Page created by Judith Cross
APRIL 2020

                                         S H O R E T H I N G:
                                         PA U L A I N S W O R T H ’ S
                                         PA D S T O W PA R A D I S E


           BABY BOOMERS

                  NEW REPORT
                  PUTS SCHOOL
5 023616 476309

                                 WHAT’S TRENDING IN THE
                                  DESSERTS CATEGORY
                                                                                                                                                        ZIN   E FO R C ATE 2020
                                                                                                                                           RO U P M AGA          JA N / FE B
                                                                                                                           NTRY    RANGE G
                                                                                                                 TH E CO U

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MARCH 2020

Polling                Station
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              C O E L I AC C R U

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 C E L E B R AT I N

Are we still creating a stir in your kitchen?

                                                                                                                                                                                    C E L E B R AT R Y                     O F S U S TA I N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ABL   E SEAFOOD
                                                                                                                                                                                             AND ALL
                                                                                                                                                                                     P L A N T- B

                                                                                                                                                                                        TH E G R E E
                                                                                                                                                                                         LI G HT F O

                                                                                                                                                                              good hydratio

                                                                                                                                                                                                         5 023616 476309
                                                                                              5 023616
We love to hear from you, our readers,    our Art of Plating feature, fronted

throughout the year but April is the      by talented chef Adam Reid – and
time when we ask you to complete          we’d love to know what you think
our reader survey, so that we can         of it, along with all of the many
check we’re still on track in providing   other features in the magazine.
you with the best possible content in
                                          We took on board many of your
the magazine.
                                          suggestions for topics you’d like                                       of readers spend
Stir it up is widely considered to be     to see covered in our Advice from                                      15 minutes or more
the best customer magazine in             the Experts, Melting Pot and Category
                                                                                                                reading the magazine
foodservice but we’re always looking      Focus features when creating our

for ways we can further improve in line   editorial calendar for the year – and
with changing demands and needs.          we welcome you to do the same again
                                          this year. Your thoughts and ideas
In last year’s poll, you gave us a big
                                          really do help shape the future of
thumbs-up for our newly introduced
                                          the magazine!
Green Gauge column and also asked
for further help and inspiration for      With this in mind, please could you                                   of those polled said
plating up dishes. In response, in        spare five minutes to fill out the                                     they loved our new
January of this year, we launched         attached questionnaire.                                               Green Gauge feature

                                                        All comple
                                                       questionn ted
                                                    will be en aires
                                                    a prize dra red into
                                                               w to win
                                                                                                                 said what they read

                                                       in Amazo
                                                                                                                    in the magazine
                                                                                                                influences their menu


                                                                                                                     of you don’t read
                                                                                                                    any other catering
st art e rs...                                                  THE COOKS
For                                                                  April
                                                                    1/ April Fool’s Day
                                                                    10/ Good Friday
                                                                    13/ Easter Monday
                                                                    21/ National Tea Day

                                                                    23/ St George’s Day
Life is sweet here at Stir it up HQ.
This issue we’re all about decadent desserts
                                                                    23 - 30/ Great British Beef Week
and sweet treats, with a three-page feature
all about maximising your dessert menu, plus
we’re celebrating the launch of six fabulous
new Country Range desserts and three
                                                                    27 - 3 May/ UK Coffee Week
premium cakes.
To help cater for people with dysphagia who
love a delicious sweet treat, check out the
texture-modified red cherry roulade created
by care chef Ian Clifton on page 31.                                 May
As more and more well-travelled Baby Boomers
                                                     Premium        1 - 31/ National Asparagus Month
                                                   your dess se
are moving into care homes, care caterers are
advised to review their menus and offer new
dishes in line with more sophisticated flavour
                                                            ert     8/ Early May Bank Holiday
profiles. Our Melting Pot (page 33) examines
                                                  adding on s by
this changing sector and provides a wealth of
suggestions and ideas to help.                             -trend   (Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales)
Pop-up restaurants continue to thrive and,
if it’s something you’re considering doing, our                     9 - 16/ National Doughnut Week
Advice from the Experts feature on page 43 is             
well worth a read.
For school caterers, we examine the Soil
Association’s State of the Nation report
                                                                    11 - 17/ Coeliac UK’s Awareness Week
and how it relates to school meals, with                  
recommendations on how to improve.
I hope you’ll agree, there’s
something for everyone! On the
                                                                    11 - 17/ National Vegetarian Week
subject of magazine content,

                                                                    17 - 23/ British Sandwich Week
please could I urge you to spare
five minutes to compete our
reader survey. Your thoughts,                             
suggestions, compliments and

                                                                    18 - 24/ Mental Health Awareness Week
criticisms are always very welcome.
Keep creating a stir!

                                                                    23 - 31/ English Wine Week
                            Janine Nelson

                                                                    25/ Spring Bank Holiday
                                                                    (Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales)

                                                                    28/ World Hunger Day

                          Eat theeason

                                                    10 N  ew Fr om
                                                         r y Ran ge
NEWS                              ADVICE                              INSPIRATION                      TRENDS
05                                17-19                               07                               05
Readers’ Lives                    Category Focus                      Eat the Season                   Plate Arrivals
                                  Sweet sensations - Luring diners    Watercress                       Kazakhstan
09                                to indulge in decadent desserts
Customer Profile                                                      15                               32-34
Oh boy! 30 years of service       25                                  The Art of Plating               Melting Pot
                                  Hospitality                         Forced Yorkshire rhubarb         New arrivals - Cooking for Baby
10-13                             Food fuels pub growth               with baked English custard       Boomers in care homes
New From Country Range
                                  29                                  31                               37
21                                Health & Welfare                    On the Range                     MCA
The Country Club                  Mouthing off about oral care        Red Cherry Roulade               Maximising food to go

23                                43                                  41                               39
Education                         Advice From the Experts             Five Ways to Use                 Dickson’s Diary
New report on school meals        Turning up the heat on              Sun Dried Tomatoes               Spring into action
                                  pop-up restaurants
48                                                                    46-47                            45
Food & Industry News              49                                  Leading Lights                   Raise the Bar
                                  Green Gauge                         Paul Ainsworth                   Corretto
52-53                             Blue Planet effect
The Marketplace                                                       55
                                                                      Food for Thought
                                                                      Inspirational Plates for
                                                                      April Menus

Contact us ...
  Editor                            Design & Print                    As part of our
                                                                                                   OUR EDITORIAL PARTNERS...

  Janine Nelson                     Eclipse Creative                  environmental
                                                                      policy this magazine         is printed using
  Writer                            Front Cover                       vegetable oil based
  Joanna Marshall                   Edalin Photography                ink and is produced
                                                                      to high environmental
  Subscriptions Telephone:                                            standards, including
  0845 209 3777                                                       EMAS, ISO14001 and                                         FSC® certification.                                          04
atego ry 17
                                                       Focus                 PLATE ARRIVALS
                                                                             Delivering on-trend dishes
                                                                             from around the globe

                                                                             Kazakhstan, the ‘land of the
                                                                             wanderers’, boasts dramatic
                                                                             landscapes, futuristic cities, a
                                                                             diverse cultural heritage and vast
                                                                             mineral resources.

                                                                             It’s no surprise then that the cuisine of this
                                                                             Asian nation, the largest landlocked country

   Li 46
                                                                             in the world, is unique and extraordinary.
                                                                             But it’s not the land for vegans, as meat and
                                                                             dairy feature highly on the menu. Here are
                                                                             some of its national treasures…

                                                                                AIRAN A drinkable yogurt prepared
                                                                                from fermented cow’s milk.

                                                                                BESHBARMAK Meaning ‘five fingers’,
                                                                                 is eaten by hand. Boiled horse or lamb
                                                                             is served with lasagne-like noodles in an
                                                                             onion gravy. Honoured guests receive
                                                                             a sheep’s head on the side.

         t 15
                                                                                CHECHIL Stringed cheese woven into a

 T he A r                                                                       figure of eight before being soaked in brine

        P lating                                                             to create a consistency similar to mozzarella.

     of                                                                      Sometimes smoked before eating.

