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AVONMOUTH SEVERNSIDE ENERGY MASTERPLANNING REPORT FINAL ISSUE South Gloucestershire Council Revision 2 Confidential Project no: 3514120A-BEE Date: May 2016 WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff WSP House 70 Chancery Lane London WC2 1AF Tel: 020 7314 5000 www.wspgroup.com www.pbworld.com
QUALITY MANAGEMENT ISSUE/REVISION FIRST ISSUE REVISION 1 REVISION 2 REVISION 3 Remarks Draft for comment Comments Further comments addressed addressed Date 24/12/16 11/02/16 01/04/16 Prepared by Laurie Eldridge Laurie Eldridge Laurie Eldridge Signature Checked by Andrew Goodman Andrew Goodman Andrew Goodman Bruce Geldard Bruce Geldard Goodman, Digitally signed by Goodman, Andrew DN: cn=Goodman, Andrew, ou=Bristol, Signature email=andrew.goodman@pbworld.com Reason: I am the author of this Andrew document Date: 2016.05.13 10:54:41 +01'00' Authorised by Geldard, Bruce Signature Approver 2016.05.13 11:40:45 +01'00' Project number 3514120A-BEE 3514120A-BEE 3514120A-BEE Report number File reference
ii PRODUCTION TEAM WSP | PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF Project Engineer Laurie Eldridge Senior Project Engineer Andrew Goodman Technical Director Bruce Geldard Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No: 3514120A-BEE Confidential
iii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1 2 HEAT DEMAND SUMMARY ........................................................2 2.1 Cribbs Patchway............................................................................ 2 2.2 New Earth to Accolade Wines........................................................ 3 2.3 Southmead .................................................................................... 3 2.4 UWE.............................................................................................. 4 3 HEAT DEMAND PROFILING .......................................................5 4 PIPELINE MODELLING ...............................................................8 4.1 Estimation of peaks ....................................................................... 8 4.2 Pipeline modelling ........................................................................11 4.3 Outputs ........................................................................................12 5 CHP SIZING................................................................................17 5.1 New Earth Solutions .....................................................................18 6 THERMAL STORE SELECTION ................................................20 7 OTHER TECHNICAL INPUT TO THE MODELLING..................23 7.1 Carbon Factors.............................................................................23 7.2 Restrictions on number of starts....................................................23 7.3 Boiler Efficiencies .........................................................................23 7.4 Energy Centre Parasitic Loads......................................................23 8 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS ..............................................................24 8.1 Rationale ......................................................................................24 8.2 Capex ...........................................................................................24 8.3 CHP CAPEX and maintenance .....................................................24 8.4 Energy centre size ........................................................................25 8.5 Consumer side costs ....................................................................25 8.6 New development heat networks ..................................................26 8.7 Other capex ..................................................................................26 8.8 Summary of CAPEX .....................................................................26 8.9 Maintenance .................................................................................27 8.10 Replacement costs (Repex) ..........................................................27 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
iv 8.11 Operating income .........................................................................28 8.12 Consumer unit maintenance, metering and billing costs ................29 8.13 Heat Sales Prices .........................................................................29 8.14 Electricity sales.............................................................................30 8.15 Electrical import and gas...............................................................30 8.16 Purchase of heat from New earth Solutions ..................................31 8.17 Variation through time...................................................................31 8.18 CRC and other carbon taxation schemes ......................................31 8.19 RHI ...............................................................................................31 9 FINANCIAL RESULTS ...............................................................32 9.1 Cribbs...........................................................................................32 9.2 New Earth Solutions .....................................................................32 9.3 Southmead ...................................................................................33 9.4 UWE.............................................................................................34 10 SENSITIVITY TO KEY LOADS – UWE NETWORK...................35 10.1 Introduction – linear heat density modelling...................................35 10.2 Linear heat density results ............................................................35 10.3 Load Profiling ...............................................................................37 10.4 Pipeline Modelling ........................................................................37 10.5 CHP modelling .............................................................................38 10.6 Financial inputs.............................................................................39 10.7 Energy centre size ........................................................................39 10.8 Consumer side costs ....................................................................39 10.9 Summary of CAPEX .....................................................................39 10.10 Financial results............................................................................40 11 SOUTHMEAD NETWORK – FURTHER ANALYSIS .................41 12 FINANCIAL SENSITIVITY ..........................................................43 12.1 Energy costs / Prices ....................................................................43 12.2 Effect of RHI .................................................................................43 13 CARBON SAVINGS ...................................................................44 14 CONCLUSIONS..........................................................................45 15 STRATEGIC NETWORK ASSESSMENT ..................................46 15.1 Introduction ..................................................................................46 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
