Page created by Brent Morrison
 JUNE 4, 2019
                HOT ROD


2                                                                                         THE GISBORNE HERALD

  by Mark Peters

   I Survived a Zombie Holocaust is one
of many action movies the Nissan Navara
                                               means owners can better handle a bigger
                                               payload and enjoy a compliant drive back
                                               to the man-cave, depot or building site
                                               with no sagging in the rear. The revised
4WD double cab has starred in. Jack Ryan, rear suspension doesn’t compromise the
McLeod’s Daughters, 13 Hours: The Secret vehicle’s towing ability. The double cab still
Soldiers of Benkahzi are a fistful of other    maintains a 3½-tonne braked tow rating.
movies for this vehicle. You bet the tradie’s    “It handled every surface, every twist,
favourite pick-up has no place in cheesey      every bump like a limo,” enthused Hanson
rom-coms.                                      of an earlier version of the grunt machine.
   Nissan’s twin-turbo diesel engine is          He really needs to get over the limo
designed to torque its way out of any          thing.
situation. It has a massive 450Nm available      “Well, as close as a ute with leaf springs
between 1500 and 2500rpm and enough            at the back can get.”
torque to achieve a 3½ tonne braked towing       Even action men and women, and tradies,
capacity.                                      need a few accessories. The top of the range
   Described by New Zealand Herald             STX Navara comes with a 360 degree
motoring writer Phil Hanson as “the limo       “bird’s eye view” camera system that enables
of Kiwi utes” chances are it scrubs up         the driver to see front, side and back views
nicely to be able to roll up to the red carpet whether going forward or reversing. Just
for any one of its blockbusters too. And       the ticket for seeing where the zombies are
speaking of busted blocks, with a single or    coming from. And it makes hitching up
twin turbo diesel engine under the hood,       the trailer or making tough manoeuvres
1503mm x 1490mm cargo bed and a                in a tight area a doddle. For added home
3500kg braked towing capacity the Navara comforts it comes with a push-button
can carry away massive amounts of them.        start, proximity key, sat nav and leather
The revised rear suspension offers better      seats. Want some air in your hair? The
articulation in off-road situations. A request Navara cab has an electric sliding rear
for service call to the council to restore our window. Heating is available in the front
roads to their rough and pitted state so the seats, although hot seats were probably the
Navara can show off how well it copes with last thing anyone wanted while filming
rugged terrain has been ignored.               13 Hours in the Libyan desert. But with
   Suffice to say Navara’s multi-link coil     standard features such as Bluetooth and
spring rear suspension, rather than the        airconditioning, the Navara interior is as
leaf spring rear suspension others use,        inviting as any living room.
TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2019                                                                                                                                                                                            3

                                                                                                                Wrangler safety
                                                                                                                   SET to hit our shores next month, Jeep’s            braking altogether.”
                                                                                                                most iconic off-roader, the Wrangler looks                Following in the footsteps of the
                                                                                                                to follow in the footsteps of the Wranglers            European tests, a score of 80 percent for
                                                                                                                that have come before it, and fly the FCA’s            child occupant protection was the highest
                                                                                                                off-roading flag proudly.                              score that ANCAP gave the Wrangler.
                                                                                                                   While these look like extremely                     It scored 50 percent in adult occupant
                                                                                                                capable SUVs, the Australasian New Car                 protection, 49 percent for vulnerable road
                                                                                                                Assessment Programme (ANCAP) has                       user protection, and 32 percent for safety
                                                                                                                given the Wrangler the same one-star                   assist.
                                                                                                                rating as the European NCAP testers did.                  “The passenger compartment of the