                                                                               CHOOK-CHOOK A sticky treat for
                                                                               a sweet tooth. Bits of dough, fried and
                                                                             covered in a sugary glaze.

                                                                                KAZY Sausage made from horse rib

Readers' Lives
                                                                               meat stuffed inside the animal’s intestines
                                                                             which is then dried or smoked before
                                                                             being boiled.

                                                                                KUURDAK The national dish of ‘stewed
                                                                               brown meat’, made from the chopped
 1. NAME David Whiffen                 9. MUST-HAVE KITCHEN                  heart, liver and kidneys of cow, horse or
                                       ‘GADGET’                              sheep. Boiled in oil and served with onion
 2. JOB TITLE Executive chef           A happy team                          and pepper.
 3. PLACE OF WORK Neo                  10. TOP CULINARY TIP                     PELMENI Dumplings filled with minced
 Restaurant (Oceana Group),            Fresh is best!!                          meats, spices, onion and garlic which are
 Bournemouth                                                                 wrapped in thin, unleavened dough made
                                       11. WHO IS YOUR INSPIRATION           from flour and water, and sometimes egg.
 4. TYPICAL WORKING HOURS 50+          AND WHY? My dad. When I was five
                                       years old I saw a chef on the telly      PLOV Rice is cooked in a seasoned
                                       and said to my dad “That’s what I        broth after being sautéed lightly to give
                                       want to do when I am older!” and he   a golden colour. Cooked onion,
 45 years
                                       supported me throughout my career     vegetables and spices are added.
 6. MOST INTERESTING FACT              whilst he was alive
 ABOUT YOU I worked as executive                                                SHUBA SALAD Known as
                                       12. FAVOURITE COUNTRY RANGE              ‘herring in a fur coat’, it features layers
 chef for Royal Bank of Scotland
                                       PRODUCT AND WHY? The full             of pickled herring covered with grated
 which involved everything from
                                       range of the Country Range            boiled vegetables, chopped onions, apple
 a cup of coffee to a two Michelin
                                       Chocolate Drops                       and mayonnaise, swathed in a purple cloak
 star standard of food. This was for
                                       because of their                      of boiled beetroot.
 all of the executives in the whole
                                       quality and
 of the country
 7. FAVOURITE CUISINE                                                          Shuba Salad
 Fish, Mediterranean and light,
 ‘summer’ food                          Country Range
                                        70% Dark
 8. SIGNATURE DISH                      Chocolate Drops
 Seared scallops with honey roasted     Pack size: 2.5kg
 parsnip and black pudding


                         THE FUTURE IS


             NT-BAS          E   OF F              IN PRO
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                       S OU


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                                                                                                                                  EAT THE SEASON


              By George McIvor,
              chairman of The Master
              Chefs of Great Britain
              The Master Chefs of Great Britain
              was formed in 1980 to provide a

forum for the exchange of culinary ideas and
to further the profession through training and                     A CRACKING
the guidance of young chefs. In addition, the
association seeks to promote all that is best
about British cuisine and produce. We are                           For a healthy and
delighted to be working with Country Range             colourful treat, try this roasted
and providing information and recipes for their        red and yellow pepper and
Eat the Season feature.                                watercress frittata.

For more information on the association
and the competitions and training                                                                      SPICE IT UP
opportunities we provide contact                                                                        Create a delicious                                                                                    garnish for these
                                                                                           authentic lamb rolls with Bramley
                                                                                           apple ketchup and a spicy
                                                                                           watercress and lime dressing.

   By New Covent Garden Market, the UK’s
   leading wholesale fruit and vegetable
                                                      3/           CHILL OUT
                                                                    Heat things up
                                                                    with this spicy
                                                       chicken, watercress, avocado
   Properties: Watercress plants produce four          and chilli salad.
   small round green leaves. Their stems are
   hollow, allowing it to float in water where it

   grows. Part of the same family as broccoli
   and kale, it is a nutritional powerhouse with
   several health benefits.                                                                             DO THE
   Usage: The entire watercress plant is edible,
   and the leaves add a peppery flavour to                                                             Jazz up a traditional
   salads and sandwiches. Eaten raw, it tastes                                             roast rump and smoked rib of
   bright and fresh, however the flavour                                                   Scotch beef and Jersey Royals
   becomes less pungent when heated,
   allowing for a gentle kick to seep through
                                                                                           with some salsa verde made with
                                                                                           watercress and grated horseradish.    “Part of the

   into soups or sauces.
                                                                                                                                  same family
   Notes: For a less punchy flavour, use young                     PASTA
   leaves which contain less mustard oil and
   so have a milder taste, ideal for serving
                                                                   PERFECTION                                                     as broccoli
                                                                    This simple creamy
   alongside eggs.
                                                      watercress spaghetti is made                                                and kale, it is
   Health benefits: Gram per gram, watercress         by combining butter, watercress,
   contains more vitamin C than an orange and
   more calcium than milk. It is thought to help
                                                      white wine and cream, and topped
                                                      with grated cheese and
                                                                                                                                  a nutritional
   lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of
   cancer and slow skin ageing as well as
                                                      watercress garnish.                                                         powerhouse
   helping maintain a strong immune system.           Recipes supplied by: 1. Cooks & Co, 2. The University of West London
                                                      - 2018 winners of Zest Quest Asia, 3. Cooks & Co, 4. John McMahon of
                                                                                                                                  with several
                                                      Prestonfield House, 5. Pritchitts
                                                      Visit for full recipes.                  health benefits.”
Also In Season:

Jersey Royal               Radishes                 Plaice                   Rhubarb                Spring Onions               Lamb
Introducing Macphie’s
savoury sauce range

The UK meat-free market is
estimated to grow from £559million
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Are you ready for the demand?

 Plant-based White Sauce
 Plant-based Cheese Sauce
Incredibly versatile and ready to use,
this fantastic new range is tolerant to
additional flavours and inclusions that
allow you to deliver a variety of on-trend
recipe applications, inspiring customers
all year round.
Consistently good quality, with the
recognised mark of vegan certification.
Available in 12 x 1 litre packs.

  Get in touch now for your free sample
  and to find your nearest distributor at or 0800 085 9800                                     Serving Suggestion

for more inspiring recipe ideas visit
Macphie Ltd, Glenbervie, Stonehaven, AB39 3YG, Scotland                                                          MacphieUK | 0800 085 9800

