Cracow Arabian Horse Sale 2017
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KRAKOWSKa aukcja koni arabskich 2017 CRACOW ARABIAn horse sale 8–9–10/09.2017 Klub Jazdy Konnej Szary
Wydawca EDITOR POLTURF Barbara Mazur Al. Wyścigowa 4-B/84 02-681 Warszawa, Poland T: +48 604 504 199 E: OPRACOWANIE CATALOGUE EDITORIAL Joanna Krawczyk Scott Benjamin Projekt graficzny Designed by Projekt kropki ZDJĘCIA CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHY Stuart Vesty Sylwia Iłenda Barbara Mazur Ewa Imielska-Hebda Katarzyna Dolińska April Visel © 2017. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Przedruk lub kopiowanie materiałów zawartych w niniejszej publikacji, w całości lub częściowo, wymaga pisemnego zezwolenia wydawcy. Wydawca i jego współpracownicy nie odpowiadają za treść materiałów reklamowych zawartych w katalogu. © 2017. All rights reserved. The copyright of material appearing in this publication is held by Polturf Barbara Mazur. Production of editorial material in whole or part from this publication requires written permission of copyright holder. Polturf Barbara Mazur and their contributors accept no liability for the content of the magazine.
KRAKOWSKa aukcja KONI ARABSKICH 2017 CRACOW ARABIAn HORSE sale Szary Equestrian Riding Club – Michałowice near Cracow PROGRAM 8 września 2017 (Piątek) 10 września 2017 (Niedziela) 8th of September 2017 (Friday) 10th of September 2017 (Sunday) 14.00-18.00 (arena zewnętrzna / outdoor arena): 10.00-15.00 Rejestracja Klientów Krakowski Pokaz Koni Arabskich Registration of Buyers Cracow Arabian Horse Show 10.00-12.00 (arena zewnętrzna / outdoor arena): 18.30-20.00 (hala krytej ujeżdżalni / indoor arena) Krakowski Pokaz Koni Arabskich Krakowska Aukcja Koni Arabskich Cracow Arabian Horse Show – pokaz koni aukcyjnych Cracow Arabian Sale horses preview 12.00-15.00 Otwarte stajnie (wyłącznie dla zarejestrowanych klientów) Open stables 9 września 2017 (Sobota) (registered clients only) 9th of September 2017 (SATURDAY) 15.00-18.00 (hala krytej ujeżdżalni / indoor arena) 10.00-18.00 (arena zewnętrzna / outdoor arena): Krakowska Aukcja Koni Arabskich – licytacja Krakowski Pokaz Koni Arabskich Cracow Arabian Horse Sale – auction Cracow Arabian Horse Show CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale 1
WARUNKI KRAKOWSKIEJ AUKCJI KONI ARABSKICH 2017 Udział w licytacji Obowiązki nabywcy 1. Do licytacji mogą przystąpić osoby fizyczne i osoby prawne na równych 15. Nabywca każdego konia ma obowiązek: prawach, bez żadnych ograniczeń. a. natychmiast po wygraniu w licytacji lub uzyskaniu praw do zakupu 2. Warunkiem dopuszczenia do licytacji jest wpłacenie wadium w wysokości podpisać formularz umowy kupna-sprzedaży przedstawiony przez EUR 2000,00 (dwa tysiące Euro) na konto Polturf Barbara Mazur lub Polturf Barbara Mazur. w biurze aukcji najpóźniej na pół godziny przed rozpoczęciem licytacji. b. podać dokładne dane osobowe i przedstawić dokument tożsamości lub 3. Wadium upoważnia do wzięcia udziału w licytacji każdego konia. Wpłata dokumenty potwierdzające prowadzenie legalnej działalności (dotyczy wadium jest równoznaczna z akceptacją warunków aukcji i traktowana jest nabywców instytucjonalnych). jako zobowiązanie do ich przestrzegania. Osoby przystępujące do udziału c. wpłacić pełną kwotę zakupu, pomniejszoną o wysokość wadium w licytacji zobowiązane są do podpisania regulaminu Aukcji. traktowanego jako zaliczka na zakup konia, gotówką lub przelewem 4. Wpłacone wadium zostaje zaliczone w cenę zakupu. Wadium zostanie na konto zwrócone wpłacającemu bezpośrednio po aukcji, o ile zakup nie dojdzie do Polturf Barbara Mazur skutku. Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej VII O/ Warszawa 5. Wpłacone wadium upoważnia do zakupu tylko jednego konia. Przy zakupie nr 30 2030 0045 3110 0000 0006 6890 kolejnego konia, wymagane będą dodatkowe gwarancje. w terminie czternastu dni od daty licytacji. Przedłużenie terminu płatności Prowadzenie i sprzedaż koni może nastąpić wyłącznie na podstawie gwarancji bankowych przedstawio- nych przez nabywcę. 6. Licytacja będzie prowadzona systemem zwyczajowo przyjętym na aukcjach d. na żądanie Polturf Barbara Mazur złożyć gwarancję pokrycia i pokryć sprzedażnych koni. Licytacja prowadzona jest w Euro. Minimalne postąpienie wszelkie koszty związane z utrzymaniem koni po aukcji, wysyłką ekspor- ustala się na poziomie 1000,00 EUR (jeden tysiąc Euro). tową koni, w tym koszty badań i testów weterynaryjnych, koszty związa- 7. Każdy koń posiada cenę rezerwową. Cena ta nie będzie publicznie ogłaszana ne ze spedycją i odprawą celną koni, koszty wysyłki próbek krwi lub przed, po, ani w trakcie trwania aukcji. Każdy koń zostanie sprzedany po surowicy do laboratorium wykonującego badania, etc. osiągnięciu ceny rezerwowej, chyba że ogłoszone zostanie inaczej. e. odebrać na własny koszt każdego konia zakupionego na aukcji w termi- 8. Osoba akceptowana przez aukcjonera, oferująca najwyższą cenę staje się nie i w miejscu określonym przez wystawcę. nabywcą. 16. Jeżeli nabywca nie spełni któregokolwiek z warunków określonych 9. Wylicytowana cena sprzedaży jest ceną netto, do której dodany zostanie w punkcie 15: stosowny podatek VAT (8%). Kwota VAT zostanie zwrócona tym klientom, a. traci wadium bez możliwości zwrotu lub negocjacji, którzy: b. traci prawo do konia tak, jakby zrezygnował z kupna, a. posiadają numer unijny VAT i potwierdzą dostawę wewnątrzunijną odebranych koni c. każdy koń i potomstwo urodzone po aukcji z klaczy opisanej jako „źrebna” może zostać ponownie sprzedane. W każdym przypadku sprzedaż może b. przedstawią dokumenty eksportowe, potwierdzające wywóz zakupionych odbyć się natychmiast lub w późniejszym terminie na licytacji publicznej koni poza granice Unii Europejskiej, pod warunkiem, że procedura celna lub w sprzedaży bezpośredniej. wywozu zamknięta zostanie w ciągu 6 miesięcy od dnia dokonania pełnej zapłaty za zakupione konie. 17. Prawo własności dotyczące zakupionych koni lub potomstwa urodzonego po aukcji z klaczy opisanych jako „źrebne” nie przejdzie na nabywcę, 10. Aukcjoner zastrzega sobie prawo do nie przyjęcia jakiejkolwiek oferty dopóki ten nie uiści pełnej kwoty zakupu łącznie z pozostałymi należno- zakupu, a także do anulowania licytacji, bez podania przyczyny. ściami związanymi z niniejszymi warunkami lub innych należności wobec 11. W przypadku powstania sporu między dwoma lub więcej licytującymi, sporny Polturf Barbara Mazur. koń poddany zostanie ponownej licytacji od najwyższej ceny niespornej, 18. Ryzyko związane z zakupionymi końmi oraz z potomstwem urodzonym po lub też spór zostanie rozstrzygnięty przez aukcjonera. aukcji przechodzi na nabywcę wraz z „uderzeniem młotka” podczas licytacji. 12. Polturf Barbara Mazur zastrzega sobie prawo wycofania z aukcji każdego 19. Jeżeli nabywca odmówi uiszczenia zapłaty za jakiegokolwiek konia konia przed lub w trakcie licytacji bez podania przyczyny. w terminie określonym w warunkach, Polturf Barbara Mazur lub wystawca Opisy i zdrowie mają prawo do zażądania płatności od nabywcy oraz do znalezienia i wykorzystania wszelkich legalnych środków, aby ją uzyskać. 13. Każdy koń oferowany do sprzedaży ma udokumentowane pochodzenie i wpisany jest do Księgi Stadnej. 20. Odebranie zakupionego konia z miejsca licytacji może nastąpić jedynie w przypadku natychmiastowego uregulowania pełnej kwoty zakupu wpłatą 14. Każda klacz opisana jako „źrebna” posiada świadectwo pokrycia oraz gotówkową lub potwierdzonym przelewem na konto Polturf Barbara Mazur. pisemne oświadczenie lekarza weterynarii stwierdzającego źrebność wraz z datą badania. Świadectwo wraz z kopią dostępne jest do wglądu 21. Po zakończeniu licytacji zakupione konie przetransportowane zostaną w biurze Aukcji. Jeżeli Polturf Barbara Mazur nie otrzyma świadectwa do macierzystych stadnin, gdzie utrzymywane będą na ryzyko nabywcy pokrycia klaczy przed rozpoczęciem licytacji, zastrzega sobie prawo do i na koszt wystawcy do 30 dni po aukcji. Po tym terminie nabywca pokrywa ogłoszenia, że świadectwo pokrycia nie zostało przedstawione. koszty utrzymania w kwocie EURO 10,-/dzień. 22. Inne rozwiązania kwestii transportu lub utrzymania koni po terminie określo- nym w niniejszych Warunkach nabywcy regulują na podstawie indywi- dualnych umów z wystawcami. 2 CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale
WARUNKI KRAKOWSKIEJ AUKCJI KONI ARABSKICH 2017 Zalecenia dla Nabywców 27. Wystawca ponosi odpowiedzialność za poszkodowanie koni w wyniku 23. Wszystkie konie sprzedawane są na warunkach określonych przez Polturf choroby, wypadku lub z innych przyczyny, od momentu przyjazdu na miejsce Barbara Mazur w niniejszych przepisach. Obowiązują wszystkie informacje aukcji i podczas całego pobytu na miejscu, chyba, że dany koń zostanie i poprawki dotyczące danych w katalogu ogłaszane podczas aukcji, a co za sprzedany, w wyniku czego ryzyko związane z końmi przechodzi na nabywcę tym idzie, wszyscy nabywcy zobowiązani są do obecności na początku wraz z uderzeniem młotka lub w momencie sprzedaży, jeżeli następuje licytacji danego konia, aby usłyszeć wszelkie dotyczące go ogłoszenia. sprzedaż niepubliczna. 24. Zaleca się, aby każdy nabywca dokładnie obejrzał konie przed zakupem. 28. Polturf Barbara Mazur nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za żadnego konia Każdy koń sprzedawany jest w stanie „jak jest” i pod żadnym warunkiem ani za żadne szkody wyrządzone koniom i za żadne kontuzje, jakie odniosą dotyczącym sprzedaży nie gwarantuje się, że dany koń spełnia określone podczas stacjonowania na terenie aukcji. wymagania co do jakości, nadaje się do treningu lub innych zakładanych 29. Polturf Barbara Mazur zastrzega sobie prawo do dokonania oględzin celów. Nabywca musi upewnić się, że wystawca wyraża zgodę na przeprowa- poszczególnych lub wszystkich koni wwożonych i/lub stacjonujących dzenie oględzin lub badań weterynaryjnych przed ich dokonaniem. na terenach aukcyjnych i do nie przyjęcia lub odizolowania każdego konia 25. Po zakończeniu transakcji i odebraniu zakupionych koni, wszelkie rekla- uznanego za nie nadającego się do sprzedaży z jakiegokolwiek powodu. macje ze strony nabywcy mogą być kierowane wyłącznie bezpośrednio do Polturf Barbara Mazur nie będzie ponosić żadnej odpowiedzialności w związku wystawcy, nie później jednak niż do 3 miesięcy po aukcji. Organizator aukcji z dokonaniem oględzin, wycofaniem lub odizolowaniem danego konia. nie będzie uczestniczył w rozstrzyganiu sporów między wystawcą i nabywcą. Ubezpieczenie Odpowiedzialność za konie 30. Ubezpieczenie na wypadek śmierci obejmuje każdego konia do wysokości 26. Wszystkie osoby przebywające na terenach aukcyjnych podczas trwania ceny zakupu w momencie „uderzenia młotka”. Ubezpieczenie zakontrakto- aukcji i imprez z nią związanych czynią to na własne ryzyko. Organizatorzy wane przez Polturf Barbara Mazur z C. Jarvis Insurance Agency of Aurora, aukcji nie będą ponosić odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek szkody na Ohio USA, pozostaje w mocy do czasu, aż klient podpisze kontrakt lub do zdrowiu czy mieniu poniesione przez te osoby podczas trwania aukcji lub północy pierwszego roboczego dnia po aukcji, cokolwiek nastąpi wcześniej, imprez z nią związanych. i co obliguje nowego właściciela do zapenienia ciągłości polisy, jeśli taka jest jego wola. CREDITS OGRANIZERS Horse Breeding Adviser – Anna Stojanowska Equine Consulting – Jerzy Białobok Polturf – Barbara Mazur AUCTIONEER Andrew Nolan, Goffs Country (Ireland) RINGMASTERS RIYAN RIVERO (USA) Jeff Wintersteen (USA) ANNOUNCER Anna Stojanowska CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale 3
2017 CRACOW ARABIAN SALE CONDITIONS Participation in the bidding Buyer’s duties 1. Both individual persons and corporate buyers may participate on equal 15. The Buyer of each horse is obliged: terms in the bidding without any restrictions. a. to sign the contract presented by Polturf Barbara Mazur right after 2. In order to participate in the bidding one must pay the deposit of EUR winning the bidding or obtaining the right to purchase; 2.000,00 (say two thousand EURO) either to the account of Polturf b. to state exact personal data and present an identification document or Barbara Mazur or at the Sale Office half an hour before the auction. documents confirming the legal status of his/her business (corporate 3. The payment of the deposit allows one to participate in the bidding of each buyers only); horse. By paying the deposit the buyer accepts the conditions of the Sale c. to pay the total contract value, deducting the deposit amount, in cash and makes a commitment to abide by them. Persons participating in the bid- or by unconditional money order to ding are obligated to sign the Sale regulations. Polturf Barbara Mazur account in 4. The paid deposit is treated as an integral part of the contract price for one Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej VII O/ Warszawa, horse only. Each next purchase requires an additional deposit of EUR Account number 30 2030 0045 3110 0000 0006 6890 2.000,000 (say two thousand EURO). within fourteen days counting from the date of the sale. Extension of 5. The deposit will be returned immediately after the auction if the purchase the payment deadline could be done exclusively on the basis of a bank is not effective. guarantee presented by the Buyer. Bidding and sale of horses d. to present, on Polturf’s request, the guarantee of covering all the 6. The bidding will be conducted in the usual way practiced at horse auctions. expenses connected with the maintenance of the horses after the auc- The bidding will be conducted in EURO. The minimum bidding increment tion including stabling costs as well as the export shipment including is to be EUR 1.000,00 (say one thousand EURO). costs of veterinary tests, forwarding expenses, custom clearance, costs of shipping the blood or serum samples to the laboratories performing 7. Each horse has a reserve price. The reserve price will not be made public the test etc. before, during or after the auction. Each horse sells after achieving its reserve price, unless otherwise stated. e. to pick up each horse, purchased during the auction, at his own expense on the date and at the place named by the owner of the horse. 8. The person who the auctioneer recognized the highest bid from becomes the Buyer. 