Armadillo District 2020 Highlights 2021 service to units - February 2021

Page created by Glenn Leonard
Armadillo District 2020 Highlights 2021 service to units - February 2021
Armadillo District
  2020 Highlights
2021 service to units

      February 2021
Armadillo District 2020 Highlights 2021 service to units - February 2021
Flag Ceremony

                                Armadillo District
                                   2020 Awards

Camporee 2020

Armadillo District 2020 Highlights 2021 service to units - February 2021
Armadillo District 2020 Highlights 2021 service to units - February 2021

    Morgan Jones
    (Troop 1)
    District 2021
                           Rylie Shieh and
    Awards Banquet
                          Maggie Jarnigan
                     (Troop 50) Armadillo
                     District 2020 Awards
                      Banquet Invocation

Armadillo District 2020 Highlights 2021 service to units - February 2021
Prayer for Scouts and Scouters
                 (By Rev. David Lee Jones, Th.D.)

Eternal and most loving God, make us ambassadors of your
Love by equipping us to do our “Duty to God and our Country,”
and to “do a good turn daily.”

Where there is deceit—let us be Trustworthy.
Where there is division—let be Loyal.
Where there is need—let be Helpful.
Where there is coldness—let be Friendly.
Where there is rudeness—let be Courteous.
Where there is hate—let be Kind.
Where there is dissention—let us be Obedient.

Armadillo District 2020 Highlights 2021 service to units - February 2021
Prayer for Scouts and Scouters

Where there is despair—let us be Cheerful.
Where there is waste—let us be Thrifty.
Where there is fear—let be Brave.
Where things are messy—let be Clean.
Where there is doubt—inspire us to be Reverent.
Where there are unknown challenges—let us always Be

Bless our Scouts, and those who graciously give of their time to
lead and mentor them. Keep us safe wherever we go. And let
your Light so shine in us that others might see our “Scout
Spirit” in all we do and say.

Armadillo District 2020 Highlights 2021 service to units - February 2021
Armadillo District overview

Central Austin District of Capitol Area Council
with 48 units:
       25 Packs with 772 Cub Scouts
       19 Troops with 540 Scouts
       2 Venture Crews with 11 Venturers
       2 Ship with 11 Sea Scouts
       1,334 registered Scouts and 702 registered Adults

Armadillo District 2020 Highlights 2021 service to units - February 2021
Armadillo District
     approximates AISD
    boundaries excluding
        East Austin

Armadillo District 2020 Highlights 2021 service to units - February 2021
Commissioner highlights
   77% on time charter renewal
    by units
           First Pack to complete renewal
            – Pack 23
           First Troop to complete
            renewal – Troop 5
   17 Commissioners currently
   Led virtual Roundtable
    program during 2020
   3 units JTE Gold, 2 Silver, 1
    Bronze – more still coming in

              Focused on unit service and support, with a commissioner
                               supporting every unit!

Armadillo District 2020 Highlights 2021 service to units - February 2021
Ben Ford         Tom Hunter        Michael Bailey
Bruce Anderson   James McClure     Nino Aranda
David Ballard    Robert Swafford   Norm Hummell
Dirk Heinen      Dusty Johnston    Richard Boner
Tim Pellowski    Joe Hutchinson    Susan Kruemcke
                 Barbara Kelley    Tex Mitchell

Armadillo District Committee

Key 3
   District Chair            Jon Graf           Communications Chair      Susan Kruemcke
   District Commissioner     Kamal Amer
   District Executive        Edward Barceleau   Finance
                                                    Chair                 Mike Ward
Activities and Camping                              Family FOS            Michael Bomba
    Camporee                 Troop 410              Downtown lunch        T. Harper
    Roundtable               Tim Pellowski
    Cub Scout Day Camp       David Lemon        Membership
    Cub Scout Day Camp       Linnea Lemon          Chair                  Open
    Camping Promotion        Norm Hummel           Cub Scout membership   Ben Ford
    OA chapter adviser       Gilbert Perez
                                                Nominating Chair          David Stroud
   Chair                     Gary Rutenberg     Training Chair            Bill Bryson
   Merit Badge Coordinator   Mike Ryan
   Merit Badge support       David Jones

