Asian Pacific American Heritage Month - KQED Celebrates Program and Resource Guide May 2010

Page created by Alberto Ortiz
KQED Celebrates
Asian Pacific American
Heritage Month
Program and Resource Guide • May 2010

           KQED Public Television proudly
           celebrates the diversity of our
           community with a special lineup
           in May on KQED Channel 9 and
           and HD (the high-definition
           channel, Comcast 709, digital 9.1).
                 This guide also lists programs
           airing on the following digital
           channels, which are available to
           viewers on Comcast digital cable
           and/or via a digital receiver:
           Life (Comcast 189, 54.3) and                                                                             From Mao to the Met with Hao Jiang Tian Photo: Ming Hsiung.
           World (Comcast 190, 9.3).

           Some of these programs repeat
                                                            Saturday 1                                              EVE NIN G
                                                                                                                    7:00pm Life | Global Voices Circus School. | RR 5/1
           additional times on these channels.              mo r nin g
                                                                                                                           6pm | R (Life) 5/16 1am
           Visit for the complete              10:00am KQED 9HD | Simply Ming | H |
                                                                                                                    8:00pm KQED 9HD | Nature Kilauea: Mountain of
           digital program schedule.                                Panko/Dijon Mustard.
                                                                                                                           Fire films unbelievable scenes of the world’s
                                                            after noon                                                     most active volcano, Kilauea, on Hawaii’s Big
                                                            2:30pm Life | Travelscope Madhya Pradesh, India—               Island. | R (9/HD) 5/3 2am, 5/9 11am; (World)
           pro gr a mmi ng symbo ls
                                                                   The Heart of India discovers the capital of             5/8 9pm, 5/9 3am
           q     This program is a KQED                            Delhi, the ancient temples of Khajuraho, rural   9:30pm World | American Experience My Lai.
                 production or presentation.                       villages, and palace ruins.                             Vietnamese survivors and U.S. soldiers
           H     This program is airing on KQED for         5:00pm Life | Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge                  discuss the 1968 My Lai massacre and its
                 the first time.                                                                                           subsequent cover-up.
                                                                   India—Varanasi to Bandhavgarh visits India’s
           P     This broadcast will be interrupted                holiest river towns and the largest religious    11:00pm KQED 9HD | Global Voices Shaolin Ulysses:
                 by pledge intermissions.                          gathering on the planet. | R (Life) 5/16 2:30            Kungfu Monks in America chronicles the
           R     This program will be repeated on           5:00pm World | Insular Empire: America in the                   adventures of a group of fighting monks as
                 the date noted.                                                                                            they visit New York City and Las Vegas. | R
                                                                   Mariana Islands looks at these small
           RR    This program is a repeat. See                     islands, where the U.S. military is planning             (9/HD) 5/3 3am
                 noted date and time of original                   a massive buildup with no input from
                 broadcast for program description.
                                                                   the people.
                                                                                                                    Monday 3
                                                            6:00pm KQED 9HD | Global Voices Circus School
                                                                                                                    m ornin g
           Programs are subject to change.                         follows a group of children training to be
           For the latest information, call                        acrobats in China. | R (Life) 5/2 7pm, 5/3 1am   8:30am Life | Burt Wolf: Travels and Traditions
           415.553.2215 or view our listings                                                                               Stamp Collecting, China. Look at the history
                                                            EVE NIN G
           at For a list of                                                                                  of stamp collecting and visit China, where
                                                            11:10    KQED 9HD | Shangri-La profiles the Hunan              stamp collecting is greatly encouraged.
           changes only, visit                         Dance Company. | R (9/HD) 5/2 5:10am
           tvchanges. If you are recording a                                                                        9:30am Life | Smart Travels: Pacific Rim with
           program, please allow five minutes                                                                              Rudy Maxa New Zealand’s South Island
           for early starts and late finishes.              Sunday 2                                                       weaves Kiwi culture with scenic splendor.
                                                                                                                           Rudy visits vineyards and gets a crash
                                                            after noon
                                                                                                                           course in Maori bone carving.
                                                            1:00pm KQED 9HD | Independent Lens The Cats of
                                                                   Mirikitani is an intimate exploration of the
                                                                   lingering wounds of war and the healing          Tuesday 4
                                                                   powers of friendship and art.                    m ornin g
           Cover: Independent Lens: A Village Called
           Versailles airs on KQED 9HD on Tuesday,
                                                            2:00pm KQED 9HD | Sikhs in America explores the         8:30am Life | Burt Wolf: Travels and Traditions
           May 25, at 11pm. (See program listing on                family, economic, and work lives of Northern            Taiwan, a Sense of Place, Part 1 of 2. People
           page 6 for additional repeat dates and times.)          California’s Sikh community.                            who have come to the United States from
           Photo: Father Luke Nguyen (center) and           2:30pm KQED 9HD | My Name Is Belle gives                       Taiwan describe why they immigrated and
           Versailles youth celebrate victory at the Chef          a snapshot of the immigrant experience                  what they have accomplished.
           Menteur Landfill protest, 2006. Credit: Yoojin          through the eyes of a 7-year-old child
           Janice Lee/ITVS.
                                                                                                                    9:30am Life | Smart Travels: Pacific Rim with
                                                                   from Taiwan.                                            Rudy Maxa New Zealand’s North Island.
                                                                                                                           Rudy kayaks along the North Island’s most
                                                                                                                           glorious coastline, visits local towns,
                                                                                                                           and sees where local tribes signed a
                                                                                                                           controversial treaty with European settlers.
                                                         Friday 7                                                  Sunday 9
10:30pm Life | Gourmet’s Diary of a Foodie
                                                         mo r nin g                                                after noon
       Hawaii’s Big Island: Food Lover’s Paradise
       discovers the ways in which Hawaii has            7:00am World | History Detectives Doc Holliday’s          1:30pm KQED 9HD | American Masters Hollywood
       developed into a unique melting pot of                   Watch/Civil War Female Soldiers/Japanese                  Chinese examines how Chinese people have
       flavors from around the world.                           Internment Camp Artwork investigates a set                contributed to and been portrayed in the
                                                                of postcard-sized paintings that may have                 American film industry. | R (Life) 5/10 9:30pm,
                                                                been painted in an internment camp                        5/11 3:30am
Wednesday 5                                                     in California.
                                                                                                                   EVE NIN G
mo rn i ng                                               8:30am Life | Burt Wolf: Travels and Traditions
                                                                                                                   7:00pm Life | Seeking Art in Shanghai surveys the
                                                                Taiwan. Visit the most important temples and
8:30am Life | Burt Wolf: Travels and Traditions                                                                           booming contemporary art scene in China’s
                                                                discover the secrets of getting the best flavor
       Taiwan, a Sense of Place, Part 2 of 2. In                                                                          most populous and cosmopolitan city
                                                                when making tea.
       this episode, a Yankees pitcher, a forensic                                                                        through the eyes of two American
       scientist and an AIDS researcher discuss          9:30am Life | Rudy Maxa’s World Delhi and Agra,                  gallery owners.
       their accomplishments as immigrants                      India explores northern India’s colorful
                                                                                                                   8:00pm Life | 12 Girls Band: Live from Shanghai
       from Taiwan.                                             mosaic of urban and rural life.
                                                                                                                          China’s foremost world music ensemble
10:00am Life | Passport to Adventure Sea Kayaking        EVE NIN G                                                        performs beneath the famous Pearl Tower.
        in Southern Thailand explores the dazzling
                                                         7:00pm Life | Secrets of Shangri-La | RR (KQED 9/         9:00pm Life | A Moment in Time | RR (KQED 9/HD)
        caves, coves, and inland lagoons of Phang
                                                                HD) 5/6 8pm | R (9/HD) 5/9 7pm, 5/10 1am;                 5/8 7pm | R (Life) 5/10 3am
        Na Bay.
                                                                (Life) 5/8 1am
                                                                                                                   10:00pm Life | Black Grace: From Cannon’s Creek
                                                         8:00pm Life | Lost Cave Temples | RR (KQED 9/HD)                  to Jacob’s Pillow profiles a troupe of Maori
7:30pm KQED 9HD | Spark | q | Up from the Street                5/6 9pm | R (Life) 5/6 9pm                                 and Pacific Islander men who rose to the
       features artists whose work emanates from                                                                           pinnacle of the international dance world.
                                                         9:00pm Life | In the Footsteps of Marco Polo. | RR
       the street. Tommy Guerrero channels skate
                                                                (KQED/9HD) 5/6 10pm | R (Life) 5/8 3am             11:00pm KQED 9HD | Globe Trekker | H | Indonesia:
       culture through his music and visual art work;
                                                                                                                           Java and Sumatra explores two of the 11,000
       graffiti artist and self-described bad boy
                                                                                                                           islands in the Indonesian archipelago. | R
       David Choe has moved from the streets of          Saturday 8                                                        (9/HD) 5/10 5am; (World) 5/10 9am & noon,
       LA and San Jose into museums and galleries
                                                         mo r nin g                                                        5/12 7am & 10am
       worldwide. And experience the four-wheeled
       interactive art work Wowhaus. | R (9/HD) 5/6      10:00am KQED 9HD | Simply Ming | H |                      11:00pm Life | Great Museums: China: West
       1:30am, 5/7 11:30pm, 5/8 5:30am; (Life) 5/8               Organic Soy Sauce/Preserved Lemons.                       Meets East takes a look at 40 centuries of
       2pm, 5/9 5:30pm                                                                                                     Chinese art on display at the Metropolitan
                                                         after noon
                                                                                                                           Museum of Art in New York.
11:00pm KQED 9HD | Independent Lens | H |                2:00pm Life | Spark | q | Up from the Street | RR (KQED
        Wings of Defeat. What were the Japanese                 9/HD) 5/5 7:30pm | R (Life) 5/9 5:30pm
        Kamikazes thinking just before crashing
                                                         4:00pm World | P.O.V. Campaign. This startling look
                                                                                                                   Monday 10
        into their targets? When Risa Morimoto
                                                                 at Japanese politics follows a man with no        m ornin g
        discovered that her beloved uncle trained as
                                                                 experience who runs for city council.             9:00am World | Globe Trekker Indonesia: Java
        a Kamikaze pilot in his youth, she wondered
        the same thing. Through rare interviews with     5:00pm Life | Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge                     and Sumatra. | RR (KQED 9/HD) 5/9 11pm
        surviving Kamikaze pilots, Morimoto retraces            The Kingdom of Bhutan. Art discovers                       | R ((World) 5/10 noon, 5/12 7am & 10am
        their journeys from teenagers to doomed                 mountainside monasteries, sacred festivals,
        pilots and reveals a complex history of brutal          and chanting monks in a spiritual nation.
                                                                                                                   9:30am Life | Rudy Maxa’s World Rajasthan.
        training and ambivalent sacrifice. | R (9/HD)    5:00pm World | A Necessary Journey Binh Rybacki                  Rudy visits temples, palaces, backstreets,
        5/6 5am; (Life) 5/6 10pm, 5/7 4am                       fled Vietnam in 1975 during the fall of Saigon            and the countryside.
                                                                and moved to Colorado. She reluctantly
                                                                                                                   EVE NIN G
Thursday 6                                                      returned in 1993, and found a country very
                                                                different from the one she left.                   9:30pm Life | American Masters Hollywood
E V ENING                                                                                                                 Chinese. | RR (KQED 9/HD) 5/9 1:30pm
                                                         6:00pm KQED 9HD | Dreaming of Tibet follows the
8:00pm KQED 9HD | Secrets of Shangri-La                         arduous journeys of refugees from Tibet into
       Explorers and archaeologists climb into
       unexplored caves in the high Himalayas.
                                                                exile over a 19,000-foot Himalayan pass.
                                                                                                                   Tuesday 11
                                                         EVE NIN G
       | R (9/HD) 5/7 2am, 5/9 7pm, 5/10 1am;                                                                      m ornin g
       (Life) 5/7 7pm, 5/8 1am                           7:00pm KQED 9HD | A Moment in Time | H |
                                                                                                                   8:30am Life | Burt Wolf: Travels and Traditions
                                                                Directed by Academy Award winner Ruby
9:00pm KQED 9HD | Lost Cave Temples                                                                                       Taipei. Visit the city’s night market and the
                                                                Yang, this documentary harkens back to a
       Climbers uncover ancient cave temples in                                                                           traditional shops. Then get a riverside seat
                                                                time when movie houses in San Francisco’s
       the Himalayas. | R (9/HD) 5/7 3am, 5/9 6pm;                                                                        for dragon boat races.
                                                                Chinatown crystallized the memories,
       (Life) 5/7 8pm, 5/8 2am                                                                                     after noon
                                                                beliefs, and aspirations of Chinese immigrant
10:00pm KQED 9HD | In the Footsteps of Marco                    families. | R (9/HD) 5/9 1am; (Life) 5/9 9pm,      2:00pm KQED 9HD | California’s Gold
        Polo. A photographer and a former Marine                5/10 3am                                                  Little Tokyo looks at the history of the
        retrace Polo’s 25,000-mile path from Venice                                                                       Japanese American community in downtown
                                                         9:00pm World | Nature Kilauea: Mountain of Fire | RR
        to China and back. | R (9/HD) 5/7 4am; (Life)                                                                     Los Angeles.
                                                                (KQED/9HD) 5/2 8pm; | R (World) 5/9 3am
        5/7 9pm, 5/8 3am
                                                                                                                   EVE NIN G
10:00pm Life | Independent Lens Wings of Defeat.
                                                                                                                   11:00pm KQED 9HD | Independent Lens | H | The
        | RR (KQED 9/HD) 5/5 11pm | R (Life) 5/7 4am
                                                                                                                           Horse Boy. A family journeys halfway across
                                                                                                                           the world in search of a miracle to heal their
                                                                                                                           autistic son. | R (9/HD) 5/12 5am; (Life) 5/12
                                                                                                                           10pm, 5/13 4am

