Automated Identification of Semantic Similarity between Concepts of Textual Business Rules - inass

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Automated Identification of Semantic Similarity between Concepts of Textual Business Rules - inass
Received: August 14, 2020. Revised: October 19, 2020. 147

 Automated Identification of Semantic Similarity between Concepts of Textual
 Business Rules

 Abdellatif Haj1* Youssef Balouki1 Taoufiq Gadi1

 Laboratory of Mathematics, Computer and Engineering Sciences, Department of Maths,
 Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Hassan I University, Settat, Morocco
 * Corresponding author’s Email:

 Abstract: Business Rules (BR) are usually written by different stakeholders, which makes them vulnerable to contain
 different designations for a same concept. Such problem can be the source of a not well orchestrated behaviors.
 Whereas identification of synonyms is manual or totally neglected in most approaches dealing with natural language
 Business Rules. In this paper, we present an automated approach to identify semantic similarity between terms in
 textual BR using Natural Language Processing and knowledge-based algorithm refined using heuristics. Our method
 is unique in that it also identifies abbreviations/expansions (as a special case of synonym) which is not possible using
 a dictionary. Then, results are saved in a standard format (SBVR) for reusability purposes. Our approach was applied
 on more than 160 BR statements divided on three cases with an accuracy between 69% and 87% which suggests it to
 be an indispensable enhancement for other methods dealing with textual BR.
 Keywords: Business rules, Semantic similarity, Synonym extraction, Abbreviation identification, NLP.

 stakeholders. Using more than one designation for
1 Introduction the same concept is one of theme.
 BRs are generally neither few statements to be
 Business Rules are expected to assert the
 manually processed, nor enough to be processed
structure or control the behaviour of the business [1].
 using machine learning methods. Probably, this
They should be separated from other layers and
 justifies the fact that approaches tend to ignore the
presented in an unambiguous language to all
 existence of synonyms [4], or provide a user interface
stakeholders [2]. The heterogeneity of different
 (UI) to add theme manually [5], or assume the prior
intervenors coupled with the divergence of their
 existence of a domain knowledge containing the
interests make the natural language the most
 business vocabulary [6]. While other approaches try
appropriate format to express business rules. Then, IT
 to identify synonyms at advanced steps of the
people tend to transform them to a more formal
 development process [7]. However, the identification
languages for analyse and design purposes. Doing
 of semantic similarity between terms at early steps
such transformation manually is time consuming and
 will - without a doubt - improve the quality of next
error prone, which explain the great interest in the last
 steps models, and then decrease the number of
decade to make it automatic.
 iterations as well as the process time.
 Approaches dealing with textual business needs
 In this paper, we present an approach to enhance
largely rely on Natural Language Processing (NLP),
 existing approaches dealing with NL BR statements
or adopt a Controlled Natural Language (CNL) [3]
 by automatically identifying synonyms using NLP,
easily understood by machines.
 knowledge-based algorithm, and heuristics.
 Existing approaches focus on extracting
 Our approach was tested over more than 160 BR
knowledge (semantic) from text, but ignore other
 statements divided on 3 different cases, with an
issues leading to inconsistencies, resulting specially
 accuracy between 67% and 80%.
from the fact that BR are usually written by different
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.1, 2021 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0228.15
Automated Identification of Semantic Similarity between Concepts of Textual Business Rules - inass
Received: August 14, 2020. Revised: October 19, 2020. 148