Speedy by name
                                                                                                                   “The safety performance of the Wrangler             Jeep Wrangler did not retain its structural
                                                                                                                is limited, falling well shy of the expected           integrity in the frontal offset test,”
                                                                                                                standard in three of the four key areas of             ANCAP’s official report states.
                                                                                                                assessment,” ANCAP chief executive James                  “Connection between the A-pillar and
                                                                                                                Goodwin said.                                          the cross fascia beam was compromised, as
  MEET the world’s fastest SUV, the new              craftsmanship that goes into each vehicle,                    “Chest protection was a concern for the             was the footwell structure, and penalties
Bentley Bentayga Speed. To win the title,            I can confirm that the British SUV has                     driver and rear passenger in each of the               were applied. Protection of the chest
the Bentayga Speed had to first see off              the edge on its Italian rival here as well,                frontal crash tests; a number of penalties             was weak for the driver and adequate
an ultra-fast sibling rival from the wider           but the margins are again very close. And                  were applied for structural deformation                for the front passenger. Structures in the
Volkswagen Group family — the more                   you will pay more for the Bentayga Speed                   and potential leg injury hazards; and base             dashboard were a potential source of
bullish Lamborghini Urus. This, the new              when it arrives here towards the close                     variants lack autonomous emergency                     injury.” — Driven
Benta Speed does, but only by a whisker.             of the year. The V8-powered Urus costs
The Urus, built in the same factory that             $339,000 in New Zealand before loading
once spat out the legendary Contach                  in the options, while a base Bentayga W12
supercar, which tops out at 305.5kmh.                is $350,000. Pricing for the Bentayga
The new Bentley imposes its dynamic                  Speed has yet to be announced, but given
superiority ever so gently by reaching a             all the effort Bentley has put into claiming
V-max that’s just 0.5kmh faster at 306km.            that ‘world’s fastest’ title, it’s likely to be a
  While top speeds of this magnitude may             number at least 30 grand north of the cost
be irrelevant in a New Zealand driving               of an ‘ordinary’ 12-cylinder Bentayga.
context, such dinner table bragging rights              It was inevitable that a Bentayga
are important when NZ$300,000+ sums                  Speed would join the performance party,
are required to buy either luxury SUV.               especially given the impact that the SUV
Bentley also lay down a further claim                has had. For the Bentayga now captures
for the Bentayga Speed that possibly has             52 percent of sales for Bentley, helped by
more appeal to many, calling it ‘the world’s         the lower sub-300K entry prices of the
most luxurious SUV’. Having visited                  V8-powered petrol and diesel models.
both factories and compared the human                                                        — Driven

                                                                        NAVARA FROM                                     1.9% FINANCE
                                                                       $ NAVARA FROM
                                                                            27,990                        +GST
                                                                                                              ^ ZERO
                                                                                                                   2.9% DEPOSIT
                                                                                                                      MONTH TERM*
                                                                                                                           ENTIRE RANGE*
                                                                                                                   FREE ON-ROAD COSTS
                                                                                                                             TOWBAR, TUB LINER
                                                                                                             +GST            READY TO WORK PACK


                                                               ALL WITH NISSAN INTELLIGENT MOBILITY

                                                               ALL    WITH      NISSAN         INTELLIGENT             MOBILITY
        *Finance offer available to approved applicants of Nissan Financial Services only and excludes all lease and some fleet purchasers. Available on new Nissan vehicles only. 1.9% P.A Fixed
         Interest. Maximum term 48 months. No deposit required. $375 establishment fee, $8.05 PPSR fee, and $10 monthly account keeping fee apply. Terms and conditions apply. Valid from
         1 June 2019
        *Finance      to available
                   offer 30 June 2019. Units must
                                   to approved    be registered
                                               applicants       by 30
                                                          of Nissan    June 2019.
                                                                     Financial    Offer cannot
                                                                               Services  only andbeexcludes
                                                                                                    used in conjunction
                                                                                                              all lease andwith
                                                                                                                                     other offer. Nissan
                                                                                                                                         purchasers.      reserves
                                                                                                                                                      Available  onthe
                                                                                                                                                                     newright to vary,
                                                                                                                                                                          Nissan       withdraw
                                                                                                                                                                                  vehicles  only. or extend
                                                                                                                                                                                                  2.9%        this
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         offer. Accessories
         Interest. Maximum   shown   aremonths.
                               term 36  optionalNo
                                                extras. Come
                                                    deposit    and see
                                                            required.   us at
                                                                      $375    site No. E96A at
                                                                           establishment       Fieldays®,
                                                                                            fee,          12-15
                                                                                                 $8.05 PPSR     June,
                                                                                                              fee,  andMystery Creek.account
                                                                                                                        $10 monthly    ^$27,990keeping
                                                                                                                                                price is for
                                                                                                                                                          feeRX Single
                                                                                                                                                              apply.   Cab CC
                                                                                                                                                                     Terms  and 2WD  only. †ST-X
                                                                                                                                                                                  conditions     model
                                                                                                                                                                                              apply.     only.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Valid from     19256-51
         1 May 2019 to 30 June 2019. Units must be registered by 30 June 2019. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Nissan reserves the right to vary, withdraw or extend this offer.
     ENTERPRISE MOTOR GROUP 323 Gladstone Road • Ph 867 8368 • a/h Steven Shields • 027 483 9666
         Accessories shown are optional extras. Come and see us at site No. E96A at Fieldays®, 12-15 June, Mystery Creek. ^$27,990 price is for RX Single Cab CC 2WD only. †ST-X model only.
4                                                                                                                                                                    THE GISBORNE HERALD

