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                Exercising our rights since 1920

                                     NOV. 6, 2017  
                                 VOL 96. ISSUE 10
                            GR APHIC BY L AUR A GOTTSCHALK
Rotunda - Vol 96, no.10 - Nov. 6, 2017 - Digital Commons @ Longwood University
02      > NEWS                                                                                                                        

  Curry and Frazer Halls up next for renovation
  Academic and admissions buildings in planning phases

The Upchurch University Center is scheduled to be complete in the summer of 2018.                                                                       TAY L O R O’B E R RY | T H E R OT U N DA

by Steven Herring | Asst. News Editor | @Skherring

        enovations to Curry                            The funds for both the new                        of the Registrar and Disability       rooms for interviews, space for
        and Frazer Halls will                        academic       and     admissions                   Resources, First Year Experience      group presentations and events,
        begin May 2018. The                          buildings were “appropriated by                     and Family Programs and the           private offices for staff personnel
new academic and admissions                          the state,” she said.                               Associate Vice President for          to hold interviews, and operations
buildings are still in the planning                    The Real Estate Foundation                        Enrollment Management and             support areas.”
phases as Brock Hall, home of                        is borrowing money for the                          Student Success will be located in      “We should be breaking
the Student Success Center, and                      Curry and Frazer projects, while                    Brock Hall, said Waller.              ground on that project, starting
the Upchurch University Center                       donations and student fees helped                     The Upchurch University Center      construction in the spring next
are coming to a close, according                     pay for the university center and                   is scheduled to open in fall 2018     semester,” Waller said.
to Associate Vice President for                      the student center, according to                    with all the spaces currently in        Waller     stated     the    new
Campus Planning, Construction                        Waller.                                             Lankford Student Union moving         Longwood University Barnes
and the Real Estate Foundation                         “The construction process is                      to the new building, according to     and Noble bookstore location at
Louise Waller.                                       really very long and a lot of the                   Waller.                               200 N. Main Street is now open.
 Waller said the Curry and Frazer                    process actually happens before                       According to Waller, both Curry     Students can expect a larger cafe
project will cost approximately                      anybody brings a hammer, nails,                     and Frazer Hall will get updates      while workers will notice a bigger
$62 million; the new academic                        shovels, anything on site,” Waller                  on the inside to help make them       “back of the house.”
building will cost $22.7 million;                    said.                                               more appealing. A new entrance          Longwood and the Real Estate
the new admissions building will                       Brock Hall is currently in the                    onto Main Street will be added        Foundation rent the building
cost $13.5 million; the Upchurch                     final phases of construction and                    along with a new exterior look.       that houses the bookstore from
University Center wll cost $35                       will be opening next semester,                        “The buildings will look            Walk2Campus, according to
million and Brock Hall will cost                     according to Waller.                                absolutely    (and)      completely   Waller.
$10 million. 62+22.7=84.7+13.5                         The Center for Academic                           different,” Waller said.                “Shows great teamwork in that
98.2+35=143.2                                        Success, Writing Center, offices                      Construction of Frazer Hall will    (the) community and Barnes
                                                                                                         start May 2018 and will carry on      and Noble has been such a great
                                                                                                         until August 2019, while Curry        partner with us on this project,”
                                                                                                         Hall construction begins May          Waller said.
                                                                                                         2019 and lasts until August 2020,       She said the new bookstore
                                                                                                         according to Waller.                  location was a “historical tax
                                                                                                           Students who usually stay in        credit project.”
                                                                                                         those dorms will be moved to            “The developer of this project
                                                                                                         other campus housing, Waller          was able to renovate this to
                                                                                                         said.                                 the Department of Historic
                                                                                                           “We’re going to be able to double   Resources standards, and was
                                                                                                         up in areas and triple up in areas    able to receive tax credits back
                                                                                                         to accommodate the shortage,”         to help reduce the total project
                                                                                                         said Waller.                          costs,” said Waller.
                                                                                                           According to Longwood’s               Walter stated no other projects
                                                                                                         website, the new admissions           are currently in development.
                                                              TAY L O R O’B E R RY | T H E R OT U N DA   building will house “information
Construction of the university center has cost Longwood approximately $35                                areas,      several       adaptable
million.                                                                                                 conference and presentation
Rotunda - Vol 96, no.10 - Nov. 6, 2017 - Digital Commons @ Longwood University
NOV. 6, 2017                                                    03 > NEWS

 halle parker
 jeff halliday and mike mergen
 faculty advisers
                               ROTUNDA STUDIOS
                               PAYTON CONWAY
 editor-in-chief pro-tempore   ALAINA JACQUES

                                                    NOV. 6
 assistant editor              NICOLE DEL ROSARIO
 JESSE PLICHTA-KELLAR          staff
 staff                         NAAJAMAH JONES
                               staff                Chamber Winds Concert @5 P.M. in
 BUSINESS                      ELLIE STUCK
 KIERSTEN FREEDMAN             staff                Wygal Hall
                               ERIN EATON

