Ballarat Adventist School Wins Again - The Ballarat Adventist School has won, for
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ISSN ISSN 0819-5633 VOL 97 NO 18 May 16. 1992 Ballarat Adventist School Wins Again he Ballarat Adventist School has won, for the T second year running, the "Best School Entry" award for its float in the Ballarat Begonia Festival's annual parade. There were 12 school entries and 58 entries altogether. The festival's theme was "We're 40, Let's Celebrate" (the Begonia festival is 40 years old). The parade took the form of a giant party. The school entry depicted God's party in heaven when Jesus takes His children home. The float was a truck with a "food" laden table. The food was made by students from papier mache. The children sang "Picnic in Heaven" and handed out leaflets during the parade. The Melbourne Advent Brass accompanied them.—Sandra England.
EDITORIAL RECORD Official Paper Seventh-day Adventist Church South Pacific Division Too Few Editor Bruce Manners Associate Editor Alan Holman Assistant Editor Karen Miller G et up. Get dressed. Go to Sabbath school. Smile at the greeter at the door who channels you You have your usual spot in the pew now. But you don't go to Sabbath school anymore. It makes Editorial Secretary Glenda Fairall Copy Editor Graeme Brown into the appropriate class. you feel lonely. Senior Consulting Editor Laurie Evans Walk in. Look around. There's no Staying and watching them chat- Correspondents Ray Baird, Lyn Bartlett, Terry Butler, Ray Coombe, David Hay, Maua Kemo'o, Colin one you know to sit with, so you find ting after church makes you feel Winch, Neroli Zaska the least conspicuous seat. worse, because they're not chatting Regional Reporters Nigel Ackland, George Drinkall, Some of class members give you a with you. Eric Greenwell, Colin House, Larry Laredo, Malcolm Potts, Leigh Rice, Lyndon Schick, Gordon Smith, nod of recognition. You listen to the So now you leave early because Chester Stanley, Calvyn Townend. discussion. you're-busy-and-you've-got-things- Local Reporters Church Communication Secretaries Subscriptions South Pacific Division, $A31.00 The class is over. You follow the to-do-and-places-to-go. And it $NZ43.40. general movement to the foyer and sounds much better than saying All other regions, $A64.00 $NZ89.60. Air mail postage you're going home to spend the day rates on application. Order from Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. It's summer. Sabbath alone. Manuscripts All copy for the paper should be sent to Sure, you know what to do, you've The Editor, RECORD, Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799. Phone (059)66 9111. seems to last forever. been told you have to try harder, Telefax (059) 66 9019. invite people around for a meal, be a Printed weekly by Signs Publishing Company. try not to look as obvious as you friend to have friends etc. feel. Everyone is busy saying the But we all know it's a cop-out. Directory of the South Pacific Division of the Seventh- day Adventist Church, 148 Fox Valley Road, quick hello to friends they haven't The only time you truly feel at Wahroonga, NSW 2076. seen all week or collecting the chil- home is when you listen to the ser- Phone (02) 489 7122. (Legal Trustee: Australasian dren. Some glance your way and mon and hear His word. You would Conference Association Limited. A.C.N. 000 003 930 Secretary: Tom Andrews, Assistant Secretaries: smile. feel most at home if someone would Richard Milne, Properties: Bruce Jackson, Finance.) Time for the service. You walk up come to you and live His word. President Bryan Ball and down the aisle wondering where Secretary Laurie Evans Treasurer Tom Andrews to sit, making sure you avoid the Living His word means putting Assistant to President Gerald Clifford hymnbooked seats (you can never be ourselves out. It may mean spending Associate Secretary Vem Parmenter quite sure on the quota of people to time with someone who bores us to Associate Treasurers Owen Mason, Lynray Wilson Field Secretary a hymnbook). You lose yourself in tears. It means thinking ahead of the sermon—listening to find the time to ring and ask them home for Departments and Services: ADRA Harold Halliday (Director), Neil Hughes, words He has for you. You sing Peter Truscott the hymns and praise Him with It may mean spending Adventist Health Percy Harrold (Director), Harley music. Stanton Too soon the service is over. You time with someone Adventist Health Services—Life Plus Don Bain (Director), Val Charlton. have to face the after-church "gath- who bores us to tears. Adventist Media Centre Nat Devenish (Manager) ering." So you wander outside again. Archivist and Statistician Roy Clifford Auditing Service Max Mitchell (Director), Eric You stand to the side with your best Sabbath lunch. It means caring about Hokin. Ernie Moffitt, Neville Sawert, Robert Stratford friendly face on, hoping noone will someone else's needs ahead of our Christian Services for the Blind and Hearing trip over you. own. Impaired Ray Coombe Church Ministries Bryan Craig (Director and Family People smile. They walk past. An You could be the answer to some- Ministries), Wilfred Bili (Stewardship), Colleen Buxton older couple comes and talks to you, one's awkward Sabbath. You could (Children's Ministries), Barry Gane (Youth), Alwyn Salom (Personal Ministries), Eric Winter (Sabbath "Lovely to see you . . . visiting? . . . be the one who reminds them that School) hope you come again . . . goodbye." "God is still on His throne and all is Communication, Public Affairs and Religious The after-church crowd has dimin- right with the world." Liberty Ray Coombe Education Les Devine (Director), Barry Hill, Ian ished. You go home. Don't pity the lonely. God speaks Howie, Owen Hughes, Bob Spoor It's summer. Sabbath seems to last to their hearts; He and they have an Health Food Eugene Grosser (Director), Greg Gambrill, Lance Rogers, Allan Staples, Ray Windus forever. You read all afternoon and opportunity to develop a special Ministerial Association John Gate ring friends STD. friendship. Publishing Bruce Campbell It has been a couple of months Pity those who have need of noth- Risk Management Service Robert Smith (Manager) now since you've been going to this ing, least of all the need to give of Trust Services Jim Lansdown church. You're not the type to themselves. approach the circle of people who I thank God He loves those who obviously enjoy each other's compa- find church a lonely place. Too few ny. And who've obviously decided of us love that much. you're not their type. Karen Miller. 2 RECORD May 16, 1992
