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What is Radiation? What is isRadiation? Radiation energy, such as heat, light or radio waves, which moves through space or matter at high speed. It can be is Radiation easily detected energy, such asandheat, measured light orusing radiospecialized waves, instruments. which moves through In veryspace large or amounts, matter atradiation can It high speed. candamage be easily living cells. and measured using specialized detected instruments. In very large amounts, radiation can Radiation damage livingcomes cells. from many natural and common man- made sources. Radiation from the sun and stars, radon from bedrock, Radiation comes from radioactive elements many natural in common and the foods we eat and materials man-made sources. we Cosmic use to build our homes rays, radon from all come from bedrock, natural sources. radioactive elements These natural in the foods forms we eatofandradiation are part materials of what is called background radiation. we use to build our homes all come from natural sources. These natural forms of radiation are part of Man-made what is called radiation background comes from sources such as X-rays, radiation. other medical procedures, microwave ovens and electric power plants. Man-made radiation comes from sources such as X-rays, other medical procedures, television sets, microwave The and ovens effect of radiation electric power on the human body is measured plants. in units called millirems. The average background Theradiation effect ofexposure radiation inonthis thearea humanis about body 600 millirems is measured per year. in units calledAbout 50% ofThe millirems. exposure averagetobackground radiation in the U.S. comes exposure radiation from natural sources; in this area isthe other600 about 50% comes from millirems perman-made year. Aboutsources. 50% of exposure to radiation in the U.S. comes from natural sources; the other 50% comes from man-made sources. Sources of Radiation Exposure in the United States Sources of Radiation Exposure in the United States Cosmic- 5% (Space) Radon and Terrestrial- 3% Thoron- 37% (Soil) Cosmic- 5% Internal- Industrial and (Space)5% Radon and Occupational- 0 .1% Terrestrial- 3% Thoron- 37% Consumer Products- 2% (Soil) Medical Industrial and Internal- 5% Procedures- 36% Nuclear Medicine- Occupational- 12% 0 .1% Consumer Products- 2% Medical Procedures- 36% Nuclear Medicine- 12% Natural Sources- 50% Man-Made Sources- 50% Natural Source: NCRPSources- Report 50% No. 160 (2009) Man-Made Sources- 50% TheNCRP Source: information Report 160this booklet is updated periodically. (2009) Visit or the App below for updated information. COMING SOON! to the Download the FREE iPad App of this booklet iPhone & Android apps under development Orange County Indian Point Emergency Guide R U Ready Keyword: R U Ready or Indian Point Orange_Cover-2020.indd 2
How would I be notified How of would I be notified an emergency at HoW WouLD I BE NoTIFIED? of an emergency at HOW HOW WOULD Indian Point? Indian Point? WOULD II BE Special emergency Special emergency sirens sirens that that produce produce aa continuous, continuous, four-minute four-minute tonetone would would WHAT SHouLD alert people I Do? within alert people within 10 miles of Indian 10 miles of Indian Point to Point to tune tune to to an an Emergency EmergencyAlert Alert System (EAS) station for information System (EAS) station for information BE NOTIFIED? about an about an emergency emergency at at Indian Indian Point. Point. IfIf you hear the continuous, four-minute you hear the continuous, four-minute NOTIFIED? tone, listen tone, listen to to one one of of the the EAS EAS stations stations listed in this booklet for official listed in this booklet for official WHAT IS PoTASSIuM IoDIDE (KI)? information on information on what what you you should should do. do. These sirens These sirens are are tested tested periodically periodically throughout the year. Siren throughout the year. Siren tests tests are are announced in advance through announced in advance through local local news media. news media. In addition In addition to to the the sirens, sirens, aa high-speed high-speed telephone service, an e-mail telephone service, an e-mail alertingalerting SCHooLS AND service service or SuMMER web-based or web-based CAMPS services services such as such as NY-Alert could be used to notify NY-Alert could be used to notify and and inform the inform the public. public. Anyone can Anyone can sign sign up upfor for NY-Alert online NY-Alert online at at WESTCHESTER CouNTy EvACuATIoN BuS RouTES What is NY-Alert? How would I find out what It is New IYork should do inAlert State’s All-Hazards an and Notification web-based information emergency? portal. The NY-Alert website contains critical emergency-related information SPECIALOfficials NEEDS including would use theand instructions Emergency recom- Alert mendedSystem (EAS) radio protective anddeveloped actions televisionin stations real-time by emergency service and to provide information person- instructions to the nel. By signing up public. EAS stations for NY-Alert, you can in this area receive are listed warnings and on the next infor- emergency page. These stations would mation via the web, your cell bephone, the official source of information during email and other technologies. Signing an emergency. up for NY-Alert is free. You can modify what type Different of information areas you receive could be directed to or unsubscribe at any time. It is a tool take different actions, so instructions to provide will you with be provided critical in terms of information the when you may communities or need areas itwithin most.10 miles of Indian Point. These areas are shown on the map attached to this booklet. Find How would I find out your location on the map and listen what Iforshould carefully information doconcerning in an emergency? your area. Officials would use the Emergency Alert System (EAS) radio and television stations to provide information and
Tune in for information If you hear the emergency sirens, tune in your radio or TV to an Emergency Alert System (EAS) station for further information. Remember: The sounding of the sirens is not a signal to take any actions other than to listen to your radio or TV EAS station. EAS Stations Primary EAS Radio Stations for the Hudson Valley WLNA 1420 AM WHUD 100.7 FM Emergency information will also be carried on the following stations: AM Radio Television WOR 710 AM WCBS CH 2 WABC 770 AM WNBC CH 4 WCBS 880 AM WNYW CH 5 WINS 1010 AM WABC CH 7 News 12 Hudson Valley FM Radio WRPJ 88.9 FM WOSR 91.7 FM WNYC 93.9 FM WJGK 103.1 FM Note: All radio stations operate 24/7.