v 15.2 Methodology .................................................................................46 15.3 Heat Supply – Capacity and Costs ................................................46 15.4 Heat Loads and Network Route ....................................................48 15.5 Capital Cost Estimates..................................................................52 15.6 Potential Volume Of Heat Supply ..................................................59 15.7 Value Of Heat Supply ...................................................................60 15.8 Potential Return On Investment And Carbon Savings ...................60 16 APPENDIX A: HEAT DEMAND PROFILES ...............................65 17 APPENDIX B: CONSUMER SIDE COST SUMMARY ...............78 18 APPENDIX C: PHASED AVONMOUTH SEVERNSIDE NETWORK DEVELOPMENT .....................................................80 19 APPENDIX D: PROCESS STEAM USE IN THE VICINITY OF SERC ..........................................................................................87 20 APPENDIX E: NEW EARTH SOLUTIONS .................................89 20.1 Business Changes ........................................................................89 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
vi TABLES TABLE 2-1: HEAT DEMANDS CRIBBS PATCHWAY ......................................................... 2 TABLE 2-2: BENCHMARKED HEAT DEMANDS – CRIBBS PATCHWAY .......................... 3 TABLE 2-3: HEAT DEMANDS – NEW EARTH TO ACCOLADE WINES ............................. 3 TABLE 2-4: HEAT DEMANDS - SOUTHMEAD .................................................................. 3 TABLE 2-5: BENCHMARKED HEAT DEMANDS -SOUTHMEAD ....................................... 4 TABLE 2-6: HEAT DEMANDS - UWE ................................................................................4 TABLE 2-7: BENCHMARKED HEAT DEMANDS - UWE .................................................... 4 TABLE 4-1: SUMMARY OF LOAD FACTORS.................................................................... 8 TABLE 4-2: CRIBBS PATCHWAY PEAK HEAT DEMANDS .............................................. 8 TABLE 4-3: ACCOLADE WINES HEAT PEAK DEMANDS ................................................. 9 TABLE 4-4: SOUTHMEAD NETWORK PEAK HEAT DEMANDS........................................ 9 TABLE 4-5: UWE NETWORK PEAK HEAT DEMANDS...................................................... 9 TABLE 4-6: HIU RATINGS ............................................................................................... 10 TABLE 4-7: FLOW AND RETURN TEMPERATURES ...................................................... 12 TABLE 4-8: SUMMARY OF PIPELINE MODELLING OUTPUTS ...................................... 12 TABLE 5-1: SUMMARY OF CHP SIZES .......................................................................... 17 TABLE 5-2: SUMMARY OF CHP PERFORMANCE ......................................................... 17 TABLE 8-1: CHP CAPEX ................................................................................................. 24 TABLE 8-2: ENERGY CENTRE ESTIMATED FLOOR AREA ........................................... 25 TABLE 8-3: SUMMARY OF CONSUMER SIDE COSTS .................................................. 25 TABLE 8-4: OTHER CAPEX ............................................................................................ 26 TABLE 8-5: SUMMARY OF CAPEX ................................................................................. 26 TABLE 8-6: MAINTENANCE COSTS ............................................................................... 27 TABLE 8-7: REPEX COSTS............................................................................................. 28 TABLE 8-8: HEAT SALES PRICES .................................................................................. 29 TABLE 10-1 LINEAR HEAT DENSITY TESTING (LIST) ................................................... 36 TABLE 10-2: CORE UWE CHP CAPEX ........................................................................... 39 TABLE 10-3: ENERGY CENTRE ESTIMATED FLOOR AREA ......................................... 39 TABLE 10-4: SUMMARY OF CAPEX ............................................................................... 39 TABLE 13-1: ANTICIPATED CARBON SAVINGS ............................................................ 44 TABLE 15-1: CAPITAL COSTS SCENARIO 1 ALL CLUSTERS - SERC AND NES .......... 55 TABLE 15-2: CAPITAL COSTS - SCENARIO 2 ALL CLUSTERS - SERC ONLY ............ 56 TABLE 15-3: SCENARIO 3 – CAPITAL COSTS CPNN AND SOUTHMEAD ONLY - SERC ONLY ................................................................................... 57 TABLE 15-4: CAPITAL COSTS - SCENARIO 4 - CPNN ONLY - SERC ONLY ................. 58 TABLE 15-5: CAPITAL COSTS - SCENARIO 5 – UWE TO CITY CENTRE LINK - SERC ONLY ................................................................................... 59 TABLE 15-6: DHW AND SPACE HEATING PROFILES ................................................... 65 TABLE 15-7: CRIBBS PATCHWAY ESTIMATED CIU COSTS ......................................... 78 TABLE 15-8: ACCOLADE WINES ESTIMATED CIU COSTS ........................................... 78 TABLE 15-9: SOUTHMEAD NETWORK ESTIMATED CIU COSTS.................................. 78 TABLE 15-10: UWE NETWORK ESTIMATED CIU COSTS .............................................. 79 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
