ALBERTA NEWS - Alberta Jewish News

ALBERTA NEWS - Alberta Jewish News

                                                   Publication Mail Agreement Number: 40050628

Volume 31, No. 8               Edmonton Edition                                 September 8, 2020

                             Cover art: On the run by © Tim Mohan. For information visit
ALBERTA NEWS - Alberta Jewish News
Page 2                                                                         Alberta Jewish News                                                                   September, 2020

JNF Gala in Edmonton
raises the bar
By Deborah Shatz                                                  Jared Paull, president of
                                                               Reel Mensch Productions
                                                               emceed and produced the
  The 2020 Edmonton JNF Negev Gala was a thoroughly
                                                               event. Attendees were treated
entertaining virtual event that paid tribute to two
                                                               to an engaging, creative short
exceptional honourees - Odette and Jacob Masliyah.
                                                               film that moved seamlessly
    On August 27, attendees tuned in to watch the              from lighthearted comedy to
inspirational story of the Masliyahs who separately            heartfelt testimonials and
migrated from Baghdad to Edmonton, met, married and            from an engaging history
built a life and family together. Over four decades, they      lesson, to an affirmation of
committed themselves to family, community, education and       communal Jewish values.
heritage, and they were instrumental in building a strong      Yasher      Koach     to   the
and vibrant Jewish community in Edmonton.                      Masliyahs, Event Chairs Sue
  As the attendees got comfortable in their own homes, the     and Alvin Winestock, JNF           Negev Gala honourees Odette and Jacob Masliyah are presented with the
event started at the Fantasyland Hotel where Elaine and        Edmonton Director Jay              JNF certificate of honour from event co-chairs Sue and Alivin Winestock
Ram Romanovsky were all dressed up and waiting for the         Cairns, Reel Mensch Studios        during a virtual Negev Gala event.
rest of the guests to arrive. They started at 7 pm to bicker   and many others for their
on air: “Where is everyone? We didn’t get the email that       creative innovation! The bar                              House of Excellence in Sderot Israel is the beneficiary of
the event was not in person. I’m hungry – is there no          for virtual galas has now been raised very high.          the Edmonton Negev Gala and it will provide educational
meal?” It was light-hearted banter and a very clever way to       Educational components of the event included a opportunities for students living in the area.
start the evening which had switched to an online format       fascinating presentation from Sephardi Voices David         Highlights of the ‘gala film’ included two segments of
when the Covid-19 pandemic prevented large indoor              Langer and Dr. Henry Green, as well as an informative ‘Honourees in Cars Drinking Coffee’ clearly an homage to
gatherings in March 2020.                                      video about JNF Canada. The Beit KKL JNF Canada
                                                                                                                                                                Continued on page 9

Let’s make 5781 a better year
By Rabbi Steven Schwarzman                                     to be with our loved ones on happy and sad occasions. We         occur, and they occurred even in our ancient past. And the
                                                               were unable to shake hands, let alone hug. Seniors and           Talmud is here to remind us that good years will return.
                                                               young singles were alone, and families with children were        We will get through this, both here in Edmonton and
                             In the midst of the
                                                               forced to adjust to suddenly being with each other all the       around the world. It seems likely that, sometime in 5781,
                          pandemic, it's not hard to
                                                               time.                                                            one or several vaccines will be ready. And we will emerge
                          write off 5780 as an
                                                                  Near the end of the Talmud's tractate Megillah, Reish         from the pandemic, not without real scars, but also
                          exceptionally bad year. Never
                                                               Lakish says that the curses (and the blessings) in               perhaps with a renewed understanding of what's truly
                          mind what we were all able to
                                                               Leviticus are read so that an aliyah neither begins nor          important in our lives.
                          accomplish during the year
                          (including on Zoom), never           ends with a curse. We add a verse at the beginning and at           And this is what Rosh Hashanah is all about. This year,
                          mind the good things that we         the end to avoid this. With regard to the similar reading in     we may be able to go deeper in examining what we do out
                          did, never mind the sins that        Deuteronomy, which is less harsh, it's not necessary to add      of habit that doesn't add to our lives. We may see more
                          we were able to avoid                verses. Okay, fair enough. But Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar           clearly what we need to do differently now that we have
                          (especially the habitual ones).      goes on to say that Ezra the Scribe arranged the Torah           been through such a difficult time. We may find it a little
                          For too many families around         reading schedule to make sure that the curses in                 easier to give up our grudges and reconcile with friends
                          the globe, including mine,           Deuteronomy are read before Rosh Hashanah, so that, as           and family members. The pandemic is a curse, not a
Rabbi Steven              loved ones were taken by the         either Abaye or Reish Lakish explain in different oral           blessing. But we can derive blessings from what we have
Schwarzman                virus. Economic disruption           traditions, the old year and its curses would be over before     learned and make 5781 a better year.
was everywhere. And perhaps worst of all, we were unable       the new year begins.                                                More than ever, may we all be inscribed in the Book of
                                                                                                  As difficult a year as this   Life, so that we can make this year one of blessings.
                                                                                                has been, we can take
                                                                                                comfort in knowing that it      Rabbi Steven Schwarzman is the spiritual leader of the
                                                                                                is not unique. Bad years        Beth Shalom Synagogue in Edmonton.

                                                                                                     Beth Shalom Synagogue
                                                                                                      Edmonton's friendly, egalitarian, Conservative shul
                                                                                                             wishes the whole House of Israel


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ALBERTA NEWS - Alberta Jewish News
September, 2020                                     Alberta Jewish News                                            Page 3


                edmonton Kosher Zone
              Wishes You a Sweet New Year

                   roSh haShaNa

         Our Holiday themed symbolic centerpieces.                                  ima Sheli
         Delicious enough to be placed on your table
         and can be delivered to you or a loved one.
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                                                 Contact us today

 Reclaiming Jewish Identity
ALBERTA NEWS - Alberta Jewish News
Page 4                                                                           Alberta Jewish News                                                                  September, 2020

Come celebrate
Rosh Hashanah
with thousands of
friends virtually!
By Susan Schiffman

  This year, Edmonton UJA kicks off the Campaign and
the New Year with a star-studded, authentically Canadian             SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 13 5:30 PM MDT • REGISTER AT JEWISHEDMONTON.ORG
virtual holiday party on September 13th. Like so many
things this year, the UJA Kickoff has been re-imagined for       the elderly, and the isolated. And in spite of the crisis, all   for     the       New      Year.      We      will    also
the new pandemic normal. No concert at The Citadel.              of our communities found innovative ways to entertain and        have New Year’s greetings from our Campaign Chair
No Hors d'oeuvres. No schmoozing with friends over a             engage people through an array of outdoor performances           Howie Sniderman, our CEO Debby Shoctor and cameo
glass of wine before the show. So, what will we do instead?      and virtual events that will make you laugh, cry and be          appearances from Matt and Tami Cairns and family,
We put our heads together with creative minds from               proud to support Federation. The show is a splendid              and organizations such as Jewish Family Services and the
throughout Canada’s Federation network and came up               chronicle of Jewish Canada’s resilience and spirit.              Aviv Dancers.
with a virtual happening worthy of our great Canadian               Moving on from the tough year behind us, the show               As for Canadian Jewish celebrities, jazz virtuoso Sophie
Jewish Community. A joint project of the Jewish                  turns to the year ahead, telling a Canadian Rosh                 Milman will sing a few spell-binding numbers and
Federations of Canada, produced by award-winning former          Hashanah story through the eyes of many characters,              The Maccabeats will delight us with their own very special
CTV News reporter Naomi Parness in collaboration with            ranging through children from Edmonton, (including Nava          brand of Jewish Acapella. There will be other surprise
Shoy Pictures, this Canada-wide virtual show will feature        and Lexi Shafir and Jeremy Toubiana) Winnipeg and                performances as well as shout outs from Dr. Ruth,
dozens of community members and celebs from coast to             Hamilton to big stars from Montreal, Toronto and beyond.         Henry Winkler, Natan Sharansky, and many more. And, it
coast. It will be both a look back on our Jewish Canada’s        Just for Laughs Founder and notorious mischief-maker,            would not be Rosh Hashanah without the Shofar, so get
resiliency through months of crisis, and a forward-looking,      Andy Nulman, will host the show, guaranteeing fun for all.       ready to hear some of the best Tekiahs, Sevarims, and
upbeat celebration of the New Year to come.                      Adorable kids will talk about what they hope                     Teruahs from around Canada. Keep an eye out for the guy
  The show will start with a description of the Canadian         for in the New Year – you will see some familiar                 in the hat, he is our own Seth Glick.
Jewish community’s extraordinary response to the                 little faces from Edmonton as well as old friends                  And it is all free and happening in your living room on
COVID-19 emergency. Through a great selection of photos          and relatives from across Canada. Meanwhile, Bub-bies            September 13th at 5:30 PM. No parking ap needed!
and videos contributed by the 11 Federation communities,         from around the nation will share Rosh Hashanah recipes.         Just pull up a chair and enjoy the show. You need to
a story of generosity, strength and hope will be told.           Don’t miss Edmon-ton’s own Paula Weil, who will finally          register to get the link, so go to the Federation website
Across the nation, donors contributed generously to              reveal the secrets of her Apple Challah. Holocaust      to do so. If you miss the fun on
Federation emergency campaigns and volunteers looked             survivors from throughout the country will bring us wise         September 13th check the Federation website, beginning
beyond their personal safety to deliver Passover Meals,          words about enduring hardship and celebrating life. Anna         September 14th, for a link to the recording. Shanah Tovah
groceries, protective gear, and basic necessities to the sick,   Linetsky, from Edmonton, will give some uplifting advice         and Have a Blast!

