Are truck drivers underpaid? - Applied Economics Letters, 2005, 12, 13-18

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                                                                                  Applied Economics Letters, 2005, 12, 13–18

                                                                                  Are truck drivers underpaid?
                                                                                  Dale Belmana and Kristen Monacob*
                                                                                   School of Labour and Industrial Relations, South Kedzie Hall,
                                                                                  Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1032, USA
                                                                                    Department of Economics, California State University Long Beach,
                                                                                  1250 Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90840, USA

                                                                                  There is an emerging debate over whether truck drivers are ‘underpaid’
                                                                                  given their human capital and working conditions. Using data from the
                                                                                  2000 Current Population Survey, the pay differentials between truck
                                                                                  drivers and other blue collar occupations are investigated. While truck
                                                                                  drivers appear to receive a small premium in their hourly wage compared
                                                                                  to workers with similar skill requirements, they receive substantial pre-
                                                                                  mium in their weekly wage. This weekly wage differential is primarily
                                                                                  the result of a substantially longer work week.

                                                                                  It is well established in the literature that truck                  adequately compensated for their work. The view
                                                                                  driving became a less desirable occupation after                     that drivers’ pay is too low is common currency
                                                                                  deregulation in the late 1970s, when wages plum-                     among those who drive, but such views are not
                                                                                  meted significantly.1 Average hourly wages for                        limited to drivers. Belzer (2000) argues that since
                                                                                  employee truck drivers fell from $16.00 to $12.72                    deregulation the non-union sector in trucking has
                                                                                  over the period 1979 to 1993, a decrease of 20.5%.2                  taken on many of the characteristics of sweatshops:
                                                                                  After bottoming out in 1993, hourly wages                            below subsistence wages, overwork, and unpleasant
                                                                                  rebounded somewhat and reached $13.70 in 2000, a                     and unhealthy working conditions. Others, such as
                                                                                  7.7% increase.                                                       Corsi (2001) and Beilock (2001, 2003), argue against
                                                                                     Truck drivers face demanding working condi-                       such conclusions. In particular, Beilock notes that
                                                                                  tions, especially long-haul truck drivers (Belzer,                   drivers’ earnings are closely aligned with those of
                                                                                  2000; Belman et al., forthcoming). Drivers’ hours                    individuals with similar education levels.
                                                                                  of work are governed by Federal Hours of Service                        How might this issue be addressed? Economic
                                                                                  Regulations which limit drivers to 60 hours of work                  theory suggests that wages are largely determined
                                                                                  in a seven day period. It is widely acknowledged in                  by an individual’s productivity, however, pay is not
                                                                                  the industry that long-haul drivers routinely violate                determined solely by productivity. The theory of
                                                                                  these regulations (Belman et al., 2004; Braver et al.,               compensating differentials implies that pay is influ-
                                                                                  1992; Beilock, 1995) and often work considerably                     enced by working conditions. Employers who pro-
                                                                                  longer than 60 hours per week.                                       vide substandard working conditions will be unable
                                                                                     In combination with the long hours of work,                       to attract a sufficient supply of workers at the going
                                                                                  the post-deregulation decline in driver’s real earnings              wage rate, which compels them to offer an increment
                                                                                  has fuelled discussion over whether drivers are                      to pay to attract workers who would otherwise