LETTERS Bible, to join S.L.U.R.P. skills gained through our schools are Adventist Women Please send large cheques to the not wanted by the church, unless it's The editorial "Women's Role" in undersigned who is the founder and in the children's divisions of Sabbath the April 11 issue of RECORD treasurer of this front-line, storm- school. While this is an admirable addressing the role of women was trooping assault on those who would place to serve, not everyone is suited most timely. Some time ago, I make our beautiful language an aural to working with children. received a copy of the report of the sludge-pot and a cacophonous mon- What then happens to the leader- Toward 2000 Taskforce Committee strosity. R. H. Parr, NSW. ship and public speaking skills we've commissioned by the South Pacific been taught? They're rarely allowed Division to examine and make rec- Your letter is thankedfor. True, to surface—both the church and the ommendations on the role of the throughput is uglytype, but is now com- women are losers. Talent is being Adventist women in the secular monspeak, as admitted by the 1991 edi- wasted. J. Tinworth, NSW. world, their ministry and their tion of The Macquarie Dictionary. But church. then, Shakespeare was renowned for Hard Way This report, prepared by four emi- making up new words when current Upon reading the poem "The Lord nent Adventist women, provides some usage didn't fit. We're actually set- Says" (April 18), I couldn't help but pointed insights into how Adventist ting up a society entitled notice the line "For the Lord says His women feel about the church. It also S.T.R.O.O.D.L.E.—Society Trying to way is hard." Matthew 7:14 in the suggests a wide range of positive rec- Remind Ourselves Of Developing KJV says "strait and narrow", NIV ommendations on ways to harness the Linguistic Extemporisations. Donations . "small and narrow", RSV "narrow vast, yet largely untapped skills, expe- (not tax-deductible, but just as large as and hard." Upon checking the SDA rience and wisdom of women into the for S.L. U.R.P.) will be accepted by the Bible Commentary, I find no reference structure of the Adventist Church in editors. to hard at all. There's a world of dif- Australasia. ference between narrow and hard. The editorial asks questions about Unwanted Skills John Wilkinson, Old. representation and tokenism. It's Thank you for your editorial on the interesting to note that at the time of role of women in the church presenting their report, the SPD was (RECORD, April 11). In our schools, (is) the only world division that had students of both sexes are encouraged not appointed a director to the Office to take leadership roles and to have Views expressed in Letters to the Editor do not neccessarily represent those of the editors or the of Women's Ministries as authorised an active involvement in planning and denomination. Letters should not exceed 250 words by the General Conference. participating in school events. Girls and should be mailed to RECORD Editor, Signs As a church we champion a wide often take the predominant part in Publishing Company, Warburton Victoria 3799, Writers must include their name, address and tele- range of worthy Christian initiatives. these activities. phone number. Letters received more than three It's a travesty that the role and status However, upon reaching full adult- weeks after the date of the issue carrying the article to of women is so sadly neglected. hood, these same girls find that the which they respond will normally not be printed. All letters will be edited to meet space and literary R. Hargreaves, ACT. requirements, but the author's original meaning will esto not be changed. Not all letters received will be pub- A Question of Polysyllabics lished. I'm inclined to take a ho-hum atti- tude to typographical and even gram- matical errors that slip by unnoticed by your subeditors, proofreaders and authors. I cannot remain silent, how- CNN Imui Ep, r Mr WED to ever, when I read this sentence in weever yot/ EvIVZCISE rvE RECORD, April 18: "The periodicals make up 0.9 per cent of Australia ow is? Gar aar timue Post's throughput." Throughput? Throughput?!? 0, my dear sir! I hereby give notice of the forma- v, eo tion of S.L.U.R.P.—the Society for the Liquidation of Ugly and Repulsive Polysyllabics. I call upon all who have a care for this eupho- niously mellow language that Shakespeare rejoiced to use so mag- nificently and in which the dignified beauty of expression reaches its peak ••••••=•. • ' in the Authorised Version of the RECORD May 16, 1992 3
SPECIAL REPORT The President on Independent Ministries by Robert S. Folkenberg Let us cease the derogatory remarks about others and follow Jesus' plan in dealing with wrong. Ellen White's writings dealing D ear fellow believers: I want to share a con- with "self-supporting" work cern with you that lies and noted two characteristics: close to my heart. Many of you 1. "Self-supporting" is nor- have written or called me ask- mally linked to the concept of ing about independent min- "missionary." Independence istries, and I want you to know from the church was born of the where I stand. Is it true that the financial necessity to send fami- General Conference is out to lies to unentered areas as mis- destroy independent min- sionaries, not by a mission dif- istries? The answer is no! ferent from that of the church. I've been told there are sev- 2. "Self-support" is presented eral hundred entities not inte- in the context of unity with the grally connected with the church. "The work of God in church. Almost all of these the earth can never be finished make a significant, positive until the men and women com- contribution to the mission of prising our church membership the church. rally to the work, and unite Many provide a wide variety their efforts with those of min- of services to fellow Adventists isters and church officers" and the public, including vege- (Testimonies, Vol 9, page 117). tarian restaurants, educational The concept of an active laity institutions, health care, pub- and supporting ministry of the lishing, religious radio and TV church isn't only encouraged by broadcasts and orphanages. Ellen White, but found in the These prefer to be known as example of the apostle Paul, supporting ministries of the who, by his own labour, sup- Seventh-day Adventist Church. ported himself and others as One ministry supports a they spread the good news. group of evangelists who are While the vast majority of made available to church Pastor and Mrs Robert S. Folkenberg. Pastor Folkenberg is the these ministries truly are sup- president of the General Conference of the SDA Church. organisations around the world. portive and declare their loyalty Another, Maranatha Volunteers their fruit, a commitment to the mis- to the church, a few private organisa- International, having overseen the sion of the church, merit both the tions, calling themselves "independent construction of hundreds, if not thou- descriptives supporting and ministry as ministries," do not meet this standard. sands, of buildings for the church well as the appreciation and backing These point out what they see as defi- around the world, recently completed of church members and leaders. For ciencies in the church, its members, its largest single project ever—in the these, "organisational independence" and its leaders. Dominican Republic, where more is only a matter of function and legal Tragically, while subtly attributing than 1200 volunteers built 25 churches status, not mission. Their loyalty to these failings of a few to the church in in 70 days! the church and zeal for proclaiming general, they set themselves up as the present truth are indistinguishable guardians of historic .truth and as the By Their Fruits Ye Shall ... from that of the church itself. only trustworthy expositors of God's Organisations that demonstrate by I recently read two compilations of Word. 4 RECORD May 16, 1992
