Assuring Care Experience A Person Centred Care Approach Full Report
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1 SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT Chief Nursing Officer, Patients, Public and Health Professions Directorate Assuring Care Experience A Person Centred Care Approach Full Report Author: Heather C. Strachan, National Clinical Lead, Care Governance October 2012 Assuring Care Experience Full Report
3 Foreword As Chief Nursing Officer for Scotland I care passionately about the quality of care which we deliver across NHS Scotland. We know that our NHS is capable of delivering World Leading Quality and we already have some acknowledged and significant achievements in improving safe and effective care. We have made tremendous strides forward in our quest to embed that excellence at every level of our organisations as well as achieving greater consistency across the piece in Scotland. I believe that Scotland can achieve the same level of recognition for the improvements we are making in person centred care and I am therefore delighted to be leading the Person Centred Quality Ambition for Scottish Government. We have looked at the case for improving care experience through the evidence, experience of our staff and experts, and aligned this with many examples of the excellent work already happening across Scotland to support improvements in person centred care. This report presents this as a framework that I believe is ground breaking work of immense importance to our staff and to the people and families who use our services. I am fully committed to supporting and enabling our dedicated staff to work in positive practice environments which are aligned with their values, and which encourage and empower them to drive quality and innovation at the point of care. This will require an understanding and acknowledgement of the interdependence of the quality dimensions and the importance of human factors and relationships in their delivery. With many years of experience as a professional leader and educator, I understand the importance of role models and clinical leaders in the practice field and, critically, in having a sound evidence base to inform and underpin our thinking about the human dynamic of care. This aspect of clinical practice and patients’ experience of care can become submerged under the weight of evidence about the technical and interventional aspects of clinical care. Yet patients are clear and consistent in their prioritisation of caring behaviours alongside the delivery of safe and effective care. This framework, which was inspired by the Caring Science work of Professor Kristen Swanson, serves to strengthen our approach to improvement and is underpinned by our shared values and our commitment to placing the people using, and delivering, our services at the heart of everything we do. Professor Swanson, Dean and Alumni Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA has made the following comment on this work: “Your framework is well conceived and the use of the 5 C's of Caring very creative. You have taken a very comprehensive approach to assuring that the person centred care experience should be of the highest quality, focused on the care recipient, and grounded in an ethic of caring. The challenge will be to enact strategies that get implemented system wide, that are closely tracked for effectiveness, and that are sustained. Your framework holds promise for meeting those challenges. I am honoured to see my work being applied in such a promising manner.” I commend this framework to you as a resource and look forward to working with you to progress The Person Centred Health and Care Programme to meet the challenges we face together as we strive for world leading quality in person centred care. Ros Moore Chief Nursing Officer Directorate for Chief Nursing Officer, Patients, Public and Health Professions Assuring Care Experience Full Report
4 1.0 KEY MESSAGES A review of the evidence suggests that a wide range of factors interrelate to create and sustain high quality care and care experience. In particular they include caring and enabling behaviours but also important aspects at system, organisational and team level. These factors together underpin not just person centred care but also safe and effective care and staff experience. All ultimately improve organisational performance. Therefore the case for assuring care experience can be justified morally, clinically and financially. For the organisation: A person centred system is one in which the organisation clearly articulates person centred care as a value and priority which is enacted through the attitudes and behaviours at all levels of the organisation from CEO through leaders, managers, teams and individual staff. Leaders must recognise that organisational effectiveness as well as safe, effective and person centred care are driven by their values and behaviours. They are also dependent on staff who work effectively as teams, who feel valued, supported and empowered to drive quality locally. This is shared governance in action. A person centred system improves organisational performance and patient experience of care through: improved wellbeing; better health outcomes; and quality of life for service users. This leads to reduced lengths of stays, adverse incidents, healthcare associated infection, staff absence and turnover. For people who use services Person centred care enhances the therapeutic relationship between people who use services and clinical staff which can reduce anxiety associated with health concerns and healthcare delivery, ultimately improving care experience. This supports healing and may reduce the need for medication, such as pain relief and hypertensive drugs. It also improves trust in the team, within the organisation and increases the likelihood of treatment completion. Health outcomes are enhanced through more effective engagement in decisions and actions associated with health promotion activities, treatment, monitoring, and self-management, all of which impact on people’s ability to stay healthy or return to health Quality of life is enhanced by improvements in both wellbeing and self-management which is especially important when cure is no longer an aim of healthcare for older people or people with long term conditions. For staff Staff experience and service user experience are inextricably linked. Those factors that influence staff health and wellbeing also impact on care experience as well as safe and effective care. In a person centred system, staff feel valued, empowered and supported; team working is enhanced and service users care experience is increased further. Success breeds success. Jacqui Lunday Chief Health Professions Officer Directorate for Chief Nursing Officer, Patients, Public and Health Professions Assuring Care Experience Full Report