vii FIGURES FIGURE 3-1: CRIBBS PATCHWAY NETWORK ................................................................. 6 FIGURE 3-2: ACCOLADE WINES HEAT DEMAND PROFILE............................................ 6 FIGURE 3-3: SOUTHMEAD NETWORK HEAT DEMAND PROFILE .................................. 7 FIGURE 3-4: UWE NETWORK HEAT DEMAND PROFILE ................................................ 7 FIGURE 4-1: DOMESTIC HOT WATER DIVERSITY FACTORS ...................................... 11 FIGURE 4-2: CRIBBS PATCHWAY SCHEME.................................................................. 13 FIGURE 4-3: NEW EARTH SOLUTIONS ......................................................................... 14 FIGURE 4-4: SOUTHMEAD ............................................................................................. 15 FIGURE 4-5: UWE 16 FIGURE 6-1: CRIBBS PATCHWAY THERMAL STORE SELECTION .............................. 20 FIGURE 6-2: SOUTHMEAD THERMAL STORE SELECTION .......................................... 21 FIGURE 6-3: UWE THERMAL STORE SELECTION ........................................................ 21 FIGURE 9-1: 25-YEAR CUMULATIVE DISCOUNTED CASHFLOW, CRIBBS PATCHWAY.................................................................................... 32 FIGURE 9-2: 25-YEAR CUMULATIVE DISCOUNTED CASHFLOW, NEW EARTH SOLUTIONS ................................................................................... 33 FIGURE 9-3: 25-YEAR CUMULATIVE DISCOUNTED CASHFLOW, SOUTHMEAD......... 33 FIGURE 9-4: 25-YEAR CUMULATIVE DISCOUNTED CASHFLOW, UWE....................... 34 FIGURE 10-1 LINEAR HEAT DENSITY RESULTS .......................................................... 36 FIGURE 10-2: CORE UWE NETWORK PROFILE THROUGH THE YEAR....................... 37 FIGURE 10-3: CORE UWE NETWORK ........................................................................... 38 FIGURE 10-4: DISCOUNTED CUMULATIVE CASHFLOW – CORE UWE SCHEME ....... 40 11-1: SOUTHMEAD NETWORK LINEAR HEAT DENSITY............................................... 41 FIGURE 15-1: SERC TO ALL CLUSTERS ....................................................................... 51 FIGURE 15-2: ROUTE FROM UWE CLUSTER TO THE CITY CENTRE (TEMPLE & REDCLIFFE EC IN ST PHILIPS) ..................................................... 52 FIGURE 18-1: 2019 NETWORK....................................................................................... 81 FIGURE 18-2: 2021 NETWORK....................................................................................... 82 FIGURE 18-3: 2023 NETWORK....................................................................................... 83 FIGURE 18-4: 2025 NETWORK....................................................................................... 84 FIGURE 18-5: 2027 NETWORK....................................................................................... 85 FIGURE 18-6: 2029 NETWORK....................................................................................... 86 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
1 1 INTRODUCTION This report builds on the Avonmouth & Severnside Heat Network Study – Heat Mapping Report completed by WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff (WSP | PB). Within this previous report, which formed the first phase of a study examining the potential for decentralised energy networks within the Avonmouth-Severnside area of South Gloucestershire, a number of heat clusters with the potential for decentralised energy networks were identified. Following a workshop to discuss these, four potential heat clusters were identified for further analysis: à Cribbs Patchway à New Earth Solutions to Accolade Wines à Southmead à UWE This report focuses on more detailed modelling of each of these clusters. This is set out in the following sections: à Heat Demand Summary: Summarises heat demands as set out in the heat mapping report. Also includes benchmarks for those loads for which no demands had been available. à Load profiling: Heat demands were collected in the form of kilowatt-hours per annum. In order to model the operation of a CHP engine against these demands, it is necessary to have the variation throughout the year. This section sets out the process by which annual demands were converted into hourly profiles. à CHP sizing: This section focuses on the selection of an appropriately sized CHP engine to meet the heat demands. à Pipeline modelling: WSP | PB’s bespoke model was used to size and cost the pipe network required to supply the heat loads. This includes estimation of peak heat demands for each of the loads on the network. à Financial modelling: A full financial model was undertaken for each of the networks, in order to establish economic viability. à Sensitivity analysis: Financial sensitivity to key criteria. à Update of strategic network assessment: Following on from the initial heat networks proposition in the previous heat mapping report. à Conclusions and recommendations Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
2 2 HEAT DEMAND SUMMARY This section sets out the loads which comprise each of the four clusters, as identified within the Heat Mapping Report: à Cribbs Patchway à New Earth to Accolade Wines à Southmead à UWE 2.1 CRIBBS PATCHWAY The following heat demands were collected for the Cribbs Patchway cluster: Table 2-1: Heat demands Cribbs Patchway Site Name Heat demand (kWh/yr) Aztec Hotel & Spa Unavailable CPNN - residential 14,166,000 CPNN - non-residential 21,305,000 Callicroft Primary School 185,000 Hilton Bristol Hotel Unavailable Holy Family Primary School 140,000 Patchway Community School 1000,000 Patchway Locality Hub 200,000 Rolls Royce 7,000,000 St Chad's Primary School 120,000 Stoke Lodge Primary School 200,000 For those loads where no heat demand was available, the following process was used to derive an estimate: à Area of building and number of storeys established using Google Maps to give overall external floor area à Heat benchmark applied based on CIBSE Guide TM46 fossil fuel benchmarks and an assumed boiler efficiency of 80% à Total building heat demand calculated. It should be noted that this is a fairly crude approach and more refined data would need to be gathered at the next stage of design. However, these heat demands are sufficient at this high- level feasibility stage. The calculations undertaken are set out below: Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