On the foundation of distrust they with the Perth Declaration (see the pope twice this past year. The build an organisation that isn't RECORD November 16, 1991), I author never even called to check the accountable to any wide constituency; plead with teachers, pastors, editors "facts." One cannot help wondering that foments doubt, distrust and dis- and other leaders to preach the Word why such an erroneous report was unity; that diverts millions of dollars and feed the flock. Enough of salva- printed. The truth is that I have never that might better have been used for tion by psychology! We need a deep- seen, met or talked with the pope and gospel proclamation among the vast er understanding of the sinfulness of have no reason or plan to do so. populations of the world that have the human heart leading to repen- Neither has he asked for an appoint- never heard the name of Jesus; and at tance. ment to see me. times even drives members from the Let us uplift Jesus and the cross, church. thus providing the sinner with peace A False Litmus Test of Orthodoxy Are there problems in the church? of mind, assurance of salvation in The mix of piety and criticism If so, do these failures justify the Christ and connection to Him who is among others is more subtle. Their attacks by private organisations able to "keep you from falling and to publications include a far higher pro- against the church? present you faultless" (Jude 24). portion of that which is spiritual or To the first question the servant of Let me assure you I'm not calling doctrinal in nature, including reprint- the Lord answers, "There are evils ing of major segments of the Spirit of existing in the church, and will be until Prophecy. By proclaiming their con- the end of the world" (Review and The approaches of victions on a narrow list of topics, not Herald, Sept 5, 1893). It's sad but true, destructive critics may accepted by the body as a whole as for I'm reminded every day that the vital to our message, they, in effect, evil one is hard at work within God's vary widely—from the turn acceptance of their position on remnant church. sensational and shrill these issues into a litmus test of ortho- doxy. Thus they draw a pious line in Continued Study Needed to the subtle and the sand by leading their readers/lis- To achieve personal spiritual shrewd. teners to choose whom they will growth and a deeper understanding of trust—the church or their private God's message to us, we must contin- organisation. ually study the Word, and the Spirit of for uniformity. There is ample room Some ministries in the name of Prophecy. But the exaggerated indi- for diversity in searching the piety and preaching the straight testi- vidualism that characterises today's Scriptures for truth, even while mony, present quotations of Ellen culture must not fragment the unity demonstrating a firm faith in the fun- White that encourage independent, needed in God's final movement. damentals. self-supporting missionaries. At the The vast majority of our teachers, same time they ignore the quotation pastors, editors, elders and other lead- Attacks on the Church calling for unity and the yielding of ers are firmly committed to the mes- Do the failures of the church justify individual wisdom to the body of sages of the three angels of Revelation the attacks by private organisations believers (see Historical Sketches, 14 and the fundamental beliefs that against the church? pages 122-125). Such behaviour mis- we hold dear. No! While there are problems in the represents spiritual counsel and gives Sadly, there are a few who, follow- church that must be resolved, these the appearance of intellectual dishon- ing modern trends, doubt the accuracy must be settled by those loyal to the esty. Tragically, the gullible are their and/or authority of Scripture. They church who are entrusted with respon- lawful prey. reject one or more of these fundamen- sibility at every level of church admin- About these private organisations tal beliefs (the sanctuary and related istration, beginning at the local con- the servant of the Lord wrote: "Those truths are among the most frequent gregation. Self-appointed critics, who start up to proclaim a message on casualties), yet insist they have the whose fiscal survival depends on their their own individual responsibility, "right" to remain in positions of ability to shift members' loyalties who, while claiming to be taught and responsibility. To these I appeal, fall from the church to themselves, have led of God, still make it their special on your knees and, with Scriptures in conflicting interests and therefore are work to tear down that which God has hand, search and pray until you have untrustworthy counsellors to the been for years building up, are not peace with God. If you find you are in church. Their very survival appears to doing the will of God. harmony with the fundamental beliefs depend on the mix their leaders "Be it known that these men are on of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, choose between piety and doctrine on the side of the great deceiver. Believe we will rejoice with you. If not, simple the one hand and criticism of the them not. They are allying themselves honesty and ethics require that you church on the other. with the enemies of God and the resign any appointed, elected or The approaches of destructive crit- truth. They will deride the order of employed position, until you can ics vary widely. One group features the ministry as a system of priestcraft. embrace that which our church the sensational, shrill, tabloid "From such turn away, have no fel- upholds as truth. approach whose attacks stimulate a lowship with their message, however A more common weakness in the sharklike feeding frenzy against the much they may quote the Testimonies church, however, isn't rejection of church, albeit among a narrow audi- and seek to entrench themselves the truth, but rather neglect of prayer ence. One of these, for example, behind them. Receive them not, for and study of the Word. In harmony recently reported falsely that I visited God has not given them this work to RECORD May 16, 1992 5