Activities and Camping
David Lemon, Linnea Lemon, Norm Hummell, Mark
   Report to State
   Camporee – Troop 9 “Age of
    Myth”– 400+ Scouts and
   Cub Scout Adventure Boxes
   Lost Pines virtual summer camp

Report to State 2020

Report to State 2020

Camporee 2020 – Age of Myth

Camporee 2020 – Age of Myth

Advancement ‐ Gary Rutenberg

    2020 Armadillo District Eagles – 45! With
     an average of 120 service hours per
     project that is 5,400 hours of service in
     our community
    Arrow of Light advancement – 109
    Merit Badge counselors registered and
     supported by Mike Ryan – 170+
    Merit badges awarded – almost 1,500!

Eagle Advancement Committee
     David Ballard     Barbara Klitch
     Wayne Courreges   Tim Klitch
     Mark Flanagan     Jay Kruemcke
     Ralph Hadley      Mark Marshall
     Kuruvila Mani     Bill Nalle
                       Bill Patterson
                       Cathy Purdy
                       Brad Sprague
                       David Stroud

Finance – Kamal Amer
Friends of Scouting – Achieved 87% of our goal.
These funds are utilized by Council to:
 ensure that youth of limited financial means can
    participate in the Scouting program
 provide resources for valuable leader training
 run the camps we attend and maintain its
    properties, while keeping camp registration fees
All funds raised in this program remain at Council

Top Unit FOS Performers

                            Pack 90
                            Troop 1

                            Troop 3

                            Troop 9
These Units met 100% of
                            Troop 33
their contribution goal
during 2020

Top Popcorn Units in $

Packs                       Troops
 Pack 421                   Troop 89
 Pack 90                    Troop 9
 Pack 89                    Troop 511

Popcorn sales of almost $60,000 to support unit
activities and Capitol Area Council. About 33% or
$20,000 stayed with the selling unit to support their

Membership – Grady Gossard, Ben Ford

    Non‐Cub youth held steady, while we experienced a
     decline in Cub Scout membership
    Despite providing training and support for virtual fall
     recruiting, Cub Scout recruiting was impacted by:
            COVID – inability of units to host in person events from
             meetings to campouts
            Inability to directly access schools for in person recruiting
            Zoom fatigue

Communications ‐ Susan Kruemcke

    Monthly Cub Scout and Scouts BSA
    Website –
    Facebook

Training ‐ Bill Bryson

    Concierge training – bringing training to the
     units both online and in person
    Encourage all volunteers to take their
     position specific training

Distinguished Conservation Award –
            Troop 1 Unit

           Troop 1 constructed and installed a
           Fishing Line Recycling Receptacle and
           an Education Sign that informs the
           public on how to recycle fishing line
           responsibly at John Knox Ranch

Distinguished Conservation Award –
      Morgan Jones of Troop 1

              Morgan’s project involved
              construction of 6 Wood Duck
              boxes and installation at
              Camp Mabry. These boxes
              help boost their population
              and improves the health and
              management of wood ducks.
              In addition, Morgan qualified
              for the BSA/EPA Award.

Distinguished Conservation Award –
      Ryan Schuelke of Troop 5
               Ryan’s project involved
               building artificial coral reefs.
               The project took a few
               years from research, state
               permits, construction and
               installation. The concrete
               reefs were deployed off of
               Port Isabel and will improve
               the ocean environment for
               years to come.

