Page created by Nathaniel Ortega
BOWMANS                                            Banking and Financial Services Regulatory


                                    04   Our Firm

                                    05   Our Footprint in Africa

                                    06	Our Banking and Financial Services
                                        Regulatory Practice

                                    08   Our Specialist Services

                                    11   Our Signature Matters

                                    14   Accolades

                                    16   Key Contacts

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BOWMANS                                                                                                                                                                                      Banking and Financial Services Regulatory

                Our Firm                                                                                                        Our Footprint
                                                                                                                                in Africa
                We help our clients overcome legal complexity                                                                   W     e are present in six countries in Africa:
                                                                                                                                      Kenya (Nairobi), Mauritius (Moka), South

                and unlock opportunity in Africa.                                                                               Africa (Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg),
                                                                                                                                Tanzania (Dar es Salaam), Uganda (Kampala)
                                                                                                                                and Zambia (Lusaka).

                O   ur track record of providing specialist legal
                    services in the fields of corporate law,
                banking and finance law and dispute resolution,
                                                                     At the inaugural IFLR1000 Awards for Sub-
                                                                     Saharan Africa (2020), we received 10 awards
                                                                     across four jurisdictions confirming our leadership
                                                                                                                                We work closely with our alliance firms in
                                                                                                                                Ethiopia (Aman Assefa & Associates Law
                                                                                                                                Office) and Nigeria (Udo Udoma & Belo-
                spans over a century.                                when it comes to advising on multijurisdictional           Osagie). These are two of the leading                                                         Uganda
                                                                     mergers and acquisitions in Africa. At the African         corporate and commercial law firms in their
                With eight offices in six African countries and      Legal Awards (2020), we won awards in three                jurisdictions.                                                                                Ethiopia
                over 400 specialist lawyers, we draw on our          categories and were highly commended in a
                unique knowledge of the business and socio-          further four categories including African Law              We have developed best friends relationships
                political environment to advise clients on a wide    Firm of the Year – Large Practice.                         with PFI Partnerships in Malawi and Taciana
                range of legal issues.                                                                                          Peão Lopes & Advogados Associados in
                                                                     We received awards in three out of four                    Mozambique, and regularly work with leading
                                                                                                                                                                                  Nigeria                                          Kenya
                Everywhere we work, we offer clients a               categories at the Dealmakers East Africa Awards            law firms in other countries such as Angola,
                service that uniquely blends expertise in the        (2019): top legal adviser in the M&A Category for          Botswana, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Namibia,                                                         Tanzania
                law, knowledge of the local market, and an           both deal flow and deal value and advised on the           Rwanda, South Sudan and Zimbabwe.
                understanding of their businesses. Our aim           Deal of the Year. In the Dealmakers South Africa                                                                                                         Malawi

                is to assist them to achieve their objectives        Awards (2020), we were placed third for both               We have a comprehensive database of all the       Zambia

                as smoothly and efficiently as possible while        transaction value and transaction volume in the            law firms we work with in the rest of Africa
                minimising the legal and regulatory risks.           General Corporate Finance Category and fourth              covering such countries as Algeria, Egypt,
                                                                     for both deal value and deal volume in the M&A             Morocco and French-speaking West Africa.
                Our clients include corporates, multinationals       Category.                                                                                                                                                     Mauritius
                                                                                                                                                                                  South Africa
                and state-owned enterprises across a range of                                                                   We are representatives of Lex Mundi, a global
                industry sectors as well as financial institutions                                                              association with more than 160 independent                                            Mozambique

                and governments.                                                                                                law firms in all the major centres across
                                                                                                                                the globe. Lex Mundi gives us the ability to
                Our expertise is frequently recognised by                                                                       connect our clients with the best law firms in
                independent research organisations. Most                                                                        each of the countries represented.
                recently, Mergermarket identified us as the                                                                                                                                 Bowmans offices
                number one legal adviser for Africa by number of
                completed deals in 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Alliance firms

                                                                                                                                                                                            Best friends

                                                                                                                                                                                            Significant transaction
                                                                                                                                                                                            or advisory experience

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BOWMANS                                                                                                                            Banking and Financial Services Regulatory

                Our Banking and Financial
                Services Regulatory Practice

                Our Banking and Financial Services Regulatory       Our multi-talented lawyers are highly regarded
                practice provides high quality legal advice         for their excellence, broad experience and
                and support on legal and regulatory aspects         versatility. We work on difficult, demanding
                of banking regulation, financial services,          and innovative local and international deals
                investment management, investment funds,            and provide the highest quality of service
                insurance law, pensions and medical aid to          to all types of clients including leading
                international and domestic financial institutions   local and international financial institutions,
                and the financial services sector generally.        corporate and investment banks, corporates,
                                                                    state-owned entities, regulatory bodies
                We also provide specialist advice on                and governments. We offer legal advice in
                structured products, derivatives (including         relation to all aspects of banking and financial
                ‘over-the-counter’ derivative products).            institutions regulation and financial services.

