Page created by Carolyn Mcgee
GoldRush Inside!

Vol. 34, Issue 3
Aug. 31, 2021
                                                       April Carte
                                                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                         Tyler Trudeau COMMUNITY EDITOR                             PAGE 3 University rebrands to “Charlotte”

                                         Madison Dobrzenski NEWS EDITOR
                                             Hiral Patel OPINION EDITOR                             PAGE 4 Narrowing search for chief diversity officer
                                               Emily Kottak A&C EDITOR
                                            Bradley Cole SPORTS EDITOR
                                               Max Young COPY EDITOR
                                           Niyathi Sulkunte PHOTO EDITOR
                                              María Solano VIDEO EDITOR
                                          Brandon Mitchell LAYOUT EDITOR                            Page 6 Welcome back (for now)

                                                  ASSISTANT EDITORS
                                                 Jessica Ceballos NEWS
                                                 Isaac Naylor OPINION
                                                     Jake Pierce A&C
                                                 Bryson Foster SPORTS
                                                                                                    PAGE 7 Film Review: Shang-Chi and the legend of
                                                Isabella Perryman COPY
                                                                                                    the 10 rings
                                               Elizabeth McGuire VIDEO

                                                                                                    PAGE 8 An interview with actor, Masumi
                                                CONTRIBUTING STAFF
                                                  Bryson Foster, Gabe
                                                Lapalombella, Julie Dam
                                                    COVER PHOTOS
                                                                                           A&C      PAGE 9 We’re back, now what?

    NINER TIMES                                     Brandon Mitchell                                PAGE 10 TV Review: Brooklyn nine-nine
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     UPTOWN                                                                                         PAGE 11Keep an eye out
                                                 MARKETING DIRECTOR
      AUDIO                                            Megan Reid
    @uptownaudio                                                      PAGE 12 Alumni Spotlight: Jazz Warren
                                                   MARKETING STAFF
                                            Olivia Lawless, Stacy Fernandez,
                                             Matthew Sumrell, Jada Terry
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                                         THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE

                                        Kelly Merges NINER MEDIA ADVISER
                                        Laurie Cuddy BUSINESS MANAGER
                                             Joshua Wood GRAPHICS &
2     AUG. 31, 2021        NINERTIMES              PRODUCTION
           Photo by Niyathi Sulkunte

                            Student reactions to the new rebranding campaign                                           NEWS
by Madison Dobrzenski
News Editor                                                                                                 Photo courtesy of Inside UNC Charlotte

   On Aug. 19, 2021, UNC Charlotte              Fifth-year student Aimee Rusin, said
announced a rebranding and is now            “the rebrand makes the name more                Former Brand Logo:
referred to as “Charlotte.” The formal       confusing than the administration
name will remain “the University of          thought it was before. ‘UNCC’ is
North Carolina at Charlotte” or “UNC         descriptive, ‘Charlotte’ is a city. They want
Charlotte,” however, the informal name       to be ‘Charlotte University’ or ‘University
is “Charlotte.” The rebranding also          of Charlotte’ but aren’t willing to leave the
promotes the “All-in C” logo to go with      UNC system. The logo is fine and makes
the new name.                                sense, even if the crown is absolutely
   According to the Brand Identity and       cuter.”
Visual Standards website, the University        Jenna Boothe, a third-year student,
proceeded with the rebranding because        likes the rebrand. “I think the rebrand is
“we [the University] thought it was time     a good idea because we are already very
that our brand reflected the forward-        different from other UNC schools so that
thinking and ground-breaking university      people won’t loop us in with them,” said
we are. We want to tell the UNC              Boothe.
Charlotte story through interesting             Nicole Hite, an out-of-state graduate
visuals, compelling words and a brand        student, raises concerns about confusion
truly representative of our students,        for out-of-state students. “My out-of-state
faculty and staff. A story of academic       family would get confused if I just used
excellence, accessibility and innovation.”   ‘Charlotte’ for everything since it’s the
   Inside UNC Charlotte has a page           name of the city. The ‘UNC’ when saying
introducing the new branding called,         or typing it barely takes more effort, but
                                                                                              New Brand Logo:
“Hi, we’re Charlotte. Nice to meet           it prevents any confusion from someone
you.”, with answers to questions about       asking ‘the college or the city?’”
the announcement, as well as a video            On the Brand Identity and Visual
displaying the branding’s logo.              Standards website, a Brand Overview
   This rebrand came shortly after           explains the importance of branding and
Charlotte Athletics announced a logo         its timing. Regarding timing, the website
rebrand in June 2021, which uses the         says “Through surveys, interviews and
same “All-in C” as the recent University     focus groups, we learned most of the
rebrand.                                     University’s audiences do not have a
   From students, there are mixed            clear understanding of UNC Charlotte’s
responses to the rebranding. Some            brand.” The website explains that the
students are concerned about confusion       University has a “strategic plan” that
with the name “Charlotte,” while others      includes goals around increasing its
think the new name separates the             reputation.
University already. The Niner Times
talked to students and ran a survey
gauging students’ feelings towards the

