Artistic DEARBORN DEARBORN - Artistic

Page created by Derrick Robles
Artistic DEARBORN DEARBORN - Artistic

        City of dearborn
         2020 Calendar
Artistic DEARBORN DEARBORN - Artistic
About the artwork
             The City of Dearborn is grateful to        The ASD is one of the oldest                Exhibits of several art categories are
             the members of the Artists’ Society of     active organizations of the Dearborn        presented in April and November at
             Dearborn (ASD) for graciously allow-       Community Arts Council, founded             the Rotunda Gallery of the Henry Ford
             ing their artwork to be featured in the    in 1969. ASD members participate            Centennial Library, as well as a “Sum-
             2020 Calendar.                             regularly in the cultural, educational      mer Showcase.” A mid-summer exhibit
                                                        and fund-raising endeavors of the           is also displayed at the Padzieski
             Special thanks go to ASD president         Council, and support special projects       Gallery in the Ford Community and
             Jena Sampias for coordinating the          related to the promotion and                Performing Arts Center.
             submissions from ASD members and           preservation of local historical            Find out more at
             assisting with our ability to present      sites and events.                 
             lovely and seasonal artwork.

             Dearborn’s quality of life is enhanced
             by the many talented artists and
             performers who are based here, and
             by the wide array of cultural arts
             organizations that support them. The
             ASD is certainly an important one.
             The ASD was established by a small
             group of artists in 1949. Throughout
             its history, the Society has maintained
             its primary goal to enrich the cultural
             life of the community by stimulating
             interest in fine arts and crafts.

             Left Top: Theresa Deeter, “Gourd-geous”
             Left: Jena Sampias Riggs, “River Rouge”
             Below: Christine Panyard, “Sunflower”

                                                                                                                    Above: Victoria Shepherd,
                                                                                                                                “Milk House”

                                                       On the cover: Carol Grenkowitz, “Hydrangea Flowers on a Table;” Theresa Lannen,
                                                       “Blue Garden Windy Day;” Janet Kondziela, “Lake Erie Metropark Winter”
Artistic DEARBORN DEARBORN - Artistic
City Budget                                        (Fiscal Year 2020, which is July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020)                                                                                  

 The City of Dearborn’s consolidated budget is $337,728,970. That includes the general fund, which is supported largely by property taxes and pays for the majority of services delivered
 to you every day. Other budget items include federal and state grants for community improvement, expenses and income from two senior citizen apartment buildings, state-shared taxes
 for highway repair and resurfacing, and water and sewer fees collected and paid to the Great Lakes Water Authority.

 REVENUE                                                            GENERAL FUND           CONSOLIDATED             EXPENDITURES                                                          GENERAL FUND        CONSOLIDATED
 BY SOURCE                                                          BY SOURCE                                       BY FUNCTION
 PROPERTY TAXES                                                          $71,277,935            $98,367,380         PUBLIC SAFETY                                                               $76,837,637          $79,177,773
 Property taxes, payment in lieu of taxes, administrative fees,                                                     Police, fire, civil preparedness, building and safety inspections,
 and penalties and interest related to taxes.                                                                       ordinance enforcement.
 CHARGES FOR SERVICES RENDERED                                           $16,327,053           $101,440,306         WATER & SEWER                                                                       $0           $53,703,693
 Golf course, water and sewer capacity charges, concession sales,                                                   Operation and maintenance of the City’s water distribution and
 engineering services, other.                                                                                       sewage collection systems.
 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE                                               $26,242,105            $44,609,580         PUBLIC WORKS                                                                $15,450,386          $31,183,894
 Taxes shared by the state: income, sales, vehicle fuel and                                                         Snow plowing; street sweeping; street repair; rubbish, recycling and
 registrations, other state taxes. Also, federal grants for                                                         yard waste composting collection; engineering; and sanitation.
 community development, home weatherization, other.
                                                                                                                    RECREATION, LIBRARIES & MUSEUMS                                             $18,895,552          $29,215,978
 BOND SALE PROCEEDS                                                               $0                     $0         All recreation programs, Ford Community & Performing Arts Center,
                                                                          $7,735,558            $12,448,692         Dearborn Ice Skating Center, swimming pools, parks, cultural arts,
 RENT & ROYALTIES                                                                                                   special events, senior services, Camp Dearborn, Dearborn Hills Golf
 Rentals of city property, including senior citizen apartments,
                                                                                                                    Course, Henry Ford Centennial and two branch libraries, and
 meeting rooms and recreation facilities; camping fees; cable
                                                                                                                    Historical Museum.
 franchise fees; other.
                                                                                                                    GENERAL GOVERNMENT                                                          $14,044,296          $44,372,193
 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                                  $1,119,952            $45,138,770         City Council; Court; Mayor’s Office; Clerk’s Office; and the Assessment,
 Interest on short-term money market investments produced                                                           Finance, Legal, Human Resources and Public Information
 by the City’s cash management program.                                                                             departments; as well as building maintenance, central garage,
                                                                                                                    and computer and telephone services.
 OTHER                                                                      $623,701             $3,217,078
 Claims; reimbursements; sales of used equipment, abandoned                                                         GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS                                                            $0              $883,026
 or unclaimed property; refunds; contributions and transfers.                                                       Infrastructure and capital-related community investments.
 FINES & FORFEITS                                                         $4,751,350             $4,804,350         OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES                                                             $0                   $0
 Court fines, library fines, other.                                                                                 PENSION SYSTEMS & RETIREE HEALTHCARE                                                 $0          $51,825,484
 LICENSES & PERMITS                                                       $3,074,253             $3,074,253         COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT & HOUSING                                              $1,779,145           $6,112,230
 Business, trade and animal licenses; building permits.                                                             Economic development, planning, city beautification, senior citizen
 ESTIMATED FINANCING SOURCES                                             ($1,098,420)          ($19,452,172)        housing and other public housing assistance.
 (OVER)/UNDER ESTIMATED FUNDING USES                                                                                DEBT SERVICE                                                                 $3,197,392          $27,467,473
 TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS                                            $2,300,000            $44,080,733         Payments on bonds, installment purchases.
                                                                        $132,353,487           $337,728,970         COMPONENT UNITS                                                                     $0            $5,031,317
 TOTAL, AS ADOPTED BEFORE ELIMINATIONS                                                                              East and West Dearborn Downtown Development authorities,
                                                                                                                    Dix-Vernor and Warren Business District Improvement authorities,
                                                                                                                    and the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority.
                                                                                                                    TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS                                                 $2,149,079           $8,755,909
                                                                                                                    TOTAL                                                                      $132,353,487        $337,728,970

City Services: 33.7 cents of your tax dollar
The City of Dearborn uses property tax dollars to provide high quality and comprehensive services to residents and businesses. Those City services are offered using just 33.7 cents of every dollar the City collects in
property taxes. (The federally-mandated combined sewer overflow (CSO) debt millage equates to 6.8 cents of every dollar and is outlined separately here.) The other 59.5 cents of every tax dollar the City collects in property
taxes is directed to other public agencies, like Wayne County and the public schools. Although the City is the collecting agent, it has no authority over how the 59.5 cents is used by other public agencies.

            Where Your Tax Dollars Go
   25.9            Dearborn Schools / State Education Tax                                                                                             How Your City Services Taxes Are Spent
   20.3            Wayne County                                                                                                                                 58.9           Public Safety
    6.8            City Sewer System Voted Debt (CSO)                                                                                                           14.5           Recreation & Culture
    6.1            Henry Ford College                                                                                                                           11.9           Public Works
    4.9            Wayne County Schools                                                                                                                         10.8           General Government
    1.5            Wayne County Transit Authority                                                                                                                2.5           Debt Service
    0.3            Huron Clinton Metro Authority                                                                                                                 1.4           Community Improvement
    0.3            DIA Authority                                                                                                                               100.00% TOTAL
    0.2            Zoo Authority                                     Dearborn Schools /     Wayne                    City Services
                                                                     State Education Tax    County                    33.7 Cents
   33.7            City Services                                         25.9 Cents        20.3 Cents
100.00%            TOTAL
Artistic DEARBORN DEARBORN - Artistic
DEARBORN                                                                                 January 2020

                                                                                                             Christine Panyard, “Bush”

    (CD)  Camp Dearborn                       (SC)    Senior Center
   (CHP)  City Hall Park              (The Center)    Ford Community &
    (CQ)  Commandant’s Quarters                       Performing Arts Center
   (DAC)  Dearborn Administrative              (FF)   Ford Field                      Public Service Days are NOT in effect this month.
          Center                           (HFCL)     Henry Ford Centennial Library   Public Service Days details on page 28.
  (DHGC) Dearborn Hills Golf Course         (MRH)     McFadden-Ross House
   (DISC) Dearborn Ice Skating Center         (PG)    Padzieski Gallery               Remember you must remove your parked vehicle
     (DP) Dunworth Pool                      (WP)     Wagner Park                     from Dearborn streets during a snow emergency.
Artistic DEARBORN DEARBORN - Artistic
SUNDAY                         MONDAY                           TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                             THURSDAY                               FRIDAY                         SATURDAY
               Award Winning                                           DECEMBER 2019               TRASH PICK UP DELAYED
                                                                                                   ONE DAY REST OF WEEK
                                                                                                                                       SERVICE WEDNESDAY
                                                                                                                                       TRASH DISTRICT
                                                                                                                                                                          SERVICE THURSDAY
                                                                                                                                                                          TRASH DISTRICT
                                                                                                                                                                                                           SERVICE FRIDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                           TRASH DISTRICT
                    Tutoring Program                                                               DAC, Courts, Libraries,             Picnic, Shelter and Campsite       High School Showcase (DISC)      EARLY WARNING SIREN TEST 1 pm
                                                                   S M T       W    T   F      S
                                                                                                   DISC Closed                         Reservations Accepted For                                           High School Showcase (DISC)
                                                                   1   2   3   4    5   6      7   The Center Open 10 am to 6 pm       Camp Dearborn (The Center)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Session 2 Introduction To
                                                                   8   9 10 11 12 13 14            Player Registration Begins                                                                              Hockey Begins (DISC)
                                                                                                   For Dearborn Baseball
                                                                  15 16 17 18 19 20 21             Bike Dearborn First Dozen
                                      4929 Schaefer Rd                                             (TBD) 1pm
                                  Dearborn, Michigan 48126        22 23 24 25 26 27 28
                                                                  29 30 31

				 1 • (313) 566-3733                                                                 NEW YEAR’S DAY                                                     2                             3                                 4
                                PUBLIC SCHOOLS REOPEN-           Session 3 Tuesday/Thursday        Liquid Nutrition Distribution       Dearborn Travel Club               Library Commission (HFCL) 4 pm   Session 2 Saturday Swim Lessons
                                END OF WINTER RECESS             Swim Lessons Begins               (SC)                                (HFCL) 1 pm                                                         Begins (The Center)
                                Session 3 Monday/Wednesday       (The Center)                      Design Review Committee             Civil Service Commission                                            HYPROV with Colin Mochrie
                                Swim Lessons Begin                                                 (DAC) 9 am                          (DAC) 1 pm                                                          (The Center) 8 pm
                                (The Center)                                                       Building Board of Appeals           SODA Neighborhood Association
                                Blockbuster Film Series                                            (DAC) 5 pm                          (Whitmore-Bolles Elementary)
                                (HFCL) 7 pm                                                        Federation of Neighborhood          7-9 pm
                                                                                                   Associations (DAC) 7 pm             Committee Of The Whole
                                                                                                   Historical Society Lecture          (DAC) 7:30 pm
                                                                                                   (MRH) 7 pm

