Association between waterpipe smoking and obesity: Population-based study in Qatar

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Tobacco Induced Diseases
Research Paper

Association between waterpipe smoking and obesity:
Population-based study in Qatar
Abdulla A. Alkeilani1, Abdelrahman A. Khalil1, Afaf M. Azzan1, Noof A. Al-Khal1, Noora H. Al-Nabit1, Omar M. Talab1,
Rahaf A. Al-Hajri1, Samreen M. Rahmoon1, Anas A. Ashour2, Ishita Gupta1,3, Ala-Eddin Al Moustafa1,3,4,5

INTRODUCTION Over the past decade obesity prevalence has been increasing rapidly                                                             AFFILIATION
                                                                                                                                             1 College of Medicine,
in the Gulf region (GR) including Qatar, becoming one of the major health issues                                                             University Health, Qatar
in the region. Concomitantly, waterpipe (WP) smoking is increasing worldwide                                                                 University, Doha, Qatar
                                                                                                                                             2 Department of Internal
especially in the GR, and although the effect of cigarette smoking on body weight                                                            Medicine, Hamad Medical
is well-established, studies indicating an association between WP smoking and                                                                Corporation, Doha, Qatar
obesity are scarce. Thus, we explored the association between WP smoking and                                                                 3 Biomedical and
                                                                                                                                             Pharmaceutical Research
obesity in comparison with cigarette smokers and healthy population in Qatar.                                                                Unit, Qatar University Health,
METHODS We performed a cross-sectional study using data from Qatar Biobank and                                                               Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
                                                                                                                                             4 Biomedical Research Centre,
analyzed anthropometric measurements among 879 adults (aged 18–65 years)                                                                     Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
that included WP smokers, cigarette smokers, dual smokers and never smokers.                                                                 5 Department of Oncology,
                                                                                                                                             Faculty of Medicine, McGill
Body composition was measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis and                                                                     University, Montreal, Canada
reported as lean mass, fat mass, and body fat percentage.
                                                                                                                                             CORRESPONDENCE TO
RESULTS Overall, 12% (n=108) were WP smokers, 22% (n=196) were cigarette
                                                                                                                                             Ala-Eddin Al Moustafa.
smokers, 9% (n=77) smoked both WP and cigarettes and 57% (n=498) were                                                                        College of Medicine,
never smokers. Age, sex, history of diabetes, and hypertension, in addition to                                                               Qatar University Health,
                                                                                                                                             Qatar University, PO Box
nationality were considered as confounding factors. Our analysis revealed that                                                               2713, Doha, Qatar. E-mail:
WP smokers had a significantly higher BMI (kg/m2) and fat mass when compared                                                       
with cigarette smokers (p
Tobacco Induced Diseases
Research Paper