Wednesday 12                                            Saturday 15                                                 after noon
                                                                                                                        2:00pm KQED 9HD | California’s Gold | H | Hmong.
    mo rn i ng                                              mo r nin g
                                                                                                                               In this episode, we visit two small farms run
    10:00am Life | Passport to Adventure Rafting            8:30am KQED 9HD | Gourmet’s Adventures with                        by Hmong families, who are growing some
            India’s Sacred Ganges descends through                 Ruth The Tamarind School, Laos focuses on                   of the most interesting and unusual produce
            thrilling rapids and passes farms, villages,           the cuisine of Laos.                                        in California.
            and temples.
                                                            10:00am KQED 9HD | Simply Ming | H |
    a ftern o o n                                                   Organic Teriyaki/Cream.
                                                                                                                        Tuesday 18
    2:00pm KQED 9HD | California’s Gold Angel Island        after noon
                                                                                                                        m ornin g
           examines the island’s history as an immigrant
                                                            2:00pm Life | Spark | q | World Premieres.
           detention center from 1910 to 1940.                                                                          8:30am Life | Burt Wolf: Travels and Traditions
                                                                   | RR (KQED 9/HD) 5/12 7:30pm | R (Life)
                                                                                                                               The New Hong King. Explore, shop, and eat
                                                                   5/16 5:30pm
                                                                                                                               in this fascinating city of contrasts.
    E V ENING                                               2:30pm Life | Travelscope Thailand—Islands and
                                                                                                                        after noon
                                                                   Festivals focuses on the Loy Krathong festival
    7:30pm KQED 9HD | Spark | q | World Premieres
                                                                   in Chiang Mai, which features fireworks and          2:00pm KQED 9HD | California’s Gold | H | Pacific
           witnesses the agony and the ecstasy of
                                                                   5,000 floating paper lanterns.                              Asia Museum visits the Pasadena museum.
           presenting new works. Hear Kent Nagano
           and the Berkeley Symphony Orchestra’s            5:00pm World | Global Voices Anatomy of a
           premiere of Naomi Sekiya’s unusual concerto             Springroll. A man searches for an ingredient
                                                                                                                        Wednesday 19
           for double guitar. Also meet John O’Keefe,              that will blend his traditional culture with his
           Robert Moses’ Kin, and poets from Youth                 adopted American life.                               m ornin g
           Speaks. | R (9/HD) 5/13 1:30am, 5/14                                                                         10:00am Life | Passport to Adventure A Camel
                                                            6:00pm KQED 9HD | Nova Secrets of the Samurai
           11:30pm, 5/15 5:30am; (Life) 5/15 2pm,                                                                               Safair in the Thar Desert ventures into one of
                                                                   Sword reveals the art and science of making
           5/16 5:30pm                                                                                                          the world’s harshest environments to camp
                                                                   the perfect sword.
    10:00pm Life | Independent Lens The Horse Boy.                                                                              on the dunes and meet the tribal people that
            | RR (KQED/9HD) 5/11 11pm | R (Life)                                                                                make the desert their home.
            5/13 4am
                                                            Sunday 16                                                   after noon
                                                            after noon
                                                                                                                        2:00pm KQED 9HD | California’s Gold Manzanar
    Thursday 13                                             2:30pm Life | Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge                      uncovers the Japanese internment camp’s
                                                                   India—Varanasi to Bandhavgarh. | RR (Life)                  complex history.
    mo rn i ng                                                     5/1 5pm
                                                                                                                        EVE NIN G
    9:30am Life | Rudy Maxa’s World Bangkok,                EVE NIN G
           Thailand. Rudy visits the city’s back streets,                                                               7:30pm KQED 9HD | Spark | q | FYCO, McCormick,
                                                            7:00pm Life | Independent Lens Na Kamalei: The                     and Guerrero profiles the Firebird Youth
           residential klongs, and legendary food carts
                                                                   Men of Hula. The only all-male hula school                  Chinese Orchestra, Daniel McCormick, and
           and markets.
                                                                   in Hawaii prepares to compete at the world’s                Jaime Guerrero. | HD | R (9/HD) 5/20 1:30am,
    10:00am Life | Passport to Adventure Kauai—                    largest hula festival.                                      5/21 11:30pm, 5/22 5:30am; (Life) 5/22 2pm,
            Hawaii’s Garden Isle explores the
                                                            7:00pm World | The Hidden Dream | H | recounts                     5/23 5:30pm
            magnificent Na Pali coast.
                                                                   the Filipino experience in America since the         10:00pm Life | Independent Lens | H | Project
    a ftern o o n                                                  Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.                            Kashmir. American women, one Muslim, one
    2:00pm KQED 9HD | California’s Gold | Guadalupe.        10:30pm Life | Independent Lens How Is Your Fish                    Hindu, take cameras to Kashmir. | RR (9/HD)
           Meet descendants of Filipino families who                Today? Screenwriter Hui Rao has writer’s                    5/19 11pm, 5:20 5am; (Life) 5/20 4am
           have been living and working in the Santa                block and begins to live the life of the            11:00pm KQED 9HD | Independent Lens Project
           Maria Valley for generations.                            character he’s trying to create.                            Kashmir. | RR (Life) 10pm | R (9/HD) 5/20 5am;
    E V ENING                                               11:00pm KQED 9HD | Globe Trekker | H | Pacific                      (Life) 5/20 4am
    11:00pm KQED 9HD | Dabbawallas Every day,                       Islands: Fiji, Vanuatu, and Solomon visits the
            4,000 boxpersons deliver 100,000 lunches in             Pacific Islands, participating in a local tribe’s
                                                                    Kava-drinking ceremony and going diving
                                                                                                                        Thursday 20
            Bombay, India, without the aid of technology.
            | R (9/HD) 5/14 5am; (Life) 5/14 10pm,                  for shipwrecks. | R (9/HD) 5/17 5am; (World)        after noon
            5/15 4am                                                5/17 9am & noon, 5/19 7am & 10am                    2:00pm KQED 9HD | California’s Gold California/
                                                                                                                               China Connection highlights artifacts and
                                                                                                                               locations that shed light on the lesser-known
    Friday 14                                               Monday 17                                                          connections between California and China.
    mo rn i ng                                              mo r nin g