5 2.0 INTRODUCTION Quality from a service user perspective includes: their care experience; the effectiveness of their care interventions; and the safe delivery of healthcare. NHS Scotland’s Quality Strategy’s ambitions aim to address these three areas, with efficiency as an overarching theme. While much good practice takes place across Scotland, care experience can be variable and the factors required to address the delivery of a consistently high quality care experience are complex. Evidence is increasingly emerging which indicates person centred care approaches, demonstrated by the caring and enabling behaviours of staff, are fundamental to quality healthcare. These behaviours can positively influence service users’ outcomes as well as their overall care experience. Added to the complexity is the emphasis in recent years on the need for efficiency, meeting targets, improving safety and ensuring the effectiveness of technical interventions. This has tended to promote standardised approaches to care delivery, creating challenges to achieving a balance across the three quality ambitions of safe, effective and person centred care. As the need to deliver even more efficient and effective services increases, the challenge of delivering person centred care against apparently competing priorities, could also be the solution. For example, a positive patient experience, as indicated by caring and enabling behaviours, has been found in hospitals with better work environments. Good work environments are influenced by positive leadership, effective team working, education and development. These factors also influence staff health and well-being which impacts not only on service users’ care experience but all three dimensions of quality. So success breeds success. A positive care experience and the factors influencing this ultimately impact on both effective and efficient healthcare services. Complex problems have no simple solutions and require multifaceted, whole system approaches which address relevant issues at every level of the organisation. They require the collaboration and engagement of staff and service users to create opportunities to care in flexible and innovative person centred ways. This requires continuous learning to be integrated with staff and service user feedback and data driven improvements. To achieve this, staff need to be empowered and supported by their leaders and valued by their team members. The solutions are as much about human relationships as resources. To help make sense of the complexity and promote a system wide approach to assure the quality of care and care experience, a framework has been developed which brings together key principles based on evidence and experience. The framework has been inspired by the caring science work of Swanson (1999) that identified fives C’s of caring knowledge. These are: commitment to values based culture; staff capability to deliver high quality care; conditions required to deliver this care: enacting caring values, behaviours and improvement; and measuring the consequence of caring. The framework (Figure One) is a continuous cycle in recognition of the need to constantly reflect, learn and improve how we deliver healthcare as individuals, teams, and leaders working together with service users. It recognises that there is no particular place to start. What is important is to start somewhere and address all the issues. However, if we start anywhere, it is with caring conversations about what matters most to service users and staff. NHS Boards are already addressing many of the principles outlined in the framework but not necessarily in an organisation wide manner. The framework can inform NHS Boards’ existing governance approaches. It should help leaders, managers and quality improvement staff understand the alignment of current national and local initiatives, identify and address gaps systems wide, thus helping to ensure the success of the whole system will be greater than its component parts. However, the Assuring Care Experience Full Report
6 challenges of implementation and sustainability of person centred care are not to be underestimated. The remainder of this report references evidence and a wealth of information about what is taking place across Scotland to support implementation of the principles identified in the framework and how to track their effectiveness through measurement. More detailed definitions and examples of caring and enabling behaviours are also provided in the Appendices together with actual stories from staff, patients and relatives to demonstrate the impact of these behaviours. Examples of measuring tools that have been psychometrically tested are also given in the Appendices. A summary report is available which provides an overview of each of the 5 Cs of Caring through the evidence which underpins it, and an overview of National Initiatives and what NHS Boards are currently doing to support implementation of the principle. This work was commissioned by the Scottish Government’s Directorate for the Chief Nursing Officer, Patients, Public and Health Professions (CNOPPP), Persons Centred Delivery Group. It was delivered under the auspices of the NMAHP Coordinating Council and NHS Board NMAHP Directors. It is relevant across the multidisciplinary team and to both clinical and non clinical staff. The framework is underpinned by information from a wide range of sources including research evidence and views from the NMAHP Quality Councils; the Care Governance Measurement work stream; NMAHP Directors; healthcare professionals, academics and experts. It draws on the experience of other national programmes such as Leading Better Care, Releasing Time to Care and the CARE Measure and Approach and has informed and been informed by the National Staff Experience and Professionalism Projects. Patients’ and Carers’ perspectives were identified from the Better Together Programme and Leadership in Compassionate Care Programme. Assuring Care Experience Full Report
7 Figure One: Care Assurance Framework – (adapted from 5 Cs of Caring Knowledge by Swanson 1999) Assuring Care Experience Full Report