                                                                                             NINERTIMES.COM            AUG. 31, 2021         3
National search for new chief diversity officer down to three finalists
by Jessica Ceballos                                                                                                                                   Photos courtesy of Diversity and
Asst. News Editor                                                                                                                                     Inclusion of UNC Charlotte

  UNC Charlotte narrowed the national           Dr. Glover currently serves as the           Times article, the application process        limited resources in ways that are fair
search to three finalists for the new chief   Inaugural Chief Diversity Officer at the       involves a packet of information that         and transparent and that reflect clear
diversity officer position. This search was   College of William & Mary. Dr. Glover’s        contains requirements and qualifications      priorities.
announced in April and began in May.          interview was Thursday, Aug. 26. For           to apply for this position. According to        - Ability to create allies and build
  According to the Diversity and              more information about Dr. Glover,             the packet, these qualifications included:    trusting and mutually respectful
Inclusion website, the three finalists are    please see her resume on the Diversity            - Earning a doctorate or terminal          relationships with students,
Dr. Brandon Wolfe, Dr. Fanchon Glover         and Inclusion website.                         degree                                        administrators, faculty, staff and alumni,
and Dr. Michael Jennings. The interview         Dr. Jennings currently serves as Chief          - Minimum of five years executive          as well as with civic and professional
process was conducted Aug. 25-27. In          Diversity Officer at Furman University.        leadership experience in higher               organizations in the Charlotte region and
addition, students, faculty and staff were    Dr. Jennings’ interview was Friday, Aug.       education or a comparable industry            beyond.
invited to attend the virtual forum for       27. For more information about Dr.             advancing diversity, equity and inclusion       - Excellent verbal and written
each finalist by registration through the     Jennings, please see his resume on the         and fluency with the scholarship around       communication skills and knowledge of
Diversity and Inclusion website to meet       Diversity and Inclusion website.               diversity, equity and inclusion, or related   group dynamics.
the candidates.                                 According to Dr. Kevin Bailey, who           disciplines.                                    - Ability to facilitate nuanced
  Dr. Wolfe currently serves as the           serves as the search committee chair,             - Understanding of scholarly               conversations when convening multiple
Assistant Vice President of Campus and        “All applications were reviewed by the         publications and academic philosophies        constituencies around diversity, equity
Community Engagement in the Office            committee. Semifinalists participated in       related to diversity, equity and inclusion.   and inclusion.
of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the     a 90-minute Zoom interview with the               - Ability to engage in data-informed         - Ability to navigate political
University of Alabama at Birmingham.          search committee. The three finalists          strategic analysis of opportunities and       landscapes and respond appropriately to
Dr. Wolfe’s interview was Wednesday,          participated in a day-and-a-half in-           challenges and to assess the effectiveness    sensitive issues.
Aug. 25. For more information about           person interview on campus and met             of D&I initiatives and programs.                - Personal and professional integrity,
Dr. Wolfe, please see his resume on the       with a variety of stakeholders.”                  - Experience in financial planning,        diplomacy, tact, and sound judgment.
Diversity and Inclusion website.                According to Lorenza Medley’s Niner          budget development, and allocation of           - Understanding of the elements and

                      Dr. Brandon Wolfe                                          Dr. Fanchon Glover                                          Dr. Michael Jennings

  4     AUG. 31, 2021         NINERTIMES
dynamics of changing             Janaka Lewis, Associate      by a UNC Charlotte
organizational culture.       Professor of English,           faculty member. The
   - A sense of humor.        Director of Women’s and         faculty member started
   UNC Charlotte used         Gender Studies Program          the petition in response
the Association of               Cheryl Waites Spellman,      “not only to the recent
Governing Boards to           Interim Special Assistant       events [2016 Charlotte
assist in the search for      to the Chancellor for           protests] in Charlotte, but
this position. According      Diversity & Inclusion and       to the overarching theme
to, “[AGB]            Professor Social Work           of a growing, diverse
has been the premier             Jeremiah Williams,           population at UNC
membership organization       Secretary for Diversity,        Charlotte.” According to
that strengthens higher       Equity, and Inclusion for       the article, Dubois said
education governing           the Student Government          in a statement to the
boards and the strategic      Association                     University, “As Chancellor,
roles they serve within          Laura Williams,              I believe that it is my duty
their institutions and        Controller                      and responsibility to serve
foundations.” Bailey said                                     as chief diversity officer.”
                                 “The committee decided
they used this search “to     on who the semifinalists           According to the
help generate interest in     should be based on the          diversity and inclusion
the position and identify     established criteria and        website, the expectation is
a qualified pool of           interviewed them,” Bailey       for the new chief diversity
candidates.”                  said. “Based on those           officer to be appointed by
   By the application         interviews, we identified       September.
deadline, Bailey said there   and invited the finalists
were 60 applicants in the     to campus for more
pool.                         interviews. Chancellor
   UNC Charlotte              Gaber will make the final
announced on April            decision.”
23 that the search for           On Sept. 8, 2020, Dr.
the new chief diversity       Cheryl Waites Spellman,
officer would commence.       Interim Special Assistant
Bailey explained that         to the Chancellor for
the search committee          Diversity and Inclusion,
convened on May 7. The        began a temporary
search committee has          position while the search
11 members, including         commenced. Dr. Waites
Bailey. The members           Spellman will serve in the
of the committee are as       interim position until the
follows:                      position has been filled.
   Kevin Bailey, Vice            “The Diversity
Chancellor for Student        Officer will conduct
Affairs                       an assessment of the
   Dick Beekman, Student      University’s environment
Body President                and work with the
   Kim Bradley, Chief of      Chancellor to chart the
Staff to the Chancellor       path forward,” Bailey
   Celeste Corpening, Staff   said. “The campus should
Council Chair                 expect a visible and
   Nancy Gutierrez, Dean      collaborative leader who
of the College of Liberal     will focus on how to make
Arts and Sciences             Charlotte a more diverse
                              and inclusive campus for
   Susan Harden, Faculty
Council President
                                 According to a Niner
   Yvette Huet, Professor
                              Times article in 2016,
of Kinesiology and
                              former Chancellor Dubois
Director of Advance
                              initiated the position of
Faculty Affairs and
                              chief diversity officer after
Diversity Office
                              a petition was started