                                                                                  *Corresponding author. E-mail:
                                                                                    Research on deregulation’s impact on the trucking labour market includes Belzer (1995), Rose (1987), Hirsch (1988, 1993),
                                                                                  Hirsch and Macpherson (1998), and Belman and Monaco (2001).
                                                                                    All figures are calculated in 2000 dollars using data from the Current Population Survey. Data from the May Survey is used
                                                                                  in 1979 and from the Outgoing Rotation Groups files after 1979.
                                                                                                Applied Economics Letters ISSN 1350–4851 print/ISSN 1466–4291 online # 2005 Taylor & Francis Group Ltd     13
                                                                                                                                    DOI: 10.1080/1350485042000291411
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                                                                                  14                                                                                           D. Belman and K. Monaco
                                                                                  choose jobs with better conditions. As labour mar-                We estimate this model using in turn log hourly
                                                                                  kets are characterized by a certain level of fluidity,             earnings and log weekly earnings as the dependent
                                                                                  this ‘compensating differential’ applies not only to               variable, and report results for each of these respec-
                                                                                  similar jobs within an industry but across industries             tively in Tables 1 and 2.5 We use the log wage
                                                                                  and occupations. Given the demanding nature of                    estimates to construct predictions of the hourly
                                                                                  truck drivers’ jobs, we would expect that if truck dri-           wage by occupation, and report these in the tables.
                                                                                  vers were underpaid their wages would resemble                    The predictions are standardized for human capital
                                                                                  those of workers with similar human capital working               by calculating the predicted wage at sample mean
                                                                                  under better conditions.                                          human capital characteristics.
                                                                                     One way to determine whether the market is                        For each table, we display the occupational title in
                                                                                  compensating drivers for their working conditions                 column 1, followed by the occupation code used in
                                                                                  is to isolate the component of individuals’ wages                 the CPS in column 2, the actual mean hourly earnings
                                                                                  associated with their occupation and compare this                 by occupation (unadjusted for human capital or other
                                                                                  to that of similar occupations.3 This is done by                  characteristics) in dollars in column 3, and by the
                                                                                  estimating a wage model with an indicator variable                earnings predicted by the regression model (calcu-
                                                                                  for each occupation but no overall intercept. The                 lated at the mean human capital characteristics),
                                                                                  coefficient on the occupation indicator variable is                 also in dollars, in column 4. In the next column, we
                                                                                  the ‘occupational wage component,’ which reflects                  show the difference between the earnings of drivers in
                                                                                  the market valuation of the advantages and disadvan-              the trucking industry and each of the other occupa-
                                                                                  tages of that occupation. The estimated magnitudes                tions, including truck driving outside of the trucking
                                                                                  of the occupation components can be compared                      industry, again in dollars. In the sixth column we
                                                                                  between occupations and judgments made about the                  present the t-statistic that indicates whether the
                                                                                  appropriateness of the implied wage differentials.                 difference is statistically significant. The last column
                                                                                  This approach is necessarily somewhat judgmental                  shows the sample size for the occupation, that is the
                                                                                  as there is seldom a perfect fit between occupations.              number of individuals in the sample in each occupa-
                                                                                  Nevertheless, it provides a workable means of explor-             tion. In both tables, we restrict ourselves to occupa-
                                                                                  ing the issue of driver underpay.4                                tions that have at least 80 observations to reduce the
                                                                                     We use data from the year 2000 Current                         effects of sampling variability. We believe that the
                                                                                  Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Groups files                   occupations in question are a representative subset
                                                                                  to estimate a conventional human capital wage equa-               of the blue-collar occupations in our data and in
                                                                                  tion with controls for educational attainment, age,               that sense the results in Tables 1 and 2 characterize
                                                                                  gender, race and ethnicity, union membership, region              the patterns we found in the larger set of occupations.
                                                                                  of residence and residence in a metropolitan area. We                Table 1 shows that the sample mean hourly
                                                                                  limit our sample to those individuals employed in the             earnings for truck drivers employed in the trucking
                                                                                  private sector only and exclude individuals who are               industry is $15.67 while the earnings predicted at
                                                                                  self-employed. The 99 821 individuals in the resulting            sample mean human capital characteristics are
                                                                                  data were engaged in 484 different three-digit private             $13.64. A natural initial comparison is with truck
                                                                                  sector occupations according to the CPS definitions.               drivers employed outside of the trucking industry.
                                                                                  The model includes indicator variables for each of                This ‘occupation’ is comprised of drivers whose
                                                                                  these 484 occupations. To better understand the                   work is similar to that of drivers within motor freight,
                                                                                  occupational effects of employment in trucking, we                 but it also includes local delivery drivers in light
                                                                                  separate truck drivers employed in the trucking                   trucks, construction drivers and others whose work
                                                                                  industry from those employed in other industries.                 and working conditions are quite different from that