    7:00am World | History Detectives                       8:30am Life | Burt Wolfe: Taste of Freedom                  Friday 21
           Ventriloquist Dummy/Witch’s House/Poems.                Chinese New Year explores how Chinese
                                                                                                                        m ornin g
           One investigation looks into poems written              Americans celebrate this holiday.
           on the walls of Angel Island by Chinese                                                                      10:00am Life | Passport to Adventure The Forts and
                                                            9:00am World | Globe Trekker Pacific Islands:
           immigrants seeking entry to California.                                                                              Palaces of Rajasthan travels on horseback
                                                                   Fiji, Vanuatu, and Solomon. | RR (KQED
                                                                                                                                through the ruins of an ancient fortress and
    9:30am Life | Rudy Maxa’s World Thailand, Golden               9/HD) 5/16 11pm | R (World) noon, 5/19
                                                                                                                                visits a Maharana’s lavish palace.
           Triangle. Rudy visits an elephant orphanage,            7am & 10am
           takes mahout lessons, explores villages, and     9:30am Life | Rudy Maxa’s World Thailand,
           meets Buddhist monks.                                   Andaman Islands. Dramatic limestone cliffs           Saturday 22
    E V ENING                                                      and rock formations jut from the translucent         m ornin g
                                                                   waters of Phang-nga Bay.
    10:00pm Life | Dabbawallas | RR (KQED 9/HD) 5/13                                                                    8:30am KQED 9HD | Gourmet’s Adventures with
            11pm | R (Life) 5/15 4am                                                                                           Ruth The Yangshuo School, China. Canton,
                                                                                                                               Hunan, and Vietnamese culinary traditions
                                                                                                                               are fused in this beautiful southern province.