8 3.0 HIGH QUALITY CARE AND CARE EXPERIENCE The delivery of high quality care and a positive care experience requires a person centred care approach to healthcare delivery. Person centred care aims to ensure service users are at the centre of care delivery and is recognised as a multidimensional concept. While a range of definitions exist the majority highlight the importance of flexible responsiveness; being treated as an individual; and shared decision making (Duncan 2011). Person centred care has been defined as “the delivery of a healthcare experience which recognises and responds flexibly to each person as a unique individual, builds trust and empathy and engages them in decisions which affect their healthcare and wellbeing (Scottish Government 2011). The similarity between person centred care and caring theories has been confirmed by McCance et al (2009) by testing the use of the Edinburgh Caring Dimension Inventory as a way of measuring both caring and person centred care. As well as caring theories, relationship based care and enablement concepts also represent person centred care approaches which contribute to high quality care and care experience. In addition, other models of person centred care, such as co-production and asset based approaches, are being promoted. Example definitions are provided in Appendices Two and Three. It is recognised that these different terminologies can be confusing and even within these concepts there are few agreed definitions. When examined in more detail, many of the behaviours associated with these concepts overlap. To make sense of this complexity, a thematic analysis was undertaken which focused on the similarities rather than differences, to provide a comprehensive view of what high quality care and care experience looks and feels like. The resulting Caring and Enabling Behaviour Descriptors are outlined in Appendix Four. These descriptors represent a set of caring and enabling activities and the manner in which they are to be carried out. They include expressive activities (e.g. compassion) and instrumental activities (e.g. physical and cognitive). They reflect how we “care about”, “care for” and “care with” our service users, their families and the multidisciplinary team to deliver high quality care and care experience (Figure Two). Figure Two: High Quality Care and Care Experience Assuring Care Experience Full Report
9 4.0 COMMITMENT TO A VALUES BASED CULTURE An increasing emphasis on person centred care and the caring dimensions in health policy have been evidenced over the last decade. Most recently, the Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland (2010) set out its ambitions for a health service which is person centred, safe and effective. The strategy recognised that the quality of care is at the core of patient experience and that standards can only be effectively improved by gathering feedback on what service users want and what they actually experience. The commitment to high quality care focuses on the values and beliefs which underpin the culture of the organisation. “Culture” like the concept of “care” is a word used frequently but hard to define and a challenge to change. ‘Culture’ is an umbrella word which encompasses a whole set of implicit, widely shared beliefs, traditions, values and expectations that characterise a particular group of people. To an organisation, culture is what personality and character are to the individual. Just as an individual's values and beliefs influence behaviour, so does an organisation's culture influence the behaviour of its members (Leavitt & Bahraini, 1988). Steins (1985) theory helpfully describes culture as having three levels. Level one: behaviours exhibited by member of the group. Level two: the values and beliefs espoused and which may influence behaviours. Level three: assumptions which are the unconscious beliefs and values which also influence behaviours and are often so engrained they are not questioned. Managing cultural change is often suggested as a way of improving quality of care but little is known about how best to enact this strategically. It is particularly difficult to change values and assumptions as subcultures exist which may have conflicting interests and power levels (Paterson et al 2011). Multifaceted approaches are indicated which start with making person centred care an explicit organisational value or philosophy, with the involvement of staff in developing the organisation’s vision and how to achieve it based on these values (Alimo- Metcalfe et al 2007). In addition, enriched learning environments which understand values, beliefs and experiences of service users, incorporating these into continuous improvement approaches, have been shown to be enriched care environments and score high on service user experience (Tresolini et al 1994, Boorman 2009, Brown et al 2010). Expressing values and vision for person centred care, alongside safe and effective care, can be undertaken at government, organisational and team level, and provide the foundation for a values based culture. To ensure these values and beliefs are not simply espoused from the organisations view point but actually “lived” by staff, requires identification of what is important to service users, feedback on their care experience, staff’s views, and it is important to both celebrate success and address potential concerns. The perception of staff behaviours, which demonstrate those values in action, can be observed by the service user, family members and team colleagues, and the data collected using interviews, surveys or observation techniques. Many of these methods can be incorporated into everyday work processes. Assuring Care Experience Full Report
10 4.1 Current enablers related to Values Based Culture The Patient Rights (Scotland) Act 2011 was passed by the Scottish Parliament on 24 February 2011, and gained Royal Assent on 31 March 2011. The Act aims to improve patients' experiences of using health services and to support people to become more involved in their health and health care. It will help the Scottish Government's aspiration for an NHS which respects the rights of both patients and staff.1 Person Centred Values are being made explicit in NHS Boards. The Golden Jubilee’s nursing philosophy promotes both service users’ and staffs experience with “Every piece of care matters”. The aim is to deliver the highest quality of care by recognising the importance of both what and how care is delivered so that patients are partners and at the centre of care. The philosophy highlights: individualised care; the environment; a culture of mutual respect for each other; and involvement of families. The philosophy also relates to how staff are treated: valuing each person’s contribution; encouraging innovation; mutual respect and teamwork. Better Together is Scotland’s Patient Experience Programme2. It aims to promote the delivery of consistently high quality person centred care. The programme works in partnership with NHS Boards, GP practices and other national improvement programmes to enable the use of shared patient experience data to deliver continuous quality improvement. An annual survey asks about service users’ perceptions of care to identify overall progress. In addition, more detailed questions can be asked on a more regular basis to highlight concerns and provide assurance to NHS Boards. Caring Behaviours Assurance System 3is an approach to support improvements in care experience. This approach was commissioned by CNOPPP, developed by Choice Dynamic International, and tested with a number of NHS Boards. It uses a shared governance approach to promote a quality culture. It uses