ATHLETES OF THE YEAR - Inside Hokie Sports

Page created by Carrie Robinson
ATHLETES OF THE YEAR - Inside Hokie Sports
Vol. 5 No. 11, June 2013 • $4

                         ATHLETES OF
                          THE YEAR
                            Erick Green led the nation in
                           scoring and Alexander Ziegler
                             won an ACC and a national
                          championship. For their efforts,
                            they are Inside Hokie Sports’
                             2012-13 athletes of the year.

Two longtime Hokie
Club staff members
have decided to retire

ATHLETES OF THE YEAR - Inside Hokie Sports
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ATHLETES OF THE YEAR - Inside Hokie Sports
         June 2013 • Vol. 5, No. 11                                  Hokie Club News | 4
                                                                                                                                    Don't have a
                Jimmy Robertson
                                                                    News & Notes | 8
                                                                    Tech adds women’s golf starting in 2015                         subscription?
                  Marc Mullen                                       From the Editor’s Desk | 11
                Editorial Assistant                                 Tech athletics with arguably best year ever
                                                                                                                                Simply cut out this section and mail
                                                                                                                             with a check for the appropriate amount
                       Bill Roth                                    Kroger Roth Report | 12                                    or call (540) 231-3908 to charge your
                       Columnist                                    New president to have a big role in athletics            subscription to your VISA or MasterCard.
                                                                                                                                Makes a great gift for every Hokie!
                     Tim East
                  Executive Editor                                  IHS Extra - Cassell Coliseum Reseating | 14
                                                                    Reseating to take place in August                    1   Print options
                    Dave Knachel
                    Photographer                                                                                             1-year: $37.95               2-year: $69.95
                                                                    NCAA Baseball Regionals | 16
                    Stacey Wells                                    Tech ends season with loss to Oklahoma               Please make checks payable to: Treasurer, Virginia Tech
                                                                    NCAA Track & Field Championships | 18                    online options
               Contributors                                                                                              2
       Brian Thornburg - Hokie Club                                 Tomas Kruzliak wins national title
           Kyle Winchester - IMG                                                                                             1-year: $25.00
                                                                    NCAA Softball Regionals | 19
         * To advertise with Virginia Tech                                                                               Please designate a username and password:
  athletics or Inside Hokie Sports, contact Kyle                    Hokies fall to Kentucky in title game
    Winchester at IMG Sports 540-961-7604                                                                                Username:
                                                                    IHS Extra - Hokie Club Staffers to Retire | 20
                                                                    John Moody and Sharon Linkous to retire
Published by the Virginia Tech Athletics Department
 Inside Hokie Sports (ISSN 8750-9148, periodical postage
paid at Blacksburg Va. 24060 and additional mailing offices)        Tech’s Top 10 2012-2013 | 24
covers Virginia Tech athletics and is published 11 times annually                                                        You will receive an email confirmation once your
                                                                    Men’s indoor track team claims ACC title
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                                                                    Athletes of the Year | 26                           Access the on-line version by entering your user-
  SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: $37.95 for one year (11 issues) and
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inquiries and complaints to Inside Hokie Sports, 460-E              Sport-by-sport: Athletes of the Year | 28
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ATHLETES OF THE YEAR - Inside Hokie Sports

The Virginia Tech softball team made its second
straight trip and sixth overall to the NCAA regionals
and advanced to the championship game of the
Lexington, Ky., regional. The Hokies fell 1-0 to
Kentucky and saw their season come to an end.
They finished with a 38-21 record for their third
straight winning season.

        Supporting Tech Athletics Since 1949
ATHLETES OF THE YEAR - Inside Hokie Sports
The Student-Athlete Experience

  “Going into my senior year, I can honestly say        “The memories I have collected the past
   my time at Virginia Tech has been the most         few years at Virginia Tech couldn’t never be
rewarding of my life. Thank you for giving me the        replaced. I am so proud to be at such
     best four years I could have asked for!”                   an inspirational school.”

          courtney liddle                                  kylie mcgoldrick
                           Senior | Softball                    Sophomore | Softball

                                                    Supporting Tech Athletics Since 1949
ATHLETES OF THE YEAR - Inside Hokie Sports
The Donor File

   C. Taylor quicke
   Hokie Club Level: Hokie club

   hokie club member since: 2011

   CURRENTLY RESIDES: blackstone, va


   Brittany Thomas (Fiance) and Henry
   (Golden Retriever)

  Q: Being a member of the Hokie Club          Q: Do you have a specific moment             continue the tailgate after the game too.
  and supporting Virginia Tech athletics       when you realized that you were a fan
  is important to me and my family             of Virginia Tech athletics and knew          Q: When you head into town for a
  because …                                    without a doubt that you were a Hokie?       game, are there any “must-do” things
  A: I believe it provides so many benefits    A: I’ve been regularly attending football    for you and your family?
  for the entire university. I know that in    games since I was probably 3 years old.      A: A trip to Blacksburg isn’t complete
  a small way each member helps build          I would say I knew I was a true Hokie in     without a trip to TOTS (Top of the Stairs)
  state-of-the-art facilities and gives        the mid-90s when my brother, Morgan          in downtown Blacksburg. I also enjoy
  scholarships to very worthy student-         ’09, and I would go down to the locker       going back to the GERMAN Club Manor,
  athletes. For reasons like this, I’m very    room after every game. As little boys,       which is where I spent a good amount of
  proud to be a member of the Hokie Club.      we’d stand outside and wait for players      time when I was a student in Blacksburg.
                                               and coaches to come out. We’d have
  Q: You are a recent graduate of Virginia     our sharpies ready, and we’d collect         Q: Virginia Tech has had a lot of
  Tech. What propelled you to join the         autographs on our game programs. Jim         successful teams and wins over the
  Hokie Club?                                  Pyne, Lee Suggs, and Bud Foster are just     years. Do you have a favorite team/
  A: Joining the Hokie Club was a given        a few of our favorites.                      season or game that stands out the
  for me when I graduated from Tech. I’ve                                                   most?
  learned from both my grandparents            Q: Do you have any game day or               A: There are many memorable seasons
  (Bob ’53 & Anne Quicke) and my               tailgating traditions or superstitions? If   and games, but one that I will never
  parents (Dunc ’81 & Myra Quicke ’81)         so, what are they?                           forget is the season opener in 2007.
  how important it is to give back to our      A: Game Day in Blacksburg always starts      It was the first time that many Hokies
  great school. Supporting the Hokie Club      at least three hours before kickoff. My      were back in Blacksburg after the
  is one of many ways to support our           grandmother’s tailgate spread always         tragic events of April 16. The day
  alma mater. I know that donations of all     draws a huge crowd. Whether we’re            started with “GameDay” broadcasting
  size are very beneficial to the success of   tailgating at the GERMAN Club Manor          from Blacksburg, and the entire day
  the Hokie Club.                              or in Lot 1, it’s always great to catch up   demonstrated how great being a part of
                                               with so many friends. Win or lose, we        the Hokie community is.