                            5                               6    ORTHODOX
                                                                 CHRISTMAS DAY                7                                    8                                  9                           10                              11
Crystallette Synchronized       Surplus Food Distribution (SC)   Third Installment of 2019         Dearborn Recreation & Parks         EDDDA/WDDDA Joint Board                                             DPW YARD OPEN 8 am - 1 pm
Skating Exhibition (DISC)       Planning Commission Meeting      Summer Taxes Due                  Commission (The Center) 7 pm        Meeting (DAC) 8-9:30 am
                                (DAC) 6:30 pm                    Tale of Our Cities Luncheon                                           Zoning Board of Appeals
                                Blockbuster Film Series          (Warren Valley Golf Course                                            (DAC) 5:30 pm
                                (HFCL) 7 pm                      Banquet Hall) 11:30 am-1:30 pm                                        Dearborn Disability Commission
                                                                 Dearborn Specials Dance                                               (The Center) 6 pm
                                                                 (The Center) 7-9 pm
                                                                 City Council Meeting
                                                                 (DAC) 7:30 pm

                       12                              13                               14                                 15                                 16                                  17                              18
                                TRASH COLLECTION ON              Burgers & SODA Fundraiser         City Beautiful Dearborn             Pension Board Meeting                                               HFC Big Band Concert
                                NORMAL SCHEDULE                  (Fall’s Sport Lounge)             Aglow Awards Ceremony               (DAC) 8:30-11 am                                                    (The Center) 8 pm
                                PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSED            5:30-8:30 pm                      (The Center) 7 pm                   Committee Of The Whole                                              Alexander Zonjic
                                FOR THE HOLIDAY                  Demolition Board of Appeals                                           (DAC) 7:30 pm                                                       (The Center) 7pm
                                DAC, Courts, Libraries Closed    (DAC) 6 pm
                                DISC and The Center Open         City Beautiful Commission
                                                                 (DAC) 6:30 pm

                       19                              20                               21                                 22                                 23                                  24                              25
                                MARTIN LUTHER                                                                                                                                                              CHINESE
                                KING, JR. DAY                                                                                                                                                              NEW YEAR

                                Senior Citizen Commission        Dearborn Historical Commission                                                                           “Frozen Jr.” Dearborn
                                (The Center) 1 pm                (MRH) 6 pm                                                                                               Winter Youth Theater                   FEBRUARY 2020
                                Blockbuster Film Series          Dearborn Specials’ Pizza                                                                                 (The Center) 8pm
                                (HFCL) 7 pm                      & Bingo Night (The Center)                                                                                                                  S M     T   W    T   F    S
                                                                 6:30-8:30 pm
                                                                 City Council Meeting
                                                                 (DAC) 7:30 pm                                                                                                                               2   3   4   5    6   7    8

                                                                                                                                                                                                             9 10 11 12 13 14 15

                                                                                                                                                                                                            16 17 18 19 20 21 22

                       26                              27                               28                                 29                                 30                                  31
                                                                                                                                                                                                            23 24 25 26 27 28 29

                                                                                                                                                              All listings subject to change. Please check our website.
JANUARY 2020                                                                                                                                                    
Artistic DEARBORN DEARBORN - Artistic
DEARBORN                                                                              FebRuary 2020

                                                                                                            Janet Kondziela, “River Ice”

    (CD)  Camp Dearborn                       (SC)    Senior Center
   (CHP)  City Hall Park              (The Center)    Ford Community &
    (CQ)  Commandant’s Quarters                       Performing Arts Center
   (DAC)  Dearborn Administrative              (FF)   Ford Field                      Public Service Days are NOT in effect this month.
          Center                           (HFCL)     Henry Ford Centennial Library   Public Service Days details on page 28.
  (DHGC) Dearborn Hills Golf Course         (MRH)     McFadden-Ross House
   (DISC) Dearborn Ice Skating Center         (PG)    Padzieski Gallery               Remember you must remove your parked vehicle
     (DP) Dunworth Pool                      (WP)     Wagner Park                     from Dearborn streets during a snow emergency.
Artistic DEARBORN DEARBORN - Artistic
SUNDAY                       MONDAY                           TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                                THURSDAY                             FRIDAY                        SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                           EARLY WARNING SIREN TEST 1 pm
                                                                                                            JANUARY 2020                        MARCH 2020                                                 Daddy-Daughter Dances
                                                                                                                                                                                                           (The Center) 2 pm & 5 pm
                                                                                                   S M       T   W    T   F      S      S M      T   W   T       F   S                                     “Frozen Jr.” Dearborn
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Winter Youth Theater
                                                                                                  				1              2    3      4      1   2    3   4   5       6   7
                                                                                                                                                                                                           (The Center) 8pm
                                                                                                   5    6    7   8   9 10 11            8   9 10 11 12 13 14
                                                                                                   12 13 14 15 16 17 18                15 16 17 18 19 20 21
                                                                                                   19 20 21 22 23 24 25                22 23 24 25 26 27 28

                                                                                                   26 27 28 29 30 31                   29 30 31

Burn Awareness Week          Picnic & Shelter Reservations      Dearborn Specials’ Valentine’s    Liquid Nutrition Distributed (SC)   25th Annual Juried Photo
                             Accepted For City Parks            Craft Night (The Center)          Design Review Committee             Exhibit Opens (PG) 6 pm
“Frozen Jr.” Dearborn        (The Center)                       6:30-8:30 pm
Winter Youth Theater                                                                              (DAC) 9 am                          Committee Of The Whole
(The Center) 2pm             Team Registration Begins           Friends of the Library-Dearborn                                       (DAC) 7:30 pm
                                                                                                  Friends of the Library-Dearborn
                             For Spring/Summer Adult            (FOLD) Program (HFCL) 7 pm        (FOLD) Used Book Sale (HFCL)
                             Softball Leagues (DISC)                                              9:30 am-6 pm
                             Blockbuster Film Series                                              Dearborn Federation of Neigh-
                             (HFCL) 7 pm                                                          borhood Associations (DAC) 7 pm
                                                                                                  Historical Society Lecture Series
                                                                                                  (MRH) 7 pm

GROUNDHOG’S DAY         2                                   3                               4                                    5                                   6                              7                                8
                             Session 4 Monday/Wednesday         Tuesday/Thursday Swim Lessons     Building Board of Appeals           Civil Service Commission           2019 Taxes Due                    DPW YARD OPEN 8 am - 1 pm
                             Swim Lessons Begins                Begins (The Center)               (DAC) 7 pm                          (DAC) 1 pm                         Library Commission                Legendary Nights Concert Series
                             (The Center)                       Warren Business District          Dearborn Recreation & Parks         SODA Neighborhood Association      (HFCL) 4 pm                       (The Center) 7:30 pm
                             Surplus Food Distribution (SC)     Improvement Authority             Commission (The Center) 7 pm        (Whitmore-Bolles Elementary)       Dearborn Symphony Orchestra
                             Planning Commission                (DAC) 8-10 am                                                         7-9 pm                             Concert (The Center) 8 pm
                             (DAC) 6:30 pm                      Dearborn Specials’ Dance
                             Blockbuster Film Series            (The Center) 7-9 pm
                             (HFCL) 7 pm                        City Council Meeting
                                                                (DAC) 7:30 pm

                        9                            10                                11                                 12                                 13          VALENTINE’S DAY        14                              15
                             TRASH COLLECTION ON                Demolition Board of Appeals                                           Personal Property Exemption                                          Winter Session Learn To Skate
                             NORMAL SCHEDULE                    (DAC) 6 pm                                                            Affidavits Due to Assessor (DAC)                                     Begins (DISC)
                             PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSED-FIRST        City Beautiful Commission                                             Personal Property Statements                                         Alexander Zonjic
                             DAY OF MID-WINTER BREAK            (DAC) 6:30 pm                                                         Due to Assessor (DAC)                                                (The Center) 7pm
                             DAC, Courts, Libraries Closed                                                                            EDDDA/WDDDA (DAC) 8-9:30 am
                             DISC and The Center Open                                                                                 Zoning Board of Appeals
                                                                                                                                      (DAC) 5:30 pm

                        16   PRESIDENT’S DAY         17                                18                                 19                                 20                                 21                              22
                             PUBLIC SCHOOLS REOPEN-             Paczki at the Padzieski           Session 4 Dearborn Specials’        Pension Board Meeting              Last Day To Pay 2019 Summer &     Dog Park Permits Expire
                             END OF MID-WINTER BREAK            (PG) 1:30 pm                      Swim Night Begins                   (DAC) 8:30-11 am                   Winter Taxes In Dearborn Before   HFC Collage Concert
                             Senior Citizen Commission          Dearborn Education Foundation     (The Center) 6-7 pm                 Session 4 Dearborn Specials’       They Are Transferred Delinquent   (The Center) 7 pm
                             (The Center) 1 pm                  Mardi Gras (DHGC) 4:30-8 pm                                           Gym Night Begins (The Center)      To The Wayne County Treasurer
                             Dix-Vernor Business District       Dearborn Historical Commission                                        6:30-7:30 pm                       Dog License and Dog Park
                             Improvement Authority              (MRH) 6 pm                                                            Committee Of The Whole             Renewals Due
                             (DAC) 3-5 pm                                                                                             (DAC) 7:30 pm
                             Blockbuster Film Series
                             (HFCL) 7 pm

                        23                           24         MARDI GRAS             25         ASH WEDNESDAY           26                                 27                                 28                              29
                                                                                                                                                             All listings subject to change. Please check our website.
FEBRUARY 2020                                                                                                                                                  
Artistic DEARBORN DEARBORN - Artistic
DEARBORN                                                                                     march 2020

                                                                                                  Jena Sampias Riggs, “Edison’s Lab”