                                                                                    An alternative would be to incorporate measures of working conditions into a conventional human capital model of wages.
                                                                                  Although the numeric ratings for occupational characteristics are available from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles or
                                                                                  from ONET, the incorporation of these measures into wage regressions has been problematic. Because of all these issues, few
                                                                                  articles in the compensating differentials literature incorporate direct controls for occupational characteristics.
                                                                                    Further explanation and an example of this approach is provided in Belman et al. (2002).
                                                                                    Hourly earnings are calculated as the ratio of average weekly earnings to actual hours last week. Actual rather than average
                                                                                  hours was used because employees who work irregular schedules report a value of ‘variable hours’ for average hours and this
                                                                                  precludes calculating an hourly wage. As many truck drivers work irregular schedules, use of average hours would exclude
                                                                                  large numbers of truck drivers. Although actual hours is a noisy representation of average weekly hours for an individual, the
                                                                                  estimates of the hourly wage should be reasonably accurate given the size of the sample used in this study.
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Table 1. Comparing hourly earnings across occupations

                                                                                                                                                                                       Are truck drivers underpaid?
                                                                                                                             Adjusted for human capital
                                                                                              occupation   Hourly earnings   Predicted      Difference from        t-stat. for
                                                                                              code         (unadjusted)      earnings       drivers in trucking   difference     N
Motor Vehicle Operators
  Truck drivers-trucking industry                                                             804          $15.67            $13.64                                             1308
  Truck drivers-other industries                                                                           $13.11            $12.06           $1.57                 2.910       1442
Transportation Operatives
  Supervisors, motor vehicle opers                                                            803          $17.29            $13.98           $0.34                 0.374        82
  Driver-sales workers                                                                        806          $14.35            $12.24           $1.40                 1.948       155
  Bus drivers                                                                                 808          $12.08            $11.36           $2.27                 3.677       276
  Taxi cab drivers/chauffeurs                                                                  809          $11.21             $9.94           $3.70                 6.063       215
  Punching & stamping press oper                                                              706          $12.33            $11.86           $1.78                 2.200        90
  Grinding & polishing machine oper                                                           709          $12.52            $12.31           $1.32                 1.610        94
  Printing machine operators                                                                  734          $14.99            $13.42           $0.21                 0.319       287
  Textile sewing machine operators                                                            744           $8.56            $10.14           $3.49                 6.400       423
  Painting and spraying machine oper                                                          759          $13.78            $13.30           $0.34                 0.464       168
Material Moving Operators
  Operating engineers                                                                         844          $17.53            $15.75           $2.11                 2.778       215
  Crane and tower operators                                                                   849          $16.26            $13.62           $0.02                 0.020        75
  Excavating & loading machine oper                                                           853          $16.38            $15.50           $1.87                 2.042        95
  Industrial truck/tractor equip oper                                                         856          $12.58            $11.93           $1.70                 2.927       485
  Stock handlers and baggers                                                                  877           $9.39             $9.61           $4.03                 7.872        635
  Freight & material handler, nec                                                             883          $11.81            $11.30           $2.34                 4.157        522
  Labourers, ex construction (8769)                                                           889          $11.65            $11.07           $2.56                 4.876       1081
Precision Production
  Automobile mechanics                                                                        505          $15.08            $13.77           $0.13                 0.220        661
  Bus, truck, and engine mechanics                                                            507          $16.15            $14.85           $1.22                 1.797        341
  Aircraft engine mechanics                                                                   508          $18.74            $15.11           $1.47                 1.716        108
  Heavy equipment mechanics                                                                   516          $16.29            $14.79           $1.16                 1.511        174
  HVAC mech                                                                                   534          $16.97            $14.91           $1.28                 1.819        277
  Carpenters                                                                                  567          $16.38            $14.85           $1.22                 1.990       1021
  Electricians                                                                                575          $19.46            $16.42           $2.79                 4.231        728
  Plumbers, pipefitters & steamfitters                                                          585          $18.28            $15.78           $2.14                 3.178        468
  Roofers                                                                                     595          $15.89            $14.58           $0.94                 1.172        150
  Machinists                                                                                  637          $16.57            $14.53           $0.90                 1.411        509
  Butchers and meat cutters                                                                   686          $12.38            $12.57           $1.07                 1.658        275
  Bakers                                                                                      687          $11.27            $11.19           $2.44                 3.563        152

Earnings estimates constructed from a log wage equation estimated with the 2000 Outgoing Rotation of the Current Population Survey. The wage
difference is calculated as (estimated earnings of drivers – estimated earnings of other occupation).

