ASIA M&A RANKINGS 2021 - THE BEST FIRMS FOR DEAL WORK IN THE REGION We chat with law firm leaders in Japan - | Asian Legal Business

Page created by Barbara Thompson
ASIA M&A RANKINGS 2021 - THE BEST FIRMS FOR DEAL WORK IN THE REGION We chat with law firm leaders in Japan - | Asian Legal Business
MCI (P) 041/02/2021
                                                                              issn 0219 – 6875
                                                                 KDN PPS 1867/10/2015(025605)


We chat with law firm    Arbitration lawyers        Thailand’s blockbuster
leaders in Japan         embrace virtual hearings   year for IPOs
ASIA M&A RANKINGS 2021 - THE BEST FIRMS FOR DEAL WORK IN THE REGION We chat with law firm leaders in Japan - | Asian Legal Business

                              14 September 2021 | Beijing


                              International Partner
              International Bar Association Arbitration Committee

The China Arbitration Summit 2021 and the 2nd Belt and Road Arbitration Institutions
Forum (Summit) will be held on 14 September 2021 at Grand Metropark Hotel Beijing. As
the prime event of China Arbitration Week, this Summit is jointly hosted by China Interna-
tional Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), All China Lawyers Associa-
tion (ACLA), collaborating with International Bar Association Arbitration Committee (IBA
Arbitration Committee).
The theme is "Where there is a will, there is a way: Cooperation and Development of Inter-
national Dispute Resolution in the New Era". Leaders of the Supreme People's Court, the
Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China, International Bar Association Arbitra-
tion Committee, and representatives of major international arbitration institutions will
attend and share their views.
At the same time, the 2nd Belt and Road Arbitration Institutions Forum will be held con-
currently this year where the Cooperation Mechanism of the Beijing Joint Declaration of
the Belt and Road Arbitration Institutions will be launched.
The Summit will be a hybrid event, with online broadcast and main venue in Beijing,
China. Simultaneous interpretation between English and Chinese will be provided. We
cordially invite you to participate in the Summit and the series of events of the China Arbi-
tration Week.

           SCAN QR CODE FOR                                     SCAN QR CODE FOR
                PROGRAMME                                       REGISTRATION
ASIA M&A RANKINGS 2021 - THE BEST FIRMS FOR DEAL WORK IN THE REGION We chat with law firm leaders in Japan - | Asian Legal Business

                                                                                                                                          I ND O NESI A OV ERH AU L S
                                                                                                                                             I P O REG U L ATI O NS

  A worker wearing a protective mask walks as he cleans the floor past an electronic board displaying the stock market index at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), as the outbreak of the coronavirus disease
                                                                                                                  (COVID-19) continues, in Jakarta, Indonesia, September 8, 2020. REUTERS/Willy Kurniawan

COVER STORY                             FEATURES                                   32
                                                                                   The future is virtual
                                                                                                                              track for a record year
                                                                                                                              for IPOs.
                                                                                                                                                                         on July 22, honoured
                                                                                                                                                                         the work of the finest
                                                                                   It’s no secret that                                                                   lawyers, firms and
22                                      15                                         Asia is emerging                           Plus:                                      in-house teams in the
ALB Asia M&A                            Embracing the new                          as a top choice for                        - Chandler MHM Ltd                         country.
Rankings                                normal                                     arbitration and
Mergers and                             Japan has had an up-                       dispute resolution,                        38
acquisitions (M&A)
deals picked up
                                        and-down year so far,
                                        with the COVID-19
                                                                                   and with such
                                                                                   developments come
                                                                                                                              Strength in numbers
                                                                                                                              As face-to-face                            BRIEFS
steam throughout                        pandemic continuing                        opportunities and                          meetings are reduced
Asia Pacific during                     to disrupt life and                        access for Asia-based                      to a distant memory                        3
the first half of 2021,                 business, even as the                      lawyers. But the                           and continue to                            The Briefing
in no small measure                     country successfully                       pandemic has had                           be substituted by
due to a rebound                        hosted the Olympic                         a significant impact                       video and phone                            4
from the worst                          and Paralympic                             on the way disputes                        calls in some                              Forum
economic ravages                        Games. Leaders of                          across Asia are                            offices, the global
of the COVID-19                         law firms in Japan                         carried out. In order                      pandemic remains                           7
pandemic through                        say that while they                        to get the best out                        an unmistakable                            Deals
2020. With vaccine                      had to institute new                       of dispute resolution                      challenge for law
rollouts continuing                     ways of work in order                      mechanisms, digital                        firms. And legal                           8
and border                              to adapt to this “new                      transformation is key,                     networks are                               Q&A
restrictions being                      normal,” they have                         say lawyers.                               stepping in to help
gradually loosened,                     been heartened by                                                                     them out during an                         9
M&A lawyers can                         the resilience shown                       Plus:                                      uncertain time.                            Appointments
look forward to an                      by their firms, which                      - Maxwell Chambers
upswing in work in                      will hold them in                                                                     40                                         11
2022 and beyond.                        good stead going                           36                                         8th ALB Malaysia                           Explainer
                                        forward.                                   A blockbuster year                         Law Awards
By Asian Legal                                                                     With nearly $3 billion                     celebrates                                 13
Business                                Plus:                                      in proceeds as of                          legal industry’s                           League Tables
                                        - Withers                                  June 2021, Thailand                        luminaries
                                          KhattarWong LLP                          appears to be on                           A virtual event held

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                                                                       A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – S E P T E MB E R 2021                   1
ASIA M&A RANKINGS 2021 - THE BEST FIRMS FOR DEAL WORK IN THE REGION We chat with law firm leaders in Japan - | Asian Legal Business
The deals have come roaring back. After a
                                               COVID-induced lull, dealmaking is back around the world,
                                               and how. According to Reuters, global M&A activity hit new
                                               highs this year, building on the record-breaking dealmaking                                                         HEAD OF LEGAL MEDIA BUSINESS,
                                                                                                                                                                   ASIA & EMERGING MARKETS
                                               streak from the beginning of 2021 that has been aided by
                                               low-interest rates and soaring stock prices. According to                                                           Amantha Chia
                                               Refinitiv data, the total value of pending and completed
                                               deals announced in 2021 has already touched $3.6 trillion                                                           MANAGING EDITOR
                                               year-to-date, surpassing the full-year tally of $3.59 trillion                                                      Ranajit Dam
                                               in 2020. Reuters added that more than 35,000 deals                                                        
                                               have been announced, a 24 percent jump over last year.                                                              JOURNALIST
                                                    Breaking it down by region, Reuters reported that the
                                                                                                                                                                   Elizabeth Beattie
                                               United States alone accounted for $2.14 trillion worth of                                                 
                                                                 M&A deals this year, while Europe and
                                                                 the Asia-Pacific raked in $657 billion and                                                        EDITORIAL ASSISTANT

                                                                 $620 billion, respectively. The technology                                                        Aparna Sai
                                                                 sector, which typically accounts for the                                                