1935 La
for sale on
Trade Me
   •        MTF
            152 Ormond Road .................. 868 8490
                                                                                                                                                                   Illustration by
                                                                    THIS La Fayette has just come up               and was bought by Edgar C. Nash a
   •        Gisborne Honda                                       for sale on Trade Me with a price tag             relative of Charles Nash.
            368 Gladstone Road ............... 868 9109          of $35,000.                                          The body of the La Fayette four-
   Panel Beaters
   •        Eastland Toyota
            62 Carnarvon Street................ 867 9444
                                                                    It seems a lot but today these are
                                                                 very rare cars. This car is in fantastic
                                                                 condition, so will no doubt sell to a
                                                                                                                   door sedan cars had a curvaceous rear
                                                                                                                   with quite a large boot area and a lift-
                                                                                                                   up lid.
                                                                                                                                                                   Doug Curtis
   •        Allan Kellett Panel & Paint                          collector.                                           The spare wheel was mounted in the
            72 Disraeli Street .................... 867 8088        The stock market crash of 1929 and             left-front guard and the cloth-covered
   •        Gisborne Motors Panel and Paint                      the following decline had only a minor            front and rear bench seats could seat
            Mid City - Grey Street.............. 867 6759        effect on Nash sales.                             six large adults.

   Parts Department                                                 After five years of six-cylinder                  In the rear, on the floor, there was
   •        Eastland Toyota                                      engine car production, Nash built an              a folding foot rest in the spacious

            62 Carnarvon Street................ 867 9444         eight-cylinder twin ignition car in               area, with also hand-holding slings
   •        Enterprise Auto One                                  1930 but sales declined by 50 percent             mounted on the door pillars.
            329 Gladstone Road .............. 867 8368

                                                                                                                                                                    AROUND TOWN
                                                                 so Charles W. Nash in 1932 closed                    The six-cylinder side-valve engine
   •        Gisborne Motors
            Mid City - Grey Street.............. 867 6759        down the Milwaukee plant.                         also had a dry single-plate clutch, a
                                                                    In 1933 Nash Motors introduced                 three -speed manual gearbox with
   Spray Painters                                                all steel bodies and their body plant             a centre-floor gear change and an
   •        Allan Kellett Panel & Paint
            72 Disraeli Street .................... 867 8088     (Seaman Body Plant) employed                      open drive shaft to the rear-drive                East Coast Museum
   •        Gisborne Motors Panel and Paint                      1100 workers and introduced the La                differential.                                     of Technology
            Mid City - Grey Street.............. 867 6759        Fayette as a low-priced car in 1934.                 Like most American cars of that                Open daily 10am-4pm:
   Tyre Dealers                                                  Production reached the bottom with                time the electrical system was six                Main Rd, Makaraka
   •        Goodyear Tyres                                       only 14,973 units made. That same                 volt with a three-brush generator to
            125 Grey Street ...................... 868 1938      year Nash reached their one million               maintain charge. These cars were built
   Vehicle Servicing                                             cars built mark and that car which was            for rugged roads but could maintain               Gis. American Car Club
   •        Eastland Toyota                                      a La Fayette like the one I have drawn            50 mph (80kmh) with ease.                         Various Events
            62 Carnarvon Street................ 867 9444                                                                                                             Colin 868 1454;
   •        Enterprise Commercial Centre                                                                                                                             Rick 027 490 1373
            310 Gladstone Road ............... 868 4581
   •        Enterprise Service Centre
            342 Palmerston Road ............. 867 8368                                                             BUY
   •        Gisborne Motors                                                                                                                                          Tairawhiti Aviation Museum

