Association of Florida Teachers of Japanese (AFTJ) Spring Online Contests - FIU Asian Studies Program

Page created by Greg Ward
Association of Florida Teachers of Japanese (AFTJ) Spring Online Contests - FIU Asian Studies Program
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Association of Florida Teachers of
        Japanese (AFTJ)
     Spring Online Contests

           I. Speech Video
           II. Manga
           III. Karaoke Video
           IV. Promotional Video

  Registration Deadline: Friday, March 11
   2022 AFTJ Speech, Manga, and Video Contests Rules

    Special Thanks to our supporting partners and sponsors:
Association of Florida Teachers of Japanese (AFTJ) Spring Online Contests - FIU Asian Studies Program
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                   Association of Florida Teachers of Japanese
                          Spring 2022 Online Contests

A. To be able to compete in this contest, a student must be currently enrolled in a course that is taught
    by an AFTJ teacher member.
        1. If you are not currently enrolled in a course that is taught by an AFTJ teacher member, but wish
            to compete in the speech contest, please provide additional information specified in the
            registration form. The organizers will review your registration, and you may be allowed to
            complete it on a space-available basis.
B. The following are ineligible to compete in this contest:
        1. A native speaker of Japanese
        2. A graduate of fall 2021 or prior
The contestants (and the parent/guardian for minor) agree to be bound by the contest rules and the
decisions of the sponsor (AFTJ), which are final and binding in all respects.

➢ Only contestants who complete the online entry forms will be allowed to submit their manga and video.
   Contestants and their families assume the risks and responsibilities of participation.
➢ Students, please complete your online entry form by the following dates. No submissions will
   be accepted after the specified dates.
        March 11, Friday, 5:00 pm, 2022            Deadline for the registration forms

        April 8, Friday, 5:00 pm, 2022             Deadline for the video submission
➢ If you have any questions about any details regarding this contest, please e-mail Sano-sensei at

     There will be the following award categories for the speech contest:
 Elementary School

 Middle School      Level 1 (1st Year Japanese Class)            Level 3 (3rd Year)
                    Level 2 (2nd Year)

 High School        Level 1 (1st Year Japanese Class)            Level 3 (3rd Year)
                    Level 2 (2nd Year)                           Level 4 (4th Year and Beyond)

 College            Level   1   (1st Semester Japanese Class)    Level 5 (5th Semester)
                    Level   2   (2nd Semester)                   Level 6 (6th Semester)
                    Level   3   (3rd Semester)                   Level 7 (7th and Beyond)
                    Level   4   (4th Semester)
The students should be enrolled in the year- or semester-level at which they are currently
studying (Dual enrollment students should be registered for the corresponding Japanese course
level they are currently enrolled in). Students who have the language experiences beyond the classroom,
such as studying abroad in Japan, can participate in High School Level 4 or College Level 7. If a student or
his/her/their teacher thinks the student is too advanced in the level he/she/they is/are in, the student can
participate in the level appropriate to him/her/their language ability. Competition rules and judging guidelines
are included in this packet of information along with the registration form.
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I. Speech Contest

>>> Go to SPEECH CONTEST Competition Rules (Pages 4-5)

II. Yonkoma Manga Contest

>>> Go to YONKOMA MANGA CONTEST Competition Rules (Pages 6-7)

III. Karaoke Video Contest

>>> Go to KARAOKE VIDEO CONTEST Competition Rules (Page 8)

IV. Japanese Promotional Video Contest

>>> Go to JAPANESE PROMOTIONAL VIDEO Competition Rules (Page 9)


I. Speech Contest
>>> Go to ENTRY FORM (

II. Yonkoma Manga Contest
>>> Go to ENTRY FORM (

III. Karaoke Video Contest
>>> Go to ENTRY FORM (

IV. Japanese Promotional Video Contest
>>> Go to ENTRY FORM (

※ If you are a minor student, please submit a signed Consent and Media Release Form on the next
page (page 4) to the Entry Form to participate in the contest.
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                                    AFTJ Spring Online Contests
                              Parental Consent and Media Release Form

If your child is under 18, the Association of Florida Teachers of Japanese requests you complete this parental
consent and media release form to participate in the AFTJ Spring Online Contests.

PARENTS AND/OR LEGAL GUARDIANS please carefully read this Consent and Media Release Form in its
entirety. This Consent and Release Form, together with the Official Contest Rules, form a binding agreement
relating to your minor child’s participation in the Contest. Your minor child is not eligible to participate in the
Contest until a completed and signed Consent and Release Form is received by the Sponsor. Contest
Submissions not accompanied by the completed and signed Consent and Release Form will not be considered.

   1. I represent and warrant that I have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the Official Contest
      Rules. I acknowledge and agree that I am the parent or legal guardian of a minor Student Participant in
      the Contest, and will be bound by these Official Contest Rules and this Consent and Release Form;

   2. I represent and warrant that I am the parent or legal guardian of a minor Student Participant in the
      Contest and my minor child meets all eligibility requirements listed in the Official Contest Rules;

   3. I understand and agree that I am the parent or legal guardian of a minor Student Participant in the
      Contest and that my minor child’s full name, contest level, school name, image, and Contest Submission
      may be disclosed and displayed publicly on Association of Florida Teachers of Japanese’s webpage and
      Facebook page without any additional notice or financial compensation.

