World - Asia-Pacific Clearing the way - Kuehne + Nagel

Page created by Bernard Cross
World - Asia-Pacific Clearing the way - Kuehne + Nagel
                                      M A G A Z I N E NO . 1 / 0 8

China and India are the powerful growth engines

Clearing the way
Kuehne + Nagel supports solar taxi project
World - Asia-Pacific Clearing the way - Kuehne + Nagel

      Contents                                           4   Focus
                                                             The Asia-Pacific organisation

                                                        20   Markets & Products
                                                             300 tonnes of extreme cargo fill three
                                                             Antonov bellies

                                                        21   On the glass road

                                                        22   Nacora: continued growth

                                                        24   Clearing the way for solar energy

                                                        26   Beiersdorf relies on Kuehne + Nagel

                                                        27   Partnership with Carrefour in Turkey

                                                        28   Inside
      Imprint                                                Contented shareholders
      Published by
      Kuehne + Nagel International AG                   29   Klaus Herms celebrates 40 years
      P.O. Box 67, CH-8834 Schindellegi
      Tel. +41 (0)44 786 95 15                               with Kuehne + Nagel
      Fax +41 (0)44 786 96 90
                                                        30   Round the World
      Kaufmann Kommunikationsdesign
                                                        34   People & News
      Wilhelm Zertani
      Druckerei und Verlag
      D-28001 Bremen

      Two times a year

      English and German

      Print run

      KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
World - Asia-Pacific Clearing the way - Kuehne + Nagel
EDITORIAL            3

Dear      The dynamic economies of the Far East are generating high transport and logistics
          volumes, with India and China leading the way. This makes the Asia-Pacific region,
          upon which this issue of the World Magazine focuses its attention, an important
Readers   area of activity for the Kuehne + Nagel Group.

          As is the case everywhere, our staff in this part of the world are fully prepared to
          deal with the ever greater complexity of supply chains, including rapid develop-
          ments in the field of information technology, and are always ready to adapt to the
          constantly changing demands of customers.

          Internationally operating customers as well as domestic manufacturers and retailers
          are increasingly demanding efficient logistics solutions and innovative lead logistics
          concepts such as those offered by Kuehne + Nagel. In this region there is also a
          growing demand for our range of niche products. Whatever services a customer
          requires, they can be sure that Kuehne + Nagel is fully committed to meeting their
          needs, wherever they are located.

          It is precisely for this reason that globally operating companies such as Beiersdorf,
          Gloria Jean’s Coffees and Carrefour have chosen Kuehne + Nagel as their logistics
          provider. In this issue you can learn exactly what these operations involve, and also
          read other fascinating articles from the world of Kuehne + Nagel.

          I wish you an enjoyable read.


          Klaus Herms
          Chief Executive Officer

                                                              KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
World - Asia-Pacific Clearing the way - Kuehne + Nagel
The Asia-Pacif i
The Asia-Pacific organisation is growing fast. This is reflected in the impressive business growth
rates as well as in the number of employees: The workforce in the region, which now comprises
5.902 people in 143 locations, has almost quadrupled in size since 1999. Specifically in the two



    Locations:                   1                                                                      Locations:                   1                                                                      Locations:                   10                                                                     Locations:                   5
    ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................
    Employees:                   1                                                                      Employees:                   9                                                                      Employees:                   184                                                                    Employees:                   220
    ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................
    Warehouse space: –                                                                                  Warehouse space: –                                                                                  Warehouse space: –                                                                                  Warehouse space: 22,000 sqm
    ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................

    Locations:                   9                                                                      Locations:                   37                                                                     Locations:                   10                                                                     Locations:                   2
    ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................
    Employees:                   354                                                                    Employees:                   2,836                                                                  Employees:                   238                                                                    Employees:                   13
    ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................
    Warehouse space: 50,400 sqm                                                                         Warehouse space: 44,900 sqm                                                                         Warehouse space: 65,600 sqm                                                                         Warehouse space: 1,400 sqm
    ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                New Zealand
    Locations:                   2                                                                      Locations:                   23                                                                     Locations:                   5                                                                      Locations:                   4
    ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................
    Employees:                   112                                                                    Employees:                   701                                                                    Employees:                   119                                                                    Employees:                   136
    ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................
    Warehouse space: 2,000 sqm                                                                          Warehouse space: 60,100 sqm                                                                         Warehouse space: 29,900 sqm                                                                         Warehouse space: 14,500 sqm
    ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ...............................................

KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
World - Asia-Pacific Clearing the way - Kuehne + Nagel
c or ganisation
 BRIC countries China and India, there are plans for a further major expansion of the Kuehne + Nagel
 network from 60 to 85 branches by 2010. The driving force behind the expansion plans is the need
 to make optimal logistics solutions available to every customer.


                                                                                                     Sri Lanka
 Locations:                   5                                                                      Locations:                   2                                                                       Locations:                   6
 ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                      ...............................................
 Employees:                   58                                                                     Employees:                   30                                                                      Employees:                   85
 ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                      ...............................................
 Warehouse space: –                                                                                  Warehouse space: –                                                                                   Warehouse space: 6,700 sqm
 ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                      ...............................................

 Philippines                                                                                         Taiwan
 ...............................................                                                     ...............................................
 Locations:                   6                                                                      Locations:                   5
 ...............................................                                                     ...............................................
 Employees:                   105
 Warehouse space: 7,600 sqm
                                                                                                     Employees:                   208
                                                                                                     Warehouse space: 10,000 sqm
 Singapore                                                                                           Thailand                                                                                             Locations:                                        143
 ...............................................                                                     ...............................................
 Locations:                   5                                                                      Locations:                   5
 ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                      Employees:                                        5,902
 Employees:                   237                                                                    Employees:                   256                                                                    ........................................................
 ...............................................                                                     ...............................................
 Warehouse space: 17,100 sqm                                                                         Warehouse space: 7,000 sqm                                                                           Warehouse space:                                  339,200 sqm
 ...............................................                                                     ...............................................                                                     ........................................................

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
World - Asia-Pacific Clearing the way - Kuehne + Nagel
6     FOCUS

      Customer focus is the key
      Andy Weber, Regional Manager Asia-Pacific, on the characteristics of the region, the company’s
      objectives and his recipe for success in these dynamic markets.

