
     “It’s quite humbling                                                                     gure electronics so they       remove the rail barrier that         Business cases will be sub-
  because it acknowledges                                                                     can have future careers.”      has separated some suburbs        mitted to Infrastructure
  my vast input in the field of                                                                  Professor        Murray     for a century.                    Australia by the end of the
  assistive technology since                                                                  worked for The Association        Elevated rail lines are pro-   year. The 2019-20 State Bud-
  taking up my first role with                                                                of the Blind WA from 1991      posed as part of the removal      get committed a total of $415
  Curtin University 22 years                                                                  to 1998 to make technology     of level crossings at Mint        million specifically towards
  ago,” he said.                                                                              more accessible.               Street, Oats Street, Welsh-       the removal of three level
     “It highlights my invol-     Professor Iain Murray ith a 3D printer-created Braille         “A lady at a community      pool Road, William Street         crossings at Mint and
  vement developing new           Embosser. Picture: David Baylis                             newspaper who was deaf-        and Wharf Street, while a         Oats streets and Welshpool
  courses, establishing and                                                                   blind wanted to know when      road over rail option is the      Road.
  maintaining partnerships        electronics.                    “Gordon went to the         the phone was ringing and      preferred option to remove           Transport Minister Rita
  and helping people with           “My brother Gordon was      Sutherland School for the     to read what was on the        the crossing at Hamilton          Saffioti said it was time to
  vision loss to secure jobs.”    born blind and had other      Blind and I mixed with his    database,” he said.            Street in Queens Park.            say “bye bye boom gates”.
     The Head of School for       health complications,” he     friends and realised how         “It was my job to make         Mr McGowan said it                People can have their say
  Electrical     Engineering,     said.                         some techy gadgets might      this possible using the lat-   would remove the “dreaded”        on key elements of the pro-
  Computer and Mathemati-           “There were so many         make his life easier.         est in technology.”            boom gates that force com-        ject, such as final station
  cal Science said he had         babies at the time who were     “Gordon has passed             Prof Murray is one of the   muters into frustrating           locations, designs and poten-
  always had a natural            born with defects as a        away now, but we were         longest     serving    board   waits during peak hour traf-      tial uses for the new public
  interest in gadgets and         result of rubella.            close and his blindness had   members at VisAbility.         fic. The Oats Street boom         spaces, at www.mysaytran-
                                                                                                                             gates are closed 233 times a

BATTLE GROUND - INSIDE - Community News ePapers

BATTLE GROUND - INSIDE - Community News ePapers
June 18, 2020                                                         NEWS                 7

Order in the House
Sarah Brookes

RONALD McDonald House
Charities      (RMHC)      WA
recently celebrated the
incredible achievement of
two of its long-standing vol-
unteers, Gloria Grocott and
Helen James.
  The pair were awarded
Medals of the Order of Aus-
tralia (OAM) in the Queen’s
Birthday Honours list last
  Gloria and Helen have
been instrumental in RMHC
WA’s history. Both have been
volunteering with RMHC
WA just shy of 30 years.
  As part of the volunteer
team, the duo helps support
West Australian families
with seriously ill children.     Gloria Grocott and Helen James (below) have been
  The pair have even de-         recognised for their work with Ronald McDonald House.
scended 52 storeys in the
fundraising initiative the                                        Gloria said her favourite
Central Park Plunge. The                                       part of being a volunteer
pair were called ‘the golden                                   was the camaraderie shared
oldies’; they each wore a gold                                 between the teammates, or
cape.                                                          Blue Army as they are
  When Gloria, who lives in                                    known at the House.
Belmont, first began at                                           “I can’t pick my favourite
Ronald McDonald House,                                         part of being a volunteer,”
there were was only one                                        she said. I love it all. I love
other volunteer: Helen.                                        the camaraderie between
  “My two daughters moved                                      each other. We all care about
from Perth; one was trans-                                     each other.”
ferred to South Australia                                         Gloria said she was over-
and the other was living in      the local paper and they      whelmed to receive recogni-
Tasmania,” she said.             were advertising for volun-   tion.
  “I found myself with time      teers, so I went down and        “It’s overwhelming and a
on my hands, so I decided I      met the lass.                 great honour,” she said.
would do some volunteer-           “We had one manager, a         “Never in my wildest
ing.                             cleaning lady and there was   dreams did I think this
  “I happened to glance in       Helen and myself.”            would happen.”