3 Table 2-2: Benchmarked heat demands – Cribbs Patchway Area from Benchmark Benchmarked Google Maps Number (2006) heat demand Site Name (m2) of floors Use type (kWh/m2/yr) (kWh/annum) Aztec Hotel & Spa 5500 2.5 Hotel 264 3,630,000 Hilton Bristol Hotel 6200 2 Hotel 264 3,274,000 2.2 NEW EARTH TO ACCOLADE WINES This is a very small network which provides a link between the New Earth Solutions renewable energy plant and Accolade Wines. As the New Earth Solutions plant is solely providing (i.e. not using) heat, there is no associated demand listed. It is noted that there are other potential heat demands in this area but these are, in the main, small privately owned businesses. Typically it could be expected that such loads might join a network that is already in operation but would not be relied on as part of a base case business plan. We have therefore not included these in the demands identified at this stage. Table 2-3: Heat demands – New Earth to Accolade Wines Site Name Heat demand (kWh/annum) Accolade Wines 4,165,000 New Earth N/A 2.3 SOUTHMEAD Heat demands collated for the Southmead network are summarised in the table below: Table 2-4: Heat demands - Southmead Heat demand Site Name (kwh/annum) Badocks Wood Primary - Southmead Childrens’ Centre 120,000 BAE systems 1,094,000 Charborough Road Primary School 170,000 Filton Sports & Leisure Centre Unavailable Horfield Leisure Centre 1,518,000 South Gloucestershire & Stroud College Unavailable Southmead Hospital 28,508,000 One of the potential additional loads on this network is Airbus. This has a significant heat demand of 22.8GWh – and so could nearly double the heat demands. It has been excluded as it is now understood that the campus has a fully decentralised heating system with around 500 different combustion appliances mainly in the 10-500kW range. Many are warm air or other types not readily converted to L/MPHW without significant expenditure. Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
4 A benchmarking process was followed to establish heat demands for the remaining loads, as set out in Section 2.1. The outcomes of the benchmarking are set out in the table below: Table 2-5: Benchmarked heat demands -Southmead Benchmark Area from Benchmark ed heat Google Number of (2006) demand Site Name Maps floors Use type (kWh/m2/yr) (kWh/yr) Sports Filton Sports & Leisure centre Centre 2400 1 (dry) 264 633,600 South Gloucestershire & Stroud College 8750 3 School 120 3,150,000 2.4 UWE Heat demands of the network in and around UWE are summarised in the table below: Table 2-6: Heat demands - UWE GIS ID Heat demand (kWh/annum) Bristol Rovers/ UWE stadium 4,980,000 Frenchay Hospital 2,936,000 Harry Stoke 7,245,000 Hewlett Packard 1,523,000 Higher Education Funding Council None Holiday Inn Bristol-Filton None Land East of Coldharbour Lane 2,818,000 Land East of Harry Stoke 11,986,000 MoD Filton Abbey Wood 8,994,000 Romney House 289,000 UWE 6,768,000 The outputs from benchmarking are summarised in the table below: Table 2-7: Benchmarked heat demands - UWE Area from Number Benchmark Benchmarked Google of Use (2006) heat demand GIS ID Maps floors type (kWh/m2/yr) (kWh/annum) Higher Education Funding Council 1500 3 Office 96 432,000 Holiday Inn Bristol-Filton 6250 2 Hotel 264 3,300,000 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
5 3 HEAT DEMAND PROFILING It is proposed that the clusters are initially supplied with heat from gas-fired CHP engines, with back up and peaking heat supplied by gas boilers. Gas-fired CHP is proposed as the base case for feasibility: it is a well-proven, reliable technology, with engines available from a wide range of manufacturers. Compared to biomass solutions, it is low risk from a planning / fuel supply and storage perspective. The hourly variation in heat demand throughout the year is used to assess the operation of the CHP engines, and select appropriately sized models. Annual heat demands were therefore converted into hourly heat profiles using WSP | PB’s in-house load profiling tool. This tool uses assumed daily heat demand profiles for space heating and domestic hot water (DHW), with separate profiles for weekday and weekend demands and an assumed percentage split between the two. Hot water demands are assumed to remain constant throughout the year, whilst space heating demands vary inversely with external temperature (it is assumed that heating is required once the external temperature drops below 15.5°C) The following main use types were used for profiling purposes: à Hospital à Hotel à Leisure centre (with pool) à Leisure centre (dry) à Residential à Office à Stadium à School à University uses1 In addition, particular profiles were developed for Accolade Wines and the BAE Filton Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood development. These profiles are illustrated in appendix A. 1 Comprising offices, refectory, student union and student accommodation. Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
6 The resultant annual profiles for the four networks set out above are illustrated in the subsequent diagrams: Figure 3-1: Cribbs Patchway Network Cribbs Patchway network 70,000 60,000 50,000 Heat demand (kW) 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 - 1 267 533 799 1065 1331 1597 1863 2129 2395 2661 2927 3193 3459 3725 3991 4257 4523 4789 5055 5321 5587 5853 6119 6385 6651 6917 7183 7449 7715 7981 8247 8513 Hour through year Figure 3-2: Accolade Wines heat demand profile Accolade Wines 600 500 400 Heat demand (kW) 300 200 100 - 1033 1291 1549 1807 2065 2323 2581 2839 3097 3355 3613 3871 4129 4387 4645 4903 5161 5419 5677 5935 6193 6451 6709 6967 7225 7483 7741 7999 8257 8515 1 259 517 775 Hour through year Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
7 Figure 3-3: Southmead Network heat demand profile Southmead network 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 Heat demand (kW) 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 - 1 232 463 694 925 1156 1387 1618 1849 2080 2311 2542 2773 3004 3235 3466 3697 3928 4159 4390 4621 4852 5083 5314 5545 5776 6007 6238 6469 6700 6931 7162 7393 7624 7855 8086 8317 8548 Hour through year Figure 3-4: UWE network heat demand profile UWE Network 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 Heat demand (kW) 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 - 1 232 463 694 925 1156 1387 1618 1849 2080 2311 2542 2773 3004 3235 3466 3697 3928 4159 4390 4621 4852 5083 5314 5545 5776 6007 6238 6469 6700 6931 7162 7393 7624 7855 8086 8317 8548 Hour through year Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