do. The result of such work will be truth or mission. All church initiatives would be better used for gospel unbelief in the Testimonies, and, as far must be compassionate yet sustain the proclamation. as possible, they will make of none integrity of the church body. It's indispensable that each of us, effect the work that I have for years I appeal to each pastor, Bible teach- prayerfully guided by the Holy Spirit, been doing. . .. Those who thus bring er, administrator, church board mem- evaluate each private organisation. the work of God into dispute will have ber and leader to uphold God's Word Those whose loyalty to the message no answer before God for the work and the teachings of God's remnant and mission of the church are above they are doing" (Testimonies to church and, following these biblical reproach, whose fruit gives evidence Ministers, pages 51, 52). steps, under the guidance of the Spirit, of new souls for the kingdom, deserve The church is being attacked from work together to keep our church uni- our prayers and support. within by people on two extremes. fied. To all, laity and employees alike, On the other hand, those who cause One extreme undermines the authori- let us cease the derogatory remarks the reader or viewer, whether subtly ty of Scripture, our fundamental about others and follow Jesus' plan in or directly, to choose between them beliefs, and our distinctive end-time dealing with wrong. and the church, demonstrate that they message. The other extreme, under If the plan described in Matthew are not inspired of God. the subtle guise of piety, attacks the 18 doesn't seem to fit the problem I admit to increasing frustration in structure, authority and therefore the you see, consider that it may not be dealing with this situation. Last sum- mission of the church. The church has, a problem God has given you to mer, just before standing to preach a all too often, failed to address both resolve. Trust that God, who is in Sabbath sermon at a Canadian camp attacks adequately. meeting, I was handed' a sheaf of bul- Both extremes are destructive to letins from another shrilly critic. I God's expectations of His church. I admit to increasing shared with the congregation my frus- Both bring about disunity, an obstacle frustration in dealing tration with these destructive critics of to the latter rain, and divert resources the church. In retrospect, I wish I had from our Lord's mission to His with this situation. shared my convictions with more tears church. in my voice and the pain in my heart "There is a great work to be done charge of all things, will use those rather than just the frustration. This is in the world, a great work to be He has delegated to "right the just evidence that God isn't finished done in foreign lands. . . . With all ship." with me yet. the responsibility upon us to go and On the other hand, if a problem is I love this church. I believe our fun- preach the gospel to every creature, within your area of responsibility, damental beliefs with all my heart. I there is a great need of men and pray that God will give you the wis- believe the Lord's gospel commission means, and Satan is at work in every dom and courage to carry out your was not a suggestion but a mandate. I conceivable way to tie up means... . responsibility. believe Jesus is coming, and soon, The money that should be used in sooner than most of us expect. doing the good work of building Collective Selfishness or Sacrifice? Are independent ministries of houses of worship, of establishing I wish each could share the burden value? An organisation's indepen- schools ... , is diverted from a chan- of opportunities waiting for action. dence does not make it bad or good, nel of usefulness and blessing into a For example, the doors into one of the holy or unholy. All members, leaders channel of evil and cursing" (Ibid, largest Muslim countries in the world and organisations (church-operated or page 43). have been flung open. We can now independent) that contribute to has- Jesus knew that the evil one would send a large number of workers to tening our Lord's return should be try to bring about disunity. Our Lord China and the countries of the former reinforced and supported. Those weak- described the consequences of disuni- USSR, yet sufficient resources are not ening the church and distracting from ty when He said, "Every kingdom available to respond to these opportu- Heaven's mission must be properly divided against itself is brought to des- nities. dealt with according to God's plan. olation, and every city or house divid- There are many reasons for this, It hurts to see division in our ed against itself will not stand" such as collective selfishness instead churches and members deceived by (Matthew 12:25, NKJV). The apos- of collective sacrifice. Many of us attack and innuendo. What we need is tolic record confirms the early expect the church to meet so many of to fall at the cross with broken hearts, church's struggle for unity. our felt needs, without the balancing more concerned with sharing the good Macedonian call from the unentered news of salvation than imposing our Jesus' Plan for Unity areas of the world, that we do good personal agenda and convictions on Jesus' divine plan to resolve differ- things to an excess. Too often, the church. ences, as described in Matthew 18:15- resources needed to reach others I appeal to all to "press together, 17, is too often ignored or forgotten. with the gospel are consumed by press together, press together." I ask As your president, I ask your forgive- those who have already received the you to join hands with me in seeking ness for times when I may have good news. the Lord and finishing the work. 0 skipped over any of the steps outlined Another reason is diverted in God's plan. Please pray that God resources. The dollars diverted to the Robert S. Folkenberg is the president of the will grant wisdom to those who must few private organisations whose activ- General Conference of the Seventh-day deal with those organisations whose ities lead to disunity and shifted loyal- Adventist Church. This article is adapted, with activities tend to undermine either ties are resources Mrs White said permission, from the Adventist Review. 6 RECORD May 16, 1992
HEALTH WEEK Adventists and Fitness by Terry L. Butler H ow physically active are in some form of physical activity with selves from a reclining position and Seventh-day Adventists? approximately half of those surveyed into a regular exercise program. But And how fit are you com- exercising to keep fit. However, only it's worth more than a gold medal if pared to the average Aussie or Kiwi? 26 per cent were active enough to we do. Judging by responses to questions maintain physical fitness. in the 1989 Lifestyle Survey of 4000 The same survey indicated that Terry L. Butler is the director of the Adventist Adventists in Australia and New walking was the preferred form of Health Department for the Trans-Tasman Union Zealand, the picture mightn't be as exercise with 58 per cent reporting that Conference. good as we'd like.' A significant pro- they had walked for exercise in the portion of Seventh-day Adventists previous fortnight. This was followed 1. References: T. L. Butler, H. J. Stanton, Substance Use and have inadequate weekly exercise. In by swimming (23%), callisthenics/aero- Lifestyle Factors Among Seventh-day this respect we're no different from bics (21%) and jogging/running (16%). Adventists in Australia and New Zealand, 1989. others in the population. In fact, on Australians and New Zealanders 2. Department of the Arts, Sport and the the average, we may be less physically have a worldwide reputation as lovers Environment: Physical Activity Levels of Australians, AGPS 1988. active than others in our community. of sport, outdoor Figure 1 shows that older activity, vigour Hours of