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Table 2. Comparing weekly earnings across occupations

                                                                                                           Weekly Earnings
                                                                                                                             Adjusted for Human Capital
                                                                                              occupation   Weekly earnings   Predicted     Difference from   t-stat. for   Number of
                                                                                              code         (unadjusted)      earnings      truck drivers    difference     observations
Motor Vehicle Operators
  Truck drivers-trucking industry                                                             804          $708.54           $603.01                                      1986
  Truck drivers-other industries                                                                           $554.77           $501.88       $101.13              4.105     2032
Transportation Operatives
  Supervisors, motor vehicle opers                                                            803          $779.94           $615.26        $12.25              0.289      106
  Driver-sales workers                                                                        806          $614.17           $527.76        $75.25              2.245      206
  Bus drivers                                                                                 808          $421.40           $457.35       $145.67              5.300      383
  Taxi cab drivers/chauffeurs                                                                  809          $484.80           $422.20       $180.82              6.438      362
  Punching & stamping press oper                                                              706          $496.27           $468.49       $134.52              3.793      118
  Grinding & polishing machine oper                                                           709          $541.34           $501.46       $101.55              2.749      116
  Printing machine operators                                                                  734          $617.18           $536.87        $66.14              2.234      370
  Textile sewing machine operators                                                            744          $334.91           $418.27       $184.74              7.455      528
  Painting and spraying machine oper                                                          759          $557.36           $525.21        $77.80              2.390      220
Material Moving Operators
  Operating engineers                                                                         844          $709.83           $635.73        $32.72              0.962      289
  Crane and tower operators                                                                   849          $701.10           $557.97        $45.05              1.081       90
  Excavating & loading machine oper                                                           853          $645.86           $618.52        $15.51              0.383      151
  Industrial truck/tractor equip oper                                                         856          $519.41           $471.80       $131.21              5.093      642
  Stock handlers and baggers                                                                  877          $346.87           $377.27       $225.74              9.947     1555
  Freight & material handler, nec                                                             883          $454.71           $445.31       $157.71              6.306      856
  Labourers, ex construction (8769)                                                           889          $442.60           $424.82       $178.19              7.724     1637
Precision Production
  Automobile mechanics                                                                        505          $634.97           $552.78        $50.24              1.849     1104
  Bus, truck, and engine mechanics                                                            507          $685.64           $601.36         $1.65              0.054      431

                                                                                                                                                                                         D. Belman and K. Monaco
  Aircraft engine mechanics                                                                   508          $806.37           $610.29         $7.28              0.188      130
  Heavy equipment mechanics                                                                   516          $710.87           $618.19        $15.18              0.435      206
  HVAC mech                                                                                   534          $693.86           $594.45         $8.56              0.274      424
  Carpenters                                                                                  567          $634.02           $563.90        $39.11              1.470     1890
  Electricians                                                                                575          $815.32           $645.98        $42.97              1.476      987
  Plumbers, pipefitters & steamfitters                                                          585          $732.71           $622.91        $19.90              0.665      690
  Roofers                                                                                     595          $557.59           $558.77        $44.24              1.269      254
  Machinists                                                                                  637          $680.48           $577.62        $25.39              0.893      599
  Butchers and meat cutters                                                                   686          $508.31           $511.01        $92.00              3.179      370
  Bakers                                                                                      687          $437.58           $419.44       $183.57              6.176      227