8 4 PIPELINE MODELLING 4.1 ESTIMATION OF PEAKS Decentralised energy pipe networks need to be sized in order to serve the peak loads which will be encountered. The higher the peak demand, the larger the pipe diameter required. Peak loads were derived from the annual loads presented in Section 2; the methodology is set out in the following two sections. NON-DOMESTIC LOADS To convert from annual heat demands (in kWh) to peak heat demands (kW), load factors were applied. Load factors are given by the following equation: ℎ ( ℎ) = ℎ × 8760 i.e it is a representation of the “peakiness” of the heat demand throughout the course of a year. Load factors were derived from the daily space heating and DHW profiles set out in the previous section and are summarised in the table below: Table 4-1: Summary of Load Factors Use type Overall load factor Accolade Wines 90% Hospital 28% Hotel 15% Leisure Centre (With Pool) 33% Office 7% Stadium 15% School 8% Sports centre (dry) 13% UWE - office use 10% UWE - refectory 16% UWE – Student halls of residence 20% UWE – Student Union 15% BAE Filton - CPNN - non-residential 11% Applying these load factors to the annual figures for each load leads to the following totals for each network: Table 4-2: Cribbs Patchway Peak Heat Demands Annual heat Peak heat Site Name demand (MWh) Load factor demand (MW) Aztec Hotel & Spa 3,630 15% 2.76 BAE Filton - CPNN - residential 14,166 N/A Residential Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
9 BAE Filton - CPNN - non-residential 21,305 11% 22.11 Callicroft Primary School 185 8% 0.26 Hilton Bristol Hotel 3,274 15% 2.49 Holy Family Primary School 140 8% 0.20 Patchway Community School 1,000 8% 1.43 Patchway Locality Hub 200 7% 0.33 Rolls Royce 7,000 7% 11.42 St Chad's Primary School 120 8% 0.17 Stoke Lodge Primary School 200 8% 0.29 Table 4-3: Accolade Wines Peak Heat Demands Annual heat Peak heat Site Name demand (MWh) Load factor demand (MW) Accolade Wines 4165 90% 0.53 Table 4-4: Southmead Network Peak Heat Demands Annual heat Peak heat Site Name demand (MWh) Load factor demand (MW) Badocks Wood Primary - Southmead 120 8% 0.17 Childrens Centre BAE systems 1,094 7% 1.79 Charborough Road Primary School 170 8% 0.24 Filton Sports & Leisure Centre 634 13% 0.56 Horfield Leisure Centre 1,518 33% 0.53 South Gloucestershire & Stroud 3,150 8% 4.50 College Southmead Hospital 28,508 28% 11.62 Table 4-5: UWE Network Peak Heat Demands Annual heat Peak heat GIS ID demand (MWh) Load factor demand (MW) Bristol Rovers/ UWE stadium 4,980 15% 3.82 Frenchay Hospital 2,936 N/A Residential Harry Stoke 7,245 N/A Residential Hewlett Packard 1,523 7% 2.48 Higher Education Funding Council 432 7% 0.71 Holiday Inn Bristol-Filton 3,300 15% 2.51 Land East of Coldharbour Lane 2,818 N/A Residential Land East of Harry Stoke 11,986 N/A Residential Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
10 MoD Filton Abbey Wood 8,993 7% 15.67 Romney House 289 7% 0.47 Office use 2,835 10% 3.24 Refectory Use 193 16% 0.14 UWE2 Student halls 3,561 20% 2.03 Student union 179 15% 0.14 DOMESTIC LOADS Domestic peak loads are calculated in a different manner to non-residential loads. This is because significant diversity in demands for hot water needs to be taken into account. For example, while the units in a block of flats will have similar heat demand profiles, each dwelling will experience its peak demand at a slightly different time. As such, the peak domestic demand on the network will be lower than that calculated by multiplying the number of dwellings by the per-dwelling peak heat demand. The following peak demands are assumed per dwelling, based on typical heat interface unit ratings: Table 4-6: HIU ratings Peak space heating demand 3.5 kW Peak DHW demand 30 kW The diversity curve of hot water consumption is developed from data provided in technical DH guidance for designers (Standard DS 439:2009), and is illustrated below: 2 Note: Demands for UWE shown here are taken from work carried out by WSP | PB for UWE, August 2015 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
11 Figure 4-1: Domestic hot water diversity factors Domestic hot water diversity 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 DHW diversity factor 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 - 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Number of dwellings The resultant diversified peak heat demands are summarised in the table below: Table 4-7: Diversified peak residential demands, Cribbs Patchway Annual heat Peak heat demand Site Name demand (MWh) (MW) BAE Filton - CPNN - residential 14,166 36.10 Table 4-8: Diversified peak residential demands, UWE Annual heat Peak heat demand GIS ID demand (MWh) (MW) Frenchay Hospital 2,936 2.57 Harry Stoke 7,245 6.10 Land East of Coldharbour Lane 2,818 2.83 Land East of Harry Stoke 11,986 10.17 4.2 PIPELINE MODELLING WSP | PB’s proprietary pipeline model was used to model the pipe networks. This allows the diameter of pipe lengths to be calculated, DH network pumps to be sized, and indicative heat loss and network cost to be calculated. Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
12 The inputs to the model are peak heat demand for each load connected to the network, flow and return temperatures, and network geometry. Flow and return temperatures are here reproduced from the London Heat Network Manual3, which sets out best practice in this area. The following flow and return temperatures are used, these are based on a combination of the London Heat Network Manual and WSP | PB’s experience of best practice in the construction of decentralised energy networks: Table 4-9: Flow and return temperatures Temperature Source 4 Primary flow 90°C District heating manual for London Primary return (Domestic space heating) 55°C District heating manual for London Primary return (DHW) 25°C District heating manual for London Primary return (non-domestic hot water) 55°C District heating manual for London Non-domestic buildings can accept higher primary side temperatures, with temperatures of up to 110°C standard. If residential developments are served by hydraulically separated networks which in turn serve each property, then higher temperature flow in primary mains is possible, which will increase temperature differentials and minimise pipe diameters. On the other hand, heat losses will be higher, therefore higher temperatures would only be used when demands are high - for example when outside temperatures are below 5°C – so as to minimise heat losses through the year. The potential for such improvements would be considered in future, more detailed, feasibility studies. 4.3 OUTPUTS The table below summarises the outputs from pipeline modelling. Series 2 insulation5 has been assumed throughout. Table 4-10: Summary of pipeline modelling outputs Network option Network cost Total trench Total load at Pump Annual heat length (m) energy centre power losses (MWth) (kWe) (MWh/annum) Cribbs Patchway £8,450,000 7498 20.8 252 2194 New Earth Solutions £1,316,000 1507 1.3 6 355 Southmead £5,117,000 5543 6.1 41 1464 UWE £7,647,000 8265 47.3 396 2386 Indicative pipe diameters for the networks are shown in the following diagrams and tables. These show the pipe to the boundary of each stakeholder, and are schematics only. 3 http://www.londonheatmap.org.uk/Content/uploaded/documents/LHNM_Manual2014Low.pdf 4 The DH manual for London recommends a temperature of 110-80°C. 90°C has been selected here as the maximum safe temperature for hot water to enter dwellings. 5 Three insulation levels are available – 1, 2 and 3, of which 3 is the highest and 1 the lowest. Series 2 is generaly recommended for projects in the UK. Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