10:00am KQED 9HD |Simply Ming | H | Maitake
        Mushrooms/Worcestershire Sauce.
                                                      1:00pm KQED 9HD | From Mao to the Met with
                                                             Hao Jiang Tian | H | The Chinese-born
                                                                                                                   Asian Pacific American
a ftern o o n
                                                             opera singer discusses his journey and                Heritage Month
                                                             performs. | R (Life) 5/24 7pm, 5/25 1am
2:00pm Life | Spark | q | FYCO, McCormick, and
                                                      2:00pm KQED 9HD | Global Voices Sumo East and
       Guerrero.| RR (KQED 9/HD) 5/19 7:30pm | R
       (Life) 5/23 5:30pm
                                                             West looks at the past, present, and future           KQED Public Radio
                                                             of sumo.
4:00pm World | Kung Fu Journey to the East
                                                      6:00pm KQED 9HD | Globe Trekker | H | Nepal visits
                                                                                                                   88.5 FM San Francisco
       explores the world of martial arts in China
       through the eyes of two American Kung Fu
                                                             the bustling city and remote regions of the           89.3 FM Sacramento
                                                             country. | R (World) 5/24 9am & noon, 5/26
                                                             7am & 10am
5:00pm Life | Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge
                                                      EVE NIN G
       Japan: Hokkaido and Honshu. Art discovers
       red-crested cranes, Mount Fuji, and Koyosan    7:00pm Life | Transformation: Building the Rubin
       and takes a dip in Nagano’s hot springs.              Museum of Art chronicles the creation of a
                                                             New York City museum dedicated to the art
5:00pm World | Little Manila: Filipinos in
                                                             of the Himalayas.                                     Kawthoolei
       California’s Heartland Little Manila was                                                                    Thursday, May 6, at 8pm
       once a bustling area in downtown Stockton      7:30pm Life | Independent Lens American Made.
       and home to a large number of Filipino                A son accuses his Sikh American father of             	Along the Thai-Burma border,
       immigrants coming to the United States.               looking like a terrorist.                               meet the women peace activists
5:30pm World | Forsaken Fields honors the             8:00pm World | China from the Inside | q | Power               working in the midst of the world’s
       Japanese Americans who helped build                   and the People examines how China is                    longest-running civil war.
       California agriculture and explores the               dealing with corruption, rural unrest, and            		In the Karen language,
       racism and intolerance that gripped the               ideological by-products of capitalism.                  Kawthoolei is the name of a
       United States during World War II.                                                                            mythical homeland in eastern
                                                      9:00pm Life | Interpreting Ancient Chinese
                                                                                                                     Burma (Myanmar). The Karen
6:00pm KQED 9HD | Richard Bangs’ Adventures                  Fashion San Francisco fashion
                                                                                                                     people have been struggling for
       with Purpose | H | Assam India: Quest for             designers Jude Gabbard and Colleen Quen
                                                                                                                     control of this land for nearly 60
       the One-Horned Rhinoceros. Renowned                   seek inspiration by visiting China.
                                                                                                                     years. This conflict between the
       adventurer Richard Bangs treks through the
                                                      9:00pm World | China from the Inside | q | Women               Burmese military regime and the
       remote state of Assam in India—a region of
                                                             of the Country looks at the opportunities and           Karen National Union is now
       rushing rivers, strapping monsoons, vast
                                                             pace of change for women in China’s cities              considered the world’s longest-
       expanses of unspoiled land, and a
                                                             and women in rural China.                               running civil war. There are
       staggering array of wildlife.
                                                      10:00pm Life | Indique: Untold Stories of                      numerous reports of ethnic
                                                              Contemporary India Contemporary India                  cleansing, and hundreds of
Sunday 23                                                     Travel Special embarks on a journey to discover        thousands of Burmese and ethnic
                                                              unique stories of India.                               refugees have flooded western
a ftern o o n
                                                                                                                     Thailand, yet this conflict is often
                                                      11:00pm KQED 9HD | Indique: Untold Stories of
noon    KQED 9HD | American Masters I.M. Pei:                                                                        overlooked by the Western media.
                                                              Contemporary India Bollywood Calling!
        Building China Modern chronicles the                                                                       		     Produced along the Thai-
                                                              Learn how to “scrum” in the mud with the
        realization of Pei’s lifelong dream and his                                                                  Burma border in the refugee camps,
                                                              Indian National Rugby Team and movie
        biggest challenge: designing a museum to                                                                     medical clinics, and rebel military
                                                              sensation Rahul Bose. | R (9/HD) 5/24 5am
        house the antiquities of Suzhou.                                                                             bases, Kawthoolei attempts to
                                                                                                                     demystify the complicated history
                                                                                                                     of Burma’s ethnic groups while
                                                      Independent Lens: Project Kashmir Photo: Dishoom Pictures.
                                                                                                                     focusing on Karen women activists
                                                                                                                     working for non-violent solutions.
                                                                                                                     This documentary from Outer Voices
                                                                                                                     features interviews with Nobel Prize
                                                                                                                     nominees Zipporah Sein and Dr.
                                                                                                                     Cynthia Maung, as well as several
                                                                                                                     other women activists, observers,
                                                                                                                     humanitarian workers,
                                                                                                                     and refugees.

Independent Lens: Na Kamalei: The Men of Hula. Photo: Frank Among/ITVS .                                               Independent Lens: Wings of Defeat Photo: Public domain/ITVS.

    11:00pm Life | Mighty Warriors of Comedy
            Hailed as one of the most devastatingly
                                                                   EVE NIN G
                                                                                                                           Friday 28
                                                                   11:00pmKQED 9HD | Independent Lens | H |
            funny comedy troupes of the past decade,                                                                       m ornin g
                                                                          A Village Called Versailles. A Vietnamese
            the 18 Mighty Mountain Warriors is an                                                                          7:00am World | History Detectives Red Hand Flag/
                                                                          community in New Orleans fights against the
            audacious Asian American sketch comedy                                                                                Seth Eastman Painting/Isleton Tong.
                                                                          opening of a toxic landfill after Katrina. | R
            group from San Francisco.                                                                                             Was there a Tong operating inside Isleton,
                                                                          (9/HD) 5/26 5am; (Life) 5/26 10pm, 5/27 4am
                                                                                                                                  California’s once-booming Chinatown?

    Monday 24                                                      Wednesday 26
    mo rn i ng                                                                                                             Saturday 29
                                                                   after noon
    9:00am World | Globe Trekker | H | Nepal. | RR                                                                         after noon
                                                                   2:00pm KQED 9HD | California’s Gold Songbird of
           (9/HD) 5/23 6pm | R (World) noon, 5/26                                                                          3:00pm World | Most Honorable Son profiles
                                                                          Manzanar features Mary Kageyama Nomura,
           7am & 10am                                                                                                             Nebraska farmer Ben Kuroki, who became
                                                                          known as the “Songbird of Manzanar.”
    9:30am Life | Rudy Maxa’s World Tokyo, Japan. A                                                                               the first Japanese American war hero and
                                                                   EVE NIN G
           marriage of high tech and age-old customs                                                                              spoke out against racism.
           makes this city a fascinating destination.              7:30pm KQED 9HD | Spark | q | Chitresh Das Dance
                                                                                                                           EVE NIN G
                                                                          Company, Mark Jackson, Midori. Learn
    a ftern o o n                                                                                                          8:00pm World | Globe Trekker Mongolia. | RR (KQED
                                                                          kathak, an ancient Indian dance form, from
    2:00pm KQED 9HD | California’s Gold San Luis                          master Pandit Chitresh Das. Go behind the               9/HD) 5/26 11pm | R (World) 5/30 2am, 5/31
           Obispo Chinatown uncovers the history of                       scenes with director and playwright Mark                9am & 12pm
           early Chinese pioneers in California.                          Jackson. And meet violinist Midori for a
    E V ENING                                                             one-night appearance at San Francisco
                                                                          Performances. | HD | R (9/HD) 5/27 1:30am,
                                                                                                                           Sunday 30
    7:00pm Life | From Mao to the Met with Hao                            5/28 11:30pm, 5/29 5:30am                        EA RLY
           Jiang Tian | RR (KQED 9/HD) 5/23 1pm | R
                                                                   10:00pmLife | Independent Lens A Village Called         mid       KQED 9HD | Bhutan—Taking the Middle
           (Life) 5/25 1am
                                                                          Versailles. | RR (KQED 9/HD) 5/25 11pm | R                 Path to Happiness The Himalayan
                                                                          (Life) 5/27 4am;                                           kingdom is committed to environmental and
    Tuesday 25                                                     11:00pm KQED 9HD | Globe Trekker | H | Mongolia
                                                                                                                                     cultural preservation and honest governance.

    mo rn i ng                                                             travels through the varied landscapes of        EVE NIN G
                                                                           the country, from Ulaan Bataar to the Gobi      8:00pm World | China from the Inside | q | Shifting
    9:30am Life | Rudy Maxa’s World Kyoto, Japan.
                                                                           Desert. | R (9/HD) 5/27 5am; (Life) 5/27               Nature explores the country’s plan to reroute
           The spiritual heart of Japan offers tiny streets
                                                                           10pm, 5/28 4am; (World) 5/29 8pm, 5/30                 the Yellow River.
           with wooden homes, impressive temples,
                                                                           2am, 5/31 9am & noon
           and gardens.                                                                                                    9:00pm World | China from the Inside | q |
    a ftern o o n                                                                                                                 Freedom and Justice is an exploration of

