Page created by Karen Snyder
B A R N S T A B L E R E C R E AT I O N / H Y C C
      141 Bassett Lane, Hyannis, MA 02601
            Registration: November 6 (Residents) 8:45 AM
                    November 13 (Non-Residents)

Adult Programs ·············· 10, 11, 12       Parking Permits ·······················15
Baking & Snack Making ··············· 8        Pickleball ······················8, 10, 11
Basketball ····························5, 9    Public Skating ·························12
Bowling ·································· 7   Rock Nights ················· back cover
Build A Bevin Skiff ····················· 9    Sewing ··································· 6
Coding Classes·························· 8     Skate Park ······························ 4
Dodgeball ····························5, 6     S.O.A.R. Program @ HYCC ··········11
Fencing ·································· 7   Special Events ·············· back cover
Games of Strategy ····················· 6      Stick Practice / Pick-Up Hockey ···12
General/Registration Information 2-4           Tennis ··································· 7
HYCC Drop In Programs ········· 11, 12         Therapeutic/Inclusive Programs ···10
Indoor Flying·························· 11     Vacation Program·····················10
Learn to Figure Skate ··········· 13, 14       Walk-on Freestyle Skating ··········12
Little Chefs ····························· 9   Winter Crafts ··························· 7
My Barnstable App ··················· 15       Wrestling ······························· 6
                                     Complete details of program policies, procedures and guidelines are
                                     omitted from the program brochure because of space limitations. Errors in
                                     days, times, registration requirements and fees may occur as well. We
                                     apologize for any errors that may occur in this brochure. Thank you for
                                     your patience and understanding when these situations occur.

                                     PROGRAM LOCATIONS
                                     BACC       Barnstable Adult Community Center, 825 Falmouth Road,
                                     BIS        Barnstable Intermediate School, 895 Falmouth Road, Hyannis
                                     BUES       Barnstable United Elementary School, 730 Osterville-W.
                                                Barnstable Road, Marstons Mills
                                     CCMM       135 South Street, Hyannis
                                     CRB        Centerville Recreation Building, 524 Main St., Centerville
                                     COTUIT CTR Cotuit Center For The Arts, 4404 Falmouth Rd., Cotuit
                                     HYCC       Hyannis Youth & Community Center, 141 Bassett Lane,
                                     RYAN FAM Ryan Family Amusements, Rte. 28 , S. Yarmouth

                                     WEATHER CANCELLATIONS

                                     Cancellations due to weather will be decided by the Program
                                     Coordinator as soon as possible. Phone calls will be made to schools and
                                     we will make every effort to post program cancellations and closings on
                                     our Facebook page/My Barnstable App and email households with active
                                     email addresses. Call 508-790-6345 for updated cancellation information.

                                     We reserve the right to change class dates or times. We may also cancel
                                     classes due to low enrollment or other reasons beyond our control.

                                     SOCIAL MEDIA
                                     Facebook: @Barnstable Rec
                                     Instagram: Barnstable_Recreation

                                                             BROCHURE TRANSLATION
                                     Si el inglés es tu segundo idioma, puedes traducir este folleto aquí.:
                                         Se o inglês for sua segunda língua, você pode traduzir este
                                          folheto aqui:

                                           ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS
                                      $20 Residents / $40 Non-Residents
                                      Ask about discounted Family Memberships!

                                        FREE Membership for all
                                         Barnstable students
                                        Walking Track
                                        Public Open Gym
                                        Game Room
            1                           Free WiFi

       On-line registration is available beginning at 8:45 AM on the first day
        of registration (Residents - Wednesday, November 6, 2024/
        Non-Residents - Wednesday, November 13, 2024) and then 24/7 each
        day after. You may log onto our online registration feature at and click on the “On-line
        Registration” button. You will need a user name and password in
        order to utilize the online program registration system. If you have
        forgot your login information, please call the Recreation Office during
        regular office hours (M-F, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM) to receive your user name
        and password. We HIGHLY recommend that you sign into the online
        system a few days before registration to make sure your account is
        working properly. Please be advised that our software system WILL
        NOT allow parents/ guardians to UPDATE the birth date, age, or
        grade of their child(ren). Please verify that this information is
        correct. If it needs to be changed, please contact the Recreation
        Division at 508-790-6345, or

                                                                                          R E G I S T R AT I O N I N F O R M AT I O N
        Unfortunately, if you do not randomly review your household account
        for accuracy, your child(ren) may be locked out of a program because
        of age/grade restrictions.
       Walk-in registration hours are Monday through Friday, 8:45 AM to
        4:00 PM, at 141 Bassett Lane, Hyannis, MA 02601. If you choose to
        visit our facility to enroll in a program, you may download a
        registration form at For your
        convenience, printed forms are also available at 141 Bassett Lane,
        Hyannis, MA.
          Payment in full must be received prior to the start of the program.