   Obesity is also becoming one of the most serious              questionnaire about demographic and social
health conditions worldwide including the Gulf                   characteristics, lifestyle factors, and past medical
region (GR)6. This disease correlates with several               history. A series of anthropometric measurements
comorbidities leading to an increase in disability,              and blood tests were then conducted. Exclusion
morbidity, and mortality 6. In Qatar, obesity is                 criteria included subjects going on special diets or
considered as a major risk factor contributing to                weight control medications, use of cortico-steroid
serious health issues and has reached epidemic levels            medications, drug or alcohol abuse, long standing
affecting 41.4% of all Qatari nationals (39.5% men               comorbidities (diabetes, hypertension, chronic thyroid
and 43.2% women)7. The two most common factors                   diseases, asthma, coronary artery disease, or cancer)
associated with obesity in adults are high-caloric diet          of ≥15 years, females that had a recent delivery, and
and lack of physical activity8. However, several studies         past smokers. Our study collected a random sample
have also identified smoking including WP smoking                of 1000 participants aged 18–65 years to explore
as a risk factor for obesity9,10. A study conducted in           the association between WPS and obesity. A total
the UK found that the risk of obesity was higher                 of 121 subjects were excluded due to missing data,
in current smokers in a dose-dependent manner;                   thus forming a total sample of 879 subjects who were
among smokers, the risk of obesity increased with the            divided based on their smoking status and included
amount smoked, however, compared to former light                 in the analysis.
smokers, former heavy smokers were probably more
obese11. In addition, the study found that after almost          Smoking status and lifestyle
three decades of quitting smoking, former smokers                Participants who reported active WP smoking at the
were at the same risk of obesity as never smokers                time of recruitment were considered as WP smokers.
in comparison with current smokers; however, the                 The majority of WP smokers reported smoking one
authors failed to provide evidence for any protective            session per day, hence, were not further classified.
effect of smoking against weight gain in sub-groups of           Cigarette smoking was calculated by the number of
young people and women11. Another investigation in               cigarettes smoked per day. Individuals who reported
Syria found that daily WP smokers have a higher body             no history of WPS or cigarette smoking were
mass index (BMI)12. Although WP smoking could                    considered never smokers. To avoid misclassification
be a suspected risk factor for obesity, association of           bias, participants who used to smoke but stopped
WP smoking with body weight or overall obesity is                smoking were excluded from the study. Information
still unknown. Thus, we explored the associations of             on physical activity was obtained by administering
WPS with BMI and obesity status using data from                  questions using a concise version of the International
the Qatar BioBank (QBB); our data indicate that WP               Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)14. However,
users, compared to never smokers, have higher BMI                questions with a large number of missing responses
and are likely to be obese.                                      were not included in the study. Physical activity was
                                                                 measured by the frequency of performing various
METHODS                                                          activities and reported as number of days per week. In
Study design and population                                      addition, details about occupational status and degree
We conducted a cross-sectional study using data from             of physical activity at work were collected.
the QBB project (,
which is a longitudinal cohort study that was initiated          Anthropometric measurements
in December 2012, in adults aged 18–89 years from                The height (m) and weight (kg) were measured
the population in Qatar. Only Qatari adults or long-             with participants wearing light clothes and no shoes.
term residents of Qatar (≥15 years) were eligible to             The height and weight were measured once using
participate in the QBB platform. Participation was               a wall-mounted stadiometer under the supervision
encouraged by social media or family and friends’                of a registered nurse. The instrument was calibrated
recommendations13.                                               after each participant. Body mass index (BMI,
   Inclusion criteria for participation were written             kg/m 2) was calculated and categorized into four
consent and completion of a self-administered                    groups: underweight (
Tobacco Induced Diseases
Research Paper

24.9), overweight (25.0–29.9), and obese (>30).                          the sex-stratified effect of smoking. Moreover, BMI, fat
Additionally, body composition was measured using                        mass, lean mass and body fat percentage were included
bioelectrical impedance analysis and reported as lean                    as the dependent variable in a multivariate regression
mass (kg), fat mass (kg), and body fat percentage                        analysis to test the relationship with the different types
(%)15. All measurements were performed by a trained                      of smoking while adjusting for other confounding
nurse using a TANITA BC-418 MA instrument.                               factors. Variables that were classified as confounders
Participants were instructed not to do anything special                  were age, sex, history of diabetes, and hypertension, as
on the day of measurements and to resume their                           well as nationality which was considered a surrogate
normal daily activities.                                                 for diet, and genetic factors. Physical activity was
                                                                         similar in all groups and had no effect size on the
Statistical analysis                                                     analysis, hence, was not included in the final analysis.
Categorical variables were expressed as percentages                      Results of the multivariate regression is presented as
(%) while numerical variables were presented as                          beta coefficients (β) and associated standard errors. All
mean ± standard deviation (SD). Normal distribution                      tests were two-tailed, and p values of less than 0.05
of numerical variables was assessed by histograms.                       were considered statistically significant. Analyses were
The participants were divided into four categories:                      executed using STATA software version 16 (College
WP smokers, cigarette smokers, dual smokers, and                         Station, TX, USA).
never smokers. Characteristics of the groups were
compared using Pearson’s chi-squared test for                            RESULTS
categorical variables and one-way ANOVA followed                         A total of 1000 participants of the QBB were selected
by Bonferroni post hoc test for numerical variables.                     and, of these, 121 were excluded due to missing data
Bonferroni post hoc test was used to compare the                         on smoking status (19) and body composition (102)
difference in anthropometric measurements among                          (Figure 1). The final sample of 879 participants
the four groups. Similar analyses were used to explore                   was divided based on their smoking status into four
               Figure 1. Flowchart depicting the size of the samples of the study and the smoking status of
               the study
Figure 1. Flowchart      participants
                      depicting   the size of the samples of the study and the smoking status of the study participants

               FootnoteQBB: Qatar BioBank.
               QBB: Qatar BioBank.