                    Oh    boy!
                     30 years of service
                                        Morning break includes a freshly            Match teas are also hugely popular,         TOP THREE
                        JULIE           baked snack, such as a croissant            with the sports teams tucking in to         FAVOURITE MEALS
                     WINDEBANK          or crumpet, and lunch is taken              Country Range Traditional Cornish           AT MOULSFORD:
                                        by all staff and pupils and always          Pasties and Sausage Rolls after
                                        comprises a main cooked dish of             their games, whilst their parents           1. Chicken curry and rice
Everyone knows that little              the day, plus jacket potatoes, and          enjoy sandwiches and fresh cakes
                                                                                                                                2. Chicken fajitas
boys have a huge appetite               a ‘made from scratch’ soup. A               and scones.
                                        revamped and refreshed addition                                                         3. Chicken and chorizo paella
for life - and lunch, and                                                           Says Julie: “The size of the Country
                                        to the dining hall is a fantastic salad
Julie Windebank has made                                                            Range Traditional Cornish Pasties
                                        bar laden with a wide range of cold
it her life’s work to satisfy                                                       is perfect and they have a great            Above (main)
                                        meats and fish, pulses and salads.
their hunger.                                                                       flavour. They’re so handy and the           Pupils at Moulsford Preparatory
                                        “It’s served ambient on a tabletop          boys really enjoy them.”                    School being served their lunch
This month, the catering manager
                                        so the boys can see all around it
at the all-boys Moulsford Preparatory                                               To minimise food waste, the school          Below left and right
                                        and help themselves,” explains
School in Moulsford-on-Thames,                                                      runs an innovative weighing                 Dan and Julie
                                        Julie. “It has been a great success.
Oxfordshire, notches up an                                                          scheme. “We weigh their food                Pupils at Moulsford Preparatory
                                        They never go hungry!”
impressive 30 years’ service, making                                                waste every day and, if they get            School enjoying their lunch
her the longest-serving member of       Fussy eaters are well accommodated          under a certain amount each week,
the school staff.                       and Julie regularly witnesses               they get a treat,” explains Julie. “It’s
                                        improved eating habits as the               a great incentive for the boys to try
“I started off as an evening cleaner
                                        children experiment and try new             and eat everything on their plate.”
and worked my way through the
                                        things. However, not all requests
ranks,” explains Julie. “I’ve learned
                                        can be fulfilled.
on the job and, when my manager
left 12 years ago, I took on the        “One boy asked for caviar and
position. Julie’s son Daniel also       another for lobster but we don’t
works in the kitchen as a chef          quite go that far!” laughs Julie.
with her.
                                        Themed days are a big hit with
“I love my job. The school is in        the youngsters, the most recent
a beautiful location right by the       being World Book Day last month,
River Thames and it is such a           which saw the dining hall
lovely school.”                         transformed for a Mad Hatters
                                        Tea Party.
In that time, Julie has seen the
school grow from 127 boys, aged         The warmer summer months also                                                               The pupils
between four and 13, to 360. The        offer the opportunity for outside                                                        munch their way
school has day pupils and also          dining. “We have a hog roast                                                             through 21kg of
offers part-boarding, Monday to         machine, barbecues and an                                                              Country Range Pasta
Thursday, so Julie and her team         outdoor paella pan. One pre-prep                                                        and 9kg of Country
are required to prepare three meals     child thought we were cooking a                                                            Range Rice
per day.                                lion on the hog roast machine!”                                                             per week!


    Chocolate Cherry
      Ombré Cake

           - MCA MENU & FOOD TRENDS REPORT 2019                            10

   Premium Irish
    Cream Cake

                              Slice of heaven
                              When it comes to premium cakes, the new Country
                              Range launches are real showstoppers.
                              The team at Country Range closely monitor the latest food
                              trends and have created these three stunningly beautiful
                              cakes, which are perfect for spring/summer 2020.
                              Not only are they Insta-worthy, they also taste amazing too!

                              NEW COUNTRY RANGE PREMIUM BLACK
                              VELVET CHARCOAL CAKE
                              A gorgeous black velvet cake featuring triple layers of
                              chocolate sponge baked with charcoal powder and black
                              cocoa powder and filled with pink raspberry buttercream.
                              Handmade and gorgeously finished with a black chocolate
                              and charcoal buttercream and pink sugar sprinkles.
                              • Pack size: 1 x 14 Pre-portioned

                              TOP TIP...
                              The Black Velvet Charcoal Cake
                              provides a fabulous blank canvas
                              for chefs to make their mark and
                              add their own toppings.
                              • The rich red of raspberries
                              provides a beautiful contrast to
                              the cakes dark hues along with
                              lashings of milk chocolate drizzle
                              • For a fun, retro vibe, top with
                              licorice allsorts

                              NEW COUNTRY RANGE
                              PREMIUM CHOCOLATE CHERRY
                              OMBRÉ CAKE
                              A gorgeous ombré cake, handmade with layers of purple
                              vanilla and chocolate sponge and filled with a tangy
                              cherry sauce. Baked with a natural cherry flavouring and
                              swirls of cherry pieces, then lightly coated in a delicious
                              buttercream and finished with Belgian chocolate curls and
                              purple sponge crumbs.
                              • Pack size: 1 x 14 Pre-portioned

                              NEW COUNTRY RANGE PREMIUM IRISH WHISKEY
                              CREAM CAKE
  Premium Black               A luxurious coffee sponge cake filled and topped with Irish
                              whiskey buttercream. Gorgeously handmade and finished
Velvet Charcoal Cake          with marbled chocolate shards and sparkling gold glitter.
                              • Pack size: 1 x 14 Pre-portioned

                                                                     The desserts category is constantly evolving and it’s
                                                                     vital that operators keep up to speed with current
                                                                     flavour trends.

                                                                     These latest additions to Country Range are all
                                                                     frozen for convenience, portion control and ultimate

                                                                     NEW COUNTRY RANGE PREMIUM INDIVIDUAL
                                                                     CHOCOLATE & AMARETTO SEMIFREDDO
                                                                     A light, freezer-to-table chocolate dessert made with
                                                                     Belgian chocolate and Amaretto mousses and an
                                                                     Amaretto soft centre. Beautifully decorated with malted
                                                                     chocolate balls and chocolate shavings.
                                                                     • Pack size: 12 Individual portions

                                                                     NEW COUNTRY RANGE PREMIUM WHITE
                                                                     CHOCOLATE & SUMMER PUNCH BRÛLÉE TART
                                          Premium Individual         A fruity crème brûlée tart made with summer punch-
                                                                     infused strawberry compote, cream, white chocolate
                                             Chocolate &             and a mix of fruit pieces including peaches, raspberries
                                                                     and blackcurrants, deliciously finished with a
                                          Amaretto Semifreddo        caramelised sugar topping.
                                                                     • Pack size: 1 x 14 Pre-portioned

                                                                     NEW COUNTRY RANGE KNICKERBOCKER
                                                                     GLORY GATEAU
                                                                     A delicious peach and raspberry clotted cream
                                                                     mousse packed with cubes of light Madeira sponge
                                                                     and pockets of raspberry sauce on a delicately spiced
 FOR THE TRADITIONAL AFTER MAIN COURSE OCCASION, EMPHASISING         ginger biscuit crumb base, decorated with a strawberry
  THE NEED FOR CONTINUING INNOVATION. TRADITIONAL DESSERTS           flavoured cream, white chocolate strands and a
                                                                     sprinkling of ginger crumb.
                                                                     • Pack size: 1 x 14 Pre-portioned
                                                                     NEW COUNTRY RANGE PASSION FRUIT
                                                                     GLAZED TORTE
                  STANDOUT AND ADDED VALUE.”                         A baked passion fruit and crème patisserie on a
        - RICHARD CAINES, MINTEL SENIOR FOOD AND DRINK ANALYST,      crunchy biscuit base, finished with a tangy passion
                     UK DESSERTS MARKET REPORT 2019                  fruit glaze.
                                                                     • Pack size: 1 x 14 Pre-portioned

           i t e Ch ocolate t
      m Wh            lée Tar
Premiu r Punch Brû
                                       Glory Gateau                                     12

Fabulously Free From                                                                  Gluten Free Kir
                                                                                    Royale Cheesecake
With 1% of the population diagnosed with coeliac
disease, and many more people choosing to follow
gluten free diets for lifestyle reasons, it’s important
to cater for them on your desserts menu.

Similarly, interest in veganism increased seven fold
between 2014 and 2019, and last year the total
number of vegans in the UK was 600,000. Nearly
half of Irish people in a recent poll by Wellwoman
Vegan said they are ready to adopt a vegan diet for
environmental and ethical reasons.
An indulgent blackcurrant cheesecake rippled with a
tangy blackcurrant compote on a crisp biscuit base,
topped with a layer of prosecco cheesecake with
chocolate coated popping candy and finished with a
Crème de Cassis jelly.
• Pack size: 1 x 14 Pre-portioned

GLUTEN FREE MANGO & COCONUT                                 THERE WERE 70 MILLION
SLICE                                                     SERVINGS OF CHEESECAKE
A lightly spiced ginger biscuit base topped                IN FOODSERVICE IN 2018 –
with refreshing mango and coconut mousse,
                                                          UP 13.7% ON THE PREVIOUS
finished with a mango glaze and sprinkled
with coconut flakes.                                          YEAR (NPD CREST/AHDB)
• Pack size: 1 x 24 Pre-portioned
                                                                                              Vegan &
                                                                                             Mango Gluten Free
                                                                                                    & Coco
                                                                                                          nut Slic
            Passion Fruit
            Glazed Torte
                                                             Where would our dessert trolley be
                                                             without the discovery of vanilla? These
                                                             strange-looking pods contribute heavily to the
                                                             creation of many of our favourite puddings.