Exercise Adventists indulge in less exercise. and vitality. But cY0 of Adventists by Age Twenty-seven per cent of those over for many, the the age of 25 indicated they had less only activity is than one hour's exercise per week. walking to the 70 Perhaps the less-active lifestyle in lounge and the late 20s is associated with mar- stretching out to 60 riage, family and work commitments. watch TV. 50 - Hours of Exercise Whatever the cause, the low level of As a church, we 40- IN< 1 hour/week activity doesn't ensure even a mainte- rightly emphasise nance of fitness—at least half an hour the importance of 30- 1-3 hours/week of vigorous exercise 3-4 times per good nutrition, 20- 7 04+ hours/week week is necessary for that. vegetarianism 10 Of course, not all Adventists were and a drug-free 0 unfit. Nearly 50 per cent of respon- lifestyle. But too 12-14 15-1 19-25 26-39 40+ dents had four or more hours of exer- often, we neglect Age Groups In Years cise each week. the benefits of In addition, the survey showed that, physical exercise. Figure 1 in every age group, males, on average, In the year of the were more active than females. This Olympic Games Hours Spent on Types of Activity difference was more pronounced in we'll have the of Adventists Participating the teenage years. Approximately 70 opportunity to per cent of young men had four hours enjoy the sweat- or more exercise each week compared ing and striving of 701 to 47 per cent of young women. superbly fit ath- 60 It comes as no surprise that more letes—all reach- Adventist leisure time is spent watch- ing for gold. 50 Hours of Activity ing TV than in physical fitness (Figure Rather than being 40 < 1 hour/week 2). This is particularly true for those a passive specta- 30 ®1-3 hours/week over 25 years of age. tor, maybe we'll ©4+ hours/week 20 While intensity and frequency of be inspired to a exercise weren't measured in the far greater per- 10 Adventist Survey, a 1986 study of the sonal activity 0 physical activity of Australians pro- level. Exercise Watch TV Hobbies/Reading vides some relevant information.2 It requires Types of Activity Comparable to the Adventist data, 71 motivation and Figure 2 per cent of respondents participated effort to pull our- RECORD May 16, 1992 7
FLASHPOINT Though the iron curtain has Wet Pathfinders Loma Linda University Sends Thanks crumbled, the network con- South New Zealand tinues to beam its programs Pathfinders enjoyed a DP: Leona► d Baihy into the former Soviet weekend Easter camp at Republic, China and India. Pattersons Creek. Fifty-five Pathfinders attended the Influence camp organised by Television characters, Pathfinder director Pastor 1462 of them, studied by the Bob Larson and two district American Family directors, Jenny Kissener Baby Viymne -Baby Aloses" Association, rarely show a and John Dose. Despite the # 1(X) 1 hint of religious influence weather being cold and on their characters. Only 81 damp, "the children had a had identifiable religious wonderful time," according affiliation. There were 51 to Rose Proud of the South Catholics, 21 Protestants, New Zealand Conference five cult members and three office. New Agers. 1000 Baptised Israel Bound A Jamaican Adventist Two Christian organisa- laymember prepared 1050 tions joined forces recently people for baptism on to charter a ship taking March 21 after a seven Jews from the former week evangelistic effort. Soviet Union to Israel. Fitz Henry, the campaign "Operation Exodus" repre- speaker, operates a con- sented the first Jewish struction business and con- immigration by sea in more ducts two evangelistic cam- than 30 years. Three sail- paigns annually. More than ings in December and 6000 people attended the January brought more than nightly meetings, and mem- A Christmas card showing Dr Leonard Bailey, professor 1300 Jews to Israel. The bers from all the Montego of surgery and head of the cardiac transplant program at journey was sponsored by Bay churches assisted in the Loma Linda University as Santa Claus to two of his the British-based Ebenezer program. The three confer- patients, was sent to many of the transplant-procurement Emergency Fund and the ences in Jamaica have a agencies in America as an expression of thanks for their American-based "Exodus combined total of nearly assistance in Loma Linda Universities Meidcal Centers' II." 150,000 members. transplant program. Baby Yvonne was the 100th infant to receive her new heart on May 18, 1991. As of December Christian Rights Misinformed 10, 1991, 119 infants under six months of age have received Recently proposed con- Misleading information new hearts at the centre. stitutional changes in regarding the Adventist Mexico make provision for trademark litigation case in dance of 500 in Kuwait city, French,Romanian, German, clergymen to vote, churches America has stated that the and attributes its growth to Russian, Haitian, to own property, private case has cost the General the regained respect of the Scottish, Hindi, Sign, schools to teach religion Conference $800,000 and churches. Hungarian, Spanish, Ilongo, and foreigners to serve as that the attorney for the Swahili, Indonesian, ministers under some con- case is a Roman Catholic. Tongues at the GC Swedish, Italian, Tagalog, ditions. President Carlos Actually the case has cost Languages and dialects Japanese,Tamil, Latvian Salinas de Gortari has sug- $200,000 and the attorney spoken by those working in and Telugu. gested the changes. has been a Presbyterian for the General Conference in the past 30 years. Silver Spring, Maryland, Christian Voice School Church USA are: Afrikaans, Trans World Radio, an Moscow school officials Relief Respect Malayalam, Arabic, evangelical network that have signed an agreement Respect of Christian Malaysian, Cebuan, broadcasts Christian pro- with an American training churches has increased in Marathi, Chinese, grams internationally, cele- institute allowing it to set Kuwait due to church relief Mauritian, Creole, brates 40 years of service. up offices and teach biblical efforts during the war. The Papiamento, Danish, Trans World Radio oper- principles in all city schools National Evangelical Pidgin, Dutch, English, ates under the direction of and orphanages. The agree- Church now has an atten- Filipino,Portuguese, its founder Paul Freed. ment also opens school 8 RECORD May 16, 1992