                Our expertise includes the establishment            Our practice regularly advises a broad
                of banks, financial services providers and          range of clients on all aspects of South
                various financial institutions and the carrying     African regulatory work as it pertains to
                out of lending and investment banking               banking regulation and financial services,
                activities within Sub-Saharan Africa.               including advising domestic and foreign
                                                                    banks, fund managers, portfolio managers,
                We have well-established relationships              credit providers, pension funds, pension fund
                with the South African Reserve Bank                 administrators, medical aid schemes and
                Prudential Authority, the Financial Sector          medical aid administrators, stock brokers
                Conduct Authority (FSCA) and National               and more recently, digital platform financial
                Credit Regulator, among others, and we              service providers (FINTECH Firms).
                often interact with them on a wide range
                of matters for the benefit of our clients.

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BOWMANS                                                                                                                                                                                                 Banking and Financial Services Regulatory

                Our Specialist Services

                Financial Sector Laws                                 Fund Formation and Registration                             Insurance                                           •   advising on on-going regulatory and
                                                                                                                                                                                          prudential requirements applicable to
                We have specialist knowledge of the                   We have expertise in the formation and                      We advise on a broad range of matters                   banking institutions; acquisitions and
                following financial sector laws:                      registration of various types of investment                 concerning long–term and short–term                     disposal of interests in a bank; and
                                                                      funds (such as collective investment schemes                insurance legislation, including the new            •   cash management services.
                •   Banks Act                                         and hedge funds) in Sub-Saharan Africa.                     Insurance Act. Our service offering includes:
                •   Collective Investment Schemes Control Act         Our service offering includes:                                                                                  More specifically we are involved in:
                •   Financial Advisory and                                                                                        •   advising on formation and restructuring of
                    Intermediary Services Act                         •   advising on the applicability of the                        insurance companies: this includes advising     •   drafting, reviewing and negotiating
                •   Financial Institutions (Protection                    relevant legislation to fund managers and                   and assisting clients with setting up a local       agreements with services and product
                    of Funds) Act                                         their funds in general and specific issues                  presence and obtaining relevant licences            providers. These often include the
                •   Financial Markets Act                                 relating to the marketing and sale of                       to conduct the business of an insurer. From         review of product development
                •   Financial Intelligence Centre Act                     funds; registration and ongoing regulatory                  a restructuring perspective, we advise              agreements; distribution agreements;
                •   Financial Sector Regulation Act                       requirements; regulatory changes;                           and assist clients with the acquisition             product administration agreements
                •   Insurance Act                                         and acceptance of client mandates                           and disposal of shares in insurance                 and other ancillary agreements;
                •   National Credit Act                                   on a reverse-solicitation basis; and                        companies (and ancillary matters);              •   drafting or reviewing policy and
                •   Consumer Protection Act                           •   preparing, reviewing and filing applications            •   preparing, reviewing and filing necessary           other governance documents; and
                •   National Payment Systems Act                          for registration of fund managers                           notifications and applications for approval     •   preparing, reviewing and filing applications
                •   Pension Funds Act                                     (including their funds) and applications                    where notification or approval thresholds           and representations to the Prudential
                                                                          for approval of foreign funds.                              are triggered regarding the acquisition and         Authority regarding the formation and
                Financial Services                                    •   advising on the structuring of funds.                       disposal of shares in insurance companies;          restructuring of banks, branches and
                                                                                                                                  •   assisting with the formation of cell                representative offices of foreign banks.
                Our service offering includes:                        Capital Markets                                                 captives, captive insurers and third-party
                                                                                                                                      arrangements: in particular this includes       Lending Services
                •   advising on the applicability of relevant         Our capital markets related                                     advice on the fundamental structures for
                    legislation to our clients’ business activities   service offering includes:                                      providing insurance business through            We advise on complex and vanilla credit
                    in general, and specific issues relating                                                                          these arrangements, drafting the necessary      arrangements and assist clients to set
                    to selling financial products; marketing          •   advising on brokerage/ trading                              agreements and engaging with the                up a local presence and obtain licences
                    financial services; registration and ongoing          arrangements (including the regulatory                      regulators to obtain approvals; and             to provide regulated lending services.
                    regulatory requirements; regulatory                   environment of exchanges and brokers)                   •   drafting, reviewing and negotiating             Our service offering includes:
                    changes; and acceptance of client                     and custodial arrangements (including                       service level agreements, binder
                    mandates on a reverse-solicitation basis;             the regulatory environment of central                       agreements, outsourcing agreements              •   advising on the applicability of the relevant
                •   preparing, reviewing and submitting                   securities depositories and central                         and intermediary agreements.                        legislation to lending arrangements;
                    applications for licences to operate as               securities depository participants);                                                                        •   registering credit providers, debt
                    financial service providers, and notifying        •   negotiating relationships with brokers,                 Banking Services                                        counsellors and credit bureaus;
                    the relevant regulators about any                     custodians, and nominees;                                                                                   •   restructuring, acquisitions and disposals
                    changes occurring post licensing;                 •   establishing and registering brokers,                   Our service offering includes:                          of interests in credit providers;
                •   reviewing and filing applicable                       custodians and nominees; and                                                                                •   advising on on-going compliance
                    annual reports (such as compliance                •   drafting, reviewing and negotiating                     •   advising and assisting with formation               obligations for credit providers, debt
                    reports and financial statements)                     brokerage agreements and custodial                          and restructuring of banks, branches                counsellors and credit bureaux; and
                    with the relevant regulators; and                     agreements, among others.                                   of foreign banks and representative             •   drafting, reviewing and negotiating
                •   drafting, reviewing and negotiating                                                                               offices of foreign banks;                           credit arrangements, services level
                    discretionary investment mandates, foreign                                                                                                                            agreements and white label agreements.
                    exchange investment mandates and
                    other investment related agreements.