            Mid City - Grey Street.............. 867 6759
            Goodyear Tyres                                              Auto     Auto
                                                                               Service     Service
                                                                                       Centre  ATVs andCentre
                                                                                                       Farm Bikes
                                                                                                                                                                     Open Tuesday 9am-4pm and
                                                                                                                                                                     Sunday 9am-4pm
            125 Grey Street ...................... 868 1938          Specialising
                                                          Specialising   in mags,
                                                                Specialising              in mags, tyres and
                                                                                    tyres and
                                                                              in mags,                                                                               Gisborne Airport
   Wheel Alignments                                            servicing   of all vehicle
                                                                tyres and servicing   of    of all vehicle
   • Goodyear Tyres                                       WOFsalland   Mechanical
                                                                    vehicle WOFs     Repairs.
     125 Grey Street ...................... 868 1938          AgentsWOFs        and
                                                                       for Cooper      Mechanical Repairs.
                                                                                     Tyres                                                                           Ulysses Motorcycle Club
   WOF                                                           Mechanical   Repairs.                                                                               Monthly meeting held on the first
   • Eastland Toyota
                                                   Agents for solar panels.Agents for Cooper Tyres                                                                   Thursday of the month.
                                                   Reduce  power   costs.
     62 Carnarvon Street................ 867 9444        Agents
                                                   Go Solar.         for solar
                                                             Go Green.        Dealerpanels.                                                                          7.30pm at the

   • Enterprise Service Centre                                                                                                                                       Tatapouri Fishing Club
            342 Palmerston Road ............. 867 8368            Reduce power costs.
   •        Gisborne Motors
            Mid City, Grey Street ............... 867 6759        Go Solar. Go Green. PLUS

   •        Goodyear Tyres                                                                                             Outboards
                                            125 Grey St, Gisborne
            125 Grey Street ...................... 868 1938
                                                                                                                         Generators                                Want a free listing?
                                      Ph 06 868 1938 • Mob 027 451 7003                                                                                             If you know of an event coming
            FOR MORE INFO OR BOOKINGS       Tyres
                                    Fax 06 868    Worth
                                               1910       Owning
                                                    •                                                    Lawn Mowers                               up by an automotive club or
                CONTACT: Andy Searle

                                                                                                                   See the team at
               Phone 869 0616 • Email:                         125 Grey St, Gisborne                   GISBORNE HONDA
                                                                                                                                                                     automotive fixture let us know.
                                                               Ph 06 868 1938125
                                                                              • Mob Grey       St, Gisborne
                                                                                                                              Authorised Dealer:

                                            027 451 7003     Phone 868 9109
                                                                                                                                                                    Phone Andy 869 0616 or E-mail:
  Leave message, name & phone no. and I will contact you.
                                                               Fax     061910868
                                                                   06 868            1938 • Mob 027
                                                                              •    368451     7003
                                                                                                          Gladstone Road                                 1001-01

                                                               Fax 06 868 1910 •
TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                 5

                                                          NSX Type R reveal?
                                                              JUST like its iconic predecessor, the    imagine that this would bump up the                            present on the race car.
                                                           Honda NSX Type R is apparently set to       torque figures as well, but the report                           After contacting Honda about the
                                                           debut at the 2019 Tokyo Motor Show          didn’t touch on these.                                         article, Motor1 received this response,
                                                           later this year.                               As with most go-fast modifications,                         which is slightly disappointing: “The
                                                              Though they didn’t reveal any sources,   you also need to upgrade the stop-fast                         original article published on the Forbes
                                                           Forbes reported that red-badged, 650hp      ones, and that’s exactly what Honda                            contributor network was speculative
                                                           version of Honda’s supercar is on track     is reportedly planning to do. Carbon                           and did not contain information
                                                           for a 2019 reveal.                          ceramic brakes and stiffer suspension                          on sourcing. While we have no
                                                              No one knows how Honda is going          are going to take care of handling and                         announcements to make regarding
                                                           to achieve this hefty power figure, but     stopping needs. An NSX GT3-inspired                            future plans for NSX, we are pleased
                                                           online discussions point to either tuning   body kit with added aero parts such as                         that numerous chassis improvements
                                                           the twin-turbo 3.5-litre V6, or making      a bigger rear wing and front splitter are                      and an expanded colour palette for
                                                           better use of the three electric motors.    also said to be present on the Type R.                         model-year 2019 have yielded a 42
                                                              This would mean that the Type R             Considering that the Type R is                              percent increase in US sales.”
                                                           NSX would have 77hp more than its           taking inspiration from its GT3                                  While this doesn’t sound promising,
                                                           standard counterpart, not the biggest       counterpart, ditching the all-wheel                            they don’t rule out the possibility, and
                                                           bump in the world, but it would             drive transmission is a real possibility,                      we’ve got our fingers crossed.
                                                           certainly be noticeable. We can also        in favour of the rear-wheel drive system                                                    — NZME

