Growth and accumulation of nutrients in bromeliads, in a greenhouse

Page created by Kyle Robertson
Brazilian Journal of Development 48630
                                                                                                 ISSN: 2525-8761

Growth and accumulation of nutrients in bromeliads, in a greenhouse,
                           in Cerrado

Crescimento e acúmulo de nutrientes em bromélias com ocorrência no
                 Cerrado em ambiente protegido

Recebimento dos originais: 14/04/2021
Aceitação para publicação: 14/05/2021

                            José Carlos dos Santos Júnior
                                 Engenheiro Agrônomo
                       Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres
Instituto Federal Goiano-Campus Ceres, Rod. GO - 154, km 03, Zona Rural, Ceres, GO.

                              Cristiele dos Santos Souza
                                 Mestra em Botânica
                               Universidade de Brasília
 Universidade de Brasília - Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Laboratório de Termobiologia, Asa
                                 Norte, Brasília - DF.

                                  Cleiton Mateus Sousa
                                   Doutor em Fitotecnia
                        Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres
  Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres, Rod. GO - 154, km 03, Zona Rural, Ceres,

                                Leonardo Alves Carneiro
                                  Doutor em Agronomia
                        Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres
  Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres, Rod. GO - 154, km 03, Zona Rural, Ceres,

                                Mariella Camargo Rocha
                                  Doutora em Fitotecnia
                        Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres
  Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres, Rod. GO - 154, km 03, Zona Rural, Ceres,

The Bromeliaceae family shows great genetic diversity and ecological, industrial,
landscape, and food application. However, for most species, there exist no strategies for
their commercial exploitation. In order to contribute to the development of technologies
for the cultivation of bromeliads in Cerrado, the growth of three bromeliads in a

                Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.7, n.5, p. 48630-48644 may. 2021
Brazilian Journal of Development 48631
                                                                                                ISSN: 2525-8761

commercial substrate enriched with or without organomineral fertilizer in a greenhouse
was evaluated. Periodically, the number of leaves, plant height (cm), leaf length (cm),
leaf width (cm), stem diameter (cm), and chlorophyll index (SPAD) were evaluated. Fresh
and dry mass, P (g kg-1), K (g kg-1), Ca (g kg-1), Mg (g kg-1), Fe (mg kg-1), Mn (mg kg-1),
and Zn (mg kg-1) in the aerial part and in the root system of the plants were evaluated.
Bromeliads showed specific responses to substrates and evaluation days. The substrates
enriched with organomineral fertilizer favored plant growth. During the evaluation
period, SPAD was reduced. Organomineral did not increase the nutrient content in the
aerial parts or in the root system of the plants. The three species of bromeliads showed
potential for cultivation in a greenhouse, without compromising the quality of the plants;
however, it is necessary to define the specific substrates to optimize the growth of each

Keywords: Aechmea bromeliifolia, Aechmea distichantha, Ananas erectifolius,
greenhouse cultivation

A família Bromeliaceae possui grande diversidade genética e importância ecológica,
industrial, paisagística e alimentar. No entanto, para a maioria das espécies não há
estratégias para exploração comercial. Visando contribuir com o desenvolvimento de
tecnologias para o cultivo de bromélias com ocorrência no Cerrado, avaliou-se o
crescimento de três bromélias em substrato comercial, enriquecido ou não com
fertilizante organomineral, em ambiente protegido. Periodicamente, avaliou-se o número
de folhas, altura da planta (cm), comprimento da folha (cm), largura da folha (cm),
diâmetro do caule (cm) e índice de clorofila (SPAD), e aos 210 dias de cultivo, a massa
fresca e seca, os teores de fósforo (g kg-1), potássio (g kg-1), cálcio (g kg-1), magnésio (g
kg-1), ferro (mg kg-1), manganês (mg kg-1) e zinco (mg kg-1) na parte aérea e no sistema
radicular das plantas. As bromélias apresentaram respostas específicas aos substratos e
épocas de avaliações. O enriquecido com fertilizante organomineral favoreceu o
crescimento das plantas. No decorrer do período das avaliações, o SPAD reduziu. O
organomineral não proporcionou aumento no teor dos nutrientes na parte aérea ou no
sistema radicular das plantas. As três espécies de bromélias demonstraram potencial para
o cultivo em ambiente protegido, sem comprometer a qualidade das plantas, no entanto,
torna-se necessário definir substrato específico para otimizar o crescimento de cada