High Holidays 2020: What will                                                                      With the global death toll from COVID-19 rising exponentially, as tracked by the Johns
                                                                                                 Hopkins University of Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center, the only thing certain
                                                                                                 about this virus is its unpredictability. Canadian actor, Nick Cordero, being only 41,
Jewish Seniors be doing?                                                                         succumb to the disease while American Gerry Schappals survived not only COVID-19, but
                                                                                                 also breast and colon cancer and the 1918 Spanish Influenza.
By Irena Karshenbaum                                                                               In Alberta, we have been relatively lucky having a fairly low cases-to-mortality rate of
                                                                                                 1.78%. However, in watching the daily case numbers, most who have succumbed to the
                                                                                                 virus have been seniors. The demographic has also been affected by the virus in countless
                                                                                                 other ways.
                                                                                                   Jann Beeston, Executive Director of Jewish Family Service Edmonton, reports that her
                                                                                                 agency is seeing, “Increased isolation, stress and anxiety, and also increased food
                                                                                                 insecurity, and this definitely applies to seniors.” Beeston continues explaining that JFSE
                                                                                                                                                               Continued on page 17

                               NATIONAL COUNCIL
                               OF JEWISH WOMEN OF CANADA                                            Wishing the Jewish Community a New Year
                               PRESENTS A CANADA WIDE WEBINAR SERIES
                                                                                                    filled with good health and happiness, from
 Women and Justice
    A Thought Provoking and Action Focused Approach
           to Issues that Impact Women Today
                                                                                                                                            Sarah Hamilton
                          Webinars will start 6pm
                                                                                                                                           Councillor, Ward 5

ALBERTA NEWS - Alberta Jewish News
September, 2020                                                                                      Alberta Jewish News                                                                          Page 5

Community and advocacy during uncertainty
                                    By Judy Zelikovitz                          ensuring that the changing needs of our most vulnerable        finding creative ways to give back and offering support to
                                                                                were met. CIJA advocated for the inclusion of not-for-         those experiencing hardship. Instead of planning large
                                                                                profits in government support programs, such as the            events or travel, we can plan to lean on our community
                                Rosh Hashanah is a time of
                                                                                Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, and helped ensure that          when in need and support it every way we can. We can
                             new beginnings, a time to
                                                                                Jewish schools were eligible. Volunteers mobilized by the      plan to check in on those who are vulnerable, to be more
                             reflect on a year gone by
                                                                                thousands, responding to calls for assistance, helping the     understanding of ourselves and others, and to be more
                             and on the new year ahead.
                                                                                many seriously impacted by Covid-19.                           present when given the gift of company among our loved
                             As is often the case with new
                                                                                   Our community was tested in other ways, as                  ones.
                             beginnings, it is also a time of
                             uncertainty.      Last     Rosh                    antisemitism, the crafty shapeshifter that is always on the       As we reframe what planning looks like for 5781, it can
                             Hashanah, we wished each                           move, found new outlets during the pandemic.                   be difficult to determine how best to dedicate our efforts.
                             other a sweet year, unsure of                      With Statistics Canada reporting a rise in antisemitic         There are many good causes that need our help. Instead of
                             the future but hopeful of                          incidents through 5780, our community from coast to coast      being overwhelmed, be reassured that, for whatever
Judy Zelikovitz              things to come.                                    continued to unite, offering support where it was needed       assistance you can offer, there is a worthy cause,
                                                                                most. Indeed, this was the year we learned the many ways       organization, or initiative looking for someone just like
  As we herald the arrival of this new year, we do so
                                                                                we could help and, for far too many, how to reach out to ask   you. Federations are great starting places. Check out their
understanding that we control far less than we had
                                                                                for help themselves.                                           campaigns and learn what their various service agencies
thought. Normally, the uncertainty that comes with a new
                                                                                   As we renew our talk of new beginnings at the               and not-for-profits are doing.
start is imbued with hope for the possibilities ahead.
This year, however, it is uncertainty itself that dominates.                    conclusion of a year defined by uncertainty, many wonder:         Though much of the past year has been uncertain,
As 5780 draws to a close, we have learned that, during                          how can we plan for the year ahead?                            Rosh Hashanah presents us with a chance to start anew.
periods of uncertainty, we must seek what we can rely on:                          For 5781, we must change our approach and, instead of       We can still hope for and work toward a better tomorrow.
the strength of our community and our resolve to face                           planning according to dates on a calendar, look at our         5781 will be a year defined not by our individual wishes
these unprecedented challenges together.                                        character for the coming year. As Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz z"l,   and schedules but by our collective character and
                                                                                wrote: “This does not mean, however, that on Rosh              commitment to our community. Planning for uncertainty
  In 5780, the challenges were many, and our community
                                                                                Hashanah one should make plans for the whole year.             may seem counter-intuitive, but history has shown that we
met them with an empowering, inspiring, and united
                                                                                That would be impossible...What one should do on this day      have the capacity to come together and overcome even the
                                                                                is form a general picture of what ought to be the character    darkest of times. As we look ahead to 5781, amidst all the
  When urgent help was needed, social service agencies                                                                                         unknowns, one thing remains certain: our community will
                                                                                and direction of this year.”
and not-for-profits mobilized, delivering food, providing                                                                                      continue from strength to strength.
services remotely, and offering support to those who                               For 5781, we can accept the uncertainty of what is to
needed it most. Jewish Federations, in Calgary and                              come and focus on the knowledge that we can rely on the        Judy Zelikovitz is Vice President, University and Local
Edmonton, along with others in Canada, shifted their                            tested strength of our community. And that continued           Partner Services at CIJA, the Centre for Israel and Jewish
focus to emergency fundraising campaigns to meet the                            strength is up to us. We can commit to volunteering our        Affairs.
immediate needs of service agencies on the front lines,                         time and, if we can, donating our money. We can commit to