16. If the Buyer would fail to fulfill any of the conditions specified in point 15: 9. The purchase price, being the highest bid recognized by the auctioneer, is a. he loses the deposit without the possibility of its return or any negotiation; the final net price and non-negotiable. The bid purchase price is the price b. he loses the right to the horse as though he would resign from the purchase; net, which will be increased by VAT at the applicable rate (8 per cent). c. each horse and the offspring foaled after the auction out of the mare The VAT amount will be reimbursed to the Customers who: described as ”in foal” may be sold once again. In any case the sale might a. possess a European Union VAT registration number and will confirm the be effected right away or later on during a public auction or direct sale. intra-community delivery of the collected horses 17. The title of possession concerning either the horse being purchased or or the offspring being foaled after the auction of the mares described b. will submit exportation documents, confirming exportation of the pur- ”in foal” would not be transferred to the Buyer unless he should pay the chased horses out of the territory of European Union, under the condi- total amount of money being due including all the remaining expenses tion, that the customs export procedure will be completed within 6 connected with the present conditions or other dues towards Polturf months from the date of making full payment for the purchased horses. Barbara Mazur. 10. The auctioneer reserves the right to refrain from accepting any bid or to 18. Risk connected with the horses being purchased and the offspring being make the particular bidding null and void without giving any reason there- foaled after the auction is being transferred to the Buyer with ”the fall of fore. hammer” during the auction. 11. If any dispute arises between two or more bidders the horse in dispute 19. If the Buyer would refuse to pay the money due for any horse within the will be immediately put up for advance bidding starting from the highest time being stated in these conditions either Polturf Barbara Mazur or the level reached before the dispute arouse or the dispute will be settled by the owner of the horse has the right to demand the payment from the Buyer auctioneer. as well as to find and use all legal terms to obtain that. 12. Polturf Barbara Mazur reserves the right to withdraw any lot or lots from 20. Picking up the horse being purchased from the place of the auction would the auction before or during the bidding without giving any reason therefore. be possible only in case of immediate payment of the total contract value in cash, by confirmed check or by confirmed money order to Polturf Description and health Barbara Mazur account. 13. Each horse offered for sale has a confirmed pedigree and is registered 21. Right after the auction is finished all the horses being sold should be in the Polish Arabian Stud Book. shipped back to the stables of the owner of the horse in order to be main- tained there at the Buyer’s risk and the expense of the owner up to 30 14. Each mare being described as ”in foal” has a breeding certificate and days after the Sale. Further stabling is possible at the Buyer’s expense of a veterinary surgeon statement in written form confirming pregnancy EURO 10,– per day. with the date of examination. The certificate along with its copy is available to be seen in the Sale Office. If Polturf Barbara Mazur does not obtain the 22. Other solutions of the transportation or the maintenance of the horses breeding certificate of the mare before the bidding starts, Polturf Barbara after the time being stated in these conditions may be settled directly Mazur reserves the right to announce that the breeding certificate has not between the Buyers and the owners of the horses on the basis of separate been presented. agreements. . 4 CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale
2017 CRACOW ARABIAN SALE CONDITIONS Notice for the purchasers 27. The owner of the horse is responsible for the damage of the horse as 23. All the horses are being sold on the conditions stated by Polturf in these a result of any disease, accident or any other cause, from the moment of rules. All statements and corrections concerning the data in the catalogue entering the ground of the auction and during the whole stay unless the announced during the auction are in force and due to that all the Buyers are particular horse would be sold which should result in transferring the risk obliged to be present at the beginning of the bidding of a particular horse in concerning the horse to the Buyer with ”the fall of hammer” or in the order to learn all announcements concerning this horse. moment of sale if a direct sale is effective. 24. It is highly recommended for each purchaser to carefully inspect the 28. Polturf is not responsible for any horse, neither for any damages nor for horses before the purchase. Each horse is sold as it stands and there is no any bruises, which could occur during stabling the horses at the ground. term implied in any sale that any horse is of satisfactory quality or is fit for 29. Polturf reserves the right to inspect a particular horse or all the horses training or any particular purpose. Purchasers must ensure that the owner’s entering and/or stabled at the ground of the event and to forbid the approval is obtained before a veterinary inspection is made. entrance or to decide to isolate any horse conside red to be not suitable 25. Upon completion of the transaction and collection of the purchased horses for sale due to any reason. any and all complaints from the buyer shall be made directly and only to Insurance the exhibitor, however not later than 3 months from the end of the auction. The organizer of the auction will not participate in settling disputes 30. Immediate full mortality insurance coverage is effective upon the fall of the between the exhibitor and buyer. hammer, for the total purchase price. The insurance arranged by Polturf Barbara Mazur, with C. Jarvis Insurance Agency of Aurora, Ohio USA, will Responsibility for the horses remain in effect until the purchaser signs the contract or until midnight 26. All persons present at the ground of the event throughout the entire time of the first business day after the sale, whichever occurs first, by which are doing so at their own responsibility. Organizers of the auction will not time it is the obligation of the new owner to arrange permanent insurance be held responsible for any loss or damage, which could happen to any if desired. persons during the whole event. GUIDE TO CATALOGUING DETAILS HORSE NAME: RACING RECORD: Breeder and Owner Year(s) and number of starts: wins and places Horse registered in Polish Arabian Stud Book: Volume / supplement on page number BREEDING RECORD: colour, sex, foaled on (day – month – year) Includes progeny of the mare with sex, sire name, colour, racing three basic measurements (in centimetres) records and destination. Includes year and places of stabling the sire. Sire line: founded by SIRE (d.b. imp. 1817 to Weil – desert bred BREEDING STATUS: imported in 1817 to Weil) The mare is covered by SIRE – date of last service (day, month) Dam line: founded by MARE All data in the catalogue is correct as of day of print and is subject FOUR-GENERATION PEDIGREE: to change. Any change regarding a Lot will be announced during First two generations in the pedigree include basic data the CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE SALE to and during the bidding regarding progenitors of the horse (colour, year of birth, of each Lot and therefore it is the responsibility of all bidders to be breeder and racing record). Racing records in pedigree include: in attendance at the commencement of the Sale or Lot to hear number of seasons / number of starts (first – second – third any such announcements. – fourth – and fifth if placed) number of stake wins the most important races are: D Derby Stakes O Oaks Stakes AP Arabian Produce / Janów Podlaski Stakes C Criterium Stakes / Porównawcza EC International Europa Cup In 1995-2001 the first five horses were in the money in all Polish races CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale 5