6 Hokie Club
ATHLETES OF THE YEAR - Inside Hokie Sports
letter from Lu                                                                                       Lane Stadium on May 17.
                                                                                                                                      We said, “Good-
                             the   uni  ver   sity    con    clu   ded with graduation in                                      ma  ke  their mark in the
   The 142nd year of                                                                                  who will set out to
                            to   a num     ber    of    out   sta    nding student-athletes                                        to the    community.
bye and good luck”                                                                                        the university and
                               l for  all  of   the   ir  con     trib  utions to their sports, to
world. We are gratefu                                                              ds and courts this past
                                       iting moments on the fiel
They brought us many exc                                                                                                                              ord-
                                                                                                                but will trail last year’s rec
                                      for   the    fisc   al   yea    r end   ing in June will be good,                                 e  hig  h    of  $46.3
    Our fundraising results                                                                                     reached an all-tim
                                    pro    ud   to   rep    ort    tha   t the VTAF Endowment has                                      rsh  ip  bill  ,  and
breaking results. We are                                                                                              year’s schola
                                                                                   imately 19 percent of this
          . Ear nin gs   fro m   this   endowment paid approx                                                $11 .2 mil lion tuition bill for 2012-13
                                                                                                                                                                . We
                                    m   our    An   nua    l  Fun     d,  we were able to meet the                                         An  nua     l Fun   d  at
 coupled with money fro                                                                                      l is to try to keep the
                                    and     boa   rd     wil  l inc   rea  se in the fall, and our goa                                  g  new       Ho  kie  s  and
 know that tuition, room                                                          dent-athletes. You can hel
                                                                                                                     p us by invitin
       e to  me  et  the  risi ng   costs of educating our stu
 friends to join the Hokie                                                                                                                                   d
                                                                                                                        ted 16 cities and reache
                                                 n  Tou    r  wa    s  suc   ces sfu  l, as staff and coaches visi                                  o  bid
      The 2013 Orange and Ma
                                          roo                                                                              those of you wh
                                                                                             t the events, especially
                 . We   tha nk    all of   you    who came out to suppor                                              Rep  s, whose work make the
  four sta   tes                                                                    kie presidents and Hokie
                                          item    s.  Tha    nks      to  our   Ho
  generously on the auction
                nts , rec ept   ion s  and     dinners so enjoyable.
                                                                                                                            took place between late
                                                                  ll sea   t and   par    kin g selection process that                                                t
      We are very pleased wit
                                          h the foo        tba                                                                  istance, and we feel tha
                                                          hap     py    to   aid tho   se   me  mbers who requested ass                                         offi ce
                                      r staff was                                                                                and has saved our
   April and early June. Ou                                                                        simple and easy to use
                        nt  sm   oot  hly  . The     Bal    lena software product is
   the process we                                                                    rk.
                                       ntless hours of manual wo
   and the ticket office cou                                                                                                                   receive
                                                                                                             women’s basketball will
                                      wh    o   are   sea    son      tick  et holders for men’s and                                  a  res  ult    of the
       Hokie Club memb           ers                                                                   led for late summer.       As
                              ing   the    res   eat   ing    of    Cassell Coliseum schedu                                         e  24   to  allo     w time for
    information regard                                                                                     ved forward to Jun
                                     dea   dlin   e  for     ord   erin   g season tickets was mo                                  d  “ho   w-t  o”    gui  de will
    reseating process,        the                                                                    the reseating. A detaile
                                                                      ues  ts  and   pre   par e for
    the ticket office staff to
                                        process the req                                                                                s will recognize the
                                                                                                        the reseating. Hokie fan
                             to   ass ist   tho   se    fan   s  wh    o plan to participate in                                   throug    h the selection
     be mailed in July                                                                                       find navigating
                                   kag   e  use   d   in   the     foo   tball reseating and should
     Ballena software pac                                                            ing football seating.
                                            at they did when select
     process very similar to wh                                                                                                                             ody and
                                                                                                                        summer when John Mo
                                              l los   e  two      val   ued    and  long-term employees this                                     l  ret  ire  July
         The Hokie Club office           wil                                                                       vice, while Sharon       wil
                                            n   wil l  ste   p   aw    ay  Jun  e 28 after 40 years of ser                                 for   $10     per    year
     Sharon Linkous retire. Joh                                               the Hokie Club grow fro
                                                                                                              m the days of asking
                                      vic   e.  Bo   th   hav    e   see   n                                                              rly and       our   gift
      31 after 43 years of ser                                                           ff raises tens of millions
                                                                                                                       of dollars yea
            record   ing  gift s  ma   nua   lly to now where our sta                                            me   nt and dedication to Virgin
                                                                                                                                                               ia Tech
      and                                                                      gifts online. Their com      mit
                                         tho   usa   nds      of   ann    ual                                                             tha  t   I hav   e  lea rned
      accounting staff enters                                                                                    ers served. I know
                                        asu  red     in  yea     rs   of  ser  vice or Hokie Club memb                                     and      can    now    enj  oy
      athletics cannot be me                                                                                        ortunity to retire
                                        m   and     wil  l  mis    s  the  m.   They have earned this opp                                      as    the   y beg   in  a
      much from both of the                                                                                          lth and Godspeed
                                           urd   ay    afte    rno   ons   . We   wish them both good hea
       being a Hokie fan on Sat
      new journey.
                                                                                                  ising team as an associate
                                            ann  oun  ce tha  t Ben   Hill has joined our fundra                         his B.A. in
         The Hokie Club is please
                                      d to                                                      Tech graduate, earning
                                        inte rco lleg iate ath  leti cs. Ben is a 1994 Virginia                        n act ive in
       director of development
                                   for                                                           nce field and has bee
                                            has enj  oye d a  suc ces  sful career in the insura                      ks  for ward to
       urban affairs and planni
                                  ng. He                                                          this summer and loo
                                         . He  wil l be relo cat ing  his family to Blacksburg
       the Williamsburg commu                                           ers.
                sta rte d and  me etin g with Hokie Club memb
                                                                                                         gust 31st.
                                                                             see you in Atlanta on Au
                      ryo  ne has an  enj  oya ble summer and we will
          I hope eve
                                                                               Go Hokies,

                                                                 Lu Merrt                   e Athletics
                                          nio r Direc tor of Deve lopment for Intercollegiat
ATHLETES OF THE YEAR - Inside Hokie Sports
news & notes                                          by Jimmy Robertson

   Tech adds women’s golf                                                                              Six Hokies selected in MLB Draft