                                                                                             NINERTIMES.COM   AUG. 31, 2021   5
Welcome back (for now)
                                    How the unvaccinated will take us back to virtual classes
                                                                                                                                         Photo of Immunization Clinic in Student Health
                                                                                                                                      Center, courtesy of Student Affairs of UNC Chalotte
 by Hiral Patel
 Opinion Editor

   As a senior at UNC Charlotte,                                                                                                                  we all have given up these
most of my favorite memories                                                                                                                      so-called “liberties” before and
are attending classes on campus,                                                                                                                  may not have even realized
meeting new people, joining                                                                                                                       that it has saved the university
clubs, tailgating and going                                                                                                                       for decades. Every student has
to home games. After a year                                                                                                                       submitted an immunization
of experiencing all of these                                                                                                                      record upon accepting
should-be in-person events                                                                                                                        admission to this university, so
through my laptop screen, I am                                                                                                                    why is it such a big deal now
excited to be back on campus,                                                                                                                     that we are in the middle of a
finally!                                                                                                                                          public health disaster?
   However, this year’s return                                                                                                                      There is no alternative
to the university might be                                                                                                                        argument to vaccinations of
short-lived under the threat                                                                                                                      any kind. Unlike how older
of unvaccinated students and                                                                                                                      generations lined up with zeal
staff. I hate to start the year                                                                                                                   to receive polio, measles and
with pessimism, but you cannot                                                                                                                    influenza shots, the Covid-19
deny the practicality behind my                                                                                                                   vaccine is mired in muddied
argument.                                                                                                                                         waters about “safety” when
   Local hospitals have met                                                                                                                       the science has already been
capacity, and the number of                                                                                                                       established. There is no credible
cases has been increasing to       altogether. According to the        compare results from the week       there were 77 tests taken, and         reason not to get the vaccine.
the point where Mecklenburg        UNC Charlotte Covid-19              of Aug. 16, Duke University,        11 of them were positive. If             So be smart and don’t be
County already issued a mask       Dashboard, of all the students      which mandates the vaccine,         our testing were as systematic         selfish. There is no cost to
mandate. Yet, the University       taking on-campus classes, only      had a 0.64% positive-test rate      as Duke, we would better               getting the Covid-19 vaccine
does not require students to       70% are vaccinated. It may be       compared to UNC Charlotte,          understand how our school year         and keeping yourself safe along
get vaccinated. Our University     a majority, but that still puts     which had a 14.3% positive-test     will play out. It seems like Duke      with the general public.
needs mandatory vaccine            almost a third of students at       rate.                               will have an easier time holding
enforcement that applies to        risk of contracting Covid-19,          However, Duke has a more         classes in person while we make
everyone, rather than only         including faculty who have not      accurate representation of their    plans to transition back online.
having a mask mandate.             reported.                           Covid-positive rates due to            Many critics claim that
   But a mask will save you,          Several colleges and             more rigorous campus testing.       vaccine mandates are a breach
right? Wrong, at least not on      universities in North Carolina      According to the Duke Covid         of personal liberty. However,
this campus since most people      have implemented a vaccination      Testing Tracker, the 0.64%          emerging variants might soon
are inconsistent with them,        requirement before starting         statistic was derived from the      evade the effectiveness of the
especially indoors.                school in the fall, none of which   113 students and faculty who        current vaccines. Therefore, to
                                   are from the UNC System.            tested positive out of the 17,756   avoid a repeat of March 2020,
   Although a mask is vital
                                   Unfortunately, it has only been     tests taken that week. As a         the University should take
to prevent transmission, it
                                   a week since the school year        result, it’s easier for them to     immediate action to preserve
is significantly less effective
                                   started, so there is insufficient   identify infected students and      the safety of students even if
without social distancing. So
                                   data to determine any               provide them with the right         students are not concerned
imagine the lack of protection
                                   significant differences between     tools to quarantine.                about their own safety.
without a vaccination
                                   universities. However, if we           Here at UNC Charlotte,              As UNC Charlotte students,

