Automated Migration of List Based JSP Web Pages to AJAX
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Eighth IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation Automated Migration of List Based JSP Web Pages to AJAX Jason Chu and Thomas Dean Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Queen’s University {0jhpc,tom.dean} Abstract links that select the next (or previous) page in the list and may also have links that jump to to specific pages AJAX is a web application programming technique of the list (i.e. links to page 2, 3, 4 and 5). An example that allows portions of a web page to be loaded dy- of pages in this class are the catalogue pages in an e- namically, separate from other parts of the web page. commerce site (e.g. DVD action movies for a movie This gives the user a much smoother experience when rental site). Another example is the search result pages viewing the web page. This paper describes the proc- for a search engine such as Google. Our transform ess of converting a class of web pages from round-trip produces a page in which the previous and next links to AJAX. use AJAX to load the next or previous section of the list without affecting the rest of the page. The jump 1. Introduction links are also similarly transformed. Our transforma- tions only represent part of a more complete migration One of the perennial problems in software mainte- to AJAX. We do not handle the merging of multiple nance is updating existing systems to use new tech- JSP pages such as merging the form with the search nologies. When new technologies are introduced, it is results. not always cost effective to migrate existing systems This paper consists of 7 sections. Section 2 gives an to the new technology. Automated transformations can overview of the approach. Section 3 discusses the reduce both the risk and the cost of the migration. manual preparation of the system and Section 4 details The world wide web started as a mechanism for the steps involved in extracting a web service that pro- sharing documents, but has evolved, providing a port- vides the appropriate data in XML format from the able, platform independent user interface for applica- JSP source. Section 5 describes how the page can be tions. The ability to use JavaScript to communicate modified to use the new web service. Section 6 dis- with the server independently of the browser get/ cusses some preliminary results of our process. Re- submit actions, with the addition of the functionality to lated work is described in Section 7 and the paper is generate and parse XML led to what is now called concluded in Section 8. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) [10,16]. The main use of AJAX is to update a portion of the 2. Approach web page without reloading the entire page. This gives the user a smoother web browsing experience and, in The dynamic portions of a web page are not neces- some cases, also conserves bandwidth. sarily limited to the table of data that is the target of Migrating round trip legacy web applications to our transformation. Other items in the page such as the utilize AJAX is not a trivial task. In this paper, we navigation menu, headers and footers and bread show a set of source level transformations that auto- crumbs may also be generated dynamically. Thus the matically migrates a class of web pages to utilize first step in our process is a manual identification of AJAX. The class of web pages handled by our trans- the code that is to be migrated. The rest of the process formation are pages written in JSP that display a sub- is entirely automatic. Figure 1 shows the structure of set of some form of list. These pages usually contain our transformation process. There are two streams to 978-0-7695-3353-7/08 $25.00 © 2008 IEEE 217 DOI 10.1109/SCAM.2008.29
Source Slicing XML Slicing Cleanup Preparation Preparation Tags Manual Identification Source Other External Print Interior Print Add Preparation Dynamic Data Replacement Removal AJAX Figure 1. Transformation Process the transformation, each of which starts with source loop has been marked. The loop iterates over the result preparation steps that are very similar to each other, set from a JDBC query (, generating a but have some stream dependent details. The first single table row for each element. To simplify the fig- stream (upper right of Figure 1) uses slicing to extract ure, some of the details in this figure have been elided. a simple Web service that generates the table data in Other parts of the page may also depend on the con- XML format. The other stream (lower right) removes tents of the table. Some examples are the page title in a the generation of the list from the JSP source and re- heading at the top of the page, a page number and any places it with AJAX routines that call the service pro- next or previous links to navigate the query results. duced by the first transformation stream. The tag is used to identify this Most of the transformations are done using TXL[2] dynamic data. There are two minor changes in our and the HTML/JavaScript/ASP grammars originally markup from pure XML. The first is that we use demonstrated in Synytskyy et al.[14,15] and modified square brackets to delimit attribute values to more for JSP by Xinzheng Li[6] and Andy Mao[6]. We ex- easily manipulate them in TXL. The second is that we tend the grammar to allow XML markup, specifically allow attributes on the close tag as well as the open the manual markup used to identify the table to be tag. Figure 2 shows an example of the markup of the transformed, as well as the markup used to implement code that generates a previous link for a page. The the slicing algorithm. type attribute of the annotation is dlink, which is used to indicate that the annotation may contain a dy- 3. Manual Identification namic link which must be modified to invoke the AJAX loading function as part of the page translation. The user first identifies the primary section of code As with Figure 2, some of the generated HTML text in that is to be transformed using the XML tag Figure 3 has been elided for clarity. . This is typically a loop that extracts and formats the data from a database query. Figure 2 shows such a markup. In the figure, a Java while while((iCounter