Celebrating Rosh Hashanah
while social distancing
By Rebecca Firkser                                                              while standing in the
                                                                                kitchen waiting for chicken
                                                                                to finish roasting is one of
   (The Nosher via JTA) - Summer is turning to fall, and
                                                                                life’s greatest pleasures.
with it, Rosh Hashanah approaches, marking the start of a
                                                                                That way, you’ll still have a
new year and a moment of great reflection. As is the case
                                                                                full loaf of bread for the pre-
with every holiday since the start of the pandemic,
                                                                                meal blessing.
celebrations will look a bit different. With social distancing
in place and indoor gatherings limited, services are more                          While I’ve never been
likely to be performed online and there will be fewer, if any,                  mad about spending the
big meals where friends and family can break bread at the                       rest of the week reheating
same table.                                                                     leftovers from a great meal,
                                                                                you might want to scale
   There’s no way around it: The start of this new year is
                                                                                back a bit if you’re feeding
daunting — scary, even. Hard as it might be to find
                                                                                fewer than three people.
silver linings these days, there are still so many
                                                                                Instead of roasting a whole
ways to creatively observe Rosh Hashanah in the time of
                                                                                chicken and preparing
COVID-19, even if you’ll be celebrating alone.
                                                                                separate side dishes, opt for
   I know for many people, celebrating Rosh Hashanah                            a one-pan dinner of broken
means one thing: a big meal. Your typical Rosh Hashanah                         down, bone-in chicken parts
prep might involve hitting six different stores in a day to                     with vegetables — everything cooks on the same tray (and       embrace being apart, yet together in new ways, the less
find every specific ingredient for your 15-person dinner.                       you can use the bones for stock tomorrow, if you’re so         we’ll feel stuck in this new reality.
Well, this year, you officially have permission to take a                       inclined). For dessert, make a smaller cake and eat it right      This is also the perfect year to start a new tradition:
break. No brisket at the butcher? Who cares! Opt for a                          off the cooling rack. No one else is around, who’s going to    Though I didn’t grow up observing the practice, this year
smaller chuck roast or treat yourself to a few bone-in short                    care if you use your fingers instead of forks? And bonus,      I’m hoping to partake in tashlich, the ceremony in which
ribs. Heck, if you dread spending any more time in the                          whoever does the dishes in your household will be elated to    sins are metaphorically cast off in front of a body of water.
kitchen than absolutely necessary, just grab a rotisserie                       find a manageable pile at the end of the night.                With masks and social distance observed, this is the kind
chicken and head to the wine shop. No one is going to judge                                                                                    of outdoor activity that’s relatively safe right now. Though
                                                                                   Hard as it is for food-lovers like me to admit, Rosh
you.                                                                                                                                           we can’t have a meal together inside, meeting a few loved
                                                                                Hashanah isn’t about the meal. Check in with your
   Maybe you’ve never made challah from scratch but                             synagogue to see if they plan to host any special online       ones to join together for such a ritual will remind us that
always wanted to? If you’re spending a bit more time at                         services — even through a screen, seeing familiar faces        we’re not alone, and even in these dark times there’s still
home these days, why not dust off your grandma’s recipe?                        from your congregation might be the biggest comfort            plenty for which to be thankful.
(Or, if you’re me, and your grandma didn’t bake so much as                      during the holidays. Reach
open cookie tins and ice cream containers, adopt a new                          out to extended family or a
recipe as your own — the basic challah recipe in Nosher                         group of friends to see if
editor Shannon Sarna’s book Modern Jewish Baker is a                            anyone wants to participate
great place to start.) You’ll probably want to make two                         in a big virtual meal as
loaves: I’m speaking from experience when I say that                            well. It’s challenging, no
“accidentally” polishing off half a loaf of warm challah                        doubt, but the more we

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Volume 31, Number 8, September 2020                                                   permission        from     the
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PUBLISHER: Deborah Shatz                                                              expressed herein are not
                                                                                      necessarily those of the
EDItOR: Daniel Moser                                                                  Editor. Alberta Jewish News
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ALBERTA NEWS - Alberta Jewish News
Page 6                                                                           Alberta Jewish News                                                                 September, 2020

The anatomy of an apology                                                                                                  A blast for everyone
By Jeremy Appel                                                   “David Q Milley”, shows an
                                                                  adherence to the outlandish
                                                                  QAnon conspiracy theory
   Central to the practice of Rosh Hashana and Yom
                                                                  that believes U.S. President
Kippur is the concept of t’shuva, or repentance. It’s the
                                                                  Donald Trump is in the
time of year for self-reflection and apologizing to those
                                                                  process of taking down a
we’ve wronged. But an apology must come from the heart.
                                                                  “deep state” cabal of
   It’s easy to just say, “I’m sorry you feel that way” or some   pedophiles and Satanists.
variant, evading any personal responsibility by placing the
                                                                     How did the algorithm
burden on the individual who has been wronged. This is
                                                                  come to place this tweet in a
precisely how not to go about a genuine, sincere apology.
                                                                  sitting MP’s feed?
   A true apology involves an acknowledgement of what
                                                                     Findlay is not some fringe
you did wrong, why it is wrong and an expressed desire to
                                                                  figure in the Conservative
do better. It must come from an internal desire to do better
                                                                  Party; she’s their former
for your fellow people, not imposed from outside.
                                                                  environment critic. (though
   This contrast was on display in Canadian politics              she was not given a position
recently, when South Surrey-White Rock Conservative MP            on their current shadow
Kerry-Lynne Findlay suggested newly-minted Finance                cabinet). Yet O’Toole had no
Minister Chrystia Freeland is being instructed by George          comment on the matter,
Soros based a 2009 video of Freeland interviewing him             referring reporters to her           Don't miss out! Chabad of Edmonton will have an outdoor Shofar
when she was a reporter at the Financial Times. Findlay           Twitter statement, which             blowing on Sunday Sept. 20, 2020 at 12:45 PM on the lawn of the Chabad
quote tweeted a post of the video, saying it showed               was no more than an attempt          House 502 Wolf Willow Rd.
Freeland listening to Soros “like student (sic) to teacher.”      at damage control.
   “The closeness of these two should alarm every                    There was radio silence on this matter from the Jewish made to Black Lives Matter, a fact which is itself the basis
Canadian,” Findlay said in the tweet that tagged the              Federation of Greater Vancouver.                             of far-right conspiracies. And it’s still up on their website
official Conservative Party of Canada account and freshly-
                                                                     Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs’s Richard Marcheau four years later.
elected leader Erin O’Toole and was re-tweeted by                                                                                 This fixation on the finances of Israeli and Palestinian
                                                                  did lightly criticize Findlay, correctly stating that “it’s
prominent Tory MP Pierre Poilievre
                                                                  important also to know that even without intent, the effect NGOs dovetails with the agenda of Israeli prime minister
   Soros, of course, is the bette noir of modern anti-Semitic     can be antisemitic,” without reference to her statement.     Benjamin Netanyahu, who has long sought to criminalize
conspiracy theories, which take the trope of a Jewish cabal
                                                                     B’nai Brith Canada accepted Findlay’s non-apology, but NGOs critical of Israel, a brazen violation of civil rights
secretly controlling the world and replace it with an                                                                          that an organization with as honourable a history as B’nai
                                                                  cautioned that it may not have been entirely genuine.
individual billionaire who just so happens to be Jewish. In
some versions, casino magnate and Republican mega                    “While we accept Ms. Findlay's apology, we would have Brith ought to squarely oppose.
                                                                  preferred she more directly address her own hurtful             But blind support for Israel’s right-wing government
donor Sheldon Adleson, or another Jewish billionaire, is
swapped for Soros.                                                actions in re-tweeting this hateful content and that she, leads many of those who purport to represent the Jewish
                                                                  like all political leaders, should understand the impact of community to overlook anti-Semitism in quarters that are
   After a social media backlash, Findlay deleted the post
                                                                  their words in fostering antisemitism,” reads an unsigned staunchly pro-Israel, like the Conservative Party, while
and offered up a statement that only vaguely resembles an                                                                      magnifying those that aren’t.
                                                                  statement from B’nai Brith Canada.
apology.                                                                                                                          In perhaps the most egregious example, B'nai Brith
                                                                     This ambivalence may be informed by B’nai Brith’s own
   “Earlier today, I thoughtlessly shared content from what                                                                    Canada    co-sponsored a 2018 event with far-right political
                                                                  history of dabbling in Soros conspiracism.
I am now learning is a source that promotes hateful                                                                            commentator     Ben Shapiro, who has said American Jews
conspiracy theories. I have removed the tweets and                   In 2016, B’nai Brith Canada’s website posted a brief post
                                                                  by Jordan Zaitchik entitled “Jewish Billionaire George       who  voted  for President Barack Obama, are "Jews in name
apologize to anyone who thinks I would want to endorse                                                                         onlly." Shapiro  was an online favourite of the 2017 Quebec
hateful rhetoric,” she said, without any reference to             Soros Funds Groups That Support Boycotts of Israel."
                                                                                                                               mosque shooter, who visited his Twitter feed a few times a
Freeland, Soros or even the Jewish community, let alone              It lists various civil society groups that have received day prior to the shooting.
any promise to do better in the future.                           funding from Soros’s Open Society Foundation for their
                                                                  work in Israel and Palestine, such as Adalah and the New        This is not the way to represent the Jewish community,
   The statement makes it sound as if Findlay simply made                                                                      with  its many multitudes.
a careless retweet, rather than quoting the original post to      Israel Fund, falsely claiming they all support the
                                                                  international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions                 Perhaps   some extra t’shuva is in order for some of our
express her agreement and trying to bring it to the
attention of her party and its leader as if it were an urgent     movement targeting Israel, depicting Soros as the hidden community leaders.
matter.                                                           hand behind it.
                                                                                                                               Jeremy Appel is a Local Journalism Initiative reporter for
   A cursory glance at the feed of the account she tweeted,          The piece also mentions a $45,000 grant the foundation Alberta Jewish News.

