APRIL 8, 2022 JORDAN HALL - A BOSTON CONNECTION CONCERT presented in partnership with New England Conservatory - Boston Modern Orchestra Project

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APRIL 8, 2022 JORDAN HALL - A BOSTON CONNECTION CONCERT presented in partnership with New England Conservatory - Boston Modern Orchestra Project

                    APRIL 8, 2022
                    JORDAN HALL

                    presented in partnership with New England Conservatory
Ellen Taaffe Zwilich
Portrait Concert
FRIDAY APRIL 8, 2022 8:00
BMOP 20182019
                                                                                             Ellen Taaffe Zwilich
                                                                                             Portrait Concert
COMING UP NEXT                                                                               A BOSTON CONNECTION CONCERT
                                                                                             presented in partnership with New England Conservatory

                   JUNE 17, 2022 —
                                 ­ THE STRAND THEATRE                                        FRIDAY APRIL 8, 2022 8:00

                                                                                             JORDAN HALL AT NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY

                             The Life
                             and Times of                                                    Upbeat!

                             Malcolm X                                                       Concerto Elegia for flute and string orchestra
                                                                                                       I. Elegy
                                    The New England premiere of Pulitzer Prize-winner                  II. Soliloquy
                                    Anthony Davis’s groundbreaking opera.                              III. Epilogue
                                    Starring Davóne Tines and featuring Joshua Conyers,
                                                                                             Sarah Brady, flute
                                    Ronnita Miller, Whitney Morrison, and Victor
                                    Robertson. Through a combination of operatic writing
                                                                                             Commedia dell’Arte for violin and string orchestra
                                    and swing, scat, modal jazz, and rap, the opera echoes
                                    the “sound” of Malcolm’s era and opens a powerful                  I.     Arlecchino

                                    conversation about the history and living legacy of                II.    Columbina
                                    Malcolm X — in Boston and around the world. BMOP’s                 III.   Il Capitano
                   performance, produced in partnership with Odyssey Opera, brings this                IV.    Cadenza and Finale
                   seminal opera to The Strand Theatre in Dorchester, just blocks from the   Gabriela Díaz, violin
                   neighborhood where Malcolm X lived in his youth.
                                                                                             Symphony No. 5 (Concerto for Orchestra)
                   The first opera in AS TOLD BY, a five-year series of seminal operas by              I.     Prologue
                   Black composers.                                                                    II.    Celebration
                                                                                                       III.   Memorial
                                                                                                       IV.    Epilogue

                   This performance and recording comprise
                                                                          AS                 GIL ROSE, conductor

                   the first work in our series of operas by Black
                   composers, As Told By: History, Race, and

                                                                                             This concert and Ellen Taaffe Zwilich’s appearance are part of
                   Justice on the Opera Stage.                                               the Malcolm Peyton Composer Artist-in-Residence program at
                                                                                             New England Conservatory.
                   Presented in partnership with Odyssey Opera
THE MALCOLM PEY TON                                                              5
                                                                                                                       COMPOSER ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE
                                                                                                                       was established in 2018 to honor Malcolm Peyton, a
                                                                                                                       member of the NEC Composition Faculty for over 50 years.
                                                                                                                       During his remarkable tenure, Malcolm influenced the
                                                                                                                       lives and careers of many students through his teaching
                                                                                                    and direction, as well as his dedication to the creation of new music at NEC.
                                                                                                    This residency was established to recognize his devotion to NEC and to the
                                                                                                    continued pursuit of excellence in the Composition Department.

                                                                                                    PROGRAM NOTES

                                                                                   CLIVE GRAINGER
                                                                                                    By Clifton Ingram