Bugatti                                                                                                                                              DRIVE
  IT’S a one-off Bugatti      back in March, and stayed
that is apparently the most   out of the spotlight for a
expensive car in the world,   while, but that was until
so why not show it off to     Bugatti decided to show it
the public?                   at the Villa d’Este car show.
  The bespoke hypercar        where it garnered lots of
was unveiled to the world     attention. — Driven

Electric hot rod

                                                                                                          DRIVE BEAUTIFUL

  IF you haven’t been living under a         hot rods in the traditional sense, but
rock for the past few years, you would’ve    practically are.
noticed that electric vehicles are slowly
taking over, but this isn’t a bad thing by
any means.
  While electric power seems to be
                                                With this in mind, car designers Jason
                                             Battersby and Klaud Wasiak took it
                                             upon themselves to design a car that
                                             takes 1950s hot rod styling, but brings it
a hard pill to swallow for a good            into the electric age.
percentage of automotive enthusiasts,           Featuring a slender body without a
you can imagine the outrage that this        roof, and exposed wheels, the vehicle
electric hot rod caused when it first hit
the internet.
                                             dubbed the Erode 002 would almost
                                             look right at home in the movie
  To answer the electric versus V8           American Graffiti. Other style cues that                       All-New Mazda3 isn’t just our next-generation of design,
question, you first have to break down       have been modernised include the LED                             engineering,
                                                                                                                         All-Newcraftsmanship              and safety
                                                                                                                                    Mazda3 isn’t just our next-generation     performance;
                                                                                                                                                                          of design,
the term hot rod. First coined in the        light bar that stretches across the rear,                                      engineering, craftsmanship and safety performance;
                                                                                                             it’s the very it’sbest   ofbest
                                                                                                                                the very  everything,           inbeautiful
                                                                                                                                             of everything, in one  one beautiful
                                                                                                                                                                            drive.   drive.
1950s to describe cars that had been         and the thin wing mirrors that extend
modified with bigger engines and racing      out from either side of the body. The                                                     Go to to find out more.
                                                                                                                       Go to to find out more.
styling, there wasn’t any mention of the     massive five-spoke wheels finish the
type of engine.                              exterior off perfectly. From the thin red
  Looking at how far electric engines
have come, and with their immense
                                             bucket seats to the circular instrument
                                             cluster that sits behind the steering
                                                                                                                                     gisborne motors ltd
                                                                                                   Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details
                                                                                                   Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details
power and torque figures, cars that have     wheel, everything is modern but dated at                                                 MID CITY, GREY STREET, GISBORNE PHONE 867 6759
                                                                                                   Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details

been swapped with electric engines aren’t    the same time. — Driven                                                                            19259-46

                                                                                                                                    Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details D
                                                                                                                                    Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details D
                                                                                                                                    Dealer details Dealer details Dealer details D
6                                                                                                                                                         THE GISBORNE HERALD