  6    AUG. 31, 2021       NINERTIMES

    “SHANG-CHI AND THE                                                                                                                                                     A&C
     LEGEND OF THE TEN                                                                                                                                                    A&C

by Gabe Lapalombella                                                                            Photo courtesy of
Staff Writer                                                                                      Marvel Studios

                   “An interesting corner of the MCU focused on plot and character”
   Every time a movie in the Marvel              franchises and even “Enter The Dragon.”          but Liu gets his shining moment when             winds up being the biggest strength and
Cinematic Universe arrives, audiences            Cretton wisely holds the camera on these         paired with Katy (Awkwafina).                    weakness. When these characters are
await them with bated breath. Being              fight sequences, allowing his cast to show          Liu and Awkwafina, as the friends paired      allowed to sit and converse, it’s some of the
the first theatrical-only MCU film since         off their rigorous stunt training. These         to go on this large adventure, are enjoyable     best dialogue of the franchise. It’s equal
2019’s “Spider-Man: No Way Home,”                fights are so well staged that they add          to watch. They have a great rapport with         parts humorous, emotional and engaging
“Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten             unpredictability, which freshens up the          one another which feels entirely organic         in a new and creative way. However, it
Rings” has many fans excited. It’s a new         superhero formula. With this being the           and unlike other MCU relationships.              becomes dull when the characters are
character that comic-book fans have been         25th film in this franchise, it’s nice to        There’s not necessarily a romantic spark,        forced to discuss the plot and the magical
interested to see as the introduction to a       see them tackling something different.           but an honest and loyal friendship that          entities everyone is after, especially
new corner of the universe. Shang-Chi               The significant motivating factor is          I can’t wait to see expanded in future           when we reach a third act that’s quite a
(Simu Liu) is a kung-fu master forced to         Shang-Chi going back to face his father          installments. Having Liu portray the dry,        spectacle but still hard to keep up with.
confront his tragic past, including his father   years after running away from home. It’s the     humorous stoicism against Awkwafina as              “Shang-Chi and the Legend of Ten Rings”
(Tony Leung), the dangerous Ten Rings            sort of dramatic angle that many films have      the audience conduit gives great moments         is an exciting continuation of what the
organization leader. Fan or not, there are       tried before. However, what makes it work        of brevity. The film reminded me more of         universe has in store. It delivers on setting
some questions that hardcore fans and            isn’t as much Liu in the titular role, but       a buddy comedy even over your standard           the stage for the future and even allows
regulars alike are hoping it answers.            Hong-Kong actor Tony Leung Chiu-Wai.             superhero action movie in these moments.         us to get to know these new characters.
   Kung-fu as a fighting medium in this          As the character many have wanted to see         Kung-fu is thrilling, but the subtle twists on   Especially after the film, it will excite you
franchise is something that has been used        since the twist in Iron Man 3, he delivers       the tropes of the origin story surprised me.     with the possibilities of how they’ll interact
in previous entries. There was the failed        on the true menace that The Mandarin                The screenplay, co-written by Cretton,        with these fan-favorites in the future. If
Netflix “Iron Fist,” but most everyone           as a character can bring. When he finally        Dave Callaham and Andrew Lanham,                 you feel comfortable going to the theater,
wants to forget that even happened.              comes face-to-face with Liu’s Shang, it’s        focuses on character. While the action is        this is also one that deserves to be seen on
Director Destin Daniel Cretton crafts a          the sort of dynamic and performances of          exciting, you can tell that their focus is       the biggest screen possible. If not, it can
kung-fu film here that’s similar to classics     these two which is very exciting. Leung          for the audience to learn more about this        still make for a fun entry into this universe
such as both “The Raid” and “IP Man”             steals every moment in these sequences,          world. It’s because of this that the script      from the comfort of your own home.

                                                                                                                                   NINERTIMES.COM                      AUG. 31, 2021         7
by Gabe Lapalombella
Staff Writer
                      MASUMI                                                                                                                                                          Photo by
                                                                                                                                                                             Gabe Lapalombella