Palavras-chave: Aechmea bromeliifolia, Aechmea distichantha, Ananas erectifolius,
cultivo em ambiente protegido

       The Bromeliaceae family has at least 3.650 species (Gouda et al. 2020), with
epiphytic, rupicolous, terrestrial, and perennial behavior, and reduced stem and leaves
arranged in rosettes (Forzza et al. 2020; Sanches 2009). Bromeliads have ecological
importance (Ladino et al. 2019), and some are explored in food and industry (Suárez et
al. 2020; De Souza et al. 2016), and landscaping, owing to the variable colors, shapes,

               Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.7, n.5, p. 48630-48644 may. 2021
Brazilian Journal of Development 48632
                                                                                                ISSN: 2525-8761

and textures of their flowers (Sanches 2009) and fruits. In this scenario, it is noteworthy
that bromeliads have new species inserted in the ornamental plant trade annually
(Negrelle and Anacleto 2019; Anacleto et al. 2019).
       Cerrado bromeliads can have potential ornamental (Zucchi et al. 2020). Ananas
erectifolius L. B. Sm. has increased ornamental use and high demands owing to the exotic
and colorful small fruits, which it produces (Souza et al. 2012). Aechmea bromeliifolia
(Rudge) Baker has ornamental potential and can still grow on phorophytes in the process
of forest restoration (Duarte and Gandolfi 2013). Aechmea distichantha Lem. has pink
inflorescence, bluish petals, high ornamental value and exploited in a predatory,
unsustainable way.
       Production and commercialization of bromeliads have the potential to contribute
to flower and ornamental plant market; however, the plant poses a threat to the
maintenance of the diversity of these biological resources, especially in countries such as
Brazil, Bolivia, and Colombia (Negrelle et al. 2012), owing to the lack of information and
technologies for its production for commercial purposes with high productivity and
quality (Giampaoli et al. 2017), and in some cases, extractive exploitation occurs.
Production technologies of bromeliads are still restricted to some species. Young et al.
(2018) pointed out that the search for technologies to increase this plant productivity and
quality is still a major challenge.
       In commercial cultivation, bromeliads are grown outside their natural habitat, and
generally show changes in growth and characteristics (Londers et al. 2005), making their
use unfeasible, and consequently limiting the diversity in landscape projects. Defining
the strategies for obtaining seedlings and growing bromeliads without compromising its
quality enables commercial exploitation without predatory exploitation; this had occurred
in many cases and can generate an alternative source of income for producers in rural
areas. Substrates and fertilizers are recommended for various crops (Coutinho 2017;
Sanches 2009; Ferreira et al. 2007); however, to our knowledge, there is no research
showing substrates for bromeliads, especially those found in the Cerrado.
       Organomineral fertilizers, a mixture of minerals and organic residues, are
beneficial for the growth and yield of various crops (Chagas et al. 2018); they have the
potential to improve the production of seedlings and growth of bromeliads. However, to
our knowledge, there is no prior research showing the use of organominerals for the
production and growth of bromeliad seedlings. The benefits of organomineral fertilizers
in crops are associated with the role they play in the gradual release of nutrients, increased

               Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.7, n.5, p. 48630-48644 may. 2021
Brazilian Journal of Development 48633
                                                                                                   ISSN: 2525-8761

  organic matter, biological activity in the soil, bioavailability of P, efficiency of nutrient
  use, and availability of water. These roles make it possible to achieve better growth and
  crop yield. Growth and nutrient accumulation were evaluated in three species of
  bromeliads grown in protected environment with commercial substrate enriched with or
  without organomineral fertilizer.