                                                                 majority of deal volume every quarter,                                                            COPY & WEB EDITOR
                                                                 continued to lead the way, with deals                                                             Rowena Muniz
                                                                 worth $799 billion being announced from                                                 
                                                                 the sector. Meanwhile, Reuters reported
                                                                                                                                                                   SENIOR DESIGNER
                                                                 that financial services M&A volumes
                                                                 stood at $442 billion, while industrials                                                          John Agra
                                                                 accounted for $438 billion.
                                                                      The most important trend this year,                                                          TRAFFIC/CIRCULATION MANAGER
                                                                 says Reuters, was special-purpose acqui-                                                          Rozidah Jambari
                                                                 sition companies, or SPACs; acquisitions                                                
                                                                 by blank-check companies or SPACs hit
                                                                                                                                                                   SALES MANAGERS
                                                                 a record $495 billion in the year-to-date
                                               period. Going public through a SPAC merger has emerged                                                              Hiroshi Kaneko
                                                                                                                                                                   Sales Manager
                                               as an extremely popular route for venture-funded private                                                            (81) 3 4520 1192
                                               companies and startups over the past 18 months, as such                                                   
                                               a process allows such companies to sidestep the more                                                                Jessie Choi
                                               onerous regulatory checks of a traditional initial public                                                           Sales Manager
                                                                                                                                                                   (852) 3952 5832
                                               offering, Reuters said.                                                                                   
                                                    ALB’s annual M&A rankings spotlights the firms and
                                                                                                                                                                   Krupa Dalal
                                               lawyers that are assisting in this economic recovery by                                                             Sales Manager
                                               providing critical support during this rapidly evolving time.                                                       (91) 22 6189 7087
                                               Law firms such as Weerawong Chinnavat & Partners in
                                               Thailand, V&A Law in the Philippines, and LC Lawyers in                                                             Romulus Tham
                                                                                                                                                                   Delegate Sales Executive
                                               Hong Kong are standing out for their high-quality advice,                                                           (65) 6973 8248
                                               deep understanding of market conditions and commitment                                                    
                                               to client service.                                                                                                  Steven Zhao
                                                                                                                                                                   Account Manager
                                                                                                                                                                   (86) 10 6627 1360
                                                                                                                                                                   Yvonne Cheung
                                                                                                                                                                   Sales Director, Key Accounts and South China
                                                                                                                                                                   (852) 2847 2003
                                               RANAJIT DAM
                                               Managing Editor, Asian Legal Business, Thomson Reuters                                                              SENIOR EVENTS MANAGER

                                                                                                                                                                   Julian Chiew
Asian Legal Business is available by subscription. Please visit for details.                                                 
Asian Legal Business has an audited average circulation of 11,402 as of 30 September 2016.Copyright is reserved throughout. No part of this publication can be
reproduced in whole or part without the express permission of the editor. Contributions are invited, but copies of work should be kept, as Asian Legal Business
can accept no responsibility for loss.                                                                                                                             AWARDS MANAGER
MCI (P) 041/02/2021
issn 0219 – 6875
                                                                                                                                                                   Caryl Aquino
KDN PPS 1867/10/2015(025605)                                                                                                                             
Thomson Reuters
18 Science Park Drive Singapore 118229 / T (65) 6775 5088 / F (65) 6333 0900
10/F, Cityplaza 3, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong / T (852) 3762 3269

2          ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – S EPTEM B ER 20 2 1                                                                                                       W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM
ASIA M&A RANKINGS 2021 - THE BEST FIRMS FOR DEAL WORK IN THE REGION We chat with law firm leaders in Japan - | Asian Legal Business

                                                    DELTA VARIANT PROMPTS                                            IN THE NEWS

                                                   U.S. TO RETHINK REOPENING
                                                       U.S. law firms have begun to                        Legaltech firm Reynen Court
                                                   postpone plans for returning to the                     has assembled a 20-member
                                                   office and to restrict office access to               consortium of in-house teams to
                                                  vaccinated lawyers, staff and visitors,                support its platform. The teams
                                                     a Reuters report said. The highly                      are from companies such as
                                                   contagious Delta variant is causing                    Barclays, BNP Paribas, Morgan
                                                      large firms nationwide to delay                      Stanley, UBS, Cisco and Intel.
   82% - Proportion of U.S. attorneys who are
    “at least somewhat confident” that their      return plans, tighten vaccine policies
   law firm can achieve its financial goals for       or both amid rising coronavirus
    the year, according to Bloomberg Law’s          cases. Firms that are said to have
      2021 Law Firm Benchmarks Survey.               delayed reopening include Paul,
                                                   Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison,
                                                  Cravath, Swaine & Moore, Debevoise
                                                   & Plimpton, Davis Polk & Wardwell
       LAW FIRMS RALLY TO                              and more. This comes even as
                                                   Morgan Stanley’s chief legal officer,
          DEFEND SPACS                              Eric Grossman, warned its outside
                                                  law firms that those bringing lawyers
                                                       back to the office “will have a
      A group of 58 U.S. law firms
                                                   significant performance advantage
   recently hit out against lawsuits
                                                          over those that do not.”
   that called for blank-check firms                                                                      40% - Percentage of U.S. respondents
     or SPACs, to be regulated as                                                                        who say the pandemic has added to their
   investment companies, reported                                                                        work stress levels. The increase in stress
  Reuters. The case is being argued                                                                       appears to impact women (52 percent)
                                                           QUOTE UNQUOTE
                                                                                                              more than men (34 percent).
  by former Securities and Exchange
  Commissioner Robert Jackson and                  “BECAUSE HOW
    Yale Law School professor John
  Morley, who say that SPACs should                THEY TREAT US                                                     IN THE NEWS
  be regulated under the Investment                  IS HIDDEN,
    Company Act of 1940. An initial                THEY TREAT US
    group of 49 firms, organised by
    Kirkland & Ellis, Skadden, Arps,              VERY UNFAIRLY,
   Slate, Meagher & Flom, White &                    AND OFTEN                                          Five new members were recently
   Case, and Greenberg Traurig, put
  out the statement. Reuters added
                                                  REPREHENSIBLY.”                                       elected to the council of the Law
                                                                                                        Society of Hong Kong. All five are
                                                    A law firm counsel in the U.S. responds to
    that activity in the blank-check                                                                   reported to have ties to the Beijing
                                                    a survey from the website Above the Law,
   space has recently waned due to                  saying that while associate compensation            liaison office in southern Chinese
  heightened scrutiny from the SEC                 is public, counsel pay does not reflect their         city, but maintain these ties are
  and souring of investor sentiment.                         contribution to their firm.                    irrelevant to their election.

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                                    A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – S E P T E MB E R 2021   3
ASIA M&A RANKINGS 2021 - THE BEST FIRMS FOR DEAL WORK IN THE REGION We chat with law firm leaders in Japan - | Asian Legal Business

Data has become an increasingly critical part of the way law firms do business, with difficult decisions
now being weighed using analytics and information. While lawyers are united on the fact that data is
the way forward, firms take different approaches in how they get the best out of the information at hand.