                               LAURA GOTTSCHALK
                               assistant editor
                                                    NOV. 8
 staff                         PHOTO                Housing and Rental Fair @7:30 P.M. in
                               TAYLOR O’BERRY
                                                    Greenwood Library 201
 MEGAN GARY                    ANN POLEK
 staff                         assistant editor     Mental Health Café Series: Stress
                               EVA WITTKOSKI
                                                    @3:30 P.M. in the Health & Fitness
 JACOB DILANDRO                CARRIE BAILEY        Center 305
 staff                         staff
 OPINIONS                                           “Everyman” @7 P.M. in the Mainstage
 PAULINA MARINERO              CASSIE TAGERT        Auditorium of CSTAC
 editor                        editor
 VIVIAN GRAY                   JORDAN BROWN         LipSync @8 P.M. in Jarman Auditorium
 staff                         assistant editor
 staff                         staff
                               CHARLEIGH KONDAS
                               KAITLYN CROW
                                                    NOV. 9
 staff                         staff
                               JOSH RABINOWITZ      2017 Club and Organization Award
                               staff                Dinner @5 P.M. in Dorrill Dining Hall
 assistant editor              EVENTS
                                                    “Everyman” @7 P.M. in the Mainstage
 staff                         ALEX KISZKA
                                                    Auditorium of CSTAC
                    contact information
                                                    NOV. 10
                                                    WBB LU @ Marshall @5 P.M.
  INTERESTED IN                                     “Everyman” @7 P.M. in the Mainstage
                                                    Auditorium of CSTAC
   THE ROTUNDA?                                     LU Women’s XC vs. NCAA Regionals
                                                    @12 P.M.

                                                    LU Men’s XC vs. NCAA Regionals @12
Rotunda - Vol 96, no.10 - Nov. 6, 2017 - Digital Commons @ Longwood University
04 > NEWS                                                                                                              

                                                                Ed Gillespie                MIKE SEGAR | REUTERS
                                                                                                                     Clifford Hyra      COURTESY OF HYRA FOR GOVERNOR

Three way race for Governor
Education, taxes, spending and health care breakdown
by Christine Rindfleisch | News Editor | @longwoodrotunda

 Who is running                                  families are aware of what each         he describes as “oversubscribed         a need for higher quality care
 Three candidates are running in                 Virginia college is offering,           and turning students away.”             of patients for a lower cost. He
the upcoming Virginia General                    according to Northam’s campaign                                                 wants more transparency for what
Election on Nov. 7 for governor:                 website.                                  Taxes and Spending                    the costs are for the care a patient
Democrat Ralph Northam,                            “Students should not have to            Northam plans to keep the             is receiving. In addition, Gillespie
Republican Ed Gillespie and                      shoulder the burden of large            budget balanced and audit in            plans to expand micro-hospitals
Libertarian Clifford Hyra.                       tuition increases, and every            the future to let taxpayers know        to meet the needs of rural areas
 According       to    Northam’s                 student should have an option           where their money is going              without immediate access to
campaign website, Northam                        to go without oppressive debt,”         toward. Northam believes it is          hospitals.
wants to add to Virginia’s                       according to Northam’s campaign         crucial for women to receive equal        Hyra wants an “innovative”
economy that he believes is in                   website.                                pay as men do for the same work.        health care program and repeal
progress currently and “defend                     Northam also wants to establish       In doing so, Northam, if elected,       the Certificate of Public need
our values against those who                     equality in education for “students     will fight for legislation to produce   regulations that “deter healthcare
want to take us back.”                           of color, students in poverty and       transparent salary information,         innovation, increase costs and
 Gillespie believes in what                      students with disabilities.”            according to Northam’s campaign         reduce access to healthcare”. In
he refers to as Fairness,                          Gillespie is looking to establish a   website.                                addition, Hyra would like to look
Accountability,         Integrity,               firm foundation with developing           Gillespie plans to cut individual     into all possibilities to increase
Transparency      and    Honesty                 more opportunities for youth to         income tax by 10 percent across         price transparency that would
(FAITH) in government, per                       prepare for the workforce.              the board in an effort to create        result in a more “market-based”
Gillespie’s campaign website.                      “Ed will channel more money           more private sector jobs, according     health care program within
 Hyra sees a need to “unleash                    into the classroom, reform our          to Gillespie’s campaign website.        the state, according to Hyra’s
innovation in Virginia” that                     system to give teachers and               Hyra plans to exempt the first        campaign website.
focuses on the economic growth                   schools more flexibility and move       $60,000 from household income
mainly in small businesses with                  Virginia toward personalized            tax from state tax. In addition,          Confederate Statues
a “smaller, more flexible, fairer                learning for all children,” as stated   Hyra plans to allow $30,000               In      response        to      the
government,” according to Hyra’s                 on Gillespie’s campaign website.        exemption for individuals in the        Charlottesville attacks, Northam
campaign website.                                  On     Aug.      30,     Gillespie    effort to avoid a marriage penalty.     released a statement on Aug.
                                                 published his three-part plan           Ultimately, Hyra plans to freeze        16 in agreement with the City
  Education                                      for higher education to establish       new state spending for two years.       of Charlottesville’s decision to
  Overall on education, Northam                  partnerships with businesses and        If elected, Hyra will “end subsidies    remove the Confederate statue
believes in early testing, raising               education “focused on workforce         for big business and other crony        of Robert E. Lee and supports
wages for teachers to meet the                   development and retention in            capitalism,” according to Hyra’s        relocating Confederate statues
national average and providing                   Virginia,” relationships between        campaign website.                       into museums, according to
local training programs as an                    individual colleges to increase                                                 Northam’s campaign website.
alternative to college.                          access and affordability and              Health Care                             According        to      Gillespie’s
  On     Aug.      29,   Northam                 treat families and students as            Northam wants to keep the             campaign website, he doesn’t
published his plan for higher                    consumers that colleges serve.          relationship between a woman            support      the      removal      of
education. Northam’s plan has                      Hyra has proposed introducing         and her doctor confidential.            Confederate monuments. This is
three components: affordability,                 more competition with the               In addition, Northam wants              in reference to his article published
accessibility and innovation.                    implementation of more Virginia         to provide contraceptives to            on June 12 where he stated he
All achieved by investing more                   charter schools. If elected, Hyra       women, regardless of their              wasn’t in favor of the removal of
funding into higher education.                   will replace Virginia’s Standards       ability to pay. He believes in the      the Robert E. Lee statue in the
  Northam is looking to establish                of Quality (SoQ ) and Standards         plan Expanding Access to Long           City of Charlottesville.
a “four year promise” where                      of Learning (SOL) with “growth          Acting Reversible Contraceptives          Hyra wants to leave the decision
students maintain the same                       measure testing at beginning and        (LARCs) in the attempt to lower         of whether to keep or remove a
financial package for all four                   end of the school year,” according      teen pregnancies, according to          Confederate statue to the local
years. He plans to create a website              to Hyra’s campaign website.             Northam’s campaign website.             governments, according to Hyra’s
with information pertaining to                     Hyra wants to invest in                 According      to     Gillespie’s     campaign website.
for-profit colleges so prospective               expanding technical schools that        campaign website, Gillespie sees
Rotunda - Vol 96, no.10 - Nov. 6, 2017 - Digital Commons @ Longwood University
NOV. 6, 2017                                                                                              05 >         NEWS