          The experiment was carried out at the Federal Institute of Goiano - Campus Ceres.
  The climate of this region is classified as tropical (Aw) according to Koppen and Geiger.
  Three bromeliads: A. erectifolius, A. bromellifolia and A. distichantha, were propagated
  in vitro and acclimatized in polystyrene trays with 128 cells each, and then filled with
  Tropstrato HA® substrate in a greenhouse, with intermittent irrigation using micro
  sprinklers, from March to November 2017.
          Plantlets were selected, based on height, number of leaves, and stem diameter, and
  transferred to plastic containers with a capacity of 1.0 L, containing commercial substrate
  enriched with or without organomineral. The plantlets were grown for 210 days in a
  greenhouse covered with 100 µm thick transparent polyethylene film, and the side
  covered with a black screen with 50% shading; intermittent irrigation of 5 min was
  performed every 3 h in the daytime.
          The substrate was prepared with a mixture of Tropstrato HA® and Carolina
  Padrão® at a ratio of 6.25:1. Each recipient contained about 300 g of the mixture + 10 g
  of the organomineral fertilizer. The treatments without organomineral fertilizer contained
  only the substrate mixture. Their chemical compositions are shown in Table 1. The
  formulation of the organomineral fertilizer was as follows: 670 g of bovine manure, 330
  g of monoammonium phosphate (MAP), and 120 g of bentonite and 2% sodium silicate
  solution, comprising 5.4% Nitrogen (N), 16% Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) and 2%
  Potassium Oxide (K2O).

  Table 1. Chemical compositions of the substrates Tropstrato HA® and Carolina Padrão® with or without
  organomineral fertilizer (OF) for the cultivation of three bromeliads: Ananas erectifolius L. B. Sm.,
  Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker and Aechmea distichantha Lem. in greenhouse.
               pH       MO       Ca       Mg      Al H+Al       K        T   K         P        V
               H2O g dm-³         -------------- cmolc dm-³ ------------     -- mg dm-³ ---     %
without OF     6,98 65           8,45 6,90 0           1,80     0,33 17,48 129,0 189            89,70
with OF        6,62 88           8,91 5,80 0           2,20     0,35 17,26 137,3 413            87,25

                  Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.7, n.5, p. 48630-48644 may. 2021
Brazilian Journal of Development 48634
                                                                                                ISSN: 2525-8761

       The experimental design for non-destructive variables was randomized blocks,
with plots subdivided on the basis of time in a 3 × 2 × 6 factorial arrangement comprising
three bromeliads (A. erectifolius, A. bromellifolia and A. distichantha), two substrates
(commercial substrate mixture with or without organomineral fertilizer), and six
evaluation periods (30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 210 days of cultivation), with three replicates
and 10 plants in each experimental unit. For each evaluation period, the number of leaves,
plant height (cm), leaf length (cm), leaf width (cm), stem diameter (cm), and chlorophyll
index (SPAD) were analyzed.
       For destructive variables, the experimental design was a randomized block, in a 3
× 2 factorial arrangement comprising three bromeliads (A. erectifolius, A. bromellifolia
and A. distichantha) and two substrates (commercial substrate mixture with or without
organomineral fertilizer), with three replicates and 10 plants in each experimental unit.
At the end of 210 days, the fresh and dry mass, and contents of phosphorus (g kg-1),
potassium (g kg-1), calcium (g kg-1), magnesium (g kg-1), iron (mg kg-1), manganese (mg
kg-1), and zinc (mg kg-1) in the aerial part and root system of the plants were analyzed.
       Data were analyzed using F test at 5% probability of error, means between
genotypes were compared using Tukey’s test, and regression analysis for response
tendency, according to the evaluation periods, were performed using the SISVAR
statistical program.