                     JAMIE STRANGER, Greater China office                       major strategic planning process to lay out the firm’s
                     managing partner, Stephenson Harwood                       strategy for the next several years, and we started
                     “The world’s most valuable resource is no longer           by gathering quantitative and qualitative data on
                     oil, but data,” stated a 2017 Economist headline           absolutely every subject that the project tackled —
                     heralding the growing dominance of information             fees and financial metrics of course, but also client
                     capture and analytics, a commodity increasingly            satisfaction, pricing, employee engagement, market
                     embraced by the legal sector. In recent years, we’ve       analyses… the list goes on and on. With access to
STRANGER             seen a real shift in the legal profession, with more       such a wealth of metrics, the question really shifts
                     law firms actively adopting technology – and, more         from “Which of these data are most important?” to
                     specifically, using data – to make strategic decisions.    “How can we find the key insights and take the neces-
                     Law firms now understand the significance of data          sary actions?” In that respect, data visualization is
                     in order to drive change, and to develop – and also        probably the most important tool at our disposal. On
                     implement – effective and informed strategies that         the planning side we use visualizations from Power
                     represent both clients and employees’ best interests       BI and other software to help us identify areas for
                     and needs. Areas where data has already proven             improvement, and on the implementation side we
                     its use and value include risk, competitive market         incorporate those visualizations into dashboards in
STOUTLEY             insights, wider business development opportuni-            our practice management software to help everyone
                     ties, and engagement with employees. Data can be           monitor the success of strategic implementation —
                     used to evaluate and mitigate risk, whether in terms       customized to reflect the parts of the project that
                     of budget or reputation; to understand key market          matter most to their function — in real time. Different
                     trends and developments, to ensure core practices          types of data are important to different parts of our
                     are aligned accordingly; to source and identify new        business, but it’s really how we democratize and
                     business opportunities; and to help law firms under-       apply the data that counts.
                     stand their employees’ needs. In short, data provides
                     a solid foundation, upon which law firms can develop       JULIANNE DOE, corporate and data privacy
DOE                  successful, informed strategies, which enable them         partner, Dentons
                     to stand apart from their competitors in the market.       The legal sector needs to embrace data as a busi-
                                                                                ness asset. We know the data principles – collec-
                     ANDREW STOUTLEY, chief operating officer,                  tion, retention, usage and transfer – but these do
                     Tilleke & Gibbins                                          not themselves form a data strategy. Until data can
                     As virtually all of our firm’s operations are now rooted   become information that value-adds to promoting
                     in technology, we’re fortunate to have metrics on          and operating the business, it gathers dust. Law
                     every aspect of our business that we can look to           firms, just like other businesses, need to have goals
                     when we want to improve efficiency and deliver             and objectives that a data strategy plan is set to
THENG                more value to our clients. This has revolutionized         achieve. For example, analyses of which practice
                     how we approach strategy. We recently undertook a          areas have demonstrated the highest/lowest profit

4     ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – S EPTEM B ER 20 2 1                                          W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM
ASIA M&A RANKINGS 2021 - THE BEST FIRMS FOR DEAL WORK IN THE REGION We chat with law firm leaders in Japan - | Asian Legal Business
margins, or are loss-making despite gross revenue;
legal spending of particular important clients;
demonstration of expertise and experience in client
pitches; analysis of historical litigation outcomes
when different strategies were used; and insights
which help with marketing and pitching to prospec-
tive clients. Goals and objectives may differ between
firms but underlying them universally is the need for
quality and strategic information which is delivered
with speed and accuracy.

LISA THENG, managing partner, CNPLaw
At CNPLaw, we adopt a holistic approach to data
analysis. Data is a multi-faceted tool that can be used
to drive business strategy. Our approach is to define
key challenges and business-critical questions,
create the methodology and set realistic KPIs to
measure its effectiveness. For example, we use data
from our billing and matter management systems
to analyse productivity, results and outcomes to                                   current. From the data collected, we then fine-tune
better improve our approach and strategy in future                                 our legal offerings to suit our client demographic.
matters. We analyse the customer interaction rates                                 Lastly, we invest heavily in data security and protec-
of our website and in-house newsletter. This allows                                tion to ensure that all our data usage is compliant
us to strategically come out with targeted content                                 with Singapore law which would give our clients the
and analyse the current viewership trends to stay                                  assurance that their data is safe with us.

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                                                                                       Trust Comes first                        Integrated Management                            Global Vision







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                                           professional legal assistance to clients and with nearly 30 years of experience has gained a leading position and earned clients’ trust and recognition
                                           and has been frequently recommended and reported by well-known international legal media such as Chambers, The Legal 500 and IFLR1000 in the
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ASIA M&A RANKINGS 2021 - THE BEST FIRMS FOR DEAL WORK IN THE REGION We chat with law firm leaders in Japan - | Asian Legal Business
                                                                                             Greenlee pointing to the recent govern-
                                                                                             ment approval of more than 15 foreign
                                                                                             investment applications. “Therefore,
                                                                                             it is likely that the government would
                                                                                             argue that the losses are occurring due
                                                                                             to general business slowdown and not as
                                                                                             a result of the government not meeting
                                                                                             with any obligations that it may have,”
                                                                                             he adds.
                                                                                                   Another detail of note is Myanmar’s
                                                                      REUTERS/Stringer       11 signed bilateral investment trea-
                                                                                             ties, eight of which are in force, and,
                                                                                             according to Toh, have measures that

                                                                                             are “generally more favourable towards
                                                                                             investors” compared to the Myanmar
                                                                                             Investment Law.

                                                                                                   “For example, there may be recourse
                                                                                             in the case of war or other armed conflict,
                                                                                             civil disturbances, national state of
                                                                                             emergency, revolt, insurrection, riot or
                                                                                             other similar situations. As such, there
       Since the military coup earlier         investors, protections against expro-         could be grounds under such provisions
this year, devastating scenes of brutal        priations as well as fair and adequate        to explore compensation, and the BITs
violence and deep civil unrest have            payment of compensation in the event          provide access to investor-state dispute
continued to emerge from Myanmar,              of expropriations.”                           settlement mechanisms and more
along with allegations of human rights              But the threshold is “fairly strin-      specifically investment arbitration, which
breaches and telecommunication black-          gent, given that an aggrieved investor        offers investors a neutral forum to seek
outs. To darken the picture further,           will have to demonstrate that the state       redress,” Toh says.
the pandemic has sunk its teeth into           of emergency has the equivalent effect              There is no denying that the envi-
the country. Some 15,000 lives have            of an ‘indirect expropriation’ which          ronment in Myanmar has drastically
been lost to the virus so far, while the       effectively deprives the investor of the      changed. Currently the business climate
death toll as a result of the Feb. 1 coup      benefits of its investment in the country.”   is “muted at best” with little sign of
topped 1,000 in August, according to                Under the Myanmar Investment             recovery ahead in the near term, Toh
the Assistance Association for Political       Law, disputes between a foreign investor      says. “Realistically, Myanmar’s economy
Prisoners activist group.                      and the country of Myanmar have to be         has been on a ‘firefighting’ mode since
     For businesses, all this means navi-      resolved amicably through the Investor        the state of emergency was declared,”
gating an increasingly murky terrain as        Grievance Mechanism. If they are not,         Toh says, noting business confidence
contracts are tested and operations            “investors may bring claims through a         from foreign investors is low with “many
impacted. Uncertainty has driven out           contractually-agreed forum, such as           foreign executives having left Myanmar.”
some, but other businesses are weary of        arbitration, national courts, or mecha-             But the overall picture of uncertainty
severing ties. All the while, the question     nisms provided under the applicable           has thrown legal work into overdrive. Toh
remains of whether the government is           investment treaties. From a practical         says lawyers have their hands full with
liable to pay compensation for the busi-       perspective, it is uncertain whether the      everything from “advising on security
ness losses of foreign investors, who          Investor Grievance Mechanism would be         considerations arising from employee
expect to protected by bilateral treaties.     effective or impartial,” Toh says.            detentions” to “privacy issues associated
     Chester Toh, co-head of Rajah &                William D. Greenlee, a partner at        with the State Administrative Council’s
Tann’s Myanmar practice says while             DFDL, says the question of liability is       (SAC) introduction of a draft Cyber
there are “avenues of recourse” for busi-      dependent on the terms of the bilat-          Security law.”
nesses, “the prospects are not great.”         eral treaty, and “as the government is              “We have also been approached for
     The 2016 Myanmar Investment Law           concerned, none of the laws, investment       advice on how companies can enforce
and 2017 Myanmar Investment Rules              benefits under the laws have changed or       or suspend their contractual obliga-
provide some protection for foreign            been amended.”                                tions, and the manner in which one can
investors holding a Myanmar Investment              The government has said “foreign         restructure inter-company arrangements
Commission permit or endorsement,              investor rights would remain” and             so that companies in Myanmar can pay
Toh says, including “guarantees of             “agreements entered into by the previous      their offshore suppliers. In this regard,
non-discriminatory treatment of foreign        government would be honoured,” says           our past experience in advising compa-