                                                             NEW COUNTRY RANGE
                                                             MADAGASCAN VANILLA PODS
                                                             These premium grade Madagascan
                                                             bourbon vanilla pods are
                                                                                                          TIP.. lla
                                                             approximately 15cm in length.
                                                             They are plump, moist and               TO P        i
                                                             sweet and have a slightly                     r van
                                                                                                            you               ap l e
                                                                                                    Use infuse moured
                                                             smoky aroma and taste                        t o            la v             r
                                                             - perfect for use in ice            pods , make f ling ove r
                                                                                                   y r u p         p r i n k        a v o u
                                                                                                 s              s               f l
                                                             cream, custard and                          r fo r          s , to          s,
                                                             luxury desserts.                    suga brownie na cot ta or
                                                                                                  r a w ’           p a  n        r t s -
                                                                                                 ‘           es ,             se
                                                             • Pack size: 24 pods                    f u d g a n d d e s w n re a l
                                                                                                           e s               o
                                                                                                     ca ke you ream or
                                                                                                         k                 r
                                                                                                          ma la ice c
                                                                                                           v a n i cu s t a r d

Your Easter roasts deserve

  2.25L                                                        Gluten
 Mustard                                                        Free

                              Also suitable for vegan roasts
*Aggregated UK wholesaler sales value, YTD Oct 2019
T he art
                                                                                                                                         THE ART OF PLATING

 of plating                                                                                                                        2

 FORCED YORKSHIRE                                                                                                                                           3
RHUBARB WITH BAKED                                                                                                       5
         BY ADAM REID                                                                                                                     6


                     Adam Reid is the acclaimed chef-patron
                     of The French in the historic Midland
                     Hotel in Manchester. Adam is no stranger
to cooking beautifully presented plates of food. He cooked
the main course for the Great British Menu 2019 banquet with
his winning dish ‘Comfort Food Sounds Good’. His dessert
‘Golden Empire’, also made it through to the Great British
Menu banquet in 2016.

This is a seasonal dish and a            The dish is finished with some
classic flavour combination.             grated mint butter, which goes
Anybody who has grown up in              really well with the rich custard
England will know rhubarb and            and tart rhubarb. It’s made by
custard. I’ve taken a traditional dish   adding blanched mint leaves to
and refined and enhanced it. The
custard is baked in a tray and left
                                         butter, which is then rolled into a
                                         log and frozen.
                                                                                     are quite flat so this
                                                                                     plate raises them up so that
                                                                                                                               4   Rhubarb
to set so that it can be served cold.                                                                                         Next, two sticks of rhubarb
                                                                                     they have more impact, which is
                                                                                                                              are placed side by side on
It’s then cut into discs and topped
with a crispy puff pastry biscuit,
                                          1   Plate selection                        important towards the end of the
                                                                                     meal (start low and small then build
                                                                                                                              top of the biscuit for texture and
which balances the whole dish out.       The dish I’ve chosen to serve this                                                   contrast in colour. The rhubarb is
                                                                                     up with each course). The dish is
The biscuit is rolled super-fine with    is like a big white pebble or raised                                                 in its pure form and there are no
                                                                                     presented on a black liner which
icing sugar so that it caramelises       upturned fruit bowl. It’s slightly                                                   artificial colours.
                                                                                     contrasts with the white plate and,
and is extra crispy. The rhubarb is      concave in the centre which allows          again, provides more impact.
                                         the custard to sit perfectly in the
poached in sticks and also made
into a sorbet.                           middle. The elements of this dish
                                                                                                                               5   Sorbet
                                                                                      2    Custard                            A quenelle of rhubarb sorbet tops
                                                                                     Once the baked custard is set and        the sticks of rhubarb. The sorbet
                                                                                     cold, we use we cut out a disc (rather   is lighter in colour so it softens the
                                                                                     than use individual moulds) and          look of the overall dish.
                                                                                     place it in the centre of the plate.
                                                                                                                               6   Garnish
                                                                                      3    Biscuit                            The dish is finished with some
                                                                                     The biscuit is placed on top of          grated mint butter, which adds
                                                                                     the custard and is over-sized for        colour and a subtle hint of flavour.
                                                                                     impact – it looks like it is floating    This way, you get hints of flavour
                                                                                     and the custard is ‘hidden’              rather than a big lump so it’s not
                                                                                     beneath. The shape is uneven so          too overpowering and it literally
                                                                                     that it looks ‘rustic’.                  melts on the tongue.

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        S w e
    sensationse t
              INDULGE IN

According to thefoodpeople’s
latest ‘Desserts’ report, “deliciously
indulgent desserts continue to hold
mouthwatering appeal despite
concerns around too much sugar
hitting the headlines”.
However, consumers’ wants and desires are
changing when it comes to sweet treats, so
how can caterers persuade them to plump for
a pud?

Classic and retro puddings, such as meringue
and cheesecake, continue to dominate, with
many familiar favourites being deconstructed
and re-imagined.
“Childhood favourites and classic

                                                      Apple, fig & custard,
combinations with a modern twist is the key
to striking just the right balance on a menu,

                                                   wine-poached pear & nut and
advises Robert Whittle, managing director at
Pidy UK. “For example a lemon tart is timeless
but it’s all about elevating this classic format
to give it the wow factor. Why not upgrade the
                                                   caramel chocolate tartlettes
traditional zesty lemon tart and add the feisty
flavour of gin?”
Rhubarb and custard is a key flavour
combination for this year, and it’s cropping up
in a range of formats from soufflés to éclairs.
Similarly, reinvented versions of Black Forest
gateau, carrot cake, panna cotta and Eton
Mess are proving a big hit, whilst 90s-inspired
rice pudding, artic roll and upsidedown cake
are getting a makeover. Boozy desserts such
as 70s inspired red wine poached pears are                                                 L IS  BEAU
                                                                                      15% O             TIFUL
also making a comeback.                                                             WHO W F CONSUM
                                                                                           OULD         ER
As well as enjoying the limelight in the profit                                      ORD         N’T US S
                                                                                  MORE ER A DESSE UALLY
sector, desserts from ‘yesteryear’ also evoke                                          LIKELY        RT AR
                                                                                   THERE      TO PU        E
nostalgia for people living in care homes. This                                                     RCH
                                                                                  BUY A IS AN OPTIO ASE IF
can be particularly rewarding for people living                                         MINI D        N TO
                                                                                       A HOT SSERT WITH
with dementia.                                                                                DRINK