                               RULES AND REGULATIONS
          Participants and Parents must follow Recreation/HYCC Discipline
           Procedures and Parent Code of Conduct when participating in a program
           or at the HYCC. These documents can be found on our website.
          Town of Barnstable is not responsible for any lost or stolen property at
           any of our programs.
          Barnstable Recreation follows regulations stating that participants are not
           allowed to wear jewelry while participating in sport activities.
          All times, dates, and programs are subject to change. Contact the
           Program Coordinator in charge of your program for any updated schedules
           or changes.
          Resident registration will begin Wednesday, November 6, 2024.
          Non-Resident registration will begin on Wednesday, November 13, 2024.
          Pre-Registrations, early sign ups, emails, mail ins and faxes are not
          Non-Resident fees are doubled unless otherwise specified.
          Registration is conducted on a first-come, first-served basis and age/
           grade guidelines are strictly observed. You may only register one
           household at a time.
          Proof of residency may be required and verified to show residency.
          Financial Aid is available for all qualifying applicants. To apply, complete
           and submit a Financial Aid form with your Tax Returns and ANY OTHER
           RECEIVING such as Sec. 8, Disability, child support, etc.
          Financial Aid applicants must pay 50% of the program costs at the time of
          Prior to the start of the program, refunds will be given minus a $10
           Administration fee.
          Participants who are absent from a class will not be allowed to make up
           the class.
                                                    For details on any program, you can reach a staff
                                                member by calling 508-790-6345 during business hours
                                                 (Mon-Fri 8:30 AM -4:30 PM) or email anytime using the
                                                                    following format:
                                               NAME, TITLE                                         PHONE EXT.
                                               John Gleason, Recreation Director........................ 128
                                               George Noonan, Assistant Recreation Director ......... 127
                                               Michele Arigo, Administrative Assistant.................. 114
                                               Kellie Crawley, Program Coordinator ..................... 129
                                               Michelle Davies, Therapeutic / Program Coordinator . 107
                                               Aneta Dokuzova-Robbins, Part-time Division Assistant120
                                               Sandra Merritt, Principal Division Assistant ............. 113
S T A F F C O N T A C T S / S K AT E P A R K

                                               Jack Kapanke, Program Coordinator ...................... 105
                                               Brian Puopolo, Part-time Division Assistant ............. 120

                                                                         HYCC CONTACTS
                                               Mark Boardley, HYCC Manager ............................. 116
                                               Jeremy Hatstat, Rink Operations Coordinator .......... 133
                                               Steven Headley, Youth Center Manager ................. 102
                                               Jacqueline Keaney, Program Coordinator ............... 112
                                               Ben Steen, Facility Supervisor ............................. 108
                                                                                    BARNSTABLE POLICE OFFICER
                                                                                          BRIAN MORRISON
                                                                            Officer Morrison provides all of the staff
                                                                            and guests at the Hyannis Youth &
                                                                            Community Center with dedicated service!
                                                                            He has an office inside the HYCC and offers
                                                                            fun and educational programs and events
                                                                            like the annual Bike Safety Rodeo in the
                                                                            parking lot, assistance with crucial holiday
                                                                            time support through Stuff a Bus and Toys
                                                                            For Tots. Plus he’s just an all around
                                                                            great guy! Thank you Officer Morrison!

                                                                     BARNSTABLE SKATE PARK
                                                                    Closing November 24th!
                                                                 Monday-Sunday 9 AM-8 PM or until Dark
                                                 The Skate Park will be unsupervised by Recreation staff. Users of the
                                               facility must follow the rules. In the event of rain or wet ramps, we will
                                                     not open and/or will close early. Admission to the park is free!