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BOWMANS                                                                                                                                                                                    Banking and Financial Services Regulatory

                                                                                                                        Our Signature Matters

                Payment Services                                 Sustainable Investment                                 We have vast experience in our specialist         Banking Services
                                                                                                                        services, a few highlights would include:
                We are well versed in the national payment       We offer advice on the range of alternative                                                              Clients: Standard Bank of South Africa Limited;
                systems space. We advise clients on a broad      investment approaches and structures                   Financial Services                                Capitec Bank Limited; SMBC; and BNP Paribas.
                range of payment platform and service            within the fields of sustainable investing,                                                              Work Highlight: Assisted and advised
                matters. Our service offering includes           responsible investing and impact investing,            Clients: Credit Suisse; Morgan Stanley;           Capitec from a banking regulatory
                providing legal advice and guidance on           to issuers of listed shares and bonds, private         T. Rowe Price; Nomura; IG Markets;                perspective in respect of Capitec’s
                registrations of payment system operators        equity investors, institutional investors              and MOTUS Financial Services.                     acquisition of Mercantile Bank Holdings.
                and third party payment providers.               including pension funds, insurers and                  Work Highlight: Extensive advice to numerous
                                                                 medical schemes, as well as other industry             global and domestic asset managers                Lending Services
                Exchange Control                                 participants such as fund managers, asset              and other financial services providers on
                                                                 consultants and consultancies. Our advice              all aspects of the application of South           Clients: ClearScore; Intelligent Debt
                Our service offering includes:                   covers Regulation 28 of the SA Pension                 African financial services legislation.           Management (DebtBusters); Caterpillar South
                                                                 Funds Act, the King Code, the various JSE                                                                Africa; Avis Rent-A-Car; and Bank of America.
                •   advising on the applicability of exchange    Rules, the UN Principles for Responsible               Fund Formation and Registration                   Work Highlight: “Assisted ClearScore
                    control laws to cross-border transactions,   Investment, and various applicable or relevant                                                           on their entry into and establishment
                    such as in-ward loans; cross-border          international instruments such as the EU               Clients: T. Rowe Price; Janus Henderson; Credit   in the South African market as a re-
                    transfer of interests; cross-border cash     Sustainable Finance Directive and Taxonomy.            Suisse; The Carlyle Group; and Discovery.         seller credit bureau under the NCA”.
                    pooling and notional pooling arrangements;                                                          Work Highlight: Assisted T. Rowe
                    cross-border remittance/ transfer of                                                                Price to successfully register multiple           Payment Services
                    money; and foreign investments;                                                                     Luxembourg-domiciled funds for
                •   drafting, reviewing and filing                                                                      active promotion in South Africa.                 Clients: Stripe; GoCardless; Mastercard;
                    applications for approval regarding                                                                                                                   Wigroup; and Virgin Money.
                    cross-border transactions; and                                                                      Capital Markets                                   Work Highlight: Advised Virgin Money
                •   advising and assisting with formation                                                                                                                 on the application of payment and
                    of ‘authorised dealers in foreign                                                                   Clients: Link Market Services;                    other regulatory instruments to their
                    exchange with limited authority’.                                                                   BNP Paribas; and Liquidnet                        product, Virgin Money Spot.
                                                                                                                        Work Highlight: Advised Link Market
                Derivatives                                                                                             Services in relation to the obligations of a      Sustainable Investment
                                                                                                                        central securities depository participant
                We advise on the marketing and sale                                                                     towards the treatment of unclaimed funds          Clients: Public Investment Corporation,
                of derivative products (listed and OTC)                                                                 and interest accrued on unclaimed funds.          Old Mutual Group, UNPRI, The Standard
                and review and negotiate ISDA Master                                                                                                                      Bank Tutuwa Community Foundation,
                Agreements, annexures and schedules.                                                                    Insurance                                         Tshikululu, Rise Foundation, the Green
                                                                                                                                                                          Outcomes Fund, RMB, Bill & Melinda
                We advise on the recently-introduced                                                                    Clients: Alexander Forbes Group, Old              Gates Foundation, Freshfields.
                OTC derivatives regulatory regime                                                                       Mutual Group and Sanlam Group.                    Work highlight: Producing the guidance
                under the Financial Markets Act and                                                                     Work Highlight: We advised Alexander Forbes       note for UNPRI signatories on acting in
                attend to applications for authorisation                                                                on the disposal of its South African short-term   concert regulations in South Africa.
                as an OTC Derivative Provider with the                                                                  insurance business to Momentum Metropolitan
                Financial Sector Conduct Authority.                                                                     Holdings for approximately ZAR 2 billion.