  McLaughlin tops field
    SCOTT McLaughlin has once               The road to the chequered flag     second, with his championship lead
  again topped the Supercars podium,      for McLaughlin was much simpler      now up to 244 points.
  after winning the second race of the    than the chaotic race. From pole,      Among the race’s other big
  Truck Assist Winton SuperSprint         he won the race to turn one from     performances was Chris Pither.
  over teammate Fabian Coulthard          Coulthard, David Reynolds, and       After a neck injury surfaced, Garry
  and Red Bull’s Jamie Whincup. The       Whincup. And from there both         Rogers Motorsport elected to swap
  result is McLaughlin’s 10th of the      Shell V-Power Ford Mustangs          Richie Stanaway with co-driver
  season thus far, further stamping his   controlled proceedings, with         Pither today. Starting from last,
  authority on what’s so far been one     McLaughlin leading every lap apart   Pither kept his nose clean before
  of the most dominant campaigns in       from those during the pit cycle.     fending off a raft of fresh-tyre
  Supercars history.                      In the end he won by just under a    stoppers to the finish. — NZME

Gravel stages
test drivers
  THE New Zealand Rally Championship          AP4) has been seeded third and Rangiora’s
switched gears to a single-day rally format   Matt Summerfield (Subaru Legacy) is
last weekend with North Canterbury            seeded fourth.
hosting the third round of the series.          The pair of Skoda Fabia R5 cars driven
  The Lone Star Rally of Canterbury           by Aucklanders Raana Horan and Kingsley
challenged crews with eight gravel special    Jones are next in the seeding list ahead of
                                                                                              Photo / Matthew Hansen
stages and 162km of competition on            Auckland’s Jack Hawkeswood (Mazda2
Sunday.                                       AP4), Canterbury drivers Dylan Thomson

                                                                                              FT-60 unveiled
  Subaru driver Ben Hunt (Auckland) has       (Subaru Impreza) and Job Quantock
dominated the early season two-day events     (Skoda Fabia AP4) while Tauranga’s Ben
at Dunedin and Whangarei, claiming two        Thomason (Subaru Impreza) completes
wins and coming up only two points short      the top-10.
of a clean sweep of the Leg and Power           The first stage action took place in the
Stage bonus points.                           Ashley Forest before the route headed             OVER the years we’ve waxed lyrical              To cope with the extra size, the FT-60
  Hunt was Sunday’s top seed in               north towards Amberley, Cheviot and             numerous times about all the measures          also comes with a much larger tyre
a 69-strong field and he lead the             Parnassus with four public road stages.         that New Zealand’s Toyota Racing Series        package; 230/560 in the front and 280/580
championship with 86 points from                The last three stages were back in the        has carried out to increase the level of       in the rear.
Holden Barina AP4 driver Josh Marston         Ashley Forest and the final two stages are      international interest that surrounds it —        To put that into perspective, its front
(Christchurch) on 49 and Auckland’s           timed to start at 5.24pm and 5.58pm to          from the addition of FIA Super Licence         tyres are essentially the same size as last
Andrew Hawkeswood (Mazda2 AP4) on             challenge crews with some rare — in the         points, to the timing and nature of the        year’s rear tyres.
46.                                           modern era — after-dark rallying before         calendar. But today, the category has             The Toyota Racing Series machine also,
  Hawkeswood had not entered the              the finishers toured into Christchurch.         potentially made its biggest step yet in       for the first time, gets a ‘halo’.
Canterbury event which had a significantly      2019 NZ Rally Championship (after             revealing their next-gen car; the FT-60.          The safety structure has caused plenty
thinner look to the top seedings than the     round 2 of 6):                                    Replacing the outgoing FT-50, the new        of controversy in traditionalist open-wheel
earlier rallies at Dunedin and Whangarei.       1 Ben Hunt (Auckland) Subaru WRX              platform was revealed recently at Toyota       circles since it was first implemented a few
  Hawkeswood, along with Hayden               STI, 86pts                                      Racing New Zealand’s Hampton Downs             years ago as a safety measure to prevent
Paddon and David Holder had contested           2 Josh Marston (Christchurch) Holden          base. It sports Toyota Gazoo Racing New        drivers from high-speed head injuries. But,
the Asia Pacific Championship category        Barina AP4, 49pts                               Zealand branding, which will become            as time has passed, less and less complaints