   (CD)  Camp Dearborn                       (SC)    Senior Center
  (CHP)  City Hall Park              (The Center)    Ford Community &
   (CQ)  Commandant’s Quarters                       Performing Arts Center
  (DAC)  Dearborn Administrative              (FF)   Ford Field                      Public Service Days are in effect this month.
         Center                           (HFCL)     Henry Ford Centennial Library   Public Service Days details on page 28.
 (DHGC) Dearborn Hills Golf Course         (MRH)     McFadden-Ross House
  (DISC) Dearborn Ice Skating Center         (PG)    Padzieski Gallery               Remember you must remove your parked vehicle
    (DP) Dunworth Pool                      (WP)     Wagner Park                     from Dearborn streets during a snow emergency.
Artistic DEARBORN DEARBORN - Artistic
SUNDAY                          MONDAY                          TUESDAY                        WEDNESDAY                             THURSDAY                             FRIDAY                        SATURDAY
Concert (The Center) 4 pm       Monday District                   Tuesday District                   Wednesday District               Thursday District                   Friday District                  Clerks’ Office Extended Hours
                                Pre- and Post-Season Tent/Cabin   Friends of the Library-Dearborn    Design Review Committee                                              Mites State Hockey               (DAC)
                                Reservations Accepted (CD)        (FOLD) Program (HFCL) 7 pm         (DAC) 9 am                                                           Tournament (DISC)                Mite State Hockey
                                Blockbuster Film Series           City Council Meeting               Used Book Sale (HFCL)                                                                                 Tournament (DISC)
                                (HFCL) 7 pm                       (DAC) 7:30 pm                      9:30 am-6 pm                                                                                          Big Read Dearborn Public
                                Traffic Commission                                                   Waiver Committee (DAC) 2-5 pm                                                                         Kickoff Event (Henry Ford
                                (Police Department) 7 pm                                             Federation of Neighborhood                                                                            Museum) 1 pm
                                                                                                     Associations (DAC) 7 pm
                                                                                                     Historical Society Lecture
                                                                                                     (MRH) 7 pm

                            1                               2                                 3                                  4                                 5                                6                               7
Change Batteries in             YARD WASTE COLLECTION             YARD WASTE COLLECTION              YARD WASTE COLLECTION            YARD WASTE COLLECTION               YARD WASTE COLLECTION            Museum Tea and Fashion Lecture
Your Smoke Detectors            BEGINS-MONDAY DISTRICT            BEGINS-TUESDAY DISTRICT            BEGINS-WEDNESDAY                 BEGINS-THURSDAY DISTRICT            BEGINS-FRIDAY DISTRICT           (MRH) 1-3 pm
                                Surplus Food Distribution (SC)    PRESIDENTAL PRIMARY                DISTRICT                         Assessment Board of Review          League Registration Deadline     Firefall In Concert
                                Assessment Board of Review        ELECTION 7am-8 pm                  Assessment Board of Review       (DAC) 9 am-Noon                     (DHGC)                           (The Center) 8 pm
                                (DAC) 9 am-4 pm                   Assessment Board of Review         (DAC) 2-9 pm                     Civil Service Commission            Assessment Board of Review
                                Planning Commission Meeting       (DAC) 2-6 pm                       Building Board of Appeals        (DAC) 1 pm                          (DAC) 9 am-4 pm
                                (DAC) 6:30 pm                     Recreation & Parks Commission      (DAC) 5 pm                       SODA Meeting (Whitmore-Bolles       Chamber Choice Awards & Expo
                                Blockbuster Film Series           (The Center) 7 pm                                                   Elementary) 7-9 pm                  (The Henry Hotel) 10 am-Noon
                                (HFCL) 7 pm                       Dearborn Specials’ Dance                                            Committee Of The Whole              Library Commission (HFCL) 4 pm
                                                                  (The Center) 7-9 pm                                                 (DAC) 7:30 pm

                            8                               9                            10                                11                                 12                               13                               14
                                                                                                                                      US CENSUS
DAYLIGHT SAVING                                                                                                                       BUREAU BEGINS
TIME STARTS 2 am                                                  PURIM                                                               SENDING LETTERS
Annual Sports Award Ceremony    Dearborn Dog Park Begins          City Beautiful Commission          MAHA Select Tournament           MAHA Select Tournament (DISC)       Dearborn Restaurant Week         Dearborn Restaurant Week
(The Center) 2 pm               Summer Hours                      (DAC) 6:30 pm                      (DISC)                           EDDDA/WDDDA (DAC) 8-9:30 am         Dearborn Hills Golf Course       DPW YARD OPEN 8 am - 1 pm
                                Senior Citizen Commission Meets   City Council Meeting               Snow Woods Neighborhood          Zoning Board of Appeals             Opens, Weather Permitting        MAHA Select Tournament
                                (The Center) 1 pm                 (DAC) 7:30 pm                      Association Meeting              (DAC) 5:30 pm                       (DHGC)                           (DISC)
                                Blockbuster Film Series                                              (Ten Eyck Adminstrative                                              MAHA Select Tournament (DISC)
                                                                                                     Service Center) 7-8:30 pm        Chris Nordin, Glass And Sculpture                                    Session 3 Saturday Swim Lessons
                                (HFCL) 7 pm                                                                                           Artist (PG) 6 pm                                                     Begins (The Center)
                                                                                                                                      Dearborn Disability Commission                                       Cabin Fever Concert,
                                                                                                                                      (The Center) 6 pm                                                    Alexander Zonjic
                                                                                                                                                                                                           (The Center) 1 pm

                       15                                 16      ST. PATRICKS DAY       17                                18         SPRING BEGINS           19                               20                              21
Dearborn Restaurant Week        Dearborn Restaurant Week          Dearborn Restaurant Week           Dearborn Restaurant Week         Dearborn Restaurant Week            Dearborn Restaurant Week         Dearborn Restaurant Week
MAHA Select Tournament          Session 5 Monday/Wednesday        Session 5 Tuesday/Thursday         Dearborn Community Concert       Pension Board Meeting                                                High School Figure Skating
(DISC)                          Swim Lessons Begins               Swim Lessons Begins                Band (The Center) 8 pm           (DAC) 8:30-11 am                                                     Championship (DISC)
                                (The Center)                      (The Center)                                                        Committee Of The Whole
                                Blockbuster Film Series           Dearborn Historical Commission                                      (DAC) 7:30 pm
                                (HFCL) 7 pm                       (MRH) 6 pm
                                                                  Demolition Board of Appeals
                                                                  (DAC) 6 pm
                                                                  Dearborn Specials’ Pizza & Bingo
                                                                  Night (The Center) 6:30-8:30 pm

                       22                                 23                             24                                25                                 26                               27                              28
Dearborn Restaurant Week        Blockbuster Film Series           City Council Meeting                     FEBRUARY 2020                        APRIL 2020
High School Figure Skating      (HFCL) 7 pm                       (DAC) 7:30 pm
Championship (DISC)                                                                                   S M     T   W    T   F      S     S M      T   W    T    F   S

                                                                                                     							1                         				1               2    3   4

                                                                                                      2   3   4    5   6   7      8     5   6    7   8    9 10 11

                                                                                                      9 10 11 12 13 14 15              12 13 14 15 16 17 18

                                                                                                      16 17 18 19 20 21 22             19 20 21 22 23 24 25

                                                                                                      23 24 25 26 27 28 29             26 27 28 29 30

                       29                                 30                             31
                                                                                                                                                     All listings subject to change. Please check our website.
MARCH 2020                                                                                                                                                
Artistic DEARBORN DEARBORN - Artistic
DEARBORN                                                                                          april 2020

                                                                                       James Rodriguez, “Dearborn Inn Colonial Village”

   (CD)  Camp Dearborn                       (SC)    Senior Center
  (CHP)  City Hall Park              (The Center)    Ford Community &
   (CQ)  Commandant’s Quarters                       Performing Arts Center
  (DAC)  Dearborn Administrative              (FF)   Ford Field
         Center                           (HFCL)     Henry Ford Centennial Library
 (DHGC) Dearborn Hills Golf Course         (MRH)     McFadden-Ross House
  (DISC) Dearborn Ice Skating Center         (PG)    Padzieski Gallery               Public Service Days are in effect this month.
    (DP) Dunworth Pool                      (WP)     Wagner Park                     Public Service Days details on page 28.
SUNDAY                              MONDAY                             TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                            THURSDAY                               FRIDAY                        SATURDAY
          MARCH 2020                           MAY 2020                  APRIL ARTS DEARBORN               Registration Begins For Day                                          Dearborn Symphony Orchestra       EARLY WARNING SIREN TEST 1 pm
                                                                         For a schedule of events, visit   Camp At The Center (The Center)                                      Annual Pops Concert               Tri-State Figure Skating
                                                                    Design Review Committee                                              (The Center) 8 pm                 Individual Competition (DISC)
  S M      T   W    T     F     S     S M      T    W    T    F      S
                                                                                                           (DAC) 9 am                                                                                             Friends of the Library-
  1   2    3   4    5     6     7   						1                          2                                     Used Book Sale                                                                                         Dearborn Used Book Sale
                                                                                                           (HFCL) 9:30 am-6 pm                                                                                    (HFCL) 9:30 am-3:30 pm
  8   9 10 11 12 13 14                3    4   5    6    7    8      9
                                                                                                           Federation of Neighborhood                                                                             Highland Neighborhood
 15 16 17 18 19 20 21                 10 11 12 13 14 15 16                                                 Associations (DAC) 7 pm                                                                                Easter Egg Hunt (Lindbergh
                                                                                                           Historical Society Lecture                                                                             Elementary) 10:30 am
 22 23 24 25 26 27 28                 17 18 19 20 21 22 23                                                 (MRH) 7 pm                                                                                             Legendary Nights Concert Series
 29 30 31                             24 25 26 27 28 29 30                                                                                                                                                        (The Center) 7:30 pm

				 1                                31
                                                                                                           CENSUS DAY                                                    2                                 3                                4
Tri-State Figure Skating            PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSED-               Dearborn Specials Easter Craft    Building Board of Appeals         Civil Service Commission           TRASH COLLECTION ON               Libraries Closed
Individual Competition (DISC)       FIRST DAY OF SPRING RECESS           Night (The Center) 6:30-8:30 pm   (DAC) 5 pm                        (DAC) 1 pm                         NORMAL SCHEDULE                   SODA Easter Egg Hunt
                                    Senior Golf Leagues’ Breakfast       Friends of the Library-Dearborn                                     Dearborn Travel Club               DAC, Courts, Libraries Closed     (Penn-Vassar Park) Noon
                                    (DHGC) 9 am                          (FOLD) Program (HFCL) 7 pm                                          (HFCL) 1 pm                        The Center and DISC Open          Gazillion Bubbles Show
                                    Blockbuster Film Series                                                                                  SODA Neighborhood Association      Camp Dearborn Opens               (The Center) 8 pm
                                    (HFCL) 7 pm                                                                                              (Whitmore-Bolles Elementary)       For The Season
                                                                                                                                             7-9 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                Camp Dearborn Admission
                                                                                                                                                                                Stickers Available (CD)