6     ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – S EPTEM B ER 20 2 1                                           W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM
ASIA M&A RANKINGS 2021 - THE BEST FIRMS FOR DEAL WORK IN THE REGION We chat with law firm leaders in Japan - | Asian Legal Business
nies in the earlier days of military rule    in Myanmar and what are the possible              10 years since the currency was floated,
before NLD took power has proved to          ways,” he says, adding that companies             it has depreciated by 100 percent and
be helpful as we look to navigate a more     operating in Myanmar have kept the                there is no sign of a turnaround. The
complex and restrictive regime,” Toh         firm busy with advisory and compli-               caretaker government will need to come
says, adding there has been a “notice-       ance requests. “Some investors in the             to grips with the COVID-19 pandemic and
able” drop in deal activity on the trans-    energy sector are requesting for advice           the stuttering economy.”
actional side and an increase in compa-      regarding force majeure clauses and they               With elections expected to be at
nies “looking to wind down or suspend        can be used as a tool to protect their            least two years away, it will likely take
operations.”                                 investments,” he says.                            time for things to stabilise, says Toh,
     Greenlee also notes a glut of                 All the while, a worsening COVID-19         adding the coup has “seriously shaken
restructuring work in the market and         situation has added to a climate of               the confidence of foreign companies and
some de-registrations and dissolution-       anxiety. The picture is unlikely to brighten      it will take years for the country and its
related advisories.                          anytime soon.                                     economy to recover to pre-coup level.”
     “Clients are also asking us for advi-         “The impending cash crunch is                    “My view is that it will be tough for
sory and strategy regarding any legal        worrying, with the local currency in free         the country to woo back investors,” he
restrictions for outflow of funds invested   fall,” Toh says. “In a span of less than          says.


                $15 BLN $5.2 BLN $1.65 BLN $1.5 BLN
                Axiata’s merger with         ESR Cayman’s                    Keppel’s acquisition of              CVC’s acquisition of
                           acquisition of ARA              SPH’s non-media                      Shiseido’s personal
                Deal Type: M&A               Asset Management                business                             care business
                Firms: Allen & Overy;        Deal Type: M&A                  Deal Type: M&A                       Deal Type: M&A
                Ashurst; Skadden Arps        Firms: Freshfields              Firms: Allen & Gledhill;             Firms: Baker McKenzie;
                Slate Meagher & Flom         Bruckhaus Deringer;             WongPartnership                      Mori Hamada &
                Jurisdictions: Malaysia,     Latham & Watkins                Jurisdiction: Singapore              Matsumoto; Nagashima
                Norway                       Jurisdictions: Hong                                                  Ohno & Tsunematsu;
                                             Kong, Singapore                                                      White & Case
                                                                                                                  Jurisdictions: Japan,
                                                                                                                  Luxembourg, UK

                $453 MLN $440 MLN $431 MLN $430 MLN
                GRSC’s acquisition of        Unacademy’s Series H            PropertyGuru’s                       FinAccel’s SPAC listing
                stake in Avaada              funding round                   SPAC listing                         Deal Type: IPO
                Deal Type: M&A               Deal Type: PE/VC                Deal Type: IPO                       Firms: Cooley;
                Firms: Cyril Amarchand       Firms: AZB & Partners;          Firms: Latham &                      White & Case
                Mangaldas; Khaitan &         IndusLaw; Khaitan & Co          Watkins; Rajah & Tann;               Jurisdictions:
                Co; Latham & Watkins         Jurisdictions: India, U.S.      Skadden Arps Slate                   Indonesia, U.S.
                Jurisdiction: India                                          Meagher & Flom
                                                                             Singapore, U.S.

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                            A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – S E P T E MB E R 2021   7
ASIA M&A RANKINGS 2021 - THE BEST FIRMS FOR DEAL WORK IN THE REGION We chat with law firm leaders in Japan - | Asian Legal Business
Q&A                                                                            Overall, while we are avoiding
                                                                          in-person meetings with clients as

                                                                          much as possible due to the COVID-19
                                                                          pandemic, but instead, we have tried
                                                                          to diversify other contact-free channels
                                                                          to reach our clients. For example, we

                                                                          are expanding the ways we keep our
                                                                          clients and potential clients updated
                                                                          on legal developments by providing
                                                                          more diverse online reports or news-

                                                                          letters. We are also enforcing our
                                                                          online presence by upgrading our
                                                                          firm’s website and using more social
                                                                          networks, and online global platforms
                                                                          like ALB. Lastly, our activities have
As lawyers in Asia continue to work hard under the challenges of          been shifted from in-person semi-
                                                                          nars to more webinars to deal with
a sustained global pandemic, the pressure is on managing partners
                                                                          important social issues such as the
to guide their teams through a rapidly changing landscape.                Serious Accident Punishment Act and
Kyu Chul Lee, managing partner of South Korea’s DR & AJU,                 ESG-related matters.
tells Asian Legal Business that, while testing, the past few months
have provided his team with plenty of learning opportunities.             ALB: What are your firm’s priorities
                                                                          for 2021-22?
                                                                          Lee: Recently, we have prioritised
                                                                          enhancing our expertise by practice
ALB: In South Korea, where there                                          groups. We are undergoing team
are still pandemic-related restric-                                       reorganisation and restructuring to
tions, how have you adapted the way                                       maximise the way our lawyers can
you work as a team to serve clients’                                      perform. Furthermore, expanding
needs?                                                                    to new business area in response to
Lee: We consider the safety of our                                        the volatile legal market and clients’
members who work here as the top                                          needs. Internally, constantly amending
priority. We have since amended and                                       and upgrading our evaluation system
re-drafted various new rules and regu-                                    and reward system to further incen-
lations to deal with the pandemic. For                                    tivise and reward our lawyers as well,
example, our staff are now organised in                                   as improving our work environment
groups with different work hour shifts                                    with technology is a key priority.
to ensure they do not have to come                                        Finally, enhancing awareness of ESG
into the office during rush hour, and           “We strongly believe      for sustainable development and
we have altered our ways of working             that technology will      expanding our own practice is our
to allow remote working environment                                       firm’s big focus as well.
in different degrees depending on               dramatically reshape
the nature of the work. In the current         the work environment       ALB: What are some of the things
contact-free work environment, we are                                     which have surprised you about your
not only using a cloud-based system            of law firms. We think     firm since the pandemic began?
to complete group tasks effectively,              law firms need to       Lee: Due to the lasting pandemic situ-
but also upgrading our internal case                                      ation, uncertainties in the legal market
management system and research                   pay attention to AI      are growing. However, we think we
system. Our AI research project to               technology or legal      are handling this unpredicted situa-
upgrade our internal system has been                                      tion better than we expected, thanks
recently selected as one of the legal AI       technology to actively     to our members’ collaborative efforts
projects to be supported by the govern-        respond to the volatile    to overcome this unprecedented time.
ment, thus we expect to adopt the AI                                      As the managing partner, I was deeply
legal document search and analysis            changes of legal market.”   impressed and grateful to our members
engine to our office in the second half                                   who showed strong support and under-
of this year.                                           KYU CHUL LEE      standing to place the firm’s future first

8    ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – S EPTEM B ER 20 2 1                         W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM
rather than personal interests to over-      APPOINTMENTS
come this pandemic situation. People
say a crisis can lead to opportunities,
so I strongly believe that we will grow
into an even stronger and more united
firm after the pandemic.