Earnings estimates constructed from a log wage equation estimated with the 2000 Outgoing Rotation of the Current Population Survey. The wage
difference is calculated as (estimated earnings of drivers – estimated earnings of other occupation).
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                                                                                  Are truck drivers underpaid?                                                                                               17
                                                                                  of freight drivers. Average hourly earnings for these             they also involve exposure to weather and hazardous
                                                                                  drivers are $13.11, while the predicted hourly earn-              conditions and may involve periods of time away
                                                                                  ings are $12.06, $1.57 less per hour than drivers in              from home. Our estimates suggest that two of the
                                                                                  motor freight. Motor freight drivers earn a premium               three construction occupations are paid more than
                                                                                  of 13.1% over employees with similar skills doing                 drivers (operating engineers and excavating machine
                                                                                  similar work, but who may be less likely to work                  operators), while tower and crane operators have
                                                                                  extended hours or be away from home for extended                  similar hourly earnings (crane and tower operators).
                                                                                  periods.                                                          Industrial truck and tractor equipment operators,
                                                                                     Comparing the earnings of drivers in motor freight             individuals who operate trucks and other moving
                                                                                  with those of other motor vehicle operatives again                equipment on factory premises and whose jobs
                                                                                  indicates that motor freight drivers earn a premium               involved skills similar to those of truck drivers, are
                                                                                  over other drivers. Drivers in motor freight earn                 paid $1.70 per hour less than drivers. The lower pay
                                                                                  $1.40 (11.4%) more than driver sales workers, $2.27               is consistent with a downward adjustment in compen-
                                                                                  (20.1%) per hour more than bus drivers, and $3.70                 sation for the better conditions of industrial truck
                                                                                  (37.2%) more than taxi drivers; each difference is                 operators.
                                                                                  significant at the 5% or better level.6                               Finally, precision production occupations are blue-
                                                                                     The balance of Table 1 compares drivers in motor               collar jobs that require advanced vocational training,
                                                                                  freight with non-transportation blue-collar occupa-               often three or four year apprenticeships. Some
                                                                                  tions. Individuals in the first group, production                  of these occupations involve exposure to weather,
                                                                                  operatives, are engaged in repetitive operations, typi-           various hazards in construction sites, and may also
                                                                                  cally in a factory or other production facility. Similar          require that workers spend part of the year away
                                                                                  to truck driving, these jobs normally require no                  from home. The predicted earnings of most of these
                                                                                  more than a high-school degree and no more than                   occupations are $1.00 to $2.00 per hour more than
                                                                                  a few months of occupation-specific training and                   those of truck drivers, and most of these differences
                                                                                  on-the-job experience. They provide better working                are statistically significant. The occupations for which
                                                                                  conditions than truck driving, at least with respect to           earnings are not significantly higher than those of
                                                                                  hours of work and rest and time spent at home. The                drivers are those that do not involve extended
                                                                                  wages predicted by our regression model indicate                  advanced vocational training (auto mechanics and
                                                                                  that the hourly earnings of truck drivers in motor                roofers) or trades that formerly involved advanced
                                                                                  freight are similar to those of painting and printing             skills but that have evolved into production jobs in
                                                                                  machine operators but significantly greater than                   factories (butchers, bakers and some machinists).
                                                                                  that of sewing machine, punch press and grinding                     The pattern that emerges from the hourly wage
                                                                                  machine operators.                                                data indicates that truck drivers earn more than
                                                                                     The educational and training requirements for                  workers in manual occupations with similar training
                                                                                  labourers, manual workers involved in operations                  requirements that do not entail the hours or working
                                                                                  such as stock and freight handling, are similar to                conditions associated with truck driving. In contrast,
                                                                                  those of truck drivers but labourers are less likely              drivers often earn considerably less than manual
                                                                                  to control expensive or powerful machinery.                       occupations that involve advanced vocational train-
                                                                                  Although labourers’ duties often involve extended                 ing and that may involve less favourable working
                                                                                  periods of heavy work, they are not characterized                 conditions.
                                                                                  by the extended working time and time away from                      The favourable position of truck drivers relative to
                                                                                  home issues that characterize the work of truck                   occupations with similar training requirements
                                                                                  drivers. Consistent with the lesser requirements of               becomes more pronounced when weekly earnings
                                                                                  the labourers’ position, most labourers are paid                  are considered (Table 2). Drivers in motor freight
                                                                                  considerably less, between $2.34 and $4.03, than                  earn considerably more per week than drivers outside
                                                                                  truck drivers, and these differences are statistically             of motor freight, transportation operatives, and
                                                                                  significant.                                                       labourers. Drivers’ weekly pay is similar to that of
                                                                                     Material moving occupations involve the operation              material moving operatives, including operating
                                                                                  of heavy equipment. Proficiency in these occupations               engineers and excavating machine operators, and
                                                                                  may require extended formal and on-the-job training;              of precision production workers including aircraft