          4                                                 SKATE PARK WILL REOPEN ON APRIL 14, 2025
GIRLS BASKETBALL: GRADES 4 & 5         BUES                             $95
Wednesdays & Fridays           December 4–March 12          Dissmal-4:30 PM
No Program 12/13, 12/25, 12/27, 1/1, 1/3, 1/10, 2/7, 2/19, & 2/21
The first few weeks will consist of instruction and the last weeks will
consist of games and a championship. Participants will learn skills, game
play and strategy, teamwork and sportsmanship. Fee includes coaches and
a t-shirt. Contact: Kellie Crawley

BOYS BASKETBALL: GRADES 4 & 5         BUES                               $95
Tuesdays & Thursdays          December 3–February 27       Dissmal-4:30 PM
No Program: 12/24, 12/26, 12/31, 1/2, 2/18, 2/20
The program will start with a training camp that includes learning about
the game and practicing dribbling, shooting, passing, defensive skills and
more. Training camp will end with scrimmages to evaluate the players for
making teams. The remainder of the program will consist of games. The
season will end with playoffs and a championship. This program is for all
skill levels. Contact: Jack Kapanke

                                                                               AFTER SCHOOL PROPGRAMS
BOYS BASKETBALL: GRADES 6-8            BIS/HYCC                         $95
Tuesdays @ BIS               December 3–February 25           6:00-7:30 PM
Saturdays @ HYCC             December 7-March 1               2:00-3:00 PM
No Program: 12/21, 12/24, 12/28, 12/31, 2/15, 2/18
The program will start with a training camp where participants will work
on dribbling, shooting, passing, defensive skills and more. Training camp
will end with scrimmages to evaluate the players for making teams. The
remainder of the program will consist of team practices and games. The
season will end with playoffs and a championship. This program is for all
skill levels. Contact: Jack Kapanke

FALL DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT             BUES/BIS                         FREE
Grades 4+5 @ BUES Wednesday, November 13                  Dismissal-5:30 PM
Grades 6+7 @ BIS Friday, November 15                     Dismissal–5:30 PM
This bracket-style tournament is a chance to make a team with friends and
become the dodgeball champions of the school! Anyone who wants to play
in the tournament needs to sign up. Each team must have six players.
Once you have your team of six please email the team name and all team
members’ names to Those who are
signed up but are not a part of a team will be put into teams on the day of
the tournament. Show up in a fun uniform and get ready to play your way
to Barnstable Dodgeball History! Contact: Jack Kapanke

DODGEBALL                             BUES/BIS                        $25
                        Tuesdays: BIS                March 18–April 15         Dismissal-4:30 PM
                        Thursdays: BUES              March 13–April 17         Dismissal-4:30 PM
                        No Program: 3/20 (for 4+5 Grade)
                        Dodgeball mania! This is a fun five-week dodgeball program. We will play
                        different variations of the game such as medic, trenches, pinball and
                        more. Contact: Jack Kapanke

                        WINTER DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT          BIS/BUES                           FREE
                        Grades 6 & 7: Wednesday, March 5                         Dismissal-5:30 PM
                        Grades 4 & 5: Thursday March 6                            Dismissal-5:30 PM
                        This bracket-style tournament is a chance to make a team with friends and
                        become the dodgeball champions of the school! Anyone who wants to play
                        in the tournament needs to sign up. Each team must have six players.
                        Once you have your team of six please email the team name and all team
                        members’ names to Those who are
                        signed up but are not a part of a team will be put into teams on the day of
                        the tournament. Show up in a fun uniform and get ready to play your way
                        to Barnstable Dodgeball History! Contact: Jack Kapanke

                        GAMES OF STRATEGY: GRADES 4 & 5       BUES                            $30
                        Wednesdays                  December 4–January 29       Dissmal-4:30 PM
                        No Program: 12/25 & 1/1
                        In this seven-week program we will learn and play games of strategy such
                        as chess, checkers, backgammon, Chinese checkers, Scotland Yard, Risk,
                        and Stratego. Contact: Jack Kapanke

                        SEWING: TOTE BAG MAKING          BIS/BUES                               $65
                        Grades 4&5: Thursday December 5-December 19 Dismissal-5:00 PM
                        Grades 6&7: Tuesdays December 3-December 17 Dismissal-5:00 PM
                        In this program participants will make a tote bag with handles. All sewers
                        must be able to sew on their own with some guidance. This project is
                        perfect for an intermediate beginner sewer and is a great first bag to
                        make because of its simplicity. You can use your tote bag for crafts, school
                        books, or as a gym bag! All sewing machines, tools, and fabrics will be
                        provided. Contact: Kellie Crawley
INDOOR TENNIS: GRADES 4&5               BUES                             $70
Wednesdays & Fridays           March 19-March 28          Dismissal-4:30 PM
The program is geared towards all skill levels and will consist of
instruction, hitting, review of skills, and implementing what is learned
into game play. This program uses modified tennis balls, age-appropriate
rackets, and the latest fun and engaging activities that help players
successfully learn and play the game quicker! All players will be provided
with a tennis racquet to borrow. Contact: Kellie Crawley