Israel normalizes ties with United Arab Emirates
  (JTA) — In a diplomatic breakthrough, Israel and the               “Israel will suspend declaring sovereignty over areas      the region could come soon, the Times of Israel reported.
United Arab Emirates are normalizing ties.                        outlined in the President’s Vision for Peace and focus its       “Things are happening that I can’t talk about,” he said.
  As part of a peace deal brokered by President Donald            efforts now on expanding ties with other countries in the        After promising the move during multiple election
Trump, Israel will pause its plans to annex areas of the          Arab and Muslim world. The United States, Israel and the      campaigns last year, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
West Bank, according to a joint statement released                United Arab Emirates are confident that added diplomatic      Netanyahu had been pushing to annex parts of West Bank
Thursday by the White House.                                      breakthroughs with other nations are possible, and will       around July 1. The plans were delayed after the Trump
                                                                  work together to achieve this goal,” the statement read.      administration voiced concern with the idea.
                                                                     The statement, which referred to the two countries as         Meanwhile, the king of Saudi Arabia has thrown cold
                                                                  “two of America’s most reliable and capable regional          water on the assurances of Jared Kushner, that all Arab
                                                                  partners,” said that Israel and the UAE will sign             countries will follow the United Arab Emirates’ lead and
                                                                  agreements in the coming weeks related to investment,         normalize ties with Israel.
                                                                  tourism, air travel, security, opening embassies and more.
                                                                  The two nations also will work together on developing a          Saudi Arabian King Salman bin Abdulaziz said his
                                                                  vaccine for the coronavirus, it said.                         country would not pursue normalization with Israel until
                                                                                                                                there is peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
                                                                     The Gulf states have been growing closer with Israel in
                                                                  recent years, but the UAE is the first to establish formal       The king told Trump that his kingdom appreciates
                                                                  ties with the Jewish state. The countries share a goal of     efforts made by the United States to bring about peace but
                                                                  countering Iranian influence in the Middle East.              that Saudi Arabia would like to see a peace treaty based on
                                                                                                                                the Arab Peace Initiative, which was proposed by Saudi
                                                                     Most Arab countries do not recognize Israel’s existence.   Arabia in 2002, the state-run Saudi Press Agency reported.
                                                                  The Jewish state currently has ties only with Egypt and
                                                                  Jordan.                                                          Saudi Arabia opened up its air space to allow an
                                                                                                                                airplane carrying Israeli and U.S. diplomats to fly through
                                                                     “The UAE is employing its decision for normal relations    its airspace, offering some hope that it might be open to
                                                                  with Israel,” the UAE’s foreign minister said in a            changing its relationship with Israel. The kingdom later
                                                                  statement, according to the Times of Israel.                  announced that it would allow any airplane from any
                                                                     Speaking to media, Trump suggested that agreements         country arriving or departing from the UAE to use its
                                                                  between Israel and some of its other Muslim neighbors in      airspace.
ALBERTA NEWS - Alberta Jewish News
September, 2020                                                                              Alberta Jewish News                                                                                                   Page 7