facilities for Sunday family neighbouring Morocco and end, including a full Friday services. Five institute- Volunteer Health Tunisia, where Islam night and Sabbath program, trained instructors are Eugene Grosser, South enjoys strong appeal Saturday evening concert already teaching in Moscow Pacific Health Food among the poor. and historical tours. For schools and the institute Director, and Sidney Cole, more information phone hopes to place as many as Inter-American Division Indonesian Bans Arthur Patrick (02) 489 3000 others during 1992. Health Food Director, were Indonesian President 1271 (non-nursing) or appointed to the volunteer Suharto and his Catholic David Williams (02) 487 ADRA in Mexico position of secretary trea- wife recently made a pil- 9659 (nursing). The Nursing ADRA-International and surer and director, respec- grimage to Mecca to Graduates Association is ADRA-Inter-American tively, of the General counter waning support also planning to hold their Division committed more Conference Health Food among his military, accord- alumni banquet on the than $70,000 to assist vic- Association at the General ing to National and Sunday of the Homecoming tims of Guadalajara, site of Conference's Spring International Religion Weekend. the recent gas explosions in Meeting. They will manage Support. The government Mexico. A plane carrying their positions while main- recently banned Christian Angel Badge 150 tents for temporary taining their current posts. meetings in hundreds of Three gold angels super- housing and 1000 blankets house churches around imposed on a world on a was sent by ADRA to 2000 Plans Djakarta until after the mid-blue background are Guadalajara. More than The General Conference June election. Among other being sold as lapel badges $180,000 worth of medical Session in the year 2000 is actions, courses on by Castlemaine church, supplies was made avail- to be held at the Skydome Christianity have been Victoria, to raise funds for able, and Mexicana Airlines and metro Toronto removed from public the restoration of their has agreed to transport Convention Centre in schools, despite their high church building. Cards relief supplies free of Toronto, Canada. demand. explaining the three charge. Local Adventists angels' message of are supplying meals for the Islam Power SAH Homecoming Revelation are supplied homeless and relief work- The growth of Islamic Sydney Adventist with the badges, so people ers, clothes from ADRA power was recently Hospital is to have a interested in the symbol are being distributed and an demonstrated in Algeria Homecoming Weekend on can understand their Adventist school is being by the political victory of July 10, 11 and 12. All pre- meaning further. See the used to house victims. Islamic fundamentalists in sent and past staff, both Advertisments section for Donations can be sent to: the state's first free parlia- from the nursing and non- details. Guadalajara Relief, c/- mentary elections. The nursing departments, are ADRA, PO Box 129, fundamentalists' victory, invited to attend. Special Estonian Needs Wahroonga, NSW 2076. according to Christianity programs and events are Pastor Rein Muhlberg of Today, worries many in being planned for the week- the North New Zealand Sex Confusion Conference will be involved Sexuality documents Indian Evangelist Begins Working in Fiji in an evangelistic campaign have been recently released in Estonia in September by the Evangelical (Pastor Muhlberg's fore- Lutheran Church and the bears originally came from United Methodist Church Estonia). He is keen to in the US. The 55-page doc- have funds to buy Bibles ument questions whether and lessons and to boost the heterosexual relationships . Estonian budget. Donations offer the only avenues for 3 , may be made through the 7 "healthy" sexual relation- North New Zealand ships. The United 1- Conference Office, 73 Methodist report was o Great South Road, recently referred on to the Manukau City, New denomination's national Zealand. meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, after a 24-mem- ber panel could not agree More than half the population of Fiji is Indian, and with Most Flashpoint items from on whether homosexuality the quinquennium theme "Global Mission" the Central outside the South Pacific is sinful. A majority of the Pacific Union Mission and the Fiji Mission saw fit to Division are provided cour- panel favoured removing request the services of Pastor James Bagga, an Indian tesy of the Adventist language from the church's evangelist, to work among the Indians there. "He has Review, and have been sent books saying that homosex- already been visiting homes and running meetings," says to ,the RECORD via facsimi- uality and Christianity are the communication director for the Fiji Mission, Pastor le transceiver for immediate incompatible. Wapole Talemaitoga. "We are grateful to the South Pacific release. Division for their assistance." RECORD May 16, 1992 9
NEWS Baptised After a 50 Year Wait Hoxha, for nearly 40 years. He was responsible for the most fierce reli- gious persecution in modern times. vived through decades of adversity "Our people cannot be blamed for and persecution. our past. Atheism was imposed on us. "I praise the Lord for this day and Today we are victorious in Jesus thank him for realising my dream," Christ," commented Aferedita Hasan she said as she stepped from the bap- at her baptism. tismal pool. Trans-European Division evangelist Mrs Gjika's daughter Margerita David Currie continues public evange- from Korce and grand daughter listic meetings in the centre. "The fact Esther were also baptised. Esther is that the Word of God is preached now employed as a secretary for here and the way people react to the church work in Albania. gospel is a testimony to God's power," Also baptised were Aferedita says Pastor Currie. The "Amazing Hasan and her son Sokol. They were Discoveries" series continues to draw cc baptised with Violeta Mita, who said hundreds of people. Pastor Currie is .; she was "dying to be baptised" for so assisted by his wife Gaya, Pastor and a. many years, and two young women Mrs Rolf Kvinge from Norway, Kerri Lisena Gjebrea and Mimoza Poska, Stout and Pastor Mark Cox from who comes from a Muslim family. The Florida, USA. Mimoza Poska is baptised by Pr David Currie, baptism was held in the former Enver Mrs Flora Sabatino-Lewis and her in Albanias first Adventist baptism in 50 years. Hoxha Museum, today an internation- daughter, Esther, are eager to estab- E Eight people became members of al youth centre. the Seventh-day Adventist church lish one of the first Adventist churches "These are the first fruits of the in Albania. in what was a historic baptismal cere- power of God reaching the hearts of Tribute was paid to Daniel and mony on April 18 in Tirana. The first the Albanian people with the Advent Flora Lewis, whose unwavering faith to be baptised was Meropi Gjika, for message," says Pastor David Currie, and desire to spread the gospel could whom this was a special day. She had who performed the baptisms. "We are not be stopped, despite persecution waited 51 years to be baptised. delighted to see the establishment of a and jailing. The seeds sown by that Meropi Gjika accepted the gospel Seventh-day Adventist church in family in the early 30s and 40s have through the preaching of Albanian- Tirana." come to fruition. born Daniel Lewis, an Adventist mis- Following the baptism, seven young "All these years religion lived in sionary sent by the church from people expressed a desire to be bap- human hearts. No human effort could Boston, USA, in 1930. She became a tised in the next few weeks. destroy faith or stop victories for the member of a company of 12, but could Religion was declared illegal by gospel," said one who attended the not be baptised then. Her faith sur- Albania's communist leader, Enver baptism.