at both events but were not in action last      3 Andrew Hawkeswood (Auckland)                TRNZ’s new moniker as the marque               around ‘the jandal’ can be found on social
weekend while Auckland’s Dylan Turner         Mazda2 AP4, 46pts                               ramps up its motorsport involvement            media.
(Audi S1 AP4), Dunedin’s Emma Gilmour           4 Dylan Turner (Auckland) Audi S1             worldwide.                                        What helps in this case is that Tatuus
(Suzuki Swift Maxi) and Hamilton driver       AP4, 39pts                                        The main theme of the FT-60 is “more”.       have done a better job than most of
Stephen Barker (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo9)         5 Marcus van Klink (Christchurch)             There’s more power, there’s more aero          integrating the halo into the FT-60’s
are other leading drivers also missing from   Mazda RX8, 32pts                                elements, and there’s more heft in the         design. With a highly angled front strut,
the Canterbury entry list.                      6 Dylan Thomson (Christchurch)                dimensions.                                    and a top bow that blends into the
  Tauranga’s Phil Campbell (Ford Fiesta       Subaru Impreza WRX, 30pts. — Driven               The platform is still sourced from Tatuus    contours of the engine cover nicely, it’s
                                                                                              out of Italy, with plenty of similarities to   hardly an offensive design.
                                                                                              cars used in Europe’s open-wheel formulae.        The leading distinction that makes the
                                                                                                This manifests in a much more complex        FT-60 different compared to its overseas
                                                                                              aero package and a more imposing size.         counterparts is its power-plant.
                                                                                              Compared to the FT-50, the FT-60 comes            As opposed to grabbing an off-the-shelf
                                                                                              with a much more shapely and contoured         engine, Toyota have elected to use a locally
                                                                                              carbon-fibre floor, a bigger rear diffuser     developed unit instead. It will be based on
                                                                                              with more elements, and a bigger front and     the 8AR-FTS from Lexus; a turbocharged
                                                                                              rear spoiler.                                  2.0-litre direct and port–injected engine
                                                                                                Driven were able to get a quiet look         normally seen under the bonnet of cars like
                                                                                              at the all-composite FT-60 prior to the        the Lexus IS 200-t and RC 200t. In this
                                                                                              launch, and perhaps the most obvious           application, it’ll be hooked up to a 6-speed
                                                                                              distinction between it and the stack           Sadev sequential transmission.
                                                                                              of FT-50s that surround it at Toyota’s            Development will come via the capable
                                                                                              workshop is that it’s considerably larger.     hands of David Gouk, with power expected
                                                                                                Think about the increase in scale from a     to sit at around 270kW — a 41kW
                                                                                              Formula 3 car to a Formula 1 car, and then     increase over what the outgoing naturally
                                                                                              apply a similar increase on top of the old     aspirated 2ZZ-GE engine made. Top
                                                                                              FT-50. All up, this makes for an outright      speed is expected to sit at 250kmh.
                                                                                              dry weight of approximately 600kg.                                  — New Zealand Herald
TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                               7