                                                                  Mr. Weber, as Regional Manager                 What are Kuehne + Nagel’s develop-
                                                                  you have been responsible for the              ment plans for the Asia-Pacific
                                                                  development of Kuehne + Nagel in               region?
                                                                  the Asia-Pacific region for nine               The economic momentum from the coun-
                                                                  years. How has the organisation                tries of the region will open up new busi-
                                                                  changed during that time?                      ness opportunities for ourselves and for
                                                                  Both our network and our service port-         the whole Kuehne + Nagel Group. Our
                                                                  folio have grown substantially. The            aim is to successfully expand our leading
                                                                  Kuehne + Nagel organisation in the Far         position in sea- and airfreight in the Asia-
                                                                  East already comprised 18 national com-        Pacific region. At the same time we want
                                                                  panies in 1999, just one less than today,      to press ahead with the further deve-
                                                                  but since then its workforce has increased     lopment of contract logistics – the third
                                                                  nearly fourfold. Presently, around 5,900       important pillar of our business –
                                                                  people operate in more than 140 loca-          through out the region. We currently
      Swiss-born Andy Weber began his career                      tions. We want to continue this dynamic        operate a warehouse area of approxi-
      with the Kuehne + Nagel Group in Johan-                     growth and further increase the density        mately 340,000 sqm in 55 locations in
      nesburg in 1982. This posting was followed                  of our network; by 2010 we plan to be          14 countries.
      by management positions in Japan, Iraq and                  represented in roughly 85 locations in
      Ivory Coast. In 1994 Weber took over the                    India and China alone.                         The driving force behind our expansion
      management of the national company in                                                                      plans is the need to always be close to
      Taiwan, and only three years later he was                   What new demands do your cus-                  our customers and to offer them an opti-
      appointed Managing Director of Kuehne +                     tomers have, and what are you and              mal logistics infrastructure, which sup-
      Nagel Ltd. Hong Kong, to which the branches                 your staff doing to accommodate                ports them in the development of new
      in China also belonged. Since July 1999 he                  them?                                          production or sales markets. Our growth
      has been responsible for business operations                The ever more complex global flows of          plans accordingly focus primarily on the
      in the whole of the Asia-Pacific region.                    goods and the tremendous advances in           two BRIC countries China and India. But
                                                                  the field of information technology have       we also want to strengthen our market
                                                                  brought notable changes to the require-        position in other countries of the region.
                                                                  ments of our customers. Previously it
                                                                  was sufficient to carry out transport          You mentioned China and India.
      .....................................                       from A to B and to offer the customer          What common features and differ-
                           “As a result of the                    added value by means of supplementary          ences do you see between these two
                                                                  services, whereas today a great deal           booming economies, and what is
                    innovative power of our
                                                                  more is demanded. Besides intelligent          their significance for Kuehne +
                      Group, we are able to                       full service solutions from a single source,   Nagel’s logistics business?
                   offer effective solutions.”                    customers want comprehensive supply            Both are very dynamic markets. But each
      .....................................                       chain transparency and sophisticated,          is unique in its way. In day-to-day busi-
                                                                  standardised IT applications for the           ness in China, for instance, it is very
                                         A S I A - PA C I F I C   management of procurement, production          important to observe the correct eti-
                                                                  and distribution processes. As a result of     quette in relations between customer
                                                                  the innovative power of our Group, we          and contractor, while Indians, on the
                                                                  are able to offer effective solutions.         other hand, like to do business with

      KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
World - Asia-Pacific Clearing the way - Kuehne + Nagel
FOCUS           7

                                          In a direct comparison between the two      tics specialists with the necessary poten-
    “The driving force behind our         countries, infrastructure clearly emerges   tial to be trained in-house and retained
  expansion plans is the need to          as one of the big challenges in India.      long-term. It is expected that China alone
                                          Here a good deal must be done in order      will need another 400,000 logistics
always be close to our customers
                                          to catch up with China and create opti-     specialists in the coming years.
    and to offer them an optimal          mum conditions for logistics.
    logistics infrastructure, which                                                   It is important that we are able to offer
       supports them in the deve-         Kuehne + Nagel is nevertheless achiev-      our customers in emerging markets the
   lopment of new production or           ing double-digit annual growth in both      same service and process standards as in
                                          markets. And that, at the same time, is     the west.
                    sales markets.”       one of the challenges that faces us in
                                          the medium term: to find enough logis-      A brief glance into the future: What
                                                                                      else can customers expect from
                                                                                      Kuehne + Nagel in the Asia-Pacific
                                                                                      To meet the constantly changing demands
                                                                                      of our customers, besides strengthening
                                                                                      our core business activities we also plan
                                                                                      to pursue the offering of niche solutions,
                                                                                      such as those for the hotel and casino
                                                                                      industry, beverage logistics or the perish-
                                                                                      ables business. We also want to expand
                                                                                      our capacity as a lead logistics provider
                                                                                      and offer logistics solutions with inno-
                                                                                      vative products and services.

                                                                                      The Group’s successful operations in the
                                                                                      Asia-Pacific region are directed from the head-
                                                                                      quarters (front right) in Hong Kong.

                                                                                               KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
World - Asia-Pacific Clearing the way - Kuehne + Nagel
8     FOCUS
World - Asia-Pacific Clearing the way - Kuehne + Nagel
FOCUS        9

On course for growth
China and India are the powerful engines that are driving the economies of the Asia-Pacific
region and generating impressive growth rates. Kuehne + Nagel is firmly established in these
two BRIC countries, whose substantial transport volume benefits the organisation all over the
world. The two markets and other countries across the region are featured in the following
World - Asia-Pacific Clearing the way - Kuehne + Nagel
10    FOCUS

                                                                                                    predict a medium- or long-term reduction
                                                                                                    of goods flows in China. A good deal is
                                                                                                    being done to strengthen the infrastruc-
      The figures are staggering: In 2007 China’s economy grew                                      ture, in which several hundred billion US
      by 11.4 per cent and its gross domestic product (GDP) is the                                  dollars are to be invested in the next five
                                                                                                    years. Three of the world’s ten biggest
      world’s fourth biggest after the USA, Japan and Germany.                                      ports are now on the Chinese mainland.
      Furthermore, with approximately 1.3 billion people China is                                   With a container volume of more than 26
      the country with the world’s largest population.                                              million TEU and 20 per cent growth, in
                                                                                                    2007 Shanghai overtook Hong Kong to
                                                                                                    become the world’s second biggest con-
                                                                                                    tainer port (Singapore is in first place).
                                                                                                    The combined volume handled by all Chi-
                                                                                                    nese mainland ports amounts to more
                                                                                                    than 100 million containers per year.
                                                                                                    New air terminals were recently opened
                                                                                                    in Shanghai and Beijing, and the Chinese
                                                                                                    government has published plans to con-
                                                                                                    struct a total of 97 new airports by 2020.