                    TONIGHT’S PERFORMERS                                                            UPBEAT! (1999)
                                                                                                    As expected of an orchestral opener, Ellen Taaffe Zwilich’s Upbeat! begins with a jolt of
FLUTE               TRUMPET             VIOLIN I               VIOLA                                orchestral energy, a cascading descent of high winds and strings. This initial gesture is
Ashley Addington    Eric Berlin         Gabriela Díaz          Peter Sulski                         like an inversion of the upward jab of the “Mannheim Rocket,” a fashionable technique of
Allison Parramore   Andy Kozar          Alyssa Wang            Alexander Vavilov
                                                                                                    the late 18th century during the Classical era. Here, however, Zwilich’s downward-reaching
Jessica Lizak       Richard Kelley      Susan Jensen           Emily Rideout
                                        Piotr Buczek           Emily Rome                           gesture grounds the orchestra and briefly settles into a syncopated groove of brass and
OBOE                TROMBONE
                                        Sonia Deng             David Feltner                        violins, reminiscent of the Americana verve of Aaron Copland, before returning to itera-
Jennifer Slowik     Hans Bohn           Nicole Parks           Dan Dona                             tions on the initial gesture that propels the orchestra ever-forward.
Nancy Dimock        Alexei Doohovskoy   Jesse Iron             Noralee Walker
Laura Pardee                                                                                             If this opening music sounds familiar to historically-inclined ears, the composer has
                    BASS TROMBONE       Ben Carson
CLARINET            Chris Beaudry       Rob Lehmann                                                 intended it to be so. From the get-go of Upbeat!, Zwilich quotes the famous “Preludio” of
                                                               Nicole Cariglia
Jan Halloran                            Rebecca Katsenes                                            J.S. Bach’s Violin Partita No. 3 in E major, BWV 1006. Her title for this program opener is
                    TUBA                                       Jing Li
Kevin Price
                    Ben Vasko           VIOLIN II              Darry Dolezal                        therefore a play on words, referring to both the “lively and joyous ‘upbeat’ character of
Gary Gorczyca                           Colleen Brannen        Ariel Friedman                       [Bach’s] music” as well as the gesture’s beginning on a musical upbeat to create rhythmic
                    PERCUSSION          Lilit Hartunian        Hyun-ji Kwon
Adrian Morejon      Robert Schulz       Annegret Klaua         Nate Johnson                         inertia, inherent in the syncopation of Bach’s bold solo violin writing.
                    Nick Tolle          Kay Rooney Matthews                                              Zwilich’s affinity for the history of violin writing started in the early days of the Miami-
Jensen Ling
                    Bill Manley                                BASS
Greg Newton                             Edward Wu                                                   born composer’s musical upbringing. Of her nascent days in music, Zwilich explains,
                    Michael Zell                               Kate Foss
                                        Sean Larkin
HORN                Jonathan Hess                              Randall Ziegler                          I went to a high school that had a very good band, and we had a couple of choruses
                                        Betsy Hinkle
Neil Godwin                                                    Michael Hartery
                                        EmmaLee Holmes Hicks                                            and an orchestra [where] we would play a Mozart symphony. The bizarre thing for
Dave Ruffino                                                   Liz Foulser
                                        Natalie Calma                                                   the time, which I didn’t realize then, was that we had behind-the-screen auditions.
Marina Krickler                         Deborah Boykan
Helen Wargelin
                                                                                                    Zwilich thrived in this inclusive musical environment, one which progressively emphasized
                                                                                                    merit and avoided the biases against women in music so common at the time.
                                                                                                         After finishing a bachelor’s degree at Florida State University in 1960, Zwilich moved
                                                                                                    to New York City to play violin with the American Symphony Orchestra under the baton of
                                                                                                    renowned conductor Leopold Stokowski. In this way, Zwilich is no stranger to the historical
                                                                                                    tradition of orchestral literature. Yet her musical interests remained broad and omnivorous,
                                                                                                    traits that have served her well in forging her own unique compositional voice. About the
                                                                                                    origins of her style, Zwilich states:
6      It’s all kind of a mixed bag. I feel like I have a voice, but I don’t have a regular style        This is not the first time that Zwilich’s music has underlined this very human story            7
       [and] I wouldn’t want to write like somebody else. My background includes all kinds          of struggling with loss by using an intentional shifting between musical styles. Although
       of things. I played under Stokowski for seven years and had a strong background              Zwilich’s earlier works in the 1970s had more readily embraced a brazen atonality, this
       in classical tradition. In college I played jazz and bebop, and that comes out in my         would be replaced in the 1980s with a more neoromantic postmodernism and blending
       music. I’m not going to sit down and say, ‘I’ll write something jazzy.’ If it comes out      of styles. Zwilich’s music had first garnered public attention in 1975 when the iconoclast
       that way, I’ll take it.                                                                      Pierre Boulez conducted her Symposium at Juilliard. But shortly thereafter, her husband
                                                                                                    Joseph Zwilich (violinist for the Metropolitan Opera) passed away in 1979. In the wake
         After her formative years with the American Symphony Orchestra, Zwilich continued
                                                                                                    of this loss, Zwilich refocused her compositional voice to one “communicating more
    her musical studies at Juilliard, where she became the first woman to receive a doctorate
                                                                                                    directly with performers and listeners,” softening the more harshly angular and jagged
    in composition in 1973. Against the odds, she continued to make a name for herself as a
                                                                                                    dissonances of mid-century modernism.
    pioneer in the field and, within a decade, became the first woman composer to be awarded
                                                                                                         Concerto Elegia, written nearly four decades later, demonstrates Zwilich’s continua-
    the Pulitzer Prize in music in 1983 for her Symphony No. 1. Zwilich’s genuine popularity
                                                                                                    tion of using different styles, now used to tell a more explicit story of overcoming painful
    with audiences rests on her concise and accessible brand of modernism, which employs
                                                                                                    loss. This concerto for flute and string orchestra begins more like Zwilich’s earlier work
    a passionately obsessive development of motivic materials that generate the wholesale
                                                                                                    with its ambiguous harmonies that shift in and out of tonality. However, the work evolves
    melodic, harmonic, and structural character of her work.
                                                                                                    slowly across its three movements, ranging from a floating sadness — where the flute’s
         Upbeat! was commissioned and premiered in September of 1999 by both the National
                                                                                                    melancholic and meandering melodies soar atop hauntingly dark string textures — to
    Symphony Orchestra and the Westchester Symphony Orchestra with performances con-
                                                                                                    a more lively and conversant interplay between soloist and ensemble, using jazz-like
    ducted by Anthony Aibel. The work progresses organically from its Bach-quoting origins,
                                                                                                    passages and rhythms.
    never losing steam and putting the string section through a rigorous workout of demand-
                                                                                                         The first movement, “Elegy,” begins with a serpentine and searching solo by the
    ing tutti passages. Despite its musical challenges, Upbeat! remains lighthearted, a jovial
                                                                                                    flute that goes beyond mourning, verging into a kind of longing that seems to yearn for
    romp that both meets and thwarts expectations, as evident in Zwilich’s humanistic,
                                                                                                    something beyond reach. Surely, there are ecstatic moments when the flute cries out in
    path-less-traveled writing process:
                                                                                                    its upper registers as if in pain; but there are also depressive lows as the soloist performs
       I sometimes say to young composers, ‘Life is not like a GPS where you go three miles         long passages in the wind instrument’s lower register, expressing a deep sorrow for an