if (iPage == 1){ out.print(”\n…Previous…”); }else{ out.print(”\n … Previous … ”); } Figure 3. Dynamic link markup 4. The XML Web Service The last step is to convert any string concatenations in output statements that are within the This section describes the extraction of a web serv- tags into multiple statements, each ice from the JSP page that generates the dynamic data referencing a single string expression. Output state- in XML format. ments outside of this tag, including those manually identified with the are not 4.1 Source Preparation modified. Instead they are annotated with a unique As in previous research using the same grammars, a identifier that will be used as the XML tag for the data sed (unix stream editor) script is used to normalize that they produce. This unique identifier is formed by newlines, convert all commenting conventions to a concatenating all of the identifiers in the expression single comment form and to convert any literal quotes and an integer to make the identifier unique. in the HTML to the HTML friendly form. 4.2 Slicing Preparation Since the result of the transform will be code that generates an XML representation of the dynamic data, Before we can slice, we must first identify the slic- there is no need for any of the existing HTML from ing criteria. Slicing criteria are a set of statements and the page. In a similar manner to that used by Synyt- a set of variables in those statements[17]. In this case, skyy et al[15], a TXL transform is used to extract all any statement that uses a Java variable when writing of the interesting elements. The transform redefines output is a slicing criteria candidate. We start by as- the interesting elements to include only the Java ele- suming that all such statements within the manual ments of the combined grammar. Thus all HTML ele- markup ( and ) and JSP expressions (). The JSP expres- criteria. Any variables that have constant values (i.e. sions are further normalized by converting them to are assigned single literal values once) are removed, as explicit print statements. That is the JSP expression are the output statements that use these variables. is converted to the Java statement We use the tag with pa- out.print(A). rameters to identify the slicing criteria and, as will be When a JSP page is invoked by an application shown in the next subsection, implement the slicing server, it is transformed by the server into a servlet. In algorithm. Our transform starts by annotating the re- this transformation, the code in the page is inserted maining output statements in the manually identified into the getRequest() method. The developer can segments of code with the tag, declare other methods and instance fields that can be but with a type attribute of data. The keyword attrib- shared between the methods. To simplify the slicing ute of the annotation gives the set of variables for the transform, these declarations are moved to the start of slicing criteria. Figure 4 shows the annotation of one the page. The individual scriplets are also merged to such output statement. produce a single scriptlet containing all of the execu- table Java code that will end up in the getRe- 4.3 Slicing quest() method. We us a standard backward static slicing algorithm that is implemented as a set of source level transfor- 219
out.print(fldField1) ; Figure 4. Identifying slicing criteria The general structure of the resulting XML is given with three tags, , and mations. The algorithm is a modification of the one . The top level of the XML document is previously done for the Tiny Imperative Language by given by a single tag, which contains Cordy[3]. The algorithm propagates tags, adjusting the con- dynamic data that was manually identified (). The table data is identified using the active variables. Elements of the transform handle all tag, and each row of the table is iden- of the standard cases including loops and conditional tified with an tag. statements. One significant difference is that the algo- These tags are extended with tags that are generated rithm starts from multiple slicing criteria (one for each for each of the generated values. The names of the tags output statement in a manually marked segment), and are dervied from the names of identifiers in the expres- as a consequence the transform must merge the vari- sions. At the current time, we do not generate a DTD able sets appropriately when one trace runs into an- to allow the browser to perform conformity checks on other. The annotation is only applied to those state- the resulting XML. ments that are elements of the slice. Print statements to add the tag to the After the annotation of the executable is complete, start and end of the result. Print statements are also any global variables or instance fields referred to by added to enclose the list of items with the annotated code are also annotated. After this trans- tags and each line of the table with form the slice is still embedded in the original code as tags. Code is also inserted around each print statement annotated statements. Any unannotated code is re- that brackets the generated value with an XML tag as moved, as are the all of the annotations