BOWLING: 4+5 GRADES          RYAN FAMILY, S. YARMOUTH                 $75
Tuesday                     December 17-February 4      Dismissal-4:45 PM
Have a “ball” learning the basics of Ten-Pin Bowling! A red Recreation van
will pick your child up at BUES and transport them to Ryan Family
Amusements in S. Yarmouth. Pick up at the front door of the HYCC at
4:30PM. Contact: Michelle Davies

                                                                                AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS

INTRO TO FENCING                    BUES                                  $60
Mondays                    December 2-January 27           Dismissal-4:30 PM
No Program: 12/23, 12/30, & 1/20
This six-week program is designed to introduce your child to the basic
skills and proper techniques of fencing for the first time. Children will be
taught by Jim Rose of Cape Cod Fencers Club. Fee includes instructor, use
of equipment, and t-shirt. Registration is on a first come, first served
basis. We have limited enrollment in this fencing program. The maximum
number of participants is 14. Contact: Michelle Davies

WINTER CRAFTS                       BUES ROOM 116                      $60
Wednesdays                    January 8-February 12 Dissmissal-4:30 PM
Join us for some wonderfully winter crafts using all types of mediums. Use
them as gifts or as seasonal décor in your home. Either way, it is a
keepsake that lasts forever. Please pick your child up at the BUES parent
pickup at 4:30 PM. Contact: Michelle Davies
BAKING AND SNACK MAKING                   BACC                        $110
                                 Grades 4&5: Thursdays       January 9 - February 13 Dismissal-5:00 PM
                                 Grades 6&7: Tuesdays       January 7 - February 11 Dismissal-5:00 PM
                                 This program will teach the basic skills of baking and snack making such as
                                 mixing, measuring, time management, temperature, and following
                                 recipes. Come create delicious bakery treats and snacks for you and your
                                 family and friends. Transportation will be provide by Recreation for
                                 this program. Contact: Kellie Crawley

                                 INTRODUCTION TO PICKLEBALL: GRADES 4 & 5           BUES                    $70
                                 Tuesdays                    February 25–March 18           Dismissal-4:30 PM
                                 In this 4 week program players will learn the basics of pickleball including
                                 fun instruction, beginner drills, rule basics, and scoring. Starting simple
                                 sets the stage for success! All players will be provided with a paddle to
                                 borrow. Contact: Kellie Crawley

                                 MINECRAFT CODING: AGES 8-12           ONLINE                          $150
                                 Wednesdays                  January 8-February 12             4:00-5:00 PM
                                 Wednesdays                  January 8-February 12             5:00-6:00 PM
                                 Wednesdays                  January 8-February 12             6:00-7:00 PM
                                 Wednesdays                   February 26-April 2              4:00-5:00 PM
                                 Wednesdays                   February 26-April 2              5:00-6:00 PM
                                 Wednesdays                   February 26-April 2              6:00-7:00 PM
                                 Explore, create or survive! Mine deep into the Minecraft world and create
                                 the future! In our modding with Minecraft course, you'll challenge the
                                 odds, craft your kinds of weapons and build dream worlds using code. You
                                 will do this while learning fundamental programming concepts, level
                                 design, and problem-solving skills. You will use ready-made coding blocks
                                 to create mini versions of Minecraft games throughout the course.
                                 Concepts your child will learn: Introduction to debugging programs, Code
                                 using drag and drop or Java, problem-solving, and learning transferable
                                 programming skills. They will also learn how to make mods and make your
                                 Texture Packs! A PC or a MAC is required. Contact: Kellie Crawley

                                 ROBLOX GAME DEVELOPMENT: AGES 7+      ONLINE                          $150
                                 Wednesdays                 January 8-February 12             4:00-5:00 PM
                                 Wednesdays                 January 8-February 12             5:00-6:00 PM
                                 Wednesdays                 January 8-February 12             6:00-7:00 PM
                                 Wednesdays                  February 26-April 2              4:00-5:00 PM
                                 Wednesdays                  February 26-April 2              5:00-6:00 PM
                                 Wednesdays                  February 26-April 2              6:00-7:00 PM
                                 Anyone can build a game in Roblox! Roblox studio has all the tools to
                                 make your wildest gaming imaginations a reality. You tell us what game
                                 you want to make, and we'll teach you the fundamentals and coach you
                                 through bringing that game to life! Whether you're new to coding or have
                                 some experience, you will be challenged and have fun while bringing your
                                 game to life. Through drag and drop techniques or pure scripting, you’ll
                                 be creating extensions to the Roblox game while fostering your creativity
                                 and learning real-world computer coding. Concepts your child will learn:
                                 Learn to use Roblox Studio 3D game engine to design a 3D world, game
                                 design using Roblox Studio, mathematical concepts, and write code scripts
                                 to program characters and objects in the game. They will also learn the
                                 life cycle of game development (from planning to design to their finished
                                 product) and find and fix errors in their code. A PC or a MAC is required.
                                 Contact: Kellie Crawley