                                                                                                    Kuehne + Nagel has been present in
                                                                                                    China since 1979. Its experience, compre-
                                                                                                    hensive range of services and over 2,800
                                                                                                    employees (including Hong Kong and
                                                                                                    Macau) make it one of the country’s
                                                                                                    leading logistics companies. In March
                                                                                                    2004 it was the first global logistics
                                                                                                    provider to obtain the Class A Forwarders
                                                                                                    Licence – a milestone for the develop-
                                                                                                    ment of its business in China. The licence
      International trade is key for China in its       The Kuehne + Nagel headquarters in          enables Kuehne + Nagel to operate on
      role as a mass producer of finished               Shanghai.                                   an independent basis in China and to
      goods; it is regarded as the “workbench                                                       directly provide customers with the full
      of the world”. Another factor is the grow-        1.5 million visitors has already been in    range of international forwarding and
      ing purchasing power of the country’s             progress for some years. The logistics      logistics services. Today the company is
      population, which is leading to a steady          sector is naturally benefiting from these   represented in 37 locations in 21 cities;
      increase in consumption and is reflected          developments and growing at an impres-      eight more branches are to be added by
      in the growing number of car owners. The          sive rate. It now contributes 18 per cent   the end of 2008. Last year a special high-
      Olympic Games in August in Beijing have           of the country’s GDP.                       light for Kuehne + Nagel was the open-
      also given a boost to the economy: Work                                                       ing of two new warehouses in Shanghai
      on the construction and expansion of              Although a slowdown in the world econ-      and Tianjin for two of its key contract
      facilities to accommodate the expected            omy is expected in 2008, experts do not     logistics customers in China: Siemens
                                                                                                    and the US retail chain Best Buy.
                                                                                                    Just as anywhere else, the law of supply
                                         CHINA                                                      and demand also applies in China, and
                                                                                                    there have recently been notable rises in
                                                                                                    the costs of labour and raw materials.
                                                                                                    Particularly against this background,
                                                                                                    domestic manufacturers, retailers and
                                                                                                    international companies are increasingly

      KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
FOCUS       11


                RUSSIA                                               BRIC are the initial letters of the countries Brazil, Russia, India and
                                                BRIC COUNTRIES .......

                                                China. In view of their fast-expanding economies with growth rates ranging from 5 to 11
                                                per cent per year, experts forecast that by 2050 they will overtake the G8 countries
                         INDIA                  (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Japan, Canada, USA and Russia). Roughly 40 per cent of the
                                                world’s population (2.8 billion people) live in the BRIC countries. They now contribute
                                                roughly 10 per cent of world GDP (approximately 33 trillion euros).

The container port of Yantian near Hong Kong.

demanding efficient and cost-effective
supply chain solutions ranging from inte-
grated 3PL to comprehensive lead logis-
tics services from a single source such as
are offered by Kuehne + Nagel.

The objectives for the coming years:
Kuehne + Nagel aims to maintain its
position as market leader in seafreight,
make a committed effort to expand its
airfreight business, and – as a third pillar
– expand its position in contract logistics.

                                                                                        The Kuehne + Nagel head office in Delhi.

                                                                                        Kuehne + Nagel started operating in
                                                                                        India in 1987 through a joint venture
                                                                                        with a local partner, and founded its
                                                                                        own national company in 1997, which
                                                                                        now employs roughly 700 people and
                                                                                        has 23 branches in this multi-ethnic
                                                                                        country; 17 more are to be opened dur-
                                                                                        ing the next 24 months.

                                                                                        The undisputed market leader in sea-
                                                                                        freight, the company also ranks among
                                                                                        the top providers in airfreight and in
                                                                                        contract logistics. Kuehne + Nagel offers
                                                                                        tailor-made solutions to customers with
                                                                                        special requirements such as the auto-
                                                                                        motive, aviation, pharmaceutical, paper
                                                                                        and hotel industries.

                                                                                        Its clear strategy gives Kuehne + Nagel
                                                                                        an edge over its competitors in a market
                                                                                        which – due to its rapidly growing middle

      India                                                                             class (an estimated 300 million people) –
                                                                                        shows a remarkably even balance be-
                                                                                        t ween imports and exports. The national
          More than 1.1 billion people live in India, and 34 per cent of
                                                                                        company was named “Best Seafreight
          them are under 18 years old. The country has a reputation                     Provider” and “Runner-Up Air Freight
          as a “think tank” and has a steady output of world-class                      Provider” in 2007.
          scientists and engineers. It is also well known for its software
          production and as the world’s biggest producer of generic                     The Indian ports handled a total of
                                                                                        6 million TEU in 2007, and this figure is
          medicines. Its gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 9.4 per
                                                                                        expected to rise considerably in the near
          cent in 2007, making it the country with the second fastest                   future. A major infrastructure programme
          economic growth after China. The logistics sector currently                   is in progress to meet the fast-growing
          accounts for 13 per cent of the GDP and is growing rapidly.                   demands of the market and alleviate
                                                                                        existing bottlenecks. New terminals are
          Now estimated at 100 billion US dollars, it is expected to
                                                                                        under construction at the Jawaharlal
          double by 2020.                                                               Nehru Port in Mumbai and in Cochin,
                                                                                        and the port of Chennai is also being
                                                                                        expanded. In addition, the government
          ...........................................................................   is taking steps to facilitate private
                                                                                        investments in infrastructure projects
                                             INDIA                                      and thus contribute towards a sustained

                                                                                        In airfreight, India strives to become an
                                                                                        important cargo hub. The number of
                                                                                        passenger and cargo aircraft forecast for

          KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
FOCUS         13

the next two years will provide logistics     ceuticals and other key markets are
companies with substantially more trans-      placing their logistics operations in the
port capacity.                                hands of specialists in order to optimise
                                              their costs and efficiency. For an inter-
With its wide range of industries the         national fashion brand, for instance,
Indian market offers a multitude of           Kuehne + Nagel handles a production
opportunities for an organisation such        output of more than 2 million articles
as Kuehne + Nagel, which is able to pro-      per season. The service includes invento-
vide customers with a comprehensive           ry management, sorting, order picking,
portfolio of services from integrated         packing, labelling, nationwide distribu-
end-to-end solutions to value-added           tion to 160 outlets, and export to vari-
services such as buyer’s consolidation or     ous countries all over the world.
sophisticated LCL seafreight products.
Kuehne + Nagel’s national distribution        What are Kuehne + Nagel’s plans for
network is also developing well. The          2008 in India? Major objectives include
company now handles roughly 5,000             an enlargement of the network by ex-
shipments per month and the trend is          tending existing customer accounts to
moving away from distributing within          other locations, and expanding of niche
individual states towards pan-Indian dis-     services such as those for the hotel or
tribution – a major challenge in a coun-      food industries. The optimisation of dis-
try with an area of 3.3 million square        tribution activities is also planned to
kilometres.                                   continue. Not least Kuehne + Nagel is in    By the end of this year, Kuehne + Nagel will
                                              the process of building a 22,000 sqm        have 85,000 sqm of warehouse space at its
Kuehne + Nagel India foresees particu-        warehouse in Chennai for a telecom cus-     disposal in India.
lar opportunities in the contract logistics   tomer which is scheduled to begin oper-
and the lead logistics sectors, as more       ation in September. By the end of the
and more local and also multinational         year a total of 85,000 sqm warehouse
companies from the fields of telecommu-       space is projected to be under manage-
nications, retailing and fashion, pharma-     ment in 20 locations (end of 2007: 13).

                                                                      New facility in Malaysia
                                                                      Kuehne + Nagel has expanded its capac-         vides us with an ideal platform to
                                                                      ities in the Asia-Pacific region with the      expand our contract logistics activities,
                                                                      commissioning of a new logistics centre        an integral part of our business,” com-
                                                                      in Malaysia. Dr. Urs Stemmler, Swiss Am-       mented Andy Weber, Regional Manager
                                                                      bassador to Malaysia, and Klaus Herms,         of Kuehne + Nagel Asia-Pacific during
                                                                      Chief Executive Officer of Kuehne +            the opening ceremony.
                                                                      Nagel International AG, officially inaugu-
          Dr. Urs Stemmler, Swiss Ambassador to                       rated the facility in the presence of numer-   In his address, Klaus Herms looked back
          Malaysia, and Klaus Herms, CEO of                           ous customers and business partners.           to the beginnings of the Malaysian com-
          Kuehne + Nagel International AG, visit                                                                     pany, upon which he set his personal
          the state-of-the-art warehouse.                             Located at Bukit Jelutong (Shah Alam),         stamp. Malaysia’s favourable position in
                                                                      roughly 25 kilometres from the capital         the centre of the Asia-Pacific region was
                                                                      Kuala Lumpur, the new facility provides        a decisive factor for Kuehne + Nagel’s
                                                                      22,000 sqm of handling and warehouse           decision to establish itself in the country
                                                                      space and is equipped with the latest          35 years ago. The national company
                                                                      technology including RFID capability.          now employs over 200 people at five
                                                                      The terminal, which has excellent trans-       locations in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and
          .....................................                       port connections, includes a chemical          Johor Bahru, and offers comprehensive
                                                                      storage area for around 4,000 pallet posi-     international forwarding, warehousing
                                             A S I A - PA C I F I C   tions and a 2,000 sqm temperature-con-         and distribution solutions and customer-
                                                                      trolled area. 40 hydraulic loading docks       specific value-added services to domes-
                                                                      provide smooth access to the facility.         tic and international customers.

                                                                      “The investment underlines the dynamic
                                                                      growth of the national company. It pro-

          KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
FOCUS         15

Direct aid
Alongside the Kuehne Foundation, which        Nagel also supports schools by contribu-      in China collected over 100,000 US dollars
supports training and further education       tions in kind such as clothing, school fur-   for the victims within a week and the
in logistics as well as sponsoring cultural   niture, PCs, books or paper.                  company contributed the same amount.
and charitable activities, the Kuehne +                                                     The money was donated to local Red
Nagel national organisations also sup-        Spontaneous assistance is also needed.        Cross organisations.
port selected aid projects in their coun-     Following this year’s earthquake disaster
tries. The companies in the Asia-Pacific      in China, the Kuehne + Nagel employees
region, for instance, do much to help
people in need. Since 1997 the Chinese
Kuehne + Nagel organisation has regu-
larly given support to “Project Hope”, a
public welfare project which is initiated
and organised by the China Youth Devel-
opment Foundation. In poor rural areas it
helps to motivate premature school
leavers to resume their education and to
induce at-risk boys and girls to continue
school attendance.

Kuehne + Nagel China first sponsored
this scheme, which attracts a great deal
of attention both in China and abroad, in
2000 when it supported the construction
of the Wangsuozhai Hope School, a pri-
mary school in the province of Yunnan.
The link with “Project Hope” is a long-       The students of the Wangsuozhai primary school in the province of Yunnan have been able
term commitment under which Kuehne +          to count on the support of Kuehne + Nagel for many years.


Korea: contract signed with
Doosan Infracore
Kuehne + Nagel, which began its operations in Korea 35 years ago,
was the first global logistics provider to operate in Seoul, initially
together with an agent. It now has its own national company and
employs approximately 120 people at its offices in Seoul, Pusan and
Incheon. Kuehne + Nagel is in the top league in both the sea- and
airfreight businesses in Korea, and operates warehousing and distri-
bution facilities with an area of 30,000 sqm. Doosan Infracore, a
leading Korean machine tool manufacturer with worldwide operations,
has recently chosen Kuehne + Nagel as its partner to optimise inbound
transport flows. The services provided by Kuehne + Nagel include the
handling of full container load (FCL) and less than container load
(LCL) seafreight shipments, buyer’s consolidation, and the transport
of goods by air from Europe.

The headquarters of the Kuehne + Nagel national company in Korea.