13 Figure 4-2: Cribbs Patchway Scheme Cost per m Diameters Length of this diameter in this Total cost for pipe (trench) (£ (nominal) (mm ID) option (m) diameter (£) capex) 50 £638 760 £484,615 65 £690 1,039 £716,809 80 £753 - £0 100 £873 24 £21,084 125 £979 1,284 £1,257,514 150 £1,099 126 £138,683 200 £1,232 788 £970,435 250 £1,380 2,204 £3,040,991 300 £1,430 1,273 £1,819,767 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
14 Figure 4-3: New Earth Solutions6 Cost per m Diameters Length of this diameter in this Total cost for pipe (trench) (£ (nominal) (mm ID) option (m) diameter (£) capex) 65 £690 1,507 £1,039,830 6 Please note that while shorter routes may be feasible to connect these loads we are not currently able to guarantee this and so have taken a conservative position for this high level study. We also note that this longer route may provide additional opportunities for other loads to connect particularly on the business parks at the junction of St Andrews Rd and Kings Weston Lane Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
15 Figure 4-4: Southmead Cost per m Diameters Length of this diameter in this Total cost for pipe (trench) (£ (nominal) (mm ID) option (m) diameter (£) capex) 50 £638 995 21,502 65 £690 1,579 38,664 80 £753 214 5,512 100 £873 - - 125 £979 - - 150 £1,099 1,219 43,581 200 £1,232 1,536 57,908 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
16 Figure 4-5: UWE Cost per m Diameters Length of this diameter in this Total cost for pipe (trench) (£ (nominal) (mm ID) option (m) diameter (£) capex) 65 £690 1,079 £744,518 80 £753 30 £22,230 100 £873 - £0 125 £979 2,018 £1,976,475 150 £1,099 1,039 £1,141,800 200 £1,232 1,818 £2,239,428 250 £1,380 1,814 £2,502,772 300 £1,430 25 £36,050 350 £1,584 442 £699,501 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
17 5 CHP SIZING The Cribbs Patchway, Southmead and UWE networks are to be provided with heat from a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) engine during the initial stages of the project (i.e. before a link to a waste heat supply is implemented). The one exception is the network which links New Earth Solutions and Accolade Wines – here heat is provided from the Energy from Waste plant at the former. Initial CHP size was calculated assuming that the CHP meets 70% of annual heat demand over 6,000 hours. This is a rough, first-pass indicator which has been found by WSP | PB to indicate a suitable starting point for CHP selection, and provides a good base figure for testing different sizes. This formula is set out below: ℎ × 70% = 6000 The resultant sizes are set out in the table below, alongside the engines modelled. Table 5-1: Summary of CHP sizes Network Annual heat Estimated CHP CHP(s) Option heat demand (GWh) size (kW) modelled output (kW) Cribbs Patchway 51.2 5,980 2 x J616 5292 2 x J620 6600 J620 & J616 5946 New Earth 4.2 N/A N/A N/A Southmead 35.2 4,110 2 x J420 2928 2 x J612 3970 2 x J616 5292 UWE 51.2 5,980 2 x J612 3970 2 x J616 5292 J616 & J612 5946 The performance of the CHPs listed in the table above is set out below: Table 5-2: Summary of CHP performance Thermal output Engine name Electrical output (kW) (kW) Energy input kW(gross) J420 1487 1464 3,916 J612 2000 1985 5,068 J616 2679 2646 6,756 J620 3352 3300 8,440 J624 4401 4108 10,709 Initial modelling of the different CHP options against the heat loads showed that the following CHPs performed best against the loads in terms of heat output and run hours: Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
18 Table 5-3: Summary of CHPs modelled Network Annual heat Estimated CHP CHP(s) Option heat demand (GWh) size (kW) modelled output (kW) Cribbs Patchway 51.2 5,980 2 x J620 6600 New Earth 4.2 N/A N/A N/A Southmead 35.2 4,110 2 x J612 3970 UWE 51.2 5,980 2 x J616 5292 These engines were thus taken forwards to the next stage of modelling. 5.1 NEW EARTH SOLUTIONS As already discussed, it is proposed that Accolade Wines receives heat from New Earth Solutions. The potential heat supply from New Earth Solutions is greater than the peak demand at Accolade and so should be able to supply the total heat demand except for during periods of maintenance. It is therefore assumed that 90% of Accolade Wines’ heat demand is met in this way. The remaining 10% is assumed to be served from existing gas boilers at Accolade Wines Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
19 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
20 6 THERMAL STORE SELECTION The use of thermal storage can improve CHP operation through decoupling heat demand and supply. This means that at times when heat demand is greater than CHP output, heat can be drawn down from the thermal store without the need to operate top up boiler plant. When demand is less than CHP output, excess heat can be used to charge the store, leading to a smoother CHP operating regime (i.e. the engine does not need to switch on and off so frequently). In order to select an appropriate store size, for each scheme CHP option, a range of thermal store 3 capacities was modelled, from 0 to 500m . Two graphs are displayed below: one showing the effect of varying thermal store size on the heat output from the CHPs, and the second showing the effect on number of starts (based on a maximum of two starts per day). Engine restarts increase the ‘wear and tear’ on an engine, and are hence undesirable in general. Graphs showing number of starts and overall heat output against thermal store size are set out below. Figure 6-1: Cribbs Patchway Thermal Store Selection Cribbs Network - Effect of Changing TS size 34,000,000 1,200 33,500,000 1,000 CHP heat output (kWh/annum) Combined starts per annum 33,000,000 800 32,500,000 32,000,000 600 31,500,000 400 31,000,000 200 30,500,000 30,000,000 - - 100 200 300 400 500 600 Thermal store size (m3) Total heat supply Total starts Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