multisource feedback on the presence of caring and enabling behaviours and service user experience of Scotland’s 7 C’s to celebrate success and identify action plans to improve caring and enabling behaviours. Leadership in Compassionate Care programme, an NHS Lothian and Napier University Project, promotes a number of approaches to feedback4. Staff can check regularly “What have we got right for you? What could we have done differently?” informally to find out what service users’ experience of care is during their stay so there is an opportunity to address concerns, improve their experience and understand what works well for people. A more in- depth approach to asking the patient about their experience of care is Emotional Touch Points and Stories. Key messages are extracted from patient, family and staff stories and discussed, enabling staff to learn from the key messages and move to action. Observation of caring behaviours has been undertaken by Health Improvement Scotland to support the inspection of older people’s services. NHS Tayside are adapting this tool to observe caring behaviour, and at the same time observing direct care time observations undertaken for “Releasing Time to Care”. Of particular importance is a caring approach to feeding back to staff the presence, or absence, of caring behaviours. This tool could be further developed to support individual staff multisource feedback on their caring behaviours as part of reflective practice and performance management approaches. 1 2 3 4 Assuring Care Experience Full Report
11 5.0 STAFF CAPABILITY TO DELIVER HIGH QUALITY CARE The capability debate often centres on whether staff values and capability for caring are innate, taught or due to having been cared for themselves. In reality, staff capabilities to care are likely to be influenced by all these factors, both personal (personality, family history) and professional (education or experience). Research in this area has identified five capabilities of a caring person including compassion, empathy, knowledge, positive and reflective (Swanson 1999). Individuals’ attributes found to impact on caring practice (in nursing) include: interpersonal understanding, empathy, commitment and compassion (Zhang et al 2001). In terms of relationship based care, to work effectively staff must develop knowledge and skills in: self-awareness and continuing self-growth; patient experience of health and illness; developing and maintaining relationships; communicating clearly and effectively (Resoling et al 1994). The emphasis is on one’s ability to care for oneself. These capabilities have considerable alignment with the concept of professionalism which research suggests incorporates a range of attributes including empathy, compassion, understanding, patience, manners, verbal and non-verbal communication, an anti- discriminatory and non-judgemental attitude, as well as technical competence, appearance, image, confidence level, and appropriate physical contact (Morrow et al. 2011). Other authors confirm these influences. Benner (1984) highlights professional maturity and demonstrated that the ability to practice expert caring is enhanced with experience. Finfgeld- Connette (2008) also suggests capability of staff to deliver person centred care is influenced by professional maturity in addition to moral foundations. The former includes knowledge base and competencies while moral foundations are concerned with ethics such as caring enacted in a conscientious and responsible manner. The manifestation of caring also depends on professional culture, which evidence suggests can produce a lack of congruence between healthcare service users’ expectations and experiences and those of staff (Cortis 2000). One study found healthcare service users valued behaviours which recognised their individual perspective and behaviours and which helped them anticipate and prepare for change. However, nurses placed greater emphasis on behaviours geared more toward the comforting aspects of care by encouraging patients to express feelings (Hegedus 1999). Another study found that nurses ranked physically based caring behaviours higher than affective behaviours (Greenhalgh et al 1998). This may suggest that the current model of professionalism and culture, particularly in nursing, may need to be more explicitly aligned to models of healthcare that support enablement This would be more aligned to asset based approaches to person centred care and co- production. However, physically based caring activities will still be an essential requirement for more dependent service users. While most people who work in healthcare are likely to have caring values, clearly articulating values of the organisation and service users in recruitment processes may ensure staff understand what is expected of them. Organisations, including Kaiser Permanente5, highlighted by Planetree and Picker (2008), who have successfully improved quality of care and care experience, have included professional qualities and caring knowledge and skills sets relevant to the position in job descriptions, online recruitment procedures, and interview questions. 5 Transforming Services and Delivering Results through Person Centred Care Assuring Care Experience Full Report
12 Dingman (2010) suggests that caring behaviours must be continually reinforced. Staff must value and recognise their own and others’ contributions to quality of care, with each person being responsible for contributing to the caring culture (Boykin et al 2003, Finfgeld- Connette 2008, Alimo-Metcalf et al 2007). This can be supported by aligning staff objectives with those of the organisation and team and incorporating their review into performance management systems (Yeakel et al 2003, Sanghavi 2006). Yeakel et al (2003) confirmed (nurse) caring and patient satisfaction can be influenced favourably as part of a multifaceted approach which includes learning and development. Enriched care environments are found alongside enriched learning environments (Brown 2010, McCormack & McCance 2010). One study which examined the impact of a 15 week degree level module on “nursing as human caring” found students experienced enhanced relationships with others and clarification of values. Professionally, their knowledge was increased and caring practice was enhanced (Hoover 2002). Mercer (2002) also suggests that empathy can be improved by experiential teaching methods. Ensuring capability of staff to deliver high quality care and care experience can be supported by conveying expectations of professionalism and appropriate caring and enabling behaviours as part of selection, recruiting and induction processes. Staff can be enabled to deliver high quality care by incorporating knowledge and skills of caring and enabling behaviours into learning and development initiatives. This includes multisource feedback of an individual’s caring and enabling behaviours as part of reflective practice. Performance management systems can support alignment of objectives and ensure staff are aware of their responsibilities whilst recognising them for their contribution to care. Assuring Care Experience Full Report