WHAT SHouLD I Do? on What might I be instructed to do? You could be instructed to shelter-in-place, to WHAT IS PoTASSIuM evacuate, IoDIDE to take potassium (KI)? iodide (KI) or to take no action. Officials would base any emergency instructions on the situation at Indian Point and where people are most likely to be affected. People in one area might need to take one action, while people in another area might take a different WHAT SHOULD I DO? action or no action at all. SCHooLS AND SuMMER CAMPS In all cases, avoid using telephones and cell phones to prevent overloading the system and interfering with emergency use. Use the Emergency Supplies Checklist on the back of the attached map to help prepare your family plan in case you need to Shelter-in-Place or Evacuate. WESTCHESTER Shelter-in-Place CouNTy EvACuATIoN BuS RouTES If your area is instructed to shelter-in-place, you should remain indoors and limit the ways outside air can enter. You should: • Keep family and pets inside SPECIAL NEEDS • Close windows and doors • Turn off air conditioners and ventilation systems • Extinguish fires in fireplaces and close dampers • Listen to radio or TV for emergency information Evacuation Evacuation is a protective action strategy ll: involving the orderly movement of people away from an actual or potential hazard. If your area is instructed to evacuate, you should gather the things you would need for a three-day stay and leave promptly. Where should I go if I have to evacuate? You should go to the home of a friend or relative or other location outside the 10-mile area around Indian Point using the timeliest route. If you do not have another place to go, you can go to the Reception Center assigned to your area using the routes shown on the attached map. Temporary shelters will be available for those who need a place to stay. If there has been a release of radioactive materials from Indian Point, monitoring and decontamination will be available at the Reception Centers.
In an evacuation: To Re • Be certain that your area is one being ordered Save to evacuate. Do not evacuate unnecessarily. • Remain calm, but act promptly What is • Do not use the telephone to avoid overloading 9-1-1 is th the system give citize assistanc • Contact neighbors directly to ensure they are aware of the emergency instructions emergenc • Offer a ride to anyone you know who might not have a car How Do When you • Close windows and vents in your car and do the call ta not use the air conditioning until you have left of the em the area hang up • Take one dose of Potassium Iodide (KI) if instructed to do so When S You shou Bring with you: remembe • clothing and blankets or sleeping bags • prescription medicines • personal items such as shaving kits, soap and cosmetics SAVE A • formula and other supplies for children and infants • your checkbook, credit cards, cash and important papers • first aid kit: gauze, peroxide or antiseptic wipes, ointments, adhesive tape What if I need a ride? Try to get a ride with a nearby friend or neighbor. If you cannot get a ride, free B emergency buses will pick up passengers along the routes near your location and take them to An emerg the Reception Center for your area. Bus routes storm, po are shown on the Orange County Evacuation and witho Bus Routes tab of this booklet. in Orange to help p For More Information on Family Preparedness, visit Refer to t O
WHAT IS PoTASSIuM IoDIDE (KI)? What is Potassium Iodide (KI)? Potassium iodide is an over-the-counter medication that can block radioactive iodine from SCHooLS AND involving SuMMER CAMPS entering the thyroid gland if there were a serious emergency a large release of radioactive er material. Potassium iodide is often referred to by its chemical abbreviation, KI. If Emergency Alert System (EAS) messages direct people in your area to take potassium iodide, follow the instructions on the packaging, or those provided in the EAS message. During an evacuation, potassium iodide is r. WESTCHESTER CouNTy available at Reception EvACuATIoN Centers. BuS RouTES To obtain KI prior to any emergency for you and your family: • Contact the Orange County Department of Health at 845-568-5333 in Newburgh or 845-291-2330 in Goshen to obtain KI free of charge. WHAT IS POTASSIUM IODIDE (KI)? • KI is also available for purchase at many pharmacies. SPECIAL NEEDS • Most schools in the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) have a supply of KI for school children. Check with your school administrator for specifics. • Reception Centers maintain a supply of KI for evacuees. Recommended Doses of KI for Different Risk Groups KI dose # ml liquid # of 65 mg # of 130 mg (mg) (65 mg/ml) tablets tablets Adults over 40 yrs Adults over 18 130 2 2 1 through 40 yrs Pregnant or lactating women Adolescents over 12 through 18 yrs 130 2 2 1 rs who weigh at least 150 pounds d s Adolescents over 12 through 18 yrs who weigh 65 1 1 1/2 less than 150 pounds Children over 3 through 12 65 1 1 1/2 yrs Over 1 month USE KI through 3 ORAL years 32 1/2 1/2 SOLUTION USE KI USE KI Birth through 16 1/4 ORAL ORAL 1 month SOLUTION SOLUTION Source: US FDA, 2016 For more information on KI, visit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