2021 support
     Hopeful programs creating great experiences

   March 5‐7 Camporee postponed
   Working on Camporee the weekend of October 2
    or 16 with:
            Troop 410 being the host
            Location target – Camp Green Dickson
            Webelos / AOL component

2021 support
                 Great Roundtable Programs
   2020 allowed us to bring you virtual events such
            Hands on cooking – campfire and Dutch oven
            Ship 410 live on their boat
            How to restart Scouting
            Games of the World with Mike Spiller
            Morgan Jones Distinguished Service Award project
   More great roundtables in 2021 are planned for
    the second Thursday of each month

2021 support
    Let your Commissioner Know:
         What’s the best way to communicate?
         How can we make Roundtable support your
         What areas of support would you like more of?
    We need more commissioners – If your
     unit does not have an assigned
     commissioner, contact Kamal with a
     current or former unit adult that would
     be willing to serve in this role

Norm Hummell Award of Excellence

Named for our District’s long‐serving
volunteer who exemplifies the Scout
Oath and Law in all that he does, this
award recognizes registered Scouters
who have provided exceptional
leadership and service to their Pack,
Troop, Crew, or Ship and who
exemplify the principles of Scouting
(Scout Oath and Law).

Peter Gallimore
– Pack 2

                  Besides Peter’s full time
                  volunteer leadership as
                  Pack 2 Den Leader, he also
                  leads the all‐important
                  Pack 2 Pinewood Derby

Chris Smith –
Pack 14
                Chris has contributed to Pack
                14 in countless ways, but his
                initiative to provide unique,
                exciting opportunities that
                make kids want to be scouts
                truly sets him apart. The
                time, energy, and thought
                that he has put into Scouts
                makes him an outstanding

Shawn Dube –
Pack 55
               Shawn brought his
               professional project
               management skills and
               experience with BSA and
               Girl Scout troops to bear
               on Pack 55, and made
               sure that we have
               executed that plan,
               despite COVID
Eli Erickson –
Pack 90

                 As Pack 90 Cubmaster, Eli
                 led two virtual campouts
                 during 2020 and kept
                 morale high throughout
                 last years trying times.

Chelsea Geissen
– Pack 413
                  As Pack 413 Webelos
                  Den Leader, Chelsea
                  has gracefully led her
                  den despite the
                  current COVID

Kathy Burgess –
Pack 421

                  Kathy has faithfully
                  served Pack 421 for over
                  10 years, ushering
                  through not only her own
                  three sons, but over a
                  hundred more kids
                  through the Cub Scout

Laura Hernandez –
Pack 489

                    Laura has demonstrated
                    exceptional leadership
                    and has devoted many
                    hours and long nights to
                    keep Pack 489 running

David Jones –
Troop 1

                Dr. Jones has been
                instrumental in
                improving and
                communicating Troop 1
                standards and gives his
                all to our Troop.

Jack Skaggs –
Troop 3
                Jack has been an active
                merit badge counselor
                for Troop 3 for a range
                of badges, including 12
                eagle‐required merit

Heather Deiderick
– Troop 5

                    organization, responsiveness
                    and excellence are all part of
                    Heather's DNA. Year in, year
                    out, Heather keeps the core
                    of Troop 5 running.

Dr. Sandra Frellsen
– Troop 9
                      During COVID Sandra has
                      helped keep the younger
                      Scouts in Troop 9 motivated,
                      keeping them involved in
                      Scouting in these trying

Eric Dreher –
Troop 9
                Eric continues to help
                Troop 9 Scouts find
                activities that are
                effective and fun but still
                can be done within the
                confines of social

Don Bolin Sr –
Troop 33

                 Don has worked hard for
                 Troop 33 over the past
                 several years, serving as
                 Assistant Scout Master,
                 camp coordinator and
                 high adventure leader.

Ben Johnson –
Troop 34

                Troop 34 would like to
                honor Ben for his
                dedication and
                commitment to Scouting
                as he “retires” as our
                founding Scoutmaster this

Brian Roeder –
Troop 410
                 Brian consistently exhibits
                 exceptional leadership and
                 service to Troop 410 and
                 the Central Texas
                 community, making our
                 troop the strongest it can

Kyle Hensley –
Troop 410

                 Kyle exhibits a positive, “can
                 do” attitude for Troop 410
                 and is a respected and much‐
                 loved volunteer. He
                 exemplifies the Scout Oath
                 and Law in his service to the
                 Troop and community.