          Top logistics know-how                                                                                                                                                                       One of the 48 escalator units transported by Kuehne + Nagel for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       construction of the new bus stations in Bangkok.

          for the Maldives
          White sandy beaches, an azure-blue sea, shady
          palms and brilliantly coloured plants – the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Moving up in Thailand with
          Maldives are a tourist’s paradise. The sector
          provides work for 22,000 people and contributes
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Kone Thai Lift
          30 per cent of the gross domestic product of the                                                                                                                                             Kuehne + Nagel Thailand was founded in 1966 and officially
          republic. Of its 1,190 islands 220 are used by                                                                                                                                               registered as a company in 1985. It now has 250 employees in five
          the indigenous population and 87 for tourism;                                                                                                                                                locations in Bangkok, Laem Chabang and Phuket. As regards its
          most of the more than 100 hotels are resort                                                                                                                                                  market position, it is the number one in seafreight and one of
          hotels and include some of the world’s best,                                                                                                                                                 Thailand’s leading airfreight and contract logistics providers.
          often located on private islands.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       One of the companies that count on the know-how and resources
          Kuehne + Nagel is the first international logis-                                                                                                                                             of Kuehne + Nagel is Kone Thai Lift, one of the world’s leading
          tics provider to operate a wholly-owned sub-                                                                                                                                                 manufacturers of lifts and escalators. A recently signed agreement
          sidiary in the Republic of Maldives. The compa-                                                                                                                                              between the two companies encompasses services along the supply
          ny has opened two offices, in the capital Malé                                                                                                                                               chain which range from international seafreight and customs
          and on Gan in the south. In addition to tourism,                                                                                                                                             clearance to warehousing, delivery to construction sites and spare
          the Maldives have a second pillar to their econo-                                                                                                                                            parts management.
          my: They are one of the key exporters of fresh
          and aquarium fish. It is these two branches of                                                                                                                                               Kuehne + Nagel is working on an exclusive basis on the BRT (Bus
          the economy that determine the needs of the                                                                                                                                                  Rapid Transit) project in Bangkok; Kone Thai Lift has been awarded
          customers. With its offering ranging from hotel                                                                                                                                              a contract from the city authorities to supply 48 complete escalator
          and beverage logistics to consumer goods                                                                                                                                                     units for twelve new bus stations all over Bangkok. BRT Bus Rapid
          imports, international sea- and airfreight services,                                                                                                                                         Transit is the new municipal transit scheme which will comprise five
          warehousing and project management, Kuehne +                                                                                                                                                 routes. The first is due to go into operation from mid-August. The
          Nagel is considered a valued partner to its                                                                                                                                                  routes will have a total length of 110 kilometres and are expected
          customers.                                                                                                                                                                                   to handle 50,000 passengers per day in the first year.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       The large parts are delivered to the construction sites at night, for
                                                                                                                                                                                                       two reasons: firstly in order to avoid obstructions to traffic and
          .................................................                                                                                                                                            secondly because of safety considerations. At the beginning of June
                                                                                                                                                                                                       deliveries to seven of twelve stations had been successfully and
                                             A S I A - PA C I F I C                                                                                                                                    smoothly completed.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Besides the BRT project, Kuehne + Nagel is also collaborating with
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Kone Thai Lift on other projects all over the country. One such
                                                                                                                                                                                                       project is the delivery of lifts to the “Met Condominium”, Thailand’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                       tallest residential building with a height of 70 floors.

          KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
FOCUS         17

Stronger Far East involvement
Development and expansion also set the tone in Australia and New Zealand.

In addition to their strong bilateral rela-
tions, since the 1990s the economies of
Australia and New Zealand have also
                                                Australia                                        for export all over the world. In January
                                                                                                 of this year a new, modern warehouse
                                                                                                 for this industry segment was opened
become increasingly involved in other           Founded in 1971 Kuehne + Nagel Aus-              at this location.
parts of the Asia-Pacific region; Oceania       tralia currently employs more than 350
has not been exempt from the trend to           people in nine locations (Perth, Ade-            The economy of the fifth continent bene-
relocate production to lower-cost coun-         laide, Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney, New-           fits substantially from Australia’s wealth
tries such as China or India, which means       castle and Brisbane) in this country             of natural resources. The Perth branch
that in Australia and New Zealand – in          with a population of 20.4 million and            focuses on the oil and gas industry and
contrast to most export-oriented coun-          operates a warehouse area of 50,000              has steadily expanded its service spec-
tries in the Far East – import business has     sqm. Besides its extensive international         trum over the last few years. Since 2004
a very important position. This is also         forwarding and logistics portfolio, the          Kuehne + Nagel has provided forwarding
reflected in the activities of the two          national company also offers specialised         services for Woodside Energy Limited,
Kuehne + Nagel national companies.              solutions for niche markets.                     one of Australia’s largest publicly-trad-
Well over half the sea- and airfreight car-                                                      ed energy exploration and production
go is to and from the Asia-Pacific region,      An example of this is the Adelaide facil-        companies as well as a major seller of
and the demand for comprehensive con-           ity, which has developed into the drinks         liquefied natural gas, crude oil, conden-
tract logistics services is growing rapidly     logistics hub for Australia, and handles         sate and liquid petroleum gas. Its com-
in both countries.                              roughly 5,000 TEU of wine and spirits            mitted efforts for this customer have

The Asia-Pacific region accounts for well over half the freight volume handled by Kuehne + Nagel Australia and New Zealand.
18     FOCUS

      paid off, for in 2007 the contract with

      Kuehne + Nagel was renewed for a
      further five years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Opera at the warehouse
                                                                                                                                                                                                  In April of this year, the Kuehne + Nagel warehouses in Sydney and Melbourne
      Growing demand in the commodities                                                                                                                                                           were transformed into a stage: in the supporting programme for a networking
      sector is also making itself felt at the                                                                                                                                                    event, the Co-Opera Company put on a production of Giuseppe Verdi’s La Tra-
      Brisbane branch, which is benefiting                                                                                                                                                        viata which met with an enthusiastic response from the invited Kuehne + Nagel
      primarily from the mining industry.                                                                                                                                                         customers and members of the Swiss-Australian and German-Australian Cham-
      Australian iron ore, copper, nickel, alu-                                                                                                                                                   bers of Commerce.
      minium and coal are exported main-
      ly to the Southeast Asia region but                                                                                                                                                         The opera company was founded in 1990 with the aim of bringing classical
      also to China and India.                                                                                                                                                                    culture to the Australian outback. The professional performers travel all over
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Australia with their repertoire and stage highlights from the world of opera in
      In the populous southeastern states                                                                                                                                                         schools and gymnasiums in the remotest corners of the country. Thanks to the
      with the economic centres of Mel-                                                                                                                                                           support of the Kuehne Foundation, the opera company can celebrate a premiere
      bourne and Sydney, highly specialised                                                                                                                                                       in 2009; on 13 May it will travel to Switzerland for the first time and perform
      warehousing and distribution services                                                                                                                                                       at the Annual General Meeting of Kuehne + Nagel International AG in the new
      are often a crucial competitive factor.                                                                                                                                                     multipurpose hall of the municipality of Schindellegi.
      More than 80 per cent of the 50,000
      sqm of warehouse space which
      Kuehne + Nagel operates in the coun-
      try is located in these consumer mar-
      kets. What customers require is a serv-
                                                                                                                                                                                                Worldwide coffee logistics
      ice provider that can offer comprehen-                                                                                                                                                    In 2007 Kuehne + Nagel was awarded a global contract by the Australian company
      sive, integrated solutions from a sin-                                                                                                                                                    Gloria Jean’s Coffees International for the provision of integrated logistics solutions
      gle source and has a network covering                                                                                                                                                     covering international transport, customs brokerage services and the implemen-
      the whole of the Asia-Pacific region.                                                                                                                                                     tation and operation of regional logistics hubs. Gloria Jean’s operates a franchise
      In Melbourne and Sydney there is also                                                                                                                                                     network of more than 875 stores in 32 countries.
      a demand for niche expertise: here
      Kuehne + Nagel recently won a large                                                                                                                                                       The regional distribution centres in Sydney, Rotterdam and Dubai have already
      contract in the field of aviation logis-                                                                                                                                                  begun operation; the hubs in Singapore and Mumbai will follow shortly. The con-
      tics.                                                                                                                                                                                     cept ensures optimum lead times in the supply of products to Master Franchise
                                                                                                                                                                                                Partners across the world. “Thanks to Kuehne + Nagel we for the first time have a
                                                                                                                                                                                                fully integrated, worldwide supplier-to-store logistics concept which ensures, for
                                                                                                                                                                                                instance, that our customers in Ukraine are supplied on a time- and cost-optimised
                                                                                                                                                                                                basis with coffee from our factory in Sydney and with coffee cups and lids from
                                                                                                                                                                                                our suppliers in China,” said Chris Muir, Global Supply Chain Manager of Gloria
                                                                                                                                                                                                Jean’s Coffees International.