SCHooLS AND SuMMER CAMPS What if my children are Wh in school? If yo Officials may relocate children in schools to a pets WESTCHESTER What school reception CouNTy if mycenter children EvACuATIoN are School in at South Middle Wh or te BuS RouTES Newburgh in school? as a precautionary measure, even if there seein is no evacuation of the general public. Staff have If yo alter been trained and will travel with students to this pets kenn Officials may relocate children in schools to a school reception center. Parents and guardians can Cen school reception center at South Junior High If yo pick up their children from this school reception such School in Newburgh as a precautionary measure, infor center. Please check with your child’s school or exp SPECIAL even ifNEEDS there is no evacuation of the general childcare facility to learn more about relocation Depa ken public. Teachers and staff have been trained and or ca planning and parental pick-up plans. will travel with students to this school reception Exte If yo center. Parents and guardians can pick up their info • Students who reside within the EPZ but attend Limit children from this school reception center. Please Dep schools located outside the EPZ, will remain in and check with your child’s school to learn more about those schools until picked up by their families, or c may relocation planning and parental pick-up plans. whether or not they are evacuating. Exte othe •No studentswho Students willreside be transported within theinto EPZthe butEPZ. attend shou The schools located outside the EPZ, will remain in leash at R Schools those in the schools untilEPZ: picked up by their families, avail whether or not they are evacuating. peo be m No students will be transported into the EPZ. pets Fort Montgomery Elementary School enco Healthy Kids Extended Day Program, Inc.* own befo Schools in the EPZ: Highland Falls Intermediate School etc. James James I. O’Neill High School School Lea with Highland Falls Intermediate School Martha Lopez* at th Fort Sue’sMontgomery Elementary Play and Learning School Center* mak Nursery The Ark School of the Highlands* of Learning* Ascending Family Services, Inc.* Lea Martha * NurseryLopez* schools and day care centers may elect to have Sue’s • parentsPlay and Learning or caretakers pick upCenter* children directly from their facilities rather than evacuating to the school reception * Nursery schools and day care centers may elect to have center. • parents or caretakers pick up children directly from their facilities rather than evacuating to the school reception center. School Reception Center: South Middle School, • School Reception Center: 33-63 Monument Street, Newburgh South Junior High School, 33-63 Monument Directions to Street, SchoolNewburgh Reception Center Id from U.S. Route 9W Directions to School Reception Center from U.S. Route 9W Travel north on US Route 9W into Newburgh. Keep right tonorth Travel go on on Bridge US RouteStreet. BearNewburgh. 9W into right whenKeepBridge Streettobecomes right Mill Street go on Bridge Street.and Beartake rightanother slight when Bridge Street becomes right when Mill Street it becomes and Street Bridge take another again. slight Keep right right to gowhen on toitOverlook becomes Place. Bridge The Street again. school is Keep right located to gothe near on to Overlook Place. Intersection The school of Overlook Placeisand located near the Intersection Monument Street. of Overlook Place and Monument street.
What about summer camps? During the camping season, campers and staff from sites in the Harriman State Park may be temporarily relocated to a staging area outside of the 10-mile EPZ to be announced at the time of the emergency. Camp counselors and staff would remain with the campers until they are picked up by, or returned to their parents or guardians in accordance with their own procedures. • Orange County children attending school or camp In Putnam, Rockland or Westchester counties would be taken to facilities in those counties. Contact the school or camp for more information. • If parents would like to authorize another person to pick up their children - a grandparent or babysitter for example - they should contact their child’s school or camp at their earliest SCHOOLS AND SUMMER CAMPS convenience. They must follow the school or camp’s procedures for formally identifying the person who would pick up their child.