   The privilege that comes with covering        process all said and done?                       was very insecure with my acting skills. I      beautiful and he doesn’t care about looking
film festivals is interviewing the talent           M: They really needed somebody. They          didn’t have a lot of experience in it, but by   good. He always wants to understand the
behind the stories. Having covered this          had been looking for the person for a            the end of the movie, I felt very confident     character’s raw emotion because that’s
year’s Fantasia International Film Festival, I   while, and I think when they found me,           and empowered by my experience and              where the power is. So I thought, okay,
got a chance to see some exciting films. One     they really liked me. So it was quick.           what I could accomplish. Like Akemi,            that’s what I’m going to do. Now. We’re
that stood out to me was “Yakuza Princess,”         G: That is very cool! So now for this         she’s significantly impacted by what she        going to stop thinking about how we’re
which led me to interview the lead actress.      Samurai revenge story, were there any            gets to do at the end of the movie. So what     looking at the camera and just going to
MASUMI, a musician, makes the foray              other kinds of classic films, different genres   I’ve learned from it was to trust ourselves,    focus. It was excellent advice that he gave.
into the acting world with a tough-as-nails      that you watched to prepare for the role?        we all have it in us, but then we keep             G: Was there one day on set that was
performance that solidifies her place in            M: Well, I watched “Dirty Hearts”             doubting ourselves and our abilities.           the most memorable to you, or was
the acting pantheon. I had the privilege         (One of the director’s earlier films) and           G: One of my favorite parts of the film      the whole experience just something
of sitting down with her, and we discussed       “13 Assassins” and things like that. I also      was your dynamic with Jonathan Reese            in and of itself memorable?
what this new chapter means for her career.      studied “Lady Snowbird.” The thing with          Meyers. What was it like working with him?         M: Well, yes, the whole thing was very
   Gabe: What was it that made                   me is that I didn’t grow up watching a              M: Working with him was amazing.             memorable for me, but there is one that
you want to get into acting?                     lot of action films because I’m pretty           That was one of the highlights of               sticks out for me, for sure. And that’s the
   MASUMI: I never really thought                sensitive to blood. So although I’m              this movie for me because he was so             one where I got to choreograph a fight
about getting into acting. I needed to           Japanese, you know, it’s challenging to          supportive and so encouraging. He               with my husband, and I fight with him.
take a small break from music, and at            watch Samurai movies for me. My father           was like a brother to me, you know,                G: If you had to pick another action
the time, my husband suggested that I            is the same way. He’s very sensitive with        throughout the film, he helped me, and he       star or another character who’s famous
continue being creative in a different           blood and stuff, and I got it from him.          always made sure that I felt his support.       in action films, who would you like to
field. And that was acting because he               G: With a character like Akemi,               I couldn’t have done it without him.            see Akemi go up against in a film?
was an actor and he introduced me to             what would you say is the biggest                   G: And was there anything he taught             M: Well, I can’t see anybody else.
acting school. So I was just going a few         thing you learned from playing her?              you about the acting process or just being         Gabe: While I was watching, I thought
months and, three months into the acting            M: She deals with two cultures that           an actor in general in this business?           about someone like either Uma Thurman
class, I got it: The “Yakuza Princess”           cross Japanese and Brazilian. She has both          M: There are so many things that he          from “Kill Bill” or Sylvester Stallone
opportunity. So that’s really how it started.    elements here, she’s Japanese, which is the      taught me, but one of the things that I         from “Rambo.” I just think the fighting
   G: I didn’t know it was that quick of         same as me, but I also have the American         remember off the top of my head is when         style Akemi has in the film, and how
a process. Was it sort of like your agent        experience now that I’m also a little            he said to me, “MASUMI, you’re always           she uses that sword, would be cool to
coming to you and saying, I have this part,      Americanized. We both deal with belonging        going to be beautiful. Go against it.” Wow.     see, go up against another classic action
and I think you’d be a good fit for it?          and identity issues. I even learned that I       Thank you. I mean, you know, somebody so        hero with their own set of artillery.
   M: At the time, I didn’t have a manager.                                                                                                          M: I see what you’re saying, but I also
I just had an agent. It was actually my                                                                                                           think that she has to be Japanese. I don’t
husband’s agent, and I was only there for                                                                                                         think that part can be interchanged with
a few months. I was in an acting class, and                                                                                                       anybody else. It made it unique that she
my husband called me and said, “Hey,                                                                                                              was an authentic Japanese person.
you have to come home immediately.”                                                                                                                  G: My last question is, what’s in
And I was like, oh, I don’t know what’s                                                                                                           the future for you, any upcoming
going on! So then I went home, and he                                                                                                             projects, any new songs coming out,
told me that his manager had a meeting                                                                                                            anything we can keep an eye out for?
with the producer of “Yakuza Princess.”                                                                                                              M: I am dropping a few new songs
He showed the producer my self-tape                                                                                                               with the launch of the movie and
from another audition at the time. He                                                                                                             September 3rd, and honestly, I’m waiting
was not my manager, but he showed it.                                                                                                             to see what happens. But I’m very
And the producer liked my performance                                                                                                             excited about what the future holds.
with the self-tape, and he wanted to have                                                                                                            Well, as you can see, MASUMI is a
a meeting. So I did my self-tape a few                                                                                                            rare performer who wants to expand her
days after, and then I think a week or                                                                                                            talents. Having the privilege of speaking
two weeks after that, I got the audition.                                                                                                         with her and seeing this film, I can’t wait
   G: So it seems like a pretty quick                                                                                                             to see more of her on the big screen!

  8    AUG. 31, 2021        NINERTIMES
                                                                                                                                              their office hours for extra help, or just
                                                                                                                                              to introduce yourself. In addition, take
                                                                                                                                              the time to get to know some of your
                                                                                                                                              classmates. Especially if you have begun
                                                                                                                                              taking classes specific to your major, you

                                                                                                                                              will likely encounter these classmates in
                                                                                                                                              other courses during future semesters.
                                                                                                                                              This can be great for making a new friend,
                                                                                                                                              having a study buddy, or just branching
                                                                                                                                              out and getting to know someone.
                                                                                                                                                 Finally, don’t forget your location. We are
                                                                                                                                              in Charlotte, after all, and have the Queen
                                                                                                                                              City at our fingertips. Take advantage of