    2:00pm KQED 9HD | California’s Gold | Little
                                                                   Thursday 27                                                    the interlocking conflict between individual
                                                                                                                                  personal freedom and governance.
           Manila. Huell Howser travels to Stockton’s              EVE NIN G
           Little Manila neighborhood.                                                                                     10:00pm World | Frontline Young and Restless in
                                                                   10:00pm Life | Globe Trekker Mongolia. | RR (KQED              China. Young Chinese scramble to keep
                                                                           9/HD) 5/26 11pm | R (Life) 5/28 4am; (World)           pace with their rapidly changing society.
                                                                           5/29 8pm, 5/30 2am, 5/31 9am & 12pm

ADVOCACY                                    Asian Women’s Resource Center
                                              Asian Americans for Community               Addresses the unmet needs of women
                                              Involvement                                 and children in geographic and social
                                              408.975.2730;                  transition. Empowers these individuals,
                                              Empowers the Asian American                 fostering stability, self-reliance, self-
                                              community by working collaboratively        determination, and the skills that
                                              for equality and social justice.            enable full access to opportunity.
                                              Programs include a medical clinic,
            Please note that this is only
                                              refugee and immigrant support, and a        Bridge to Asia
            a small portion of the many                                                   415.678.2990;
                                              center for survivors of torture. Services
            organizations that serve the      provided in multiple languages.             Supports the modernization of
            Asian Pacific American                                                        higher education in developing Asian
            community in the Bay Area.        Asian Immigrant Women Advocates             countries. Sends donated books and
            To add your organization to       510.268.0192;                  other educational materials to schools
                                              Fosters empowerment of low-                 and universities and provides research
            this list or update information
                                              income, limited-English-speaking            services over the Internet. Supports
            for next year’s guide, please                                                 in-country facilities, including a digital
                                              Asian immigrant women workers to
            send an e-mail to heritage@       stimulate positive changes in their         library and a telemedicine center.
                           workplace, communities, and broader
                                              society through education, leadership       Charity Cultural Services Center
                                              development, and collective action.         415.989.8224;
                                              Asian Inc.                                  Aims to help children, youth, and adults
                                              415.928.5910;              prepare for a better future through
                                              Works to strengthen Asian American          education, employment training, and
                                              communities in Northern California and      other essential services promoting
                                              to assist in their physical, economic,      personal and economic self-sufficiency.
                                              and social development. Services
                                              include home-buying services for            Chinatown Community
                                              low-income families and assisting           Development Center
                                              in the development and growth of            415.984.1450;
                                              disadvantaged small businesses.             Acts as neighborhood advocate for
                                                                                          and as organizer, planner, developer
                                              Asian Law Caucus                            and manager of affordable housing.
                                              415.896.1701;                               Based in San Francisco’s Chinatown,
                                                          but also serves other San Francisco
                                              The nation’s oldest legal and civil         neighborhoods.
                                              rights organization serving low-income
                                              Asian Pacific American communities;         Chinese American Citizens
                                              provides technical assistance and           Alliance
                                              legal representation to victims of hate
                                              crimes and discrimination and works (S.F. chapter)
                                              with targeted communities to build          The oldest civil rights organization in
                                              awareness about issues.                     the Asian community; works to secure
                                                                                          equal rights and opportunities for all
                                              Asian Neighborhood Design                   Americans; the San Francisco chapter
                                              415.575.0423;                is the largest local lodge.
                                              Provides housing and community
                                              development for low-income                  Chinese for Affirmative Action
                                              multicultural communities; services         415.274.6750;
                                              include architecture and planning,          Defends and promotes the civil and
                                              construction management, family             political rights of Chinese and Asian
                                              and youth self-sufficiency programs,        Americans within the context of and
                                              employment training, and job creation.      in the interest of advancing multiracial
                                                                                          democracy in the United States.
                                              Asian Pacific Environmental
                                              Network                                     Chinese Newcomers Service
                                              510.834.8920;               Center
                                              Seeks to empower low-income                 415.421.2111;
                                              Asian Pacific Islander communities
                                              to achieve environmental and social         Provides multilingual social services,
                                              justice. Strives to build grassroots        acculturation/adjustment support,
                                              organizations that will improve             information, referrals, job preparation
                                              our communities.                            workshops, free food, and job
                                                                                          placement assistance to Chinese
                                              Asian Pacific Islander Legal                immigrant families.
                                              415.567.6255, 510.251.2846;                 Chinese Progressive Association
                                              Provides services in many languages         A grassroots, membership-based
                                              for Asian and Pacific Islander              organization that helps educate and
                                              communities. Offers attorney                organize low-income and working-class
                                              representation, consultation,               Chinese immigrants to help improve
                                              educational workshops, prevention           their living and working conditions
                                              activities, and training.                   and build collective power with other
                                                                                          oppressed communities.