ORANGE COUNTY EVACUATION BUS ROUTES Orange County Evacuation Bus Routes If you do not have your own transportation out of the area, you can ride one of the buses provided to take you to a Reception Center or arrange a ride with a neighbor. Following is a list of evacuation bus routes and stops in Orange County. If residents of your area are advised to evacuate, locate the nearest bus stop. You will be advised over the EAS when the buses will begin picking up. Bus No. OC-1: Highland Falls to Valley Central High School • Main St and Homestead Ave • Mountain Ave and Center St • Mountain Ave and Kleitz Ave • Mountain Ave and Locust St • NY-218 and Mountain Ave / Veterans Way • NY-218 and Regina Rd Bus No. OC-2: Highland Falls and Fort Montgomery to Valley Central High School • Canterbury Rd and Locust Ln • Mine Rd and Rock Terrace Community • Old State Rd and Hudson View Terrace Mobile Home Park • Old State Rd and Rose Dr • Old State Rd and West Point Mobile Trailer Park • US-9W and Firefighters Memorial Dr • US-9W and Montgomery Rd Bus No. OC-3: Woodbury to Valley Central High School • Abrams Rd and Estrada Rd • Abrams Rd and Stone Gate Rd • NY-32 and Woodbury Rd • Pine Hill Rd and Pearce Dr • Skyline Dr and Birchwood Dr • Skyline Dr and Rainbow Dr • Smith Clove Rd and Hamilton Ave • Smith Clove Rd and Thayer Rd
Bus No. OC-4: Cornwall to Valley Central High School • Angola Rd and Mine Hill Rd • Angola Rd and Mineral Springs Rd • Long Hill Rd and Faenza Terrace • Mine Hill Rd and Mountain Brook Rd • Mineral Springs Rd and Gadiri Drive Bus No. OC-5: Tuxedo to Valley Central High School • E. Village Rd and Grove Dr • NY-17 and Arden Rd Bus No. OC-6: Bear Mountain Inn/ Overlook Inn to Valley Central High School • Overlook Inn Main Entrance • Bear Mountain Inn Main Entrance t ORANGE COUNTY EVACUATION BUS ROUTES
SPECIAL NEEDS What about facilities such as W hospitals and nursing homes? D Hospitals, nursing homes and other facilities within fr 10 miles of Indian Point have emergency plans to te keep their residents safe, including provisions for th transporting residents to host facilities. th re If you have a family member in a facility and by require information about their emergency planning ac initiatives, please contact the facility administrator. • ca co What about people with co special needs? in If you have a special need, such as mobility • impairment, visual or hearing impairment, or need pe specialized transportation or equipment, prepare an or emergency plan with family, friends or neighbors. th If necessary, the County will make special co arrangements for you. ca pe If you have special needs, please fill out the registration card in this booklet and mail it in so we can make arrangements to help. If you know someone who might need assistance filling out the card, please offer to help them. Even if you mailed in a card last year, please do so again to keep our records up-to-date. To submit the registration card electronically, go to the “R U Ready” app listed on the inside cover of this booklet. Call 845-615-0400 if you have any questions or need additional information.
What about pets and livestock? If you are directed to evacuate, you will want to take your pets with you. Pets are not permitted in Reception Centers What about pets and livestock? or temporary shelters (except for service animals such as seeing-eye dogs). Pet owners are encouraged to explore If you are directed alternatives for theirtopets, evacuate, such asyou will want to take your boarding pets withfriends kennels, you. Pets would not or relatives be permitted outside in area. the 10 mile Reception Centers or temporary shelters (except for service animals, If you have livestock or agricultural products, useful such as seeing-eye dogs). Pet owners are encouraged to information is available from the New York State explore alternatives for their pets, such as boarding Department of Agriculture website t kennels, friends or relatives or call 1-800-554-4501 or call outside theCooperative your local 10 mile area. Extension If you have Office. livestock or agricultural products, useful Limited spaceismay information available from the be available at New York certain State centers reception Department and would beofpublicized Agriculture at Web site the time of the emergency. This or call 1-800-554-4501 or call may be done to accommodate people your local who Cooperative cannot make Extension other Office. for their pets beforehand. Pet owners arrangements should plan to bring their own supplies, including food, The county is developing limited emergency kennel space leashes, cages and carriers etc. Trained volunteers may be at Reception Centers. This is being done to accommodate available to assist owners with pet care and feeding. Please people who cannot make other arrangements for their be mindful that space at these locations is limited, so we pets beforehand. Pet owners should plan to bring their encourage everyone to make other plans for their pets own supplies, before including food, leashes, cages and carriers the emergency. etc. Trained volunteers may be available to assist owners Leave No Animal Behind with pet care and feeding. Please be mindful that space at these locations is limited, so we encourage everyone to • Arrange with friends or relatives to provide temporary make other plans for their pets before the emergency. shelter for you and/or your pets. • Make a list of pet-friendly hotels and motels outside Leave No Animal Behind your area. (You can look them up online at • Arrange with friends or relatives to provide temporary or shelter for you and/or your pets. • Ask your veterinarian and boarding facilities if they • Make a list provide of pet-friendly emergency care andhotels and motels boarding during aoutside your area. (You can look them up online at disaster. (Also identify an alternate veterinarian or or SPECIAL boarding facility outside the 10 mile area.) SPECIALNEEDS • Ask your veterinarian and boarding facilities if they • Consult provide your veterinarian emergency for all care and questions boarding and aissues during regarding KI dosage for pets. disaster. (Also identify an alternate veterinarian or boarding facility outside the 10 mile area.) Identify Identify all your all your pets:pets: NEEDS • Microchip your pet • Microchip your pet. • Make sure your pet is wearing a collar or harness • Make sure your pet is wearing a collar or harness with withidentifying identifyingtags tags ononit. it. Include Includeyour phone your phone number numberandandananalternate alternate phone phone number number of of someoneoutside someone outsideyour your area. area. ••Put leg bands on all birds Put leg bands on all birds and ID ID and tags on on tags all all pocket-pet pocket-pet cages. cages.