  Trend alert                                     ROLL WITH IT
                                                  Roulades are also back in fashion, says
                                                  Gordon Lauder, MD of frozen food distributor
          As desserts become an event in          Central Foods.
      their own right, thefoodpeople have         “Sales of our top three Menuserve meringue
         identified the following trends for      roulades soared by more than 23% in 2019
                                   2020/21:       versus 2018,” he continues. “Raspberry and
                                                  white chocolate seems to be the nation’s
       • FAIRYTALE FOREST GREENERY                favourite. It’s a classic combination and one that
         AND FAUNA are trending on our            we now offer in individual portions –
            plates which is translating into      perfect for banqueting or when tight cost
         desserts with escapist enchanted         controls are in force.”
         wood inspired puddings adorned
                          with edible flora
                                                          “MANY OPERATORS STILL CONSIDER                                                 Dysphagia Passion
                                                      DESSERTS AS AN AFTER-THOUGHT. HOWEVER,                                                  Fruit Pavlova
                                                       WHEN DONE WELL A DESSERT CAN TRULY
           dessert fashioned to look like a
                                                       ROUND OFF A CONSUMER’S EXPERIENCE.”
         realistic version of (usually) a fruit           - Vincenzo Mangano, sales director Gourmet at
                                                                      Callebaut UK & Ireland                           been incorporated into all kinds of
        • WOOD FIRE BAKED DESSERTS                                                                                     treats such as macarons and tarts
               Fire and flame are the next                                                                because it adds an intriguing flavour as well
      innovations for puddings. Think fire-       UNFAMILIAR FLAVOURS                                     as a fantastic vibrancy. There are a whole host
      baked cheesecakes and grilled fruit         “Savoury flavours are coming into the                   of exotic flavours like yuzu, miso and black
                                                  category in a big way bringing a different              sesame that are traditionally used in Japanese
          • WELLNESS HEALTH-GIVING                kind of sweet,” according to thefoodpeople’s            and Chinese culture and are set to become
       INGREDIENTS such as nuts, grains           Desserts report.                                        even more popular.”
              and seeds add a wellness
                                                  Vegetables are also appearing on desserts
             halo as well as some added                                                                   HEALTHIER OPTIONS
                                                  menus – think beetroot meringue and
                      crunch to desserts                                                                  55% of consumers say they would be more
                                                  carrot sorbet!
                                                                                                          likely to choose a dessert if calorie information
                                                  Floral flavours such as rose, chamomile and             was available and lower sugar options are of
                                                  lavender are growing in popularity too, and             interest for a third (35%) of dessert consumers
                                                  herbs such as rosemary, thyme and lemon                 (Callebaut Desserts Report).
                                                  verbena, are being used to infuse creams, ice
                                                                                                          Fruit-based desserts tick the healthier option box
                                                  cream and sorbets.
                                                                                                          and puddings overloaded with fresh fruit make a
                                                  The techniques of smoking, fermenting and               regular appearance on Instagram feeds.
                                                  pickling are creeping onto desserts menus
                                                                                                          Kiwi with its vibrant colour is currently on
                                                  too, whilst matcha, ginger and turmeric with
                                                                                                          trend, being added to tarts, pies, panna cotta
                                                  their accompanying health claims are taking
                                                                                                          and compotes.
                                                  puddings in a new direction.
                                                                                                          Sarah Lesser-Moor, brand manager for Lion
                                                  Robert Whittle explains: “Although matcha
                                                                                                          sauces at AAK Foodservice, comments: “For a
                                                  has in fact been around for an incredible 800
                                                                                                          winning combination of health and indulgence,
                                                  years, it’s been impossible to ignore the trend
                                                                                                          it’s all about the compotes.
                                                  that’s hit our Instagram feeds. Matcha has
                                                                                                          "Crammed with real fruit, new Lion compotes
                                                                                                          are perfect for turning even the most basic
                                                                                                          pudding into a treat. Spoon peach and maple
                                                         Lemon pie eclairs                                compote on to pancakes with crispy bacon for a
                                                                                                          savoury sensation, or layer red berry compote
                                                       with purple crumble,                               with ice cream and serve on hot waffles.”

                                                           citrus ganache,
                                                                                                          The School Food Standards have strict
                                                                                                          guidelines governing the amount of sugar
                                                       meringue and edible                                allowed in school meals with a complete ban
                                                                                                          on confectionery. However, this doesn’t mean
                                                                   flowers                                tasty sweet treats are off the menu.
                                                                                                          Fruit-based desserts such as jelly, fruit
                                                                                                          compote, crumbles, and sponge puddings, are
                                                                                                          a great option, and schools should be offering
                                                                                                          fruit-based desserts containing at least 50%
                                                                                                          fruit two or more times a week.
                                                                                                          for recipe inspiration.

                                                                                                          A-PEELING IDEAS
                                                                                                          “Fruity flavours work well in desserts but try
                                                                                                          ringing the changes with more unusual fruit
                                                                                                          flavours, like lemon-yuzu,” suggests Marie-
                                                                                                          Emmanuelle Chessé, international development
                                                                                                          project manager at Tipiak, which supplies frozen,
                                                                                                          authentic French pâtisserie to the hospitality                                                   18
sector. “With last year’s rugby world cup and
the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, interest in Japan
and Japanese cuisine is growing and yuzu is

now a popular citrus choice when it comes
to flavouring.

                                                                                                      IN ho
“It’s one of the flavours in the new Tipiak
range of gluten-free Pop Macarons Fruits,
along with blackcurrant, morello cherry, coconut,
passionfruit and apricot. Macarons are a darling
of social media, with more than five million
photos posted on Instagram alone. This has                                               Delving deeper
helped introduce a whole new generation to
these authentic delights, and Brits have really                                            into your
been bitten by the macaron bug now.
“So versatile, macarons can be used as                                                    social media
decorations, toppings and inclusions for                Matcha cheesecake                How much do you know about the consumers
other desserts or freakshakes, or                                                           you are trying to attract when you are
even be served pick ‘n’ mix                                                              promoting your business online? Social media
style, popped in a                                                                         has never been so important but with so
bag or box and                                                                            many channels to choose from which should
sold as a takeaway                                                                        you be using to get your content noticed?
sweet treat.”
                                                                                            Premier Foods has been working on an
                                                                                         inspiring piece of research exploring how both
VEGAN                                                                                     chefs and consumers are using the different
OFFERINGS                                                                                social networks to help hospitality businesses
3% of consumers                                                                            drive sales. Here’s a taster of the findings:
identify as vegan
and, whilst this is only
a small proportion of                                                                    When looking for somewhere to eat out the
the population, there is                                                                 channels which consumers are using most are
wider consumer interest in
these options when dining out
of home.
According to the Callebaut Dessert
report 2020, 15% of today’s consumers say
they would be more likely to order a dessert
that is vegan and 69% of consumers would be
neither more or less likely to order a dessert                                           Facebook         TripAdvisor       Instagram
if it was vegan, proving that these options can
appeal to the majority of diners and mean
that caterers can suit many requirements with                                              When looking for healthy eating advice
one dish. Anna Sentance, gourmet marketing           • THREE IN FIVE WOMEN AND
manager, Callebaut UK and Ireland, comments:        HALF OF MEN ORDER DESSERTS
”Veganism remains an important consideration              WHEN EATING OUT
for caterers and continues to influence
                                                    • 40% OF CONSUMERS WHO               came out as the top social channel to visit.
consumer dining habits. With more than two
                                                    EAT OUT EVERY DAY WILL BUY A
fifths of consumers purchasing a dessert, cake
                                                      DESSERT, CAKE OR PASTRY
or pastry when eating out, to maximise sales
                                                               (CGA FOOD INSIGHTS)
opportunities and satisfy consumers, dessert
menus also need to include vegan options.”

                                                    Motivating factors
                                                      when ordering
                                                                                          of consumers have cooked
The ice cream category has been innovating                                                a dish at home which they

                                                         a dessert:
to keep up with the trend for sophisticated                                               have seen on social media.
flavour profiles.
Christina Veal, director at New Forest Ice          • 48% MADE WITH PREMIUM              You can get more insight like this by following
Cream, advises: “As well as updating                             INGREDIENTS                   @PremierFoods_FS on Twitter and
                                                                                            Instagram and like
desserts to suit the seasons, offering high
quality, innovative new ice cream flavours to
                                                    •   39% MADE WITH SEASONAL                     premierfoodsfoodservice.
complement desserts will ensure the dish                                                    You can also follow #PremierSocialChef
delivers on every level. Whether served as               •35% LOW IN SUGAR                  for the latest updates on this research.
the perfect accompaniment, a delicate palate        •   35% MADE WITH ETHICALLY
cleaner, or as a refreshingly light dessert in               SOURCED FAIRTRADE
its own right, using a quality manufacturer                     INGREDIENTS
and including the latest trends, flavours and       •   34% AVAILABLE IN SHARED
serving ideas is key.
New Forest Ice Cream’s newest launches are                   (THE DESSERT REPORT 2020,
Honey & Fig ice cream and Candy Floss ice                           CALLEBAUT)
cream, which contains strawberry sugar
crunch pieces.
T he Country Club
                                                                                                                                        THE COUNTRY CLUB

                                      EXCLUSIVELY FOR CUSTOMERS OF THE COUNTRY RANGE GROUP

                                                                                                                  W iserIN
                                                                                                                      Cr u
IN A SPIN                                                                                                     Cr ley etooth
                                      simply to provide some                The power of music is               o s
                                                                                                               Mint B Player
                                      background music in your dining       a key tool in helping
                                      room, these stylish turntables are    evoke memories of the              Record
 With a big focus on care
                                      bluetooth-compatible, portable        past, particularly amongst
 homes in this issue of Stir
                                      and vintage-inspired. They are        people living with dementia.
 it up, we’re hoping to hit
                                      housed in a tourmaline faux
 the right note with this             leather briefcase.
                                                                          Two lucky readers will each
 fantastic prize.                                                         win a Crosley Cruiser. To enter,
                                      Each record player has built-in     send an email titled ‘Crosley
 We’re giving away two fantastic
                                      stereo speakers and a belt-driven   Cruiser’, along with your name,
 Crosley Cruiser Mint Bluetooth
                                      turntable mechanism so that you can contact details and the name
 Record Players worth £89 each to
                                      spin your own tunes. Alternatively, of your Country Range
 help keep residents entertained.
                                      bluetooth technology allows you to Group wholesaler,
 Perfect for providing the tunes at   stream music wirelessly from any    to competitions@
 your themed care home event or       handheld device.          