       and make a right. It’s full of all these accidental things. It’s more like driving around    almost unbearable loss as if unable to go on. However, the glassy support of molto legato
       in a country and stopping there and staying a few days.’ That’s how I feel about writ-       strings is occasionally disrupted by the soft thrum of plucking pizzicato, one that never
       ing. I don’t want to have a road map of what I’m going to do. I want to feel it and have     quite seems to shake the flute from an inward expression. These “waking moments” from
       it just come out. We don’t know what music is, but for me, it’s the entire human, the        the strings are like a rapping at the door, attempting to signal the flute to return to a reality,
       brains, the heart, the soul, the guts. It should make you want to sing and dance. It’s       one that the flute perhaps wishes to ignore because it is yet to offer any solace for the pain.
       sorrow and joy and everything we have as humans.                                                  “Soliloquy,” the second movement, is a more regularly rhythmic affair. Scored in three
                                                                                                    beats per measure, the music often strains against the cage of its time signature, stretching
                                                                                                    across the bar lines in groups of four beats. In this way, the floating sensation of the first
                                                                                                    movement still survives. Yet, something has changed. The strings begin in long tones in
    Ellen Taaffe Zwilich is an old hand at writing concertos and concertante works, ones where
                                                                                                    a senza vibrato, but — like with the soft plucking of pizzicato in the first movement — they
    solo instruments are featured amongst larger instrumental forces. With an expansive list
                                                                                                    more readily take on a regular pulse by repeating chords. The flute still winds through a
    ranging from the mid-1980s until the present day, tonight’s program features three such
                                                                                                    solitary melody but is goaded into a more conversational and collaborative music, letting
    works: one for flute and string orchestra, another for violin and string orchestra, and
                                                                                                    loose momentary moments of jazzy exuberance. Eventually, the flute loses more and more
    lastly a “concerto for orchestra.”
                                                                                                    of its isolation as it joins the strings, which take on warmer harmonies.
         The first of these works on tonight’s program is Concerto Elegia, which was composed
                                                                                                         In the final movement, titled “Epilogue,” the strings continue to melt the solitude of
    in memory of Zwilich’s late husband Erik LaMont. Commissioned by a consortium of 11
                                                                                                    the soloist by offering a soft palette of harmony. After staggering their bowing to create
    orchestras and premiered by flutist Trudy Kane at the University of Miami’s Frost School
                                                                                                    a continuous harmonic wall, the flute finally acquiesces and climbs this “wall of sound”
    of Music in 2015, the musical narrative of Concerto Elegia runs a gamut of emotions as if
                                                                                                    with a new-found scalar agility. Pizzicato from the strings is once again employed by
    grappling with the stages of grief: anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Cast
                                                                                                    Zwilich to provoke the soloist, and an upbeat tempo is achieved, complete with jazzy
    in three movements, the flute soloist grapples with grief in solitude, eventually becom-
                                                                                                    riffs aplenty and a bebop-inflected chromaticism. While the pain of loss cannot be said
    ing more conversant with the supporting strings in order to come to terms with sadness
                                                                                                    to be completely gone, since the flute still continues to act against the string orchestra
    in the face of loss.
8   in some respects, the soloist’s playing has become more functional and integrated into          traditionally a cartoon caricature of a military man: bold and swaggering, yet ultimately     9
    the ensemble. The strings now feel less like a shroud to wrap up the soloist’s solitude, as     cowardly. The solo violinist begins in the lower register, marked “ponderous.” The writing
    the flute writing becomes more dance-like. The flute ends repeating low-register notes,         is largely percussive and often calls for double-stops (where two pitches are played at
    signaling a resolution that verges on resignation and exhaustion, but one that also melts       once) or even triple-to-quadruple stops.
    with tenderness and acceptance.                                                                      In the final movement, titled “Cadenza and Finale,” the characters are imagined to
                                                                                                    meet and interact. Rather than be too prescriptive by providing a specific narrative here,
                                                                                                    Zwilich intends for the listener to decide who is who and what might be happening in
    COMMEDIA DELL’ARTE (2012)                                                                       this closing music. The movement opens with the atmospheric jangling of pipe bells,
    Ellen Taaffe Zwilich’s Commedia dell’Arte is a much different kind of casting for soloist       played by several members of the accompanying string section. Quickly, the solo violin-
    and ensemble than Concerto Elegia. Here, we find the composer at her most playful,              ist takes over to play a long cadenza that combines the gestures of the previous three
    returning to writing for her beloved violin. Zwilich conceived of this piece as a bravura       movements. The “squat-and-jump” registral jumps of Arlecchino are blended seamlessly
    concerto, one that shows off the bold virtuosic talent of the soloist. So it is also fitting    with the delicately sultry melodic and faux-belligerent rhythmic gestures of Colombina
    that the composer took inspiration from the Italian theatrical tradition from which the         and Capitano to theatrical effect.
    work takes its name. Popular throughout Europe between the 16th and 18th centuries,
    commedia dell’arte employs archetypal characters who represent members of society
    but in a more exaggerated and “bigger than life” way — in essence, they are caricatures         SYMPHONY NO. 5 (CONCERTO FOR ORCHESTRA) (2008)
    intended for the theatricality of the stage. Zwilich titles the first three movements of the    Commissioned by the Juilliard School in honor of Bruce Kovner and Suzie Kovner with
    work after some of these traditional characters.                                                support of the Trust of Francis Goelet, Zwilich’s Symphony No. 5 work was premiered
         “Arlecchino” appears in the first movement. Perhaps better known as Harlequin              in October of 2008 at Carnegie Hall by the Juilliard Orchestra under the baton of James
    to some, Arlecchino is “basically an acrobat,” a member of the Zanni, a servant class           Conlon. Zwilich divides the work into a traditional four movements. Subtitled “Concerto
    originating from the countryside. He is a clown of sorts, paradoxically both a dimwitted        for Orchestra,” Zwilich explains that “The entire work treats the orchestra like a huge
    fool and an intelligent trickster: fun-loving, child-like, and also amorous. His role in the    chamber ensemble, in which each player or section can be a brilliant soloist one moment
    commedia tradition is often to create chaos, and Zwilich leans into this tradition by at-       and a sensitive partner the next.”
    tributing an off-kilter Bartokian writing to the strings. The violin soloist’s part is marked        This intentional fluidity of genre and instrumental interaction demonstrates Zwilich’s
    scherzando, which means playful and joking, and Zwilich’s virtuosic writing calls for           flair for orchestration. She also notes that two personal motives drove her while writing
    left-hand pizzicato, a technique where the player uses their left hand — which is usu-          this work: (1) her relationship to Juilliard, the place where she first honed her composi-
    ally reserved for stopping the string, while the right-hand’s bow or fingers activate the       tion voice and for whose orchestra she takes great pleasure in writing because of their
    strings — to pluck a string, allowing the right-hand to continue to use the bow. The music      dedication to the medium, and (2) her respect for conductor James Conlon’s “dedication
    is fast, clever, and deeply rhythmic, provoked by a violist in the ensemble armed with          to the music of composers who were politically silenced.”
    a slapstick, a percussion instrument who’s clapping emphasizes the soloist’s acrobatic               “Prologue,” the first movement, begins without beating around the bush: a thickly
    “squat-and-jump” clowning-around.                                                               scored music thrusts quickly upwards suddenly out of nowhere, cresting like a great wave
         Another auxiliary instrument is employed in the second movement, entitled                  into a crashing forte. A more tender theme emerges from the chaos between flute and
    “Colombina.” This time, a tambourine is played by a cellist. Colombina is a much differ-        horn, but this peacefulness is quickly dashed over and over again by another iteration
    ent stock character in the commedia dell’arte tradition. Where Arlecchino was a puckish         of the “cresting wave” gesture. The music continues to be restless, shifting and turning
    rogue, Colombina is a “little dove,” sensual yet sensible, often the object of Arlecchino’s     from moment to moment to give every instrument their time in the spotlight. There is an
    desires. In fact, the tambourine she carries was often used to ward off the amorous             ever-present sense of urbane danger to the proceedings, often exacerbated by percussive
    attentions of the trickster-clown. Zwilich appropriately marks the solo violinist’s music       explosions, usually followed by fleeting moments of gentleness and fragility.