BATTLE GROUND - INSIDE - Community News ePapers
8           NEWS                                                                      June 18, 2020

 Woman hurt in rollover
 A WOMAN was injured after          Highway on-ramp. The colli-       Holden Statesman received
 an RAC service vehicle and         sion caused the RAC vehicle       minor injuries and was
 Holden Statesman collided          to roll and land on its roof on   taken to Royal Perth Hospi-
 near a set of lights in Ascot      the on-ramp, spilling car bat-    tal.
 about 9pm on Sunday.               teries across the road.              The 27-year-old driver was
   The incident happened on            The driver of the RAC veh-     issued a traffic infringement
 Great Eastern Highway near         icle received minor injuries.     for driving through a red
 the northbound Tonkin                 A female passenger in the      light.

              Have your say on reconciliation
      RESIDENTS are being           has been developed after          in the City.
      urged to have their say on    the implementation of its           To have your say, visit
      the City of South Perth’s     Aboriginal Engagement             yoursay.southperth.wa.
      Innovate     Reconciliation   Strategy.                before 4pm, Mon-
      Action Plan (RAP).              The plan also acts as a         day, July 6.
        The Innovate RAP is the     guide for recognising and           There will also be drop-
      second stage of the City’s    celebrating    Aboriginal         in sessions for locals to dis-
      reconciliation process and    culture and heritage with-        cuss the draft plan.

BATTLE GROUND - INSIDE - Community News ePapers

BATTLE GROUND - INSIDE - Community News ePapers

Boat club a model of mateship
Keren Bellos                     Mayor Patrick Hall as “like
                                 a men’s shed on water” for         John Harrison near his steam boat
WHEN John Harrison was           the camaraderie shared by          just launched at the lake.
considering                      members aged 40 to 93.             Picture: Andrew Ritchie
remote-controlled model            It is an almost all-male
aircraft as a hobby, the high    affair but that’s not by
risk of it crashing and          design and anyone as young
costing him big time meant       as 10 can get involved,
the idea didn’t take off.        whether their passion is
   “A number of people           remote-controlled or static
spend big on their first         craft.
plane and many times it            “We’re a bunch of big
goes up in the air only to       kids really; it’s just that
come straight back down,”        we’re a bit older and don’t
the 66-year-old said.            move so fast,” John said.
   “There’s no chance of           While some highly gifted
catching it, so it’s basically   members such as Bob
$1000 of broken bits and         Gilbert dedicate up to six
pieces on the ground — and       years handcrafting a boat,
I couldn’t do that.”             with impressive 2.5m scale                                                                                             Australian Model Ship Society
   Instead, he found his         models of warships USS                                                                                                 president John Harrison looks on as
happy place six years ago        Missouri, Bismarck and                                                                                                 member Bob Gilbert steers his
among the Australian             Yamato costing about $5000                                                                                             model of the Imara tug boat across
Model Ship Society’s             each to his name, others                                                                                               Ranford Lake. Picture: Andrew Ritchie
radio-control enthusiasts,       prefer to add their own
who race their pride and         touches to kits.                 going to make your own          patient, especially while       transport and launch.          again, so mine will be a
joy as well as complete            A model steam boat plus        boat, opt for a small simple    following kit instructions,       His current projects         surface submarine,” he
navigation courses in what       boiler and gas tank can be       one, not a big complicated      but advice from                 include building a scale       laughed.
is a great spectacle at          snapped up for about $1500,      one, because it will scare      experienced members was         model of WA’s The Paddle         “Even if it develops a hole
Ranford Lake in Canning          while the cheapest and           you off,” John said. “The       always at hand.                 Steamer Decoy for a client     and starts to sink, there’s a
Vale on Sunday mornings.         easiest way to start is with a   boundaries are limitless.         Storage space is also a       and submarine that will        chance for me to save it.”
   Today, as president, John     $200-$250 remote-controlled      It’s about the amount of        bonus, with an entire room      simply float on the lake.        The club often has
is the friendly face of the      30cm yacht that just needs       time, effort and money          dedicated to John’s 15 craft,     “Several boats have been     displays at open days and
model boat club, which           batteries added before it        you’ve got and how much         which are around 1m long        lost over the years and        can be called on to find a
started in 1984 and has been     can hit the water.               fun you want to have.”          so he doesn’t need help         generally once it goes under   new home for inherited
described by Canning               “We suggest that if you’re        He said it paid to be        when it comes to their          water, you never see it        collections.