Making the most of the semester ahead
                                                                                                                                              this! There is so much to do with the big
                                                                                                                                              city right down the road. Take the light rail
                                                                                                                                              and head uptown for dinner with friends,
by Emily Kottak                                                                                                Photo by                       catch a Carolina Panthers game, see a
Arts and Culture Editor                                                                                        Leysha Caraballo               play, check out the trendy shopping spots
   After over a year and a half of online       and make the most of the semester ahead.       university clubs and organizations and         and so on. We are different from most
education, having to stay at home, and,            One important thing students should         allows for the opportunity to email or         universities because we have such a diverse
for many, not being on UNC Charlotte’s          do is to get involved on campus. I know        join. Start by considering your interests,     and up-and-coming city in our midst,
campus, we are back to a somewhat               we hear it all the time but getting involved   passions, or even something different          genuinely adding to our college experience.
“normal” semester. It feels different and       is a great way to enhance your college         and new, and then look for an event or            While we are still adjusting to getting
is hard to get used to a campus packed          experience. While many clubs and               organization. With such a large school and     back to a sense of normalcy, and it can be
with students again, having to go to class      organizations had to refrain from meetings     a diverse population, you are bound to         stressful, try to remember the perks and
in-person and wearing clothes other             and events during the height of Covid-19,      find something fun and exciting to join.       opportunities that await you. There is so
than sweatpants. While this is a bigger         there are many opportunities now to meet          Next, engage in your classes. Those of us   much happening on campus, in classrooms,
change than we have been accustomed             in person. There are constant reminders        who are fortunate enough to have in-person     and in the city that can make this semester
to for a long time, it is exciting and full     about events from various UNC Charlotte        classes this semester take advantage of the    spectacular. Put in the effort to find the
of opportunities. Now that we are back, I       social media accounts. There is also Niner     opportunity. Get to know your professors,      good and have fun, and you surely will.
think it is a great time to take advantage of   Engage which provides information on           ask them questions and participate, go to

                                                                                                                                  NINERTIMES.COM                  AUG. 31, 2021         9
TV Review: “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”
         Season 8, Episodes 1-4
by Julie Dam                                                                                                                                                         Photo courtesy of
Staff Writer                                                                                                                                                           NBC Universal

   Spoiler Alert: The following contains                                                                                              with being short-staffed. The duo uses
spoilers for season eight, episodes one to                                                                                            data around crime rates and a decline of
four of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.”                                                                                                         complaints during the walkout to start
   The eighth and final season of                                                                                                     a major reform program that would
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine” has finally started                                                                                              change how officers are deployed. I like
airing on NBC and streaming on Hulu.                                                                                                  that the issue of police reform continues
This season is set to have ten episodes,                                                                                              throughout this season instead of being
with two episodes being released weekly                                                                                               in one episode. I am curious to see where
until mid-September. “Brooklyn Nine-                                                                                                  the show takes this part of the plot.
Nine” centers around a goofy detective                                                                                                   The fourth episode focuses on Amy
named Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) and                                                                                                 and Jake struggling with work and
a group of police officers navigating their                                                                                           parenting. Jake tries to catch a serial killer
work and personal lives at a fictional                                                                                                while Amy works on her pitch for the
precinct of the New York City Police                                                                                                  NYPD reform. They have no choice but
Department.                                                                                                                           to bring their son Mac to work after his
   This show has become one of my                                                                                                     daycare closed due to a lice outbreak. The
favorite American TV shows because of                                                                                                 show acknowledges that parenting is not
its hilarious and relatable characters. It                                                                                            easy, especially for two working parents.
also addresses important, real-life issues                                                                                            It is a relatable and touching episode as
in a thoughtful and nuanced way, several                                                                                              Mac passes a milestone in front of Jake.
of which we see in the first four episodes.                                                                                              Many viewers have been bashing
   The first episode of the season                                                                                                    “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” for being too
includes a time jump from June 2020                                                                                                   political when the show has long used
to spring 2021. A lot of major events                                                                                                 its platform to discuss complex topics
happen during this time, and they hit                                                                                                 like racial profiling, sexual assault and
you all at once. First, Rosa (Stephanie                                                                                               trauma. Other than the first episode
Beatriz) resigns from the police force                                                                                                feeling a bit rushed, I enjoyed the first
after the death of George Floyd. Next,                                                                                                four episodes of the season and look
the Covid-19 lockdown happens, during                                                                                                 forward to the next few.
which Amy (Melissa Fumero) has a
baby boy named Mac. First responders                                                                                                             Rating: 8.5/10
get vaccinated, and Amy returns from
maternity leave after the time jump.
   I like how “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” does
not avoid conversations about the Black
Lives Matter movement, given that it is a
show about a police precinct. It addresses
the performative activism coming from
co-workers and how those in power
choose to go with the easier route and        year, Captain Holt (Andre Braugher)        heavier themes in the first episode.
do not try to change the flawed policing      reveals that he and his husband Kevin      Holt and Kevin later decide to go to
system. I would have liked for these          (Marc Evan Jackson) have separated.        couple’s therapy and try to rekindle their
events to be better paced because it feels    In the second episode of this season,      relationship.
like a lot to squeeze into a 25-minute        Jake hatches a plan to get his dads back      In the third episode, uniformed police
episode.                                      together. This episode is more light-      officers stage a walkout, pretending to
                                              hearted and brings in more humor,          all be sick, leaving Holt and Amy to deal
   After a challenging and draining
                                              providing an excellent contrast to the