GIRLS BASKETBALL: GRADES K & 1           HYCC                            $80
Saturdays                    December 7-March 1            10:00-10:45 AM
GIRLS BASKETBALL: GRADES 2 & 3          HYCC                            $80
Saturdays                    December 7-March 1               9:00-9:45 AM
No program 12/21, 12/28, & 2/15
This instructional program teaches the proper fundamentals of basketball.
The program will start with a training camp that focuses on learning and
practicing the skills of passing, dribbling, shooting, defense, teamwork
and more. After the training camp we will play games. Hoops will be
lowered to accommodate players. Contact: Kellie Crawley

                                                                               W E E K E N D & V A C AT I O N P R O G R A M S
BOYS BASKETBALL: GRADES K & 1            HYCC                           $80
Saturdays                    December 7-March 1              11:00-11:45 AM
BOYS BASKETBALL: GRADES 2 & 3            HYCC                           $80
Saturdays                    December 7-March 1              12:00-12:45 PM
No program 12/21, 12/28, & 2/15
This instructional program teaches the proper fundamentals of basketball.
The program will start with a training camp that focuses on learning and
practicing the skills of passing, dribbling, shooting, defense, teamwork
and more. After the training camp we will play games. Hoops will be
lowered to accommodate players. Contact: Jack Kapanke

BUILD A BEVIN SKIFF ROWBOAT: GRADES 6-8     CCMM                       $50
Saturdays              January 11-March 15             9:30 AM-12:30 PM
No Program: 2/15 & 2/22
This program is offered in collaboration with the Cape Cod Maritime
Museum. This program is a unique opportunity to learn how to build a
Bevin Skiff Rowboat. If weather permits, participants will launch and row
the boat in the harbor at the Cape Cod Maritime Museum. Program is
instructed by experienced volunteers and made available with a grant
from the JFK Memorial Trust Fund. Children should wear appropriate
clothing and shoes that can get dirty. Contact: Michelle Davies

LITTLE CHEFS: GRADES 2+3              BACC                           $110
Saturdays                  January 18–March 1               1:00-3:00 PM
This program is a basic cooking program for young children. We are going
to make basic recipes, learn about measuring, mixing, and cooking.
Contact: Kellie Crawley

                                                            VACATION PROGRAM: GRADES 1-5         CRB                    $150/SESSION
                                                            Thur, Fri, Mon, & Tues          December 26–31          8:30 AM-4:00 PM
                                                            Tuesday-Friday                 February 18–21          8:30 AM-4:00 PM
                                                            Join us for arts and crafts, games and much, much more. Children should
                                                            bring lunch and drink each day. Wear clothing that is weather
                                                            appropriate for outside play! Contact: Michelle Davies

                                                                              THERAPUETIC/INCLUSIVE PROGRAMS
                                                            ADAPTIVE MULTI-SPORT PROGRAM         HYCC GYM                           FREE
                                                            Thursdays                       September 19-May 8            1:00-2:00 PM
                                                            This Program is open to all Day Habilitation Facilities. Please obtain
                                                            membership at the HYCC for your clients to participate. Each Thursday,
                                                            we will play a different sport. We play kickball, broom hockey; whiffle
                                                            ball, pickle ball and much more. This program is free and meets in the
                                                            HYCC gymnasium. Members are also welcome to use our Game room and
                                                            Indoor Walking track as well during this time. Schedules of activities can
                                                            be found on our website under Therapeutic/inclusive Programs or at the
                                                            HYCC. Contact: Michelle Davies