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BOWMANS                                                                          Banking and Financial Services Regulatory

                Exchange Control

                Clients: Ener-G System Joburg (RF) (Pty) Ltd;
                Ascensia Diabates Care South Africa (Pty) Ltd;
                Gold One South Africa SPV (RF) (Pty) Ltd.
                Work Highlight: Advised various clients
                (foreign and local) on exchange control
                laws and assisted various clients to obtain
                exchange control approvals from the Financial
                Surveillance Department of the South African
                Reserve Bank (FinSurv) and Authorised Dealers
                in foreign exchange. For example, we assisted
                Gold One South Africa SPV (RF) (Pty) Ltd in
                getting FinSurv to regularise its inward loan.


                Clients: Plus500; AxiCorp; and IG Markets.
                Work Highlight: Advised on the need
                for various product providers to become
                registered as OTC Derivative Providers
                under the Financial Markets Act, against a
                complex and dynamic regulatory landscape.

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BOWMANS                                                                                                                                                            Banking and Financial Services Regulatory

                                                                                                             CHAMBERS & PARTNERS             IFLR1000 2020                THE LEGAL 500 EMEA
                            IFLR1000 FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE
                                                                                                             2021 RANKED US IN               RANKED US IN THE             2021 RANKED US IN
                            GUIDE 2020                                                                       THE FOLLOWING AREAS             FOLLOWING AREAS              THE FOLLOWING AREAS
                            Eighteen of our practices across five jurisdictions are ranked
                            (eight in the top tier) and 37 of our lawyers are recognised.                      BAND 1                         TIER 1                        TIER 1