KRAKOWSKa aukcja koni arabskich 2017 CRACOW ARABIAn horse sale lot 1. DELLMARA SW 8 lot 16. ZLOTA ODESSA (FR) 23 lot 2. ALINA PS (IT) 9 lot 17. LAYZA OF MARWAN 24 lot 3. EL VERMENTINA 10 lot 18. HABIBI STAR (IT) 25 lot 4. ECLISS (IT) 11 lot 19. GODAIVA 26 lot 5. EL ENDILA 12 lot 20. E-SAWANNA 27 lot 6. H EMBITION H (US) 13 lot 21. TIFFANJ (IT) 28 lot 7. ELMANDA 14 lot 22. EL ESTRADA 29 lot 8. WENTISCA 15 lot 23. ENERINA 30 lot 9. H PATRICIA H (US) 16 lot 24. VALENCIA AL SHAQAB (QA) 31 lot 10. MINERVA J (BE) 17 lot 25. WARMA 32 lot 11. GAJA WENUS 18 lot 26. LADY SERENADA 33 lot 12. VA MAGNIFICA (IT) 19 lot 27. NASIRA 34 lot 13. PERTESA 20 lot 28. GAJA RAMZES 35 lot 14. GAJA REA 21 lot 29. EUROGRANT OZ (IL) 36 lot 15. PASCALLA 22 7
lot 1. DELLMARA SW AJA JUSTIFIED Magnum Psyche WH Justice grey, 2007 Vona Sher-Renea Aja Arabians FS Bengali GZAVI Great Britain Aja Beneja grey, 2011 G Estarreja D.B. Arabians Monogramm Belgium GWANDOLYN Ekstern grey, 2006 Ernestyna D.B. Arabians Pasat Belgium Gwana Gwanda NUZYR HCF Aladd AF Don Giovani bay, 1995 Wind Charm Haras Capim Fino Ali Jamaal DELLZYRA SA Brasil NV Ali Bey grey, 2006 Mystical Bey Haras Santo Andre MT Marsianin Brasil DELL TOUCH Delmar bay, 1991 Love Melody Jairo Queiroz Jorge Belfast Brasil AF Entocada AF Santa Fe Bred and owned by Nina Suskevicova – Suweco Stud (CZ) The ultimate combination of both beauty and regal heritage come PASB Vol. XVII-5 together perfectly in DELLMARA SW, a fitting tribute to the progressive and grey filly, foaled on 17th of March, 2016 impressive quality bred by Nina Suskevicova in the Czech Republic. Blessed measurements: 143-160-18 cm with the superb balance, strong compact structure and engaging show Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala attitude of her multi-international champion sire GZAVI, DELLMARA is Dam line: Rodania d.b. imp. 1881 to Crabbet Park (GB) a direct beneficiary of the incomparable collection of highly desirable attri- butes of universally renowned World Champions AJA JUSTIFIED & EKSTERN. Show Record: The best of Brazil is present in abundance on the distaff side of her Horse in show training pedigree through her ethereal dam DELLZYRA SA, full sister to multi-inter- national champion mare ATHENA SA. Maternal grandsire & Haras Santo Andre chief sire NUZYR HCF, twice Brazilian National Reserve Champion and one of the most perfectly conformed stallions in the breed, is highly regar- ded for his prolific daughters, including SIBERIA SA, dam to international sensations AJ SAWAHI & AJ SAWARI. Further feminine elegance and aristo- cratic refinement is attributed to respected South American sire DELMAR, descendant of iconic US National Champions MARSIANIN, ALADDIN & BASK MELODY. Tail female, DELLMARA traces to important Polish-Crabbet foun- dation mare AF ENTOCADA, the source of several internationally esteemed show & breeding horses, including MISS EL POWER JQ & MARSAL AL SHAQAB. 8 CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale
lot 2. ALINA XXXXPS (IT) MAGNUM PSYCHE Padron Padrons Psyche chestnut, 1995 Kilika J.L. & L.H. Havice Sasaki WH JUSTICE USA A Fancy Miracle grey, 1999 Medina Azahara Wendell Hansen VONA SHER-RENEA El Shaklan USA grey, 1989 El Sher-Mann Gazira Roland E. & Vona E. Huggins Jassen Renea USA Shamilazzan KUBINEC Menes Balaton chestnut, 1987 Panagia Tersk Stud Muscat PS PETRENA USSR Kosmetika chestnut, 2004 Karta Silvano Pecorari Salon Italy PETREENA Ponomarev chestnut, 1987 Palitra Tersk Arabian Associates Aswan USA Nini Nerpa Bred by Silvano Pecorari (IT) and owned by Czesław Gołaszewski A tall, feminine and dynamic young daughter of the Champion Maker – Regina Arabians WH JUSTICE, ALINA PS possesses all the qualities necessary to succeed PASB Vol. XVII-5 both as a high level show horse and a respectable breeding prospect. chestnut filly, foaled on 10th of July, 2015 Bred in Italy, as many of the best WH JUSTICE progeny, ALINA is blessed measurements: 155-177-18,7 cm with star-making power of her superstar sire, whose ultra-exotic, elegant Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala and glorious daughters have dominated the international show ring in the Dam line: Rodania d.b. imp. 1881 to Crabbet Park (GB) new millennium, the likes of BESS FA’IZAH, CR JASMEENAH, FM GLORIAA, OM EL AISHA AL JASSIMYA, ABHA OPALINA & AJA APHRODITE. Like AJA APHRODITE, Show Record: ALINA shines as a charming chestnut, reminiscent of legendary paternal Horse in show training grandsire MAGNUM PSYCHE, with the added allure of a flaxen mane & tail. Maternally, ALINA boasts a rare straight Russian pedigree, genetics renow- ned for size, substance and athleticism, all of which are manifest in ALINA’s phenotype. Her maternal grandsire KUBINEC is still revered one of the most unforgettable and respected show horses and sires in the Arabian breed, a masculine, powerful and commandingly charismatic blend of invaluable Russian icons BALATON & MUSCAT. Most importantly, ALINA’s granddam is the long-necked alluringly feminine PONOMAREV daughter PETREENA, which makes ALINA a 3/4 sister to one of most beloved and accomplished daughters of WH JUSTICE: US National Champion, Abu Dhabi Gold Champion & World Cup Supreme Gold Champion PANAREA BY PALAWAN. CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale 9
lot 3. EL VERMENTINA DA VALENTINO Fame FV Versace bay, 2003 Precious as Gold Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. Padrons Psyche VITORIO TO USA Da Love bay, 2008 Magnifficaa FA Thirteen Oaks Arabians Salon USA SOL NATIQUE Solstice grey, 1993 Passionate Interfund Corporation Nabor USA Natique Ruzica EKSTERN Negatraz Monogramm grey, 1994 Monogramma Michałów Stud Piechur ENYA 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) Ernestyna Erwina grey, 2002 ZPH Strusinianka Ltd. ELIZKA Probat Pamir grey, 1991 Parma Michałów Stud Eufrat 1/5 (1-0-1-1) Eulalia Emilia Bred and owned by ZPH Strusinianka Ltd. An opportunity to acquire a young daughter of the fabulous VITORIO TO, PASB Vol. XVII-4 who was recognized National Champion Stallion across three countries: grey filly, foaled on 23rd of May, 2015 USA, Canada and Brazil. He is sired by one of the most accomplished measurements: 147-176-18 cm halter stallions of all time, DA VALENTINO, a triple US National Champion, Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Canadian National Champion and twice Scottsdale Champion Stallion. DA Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta VALENTINO passed away at the age of just 8, but fortunately left behind rightful successors among which VITORIO TO is considered one of the Show Record: best. EL VERMENTINA is also lucky to call an EKSTERN daughter – ENYA Horse in show training – her dam. EKSTERN daughters are well known for their incredible produ- cing abilities (as seen in MORION, PUSTYNIA KAHILA, EQUATOR & WIEŻA MOCY) and ENYA is no different. Apart from EL VERMENTINA she has foaled the extremely successful EL PIATZOLLA (Scandinavian Open Junior Reserve Champion, Tulip Cup Junior Champion, Junior Spring Show Bronze Cham- pion, Polish National Junior Top Five, Arabia Polska Warsaw Championship Junior Silver Champion, Autumn Show Junior Bronze Champion & Polish National Senior Top Five Mare) and EL FADO (a class top five finalist from the Junior Spring Show and the Polish Nationals, as well as from the UAE and Fujaira shows in the Middle East). In turn ENYA's sister are also excellent producers: EL ARIA foaled EL SIENA, a Junior Spring Show Top Five & Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Mare; while EGERIANA, a class top five from the Junior Spring Show and the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival, delivered EL CHAGALL – a class top five from Białka, Warsaw and Berlin. 10 CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale
lot 4. ECLISS (IT) PSYRASIC Padrons Psyche Psytadel bay, 2003 Bint Bey Shah Gestüt Osterhof Kubinec DON LUCIANO Germany Karoba grey, 2011 Bookra Marco Franchini RSD Dark Victory Italy MATA HARI HY Lumiar Amadeus grey, 2002 CA Sabrina Haras Itajahy Exceladdinn Brasil Kursk HG HF Joia Victor EMIRATUS B Ibn Nazeema El Thay Mameluk chestnut, 1995 El Thay Mansoura Bábolna Stud Ibn Galal I AISA B Hungary 223 Ibn Galal I-13 chestnut, 1999 23 Ghalion-2 Bábolna Stud Ibn Galal Hungary 228 IBN GALAL I-11 Ibn Galal I chestnut, 1982 Hanan Bábolna Stud Tuhotmos Hungary 14 Bint Azza I Azza I Bred by Cristiano Fiesoli (IT) and owned by Tomasz Tarczyński Another lovely young import from Italy, ECLISS represents a deci- PASB Vol. XVII-5 dedly international heritage of respected show & breeding horses from grey filly, foaled on 13th of April, 2015 four continents and some of the world’s most accomplished breeding measurements: 149-162-16,5 cm programs. Her dam, AISA B, was bred in Hungary at the renowned Bábolna Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Stud, one of Europe’s oldest and most influential breeding programs. Dam line: Bint El Bahreyn d.b. 1898 Straight Egyptian in pedigree, AISA is sired by the dynamic and exotic EMIRATUS B, a widely admired son of EL THAY MAMELUK and 223 IBN GALAL Show Record: I-13, making him a maternal sibling to the inspiring 218 ELF LAYLA WALAYLA Horse in show training B – World Reserve Champion Mare and dam of international sensation EL NABILA B. Uniquely, AISA is blessed with a second cross to NAZEER grandson IBN GALAL, sire of Simeon Stud foundation mare & Arabian legend 27 IBN GALAL V, as well as a second cross to his son best son, IGN GALAL I, whose dam, Katharinenhof Stud matriarch HANAN, remains one of the most celebrated mares in the history of the breed. ECLISS’ sire, the exotic multi-international champion DON LUCIANO, is an impressive blend of bloodlines from Brazil, Russia, Spain & the United States. His sire PSYRASIC, is one of the best sons of the globally successful PSYTADEL, out of a powerful daughter of the legendary KUBINEC. His dam, MATA HARI HY, blends the esteemed genetics of South American super sires LUMIAR AMADEUS & US National Champion EXCELADDINN. CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale 11
lot 5. EL ENDILA MAGNUM PSYCHE Padron Padrons Psyche chestnut, 1995 Kilika JUSTIFY J.L. Havice & L.H. Havice Sasaki chestnut, 2003 USA A Fancy Miracle Medina Azahara Michael & Rachela Wilmet S JUSTADREAM Afire Bey V Justafire DGL USA chestnut, 1998 Mc Justa Kate Resting S Ranch Inc. Eukaliptus USA Acquaintance Acquanetta EMIGRANT Palas Ararat grey, 1991 Arra Michałów Stud Eukaliptus EDELMIRA 2/22 (1-3-5-3) Emigrantka Emigracja grey, 2006 Ataman Arabians Alegro ELATEA Angor Angola grey, 2001 Michałów Stud Ecaho Eberia Ebola Bred and owned by Józef Pietrzak An elegant young mare rich with an exceptional pedigree of inter- PASB Vol. XVII-4 national icons, EL ENDILA shines as one of the main attractions amongst grey filly, foaled on 9th of April, 2015 the promising collection of show & breeding prospects. Very represen- measurements: 149-180-17 cm tative of the quality that has been bred with remarkable consistency by Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Józef & Małgorzata Pietrzak – Minnesota Arbians, EL ENDILA is blessed Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta with the ultra-exotic type of her internationally respected sire JUSTIFY. Widely considered one of the best sons of living legend MAGNUM PSYCHE, JUSTIFY is most importantly the premier son of S JUSTADREAM, the long- necked feminine beauty who still holds the record as the winningest mare in United States history. Maternally, EL ENDILA is a pure Polish power- house, with crosses to many of the most celebrated mares in Polish breeding history. Her dam, EDELMIRA, is a treasured daughter of Polish National & European Champion EMIGRANT, who brings the incomparable influences of EMIGRANTKA, EMIGRACJA, ARRA, BANDOLA, EUNICE, ARFA & ESTOKADA to her pedigree. Her granddam, ELATEA, is a rare daughter of Polish National Reserve Champion ANGOR, who adds further feminine fortune to EL ENDILA’s pedigree with ALGERIA, ANGOLA & ALGONKINA. EL ENDILA’s great-granddam is the celebrated show mare EBERIA, one of the most successful daughters of international icon ECAHO, who traces not only tail-female to most famous “E” family foundress ESTOKADA, but weaves together the ethereal beauty of the unforgettable World Champion ETRURIA with the maternal merit of breeding cornerstones PIEWICA, ETNA, ELA & PARMA. 12 CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale
lot 6. H EMBITION H (US) REGAL ACTOR JP Ali Jamaal Encore Ali bay, 1998 My Mavica JP Martins Aviacao Ltds Laddin BA BEY AMBITION Brasil More Pretty JP bay, 2006 Rose of Shaklan Lucy Whittier Bay El Bey USA BEY SHAHS LADY Bey Shah bay, 1996 Star of Ofir Cedar Ridge Farm Elegance Taask USA of Taask Le Elegance ENZO Padron chestnut, 1999 Padrons Psyche Kilika Philip Del Pozzo RD ENZARRA & Brent Stone RD Bey Bey Shah bay, 2007 USA Shahmpane Bey Shahdar M. & S. Popplewell Canada GF SIMPLY MAGIC Ali Jamaal Magic Dream bay, 1997 The Dreamspinner Mariane S. Adamson Errostotle Canada GF Providence Poco Poco Bred and owned by Hennessey Arabian LLC (US) An exciting young filly from the Hennessey breeding program, AHR*659733 H EMBITION H is brimming with potential as both a show horse and young bay filly, foaled on 8th of April, 2015 breeding prospect of the highest caliber. Already a show champion in the measurements: 151-167-17 cm United States, H EMBITION H is unmistakably a daughter of multi-National Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Champion BEY AMBITION, abounding with the same dynamic charisma and Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta ambitious show attitude of all his best get. Tall, powerful and irresistibly commanding, with a long lean elegant neck, and exceptional forehand and Show Record: an exhilarating animated trot, BEY AMBITION has proven himself a respected 2017 Region 12 Top Five Two Year Old Filly – USA sire of high quality show and breeding horses around the world. Geneti- 2017 Region 12 Top Five Spotlight Futurity Two Year Old Filly ATH – USA cally, BEY AMBITION perfectly combines the positive influences from many of the greatest names of the past half century, including ALI JAMAAL, MUSCAT, ALADDINN, BEY SHAH, BASK & NABORR. EMBITION’s dam, Arabian Celebration Champion RD ENZARRA, is a tall, well-constructed athletically talented daughter of multi-US National Champion ENZO, a leading son of living legend PADRONS PSYCHE. She in turn is out of beloved Rae-Dawn Arabians foundation mare & Aristocrat Dam GF SIMPLY MAGIC, an inspired combination of leading ALI JAMAAL son MAGIC DREAM with the Pure Polish power of multi-champion halter & performance mare GF PROVIDENCE. Through GF SIMPLY MAGIC, H EMBITION H shares a common maternal heri- tage with RD FABREANNA, one of the leading international Aristocrat Dams in the breed with highly influential champion descendants on five conti- nents, including Brazilian National Champion LLC FASARIO & the reigning World Gold Senior Champion DONNA MOLTA BELLA SRA. CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale 13