                                 Keep it simple                             daals, pickles and chutneys,
                                                                            to delicious desserts.

                                                                            With a spice box of just 10 favourite
                                                                                                                         with couscous and spinach and
                                                                                                                         garlic, and Parsee fudge cake are
                                                                                                                         just some of the treats on offer.

                                      TV chef Cyrus Todiwala                readily available spices, Cyrus              We’ve got two copies of the book
                                      shares his favourite                  shows how to whip up simple                  to give away. For your chance to
                                      vegetarian and vegan recipes          dishes that have an astonishing              win, send an email titled ‘Simple
                                      in his latest cookbook.               depth of flavour.                            Spice Vegetarian’, along with your
                                      Released last month, ‘Simple Spice    Spiced aubergine and tomato                  name, contact details and the name
                                      Vegetarian’ (£20, Mitchell Beazley)   frittata; sweetcorn, celery and              of your Country Range Group
                                      is packed with easy, full-flavoured   coconut chowder with almonds,                wholesaler, to competitions@
   WIN                                 recipes for everything from          baked Tandoori-style cauliflower   
Simple Spice                           breakfast and brunch to simple
 Vegetarian                            suppers, from warming soups          Closing date for all competitions: 30 April 2020. All winners will be notified by 31 May
 Cookbook                               to veg-packed curries and           2020. Postal entries for all of the competitions can be sent to: Country Range Group,
                                                                            PO Box 508, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 9EH. Full terms and conditions can be found at:

                                                                       Vegan Croissant
                                                                          Try Délifrance new vegan croissant, a great tasting
                                                                     classic croissant made using vegan-friendly ingredients

                                                                                       18972        Vegan Croissant                       60g 56 Units/Box


New report
on school meals
The Government is turning             trading down from British food to            food quality, driven by inadequate
                                                                                                                           1. INTRODUCE A ‘PLANT
a blind eye to unhealthy              lower quality imported ingredients.          funding and lax Government policy.          PROTEIN DAY’ IN SCHOOLS
school meals, according               Some caterers are knowingly not              “While many schools and caterers       – use the update of the School
to a new report from the              complying with the Government’s              are working tirelessly to serve        Food Standards to encourage
Soil Association.                     School Food Standards in order to            high-quality meals, they are facing    ‘less and better’ meat and ‘more
                                      make cost savings.                           a cocktail of pressures. Rather than   and better’ plants. Serving
The annual State of the Nation                                                                                            plant-based proteins one day a
                                                                                   investing in school meals and
report into children’s food in        The report estimates that at least                                                  week, will help to afford to serve
                                                                                   supporting schools and caterers to
England includes the findings of an   60% of secondary schools are                                                        more sustainable, British meat on
                                                                                   meet standards, the Government is
18-month investigation into school    failing to meet legal standards, with                                               their menus
                                                                                   turning a blind eye to illegal and
meals which brings together the       many offering meals lacking in veg,
                                                                                   unethical practices instead.”               INTRODUCE AN AMBITIOUS
views of caterers, school meal        oversized sugary puddings and                                                       2.
                                      unhealthy snacks.                            Karen Crane, school meals lead              TARGET FOR ORGANIC IN
providers and headteachers.
                                                                                   at Food for Life Gold school           PUBLIC PROCUREMENT –
The 30+ interviews revealed that      Rob Percival, Soil Association head                                                 following the example of Denmark,
                                                                                   Brownsover Community Infant
caterers are struggling with cost     of food policy, said: “Children                                                     where 60% of the food served in
                                                                                   School in Warwickshire, said: “High
pressures that are affecting food     across England are being conned                                                     public settings is organic
                                                                                   food standards show the difference
quality in UK schools, with many      out of a healthy and high-quality
                                                                                   a good nutritious school dinner
                                      school meal and the Government is                                                   3. SUPPORT SCHOOLS TO
                                                                                   can make to our pupils. Since we             COMPLY WITH THE SCHOOL
                                      to blame. Our investigation revealed
                    rt                                                             became a Food for Life Gold school,    FOOD STANDARDS – including
              repo                    a concerning picture of declining
       The tes that                                                                we have noticed the difference         by supporting school governors to
              a           f                                                        in the afternoon learning of the
      estim st 60% o ols                                                           children. School dinners need
                                                                                                                          fulfil their statutory duty to gather
             a           o
      at le ary sch et                                                             the continued support of the
                                                                                                                          evidence of compliance with legal
           nd           me                                                                                                school food standards
     seco ailing to rds                                                            Government to safeguard all our
      are  f           da
               l stan                                                              children’s futures - ensuring all           PROPERLY FUND FREE
         lega                                                                      schools are compliant with the legal        SCHOOL MEALS – including
                                                                                   standards is a vital part of this!”    by raising the funding allowance in
                                                                                                                          line with inflation
                                                                                   The Soil Association’s report
                                                                                   includes five recommendations for           EXTEND THE ‘SUGAR TAX’
                                                                                   Government action and investment.          TO ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS
                                                                                   The recommendations aim to tackle      – and require Public Health
                                                                                   the inter-related crises of climate,   England to monitor and
                                                                                   nature and health, highlighting the    mitigate increased sweetener
                                                                                   value of real, fresh food, which       consumption resulting from
                                                                                   is often overlooked in the hype        reformulation programmes
                                                                                   around obesity and calories.