PALM SUNDAY                   5                                   6                                  7                                 8     PASSOVER
                                                                                                                                             (BEGINS AT SUNDOWN)         9      GOOD FRIDAY            10                              11
Libraries, The Center               PUBLIC SCHOOL REOPEN-                Senior Men’s Tuesday League       Senior Men’s Wednesday League     EDDDA/WDDDA Joint Board            Library Commission (HFCL) 4 pm    DPW YARD OPEN 8 am - 1 pm
and DISC Closed                     END OF SPRING RECESS                 Begins (DHGC)                     Begins (DHGC)                     Meeting (DAC) 8-9:30 am                                              Martian Marathon (FF)
                                    DISC Spring Hockey League            Dearborn Recreation & Parks       Session 5 Dearborn Specials’      Session 5 Dearborn Specials’ Gym
                                    Begins (DISC)                        Commission (The Center) 7 pm      Swim Night Begins (The Center)    Night Begins (The Center)
                                    Senior Women’s Monday League         Dearborn Specials’ Dance          6-7 pm                            6:30-7:30 pm
                                    Begins (DHGC)                        (The Center) 7-9 pm               Mayor’s Arts Awards               Committee Of The Whole
                                    Lifeguard Training Begins                                              (The Center) 7 pm                 (DAC) 7:30 pm
                                    (The Center)                                                           Snow Woods Neighborhood
                                    Surplus Food Distribution (SC)                                         Association Meeting
                                                                                                           (Ten Eyck Adminstrative
                                    Planning Commission                                                    Service Center) 7-8:30 pm
                                    (DAC) 6:30 pm

EASTER                  12          Blockbuster Film Series
                                    (HFCL) 7 pm               13                               14                                 15         PASSOVER ENDS           16         ORTHODOX
                                                                                                                                                                                GOOD FRIDAY            17                              18
HFC Spring Band Concert             Team Registration Ends For           City Beautiful Commission                                           Pension Board Meeting              Birthday Party For 90 Year-Olds   Big Read Dearborn Public
(The Center) 4 pm                   Spring/Summer Softball League        (DAC) 6:30 pm                                                       (DAC) 8:30-11 am                   (DHGC) Noon                       Wrap-Up Event (HFCL) 2 pm
                                    (The Center/DISC)                    City Council Meeting                                                Teacher of the Year Students’      Free Banjo Concert (MRH) 1 pm
                                    Senior Citizen Commission            (DAC) 7:30 pm                                                       Choice Awards (The Center)
                                    (The Center) 1 pm                                                                                        4:15 pm
                                    Blockbuster Film Series                                                                                  Zoning Board of Appeals
                                    (HFCL) 7 pm                                                                                              (DAC) 5:30 pm
                                    Softball Managers’ Meeting,
                                    Spring/Summer Leagues
                                    (DISC) 7 pm                                                                                                                                 ARBOR DAY

                        19                                    20                               21                                 22                                 23                                24                              25
                                                                                                                                                                                RAMADAN BEGINS
ORTHODOX                                                                                                                                                                        (BEGINNING OF
EASTER                                                                                                     EARTH DAY                                                            FASTING PERIOD) 2018 Camaro Raffle
First Lady’s Tea And Annual         Blockbuster Film Series              Dearborn Historical Commission    Youth Arts Festival               Committee Of The Whole                              Drawing: Tuesday, April 30
Fundraiser (DHGC) 1 pm              (HFCL) 7 pm                          (MRH) 6 pm                        (The Center)                      (DAC) 7:30 pm                                       Ford Community & Performing
                                                                                                           4:30 pm Art Show
Dearborn Community Chorus
Concert (The Center) 7 pm
                                                                         Demolition Board of Appeals
                                                                         (DAC) 6 pm                        7 pm Performance                                                                       2020 Camaro Raffle
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Arts Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hubbard Ballroom
                                                                                                                                                                                                 15801        TBD
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Michigan Avenue
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ford Community & Performing
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Arts Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hubbard Ballroom
                                                                                                                                                                                                  15801 Michigan Avenue

                        26                                    27                               28                                 29                                 30
                                                                                                                                                                All listings subject to change. Please check our website.
APRIL 2020                                                                                                                                                         
DEARBORN                                                                                                 may 2020

                                                                                         Gail Churchill, “Spring at the Henry Ford Estate”

    (CD)  Camp Dearborn                       (SC)    Senior Center
   (CHP)  City Hall Park              (The Center)    Ford Community &
    (CQ)  Commandant’s Quarters                       Performing Arts Center
   (DAC)  Dearborn Administrative              (FF)   Ford Field
          Center                           (HFCL)     Henry Ford Centennial Library
  (DHGC) Dearborn Hills Golf Course         (MRH)     McFadden-Ross House
   (DISC) Dearborn Ice Skating Center         (PG)    Padzieski Gallery               Public Service Days are in effect this month.
     (DP) Dunworth Pool                      (WP)     Wagner Park                     Public Service Days details on page 28.
SUNDAY                          MONDAY                           TUESDAY                        WEDNESDAY                           THURSDAY                              FRIDAY                          SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                                                         In-Season Picnic And Shelter        EARLY WARNING SIREN TEST 1 pm
                                                                            APRIL 2020                         JUNE 2020                                                 Rates Begin At Camp Dearborn
                                                                    S M      T   W    T   F    S       S M     T    W    T    F   S                                      Registration Begins For Junior
                                                                                                                                                                         Golf League (DHGC)
                                                                  				1               2   3    4     		    1   2    3    4    5   6
                                                                                                                                                                         Seasonal Campsite Rates Begin
                                                                    5   6   7    8    9 10 11          7   8   9 10 11 12 13                                             At Camp Dearborn (CD)

                                                                   12 13 14 15 16 17 18               14 15 16 17 18 19 20

                                                                   19 20 21 22 23 24 25               21 22 23 24 25 26 27

						1                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2
                                                                   26 27 28 29 30                     28 29 30

Spring/Summer Adult Softball     Session 6 Monday/Wednesday       Session 6 Tuesday/Thursday         Design Review Committee                                             Celebration On Ice, Annual Ice      SHREDDING DAY (DPW YARD)
Leagues Begin                    Swim Lessons Begins              Swim Lessons Begins                (DAC) 9 am                                                          Show (DISC)                         8 am - 12 pm
                                 (The Center)                     (The Center)                       Used Book Sale (HFCL)                                               Library Commission Meeting          Celebration On Ice,
Dearborn Youth Symphony          Blockbuster Film Series          Friends of the Library-Dearborn    9:30 am-6 pm                                                        (HFCL) 4 pm                         Annual Ice Show (DISC)
Concert (The Center) 4 pm        (HFCL) 7 pm                      (FOLD) Program (HFCL) 7 pm         Ladies Night Out East & West                                        Dearborn Symphony                   Museum Trunk Sale and Plant,
                                                                  City Council Meeting               Downtown Dearborn 5-9 pm                                            Orchestra Concert                   Craft, & Bread Sale (MRH)
                                                                  (DAC) 7:30 pm                      Federation of Neighborhood                                          (The Center) 8 pm                   9 am-2 pm
                                                                                                     Associations (DAC) 7 pm
                                                                                                     Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll
                                                                                                     Season Opener (TBD) 7 pm
                                                                                                     Historical Society Lecture

                             3                               4    CINCO DE MAYO               5      (MRH) 7 pm
                                                                                                                                  6                              7                                    8                               9
Motor City Brass Festival        End-Of-School Learn to Skate     Dearborn Recreation & Parks        Building Board of Appeals         Tin Can Tourist Rally (CD)        Tin Can Tourist Rally (CD)          DPW YARD OPEN 8 am - 1 pm
Of Bands IX (The Center) 3 pm    Session Begins (DISC)            Commission (The Center) 7 pm       (DAC) 5 pm                        Civil Service Commission                                              Tin Can Tourist Rally (CD)
                                 Surplus Food Distribution (SC)   Dearborn Specials’ Dance           Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll    (DAC) 1 pm                                                            Spring Perennial Exchange
                                 Planning Commission              (The Center) 7-9 pm                (TBD) 7 pm                        SODA Neighborhood Association                                         (WP) 10 am-1 pm
                                 (DAC) 6:30 pm                                                                                         (Whitmore-Bolles Elementary)
                                 Blockbuster Film Series                                                                               7-9 pm
                                 (HFCL) 7 pm                                                                                           Committee Of The Whole
                                                                                                                                       (DAC) 7:30 pm

MOTHER’S DAY            10                              11                                12                                 13                              14                                  15          ARMED FORCES
                                                                                                                                                                                                             DAY                  16
Tin Can Tourist Rally (CD)       Senior Citizen Commission        DATA Awards (The Center)           Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll,   EDDDA/WDDDA Joint                 PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSED               Libraries Closed
                                 (The Center) 1 pm                City Beautiful Commission          Walk Only (TBD) 7 pm              Board Meeting (DAC) 8-9:30 am     FOR CONFERENCES                     Dunworth And Ford Woods Pools
                                 Blockbuster Film Series          (DAC) 6:30 pm                      Snow Woods Neighborhood           Zoning Board of Appeals           Dearborn Hills Golf Course Spring   Open For The Summer Noon
                                 (HFCL) 7 pm                      Dearborn Specials’ Pizza & Bingo   Association Meeting               (DAC) 5:30 pm                     Ladies Day (DHGC) 9 am              SODA Spring Meet-Up
                                                                  (The Center) 6:30-8:30 pm          (Ten Eyck Adminstrative           Dearborn Disability Commission                                        (Schemansky Park) Noon
                                                                                                     Service Center) 7-8:30 pm         (The Center) 6 pm
                                                                  City Council Meeting
                                                                  (DAC) 7:30 pm                                                        Dearborn Community Concert
                                                                                                                                       Band (The Center) 8 pm

                        17                              18                                19                                 20                              21                                  22
                                                                                                                                                                                          2018 Camaro Raffle                      23
Libraries Closed                 TRASH PICK UP DELAYED            SERVICE MONDAY                     SERVICE TUESDAY                   SERVICE WEDNESDAY                                Drawing: Tuesday,
                                                                                                                                                                         SERVICE THURSDAY                      April 30
                                                                                                                                                                                                     SERVICE FRIDAY
                                 ONE DAY REST OF WEEK             TRASH DISTRICT                     TRASH DISTRICT                    TRASH DISTRICT                    TRASH DISTRICTFord CommunityTRASH DISTRICT
                                                                                                                                                                                                         & Performing
                                 PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSED            Dearborn Historical Commission     Healthy Dearborn Walk n’ Roll     Pension Board (DAC)8:30-11 am     Masters Swim Begins
RAMADAN ENDS                     FOR THE HOLIDAY                  (MRH) 6 pm                         (TBD) 7 pm                        Committee Of The Whole                              Hubbard Ballroom

EID AL-FITR                      DAC, Courts, Libraries, DISC     Demolition Board of Appeals                                          (DAC) 7:30 pm                                       15801 Michigan Avenue
(END OF FASTING                  and The Center Closed            (DAC) 6 pm
                                 Memorial Day Parade
                                 (Michigan Avenue) 10 am

                        31       MEMORIAL DAY           25                                26                                 27        SHAVUOT
                                                                                                                                       (Begins at Sundown)   28                                  29                              30
                                                                                                                                                          All listings subject to change. Please check our website.
MAY 2020                                                                                                                                                      
DEARBORN                                                                                            june 2020

                                                                                                  Dave Gorden, “Henry Ford Museum 1”