    in this movement with words like “sweet, expressive,” “a little sultry,” “bird-like,” and            This opening movement serves to introduce the main thematic material used across
    “whimsical.” The soloist starts off coy and poised before pushing the music into more           the different movements, about which Zwilich has said, “Like most of my large-scale works,
    extroverted passions. The accompanying strings are marked con sordino (with mute),              the long line of the work grows from material in the opening movement, sometimes in
    providing a husky tone for Colombina’s dance-like music. The strings also strum whole           clearly recognizable motives and variations, but most frequently in more subtle evolu-
    chords during pizzicato passages, providing an almost flamenco-like tone, which works           tions.” Therefore, the listening experience can be a bit of a hunt to find these themes,
    well with the shimmering tambourine.                                                            which seem hidden by the composer, only to be revealed again in surprising new ways.
         The third movement, and the last of Zwilich’s commedia characters, is “Capitano.”               The second movement, “Celebration,” is full of a “vibrant energy” in celebration of
    An accompanying violinist begins the movement with a mock militaristic roll of a toy            the dedicated artistry of the Juilliard Symphony. Like the first movement, Zwilich wastes
    drum, setting the stage for bellicose bravura and buffoonery. Il Capitano (the captain) is      no time as the writing plunges the instruments into a fast and wild ecstatic frenzy of ris-
10   ing and falling waves of sound. Surprising segues from the different orchestral sections,                                                                                                             11
     especially the brass and percussion, add extra excitement. One might imagine the music               GUEST ARTISTS
     to be the soundtrack to a cinematic car chase or action sequence.
                                                                                                                                     Called “enchanting” by the Boston Globe, flutist SA R A H
          “Memorial,” the third movement, provides a moment of needed respite. This move-
                                                                                                                                     BRADY is sought after across the country as a soloist, chamber
     ment is dedicated “in remembrance of composers whose voices were silenced by tyranny,”
                                                                                                                                     musician, and master teacher. An avid promoter of new music
     which only enhances its gravity. The same thematic material from the first two movements
                                                                                                                                     she has premiered and recorded new music from many of today’s
     is still present, but the atmosphere is less dense and much more sweeping in scope. There
                                                                                                                                     top composers. Recent projects have included premieres of new
     is still a hint of violence, an unsteady churning of instrumental forces where one is never
                                                                                                                                     solo flute and electronic music from Elena Ruehr, Andy Vores,
     quite sure what to expect next. The “Epilogue” closes the symphony, opening with the
                                                                                                                                     Marti Epstein, Reinaldo Moya, John Mallia, and Curtis Hughes,
     ghostly glances of wire brushes on the skins of timpani drums amidst the low thrum of
                                                                                                                                     as well as music for flute and strings from Marcos Balter, Nicholas
     cello and bass. Percussion is even more on display here than in previous movements,
                                                                                                                                     Vines and Johnathan Bailey Holland. Her solo and chamber work,
     giving the finale a more jazzy edge.
                                                                                                                                     as well as over 50 orchestral recordings can be heard on the
          In general, Zwilich’s Symphony No. 5 relies heavily on contrasts to keep the ear’s
                                                                                                          Albany, Naxos, Oxingale, Cantalope and BMOP/Sound music labels. As a leading inter-
     attention while the different permutations of her themes are being passed around the
                                                                                                          preter of contemporary music, she was invited to read and record new music commissioned
     orchestral instruments. There is a kind of hot-cold juxtaposition here as well, between
                                                                                                          by Yo Yo Ma for his Silk Road Project at Tanglewood.
     music of intense highs and lows. Indeed, when talking about composing for orchestra in
                                                                                                               Sarah lives in Boston and performs regularly as principal flute with the Boston Modern
     interviews, Zwilich has noted how the writing is done in solitude, which is a rather inward
                                                                                                          Orchestra Project and Odyssey Opera. She can also be heard performing with the Boston
     and insular journey. However, once rehearsals begin, the composer is thrust into a much
                                                                                                          Symphony Orchestra, Boston Pops, Boston Ballet, Portland Symphony Orchestra, and
     more social situation, engaging with the conductor and many musicians to hone the
                                                                                                          Boston Lyric Opera. As a chamber musician she has collaborated with the Fromm Players
     music previously only heard in her imagination. Zwilich has likened this juxtaposition to
                                                                                                          at Harvard, the Firebird Ensemble, the Radius Ensemble, Boston Musica Viva, The Talea
     that of sauna cultures, where exposure to extreme hot temperatures is often followed by
                                                                                                          Ensemble, Callithumpian Consort, Sound Icon, and NotaRiotous. She is a member of
     plunging one’s self into frigidly cold waters. Her fifth symphony works much the same by
                                                                                                          the Michigan-based new music ensemble Brave New Works, a group that is dedicated
     guiding the listener through a series of hot and cold climates over and over again, often
                                                                                                          to promoting new music throughout the US and Canada by premiering new music and
     in quick succession. The effect can be dazzling and prismatic, threatening to lose those
                                                                                                          educating young composers through a college residency program. The ensemble has
     who are not ready for the ride. Though Zwilich’s themes are always audibly present, the
                                                                                                          been in residence at Cornell, Bowling Green University, the University of Michigan, Tufts
     material is never quite the same throughout, flowing much like a river whose rapids rage
                                                                                                          University, University of Puget Sound, Williams, Western Washington University, and
     at one point only to slow and ebb at another, providing excitement about what might lie
                                                                                                          Boston Conservatory at Berklee.
     just beyond the next bend.
                                                                                                               In competition she was awarded second place in the National Flute Association 2006
                                                                                                          Young Artist Competition, where she also won an award for the best performance of
     Clifton Ingram is a composer, performer (Rested Field, guitars/electronics), and writer interested
     in the fault lines between contemporary and historical traditions. He holds degrees in music         the newly commissioned work by Paul Drescher. She was a semi-finalist in the Myrna
     (composition) and classics from Skidmore College and The Boston Conservatory.                        Brown Competition Flute Competition, Heida Herman Woodwind Competition, Eastern
                                                                                                          Connecticut Young Artist Competition, and twice received second place in Boston’s pres-
                                                                                                          tigious Pappoutsakis Flute Competition. As a soloist Sarah enjoyed a sold out debut at
                                                                                                          Carnegie Hall’s Zankel Hall with pianist Oxana Yablonskaya. Currently, Sarah is the Director
                                                                                                          of the Contemporary Classical Music Department as well as Associate Professor of Flute
                                                                                                          at the Boston Conservatory at Berklee.
12                             Georgia native GABRIELA DÍAZ began her musical training                                                                                                                           13
                               at the age of five, studying piano with her mother, and the next                  ARTISTIC DIRECTOR
                               year, violin with her father. As a childhood cancer survivor,
                                                                                                                                            GIL ROSE is a musician helping to shape the future of clas-