 This paper should be of interest to all software least one common statement have two different
engineering people who work with natural language, meaning.
especially those who are interested in transforming BR statements should be atomic, well-formed,
text to formal specifications. This approach makes and written in business terms [1] instead of
the following contributions: paragraphs. Thus, limiting term context to terms
1. Enhance methods dealing with Text to Model surrounding it (such in machine learning methods) is
 transformation, by identifying terms with same not a good choice in BR environment (H1 & H2).
 meaning. Furthermore, one BR statement is often formulated
2. Improve business vocabulary formulation. by one person; thus, the probability to find synonym
3. Preserve the BR integrity. terms in the same statement is very low compare to
 Automatic extraction of synonym terms is largely other statements written by other people (H3). Finally,
related to semantic similarity (relatedness) we consider that the writer of statement intentionally
identification between entities, namely: terms, chooses proper terms for proper expressions; thus
phrases, paragraphs, or documents [8-9]. To identify hypernym (hyponym) are not considered as synonym.
Word-to-Word similarity, 3 main methods are used Altogether, in our word we decided to identify terms
in the literature [10] : (i) String-based methods in having same dictionary-based sense before to be
which similarity between two character strings are refined using heuristics. In addition, a solution to
measured; (ii) Corpus-based methods use statistics relate abbreviations with their expansions
collected from collection of texts (Corpus); and (iii) (definitions) is also proposed.
Knowledge-based methods which depend on The next section looks at existing approaches
predefined linguistic information derived from dealing with synonym identification from natural
semantic networks such as WordNet [11]. Certainly, language specifications; Section 3 details our
these methods are not all suitable to our objective. For approach to identify synonym terms from textual BR
example, string-based methods surely will identify as well as abbreviation-expansion pairs; Section 4
entities having close sequence of characters; but evaluates our method and discuses obtained results;
result such as “renter” and “rental” are considered and Section 6 draws the limits coupled with
false positive in our case. As well, knowledge-based directions for future work and concludes the paper.
methods alone are not sufficient, and must be
supported by the context in which the term was found, 2 Related works
as clearly shown in the definition of the “synonym”
 Despite the problems that may arise from the
concept: “words that denote the same concept and
 existence of more than one designation with same
are interchangeable in many contexts” (WordNet
 meaning, synonyms identification is neglected in
[11]). Regarding corpus-based approaches, the
 most approaches dealing with NL BRs as can be seen
context plays an important role. For example,
 in Table 1.
sentences may be transformed to a Vector Space
 In this section we will give an overview of
Models [12] to extract their meaning. Word2Vec
 existing approaches dealing with synonyms
method [13] is widely used at this level to establish
 identification from natural language specifications.
semantic similarity via word statistics which relay on
 In other approaches, there is an important
the context in which terms are used. The accuracy of
 difference in the way semantic similarity between
methods relying on this solution, is related to the
 terms is handled. V. Gruhn [15] have created a
large number of data available at the input size.
 catalogue of synonyms and antonyms to help in
 As a solution, we tried to put ourselves in the
 detecting error patterns that can be found in Event-
shoes of business writers, to recognize the different
 Driven Process Chains. A. Awad [16] proposed an
possible sources of synonym before making the
 automated approach for querying a business process
following hypotheses:
 model repository, in which the most common sense
 H1) Terms of the same statement are considered
 was selected from WordNet [11] dictionary. Other
neighbours of each other. In other words, all terms of
 approaches tried to extract synonyms using
the same statement participate somehow to construct
 dictionary (like WordNet) without explanation
the context of each term of this statement.
 neither about what was the algorithm used, nor if the
 H2) Terms having no common neighbour means
 context was taken into consideration or not, such in
that they have different meaning, even if they are
 [17, 18] in which SBVR business vocabularies and
synonym according to dictionaries.
 rules are extracted from UML use case diagrams; or
 H3) Terms which are neighbours are not
 [19] which presented an automatic approach to
synonym. Which means that terms appearing in at
 generate BPMN models from natural language text;

International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.1, 2021 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0228.15
Automated Identification of Semantic Similarity between Concepts of Textual Business Rules - inass
Received: August 14, 2020. Revised: October 19, 2020. 149

 Table 1. A comparative table of approaches dealing with synonyms in textual specifications
 Approach Input Output Synonym Identification
 P. K. Chittimalli [4] Textual Business SBVR: Entities, facts, and No
 Rules rules
 S. Roychoudhury [5] legal English text SBVR model Manual
 I. S. Bajwa [6] Textual OCL Constraints Manual
 M. Selway [14] Textual Business Formal model Manual
 V. Gruhn [15] Event-Driven error patterns Manual
 Process Chains
 P. Danenas [17] Use Case Diagram SBVR Business Based entirely on dictionary results.
 Vocabularies and Rules (method not cited)
 T. Skersys [18] Use Case Diagram SBVR Business Based entirely on dictionary results.
 Vocabularies and Rules (method not cited)
 F. Friedrich [19] Natural Language BPMN models Based entirely on dictionary results.
 Text (method not cited)
 Y. Zhang [20] English requirement-to-code links Based entirely on dictionary results.
 requirements (method not cited)
 A. Awad [16] Business Process List of process Based entirely on dictionary result
 model query models (most common sense)
 M. Ehrig [21] Business Process Similarity between Semi-automatic: require a pre-
 models Business Process models existing ontology-based vocabulary.
 F. Pittke [7] Textual Process Homonyms and synonyms Automatic: Combine scores
 models terms computed from translations in
 different languages using BabelNet
 F. Dalpiaz [24] user stories near-synonyms terms Automatic: calculate the similarity
 between terms then between their
 context using
 Our Method Natural Language Synonyms terms & Automatic: use NLP and knowledge-
 Business Rules abbreviation/expansion based algorithm refined using
 saved according to SBVR heuristics.