21 Figure 6-2: Southmead thermal store selection Southmead Network - Effect of Changing TS Size 22,600,000 300.00 22,500,000 250.00 CHP heat output (kWh/annum) 22,400,000 Combined starts per annum 200.00 22,300,000 22,200,000 150.00 22,100,000 100.00 22,000,000 50.00 21,900,000 21,800,000 0.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Thermal store size (m3) Total heat output Total starts Figure 6-3: UWE thermal store selection UWE Network - Effect of Changing TS Size 29,500,000 800.00 29,000,000 700.00 28,500,000 600.00 CHP heat output (kWh/annum) Combined starts per annum 28,000,000 500.00 27,500,000 400.00 27,000,000 300.00 26,500,000 200.00 26,000,000 100.00 25,500,000 0.00 - 100 200 300 400 500 600 Thermal store size (m3) Total heat output Total starts The trend of the curves illustrated above shows that with increasing thermal store size, the number of annual restarts decreases, whilst overall annual heat output increases. Engine suppliers would typically limit restarts to a maximum of 2 per day in maintenance contracts, and the use of thermal storage will help to achieve this whilst maintaining a higher level of heat recovery. A greater number of restarts will have an impact on guarantees on availability and increase maintenance costs. Another key consideration is the financial implications of thermal storage. Although increasing thermal store size leads to overall financially beneficial outcomes, these need to be set off against the capital cost of the store. Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
22 Looking at the UWE network, increasing the thermal store size by 20m 3 at an extra CAPEX of £20,000 leads to an extra £1200 income per year, so a payback period of around 17 years. It is noted that these costs and revenues are quite conservative at this stage and a further more detailed assessment of the benefits of large thermal stores should be undertaken in next stage studies. 3 In particular it is known that larger stores will have a lower per m capital cost and that CHP maintenance costs are quite sensitive to hours of operation. The potential for load shifting – ie generating electricity when market values are high, whilst storing heat for use at night when electricity is cheaper, should also be considered. Finally, a future assessment of the benefit of larger thermal storage for the strategic network should be considered. As such, it is proposed for this study to keep the size of the thermal store at a minimum, with size selected primarily to avoid an excessive number of starts. Using this rationale leads to the following thermal store selections: 3 Network Selected thermal store size (m ) Cribbs 150 Southmead 100 UWE 150 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
23 7 OTHER TECHNICAL INPUT TO THE MODELLING This section summarises all other technical inputs to the modelling. 7.1 CARBON FACTORS DEFRA emissions factors for company reporting are used. These are: à 0.50029kgCO2/kWh for electricity à 0.18639kgCO2/kWh for gas 7.2 RESTRICTIONS ON NUMBER OF STARTS All CHPs modelled were restricted to two starts per day. Additional starts create extra wear on the engine and increase maintenance costs 7.3 BOILER EFFICIENCIES We have assumed that the efficiency of new top-up boilers is 85%. 7.4 ENERGY CENTRE PARASITIC LOADS The predominant parasitic load at the energy centre is for pumping demands. These are set out in Table 4-10. Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
24 8 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 8.1 RATIONALE As has been mentioned, the heat clusters set out within this report form the constituent parts of a wider Avonmouth-Severnside heat network. In order to facilitate these networks to link up at a future date, the following approach is taken: à Containerised CHP, allowing the engine to be removed when a wider network develops, fed from SERC or another lower carbon heat source. However, each cluster still retains a purpose-built energy centre, which contains top-up boilers, pumps, etc. and will provide peaking supply to the cluster in the wider network case. à Boiler plant is assumed to be retained at UWE and the MoD. In the former case, this follows the approach taken by UWE in terms of their approach of distributed plant rooms when implementing CHP on the campus. In the case of the latter, it is assumed that the MoD would require some degree of control to be retained over their heat supply. 8.2 CAPEX Indicative energy centre costs are based on the following items: Item Cost Source Costs based on supplier CHP engine See Table 8-1 quotes Thermal storage £1,000 per cubic metre Based on quotes from suppliers Utility Connections £195,000 per network Estimate Energy centre building £1650/m2. Building costs are based on the space requirements of the energy centre plant. Mechanical processes and £90 per kW installed capacity Spon’s all-in gas fired boiler controls cost of £91 to £99 per kW. Includes gas train, controls, flue, plantroom pipework, valves and insulation, pumps and pressurisation unit. Distribution pipework Costs set out in Table 4-10. 8.3 CHP CAPEX AND MAINTENANCE CHP CAPEX is listed in the table below. For the sake of convenience, maintenance costs are provided alongside. Table 8-1: CHP CAPEX Scheme CHPs chosen Capital cost (total) Maintenance cost (£/operating hour per CHP) for 15-year agreement Cribbs 2 X J620 2 x £1,325,500= £25.36 £2,651,000 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
25 New Earth N/A N/A N/A Southmead 2 x J612 2 x £921,500 = £17.99 £1,843,000 UWE 2 X J616 2 x £1,090,000= £21.22 £2,180,000 8.4 ENERGY CENTRE SIZE The area required by the energy centre is based upon previous designs carried out by WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff. The estimated floor area required is set out in the table below: Table 8-2: Energy centre estimated floor area Network Estimated energy centre size (m2) Cribbs 1120 New Earth Solutions N/A – it is assumed that any necessary plant (heat exchanger and pumps) will be housed within New Earth Solutions Southmead 840 UWE 750 It should be noted that these sizes are indicative and for costing only. 8.5 CONSUMER SIDE COSTS The cost of domestic heat interface units and non-domestic heat substations are included within the capital cost of the different scheme options. A domestic HIU cost of £1200 per dwelling has been used, based upon an average HIU cost. Commercial heat interface unit cost depends on the unit size, and is based upon quotes obtained from suppliers. These are summarised below, with full details in an appendix to this document. Table 8-3: Summary of consumer side costs Network Total residential HIU cost Number of Overall CIU cost properties non-domestic connections Cribbs 2750 £3,300,000 12 £1,225,000 7 New Earth 0 N/A 2 £54,000 Southmead 0 N/A 8 £232,000 UWE 4240 £5,088,000 15 £409,000 7 One CIU for Accolade Wines, and assumed one CIU at the interface between New Earth Solutions and the DH network Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