                                                            INCLUSIVE SATURDAY ART CLASSES      COTUIT CENTER ARTS                   $25
                                                            Saturdays: Holiday Gifts           December 7+14            10:30-11:30 AM
                                                            Barnstable Recreation and CapeCodCAN are at it again! Cape Cod
                                                            Collaborative Arts Network (CapeCodCAN) and Recreation provide
                                                            opportunities for inclusion and active participation in the arts for people
                                                            with unique talents and all abilities on Cape Cod. Come explore a new
                                                            form of art each week with projects led by local professional artists.
                                                            Three week sessions run almost continuously. For information about the
                                                            program and available sessions contact: Reserve
                                                            your spot today:
                                                            Contact: Michelle Davies

                                                                                 OUTDOOR PICKLEBALL PROGRAM
                                                                   Weather Permitting: There will be organized free play on
                                                               Monday-Saturday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Pickleball Courts
                                                                located at 760 Osterville West Barnstable Road in Marstons Mills.
                                                                                      Contact: John Gleason

S.O.A.R.: GRADES 6/7                  HYCC                             FREE
Mondays—Fridays              December 2-March 13             2:30-5:30 PM
This structured after-school program will offer a variety of recreational
activities for children. Gym activities, game room tournaments,
homework assistance, and special events. Transportation from BIS and an
after school snack are included. No Program on half days or school
holidays. Contacts: Stephen Headley & Jackie Keaney

Mondays                                                    9:00-11:00 AM
No Program 1/20, 2/17, & 4/21

                                                                              HYCC INDOOR PICKLEBALL & PROGRAMS
January 6-March 10
March 17-May 12

Wednesdays                                                  9:00-11:00 AM
No Program 2/19 & 4/23
January 8-March 5
March 12-May 7
Pickleball is a fun game that is played on a badminton court with the net
lowered to 34 inches at the center. Pickleball is played with a
perforated plastic baseball (like a wiffle ball) and wood or composite
paddles. It is easy to learn, and can develop into a quick, fast-paced,
competitive game for experienced players. Four courts will be set up
each day, with balls and extra paddles if needed. Sign up with friends or
individually and come out to meet new people and play this fun sport.
Contact: Stephen Headley

                        HYCC DROP-IN PROGRAMS
Monday—Friday                       Ongoing             9:00 AM-2:00 PM
No program: Barnstable Public School days off or half-days)
Adults (18+), Community Groups and Day Habs feel free to come and
relive your younger years! Pool Tables, Ping Pong, and other games or
take advantage of the free Wi-Fi. Contact: Stephen Headley

                     HYCC DROP-IN GYM PROGRAMS
PUBLIC GYM                         HYCC           MEMBERSHIP OR DAY PASS
Monday-Friday                     Ongoing
Please check the website for other weekday dates and times. Open to the
public, our Public Gym time is a great way to spend time, relax,
energize, and to shoot around or play recreational pick-up basketball.
Please check our website’s event calendar for up-to-date times and age
restrictions. Contact: Stephen Headley

INDOOR FLYING:                    HYCC       FREE or $5/SESSION NON-MEMBER
Sunday                   December 1–March 23                 5:00-7:00 PM
No Program: 12/22, 12/29, & 3/9
Discover Flying R/C Club will provide the visual opportunity for youth and
adults to become familiar with all aspects of radio control indoor and
outdoor flying. Discover Flying R/C believes strongly in youth education
through model aviation to demonstrate flight theory and aerodynamics.
By exposing youth to model aircraft, the Club hopes to ignite creativity
with concepts from STEM. Contacts: Stephen Headley
                     Sundays                            Ongoing
                     This is time dedicated to those who want to play and work on their skills
                     with others, or to play recreational pickup games. Please check our
                     website’s event calendar for up to date times, age restrictions, and
                     cancellations if any. Contact: Steve Headley

                     PUBLIC GYM: BASKETBALL               HYCC           MEMBERSHIP OR DAY PASS
                     Saturdays                          Ongoing
                     This is time dedicated to those who want to play and work on their skills
                     with others, or to play recreational pickup games. Please check our
                     website’s event calendar for up to date times, age restrictions, and
                     cancellations if any. Contact: Steve Headley

                     ROCK NIGHT: GRADES 6/7                HYCC             $6/SKATER $6/RENTALS
                     Saturday: December 21, January 25, March 1 & March 22
                     7:30-9:00 PM
                     Rock night at the HYCC! Rock night is a fun and exciting night of skating
                     on the ice at the HYCC. There will be a DJ spinning your favorite tunes. If
                     you have not experienced the fun of skating with cool lights and rocking
                     sound, it is time to visit HYCC. Supervised fun for kids in grade 6 & 7.