or [20] which combined various features to recover collection of websites to calculate the semantic
requirement-to-code links. M. Ehrig [21] proposed an similarity.
approach for (semi-) automatic detection of It can be concluded that, there is no single agreed
synonyms and homonyms of process element names method to extract synonyms from text which is valid
using a preexisting ontology-based vocabulary get for all goals; but we are facing a non-trivial task that
from UML Profile. They combined three similarity differs depending on the objective and context.
measures, syntactic (compare the number of common In the end, despite the divergence in their area of
characters), linguistic (the number of WordNet application, the last approach [24] remains the closest
senses), and structural (places of concepts with their to ours, as it extracts nouns automatically from a set
attributes and transitions). F. Pittke [7] proposed a of sentences, before calculating the similarity by
technique to detect and resolve lexical ambiguities in taking the context into consideration. While our
textual process models caused by homonyms and approach deals with textual BR statements having no
synonyms by combining scores computed from standard format and uses heuristics to improve the
translations in different languages. To find word with accuracy of identified synonyms. Our approach is
similar senses, they used a graph-based multilingual unique in that it also identifies
joint approach based on the multilingual knowledge abbreviations/expansions (as a special case of
base BabelNet [22] with XMeans clustering [23]. F. synonym) which is not possible using a dictionary,
Dalpiaz [24] try to detect terminological ambiguity in before saving obtained results in a standard format
user stories by calculating the similarity between (SBVR) for reusability purposes.
terms then between their context. For this reason, [25] is used, which is considered as a very
powerful AI-based tool, with a high processing speed. relies on matrices created from a large

International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.1, 2021 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0228.15
Automated Identification of Semantic Similarity between Concepts of Textual Business Rules - inass
Received: August 14, 2020. Revised: October 19, 2020. 150

3 Our approach
 Our aim is to enhance approaches dealing with
BR written in natural language by identifying terms Figure. 2 Example of our NLP pipeline output
having the same meaning.
 Initially, our approach begins with a linguistic
analysis using an NLP pipeline to tokenize, tag, and
generate the parse tree of each statement. After that,
single as well as multi word terms are extracted using
algorithm 1. Next, synonym terms are identified
using algorithm 2. Then, Abbreviations are identified
using algorithm 3. Finally, an SBVR-based XMI file
[26] is generated containing concepts and their
synonyms (Fig. 1). SBVR, or “Semantic of Business
Vocabulary and Rules” [26] is an Object
Management Group (OMG) standard [27] that help
the business vocabulary and rules interchanging
amongst organizations in totally technology-
independent format.

3.1 Step 1: Linguistic analyses

 In this step, each BR statement is splitted into
tokens. Then, Stanford CorNLP [28] is used to
annotate tokens of each statement with a part-of-
speech (POS) tag, (e.g. noun, verb, adjective etc.).
Finally, a dependency parse tree is generated for each
statement. Fig. 2 shows an example of obtained result.
 The output result is saved in an XML file and
used as input in the next steps.
 3.3 Step 3: Similarity identification
3.2 Step 2: Terms extraction
 In this step, extracted terms are compared with
 First, for each BR statement, we extract all nouns each other to identify those having same meaning. At
and mark them as a single word noun. Next, each the same time, terms having abbreviation format are
noun founded in a compound relation with other identified before seeking their expansions
nouns or having modifiers will be rectified to create (definitions) if exist. Finally, the frequency of each
a multi word noun and added as a new entry term is calculated to distinguish the preferred
according to algorithm 1. designation.
 3.3.1. Synonym identification