June 18, 2020                                                                                     BAPTISTCARE ADVERTISING FEATURE                                                      11

 Spiritual advice for holistic care
SPIRITUAL wellbeing goes                                                                                                                                    themselves and the world
hand-in-hand with physical                                                                                                                                  around them; it’s also about
and emotional wellbeing at                                                                                                                                  seeking purpose and
Baptistcare, no matter your                                                                                                                                 meaning in life’s events and
religious beliefs or cultural                                                                                                                               about having a sense of
background.                                                                                                                                                 belonging.
   It is why the leading                                                                                                                                       “Spiritual care is the sort
not-for-profit aged-care                                                                                                                                    of care that says ‘you are
provider offers a free                                                                                                                                      important, you are valued,
chaplaincy service or                                                                                                                                       you are loved’.”
spiritual care program to                                                                                                                                      The chaplaincy service is
all its aged care residents,                                                                                                                                available to home-care
as well as seniors using its                                                                                                                                customers and residents
home-care services.                                                                                                                                         living at Baptistcare’s
   Baptistcare chief                                                                                                                                        residential care facilities
executive Russell Bricknell                                                                                                                                 throughout Perth and
said the chaplaincy service                                                                                                                                 regional WA.
was part of Baptistcare’s                                                                                                                                      Family members can also
holistic approach to aged                                                                                                                                   take advantage of the
care.                                                                                                                                                       chaplaincy service, as can
   “It’s not just about                                                                                                                                     Baptistcare employees and
providing good quality care;                                                                                                                                volunteers.
it’s about looking at the                                                                                                                                      Mr Bricknell said many
whole person — body, soul                                                                                                                                   residents and their families
and spirit — and that                                                                                                                                       appreciated being able to
makes a person’s spiritual                                                                                                                                  start end-of-life
needs just as important as                                                                                                                                  conversations with the
their physical and                                                                                                                                          support and empathy of
emotional needs,” he said.                                                                                                                                  their chaplain.
   “Our chaplaincy service                                                                                                                                     “Talking about dying is
plays a key role in offering                                                                                                                                the loving and caring thing
support, encouragement,                                                                                                                                     to do, but can be difficult
hope and compassion.                                                                                                                                        and emotionally
   “Sometimes all that’s                                                                                                                                    challenging for families and
needed is simply a              Baptistcare Gracewood chaplain Stephen Grasso and resident Margaret Douglas. Picture: Tony McDonough                        their loved one,” Mr
sympathetic ear and time to                                                                                                                                 Bricknell said.
listen and understand.”           “For others it’s being able   compassionate listener,     Baptistcare is to ensure that   cultural background or             “Our chaplains are
   Mr Bricknell said many       to share their story or         confidante and community    each person we support is       beliefs,” Mr Bricknell said.    trained to support and care
of Baptistcare’s residents      feeling that extra sense of     contact, a Baptistcare      able to live a full and           “Spirituality means           for people throughout their
took great comfort in           connection when they            chaplain can also assist    meaningful life through         different things to different   entire time with us at
knowing their chaplain was      might be experiencing           with prayer, ceremonies     high quality care and that      people and at Baptistcare       Baptistcare and they are
there to talk to during times   sadness, loneliness or          and other religious         means caring for their          we believe it’s more than a     good at supporting the
of change or during periods     isolation,” he said.            practices.                  spiritual needs no matter       religion.                       whole family during this
of grief and loss.                As well as being a              “Our vision at            what their circumstances,         “It’s about how people see    time too.”

 RECENT times have been
 tough for Cosmic Cocktails
 & Events with months’
 worth of bookings
 postponed, but that hasn’t
 stopped husband-and-wife
 team Clint and Tanya
 making a real effort to
 support the local
 community in the
    As Tanya does all the
 cooking for the business
 and was required at
 hospitals in her other role
 as a theatre nurse, the
 business was unable to
 move into takeaway meals.       his famous jalapeño cheese     again and Clint and Tanya
    Instead, the business        poppers.                       are now looking forward to
 pivoted to provide hand           As part of a personal        serving at weddings and
 sanitiser, N95 masks and        mission to support small       events and getting staff
 gloves to first responders,     businesses and promote the     working again.
 schools and other small         importance of shopping           Operating from a
 businesses at a time when       local, Clint spent the month   commercial kitchen in
 these items were in short       of May on a project that       Wangara, services include
 supply.                         was inspired by the City of    platter catering, cocktail
    To help fellow hospitality   Wanneroo’s                     and bar service, a mobile
 businesses, they also           #SupportWannerooLocal          juice bar, gelato cart hire
 supplied kitchen provisions     campaign.                      and party equipment hire
 such as foil, baking paper,       Every day, he made a         including slushie machines,
 cling wrap, gloves, cups and    purchase at a local small      jukeboxes, chocolate
 takeaway containers.            business, posted a photo to    fountains, popcorn
    Clint also partnered with    social media, tagged the       machines and illuminated
 friend Ken at Chillin’ Out in   business and encouraged        furniture.
 WA to become the northern       everyone to follow his lead.     All staff have completed
 suburbs distributor for his       Fortunately, Cosmic          COVID-19 hygiene training.
 products, which include         Cocktails & Events has           For more, visit
 frozen Mexican meals and        been able to start back up