 o o d f u e l s
F b growth
The number of pubs                   are on the increase and latest
                                     data available shows turnover
                                                                          alcohol; they are also social
                                                                          places where they can meet
                                                                                                               FIVE TOP TIPS TO
                                                                                                                IMPROVE YOUR
                                                                                                                 FOOD OFFER:
is slowly on the rise,                                                                                                   1.
and it’s their food rather           at its highest level since the       their friends to enjoy the things
than drink that’s leading            financial crisis ended. So what’s    that matter to them.”                KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST
the way.                             leading to these improvements?                                            CULINARY TRENDS - RIGHT
                                                                          Some are taking this ‘customer
                                     Well, ONS figures show that          experience’ up a gear, with          NOW THAT’S VEGETARIAN
We’re on a new round in the pub                                                                                  AND VEGAN OPTIONS
and bar sector. Over the past        growth in employment has been        pubs even becoming refuelling
decade the number of pubs had        driven by customers eating,          stations for electric vehicles.
                                     rather than drinking. The share      Marston’s were first to announce               2.
been dropping, however figures
recently released by the Office      of pub employees working as          installation of 400 charging         FOLLOW THE SEASONS -
for National Statistics (ONS)        bar staff decreased to 28.9% in      points across 200 sites.              THE QUALITY OF YOUR
show a small rise in the number      2019, while the percentage                                                MENU WILL BENEFIT AND
                                                                          Matt Preisinger, head of
of pubs of all sizes in the last     employed as kitchen and                                                     CUSTOMERS WON’T
                                                                          marketing for Brewhouse &
year. The rate of growth is small    waiting staff increased to 43.8%.                                               GET BORED
                                                                          Kitchen, agrees innovation
(0.8% between 2018 and 2019),        This is thought to be due to a
                                                                          within the sector is fuelling
however this modest                  change in consumer habits,
                                                                          a renaissance.                                 3.
improvement indicates a              with people now spending more
significant shift in the market.     on eating out and less on            “The British relationship with the   EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY -
                                     drinking out.                        pub is one of this country’s great   MOBILE EPOS (ELECTRONIC
Previously the ONS reported                                               traditions, and it has been             POINT OF SALE) WILL
that decline in the sector was       Many suggest that the key to
                                                                          incredibly sad to see so many          INCREASE SALES AND
driven by small pubs closing,        sustaining growth also lies in the
                                                                          sites having to close their doors        IMPROVE SERVICE
while the number of medium           ‘customer experience’. Robert
                                                                          for the last time. Now however,
and large-sized pubs was             Rawlinson, CEO of live sport
                                                                          there is light at the end of the               4.
actually growing. But, the recent    streaming service Screach,
                                                                          tunnel, and the British pub is
study shows that, for the first      comments: “The challenge for                                              KNOW YOUR CLIENTELE
                                                                          roaring yet again.”
time in 15 years, the number of      the industry now is to show its                                              - THIS MAY DIFFER
small pubs has increased.            relevance to a wide and diverse      He added: “On-site brewing           ACCORDING TO THE TIME
                                     range of customer types,             keeps flavours within pubs fresh      OF DAY AND/OR DAY OF
And, there are other reasons for     reminding them that pubs are         and customers coming back for               THE WEEK
spirits to lift. Employment levels   about more than just drinking        more. The rise of craft ale in
                                                                          particular is really appealing to              5.
“T he British relationship with the pub                                   those who seek innovative
                                                                          flavours, and the extraordinary         THINK BEYOND THE
                                                                                                                 PLATE - MATCH GOOD
is one of this country’s great traditions.”                               rise in regional micro-breweries
                                                                          is testament to this.”               FOOD WITH GOOD SERVICE

Care Caterer Of The Year

                               THE WI       ES
                                    R RECEIV


                             VOUCH        EIR
                                   FOR TH
                                    ARE HOME
       Register your interest at
                                   LIVE FINAL and an entry pack
       will be sent to you.        8th September 2020,
                                   Premier Foods Head Office
       Create a main dish which    Completed entry forms will need to be sent via email to:
       includes a Bisto product
                          or by post to
       and a dessert dish which

                                   Sarah Robb, Premier Foods, Premier House,
       includes a Country Range
       dessert product. Total      Griffiths Way St Albans, Herts AL1 2RE
       budget for the main
                                   Closing date for all entries is:
       and dessert should not
       exceed £2.25.2              5pm on 31st July 2020
                                   The four finalists will be notified by:
       Complete an entry form
       and submit your recipes     Friday 7th August 2020

Step   including pictures of
       both your main course
       and dessert by 31st July
                                       Winning Chef wins £1000 vouchers
                                       for their care home
       2020 to Sarah.Robb@         2
                                       Premier Foods and Country Range             product list eligible for the competition
                                       included in Full Terms and Conditions

                                          To find out how to enter and for full T&C’s,


                                   Terms and conditions:
                                   Open to professional caterers aged 18+ who are residents in UK and are employed or work as a caterer for a care
                                   home in GB. To enter, follow the instructions in step 1 and 2 above. Entries sent by email or post must be received
                                   by 5pm on Friday 31 July 2020 (the “Closing Time”). Max 1 entry per person. Main meal must include one qualifying
                                   Bisto foodservice products (see T&Cs for list of qualifying products) and the dessert must include one qualifying
                                   Country Range foodservice product (see T&Cs for list of qualifying products). Ingredients for each dish must not
                                   exceed £2.25. Entries must include the recipes and photographs of the dishes, [the cooking & preparation method
                                   and list of equipment used. Please seek employers’ permission. 4 finalists will be selected by a panel of judges.
                                   Finalists will cook in a live final on Tuesday 8 September 2020 where one winner will be selected by a panel of
                                   judges. Finalists and winner will be selected using the criteria set out in the T&Cs. For full details and T&Cs see: www.
                          Promoter: Premier Foods Group Ltd, Premier House, Centrium Business Park, Griffiths Way,
                                   St Albans, AL1 2RE.

off about
 oral care                                                                           HOW TO CLEAN

                                                                                 Toothpaste is not recommended
                                                                                 and manual cleaning is a must.
                                                                                 Use liquid soap or denture
                                                                                 cream cleaner, and a nail
                                                                                 brush/denture brush.
                                                                                                                          MOUTHCARE FOR
                                                                                                                          RESIDENTS WITH

                                                                                                                      Carers are advised to take a
                                                                                                                      calm and kind approach, and
                                                                                                                      maintain eye contact. Choose a
                                                                                 Denture soaking solutions            location where the resident feels
                                                                                 should be used as per                most comfortable (bedroom or
                                                                                 instructions and, if fungal          bathroom) and, if necessary,
                                                                                 infection is present consider        ask a family member or carer
                                                                                 soaking in a dilute Milton           for assistance. Try different times
                                                                                 solution each evening for            of day and do it in short bursts.
                                                                                 10 minutes.                          Always use a familiar
                                                                                 Leave the dentures in plain          toothbrush and toothpaste.
Care homes are being                 “Without good periodontal
                                                                                 water overnight.                     For residents with oral
urged to keep on top of oral         health you can’t have good
                                                                                                                      sensitivity, consider flavourless/
hygiene to help prevent a            general health,” she continued.
                                                                                                                      non-foaming toothpaste.
slew of medical conditions.          “Peridontal (gum) disease can                   DENTURE MARKING
                                     cause respiratory infections,
Speaking at a recent NACC            strokes, heart disease, uncontrolled        Around 9,500 dentures are lost           THINGS TO LOOK
North seminar, Amanda                diabetes and severe osteopenia              every year in hospital - costing         OUT FOR:
Mclaughlin, healthcare manager,      (reduced bone mass).”                       the NHS £1million – so care
RIS Healthcare, advised oral care                                                homes are advised to do              • Dry, rough tongue
assessments should be completed      Poor oral health can also cause
                                                                                 denture marking:
within 48 hours of a resident        behaviour problems; inability to                                                 • Sore painful mouth
being admitted.                      eat and speak; diet, nutritional            • Remove dentures from                 and tongue
                                     and hydration problems; weight                person’s mouth
                                                                                                                      • Oral fungal infections
“Body mapping is standard            changes; problems with social               • Clean dentures in soapy
practice but most homes don’t do     interactions, and poor quality                                                   • Lips sticking to the teeth
                                                                                   water with nail/denture
a full oral check,” she said. “The   of life.                                                                           and taste disturbance
mouth should be clean, healthy
                                                                                 • Disinfect denture by soaking       • Bad breath
and moist, and any relevant
information should be added to       “ Staff should                                in dilute Milton solution for 		   • Sticky, dry feeling in
that person’s care plan. We need                                                   30 seconds (if a metal 		            the mouth
to be treating the mouth with the    understand the                                denture use a Dentural
                                                                                                                      • Trouble chewing, swallowing,
respect it deserves.                                                               cleansing solution)
                                                                                                                        tasting, or speaking
“We don’t want to have residents
                                     importance of residents                     • Dry denture
                                                                                                                      • Burning feeling in the mouth
                                                                                 • Use an indelible pen to write
with mouths that smell and their
family don’t want to kiss them       oral health and the                           residents’ initials near back 		   • Dry feeling in the throat
goodbye. People are in care                                                        of denture. Wait to dry            • Cracked lips and or corners
homes because they require           potential impact on their                   • Apply fine layer clear               of the mouth
our help.”                                                                         nail varnish
A lot of drugs can cause oral
                                     general health, well                        • Rinse with water
health to deteriorate, explained
Amanda, so it’s important to forge
                                     being and dignity”                          “A DRY MOUTH IS A CONDITION NOT A SIDE EFFECT,” ADDED
                                                                                 AMANDA. “TO PREVENT CRACKING LIPS, USE LUBRICATING GEL OR,
a two-way relationship between       - National Institute for Heath and          IF THE PATIENT IS ON OXYGEN, APPLY A WATER-BASED SOLUTION.”
general health and oral health.      Care Excellence (NICE)