ALB: Does technology play a bigger
role in your firm as a result of the
Lee: The entire world, as well as Korea,
are facing unprecedented changes due
to the COVID-19 outbreak. As we all             SIDHARTH BHASIN                 KARUN CARIAPPA                 BISWAJIT CHATTERJEE
know, contact-free communication has                   L E AV I N G                   L E AV I N G                       L E AV I N G
become the new norm for us. As a law            Shearman & Sterling              Fernback Holdings                 Squire Patton Boggs
firm, we now hold more online meetings                 JOINING                        JOINING                            JOINING
                                                 Latham & Watkins                   Khaitan & Co                      Hogan Lovells
than offline meetings and hold more
                                                      P R AC T I C E                 P R AC T I C E                     P R AC T I C E
webinars than in-person seminars.              Energy & Infrastructure            Corporate/M&A                      Corporate/M&A
Overall, there has been a big change                  L O C AT I O N                 L O C AT I O N                     L O C AT I O N
in the way we communicate with our                    Singapore                      Singapore                          Singapore
potential clients as well as our clients.
We take this chance to actively intro-
duce more technology to improve work
efficiency. Most of the communication,
including meetings and training, are
now conducted online. To promote this,
our lawyers have been provided with
the most updated tablet computers.
We also have been the first Korean
law firm to introduce an AI attorney,
even before the pandemic. We strongly        JAMES CLAYTON-PAYNE                    PAUL GUAN                       CHIANG LING LI
believe that technology will dramati-                  L E AV I N G                   L E AV I N G                       L E AV I N G
cally reshape the work environment              Shearman & Sterling                Paul Hastings                        Jones Day
of law firms. We think law firms need                  JOINING                        JOINING                            JOINING
                                                 Latham & Watkins                  Kirkland & Ellis                  Tiang & Partners
to pay attention to AI technology or
                                                      P R AC T I C E                 P R AC T I C E                     P R AC T I C E
legal technology to actively respond           Energy & Infrastructure       Private Equity, Real Estate           Intellectual Property
to the volatile changes of legal market.              L O C AT I O N                 L O C AT I O N                     L O C AT I O N
Our AI project has been selected as the               Singapore                      Hong Kong                          Hong Kong
‘AI voucher support project’ for the
legal sector by the Ministry of science
and ICT and the national IT Industry
Promotion Agency (as part of national
AI strategy in 2019 to introduce AI to
Korean corporates and support tech-
nology development). We are currently
cooperating with AI-specialised firm,
Intellicon, to develop high-tech AI legal
document search and analysis engine,
and expecting to actively use the AI               DON STOKES                   WILLIAM STROLL                      MARK YEADON
legal document search and analysis                     L E AV I N G                   L E AV I N G                       L E AV I N G
solution in our office at the end of 2021.   Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer    Herbert Smith Freehills             Eversheds Sutherland
It is expected that our legal service will             JOINING                        JOINING                            JOINING
                                                 Latham & Watkins                 Pinsent Masons                         Conyers
be improved significantly in terms of
                                                      P R AC T I C E                 P R AC T I C E                     P R AC T I C E
quality and efficiency based on the            Energy & Infrastructure                 Energy                            Disputes
primary research through AI and plus,                 L O C AT I O N                 L O C AT I O N                     L O C AT I O N
our attorneys’ professional reviews.                  Singapore                      Singapore                          Hong Kong

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                     A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – S E P T E MB E R 2021    9

       In 2019, Cambodia had its best                                                          and investment realities, the like of new
year in terms of foreign direct investment.                                                    industries or manufacturers with high
According to the 2020 World Investment                                                         value-added products.”
Report by UNCTAD, Cambodia saw                                                                       Among these are “electrical and
$3.7 billion of FDI, a rise of 16 percent                                                      electronic industries, component parts,
compared to the $3.2 billion it received                                                       assembly and installation industries;
in 2018.                                                                                       mechanical and machinery industries;
     But with uncertainty over the                                                             agro-industry, and food processing;
evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic,                                                            digital industry; green energy.”
the kingdom witnessed FDI declining                                                                  With COVID-19 denting the lucra-
slightly to $3.5 billion, the National Bank                                                    tive tourism sector in Cambodia, officials
of Cambodia reported, with non-banking                                                         are looking for ways to strengthen the
sectors particularly affected.                                                                 country’s overall economy.
     And now Cambodia is looking to                                                                  At the 42nd General Assembly of
ramp up its efforts to attract investment,                                                     ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
with a draft law currently making its way                                                      (AIPA-42), which took place virtually in
through the legislative process.                                                               August, the president of the Cambodian
     Development of the country’s                                                              National Assembly, Heng Samrin,
investment law has been eagerly awaited                               REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea   announced that digital technology will
by the business community — Cambodia                                                           take an increasingly important posi-
last amended its investment law in                                                             tion in stimulating economic recovery
2003 – and businesses leaders have             Siphana says, adding the law’s “fiscal          post-COVID-19, and developing a more
campaigned for an update for years.            and non-fiscal incentives are very              robust, sustainable economy.
     The new law is expected to attract        enticing for new investors.”                          While the new investment law could
tech and information companies and                  Siphana, a former adviser to the           attract exactly this type of talent, would-
clear up residential visa complexities,        Council of Development of Cambodia,             be investors in Cambodia need to be
while emphasising Cambodia as an               recently spoke at a virtual forum hosted        aware that challenges remain.
attractive place to do business.               by the American Chamber of Commerce                   “Selection of local partners needs to
     Sok Siphana, the founder of law firm      about the country’s investment oppor-           be done very carefully,” Siphana warns,
Sok Siphana & Associates, a member of          tunities.                                       adding proper due diligence is important.
ZICO Law, says the new investment draft             A range of industries and areas in               But the inevitable disputes are
law will bring opportunities to Cambodia       Cambodia could benefit from further             already catered for. “The issue of
and attract interest in the region.            foreign investment and the impending            disputes in the Cambodian courts is very
     “The new investment law will place        law change, Siphana says, explaining            much alleviated with a well-functioning
Cambodia in a very competitive posi-           that “most of the areas covered areas           commercial arbitration centre up and
tion vis-à-vis its neighbours in ASEAN,”       that are reflecting the current trade           running now,” he says.

                                      KOREA’S BKL GEARS UP TO LAUNCH SINGAPORE OFFICE
                                             Bae, Kim & Lee (BKL), Korea’s third-          India’s Khaitan & Co, PRC firm AllBright Law
                                      largest law firm, is all set to establish an         Offices, and U.S. law firms McDermott Will
                                      office in Singapore. The office will be led          & Emery and Orrick.
                                      by Eric Yang, partner and head of the firm’s              BKL, which has been operating a liaison
                                      Southeast Asia practice.                             office in the city-state since 2020, plans to
                                           When the office opens, it will make             hire three to five lawyers in Singapore, and
                                      BKL the latest foreign firm to establish an          gradually increase its strength via second-
                                      outpost in Singapore in 2021, following              ments and further laterals.