Pet Emergency Kit Gather these things in advance: • Your pet’s vaccination and medical records together with your veterinarian’s phone number in a watertight plastic bag. (Warning: A shelter or boarding facility may NOT take your pet without current vaccinations!) • Current photographs of you and your pet together. • Medication your pet is taking. • Pet food & bottled water for 3–14 days. • Pet food dishes and manual can opener. • Cages/carriers for all pets. Carriers must be big enough to allow your pet to stand, turn around and lie down. (Temporary shelters may NOT have cages available; therefore you MUST provide your own!) • Blankets or towels for bedding and warmth. • Leashes, harnesses, muzzles (if needed). • Cat litter, a litter pan and scoop. • Plastic bags for disposal of waste, paper towels, disposable gloves, disinfectant. • Treats, toys, brushes, combs. If you absolutely MUST leave them... • Put a sign or sticker in a front window identifying all pets inside. Include your name, phone numbers and where you are staying. Include the name and number of a contact outside the area. Put ID tags on all pets. • Keep dogs and cats in separate rooms. • Leave as much food & water as you can. • Open up bags of dry food. • Fill many large bowls with water. • Contact authorities and animal rescue groups immediately with information about the location of your animals.
Contacts for Further Information W Emergency Planning and to Radiation Information: Yo U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ev no in Federal Emergency Management Agency w Pe w NYS Office of Emergency Management ac In NYS Department of Health ph an American Red Cross Us ba Orange County fa or Rockland County Sh If Putnam County sh ai Westchester County • • Joint Information Center • • Indian Point Energy Center • Ev Ev For non-emergency information call: in aw Orange County Department ar of Emergency Services th 845-615-0400 st Putnam County Bureau W of Emergency Services 845-808-4000 Yo or Westchester County Office In of Emergency Management no 914-864-5450 Re Rockland County Office of Fire ro sh and Emergency Services a 845-364-8800 If New York State Disaster m Preparedness Commission de 518-292-2311 Re
To Report a Fire, Prevent a Crime or Save a Life Dial 9-1-1 What is 9-1-1? 9-1-1 is the universal emergency telephone number designed to give citizens an easy to remember number when they need the assistance of the Police, Fire, or Ambulance (EMS) Services in an emergency. How Do I Use 9-1-1? When you have an emergency, remain calm and dial 9-1-1. When the call taker answers, tell them what your emergency is, location of the emergency, your name and call back phone number. Don’t hang up until the call taker tells you to. When Should I Dial 9-1-1? You should only dial 9-1-1 in an emergency. A good rule to remember is dial 9-1-1 to: SAVE A LIFE • PREVENT A CRIME • REPORT A FIRE 9-1-1 POLICE • FIRE • MEDICAL EMERGENCY Before An Emergency Happens An emergency, be it a natural disaster such as a flood, winter storm, power outage or a terrorist attack, can occur quickly and without warning. Although we cannot prevent emergencies in Orange County, there are two simple things you can do now to help prepare: • Develop an emergency plan and • Prepare a portable “Go-Bag” of emergency supplies that can be used at home or at work Refer to the guide on the back of the attached map or call the Orange County Department of Emergency Services for further assistance, 845-615-0400.