                                                                                                    LIZ LINDER
                               Gabriela is committed to supporting cancer research and treat-
                                                                                                                                            sical music. Acknowledged for his “sense of style and sophisti-
                               ment in her capacity as a musician. In 2004, Gabriela was a
                                                                                                                                            cation” by Opera News, noted as “an amazingly versatile
                               recipient of a grant from the Albert Schweitzer Foundation, an
                                                                                                                                            conductor” by The Boston Globe, and praised for conducting
                               award that enabled Gabriela to create and direct the Boston
                                                                                                                                            with “admiral command” by The New York Times, over the past
                               Hope Ensemble. This program is now part of Winsor Music. A firm
                                                                                                                                            two decades Mr. Rose has built a reputation as one of the coun-
                               believer in the healing properties of music, Gabriela and her
                                                                                                                                            try’s most inventive and versatile conductors. His dynamic per-
                               colleagues have performed in cancer units in Boston hospitals
                                                                                                                                            formances on both the symphonic and operatic stages as well
     and presented benefit concerts for cancer research organizations in numerous venues
                                                                                                                                            as over 80 recordings have garnered international critical praise.
     throughout the United States.
                                                                                                                                            In 1996, Mr. Rose founded the Boston Modern Orchestra Project
         A fierce champion of contemporary music, Gabriela has been fortunate to work closely
                                                                                                                 (BMOP), the foremost professional orchestra dedicated exclusively to performing and
     with many significant composers on their own compositions, namely Pierre Boulez,
                                                                                                                 recording symphonic music of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Under his lead-
     Magnus Lindberg, Frederic Rzewski, Alvin Lucier, Unsuk Chin, John Zorn, Joan Tower,
                                                                                                                 ership, BMOP has won fourteen ASCAP awards for adventurous programming and was
     Roger Reynolds, Chaya Czernowin, Steve Reich, Tania León, Brian Ferneyhough, and
                                                                                                                 selected as Musical America’s 2016 Ensemble of the Year, the first symphony orchestra
     Helmut Lachenmann. Gabriela is a member of several Boston-area contemporary music
                                                                                                                 to receive this distinction. Mr. Rose serves as the executive producer of the BMOP/sound
     groups, including Sound Icon, Ludovico Ensemble, Dinosaur Annex, Boston Musica Viva,
                                                                                                                 recording label. His extensive discography includes world premiere recordings of music
     and Callithumpian Consort. She plays regularly with Winsor Music, Castle of our Skins,
                                                                                                                 by John Cage, Lukas Foss, Chen Yi, Anthony Davis, Lisa Bielawa, Steven Mackey, Eric
     Radius Ensemble, and Emmanuel Music and frequently collaborates with Alarm Will
                                                                                                                 Nathan, and many others on such labels as Albany, Arsis, Chandos, ECM, Naxos, New
     Sound, the International Contemporary Ensemble (ICEensemble), and A Far Cry. In 2012
                                                                                                                 World, and BMOP/sound.
     Gabriela joined the violin faculty of Wellesley College. Gabriela is co-artistic director of
                                                                                                                      In September 2013, he introduced a new company to the Boston opera scene, Odyssey
     the much beloved Boston-based chamber music and outreach organization Winsor Music.
                                                                                                                 Opera, dedicated to eclectic and underperformed operatic repertoire. Since the company’s
                                                                                                                 inaugural performance of Wagner’s Rienzi, which took the Boston scene by storm, Odyssey
                                                                                                                 Opera has continued to receive universal acclaim for its annual festivals with compel-
                                                                                                                 ling themes and unique programs, presenting fully staged operatic works and concert
                                                                                                                 performances of overlooked grand opera masterpieces. In its first five years, Mr. Rose has
                                                                                                                 brought 22 operas to Boston, and introduced the city to some important new artists. In
                                                                                                                 2016 Mr. Rose founded Odyssey Opera’s in-house recording label with its first release,
                                                                                                                 Pietro Mascagni’s Zanetto. A double disc of one act operas by notable American composer
                                                                                                                 Dominick Argento, and the world premiere recording of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s The
                                                                                                                 Importance of Being Earnest followed. In the past year, Odyssey has released premiere
                                                                                                                 recordings of Charles Gounod’s La Reine de Saba and Saint-Saëns’s Henry VIII.
                                                                                                                      Formerly, Mr. Rose led Opera Boston as its Music Director starting in 2003, and in
                                                                                                                 2010 was appointed the company’s first Artistic Director. He led Opera Boston in several
                                                                                                                 American and New England premieres including Shostakovich’s The Nose, Weber’s Der
                                                                                                                 Freischütz, and Hindemith’s Cardillac. In 2009, Mr. Rose led the world premiere of Zhou
                                                                                                                 Long’s Madame White Snake, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Music in 2011. Mr. Rose
                                                                                                                 also served as the artistic director of Opera Unlimited, a contemporary opera festival as-
                                                                                                                 sociated with Opera Boston. With Opera Unlimited, he led the world premiere of Elena
                                                                                                                 Ruehr’s Toussaint Before the Spirits and the New England premiere of Thomas Adès’s
                                                                                                                 Powder Her Face, as well as the revival of John Harbison’s Full Moon in March, and the
                                                                                                                 North American premiere of Peter Eötvös’s Angels in America.
                                                                                                                      Mr. Rose maintains a busy schedule as a guest conductor on both the opera and
                                                                                                                 symphonic platforms. He made his Tanglewood debut in 2002 and in 2003 he debuted
14   with the Netherlands Radio Symphony at the Holland Festival. He has led the American
     Composers Orchestra, Warsaw Philharmonic, National Symphony Orchestra of the Ukraine,
     Cleveland Chamber Symphony, Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, and National Orchestra of
     Porto. In 2015, he made his Japanese debut substituting for Seiji Ozawa at the Matsumoto
     Festival conducting Berlioz’s Béatrice et Bénédict, and in March 2016 made his debut with
     New York City Opera at the Appel Room at Jazz at Lincoln Center. He has since returned
     to City Opera in 2017 (as Conductor and Director) and 2018 conducting a double bill of
     Rameau & Donizetti’s Pigmalione. In 2019, he made his debut conducting the Juilliard
     Symphony in works of Ligeti and Tippett.
          As an educator, he has served on the faculty of Tufts University and Northeastern
     University as well as worked with students at a wide range of colleges such as Harvard,
     MIT, New England Conservatory, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of California
     at San Diego amongst others.                                                                 BMOP/sound, the label of the acclaimed Boston Modern Orchestra Project, explores
          In 2007, Mr. Rose was awarded Columbia University’s prestigious Ditson Award as
     well as an ASCAP Concert Music Award for his exemplary commitment to new American
                                                                                                  the evolution of the music formerly known as classical. Its eclectic catalog offers both
     music. He is a five-time Grammy Award nominee and won Best Opera Recording in 2020           rediscovered classics of the 20th century and the music of today’s most influential and
     for Tobias Picker’s Fantastic Mr. Fox.
                                                                                                  innovative composers. BMOP/sound gives adventurous listeners a singular opportunity
                                                                                                  to explore the music that is defining this generation and the next.