                                        Apartment living
                                        a designer dream
                                        Keren Bellos                     has a fourth-floor heated
                                                                         swimming pool and
                                        LIVING the high life sure        barbecue dining area, plus
                                        can be sweet in Perth, as        a rooftop terrace with
                                        these 2020 WA Architecture       outdoor cinema, games
                                        Awards entrants                  room and gardens allowing
                                        showcasing design                residents to soak up
                                        ingenuity prove.                 festivities such as fireworks
                                           The three local luxury        displays in style.
                                        apartment projects vying to         Another award contender
                                        catch the judges’ eye in the     is Vic Quarter on Albany
                                        Residential Architecture –       Highway’s cafe strip,
                                        Multiple Houses category         behind a facade of cement
                                        include developers Norup +       and steel work that is a
                                        Wilson and EL & EL               subtle nod to an industrial
                                        Group’s $100 million The         aesthetic.
                                        Crest in Burswood.                  Landowner Fowler Group
                                           Close to Crown Perth, the     engaged Celsius Property
                                        stadium and train station,       Group’s development arm,
                                        the 22-storey 169-apartment      Hillam Architects and Pact
                                        complex by Woods Bagot           Construction for the
                                        takes its cues from the          Victoria Park project, with
                                        Flatiron Building in             105 homes in more than 30       The Crest's facade features an abstract of river ripples.
                                        Manhattan, New York City.        floorplans around a central     Picture: Dion Robeson
                                           Tower cladding featuring      courtyard and maximizing
                                        an abstract of the nearby        views out to the highway        pool and gym.                   in Rivervale delivering
                                        Swan River’s water ripples       and Miller Street.                Also in the running is        environmental benefits.
                                        is part of its cosmopolitan         Residents enjoy units        Edge Visionary Living’s           Designed by Hillam
                                        design, which celebrates         typically 25 per cent larger    Vantage Riversedge              Architects, the 13-storey
                                        river, city and Hills vistas.    than the precinct average,      Apartments, with a              212-apartment tower’s bold
The Crest in Burswood by Woods Bagot.      Completed by BGC              as well as three resort-style   multi-faceted exterior on       angles provide shade
Picture: Dion Robeson                   Construction, the building       leisure decks including a       the banks of the Swan River     CONTINUED PAGE 14

14         RESIDENTIAL                                                                                                                                                    June 18, 2020

FROM PAGE 13                   highlights on a long list of
during summer yet              facilities built by BGC
welcome winter sunlight,       Construction.
plus cantilevers protect         There are 80 entries
pedestrians at street level    across 11 categories,
from downdrafts.               including public and
  Its entrance and lobby       commercial architecture,
connect to the waterfront,     for the Australian Institute
where bike and kayak           of Architects’ annual
storage is provided for        awards, which honour
residents.                     excellence in the design and
  A rooftop terrace offering   construction industry.
city and river views,            The winners will be
infinity-edge pool looking     announced during a
out to the Swan, gym,          presentation evening
sauna and steam room are       streamed live on June 26.

                                                              An infinity-edge pool at Vantage Riversedge Apartments looks out to the Swan River. Picture: Dmax

                                                              Vic Quarter’s accommodation is configured around a
Vantage Riversedge Apartments in Rivervale by Hillam          central courtyard, maximising aspects out to both Albany    Vic Quarter in Victoria Park by Hillam Architects. Picture:
Architects. Picture: Dmax                                     Highway and Miller Street. Picture: Dmax                    Celsuis Property Group




18         NEWS                                                               June 18, 2020

 The sinkhole at Gould Reserve. Picture: Bruce Hunt.