       The plantlets of: A. erectifolius, A. bromellifolia and A. distichantha propagated
in vitro demonstrated potential and facility for acclimatization and cultivation in the
greenhouse. During the 210 days, there were no morphological changes of the species.
       Bromeliads showed differences in their responses to substrates and evaluation
periods. Interaction of substrates with genotypes was significant (p
Brazilian Journal of Development 48635
                                                                                                                                                   ISSN: 2525-8761

                 Table 2. Plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, leaf length, and leaf width of three bromeliads:
                 Ananas erectifolius L. B. Sm., Aechmea distichantha Lem. and Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker
                 grown on commercial substrate enriched with or without organomineral fertilizer (OF) in greenhouse.
Bromeliads         Height of plant (cm)     Number of leaves        Stem diameter (cm)        Length of leaf (cm)     Width of leaf (cm)
                   With          Without    With          Without With            Without     With        Without     With       Without
                   OF            OF         OF            OF         OF           OF          OF          OF          OF         OF
A. erectifolius    10,51 Ac      7,12 Bb    21,98 Aa 17,37 Ba 1,96 Aa             1,41 Ba     13,05 Ab 8,60 Bb        2,17 Ab 1,55 Bb
A. distichantha    12,75 Ab      9,12 Bb    18,42 Ab 16,39 Ba 1,26 Ac             0,98 Bb     11,54 Ac 8,55 Bb        1,35 Ac 1,13 Ac
A. bromeliifolia   19,22 Aa      12,72 Ba 16,79 Ac 11,57 Bb 1,69 Ab               1,15 Bb     19,79 Aa 12,19 Ba 2,59 Aa 2,16 Ba
C.V. (%)                    15,54                    7,64                     6,89                    10,81                   7,58

                  Fig. 1 Number of leaves in Ananas erectifolius L. B. Sm., Aechmea distichantha Lem. and Aechmea
                  bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker and after 210 days of cultivation in greenhouse on the substrate with

                   Leaves per Plant (cm)


                                                              A. erectifolius ( x ______) = -0,0002x2 + 0,0744x + 13,961
                                           10                                         R² = 0,9747
                                                              A. distichantha (•   - - - - -) = -0,0003x2 + 0,0876x + 12,883
                                                                                          R² = 0,799
                                                              A. bromellifolia (▪ __ __ __) = -0,00009x2 + 0,0103x + 14,444
                                                                                        R² = 0,4784

                                                         0             30             60           90           120               150              180           210
                                                                                                 Cultivation Days

                  Fig. 2 Height (cm) of Ananas erectifolius L. B. Sm., Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker and Aechmea
                  distichantha Lem. during 210 days of cultivation in greenhouse on the substrate with organomineral.

                                                                                            y= 0,0419x + 7,2977 R² = 0,9891

                                           Height (cm)




                                                              0           30           60            90           120           150           180            210

                                                                                                 Cultivation Days

                                                                  Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.7, n.5, p. 48630-48644 may. 2021
Brazilian Journal of Development 48636
                                                                                                                                         ISSN: 2525-8761

Fig. 3 Stem diameter (cm) of Ananas erectifolius L. B. Sm., Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker and
Aechmea distichantha Lem. with different days of cultivation on substrate with or without organomineral
fertilizer (OF).
                                                                                                     With OF •    _______ = 0,0062x + 0,9544
                                                                                                                    R² = 0,9367
  Stem Diameter (cm)


                                       1                                                             Without OF ° - - - - - - = 0,0037x + 0,7816
                                                                                                                     R² = 0,9655


                                            0                  30             60              90            120             150          180               210
                                                                                         Cultivation Days

Fig. 4 Relative content of chlorophyll (SPAD) in Ananas erectifolius L. B. Sm., Aechmea bromeliifolia
(Rudge) Baker and Aechmea distichantha Lem. during 210 days of cultivation in greenhouse.
            60                                         y = 0,0021x2 - 0,65x + 67,507 R² = 0,9678
                 Chlorophyll (SPAD)



                                                    0               30             60           90          120             150          180           210

                                                                                        Cultivation Days

                                        Enrichment of the substrate with an organomineral resulted in a greater number
of leaves, height, stem diameter, and leaf length in the three genotypes. However, each

