Baltic Tech Ventures - BTV - BTV - The only exchange traded tech accelerator/early stage VC investor - Nasdaq Baltic

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Baltic Tech Ventures - BTV - BTV - The only exchange traded tech accelerator/early stage VC investor - Nasdaq Baltic
Baltic Tech Ventures
                             Scalable Technology


BTV – The only exchange traded tech accelerator/early stage VC investor
    Managed by experienced investment bankers and industry professionals

                                                                           Jan 2021
Baltic Tech Ventures - BTV - BTV - The only exchange traded tech accelerator/early stage VC investor - Nasdaq Baltic
Baltic Tech Ventures
                                      Connecting Innovation with Experience

              BTV is investing in scalable technology start-ups/companies across the Baltics
              focusing on seed and early stage investment.

              The most efficient platform connecting innovation with expertise, experience and access to proprietary and
              third party funding. Our team of experts will allow our portfolio companies access to expertise, protection
              of IP, scalability to global markets.

              Access to institutional and private investors through our vast network of contacts and strategic partners.
              We focus on companies with ability to scale globally. We invest only in most capable management teams;
              key people need to take and excel in psychometric evaluations.

              BTV has a unique ability to promote our portfolio companies and their founders through our proprietary
              media network (The Baltic Times) and our media partners.

              Allow investors full economic upside of our portfolio companies with no management or success fees, no
              lockup and no investment minimum. BTV's shareholders also have full unrestricted access to our portfolio
              companies, ability to co-invest with us in our pipeline of fully vetted tech start-ups.

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                                          2
Baltic Tech Ventures - BTV - BTV - The only exchange traded tech accelerator/early stage VC investor - Nasdaq Baltic
Our Vision

      Full alignment of          Empower prospective and           Being the only exchange traded
 interest with investors and    scalable tech innovations in     (Nasdaq Baltic First North) early
   start-up entrepreneurs      the Baltics with the guidance    stage investor, provide unrestricted
     with laser focus on          from our deep bench of        access to our portfolio of tech start-
   profitable exits of our     experts and strategic partners   ups/companies and allow investors
        investments.               and provide access to            around the world realize full
                                 investor funding to build            economic upside with no
                                   global and sustainable         management or success fees, no
                                     business unicorns.           lockup or investment minimum.

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                           3
Baltic Tech Ventures - BTV - BTV - The only exchange traded tech accelerator/early stage VC investor - Nasdaq Baltic
Our Investment Strategy
    Clarity of Investment Criteria

 Focus on seed and early stage VC investment in start-up
 projects and technologies that meet BTV's criteria. Key       Pre-seed   Seed   Series A   Series B
 factors include global scalability and strong management.

 Invest up to 10% of the equity where we see a clear path to
 successful exit. BTV provides guidance through experience,
 expertise and network to help portfolio companies protect
 their IP, increase sales globally and attract third party

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                             4
Baltic Tech Ventures - BTV - BTV - The only exchange traded tech accelerator/early stage VC investor - Nasdaq Baltic
Our Investment Strategy
  Focus on Rapid Scalability and Value

 We target tech start-ups/companies which create value in the       Software      Media       Biotech    Data security
 fields of software, technology, energy, biotech, data security,         Technology                     Communications
 media and communications.

 BTV chooses to invest in ambitious, versatile and knowledgeable
 teams. We onboard the best teams by deploying behavioral
 assessment methodology to identify talented management teams.

 Our focus is on the Baltic region as one with deep roots in tech
 innovation, state and European Union support. Over 2,500
 registered start-ups and over 500 dynamic young tech companies.

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                               5
Baltic Tech Ventures - BTV - BTV - The only exchange traded tech accelerator/early stage VC investor - Nasdaq Baltic
Our Investment Strategy
     Investment Cycle and Exit

 BTV is a team of experienced investment bankers, working
 together with young entrepreneurs with a laser focus on
 profitable exits and generating shareholder value.

 We know what institutional investors look for and will guide
 portfolio companies to ensure successful B and C funding
 rounds, at which time BTV would seek to exit its investment.

 Our target investment cycle is 24 months from start to exit.