                                                     Tob. Induc. Dis. 2022;20(January):6

Tobacco Induced Diseases
Research Paper

groups: never smokers (498), WP smokers (108),                          and diabetes in the whole sample (about 40%).
cigarette smokers (196), and dual (WP and cigarette)                       Table 2 gives the BMI and body composition of
smokers (77), as shown in Figure 1.                                     the samples based on their smoking status. The
   The dual smokers group consumed less cigarettes                      average height was 167.38 ± 9.3 cm and average
in comparison to exclusive cigarette smokers with a                     weight was 74.6 ± 17.7 kg, with height and weight
mean of 14 ± 9 cigarettes for the dual smoking group                    significantly different between the four groups
and 21 ± 13 cigarettes for the exclusive cigarette                      (p
Tobacco Induced Diseases
Research Paper

Table 2. Anthropometric measurements of the participants based on their smoking status

                                                         Overall          Never smoker            Waterpipe            Cigarettes              Dual                    p
 Total, n                                                  879                   498                  108                  196                   77
 Height (cm), mean ± SD                                 167.4 ± 9.3         163.8 ± 9.1          171.9 ± 8.0          171.5 ± 6.8          173.6 ± 7.3
Tobacco Induced Diseases
Research Paper

adults, daily WP use was associated with greater BMI            13–15 years) revealed that boys from Gulf countries
and obesity. BMI of daily WP smokers averaged 5.6               (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, and Yemen) except
units greater than never smokers. In addition, 44.4%            Qatar, are significantly more likely than girls to
of WP smokers were classified as obese compared to              consume waterpipe 21. Moreover, the study also
none in the never smoker group. Moreover, compared              reported that girls were more likely to smoke WP in
to never smokers, WP had significantly stronger effect          comparison to cigarettes in all six countries (Bahrain,
on body fat mass. Although many of the WP smokers               Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, UAE, and Yemen) analyzed21.
also smoked cigarettes, cigarette smoking did not               Similarly, in a study by Memon et al.22, women in
significantly impact the WP/body weight association.            Kuwait represent 69% of waterpipe smokers compared
This is in view of the fact that 44.4% of WP smokers            to men (57%). Moreover, in Iran, intake of WP
were obese compared to 36.7% of cigarette smokers.              smoking is increasing quickly and becoming the most
Our results demonstrate a positive correlation between          prevalent social and leisure activity amongst women20.
WP smoking and obesity, which is concordant with                In this regard, an increase by 75% in WP smoking was
data obtained from studies in several countries                 reported in women compared to men (14%)23. In the
including in the Middle East. Studies performed in              Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well, there is a noticeable
Syria, Iran, Jordan, UAE, and Palestine showed that             increase in WP use among women of different age
WP smokers, in comparison to non-users, are prone               groups; with school girls representing 14%, female
to developing abdominal obesity, BMI, metabolic                 university students representing 11%, while 16% are
syndrome, and diabetes mellitus12. Moreover, mice               female doctors24. Moreover, studies in the Middle East
exposed to WP smoke had increased body weight,                  (Lebanon, Iran, Egypt, Jordan, Occupied Palestinian
larger abdominal circumference, elevated blood                  Territories, and the United Arab Emirates) have
pressure, and higher fasting glucose in comparison              shown that women smoke WP as frequently as men. A
to unexposed animals10, plausibly due to metabolic              Lebanese study showed that 6.7% of women compared
dysfunction induced by tobacco smoke exposure. One              to 6.9% of men smoke WP, while the study reported a
of the plausible reasons for metabolic dysfunction              lower prevalence of WP smoking in women, however,
can be the presence of gut bacteria. Studies have               higher waterpipe dependence was recorded in women
demonstrated an association of gut microbiota with              (about 52%) compared to men (about 40%)25.
human metabolic diseases and indicated susceptibility              The Qatari population shows high rates of obesity
to obesity16,17. In addition, research has reported             in addition to other cardiovascular risk factors such
an association between smoking and human gut                    as cigarette smoking, physical inactivity, diabetes,
bacteria 18. Lee et al. 18 reported that human gut              hypertension, and unhealthy diet patterns 26-29.
bacteria composition correlated with smoking. The               Furthermore, higher BMI and obesity is associated
study reported that in comparison to former and                 with the onset and development of several cancers
never smokers, current smokers had higher levels of             including breast, lung, bladder, colorectal and
bacteroidetes and the groups did not vary in terms of           prostate30; these cancers are prominent in several
BMI or nutrient intake18. Nevertheless, the study also          Middle-Eastern countries including Qatar31. Thus, it
suggested cessation of smoking for a long duration can          is evident that WPS can have an important role in the
help the gut bacteria composition to recuperate to that         development of these cancers directly or indirectly.
of never smokers18. Additionally, both abdominal and               Nevertheless, it must be mentioned that few
overall obesity further contribute to cardiovascular            investigations have reported lower BMI in cigarette
diseases, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome19.                   smokers compared to never smokers32. This could
   Although earlier reports demonstrated the harmful            be due to nicotine-mediating metabolic and
health effects of WP smoking, women, especially                 anorectic effects33. On the other hand, results of
in the Middle East, tend to choose waterpipe over               other studies are in concordance with our findings
cigarettes20. Interestingly, our study revealed that            with regard to the correlation between smoking
WP smokers are predominantly female (57.4% were                 and BMI34. This association is probably due to the
females; p
Tobacco Induced Diseases
Research Paper