                                         NEW ZEAL AND

      KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
FOCUS          19

New Zealand                                   ber industry and is reporting a large
                                              growth in exports to Asia and the USA.
                                                                                             New Zealand is highly dependent on for-
                                                                                             eign trade. It is therefore regarded as a
                                                                                             milestone that this year – after three
The main economic activities in New           Kuehne + Nagel today belongs to the            years of tough negotiations – a free trade
Zealand are somewhat unusual for a devel-     country’s top three logistics providers,       agreement has been signed with China.
oped country: agriculture and forestry,       and in response to the strong growth of        For Kuehne + Nagel and its customers
food and tourism. The country has a           interest in export opportunities for per-      this opens up further attractive possibili-
population of 4.1 million.                    ishable goods, in 2007 it substantially        ties for development between these two
                                              increased its perishable and reefer            countries and, of course, in the rest of the
Kuehne + Nagel commenced operations           freight capacity. The necessary licences       Asia-Pacific market.
in New Zealand in 1971 and in 1999            for the handling of fish and meat prod-
established its national company. Since       ucts have also been gained.
then, it has increased its workforce from
ten to 136. In particular, the company’s      Kuehne + Nagel has substantially increased its capacity for temperature-sensitive cargo in
rapid growth over the past three years        New Zealand.
has necessitated substantial investments
in infrastructure and buildings in order to
continue expanding its market shares
and develop customer solutions. Only a
kilometre from the Auckland headquar-
ters, a new logistics centre with an area
of 10,000 sqm was recently commis-
sioned. As a result, Kuehne + Nagel is in
an even better position to offer compre-
hensive and integrated logistics solu-
tions along the supply chain.

Demand is also growing in other loca-
tions in New Zealand. Only ten years
since it was opened, the Wellington
branch has become one of the leading
providers in the region. In Christchurch,
the gateway to the South Island, the num-
ber of staff and range of services have
also been expanded, while the branch in
Dunedin further to the south concen-
trates primarily on the needs of the tim-

   “The Warehouse Non Trade Supplier of the Year”
   In 2006 Kuehne + Nagel won a tender by the retailer The Warehouse Group. During the following 18 months the
   management of the large container volume of New Zealand’s biggest importer was entrusted to a team of Kuehne +
   Nagel specialists. The service included assuring the highest possible degree of end-to-end supply chain transparency
   using KN Login – from supplier reporting to the monitoring of all goods movements both at the port and on the way
   to the destination. The results were convincing: Less than two years after the start of the project, in recognition of
   the achieved process improvements and increases in efficiency Kuehne + Nagel was awarded the title of “The Ware-
   house Non Trade Supplier of the Year”.

                                                                                                      KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008

      300 tonnes of extreme cargo
      fill three Antonov bellies
      The original assignment was to transport over 200 tonnes of bulky oil drilling equipment
      by airfreight to the oilfields of western Siberia. However, when this figure suddenly jumped
      to nearly 300 tonnes, Kuehne + Nagel Hamburg, which handled the project on a joint basis
      together with Albacorshipping Toronto, speedily organised the transport of the additional
      freight. They could depend on the specialists of Volga-Dnepr for the delicate job of loading
      the cargo.

      The order, which was already urgently awaited in Siberia,               been brought by sea to Hamburg from Canada and the USA,
      included containers with special interior fittings, cement              and transported by rail and truck to the former military air-
      pumps, cleaning pumps and cement preparation machines for               field located a short distance away at Parchim in Mecklen-
      the lining of boreholes. The highly specialised equipment had           burg-West Pomerania.

      The loading of the highly specialised equipment calls for a sure hand: this time there are only centimetres to spare.
MARKETS & PRODUCTS                       21

There, it had to be loaded into the blue-and-white Antonovs, a
tricky task even for the specialists of Volga-Dnepr as there
was little room to spare inside the giant bellies of the aircrafts.
                                                                        A Russian award
The two originally scheduled freighters carried respective              Originally founded by the Russian State Duma and the
loads of 105 and 100 tonnes, close to the maximum capacity              Ministry of Transport, this year’s annual Golden Car
of 120 tonnes with the heaviest freight item weighing 42                Awards held in late June honoured the Russian Kuehne +
tonnes. In the hold, with a length of nearly 37 metres, the car-        Nagel organisation with the title “Leader in Transport
go filled almost the full height of 4.40 metres with a clearance        and Forwarding Industry in Russia”. For Managing
of only four centimetres. The additional freighter, which car-          Director Perry Neumann the prestigious award is a
ried a further 90 tonnes to Nishnevartovsk in western Siberia,          confirmation of the company’s commitment and success
was needed at short notice due to delays in the approval pro-           in the up-and-coming Russian logistics market, as well
cedure for the originally planned transport by rail. This third         as “a compelling obligation to consistently continue
aircraft – the Antonov 124-100 “Ruslan” – was organised with-           with our expansion strategy in line with growing cus-
in ten days. And here too, the freight flyers from Ulyanovsk            tomer demand in this huge country.” Kuehne + Nagel
proved to be strong partners.                                           has been active in Russia for 16 years and today oper-
                                                                        ates offices and warehouses in Moscow, St. Petersburg,
                                                                        Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don and on


On the glass road
Multimodal shipments to Russia – Kuehne +
Nagel ensures punctual completion of a
factory for glass manufacturer Guardian.