      On May 14, Tech AD Jim Weaver                   “Our men’s golf program has proven that golf        Shortstop Chad Pinder headlined a contingent of six
   announced that the athletics department            at Virginia Tech can be highly successful.”      Tech players who were selected by Major League Baseball
   will begin a women’s golf program, which              The women’s golf program will share           teams in the 2013 MLB First-Year Player Draft held June
   makes it the 22nd intercollegiate sports           the Pete Dye River Course of Virginia Tech       6-8. The six players drafted marked the second-most ever
   program at Tech.                                   and the included Virginia Tech Golf Team         drafted from Tech. In 2010, eight Hokie players went in
      The squad will begin competition in the         Complex with the men’s team. The practice        the draft.
   fall of 2015. Weaver hopes to name a head          facility already includes a women’s golf            Pinder went to the Oakland A’s in the “Competitive
   coach by July 1 of this year and plans on          locker room, and it features indoor hitting      Balance Round B” of the draft. This round came after the
   giving the coach a year to recruit student-        facilities, outdoor covered and heated           conclusion of the second round.
   athletes and build the program. Recruited          tee areas and a full practice range. The            Pinder, ranked by many as one of the top 100 draft-
   student-athletes will start in the fall of 2014.   facility also includes state-of-the-art video    eligible prospects, was the 71st overall selection. The
   The Hokies will commence team play in              equipment and other modern instructional         junior from Poquoson, Va., became Tech’s highest draft
   the fall of 2015 and become eligible for the       modes.                                           choice since 2002 when pitcher Joe Saunders went to
   Atlantic Coast Conference championship                Women’s golf will be the first new sport      the Anaheim Angels of Los Angeles with the 12th overall
   that spring.                                       added by the Hokies since the school joined      selection.
      “We have been working toward this day           the ACC in the 2004-05 academic year and            Pinder, a first-team All-ACC choice, started all 60
   since joining the ACC, but wanted to make          the first new sport at Tech since softball was   games and batted .321 this past season. He hit eight home
   sure that everything was in place for this         added in the 1995-96 academic year. Tech         runs and drove in 50 runs. He recorded a .483 slugging
   program to succeed before starting this            will become the 11th ACC school to compete       percentage and a .404 on-base percentage.
   process publicly,” Weaver said in a release.       in women’s golf.                                    Outfielder Tyler Horan, pitcher Jake Joyce, pitcher
                                                                                                       Eddie Campbell, pitcher Joe Mantiply and pitcher Colin
  ACC announces football rotating crossover opponents                                                  O’Keefe also were drafted by MLB teams.
                                                                                                          On the second day of the draft, the San Francisco Giants
     Each year, the Tech football team                the Hokies through 2024:                         selected Horan in the eighth round, and the Washington
  plays every team in the Coastal Division
                                                      Year	Opponent                                    Nationals took Joyce in the ninth round. Horan led Tech
  (six games) and also Boston College                                                                  with a .342 batting average, and he also hit 11 homers and
                                                      2014 at Wake Forest
  from the Atlantic Division. BC serves as                                                             drove in 50 runs. Joyce went 7-1 in 30 appearances, with a
                                                      2015   NC State
  Tech’s primary crossover opponent.                                                                   4.16 ERA. He struck out 56 in 62.2 innings.
     On June 4, the ACC announced each                2016   at Syracuse
                                                                                                          Campbell, Mantiply and O’Keefe went on the final day
  team’s rotating crossover opponents for             2017   Clemson
                                                                                                       of the draft. The Seattle Mariners drafted Campbell in the
  the next 12 years. This opponent is the             2018   at Florida State                          15th round, while the Detroit Tigers selected Mantiply in
  one ACC team that changes every year on             2019   Wake Forest                               the 27th round. Campbell went 2-5 this season, with a 5.40
  each team’s schedule. Each ACC school               2020   at Louisville                             ERA, but pitched well in his final two starts. Mantiply,
  will play all of its rotating crossover                                                              Tech’s ace, went 6-1 this season, with a 2.85 ERA. He
                                                      2021   Syracuse
  opponents twice during the 12-year                                                                   struck out 50 in 75.2 innings and walked just 25.
  rotation, once at home and once on the              2022   at NC State
                                                                                                          The Los Angeles Angels selected O’Keefe in the 33rd
  road, but not in consecutive years. Here            2023   Florida State
                                                                                                       round. He pitched in just five games this season, going
  are the rotating crossover opponents for            2024   at Clemson                                0-2 with a 15.88 ERA.

8 Inside Hokie Sports
ATHLETES OF THE YEAR - Inside Hokie Sports
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ATHLETES OF THE YEAR - Inside Hokie Sports
editor’s desk | by Jimmy Robertson

                  The 2012-13 athletics
                  year ranks as one of
                  the best ever for Tech
    The NCAA Outdoor Track and Field                     second in five others (golf, baseball, men’s
Championships marked the end of the 2012-13              swimming and diving, women’s swimming and
sports year for Virginia Tech athletics, and it          diving and men’s outdoor track).
rounded out arguably the greatest athletics year            Six Olympic sports qualified for NCAA
in the history of the university.                        postseason play – women’s soccer, men’s cross
    That may seem like a bold statement to make.         country, golf, men’s tennis, softball and baseball.
In fact, in pitching this theory to a friend recently,   The latter three all won at least one match/game.
he argued otherwise, stating the Tech football              In certain Olympic sports, such as track and
                                                                                                                   3201 A Rosedale Avenue
team had its worst season in 20 years, and people        field, swimming and diving and wrestling, only            Richmond Virginia 23230
rank a successful year on how well the football          individuals qualify for the NCAA Championships.            Phone (804) 353-1447
team performs.                                           The Tech wrestling team and men’s swimming
                                                                                                                      Fax (804) 353-2530
    Fair point, to be sure. Tech fans love their         and diving squad sent 10 individuals to the
football, and the disappointment of the 2012             NCAAs. The men’s indoor track team sent seven,        WWW.CAPITALINT-CONTRACTORS.COM
season still lingers.                                    while the outdoor team sent eight. The women’s
    That said, let your editor morph into attorney
mode here and state his case for this past year’s
                                                         swimming and diving squad qualified eight for
                                                         nationals as well.
                                                                                                                   Light Gauge Metal
successes.                                                  The men’s indoor team finished in a tie for            Framing
                                                                                                                   Fr         & Trusses
    First of all, yes, the football program had a        ninth place in the team standings and the outdoor
7-6 record, but the Hokies won their final three         team finished 19th. The wrestling team came in                  Drywall
games, including their bowl game. Whether the
bowl win comes against Michigan or Rutgers, it
                                                         10th, the men’s swimming and diving team 20th
                                                         and the women’s swimming and diving team 24th.           Plaster / Stucco / EIFS
counts the same. Winning a bowl game should
not be dismissed. Only 18 teams finish a season
                                                            Thanks to all that NCAA success, the Hokies
                                                         should finish in the top 20 of the Learfield Sports
having won a bowl game and/or the national               Directors’ Cup standings for the first time ever.      Metal & Acoustical Ceilings
championship. Tech was one of them.                      The Learfield Sports Directors’ Cup awards points
    Second, the men’s basketball program brought         based on how a school fares in NCAA sponsored          Rough & Finish Carpentry
some thrills despite its struggles this past season.     competition. Tech’s previous best finish was last
Watching Erick Green chase the nation’s scoring          year when it came in 35th.
title and then win it, becoming the first Tech              One may say to look back on this past year         SWaM Certiied Thru The Department
player to do so, was a treat. Watching him become        and enjoy it, an insinuation that this year was
                                                                                                                 of Minori
                                                                                                                    Minority Business Enterprise
the first to be named the ACC Player of the Year         an aberration. But don’t expect the Hokies to be
added to it.                                             one-year wonders in many of these sports. These                    ("DMBE")
    Finally, Tech’s Olympic sports were just             rosters feature a lot of great young talent.
phenomenal this past year. Remember when                    Kruzliak and Chris Uhle (men’s track),
everyone said that the Hokies’ Olympic sports            Kylie McGoldrick and Kelly Heinz (softball),               Serving the Entire
were going to struggle immensely in the ACC?             Devin Carter, Chris Moon and Nick Brascetta             Commonwealth of Virginia
Remember when certain media members                      (wrestling), Scott Vincent and Maclain Huge
basically said the gravedigger was going to be           (golf), Amerigo Contini and Andreas Bjerrehus
busy burying Tech’s Olympic sports.                      (men’s tennis), Ashley Meier (women’s soccer)
    Well, the school added two more national             and Martina Schultze and Annjulie Vester
championships in track and field when Alexander          (women’s track) all have at least two years of
Ziegler won the weight throw during the indoor           eligibility remaining.
season and Tomas Kruzliak won the hammer                    There are a lot of reasons to be positive about
throw during the outdoor season. Tech has won            the future. Just like there are a lot of reasons to
14 individual national championships – all since         be positive about this past year. All of the above-
joining the ACC.                                         mentioned arguments may be off base to you all,
    This year, the school won three ACC                  the fans. After all, at the end of the day, you all            Proud Partner of
championships (men’s cross country, men’s                hold the gavel. You’re the judge – and the jury.
indoor track and wrestling) to bring its total to 16        As this athletics season comes to an end, we
                                                                                                                     Virginia Tech Athletics
since joining the league, and the school finished        ask this – how do you rule?