—Ray Dabrowski. Ethiopians Going Home The stockpile of spent artillery authorities and other aid agencies, I shells helps explain the suffering of these 2000 refugees were transported Ethiopia in recent years. It also helps to a "main centre," usually a town to explain why great waves of humani- close by their local village, at which ty have washed across the country point another aid agency became seeking some place just a little safer. responsible for seeing they returned More than 3000 people have been safely to their village. displaced, some moving 800 km from Each person was provided with 25 their original homes. Some are sol- birr ($16.00) relocation allowance that diers. The rest are uncounted women would provide them with transport and children and a large number of from the "main centre" to their ! elderly people. Ethiopia has large homes, and a little extra for some food `,L1 numbers of people seeking safety, yet and incidental expenses while estab- longing to return to their homes. lishing themselves again. The Adventist Development and A month's food ration was given to Relief Agency (ADRA-Ethiopia) each person. This was in addition to undertook to repatriate some 2000 of the food and water for the journey Spent artillery shells give an indication of the such people about the middle of 1991. (emergency food rations left over battles fought in Ethiopia and explain the reason Working with local governmental from the Gulf War provided the for so many people fleeing their villages in fear. 10 RECORD May 16, 1992
passenger to return these 2000 people to their home villages. These were the fortunate ones, for within a couple of months the popula- tion at the detention centres com- pletely changed. People who had endured so much simply set out on foot without food or money to walk back home.—Neil Hughes. 5 The Ethics of L: Medicine a 'r he recent National Bioethics i Conference, hosted by the Sydney Adventist Hospital, New South Wales, opened discussion on many ethical problems within the medical field for those attending from over- Displaced Ethiopians, victims of internal war, escaped their villages to overcrowded camps. ADRA has been involved in resettling, and bussing the people to their now safe villages. seas and Australia. The use of foetal tissue for trans- basis). To avoid riots, the food parcels returnees onto the bus and at the dis- plants was discussed. The transplant- were distributed outside the camp— tant central point distributed the relo- ing of foetal brain tissue to an adult there was little food in the camp. cation moneys. The problem then was brain has been shown, through thou- Buses stopped at prearranged to ensure the driver, bus, jerry cans sands of laboratory tests, to have the points approximately 20 kilometres used to carry water, and various staff capacity to develop and promote func- from the camp where the rations were members returned as quickly as possi- tional recovery after brain damage. issued. ble for another trip. While advances in medicine and ADRA hired the buses from gov- The outward—bound journeys aver- medical research proceed at an ernment transport authorities and aged 500 km and required an average increasingly rapid rate, so do the num- provided an officer to ride with each of three days on the access ways ber of ethical issues surrounding the bus to supervise the 60 people under Ethiopia calls roads. research. their care. These officers checked It is estimated that it cost $50 per To date more than 300 patients have received human foetal liver transplants for various conditions, Ministering From a Wheelchair including Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID), leukaemia, aplas- e Waa Waitara-Amos of Kawhia, tic anaemia and a variety of genetic T New Zealand, was baptised on Friday, April 3, after being led to storage diseases, reported conference speaker Professor Gareth Jones. Christ by her husband. Professor Jones is chairman of the Mrs Waitara-Amos' ancestors were Department of Anatomy at the contacted by a Jew who taught them Medical School, University of Otago, from the Old Testament—including Dunedin, New Zealand. He is the pro- teachings about the Sabbath. fessor of Bioethics and director of Her husband, Isaac, although an their Bioethics Research Centre. isolated Adventist for many years, During his lecture "Brain Grafts: maintained his love for the Lord and Searching for an Ethical Framework," His Word. He is a keen Bible student he claimed that foetal pancreas trans- who knows both Greek and Hebrew. plants are known to reverse drug- He is a respected community leader in o induced diabetes in animals, and at Kawhia. -2 least 600 patients with insulin-depen- Mrs Waitara-Amos asked to be dent diabetes mellitus are reported to baptised in a river that was special to Pastor Phil Leenhouwers (pictured left) bap- have received foetal pancreas trans- her, but when it was discovered it tised Mrs Waitara-Amos in the Waikato Hos- plants. would be too difficult with her pital pool. He was assisted by Peter Marks. Trials using implants of foetal-mem- wheelchair, she was baptised in the brane tissue into the striatum of pool at Waikato Hospital instead. The ministry Mrs Waitara-Amos patients with Parkinson's disease have Peter Marks encouraged her in her conducts from her wheelchair, been carried out in around 100 decision and assisted Pastor Phil through letters and telephone, is far- patients. Leenhouwers at the baptism. reaching. —Peter Marks Such advances may mean many of RECORD May 16, 1992 11
these medical problems will soon be Medicine, What Nurses Think of as cussed the situation with the Sydney only history. But at what cost and with Nursing Ethics and Terminal Care Adventist Hospital. what heated debate? he Asked. Ethics. It was decided Luanne should travel Dr Jones points out that the majori- Sydney Adventist Hospital not only to Brisbane, Qld, for treatment, as it ty of these foetal transplants have sponsors this National Bioethics was closer to Papua New Guinea and been performed with tissue from foe- Conference each year, it also operates distance of travel was critical. tus made available from induced abor- a Christian Centre for Bioethics that Prayers were offered as the Losi tion. This brings up another debate. includes a library on significant family began to seek support from rel- Do we have the right to use tissue bioethical material. atives and friends in Papua New from foetuses obtained from abortion, For more information on the centre Guinea and the Solomon Islands, which many people believe is morally contact Dr Tom Ludowici on (02) 487- Luanne's home country. wrong? By using this tissue are we 9345. Complete manuscripts of any of Air Niugini heard of Luanne's situa- making something good out of some- the lectures are available from Sue tion and gave her a free airline ticket to thing bad? Or are we compounding Price on (02) 487-9346.—Neroli Brisbane and a evil with evil? Are we simply proceed- Zaska. 