   4. I hereby warrant that I am a parent or legal guardian of a minor child Student Participant in the Contest,
      I further warrant that I am a legal parent or legally appointed guardian of such a minor child and that I
      have the full authority to give consent, to release, and to contract for my minor child. I also agree to
      provide any additional information or to execute any additional form(s) that are necessary for me and/or
      my minor child to be eligible to participate in the Contest and/or for the school entering the Contest to
      claim a prize. Full Name of Minor Student Participant

_____________________________________                                 ______________________________
Full Name of Parent/Legal Guardian of Student Participant             Full Name of Student Participants

_____________________________________                                 ______________________________
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian of Student Participant             Signature of Student Participant


Please scan or take a picture of a signed Consent and Release Form and submit it via the entry form.
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                                       PUBLIC SPEECH CONTEST
                                          Competition Rules

Description:     The contestant speaks on a topic of their choice, which is related to Japan. Students
                 must submit the title with their registration. The title must be given in Japanese and in
                 English at the time of submission.

Conditions:      The constant creates a video presenting their speech. The contestant’s face should be
                 visible on the video all the time. When they make a speech, they are not allowed to
                 use any visual aids.

Dress Code:      Professional attire

Time limits      ●   Middle School:
                        All levels: two minutes
                  ● High School & College
                        Level 1: Two minutes
                        Level 2, 3: Three minutes
                        Level 4, 5, 7: Four minutes
                 * There will be different award categories for middle school, high school, and college.

Criteria for     A. Language Skills
Evaluation:               a. Pronunciation
                          b. Fluency and rhythm
                 B. Presentational Skill
                          a. Organization and development of speech topic
                          b. Oral presentation

General Rules:   ●   Judges’ decisions will be final.
                 ●   Any presentations exceeding the set time will be disqualified and will not
                     be judged.
                 ●   Any presentations that Judges cannot access will be disqualified and will
                     not be judged.

Submission:      Please upload your video to “YouTube (” or a similar video
                 sharing service to obtain a link for submission.

                 ★ If you use YouTube, please set the video visibility as “Unlisted” or “Public”. If
                 the judge cannot access your video, you will be disqualified.

                 How to change the setting:
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                                Speech Score Card (English Version)

  Contestant’s Name:                                  Judge’s Name:

1. Content of speech
       4 Profound and intriguing, and easy to understand.
       3 Appealing and easy to understand.
       2 Appealing, but a little hard to understand.
       1 Not appealing and hard to understand.

2. Pronunciation (accent and intonation)
      4 Generally well pronounced.
      3 Occasional accent that does not impede comprehension.
      2 Some difficulty with pronunciation, but minimal obstacles to comprehension.
      1 Much difficulty with pronunciation, unable to be understood.

3. Fluency
       4 Very fluent and never stumbles.
       3 Generally fluent and stumbles minimally.
       2 Lacks fluency and constantly stumbles.
       1 Almost entirely stumbles.

4. Delivery
       4 Talks to the audience with a positive attitude throughout the speech.
       3 Talks to the audience during the main parts of the speech.
       2 Sometimes talks to the audience.
       1 Almost never talks to the audience.

Total Score: ____/16 points
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                                  YONKOMA MANGA CONTEST
                                     Competition Rules

Description:   Students will create a themed, four-frame comic by hand or digitally

Conditions:    Contestants must create a manga with the theme of “Japanese Class (日本語のクラス)”

               All characters must be original creations; no use of copyrighted images and
               materials will be accepted for submission. Each student can submit only ONE

               A contestant may submit a hand-made or digitally created manga.

               All handwriting on the manga must be legible; manga may not be judged if the writing is
               not clearly visible. The student must write his/her name in the material used to draw the
               comic in the location shown in the template next page. Students must write their names
               in katakana unless the names are of Japanese origin, in which case, kanji may be used.

Parameters:    Contestants may create the manga by hand with any writing utensils (penciled
               creations will need to be darkened for scanning purposes), or contestants may
               create the manga digitally using any image-creating software available to

               The manga must be scanned in or converted to the JPEG image
               format and uploaded to Google Drive to obtain a link for submission.

               Contestants may work individually or in pairs to complete the manga. Both students must
               be currently enrolled in an AFTJ-affiliated Japanese program.

Criteria for   Language usage, vocabulary, structure, creativity, overall appearance appropriateness to
Evaluation:    theme/category

General        ●   Judges’ decisions will be final.
Rules:         ●   Any manga that does not follow the given template will be disqualified and
                   will not be judged.
               ●   Any manga that Judges cannot access will be disqualified and will not be

Important:     ●   Name the JPEG file with the author’s last name and school name (e.g.
               ●   Set the file access “anyone with the link”. If the judge cannot access your
                   video, you will be disqualified.
                      How to get the link:
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           *Note: The squares should be centered on the paper in a “landscape” format.
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                                    KARAOKE VIDEO CONTEST
                                       Competition Rules

Description:     Students will perform an original music video using a segment of an instrumental
                 (karaoke) version of a Japanese track of their choice (without original vocals).