kroger roth report | by Bill Roth

                     New president to play critical role
                     in the future of Tech athletics
     For the first time in 14 years, Virginia Tech
  is searching for a new president, and while that                                                                                    Retiring university
  person will continue to build on the university’s                                                                                   president Dr. Charles
                                                                                                                                      Steger has helped
  national and international presence in terms of                                                                                     Tech in so many areas,
  academics, outreach, research, and economic                                                                                         particularly in athletics,
  stability, he or she also will shape the future of                                                                                  and his replacement will
                                                                                                                                      play a big role in the
  Hokie athletics.                                                                                                                    future of the athletics
     On May 14, Tech president Charles W. Steger                                                                                      programs.
  announced he would step down after 14 years once
  his replacement is found – presumably within
  the next 12 months. Under Steger’s leadership,
  the university increased its research portfolio
  by more than 300 percent, grew enrollment to
  31,000-plus, increased graduate enrollment by
  12 percent, raised more than $1 billion in private
  donations, created more than 2.5 million square
  feet of new buildings, formed the remarkable
  school of biomedical engineering and created a
  school of medicine.
     From an athletics standpoint, Steger’s tenure
  has been very impressive. He negotiated Tech’s       Quillen has appointed a search committee to             shaping the future of Hokie sports. This includes
  entrance into the Atlantic Coast Conference          assist the board in finding the university’s next       hiring administrators and coaches, approving
  and served as chairman of the BCS Presidential       president. That committee, which has chosen an          facilities, and perhaps most importantly, setting
  Oversight Committee, which formed the new            outside consulting firm to assist in the search, will   the tone of athletics’ importance both within the
  college football playoff that goes into effect       be supported and staffed by Minnis Ridenour,            university and externally among its constituents.
  following the 2014 season. He also oversaw several   Tech’s executive vice president and chief operating        A president’s job is much more than just
  expansions to Lane Stadium, the construction         officer emeritus.                                       overseeing athletics, of course. Virginia Tech’s
  of the Hahn Hurst Basketball Facility, and other        While the new president will inherit the charge      budget for next year is a whopping $1.28 billion.
  major capital projects within Tech’s athletics       of continuing to build a major land grant university    To put that in perspective, Tech’s athletics
  complex.                                             that has become a renowned international research       budget this past year was roughly $67 million.
     Virginia Tech Board of Visitors Rector Mike       institution, he or she also will play a vital role in   So in reality, while Tech’s athletics revenues are