50 per cent dis- ing ethically with available tissue, with count for her no moral dilemma? father. The "Moral complicity appears fre- Emergency Flight Australian High quently in arguments over the use or Commission otherwise of data and materials ema- to Australia rushed Luanne's nating from the Nazi era," says Dr visa through. On Jones, "but appears to be ignored in February 2 discussion of other areas dependant Luanne and her on the use of human material. father flew to "These include the means employed Brisbane, still to face finan- to obtain a supply of human bodies cial problems. The Red for dissection in the 18th and 19th Cross Hostel, attached to centuries in Britain (and still today in 3, the hospital, provided Mr many countries), the source of human Losi with accommodation. embryos and foetuses for the study of z Luanne was diagnosed as normal human development, and the .1 having acute transverse source of organs for organ transplan- myelitis, a relatively rare tation in adults. disorder from which there "In the case of Nazi experimenta- has only been a low per- tion one argument is that the use of (From left), Luanne, Clara and Martha holding Joseph, and centage rate of complete Marint Losi pictured after Luannes treatment. Luanne Losi, material or data deriving from Nazi (inset) a victim of the rare disease acute transverse myelitis, recovery. experiments implicates the user in the with a low percentage rate of complete recovery, is recovering. The hospital board Nazi crimes themselves. approached Mr Losi and "According to this stance we n her13th birthday Luanne Losi, asked if Luanne could be used as a test become one with the perpetrators of O daughter of a self-supporting case for the medical students because it the original crimes, since our motives Pacific Adventist College (PAC) stu- was such a rare disease. That meant today cannot be isolated from the dent Martin Losi, felt the onset of a they would only have to pay for the manner in which the material was disease that would display "the power three nights accommodation Luanne obtained. "Even to cite unethical work of God when prayers are made in spent in hospital—all test and treat- is to validate it, and to demonstrate faith," according to Nerida Richardson ment expenses were to be free of there is a continuing thread connecting from PAC. charge. respectable research today with ethical- Luanne was working in the college's Former PAC staff members Cliff ly abhorrent work in the Nazi era.... agricultural gardens to help her father and Val Morgan accommodated "Alternatively, others argue that we pay his fees and support the family. Luanne and her father. The should be prepared to use the material When she went home for lunch she Caboolture church, Queensland, raised and data, since they exist and cannot had a numbness that made it difficult money toward Luanne's medical be denied. If the data is valid they for her to even open the door. expenses in both Port Moresby and cannot be invalidated, no matter how She spent the next 33 days in hospi- Brisbane hospitals. objectionable one may find the ethical tal. The diagnosis was spinal cord com- Luanne gradually regained feeling in behaviour used to obtain them. pression. Recovery would mean travel- her arms and legs. Today she's back in However, the horror should still be ling to Australia and possible surgery. school, attending Mount Diamond addressed, and no effort should be The cost for Luanne's surgery and Adventist High School. Although her made to cover it up." recovery was estimated at $10,000. prognosis is for complete recovery, Other topics discussed during the Unable to cover even a fraction of there is still some numbness in her legs. two-day conference included: Valuing the cost, Mr Losi asked the PAC prin- "She is a living, walking testimony of Human Life, From Anencephalic cipal for advice. Staff members and the what God can do when, in a spirit of Foetuses to Gene Therapy, The college administration contacted the praise, we cast our every burden on Concept of Futility in Clinical South Pacific Division officers who dis- him," says Mrs Richardson. 12 RECORD May 16, 1992
CHURCH NEWS The House Vic Park Sabbath School Built Smorgasbord were given to participants, who expressed apprecia- More than 100 local resi- tion for the program.— dents attended a "taste and Frances Thomas. see" vegetarian smorgas- bord presented by mem- Cairns School bers of Ballarat and Cairns Seventh-day Wendouree churches, Adventist Primary School, Victoria, as part of the Queensland, recently pre- Kent Report lecture series pared a working document conducted by union evan- to increase their school's gelist Pastor Gary Kent. declining enrolment figures. A. Sanitarium products were The education director of made available for sam- the Greater Sydney pling in a display set up by Conference, Leon Miller Phillip Hyland. Recipes gave the school board ideas and from those ideas a doc- ument scheduling activities Victoria Park primary Sabbath school, Western and tasks and an action Australia, constructed an African house as part of their timetable was written. Both investment offering fundraising. The small group raised the school and church $35 by child minding, car cleaning, house cleaning, garden- Board adopted the working ing and some money received from a member's "lost tooth partys report and are now reward." Eric Williams, Danielle Quick, Luke Longmore, working to put it into effect. Tristan Quick, David Aide, Annabelle Puehringer and If any other schools are Neitize Brody (pictured from the left) worked together to interested in obtaining a build the house: each brick cost 10 cents, each large brick copy of the report to aid cost 50 cents and all other parts cost 50 cents. The class their school, contact the teacher is Beth Sperring.—Berryl Haimes. principal, Mr Kevin Tregenza, PO Box 240, Westcourt, Old, 4870. Church Volunteers From Forster-Tuncurry Toowoomba School Celebrates 50 Years Fifty years of Adventist education was celebrated recently at the Toowoomba Adventist Primary School, Queensland, with a weekend of special events. Former headmaster Dave Caldwell presented the Sabbath sermon and another former headmaster, Bill Irvine, hosted a nos- talgia evening. School students presented items under the leadership of Joanne Cook and Sue Haslam. The first teacher of the school, Wanda Boulting (nee Neibuhr), at 93 years of age, is pictured planting a tree, assisted by past student Fred Gillam. Toowoomba Mayor Alderman Clive Berghofer was assisted by five-year-old Rhonda Devonshire in planting a liquidambar tree.—Keith Peers. Forster-Tuncurry church members, New South Wales, have volunteered four months of their time in volunteer service to Aore Adventist High School, Vanuatu. The church sent a fly'n'build team to Aore in September 1991 when they completed school rooms, electrical wiring, paint- ing and teacher accommodation, all projects begun by a previous team. Forster-Tuncurry church members engaged t in fundraising efforts in order to send the team. Pictured are those returning to Aore to do more work because of the m many needs they saw there. Kim and Greg Barratt, Eddie and Lynda Merzlakoff (pictured from the left) and their children (not pictured) are currently in Aore.—Sherry Williams. RECORD May 16, 1992 13
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