26 8.6 NEW DEVELOPMENT HEAT NETWORKS The cost of the heat network on each new development site also needs to be taken into account. It is not within the scope of this work to design each new development plot network, and so the following approximation has been used: For each dwelling: à 5m of DN 80 main spine at £500/m – total of £2500 à 3m of DN25 connection from main spine to dwelling at £350/m – total of £1050 à Final connection cost to HIU of £250 à Thus a total per dwelling cost of £3800. Note all costs are for soft dig. It should be noted that this is a very high-level approach and detailed analysis will be required to establish more accurate plot level costs. This is outside the scope of this commission, however. 8.7 OTHER CAPEX The following additional items of capital expenditure are included: Table 8-4: Other capex Item Cost Professional fees 12% of CAPEX (excluding pipework) Contingency 20% of CAPEX (excluding pipework) 8.8 SUMMARY OF CAPEX Summaries of capital expenditure for the four schemes are set out in the table below: Table 8-5: Summary of CAPEX Cribbs New Earth Southmead UWE CHP £2,651,000 N/A £1,843,000 £2,180,000 engines Thermal £150,000 N/A8 £100,000 £150,000 storage Utility £195,000 £195,000 £195,000 £195,000 connections Energy £1,848,000 N/A £1,386,000 £1,238,000 centre building 8 With a total heat output of 8MWth, the heat output from the plant is far greater than the demands of Accolade Wines. As such, thermal storage is not required, as it is assumed that there will always be heat supply when desired. Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
27 9 10 Mechanical £1,875,000 £100,000 £550,000 £2,396,000 process and controls Transmissio £8,450,000 £1,040,000 £5,117,000 £9,363,000 n pipework On site pipe £10,450,00 N/A N/A £16,112,000 network 0 HIU £3,300,000 N/A N/A £5,088,000 (domestic) CIU £1,225,000 £54,000 £232,000 £409,000 (Commercia l) Professional £1,349,000 £80,000 £517,000 £1,399,000 fees (at 12%) Contingency £2,249,000 £70,000 £861,000 £2,331,000 (20%) TOTAL £33,742,00 £1,539,000 £10,801,000 £40,861,000 0 8.9 MAINTENANCE The following items of plant and system maintenance are included: Table 8-6: Maintenance costs Plant item Unit Notes Gas CHP p/kWhe From supplier quotes for a range of CHP engine sizes M&E £/annum 1% of back up boiler CAPEX DH pipework £/annum 1% of capital outlay following a 2- year warranty period. 8.10 REPLACEMENT COSTS (REPEX) End of service life replacement costs are included within the modelling and are set out in the table below. Pipework has a 45 to 50 year life, and so its replacement is not included within the scope of this study. 9 To cover pumping and peripheries 10 Based on a peak network demand of 47MW minus the peak demands of UWE at 6MW and MoD at 14.7MW Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
28 Table 8-7: REPEX costs Anticipated lifetime (years) Replacement cost as percentage of CAPEX Gas CHP unit 15 70% Energy Centre Building 40 40% Back up gas boilers 30 50% Residential HIUs 15 75% CIUs 25 75% 8.11 OPERATING INCOME CONNECTION CHARGES Connection charges are levied by ESCOs on new developments which connect to the network, as developers are able to avoid the cost of installing boilers/ associated energy centre plant. A connection charge is only applicable to new developments (as there is no such saving for existing buildings), i.e. the following: à Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood (Cribbs network) à Bristol Rovers/UWE stadium (UWE network) à Harry Stoke (UWE network) à Land East of Harry Stoke (UWE network) à Land east of Coldharbour Lane (UWE network) The following connection charges are used: Residential £4000/dwelling Non-residential £150/kW th Whilst connection charges are not normally possible for existing buildings capital contributions in lieu of replacement of existing plant can often be included in final commercial agreements. The potential for these contributions would need to be examined on a case by case basis during future more detailed studies. Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
29 8.12 CONSUMER UNIT MAINTENANCE, METERING AND BILLING COSTS Item Cost per annum Domestic customers Account management £85 Heat Trust £5 Bi Annual HIU maintenance £25 Total per annum £115 Commercial customers Account management £400 Annual CIU inspection and maintenance £100 Total per annum £500 8.13 HEAT SALES PRICES When obtaining heat supply from boilers, there are a number of elements which need to be taken into account – i.e. the price of heat is more than the price of the gas which goes into the boiler. These elements are the following: à Cost of gas, taking into account the efficiency of boilers which would have been required (under a gas boiler “base case” scenario) to generate heat. à Gas supplier’s standing charge à Boiler maintenance à Boiler replacement These elements are all taken into account when deriving the cost of heat sold to customers, so this price is higher than gas cost. The following heat sales prices are used, as within the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood Heat Network Feasibility Study11. Heat prices are indexed through time in line with gas cost as per DECC Quarterly Price Projections, November 2015 (Gas Services Rate, Central Scenario) Table 8-8: Heat sales prices Customer type Price (p/kWh) New Residential 10.5 New Non-Residential 7 Existing Residential 10 Existing Non-Residential 5.6 11 Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood Heat Network Feasibility Study, WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, September 2015 Avonmouth Severnside Energy Masterplanning Report WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff South Gloucestershire Council Project No 3514120A-BEE Confidential
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