12 Inside Hokie Sports
kroger roth report | by Bill Roth

impressive – ranking among the top-35 schools            three years dealing with an array of NCAA and
nationally per a recent USA Today report – the           academic issues related to athletics, which have
athletics department’s spending is only about five       landed the Tar Heels on probation. Thorp, a UNC
percent of the university’s overall budget.              alum, will become the new provost at Washington
   Still, athletics is extremely important at Virginia   University in St. Louis. During a campus forum
Tech. The new president will be challenged               in April, Thorp said he “certainly didn’t know
to navigate those waters and understand the              enough to run college sports” when he was first
importance of sports on this campus and to its           hired at his alma mater in 2008. Yet during the
constituents throughout the commonwealth and             NCAA investigation in Chapel Hill that began in
nationally.                                              2010, Thorp claimed his “daily duties became all
   Presidents, not athletics directors, have             athletics, all the time.”
assumed the controls of intercollegiate athletics           In an April article by The Associated Press,
and that academic flavor goes all the way to the         Thorpe told attendees at the forum, “Either
top, where former UConn and LSU president,               we put the AD’s back in charge and hold them
Mark Emmert, is now in charge of the NCAA.               accountable if things don’t work or let’s be honest
However, there have been casualties among                and tell everyone when we select (presidents)
several brilliant academic executives at high            to run institutions that run big-time sports that
profile and prestigious universities in recent           athletics is the most important part of their job.”
months.                                                     Listen, Thorp – like Spanier and Gee – is a
   At Penn State University, former president            brilliant guy. These people are all incredibly
Graham Spanier is facing charges of concealing           intelligent, proficient fundraisers and dedicated,
child sex abuse allegations and perjury involving        experienced academicians. They were all well-
former Nittany Lions football assistant coach            qualified, highly vetted and paid incredibly high
Jerry Sandusky. That scandal, one of the biggest         salaries to run major national universities with
in NCAA history, ended the long tenure of college        billion dollar budgets. And by all accounts, were
football’s winningest coach, Joe Paterno, and            popular, successful, terrific presidents.
led to unprecedented sanctions from the NCAA,               Robert Barchi is a brilliant neuroscientist
including a $60 million fine. The Governor of            whose main goal is to merge two medical schools.
Pennsylvania tried suing the NCAA, but the               Yet he’s been embroiled in a political controversy
lawsuit was thrown out.                                  between state senator Barbara Buono, who wants
   At Rutgers, new president Robert Barchi               him gone, and Christie, who has Barchi’s back.
and the school have faced heavy criticism                Buono is running for Christie’s job, and the two
of the university’s handling of former men’s             are headed for a November election showdown in
basketball coach Mike Rice, who was shown in a           New Jersey. It’s almost mind-boggling that Barchi
video throwing balls at his players and verbally         – and Rutgers – are in the middle of this gigantic
abusing them in practice. Rice was eventually            political scandal because of … (pause for effect) …
fired and former athletics director Tim Pernetti         what happened during basketball practice.
also resigned. But controversy over the hiring of           As Hokies, we’ve been lucky. The Charles
Pernetti’s replacement, Louisville associate AD          Steger-Jim Weaver-Frank Beamer triumvirate at
Julie Hermann, and the inaccuracy in the released        Virginia Tech has been a remarkable success. To
academic record of the school’s new basketball           have the same president, AD and head football
coach led to a former New Jersey Governor calling        coach for 14 years is unusual. These three men
for Barchi’s resignation. Current Governor Chris         share common goals, ideals and a mutual trust
Christie has backed Barchi in what has become            that has helped Tech not only grow, but perhaps
both an academic and political issue.                    more importantly, avoid many of the pitfalls that
   At Ohio State, president Gordon Gee announced         have afflicted many of Tech’s conference and
he was retiring last week after he made statements       regional brethren.
mocking: a.) The University of Notre Dame, b.)              Is Thorp right? Should new presidents be told
Notre Dame’s president, c.) Roman Catholics,             athletics are “the most important part of their
d.) the academic integrity of the University of          job?”
Louisville and e.) the Southeastern Conference.             That’s hyperbole, of course.
Back in 2011, Gee joked that football coach Jim             But the tenor of Thorp’s message is valid. A keen
Tressel, who had admitted to breaking NCAA               understanding of athletics and the consequences
rules, would have the power to fire him. Tressel         of a single misstep in this arena are more critical
was eventually let go, Ohio State was placed on          than ever for any new president.
probation, and Gee has now stepped down.                    Especially for the person who is about to move
   At North Carolina, Chancellor Holden Thorp            into the big office at Burruss Hall … whomever
will resign at the end of June after spending            that may be.

IHS extra | cassell coliseum reseating

                  Cassell Coliseum reseating set to get underway
                                                                by Jimmy Robertson

      After going through the reseating process for       the reseating of Lane Stadium. This system             certain number of seats. Also, corporate sponsors
   Lane Stadium, Tech fans shouldn’t have any             allows customers to see available seating options      to Tech athletics often receive tickets to both
   reservations about going through the process for       beforehand and then choose from among the              football and basketball games as part of their
   Cassell Coliseum.                                      available options during their appointment times.      contracts.
      After all, the process is practically the same.        The appointment times will be in August.               Plus, the athletics department sets aside a
      Season ticket applications for the upcoming         Smith said that he expects to ship season tickets      block of seats for athletics department personnel,
   2013-14 men’s and women’s basketball seasons           in October well in advance of both teams’ season       and also, the band and the students get certain
   have been mailed to all season ticket holders,         openers in early November.                             portions of the coliseum.
   including those not in the Hokie Club, and to             “We feel like the process is straightforward,”         There are a couple of things to be aware of
   all Hokie Club members. Those orders need              said Sandy Smith, Tech’s assistant AD for              as the reseating process for Cassell gets ready
   to be returned by the June 24 deadline. Once           ticketing services. “We want to give the customer      to begin. For starters, there will be separate
   the athletics department officials receive those       the flexibility to decide where he or she wants to     selection processes for both men’s and women’s
   orders, they plan on beginning the process for         sit. Everyone has the same opportunity to see          basketball. The ticket office plans on conducting
   reseating Cassell Coliseum.                            what’s available beforehand and then choose            the process for purchasers of men’s basketball
      “I’m hoping that people will say, ‘Gosh,            during the appointment time.”                          season tickets first, and then conducting the
   Syracuse is coming in (to the ACC), Pitt’s coming         The order of selection again will be determined     process for purchasers of women’s basketball
   in, Notre Dame is going to be here, and next year,     based on where a customer ranks on the reseating       season tickets shortly thereafter. There is simply
   Louisville is going to be here, so let’s go ahead      “ladder.” This ladder recognizes a combination of      not a good way to combine the two for those who
   and get our good seats now,’” said Lu Merritt, the     both giving and continuous years of purchasing         purchase season tickets of both sports.
   senior director of development for intercollegiate     season tickets. In fact, those who have been a            Also, customers should be aware that they will
   athletics and the one who oversees the Hokie Club.     continuous season ticket purchaser since 1966          not be selecting their parking spots for men’s and
   “This is going to be the best league in the country,   take the top spot on the ladder and get to retain      women’s basketball. The ticket office assigns lots
   and there’s a great opportunity to see some of the     their current seat location, if they so choose. Next   based on where customers rank on the Hokie
   best college basketball you’ll ever see.”              comes contributors who rank as Benefactors,            Club’s point priority system. Once in a particular
      The June 24 deadline for basketball season          Century Champions, Golden Champions,                   lot, the customer may park in any available space,
   ticket orders is much earlier than in years            Diamond and Platinum Hokies. Then, those               as there will not be assigned spaces.
   past. Usually, the order form gets sent out in         who have purchased season tickets continuously            “We’ll start with Lot 1 based on a customer’s
   September. But the ticket office needs the extra       between 42 and 45 years get to choose, followed        point priority, and then move to Lot 4 (next to the
   time to coordinate the reseating process, as it did    by Golden Hokies and so forth.                         softball field and outdoor track) and Lot 8 (the
   last year for the Lane Stadium reseating process.         Not all seats in Cassell Coliseum will be           Litton-Reaves lot),” Smith said.
      Those who order basketball season tickets           available for selection. Customers noticed this           The athletics department encourages all
   will receive a letter in July that gives them an       exact same thing in the Lane Stadium reseating         those with questions about the Cassell Coliseum
   appointment time, and they also will receive           process, and some questioned it. The athletics         reseating process to visit a website dedicated for
   a “how-to” guide to reference when using the           department sets aside blocks of seats to meet          this purpose – www.CassellColiseumreseating.
   Ballena Technologies online system – the same          certain demands as required by contract.               com. The “how-to” guide can be downloaded
   system that the athletics department used in              For example, the visiting team receives a           from this site as well.

14 Inside Hokie Sports
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IHS extra | NCAA baseball regional

                                                                                                                       Devin Burke’s complete-game victory
                                                                                                                       against Connecticut was a highlight
                                                                                                                       for the Hokies, who played host to
                                                                                                                       their first NCAA regional.