Kuehne + Nagel is handling another major project in Russia.           As far as the eye can see: oversized special transport by rail.
The company is currently responsible for all shipments needed
for the establishment of a new glass factory in Ryazan. The
customer is Guardian, one of the world’s biggest producers of         415 standard and high-cube containers were collected at their
float glass and fabricated glass products headquartered in            points of departure in the USA, Taiwan, China and Indonesia,
Michigan.                                                             transported to ports, loaded onto ships and carried by sea to
                                                                      St. Petersburg from where they were transported overland to
Everything for the new glass production plant has to be               the customer. 32 oversized units – some of them with widths
brought to Ryazan (roughly 200 kilometres to the southeast of         of up to 6 metres – were moved to ports on special trailers
Moscow). Equipment and machinery amounting to a total of              before being likewise carried across the sea. The contents of
35,000 tonnes of cargo has to be collected from all over the          28 railway wagons with sometimes sensitive equipment and
world: the USA, China, Taiwan, Indonesia and Europe (UK, Lux-         machine parts from Europe had to be transferred onto trucks
embourg, Italy, France, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Finland,            for the final kilometres to Ryazan. In addition, 49 oversized
Sweden, Netherlands and Austria). A period of 14 months is            and 680 standard trucks went directly to the destination, and
planned for the project, for which the exact time schedule has        a few special items travelled by airfreight. Guardian had no
been drawn up jointly by Kuehne + Nagel and Guardian. The             need to worry about any of the individual steps in the ship-
Ryazan assignment is a multimodal project which involves dif-         ping process or the formalities involved in special transport,
ferent forms of transport and the carriage of oversized items         customs clearance, measurement and final delivery. Kuehne +
by ship, rail and road.                                               Nagel successfully took care of everything.

                                                                                                        KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008

      Continued growth
      The Nacora Group has sustainably developed against the downward trend in the insurance
      market and is continuing to expand its network.

      Dr. Weber, you have been at the                   have also stepped up our efforts to sell        and 20 per cent of the customers are
      head of the Nacora Group for three                transport insurance to other companies.         also of interest for our Group and could
      years. What picture did the Nacora                                                                be served by it.
      Group present when you took over                  How does this segment look in terms
      its management?                                   of growth potential?                            So we are talking about 45,000 to
      In the summer of 2005 I got to know the           The potentials for growth are still excel-      60,000 potential customers. How
      Nacora Group as a network of nationally           lent. Here globalisation is undoubtedly         many customers does Nacora have at
      operating brokerage companies distin-             a strong motivating force. But transport        present?
      guished by high profitability, a highly           insurance is a small niche and will re-         We have between 75,000 and 85,000
      committed workforce and a good market             main so in future. For that reason we           customers all over the world. The majori-
      position in the field of marine cargo insur-      need new growth areas.                          ty are companies who use the services of
      ance. In a number of countries Nacora                                                             Kuehne + Nagel and other forwarders
      was also a respected player in other areas        Which?                                          for the transport of their goods and
      of the insurance industry.                        By strengthening our marketing efforts,         insure them through Nacora. We also
                                                        we want to gain commercial clients in           have many individual customers as a
      What were your main objectives?                   the local Nacora markets. That hardly           result of the staff insurance business,
      To speed up the organic growth of the             sounds spectacular, but takes on a com-         and a total of 4,000 to 5,000 commer-
      Nacora Group and press ahead with the             pletely different dimension if one con-         cial clients who insure with us.
      expansion of the network in order to              siders that Kuehne + Nagel has roughly
      make a substantial contribution to the            300,000 customers all over the world.           How do you expect the Nacora Group
      business results of our parent company.                                                           to look in three to five years?
                                                        And Nacora is now focusing on these?            We have very ambitious aims for the
      And how has Nacora developed                      Only up to a point. Many of Kuehne +            years ahead which cannot be achieved
      under your leadership?                            Nagel’s customers are simply too big            solely by organic growth. We are there-
      In the past few years, on average we              for the Nacora Group. However, our              fore looking for suitable acquisition tar-
      have achieved double-digit growth. This           analyses have shown that between 15             gets in the different markets.
      applies both to gross profit and to net
      earnings. Over these years the insurance
      market has been on a downward curve,
      so the Nacora Group has clearly moved
      against the trend. In 2005, our network
      spanned 28 locations in 21 countries. At
      the end of 2008 the plan is to have 48               Nacora, a wholly-owned Kuehne + Nagel subsidiary, is an independent insurance
      offices in 32 countries. We have vigor-              brokerage group with worldwide operations. Its activities concentrate on the fields of
      ously expanded the transport insurance               commercial insurance and cargo insurance. Its focussed strategy provides a substantial
      business. For the Kuehne + Nagel Group,              competitive advantage and is enabling the Nacora Group to steadily expand its
      for instance – a very important market-              network, which now comprises 29 national companies with 43 offices on all continents.
      ing channel for us – we have developed               Tailor-made insurance solutions are offered to customers from trade, industry and the
      two insurance products which can be                  public sector.
      offered exclusively to its customers. We

      KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
MARKETS & PRODUCTS              23

Just as important as growth, however,
                                                                                                                                      Chile’s agriculture minister stresses

is to expand and further develop
Nacora Group’s range of services. In
many countries its activities are still
                                                                                                                                      importance of Kuehne + Nagel
too focused on marine insurance. We                                                                                                   Marigen Hornkohl, who was recently
want to change that by putting our-                                                                                                   appointed minister of agriculture in
selves in a position to offer the com-                                                                                                Chile, visited the Kuehne + Nagel booth
plete range of insurance services as                                                                                                  on the first day of Fruit Logistica in
brokers on a worldwide level.                                                                                                         Berlin. She took the opportunity to stress
                                                                                                                                      the importance of the company for the
The logical next development step is                                                                                                  export of agricultural products from
to offer customers more internation-                                                                                                  Chile. She was accompanied by Reinhard
al insurance programmes. What very                                                                                                    R. Kuetter (2nd from right), Chile’s hon-
few people know is that one of the                                                                                                    orary consul in Bremen and general rep-
world’s biggest brokerage networks                                                                                                    resentative of Kühne + Nagel (AG & Co.)
belongs to the Nacora Group.                                                                                                          KG. At the stand the two visitors spoke        ishables team, which was represented
                                                                                                                                      with Frank Ganse (1st from right), Global      with its own sea- and airfreight special-
                                                                                                                                      Director Reefer Logistics, and Pablo           ists from the relevant key markets –
                                                                                                                                      Novoa (1st from left), Reefer Develop-         besides Chile, also Argentina, Brazil,
                                                                                                                                      ment Manager Chile.                            Egypt and Peru.