                                                        Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.7, n.5, p. 48630-48644 may. 2021
Brazilian Journal of Development 48637
                                                                                               ISSN: 2525-8761

genotype showed an intensity of response to the enrichment of the substrate with the
organomineral (Table 2).
       A. erectifolius had a higher number of leaves on the substrate with organomineral
than A. distichantha. A. bromeliifolia exhibited the highest response to the organomineral,
with an increase of about 45% in the number of leaves, whereas A. distichantha exhibited
the lowest response to the organomineral, with only 12.4% increase in number of leaves
(Table 2); A. bromeliifolia and A. distichantha had a greater number of leaves at 90 and
120 days, respectively. A. erectifolius showed a linear trend in the increase in the number
of leaves during the 210 days evaluation period (Fig. 1). Ferreira et al. (2007) observed a
greater number of leaves in Neoregelia cruenta after 120 days on the commercial
substrate Plantamax® in comparison to those on conventional substrates, which
comprises soil, sand, and rice husk. Coutinho (2017) initially found no significant
differences in the number of entire leaves of Bromelia reversacantha Mez., on different
proportions of substrates (soil, sand, and commercial substrate) up to 90 days, and 120
days for the number of green leaves.
       A. bromeliifolia had higher plant height than A. erectifolius and A. distichantha,
irrespective of the substrate. In the substrate with organomineral, A. distichantha had
higher plant height than A. erectifolius, whereas in the substrate without organomineral,
their plant heights did not differ. Enrichment of the substrate with organomineral
increased plant height by 47.6% for A. erectifolius, 39.8% for A. distichantha, and 51.1%
for A. bromeliifolia. The presence of organomineral intensified the difference in plant
height among bromeliads (Table 2). During the 210 days evaluation period, there was a
linear increase in plant height (Fig. 2). Sanches (2009) observed a higher height in
bromeliad Aechmea fasciata, which leaf or root pathways received fertilization treatment,
than those without treatment. Baldotto et al. (2009) obtained a higher height in A. comosus
L. Merril (pineapple ‘‘vitória’’) on the commercial substrate Plantmax® Hortaliças with
application of humic acids on the basal leaves than those on control.
       Enrichment of substrate with organomineral increased stem diameter by 39.0%,
28.57%, and 46.96% for A. erectifolius, A. distichantha, and A. bromeliifolia,
respectively. In the substrate without organomineral, no difference was detected between
the stem diameter of A. distichantha and A. bromellifolia, but in the substrate with
organomineral, their stem diameter differed (Table 2). Stem diameter increased linearly
with the evaluation period, with greater intensity in the substrate with organomineral (Fig.
3). Fertigation using cistern in Aechmea fasciata (Sanches 2009) and foliar fertilization

              Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.7, n.5, p. 48630-48644 may. 2021
Brazilian Journal of Development 48638
                                                                                               ISSN: 2525-8761