          Hokies home for NCAA regional, see
           season end with loss to Oklahoma
                                                                      by Marc Mullen

      It was easily the best 14-game stretch played     support their team. The Hokies played in front      record and then earned his sixth win of the
   by the Virginia Tech baseball team since the         of the largest crowd ever to watch a collegiate     season in the Hokies’ 10-1 victory over Virginia
   school joined the ACC for the 2004-05 season.        baseball game in Blacksburg, as 3,566 attended      in the ACC Baseball Championship’s pool play.
   The Hokies won 13 of 14 games before falling in      Tech’s opening game against Connecticut. The           With that victory, Mantiply became the first
   the conference’s championship game to North          largest crowd ever was the 5,311 that saw the       starting pitcher to post a 6-0 record since 2002
   Carolina on May 26, and with that run, they          2008 Tech squad take on the New York Yankees        when Joe Saunders did it. However, in the
   earned a regional host site for the 2013 NCAA        on March 18 in an exhibition that honored those     team’s 5-2 loss to UConn in an NCAA regional
   Baseball Championship.                               who passed away and/or were injured in the          game on May 31, Mantiply suffered his first and
      The Blacksburg regional produced quality          previous year’s April 16 shootings.                 only loss on the season.
   baseball over six games played from May 31              The total attendance for the six games of the       Of note, Brian Fitzgerald was the last Hokie
   through June 2, and despite the Hokies not           weekend was also a three-day weekend record of      starter to end a season with an unblemished
   advancing to a super regional, being the host site   9,275, surpassing the 8,515 (approximated) fans     record, as he was 5-0 in 1993, while Rick Knapp
   for a regional brought national attention to the     that came out to see No. 1 North Carolina and       was the last to be perfect with more than five
   Tech baseball program – something not missed         Tech face each other earlier this season.           wins, finishing 10-0 in 1982.
   by Tech head coach Pete Hughes.                         Those fans also pushed the season total home        With his 4.2 frames thrown in the game,
      “I thought our guys did a great job for the       attendance to a record of 40,030 fans, or an        Mantiply moved into the top five in career
   entire tournament,” Hughes said in a postgame        average of 1,334 per game – almost 400 more         innings pitched at Tech with 299.2 innings,
   press conference after the Hokies’ 10-4 loss to      fans per game than the previous season’s high.      passing Mike Williams (1988-90) by one inning.
   Oklahoma that ended their season. “The next          According to a report released weekly by Division
   goal is to sustain this success and keep hosting     I baseball, those numbers were 47th (total) and     Burke almost makes Tech history
   regionals and advance to the supers. There are       49th (average) nationally for the season.              In his final start of the 2013 season and his
   a ton of victories that happened this weekend                                                            Hokie career, Devin Burke held Coastal Carolina
   that you don’t see on the baseball field. We got     Mantiply suffers only loss in NCAA                  scoreless through 8.1 frames before CCU
   a chance to expose our venue and community           game                                                outfielder Jacob May hit a solo home run in the
   nationally, and that is priceless.”                     Senior left-handed hurler Joe Mantiply swept     ninth. But Burke still picked up the win in a 9-1
      The community certainly showed up to              through the regular season with a perfect 5-0       elimination game victory on June 1.

16 Inside Hokie Sports
IHS extra | NCAA baseball regional

   With the win, Burke earned his 11th victory
of the year, tying for the second-most ever in
a single season at the school. He won his sixth                                                                      Andrew Rash hit a home run in
                                                                                                                     his final collegiate game and
straight decision. Jason Bush was the last                                                                           finished his career with 42, the
pitcher to win 11 games in a season (1999).                                                                          sixth-most in a career at Tech.
   Burke almost made history with his near
complete-game shutout, which would have
been a first for Tech in an NCAA postseason
game. Tech had never shut out an opponent in
its 29 NCAA tournament games– let alone got
a complete-game shutout effort. The one run
allowed did match the lowest output by a Tech
opponent in an NCAA game, tying the 1954 team
that beat Clemson 7-1 on May 24.

Horan etches name in record book
   Redshirt junior Tyler Horan was 2-for-5
with a double against Oklahoma in the Hokies’
final game of the year, and with those numbers,
pushed his season totals into the Tech record
   Horan finished the 2013 season with 257
at-bats, moving past Tim Buheller into the top
spot for most at-bats in a single season. Buheller
registered 254 at-bats during the 1985 season.
   With the double, Horan ended the year with
26 doubles, good for second all-time in a single
season at the school. He sits one ahead of Casey
Waller, who had 25 during the 1989 season, and    Two Hokies reach career record                        list, as Kiser saved 13 in his career at Tech (1976).
one behind Steve Domecus, who set the school      mark                                                      Andrew Rash hit an RBI double in the victory,
record with 27 in 2010.                              In the victory over Connecticut on June 2, two     giving him 56 doubles in his career. That mark
   Finally, Horan’s two hits in the final game    Tech players who first stepped foot on campus         tied him with Sean O’Brien (2004-08) for the
increased his team-high total to 88 hits, moving  in 2008 moved into the top five in one career         fifth-most in a single season at the school. Rash
him into a tie for fifth place in a single season.category at the school.                               also homered twice in the tournament, pushing
He tied Jim Stewart, who actually set the school     Clark Labitan threw the final 3.1 innings in the   his career total to 42, just one shy of the top five
record back in 1982, but has since been passed,   3-1 victory to earn his 11th save of the season and   at the school. Mike Conte (1986-89) was the last
and Chad Foutz (1997). Buheller, Domecus and      the 14th of his career. Labitan passed Orvin Kiser    man to hit at least 40 homers in a career at the
Shaun Sullivan (1985) hold the record with 92 hits.
                                                  for the fifth spot on the school’s all-time saves     school before Rash.
Hokie sports AD1_Layout 1 7/29/11 10:10 AM Page 1

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IHS extra | NCAA track championships

       Kruzliak wins national championship
                    Behind Tomas Kruzliak’s win in the hammer throw, the
                 Tech men’s track and field team finished in 19th place at the
                      NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships
                                                                    by Jimmy Robertson