  10 AUG. 31, 2021          NINERTIMES
Keep an eye out
                      There is a lot to watch for in the 2021-2022 athletics season
by Bryson Foster
Asst. Sports Editor
                                                                                                                              Photo courtesy of Charlotte Athletics     SPORTS
   We are approaching the start of a new athletic year           3. Soccer Programs Picking Up Where They Left Off                programs, and it is something to grow on in 2021. Both
for Charlotte athletics. There are many things to look           The men’s soccer team had an outstanding season last             teams added news transfers and will return multiple
forward to, so are five things that you need to watch for     year and will look to build off of last year’s success during       starters in hopes of reaching the NCAA tournament. It
in the athletic year.                                         this year’s campaign. The team boasted a 6-3-2 record               will be an exciting year for Charlotte 49ers basketball
   5. A Return to Normal                                      and a national ranking for multiple weeks. The 49ers                fans.
   After a year of Covid-19 affecting athletics across        were also able to reach the NCAA tournament, where                     The men’s basketball team finished 9-16 last year after
the country, it seems that we are in store for a return to    they fell short to the Tarheels of North Carolina.                  a promising start to the season. Star Guard Jahmir Young
normal. Unfortunately, Charlotte was no exception to             The 49ers will return star players Patrick Hogan and             returned to the team after a phenomenal campaign just
the effects of Covid, as every sport was affected in some     Preston Popp, who plan to lead the team back to the                 a year ago, and this time will take the leadership role for
capacity.                                                     NCAA tournament. The team has unfinished business                   the team. The 49ers have also added multiple transfers
   Many athletic events were canceled or rescheduled          and will look to make their presence felt this season.              from major programs, such as Clyde Trapp Jr. from
throughout the year, and fans couldn’t watch their               The Charlotte women’s soccer team struggled                      Clemson and the 2020 Patriot League player of the year
beloved 49ers take the court or field. Masks became           throughout the season but was able to put it together and           Austin Butler who comes from Holy Cross; they will look
required for all players and coaches. Things changed          get to the finals of the C-USA tournament, where they               to produce at a high level this season.
drastically, and the world lost normality for a short time.   fell to nationally ranked Rice. The 49ers are ready to take            The women’s basketball team had woes in the first part
   With the decline in Covid cases and the introduction       the next step this season. The team is young, but veterans          of the season last year but were able to get it together
of the vaccine, many can return to normal. Fans will          Julia Patrum and Abby Stapleton will lead the team to               toward the end of the season. The 49ers will put multiple
return for all 49ers sporting events, and the teams are       success.                                                            teams on upset alert this year, such as North Carolina
ready to welcome everyone back. It will be a year that           This fall, soccer will return as Covid meant that the            and Wake Forest. Jada McMillian and Octavia Jett-
sees a triumphant return filled with the sights and sounds    49ers had to play all of their games in the Spring last             Wilson will be significant parts of the team’s success.
that makes sports what it is.                                 season. Both programs are getting ready to retake the                  The expectations are high for both teams to continue
   4. A Historic Season for Charlotte Football                field; this time, it will be during the regular schedule.           to get better and push for a tournament bid. It will be
   Last season, the Charlotte 49ers football program was         2. Basketball Programs to Get Better after Promising             something to keep an eye on this athletic season.
only able to play six games due to the spread of Covid-19.    2020                                                                   1. Charlotte Baseball to Grow into a Powerhouse
The 49ers are hungry to play an entire season and get to         Last season showed great promise for both basketball                The Charlotte baseball team is coming off of the best
the second bowl game in program history.                                                                                                      season in program history as they had a stellar
   The Niners have many high-profile matchups                                                                                                 record of 40-21. The Niners won their first-
this season. The 49ers will be hosting the                                                                                                    ever East Division title and also made the
Duke Blue Devils inside the confines of Jerry                                                                                                 NCAA tournament. The team is only going
Richardson Stadium. The team will also travel to                                                                                              to get better and is hungry to avenge their
Champaign, IL, to face the Illinois Fighting Illini                                                                                           tournament loss.
in a pivotal matchup.                                                                                                                           The 49ers bats were hot all of last year. The
   The 49ers also have a competitive conference                                                                                               team scored 417 runs last season, and it had
slate with multiple games televised on CBS                                                                                                    to do with the long ball as Charlotte hit a
Sports Network. The team is excited to compete                                                                                                total of 66 home runs. The Niners will look to
for the conference title against favorites Florida                                                                                            continue the trend this season.
Atlantic and Marshall, which will travel to                                                                                                     Charlotte returns two of the three players
face the 49ers in Charlotte this season. The                                                                                                  who had a batting average over .300. Austin
Niners have a shot at getting to their first-ever                                                                                             Knight and Will Butcher will look to be key
Conference USA (C-USA) championship game.                                                                                                     players in the team’s growth. The 49ers will
   Head Coach Will Healy is excited to see what                                                                                               be poised to return to form, and the goal is to
heights the program can reach this season as the                                                                                              reach the College World Series.
team continues to make a name for itself. This
season could be a great one for the 49ers as they
look to bounce back after last year