13 5.1 Current Enablers for Staff Capability Professionalism work stream of the NMAHP Co-ordinating Council is currently exploring the concept of professionalism with a view to articulating and promoting the modern day principles of professionalism as they relate to today’s healthcare models and the behaviours expected of staff. Appropriate behaviours will be promoted through recruitment and education. Staff Governance standards have recently been revised and published. They require all NHS Boards to demonstrate that staff are well informed, appropriately trained and developed. The standard also requires all staff to: keep themselves up to date with developments within the organisation, commit to continuous personal and professional development and treat all staff and patients with dignity and respect while valuing diversity. Dignity at Work Project exists to promote a positive working culture and behaviours across NHS Scotland and to develop tools and behaviours which will reduce the perceived or actual levels of bullying and harassment felt across the organisation and support all staff to feel valued for their contribution. CARE (Consultation and Relational Empathy) Measure and Approach are two tools which have been developed to help practitioners reflect on practice, maintain and improve their communication skills and use these skills to empower and enable the service users. The CARE measure is completed by services users to provide staff with feedback on their communication skills. The CARE approach is a web-based learning tool which supports development of communication skills. NHS Education for Scotland has a number of initiatives underway which will support staff education and development in person centred care Extra Ordinary Everyday Project is working to embed person centred care in recruitment and retention work. The NES website Little Things make a Big Difference provides learning resources and links to support person centred care. A framework has been developed to help staff enhance their practice in equality and diversity in line with current legislation. It describes essential knowledge and skills and acts as a tool to guide staff through the wide array of education and training available to support Patient Focus and Public Involvement. An educational resource is being developed to support NHS Boards and staff prepare for the Patient and Staff Charter. A website entitled ‘Communicating, Caring and Connecting’ has been developed to signpost staff to the many resources available. A rights based approach has been developed to support the care of people with dementia. Linked to this is a revised version of Essential Shared Capabilities for generic use in health and social care. Spiritual Care Matters is a learning resource to support staff in spiritual care. There is also work entitled Community Chaplaincy Listening which is supporting the development of the role of the Chaplains in primary care. Assuring Care Experience Full Report
14 6.0 CONDITIONS REQUIRED FOR HIGH QUALITY CARE The conditions required to deliver high quality care and care experience relate to a range of service user, staff and organisational factors. These include service users’ health problems, culture, age, gender, the healthcare setting and their past experiences (Finfgeld-Connette 2008). The need for staff to recognise and respond flexibly to services users’ individual circumstances is therefore essential. Organisational climate reflects the values and surface level culture of an organisation. A number of studies have looked at a range of interrelated factors which promote positive organisational climate and are described in various ways including; Forces of Magnetism6; Positive Practice Environments7 and Climate of Care (Paterson et al 2011). The most common factors are related to resources and relationships and include: clear vision and shared philosophy of care; leadership; teamwork and work relationships; employee engagement and wellbeing; and a supportive organisational context e.g. information, education, resources and recognition. There is some evidence that positive leadership styles lead to increases in person centred care and patient satisfaction as well as influencing other quality ambitions such as improved patient safety (Doran et al. 2004, McNeese-Smith 1999, Wong and Cummings 2007). Positive leadership styles have been termed ‘transformational’ and these leaders encourage and enable the development of an organisational culture which is characterised by integrity, openness, transparency and genuinely valuing others. There is also evidence that transformational leadership predicts organisational effectiveness including team effectiveness and productivity, reduced stress, and improved job satisfaction. Important leadership activities include balancing tensions between efficiency and safety; actively manage change; and good knowledge management (Page 2004, Borrill et al 2005a&b, Alimo-Metcalfe et al 2007, Cummings et al 2010). To deliver high quality care requires a large number of health professionals with diverse expertise to work together as a team and there is evidence that good teamwork improves not only service users’ experience but also safe and effective care. Effective teamwork relates to the quality of task-related and social interactions between team members and can be judged by the impact of these interactions on both healthcare outcomes and other issues such as staff experience, team engagement in quality improvement and performance. (Valentine et al 2011, West et al 2006, Safran et al 2006, West et al 2005). Improvements in healthcare quality are believed to occur because good team working results in better decisions; coping better with complex tasks; better integrated care plans; and better co-ordinated actions. The reasons teamwork falters in healthcare include professional hierarchy which causes failure to engage in open conversations; frequent transitions between care givers associated with more coordinating challenges; and general challenges of human relationships and different personalities (Valentine et al 2011). Employee engagement has been defined as “a workplace approach designed to ensure employees are committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, and are able at the same time to enhance their own sense of well- 6 American Nurses Credentialing Centre. Forces of Magnetism. 7 Global Health Workforce Alliance. Positive Practice Environment Campaign Assuring Care Experience Full Report