in Cryptanthus sinuosus L. B. Sm. (Jasmim et al. 2006) did not increase stem diameter.
Cultivation of Alcantarea imperialis “Harms” plantlets on a substrate containing
carbonized rice husks (Rodrigues et al. 2004) and Bromelia reversacantha Mez. on
commercial substrate provided a larger stem diameter. This shows the divergences in the
nutritional requirements of bromeliads, making it necessary to define their substrates so
they could express their genetic potential, and consequently, become plants with better
       Organomineral increased the length of the largest leaf in the three bromeliads. The
presence of organomineral increased the difference between the bromeliads (Table 2).
Among the bromeliads without organomineral, A. bromeliifolia showed the best result
(Table 2). The organomineral increased the leaf width of A. erectifolius and A.
bromeliifolia, but had no effect on the leaf width of A. distichantha (Table 2). The length
and width of a leaf are directly associated with leaf area and have a relevant role in the
production of photoassimilates. Plants with greater leaf length and width have a greater
capacity for production of photoassimilates, growth, and accumulation of dry mass (Table
       Bromeliad leaves have anatomical and physiological differences in apical and
basal regions. The apical region specializes in photosynthesis, whereas the basal region
specializes in water absorption (Freschi et al. 2010; Schmidt et al. 2001); thus, the larger
the leaf, the greater the area for photosynthesis and water absorption. Chlorophyll is a
pigment that absorbs the light necessary for photosynthesis. SPAD-502 is an effective
tool for estimating chlorophyll in leaves (Hawkins et al. 2009) and has a high relationship
with N content (Bassi et al. 2018; (Xiong et al. 2015). Chlorophyll content (SPAD) did
not differ between bromeliads and showed a trend of intensive linear reduction until 90
days of cultivation, but became stable afterwards (Fig. 4). Considering that there was no
fertilization during the experiment, the N available in the substrates probably limited the
synthesis of chlorophyll in bromeliads. Ferreira et al. (2007) associated chlorophyll
deficiency in Neoregelia cruenta (R. Graham) L. B. Sm. to the use of nitrogen in
       The presence of organomineral in the substrate increased the fresh and dry mass
of the aerial part in the three bromeliads. In the substrate without organomineral, there
was no significant difference in the fresh and dry mass of the aerial part. In the substrate
with organomineral, there were differences between the fresh and dry mass of the aerial

              Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.7, n.5, p. 48630-48644 may. 2021
Brazilian Journal of Development 48639
                                                                                                      ISSN: 2525-8761

    part in the bromeliads, but did not show the same response trend between fresh and dry
    mass (Tables 3 and 4).

   Table 3. Fresh mass of the aerial part (g) of Ananas erectifolius L. B. Sm., Aechmea distichantha Lem. and
   Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker cultivated on substrate with and without organomineral fertilizer
                      Ananas erectifolius               Aechmea distichantha          Aechmea bromeliifolia
With OF               59,15 Ab*                         33,96 Ac                      88,76 Aa
Without OF            21,06 Ba                          16,62 Ba                      29,94 Ba
CV                                                                14,52%
   * Lowercase letters compare substrate on each bromeliad and uppercase letters compare bromeliads on
   each substrate, using Tukey’s test (P < 0.05).

    Table 4. Dry mass of the aerial part (g) of Ananas erectifolius L. B. Sm., Aechmea distichantha Lem. and
    Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker cultivated in substrate with and without organomineral fertilizer
                          Ananas erectifolius          Aechmea distichantha          Aechmea bromeliifolia
With OF                   7,99 Aa*                     3,92 Ab                       9,89 Aa
Without OF                2,69 Ba                      1,59 Ba                       2,98 Ba
CV                                                                 19,71%
    * Lowercase letters compare substrate on each bromeliad and uppercase letters compare bromeliads on
    each substrate, using Tukey’s test (P < 0.05).

            The accumulation of dry mass in plants depends on the absorption and
    assimilation of nutrients and CO2. It is evident in this study that the composition of the
    commercial substrate and the absence of complementary fertilization limited the
    accumulation of dry mass in the plants, considering that the plants were grown under ideal
    conditions for photosynthesis. Thus, to increase the accumulation of dry mass in plants
    and, consequently, greater growth of bromeliad plants, it is necessary to supplement the
    plant with fertilizers.
            The substrate without organomineral reduced the accumulation of P, K, and Mn
    in the aerial part of the bromeliads. Among the bromeliads, there were no differences in
    P content in the aerial part. A. bromellifolia had a greater accumulation of K and Mn than
    A. distichantha and A. erectifolius. A. bromellifolia had a greater accumulation of Ca than
    A. erectifolius (Table 5). Ca is associated with cell wall structure, membrane stabilization,
    and vacuole osmotic control, and it also acts as a second messenger. The levels of Fe and
    Zn in plants were not influenced by the substrates or species.