                                      The Jewish Federaon of Edmonton - United Jewish Appeal
                                         wishes to acknowledge the following generous gi s
                                               received during the 2019 UJA campaign:
Hineni: $100,000- $199,999            Susan & Bruce Mintz                   Lissa Antflick                      Ariel Sniderman & Faren Hochman         Steven & Bettina Schwarzman         Martina Crory
The Ghermezian Family                 Norbert & Patricia Morgenstern        David Bookhalter                    Paula Snyder                            Roni Sheps                          Daniella Drisdell
The Katz Family                       Aaron & Jean Oshry                    Teddy Braun & Lisa Davidson         Gerald Sorokin                          Stewart & Rose Shinewald            Rhonda Eidelman
Irving & Dianne Kipnes                Clive & Heidi Oshry                   Robert & Krista Brick               Daniel & Marina Starkman                Wayne & Cheryl Shur                 Barry Estrin
                                      Ruth Pakes                            Sheila & Stan Bronson               Boris & Teresa Sukalsky                 Linda Silverman                     Fani Estrin
Philanthropists: $25,000- $49,999     Errol & Renee Raff                    Anne Fanning Binder                 Esfira & Zalman Vaynshteyn              Frances Simon                       Bernie Estrin
Harry & Pam Kipnes                    Debby Remis & Irv Yaverbaum           Shim Fialkow & Family               Jini Vogel & Alex Krimberg              Anita Sky                           Gail Estrin
David & Pamela Margolus               Carol & Ron Ritch                     Tobey Freedman                      Rick & Nikki Vogel                      Earle & Ruth Snider                 Cory Felber
                                      Tulane Rollingher                     Cyril & Sheena Fried                Brad & Christine Warner                 Jack Soroka                         Rocky Feldman
Ambassadors: $15,000- $24,999         Carole & Stan Rutwind                 Shirley Goldberg                    Mitchell & Amy Weinberg                 Ken & Natalie Soroka                Frida Feldman
Len Dolgoy & Catherine Miller         Ann Davis Secter                      Rob & Brandy Graesser               Edward Yedgarova                        Shira Spring                        Sapir Fellus
Arliss Miller                         Perry Segal                           Nina Hardin                         Susan Yedgarova                         John Michael & Patricia Terrett     Colette Frohlich
                                      Sveta Silverman                       Stephanie & Michael Hendin          Adam Zepp                               Cindie Thompson                     Eliyahu & Rivka Leah Glatt
Governors: $10,000- $14,999           Robyn Sperber                         Gillian Horwitz                     Anonymous x 3                           Kathleen Thurber & Felix Fridman    Seth Glick
Valda Levin                           Harvey & Vicky Wright                 Eddy & Honey Isaacs                                                         Raymond Tomcej                      Howard Goldford
Farrel Shadlyn & Lisa Miller          Anonymous                             Mitch Klimove                       Friends: $150- $299                     Madeline & Tal Toubiana             Leah Goldford
Lauren Gayle Pearson                                                        Murray & Susan Lieberman            Robert Aaron                            Jason & Dani Uretsky                Jacob Goor
Lisa Redmond & Ron Sorokin            Sponsors: $1,500-$1999                James Mallet & Sara Thomsen         Tslila & Gershon Barzel                 Maryna Vysotski                     Joseph Hartfeil
Eric & Elexis Schloss                 Gloria Aaron                          Sharon Marcus                       Susan & Glen Binnington                 Shelley Weinstein & Bruce Bradley   Adele Hartum
Steven & Talya Shafir                 Erica & Matthew Dance                 Jacob & Odette Masliyah             Lana Black & George Abrams              Doug Wolch                          Kyle Huberman
Kayla Shoctor                         Joseph Doz                            Shari & Gary McNeil                 Bliss Baked Goods                       Robert Wood & Sherrie Banks         Nathan & Sandra Kahn
Shawna Vogel & Chris Gregson          Linda Goody                           Arlene & Pierre Morin               Katherine Braun                         Simone & Ryan Wynnyk                Rozalia & Yefmas Karpulis
                                      Jason & Debbie Hatch                  Liza & Shlomo Muradov               Gila Caine & Ariel Kiel                 Forrest & Anna Zeisler              Alla Khotin
Builders: $6,500- $9,999              Pam Hofmann                           Sharon Ohayon                       Cherie Cohen                            Mark Zeltserman                     Isaac Kieselhof
Michael & Shelley Bobroff             Lyle Kanee                            Tom & Lynn Owen                     Susan Culham                            Anonymous x 7                       Paula Kirman
Ellery Lew & Karen Oshry              Sheila & Sydney Labelle               Marya & John Toporowski             Sarah Dolgoy & Ed Picard                                                    Boris & Zoya Kisiler
Irving Rollingher                     Victor & Lena Linetsky                Sean & Asia Parker                  William & Trudianne Dolman              Donors: $76- $149                   Irene Klar
Marshall & Debby Shoctor              Jack Margolus                         Ronnie & Katherine Ploit            Chris Cooper                            David Aaron                         Lewis Klar
Fred & Jenny Singer                   Reeva Parker                          Jeff & Mariann Rabinovitch          Judith Edelmann                         Doreen Albert                       Ilana Knisely
Howie & Debbie Sniderman              Marvin Weisler                        Josh Raizman & Sarah Troster        Harvey & Minnie Emas                    Luba Allen                          Marla & Jerry Kovacs
Grant Vogel & Lemore Alima            Eytan & Osnat Wine                    Harold Samuels                      Donna Freedman                          Darryl Antel & Lara Draper          Oleg & Emma Kovarsky
Anonymous                             Anonymous                             Chris Pestre & Susan Schiffman      Felix Fridman & Kathleen Thurber        Daniel Assh & Brenda Lee            Liebe & Eli Lagnado z"l
                                                                            Joe Shafir                          Rhoda Friedman                          Ari Bernstein                       Gloria Lallouz
Trustees: $5,000- $6,499              Leaders: $1,000- $1,499               Daniel Shafran & Becky Antel        Carol Gall                              Norman & Ruth Blayways              Adam Larson
Debbie Anson                          Robert Abells                         Maita Silver & Jim Bowron           Karen Gall                              Shirlann & Lawrence Bliss           Fay Leigh
Marcia Bercov                         David & Florie Axler                  Abe & Toby Silverman                Harold Glass                            Wendy Danson                        Sari Leung
Lynn Einstein                         Daniel Barer & Sheila Bailin          Hersh & Jane Sobel                  Helly Goez                              Larry Derkach                       Liran & Liora Levin
David Eisenstat                       Boris & Marina Belostotsky & Family   Ben Starkman                        Barry Goldberg                          Paul Deutsch                        Noah Lew
& Janice Richman - Eisenstat          Marvin Bercovich                      Lewis & Freya Wasel                 Bluma & Jack Goldberg                   Ari & Rifka Drelich                 Rayna Lew
Russell Greiner & Shirley Dobrofsky   Brian & Gail Buck                     Samuel & Eva Weisz                  Gary & Osi Goldsand                     Benji & Rachel Eidelman             Elianna Lisan & Giovanni Di Lullo
Trevor & Taryn Horwitz                Marilyn Cohen                         Ron & Naomi Wolch                   Brent Green                             Andrew Gergely & Aliya Spigelman    Leslie Liscombe
Clyde Hurtig & Karen Farkas           Mark Dolgoy & Francie Ratner          Naomi Wolfman                       Lilian Green                            Joel Ghitter                        Jennifer Magalnick
Stacey Leavitt-Wright & Erin Wright   Moshe Felber                          Merrill Zell                        Tessa Gregson                           Hillel & Maya Goldberg              Megan & Gabe Mandel
Lawrence & Nora Lyman                 Shirley & Earl Ghitter                Stephen Zepp & Karen Leibovici      Kira Gregson & Reed Clarke              Kathy Goldberg                      Barbara Mandel
Leslie Moss                           Shulamit Gil & Keith Dannacker        Anonymous x 10                      Ron & Lisa Groberman                    Brandy Graesser                     David Mannes
Michael & Alissia Oshry               Benaron & Judy Gleiberman                                                 Sara & Avi Habinski                     Doug Haines & Nellie Bass           David Marcus
Asher Pertman                         Ann Goldblatt                         Supporters: $300- $499              Ralph & Nancy Hechter                   Jacqui Jacobson                     Robin Marcus
Cynthia Pertman                       George & Judy Goldsand                Laurence Abbott                     Mark & Michelle Huberman                Lesley Jacobson                     Rita Mark
Sharon Pertman                        Norma & Jerry Grobman                 Susan Baram                         Doug Hughes                             Christopher Jolly                   Karen Morse
Wayne Pertman                         Avi & Mati Isackson                   Marilyn Bercovich                   Charles Hyman                           Benjamin Kanee                      Daniel Moser
Adam Romanovsky                       Cyril & Faye Kay                      Brian Besney                        Clara Kagan                             Stephen & Donna Karlowsky           Stan Nathan
Ram & Elaine Romanovsky               Ronald Lisan                          Joseph Brumlik                      Shelby Karpman                          Jane Karstaedt                      Yael Neville
Robert Rosen                          Eric & Sharon Macklin                 Gary & Mira Campbell                Terry Karpman                           Maury Katzin                        Jared & Hannah Paull
Anthony & Alison Russell              Josef Ovics                           Judit Campbell                      Liam Kelly & Andrea Emberley            Ollie Kingston                      Svetlana Pavlenko
Howard & Riva Shein                   Abe Peliowski                         Michael Cohen                       Joseph Kirman                           Michael & Bella Klebanov            Josephine Peters
Molly Shugarman                       Roberto Pulunto                       Jerry & Miriam Cooper               Stanley & Rosemary Kitay                Bruce & Molly Koliger               Devorah Pinson
Anonymous                             Edward & Linda Rabinovitch            Jennifer Coppens & Colin Muscat     Jerome Klein                            Gary Levine z”l                     Dovid Pinson
                                      Ray & Linda Rutman                    Debbie Davis                        Alex Kogan & Sofia Vichnevsky           Hinda Lipshitz                      Carmit Podolak
Benefactors: $3,000- $4,999           Harry Silverman                       Sandra Ghitter Mannes               Michael Kraus                           Alan & Dyanne Lyons                 Linda Richards
Wes Alexander                         Gaby & Debbie Sonego                  Karen & Michael Goldstein           Lilia & Alex Kravets                    Elaine Lyons                        Sheindle Satanove
Shane & Rebecca Asbell                Lois & Hershel Sorokin                Sondra Grosh                        Daniel Larson                           Marcia & Walter McKall              Laura Schechter
Sydney & Eleanor Bercov               Alan & Ruth Swerling                  Linda & Peter Hartum                Brian Leigh                             Ori Ovics                           Susan & Peter Schubert
Howard Davidow & Anita Sky            Syma & Allan Uram                     James & Bronia Heilik               Penny Lerner                            Robert & Lisa Rabinovitch           Sandra Scott
Robin & Melanie Fainsinger            Rick & Pauline Uretsky                Zachary Holtzman                    Jay Lerner                              Amir Reshef                         Anna Shapiro
Sam & Joyce Galante                   Denise & Michael Webster              Jennifer Katz                       Debra Lieberman                         Zac Rodrigo                         Irit & Koren Shaposhnikov
Sheldon & Jaima Geller                Alvin Winestock                       Abram & Irina Khazanovich           Bertrand Malo                           Helen Rosenberg                     Jessica Shifrin
Barbara Gleiberman                    Jeff Winterstein & Erica Solomon      Sam Koplowicz                       Vera Mannerow                           Evan & Kristen Rutman               Rudolf Shlomovitch
Isidor & Grace Gliener                Michael & Jodi Zabludowski            Stephen & Kaysi Kushner             Diane Marcovitch                        Bernard & Janet Schwartz            Sheila Shore
Penny & Phil Hardin                   Hal Zalmanowitz                       Rob & Erin Lerner                   Rivvy Meloff                            Sofia & Simon Shapiro               Inna Shubov
Mark & Debbi Joffe                    Lonnie Zwaigenbaum & Angela Topping   Percy Lerner                        Ernest & Raya Mermel                    Reisa Sheckter                      Staci Silverman
Jerry & Miriam Katz                   Anonymous                             Sandra Maygard                      Rachel Miller & Kurtis Borhaven         Rhoda Sheinin                       Lauren & Geoff Sky
Cecil Paull                                                                 Assir & Flora Melamed               Gail & Kevin Milner                     Randy Soifer                        Dan Smith
Justin Pertman & Cheryl Goldstein     Patrons: $750- $999                   Judy & John Miller                  Laurie Mozeson                          Barbara Swanson                     Jane Soifer
Stephen & Beverly Shafran             Judah Busheikin                       Leon & Debbie Miller                Dylan & Leah Muscat                     Gayle Tallman                       Phyllis Solsberg
Howard & Esther Starkman              Judi Card                             James Moses                         Sherry Muscat                           Esther Viragh                       Jenna Soroka
Mona Witten                           Derrick Clive                         Beryl Nahornick                     Benjamin Nobleman                       Oren Zamir                          Marlee Soroka
Lawrence Witten                       Gabe & Sonia Goldberg                 Ruth Nolan                          Meirav & Doron Or                       Anonymous x 5                       Harvey & Judy Sternberg
Mel Wyne & Phyllis Nurgitz            Leslie & Susan Halpert                Dale Popika                         Ilya Oratovsky z"l                                                          Inna Sukonnik
Danny & Connie Zalmanowitz            Jeannette & Bernie Hoffman            Saul Rabinovitz                     Violet Owen                             Contributors: $75 and under         Alice Switzer
Barry Zalmanowitz & June Ross         Alan & Jean Jacobson                  Joel & Christina Reboh              Amy Oygen & Andrew Predy                Hannah & Stephen Aaron              Clarice Switzer
Anonymous x 2                         Leon & Susan Kagan                    Lawrence Rodnunsky & Lauren Baram   Michael & Colleen Paull                 Sylvia Alpern                       Line Troster
                                      Dmitry & Irene Kaplan                 Dan Rosenberg                       Netta Phillet                           Aleksandr & Crystal Aronov          Maya Tubinshlak
Champions: $2,000- $2,999             Verne & Debby Karasick                Mona Rosenberg                      Janet Pollock                           Martin Bankey                       Jason Uritsky
Bernie & Miriam Adler                 Robert & Terrie Margolis              Barry Rosof                         Paul Polushin                           Shoshana Bankey                     David Weisz & Roanne Mazer
Mor Barzel & Gary Wolch               Esther Sklofsky                       Jeff Rubin & Gaylene Soifer         Nurit & Yonatan Reshef                  Adam Baram                          Joel Weisz
Sharon Bookhalter & Jerry Glasser     Neil Smordin                          Mark & Elaine Salkie                Orna & Alan Richter                     Naomi Beck                          Larry Woloshin
Frances Cyngiser & David Weisfeld     Anonymous x 2                         Sari Schiff                         Craig & Eve Rose                        Mendy & Chaya-Sarah Blachman        Michael Zisin
Suzanne Davis & Ted Croll                                                   Ruth-Ellen Shafir                   Rebeccah & Shmulik Rosenblum            Frieda Bugis                        Stella Zisin
Abe & Karen Hering                    Stewards: $500- $749                  Deborah Shatz                       Joyce Rubenovitch                       Jason Cairns                        Anonymous x 9
Karen Hofmann                         Sharon Abbott                         Miriam Sheckter                     Moira Sacks                             Don Charnaw
Moe & Sandy Litman                    Marvin & Freda Abugov                 Gary & Beverley Smordin             Michael Sadovnik & Karen Niederhoffer   Sharon Cohen
Josh & Michele Miller                 Annalise Acorn                        Ruth & Earle Snider                 Joshua Schayer                          Miriam Cooper

