Associate Professor Wei ZHAO - ESSCA

Page created by Sandra Burgess
Associate Professor Wei ZHAO

Main department: Economics, Law and             Email:
  - Industrial Policy of Technology and Innovation
  - Manufacturing Strategy
  - Emerging New Energy Industry
  - EU-China Relations

  - EU-China Relations
  - International trade
  - Country Risk Analysis
  - Market Dynamics
  - Business Development in China

Highest degree :
  2006        Doctorate/PhD, Economic Science, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3,

  1995         Master of Law, Applied Sociology, Sun Yat-sen University, China (PRC)

Academic experience
  Since 2014   Associate Professor of International Management, ESSCA School of
               Management, France
  2000 - 2014 Senior Lecturer, École supérieure de commerce de Saint-Étienne, France
  1998 - 2000 Marketing Manager, Balanced Foundation Property Consultants Co Ltd,
              China (PRC)
  1995 - 1996 Senior Researcher, Nielsen-SRG Guangzhou Company, China (PRC)
Professional experience
  2000 - 2007 Senior Public Affairs Manager, CARREFOUR, China (PRC)

Service to the academic discipline

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Active participation in a research consortium
  Since 2016   Member, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, France
  Since 2011   Principal Affiliate Researcher, Institute of Research for Reform &
               Development of the Pearl River Delta, China (PRC)
  Since 2006   Member, Centre franco-chinois de recherche en gestion, France
  Committee or board member of scientific associations/societies
  Since 2012   Coordinator, Network on Asian Capitalisms, Society for the Advancement
               of Socio-Economics, SASE
  2012 - 2018 Vice-President, Sociology and Management Work Group, Association
              Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française, France
  Participation in the scientific committee of a conference
  2021 - 2021 Panel coordinator: Q-01 - China's Economy, Virtual conference, Society for
              the Advancement of Socio-Economics, SASE
  2021 - 2021 Panel coordinator: Q-02 - Education and Skills in East Asia, Virtual
              conference, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, SASE
  2021 - 2021 Panel coordinator: Q-03 - Asia's Rise and Comparative Political Economy,
              Virtual conference, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics,
  2021 - 2021 Panel coordinator: Q-05 - COVID-19 Responses in Asia, Virtual conference,
              Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, SASE
  2021 - 2021 Panel coordinator: Q-06 - The ICT Sector and East Asia, Virtual conference,
              Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, SASE
  2021 - 2021 Panel coordinator: Q-07 - Labor Relations with Chinese Characteristics,
              Virtual conference, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics,
  2021 - 2021 Panel coordinator: Q-08 - Governance in East Asia, Virtual conference,
              Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, SASE

Peer-reviewed Articles
  ZHAO, W. and RUET, J. (2021). Managing the Chinese Economy in “Post-Miracle” Era:
  Crisis of Growth Model and Policy Responses. Post-Communist Economies, 33(7).
  CONLÉ, M., ZHAO, W. and TEN BRINK, T. (2021). Technology transfer models for
  knowledge-based regional development: New R&D institutes in Guangdong, China.
  Science and Public Policy, 48(1), pp. 132-144.
  ZHAO, W. (2016). How Do Chinese Firms Manage Innovation: A Perspective of Dynamic
  Capabilities. Asian Research Policy, 7(1), pp. 33-35.
  ZHAO, W. (2015). From Industrial Policy to Upgrading Strategy: Dilemma of Local
  Developmental State in China's Pearl River Delta. China Economic Policy Review, 1(3),
  pp. 32.
  ZHAO, W. (2015). Is R&D Upgrading China from Imitation to Innovation? An Institutional
  Analysis of Absorptive Capacity. Journal Transition Studies Review, 22(2), pp. 81-110.
  ARVANITIS, R., VILLAVICENCIO, D. and ZHAO, W. (2014). L’apprentissage technologique
  dans les pays émergents : Au-delà de l’atelier et de l’entreprise. Revue d'Anthropologie
  des Connaissances, 3(8), pp. 495-521.

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ZHAO, W. and LA PIRA, F. (2013). Chinese Entrepreneurship: Institutions, Ecosystems
  and Growth Limits. Advances in Economics and Business, pp. 72-88.
  ZHAO, W., ARVANITIS, R. and LA PIRA, F. (2011). Innovation policy and local cluster of
  entrepreneurs in South China. International Journal of Management and Enterprise
  Development, 11(1/2/3), pp. 109-126.
  ZHAO, W. and ARVANITIS, R. (2010). The Innovation and Learning Capabilities of
  Chinese Firms. Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, pp. 6-27.
  ZHAO, W. and ARVANITIS, R. (2008). L’inégal développement de la Chine : capacités
  d’innovation et coexistence de différents modes de développement industriel. Région
  et Développement, 28, pp. 61-85.