 To label terms as candidate to be semantically
 similar, they should have a distance greater than “0,5”
 regarding the dictionary senses. In addition,
 according to previously cited hypotheses (H1, H2,
 H3), similar concepts should have at least one
 common neighbor, but no common statement (see
 algorithm 2). The distance “0,5” was adopted after a
 set of experiments (see subsection 4.1).
 3.3.2. Abbreviation-expansion identification

 Figure. 1 An overview of our approach In this sub section we will relate terms having an
 abbreviation format to their expansion if exist.
 There is Three main approaches to identify
 Abbreviation - Expansion pairs [29]: (i) heuristics

International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.1, 2021 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0228.15
Automated Identification of Semantic Similarity between Concepts of Textual Business Rules - inass
Received: August 14, 2020. Revised: October 19, 2020. 151

approaches (NLP and pattern-based) in which rules
are applied [30-35]; (ii) machine learning based
approaches [36] in which labelled examples are used
for machine training. (iii) Web-Based approaches, in
which abbreviation/definitions are identified based
on Web resources [37]. There are also hybrid
approaches such in [38] which mixes hand-coded
constraints with supervised learning.
 Web-based approaches will be a good choice for
the well-known abbreviations, but business rules Algorithm 3 is based on the following heuristics:
usually use a domain specific terminology in which Letters of an abbreviation should match the first
uncommon abbreviations are used. In the other hand, letter (or letters) of each word in the full form.
machine learning based approaches require a lot of Potential abbreviation will be compared with
data for a good machine training which is not possible multi words terms (composed of more than one word)
in limited number of business rule statements. Since An abbreviation is not a known (dictionary) word.
abbreviations usually follow standard format defined For this reason, they are generally tagged as proper
in their dictionary-based definition; (“An nouns (NNP).
abbreviation consisting of the first letters of each Some special cases are taken into consideration
word in the name of something, pronounced as a such as:
word” - Cambridge dictionary) we decided to use “X” can be related to a word staring with “EX”
heuristics each of which can reject any candidate (e.g. “Exchange” of “XML”)
abbreviation. Lowercased “s” at the end of the abbreviation
 Strong constraints can reject true positive pairs of could be ignored as it is usually used for plural.
abbreviation/expansion, such as : an abbreviation “2” and “4” can mean “to” and “for” respectively.
must be in one word between parentheses [39-40], or A candidate abbreviation is compared with its
must be in capital letters [35], or adjacent to potential expansion in two times: with and without
parentheses [31], or expansions are always considering prepositions.
surrounding their abbreviations [41]. For this reason,
we relied the following algorithm (algorithm 3) that 3.4 Step 4: SBVR XMI output file
do not go beyond the dictionary-based definition of
abbreviation: After extracting all terms and identifying
 synonyms and abbreviations with preferred
 designations, our result is saved in an XMI file that
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.1, 2021 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0228.15
Received: August 14, 2020. Revised: October 19, 2020. 152

 Figure. 5 The accuracy of LIN algorithm by distances for
Figure. 3 An excerpt of the SBVR XMI file in which two synonyms detection
 synonym terms are saved
 As can be seen in Fig. 4, LIN algorithm was
respect the SBVR XMI Schema [26]. Fig. 3 is an adopted in our approach as it gives more accurate
example. results compared to others.
 Adopted algorithm has been tested using different
4 Experiments and evaluation distances between terms and it has been concluded
 that by selecting terms having a distance greater than
 Our experiments were carried out in two steps.
 0,5 we could obtain the most accurate results as can
First, we have tested some knowledge-based
 be seen in Fig. 5.
algorithms to select the most accurate one to be
adopted in our approach. Then, results obtained from 4.2 Validating our approach
selected algorithm has been refined using our
heuristics. Our approach has been tested over more than 160
 BR statements taken from 3 different sources: T.
4.1 Selecting knowledge-based algorithm Morgan [2] (case 1), G. C. Witt [49] (case 2) and I.
 Graham [50] (case 3).
 To choose the most accurate knowledge-based
 To remove all disturbances that can be caused by
algorithm, we have injected 20 pairs of random
 the ambiguity of the natural language, we have
synonym terms in a set of 157 BR statements
 reformulated some statements to follow quality
randomly selected from EU-Rent case study found in
 criteria cited in [49]. However, few statements (3%)
SBVR documentation [26].
 were incorrectly tagged by Stanford CoreNLP [28].
 Next, we have used 8 algorithms to identify
 The source of error at this level was either a confusion
injected synonyms, namely: WUP [42], RES [43],
 between noun and verb (such in “references” and
JCN [44], LIN [45], LCH [46], LESK [47] , HSO [48]
 “requests”), or a lack of some punctuation marks
and PATH. These algorithms were tested using
 which has affected some statement parsing.
different distances between terms each time.
 Nevertheless, 97% of correct analysed statements is
 considered very satisfying. Table 2 summarises
 obtained results at this first step of our approach
 which concerns the linguistic analyse.
 To simulate BR writing context, we have divided
 each of the three cases on 3 parts; then we sent one
 part of each case to two different engineers and asked