10    ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – S EPTEM B ER 20 2 1                                             W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .CO M

       Indonesia is shaking up its listing                                                                              and that this must cover assessment
rules as it seeks to attract start-up giants                                                                            on licenses, corporate documents,
and cultivate a reputation as an IPO                                                                                    agreements with third parties,
hub. The new regulations, which relax                                                                                   as well as addressing ongoing or
a number of curbs and allow firms to go                                                                                 potential litigation.
public with multiple classes of shares                                                                                       Assessments must also
with different voting rights, are a long                                                                                be carried out on any company
time coming, say lawyers.                                                                                               subsidiary to “determine whether
                                                                                                                        a consolidation, merger or acquisi-
     WHAT ARE THE                              A worker wearing a protective mask walks as he cleans the floor          tion is necessary to be conducted
                                                  past an electronic board displaying the stock market index at
     INTENTIONS BEHIND                              the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), as the outbreak of the          before the IPO.”
                                               coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, in Jakarta, Indonesia,
     THE RULE CHANGES?                                         September 8, 2020. REUTERS/Willy Kurniawan                    Business should also be
     Rio Lassatrio, founder and partner                                                                                 prepared to allocate adequate funds
     of LHBM Counsel, says that over the                                                                                for IPO process, and “in order to be
     past few years the Financial Services                 But companies in the market                                  able to prepare the IPO registration
     Authority (OJK) and the Indonesian              will have to continue to work hard                                 statement, they must appoint an
     Stock Exchange (IDX) have worked                to profit from the regulatory devel-                               underwriter and also supporting
     to revamp the listing rules and                 opments.                                                           professionals who have been regis-
     related procedures.                                   “Good planning and prepara-                                  tered with the OJK.”
          The changes show an inten-                 tion are the keys to a successful IPO
     tion to simplify the listing process,           listing,” Lassatrio adds.                                          WHAT DOES THIS MEAN
     encourage companies to go public,                     He warns that private compa-                                 FOR INDONESIA’S IPO
     and increase awareness “regarding               nies in Indonesia are “mostly                                      LANDSCAPE GOING
     the benefit of capital market and go            unprepared to go public and need                                   FORWARD?
     public,” Lassatrio says.                        substantial investment of time and                                 This extensive to-do list is unlikely to
          “On many occasions, the IDX’s              funds to level up their capabilities to                            spook companies with listing ambi-
     officials say ‘don’t wait until you             public companies’ standards.”                                      tions. Indeed, Bukalapak’s success
     become big. Become big instead                        In order to navigate the inevi-                              is likely to spark wider interest in
     in the Indonesian stock market,’”               table complications of the IPO                                     the market.
     he says.                                        listing process, businesses must                                         Lassatrio expects to see tech-
          Taking advantage of these                  assess their readiness to go public,                               nology-based start-up companies
     developments last month was PT                  Lassatrio says. “The assessment                                    set a trend for IPO listings in the, which broke ground               of readiness means that business                                   coming months.
     as Indonesia’s first listed tech                must understand and comply with                                          “The record-breaking
     unicorn, soared 25 percent on its               the framework of regulatory, legal                                 Bukalapak’s IPO could lure other
     market debut, according to Reuters.             and finance, tax, and governance                                   start-up companies for IPO listing
                                                     requirements.”                                                     in the hope to replicate or transcend
     WHAT ARE SOME OF THE                                  There’s the need to prepare                                  the value,” Lassatrio says, noting
     THINGS THAT COMPANIES                           sufficient business information,                                   the overhaul will likely encourage
     NEED TO KEEP IN MIND?                           establish a marketing strategy and                                 further listings in the near future.
     Lassatrio says there are a number               decide the best timing to go public,                                     “Technology-based companies
     of developments that companies                  and then there’s the legal footwork                                such as GoTo, a joint entity of Gojek
     will be able to take advantage of,              that goes into preparing for an IPO.                               and Tokopedia, Traveloka, and
     including the initial registration                    For the legal aspects, busi-                        are believed by many to
     requirements, which have been                   nesses still have to ensure they are                               have started the IPO listing process
     amended so the company consid-                  thorough Lassatrio says, adding                                    and undergoing discussion with
     ering listing “does not have to                 that “full-blown due diligence” to                                 OJK and IDX while awaiting the
     appoint an independent director                 assess any legal issues or potential                               anticipated revised listing rules,”
     for the IPO listing,” he says.                  risks for the company is required,                                 he adds.

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                                               A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – S E P T E MB E R 2021   11

(Reuters) Global banks and other
financial institutions in Hong Kong are
scrambling to find out details of China’s                  A man walks past buildings at a business district in Hong Kong, China, November 4, 2019. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

planned imposition of an anti-sanctions
law on the city, and trying to understand
how it could impact their operations in        of their most lucrative markets since                         with such sanctions,” said Rod Francis,
the financial hub.                             Beijing’s implementation of the security                      head of FTI Consulting’s financial crime
      Beijing adopted a law in June under      law in the former British colony last year.                   practice.
which individuals or entities involved in           The anti-sanctions law now raises                             “But while scenario planning is
making or implementing discrimina-             the spectre of financial firms getting                        useful, there’s only so much of that kind
tory measures against Chinese citizens         caught in the crossfire as sparring                           of navel gazing you can actually do.”
or entities could be put on a government       between the world’s two largest econo-                             The U.S. last year imposed sanc-
anti-sanctions list.                           mies escalates.                                               tions preventing American companies
      Financial firms are closely watching          While top executives at Hong Kong’s                      and non-U.S. banks from doing business
a meeting this week of the National            biggest financial firms have not aired                        with several Chinese and Hong Kong offi-
People’s Congress Standing Committee,          their concerns in public, people familiar                     cials whom it said implemented Beijing’s
the highest organ of China’s parliament,       with the matter said there had been                           national security law on Hong Kong.
for signs on how and when similar legis-       intense discussions internally on how                              A separate U.S. ban on investments
lation will be introduced in Hong Kong.        to deal with it.                                              in companies Washington considers
      Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam said              A senior executive told Reuters that                     linked to China’s military forced U.S.
she did not have an explicit timetable         Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul                            banks in Hong Kong to cut exposure
for its implementation.                        Chan had abruptly cancelled a meeting                         this year to several Hong Kong-listed
      The move came as the U.S. govern-        with business groups, without providing                       Chinese telcos.
ment imposed several rounds of sanc-           a reason.                                                          A lawyer at one international law
tions on Hong Kong and Chinese officials            The executive, who declined to be                        firm in Hong Kong said they had been
over Beijing’s crackdown on the city’s         identified due to sensitivity of the matter,                  inundated with calls regarding the
freedoms under sweeping national secu-         said businesses were scrambling for                           anti-sanctions law but they were in no
rity legislation.                              information and Chan had made no                              position to provide advice, given the
      Under the planned law, if financial      effort to allay concerns despite repeated                     complete lack of clarity.
institutions in Hong Kong implement U.S.       requests for meetings.                                             “We’re waiting like everyone to see
sanctions, they may be exposed to legal             Offices of the Hong Kong govern-                         what is contained in the law ... it’s hard
risk in Hong Kong for doing so, financial      ment and Chan did not immediately                             to guess what will be in there,” one U.S.
sector executives and lawyers said.            respond to Reuters request for comment.                       bank executive said, also declining to be
      “Many foreign multinational compa-            Hong Kong is the regional hub                            identified.
nies are asking about the impact of the        for many global financial firms, and                               Senior executives at two large
anti-foreign sanctions law, especially         accounts for the bulk of the profits                          foreign banks in China told Reuters
international banks and financial insti-       for firms such as HSBC and Standard                           they had not received any specifics about
tutions,” said Shaun Wu, a Hong Kong-          Chartered.                                                    the law even in the mainland and their
based partner at law firm Paul Hastings.            “Some of our financial institution                       efforts to seek clarity from regulators
      “It is significant because interna-      clients are trying to plan out different                      had not been successful.
tional banks and financial institutions        scenarios ahead of the anti-foreign sanc-                          Some financial and legal profes-
may find themselves caught between a           tions law, trying to decide what they                         sionals hoped Hong Kong would imple-
rock and a hard place.”                        would do if someone is sanctioned by                          ment a watered-down version of the
      Concerns have swirled over foreign       the U.S. and subsequently run the risk of                     mainland law to make sure the city is
financial institutions’ prospects in one       prosecution in Hong Kong for complying                        able to maintain its finance hub status.