other than the described above. annotations on the statements that print the dynamic Calls to two utility routines, AJAXLinkConvert data. The result of the slicing algorithm is an executa- and HTMLFilter are also inserted into the code. The ble JSP page whose output contains only the HTML first routine is inserted in any print statement that was text that was generated by the output statements manually marked as emitting HTML links. It scans the marked code segments of the original JSP page. generated link for references to the current page and 4.4 XML Tags replaces it by an appropriate AJAX call. Because the dynamic code may still generate HTML At this point in time, we have the core of JSP page code such as font tags for custom coloring of text, the that will generate only the dynamically generated val- HTMLFilter routine is used to ensure that such ues in the identified print statements. When executed, values are properly converted to XML safe values. For the results look like a stream of data with no breaks or example angle brackets are converted to ‘’. Figure 6 shows the results of the loop that was is to insert statements to generate the appropriate XML originally shown in Figure 2. tags. This starts with the insertion of the two JSP code 4.5 Cleanup elements shown in Figure 5. The first of these in- The last part to this phase of the transformation is to cludes several utility functions that are used by the clean up the resulting code, including reverting com- transformed code. The second sets the content type of ments to their normal form. Figure 7 shows results the page to XML so that the browser AJAX routines generated by the final JSP page. will properly parse into a document object model As mentioned previously the structure of the table is (DOM) instance. identified by the and 220
out.print(””); while((iCounterPrevious%lt;/a> [1] … Next … Figure 7. Sample XML output of generated web service. tags. In the example, there are three rows (the contents Outside of the table data, there are three values, of the second and third row are elided in the figure to given by the tags , and . The 221
if (iPage == 1) { out.print(”\n … Previous … ”); }else{ out.print(”\n…Previous…”); } Figure 8. Annotated other dynamic data print statements if (iPage == 1) { out.print(””); } else { out.print(””); } Figure 9. Annotated other dynamic data print statements first and last contain anchors that refer to the previous 5.2 Other Dynamic Data Replacement and next pages of the table. The final result of this sequence of transformations The first step in the transform of the web page is to deal with the sections of the page that were manually is a JSP page that returns the same data as the original page in XML format. Since the service is a slice of the marked as extra elements to be migrated such as page number and menu elements that depended on the dy- original page, any side effects of the original page, such as server side session information, that are related namic elements. During the source preparation step in both phases (XML service extraction and Page migra- to the list data are also included in the web service. As a result, the generated web service may not be fully tion), additional annotation was introduced for each generated output that included an unique identifier. compliant with the REST architecture. However, it provides a starting point for a more complete migra- Figure 8 shows the result of this part of the normaliza- tion. The markup, originally shown in Figure 3 has tion to a REST based architecture. been automatically copied to each of the output state- ments in the block of code and the attributes have been 5. User Page Transformation extended with an name generated from the names of This section describes the migration of the JSP web the variables used in the output statements. page to use the web service described in Section 3. Each of the print statements is changed to generate an empty HTML span that uses the unique identifier as 5.1 Source Preparation the value of the id as shown in Figure 9. The con- tents of the span will be inserted by JavaScript at run- This step is very similar to the one described in Sec- time. tion 3. However, since the page is supposed to display the same contents, we leave all of the HTML elements 5.3 External Print Replacement in the code(they are not removed as they were in the previous section). There is one additional transforma- The general approach as illustrated in the previous tion in this step. All HTML code in the element con- section is to replace the manually marked sections taining the user markup(i.e. ) is con- with HTML span tags. However, in the case of the verted to Java print statements. This element may be a main section of data that was marked with an method, or it may be a scriptlet (). tag, there are some additional complexi- 222
”’ ’”,”’ ’”,”’’”, ”’’”,”’ ’”,”’’”,”’’”, ”’’”,”+toHTMLfldtopic”, ”’’”,”’’”,”’’”,”’’”, ”+toHTMLfldauthor”,”’ ’”,”’’”,”’’”, ”’’”,”+toHTMLflddateentered”, ”’ ’”,”’’”,”’’” Figure 10. Table data list. ties. The tag is used to identify the main loop that gen- 5.5 Adding Ajax Support erates the data. This is typically inside of an HTML TABLE tag. Inserting a SPAN element inside of a ta- The last steps involve the final support for AJAX. The first transform in this step is to replace the marked ble will not result in well-formed HTML. This step checks to see if the user markup is inside of a table up code with a single call to a helper routine, ajaxExData. This routine takes two parameters, the tag. If so, the page is changed to generate a two JavaS- cript string constants. One for the HTML that extends JSP output stream, out, and the URI of the page, which is obtained with the expression from the tag to the tag, and the other for the HTML that extends from the request.getRequestURI(). This helper rou- tine will genenerate four elements into the page when tag to the end of the table (). If there is no table tags, this transform does it is called: 1) The empty SPAN tag that will contain the data. nothing. 