15 being”. The components of employee engagement stem from four main enablers, which relate to many of the influencing factors similar to those already identified: a strategic narrative; engaging managers, employees having a voice: and organisational integrity (MacLeod 2009). Evidence suggests benefits resulting from enhanced employee engagement include: increased productivity; improved performance; reduced staff turnover; reduced staff sickness absence; and enhanced service delivery (Price Waterhouse Coopers 2008). Dawson (2009) includes work related injury and stress as components of staff wellbeing. Promoting wellbeing requires both reduction in causes of injury and stress and improved ability to deal with stressful situations, which are inevitable in the healthcare situation. Burnout, which can result from work related stress, has been associated with sub optimal care (Shanafet et al 2002). Finfgeld-Connette (2008) suggests the ability to manage personal vulnerability and self-awareness were identified as significant influences on care experience. Sufficient resources to manage the workload and efficient work processes will inevitably have an impact on care experience. Adequate resources and time, which include staff levels and skill mix, have been found to impact on a range of health outcomes and service user experience (Page 2004, Needleman et al 2003; Aiken et al 2003, Rafferty 2007, Griffith et al 2000, Kutney-Lee et al 2009). A recent study concluded that improvement in the work environment might be a relatively low cost strategy to improve patient safety, quality of care and patient satisfaction after it found that work environment was associated with high care quality and patient satisfaction (Aiken et al 2012). Ultimately a positive care experience is as much about relationships as resources. Supported by leaders and managers, staff need to “care about,” “care for” and “care with” team members and themselves as well as service users, their families and carers. Assuring Care Experience Full Report
16 6.1 Current Enablers for Conditions Required for High Quality Care Leading better care8supports Senior Charge Nurses/Midwives and Team Leaders by providing facilitation, development and educational opportunities to help them achieve high quality, person centred, safe and efficient care for every patient, first time and every time. This is achieved by ensuring there are better processes; effective ways of working; efficient; and person centred care which result in more effective use of all resources. NHS Scotland’s Strategy: Delivering Quality through Leadership 9 sets out guiding principles for leadership in NHS Scotland. The strategy relates to both management and leadership development, reflecting that during times of complexity and change both are needed. Personal qualities are at the heart of the leadership qualities, and the strategy describes a code of Personal Governance. The 360° feedback tool from the previous leadership strategy is currently being reviewed to ensure it reflects the revised leadership qualities and behaviours. Effective Practitioner 10 is an initiative that supports NMAHP practitioners achieve the best in their work. This online resource provides a foundation for work-based support including developing effective teamwork. It provides access to a learning resource which supports a team approach to development, which can cultivate a shared vision of quality care. Shared Governance is an organisational model consisting of a decentralised system of leadership in which everyone plays a role in decision making. Based on a partnership approach, it mandates collaboration among team members and gives individuals a high degree of autonomy at all levels of staff. It is currently being used as an approach to engaging staff across Scotland in the NMAHP Quality Councils and some NHS Boards. NHS Employers Staff Engagement Toolkit 11outlines five employee engagement drivers including: delivering great management and leadership; enabling involvement in decision making; promoting a healthy and safe work environment; ensuring every role counts; and supporting personal development and training. Scotland’s National Staff Experience Project is working closely with the Person Centred Delivery Group to promote measurable improvement and interventions which can help strengthen ‘staff experience’ to promote staff health and wellbeing and ultimately a good person centred healthcare experience for service users and their families. This will include measurement and interventions related to staff engagement and staff resilience. Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Development project, which commenced in July 2003, was commissioned by The Facing the Future group to examine the then current situation in nursing workload and workforce planning in Scotland. The recommendations from the project lay the foundation for the development of a more systematic and standardised approach to nursing and midwifery workload and workforce planning across Scotland. HeartMath® programme, ‘Transforming Stress and Revitalising Care’ is an approach to supporting staff resilience. The programme teaches staff simple skills, supported by unique tools and proprietary technology all designed to boost performance, increase resilience, vitality and productivity while reducing stress. This and its impact and sustainability are currently being tested in 5 NHS Boards in NHSScotland. 8 9 10 11 toolkit/Pages/Staff-engagement-toolkit.aspx Assuring Care Experience Full Report
17 7.0 ENACTING CARING VALUES, BEHAVIOURS AND IMPROVEMENT Caring, like care, can be viewed in multiple ways. It can be an attitude or ability, an attribute or characteristic or a complex set of behaviours. In healthcare it is all of these and it has been suggested that the presence of caring is the ultimate determinant of patient experience (Watson 2006). Patient experience is influenced by many factors including: what staff are like; what they do; and how these factors impact on what services users are enabled to be or do (Entwistle et al 2011). Many of these factors are aligned with caring and enabling behaviours. To make sense of the wide range of theories and concepts which make up person centred care and impact on care experience, a thematic analysis was undertaken to identify common caring and enabling attributes and behaviours which were then mapped to Scotland’s 7 Cs, defined by the people of Scotland as high quality healthcare (Figure three). This work was validated by the NMAHP Person Centred Quality Council and the resulting caring and enabling behaviour descriptors can be used to support staff enact caring values and behaviours and continuously seek to improve the care experience (Appendix Four). Figure three: Attributes of caring and enabling behaviours Many of these behaviours interrelate to achieve a high quality care experience. Communication behaviours, in particular attitude, play a big part in enabling staff to connect with patients and determine how approachable and