                                                                                                  Available for purchase at bmop.org and in the lobby during intermission
                                                                                                  at tonight’s performance. Preview and download tracks through all major
                                                                                                  online retailers.

                                                                                                  BMOP/sound recordings offer superior sound quality, impeccable post-production, and distinguished packag-
                                                                                                  ing. In addition to receiving eight Grammy Award nominations and winning for Best Opera Recording in 2020,
                                                                                                  BMOP/sound recordings have appeared on the year-end “Best of” lists of the New York Times, Time Out New
                                                                                                  York, the Boston Globe, American Record Guide, National Public Radio, NewMusicBox, Sequenza21, and
                                                                                                  Downbeat magazine.

                                                                                                  Subscriptions available
                                                                                                  Your subscription ensures that you will receive all of BMOP/sound’s preeminent recordings
                                                                                                  as soon as they are made available. Order now and receive:
                                                                                                             12-CD subscription for $14 per CD (save 30%)
                                                                                                             Each new CD before official release date
                                                                                                             Free shipping (for international subscribers add $2/CD)
                                                                                                             BMOP/sound e-news

                                                                                                  To order, call 781.324.0396 or email bmopsound@bmop.org.
                                                                                                  Order forms are also available at the CD table in the lobby.

                                                                                                  Gil Rose, Executive Producer | bmop.org | Distributed by Albany Music Distributors, Inc. | albanymusic.net
New from
“BMOP is in top form, giving performances that are authoritative, powerful,
 clear, and transparent.” FANFARE

Megan Pachecano soprano               Eric Carey tenor
James Demler baritone                 William Hite tenor
David Salsbery Fry bass               Rebecca Krouner contralto
Aaron Engebreth baritone              Stephanie Kacoyanis contralto
Krista River mezzo-soprano            Gene Stenger tenor
James Maddalena baritone              Patricia Risley mezzo-soprano
Joélle Harvey soprano                 Hal Cazalet tenor
 Dawn Upshaw soprano
“Gil Rose and the Boston Modern Orchestra Project bring greater vitality to
 [Symphony No. 6].” GRAMOPHONE

Anthony Roth Costanzo counter-tenor
Conor Hanick piano           Keir GoGwilt violin
 [1085]                                                                       UPCOMING RELEASES
 GAIL KUBIK SYMPHONY CONCERTANTE                                              [1087]
“Persuasively performed. Entertaining throughout!”   THE WHOLE NOTE           JOHN CORIGLIANO TO MUSIC
 [1086]                                                                       [1088]
 ROGER REYNOLDS VIOLIN WORKS                                                  AVNER DORMAN SIKLON
 Gabriela Díaz violin
                                                                              CARLOS SURINACH THE OWL AND THE PUSSYCAT

                                                                                       FULL CATALOG ON DISPLAY IN LOBBY
Give to BMOP and BMOP/sound                                                           DONORS                                                                                     19

                                                                                      We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals, corporations, and foundations whose
                                                                                      generous support has made our concerts and recordings possible. (Gifts acknowledged
Ticket revenue accounts for a fraction of the expense of BMOP                         below were received between July 2020 and January 2022.)
concerts, BMOP/sound CDs, and outreach programs. The sum of                           FOUNDATIONS, CORPORATIONS, AND INSTITUTIONS
many gifts of all sizes insures BMOP’s future. With your support,
                                                                                      Aaron Copland Fund for Music
we will advocate for composers of all ages, bring together                            The Howard and Katherine Aibel Foundation
audiences, young and old, distribute BMOP/sound recordings                            The Alice Ditson Fund at Columbia University
                                                                                      The Amphion Foundation
to international locations, and know that today’s landmark
                                                                                      Catherine and Paul Buttenwieser Foundation
orchestral works will remain a part of our collective memory.                         The Ellis L. Phillips Foundation
                                                                                      The Nancy Foss Heath and Richard B. Heath
                                                                                      Educational, Cultural and Environmental Foundation
BENEFITS OF GIVING INCLUDE                                                            The Jebediah Foundation
                                                                                      Massachusetts Cultural Council
            Complimentary BMOP/sound CDs
                                                                                      National Endowment for the Arts

       ■    Recognition in BMOP programs and publications                             The Wise Family Charitable Foundation
       ■    Invitations to receptions with composers and guest artists                Ortloff Organ Company
                                                                                      Ruane & Company
       ■    The knowledge that you are helping to sustain the present and future of
                                                                                      BMOP was supported by
           orchestral music                                                           New Music USA’s New Music Organizational Development Fund