Baltic Tech Ventures                                            6
Baltic Tech Ventures - BTV - BTV - The only exchange traded tech accelerator/early stage VC investor - Nasdaq Baltic
Baltic States : Deep Well of Entrepreneurial Potential and Innovation
      The Baltic states have become         The convenient landscape for              The motherland of global
  1   a booming start-up scene with     2   business activity creates a vibrant   3   unicorns – Skype, Bolt, Bitfury,
      more than 2500 registered             start-up ecosystem with                   Vinted, Pipedrive – uncovering
      start-ups and billions of euros       abundance of talent, low cost of          immense potential in
      invested. The three states rank       living, continuous high ranking           technology with accumulated
      Top-10 in early entrepreneurial       in ease of doing business,                knowledge, experience and
      activity in Europe.                   friendly regulatory environment           confidence to scale and go
                                            and robust IT infrastructure.             globally.
Baltic Tech Ventures - BTV - BTV - The only exchange traded tech accelerator/early stage VC investor - Nasdaq Baltic
Why are we different (…and better)!
                                           Other                                                  Other
                                  BTV   accelerators                                     BTV   accelerators
For portfolio companies                                For investors

   No service or mentoring                               No management or success
   fees                                                  fees

  Protection of IP and                                   No lockup or investment
  register trademarks/ patents                           minimum

                                                         Secure investing - financials
  Promotion of the company
                                                         fully audited, regulatory
  and founders in media.
                                                         oversight under Nasdaq

                                                         Transparency and full
   Guide with expertise and
                                                         unrestricted access to
   experience to scale globally
                                                         portfolio companies

   Access to proprietary and                             Ability to co-invest with
   third party funding                                   us in our pipeline of fully
                                                         vetted tech start-ups

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                     8
Baltic Tech Ventures - BTV - BTV - The only exchange traded tech accelerator/early stage VC investor - Nasdaq Baltic
Value-added for
                       Portfolio Companies
                          and Investors

Baltic Tech Ventures                      9
Baltic Tech Ventures - BTV - BTV - The only exchange traded tech accelerator/early stage VC investor - Nasdaq Baltic
BTV for Start-ups/Companies

        Fundraising                  Expertise & Experience                         Promotion
   ➢ Independent review of your       ➢ Access to expertise and             ➢ Active promotion of portfolio
     business and invest up to 10%      experience of our team of             companies and their founders
     of equity if selected              experts to scale globally and         through our proprietary media
   ➢ Access to institutional and        build sustainable business            network - The Baltic Times -
     private investors through our                                            and our media partners
                                      ➢ Business development, sales,
     vast network of contacts and       tailor presentations for success    ➢ Arrange interviews with
     strategic partners                 and promote the right product-        founders
   ➢ Work on your behalf to get         market fit
                                                                            ➢ Identify and gain access to
     investors and negotiate the      ➢ Assistance with all legal aspects     right customers and suppliers
     best terms                         in registration of trademarks         in all key markets. We facilitate
   ➢ Assistance with acquiring          and patents, protection of your       international expansion of the
     EU/EC funding                      intellectual property (IP)            company.

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                   10
BTV for Investors
                                                                          Diversified high-quality
         Low costs                   Shareholder Benefits                        portfolio
                                     ➢ Complete transparency as
   ➢ Full alignment of economic                                            ➢ Allow investors full economic
                                       expected from a listed company
     interest: no management fee                                             upside and benefit from
                                       fully compliant with Nasdaq
     or success fee                                                          expertise of our investment
                                       Baltic First North regulations.
                                                                             committee and team of experts
   ➢ No lockup or investment         ➢ Full unrestricted access to our
     minimum. You can buy as                                               ➢ Fully vetted tech start-
                                       portfolio companies and ability
     little as one share.                                                    ups/companies in the Baltic
                                       to co-invest with us in the best
                                                                             region that meet BTV’s
   ➢ Publicly listed shares traded     deal flows of fully vetted tech
                                                                             investment criteria
     through any Nasdaq Baltic         start-ups.
     Exchange member around the      ➢ Major investors who own more        ➢ We onboard companies with the
     world.                            than 5% of our shares are             most capable and ambitious
                                       invited to join our investment        management teams that pass our
                                       committee.                            psychometric tests.

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                   11
Value Creation for Investors
 Every investor is a shareholder of Baltic Tech Ventures which is exchange traded
 accelerator on Nasdaq Baltic First North.