Office of Student
presentation and
ride to the polls
by Rachael Poole | Opinions Staff | @rapoole17

      n this week’s Student Government
      Association (SGA) meeting on Oct.
      31, Director of Office of Student
Research Dr. Crystal Anderson, presented
two upcoming research programs the Office
of Student Research will be conducting.
The programs are the Spring Presentation
of Undergraduate Research (SPUR) and
Collaborative Interdisciplinary Tutorials for
                                                                                                                                        TAY L O R O’B E R RY | T H E R OT U N DA
Employment (CITE).                                     During this weeks SGA meeting, Dr. Crystal Anderson, director of the Office of Student Reseach, gave a
  Anderson said research isn’t just science-           presentation on what she does at the Office of Student Reseach and how the office could benefit students.
specific and confined to a lab. She wanted to
break the stigma of research being only for            program is a partnership between the Office             in mind, especially during Halloween. Steele
science-specific topics or certain students.           of Student Research and Citizen Leadership              explained students should make sure not
According to Anderson, the goal of the Office          and Social Justice this spring. Students will           to dress up in costumes that parody certain
of Student Research is to take a student’s             receive a $1,800 stipend, or salary, for the            cultures, because it’s insensitive to those who
interests and passions and then turn it                process of conducting research and having               are part of those cultures.
into research, whether it’s for a classroom            their research published.                                 Historian Emily Moran gave information on
assignment or not. SPUR will be held on                 Anderson also stated the Office of Student             Ride to the Polls, taking place on Nov. 7 for
April 24, 2018. The digital event is open for          Research will stay in the library upon the              the Virginia General Election. Volunteers will
all students to submit a presentation of their         opening of the new Student Success Center,              be standing in front of Jarman Auditorium,
research to be published on various platforms.         but she hopes the space in the new Success              where students can be picked up and
  According to Anderson, CITE gives                    Center is utilized for research.                        transported to voting polls. The ride times are
students the opportunity to develop practical           During the orders of the day, SGA Adviser              9-11 a.m. and 1-7 p.m.
research skills for future employment through          and Dean for Student Engagement Cheryl                    The next SGA meeting will be Tuesday,
engaging in collaborative research. The                Steele briefly discussed cultural education and         Nov. 7 at 3:45 p.m. in the Martinelli Board
                                                       the importance of keeping cultural sensitivity          Room in the Maugans Alumni Center.