2) Two supporting JavaScript files. The first contains 5.4 Interior Print Removal the generic methods to support AJAX, and the sec- ond is a custom generated JavaScript function. There are two types of data that are generated within 3) If a TABLE tag was found, then the constant the user markup. Some of the data is static HTML, the strings generated in Section 4.3 other is the dynamic values that are now generated by 4) A call to the JavaScript support library to fill in the web service. This step generates the JavaScript the empty SPANs when the page is first loaded. that will create the same output for this region of the The custom generated JavaScript function, named page as would be created by the original JSP. During tableMerge, is created from the list of print state- the code normalization step, all embedded HTML ment parameters (e.g. Figure 10) created by the trans- within the user markup was converted to Java print form described in Section 5.4. It iterates over the each statements. of the ajaxitem elements in the ajaxlist ele- In this transform, all of the print statements are re- ment of the DOM instance constructed by the browser moved, and the arguments are merged into a commas when the web service is invoked. The body of the separated list of strings. The statements that generate loop contains a sequence of string concatenations gen- dynamic data result in a string containing the unique erated from the list of strings building up a row for the identifier prefixed with the string concatenation opera- table. References to ajax tags are changed into calls to tor (‘+’). Static text (i.e. string or character literals) are the getElementByTagName method of the DOM a string containing the static data as a character literal. object. If the transform in Section 5.3 found a TABLE Any variables with static values (see section 3.3 Slic- tag, then the JavaScript strings that were inserted by ing preparation) are replaced by the constant values. step 3 above are also included in the concatenation. Figure 10 shows such a list. This list is used by the Figure 11 shows part of the function generated from transform described in the next section to create the the string list in Figure 10. JavaScript that will generate the full HTML and dy- After the core method included in step 2 above calls namically insert it into the page. the custom function, it then checks the top level of the DOM object for any tags other than the ajaxitem tags. If any are found, it converts the text back to 223
function tableMerge(ajaxlist) { var strTable = ””; strTable += ajaxPreCont; // to for(varrowIndex=0;rowIndex
Figure 12. Round trip forum Mesbah et al. [9] presented an approach to migrate ice. The resulting web service is a JSP page that takes multi-paged web applications to single-paged AJAX the same parameters as the original page and returns interfaces. They have implemented a tool, called RET- the data of the list in XML format. The transforma- JAX, which identifies web elements which are candi- tions have been tested against several open source web dates for AJAX transformation. The approach pre- applications, which functioned identically with the sented does not produce an AJAX enabled product, but intended difference that navigating the list results did serves as a starting point to the transformation process. not require page reloads. However, the transforms Their tool identifies potential candidates among multi- have not been tested against any commercial applica- ple pages, ours focusses on the transformation of a tions. single page. The transformations do not handle the merging of Slicing has also been previously demonstrated for JSP pages, and this is a clear area for future work. web applications. Ricca et al.[13] used slicing to dem- Although Mesbah et al.[9] do not provide an auto- onstrate relationships between web pages. Lu et al. mated migration, they provide a technique for identify- [18] applied slicing to web applications for the pur- ing candidates to be merged. This may provide an ap- pose of testing. propriate starting point for a more sophisticated trans- Previous work at our group has also used the unified formation. grammar and TXL to transform web pages. This has We have not yet tested pages that require secure included the conversion of simple JSP to custom tags access. Intuitively, the process should work since the [19,20], and the conversion of TABLE tags to DIV generation of the data depends on the security checks, tags and cascading style sheets[8]. and therefore the security checks should be included in the slice that generates the XML. The JavaScript sup- 8. Future work and Conclusions port routines will have to be adapted to deal with secu- rity failures during AJAX loads. This remains another In this paper we have shown a set of source trans- area for future work forms that can migrate a class of round-trip JSP web The implementation of our transform is specific to page to AJAX. The class of pages are those pages that JSP. However, since the web service that is generated display a portion of a list with links to display other is a slice of the original page that has been modified to portions of the list. This involves extracting a web generate XML instead of HTML, the technique should service and transforming the web page to use the serv- 225
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