Consulate General of Japan                  Nobiru-Kai, Japanese Newcomers                Asian Art Museum                             Japanese Cultural and Community
    415.777.3533                                Services                                      415.581.3500 |              Center of Northern California                                     One of the largest museums in the            415.567.5505 |
    Promotes a better understanding of          Provides bilingual/bicultural social,         Western world devoted exclusively            Seeks to be a repository of Japanese
    Japan and the Japanese culture by           educational, medical, and legal               to Asian art. Leads a diverse global         American ancestry, cultural heritage,
    providing a wide range of educational       services to Japanese newcomers.               audience in discovering the unique           histories, and traditions. Strives to meet
    services and programs to the public.                                                      aesthetic, intellectual, and material        the evolving needs of the Japanese
                                                Refugee Transitions                           achievements of Asian art and culture.       American community through
    Crosscultural Community Services            415.989.2151 |                                                            educational, cultural, recreational,
    Center                                      Assists refugee and immigrant families        Asian Pacific Islander Cultural              and social programs.
    408.223.6628 |              in becoming self-sufficient by providing      Center
    Offers a variety of educational services,   services that help them attain the life,      415.829.9467                                 Kearny Street Workshop
    primarily for at-risk youth and recent      job, academic, and English-language                     415.503.0520 |
    immigrants, to the various cultural         skills they need to succeed in their          Supports and nurtures the artistic           Promotes art that enriches and
    groups in the Santa Clara Valley.           new communities.                              endeavors of the Asian Pacific               empowers Asian American
                                                                                              Islander community in the Bay Area.          communities. Provides a base for
    Gay Asian Pacific Alliance                  Samoan Community Development                  Collaborates on, sponsors, and               artists to connect to their roots and		                              Center                                        produces performances and art events;        community; encourages new forms
    Dedicated to furthering the interests       415.841.1086 |           provides multidisciplinary art resources     of expression and focuses on art as a
    of gay and bisexual Asians and Pacific      Strives to improve the quality of life        for the community.                           bridge to cultural understanding.
    Islanders by developing a positive          for Samoans and Pacific Islanders
    collective identity and establishing        through self-help, economic self-             Center for Asian American Media              Locus Arts
    a supportive community.                     sufficiency, community solidarity, and        415.863.0814                       
                                                the preservation of cultural customs                   An all-volunteer organization of
    Japan Society of Northern                   and traditions.                               A nonprofit organization dedicated           Asian American artists and arts
    California                                                                                to presenting stories that convey the        supporters dedicated to promoting
    415.986.4383               Southeast Asian Community                     richness and diversity of the Asian          Asian Pacific American consciousness
    Strengthens cooperation and                 Center                                        Pacific American experience to the           and community through the arts.
    understanding between the peoples           415.885.2743                                  broadest audience possible. Funds,           Showcases music, theater, and
    of the United States and Japan              A nonprofit, multiethnic, multiservice        produces, distributes, and exhibits          performing, literary, and visual arts.
    with programs that help to expand           organization dedicated to helping             films, television, and digital programs.
    knowledge, increase personal                Southeast Asians integrate into                                                            Na Lei Hulu I Ka Wekiu
    interaction, and facilitate discussion of   American society while cultivating their      Chinese Culture Center of                    415.647.3040 |
    important issues.                           native languages, values, and identities.     San Francisco                                A dynamic Hawaiian dance company
                                                Provides health-care, resettlement, and       415.986.1822 |                 that features a rich blend of traditional
    Japanese American Citizens                  economic development services.                A major community-based nonprofit            and contemporary forms of hula;
    League                                                                                    organization that aims to foster the         committed to the preservation of and
    415.921.5225 (national office)              Tibetan Aid Project                           understanding and appreciation of            education about the Hawaiian culture
    415.345.1075 (regional office)              510.848.4238                                  Chinese and Chinese American art,            through hula.                                800.338.4238                                  history, and culture in the United States.
    Secures and maintains the civil rights                                                                  National Japanese American
    of Japanese Americans subjected to          Provides information on Tibetan               Chinese Historical Society of                Historical Society
    injustice. Promotes cultural values and     Buddhism, Tibetan history, and the            America                                      415.921.5007 |
    preserves the heritage and legacy of        political situation in Tibet, plus links to   415.391.1188 |                  A nonprofit, membership-supported
    the Japanese American community.            other Tibet-related organizations. Offers     Fosters an understanding of                  organization dedicated to the
                                                general assistance to monastic centers,       the Chinese experience in the                collection, preservation, authentic
    Japantown Task Force Inc.                   monks, and nuns.                              United States through research,              interpretation, and sharing of historical
    415.346.1239                                                                              documentation, interpretation, and           information of the Japanese American                  Vietnamese American Council                   education. Produces programs, events,        experience for the diverse broader
    A nonprofit organization focused on         408.315.8472;                and publications, including the annual       national community.
    the planning, economic development,         Promotes the social, economic,                journal Chinese America: History and
    and preservation of San Francisco’s         and cultural advancement of the               Perspectives.                                Nikkei Matsuri
    Japantown.                                  Vietnamese American community                                                    
                                                while maintaining Vietnamese cultural         Emeryville Taiko                             Sponsors an annual cultural arts
    Korean Community Center of the              heritage. Assists low-income youth            510.654.6415 |                festival in San Jose—a celebration by
    East Bay                                    and adults and the elderly.                   Offers traditional Japanese drumming         the Japanese American community to
    510.547.2662 |                                                              classes for children and adults. Home        show their pride and share their culture.
    Works to promote citizenship and            ARTS                                          of the high-energy taiko performing
    civic involvement within the Korean                                                       group that thrills audiences in the          Northern California Cherry
    community and beyond through                Asian American Theater Company                Bay Area and beyond.                         Blossom Festival
    immigration services, education,                                                                 415.563.2313 |
    advocacy, and the development of            Inspires, develops, and presents Asian        Himalayan Fair                               This great display of Japanese cultural
    community-based resources.                  Pacific American stories. Produces and        510.869.3995 |         heritage and pride takes place in
                                                promotes the education and training           A celebration of authentic Himalayan         San Francisco’s Japantown over
    Lao Family Community                        of artists.                                   arts and crafts, music, and dance.           two weekends in April and includes
    Development Inc.                                                                          Proceeds support a substantial               parades, Asian food kiosks, and music.
    510.533.8850 (Oakland)                      Asian American Women Artists                  number of grassroots projects in
    510.215.1220 (San Pablo)                    Association                                   Himalayan countries.                         Oakland Asian Cultural Center
    916.393.7501 (Sacramento)                   415.252.7996                                                                               510.637.0455 |                                                       Japanese American Museum of                  A nonprofit agency in Oakland’s
    Provides programs and assistance            Nurtures, supports, and promotes              San Jose                                     Chinatown that aims to promote Asian
    to help Southeast Asian refugee and         Asian American women artists in the           408.294.3138 |                 Pacific American arts and culture,
    immigrant communities and other             visual, literary, and performing arts.        Collects, preserves, and disseminates        to give voice to underrepresented
    low-income communities adapt to                                                           the arts, culture, and history of Japanese   communities, and to nurture authentic
    American life and achieve social and                                                      Americans, with emphasis on the Santa        cross-cultural interchange.
    economic self-sufficiency.                                                                Clara Valley.

University of San Francisco,
                                                                                                                                     Center for the Pacific Rim
                                                                                                                                     Part of the College of Arts and
                                                                                                                                     Sciences, bridging the Pacific through
                                                                                                                                     graduate and undergraduate academic
                                                                                                                                     degree programs, scholarly research
                                                                                                                                     and exchange, print and online
                                                                                                                                     publications, and free public affairs
                                                                                                                                     and literary events.

                                                                                                                                     Wah Mei School
                                                                                                                                     415.665.4212 |
                                                                                                                                     The first Chinese American bilingual
                                                                                                                                     preschool in San Francisco; promotes
                                                                                                                                     multiculturalism in developmental
                                                                                                                                     activities that emphasize both learning
                                                                                                                                     and playing for its young students.
                                                                                                                                     Classes are conducted in English
                                                                                                                                     and Chinese.

                                                                                                                                     World Affairs Council of Northern
                                                                                                                                     415.293.4600 |
                                                                                                                                     Provides a nonpartisan forum for the
A Moment in Time Photo: Courtesy Kbik Films.
                                                                                                                                     exploration of international issues and
Purple Moon Dance Project                                                                                                            opportunities by hosting conferences,
                                               EDUCATION                                  Laney College Ethnic Studies
                                                                                                                                     programs, and receptions that engage
415.552.1105                                                                              Department                                                                                                              the public in dialogue on world affairs.
                                               American College of Traditional            510.834.5740
Integrating non-Western and Western                                             
                                               Chinese Medicine                                                                      FAMILY/CHILDREN
dance forms and aesthetic, works
to become a vehicle for positive                                                          Oakland Asian Students
                                               415.282.9603 (clinic)                                                                 Break the Cycle
social change through classes and                                                         Educational Services
                                                                                                              888.988.8336 |
performances, promoting acceptance                                                        510.891.9928 |
                                               Provides graduate education                                                           Aims to end domestic violence by
and understanding of diverse heritages                                                    Dedicated to empowering youth whose
                                               in Chinese medicine, including                                                        working proactively with youth (12 to
and bringing peace and healing to                                                         resources are limited, particularly
                                               acupuncture and traditional Chinese                                                   22). Provides preventive education, free
our communities.                                                                          those in the Asian and Pacific Islander
                                               medicine, and patient care, enabling                                                  legal services, advocacy, and support.
                                               people to integrate traditional Chinese    communities of Oakland, to maximize
The Ricci Institute for Chinese-                                                          their potential through educational
                                               medicine into their lives.                                                            Chinatown Community Children’s
Western Cultural History                                                                  services and social support.
415.422.6401 |                                                                                                   Center
                                               Asian American Curriculum                                                             415.986.2528 |
An interdisciplinary research center                                                      Oakland Public Library, Asian
                                               Project Inc.                                                                          Dedicated to providing quality child
promoting the study of historical cross-                                                  Branch
                                               650.375.8286                                                                          care and other social services to meet
cultural encounters and dialogues                                                         510.238.3400 |
                                                                                                 the needs of immigrant and bilingual/
between China and the West. Facilitates
                                               Since 1970, a nonprofit educational                                                   bicultural families in San Francisco.
and engages in research on the history                                                    San Francisco Public Library,
                                               resource for distributing and publishing
of Chinese-Western cultural exchange                                                      Chinatown Branch
                                               Asian American books.                                                                 Chinatown YMCA
and the history of Christianity in China.                                                 415.355.2888 |
                                               East Bay Japanese                                                           
San Jose Taiko                                                                            San Francisco State University
                                               Language School                                                                       Builds strong kids, families, and
408.293.9344 |                                                              Asian American Studies
                                               510.222.4798                                                                          communities by enriching the lives of
Adopts the traditional values of taiko                                                    415.338.2698 |
                                                                                           all people in spirit, mind, and body.
and infuses it with the American spirit                                                   Provides courses for all students to
                                               A nonprofit ministry of the East
to create a dynamic and compelling                                                        develop greater understanding and
                                               Bay Free Methodist Church. Offers                                                     Donaldina Cameron House
Asian American art form.                                                                  awareness of Asian American histories,
                                               instruction in Japanese language,                                                     415.781.0401 |
                                               music, culture, and character building     cultures, communities, and experiences.
Sennin Foundation Center for                                                                                                         A faith-based organization providing
                                               through biblical teachings.                                                           social services to Asians in San
Japanese Cultural Arts                                                                    U.C. Berkeley Asian American
510.526.7518                                                                                                                         Francisco. Assists youth, immigrants,
                                               Eastwind Books of Berkeley                 Studies Program                                                                                                             women and families through
                                               510.548.2350                               510.643.0796
Offers classes in shin-shin-toitsu-do                                                                                                counseling, peer group support,
(Japanese yoga), yuki (healing arts                                                                                                  domestic violence intervention,
                                               Features a large selection of books        Offers a comprehensive undergraduate
and bodywork), aiki-jujutsu (martial                                                                                                 leadership development, education,
                                               written by and about Asian Americans       curriculum; prepares students for
arts), and shodo (calligraphy and ink                                                                                                and advocacy.
                                               from every ethnic background.              service and leadership in Asian American
painting).                                                                                communities; explores the cultural,
                                                                                                                                     Family Bridges Inc.
                                               Intercultural Institute of California      political, and historical experience of
Theatre of Yugen                                                                                                                     510.839.2022
                                               415.441.1884 (main campus)                 Asians in the United States.
415.621.0507 (office)                                                                                                      
                                               415.359.9099 (ESL campus)                                                             Helps newcomers and those with
415.621.7978 (box office)
                                                                                                                limited English language skills to
                                               Offers Korean studies programs for                                                    become self-sufficient, contributing
An experimental ensemble dedicated
                                               students, hosts an ongoing lecture                                                    members of our society.
to the pursuit of the intangible essence
                                               series and online discussions,
of yugen through new interdisciplinary
                                               promotes research, and publishes
performance pieces as well as classical
                                               selected books and articles.
and contemporary texts.