 Table. 2 Number of statements and extracted terms for
 each case
 Source BR Terms Terms Incorrectly
 statements Without analysed
 repetition terms
 Case 1 48 141 83 2,9%
 Case 2 56 216 91 5,5%
 Figure. 4 The precision and F1-score obtained from Case 3 58 310 66 0,6%
 different knowledge based algorithms

International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.1, 2021 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0228.15
Received: August 14, 2020. Revised: October 19, 2020. 153

them to reformulate some BR statements by Table. 3 Our approach results of synonyms identification
introducing some synonyms and abbreviations. Next, for each case
our approach tried to identify injected synonyms and Source Precision Recall F1-Score Repeated
abbreviations. terms
 Case 1 67% 71% 69% 41%
4.2.1. Synonyms identification
 Case 2 73% 79% 76% 58%
 To evaluate synonyms identification, we Case 3 87% 87% 87% 78%
calculated the number of True Positive (TP), False
Positive (FP) and False Negative (FN) leading to The precision, Recall and F1-score for each case
calculate the Precision (Eq. (1)), Recall (Eq. (2)) and are summarized in Table 3 and Fig. 7.
F1-Score (Eq. (3)). According to Fig. 7, it is clearly recognized that
 the precision is proportional to the frequency rate of
 = (1) each term. This could be attributed to the fact that
 more terms appear frequently in different statements,
 (2) more they reflect a comprehensive meaning, and
 + more their similar terms are likely to be identified.
 2   
 This conclusion is approved by the fact that most
 − = + 
 (3) synonym pairs that were not identified appear in less
 than 3 different statements.
 Fig. 6 shows to what extent our heuristics were Taken together, these results suggest that all
able to improve the precision of synonyms identified terms having at least one common neighbour term but
by the adopted knowledge-based algorithm (LIN no common statement; and having a distance greater
measure). There was a precision improvement than 0,5 according to LIN algorithm are more likely
between 29% and 42%, when we have selected to be synonym. Nevertheless, few terms that were
synonym terms having at least one common synonym according to their context and have
neighbour term. common terms as neighbours were missed because of
 their distance less than 0,5 (e.g. “confirmation” and
 “response” have 0.43). As well, some terms with a
 distance greater than 0,5 but do not have a common
 neighbour were also missed.
 4.2.2. Abbreviations identification

 Regarding abbreviation-expansion, all pairs that
 have respected the standard format defined by the
 abbreviation definition cited above, were correctly
 identified with a high precision. Standard
 abbreviations such as “second=2nd” and
Figure. 6 The precision of synonyms identification using “centimeter=cm” could be easily identified using
knowledge-based algorithm with and without heuristics dictionaries, so they were neglected as they may
 affect our results.
 The precision, Recall and F1-score for each case are
 summarized in Table 4.
 However, few abbreviations have been related to
 more than one expansion, caused specially by
 abbreviations composed of two letters such as “BC”

 Table 4. Our approach results of abbreviation-expansion
 identification for each case
 Source Precision Recall F1
 Case 1 86% 86% 92%
 Figure. 7 The relation between the precision of our Case 2 86% 86% 92%
 approach and terms frequency Case 3 100% 100% 100%

International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.1, 2021 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0228.15
Received: August 14, 2020. Revised: October 19, 2020. 154

which is related to both “Business Class” and Author Contributions
“Booking Confirmation”. As well, some
abbreviations that did not respect the definition were All authors analysed the data, discussed the
also not identified such as “Average Hours of work results, provided critical feedback, helped shape the
 research and contributed to the final manuscript.
per Week = Ah/w”. The latter should be written as
“Ahw/w” to fit the definition and then could be
identified by our approach. References
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