anorectic effects of smoking34. Similarly, underlying            number of refills. Lastly, the cross-sectional design
mechanisms for the association of WP smoking and                 of the study makes it difficult to establish a causal
obesity can include lack of physical activity during             relationship between WP smoking and obesity. To
the typically long WP smoking sessions, as well as               further confirm the association, studies using larger
the concept of socialization practiced around food               prospective cohorts in diverse populations are
and/or coffee in cafes and restaurants35. In our study,          required. In addition, prospective studies are required
the plurality of WP users (46%) showed physical                  to elucidate the short-term and long-term effects of
inactivity. Furthermore, reduced physical activity of            smoking cessation on obesity.
WP smokers combined with lower nicotine intake, in
comparison with cigarette smokers, may attribute to              CONCLUSIONS
lower metabolic function in this group.                          This study demonstrates an association between WP
   Interestingly, our sample showed that cigarette               smoking and BMI as well as fat mass. Daily WP users,
smoking is almost twice as prevalent as WP smoking,              compared to non-users, have a higher BMI and are
which is consistent with a recent study on the                   more likely to be obese. Increase in body weight can
Qatari population showing that 21% of tobacco                    elevate the potential risk of developing several health
users consumed WP, while 43% smoked cigarettes36.                conditions including metabolic syndrome, diabetes,
Nevertheless, the recent trend of tobacco use decline            and coronary heart disease.
presents a shift towards WP consumption, particularly
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                                                                 We thank the Department of Population Medicine of the College of
                                                                 Medicine, Qatar University, for their support. We thank QBB for their
                                                                 support in providing us with the data. The authors would like to thank
                                                                 Amal Kassab for her critical reading of the manuscript.

                                                                 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
                                                                 The authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for
                                                                 Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest and none was reported.

                                                                 This work is supported by the College of Medicine and Health Cluster of
                                                                 Qatar University. The funder had no role in the design of the study; in
                                                                 the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the
                                                                 manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.

                                                                 ETHICAL APPROVAL AND INFORMED CONSENT
                                                                 This study was approved by Qatar University institutional review
                                                                 board (IRB# Ex -2020-RES-ACC-0187-0112) and QBB IRB. Participants
                                                                 provided written consent.

                                                                 DATA AVAILABILITY
                                                                 The data supporting this research can be found in the Supplementary

                                                                 AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS
                                                                 Conceptualization, AEAM; methodology, AAAl, AAK, AMA, NAAK, NHAN,
                                                                 OMT, RAAH and SMR; formal analysis, AAAs, AAAl, AAK, AMA, NAAK,
                                                                 NHAN, OMT, RAAH and SMR; data curation, AAAs; writing/original draft
                                                                 preparation, AAAl, IG and AAAs; writing/review and editing, all authors;
                                                                 supervision, AEAM. All authors have read and agreed to the published
                                                                 version of the manuscript.

                                                                 PROVENANCE AND PEER REVIEW
                                                                 Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

                                            Tob. Induc. Dis. 2022;20(January):6

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