   (CD)  Camp Dearborn                       (SC)    Senior Center
  (CHP)  City Hall Park              (The Center)    Ford Community &
   (CQ)  Commandant’s Quarters                       Performing Arts Center
  (DAC)  Dearborn Administrative              (FF)   Ford Field
         Center                           (HFCL)     Henry Ford Centennial Library
 (DHGC) Dearborn Hills Golf Course         (MRH)     McFadden-Ross House
  (DISC) Dearborn Ice Skating Center         (PG)    Padzieski Gallery               Public Service Days are in effect this month.
    (DP) Dunworth Pool                      (WP)     Wagner Park                     Public Service Days details on page 28.
SUNDAY                            MONDAY                               TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                                THURSDAY                                FRIDAY                        SATURDAY
                                  1st Year Conditional Rescission of     City Council Meeting             Liquid Nutrition Distributed (SC)   FORDSON HIGH SCHOOL                    Dearborn Farmers & Artisans      EARLY WARNING SIREN TEST 1 pm
                                  Principal Residence Exemption Filing   (DAC) 7:30 pm                                                        GRADUATION 6 pm                        Market (WP) 2-7 pm
                                  Deadline for Summer Tax Levy (DAC)                                      Design Review Committee                                                                                     EDSEL FORD HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                          (DAC) 9 am                          Highlights: Artists’ Society of        Kid’s Day (WP) 2-7 pm            GRADUATION 6 pm
                                  1st Year Foreclosure Entity
                                  Conditional Rescission of Principal                                     Used Book Sale (HFCL)               Dearborn & National Arab               Humorist Jeanne Robertson        Dearborn High School Graduation
                                  Residence Exemption Filing Deadline                                     9:30 am-6 pm                        American Museum SURA                   (The Center) 8 pm
                                                                                                                                              Program (PG) 6 pm                                                       Edison Street Sale
                                  for Summer Tax Levy (DAC)                                               Waiver Committee (DAC) 2-5 pm
                                  Principal Residence Exemption Filing                                    Dearborn Specials’ Bowling Begins
                                  Deadline for Summer Tax Levy (DAC)                                      4:30-6:30 pm
                                  Adult Softball Leagues Registration                                     Federation of Neighborhood
                                  Begins (DISC)                                                           Associations(DAC) 7 pm
                                  Dix-Vernor Improvement Authority
                                  (DAC) 3-5 pm                                                            Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll

		1                                                                                                 2                                   3                                       4                              5                                 6
                                                                                                          (TBD) 7 pm
                                  Blockbuster Film Series
                                  (HFCL) 7 pm                                                             Music In The Park (CHP) 7-9 pm

                                  Surplus Food Distribution (SC)         Dearborn Recreation & Parks      Residential Standard of Excel-      LAST DAY OF PUBLIC                     Dearborn Farmers & Artisans      Outdoor Pools Begin Full
                                  Planning Commission                    Commission (The Center) 7 pm     lence Nominations Accepted by       SCHOOL ELEMENTARY AND                  Market (WP) 2-7 pm               Summer Hours
                                  (DAC) 6:30 pm                          Dearborn Specials’ Dance         City Beautiful Until June 16        SECONDARY STUDENTS (Half Day)          Library Commission (HFCL) 4 pm   SODA Summer Saturday
                                  Blockbuster Film Series                (The Center) 7-9 pm              Building Board of Appeals           DEARBORN HIGH SCHOOL                   Movies In The Parks (WP) Dusk    (Whitmore-Bolles Park) Noon
                                  (HFCL) 7 pm                                                             (DAC) 5 pm                          GRADUATION 6 pm
                                                                                                          Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll      Civil Service Commission
                                                                                                          (TBD) 7 pm                          (DAC) 1 pm
                                                                                                          Music In The Park (CHP) 7-9 pm      Committee Of The Whole
                                                                                                                                              (DAC) 7:30 pm

                           7                                    8                                   9                              10                                   11                                 12                             13
 In-Season Cabin And Tent Rates   Swim Teams Begin Practice              Last Day for Nominations         Judging Begins for City             EDDDA/WDDDA Joint Board                Dunworth Pool Closed             DPW YARD OPEN 8 am - 1 pm
Begin At Camp Dearborn (CD)       (Outdoor Pools)                        for Residential Standard of      Beautiful Residential Standard      Meeting (DAC) 8-9:30 am                For USS Swim Meet                Dunworth Pool Closed
Motor City Brass Band Concert     Day Camp Begins (The Center)           Excellence Awards                of Excellence Awards                Zoning Board of Appeals                Dearborn Farmers & Artisans      For USS Swim Meet
(The Center) 3 pm                 Swim Lessons Begins                    Warren Business District         No Walk ‘n’ Roll                    (DAC) 5:30 pm                          Market (WP) 2-7 pm
                                  (Outdoor Pools)                        Improvement Authority            Taste of Dearborn (Downtown
                                                                         (DAC) 8-10am                     Dearborn) 6-9:30 pm
                                  Summer Ice Program Begins
                                  (DISC)                                 Junior Golf League Putters and   Snow Woods Neighborhood
                                                                         Drivers Begins (DHGC) 9:30 am    Association Meeting
                                  Supervised Summer Playground
                                  Program Begins                         City Beautiful Commission        (Ten Eyck Adminstrative
                                                                         (DAC) 6:30 pm                    Service Center) 7-8:30 pm
                                  Flag Day Ceremony (FF) 6 pm
                                                                         City Council Meeting             Music In The Park
                                  Blockbuster Film Series

                       14                                  15                                   16                                 17                                   18                                 19                             20
                                                                         (DAC) 7:30 pm                    (CHP) 7-9 pm
                                  (HFCL) 7 pm
FLAG DAY                                                                                                                                                                                                              SUMMER BEGINS
Dunworth Pool Closed For          Session 2 Day Camp Begins              Dearborn Historical Commission   Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll      Pension Board (DAC) 8:30 -11 am        Dearborn Farmers & Artisans      Museum Teddy Bear Picnic
USS Swim Meet                     (The Center)                           (MRH) 6 pm                       (TBD) 7 pm                          Dearborn Specials’ Summer              Market (WP) 2-7 pm               (MRH) 10 am-Noon
                                  Team Registration Ends For             Demolition Board of Appeals      Music In The Park (CHP) 7-9 pm      Swim Begins                            Friday Nite Music &
                                  Adult Summer Softball Leagues          (DAC) 6 pm                                                           (The Center) 5-6 pm                    Foodie Rallies (WP) 5-10 pm
                                  Dearborn Summer Youth Theatre
                                  Begins (The Center) 9 am
                                  Blockbuster Film Series
                                  (HFCL) 7 pm
                                  Softball Managers’ Meeting,
                                  Adult Summer Leagues

                       21                                  22                                   23                                 24                                   25                                 26                             27
                                  (DISC) 7 pm
                                  Session 3 Day Camp Begins              Museum Decoration Day                       MAY 2020                             JULY 2020
                                  (The Center)                           Ceremony (CQ) 6 pm
                                  Blockbuster Film Series                                                   S M      T    W    T    F    S      S M       T    W    T    F      S
                                  (HFCL) 7 pm
                                                                                                          						1                        2    				1                 2    3      4

                                                                                                            3   4    5    6    7    8    9      5    6    7    8    9 10 11

                                                                                                           10 11 12 13 14 15 16                 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

                                                                                                           17 18 19 20 21 22 23                 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

                                                                                                           24 25 26 27 28 29 30                 26 27 28 29 30 31

                       28                                  29                                   30         31

                                                                                                                                                                   All listings subject to change. Please check our website.
JUNE 2020                                                                                                                                                                 
july 2020

                                                                                                            Christine Panyard,         A
                                                                                                              “Blue Doors”

  (CD)  Camp Dearborn                       (SC)    Senior Center
 (CHP)  City Hall Park              (The Center)    Ford Community &
  (CQ)  Commandant’s Quarters                       Performing Arts Center
 (DAC)  Dearborn Administrative              (FF)   Ford Field
        Center                           (HFCL)     Henry Ford Centennial Library
(DHGC) Dearborn Hills Golf Course         (MRH)     McFadden-Ross House
 (DISC) Dearborn Ice Skating Center         (PG)    Padzieski Gallery               Public Service Days are in effect this month.
   (DP) Dunworth Pool                      (WP)     Wagner Park                     Public Service Days details on page 28.
SUNDAY                    MONDAY                           TUESDAY                     WEDNESDAY                              THURSDAY                             FRIDAY                         SATURDAY
                                                                                          2020 Summer Taxes Due                                                 DAC, Courts, Libraries Closed   EARLY WARNING SIREN TEST 1 pm
                                                                   JUNE 2020              And Payable		                                                         Farmers Market Closed (WP)      DISC and the Center Closed
                                                                                          Liquid Nutrition Distributed (SC)
                                                           S M     T   W    T   F   S     No Walk ‘n’ Roll
                                                         		    1   2   3    4   5   6     Design Review Committee
                                                                                          (DAC) 9 am
                                                           7   8   9 10 11 12 13          Session 2 Dearborn Specials’
                                                                Bowling Begins 4:30-6:30 pm
                                                          14 15 16 17 18 19 20
          Join us at Camp Dearborn
for the 24th Annual Children’s Fishing Derby              21 22 23 24 25 26 27

				 1                                                                                                                                                   2                                 3                                  4
       8 a.m. - Noon • Saturday, July 11                  28 29 30
                                                                                                                                                                                                INDEPENDENCE DAY
                        Adult Summer Softball                                             Building Board of Appeals           Civil Service Commission          Dearborn Farmers & Artisans     24th Annual Children’s
                        Leagues Begin                                                     (DAC) 5 pm                          (DAC) 1 pm                        Market (WP) 2-7 pm              Fishing Derby (CD) 8 am
                        Session 2 Swim Lessons Begins                                     Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll      Dearborn Travel Club              Kid’s Day (WP) 2-7 pm
                        (Outdoor Pools)                                                   (TBD) 7 pm                          (HFCL) 1 pm
                        Session 4 Day Camp Begins                                         Music In The Park (CHP) 7-9 pm      Committee Of The Whole
                        (The Center)                                                                                          (DAC) 7:30 pm
                        Blockbuster Film Series
                        (HFCL) 7 pm

                   5                                6                               7                                 8                                  9                            10                               11
                        Session 5 Day Camp Begins        Session 2 Junior Golf League     Judging Ends for City               EDDDA/WDDDA Joint Board           Dearborn Farmers & Artisans     DPW YARD OPEN 8 am - 1 pm
                        (The Center)                     Putters Begins (DHGC) 9:30 am    Beautiful Residential Standard      Meeting (DAC) 8-9:30 am           Market (WP) 2-7 pm              Legendary Nights Concert Series
                        Surplus Food Distribution (SC)   Tunes @ Noon (WP) Noon-1 pm      of Excellence Awards                Zoning Board of Appeals           Movies In The Park (CHP) Dusk   (The Center) 7:30 pm
                        Planning Commission              Annual City Swim Meet            Dearborn Recreation & Parks         (DAC) 5:30 pm
                        (DAC) 6:30 pm                    (DP) 6 pm                        Commission (The Center) 7 pm        Dearborn Disability Commission
                        Blockbuster Film Series          Dearborn Specials’ Picnic        Dearborn Summer Chorus              (The Center) 6 pm
                        (HFCL) 7 pm                      (FF South Shelter) 6-8 pm        Concert (The Center) 7 pm
                                                         City Council Meeting             Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll
                                                         (DAC) 7:30 pm                    (TBD) 7 pm
                                                                                          Jazz On The Ave (CHP) 7-9 pm