                     Bring a friend. Contact: Jackie Keaney

                     PUBLIC SKATING                  HYCC        $8 ADULTS/$6 STUDENTS/$3 SENIORS
                     Join us for public skating at our local ice rink! Enjoy a fun and relaxing
                     atmosphere where skaters of all levels can glide to music and make
                     lasting memories. Skate rentals are available, so grab your friends and
                     family for a great day/night out on the ice! (Ask about our money saving
                     frequent skater punch cards! Senior and Veteran/active military
                     discounts available.) Days/Times subject to change.
                     Contact: Jeremy Hatstat

                     STICK PRACTICES                         HYCC                      $12/SKATER
                     Come play some pickup hockey with friends or work on developing your
                     skills during our stick practice times. We offer different times for Adults
                     (18+), Families (12 and under with an adult), Seniors (50+) and High School
                     (Grades 8-12). Helmets are required and full gear is
                     recommended. Contact: Jeremy Hatstat

                     COACHES STICK PRACTICE                   HYCC                              $16
                     Specifically designed for participants who want to practice their skills
                     with a HYCC approved, and USA Hockey certified coach who supervises up
                     to (6) players max. There is a (4) coach limit per session and (24) player
                     limit per session for a total of (28) individuals for a maximum capacity.
                     This is a first come first serve process so don’t hesitate to be early and
                     eager to sign up for this great offering. USA Hockey coaches MUST be
                     approved by HYCC Management. Approved Coaches - No Charge
                     Contact: Jeremy Hatstat

                     WALK-ON FREESTYLE SKATING              HYCC                     $16/SKATER
                     Open to certain levels of figure skaters to work on programs, moves in the
                     field or freestyle elements. Private lessons with prior approval of coaching
                     certification by HYCC Manager. Days/Times subject to change. Max 24
                     skaters/session. Contact: Jeremy Hatstat

                     STROLLER SKATE                         HYCC            $5 PARENT/STROLLER
                     Introduce the kids to the ice arena before they can walk. Bring the
                     stroller on the ice alone or with the whole family.
                     Contact: Jeremy Hatstat
  Our winter classes are 45 mins long and run for six weeks unless otherwise
  Figure skates with toe picks are strongly recommended for Figure Skating
     Clinic. This includes the TOT Program. Invest in your own skates. RENTAL
    Gloves and hats should be worn. Also, a heavy sweater or short jacket is
     recommended for better mobility.
    Helmets are required for all participants enrolled that are 6 years old and
     under. Helmets are also recommended for beginner level participants (Tots,
     Badge 1 & 2).
    Each Instructor will teach two badge levels within the 45 minute lesson.
     Sometimes there will be more than two badges taught. Each group will spend

                                                                                          H Y C C S K AT I N G S C H O O L I N F O R M AT I O N
     up to 25 mins with the Instructor. The other 20 mins will be used for
     participants to practice any of the skills. Parents should encourage their child
     to practice.
    Discipline is necessary on the ice at all times to ensure each participant gets
     the most from their lesson and practice session. Children must be able to
     listen and take direction.
    Parents will NOT be allowed near the lesson areas or on the ice at any time.
     Parents are asked to stay away from the glass and ice area so they do not
     attract the attention of the skaters. This will help prevent disruptions to the
    Attendance will be taken on the ice by the skating instructor during each class.
     If the child misses half of the classes, he/she will not be permitted to test.
     There are no exceptions to this rule. There are no make up classes.
    The Hyannis Youth & Community Center strongly urges parents to stay during
     their child’s lesson. In case of an emergency, it is beneficial to have the
     parent/guardian present.
    If your child comes off the ice and is cold, please have him/her remain in the
     warming house for 5-10 minutes or until warm before sending them back onto
     the ice.
    It is recommended that the participants practice their skills outside of their
     lesson. This may be done during public skating sessions. Schedules are
     available monthly in the rink rental room.
    Any cancellations due to inclement weather will be announced through email
     and on our HYCC Facebook page.
    Instructors reserve the right to move a child to the appropriate level class.
    Children in Kindergarten or 5 years old and first time participants should sign up
     for Badge 1.

                         LTS USA FEES AND MEMBERSHIP
                          (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED):
 L            S      F        USFSA MEMBERSHIP (unless otherwise noted)
$100 Resident / $110 Non-Resident without a current USFSA Membership
$16 USFSA Membership fee if you did not take a class starting on July 1st, 2024.