lot 7. ELMANDA WH JUSTICE Padrons Psyche Magnum Psyche grey, 1999 A Fancy Miracle Wendell Hansen El Sher-Mann AJA JUSTIFIED USA Vona Sher-Renea grey, 2007 Renea Aja Arabians Kubinec Great Britain AJA BENEJA FS Bengali grey, 1999 Om El Sanadiva Aja Arabians Carmargue Great Britain G Estarreja Estasha Bint Masri WERBUM Tallin Wojsław grey, 1995 Wilejka Michałów Stud Piechur EL DAHMA 2/23 (4-4-3-2-5) Werda Wendeta grey, 2002 Michałów Stud EMOCJA Negatraz Monogramm chestnut, 1992 Monogramma Michałów Stud Palas 1/8 (1-0-1-2-1) Emigracja Emisja Bred and owned by Waldemar Bąk – Salima Arabians ELMANDA is a gloriously bred daughter of European Junior Triple PASB Vol. XVII-34 Crown winner AJA JUSTIFIED. Since his junior years AJA JUSTIFIED has just bay filly, foaled on 7th of January, 2015 recently added senior titles to his ever growing collection in the shape of measurements: 151-165-17,5 cm Dubai Silver Champion, Bruges International Gold Champion, European Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Silver Champion, Abu Dhabi Gold Champion, All Nations Bronze Champion & Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta World Top Ten Stallion. AJA JUSTIFIED himself bears a spectacular pedigree being the son of “Champion Maker” WH JUSTICE and a dam by World Reserve Champion, Scottsdale Champion & US National Champion FS BENGALI. ELMANDA's maternal heritage is the E damline of champions from Michałów Stud, tracing to the family's most prominent broodmatron – EMIGRACJA. This Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare and WAHO Trophy honoree is key to the damline's worldwide success. Her daughters are none other than the iconic EMIGRANTKA (dam of EL DORADA & EMIGRANT), EMANACJA (with an entire family of her own champion descendants as EMANDA, EMANDORIA, EMILDA, EMBRA, EMMONA, EMIRA, EL SAGHIRA, EMPIRE etc.), ERLANDA (dam of ELANDRA), ELLADA, ETENTA (dam of HS ETIQUETTE) and EMOCJA, ELMANDA's granddam. EMOCJA is best known for her daughter EJRENE – twice World Junior Top Ten, Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, twice Wels International Senior Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, Tulip Cup Senior Bronze Champion, Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Champion and high-seller of the 2012 Pride of Poland at 440 thousand Euro. Another EMOCJA produce is the Tulip Cup Senior Reserve Champion, Scandinavian Open Senior Champion, Swedish National Senior Champion & Rio Arabian Show Senior Champion Stallion EMILIUSZ and EL DAHMA – dam of ELMANDA and Star of Five Mountains Junior Champion Stallion EL FARID. 14 CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale
lot 8. WENTISCA GAZAL AL SHAQAB Ruminaja Ali Anaza El Farid bay, 1995 Bint Deenaa Al Shaqab Stud Kaborr ERYKS Qatar Kajora bay, 2003 Edjora Michałów Stud Negatraz 1/6 (0-0-1-1) EMMONA Monogramm grey, 1998 Monogramma Michałów Stud Pamir 1/8 (0-0-0-1-4) Emilda Emanacja EMPRES Negatraz Monogramm bay, 1995 Monogramma WENTA Michałów Stud Probat grey, 2000 1/8 (0-2-0-2-2) Empressa Emfaza Kurozwęki Stud – J.M. Popiel Eleuzis WALIA Partner 1/3 (1-1-0-0) Parma grey, 1985 Kurozwęki Stud Burkan Warzecha Warynka fot. Barbara Mazur Bred and owned by Kurozwęki Stud – J.M. Popiel A pleasantly designed filly sired by the handsome GAZAL AL SHAQAB PASB Vol. XVII-4 son ERYKS, WENTISCA is a perfect opportunity for a future broodmare. An grey filly, foaled on 1st of January, 2015 Autumn Show Senior Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Senior measurements: 148-169-18 cm Bronze Champion, ERYKS is actually a further a son of two World Cham- Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala pions – the afore mentioned GAZAL and EMMONA, descending from the Dam line: Szweykowska 1800 Sławuta E-dynasty of champions from the barns of Michałów Stud. EMMONA is a full sister to Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion Mare Show Record: EMBRA, dam of champion stars EMMBLA, EL OMARI, EMIRA – the further Horse in show training dam to EL SAGHIRA & champion chief sire EMPIRE. ERYKS remains the best producing son of GAZAL, having sired Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five & Autumn Show Junior Top Five Stallion CHIMERYK and Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion & European Junior Bronze Champion Mare DIARA. On the distaff side WENTISCA is a maternal sister to Autumn Show Junior Champion Mare WERSJA. Both sisters are out of the Canadian National Top Ten Stallion EMPRES daughter WENTA, whose as many as 5 produce were winners at the race track. The entire damline hails from founding mare and Oaks St. winner WERBENA. Her line has especially grown and thrived in Michałów with the likes of WILEJKA, WOJSŁAW, WIZJA, WIAŹMA, WILGA, WILDA, WIEŻA RÓŻ, US Triple Crown winner, Polish National, European & World Champion Mare WIEŻA MOCY and superb race horses: WILIAM, WIENERVA, WESTIM & WARES. CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale 15
lot 9. H PATRICIA H (US) THEE DESPERADO Ruminaja Ali bay, 1989 The Minstril Bahila Tom & Martha AJ THEE LUCA Salome The Egyptian Prince AK Amiri Asmarr bay, 2010 USA Asmarr Legacy Partners LLC Padrons Psyche USA HED CARAMBA Magnum Psyche bay, 2004 A Fancy Miracle Haras El Dok Cajun Prince HCF Argentina HED Cajun Queen Zetyra HCF OM EL SHAHMAAN El Shaklan grey, 1999 Sanadik El Shaklan Mohena Om El Arab MARSEILLE O International Carmargue Om El Shaina grye, 2006 USA Estopa oOne LLC NDL MARTINIQUE Salon USA chestnut, 1985 Muscat Malpia Nichols – De Longpre Arabians Arax Maritsa USA Monopolia Bred and owned by Hennessey Arabian LLC (US) An alluring young mare inspired by several of the world’s leading AHR*666766 breeding programs, H PATRICIA H is a promising package of potential both grey filly, foaled on 17th of March, 2015 in the show ring and the breeding barn. Her glamorous appeal and measurements: 152-167-17 cm distinctly feminine charm have already made PATRICIA a successful multi- Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala champion in the United States, qualities unquestionably bestowed by her Dam line: Sahara d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce Egyptian Event Gold Champion sire AJ THEE LUCA. Having earned a solid reputation for siring top quality foals capable of succeeding at the highest Show record levels in the international show ring, AJ THEE LUCA masterfully combines 2016 Region 12 Top Five Spotlight Futurity Yearling Fillies Auction AOTH – USA the size, stretch, authentic Arabian type and extravagant forehand of his 2016 Region 12 Top Ten Spotlight Futurity Yearling Filly ATH – USA legendary Straight Egyptian sire THEE DESPERADO with the effervescent 2016 East Coast Championship Yearling Champion Filly – USA charm, refined elegance and enchanting charisma of his beloved multi- 2017 Region 12 Top Five Spotlight Futurity Two Year Old Filly ATH – USA champion dam HED CARAMBA. Universally regarded as the leading daugh- ter of living legend MAGNUM PSYCHE, HED CARAMBA has earned interna- tional Aristocrat Dam status with an incredible fourteen champion produce to her credit. PATRICIA’s dam, MARSEILLE O, is a tall elegant well- conformed daughter of US National Champion OM EL SHAHMAAN, corner- stone sire of the incomparable Om El Arab breeding program, who is linebred to “mare of the century” ESTOPA. Tail female, PATRICIA is descended directly from Mike Nichols’ treasured NDL MARTINIQUE, an extraordinary daughter of Russian Arabian icons MUSCAT & MARITSA, best remembered as the dam of influential sire and high trotting show horse METROPOLIS NA. 16 CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale
lot 10. MINERVA J (BE) JAMIL AL RAYYAN Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi grey, 2006 Ansata Sudarra Al Rayyan Farm Alidaar KAYS AL BAIDAA Qatar Dana Al Rayyan grey, 2011 Ansata Samaria Al Baidaa Stud El Hadiyyah Egypt KAREEMAH SAQR El Habiel chestnut, 2002 Bint Bint Hamamaa Omar Saqr Stud Imperial Madori Egypt Maha Saqr Alidarra QR MARC Marwan Al Gazal Al Shaqab bay, 2005 Shaqab Little Liza Fame V.L. & L.F. Doyle Magic Dream MALUTKA J USA Swete Dreams grey, 2009 Kouream de Ment Jadem Arabians Palas Belgium STARLIGHT Pegaz grey, 1995 Pliszka Jadem Arabians Bandos Belgium Morning Light VF First Light Bred by Christine Jamar (BE) and owned by Wojciech Parczewski A gorgeous young filly that perfectly blends her illustrious Straight – Best Arabians Egyptian heritage and powerful Pure Polish dam line with the exotic PASB Vol. XVII-4 influence of QR MARC, MINERVA J has both the looks and the pedigree grey mare, foaled on 25th of July, 2014 to succeed as high end show & breeding horse. Proudly bearing the measurements: 152-175-19 cm J namesake bestowed upon the best horses bred by visionary breeder Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Christine Jamar, MINERVA J is most importantly a member of the Jadem Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce Arabians foundation family of MORNING LIGHT VF, a US-bred daughter of the legendary BANDOS and the champion producer FIRST LIGHT. The “M” Show Record: descendants of the MORNING LIGHT family at Jadem have been amongst 2016 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the International Show the very best mares in Europe over the last three decades, including inter- – Wels (AT) national champions MOUNIRA J, MYSTERIOUS LADY J & MISSISSIPI J, as well 2016 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Cracow Arabian as invaluable broodmatrons MAUHIBA J, MARTINIQUE J, MORNING BREEZE J Horse Show – Cracow (PL) & MAGNIFICENT LADY J. MINERVA belongs to the STARLIGHT branch, herself a Belgian National Reserve Champion Filly and multi-champion producer, of Breeding status: the MORNING LIGHT family through the beautiful MALUTKA J, an exotically Not bred refined daughter of World Champion super sire QR MARC. MINERVA’s pe- digree is further enhanced by her celebrated Straight Egyptian sire, World Egyptian Event Champion KAIS AL BAIDAA, renowned for his exemplary type and dramatic movement. Line-bred to many of the most influential Straight Egyptian breeding legends, including ANSATA IBN HALIMA, MORAFIC, HADBAN ENZAHI, BUKRA, MAGIDAA & MONIET EL NEFOUS, KAIS adds the breeding genius of Ansata, Imperial, Sakr & Katharinenhof to MINERVA’s infinite bree- ding potential. CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale 17
lot 11. GAJA WENUS SANADIK EL SHAKLAN Shaker El Masri El Shaklan grey, 1983 Estopa OM EL SHAHMAAN Om El Arab Hadban Enzahi grey, 1999 Germany Mohena Morisca V Om El Arab International OM EL SHAINA White Lightning Carmargue USA grey, 1989 Velvet Shadow Om El Arab Tabal Germany Estopa Uyaima POGANIN Imperial Imdal Laheeb grey, 2001 AK Latifa Janów Podlaski Stud Pepton GAJA IRIS 1/11 (0-5-1-2) Pohulanka Pestka chestnut, 2007 Chrcynno-Palace Stud GRANADA Negatraz Monogramm chestnut, 1996 Monogramma Michałów Stud Eukaliptus 2/14 (1-2-2-1-1) Grenlandia Getynga Bred and owned by Krzysztof Poszepczyński – Chrcynno-Palace Stud GAJA WENUS is a combination of two acclaimed breeding programs PASB Vol. XVII-3 – that of Om El Arab International and Chrcynno-Palace Stud, one of the grey mare, foaled on 17th of March, 2014 first Polish private breeders to claim successes on an international scale. measurements: 152,5-173-18,2 cm GAJA WENUS is sired by OM EL SHAHMAAN, a US National Champion Stallion Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala and numerous Scottsdale Top Ten, considered the heir to SANADIK EL Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce SHAKLAN, ranking high among the world's leading sires of national and international champions. OM EL SHAHMAAN further enjoys a linebreeding Show Record: to ESTOPA, regarded as one of top five influential mares of the 20th Horse in show training century. The dam of GAJA WENUS – GAJA IRIS – is a Senior Bronze Cham- pion Mare from the Berlin Arabian Horse Cup and the Arabia Polska Warsaw Breeding status: Championships, as well as a multi class top five finalist from the Polish Not bred National Show, Junior Spring Show and AHO Breeders’ Championship Europe in Chantilly. GAJA IRIS is out of the chestnut beauty GRANADA, one of the stellar MONOGRAMM daughters of Michałów Stud. Like ESTOPA for Om El Arab, GRANADA became a pillar broodmatron for Chrcynno-Palace, blessing them with versatile and handsome produce. GRANADA's other foals include, among others, GAJA SELENE (class winner at the Junior Spring Show, several special awards for Best Horse of private breeding) – dam of GAJA HERA (Breeders' Championship Europe Junior Bronze Champion Mare – Warsaw, Arabia Polska Warsaw Championship Junior Silver Cham- pion Mare), GAJA NIKE – dam of GAJA RAMZES (Arabia Polska Warsaw Championship Yearling Gold Champion Stallion), GANGA (international show competitor, one of the first private bred horses to dazzle on the European arenas) – dam of Arabia Polska Warsaw Championship Junior Silver Champion Stallion GAJA RE and grandam of UAE National Junior Champion Mare SEHER AL JAMAL. And last but not least – GRANADA is the dam of the extremely versatile athlete GALAHAD – a medalist in dressage, show jumping, Classic Pleasure from the Polish National Sport Arabian Horse Championships, Lower Austrian Championships and Open Austrian Championship for Sport Horses. 18 CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale
lot 12. VA MAGNIFICA (IT) TRUE COLOURS The Minstril Thee Desperado chestnut, 1997 AK Amiri Asmarr MAGIC MAGNIFIQUE F.J. Waring Dalul black, 2009 Canada Daheda Nahed Fontanella Magic Arabian Team MAGIC MON AMOUR Windsprees Thee Desperado Italy bay, 2004 Mirage GL Lady Mirage Fontanella Magic Arabian Team BJ Thee Mustafa Al Amrya Italy Krushinka ANSATA SHAAMIS Ansata Halim Ansata Ibn Halima grey, 1994 Shah Ansata Rosetta Judith MARILYN MONROE & Donald L. Forbis Prince Fa Moniet STAR AK Faressa USA AK Nameesa grey, 2010 M. Rocchino MAGIC VALENTINA Windsprees Thee Desperado Italy grey, 2002 Mirage GL Lady Mirage Fontanella Magic Arabian Team Desperados Thee Desperado Italy Stella RA Darda Bred by Victor Arabians (IT) and owned by Tomasz Tarczyński Exotic and ingeniously bred, VA MAGNIFICA shows great promise as PASB Vol. XVIII-1 show horse of international quality and a breeding mare of limitless value. grey filly, foaled on 28th of February, 2014 She is unmistakably a daughter of the ultra exotic MAGIC MAGNIFIQUE, measurements: 153-175-18 cm a celebrated international champion and Most Beautiful Head winner Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala at the Salon