 Sinking feeling
 THE City of Belmont will           “The council put witches     has deteriorated,” he said.
 investigate a sinkhole that      hats around the hole on Sat-     “Further investigations
 appeared at Ascot’s Gould        urday arvo.”                   will be carried out and
 Reserve over the weekend.          City of Belmont chief        repair work undertaken in
   Local Bruce Hunt spied         executive John Christie said   due course.”
 the sinkhole while walking       a temporary fence had been       Sink holes are often trig-
 his dog Teddy.                   installed around the sink-     gered by intense rainstorms
   “While Teddy does have a       hole.                          or flood or long-term leak-
 guilty look, he didn’t dig the     “The subsidence of the       age from sewer or stormwa-
 hole,” he said.                  ground at Gould Reserve in     ter pipes.
   “It looks like a one-metre     Ascot is believed to have        The world’s deepest sink-
 cavern leading through the       been caused by an old alu-     hole is in Chongquig, China,
 hole towards the road.           minium drainage pipe that      reaching down 662 metres.

June 18, 2020                                                                                                                                                    SPORT                   19

                                                                                                                             The bounce
                                                                                                                             back begins
                                                                                                                             Sarah Brookes

                                                                                                                             PUBS are open. Beer is flow-
                                                                                                                             ing. And footy is back on the
                                                                                                                             big screen.
                                                                                                                               Some semblance of nor-
                                                                                                                             malcy has crept back into
                                                                                                                             the football season.
                                                                                                                               Eagles fans flocked to The     Grace Royce and Danni
                                                                                                                             Camfield in Burswood on          Carrol with fellow Eagles
                                                                                                                             Saturday night to watch          fans at the Camfield.
                                                                                                                             West Coast take on Gold          Picture: Ross Swanborough
                                                                                                                               Australia’s biggest pub           “It’s great to see people out
                                                                                                                             was booked out early, with       enjoying themselves in bars
                                                                                                                             places limited to 300 for the    across Perth.
                                                                                                                             Eagles’ second game of the          “We were staring down
                                                                                                                             disrupted AFL season.            the barrel of going under
  The West Coast Eagles could soon celebrate with fans inside a busy Optus Stadium. Picture: Daniel Carson/AFL Photos          General manager Tim            two weeks ago, but with Job-
                                                                                                                             McLernon said they could         Keeper we have four more

  Premier promises a crowd-pleaser
                                                                                                                             have easily booked thou-         months to make up what we
                                                                                                                             sands more had rules             lost over the past three.”
                                                                                                                             allowed.                            Cousins Rory Whittaker
                                                                                                                               “We were booked out even       and Adam Seers said winter
  PREMIER Mark McGowan         last week to work towards       western derby could be          We’ll have a discussion in    before it was announced the      was tough without football.
  has opened the door to AFL   allowing 25 per cent capac-     played in front of a much       light of the Federal advice   Eagles were playing,” he            “I have absolutely missed
  football being played in     ity at stadiums with up to      bigger crowd.                   and in light of the WA con-   said. “The phone has been        the footy. It’s been a sad state
  front    of    a    packed   40,000 seats.                     “Whilst we work co-oper-      text, with the Chief Health   going nuts all week; it has      of affairs,” Mr Whittaker
  Optus Stadium in Bur-          Port Adelaide and Ade-        atively as part of the Feder-   Officer this week to work     been crazy.”                     said.
  swood when the game          laide squared off in front of   ation and as part of the        out exactly what our arran-     Mr McLernon said while            “Winter just isn’t the same
  heads to a Perth hub this    just 2240 for Showdown 48       National Cabinet, at times      gements will be.”             300 patrons was significant-     without the footy to watch.
  season, saying WA would      on Saturday, but Mr McGo-       we make decisions that             His comments came after    ly under its capacity of 3000,   It’s bloody brilliant it’s
  exercise its own “discre-    wan indicated WA’s low          meet the needs of our           Optus Stadium last week       the atmosphere was great.        back,” Mr Seers said.
  tion” when it came to        coronavirus numbers and         state,” he said.                began requesting casual         “It’s a great start and           Mates Danni Carroll and
  crowd sizes.                 the absence of community          “There are some nuances       staff complete a question-    hopefully restrictions will      Grace Royce were thrilled to
     National Cabinet agreed   spread meant the next           and some state discretion.      naire and hygiene course.     continue to ease and num-        squeeze in to watch their
                                                                                                                             bers can go up,” he said.        team.


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