My Emergency Plan My Emergency Plan family members. Keep a copy of your emergency plan information in your car, briefcase or purse. Photocopy as needed for additional Keep a copy of your emergency plan information in your car, briefcase or What about pets and livestock? Emergency purse. Alert System Photocopy (EAS) stations: as needed for additional family members. AM radio_____________________________________________________________ If you are directed to evacuate, you will want to take your Emergency Alert System (EAS) stations: FM radio_____________________________________________________________ pets with you. Pets would not be permitted in Reception AM radio_____________________________________________________________ TV__________________________________________________________________ Centers or temporary shelters (except for service animals, FM radio_____________________________________________________________ such as seeing-eye dogs). Pet owners are encouraged to TV__________________________________________________________________ Reception Center______________________________________________________ explore alternatives for their pets, such as boarding kennels, Reception friends or relatives outside the 10 mile area. Center______________________________________________________ Recommended route to get to my Reception Center is If you have livestock or agricultural products, useful ____________________________________________________________________ Recommended route to get to my Reception Center is information is available from the New York State ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Department of Agriculture Web site ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ or call 1-800-554-4501 or call your local Cooperative ____________________________________________________________________ Extension Office. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ The county is developing limited emergency kennel space ____________________________________________________________________ Emergency bus stopCenters. is located at ________________________________________ at Reception This is being done to accommodate people who cannot make other arrangements for their ____________________________________________________________________ Emergency bus stop is located at ________________________________________ pets beforehand. Pet owners should plan to bring their ____________________________________________________________________ Child’s ownname School supplies, including Reception food, Center leashes, cages and carriers etc. Trained volunteers________________ _________________________ may be available to assist owners __________________________ Child’s name School Reception Center with pet care and feeding. _________________________ Please be mindful that space __________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________ at these locations is limited, _________________________ so we encourage everyone to __________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________ make other plans for their _________________________ pets before the emergency. __________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________ Leave No Animal Behind _________________________ __________________________________________ • Arrange with _________________________ My family’s KI is stored friends or relatives to provide temporary __________________________________________ at______________________________________________ shelter for you and/or your pets. Expiration Date:_________________________________________________ • Make My family’s a listat______________________________________________ KI is stored of pet-friendly hotels and motels outside your area. (You can look them up online at ____________________________________________________________________ contact phone number_______________________________________ or SPECIAL NEEDS • Ask your veterinarian and boarding facilities if they “Check-in” phone provide Meeting place number______________________________________________ emergency care and boarding during a ________________________________________________________ disaster. (Also identify an alternate veterinarian or ____________________________________________________________________ boarding Meeting place facility outside the 10 mile area.) ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Identify all your pets: ____________________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________________________ • Microchip your pet. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ • Make sure your pet is wearing a collar or harness Phone ______________________________________________________________ with identifying tags on it. Include your phone number and an alternate phone number of ____________________________________________________________________ someone outside your area. • Put leg bands on all birds and ID tags on all pocket-pet cages.
How are emergencies at nuclear power How areplants classified? emergencies at nuclear power plants classified? The federal government established four classifications for emergencies at nuclear power plants. In order from The thefederal government least to established most serious, they are:four classifications for emergencies at nuclear power plants. In order from the least to most serious, they are: > An UNUSUAL EVENT indicates a potential problem with the operation of the plant. Officials are notified, but no > An UNUSUAL public action isEVENT indicates a potential problem with necessary. operation of the plant. Officials are notified, but no public action is necessary. > An ALERT indicates an event that could reduce the plant’s level of safety. Any release of radioactivity would be a small > An ALERT fraction of indicates anguidelines. the federal event that could reduce Residents the plant’s should monitor level of safety. Any release of radioactivity the situation on television or radio. would be a small fraction of the federal guidelines. Residents should monitor the situation on television or radio. > A SITE AREA EMERGENCY indicates a problem that substantially reduces the plant’s level of safety. Releases of radioactivity outside the plant site would not be expected > AtoSITE AREA exceed EMERGENCY federal guidelines.indicates a problem Residents that should monitor the substantially reduces the plant’s situation on television or radio. level of safety. Releases of radioactivity outside the plant site would not be expected to exceed federal guidelines. Residents should monitor the situation on television > A GENERAL or radio.indicates a problem affecting EMERGENCY safety systems in the plant that could lead to a release of radiation that would exceed the federal guidelines outside GENERAL > Athe EMERGENCY plant. Protective indicates actions may beaordered problemforaffecting some safety systems areas. in the Residents plant monitor should that could thelead to a release situation of on television radiation that would exceed the federal guidelines outside or radio. the plant. Protective actions may be ordered for some CUT ALONG DASHED LINE areas. # EasyReaderBooklet ©2018 Central Graphics Group, Inc. EasyReaderBooklet ©2012 Central Graphics Group, Inc.