                     Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.7, n.5, p. 48630-48644 may. 2021
Brazilian Journal of Development 48640
                                                                                                      ISSN: 2525-8761

    Table 5. Contents of P, K, Ca, Mg and Mn in aerial part (g kg-1) of Ananas erectifolius L. B. Sm., Aechmea
    distichantha Lem. and Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker during 210 days of cultivation in greenhouse
    in greenhouse on the substrate with organomineral.
Bromeliads                      P (g kg-1)       K (g kg-1)       Ca (g kg-1)      Mg (g kg-1)      Mn (mg kg-1)
Ananas erectifolius             3,79 a*          3,70 b           2,53 b           1,25 b           2,00 b
Aechmea distichantha            4,63 a           3,13 b           2,86 ab          1,78 b           2,98 a
Aechmea bromeliifolia           4,74 a           5,08 a           2,94 a           2,97 a           3,56 a
CV%                             22,22            21,60            8,79             28,36            15,47
      * Means followed by the same letter in the column do not differ, using Tukey’s test at 5% probability.

             In the root system, there was only a difference between species for K. Among the
    species, A. distichantha had the highest K content, and A. erectifolius had the lowest
    content (Table 6). Although K is not incorporated into biomolecules, it plays an essential
    role in stabilizing the structures of many proteins and macromolecules and in water and
    ionic balance of tissues.

    Table 6. Contents of P, K, Ca, and Mg in root (g kg-1) of Ananas erectifolius L. B. Sm., Aechmea
    distichantha Lem. and Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker during 210 days of cultivation in greenhouse
    on the substrate with organomineral.
  Bromeliads                     P (g kg-1)           K (g kg-1)          Ca (g kg-1)         Mg (g kg-1)
  Ananas erectifolius            2,27 a               0,50 c              2,23 a              0,74 a
  Aechmea distichantha           2,16 a               0,80 a              3,08 a              0,91 a
  Aechmea bromeliifolia          1,69 a               0,65 b              3,77 a              1,07 a
  CV%                            80,40                8,07                55,55               26,11
        * Means followed by the same letter in the column do not differ by Tukey’s test at 5% probability.

             In the three species of bromeliads, accumulation of P, K, and Mg in the aerial part
    was higher than those found in the root system. For Ca, the values were similar (Tables 5
    and 6), indicating no predominance among plant organs. P is involved in several
    structures, such as phospholipid membranes, energy storage (ATP), and genetic
    information (DNA and RNA).
             Mg plays an essential role in the activation of several enzymes, carbon fixation by
    the enzymes rubisco and PEPcase, and integration of chlorophyll molecule (Pereira
    2017); if deficient, it compromises the production of photoassimilates, restricting the
    growth of aerial part and increasing the ratio of aerial part/root system. The highest aerial
    ratio of part/root system was found in the substrate without organomineral; A. erectifolius
    was the one with the lowest ratio (tables 3 and 4). Among the species, A. erectifolius also
    had the lowest Mg content in aerial part (table 5).
             Accumulation of nutrients in plant tissues depends on the availability of substrate,
    absorption and assimilation capacity, and mobilization of elements between plant organs.
    The divergence between species in the accumulation of nutrients may be associated with

                     Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.7, n.5, p. 48630-48644 may. 2021
Brazilian Journal of Development 48641
                                                                                                ISSN: 2525-8761

specificity in the interaction of root system with the substrate, root anatomy, and element
carrier proteins in the cell membranes of each species; there, specific strategies for certain
cultivation conditions should be defined.

       Bromeliads showed potential for cultivation in greenhouse and differed in terms
of growth and accumulation of nutrients, thus, the substrate for each species should be
defined. The addition of organomineral fertilizer to the commercial substrate favored the
growth of the three bromeliads species; however, it did not increase the content of the
elements in the plants. Complementary fertilization can improve the growth of bromeliads
grown on a commercial substrate in a protected environment.

To the Botanical Garden of Brasília (JBB) and EMATER-GO for providing the genetic
materials of the bromeliads. To Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
Tecnológico (CNPq) and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás
(FAPEG) for financial support.

               Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.7, n.5, p. 48630-48644 may. 2021
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