Ana Chavez –
Troop 489

               Since Troop 489 meetings
               moved on‐line in 2020,
               Ana delivers the merit
               badge workbooks to all
               the Scouts, so they can
               take notes and don't fall

Alejandra Lopez
– Troop 489
                  With 2020 being very
                  difficult and Troop 489
                  meetings via Zoom,
                  Alejandra actively looks for
                  ways to make Scout
                  activities interesting so that
                  they continue advancing in

Eric Hollas –
Troop 511

                With a hearty laugh, a
                readiness to share his
                interests with others,
                and an unstoppable
                curiosity, Eric
                exemplifies what a
                mentor and a Scout
                leader should be.

Jennifer Juday –
Troop 511

                   Jennifer is one of the
                   most thorough and
                   patient Merit Badge
                   counselors in the history
                   of merit badges, and has
                   impeccable record‐
                   keeping skills.

Amin Maredia –
Troop 797
                 The adults and scouts
                 of Troop 797 are
                 unbelievably grateful
                 for all Amin has
                 contributed as
                 Committee Chair to
                 our Troop.

Samir Maredia –
Troop 797

                  As Troop 797
                  Scoutmaster, Samir will
                  take every step to go the
                  extra mile for Troop 797
                  and helping our Scouts
                  achieve their Eagle Rank.

Nino Aranda –
Troop 2019
                If you've been to a
                Capitol Area
                Council event over
                the last decade,
                you've probably
                had tacos from
                Nino’s Sazon
                restaurant at 1816
                South Lamar.

Carole Hurley –
Ship 410

                  Carole’s dedication and
                  involvement to Ship 410
                  makes sure that every event
                  that we schedule is
                  conducted better and safer.

Armadillo ACE Award
“Always Creating Excellence!” This is a
district award. The award recognizes
volunteers who have provided exceptional
leadership and service to the Armadillo
District while also being a leader with their
Pack, Troop, Crew, or Ship.

              Examples of service to the District include being a
              member of a District subcommittee on training,
              membership, or Friends of Scouting; helping lead a
              Roundtable breakout session; volunteering at Cub
              Scout Day Camp, Armadillo District Camporee or
              other Council or District event; or for mentoring
              and developing talented leaders within their unit
              who provide service to any part of Scouting.

Jeff Russell –
Pack 2

                 Jeff provides a great
                 deal of support for our
                 primary school (Doss
                 Elementary) and uses
                 his relationships there
                 to help support Pack 2
                 and enable the pack to
                 continue to grow and

Kate Kyle –
Pack 20

              Kate used both personal
              and social networking to
              promote Pack 20 and the
              values of Cub Scouting,
              adding over 30 new cubs
              in the Fall of 2020.

Matt Shaw –
Troop 9
              Matt has been the
              Scoutmaster for
              Troop 9 for over 5
              years and has
              recently stepped
              down. He has a
              special ability to
              connect with and
              teach the Scouts
              important life skills.
Jay Kruemcke –
Troop 413
                 Jay chaired the first
                 ever video Eagle
                 board of review for
                 the district in 2020.
                 With this, he set the
                 standard for carrying
                 out video boards for
                 the Armadillo
Albert Lopez –
Troop 489

                 Albert has significantly
                 helped the Scouts in Troop
                 489 to organize and
                 complete merit badges,
                 which has been very difficult
                 and time consuming in this

District Award of Merit

This award recognizes leaders
who render service of an
outstanding nature to the
Armadillo District. The District
Award of Merit is a council
award presented by districts in
the same manner that the Silver
Beaver is a national award
presented by councils.

Linnea Lemon
               For the last 3 to 4 years,
               Linnea has been an active
               force in both Pack 55 and
               the Armadillo District
               summer Cub Scout
               programs. She
               volunteered this past Fall
               at Camp Tom Wooten in
               support of Family
               Discovery Days for cubs.

David Ballard

                Dave has done it all from
                Troop 9 Scoutmaster, high
                adventure adult leader, Eagle
                Coach and merit badge
                counselor. For the District he
                has been invaluable on the
                Eagle Advancement
                Committee and as a
Thank You – District Executive minute

Edward Barceleau

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