Books and Book Editor
  ZHAO, W. (2013). La capacité d’innovation chinoise. Apprentissage technologique dans
  les industries automobiles et électroniques. Saarbrücken: Presses Académiques
  Francophones .

Chapters in book
  ZHAO, W. (2018). Main Report, Guangdong Blue-cover Book of Innovation-driven
  Development. In: Ni Xing, Qiu Haixiong eds. 1st ed. Guangzhou: Sun Yat-Sen University
  Press, pp. 3-39.
  ZHAO, W. (2015). What is Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics? Perspective on
  State, Market, and Society. In: Lucia SCAFFARDI (ed.). The BRICS Group in the
  Spotlight: An Interdisciplinary Approach. 1st ed. Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane,
  pp. 299-327.
  ZHAO, W. (2015). Systèmes nationaux d'innovation dans les pays émergents: le cas de
  la Chine. In: Jean François Huchet, Xavier Richet et Joël Ruet, eds. Chine, Inde: les
  firmes au cœur de l'émergence. 1st ed. Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 93-108.
  ZHAO, W. and ARVANITIS, R. (2014). L’ « atelier du monde » peut-il evoluer ? Le
  cheminement des entreprises chinoises de l’emergence a l’innovation. In: Zeting Liu
  (ed.). La Chine innove : politiques publiques et strategies d’entreprise. 1st ed. Paris:
  Editions L'Harmattan, pp. 33-55.
  ZHAO, W. and RUET, J. (2014). Chine : comment la transition économique redessine
  l’innovation. In: Y. Grosclaude, R. K. Pachauri et L. Tubiana eds. Regards sur la Terre.
  1st ed. Armand Colin, pp. 343-355.
  SAINT LEGER, G. and ZHAO, W. (2013). Piloter la stabilisation d’un objet-frontière multi-
  niveaux. In: Barlette Y., Bonnet D., Plantié M. et Riccio P.M eds. Impact des réseaux
  numériques dans les organisations, Management des Technologies Organisationnelles.
  1st ed. Presses des Mines, pp. 206-215.
  ZHAO, W. and ARVANITIS, R. (2012). Les politiques parallèles du développement
  industriel en Chine. In: Romain Bironneau (ed.). China Innovation Inc. Des politiques
  industrielles aux entreprises innovantes. 1st ed. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, pp. 87-
  ZHAO, W. and BEELER, B. (2011). Les entreprises multinationales face au défi de la RSE
  en Chine : Le rôle de la gestion stratégique des réseaux sociaux. In: Jean-Jacques Rosé
  (ed.). La RSE entre Globalisation et Développement Durable. 1st ed. Paris: De Boeck,
  pp. 165-174.

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ZHAO, W. and BEELER, B. (2010). S’implanter en Chine grâce au Guanxi : La face
  cachée de la stratégie d’une multinationale européenne. In: ZHENG Lihua et YANG
  Xiaomin (ed.). La confiance et les relations sino-européennes. 1st ed. Paris: Editions
  L'Harmattan, pp. 177-184.
  ZHAO, W. and ARVANITIS, R. (2008). Five Cases Studies of Private and Collective
  Enterprises in Guangdong. In: Jean-François Huchet and Wang Wei (ed.). Chinese Firms
  in the Era of Globalisation. 1st ed. Beijing: China Development Publishing House.

Research / consulting reports
  ZHAO, W. (2018). Developing the West Bank Area of Pearl River: Innovation
  Agglomeration and Industrial Clusters. China (PRC).
  ZHAO, W. (2018). Building World-class Clusters of Advanced Manufacturing in the Pearl
  River Delta.
  ZHAO, W. (2018). Modern Industrial System in Nanhai: Integration of Innovation
  Resources and Advanced Manufacturing. Foshan:
  ZHAO, W. (2018). The Value Innovation Strategy of Huizhou: Building New Energy
  Industrial Innovation Center.
  ZHAO, W. (2017). Manufacturing in Huizhou: Perspective of Global Value Chain and
  ZHAO, W. (2017). System and Institutional Reform for Innovation Resources Integration
  of the GD-HK-MC Great Bay Area.
  ZHAO, W. (2017). Proposal on Developing Guangdong as International VC Center.

  ZHAO, W. and QIU, H. (2012). Guangdong Industrial Development Report (2011-2012):
  Industrial Upgrading and Transformation. China (PRC).