     Tech’s national dominance in the throwing           coach. “That’s just what we do. It’s an event we
  events continued at the recent NCAA Outdoor            can excel at, and we’ve really shown that. We’ll
  Track and Championships in Eugene, Ore., as            just continue to build on that from here.”
  freshman Tomas Kruzliak won the national title
  in the hammer throw, giving the Hokies their           THROWING AROUND THE COMPETITION
  seventh title in the event in the past nine years.     (Tech’s national titles in throwing events)
     Behind Kruzliak and Jeff Artis-Gray’s fifth-
                                                         Year     Competitor	Event
  place finish in the long jump, the Tech men’s team     2005     Spyridon Jullien  Weight throw
  finished 19th nationally with 14 points. It marked     2005     Spyridon Jullien  Hammer throw
  the program’s sixth straight top-20 finish.            2006     Spyridon Jullien  Weight throw
     “It’s nice to be in that top-20 group,” said Dave                                                             Tomas Kruzliak’s
                                                         2006     Spyridon Jullien  Hammer throw
                                                                                                                   national title in
  Cianelli, Tech’s director of track and field and       2009     Marcel Lomnicky   Hammer throw                   the hammer throw
  cross country. “We’ve been top 10, and we’ve been      2011     Alexander Ziegler Hammer throw                   marked Tech’s 14
  top five, but to be in the top 20 in the country is    2011     Dorotea Habazin   Hammer throw                   individual national
                                                                                                                   championship in
  still a really good accomplishment, and it keeps       2012     Marcel Lomnicky   Weight throw
                                                                                                                   track and field.
  our men’s team in the mix of being one of the          2012     Alexander Ziegler Hammer throw
  top 10-20 programs nationally. We’ll continue to       2013     Alexander Ziegler Weight throw
  come here with the goal of being in the top 10,        2013     Tomas Kruzliak    Hammer throw
  and hopefully next year when we come back here,
  we’ll move up back into that top-10 group.”               Competing in his last collegiate event, Artis-
     Kruzliak, from Nitra, Slovakia, garnered the        Gray finished fifth in the long jump, earning
  most attention among the Tech contingent and           first-team All-America honors. The Chesapeake,
  deservedly so. He joined former Hokie and fellow       Va., native’s jump of 25 feet, 6.25 inches (7.78
  countryman Marcel Lomnicky as the only Hokies          meters) got him into the finals. Then in the finals,
  to win a national championship during their first      he moved up to fifth place with a mark of 25 feet,
  year on campus.                                        9.25 inches (7.85 meters).
     Kruzliak recorded a throw of 226 feet, 1 inch          Four men’s track and field athletes earned
  (68.92 meters) on his first attempt and then           second-team All-America honors – Ronnie Black,            On the women’s side, Martina Schultze finished
  increased that mark to 227 feet, 3 inches (69.26       Chris Uhle, Matthias Treff and Denis Mahmic.           in eighth place in the pole vault to earn first-
  meters) on his second attempt. His second                 Black, a senior from Newport News, Va., came        team All-America honors. The sophomore from
  throw turned out to be the winner, as no other         in 11th in the high jump. His best jump was 7 feet,    Uhingen, Germany, cleared her first two heights
  competitor threw the hammer more than 69               2.5 inches (2.20 meters)                               of 13 feet, 3.5 inches (4.05 meters) and 13 feet,
  meters.                                                   Uhle, a sophomore from Powell, Ohio, finished       7.25 inches (4.15 meters), and then she advanced
     “I felt pretty good physically throughout           15th in the pole vault. In his first attempt, he       after clearing 13 feet, 11.25 inches (4.25 meters).
  the whole competition,” Kruzliak said. “I was          cleared 16 feet, 8.5 inches (5.1 meters), and then     She moved on to 14 feet, 1.25 inches, but failed
  confident, not nervous, but I still believe that I     he set a personal record with a vault of 17 feet,      to clear the bar on three attempts and finished in
  could have thrown farther.”                            2.75 inches (5.25 meters) in his second attempt.       eighth – five spots higher than her finish a year
     Kruzliak claimed Tech’s 14th individual                Treff, a redshirt senior from Burgthann,            ago.
  national championship. Of those 14, 11 have come       Germany, finished 15th in the javelin throw. His          Annjulie Vester earned All-America honors
  in throwing events. Tech has won the national          best throw was 217 feet, 6 inches (66.29 meters),      after finishing 13th in the hammer throw. The
  championship in the hammer throw in four of the        but that wasn’t quite good enough to get him in        sophomore from Homburg, Germany, posted a
  past five years, including three straight. The past    the finals.                                            throw of 201 feet, 5 inches (61.41 meters) on her
  two years, Alexander Ziegler won the national             Mahmic, a senior from Zagreb, Croatia, came         first throw, which turned out to be her best throw.
  championship in the hammer throw.                      in 17th in the hammer throw. His best throw was        She earned second-team All-America honors in
     “It feels good,” said Greg Jack, Tech’s throws      202 feet, 11 inches.                                   her first appearance at the national meet.

18 Inside Hokie Sports
IHS extra | NCAA softball regional

                                      Tech softball team wins three in regional,
                                          falls to Kentucky to end season
                                                                                            by Jimmy Robertson

   For softball fanatics – and Virginia Tech fans                           Coming off a 13-inning win the previous                                  She broke the school record for innings pitched in
– the action and the play at the NCAA Lexington                          evening against Marshall, the Hokies needed                                 a game, snapping the mark of 12.2 set by Angela
Regional was hard to beat.                                               to beat Kentucky twice to advance to the super                              Tincher in Tech’s 3-2 win over the Seminoles in
   Unfortunately, the Hokies came up a run short                         regional. In the first game, freshman Kelly Heinz                           that 14-inning game. Her 13 strikeouts mark a
of advancing to the super regional round.                                pitched near-perfect ball, giving up just three hits                        new career high as well. She had struck out 12 in a
   Despite getting great pitching from senior                            in a 2-0 shutout of the Wildcats.                                           game on two occasions, with the most recent time
Jasmin Harrell, the Hokies couldn’t get a run                               In the second game, Kentucky got an RBI single                           coming in the season opener against Southern
across the plate and fell to Kentucky 1-0 in the                         from Lauren Cumbess in the fifth inning that                                Illinois in February.
championship game on May 19 in Lexington,                                scored Sylver Samuel and made it stand. Harrell
Ky. Tech had beaten the Wildcats 2-0 earlier in                          gave up eight hits for the Hokies, but only the                             McGoldrick, Liddle named All-ACC
the day to force a second game in the double-                            unearned run, as Samuel had reached on an error                                McGoldrick and Courtney Liddle both received
elimination format.                                                      by Kylie McGoldrick.                                                        All-ACC recognition for their play this past season.
   With the loss, the Hokies’ season ended with a                                                                                                       McGoldrick, a sophomore from Stratford, N.J.,
38-21 record.                                                            Harrell sets record                                                         earned a spot on the first team after leading the
   “We did what we needed to do to compete and                              Tech staved off elimination on the second day                            Hokies with 11 home runs. She started 50 games at
try to move on, and obviously I thought, coming                          of the regional when it used great pitching from                            second base and hit .344, with 33 RBIs and 28 runs.
into this regional, we matched up well with                              Harrell and a timely hit by Bkaye Smith to beat                                Liddle, a senior from Haymarket, Va., made the
Kentucky,” Tech head coach Scot Thomas said in                           Marshall 3-2 in 13 innings. The game marked the                             second team and became Tech’s third three-time
a release by the Tech athletics communications                           second-longest game in school history (a 2005                               all-conference player. She started all 59 games
staff. “I think we proved that today (May 19). Hats                      Tech-Florida State game went 14 innings).                                   and led Tech with a .347 average. She hit seven
off to them, and hats off to my team for battling all                       In the bottom of the 13th inning, Smith’s two-                           homers and drove in a team-leading 37.
last night (a 13-inning game against Marshall) and                       out single scored Amanda Ake with the winning                                  Liddle finished her career ranked first in school
battling all day today (on May 19). I am proud of                        run.                                                                        history in career on-base percentage (.467), career
our bunch for sure.”                                                        Harrell went all 13 innings and struck out 13.                           walks (146) and career hit by pitch (26).