ncy Plan Emergency Supplies Checklist How would I be notifi How would I be not ncy Plan family members. rgency plan information in your car, briefcase or ded for additional Evacuation supplies checklist of of an emergency an emergency Indian Point? at at mergency plan information in your car, briefcase or Review the checklist for items you may want to have on hand if you are instructed to Shelter-In-Place or Indian Point? ut pets and livestock? (EAS) stations: eeded for additional family members. Evacuate. If you are Check told tothe items you evacuate, youmay need, should andenough bring add anypersonal special items thatfor supplies are not listed. three If youfrom days away need help Special emergency emergency sirens sirens that that pro pro ________________________________________________ finding Special d to evacuate, you will want to take your EAS) stations: ________________________________________________ home.aCheck placethe to stay itemsduring an evacuation, you may people need, and add any staffing the Reception special items Centers that are not will listed. helpneed If you you. help a continuous, four-minute a continuous, four-minute tone wo tone w ets would not be permitted in Reception finding a place to stay during an evacuation, people staffing the Reception Centers will alert people alert people within within 10 10 miles miles of of Ind In _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________ orary shelters (except for service animals, help you. Point to Point to tune tune to to an an Emergency EmergencyAle Al _______________________________________________ System (EAS) station for informat System (EAS) station for informati ye dogs). Pet owners are encouraged to _______________________________________________ MEDICAL ITEMS PERSONAL HYGIENE ITEMS BEDDING ________________________________________________ about an about an emergency emergency at at Indian Indian Poi Po ves for their pets, such as boarding Medicines □MEDICAL ITEMS Shaving items □PERSONAL HYGIENE ITEMS Two blankets per person or □BEDDING you hear hear the the continuous, continuous, four-min four-min you or relatives outside the 10 mile area. _______________________________________________ sleeping bags per person or tone, listen tone, listen to to one one of of the the EAS EAS sta sta get to my Reception Center is Medicines information □□Prescription Shaving items □□Soaps □ Two blankets listed in this booklet for official listed in this booklet for official ock or agricultural products, useful sleeping bags ________________________________________________ et to my Reception Center is □(doctor, nameinformation Prescription of medicine, Soaps □□Toothbrush/toothpaste □ _________________________ information on information on what what you you should should d ailable from the New York State ________________________________________________ name of pharmacy) (doctor, name of medicine…) _________________________ These sirens sirens are are tested tested periodical periodica Toothbrush/toothpaste □□_________________________ These _______________________________________________ griculture Web site ________________________________________________ □□Sanitary items throughout the year. Siren throughout the year. Siren tests tests aa _______________________________________________ □□Eyeglasses Eyeglassesororcontacts contacts □ _________________________ announced in advance through lo -4501 or call your local Cooperative Sanitary items MISCELLANEOUS ________________________________________________ □□_________________________ announced in advance through lo news media. media. _______________________________________________ □□Dentures Dentures news Portable radio with _________________________ □MISCELLANEOUS □□_________________________ ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ In addition In addition to to the the sirens, sirens, aa high-s high-s veloping limited emergency kennel space □□Special diet foods Special diet foods spare batteries telephone service, an e-mail alert _______________________________________________ _________________________ □ Portable radio with □□_________________________ telephone service, an e-mail alerti cated at ters. ________________________________________ This is being done to accommodate □ Flashlights with service or web-based services su □□_________________________ _________________________ spare batteries service or web-based services suc ot make other arrangements for their ________________________________________________ □ _________________________ extra batteries NY-Alert could be used to notify aa NY-Alert could be used to notify ated at ________________________________________ Pet owners should plan to bring their □□_________________________ _________________________ MONEY □ Flashlights with inform the inform the public. public. _______________________________________________ School Reception Center MONEY □ Cash □ KI-potassium iodide tablets extra batteries cluding food, leashes, cages and carriers BABY BABYSUPPLIES SUPPLIES Anyone can Anyone can sign sign up upfor fo nteers________________ _____ may be available to assist owners __________________________ □ Cash □ Checkbook □□Important phone KI-potassium numbers iodide tablets NY-Alert online online at at School Reception Center □□Baby Babyfood food NY-Alert d feeding. _____ Please be mindful that space __________________________________________ □ Checkbook □□This planning Important booklet phone numbers https://users.nyalert.g ____ __________________________________________ s is limited, so we encourage everyone to □ Credit cards _____ __________________________________________ Formula □□Formula ____ __________________________________________ □ Credit cards □□Bottled water booklet This planning What is NY-Alert? s_____ for their pets before the emergency. __________________________________________ □ _________________________ How would I find ou Diapers/babywipes □□Diapers/baby wipes ____ __________________________________________ □ _________________________ □□Medical Bottledinsurance water card _____ __________________________________________ mal Behind ____ __________________________________________ Toys □□Toys □ _________________________ what It is New IYork should do in State’s All-Hazards □ _________________________ □□Mobile charging device and Notification web-based inform friends ____ or relatives to provide temporary __________________________________________ _________________________ IDENTIFICATION AND Medical insurance card emergency? portal. The NY-Alert website conta t______________________________________________ □□_________________________ OTHER EMERGENCY ITEMS critical emergency-related informa you and/or your pets. IMPORTANT PAPERS __________________________________________ of pet-friendly hotels and motels outside ______________________________________________ _________________________ IDENTIFICATION AND □□_________________________ OTHER EMERGENCY ITEMS □ _________________________ Officials includingwould use theand instructions Emergency recom- IMPORTANT PAPERS Alert System (EAS) radio anddevelo telev You can look them up online at □ Drivers license □ _________________________ mended protective actions stations real-timetobyprovide information service an _______________________________________________ e number_______________________________________ or □ Drivers license □ _________________________ emergency pe SPECIAL NEEDS CLOTHING CLOTHING □ Current photos of your □ _________________________ instructions to the nel. By signing up public. EAS sta for NY-Alert, yo erinarian and boarding facilities if they Photos of your children □children □ _________________________ in this area are listed and on the next r______________________________________________ Clothesfor □□Clothes forthree threedays days receive warnings emergency ergency care and boarding during a ________________________________________________ □ _________________________ page. mation These stations via the wouldcell web, your bepho th lso identify an alternate veterinarian or ________________________________________________ Shoes □□Shoes _________________________ □ _________________________ □□_________________________ official source email and otherof technologies. information durin Si cility outside the 10 mile area.) _______________________________________________ □ _________________________ emergency. □ _________________________ up for NY-Alert is free. You can m ________________________________________________ □ _________________________ □ _________________________ □ _________________________ □□_________________________ ur pets: _______________________________________________ _________________________ what type Different of information areas you rece could be directed t _______________________________________________ p your pet. □ _________________________ □ _________________________ □ _________________________ □ _________________________ □□_________________________ or unsubscribe take at any so different actions, time. It is instructi _______________________________________________ _________________________ to provide will you with be provided critical in terms of inform the ________________________________________________ re your pet is wearing a collar or harness _________________________ _________________________ □□_________________________ _______________________________________________ ntifying tags on it. Include your phone □□_________________________ □□_________________________ _________________________ when you may communities or need areas itwithin most.10 m Indian Point. These areas are show and an alternate phone number of _______________________________________________ □ _________________________ □ _________________________ □ _________________________ □ _________________________ the map attached to this booklet. e outside your area. How would I find out your location on the map and list bands on all birds and ID tags on all what Iforshould carefully information doconcernin in an et cages. emergency? your area. Officials would use the Emergenc Alert System (EAS) radio and tele stations to provide information a instructions to the public. EAS st in this area are listed on the next
# CUT ALONG DASHED LINE Advance Registration Card for People with Special Needs - 2020/2022 Advance If you require Registration assistance in an Card emergency, please fill out thisfor People questionnaire andwith Special mail it back to us. YourNeeds cooperation will Ifhelp youusrequire in making properinarrangements assistance an emergency,if please it becomes necessary fill out for you to and this questionnaire be evacuated during mail it back to us.anYour emergency of any cooperation willkind. helpIf youinhave us making anyproper questions please contact arrangements the Orange if it becomes County for necessary Emergency you to beServices Center evacuated at 845-615-0400. during an emergency of any kind. If you have Pleaseanyprintquestions please contact the Orange County Department of Emergency Services at 845-615-0400. Please print Name □ Mr. □ Mrs. □ Miss/Ms. Date of Birth Name □ Mr. □ Mrs. □ Miss/Ms. Date of Birth Address, including apartment number, building, floor Address, including apartment number, building, floor DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES City, ZIP+4 ORANGE COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES CE City, ZIP+4 22 WELLS FARM ROAD GOSHEN, NY 10924 Telephone (Home) Cell Phone Telephone (Home) Cell Phone Primary Disability(ies) Primary Disability(ies) HEREHERE HEREHERE Secondary Disability(ies) Secondary Disability(ies) FOLDFOLD FOLDFOLD Name and phone number of a local relative or person who lives near you who should be contacted in an emergency: Name and phone number of a local relative or person who lives near you who should be contacted in an emergency: Name □ Mr. □ Mrs. □ Miss/Ms. Name □ Mr. □ Mrs. □ Miss/Ms. Address Address City City Telephone Relationship: Telephone Relationship: □ Family □ Neighbor □ Friend 2nd Telephone 2nd Telephone □ Family □ Neighbor □ Friend ASSISTIVE EQUIPMENT USED: Are you completely bedridden? □ Yes □ No □ Cane(s) EQUIPMENT ASSISTIVE □ Walker USED: □ Oxygen □ Other Are youIf completely not, do youbedridden? have your □ Yes □ No Crutches □ Cane(s) □ Guide dog □ Walker □ Respirator □ Oxygen □ □ Other own transportation? If not, do you have your □ Yes □ No □ Wheelchair □ Crutches Hospital □ Guide □ dogBed Electric wheelchair □ Respirator □ If not,transportation? own can you obtain a ride □ Yes □ No AreWheelchair □ you □ Blind □orHospital Bed sighted? □ Partially □ Electric wheelchair Ifwith not,a can nearby youperson obtain a ride (relative, neighbor with a nearby person or friend)? □ Yes □ No Are you deaf/hearing □ Blind orimpaired? □ Partially sighted? □ Yes □ No If not, can you get (relative, neighbor or from your friend)? □ Yes □ No Are youIf deaf/hearing impaired? yes, do you have TTD/TTY? □ Yes □ No house to a bus stop unassisted? □ Yes □ No If not, can you get from your If yes, □ Please doadditional send you have TTD/TTY? □ Yeswith cards for other persons □ No house to a bus stop unassisted? □ Yes □ No special send □ Please needsadditional in my household. cards for other persons with Please detach and mail this card. This questionnaire This information special is my needs in released for emergency planning use household. must bedetach Please completed eachthis and mail time youThis card. receive a booklet questionnaire by Orange This County. information is released for emergency planning use on emergency must planning be completed eachtotime assure youthat we have receive up- a booklet to-date on information emergency on your planning needs. to assure that we have up- 6/12/20 4:22 AM by Orange County. Signature _________________________________________________ to-date information on your needs. Signature _________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT OFORANGE EMERGENCY COUNTYSERVICES DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ORANGE COUNTY EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT OF SERVICES EMERGENCYCENTER SERVICES ORANGE COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES CENTER 22 Wells Farm Road 22 Wells Farm Road 22 Wells Farm Road Goshen, NY 10924 Goshen, NY 10924 Goshen, NY 10924
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