     SFC Report
      by Rachael Poole | Opinions Staff | @rapoole17

      Student Educators for Active
      Leadership (SEAL) $7,610
        The money would be a reallocation for the
        Mountain Lake Leadership Conference that
        takes place from Nov. 10.
        SFC allocation was approved.

      Bare Naked Ladies (BNL)
          The funds would be used for t-shirts and supplies
         needed for a fashion show the club plans to have
         this month.
         SFC allocation was approved.                                                                                                   TAY L O R O’B E R RY | T H E R OT U N DA
                                                                     Barenaked Ladies members Melrica Williams and Mackenzie Spicer requested $150 for the club.
Rotunda - Vol 96, no.10 - Nov. 6, 2017 - Digital Commons @ Longwood University
06 >       A&E                                                                                                                         

                             THE REEL LIFE   Movie reviews by Jacob DiLandro | A&E Staff | @spongejay1

             hile he is one of the most well-          Despite the film’s ridiculous tone and comedy,
             known characters in the Marvel          it still finds time to be a very satisfying entry in
             Cinematic Universe, Thor’s solo         the Marvel Universe, giving just enough world
films have been the runt of the Marvel litter        building to justify its existence. However, it also
for quite some time. His first film was decent,      helps to build the characters of Hulk and Thor,
but “Thor The Dark World” just barely got a          as the two of them get legitimate moments
passing grade from critics and audiences. Now,       of character development, with Thor’s being
acclaimed director Taika Waititi (“What We           at the crux of the entire film. For a comedy
Do in The Shadows,” “Boy,” “Hunt for the             set in space about a God, it’s refreshingly
Wilderpeople”) is here to bring his quirky,          human.
ridiculous indie sensibilities to Marvel, and          Marks Mothersbaugh, of Devo fame, also
saving one of their biggest heroes in the process.   gives the film a synth infused score that is
  “Thor Ragnarok” is a comedy about the              delightful. It matches the tone of the entire
apocalypse. It knows this as well. Coasting off      film, which is extensively ‘80s without being
a gloriously self-obsessed performance from          ‘80s. It douses itself in the kinds of space opera
Chris Hemsworth, the movie bleeds a kind of          sensibilities that came about from the decade,
cool buddy cop feeling. It revels in making the      as opposed to making direct, cheesy references
audience laugh just as much as it makes them         to it.
cheer. The humor is whip smart, and the one            “Ragnarok” has one issue though: its tone.
or two times that a joke doesn’t land, its easily    While for the most part it works well,
brushed under the rug as the film’s excellent        the tonal shifts of the film do show
pacing keeps the fun train rolling.                  at times. It doesn’t ruin the film,
  While “Guardians of the Galaxy” may have           more often than not, it plays into
brought Marvel to space first, “Ragnarok”            the overall sense that Waititi and
completely runs wild with the concept of             Marvel are trying to show how
a superhero space film. The locations are            much fun this over the top and
absolutely bonkers, with a main set on the scrap     ridiculous kind of situation and
heap planet of Sakaar looking like someone           character can be.
decided to assemble a “Mad Max” meets “Blade           Because that’s what makes
Runner” city with colorful trash. Characters         “Thor Ragnarok” so great. It’s
have bizarre masks and their own subculture          absolutely absurd in every way,
with with way more cool details that are too         from its bright poppy colors, to its
good to spoil.                                       sense of humor along with along
  Waititi also has assembled a great cast here,      with its characters, its music,
with Cate Blanchett especially great as the          its settings, and it embraces
villainous Hela. Not since Loki’s appearance in      it wholeheartedly. The film’s
the first “Avengers” film has there been a villain   pure absurdity makes it one                                                                              Check
has there been a villain so deliciously evil. She    of the greatest Marvel films                                                                             online for
relishes in her depravity, and her excellent         ever, purely because it’s
costume and hair only had to the character’s         one of the few films that                                                                                “Spiderman:
insane evil.                                         manages to be a lot of fun                                                                               Homecoming”
  Tom Hiddleston struts his comedic timing           without compromising the
as Thor’s brother Loki, and Tessa Thompson           the story and character
                                                                                                                                                              movie review!
is also great as the bad ass space scavenger         development.            “Thor
Valkyrie; who she plays as if Han Solo got           Ragnarok” rocks.
kidnapped and sent to the Marvel world. Jeff
Goldblum has also gone full Goldblum level of
insane here, dressed in technicolor outfits and
spouting some of the best lines he’s ever been
given in a film.                                                                    P H OT O C O U R T E S Y O F M A R V E L S T U D I O A N D WA LT D I S N E Y S T U D I O S M OT I O N P I C T U R E S .
Rotunda - Vol 96, no.10 - Nov. 6, 2017 - Digital Commons @ Longwood University
NOV. 6, 2017                                                                                                         07 >         OPINIONS

Fall looks inspired by
your favorite celebrities
    by Davina Applewhite l Opinions Staff l @longwoodrotunda

                                                                        it not only keeps you warm during the cooler
                                                                        days of Fall but it’s stylish, designed in chic
                                                                        and channels the earlier days of fashion.
                                                                        Think: every girl at panel in America’s Next
                                                                        Top Model!