                                                                                                               KENYA                          KENYA                         KENYA
                            MERGERMARKET’S AFRICAN AND                                                         Banking & Finance              Financial & Corporate         Banking, Finance & Capital Markets
                                                                                                               Corporate/ M&A                                               Commercial, Corporate & M&A
                            MIDDLE EAST LEAGUE TABLES 2020                                                     Employment
                                                                                                               FinTech Legal                  SOUTH AFRICA                  Real Estate & Construction
                            Bowmans is identified as the top ranked legal firm                                 Intellectual Property          Capital Markets: Debt
                            by number of completed deals in 2020.                                              Real Estate                    Capital Markets: Equity       SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                                                                                              Energy & Power                Commercial, Corporate & M&A
                                                                                                               SOUTH AFRICA                   M&A                           Competition
                            AFRICAN LEGAL AWARDS 2020                                                          Capital Markets: Debt                                        Employment
                                                                                                               Capital Markets: Equity                                      Projects & Infrastructure
                                                                                                               Competition/ Antitrust                                       Shipping & Transport
                            We won three practice awards at the African Legal Awards hosted by                                                Financial & Corporate
                                                                                                               Corporate Investigations
                            Legal Week and the Corporate Counsel Association of South Africa:                                                 Project Development
                                                                                                               Corporate/ M&A                                               TANZANIA
                            Competition Team of the Year, Energy and Natural Resources Team                    Employment                                                   Leading Firm
                            of the Year, and Transportation and Infrastructure Team of the Year.               Environment                    TIER 2
                                                                                                               IT & Telecommunications                                      UGANDA
                                                                                                               Projects & Energy              KENYA                         Leading Firm
                            DEALMAKERS EAST AFRICA AWARDS 2020                                                 Public Procurement             Energy & Power
                                                                                                               Shipping                       Infrastructure                TIER 2
                            We were among DealMakers East Africa’s leading dealmakers for 2020,                Tax
                                                                                                                                              SOUTH AFRICA
                            placing first for number of M&A transactions worked on in East Africa,                                                                          KENYA
                                                                                                               TANZANIA                       Banking
                            with more than 26% market share, and having advised on the deal                                                   Infrastructure                Dispute Resolution
                                                                                                               General Business Law
                            named Deal of the Year.                                                                                           Mining                        Privatisation & Projects
                                                                                                               UGANDA                         Oil & Gas
                                                                                                                                                                            SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                                                               General Business Law           Project Finance
                                                                                                                                                                            Banking & Finance
                            IFLR1000 AWARDS FOR SUB-SAHARAN                                                                                                                 Dispute Resolution
                                                                                                               BAND 2                         TANZANIA                      Investment Funds
                            AFRICA, 2020                                                                                                      Financial & Corporate         Tax
                                                                                                               AFRICA WIDE
                            Bowmans is confirmed as the top multi-jurisdictional M&A adviser in                TMT                            OTHER NOTABLE
                            Africa at IFLR’s inaugural awards for Sub-Saharan Africa. We received
                            10 awards across four jurisdictions including being named Tanzania                                                MAURITIUS
                                                                                                               Private Wealth Law
                            Firm of the Year, Uganda Firm of the Year, and being recognised as the             Projects & Energy              Financial & Corporate
                            overall M&A Team of the Year.
                                                                                                               SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                                                               Administrative & Public Law
                                                                                                               Banking & Finance
                            DEALMAKERS SOUTH AFRICA AWARDS                                                     Dispute Resolution
                            2020                                                                               Media & Broadcasting
                                                                                                               Restructuring/ Insolvency
                            We were among DealMakers South Africa’s leading dealmakers for
                            2020, placing third for both transaction value and transaction volume in
                            the General Corporate Finance Category and fourth for both deal value
                                                                                                                            Recognised                    Recognised                     Recognised
                            and deal volume in the M&A Category.
                                                                                                                 71         Lawyers            37         Lawyers             66         Lawyers

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BOWMANS                                                                                                                Banking and Financial Services Regulatory

     Key Contacts

                DAVID GERAL                                         CHRISTINE RODRIGUES
                Head of Banking and Financial Services Regulatory   Partner
                Johannesburg, South Africa                          Johannesburg, South Africa

                T: +27 11 669 9514                                  T: +27 11 669 9531
                E:                       E:

                FAZIL HOSSENKHAN                                    DEIRDRE PHILLIPS
                Managing Partner, Mauritius                         Partner
                Moka, Mauritius                                     Johannesburg, South Africa

                T: +230 5421 3032                                   T: +27 11 669 9196
                E:                  E: deirdre.phillips@bowmanslaw.coM

                BRIAN KALULE                                        KIRSTEN KERN
                Partner                                             Partner
                Kampala, Uganda                                     Johannesburg, South Africa

                                                                    T: +27 11 669 9553
                E:                      E:

                BRIGHT TIBANE
                Johannesburg, South Africa

                T: +27 11 669 9521

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Cape Town, South Africa
          T: +27 21 480 7800

          Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
          T: +255 76 898 8640

          Durban, South Africa
          T: +27 31 109 1150

          Johannesburg, South Africa
          T: +27 11 669 9000

          Kampala, Uganda
          T: +256 41 425 4540

          Lusaka, Zambia
          T: +260 211 356 638

          Moka, Mauritius
          T: +230 52 98 01 00

          Nairobi, Kenya
          T: +254 20 289 9000

          Follow us on Twitter:

          Alliance Firms:

          Aman Assefa & Associates Law Office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
          T: +251 11 470 2868

          Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie, Lagos, Nigeria
          T: +234 1 2774920-2, +234 1 2719811-3

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