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IHS extra | hokie club staff members to retire

     Longtime Hokie Club staff members to retire
                            John Moody and Sharon Linkous have dedicated more
                              than 80 years combined to helping Tech athletics
                                                                by Jimmy Robertson

                            Usually as the spring months quickly fade into         “To have them both walk out the door within
                         summer, Tech’s coaches take inventory of their         a month of each other is a big, big loss,” said
                         rosters. And in many cases, they lament the loss of    Merritt, officially known as the senior director of
                         veteran upperclassmen to the working world.            development for intercollegiate athletics.
                            The same process can apply to other areas              Moody and Linkous actually started their
                         of athletics, and this summer, Lu Merritt, the         careers in the profession by working for what
                         “coach” of the Virginia Tech Athletic Fund (better     was then called the Virginia Tech Student Aid
                         known by Tech fans as the “Hokie Club”), is seeing     Association, an organization founded in the late
                         a couple of experienced hands leave his team and       1940s to raise money for athletics scholarships. It
                         call it a career.                                      morphed into the Virginia Tech Athletic Fund in
                            John Moody, an associate director within the        1989.
                         Hokie Club, and Sharon Linkous, an accountant             Starting in 1951, Mac McEver served as a
                         within the club, both plan to retire after more than   part-time director of the club (he also coached)
                         40 years of helping raise money for Tech athletics.    before becoming the full-time director in 1960. In
                         Moody will retire at the end of June; Linkous at       1970, McEver hired Linkous from the education
                         the end of July. These two institutions will take 84   department at Tech, where she had been working
                         years of fundraising experience with them.             after graduating from high school in 1969, to

20 Inside Hokie Sports
IHS extra | hokie club staff members to retire

oversee the recordkeeping. That same year, he          Moody decided to stay on in a part-time role.       group hopped on the course right after the last
hired an assistant director named Jack Prater, a          Moody, a Richmond native, has played             group among Tech’s golfers teed off.
name familiar to most Tech fans. Prater played         a prominent role in getting many of the                One of the golfers later said, ‘If we’re Hokies,
football at Tech and later coached at Tech.            organization’s     programs       implemented.      you all must be ‘Hackin’ Hokies.’ Thus, the
   Prater ended up leaving, moving into an             When he first started with the Virginia Tech        “Hackin’ Hokies” were formed, and the group
administrative role under then football coach          Student Aid Association, he wasn’t sure how to      continues its annual trip with the golf team today.
Charlie Coffey. So in 1972, McEver cornered            approach fundraising. So he decided to write a      The excursion gives the Hokie Club a chance to
Moody on Tech’s football practice field one            letter to alumni and other fans of the athletics    solidified relationships with its donors.
day and offered him the job. Moody, who was            programs, asking for a                  $ 1 0          Later on, in the late 1980s, Mike Carroll, who
working for Jostens ring company at the time           donation. He received                               served as the director of development for athletic
and visiting the area, decided to accept.              393      responses                                  programs at that time, saw a need to take a group
   “When I started out after college, I made           and       raised                                       of donors to the Homestead in Hot Springs,
$3,600 to teach and then got an extra $300             $6,420.50.                                               Va., and let them play golf with some of
to coach football and $300 to coach track at           Even today,                                               the coaches, again as a way to enhance
Norview High School (in Norfolk),” Moody               he     keeps                                                the relationship between Tech and the
said. “So I made $4,200. My wife was pregnant          those now                                                   donors. So Moody organized it. The group
with our first child. We just couldn’t make it         yellowing                                                   looked for a name, and someone said,
financially. So I went into the business world. I      responses                                                   “Well, we’re Hackin’ Hokies, too.” So that
didn’t really like it. I was with Jostens, selling     in a drawer                                                group became Hackin’ Hokies, Too, as a
rings, and I was one of their top sellers. But I       in his desk, a                                           sort of play on words.
didn’t like it.
   “I came up here and was watching a football
practice. McEver asked me if I’d like to have a
job. I was doing well financially, but I just wasn’t
happy. I visited with my wife. Her parents lived
here in Blacksburg, so we made the decision
to come back – and it was one of the better
decisions in my life.”
   Getting these two to talk about their
accomplishments over the years was a more
difficult chore than the one Tech’s football team
faces on Aug. 31. This publicity-shy tandem
prefers to quietly slip off into the sunset and let
others judge their career work.
   For sure, they’ve enjoyed wonderful careers –
those of the blue-ribbon variety. When Linkous
started working in 1970, the club had 1,800
members. Today, the list is more than 10,000.
   She has stayed in the background, inputting
records and keeping them in tidy shape and
printing reports at a moment’s notice. She arrives         Sharon Linkous and John Moody (top of photo) are
at 7 every morning and has been known to take              retiring after spending more than 40 years each
                                                           helping build the Hokie Club into what it is today.
work home frequently. In sports vernacular, she
serves as Merritt’s “quarterback.”
   “I worked 24 years in the banking industry and
20 here, and her work ethic is the best I’ve seen,”    reminder to his humble roots.                          That trip continues today and serves as a
Merritt said. “She does so many things outside            Over the years, he took a lot of ideas from      fundraiser for various projects. The group has
her job description, and I’ve been meeting with        others and implemented them and made them           raised money for the clubhouse at the River
her just to try to get my arms around everything       even better. For example, he, Bill Matthews,        Course, the baseball scoreboard, the scoreboard
she does. She does a lot of little things that just    Shannon Hardwick – the father of Tech golf          at the swimming facility, and the flag plaza at
add to the office in addition to her knowledge         coach Jay Hardwick – and others took some           Lane Stadium, which is named after Moody.
and experience.”                                       donors to the Metro Conference baseball                Carroll also wanted the club to come up with a
   Moody put Linkous’ impact a little more             tournament in Tallahassee, Fla., one year, and      volunteer program in which contributors would
succinctly.                                            on the way down, they played golf at several        sign up others who expressed an interest in Tech
   “They can fill my seat easily,” he said. “Hers is   different courses. Hardwick later suggested         athletics and the Hokie Club. At the time, NC
going to be a little more difficult.”                  taking the donors on a trip with the Tech golf      State and Clemson used similar programs, and
   Filling Moody’s seat will not be an easy task       team. So Moody got a group together to go to        Moody researched those, thus playing a large
either. Actually, Merritt tried to do that a few       Pine Needles, N.C., with the golf team, which       role in establishing what is now the Hokie Rep
years ago when Moody retired. Fortunately,             plays in a tournament there every year. The         program.

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