You may contribute in the following ways:                                                                 QUARTER CENTURY CIRCLE
C ALL 781.324.0396 to speak to a BMOP staff member.                                                       Christopher Avery
                                                                                                          James Barnett and Carolyn Haynes
VISIT www.bmop.org to give through
BMOP’s secure online donation form.                                                                       Elizabeth S. Boveroux
                                                                                                          Stephanie Boye
SC AN the QR code at right
                                                                                                          David Lloyd Brown
to donate via our secure online form.
                                                                                                          Jason and Sara Sedgwick Brown
MAIL your donation to BMOP,                                                                               The Gregory E. Bulger Foundation
376 Washington Street, Malden, MA 02148.
                                                                                                          H. Paris Burstyn
GIVE your contribution to a BMOP staff member tonight!                                                    Cape Harbor Realty
                                                                                                          The Gay & Lesbian Review
For more information, please contact Sissie Siu Cohen,                                                    Rayford Law
General Manager, at 781.324.0396 or ssiu@bmop.org.                                                        Newton Wellesley Family Pediatrics
                                                                                                          Saltmarsh Insurance Company
                                                                                                          David Scudder
                                                                                                          Anne-Marie Soulliere and Lindsey C.Y. Kiang
20   BENEFACTORS ($10,000 and above)                                        SUPPORTING MEMBERS ($100—$249)                                              21
     Anonymous                    Brad Meyer                                Larry Banks                           Stephen Long
     Christopher Avery            Patricia O’Connor                         John C. Berg                          Joel Mayer
     Elizabeth S. Boveroux        Joanne Sattley                            Libby Blank                           Matthew McIrvin
     David Lloyd Brown            David and Marie Louise Scudder            Sarah Boardman                        Lucy Murray
     Sam and Deborah Bruskin      Campbell Steward                          Eric Buehrens                         Kern Ormond
     H. Paris Burstyn                                                       Renata E. Cathou                      Joseph Pennachio
                                                                            Mary Chamberlain                      Ronald Perera
     GUARANTORS ($5,000—$9,999)
                                                                            Eric Chasalow and Barbara Cassidy     Dimitar Petkov
     In memory of Larry Philips         Walter Howell and Jennifer Layzer
                                                                            Frederick Cowan & Dr. Richard Gardner Harold I. Pratt
     Stephanie Boye                     Gil Rose
                                                                            Chen Yi and Zhou Long                 Djim Reynolds
     Lawrence Devito                    Ronald Sampson
                                                                            Donald Crockett                       Sheila Rizzo
     John and Rosemary Harbison         Howard Stokar
                                                                            Anthony D’Amico                       Victor Rosenbaum
     James Barnett and Carolyn Haynes
                                                                            Jeffrey Duryea                        Mathew Rosenblum
     LEADERS ($2,500—$4,999)                                                Nicole Faulkner                       Curry Sawyer
     Katherine Cain                     Walter Howell and Jennifer Layzer   John and Ruth Fitzsimmons             Raymond Schmidt
     Harriett Eckstein                  Pyra Shapero                        Rachel Freed                          Robert Shapiro
     Rayford Law                                                            Chuck Furlong                         Kay and Jack Shelemay
     PAT RONS ($1,000—$2,499)                                               Winifred Gray                         Mary Sherman
     Nathalie Apchin                    Bob and Sue McNutt                  Petie Hilsinger                       Diane Sokal and Randolph Meiklejohn
     H. Paris Burstyn                   Peter D. Parker and Susan Clare     Pauline Ho Bynum                      Joel Stein
     Marjorie B. Cohn and Martin Cohn   David Rakowski and Beth Wiemann     James Kaddaras                        Peter Sulski
     Eran and Yukiko Egozy              Julie Rohwein and Jonathan Aibel    Jim Kiely                             Chinary Ung
     Dorothea Endicott                  Anne-Marie Soulliere and            John and Rita Kubert                  Dan Vanhassel
     Joel Gordon                            Lindsey C.Y. Kiang              Joe Law                               Scott Wheeler
     Richard Greene                                                         Brian Leahy                           Wendy Woodfield
                                                                            Bruce and Linda Leibig                Beverly Woodward and Paul Monsky
     PARTNERING MEMBERS           ($500—$999)
     Kate and Gordon Baty               John Loder                          FRIENDS ($99 and below)
     Colleen Brannen                    Russ Lopez and Andrew Sherman       Anonymous (2)                          Hugues Marchand
     Joyce Carnes                       Robert and Jane Morse               Nancy, Meyer, and Samuel Brown         Rosalind Mohnson
     Pravin Chaturvedi                  Patrick O’Shea                      Richard and Ruth Colwell               Michael Moran
     Timothy Davis                      Paul Tomkavage                      Bruce and Susan Creditor               Jeffrey Nicolich
     Steven Ledbetter                   Anu Yadhav                          Alexei Doohovskoy                      NuchineNobari
     Robert J. Henry                                                        Norman Feit                            Barry O’Neal
                                                                            Alice Adler and EdwS.Ginsberg          Rachel Prabhakar
     SPONSORING MEMBERS ($250—$499)                                         Robert J. Henry                        Emily Rideout
     Anonymous (2)                 Marvin and Elsa Miller                   Karl Koehler                           Mona and Malcolm Roberts
     Birgit and Charles Blyth      Eric Moe                                 Paul Lehrman                           Mary Roetzel
     Hans and Mary Lynn Bohn       Andrea Pokladowski                       Harold Lichtin                         David Schneider
     Gail Davidson and Tom Gidwitz Bernie and Sue Pucker                    Carol Lubkowski                        Paul Tomkavage
     John Doherty                  Larry Rosenberg                          Laird Melamed
     David and Eileen Felder       Henry Schilb
     Randal Guendel                Vineet and Hillary Shende                IN KIND
     Ronald Haroutunian            George Stalker                           John Kramer
     Katherine Kayaian             Hans Tutschku                            New England Conservatory
     David A. Klaus                Tom Walmsley
     Russell Lopez                 Peter Wender
     Arthur Mattuck                Steven Wolfe
     B M O P B O A R D S A N D S TA F F