     Portfolio of the best     Assist portfolio start-ups in     Stable dividend        Exit the investment
      fully vetted start–     business development, sales,     payout of 15% after    through our network of
    ups/companies in the       legal aspects of securing IP     scaling up in 1.5-2     other VC or PE fund
    Baltics with versatile,   or trademarks, fundraising,             years.            managers. We invest
      ambitious and the       promotion of a product and                                where we see a clear
     most capable teams         founders, identifying and                              path to successful exit
          on board.           connecting to suppliers and                              as per our investment
                              customers around the world                                        cycle.
                              to increase the value of their

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                  12
How We Generate Revenue
 We charge for results not actions. BTV will generate success fees from assisting portfolio
 companies and exiting its investments:

           BTV will help portfolio               The funds raised through         BTV exits an investment
    1      companies through the network     2   BTV’s network and            3   and sells its stake in a
           of our “team of experts” and          partnerships. We will take       start-up/company at the
           strategic partners to enter new       % of funds raised for our        end of the target
           markets, connect to customers         portfolio companies.             investment cycle.
           and scale up. We will take % of
           new recurring revenue generated
           directly through our

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                              13
Investment Process

                                                                          In-depth due
                                   Meeting               Meeting          diligence and
                                   with us               with us           term sheets

                            1          2          3          4        5         6           7

                       Pre-screening          High level           Investment             Deploy
                                             due diligence         Committee

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                        14
Selected Target Companies
 Our team has identified the following companies as those with excellent growth potential where BTV can make
 the strongest contribution to their success.

           HRMNY is an ML-powered            is an interactive                 MASC is a platform that makes                 Flipful is an app that allows             Jetbeep is a mobile app that
         human technology to recognize                app that makes it easy to                      PPE procurement process                  employees access to their earned           enables personalized in-store
         cognitive and behavior patterns             practice instruments, learn                 transparent, simple, and reliable.           salary anytime without affecting            engagement and interaction
        and empower building teams with                   and teach music.                                                                        existing payroll process.                 for retailers and brands.
              strong relationships.

       Bercman develops Smart City, Smart              AgroPlatforma is a B2B marketplace           Attention Insight is visual attention     Haslle is company spending               iDenfy is a certified online identity
       Road and Mobility related innovative           that allows farmers and grain buyers to      prediction technology based on deep      management solution that helps             verification company that provides
      products and services to accelerate the           communicate, fix grain prices, and              learning. It improves design          managers to track budgets,                  secure and reliable solution to
      progress towards self-driving vehicles             complete deals in a much faster,           performance by instantly predicting      purchases, subscriptions, and             instantly verify consumer’s identity
     and eliminate all traffic-related fatalities.         profitable, and efficient way.          where people will look while engaging        cards all in one place.               and enable business to be compliant,
                                                                                                              in your content.                                                           smoother and more profitable.

       CHRG Network makes EV charging                          Calidity is a software based        Themo is a truly intelligent heating        IoT platform that provides
        accessible everywhere for everyone                    solution that makes sure that         system that enables customers to          monitoring and management
       by connecting charging stations into                  climate hardware is working as       save money on electricity and reduce      solutions for solar plant owners,
           a single network and enabling                     efficiently as it possibly could.      significantly carbon footprint by         installers, and maintenance
         owners to generate revenue from                                                            optimizing energy consumption.           companies to increase energy
          sharing their charging stations.                                                                                                       production and usage.

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                                                                                                             15
Portfolio Companies and Innovation Projects
   We actively source and discuss start-ups for our portfolio as per BTV’s investment
   strategy. Meet our current portfolio companies and related entities:

            Asya                          SIZZAPP                                 STAYE                                     Orocon                            Corebook                                Kedeon Solutions
Asya is a relationship health app   SIZZAPP is a compact and              STAYE is the first Living as             Orocon is a SaaS solution for   Corebook is an interactive web tool to          Kedeon is a food quality tracking
 that facilitates building happy     easy to install smart alarm               a Service platform                 construction and maintenance     build and share online brand books.               platform that makes the food
     and meaningful couple            device for motorcycles to              providing solutions for              companies to manage, control        Corebook is here to aspire full               system more resource-efficient,
                                    track, protect, and monitor            flexible living and the new             and optimize their processes.         confidence in branding.                   secure, transparent and trusted.
relationships powered by Ethical
 AI and emotional intelligence..      your vehicle all the time.               work environment.