trustworthy staff are (Cole & Bird 2000). This trust encourages patients to share personal information (Arnold and Boggs 2003). This requires listening behaviours to ensure staff understand what service users value in their life, how they make sense of what is happening and what they want to achieve in relation to their health (McCormack 2010, Davis 2006). In addition, empathy which includes understanding a person’s situation, perspective and feelings, is essential for enablement to take place (Mercer et al 2002). Finally, a positive attitude by healthcare staff encourages patients to see a clear way ahead of them (Little et al 2001). Overall these attributes and behaviours provide the foundation for an effective therapeutic relationship between the clinician and service user. An effective therapeutic relationship has been found to improve engagement, self-management and health outcomes in addition to care experience (Mercer 2002, Robertson 2008, Wolf 2008, Calnan & Row 2009, Goodrich 2009, Parsons 2010). These behaviours can also be enacted even at the briefest contact with a service user by both clinical and non clinical staff. Assuring Care Experience Full Report
18 Which caring and enabling behaviours are relevant to enact may differ depending on the role of staff performing them and patient characteristics. For example, we know that older people want to remain independent as long as possible. For many, exercising this choice remains a reality but, for others, frailty and illness pose a threat to maintaining independence and wellbeing (RCN 2004). In these circumstances “caring for” may be more relevant than “caring with” but both require staff to “care about” Whilst nurses may enact comforting, assisting and enabling behaviours, Allied Health Professionals will focus mainly on enabling behaviours and Doctors may, for example, focus mainly on communication and co- ordination. Increasingly, evidence suggests that focusing on improving caring behaviours can be key to ultimately improving care experience. One organisation which introduced a care model based on Swanson’s (1991) caring theory and relationship based care found that patient experience scores, which had remained around the same level despite multiple efforts to improve, began the first steady and sustained climb in 6 years and quickly exceeded the target goal (Tonges & Ray 2011). Similar results were found at Kaiser Permanente when they introduced a caring science model, which included education in caring science, HeartMath® to support staff resilience, and articulated caring behaviours in recruitment and selection processes12. Both organisations tracked nurse sensitive outcomes which related to safe and effective care and found these also improved. Person centred processes and practice examples, which support staff to enact caring values and behaviours and improve service users care experience, have been identified from the literature and good practice in place across NHS Scotland (Appendix four). Many of these practices have been linked to the various caring and enabling attributes they impact on within the 7 C’s. These practices has been evaluated and found to improve the quality of care experience as well as safety and effectiveness in some cases. They can be introduced using the PDSA cycle, promoted by Healthcare Improvement Scotland13 12 Transforming Services and Delivering Results through Person Centred Care 13 study_act_pdsa.aspx Assuring Care Experience Full Report
19 7.1 Current Enablers for Enacting Caring Values, Behaviours and Improvement The Caring Behaviours Assurance System 14 promotes the development of action plans which are agreed by the team following multisource feedback on the presence of caring and enabling behaviours across the 7 C’s. This supports celebration of successes and changes to practice which improve the quality of care and care experience. Leadership in Compassionate Care programme (LCCP) was a 3 year action research study underpinned by relationship centred care and appreciative inquiry undertaken by NHS Lothian and Edinburgh Napier University. It aimed to develop and embed compassionate care in both clinical practice and education. The LCCP focused on identifying and testing out key processes which enable compassionate care to happen more of the time with staff, patients and families across a range of care settings. A framework developed from the analysis and identifying compassionate caring practice is: Caring conversations: discussing, sharing, debating and learning how care is provided, amongst staff, patients and relatives and the way in which we talk about caring practice. Flexible, person centred risk taking: making and justifying decisions about care in respect of context and working creatively with patient choice, staff experience and best practice. Feedback: Staff, patients and families giving and receiving specific feedback about their experience of care. Knowing you, knowing me: developing mutual relationships and knowing the person’s priorities, to enable negotiation on the way things are done. Involving, valuing and transparency: creating an environment throughout the organisation where staff, patients and families actively influence and participate in the way things are done. Creating spaces that work: the environment: considering the wider environment and where necessary be flexible and adapt the environment to provide compassionate care. Releasing Time to Care focuses on redesigning work processes and environments to improve efficiency and help NMAHPs spend more time on direct patient care. This approach, which focuses on releasing time, is complementary to approaches which improve caring and enabling behaviours such as the Caring Behaviours Assurance System. Person Centred Processes and Practice which support staff enact caring and enabling behaviours and improve service users care experience, have been identified from the literature and good practice in place across NHS Scotland. These practices have been linked to the various caring and enabling attributes upon which they impact within the 7 C’s. The effectiveness of some of these practices has been evaluated and shown to improve care experience as well as safety and effectiveness. They can be introduced using the PDSA cycle, promoted by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (Appendix five). Scottish Person Centred Intervention Collaborative (ScoPIC) is a research project being conducted by the NMAHP research unit. It will examine interventions which improve person centred healthcare experience including RTC, CBAS and HeartMath®, to define the interventions, how they impact on patient experience and outcomes, and how context might affect their impact. It will also test aspects of care governance measurement framework, in particular the real time data collection and reporting of patient reported experience measures. 14 Assuring Care Experience Full Report