Red Cherry
                                                                                                                                  ON THE RANGE

 Roulade                                                                                                                             u i t
                                                                                                                                   S le wit
                                                                                                                                           a b le h
                                                                                                                                 for pesphagia

For many care residents,
dessert is their favourite
course – and this delicious
offering really is the cherry
on the top!
Created by Ian Clifton, catering
supervisor at Howbury House
Resource Centre in Malvern,
Worcestershire, specifically for
people with dysphagia (swallowing
difficulties) in mind, it provides a
texture-modified sweet treat that
everyone can enjoy.
“I’m currently catering for six                                                                                                          COOKING
                                                                                                                            SERVES         TIME
people on soft diets and I feel                                                                                               10          12 MINS
very passionately that everyone is
able to have the same sort of food          INGREDIENTS                               METHOD
and it is presented in an attractive
way, no matter what their dietary
                                            •   1ltr Country Range UHT Dairy          1. Combine the butter and sugar until it is of a
requirements,” says Ian, who has
                                                Whipping Cream, whisked to a          creamy consistency.
21 years’ industry experience. “It’s
                                                thick consistency
surprising what you can come up                                                       2. Mix the cocoa powder with the water to form a smooth
with if you try to think outside the        •   500g Country Range Red Cherry         paste. Add this to the mixture and then carefully add the
box and you won’t believe how                   Fruit Filling, puréed                 eggs and the flour mix until it is a smooth texture.
smooth this roulade is.”                    •   ¾ dsp Sosa thickener to add to        3. Line a tray with the parchment paper spread the mixture
One of the key ingredients is                   the filling                           evenly and cook for approximately 12 minutes at 190°C.
Country Range Cocoa Powder.                 •   Small amount of finely grated         4. Allow the cake to cool, then purée the cake to a fine
                                                chocolate (Scotbloc) for decoration   crumb. Spread onto approximately the same size parchment
“It’s better than the brand leaders,”
states Ian. “The flavour it gives is        •   Baking sheet approx. 30cm x 36cm      before piping the cream all over. Now it is easier to pipe the
so much nicer and the colour isn’t          •   Country Range Parchment               cherry filling over the cream to get even distribution.
too dark. It blows all the branded                                                    5. Carefully take the corners of the parchment (the
                                            For the chocolate sponge
alternatives out of the water!”                                                       smaller side) and roll.
                                            •   100g Country Range Creamery
Country Range Red Cherry Fruit                  Butter Salted, softened               6. Decorate with cream swirls, red cherry coulis and
Filling provides the all-important fruit.                                             fine chocolate shavings.
                                            •   100g Country Range Self Raising
“It purées really well,” adds Ian,              Flour, sifted                         7. Complete IDDSI texture checks before serving.
“and the volume of fruit is good too.”
                                            •   2 Country Range Medium Free
                                                Range Eggs
                                            •   1 tbsp Country Range Cocoa Powder
                                            •   100g caster sugar
                                            •   2 tbsp warm water



               r B  a by                                                                          PRESTON WALKER

     oki ng  fo        omes   With the Baby Boomer generation                                     director of Oakhouse

  Co           care h         set to be the next ‘intake’ of care                                 Residential Home in

    m  er s in                home residents, it might be time                                    Rutland

                              for a menu shake-up.                                                 One way of helping people
                                                                                                   with dementia to eat more
                              Whilst most current care home                       is to offer foods that evoke deep-routed
                              residents have favoured traditional                 memories of pleasure brought back through
                              fayre, those born between 1946                      smells, tastes and sounds. Serving finger
                              and 1964 have enjoyed more                          foods can also help however can be tricky
                              travel abroad and exposure to                       with classic care home dishes. For well-
                              international cuisines. But how                     travelled people who enjoy foods from all
                              can care caterers adapt these                       over the world evoking wonderful memories
                              global cuisines to suit their menus                 through finger food may become easier.
                              and the dietary conditions facing                   The flavours of distant countries are defined
                              their residents? Here’ several                      by the wonderful spices and herbs that
                              industry experts share their                        grow locally – and these can easily be
                              thoughts and ideas…                                 incorporated into street food style bites.
                                                                                  We can find examples of foods designed
                                                                                  to be eaten with fingers everywhere we
                                                                                  look: Indian Pakora, Chinese Dumplings,
                                                                                  Japanese Maki Rolls and Jamaican Fritters.
                                              BARRY DART
                                                                                  For a simple Mexican Quesadilla just take a
                                              kitchen manager, Park
                                                                                  base of chilli beef, rice and cheese placed
                                              Lane Nursing Home,
                                                                                  between a folded tortilla and fry until crisp on
                                              Barnstable, Devon
                                                                                  both sides. Once cooled and cut into pieces
                                              Our residents definitely            this makes a delicious and authentic dish
                                              prefer food which has               easily picked up and eaten. They’re quick
                              strong flavours, such as curries and                and easy to make, taste great and can bring
                              anything spicy. Whilst previously, residents        back great memories of travelling abroad.
                              wanted plain boiled rice, now they want
                              egg fried rice with chilli in it. Even things
                                                                                                  JAMES BALL
                              like chicken goujons are served with
                                                                                                  development chef and
                              Country Range Sweet Chilli Dipping Sauce
                                                                                                  director of Oak House
                              to give them a kick. Our most popular dish
                              is spicy meatballs with spaghetti. We make
                              them with minced beef, garlic, fresh chilli                        Current dysphagia meals
                              and herbs bound together with egg and                              stick closely to the ‘meat
                              served with spaghetti in Country Range              and two veg’ dishes found on classic care
                              Ready to Use Tomato and Basil Sauce.                menus and mashed potatoes complement
                              A lot of our residents need foods which             the flavours on the plate.
                              are fortified so we’ll make Thai curry with         As tastes change we are going to see
                              full fat coconut milk and also double or            far more dishes that reflect travel and
                              whipping cream. Strong flavours are really          accessibility of ingredients. Mashed potato
                              important for people living with dementia           is going to look a little out of place sitting
                              and they always remember and comment                next to ‘sweet and sour pork’ and ‘Thai
                              on the spicy dishes we’ve made - but                green curry’ or found layered in a texture
                              never things like cottage pie.                      modified lasagne. Oak House Kitchen has
                                                                                  developed techniques that make delicious
                                                                                  versions of starchy side dishes from around
                                              SARAH LESSER-MOOR
                                                                                  the world that fit the IDDSI Framework,
                                              brand manager for
                                                                                  making it easy for you to serve noodles,
                                              Lion sauces at AAK
                                                                                  naan and nachos when they‘re needed!
                                                                                  Spaghetti pasta is easily made by blending
                                               Lion World Flavours sauces         cooked pasta, fragrant stock, cauliflower
                                               are designed for those             and Parmesan to the correct consistency.
                              who love bringing the flavours of global            The spaghetti effect is achieved using a
                              cuisines to their food. Our latest collection       piping bag with a small hole cut at the tip
                              of dressings can instantly transform a              and can be served with a rich beef ragu
                              dish with minimal effort. Give king prawns          to create Spaghetti Bolognaise. For more
                              and noodles a vivid burst of Asian flavour          details:
                              with chilli, lime and lemongrass dressing,
                              or evoke Mediterranean memories with
                              pan-fried seabass dressed with the fresh,
                              uplifting flavour of basil oil. If you’re looking      Left
                              for salad inspiration, try cider, honey and            Laksa with pumpkin and coconut
                              mustard dressing – it’s a product that                 milk, noodles, broccoli and
                              really earns its keep in the kitchen, as it            pomegranate seeds
                              also goes beautifully with mash, chicken
                              or sausages!

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