                                                                          Turtlenecks: Who wouldn’t want to
                                                                        wear a shirt named after a cute little animal?
                                                                        Turtlenecks are the best pieces to wear during
                                                                        the Fall because they’re basically a scarf and
                                                                        shirt all in one. Miley Cyrus knows the
                                                                        convenience of a turtleneck best, even going as
                                                                        far as wearing one in her Malibu music video.
                                                                        You don’t only have to settle for a turtleneck
                                                                        shirt, though. The fashion world has brought
                                                                        turtleneck dresses to the table. Now that’s a
                                                                        triple threat!

                                                                          Cropped Hoodies: Fall time is the                                          CO U RT E S Y O F T H E TO DAY SH OW
                                                                        best time for cropped hoodies to make an           Paris Hilton has always been the queen of Juicy
                                                                        appearance! They all have the comfort of           Couture tracksuits and had a color for every occasion
                                                                        an actual hoodie but are shortened enough          back in the early 2000s.
                                                                        to show midriff. You can even easily DIY a
                                                                        cropped hoodie from an old one in your closet.
                                                                        This look is also a favorite among celebrities.
                                                                        Zendaya rocks this piece with distressed
                                  C O U R T E S Y O F DA I LY M A I L
                                                                        jeans and you can too. Warning: once you
Karrueche is so relatable in this laid-back look, wearing
olive green joggers to add a pop of color to her outfit.                throw one of these on, you might never want
                                                                        to take it off. I know it’s been hard for me not

           ur days are about to be shorter and                          to throw on one every time I go out.
           a whole lot colder, which means
           that everyone’s favorite holidays are                          Joggers: Who says you can’t be cute
coming up! It also means that it’s time to swap                         and comfy? Sweatpants are a thing of
out mini-skirts for ripped jeans and cropped                            the past now that joggers are in the
tees for warm, fuzzy sweaters.                                          picture. Though the material can be
  If you’re anything like me and hate the cold,                         similar to sweatpants, joggers often
it can be difficult to find clothing items that                         include a cinched hem at the ankles.
are affordable, comfortable, keep you warm                              Joggers are great for when you’re
and that are in-style. What I like to do is take                        in a rush, before school and can
inspiration from the many celebrities who                               be matched with a denim jacket
strut around Hollywood, prepared for any and                            and some sneakers for a more
all seasonal transitions.                                               dressed-down look. Celebrities
                                                                        like Karrueche Tran, has
  Fishnet Tights: Fishnet stockings                                     worn joggers, especially when
were a trend of the past but like many other                            having to head out on the
pieces, they’re making a reappearance and                               town a little early.
our Hollywood’s stars aren’t afraid to show it.
Fishnet stockings aren’t just a style for your                            Faux Fur Coats: Faux
Halloween costumes. Though this item may                                fur coats may be seen as overkill
be looked at as a summer piece, you can take                            during the Fall, but at the very
inspiration from Khloe Kardashian and layer                             most you know you’ll be prepared for
a pair of fishnet stockings under ripped jeans.                         the unpredictable Fall weather. This item
I’ve personally tried this look, and it was a                           is great for those randomly chilly Fall
great way to stay warm and added an edgier                              days, and add a bit of style to your outfit.
vibe to my outfit.                                                      Celebrities like Rihanna and Demi Lovato                                             Khloe Kardashian
                                                                        have been seen wearing this piece while                                            was spotted in
  Velvet Tracksuits: Juicy Couture’s                                    looking cozy and fashionable doing so. It’s                                      California, wearing a
signature Velour tracksuit rocked the early                             important that celebrities advocate for the use                                 scandalous see-through
2000s, becoming staples in the closets of stars                         and wear of faux fur rather than real fur since                                top and rocking fishnet
like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. Now,                              they have such a influence on our wardrobe                                    stockings under her ripped
this two-piece velvet outfit is a go-to look for                        style.                                                                       jeans.
celebs like Bella Hadid and Kim Kardashian.
This trend is great for this time of year because                                                                                                           COURTESY OF PINTEREST
Rotunda - Vol 96, no.10 - Nov. 6, 2017 - Digital Commons @ Longwood University
08      >       OPINIONS                                                                                   