Japanese Community Youth                   Asian and Pacific Islander
     Council                                    Wellness Center
     415.563.8052 (programs and services)       415.292.3400 |
     415.202.7900 (administration)              Educates, supports, and advocates for                               Asians and Pacific Islanders living with
     Empowers young people to realize           or at risk for HIV/AIDS.
     their full potential as self-sufficient,
     responsible members of the                 Asian Community Mental Health
     community. Supports the cultural,          Services
     educational, recreational, and             510.451.6729 |
     vocational needs of children and youth.    Provides behavioral health-care and
                                                family support services and services
     Nihonmachi Little Friends                  to the developmentally disabled in
     415.922.8898 |        12 languages and dialects, tailored
     A community-based Japanese                 specifically to East Bay Asian
     multicultural and bilingual organization   Pacific Islanders.
     committed to providing quality and
     affordable services, offering an           Asian Health Services
     engaging and diverse preschool             510.986.6800
     program and an after-school program.
                                                Serves and advocates for the Asian
     Vietnamese Youth Development               community by ensuring access to
     Center                                     health-care services regardless of
     415.771.2600 |                income, insurance status, immigration
                                                                                            A Necessary Journey Photo: courtesy Jake’s Ladder Productions.
     Works to provide immediate assistance      status, language, or culture.
     to immigrant youth in their adjustment
     to American life and to encourage and      Asian Liver Center at Stanford
     empower youth to participate actively      University
                                                                                            North East Medical Services                     PROFESSIONAL
     in the development of their community.     650.72.LIVER (54837)
                                                                                            415.391.9686                                    ORGANIZATIONS
     Programs include employment training,      888.311.3331                                                          Asian American Journalists
     substance abuse prevention, and after-                   A nonprofit community health center             Association
     school services.                           A nonprofit organization that addresses     targeting the Asian population that             415.346.2051 |
                                                the high incidence of hepatitis B and       provides affordable, comprehensive,             Works for fair and accurate coverage of
     Wu Yee Children’s Services                 liver cancer in Asians and Pacific          compassionate, and quality health-care          Asian and Pacific Islander Americans
     415.677.0100 (main office)                 Islanders through outreach, education,      services in a linguistically competent          to increase the number of Asian and                              and research.                               and culturally sensitive manner. NEMS           Pacific Islander American journalists
     Provides high-quality, culturally and                                                  operates five clinics in San Francisco          and news managers in the industry.
     linguistically appropriate child and       Asian Perinatal Advocates                   and San Jose.
     family services. Offers multilingual       415.617.0061 |
                                                                                                                                            Asian Law Alliance
     resources and referrals; child care        Promotes healthy families and helps         RAMS Inc. (Richmond Area                        408.287.9710
     subsidies; parent-child play groups;       prevent child abuse and domestic            Multi-Services)                       
     and a multilingual book, toy, and          violence in Asian Pacific Islander          415.668.5955 |                  A nonprofit organization delivering
     resource lending library.                  communities.                                A nonprofit agency providing                    legal services to the Asian and Pacific
                                                                                            community-based, consumer-guided,               Islander communities within Santa
     HEALTH                                     Asians and Pacific Islanders for            and culturally competent multilingual           Clara County regardless of income
                                                Reproductive Health                         services that meet the mental health,           level. Provides outreach and education
     Asian American Donor Program               510.663.8300 |                social, vocational, and educational             on basic legal rights.
     800.593.6667 |                A grassroots, community-based               needs of Asian and Pacific Islander
     A nonprofit organization that matches      organization that works to advance          and Russian-speaking communities.               Asian Pacific American Labor
     patients with potential marrow             reproductive justice on a local, state,
     and stem cell donors in the Asian          and national level.                         MEDIA                                           202.508.3733 (national headquarters)
                                                Chinese Community Health Plan               Filipinas                                       Organizes and works with Asian
     Asian American Recovery Services           415.955.8800 |              650.993.8943                                    Pacific American workers, many of
     415.541.9404 |            Delivers culturally sensitive, bilingual,                            them immigrants, to build the labor
     Works to decrease the incidence and        and affordable managed care for             The only nationally circulated magazine         movement and address exploitative
     impact of substance abuse in the Asian     San Franciscans. Offers plans for           for and about Filipinas in North America.       working conditions.
     and Pacific Islander communities.          individuals, families, and groups.          Covers stories of heroes, leaders, and
     Provides outreach, treatment,                                                          mavericks in the community.                     Asian Pacific Fund
     prevention, and research services.         Chinese Hospital
                                                415.982.2400                                India Currents                        
     Asian and Pacific Islander                         408.324.0488 |            Connects Asian donors to social and
     American Health Forum                      Provides culturally competent               A monthly publication devoted to the            community issues. Raises awareness
     415.954.9988 |              health-care services for the Chinese        exploration of the heritage and culture         and makes grants to community-based
     Dedicated to promoting policy,             community. Care is cost-effective,          of India as it exists in the United States.     organizations to address these needs.
     program, and research efforts to enable    responsive to the community’s
                                                                                                                                            Works to improve the health and well-
     Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders      uniqueness, and accessible to all           India-West                                      being of all local Asian Americans.
     to attain the highest possible level of    socioeconomic levels.                       510.383.1140 |
     health and well-being.                                                                 A newspaper that covers the Indian              California Asia Business Council
                                                                                            American community and South Asian              415.986.8808 |
                                                                                            affairs. Offers original, award-winning         Assists California businesses in
                                                                                            coverage and features a “Focus on               developing and expanding commercial
                                                                                            Youth” section.                                 ties with Southeast Asia and China.