du Cheval, who continues to prove himself an important sire Dam line: El Dahma ca.1879 Ali Pasha Sherif of beautifully designed heads and elegant outlines. Most intriguingly, MAGNIFICA possesses an incredible five crosses to THEE DESPERADO, the Show record leading Straight Egyptian sire of the new millennium, and a reliable source 2016 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Gran Premio Purosangue of size, stretch, fantastic forehands, breed standard toplines and exceptio- Arabo – Citta di Busto Arsizio (IT) nal Arabian type. MAGNIFICA, in her predominantly Straight Egyptian pedi- gree, is also blessed with an astounding eighteen crosses to breed corner- Breeding status: stone MORAFIC, considered the most prolific of all the legendary sons of Bred to ZUNDANCE JAMIL (PL) grey 2013 (AB Jamil La Piana (IT) NAZEER and the essential ingredient to breed progress in every corner of – LL Zamira (US)/Enzo (US)) the globe. More exotic type is added with TRUE COLOURS, esteemed sire bred by Tomasz Tarczyński (PL) of twice World Champion ROYAL COLOURS, as well as through the alluring black stallion WINDSPREES MIRAGE. The genius of the Ansata program, with both the brilliance of ANSATA HALIM SHAH & PRINCE FA MONIET, is present in maternal grandsire ANSATA SHAAMIS, best known as the sire of internationally influential stallion SHAEL DREAM DESERT. Through the direct tail female line of her sire, MAGNIFICA is a direct beneficiary of one of the breed’s most important dam lines, that of Tersk legend MAMMONA, through the German-bred matrons of merit NESCHI & MENASCHA. CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale 19
lot 13. PERTESA QR MARC Marwan Al Gazal Al Shaqab bay, 2005 Shaqab Little Liza Fame V.L. & L.F. Doyle Magic Dream EMARC USA Swete Dreams Kouream de Ment grey, 2009 Falborek Arabians Monogramm EKSTERNA Ekstern Ernestyna grey, 2005 Falborek Arabians Pamir Emanta Emanacja WH JUSTICE Padrons Psyche Magnum Psyche grey, 1999 A Fancy Miracle Wendell Hansen Vona El Sher-Mann PERTISA USA Sher-Renea Renea grey, 2008 Falborek Arabians Monogramm PERNACJA Ekstern Ernestyna grye, 2003 Falborek Arabians Eukaliptus Perturbacja Petarda fot. Barbara Mazur Bred and owned by Krzysztof Goździalski – Falborek Arabians The youngster PERTESA is a combination of Janów's and Michałów's PASB Vol. XVII-3 leading damlines: P of PIEWICA and E of ESTOKADA. Her sire EMARC, Polish grey filly, foaled on 19th of January, 2014 National Junior Reserve Champion, Wrocław Summer Show Junior Reserve measurements: 150-176-17 cm Champion, Junior Spring Show Top Five & Arabia Polska Warsaw Cham- Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala pionship Senior Silver Champion, is the son of World Champion QR MARC Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew and Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare EKSTERNA, tracing to breed icons EMANACJA & EMIGRACJA. Maternally PERTESA descends in Show Record: a direct line from the famous “P” family founder PIEWICA, a progenitor of Horse in show training several generations of champions, including the biggest names of the modern era, PIANISSIMA, PINGA & POGROM. The direct link between PERTE- Breeding status: SA and PIEWICA is also abundant in accomplished show horses. PERTESA's Not bred dam PERTISA placed third at the Polish Nationals (with a total of three “20s” for head and movement) and fourth at the European Championships. PERTISA's sister, PERLAHABA, is a Polish National Junior Top Five & Kuwait National Senior Bronze Champion Mare. PERTISA's & PERLAHABA's dam PERNACJA is out of the Falborek Senior Reserve Champion (private bree- ding) PERTURBACJA, who also produced Junior Spring Show Reserve Cham- pion (private breeding) & Falborek Junior Champion (private breeding) PERELDON. In turn PERTURBACJA is the daughter of Austrian National Cham- pion, Biella Senior Champion & Bábolna International Reserve Champion PETARDA, one of the five outstanding female produce of Polish National Senior Reserve Champion PENTODA. Apart from PETARDA this incredible group consists of US National Champion PENICYLINA (for many years the highest priced Polish-bred Arabian at 1,5 million dollars), PENTOZA (pillar brood- matron of Białka Stud from whom stem multi champion PESAL & PERFINKA), PESTKA (progenitor of as many as eight chief sires active in breeding today, including POGROM) and Polish National Junior Champion PEREŁKA (proge- nitor of sub-line of “PSYCHE” champions: KREUZA, VICTORIA & KERET). 20 CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale
lot 14. GAJA REA MARWAN AL SHAQAB Anaza El Farid Gazal Al Shaqab bay, 2000 Kajora Al Shaqab Stud Fame VF FA EL SHAWAN Qatar Little Liza Fame bay, 2005 Katahza Marlene Ann Rieder El Shaklan USA FOXBRIAR SHAKITA ZT Shakfantasy chestnu, 2001 RH Light Fantasy Selket Arabians Furno Khamal USA Selket Mirrot Preferred Time EMIGRANT Palas Ararat grey, 1991 Arra Michałów Stud Eukaliptus GANGA 2/22 (1-3-5-3) Emigrantka Emigracja grey, 2004 Chrcynno-Palas Stud GRANADA Negatraz Monogramm chestnut, 1996 Monogramma Michałów Stud Eukaliptus 2/14 (1-2-2-1-1) Grenlandia Getynga Bred and owned by Krzysztof Poszepczyński GAJA REA is a delightful filly combining the excellence of the Saklavi – Chrcynno-Palace Stud sire line through breed standard-setter GAZAL AL SHAQAB with the highly PASB Vol. XVII-4 acclaimed Polish damline of GASTRONOMIA, the best producing, most grey filly, foaled on 22nd of March, 2014 versatile daughter of legendary OFIRKA. For their breeding program, measurements: 151-176-18 cm Chrcynno-Palace Stud had acquired GRANADA, one of the exquisite Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Michałów-bred mares sired by game-changer MONOGRAMM, whose other Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce very much notable get include KWESTURA, FALLADA, ZAGROBLA, ESKALOPKA, GEORGIA, PALESTYNA, EGZONERA, ELANDRA and PALMIRA. Breeding status: GRANADA, out of Bábolna Senior, Polish National Senior, UK International Not bred Senior & Arabian Masters Senior Reserve Champion Mare GRENLANDIA, established her own well-known branch at Chrcynno, producing among others the filly GANGA, one of the first Polish private-bred international show stars, who paved the way for others. GANGA's most notable performances are her class wins at the Tulip Cup in Deurne and the Scandinavian Open Championships in Blommeröd. GANGA also took placed in class top fives in Ströhen, Towerlands, Brecht, Frankfurt, Middelfart and just this year – at the International Qatar Arabian Horse Show and the Prince Sultan Arabian Horse Festival (title show) in Saudi Arabia. GANGA has also been a great producer, making GAJA REA a sibling to: Arabia Polska Warsaw Championship Junior Silver Champion Stallion GAJA RE and class top fives GAJA LILIT, GAJA BACHUS & GAJA VALENTINA – who has continued the family's excellent breeding tradition and produced SEHER AL JAWAL (AE), UAE National Junior Champion Mare and multi class top five honoree from Ajman, Sharjah and Fuhairah. GAJA REA's sire is FA EL SHAWAN, son of World Champion MARWAN AL SHAQAB and grandson of GAZAL AL SHAQAB. But FA EL SHAWAN does not need to promote himself through his champion lineage, as he has his own successes to speak for themselves with the titles of US National Champion, Brazilian National Champion and Arabian Breeders World Cup Gold Supreme Champion Stallion. CRACOW ARABIAN HORSE sale 21
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