Presentation at a conference with proceedings
  CHIKH M’HAMED, S. and ZHAO, W. (2021). From Workbench to Incubation: the Case of
  an Open Innovation Approach in LED Production Upgrading in Southeast China. In:
  MASCIK Workshop 2021, Approches plus durables pour évaluer l’innovation ouverte
  dans un monde complexe. ESSCA School of Management, campus de Lyon:
  ZHAO, W. (2021). Manufacturing Strategy of Nations in Comparison: Varieties of
  Capitalism or Developmental State? In: SASE Conference: 'After Covid? Critical
  Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism'. Online:
  ZHAO, W. (2021). Growing and Competing within Industry: Value Chain Strategy of
  Power Lithium-ion Battery Firms in China. In: International colloquium of Gerpisa: 'The
  transformations of the global automotive industry: digitalisation, ecological transition
  and the impact of the Covid 19 crisis'. Paris, Online:
  ZHAO, W. and RECH, M. (2019). Manufacturing Strategies of Nations and the Varieties
  of Capitalism: Perspective on China, Germany, Japan and the United States. In: The 8th
  UACES Workshop on EU-China Relations in Global Politics.
  ZHAO, W. (2019). Managing the “Post-Miracle”       Economy: “Middle-Income Trap” with
  Chinese Characteristics and Policy Strategies.     In: Rethinking Asian Capitalism and
  Society in the 21st Century: A comparative         overview on 30 years of Vietnam’s
  achievements under Doi Moi and Challenges           ahead. Southern Institute of Social
  Sciences (SISS), Ho Chi Minh City:

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ZHAO, W. (2019). How Local Government Manage Innovation in China: Platforms,
  Ecosystems, and Polocies. In: 23rd Annual IPMN Conference. Boulogne-Billancourt:
  ZHAO, W. (2017). Managing the “Post-Miracle” Economy of China: Growth Model Crisis
  and Policy Implications. In: SASE 29th Annual Meeting/Network of Asian Capitalism.
  ZHAO, W. (2014). From Industrial Policy to Upgrading Strategy : Dilemma of Local
  Developmental State in China’s Pearl River Delta, CREAM International Conference. In:
  EU-China Economic Relations : Competition, Cooperation, Challenges, and Conflict.
  ZHAO, W. (2014). What is Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics : Perspective on
  State, Market and Society. In: International Conference BRICS in the spotlight. Parma:
  ZHAO, W. (2014). Is R&D Upgrading China from Imitation to Innovation? In: 26th SASE
  Annual Conference at Chicago University and Northwest University. Chicago:
  ZHAO, W. (2013). From Developmental State to Industrial Upgrading Strategy: The
  Case of China’s Pearl River Delta. In: 25th SASE Annual Conference at the University of
  Milan. Milan:
  ZHAO, W. (2013). Balanced Upgrading Strategy: Towards a Structuralist Industrial
  Policy for China’s Pearl River Delta. In: International Conference at University Sun Yat-
  sen. Guangzhou:
  ZHAO, W. (2012). « Inside China »s Economic Miracle: Perspective on State, Market,
  and Society . In: Workshop Asian Capitalism: The Case of the Pearl River Delta,
  Research Group Post-Growth Societies, University of Jena. Jena:
  ZHAO, W. and LA PIRA, F. (2012). Entrepreneurship and the shadow economies of
  southern Europe: A Vicious Circle Perspective. In: EURAM 2012. Rotterdam:
  ZHAO, W. (2011). Accumulation and transfer of competencies through co-operation:
  towards a new industrial model in China?, In: International Colloquium “The Strategies
  of Multinational Corporations and Social Regulation : European and Asian Perspectives.
  Hong Kong:
  ZHAO, W. (2011). National System of Innovation for Emerging Economies: Is There A
  Chinese Model?, In: Colloque de l’Association des Economistes Tunitiens: « Quel
  modèle de développement pour la Tunisie de demain? Hammamet:

Presentation at Other Conference
  ZHAO, W. (2013). Politiques d’innovation en Chine et impact sur les capacités
  technologiques des entreprises. In: Working Paper de la Fondation Maison des Sciences
  de l’Homme. Paris.
  ZHAO, W. and BEELER, B. (2013). A la recherche de l’efficience par la stratégie
  d’encastrement social: le cas d’une multinationale en Chine. In: Colloque GT 17 de
  l’AISLF « Les formes nouvelles de l’efficience productive: quels consensus productifs
  pour quelles compétitivité? ». Saint Etienne.
  ZHAO, W. and BEELER, B. (2012). Cultural and linguistic brokerage as a trust-building
  strategy in global expansion: The case of a French hypermarket in Canton. In: AFNOR.
  Paper of Colloque International : « Management interculturel et transmission du sens :
  Analyse des dynamiques interculturelles de communication et de management » –
  Organisé par le CRATIL, centre de recherche de l’ISIT. Paris.

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