                                                                                                   ‘Bigfoot’ lives
                                                                                                     BACK before upgrading your pick-                       Zealand too).
                                                                                                   up truck into a heavy-toed behemoth                        No, it needed one heck of an engine as
                                                                                                   was actually a thing, Bob Chandler, a                    well.
                                                                                                   construction worker and off-roading                        The custom engine Chandler eventually
                                                                                                   enthusiast from St. Louis, Missouri,                     settled on was state-of-the-art at the
                                                                                                   wanted to modify his 1974 Ford F-250                     time; an all-aluminium big-block Ford
                                                                                                   with a few grunty accessories to get that                displacing 640 cubic inches, tickled along
                                                                                                   much farther up the local trails.                        with a supercharger and nitrous.
                                                                                                     Fast-forward a bit (and after a few                      Not the sort of engine to be overhauled
                                                                                                   rounds of modifications) and Chandler                    without much forethought. After all,
                                                                                                   had inadvertently invented an entire                     many of the components are now as rare
                                                                                                   movement; the monster truck. That F-250                  as rocking horse excrement. We know
                                                                                                   he modified? Well, it became a legend: the               this because, thanks to YouTube, you can

Go-kart Gaunt
                                                                                                   original car-crushing ‘Bigfoot’.                         watch a team of engine reconditioners on
                                                                                                     Naturally, the truck relied on more than               the PowerNation channel tear down and
                                                                                                   just its ridiculously oversized tyres to wow             build up the heart of a legend.
                                                                                                   the crowds at state fairs across the US                    If you have 18 minutes to spare, go
                                                                                                   Midwest (and eventually thanks to 1980s                  seek out PowerNation “Original Bigfoot
  “I FEAR that at any point now, someone’s        golf course and laser tag arena. It’s one of     TV shows like That’s Incredible! wide-                   Engine Build” and watch the entire strip-
gonna say ‘Jesus, do you actually know what       two Game Over kart tracks in New Zealand.        eyed kids in far flung places like New                   down process for yourself. — Driven
you’re doing?’ from up above me.”                    His should be a familiar name to Kiwi
  One day, scholars with nothing better to        motorsport fans. For a time, he was a
do will write stories about the correlation of    regular in the Virgin Australia Supercars
race drivers who hang up the gloves in their      Championship, racing in the Dunlop
droves, and become astute businessmen.            Development Series before scoring a series
Although, speaking to Daniel Gaunt, he’s          of co-driver gigs and a short-lived seat with
not sure exactly where he falls into the nexus.   Lucas Dumbrell Motorsport.
  “Tony (Quinn) always says that race                These days, he’s a frequent fixture in the
drivers make good businessmen. But, I’m           CAMS Australian GT Championship. And
not going to be pretend I’m a businessman,”       it was at one of these events last year that a
he laughs.                                        plan was formed with co-driver and circuit
  Gaunt recently opened Game Over                 owner Tony Quinn.
Auckland; a big red colossus of a building           “It’s all new to me. Dealing with staff,
that overlooks the Northern Motorway.             the pressures of paying rent. Even though
Inside is one of the country’s largest            Tony’s enabled it, I’m a shareholder and it
go-karting facilities, with an attached mini-     has to work.” — Driven
                                                                                                   Bob Chandler and his 1974 Ford F-250 ‘Bigfoot’. Photo / Supplied

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A WEEK

Gaming glory
   EIGHT nervous young drivers recently           like when former V8 Supercars driver Greg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A WEEK

competed against each other for one of            Murphy got his start.
the largest prize pools in the New Zealand           “I grew up in a phase when there wasn’t
motorsport calendar. But, the inevitable          any of this stuff available, and motorsport’s
plot twist was that the cars were made            become a lot more difficult and expensive
from pixels on screens instead of cast-iron       to do for real since,” said Murphy, just prior
and carbon fibre.                                 to appearing on LPL’s live Gran Turismo
   Run by Lets Play Live, the eight-week          Sport Twitch stream last night; a slight
Project Cars 2 ANZ Championship came              departure from the television commitments
to a head with qualifying drivers from as         he has these days as a pit reporter with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A WEEK
far as the South Island (and even Australia)      Virgin Australia Supercars Championship.
descending on Sky City Theatre to race               “Exposing (the sport) in a different way,
at Mount Panorama. The winner of the              and having people become incredibly good
championship outright netted themselves           at driving — especially with the technology
$3000, while second and third scooped up          that’s out there now and the realism of a
$2000 and $1000 respectively.                     lot of it — it’s giving people the chance to
   On a low level, it represents an               have a crack.
interesting way to make gaming                       “I would love to see more and more of it
                                                                                                    Watts Motors Ltd
meaningful and more competitive. But, it          be applied, to give them a chance to give it      132 Childers Road, Gisborne
                                                                                                                                                      *Finance is based on asking price plus $265
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can also be seen as another step in the push      a crack in reality. It’d be interesting.”         Phone 867 4749 - Brian Watts 021 222 0292   Total amount payable can be calculated by multiplying
                                                                                                                                                    the weekly payment by 260 (calculation: asking

for gaming to be a credible stepping stone           Esports is an enormous business                             price+fees+interest cost).. Standard Daimler Financial
                                                                                                                                                Services credit assessment and lending criteria apply

for those wanting to break into motorsport.       overseas, namely through tournaments for                                                                                                               10year/ 160,000km Powe
                                                                                                                                                                                                          first) (nontransferable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 rtrainWarran    ty(whichever
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ). 5year/ 130,000km

It’s worlds away from what things were            games like League of Legends. — NZME
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Warran  ty(whicheve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              r come  s first) (nontransferable
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