12    ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – S EPTEM B ER 20 2 1                                                             W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .CO M

                                                         North Asia Announced M&A Legal Rankings                                                                                                    North Asia Announced M&A Financial Rankings

                                                                                                                          Value                              Market                                                                                                 Value                                     Market
     Rank                                                              Legal Advisor                                                         Deals                                       Rank                       Legal Advisor                                                   Deals
                                                                                                                         ($MLn)                              share                                                                                                 ($MLn)                                     share

         1                                               Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu                                    23,323.1                 57            3.8                          1               Goldman Sachs & Co                                55,126.2                26                                  9.1
         2                                                                  Linklaters                                  23,173.2                 20            3.8                         2                        Morgan stanley                             48,583.6                44                                 8.0
         3                                                           Fangda Partners                                    22,190.9                 99            3.7                         3             China International Capital Co                        48,371.6                57                                 8.0
        4                                                          Davis Polk & Wardwell                                20,218.4                 18            3.3                         4                          JP Morgan                                46,945.6                27                                   7.7
        5                                                           nishimura & Asahi                                   19,748.0                 89            3.3                         5                   BofA securities Inc                             32,451.6                24                                 5.3
        6                                                              Kim & Chang                                      18,894.7                 75             3.1                        6                            CITIC                                  28,042.3                31                                 4.6
         7                                                          Jia Yuan Law Offices                                18,519.6                  15           3.0                         7                             Citi                                  26,037.0                29                                 4.3
        8                                                     Mori Hamada & Matsumoto                                   18,067.3                 90            3.0                         8                         Credit suisse                             22,747.6                17                                  3.7
        9                                                Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer                                 17,779.5                 29            2.9                         9                           nomura                                  18,438.7                57                                 3.0
        10                                                    Anderson Mori & Tomotsune                                 17,657.3                 57            2.9                         10           Industrial & Comm Bank China                           17,463.9                83                                 2.9

  (*tie) Based on Rank Value including net Debt of announced M&A deals (excluding withdrawn M&A)                                                                                       (*tie) Based on Rank Value including net Debt of announced M&A deals (excluding withdrawn M&A)

                                                                                                                Any North Asia Involvement Announced M&A Activity - Quarterly Trend*

                                                                                       Series1                              Series2
             Rank Value US$ Billion

                                                 440                                                                                                                                                                                               400.7                              5,000
                                                                                                                                 373.7                                                          353.3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             No. of Transactions
                                                                                                                        324.2                                                                                                                                                         4,000
                                                 340                                                                                                 276.8       280.3                                                  276.9
                                                                                                                                           268.2 256.0                                                                                                  271.1
                                                                                    252.9                                   243.9
                                                                                                                                               218.8         239.4 254.8
                                                                                                                                                                       229.4                            248.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            222.8                     3,000
                                                 240                      200.6 191.5                                                                                                               216.0
                                                                              167.9                                                                      173.9                                                  174.6
                                                                                                                                                                                                            161.7               163.2
                                                             122.8   1 42.8                                                                                                                                                 131.2                                          140.7 2,000
                                                 140 93.5115.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1,000
                                                         40                                                                                                                                                                                                                           0
                                                              1Q 13        3Q 13      1Q 14       3Q 14         1Q 15       3Q 15          1Q 16       3Q 16          1Q 17    3Q 17       1Q 18    3Q 18      1Q 19     3Q 19         1Q 20       3Q 20       1Q 21      3Q 21

     Southeast Asia / South Asia Announced M&A Legal Rankings                                                                                                                          Southeast Asia / South Asia Announced M&A Financial Rankings

                                                                                                                          Value                              Market                                                                                                 Value                                     Market
     Rank                                                              Legal Advisor                                                         Deals                                       Rank                       Legal Advisor                                                   Deals
                                                                                                                         ($MLn)                              share                                                                                                 ($MLn)                                     share

         1                                                                  Skadden                                    44,927.9                   6           17.5                          1                  Morgan Stanley                                 61,637.5                 19                             24.1
         2                                                         Davis Polk & Wardwell                                43,907.7                  7            17.1                        2                          JP Morgan                                51,247.4                22                             20.0
         3                                                                  Jones Day                                   38,600.8                  9            15.1                        3                  Goldman sachs & Co                               37,107.2                23                              14.5
        4                                                           sullivan & Cromwell                                 34,198.5                  2            13.4                        4                             UBs                                   31,427.8                   6                             12.3
        5                                                                  Cooley LLP                                   33,603.6                  4            13.1                        5                    Evercore Partners                              31,103.6                   1                              12.1
        6                                                      Hughes Hubbard & Reed                                    32,553.6                  2            12.7                        6                             Citi                                  25,610.7                13                              10.0
         7                                                             Ropes & Gray                                     32,222.1                  3            12.6                        7                   BofA securities Inc                             17,674.9                17                                 6.9
        8                                                     Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas                                 27,661.6                 76            10.8                        8                         Credit suisse                             10,426.4                10                                   4.1
        9                                                             AZB & Partners                                    25,696.0                 116           10.0                        9                  DBs Group Holdings                               9,533.0                    8                                3.7
        10                                                          Latham & Watkins                                    20,367.0                 18            8.0                         10                  Ernst & Young LLP                               8,944.3                 33                                 3.5

  (*tie) Based on Rank Value including net Debt of announced M&A deals (excluding withdrawn M&A)                                                                                       (*tie) Based on Rank Value including net Debt of announced M&A deals (excluding withdrawn M&A)

                                                                                            Any Southeast Asia / South Asia Involvement Announced M&A Activity - Quarterly Trend*

                                                                                          Series1                            Series2
                                                          210                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1,600
                                Rank Value US$ Billion

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                No. of Transactions

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     164.7      1,400
                                                          160                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1,200
                                                                                                                                                                                                 118.1                                                                          1,000
                                                          110                                                                      79.9                                                                                85.0          85.782.3                              83.9 800
                                                                                                                                          65.9               68.373.6 70.1           72.873.774.6       75.0 66.4             70.5              74.9 78.2
                                                                                                  64.0                                                                                                                                                      63.1                600
                                                                                  39.044.8 47.6          42.1          46.7 41.9                 48.3 53.2                    44.6                                                                                              400
                                                              10                                                                                                                                                                                                                0
                                                                   1Q 13      3Q 13      1Q 14       3Q 14         1Q 15        3Q 15        1Q 16       3Q 16         1Q 17     3Q 17      1Q 18    3Q 18      1Q 19     3Q 19         1Q 20      3Q 20       1Q 21      3Q 21

  *League tables, quarterly trends, and deal lists are based on the nation of either the target, acquiror, target ultimate parent, or acquiror ultimate parent at the time of the transaction. Announced M&A transactions excludes withdrawn deals. Deals with undisclosed dollar values are rank eligible but with
     no corresponding Rank Value. non-Us dollar denominated transactions are converted to the Us dollar equivalent at the time of announcement of terms. nORTH AsIA: China, Hong Kong, Japan, south Korea, Taiwan; sOUTHEAsT AsIA: singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei,
                                                               Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Timor-Leste; sOUTH AsIA: India, Afganistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, nepal, Pakistan, sri Lanka. Data accurate as of 1 september 2021.