                                                                                   A driver sales worker is typically a truck driver who delivers and positions goods. Soft drink and bakery drivers, who unload
                                                                                  their trucks and place the goods on store shelves are driver sales workers.
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                                                                                  18                                                                                    D. Belman and K. Monaco
                                                                                  engine mechanics, plumbers and carpenters. On a           References
                                                                                  weekly basis, the earnings of drivers closely approach    Beilock, R. (1995) Schedule-induced hours-of-service and
                                                                                  those of electricians.                                         speed limit violations among tractor-trailer drivers,
                                                                                     In combination, these results imply that truck              Accident Analysis and Prevention 27, 33–42.
                                                                                                                                            Beilock, R. (2001) Review of: sweatshops on wheels:
                                                                                  drivers are paid somewhat more per hour than
                                                                                                                                                 winners and losers in trucking deregulation,
                                                                                  those employed in occupations with similar skill               American Economic Review, 39, 1264–5.
                                                                                  requirements but better working conditions.               Beilock, R. (2003) The elusive sweatshop, Journal of the
                                                                                  However, the longer weekly work hours of truck                 Transportation Research Forum, 153–65.
                                                                                  drivers allow them to earn as much per week as            Belman, D. L., Monaco, K. A. and Brooks, T. J. Sailors
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                                                                                  blue-collar workers in occupations requiring consid-           and Worklives, Michigan State University Press, East
                                                                                  erably more skills and occupational training. An               Lansing, forthcoming
                                                                                  interpretation of these results is that truck drivers     Belman, D. L., Heywood, J. S. and Voos, P. (2002) Public
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                                                                                  require more training and skills.                              of deregulation, de-unionization, technology, and
                                                                                     Nevertheless, it is possible that markets do not            human capital on the work and work lives of truck
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                                                                                  associated with their working conditions. Economic
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                                                                                  theory proposes that compensating differentials are             tion: do the teamsters still count?, Industrial and
                                                                                  driven by the movement of marginal workers out of              Labour Relations Review, 48, 636–55.
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                                                                                  the flow of workers away from worse conditions,            Braver, E. R., Preusser, C. W., Preusser, D. F., Baum,
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                                                                                  relies on ease of movement between markets. Differ-             of Public Health Policy, 13, 341–66.
                                                                                  ences in the hours of work regulations between truck-     Corsi, T. (2001) Book Review: Sweatshops on Wheels:
                                                                                                                                                 Winners and Losers in Trucking Deregulation, Journal
                                                                                  ing and the balance of the economy can impede such             of the Transportation Research Forum, 40, 147–9.
                                                                                  movement. Movement from a 60-hour week in truck-          Hirsch, B. T. (1988) Trucking regulations, unionization,
                                                                                  ing to a job with similar pay and somewhat better              and labour earnings: 1973–1985, Journal of Human
                                                                                  conditions outside of trucking would be accompanied            Resources, 23, 296–319.
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                                                                                  The reduction in income associated with migration              Journal of Labour Economics, 11, 279–301.
                                                                                  out of the industry serves to restrain the arbitraging    Hirsch, B. T. and Macpherson, D. A. (1998) Earnings
                                                                                  of pay and working conditions. Although the                    and employment in trucking: deregulating a naturally
                                                                                  results of this inquiry suggest that driver pay is not         competitive industry, in Regulatory Reform and Labour
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                                                                                  impediments to the smooth functioning of the              Rose, N. L. (1987) Labour rent sharing and regulation:
                                                                                  market suggests that moderate underpay may exist               evidence from the trucking industry, Journal of
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