                 12                            13                               14                               15                                   16                              17                               18
                        Session 3 Swim Lessons Begins    Tunes @ Noon (WP) Noon-1 pm      Annual Synchronized Swim            Pension Board Meeting             Dearborn Farmers & Artisans
                        (Outdoor Pools)                  Assessment Board of Review       Show (Ten Eyck) 6:30 pm             (DAC) 8:30-11 am                  Market (WP) 2-7 pm
                        Session 6 Day Camp Begins        (DAC) 1-4 pm                     Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll                                        Friday Nite Music &
                        (The Center)                     Demolition Board of Appeals      (TBD) 7 pm                                                            Foodie Rallies (WP) 5-10 pm
                        Blockbuster Film Series          (DAC) 6 pm                       Jazz On The Ave (CHP) 7-9 pm
                        (HFCL) 7 pm

                 19                            20                               21                               22                                   23                              24
                                                                                                                                                                                2018 Camaro Raffle                     25
                        Korean War Armistice Day         Tunes @ Noon (WP) Noon-1 pm      Session 3 Dearborn Specials’                                          Dearborn FarmersDrawing:
                                                                                                                                                                                 & Artisans Tuesday, April 30
                                                                                                                                                                                                  AUGUST 2020
                        Ceremony (TBD)                   Dearborn Historical Commission   Bowling Begins 4:30-6:30 pm                                           Market (WP) 2-7 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                Ford Community & Performing
                        Session 7 Day Camp Begins        (MRH) 6 pm                       Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll                                                        Arts Center   S M T W T F S
                        (The Center)                                                      (TBD) 7 pm                                                                            Hubbard Ballroom
                        Summer Learn to Skate Session                                     Jazz On The Ave (CHP) 7-9 pm                                                                       							1
                                                                                                                                                                                15801 Michigan Avenue
                        Begins (DISC)                                                                                                                                                             2   3   4    5   6      7   8
                        Blockbuster Film Series
                        (HFCL) 7 pm                                                                                                                                                               9 10 11 12 13 14 15

                                                                                                                                                                                                 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

                                                                                                                                                                                                 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

                        ARMISTICE DAY          27                               28                               29           EID AL-ADHA
                                                                                                                              (DAY OF SACRIFICE)      30                              31         30 31

                                                                                                                                                All listings subject to change. Please check our website.
JULY 2020                                                                                                                                            
DEARBORN                                                                                    August 2020

                                                                                                         Nancy Knapp, “Harvest Time”

   (CD)  Camp Dearborn                       (SC)    Senior Center
  (CHP)  City Hall Park              (The Center)    Ford Community &
   (CQ)  Commandant’s Quarters                       Performing Arts Center
  (DAC)  Dearborn Administrative              (FF)   Ford Field
         Center                           (HFCL)     Henry Ford Centennial Library
 (DHGC) Dearborn Hills Golf Course         (MRH)     McFadden-Ross House
  (DISC) Dearborn Ice Skating Center         (PG)    Padzieski Gallery               Public Service Days are in effect this month.
    (DP) Dunworth Pool                      (WP)     Wagner Park                     Public Service Days details on page 28.
SUNDAY                           MONDAY                            TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                             THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                       SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                              EARLY WARNING SIREN TEST 1 pm
          JULY 2020                       SEPTEMBER 2020                                                                                                                                                      Clerks’ Office Extended Hours
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (DAC) TBD
 S M      T   W    T    F    S        S M      T   W    T     F    S

				1              2    3    4      			        1   2    3     4    5

 5   6    7    8   9 10 11            6   7    8   9 10 11 12

 12 13 14 15 16 17 18                13 14 15 16 17 18 19

 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                20 21 22 23 24 25 26

 26 27 28 29 30 31                   27 28 29 30

                                    Session 4 Swim Lessons             PRIMARY ELECTION                 Liquid Nutrition Distributed (SC)                                   ANNUAL HOMECOMING                 ANNUAL HOMECOMING
                                    Begins (DP)                        7am-8 pm                         Design Review Committee                                             CELEBRATION (FF)                  CELEBRATION (FF)
                                    Session 8 Day Camp Begins          Tunes @ Noon (WP) Noon-1 pm      (DAC) 9 am                                                          Annual Homecoming
                                    (The Center)                       National Night Out               Waiver Committee (DAC) 2-5 pm                                       Celebration (FF)
                                    Team Registration Begins For       (Police Station) 5-8 pm          Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll                                      Farmers Market Closed (WP)
                                    Adult Fall Softball Leagues                                         (TBD) 7 pm                                                          Supervised Summer Playground
                                    (DISC)                                                                                                                                  Program Ends
                                                                                                        Jazz On The Ave (CHP) 7-9 pm
                                    Blockbuster Film Series                                                                                                                 Special All-Stars Day
                                    (HFCL) 7 pm                                                                                                                             (FF) 9 am-Noon
                                                                                                                                                                            Cruisin’ Dearborn Car Cruise
                                                                                                                                                                            (FF) 7-10 pm

                            2                                     3                              4                                  5                                  6                                7                             8
ANNUAL HOMECOMING                   Surplus Food Distribution (SC)     Tunes @ Noon (WP) Noon-1 pm      No Walk ‘n’ Roll                    Civil Service Commission        Snow Woods 10th Annual            DPW YARD OPEN 8 am - 1 pm
CELEBRATION (FF)                    Planning Commission                Dearborn Recreation & Parks      Building Board of Appeals           (DAC) 1 pm                      Street Sale 9 am-4 pm             Snow Woods 10th Annual
Outdoor Pools Close (Except         (DAC) 6:30 pm                      Commission (The Center) 7 pm     (DAC) 5 pm                                                          SODA Neighborhood Garage Sale     Street Sale 9 am-4 pm
Dunworth & Ford Woods) 6 pm         Blockbuster Film Series                                             Jazz On The Ave (CHP) 7-9 pm                                        (SODA Neighborhood)               SODA Neighborhood
                                    (HFCL) 7 pm                                                                                                                             9 am-5 pm                         Garage Sale 9 am-5 pm
                                                                                                                                                                            Dearborn Farmers & Artisans
                                                                                                                                                                            Market (WP) 2-7 pm
                                                                                                                                                                            Kid’s Day (WP) 2-7 pm
                                                                                                                                                                            Movies In The Park (WP) Dusk

                            9                                 10                             11                                 12                                 13                              14                             15
SODA Neighborhood                   Blockbuster Film Series            Tunes @ Noon (WP) Noon-1 pm      Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll      EDDDA/WDDDA Joint Board         Dearborn Hills Golf Course Fall   Museum Vintage Clothing Sale
Garage Sale 9 am-5 pm               (HFCL) 7 pm                        Demolition Board of Appeals      (TBD) 7 pm                          Meeting (DAC) 8-9:30 am         Ladies Day (DHGC) 9 am            (MRH) 9 am-2 pm
Snow Woods 10th Annual                                                 (DAC) 6 pm                       Jazz On The Ave (CHP) 7-9 pm        Committee Of The Whole          Museum Vintage Clothing Sale      SODA Summer Saturday
Street Sale 11 am-3 pm                                                 Dearborn Specials’ Picnic                                            (DAC) 7:30 pm                   (MRH) 9 am-6 pm                   (Whitmore-Bolles Park) Noon
                                                                       (FF South Shelter) 6-8 pm                                                                            Dearborn Farmers & Artisans
                                                                                                                                                                            Market (WP) 2-7 pm
                                                                                                                                                                            Movies in the Park (CHP) Dusk

                       16                                     17                             18                                 19                                 20                              21
                                                                                                                                                                                             2018 Camaro Raffle                   22
                                    Team Registration Ends For Adult   Dearborn Hills Women’s Fall      Dearborn Hills Men’s Fall League    Zoning Board of Appeals         Dearborn FarmersDrawing:
                                                                                                                                                                                               & Artisans  Tuesday, April 30
                                    Fall Softball Leagues (DISC)       League Begins (DHGC) 8 am        Begins (DHGC) 8 am                  (DAC) 5:30 pm                   Market (WP) 2-7 pm Ford Community & Performing
                                    Blockbuster Film Series            Dearborn Historical Commission   Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll                                      Friday Nite Music &Arts Center
                                    (HFCL) 7 pm                        (MRH) 6 pm                       (TBD) 7 pm                                                          Foodie Rallies (WP) 5-10 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                             Hubbard Ballroom

                        23          Off-Season Shelter
                                    Rates Begin (CD)
                                                              24       City Council Meeting
                                                                       (DAC) 7:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                             15801 Michigan Avenue

Adult Fall Softball Leagues Begin   FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
                                    ALL STUDENTS
                                    Maintenance Week,
                                    The Center Closed

                       30           Blockbuster Film Series
                                    (HFCL) 7 pm               31                             25                                 26                                 27                              28                             29
                                                                                                                                                               All listings subject to change. Please check our website.
AUGUST 2020                                                                                                                                                      
September 2020

                                                                                                                     Dave Gorden,
                                                                                                                     “Fairlane 4A”

  (CD)  Camp Dearborn                       (SC)    Senior Center
 (CHP)  City Hall Park              (The Center)    Ford Community &
  (CQ)  Commandant’s Quarters                       Performing Arts Center
 (DAC)  Dearborn Administrative              (FF)   Ford Field
        Center                           (HFCL)     Henry Ford Centennial Library
(DHGC) Dearborn Hills Golf Course         (MRH)     McFadden-Ross House
 (DISC) Dearborn Ice Skating Center         (PG)    Padzieski Gallery               Public Service Days are in effect this month.
   (DP) Dunworth Pool                      (WP)     Wagner Park                     Public Service Days details on page 28.
SUNDAY                                                     MONDAY                                   TUESDAY                        WEDNESDAY                              THURSDAY                                  FRIDAY                            SATURDAY
                                                                                                                    Maintenance Week,                  Maintenance Week,                   Maintenance Week,                   Maintenance Week,                     EARLY WARNING SIREN TEST 1 pm
                                                                                                                    The Center Closed                  The Center Closed                   The Center Closed                   The Center Closed                     Maintenance Week,
                Since 1922                                                                                          Warren Business District           Liquid Nutrition Distributed (SC)   SODA Neighborhood Association       PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSED                 The Center Closed
     Since 1922 Since  1922                H e a t i n g & C o o l i n g                                                                                                                   Meeting (Whitmore-Bolles            FOR THE HOLIDAY
                                                                                                                    Improvement Authority
                  H e1922
                 Since   a t               iHH nee gaa tt &ii nn Cggo &o& l CiC onoogol li in ng g                  (DAC) 8-10 am
                                                                                                                                                       Design Review Committee
                                                                                                                                                                                           Elementary) 7-9 pm
                                                                                                                                                       (DAC) 9 am                                                              Dearborn Farmers & Artisans
                                                                                                                                                       Friends of the Library-Dearborn     Committee Of The Whole              Market (WP) 2-7 pm
                2050 Monroe, Dearborn, MI 48124                                                                                                                                            (DAC) 7:30 pm
      2 0 5 0 M o22n00r55o00e ,MM Doo nne rra oor eeb ,,o rDDnee,aa rM
                                                                     rbbIoor rn4n,8, 1MM2I 4I 4 48 81 12 24 4                                          (FOLD) Used Book Sale (HFCL)
                                                                                                                                                       9:30 am-6 pm
                                    $39.00 Service Call with Repair                                                                                    Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll
              $39.00 Service
        (Save $45.50—Restrictions Service
                                  Service  Call
                                      withCall  withtime
                                    apply—Straight    Repair
                                                         only—Call for details)                                                                        (TBD) 6:30 pm
ve $45.50—Restrictions              apply—Straight
                  Expiresapply—Straight             timeonly—Call
                                         time only—Call  only—Call
                                                          for details)forfordetails)
                                                                                                                                                       Dearborn Federation of