       Due to program requirements, annual
   memberships to USFSA are required by every
  participant and the valid dates are July 1, 2024
   to June 30, 2025. USA Hockey and MA Hockey
          cannot be used for a substitute.
TOTS CLASS                                  RESIDENT $100/NON-RESIDENT $110
                      Thursdays               December 12– January 23             9:00-9:30 AM
                      No Program: 12/26
                      Participants must be 3 or 4 by the start of the program. This is an
                      unassisted class; parents will not be allowed on the ice. Note the class is
                      30 minutes and we need at least six participants.

                      BASIC 1 -3                                   RESIDENT $100/NON-RESIDENT $110
                      Saturday                 December 14–January 25            10:30-11:15 AM

                      Saturday                 December 14–January 25 11:15 AM-12:00 PM
                      No Program: 1/18
                      If you haven't taken any LTS classes, you will start here in Basic 1. This
                      goes for first time participants that are 5 years old / Kindergarten age as
                      well. The instructor will determine when you are ready to advance.

                      BASIC 4-6                                 RESIDENT $100/NON-RESIDENT $110
                      Saturday                 December 14–January 25              9:00-9:45 AM
                      No Program: 1/18
                      Pre-requisite must have passed out of the basic skills class prior to
                      entering the next level.

                      CREATE TO SKATE/POWER SKATE                  RESIDENT $100/NON-RESIDENT $110
                      Saturday         December 14-January 25                       9:45-10:30 AM
                      No Program: 1/18
                      Pre-requisite must be enrolled in Basic 4 class prior to entering the next
                      level. This class will focus on the creative and artistic side of skating, as
                      well as power skating. A great workout and fun skate!

                                          Contact: Jackie Keaney

            Parking Permits will go on sale starting on
                   December 2, 2024 for 2025!
Below are the options by which you can obtain a 2025 Parking Permit.
Please be advised that Parking Permits are no longer being issued in
Online: Beach stickers may be purchased online by logging into https:// and following the
instructions to purchase your permit(s) (ctrl + click to access).
To access a step-by-step guide to online process, please click on link:
20Guide-Resident%20Parking%20Permits.pdf (ctrl + click to access).

                                                                              PARKING PERMITS & MY BARNSTABLE APP
By Mail: Mail-in applications can be downloaded from townofbarnsta- the link:
Stickers.asp (ctrl + click to access). Permit applications are available at
the Hyannis Youth & Community Center (HYCC) if you are unable to print
the application.
Drop Box: Completed forms can be placed in the drop box located out-
side the front door of the HYCC. Permit applications may be picked up at
the HYCC.
If you have questions, please call the Parking Permit hotline at
508-790-6345 X145 and a Recreation Division team member will get back
to you as soon as possible.

                           MY BARNSTABLE APP

TURKEY SHOOT                          HYCC                            FREE
Saturday, November 23
K+1: 9:00-9:30 AM                        2+3: 9:30-10:00 AM
4/+5: 10:00-10:30 AM                     6+7: 10:30-11:00 AM
8-12: 11:00-11:30 AM
This event is a fun adult/child basketball shooting contest. A parent/
guardian is paired up with their child and each shoot 10 foul shots.
Hoops will be lowered and distance of shot will be shortened to
accommodate younger age groups. The top performing duos will win a
Thanksgiving Themed Prize such as a frozen turkey or a gift card to local
markets and experiences.
Contact: Jack Kapanke

ROCK NIGHT: GRADES 6/7               HYCC            $6/SKATER $6/RENTALS
Saturday: December 21, January 5, March 1 & March 22
7:30-9:00 PM
Rock night at the HYCC! Rock night is a fun and exciting night of skating
on the ice at the HYCC. There will be a DJ spinning your favorite tunes.
If you have not experienced the fun of skating with cool lights and
rocking sound, it is time to visit HYCC. Supervised fun for kids in grade 6
& 7. Bring a friend! Contact: Jackie Keaney

GINGERBREAD DECORATING                HYCC                               $15
Friday, December 20                                            6:00-7:30 PM
Join us for an evening of festive fun! We will supply all the goodies to
make/decorate the gingerbread houses. Participants will have one hour
to assemble and decorate. We will select three winners to receive a
holiday themed prize. You must pre-register for this event. Minimum
of 5 participants required. Contact: Jackie Keaney & Kellie Crawley

Friday—Sunday, December 13-15
Post a picture in the comment section on our social media pages of your
holiday home and light decorations. We will have a post up on December
13th for this challenge. We will randomly select 3 winners to receive a
skating pass to the HYCC. Contact: Kellie Crawley
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