            Zeew                                             iWrist                                          The Baltic Times                            Maximus Capital                         Mechanical Macro Keypad
   Zeew is a leading provider                     iWrist is an inclusive wearable                        The Baltic Times is an independent         Baltic and Swiss based investment            A fully programmable macro keypad
    of on-demand delivery                     navigation device that uses haptics to                     monthly newspaper that covers the          advisor and manager specializing             designed to help developers, creators
      technology to many                      guide the user .The bracelet connects                      latest political, economic, business,        in "special situations", capital           and streamers perform complex tasks
    companies worldwide.                     to a phone application to receive a GPS                      and cultural events in the Baltics.         raising, expertise in corporate                  with a single button press.
                                                    signal and directions data.                                                                     finance and investment banking.

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                                                                                                                        16
Our Expertise and Experience
          Our team of experts is a deep bench of experience with identifying, growing and profitably existing technology start-ups. We
          combine corporate discipline with entrepreneurial spirit to spot talented teams, great ideas and exciting commercial opportunities.

   Gene Zolotarev           Renat Lokomet           Hagith Malul            Andris Breske                 Tony Ihander            Gerard Haddad              Dr. Alexander Kern          Alex Felman                     Jim Mullins

 CEO of BTV, Head of       Strategical partner      Experienced VC           RIGA COMM -                  Made over 50            Senior technology            Experienced VC/PE           Founder of                 Experienced VC               The co-founder of
Investment Committee,      of Venture Faculty    investor, former Chief      Baltic Business         investments and had 13      attorney, IP investor        investor and business     Startup42 Media.            investor involved in         RBC, a leading Russian
 Founder of Maximus        accelerator, former    of Staff, Innovation      Technology Fair         successful exits between    and valuation advisor.       developer. Professor in   Experienced startup         numerous start-ups,           news/data company. He
      Capital SA            senior banker in          and Business          and Conference.            1998-2018. Tony has                                      leading European       investor working in         one of which recently         has participated in over
                           corporate finance.    Development at eBay.                                   made a successful                                         universities on       various high tech             won the Health              30 M&A transactions
                                                                                                     business career as CEO                                   entrepreneurship and     industries (Edtech,         Initiative of the Year         and post-acquisition
                                                                                                      of many fast growing                                        VC investing.         Biotech, Mobile).           Award in Scotland.               restructurings.

       Andrew                                                                                                                                                                                                               Leonid
                              John Wright          Oliver Bramwell          Sergio Contaldo               Olia Kaimakchi              Arie Kogan                   Egils Milbergs          Denise Holzer                                          C. Derek Campbell
   Grigolyunovich                                                                                                                                                                                                         Makharinsky

Ranked #12 in the world       Monaco Private        Expert in Baltic         Private Equity &             Founder of KCG         Angel investor and VC            Co-Founder at          Licensed Investment           Industrial technologies    CEO of Blue Ocean
 for financial modelling        Equity and           banking and          Venture Capital Funds          Capital, raised over    advisor; experience in          Opportunity Zone        Banker. For 15 years             entrepreneur and        Holdings Ventures,
 according to Modeloff        Venture Capital          fintech.            Seeder, Investor and         EUR 2.3bn in debt and   Enterprise Software, Agile         Accelerator.           worked with select            investor, focusing on    Executive Chairman of
Official World Rankings.       Association                                Advisor - Entrepreneur,         equity projects in     Methodologies, Mobile                                    family offices and              the energy sector.     AlphaSierra Advisory,
                                 (MVCA).                                   Engineer, IESE MBA.            Eastern Europe.       Applications, and recently                                   specializes in              Angel investor and       Experienced venture
                                                                                                                                  in AI related projects.                               Technology, Artificial          mentor to technology          capitalist.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Intelligence & E-Sports.                startups.

       Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                                                                                                                                       17
Our Expertise and Experience
            Our team of experts is a deep bench of experience with identifying, growing and profitably existing technology start-ups. We
            combine corporate discipline with entrepreneurial spirit to spot talented teams, great ideas and exciting commercial opportunities.