     			1                                                                                                                                                                          2                                      3                                  4                                     5
                   Expires 3/31/2017
       Expires 3/31/2017                                                                                                      Neighborhood Associations
                                                  Expires 3/31/2021                                                                                    (DAC) 7 pm

         Maintenance Week,                                          TRASH PICK UP DELAYED                           SERVICE MONDAY                     SERVICE TUESDAY                     SERVICE WEDNESDAY                   SERVICE THURSDAY                      SERVICE FRIDAY
         The Center Closed                                          ONE DAY REST OF WEEK                            TRASH DISTRICT                     TRASH DISTRICT                      TRASH DISTRICT                      TRASH DISTRICT                        TRASH DISTRICT
                                                                    DAC, Courts, Libraries, DISC                    Off-Season Campsite Rates          Building Board of Appeals           Civil Service Commission            Dearborn Farmers & Artisans           SHREDDING DAY (DPW YARD)
                                                                    and The Center Closed                           Begin (CD)                         (DAC) 5 pm                          (DAC) 1 pm                          Market (WP) 2-7 pm                    8 am - 12 pm
                                                                    PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSED                           Dearborn Specials’ Dance           Session 1 Dearborn Specials’        Session 1 Dearborn Specials’        Library Commission (HFCL) 4 pm        Dearborn City Golf Championship
                                                                    FOR THE HOLIDAY                                 (The Center) 7-9 pm                Swim Night Begins                   Gym Night Begins                                                          Round 1 (DHGC) 8 am
                                                                                                                                                       (The Center) 6-7 pm                 (The Center) 6:30-7:30 pm
                                                                    Dunworth & Ford Woods Pools                     City Council Meeting                                                                                                                             Friends of the Library-Dearborn
                                                                    Close 6 pm                                      (DAC) 7:30 pm                      Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll                                                                                (FOLD) Used Book Sale (HFCL)
                                                                                                                                                       (TBD) 6:30 pm                                                                                                 9:30 am-3:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                       Dearborn Recreation & Parks                                                                                   Fall Perennial Exchange
                                                                                                                                                       Commission (The Center) 7 pm                                            PATRIOT DAY                           (WP) 10am-1pm

                                                       6                                                        7                                8                                 9                               10                                   11                                    12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (NATIONAL DAY OF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SERVICE AND
                                                                    LABOR DAY                                                                                                                                                  REMBERANCE)

          Dearborn City Golf Championship                            Full Or First Installment of 2020              Last Day For Eligible              No Walk ‘n’ Roll                    EDDDA/WDDDA Joint Board             Dearborn Farmers & Artisans           DPW YARD OPEN 8 am - 1 pm
          Round 2 (DHGC) 9 am                                        Summer Taxes Due                               Individuals To File 2020 Summer    Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll      Meeting (DAC) 8-9:30 am             Market (WP) 2-7 pm                    SODA Movie Night in The Park
                                                                     Registration Deadline For Identi-              Tax Deferment                      (TBD) 6:30 pm                       Dearborn Disability Commission                                            (Penn-Vassar Park) 7-10 pm
                                                                     cal TV1 Accommodations (CD)                    Demolition Board of Appeals        Snow Woods Neighborhood             (The Center) 6 pm
                                                                     Surplus Food Distribution (SC)                 (DAC) 6 pm                         Association Meeting                 Committee Of The Whole
                                                                     Team Registration Begins For                   City Beautiful Commission          (Ten Eyck Adminstrative             (DAC) 7:30 pm
                                                                     Adult Volleyball League (DISC)                 (DAC) 6:30 pm                      Service Center) 7-8:30 pm
                                                                     Planning Commission
                                                                     (DAC) 6:30 pm
                                                                     Blockbuster Film Series
                                                                     (HFCL) 7 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ROSH HASHANA
         DAY                                   13                                                         14                               15                                 16                                   17                                   18           (BEGINS AT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SUNDOWN)                 19
         Dearborn Education                                          New TV1 Reservations Accepted                  Dearborn Historical Commission     Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll      AAUW Used Booksale (DISC)           AAUW Used Booksale (DISC)             AAUW Used Booksale (DISC)
         Foundation FORE Golf Outing                                 From Residents (CD)                            (MRH) 6 pm                         (TBD) 6:30 pm                       Tin Can Tourist Fall Rally (CD)     Belle Tire “Back To School Classic”   Belle Tire “Back to School Classic”
         (TPC of Michigan) 10 am-6 pm                                Senior Citizen Commission                      Dearborn Specials’ Pizza & Bingo                                                                           Hockey Tournament (DISC)              Hockey Tournament (DISC)
                                                                                                                                                                                           Pension Board (DAC) 8:30-11 am
                                                                     (The Center) 1 pm                              (The Center) 6:30-8:30 pm                                                                                  Tin Can Tourist Fall Rally (CD)       Tin Can Tourist Fall Rally (CD)
                                                                                                                                                                                           Zoning Board of Appeals
                                                                     Dix-Vernor Business District                   City Council Meeting                                                   (DAC) 5:30 pm                       Dearborn Farmers & Artisans           Legendary Nights Concert Series
                                                                     Improvement Authority                          (DAC) 7:30 pm                                                                                              Market (WP) 2-7 pm                    (The Center) 7:30 pm
                                                                     (DAC) 3-5 pm
                                                                     Blockbuster Film Series
                                                                     (HFCL) 7 pm

                                               20                                                         21        AUTUMN BEGINS          22                                 23                                   24                                   25                                    26
          AAUW Used Booksale (DISC)                                  Session 1 Monday/Wednesday                     Session 1 Tuesday/Thursday         Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll                                                    AUGUST 2020                        OCTOBER 2020
          Belle Tire “Back To School Classic”                        Learn To Swim Begins                           Learn To Swim Begins               (TBD) 6:30 pm
          Hockey Tournament (DISC)                                   (The Center)                                   (The Center)                                                               Order your                       S M       T   W     T    F   S         S M      T    W    T    F   S
          Tin Can Tourist Fall Rally (CD)                            Team Registration Ends For Adult                                                                                      2021 City Calendar
                                                                     Coed Volleyball League                                                                                                                                    							1                              					1                    2   3
                                                                     Blockbuster Film Series                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2    3    4    5    6    7   8         4   5    6    7    8    9 10
                                                                     (HFCL) 7 pm                                                                                                              or 313-943-3003
                                                                     Managers’ Meeting, Adult Coed                                                                                                                              9 10 11 12 13 14 15                   11 12 13 14 15 16 17
                                                                     Volleyball League (DISC) 7 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2020        16 17 18 19 20 21 22                  18 19 20 21 22 23 24
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                23 24 25 26 27 28 29                  25 26 27 28 29 30 31

                                               27                                                         28                               29                                 30
                                                                    YOM KIPPUR
                                                                    (BEGINS AT                                                                                                                                                  30 31

                                                                                                                                                                                                               All listings subject to change. Please check our website.
       SEPTEMBER 2020                                                                                                                                                                                               
DEARBORN                                                                                 October 2020

                                                                                                                Elena Adam, “October”

    (CD)  Camp Dearborn                       (SC)    Senior Center
   (CHP)  City Hall Park              (The Center)    Ford Community &
    (CQ)  Commandant’s Quarters                       Performing Arts Center
   (DAC)  Dearborn Administrative              (FF)   Ford Field
          Center                           (HFCL)     Henry Ford Centennial Library
  (DHGC) Dearborn Hills Golf Course         (MRH)     McFadden-Ross House
   (DISC) Dearborn Ice Skating Center         (PG)    Padzieski Gallery               Public Service Days are in effect this month.
     (DP) Dunworth Pool                      (WP)     Wagner Park                     Public Service Days details on page 28.
SUNDAY                           MONDAY                           TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                           THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                        SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                      Committee Of The Whole           Halloween Weekend At Camp        EARLY WARNING SIREN TEST 1 pm
                                                                        SEPTEMBER 2020                     NOVEMBER 2020              (DAC) 7:30 pm                    (CD)                             Fall Introduction To Hockey
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Session Begins (DISC)
                                                                    S M      T   W    T    F   S      S M      T    W    T   F    S                                                                     Fall Learn To Skate Session Begins
                                                                  			        1   2    3   4    5      1    2   3    4    5   6    7
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Halloween Weekend At Camp (CD)
                                                                    6   7    8   9 10 11 12           8    9 10 11 12 13 14                                                                             Session 1 Saturday Learn To Swim
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Begins (The Center)
                                                                   13 14 15 16 17 18 19               15 16 17 18 19 20 21

                                                                   20 21 22 23 24 25 26               22 23 24 25 26 27 28

					1                                                                                                                                                                                          2                                  3
                                                                   27 28 29 30                        29 30

Halloween Weekend At Camp (CD)   Changes Accepted For             Friends of the Library-Dearborn    Adult Coed Volleyball League     Civil Service Commission         Halloween Weekend At Camp (CD)   Halloween Weekend At Camp (CD)
                                 Non-Resident Reservations        (FOLD) Program (HFCL) 7 pm         Begins (The Center)              (DAC) 1 pm                       Elderfest (The Center)           Fire Department Open House
National Fire Prevention Week    in TV1 (CD)                      City Council Meeting               Design Review Committee          Dearborn Travel Club             10 am-3 pm                       (Fire Station 2) 10 am-Noon
                                 Blockbuster Film Series          (DAC) 7:30 pm                      (DAC) 9 am                       (HFCL) 1 pm                      Library Commission (HFCL) 4 pm   Fire Department Open House
                                 (HFCL) 7 pm                                                         Used Book Sale (HFCL)            SODA Neighborhood Association                                     (Fire Station 5 Melvindale)
                                                                                                                                                                       Dearborn Symphony Orchesta
                                                                                                     9:30 am-6 pm                     (Whitmore-Bolles Elementary)     Concert (The Center) 8 pm        2-4 pm
                                                                                                     Waiver Committee (DAC) 2-5 pm    7-9 pm
                                                                                                     Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll
                                                                                                     (TBD) 6:30 pm
                                                                                                     Federation of Neighborhood
                                                                                                     Associations (DAC) 7 pm