Chinese Chamber of Commerce               Japanese American Services of               On Lok Senior Health Services                Maitri
415.986.1370                              the East Bay                                415.292.8888 |                 408.436.8398 (local hotline)
415.982.3071                              510.848.3560 |                Helps the elderly live independently         888.8.MAITRI (862.4874) (toll free)                     Offers bilingual, culturally sensitive      outside a nursing home; provides   
Serves the Chinese community,             services designed to encourage healthy      quality, affordable health-care services,    A confidential nonprofit South Bay
business interests, and the city of       aging for Japanese seniors living in        various types of residential units for       organization helping South Asian
San Francisco.                            Alameda and Contra Costa counties.          older adults, and a senior center.           women facing domestic violence,
                                                                                                                                   emotional abuse, cultural alienation,
The Filipina Women’s Network              Kimochi Inc.                                Yu-Ai Kai Japanese American                  human trafficking, and family conflict.
415.935.4FWN (4396) |        415.931.2294 |          Community Senior Service                     Provides free peer support and referrals
A nonprofit association for women         Provides transportation, congregate         408.294.2505 |               to legal help and emergency shelters.
of Philippine ancestry, providing         and home-delivered meals, case              A bilingual service offering seniors
educational resources through             management, senior center activities,       an array of activities and programs:         Narika
publications, lectures, activities, and   information/referral, consumer/health       a well-balanced day-care program, a          510.444.6068
programs to further the professional      education lectures, social day care,        nutritious lunch service, social services,   800.215.7308 (toll-free hotline)
and personal development of its           residential/respite care, and in-home       a transportation program, and classes.
members.                                  support services.                                                                        Works to end violence against women
                                                                                      SERVICES FOR                                 and to empower women to confront
Japanese Chamber of Commerce              Kokoro Assisted Living                      ABUSED WOMEN                                 the cycles of domestic violence,
650.522.8500 |              415.776.8066                                                                             exploitation, and ignorance. Focus
Promotes business between Japan                 Asian Women’s Shelter                        is on women who trace their origins
and the United States and fosters         A nonprofit, state-licensed residential     415.751.7110 (administration)                to Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal,
understanding and friendship among        facility for the elderly that provides      877.751.0880 (crisis line)                   Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and diasporic
its members.                              nonmedical care and assistance in                                 communities, such as the Caribbean.
                                          private apartments. Helps seniors           A battered women’s shelter for
SENIORS                                   thrive in a place that offers a warm and    Asian immigrant and refugee women
                                          comforting sense of Japanese culture,       and their children, with language-
Berkeley Chinese Community                community, and family.                      appropriate and culturally competent
Church—The Dorothy C. Wong                                                            services.
Senior Center
510.548.5259 |

   Asian Pacific American
   Heritage Month Guide
                                           Member Services
                                                                                      NCPB Senior Managers
                                                                                      President & C hief Executive Officer
                                                                                                                                      Join Us
   Manag ing E ditor
                                           415.553.2150                               John Boland
   Manjula Martin                          9am-5pm, Mon–Fri.                          General Counsel & Corporate                     KQED enthusiastically
                                           After hours, please leave a message.       Secretary
   Art Director
                                                                                      Margaret Berry                                  celebrates the rich diversity of
   Zaldy Serrano
                                           Other KQED Info                            Vice President, Human Resources                 the Bay Area, and we proudly
   Copy Editor
   Joan D. Saunders                        415.864.2000, 9am-5pm, Mon–Fri             & Labo r Rel ations                             focus on nationally recognized
                                                                                      Joanne Carder
   KQED P ublic Television
                                                                                                                                      heritage months with special
                                                                                      Executive Vice President for
                                           Latest Updates on KQED Public
   Pro gra m S chedul ing                                                             Marketing & Communications                      programming. We also publish
   Scott Dwyer                             Television Schedule Changes                Donald W. Derheim
                                                                                                          a program and resource guide
                                                                                      Chief D evelopment Officer
   © NCPB Inc. 2010                                                                   Traci A. Eckels                                 in February for Black History
                                                                                      Vice President, Television Content              Month; March for Women’s
   Contact KQED                                                                       Michael Isip                                    History Month; this one for
                                           NCPB Board of Directors
   KQED Program Information Line                                                      Chief Content Officer                           Asian Pacific American
                                           Willa Seldon, Chair                        Linda O’Bryon
                                           Anne Avis, Vice Chair                                                                      Heritage Month; June
   Recorded program schedules and                                                     vice president of d igital media

   updates for KQED Channel 9, KQED        Betsy Hambrecht, Treasurer
                                                                                      & Education                                     for Lesbian Gay Bisexual
                                                                                      Tim Olson
   digital channels, and KQED 88.5 FM.     Scott Dettmer, Secretary
                                                                                                                                      Transgender Pride Month;
                                                                                      Vice President, Ra dio General
                                                                                                                                      September for Latino Heritage
                                           Anne Avis, Michael Billeci, Brenda         Manager
   KQED Public Television Info                                                        Jo Anne Wallace                                 Month; and November for
                                           Boudreaux, Lee Caraher, Yogen Dalal,
   Tel 415.553.2135                        Scott Dettmer, Tom Epstein, Elizabeth      Vice President o f Engineering                  American Indian Heritage
   Fax 415.553.2254                        Hambrecht, Dianne Harrison, Warren         & technol ogy
   Live assistance 9am-5pm, Mon–Fri.       Hellman, Marie Jorajuria, Chuck            Steve Welch                                     Month. These free guides,
   After hours, recorded information.      Kissner, David Lee, Daphne Li, Srini                                                       which are available online at
   KQED Public Television Comments         Madala, David Mahoney, Charley                                                   , would
   415.553.2100                            Moore, Mike Ramsay, Willa Seldon,
                                           Heidi Locke Simon, John Sobrato, Jay                                                       not be possible without the
   Record a statement about KQED
   public television programs.
                                           Yamada                                                                                     support and generous
   KQED Public Radio Info                                                                                                             contributions of our members.
   88.5 San Francisco 415.553.2129         NCPB Community
   89.3 Sacramento 415.570.0215            Advisory Panel                                                                             If you would like to become a
   Live assistance and audio and           Juveria Aleem, Kelly Chau, Albert                                                          member of KQED, please
   transcript information 9am-5pm,         Cheng, Brian Cheu, Karen Clopton,
   Mon–Fri. After hours, recorded          Rose Marie Garcia Fontana, Maria Fort,                                                     call 415.553.2150 or visit
   information.                            Frankie Jacobs Gillette, Lisa Gonzales,                                          
   Audience Services                       Todd Lewis, Hilbert Morales, Cliff Moss,                        Gail Roberts, Jay Rosenthal, Rosabella
                                           Safont, Johanna Silva, Lorraine                                                            We appreciate your support.
   Send your programming questions
                                           Yglesias, Blanca Zarazúa
   anytime. Responses are usually sent
   within one to two business days.

You are an inspiration to us all.
                                                       Union Bank and KQED are honored to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage
                                                       Month. For the 13th consecutive year, we recognize the everyday heroes in our
                                                       local neighborhoods. You serve as a continuous source of inspiration for us
                                                       today, and for generations to come. Your community spirit and leadership have
                                                       truly made a difference. Together we look forward to making the world a more
                                                       harmonious place filled with hope, dreams, and possibilities. Congratulations
                                                       from all of us at Union Bank.

    Congratulations to our 2010 Local Heroes of the Year:
        Vane Feuy Chao                                          Sue Lee
        Asian Americans for Community Involvement               Chinese Historical Society of America

        Kennith Lee                                             Jeff Mori
        Francisco Middle School                                 Asian American Recovery Services, Inc.

               ©2010 Union Bank, N.A. Visit us at

2601 Mariposa Street
San Francisco CA 94110

KQED celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
A Program and Resource Guide         l   May 2010
                                                                                 Spark Pictured: Members of the Firebird Youth Chinese Orchestra
                                                                                 Photo: Li-Kang Kao.

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