20 8.0 MEASURING THE CONSEQUENCE OF CARING Measuring caring and enabling behaviours and their consequence in terms of care experience is challenging. The person centred nature of these behaviours means the relevance of enactment is likely to be different for different people. This, together with the complexity and interrelationship of the factors that influence their enactment, adds to the research and improvement challenge. A scoping of the literature revealed, however, that there are studies that point us in the direction we need to go. In addition, it appears that if we make improvements in certain areas which impact on service users’ experience, these can also impact on other areas which further improve that experience. For example, a positive patient experience, as measured by caring and enabling behaviours has been found in hospitals with better work environments (Aiken et al 2012, Kutney Lee et al 2009). Good work environments are influenced by positive leadership, effective team working and education and development (Alimo Metcalf 2007, Page 2004). These factors also influence staff health and wellbeing (West et al 2005, Borrill et al 2005b). Staff health and well-being impacts, not only on patient satisfaction (Dawson 2009), but on all three dimensions of quality (Boorman 2009). Success breeds success. There are also a number of studies which examined specific caring and enabling behaviours and found links to a range of health outcomes and quality of life issues including: a reduction in anxiety levels; and improvements in service users’ involvement in their treatment; health promoting activities; and self-management. This suggests that caring and enabling behaviours are required across the spectrum of healthcare needs as an adjunct to technical interventions and are especially important when cure is no longer an aim of healthcare for people with long term conditions or older people. Consequently there are indications that a good care experience for service users, influenced by staff’s caring and enabling behaviours, together with those factors that influence the ability of staff to enact them, can improve service users well-being and support their effective engagement in decisions and actions that impact on their ability to stay healthy or return to health and, ultimately, improve organisational performance. Improving service users’ experience has been shown to result in: reduced levels of anxiety which can lead to improved healing rates, reduction in hypertension and the need for medication for pain relief; improved emotional and spiritual wellbeing; improved trust in the health services and closer family relationships (Swanson 1999, Erci et al 2003, Chang et al 2005, Goodrich & Cornwell 2009, Calnan & Rowe 2009). Effective engagement of service users is supported, leading to: increased service users’ recall and confidence to manage appropriate treatment; better involvement with health promotion activities, treatment, monitoring, self- management. (Mercer et al 2001, Coulter & Ellis 2006, Robertson et al 2008, Goodrich & Cornwell 2009). Organisational performance is improved through: improved patient safety demonstrated by a reduction in mortality, morbidity and adverse events; reducing hospitalisation and length of stay; improved staff experience, health and wellbeing leading to reduced intention to leave and absence rates (Swanson 1999, Saultz et al 2005, West et al 2005, Safran et al 2006, Goodrich & Cornwell 2008, Dawson 2009, Valentine et al 2011). Assuring Care Experience Full Report
21 In order to provide assurance of the presence of caring and enabling behaviours, their impact and how to improve them requires measurement and data driven improvements. This involves; identification of relevant metric; seeking regular feedback from service users and staff; access to real time or near real time information to highlight concerns and provide assurance; effective and efficient knowledge management systems; and feeding back information to staff to drive improvement plans. (Davies 2005, Griffith et al 2008, Pencheon 2010). Informatics principles and a measurement framework are proposed to support measurement and data driven improvements for assuring care experience whilst recognising the data burden. While these principles may seem fairly obvious, there are still significant challenges in their implementation which relate to information technology and education to support metric identification, collection, reporting and use. The principles are: What should be measured. • Direct care quality, what influences this and its impact. • Evidence based priorities. • What is important to service users and professional values. • National shared data where evidence is unquestionable or when learning is supported by benchmarking. • Local data as necessary. How data should be collected. • Quantitative and qualitative methods. • Valid and reliable tools with clear unambiguous data and metadata. • Current data should be better used, and where possible data should be collected once and used for multipurpose. • The frequency of collection should allow for introduction of improvement intervention and be reduced when sustained improvement is achieved. Reporting and use • Information should be made accessible to staff in near real time, at team level, be easy to understand and shared openly. • Regular review of usefulness of data collected. The measurement framework proposed is shown in Figure Four. The measurement framework helps to make sense of the complexity of healthcare by outlining the variables which describe quality healthcare; expected outcomes; what influences its delivery; and their interrelationships. It is aligned with data at level three to the National Quality Measurement Framework and Boards can use it to guide the identification of quality metrics for inclusion within their quality dashboards. Only one or two measures need be collected in each theme as required with the exception of outcome themes which need to be collected more regularly depending on the service being measured. All measures should build on current national and local measurement, for example LBC15, the SPSP16 and the CARE Measure17 and address gaps, particularly around person centred care. Following a review of measures in use and available to support the measurement framework it was noted that there are particular gaps in measures of caring and enabling behaviours. However, no one tool exists which has been validated for the multidisciplinary team, for all settings, and service users groups and development work is required. Example measures available are highlighted in Appendix Six. 15 Leading Better Care/Releasing Time to Care. better-carereleasing-time-to-care.aspx 16 Scottish Patient Safety Programme. 17 CARE Measure Assuring Care Experience Full Report
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