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                                                                                                                                                    A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – S E P T E MB E R 2021                                                             13

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     Japan has had an up-and-down year so far, with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to disrupt
     life and business, even as the country successfully hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
      Leaders of law firms in Japan say that while they had to institute new ways of work in order to
       adapt to this “new normal,” they have been heartened by the resilience shown by their firms,
        which will hold them in good stead going forward. BY E LI Z AB E T H B E AT T I E AND R ANA JI T DA M

ALB: In Japan, in addition to the           fund clients. My expectation is that with            As we look beyond the immediate
pandemic, there has also been uncer-        the higher vaccination rates now being          emergency, and return to work, deal
tainty around the potential risks           achieved in Japan, the economy will snap        with the impact on our businesses,
from the Olympics (now completed            back quicker than many believe, and the         embrace new technology and adapt to
successfully), and an upcoming elec-        pace of business activity by our clients        new circumstances, we must understand
tion. How have you seen this impact         will rapidly accelerate.                        how the world might change, and the
your clients, and how have you                   Disruption and innovation go hand-         innovations which will shape our lives
stepped up to help them during these        in-hand and this has never been truer           in the future. And as we now assess the
challenging times?                          than with the pandemic. Technology              return to work, and businesses begin to
Eric Roose, partner, Withersworldwide:      has played a critical role in helping us        open their doors across the world, busi-
The global pandemic and ongoing             to adapt to remote working. It is also          nesses must safeguard key assets and
geopolitical uncertainties have certainly   playing a critical role in helping the          plan carefully for the way ahead.
reshaped many aspects of our lives. It      world navigate out of this crisis, whether      Ryutaro Nakayama, managing partner,
has undeniably affected the way we          through vaccination programmes or               Nishimura & Asahi: In the eyes of the
interact with friends and family, our       track-and-trace. We provide clients with        Japanese public, the COVID-19 pandemic
work patterns, and economic activi-         legal solutions to mitigate the worst           has been fundamentally linked to both
ties. With the exception of hospitality     consequences of the pandemic. Where             the Olympics/Paralympics and the
industry clients, the business of most      necessary, we are also assisting clients        upcoming national election. It is diffi-
of our clients has remained amazingly       in repositioning their business to adapt        cult to predict the possible scenarios at
strong throughout the past year and a       to this new world, and support them in          this stage, however, our firm is always
half. This has been especially true for     realising opportunities that emerge from        actively gathering information via
many of our real estate and investment      this evolving situation.                        various channels, such as through our

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                         A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – S E P T E MB E R 2021   15
close ties with relevant authorities and       Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic          autumn, cabinet approval rating had
our large clientele. Our lawyers use their     Games has demonstrated that the            fallen sharply as of early August, due
diverse expertise and perspectives to          ecosystem and business opportunities       to the spread of the Delta variant of the
analyse such information and educate           around international events are devel-     coronavirus, the repeated declaration
our clients so that they can adapt them-       oping in Japan. There were many activ-     of a state of emergency, and delays in
selves to changing regulations or new          ities such as practices to protect the     the supply of vaccinations. According
legal frameworks on time. Just one             rights of the stakeholders including       to a survey conducted with economists
such example is our Myanmar practice           international sports organisations,        by Bloomberg published on July 7, half
team’s actions after the political change      hospitality companies and sponsors;        of them expect an economic package
in Myanmar. Our Myanmar practice team          improvement of governance of organ-        worth more than 20 trillion yen ($182
has shared the latest information with         isations; and public legacy facilities     billion). It is expected that much of that
our clients via almost weekly webinars         construction projects, in which our firm   will be spent on post-coronavirus growth
and newsletters, providing insightful –        participated and accumulated expe-         strategies. The Japanese government’s
and well-appreciated – advice.                                                            growth strategy focuses on the promo-
Yuto Matsumura, managing partner,                                                         tion of digitisation, the use of hydrogen
Mori Hamada & Matsumoto: The onset                                                        energy for decarbonisation, the develop-
of the pandemic did quash expectations                                                    ment of facilities for electric vehicles, and
of a positive economic impact from the                                                    the spread of renewable energy, which
Olympics/Paralympics. The Japanese                                                        would be expected to stimulate the
government and the Olympic organizers                                                     economy through investments in these
seem to have done a relatively good job                                                   sectors. We have significant experience
in adapting to difficult circumstances                                                    in advising on soft IP and data business
and controlling the spread of the virus                                                   as well as renewable energy projects,
at the Games. Therefore, it seems that                                                    and will continue to support companies
some initial anxiety about proceeding                                                     operating in these fields.
with the Olympics has now been allevi-          “We provide clients with legal
ated, and the national mood in the wake             solutions to mitigate the             ALB: What are some of the things which
of the Games may have brightened a                                                        have surprised you, or that you’ve
bit. The public disapproval ratings of the
                                                   worst consequences of the              learnt about your firm/office or your
current administration, however, have            pandemic. Where necessary,               industry since the pandemic began?
continued to rise, which reflects public          we are also assisting clients           Roose: I was surprised by the ability of
discontent with the pace of COVID vacci-        in repositioning their business           the fee-earners and support staff to fully
nations and the control of the pandemic.           to adapt to this new world,            function remotely from home whenever
On the other hand, many Japanese                 and support them in realising            it was necessary – due to the multiple
companies have an optimistic forecast                                                     government-declared states of emer-
for the current fiscal year, with expecta-
                                                   opportunities that emerge              gency – while still being able to service
tion to recover from the negative impact          from this evolving situation.           our clients at the highest levels. That is
of the pandemic. Against such back-                        — Eric N. Roose,
                                                                                          a strong testament to the flexibility of
ground, it is hard to assess the impact                   Withersworldwide                my colleagues, and to the excellent IT
of the election on our clients at this                                                    systems and business support teams our
stage, but issues of social change that                                                   firm put in place to allow us to succeed.
have been highlighted in course of the                                                    Although required due to the global
pandemic are likely to be hotly debated.                                                  pandemic, we have proven that we are
Kazuhiro Yoshii, partner, Anderson             rience as a core legal services player.    able to navigate the move to remote
Mori & Tomotsune: Our office has               We expect to advise key stakeholders       working very successfully.
provided support to pandemic-impacted          in other events In Japan as well as in          With that said, I was equally
companies – in particular regarding            other parts of Asia, such as the Beijing   surprised by the strong desire by many
human resources and fundraising                2022 Olympic Games, the 2023 FIBA          of the fee-earners in my office to work
concerns – by helping them manage              Basketball World Cup (co-hosted by the     in the office whenever possible, despite
their corporate financing and restruc-         Philippines, Japan and Indonesia), the     the proven ability to work remotely from
turing needs. M&A and fundraising activ-       2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, the 20th Asian     home.
ities have thus been on the increase           Games Aichi-nagoya 2026, and the           Nakayama: As with other industries, the
within our clientele.                          2030 Winter Olympic Games (for which       rapid change of working style, that is
Ryuichi Nozaki, senior partner, Atsumi         sapporo City is a host-city candidate).    to WFH, was inevitable from the outset
& Sakai: The experience of hosting the              In the run-up to the next elections   of the pandemic. It was a big challenge
Japan Rugby World Cup 2019 and the             for the House of Representatives in        for us in several regards. We needed to

16    ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – S EPTEM B ER 20 2 1                                        W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .CO M
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