   The seriousness of emotional abuse
by Rachael Poole | Opinions Staff | @rapoole17                                                                      COURTESY OF THE MIR AMAR RECOVERY CENTER

          lot of times when you ask someone,       fight with a friend. Some people grow up in            like you can’t live without the person hurting
          “What’s worse: emotional or physical     households where parents are always fighting,          you, because they’ve tricked you into believing
          abuse?” you’re more likely to get the    or in houses where they don’t get enough               they’re all you have.
latter as an answer. People tend to think of       attention from their parents.                            When you know someone who’s still
physical abuse as more damaging because              Personally, I flinch every time someone              suffering from the trauma of emotional abuse,
it can show visible aftermath. Bruises, cuts       starts to talk a little too loudly, or if someone is   always let them know they aren’t alone. It
and scars are signifiers of what could be          obviously mad at me. I don’t fear that they will       will take time to get them to ease up to you,
happening behind closed doors. However,            hit me, but I fear that they will say something        and it varies from person to person. Be the
with emotional abuse, there are also bruises,      that will cause my walls to build up higher.           shoulder for them to cry on, offer your advice
cuts and scars - and they never go away.           It comes from so many years of being talked            and be patient. Having a support system can
  The abuse can take form in verbal attacks,       down upon and being called countless things.           do wonders for a victim of abuse.
controlling behavior or jealousy. There are          No one’s life is perfect, and it’s better to           If you’re a victim, always know that it’s not
many instances where these attacks can cause       assume that right off the bat. People who              your fault. Your past experiences don’t define
the victim to go into isolation from friends       come across as more sheltered and closed off           you and you’re stronger than you think. You
and even family. Emotional abuse has so many                                                              are more than your downfalls and you are
long-lasting repercussions that, even when                                                                more than your pain. Never be afraid to reach
someone is finally out of their toxic situation,          If you’re a victim,                             out.
they’re still suffering on the inside
  Emotional abuse can cause mental trauma.              always know that it’s
Sometimes, psychological abuse can result
in the development of different disorders.                 not your fault.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic
disorders, depression and anxiety are just a       could have gone through more than you could
few that can cause more problems for a victim      imagine. Speaking from experience, it’s so
after the abuse is over. A person can also         hard to develop good relationships and trust
develop trust issues, emotional instability,       in people when you’re so used to being hurt.
feelings of underachievement and suicidal            I know people who have grown up in toxic
thoughts.                                          households. I know people who have been
  A misconception regarding emotional abuse        stuck in shitty friendships, and have felt like
is that it’s only perpetuated by men onto          they had no way out. There’s a stigma around
women. This is probably because, statistically,    emotional abuse, where people tend to think
physical abuse is more often committed             it only happens in romantic relationships.
by men. However, mental abuse can be               Emotional abuse has no obstacles, though.
committed by anyone regardless of gender,            It can take the form of words or it can take
and is severely damaging no matter what.           the form of silence. Emotional abuse isn’t just
  Everyone at some point has endured some          insult after insult. It’s also being ignored and
kind of emotional pain. It could have been         neglected. It’s being told what you can and
a mean kid when they were younger, or a            can’t do excessively. It’s being made to feel
                                                                                                                                  COURTESY OF THE OPEN MIND
NOV. 6, 2017                                                                                                     09 > SPORTS

  Lancers fall in MAC semifinals
  by Patrick Sanderson | Sports Staff | @psanderson20

                                                                                                                                        MIKE KROPF | LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY
Senior defender Lil-Sophie Achterwinter garnered all-MAC awards during field hockey’s 2017 season.

         o close what was                        going up against and won’t change       first four seasons, Byers said the        Longwood entered the season
         arguably one of the most                much about their game plan.             team realizes the opportunity            winning nine of their first ten
         successful seasons in                     “I don’t think we’re going to         presented to them and is focused         games, before dropping four of
program history, the Longwood                    change too much, you know               in on their upcoming game.               their final six games to end the
field hockey team fell just short                the old saying, ‘If it ain’t broke,       “We had a team meeting                 season with a program-best 11-5
in Kent, Ohio on Friday during                   don’t fix it.’ It’s just a few tweaks   yesterday and talked about the           record since joining the MAC.
the     crucial    Mid-American                  rather than a whole re-haul.            teams that didn’t get to the              Ultimately, Byers said on the
Conference (MAC) semifinal                       We’re confident that we have            tournament and talked about              Longwood athletics official
game against Kent State, losing                  the knowledge, ability and the          how fortunate we are and how we          website, ““This was one of our
4-2.                                             technique and team cohesion,” he        should appreciate the effort that        most competitive years due to
  While the Lancers sought                       said.                                   got us there,” said Byers. “(We          the commitment from the team,
their first MAC championship                       Senior forward Edel Nyland and        will) continue to work hard and          the leadership of the seniors and
appearance since they joined the                 junior forward Leonie Verstraete        focus on those fundamentals that         the approach to every practice. I
conference in 2014, Kent State                   notched two goals for the Lancers       have been the basis of the entire        couldn’t have asked for more.”
had their eyes set on their fourth               early in Friday’s match.                season.”
straight MAC championship,                         Longwood put together a
12th of all time.                                memorable 2017 campaign to
  Despite a tight first half, Kent               earn a place in the four-team
State clinched the win with the                  conference tournament for the
go-ahead go in the 31st minute                   second straight season. They
and the team’s final blow in the                 allowed only 18 goals all season,
40th.                                            by far the least amount in the
  Kent State defeated Longwood                   conference, in front of unbeaten
earlier this season in a 3-2                     Miami, who has allowed 30.
overtime thriller on Oct. 21.                      The MAC conference consists of
Senior     defender     Lil-Sophie               seven teams, four of which qualify
Achterwinter and senior forward                  for the postseason tournament.
Edel Nyland both scored for the                  Longwood enters the tournament
Lancers.                                         as the No. 3 seed to play No. 2
  Plagued with injuries in that                  Kent State. In the other semifinal
match, ten-year veteran head                     game, No. 1 Miami (Ohio) will
coach Iain Byers said in an                      host No. 4 Appalachian State.
interview before the game that                     Missing out on the MAC                                                               MIKE KROPF | LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY
the team knew what they were                     tournament only once in their           Kent State defeated Longwood field hockey in the MAC semifinals.
10 > SPORTS                                                                                                                 