   Renata Šumskaitė              Peter Madsen                     Petr Baron                     Mario Krivokapić                     Anil Kumar                   Soumitra Deshpande                Petra Wolkenstein                Rando Rannus             Lauri Antalainen

    Experienced Leader,       Founding Partner of             CEO, TBI Bank, one                  Mario is the CEO of             Chairman of Ransat                Experienced investor,              M&A and growth              Founder of Panta Rhei    Founder of DigiWise and
    Lecturer, Consultant      White Castle Partners,          of the most profitable         Growthnetix and has 20 years            Group - global                   mentor and startup             expert in technology          Ventures, Co-founder     board member of EstBAN
   skilled in growing and      Founder of UNITE.              and efficient banks in        of experience in sales and team     commodities trader and            entrepreneur with multiple          and entertainment              and Group CEO of       (Estonian Business Angel
developing teams. Focused        Venture capital,               Southeast Europe.             management, with a focus on      investor; deep experience            successful exits. Deep           industries. Mentor to            SmartAD, venture      Network), also Co-founder
  on growing VC backed            private equity,               Angel investor into         the IT industry, organized and     in private equity, venture          experience in Baltics and           many successful              investor and business     of the first European
startups to achieve optimal        funding and                 fintech, technology,          led over 400 sales training and     capital, technologies.                internationally.                    startups.                  advisor to startups      business accelerator
          potential.          recruitment advisor.                 e-commerce.                    mentoring sessions.                                                                                                                    worldwide.          dedicated to startups in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               video games sector.

    Denis Gorbunov                     Tony Davis                      Jekaterina Novicka                      Svetoslav Stefanov                           Raj Sitlani                        Michael Barrell                   Sergei Alekseev               Miikka Niemelä

Angel and experienced VC          Partner at White Castle            Co-Founder of the Latvian                VC, angel investor and                   Highly experienced                     Founder of several              20+ years experience as a      Creating new products in
  investor with a focus on       LLC, Monaco -specialists         Startup Association "Startin.LV",         entrepreneur with focus on                  financial markets                businesses including Juliet         senior executive and Board        both internal OP Lab
fintech. Presently a CFO of      in private equity, venture        initiator of the startup law and          CEE-related software and                professional with a very              Media, MBR Partners,               member in Oil & Gas, Oil      teams and in collaboration
 a major bank in Bulgaria.          capital, investment           startup visa in Latvia, founder of           digital media growth                   strong background in                   CoFounder Venture               Field Services, Energy and            with external
                                 introductions and M&A.     - startup                 companies scaling                      futures and options                 Studios, and investor in           natural resource (mining)     startups. Passionate about
                                                                   community platform providing                  internationally.                          brokerage.                       some great businesses             companies and ventures.        open innovation, service
                                                                    information from and about                                                                                            leading the way in digital                                           development and user
                                                                     Latvian startup scene to the                                                                                              transformation.                                                      experience.
        Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                                                                                                                                                        18
Strategic Partners
                                                                                                                               TMT Investments

                                                                                                                                                                     KCG Capital

              The Monaco Private                    Dot Matrix Group                         9Others: Global network
              Equity and Venture                                                                   of over 4,000
              Capital Association                                                            entrepreneurs in 45 cities
                                                                                                around the world.
                                                                                                                               Titanium Technologies Group

                                                                         Latvian Private                                                                           Blue Ocean Holdings
                                  Global Business Owners               Equity and Venture
                                                                       Capital Association

                                                                                                          Estonian Private
  Venture Faculty:                                                                                       Equity and Venture
Venture Hub in Riga,                                                                                     Capital Association                Lithuanian Private
      Latvia.                                                                                                                               Equity and Venture
                                                                                                                                            Capital Association

                                                              Venture Rocket

                                                                                                                                                                   White Castle Partners
                       Peterson Patents:                                                                    iClub London
                          AAA LAW.
                                                                                                                                       CoFounder Venture Studios

        Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                                                                                  19
                                                                           AG Capital
How to Invest
 AS "Baltic Technology Ventures” is Nasdaq Baltic First North
 traded company. Shares can be bought by anyone through any
 Nasdaq Baltic Exchange members all around the world.

 Baltic Technology Ventures on Nasdaq website

Baltic Tech Ventures                                            20
Contact US – We would love to hear from you!
     Address: Rūpniecības iela 1-5, Riga, LV-1010   Phone: +371 67783611   E-mail:

Baltic Tech Ventures                                                                           21
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