                                                                   Through your generosity almost $1,000,000
                                          was raised for Jewish community needs at the local level, na onally and in Israel.

                             We apologize for any errors or omissions. If your name has been missed, please contact the UJA office at 780-487-0585 or
ALBERTA NEWS - Alberta Jewish News
Page 8                                                                         Alberta Jewish News                                                                   September, 2020

                                                                instance where both gender and class hierarchies are           built for the festival of Sukkot, celebrated for 7 days
Places of inspiration                                           collapsed.                                                     starting at the full moon of Tishrei. The rules for building
                                                                   But reading over Rabbi Heschel’s words, my mind is no       a Sukkah ensure that the structure we create both
                              By Rabbi Gila Caine               longer quiet. What liturgical movement are we expected to      protects us from the elements but enables us to feel them
                                                                create? How do I understand “revolution” in this context?      (we should have shade from the sun but must also see the
                                                                The Merriam Webster online dictionary gives this               stars). We often teach that the Sukkot remind us of the
                                 “Prayer is meaningless
                                                                etymology: “from Latin revolvere to revolve.” To revolve is    huts the children of Israel lived in while wandering the
                              unless it is subversive, unless
                                                                to roll or move around an axis (physically or mentally); it    desert. This year I would like to suggest they are a
                              it seeks to overthrow and to
                                                                is to create movement while maintaining a centre.              reminder of the Mishkan, the sacred gathering place of
                              ruin the pyramids of
                                                                In Hebrew, the word / “chag” (holiday or festival, as in       B’nei Israel in their wanderings. A moveable, soft, sacred
                              callousness, hatred, oppor-
                                                                Chag Shavuot) has the same definition: to revolve, to move     structure, giving image to holiness in the wilderness.
                              tunism, falsehoods. The
                              liturgical movement must          in a circle around a common centre. Ancient festivals are         During Chag Sukkot (here is that word again!), we leave
                              become a revolutionary            called “chag” most probably because the ritual involved        our strong homes behind, we leave our imagined security
                              movement.” (Rabbi Abraham         some form of circle dance or movement.                         and stability, move into a hut, and discover it is beautiful!
Rabbi Gila Caine                                                   For liturgical revolution to find a home, we need to        That is the true revolutionary power of Sukkot – flimsy
                              Joshua Heschel)
                                                                create structures that can move but maintain a centre.         structures are decorated and made lovely, during the only
   The power of these words, taught to me by Rabbi Arthur
                                                                I am reminded here of the difference between the Mikdash       festival where we are instructed (!) to be joyful. Sukkot
Waskow, grounds me as I weave our T’fillot for High
                                                                (Temple) and the Mishkan (Tabernacle in the desert).           reminds us that being outside our comfort zone can be
Holidays. In Heschel’s theology our synagogues turn from
                                                                One was a solid (imagined) centre, strong but immovable.       created in joy and done in beauty. Sukkot is a time to
places of rest to places of action. No more places that
                                                                The other, the Mishkan, was softer, but helped us maintain     imagine what joyfully being part of this world could feel
uphold society’s problematic aspects, only places of honest
                                                                our centre in a changing place, while we circled around it.    like, and this is what our synagogues, liturgy and ritual
questioning. This idea draws a large question mark over
                                                                Our synagogues are fashioned after the Mikdash                 should also learn how to do.
the entrance to each of our Batei Knesset (Houses of
Gathering) and asks, what for? Why do we gather? Beyond         (sometimes shuls are referred to as “Mikdash me’at,”              In the coming decades of massive change in the
the legitimate need for Jewish companionship and the            minor temple). This leads them to be physically and            environment, society and technology, our Jewish sacred
craving for familiar melodies and prayers, what is the          mentally [emotionally?] stable, but not as nimble as the       spaces cannot remain only places of refuge. They cannot
meaning of this gathering? For generations now, the             tabernacle. Synagogues tend to become more of a refuge         even remain just places of learning or celebration.
Reform movement has answered with social action and the         from the outside world, which is important, but not always     Rather, they should become places of inspiration for what
ethics of Tikkun Olam. The creative transformation of our       a guide for the wanderings in our fast-changing reality.       our world could look like, portals to the world-as-it-could-
liturgy speaks to that, with examples such as the Amidah        Perhaps congregations also need a minor tabernacle?            be, guiding centres as we walk through the developing
prayer in which we now mention our foremothers Sarah,           [“Mishkan me’at”? ]                                            wilderness of the unknown.
Rivkah, Leah, Rachel, Bilhaa and Zilpah, along with                What could these little tabernacles look like? One image
                                                                which came to mind is the Sukkah: a small temporary hut        Rabbi Gila Caine is the spiritual leader at Temple Beth
forefathers Avraham, Issac and Yaakov. This is just one
                                                                                                                               Ora, Edmonton’s Reform Congregation.