Men’s soccer fails to make tournament
Head coach called season frustrating
                                                                                                                                        hasn’t, but to save time I’m not
                                                                                                                                        ashamed about it at the same
                                                                                                                                        time,” said Campos.
                                                                                                                                          The Norwegian captain said the
                                                                                                                                        team’s victory in last year’s Big
                                                                                                                                        South semifinal was his favorite
                                                                                                                                        moment of his career. After this
                                                                                                                                        season, Campos said he plans to
                                                                                                                                        return to Norway at first because
                                                                                                                                        he will have completed his degree
                                                                                                                                        at the end of this semester, but is
                                                                                                                                        not sure if soccer is in his future.
                                                                                                                                          “Obviously if something pops
                                                                                                                                        up or comes up that’s interesting,
                                                                                                                                        I’m not going to say no,” said
                                                                                                                                          Looking at the team’s future,
                                                                                                                                        sophomore goalkeeper Lance
                                                                                                                                        DaSilva and junior midfielder
                                                                                                                                        Josh Hanratty said they expect to
                                                                                                                                        take on more leadership.
                                                                                                                                          This year marked DaSilva’s
                                                                                                                                        first full season in goal after the
                                                                                                                                        graduation of 2016 All-Big South
                                                                                                                                        tournament team selection Carlos
                                                                                                                                        Canas. The Fredericksburg native
                                                                                                                                        said he thought he played solid in
                                                                                                                                        the starting role and improved as
                                                                                                                                        the season went on.
                                                                                              H A L L E PA R K ER | T H E R OT U N DA
                                                                                                                                          In the majority of games,
                                                                                                                                        DaSilva allowed no more than
Longwood Men’s Soccer fell to the High Point Panthers in Farmville on Wednesday, marking an end to their troubled season.
                                                                                                                                        two goals per game, accumulating
Nick Lewis | Contributor | @GoldenDiver57                                                                                               65 saves going into the final game
                                                                                                                                        with a career high eight saves

         ast year, the Lancers              squad, I think we might’ve saw           “As the season bore on without
         reached the tournament             some differences as the season         the results coming through, it                       against Winthrop.
         with a late goal from Dan          progressed,” said Atkinson.            did knock the confidence of the                        When asked what advice
Campos in their final regular                 Two key player makers in             boys,” said Atkinson.                                he would give himself at the
season thriller against Liberty             redshirt junior forward Willy            The head coach said he planned                     beginning of this season, he
University, launching them into a           Miezan and sophomore forward           a tougher schedule in order to take                  said, “Taking a bigger role in
postseason run that took them to            Max Poelker were sidelined due         an “iron sharpens iron” approach.                    communication and leadership
the conference championship for             to injury.                             He said by playing harder                            part earlier on the field.”
the first time in their Big South             In Miezan’s first year with the      opponents, the competition                             After transferring from UNC
history.                                    Lancers, he scored 13 goals, the       would elevate their play when                        Pembroke, Hanratty finished
  This season, though Longwood              second-most in the conference          conference play arrived.                             his first season with the Lancers
men’s soccer sought to control              and top 10 in the nation. At             After the Lancers play their                       with hope to improve next year,
their fate in Saturday’s game               the start of the season, Miezan        final match of 2017, the team                        carrying a goal and an assist to his
against Gardner-Webb, the team              looked to bounce back from his         will lose seven seniors: midfielder                  name before the final game.
ultimately came up short after the          2016 ACL tear, however he tore         Dan Campos, defender Marten                            “It was somewhat of a success
Runnin’ Bulldogs tucked away                his ACL again and was forced to        Pajunurm, defender Tom Devitt,                       but collectively it wasn’t the most
two second half goals. With the             sit out for another season.            defender Chad Kozoyed, defender                      ideal season result wise,” he said.
2-1 loss, the Lancers lost their              As a freshman, Poelker had           Vaughn Fowler and midfielder                         “But individually looking at my
chance to redeem themselves                 seven goals but he struggled this      Eoin O’Donovan. The class will                       performances, I’ve been satisfied.”
after their heartbreaking defeat            year, only netting one goal before     be honored before the senior day                       He said he believes if they
in the final round of the 2016              the 2016 Big South All-Freshman        match against High Point.                            collectively buy into the stuff they
tournament.                                 selection broke his foot in the 4-3      For All-Big South first team                       are doing, he is confident they can
  Longwood         Men’s     Soccer         loss against Campbell, the fourth      selection, Campos, his last season                   be successful.
Head Coach Jon Atkinson                     conference game of the season.         was statistically different with just                  The men’s soccer team will look
said though the season hasn’t                 In addition to their Big South       one goal and two assists going                       to finish the season strong on
been disappointing, it has been             opponents, the Lancers faced           into his senior day match. The                       Wednesday, Nov. 1 against High
frustrating. He believed if the             some of the top programs in the        year before, he scored four goals,                   Point and send their seniors off
team was fully healthy, then some           country, including Virginia Tech,      had twelve assists and ranked                        with one final victory at home in
of the results would have turned            NC State, former No. 9 UNC             fourth in the country in assists                     Farmville.
out differently.                            Wilmington and No. 2 Wake              per game.
  “If we had a fully healthy                Forest.                                  “I can’t say it’s gone well, it
NOV. 6, 2017                                                                                                      11 > OPINIONS