                                                                                                                                      As the leading fair for the international      In this relatively new business segment –
                                                                                                                                      fruit trade, Fruit Logistica is naturally an   the company did not make its strategic
                                                                                                                                      important platform for Kuehne + Nagel.         entry into the reefer market until 1999 –
                                                                                                                                      Visitors showed a lively interest in the       Kuehne + Nagel is able to report signifi-
                                                                                                                                      services of the logistics provider on all      cant growth in volume year after year. Its
                                                                                                                                      three days of the fair. Expertise in every     aim is to establish itself as the leading
                                                                                                                                      respect was shown by the Reefer & Per-         logistics provider in this market.


Focus on strategy
Meeting of specialists in Los Angeles: The 3rd Global LCL Meeting focused its attention on the strategic development of one
of the most important seafreight products within the Kuehne + Nagel organisation: the Less than Container Load service. The
company’s own LCL network will be increased, and with the establishment of new LCL gateways in Dubai, Singapore, New York,
Linz and Gothenburg, along with other gateways currently in the planning stage, the offering will be extended to more than
280 direct LCL services and over 5,000 routes via gateways.

          Clearing the way for solar energy
          The route covers a distance of more than 50,000 kilometres in 50 countries and across
          five continents. Kuehne + Nagel Switzerland and Asia are sponsoring the solar taxi project.
          Its mission – “Stop global warming” – could hardly be more appropriate.

          KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
MARKETS & PRODUCTS                       25

                                             Prominent visitors: Swiss Federal Councillor Micheline Calmy-Rey and Australian Minister for
                                             the Environment Peter Garret.

                                             the solar taxi from Christchurch to Syd-       zenegger, former actor and now Governor
                                             ney (January), as well as transport by sea     of California, is on the agenda in July.
                                             from Perth to Singapore (March). With
                                             the aid of Kuehne + Nagel, this has been       The initiator and director of the project
                                             followed by movements from Tianjin to          is Louis Palmer, whose achievements
                                             Incheon (May) and from Pusan to Van-           include setting a world record for a flight
                                             couver (June). A journey from Montreal         with the smallest aircraft across South
                                             to Casablanca is planned in July.              America in 1998 and who was invited to
                                                                                            the World Climate Conference in Bali in
                                             What determines the exact route of the         recognition of this action for the protec-
                                             solar taxi? Invitations from inventors,        tion of the world climate. His message is
                                             organisations, individuals, and scientists     simple: “The solar taxi should rekindle
                                             who are committed to the fight against         hope and a zest for life, set an example
                                             global warming.                                to counteract resignation and stimulate
                                                                                            reflection. And show that every single
                                             The vehicle is expected back in Lucerne        one of us can take a step towards pre-
                                             in August, by which time it will have          serving our planet.”
                                             attracted a lot of attention all over the
                                             world. The media presence along the
                                             route has been and continues to be high:
                                             international news agencies and nation-        The sea leg of the journey was made in
                                             al media follow its progress, and reports      containers.
                                             and images can be seen on the internet
                                             every day. Many prominent people sup-
                                             port the mission and have been pho-
                                             tographed in and with the unusual vehi-
This project calls upon the assistance of    cle. They include Swiss Federal Councillor
Kuehne + Nagel whenever transport by         Micheline Calmy-Rey who was President
sea or air is required. Since the start in   of the Confederation in 2007, New
Lucerne, Switzerland, in July 2007, this     York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Peter
has included transport by seafreight         Garret, former Midnight Oil singer and
from Jebel Ali to Mumbai (October), by       Australia’s new environment minister,
airfreight from Calcutta to the world cli-   and the Nobel Peace Prize laureate and
mate conference on Bali (November), the      Chairman of the Intergovernmental
shipment of the accompanying bus from        Panel on Climate Change Dr. Rajendra K.
Calcutta to Sydney (November) and of         Pachauri. A meeting with Arnold Schwar-

                                                                                                     KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008

          Beiersdorf relies on Kuehne + Nagel
                The Beiersdorf cosmetics group has chosen Kuehne + Nagel                                   agreement was the preservation of the
                as its partner in Germany and Austria. Since June 2008 the                                 148 jobs at the centre as well as the
                                                                                                           long-term preservation of Hamburg as a
                 company has been entrusted with the management of the                                     logistics location.
               Nivea manufacturer’s main warehouse in Hamburg. It is also
                        handling exports to Beiersdorf’s subsidiaries abroad.                              Efficiency and flexibility, as well as the
                                                                                                           long-term prospects for the employees,
                                                                                                           were the predominant factors in the deci-
                                                                                                           sion of Beiersdorf CEE Holding GmbH to
                                                            “This new co-operation will bring more         select Kuehne + Nagel to operate the
                                                            flexibility and is a key step towards meet-    company’s logistics centre for Central
      .....................................                 ing the constantly rising demands of the       and Eastern Europe (CEE) in Vienna.
                                                            competitive European environment. We
                    “All parties will benefit               have significantly improved our interna-       In 2007 Beiersdorf CEE Holding grew to
                     from the partnership.”                 tional competitiveness by restructuring        become the second largest region within
      .....................................                 our supply and production chain in the         the Beiersdorf group, and is pursuing
                                                            last two years,” said Markus Pinger,           ambitious growth targets.
                                                            Beiers dorf AG’s management board
                                                            member responsible for logistics. “Our         Dirk Reich, member of the Kuehne +
                                                            system cuts costs, is flexible and environ-    Nagel International AG Management
                                                            mentally friendly and boosts our innova-       Board with responsibility for contract
                                                            tive strength. With it, new products can       logistics, is delighted at the co-operation
                                                            be launched worldwide extremely quick-         with Beiersdorf and is certain that all
                                                            ly.” One of the key criteria for signing the   parties will benefit from the partnership.

          KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .   WORLD NO. 1/2008
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