                                                                                                                               that the new year will be sweet.
Bring some sweetness to Brussels sprouts                                                                                       HONEY-BALSAMIC GLAZED BRUSSELS SPROUtS
By Ronnie Fein                                                  pot pie.                                                       Ingredients:
                                                                  I never imagined how versatile Brussels sprouts are.         1 pound Brussels sprouts
   (JTA) -- In 2008, Heinz conducted a survey that                My husband tasted every dish, loved most and became a        2 tablespoons olive oil
identified Brussels sprouts as America’s most hated             “Brussie convert.” We’ve been feasting on the stuff ever       salt to taste
vegetable. Even people who never tasted them were               since.                                                         1 tablespoon Balsamic vinegar
naysayers, claiming Brussels sprouts were bitter and              It helped that there are health benefits: Brussels           1 tablespoon honey
smelly.                                                         sprouts have loads of vitamins A, C and K; iron,
                                                                                                                               1 teaspoon finely grated fresh orange peel
   My mother never cooked them. She feared insects might        beta-carotene and folic acid. Also, we discovered that
                                                                despite the strong “perfume,” Brussies are worth cooking.      Directions:
be hidden among the tightly packed leaves. And when I got
married, my husband refused to eat them and joked that if       Also, you get familiar with the odor.                             1. Preheat the oven to 375 F. Line a baking sheet with
I cooked any he’d file for divorce.                               Brussels sprouts are sold loose or on stalks. The stalks     parchment paper. Wash and trim the Brussels sprouts
                                                                are cheaper and last longer. You can cook the small ones       (if large, cut them in half).
   Years later a food editor asked me to write about – yes -
- Brussels sprouts. My kitchen became a Brussels sprouts        whole, but it’s best to cut the larger ones.                      2. Place the vegetables on the baking sheet. Pour the
extravaganza. I cooked the vegetable every way possible:          Because of the pandemic, we’ll just be two for dinner this   olive oil over them and toss to coat them. Sprinkle with
roasted, stir-fried, steamed. I halved them, shredded them,     Rosh Hashanah. Our menu is braised chicken, egg noodles        salt to taste. Bake for about 12-15 minutes, tossing the
left them whole. I made them with lemon and with hazel          and this blessedly simple dish of Brussels sprouts             ingredients once, or until slightly browned around the
nuts, olive oil, Balsamic vinegar. I used them in hash and      seasoned with Balsamic vinegar and honey, which are            edges tightly packed.
                                                                                                 lovely, sweet counterpoints      3. Mix the vinegar, honey and orange peel, pour over the
                                                                                                 the vegetable’s mild sting.   vegetables, toss and bake for another 10 minutes or until
                                                                                                 Honey signifies the hope      the Brussels sprouts are tender. Makes 4 servings.
ALBERTA NEWS - Alberta Jewish News
September, 2020                                                               Alberta Jewish News                                                                               Page 9

JNF Gala              Cont. from page 2

Seinfeld’s famous vignettes. Odette and Jacob’s casual
conversations while driving in a Range Rover were
delightful. They offered insights about their early years –
some serious and some joking – in a very clever setting.
   Another highlight was the relaxed armchair interview
of Odette and Jacob by their good friends and event
co-chairs Sue and Alvin Winestock. The two couples were
casually sitting in the back yard enjoying a sunny
Edmonton day and talking about the Masliyah’s lives,
their values and achievements. The warmth of the day
was matched by the warmth of the conversation and the
informal setting allowed their personalities to shine.
   “My first class was grade 2,” reminisced Odette, who          Honourees Jacob and Odette Masliyah reminisced in a very clever segment entitled "Honourees in
taught at Talmud Torah School for many years.                    cars getting coffee." Emcee Jared Paull and his company Reel Mensch Production delivered a very
“They were phenomenal kids; of course, I still remember          creative and entertaining Negev Gala video production.
them. Many of them are parents now with beautiful kids
and beautiful careers. When I talk about the kids I taught
(over the years) or the families at Talmud Torah – it is just                            Glowing reviews from the 2020 Edmonton JNF Negev Gala
like family to me. In Judaism we always say you build a           Of course, your stories were fascinating, touching,        you and to all the producers, directors and performers.
good community on good education.”                              harrowing and, dare we say educational. We have to say         Beautifully done, loved the medal scene at the
   When asked about the House of Excellence project in          that we were quite thrilled to see where the funds raised    beginning and the chats in the car. Managed to squeeze so
Sderot, Jacob, an Officer of the Order of Canada, and           are going, such a great use of money.                        much history and facts in so little time.
renowned researcher, author and lecturer said: “The idea is       Mazel tov on your most deserved honour and an                You shared an important part of Jewish history. Your
to have an educational centre. Odette and I are both            inspiring gala. The gala was what many are looking for as    journeys from Baghdad to Edmonton, as well as those of
involved in education, so it was a natural thing to go for.     an alternative to the standard Gala format. You were         other Sephardic Jews, were fascinating and courageous.
For us being immigrants in Canada (and I don’t like that        "cutting edge" once again.                                     You are true Canadians ...and how lucky we are that
term) we believe in education. And for me personally, I            Wow! Outstanding! Creative, informative, classy and       you came here as immigrants to enrich our city, this
truly believe that the only way to do well anywhere in the      polished. We enjoyed every minute. Mazel Tov again to        province and indeed this country!
world is to have an education because it is yours and it is
   Drinking cappuccino on the balcony at the end of the         juice that the Masliyahs have provided for us all over the   The KKL/JNF Canada House will serve as an after-school,
event, Jacob recapped, “We were very disappointed               past four decades. We are extremely appreciative of their    informal education, empowerment, and enrichment centre
initially that we could not have a gala dinner with people      warm and dedicated service to our community and to           for high school youth from Sderot and its surroundings.
because it’s very nice to see people and friends that you       Israel.                                                      The aim is to provide students with the necessary tools
haven’t seen in a long time. But now looking at what has            “My life-long relationship with the Masliyah family      and skills for academic and personal success. Given its
been done so far with interviews, with laughing and joking      made it very easy to have some fun with them and to          location in a volatile region, the facility will be built to
and some pretending here and there – actually it wasn’t so      create something really enjoyable to watch,” said Jared      withstand direct missile attacks.
bad really.”                                                    Paull. “It was important for us to use this new format not     Karen Kayemet l’Yisroel (KKL) is matching donations
   “Not only are we celebrities, but we are professional talk   as a consolation option, but as a privileged way to learn    dollar for dollar so, for every dollar raised at the Edmonton
show guests,” added Odette. “It was a win, win situation.       more about our culture, get to know the honourees... and     Gala, KKL will contribute the same. JNF Canada invites
As people say, if you have a lemon, you make a lemon            wear our pajamas while we attend the gala.”                  you to join in creating a better Israel by supporting this
juice.”                                                                                                                      innovative education and community project. For more
                                                                   The funds raised at the 2020 Negev Gala will go towards   information, to access the film and the informative
   Haha, laughed Jacob. “I’ve never heard you say that                                                                       program book that accompanied the event, contact
before.”                                                        the creation of the KKL/JNF Canada House for Excellence,
                                                                in Sderot, the Israeli city                         or 780-48-7881.
   The Edmonton Jewish community - and the community
at large - has benefitted tremendously from the lemon           closest to the Gaza border.