                                                                                                                                   NINERTIMES.COM                     AUG. 31, 2021       11
Alumni Spotlight:                                                                                           closely with the industry
                                                                                                             communications team. He
                                                                                                                                                   “My long-term goal is to be
                                                                                                                                                a communications executive
                                                                                                             is writing press releases,         in professional sports,” said

Jazz Warren
                                                                                                             coordinating driver appearances    Warren. “Most importantly, I
                                                                                                             and liaising between different     want to be a family man that
                                                                                                             entities in the sport. In          is full of faith. I want to be the
                                                                                                             addition, Warren has continued     best person that I can be.”
                                                                                                             to be involved in the art of          After the internship, Warren
                                                                                                             storytelling by highlighting pit   earned a full-time position as
                                                                                                             crew members in other news         Communications Coordinator
Jazz Warren, a 49er alum, has set the                                                                        markets.                           with NASCAR.
                                                                                                                “One of my biggest                 Warren continues to
Gold Standard in NASCAR internship program                                                                   responsibilities is pitching       represent his former school
                                                                                                             which guys need to be              with all the accomplishments
by Bryson Foster                                                                                             highlighted by getting their       he has racked up. He is proud
                                                                             Photo courtesy of Jazz Warren
Asst. Sports Editor                                                                                          stories out into those major       of where he has come from and
                                                                                                             media outlets,” said Warren. “It   is excited to see where life takes
   Jazz Warren is on his way      Warren. “I applied, and they          everyday life.                       varies from week to week, but I    him. The future is bright for
to accomplish his dream of        accepted me then the rest was            “I learned to                     love doing it.”                    Jazz Warren.
working in sports. Warren, who    history.”                             compartmentalize passion                Even though Warren has             “Going to Charlotte taught
is an alumnus of Charlotte, is       At Charlotte, Warren               when it comes to being a true        accomplished many things, he       me so much about being in
currently a communications        first was involved with               professional,” said Warren. “You     is looking toward the future. He   the real world, and it gave me
intern working with NASCAR.       RadioFreeCharlotte. He was            can’t let your passion overtake      feels that his faith has gotten    a dose of what society is,” said
He is fueled by a love of sport   able to give his opinion on the       your professionalism but rather      him far and that he wouldn’t       Warren. “The motto that the
but, most importantly, his faith. happens within the game of            let it drive it.”                    have been able to get where he     university had when I attended
   Warren graduated from          basketball. One of Warren’s              Warren continued to find a        is today without it. He wants to   was about staking your claim,
Charlotte in 2015 and has been    peers on the show approached          way to be around sports and          continue to better himself in a    and that has been my mindset
on a unique path to his own       him about being a sportswriter        started another internship with      professional and social space      wherever I have been.”
version of stardom. Warren        for the Niner Times, and at first,    Charlotte Motor Speedway.            in the coming
is the son of parents who         he was unsure if he could do          He worked NHRA events,               years.
were involved in athletics as     it, but he took a chance, and it      dirt races and NASCAR races
his father played in the NFL      became his passion.                   which allowed him to soak up
while his mother was a track         “I was not involved with           the sport. Warren enjoyed his
coach at Chapel Hill for seven    writing in any capacity growing       time at the track but received
seasons. Even though he works     up, but I can honestly say that       encouragement from his
                                                   my time with         higher-ups to work for Nascar.
                                                   Niner Media,            “I was encouraged by
                                                   in general, was      Deborah Norman of CMS to
               “One of my biggest                  amazing,” said       apply for the Nascar internship,
         responsibilities is pitching              Warren. “I           and it didn’t cross my mind to
                                                   feel that pure       do it,” said Warren. “I wanted
            which guys need to be                  journalism is        to learn more about it and be a
        highlighted by getting their               dying, and as        professional in every aspect.”
        stories out into those major               I got older, I          Warren got his start with
      media outlets,” said Warren. “It             developed a          NASCAR in the diversity
                                                   passion for          internship program. The
      varies from week to week, but I              bringing it back.”   program seeks diverse
                 love doing it.”                      Warren’s hard     undergraduate as well as
                                                   work with the        graduate students to contribute
                                                   paper would          to the complex motorsports
                                                   pay off, and he      workforce. It creates the next
for NASCAR, he didn’t grow        had a chance to be an intern for      generation of professionals in
up as a motorsports fan but       the NBA’s all-star weekend in         the world of NASCAR.
knew he wanted to be a part of    Charlotte. Surrounded by some            Currently, Warren is all over
something bigger.                 of his childhood heroes, he           the place as he just finished a
   “I didn’t know anything        showed off his knowledge of the       communications internship
about NASCAR going into it,       game. Warren took many things         and is living the dream. He is
but I wanted to be a sponge by    away from the opportunity and         involved in many things for
learning about everything,” said  still implements them in his          Nascar, but he works most

  12 AUG. 31, 2021          NINERTIMES
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