Conditions:      Contestants will be allowed a total of 1 minute (any parts of a song) for the music
                 video. Students will use a Japanese song without the original artist’s vocal due to
                 copyright protection and create their own music video to accompany the song.

                 Students are encouraged to make a creative video by singing a segment of a song in
                 Japanese, and the voices must be those of the performers featured. All genres (pop,
                 hip-hop, traditional, folk, etc.) are permissible.

                 The songs with inappropriate content (both language and gestures) will be disqualified
                 at the discretion of the judges.

                 Each student can submit only ONE entry (group or individual). There is no limit
                 for the number of participants in a group and the students in different levels of Japanese
                 may be mixed.

                 Each class can have up to two entries, and each school can have a maximum of 4
                 entries. If many video entries are expected from a school, we strongly recommend that
                 each school will set an internal submission due date for screening and submit the
                 selected video entries by the AFTJ due date.

Time limits      1 minute – Students will need to crop any segments of the song of their selection to a

Criteria for     Creativity, Enthusiasm, Language Performance, and ability to convey the song’s
Evaluation:      message

General Rules:   ●   Judges’ decisions will be final.
                 ●   Any videos exceeding the set time will be disqualified and will not be
                 ●   Any videos that Judges cannot access will be disqualified and will not be

Submission:      Please upload your video to “YouTube (” or a similar video
                 sharing service to obtain a link for submission.

                 ★ If you use YouTube, please set the video visibility as “Unlisted” or “Public”. If
                 the judge cannot access your video, you will be disqualified.

                 How to change the setting:
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                                 JAPANESE PROMOTIONAL VIDEO
                                       Competition Rules

Description:     Students will create a short commercial to promote Japanese study in their school,
                 community, and state.

Conditions:      Contestants will be allowed a total maximum of 30 seconds to create a commercial
                 that promotes the Japanese study program in their school. The commercial should
                 include a mix of Japanese and English.

                 Each student can submit only ONE entry (group or individual). There is no
                 limit for the number of participants in a group and the students in different levels of
                 Japanese may be mixed.

                 Each class can have up to two entries, and each school can have a maximum of 4
                 entries. If many video entries are expected from a school, we strongly recommend that
                 each school will set an internal submission due date for screening and submit the
                 selected video entries by the AFTJ due date.

Time limits      30 seconds

Criteria for     Creativity, Ability to convey a positive message about Japanese language
Evaluation:      learning

General Rules:   ●   Judges’ decisions will be final.
                 ●   Any videos exceeding the set time will be disqualified and will not be
                 ●   Any videos that Judges cannot access will be disqualified and will not be

Submission:      Please upload your video to “YouTube (” or a similar video
                 sharing service to obtain a link for submission.

                 ★ If you use YouTube, please set the video visibility as “Unlisted” or “Public”. If
                 the judge cannot access your video, you will be disqualified.

                 How to change the setting:
AFTJ Spring Online Contests
                              Parental Consent and Media Release Form

If your child is under 18, the Association of Florida Teachers of Japanese requests you complete this parental
consent and media release form to participate in the AFTJ Spring Online Contests.

PARENTS AND/OR LEGAL GUARDIANS please carefully read this Consent and Media Release Form in its
entirety. This Consent and Release Form, together with the Official Contest Rules, form a binding agreement
relating to your minor child’s participation in the Contest. Your minor child is not eligible to participate in the
Contest until a completed and signed Consent and Release Form is received by the Sponsor. Contest
Submissions not accompanied by the completed and signed Consent and Release Form will not be considered.

   1. I represent and warrant that I have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the Official Contest
      Rules. I acknowledge and agree that I am the parent or legal guardian of a minor Student Participant in
      the Contest, and will be bound by these Official Contest Rules and this Consent and Release Form;

   2. I represent and warrant that I am the parent or legal guardian of a minor Student Participant in the
      Contest and my minor child meets all eligibility requirements listed in the Official Contest Rules;

   3. I understand and agree that I am the parent or legal guardian of a minor Student Participant in the
      Contest and that my minor child’s full name, contest level, school name, image, and Contest Submission
      may be disclosed and displayed publicly on Association of Florida Teachers of Japanese’s webpage and
      Facebook page without any additional notice or financial compensation.

   4. I hereby warrant that I am a parent or legal guardian of a minor child Student Participant in the Contest,
      I further warrant that I am a legal parent or legally appointed guardian of such a minor child and that I
      have the full authority to give consent, to release, and to contract for my minor child. I also agree to
      provide any additional information or to execute any additional form(s) that are necessary for me and/or
      my minor child to be eligible to participate in the Contest and/or for the school entering the Contest to
      claim a prize. Full Name of Minor Student Participant

_____________________________________                                   ______________________________
Full Name of Parent/Legal Guardian of Student Participant               Full Name of Student Participants

_____________________________________                                   ______________________________
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian of Student Participant               Signature of Student Participant


Please scan or take a picture of a signed Consent and Release Form and submit it via the entry form.
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