                                                                                                             Wishing everyone Shana Tova U’Metukah

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ALBERTA NEWS - Alberta Jewish News
Page 10                                                                      Alberta Jewish News                                                                    September, 2020

                                                              average person is exposed to around 7000 advertisements            The surreal reality of seeing society humbled to a bare-
Recalibrating extras                                          per day – each one vying for our emotional investment
                                                              ultimately blurring the line between need and want,
                                                                                                                              bones existence encouraged us to scrutinize every aspect of
                                                                                                                              our lives and deem it essential or extra. Even personally,
and essentials                                                between the essential and non-essential.
                                                                 We have become accustomed to perceive the extras as
                                                                                                                              having done the ‘juggle-struggle’ of balancing being a
                                                                                                                              teacher / camp counselor / friend / father / husband and
                                                              essential. Take our phones as an example, where we do           community Rabbi all in a day’s work, certain aspects of
By Rabbi Zolly Claman                                                                                                         routine had to be reassessed. What would make the cut
                                                              pretty much everything from them and where making a
                                                              simple phone call has become their least used feature!          and be embraced as ‘essential’?
                                The     year      of  5780    Many times, of course, all the ‘extras’ are beautiful and            Within a spectrum the answer is most certainly
                              corresponding to the secular    convenient, but our downfall is perceiving them as needs,       subjective whereas certain things humanity at large
                              year of 2020 will be            thus losing sight of what really is indispensable .             agrees upon. The importance of relationships in our lives
                              remembered as anything but                                                                      are essential.
                                                                 At the start of the lock-down era, we saw the closing of
                              ordinary. The world at large
                                                              all non-essential business, as society was stripped down to        I had a very typical reaction to many at the start of the
                              experienced a complete
                                                              its most fundamental and basic iteration. Hospitals,            lockdown; I called old friends and mentors that I had lost
                              upheaval and as individuals
                                                              pharmacies and groceries were what remained                     touch with through the years to catch up. The extra time
                              there was so much pain,
                                                              functioning, while everything else was forced to close their    on our hands reminded us of the most important asset we
                              suffering and loss.
                                                              doors.                                                          have in our lives – our family and relationships.
                                This edition of Alberta
                                                                 Along with the non-essential businesses, synagogues             If there is one commitment we must all make while
                              Jewish News for Rosh
                                                              around the globe followed suit. Here was a powerful             the world starts to open up this year, it should be to
                              Hashana 5781, represents a
                                                              example of this re-calibration. The essential aspect of         draw a bold line separating the essentials from the extras.
                              freshly turned page away
                                                              Judaism is our personal relationship that needs to be           With that done we will become much better at making sure
                              from the year of struggle.
                                                              nurtured and cultivated within the home. Coming to              that the former never gets sacrificed in order to indulge in
                              This era, however, did not
Rabbi Zolly Claman                                            synagogue, like being able to do banking on our phone, is       the latter.
                              come without silver linings.
                                                              the cherry on top. It is beautiful and important, to mold          On Rosh Hashana we will all pray to be sealed in the
   As a parent of young children, I can tell you that when    ourselves, our homes and our families into a community –
school started it was hard to see them return to other                                                                        book of life. May this year bring healing and recovery.
                                                              pray and grow together, however Judaism within the home         And may we all experience it with a refreshed appreciation
influences. As positive as school can be, there was           is the only truly essential aspect. What does the Shabbat
something exceptional about being able to create our own                                                                      of the essential components in our lives.
                                                              table look like when there is no kiddush at shul to fall back
little bubble and oasis at home. Having them at home with     on? Is there excitement, song and joy that accompany the        Rabbi Claman is the spiritual leader at the Beth Israel
us was a true blessing.                                       Friday night candles even without the joint Lecha Dodi at       synagogue, Edmonton’s Modern Orthodox congregation.
   Another silver-lining was the complete re-calibration of   synagogue? Are we committed to the Shema even though
what it means to be “essential.” Our lives are blessed with   no one is watching? These are the essential aspects of our
a multitude of extras. We live in a society where the         relationship with G-d.

                                                                                                                                Braitman says Hillel is hoping to engage more Jewish
Hillel increases its online activities                                                                                        graduate students, who often don’t have the time to
                                                                                                                              participate in extracurricular activity.
By Jeremy Appel                                                 This year, they are moving all their events online, so          “We’re hoping that with these virtual platforms, we’ll see
                                                              past activities like BBQs and pool parties are not feasible.    an increase in availability for those students and a little
  Leadership for the Hillels in Calgary and Edmonton say        “This presents an entirely new set of challenges, but also    bit of a different vibe for Hillel altogether,” she said.
that although this school year poses a unique set of          a lot of opportunity to engage people who maybe aren’t so         Edmonton Hillel is taking a more blended approach,
challenges with limits on physical interaction, a shift to    comfortable in a group setting, or don’t have a vehicle, or     with smaller in-person gatherings, in addition to virtual
more online activity could provide them with the              have more time constraints, to give them that chance to         events.
opportunity to reach more students than before.               connect,” Braitman said.                                          Lior Erlich, Edmonton Hillel’s president, says their
  “It definitely has had an impact, and time will tell          On average, there are about 20 students in Calgary            face-to-face events will require students to RSVP and will
whether it’s a positive or negative impact,” says Calgary     signed up with Hillel each year, she said.                      mostly take place outdoors, so they can ensure appropriate
Hillel director Danielle Braitman.                              Since Calgary’s post-secondaries are largely commuter         physical distancing.
  At the beginning of past school years there was an          campuses, it’s been a challenge in past years to bring all        “At the same time, we still want to bring out this sense
emphasis on tabling and recruitment at the University of      the students together for Shabbat dinners, since they often     of community, because it can feel very isolating for
Calgary and Mount Royal University, with an in-person         have them with their families, says Braitman.                   different people who aren’t having the same interactions
kickoff gathering at the start of the year.                     This year, they will be hosting virtual Shabbat and           they can usually get from Hillel,” said Erlich. “We want to
  They don’t have an official presence at the Southern        Havdalah services to gauge student interest, with the goal      maintain this communication between others who can feel
Alberta Institute of Technology, nor the Alberta College of   of doing them in person once physical distancing is             they are part of the Jewish community that is there to
Art and Design, but welcome students from both colleges.      relaxed.                                                        support them and have their backs. Everyone will still
                                                                Hillel is putting together welcome packages for their         have as much fun as we normally have.”
  “Calgary Hillel operates on multiple campuses, so the
students don’t always have that opportunity to come           membership this year, providing them with Shabbat and             Edmonton Hillel has its main operations at University
together,” says Braitman. “We do a split between holding      Havdalah ritual kits, as well as wellness kits to provide       of Alberta, but also has students from the Northern
events at the Jewish community centre, a separate venue       students with mental and physical health resources, she         Alberta Institute of Technology and MacEwan University,
or doing things on the individual campuses.”                  added.                                                          as well as Grade 12 students who are going into university,
                                                                                                                              she added. Typically, they have 20 to 30 members.
                                                                                                                                Some activities, particularly those that generally occur
                                                                                                                              indoors with a large amount of students, such as their
                                                                                                                              Jeopardy-style quiz event, will be moved online.
                                                                                                                                Erlich says this provides an opportunity to reach more
                                                                                                                              students who may be shy about attending in-person
                                                                                                                                “They may have more confidence to engage with online
                                                                                                                              events than through direct contact events,” she said.

                                                                                                                              Jeremy Appel is a Local Journalism Initiative reporter.

  Wishing you
  and your family
  a sweet and healthy                                                                                                           Hon. Kaycee Madu
                                                                                                                                MLA, Edmonton - South West

  New Year!                                                                                                                     (Minister of Justice)
                                                                                                                                Constituency Office
                                                                                                                                5160 Windermere Boulevard
                                                                                                                                Edmonton, AB T6W 0L9

  For inquiries about services and activities,
  please call the office at 780-488-2840.
                                                                             BETH ISRAEL
                                                                             EDMONTON’S FAMILY SHUL
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