    WBB Insider
                                                                                                                                              C ARRIE BAILEY | THE ROTUNDA
Senior guard Casey Ripp attacked the flank in an early morning practice drill on Tuesday, Oct. 31.

by TJ Wengert | Sports Staff | @tjwengert

        ast season, the Longwood             With the new offense in place,            senior guard Autumn Childress                scoring chances.
        women’s basketball team             Spradlin believed the new game             and junior guard Kristina                      “It just speeds the game up, and
        finished eighth in scoring          plan will bolster their attack.            Antonenko, can also knock down               plays into our favor,” said Ellis.
and last in defensive scoring en             She said, “We have a lot of               three-point jumpers.                           Creating turnovers was an
route to a 4-26 overall record,             guards that like to play fast, so            With the bigs being able knock             issue last season, as they finished
1-17 in conference.                         that’ll play right into our hands.”        down those outside shots, Ellis              seventh in the Big South with 203
  In order to turn their fortunes            “I’m really excited about it,             said, “It helps us because it                steals, averaging 6.8 per game. The
around, the team is breaking out            especially because we’re aiming to         stretches the defense out. It makes          team also finished with a negative
a new offensive and defensive               take a lot of threes every game,”          bigs come out, and they can’t just           turnover differential, giving up
strategy. On offense, they will                                                                                                     nearly 60 more turnovers than
play a fast paced system that                                                                                                       their opponents.
revolves around fast breaks and                                                                                                       Reinson said, “It’s supposed
three point shooting.                                                                                                               to be an attack system. We’re
  “The ideal situation is to                                                                                                        supposed to be pressing both full
constantly attack, and constantly                                                                                                   court and half court.”
put pressure on the opponent,”                                                                                                        In order to keep the team from
said head coach Bill Reinson.                                                                                                       being winded, he added the
“We have an opportunity, I                                                                                                          team plans to rotate their players
think, to be the only team in our                                                                                                   to maintain pressure on their
conference to play at that pace,                                                                                                    opponents.
and that’s what we’re looking for.”                                                                                                   Reinson also noted after a team
  On how the offense fits the                                                                                                       gets past half court and tries to
team’s personnel, senior point                                                                                                      run their offense, Longwood
guard Micaela Ellis said, “We                                                                                                       will stay in a trap/press oriented
mainly have guards on our team,                                                                                                     scheme.
and our bigs aren’t super tall. So,                                                                                                   “We’re not gonna let them run
our advantages are that we’re                                                                                                       their offense,” he said.
quick and can get the ball up the                                                                                                     Continuing in their pursuit to
court faster.”                                                                                       C ARRIE BAILEY | THE ROTUNDA   be a dark horse in the Big South,
  A season ago, the team shot               Women’s basketball redshirt sophomore guard Kate Spradlin practiced the team’s          the Lancers embark on their final
just 23.8 percent from behind the           high pressure defense strategy against assistant coach Antwon Harris.                   days of practice before they travel
three point arc, putting them at            she added. “I think making three-          stand in the paint.”                         to Marshall on Nov. 10 to open
eighth in the conference.                   point shots raises the energy level          With that court spacing, Ellis             their season.
  Redshirt     sophomore      Kate          a little bit. It’s almost like the         believes it will create driving lanes
Spradlin lead the team in three             equivalent in the men’s game.”             for her and the other guards.
pointers, hitting 39 from beyond              Along with guards like Ellis,              On defense, the Lancers look
the arc with a 38.2 shooting                Spradlin and sophomore guard               to play a full-court press to force
average last season.                        Jada Russell, forwards, including          turnovers, which will create easy
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