                         4                                   5                                 6     Historical Society Lecture
                                                                                                     (MRH) 7 pm                  7                               8                              9                             10
Halloween Weekend At Camp (CD)   Surplus Food Distribution (SC)   Dearborn Recreation & Parks        Building Board of Appeals        EDDDA/WDDDA Joint Board          Halloween Weekend At Camp (CD)   DPW YARD OPEN 8 am - 1 pm
                                 Blockbuster Film Series          Commission (The Center) 7 pm       (DAC) 5 pm                       Meeting (DAC) 8-9:30 am                                           Halloween Weekend At Camp (CD)
                                 (HFCL) 7 pm                      Dearborn Specials’ Dance           Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll   Committee Of The Whole                                            Saturday Drop-In Basketball
                                                                  (The Center) 7-9 pm                (TBD) 6:30 pm                    (DAC) 7:30 pm                                                     Program Begins (The Center)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pumpkin Carving (CHP) 1-3 pm

                     11          COLUMBUS DAY           12                                13                                 14                             15                              16                                17
Halloween Weekend At Camp (CD)   New TV1 Reservations Accepted    Planning Commission                Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll   Pension Board Meeting            Halloween Weekend At Camp (CD)   Halloween Weekend At Camp (CD)
                                 From Non-Residents (CD)          (DAC) 6:30 pm                      (TBD) 6:30 pm                    (DAC) 8:30-11 am                 Two Nations Girls Hockey         Two Nations Girls Hockey
                                 Senior Citizen Commission        City Beautiful Commission          Snow Woods Neighborhood          Zoning Board of Appeals          Tournament (DISC)                Tournament (DISC)
                                 (The Center) 1 pm                (DAC) 6:30 pm                      Association Meeting              (DAC) 5:30 pm                                                     Highland Neighborhood Spook-
                                 Blockbuster Film Series          City Council Meeting               (Ten Eyck Adminstrative                                                                            tacular (Lindbergh Elementary)
                                 (HFCL) 7 pm                      (DAC) 7:30 pm                      Service Center) 7-8:30 pm                                                                          10:30 am
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Downtown Dearborn
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Trick-or-Treat East &
                                                                                                                                                                                                        West Downtown Dearborn
                                                                                                                                                                                                        West- 2-4 pm, East 4-6 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Kenny Cetera’s “Chicago

                     18                                 19                                20                                 21                             22                              23                                24
                                                                                                                                                                                                        (The Center)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        7:30 pm

Halloween Weekend At Camp (CD)   LOOSE LEAF COLLECTION            LOOSE LEAF COLLECTION              LOOSE LEAF COLLECTION            LOOSE LEAF COLLECTION            LOOSE LEAF COLLECTION            Clerks’ Office Extended Hours
                                 BEGINS-MONDAY TRASH              BEGINS-TUESDAY TRASH               BEGINS-WEDNESDAY TRASH           BEGINS-THURSDAY TRASH            BEGINS-FRIDAY TRASH              (DAC) TBD
Two Nations Girls Hockey                                                                                                              DISTRICT                         DISTRICT
Tournament (DISC)                DISTRICT                         DISTRICT                           DISTRICT
                                 Blockbuster Film Series          Dearborn Historical Commission     Session 2 Dearborn Specials’     Boo Bash Celebration             Museum Halloween Party
Motor City Brass Band Concert                                                                                                         (The Center) 6 pm                (MRH) 4-6 pm
                                 (HFCL) 7 pm                      (MRH) 6 pm                         Swim Night Begins (The Center)
(The Center) 3 pm
                                                                                                     6-7 pm                           Session 2 Dearborn Specials’
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Last Day To Order Your
                                                                  Demolition Board of Appeals
SODA Track or Treat
(Penn-Vassar Park) 5-7 pm                                         (DAC) 6 pm                         Healthy Dearborn Walk ‘n’ Roll   Gym Night Begins (The Center)                                     2021 City Calendar
                                                                  Dearborn Specials’ Halloween       Season Finale (TBD) 6:30 pm      6:30-7:30 pm                                             
                                                                  Crafts (The Center) 6:30-8:30 pm                                                                                                         or 313-943-3003

                     25                                 26                                27                                 28                             29                              30          HALLOWEEN             31
                                                                                                                                                         All listings subject to change. Please check our website.
OCTOBER 2020                                                                                                                                                
DEARBORN                                                                               November 2020

                                                                                                             Elena Adam, “Red Sunset”

     (CD)  Camp Dearborn                       (SC)    Senior Center
    (CHP)  City Hall Park              (The Center)    Ford Community &
     (CQ)  Commandant’s Quarters                       Performing Arts Center
    (DAC)  Dearborn Administrative              (FF)   Ford Field                      Public Service Days are in effect this month.
           Center                           (HFCL)     Henry Ford Centennial Library   Public Service Days details on page 28.
   (DHGC) Dearborn Hills Golf Course         (MRH)     McFadden-Ross House
    (DISC) Dearborn Ice Skating Center         (PG)    Padzieski Gallery               Remember you must remove your parked vehicle
      (DP) Dunworth Pool                      (WP)     Wagner Park                     from Dearborn streets during a snow emergency.
SUNDAY                                  MONDAY                         TUESDAY                        WEDNESDAY                                 THURSDAY                             FRIDAY                        SATURDAY
1st Year Conditional Rescission of        Session 2 Monday/Wednesday       GENERAL ELECTION 7am-8 pm          Liquid Nutrition Distributed (SC)                                        Depression Era Glass Show        EARLY WARNING SIREN TEST 1 pm
Principal Residence Exemption Filing      Learn To Swim Begins                                                Design Review Committee                                                  (The Center)
Deadline for Winter Tax Levy (DAC)
                                                                           NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS                                                                                                                       Depression Era Glass Show
                                          (The Center)                                                        (DAC) 9 am                                                                                                (The Center)
1st Year Foreclosure Entity Conditional                                    Session 2 Tuesday/Thursday
                                          Blockbuster Film Series          Learn To Swim Begins               Friends of the Library-Dearborn
Rescission of Principal Residence         (HFCL) 7 pm
Exemption Filing Deadline for Winter                                       (The Center)                       (FOLD) Used Book Sale (HFCL)
Tax Levy (DAC)                                                             Friends of the Library-Dearborn    9:30 am-6 pm
Change Batteries in your Smoke                                             (FOLD) Program (HFCL) 7 pm         Historical Society Lecture Series
Detectors                                                                                                     (MRH) 7 pm
Principal Residence Exemption Filing                                                                          Dearborn Federation of
Deadline for Winter Tax Levy (DAC)                                                                            Neighborhood Associations
TV 1 Closes For The Season (CD)                                                                               (DAC) 7 pm
TIME ENDS 2 am                   1                                     2                               3                                    4                                   5                                  6                                7
Depression Era Glass Show                 Surplus Food Distribution (SC)   Dearborn Specials’ Dance           DAC, Courts, Libraries Closed        Civil Service Commission            Library Commission (HFCL) 4 pm   Second Installment Of 2020
(The Center)                              Planning Commission              (The Center) 7-9 pm                DISC and The Center Open             (DAC) 1 pm                                                           Summer Taxes Due
                                          (DAC) 6:30 pm                                                       Veterans Day Ceremony                SODA Neighborhood Association                                        Holiday Boutique Opens
                                                                                                                                                   (Whitmore-Bolles Elementary)                                         (PG) 1-4 pm
                                          Blockbuster Film Series                                             (The Center) 11 am                   7-9 pm
                                          (HFCL) 7 pm
                                                                                                                                                   Committee Of The Whole
                                                                                                                                                   (DAC) 7:30 pm

                                 8                                     9                          10          VETERANS DAY             11                                  12                                13                                14
                                          Senior Citizen Commission        Senior Health Expo                 Building Board of Appeals            EDDDA/WDDDA Joint Board             Dearborn Symphony Orchestra      DPW YARD OPEN 8 am - 1 pm
                                          (DSC) 1 pm                       (The Center) 10 am                 (DAC) 5 pm                           Meeting (DAC) 8-9:30 am             Concert (The Center) 8 pm        Festival of Trees Gala
                                          Blockbuster Film Series          Demolition Board of Appeals        Snow Woods Neighborhood              Pension Board (DAC) 8:30 -11 am                                      (The Center)
                                          (HFCL) 7 pm                      (DAC) 6 pm                         Association Meeting                  Zoning Board of Appeals
                                                                           City Beautiful Commission          (Ten Eyck Adminstrative              (DAC) 5:30 pm
                                                                           (DAC) 6:30 pm                      Service Center) 7-8:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                   Dearborn Disability Commission
                                                                           Dearborn Recreation & Parks                                             (The Center) 6 pm
                                                                           Commission (The Center) 7 pm
                                                                           City Council Meeting
                                                                           (DAC) 7:30 pm

                            15                                    16                              17                                   18                                  19                                20                                21
Festival of Trees (The Center)            Festival of Trees (The Center)   Festival of Trees (The Center)     PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSED                TRASH PICK UP DELAYED               SERVICE THURSDAY                 SERVICE FRIDAY
                                          Blockbuster Film Series          Dearborn Historical Commission     FOR HOLIDAY                          ONE DAY REST OF WEEK                TRASH DISTRICT                   TRASH DISTRICT
                                          (HFCL) 7 pm                      (MRH) 6 pm                         Festival of Trees (The Center)       DAC, Courts, Libraries, DISC        DAC, Courts, Libraries Closed    #ShopSmall Week
                                                                           Dearborn Specials’ Pizza & Bingo                                        and The Center Closed               Annual Thanksgiving Hockey       East & West Downtown
                                                                           (The Center) 6:30-8:30 pm                                               Dearborn Hills Golf Course Closes   Tournament Begins (DISC)         Dearborn
                                                                                                                                                   For Season                          Festival of Trees (The Center)   Annual Thanksgiving Hockey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tournament (DISC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Festival of Trees (The Center)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Small Business Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        East & West Downtown

                            22                                    23                              24                                   25          THANKSGIVING            26                                27                                28
#ShopSmall Week                           LOOSE LEAF COLLECTION                                                      OCTOBER 2020                        DECEMBER 2020
East & West Downtown                      ENDS-MONDAY TRASH
Dearborn                                  DISTRICT
                                                                                                               S M       T   W     T    F      S     S M      T   W    T    F   S
Annual Thanksgiving Hockey                PUBLIC SCHOOLS REOPEN
Tournament (DISC)                         #ShopSmall Week                                                     					1                    2      3   			        1   2    3    4   5
Festival of Trees (The Center)            East & West Downtown
                                          Dearborn                                                             4    5    6    7    8    9 10         6   7    8   9 10 11 12
                                          Blockbuster Film Series                                              11 12 13 14 15 16 17                 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
                                          (HFCL) 7 pm
                                                                                                               18 19 20 21 22 23 24                 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

                                                                                                               25 26 27 28 29 30 31                 27 28 29 30 31

                            29                                    30
                                                                                                                                                                           All listings subject to change. Please check our website.
NOVEMBER 2020                                                                                                                                                                
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