     Chris Avery               Co-founder, Boston Smoked Fish Co.
     James Barnett             Retired software architect
     Elizabeth S. Boveroux,    Vice President (retired), Eaton Vance Management
     David Lloyd Brown
     H. Paris Burstyn
     Harriett Eckstein
     Walter Howell             Attorney, McCarter & English, LLP
     Rayford Law               Principal, Rayford W Law Architecture & Planning
     Sam Mawn-Mahlau           Attorney, Davis, Malm, & D’Agostine, PC
     Gil Rose, President       Artistic Director, BMOP

     Mark DeVoto               Composer and Theorist, Tufts University
     Alan Fletcher             President and CEO, Aspen Music Festival
     Charles Fussell           Composer
     John Harbison             Composer, MIT
     John Heiss                Composer and Flutist, New England Conservatory
     Joseph Horowitz           Cultural Historian, Author
     John Kramer               Artist/Designer, John Kramer Design
     Steven Ledbetter          Musicologist
     Tod Machover              Composer and Director, Experimental Media Facility, MIT
     Martin Ostrow             Producer/Director, Fine Cut Productions
     Bernard Rands             Composer, Harvard University
     Kay Kaufman Shelemay      Ethnomusicologist, Harvard University
     Lucy Shelton              Soprano

     Gil Rose                 Artistic Director
     Bailey Hoar Jensen       Director of Institutional Advancement
     Sissie Siu Cohen         General Manager
     Stefanie Lubkowski       Development and Publications Manager
     April Thibeault          Publicist
     Chuck Furlong            Label Manager
     eeWee Productions, LLC   Social Media Management
  Family Pediatrics
            is proud to honor
            longtime BMOP Board Chair
            Larry Phillips
            and support BMOP’s
            25th anniversary season.
            Charles S. Brown, M.D.
            Julia N. Brown, M.D.
            Cally Gwon, M.D.
            Steven Greer, M.D.
            Margaret Fallon, M.D.
            Charles D. Brown, Ph.D.
            Mary Levenstein, MS., CPNP
            Michelle Marini, MS., CPNP

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                     is the premier orchestra in the United States dedicated exclusively to commissioning,
                     performing, and recording music of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. A unique
                     institution of crucial artistic importance to today’s musical world, the Boston Modern
                     Orchestra Project (BMOP) exists to disseminate exceptional orchestral music of the pres-
                     ent and recent past via performances and recordings of the highest caliber. Hailed as
                     “one of the most artistically valuable [orchestras] in the country for its support of music
                     either new or so woefully neglected that it might as well be” by The New York Times,
                     BMOP was the recipient of Musical America’s 2016 Ensemble of the Year award, the first
                     symphony orchestra in the organization’s history to receive this distinction.
                         Founded by Artistic Director Gil Rose in 1996, BMOP has championed composers whose
                     careers span nine decades. Each season, Rose brings BMOP’s award-winning orchestra,
                     renowned soloists, and influential composers to the stage of Boston’s premier venues in
                     a series that offers the most diverse orchestral programming in the city. The musicians
                     of BMOP are consistently lauded for the energy, imagination, and passion with which
                     they infuse the music of the present era. BMOP was selected as Musical America’s 2016
                     Ensemble of the Year, the first symphony orchestra to receive this distinction. In 2021,
                     Gramophone magazine bestowed BMOP with a Special Achievement Award in recogni-
                     tion of their service to American music.
                         BMOP’s distinguished and adventurous track record includes premieres and re-
                     cordings of monumental and provocative new works such as John Harbison’s ballet
                     Ulysses, Charles Wuorinen’s Haroun and the Sea of Stories, and Lei Liang’s A Thousand
                     Mountains, A Million Streams. A perennial winner of the ASCAP Award for Adventurous
                     Programming, the orchestra has been featured at festivals including Opera Unlimited,
                     the Ditson Festival of Contemporary Music with the ICA/Boston, Tanglewood, the Boston
                     Cyberarts Festival, the Festival of New American Music (Sacramento, CA), Music on the
                     Edge (Pittsburgh, PA), and the MATA Festival in New York. BMOP has actively pursued
                     a role in music education through composer residencies, and collaborations with col-
                     leges. The musicians of BMOP are equally at home in Symphony Hall, Weill Recital Hall
                     at Carnegie Hall, and in Cambridge’s Club Oberon and Boston’s Club Café, where they
                     pursued a popular, composer-led Club Concert series from 2003 to 2012.
                         BMOP/sound, BMOP’s independent record label, was created in 2008 to provide a
                     platform for BMOP’s extensive archive of music, as well as to provide widespread, top-
                     quality, permanent access to both classics of the 20th century and the music of today’s
                     most innovative composers. BMOP/sound has garnered praise from the national and
                     international press; it is the recipient of eight Grammy Award nominations and its re-
                     leases have appeared on the year-end “Best of” lists of The New York Times, The Boston
                     Globe, National Public Radio, Time Out New York, American Record Guide, Downbeat
                     Magazine, WBUR, NewMusicBox, and others. In 2020, BMOP/sound won the Grammy
                     for Best Opera Recording for Tobias Picker’s Fantastic Mr. Fox.
                         BMOP expands the horizon of a typical “night at the symphony.” Admired, praised,
                     and sought after by artists, presenters, critics, and audiophiles, BMOP and BMOP/sound
                     are uniquely positioned to redefine the new music concert and recording experience.

                     Boston Modern Orchestra Project
                     376 Washington Street, Malden, MA 02148
                     781.324.0396 | bmop@bmop.org | www.bmop.org
AS                  HISTORY, RACE,

                                                      AND JUSTICE

                                  BY                  ON THE
                                                      OPERA STAGE

                                  FORGOT TEN OPERAS.
                                  CURRENT MASTERPIECES.
                                  NEW VOICES.

                                  ANTHONY DAVIS          X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X
                                  2022 — NEW ENGLAND PREMIERE
                                  The Pulitzer Prize-winning composer’s revised version of
                                  his seminal opera, performed at Dorchester’s Strand Theatre

                                  NKEIRU OKOYE Harriet Tubman: When I Crossed
                                  That Line to Freedom
                                  2023 — NE PREMIERE / FULL ORCHESTRA COMMISSION
                                  The Guggenheim Fellow’s first opera, about a woman who,
                                  in Okoye’s words, “did great things and survived”

                                  WILLIAM GRANT STILL           Troubled Island
                                  2024 — NEW ENGLAND PREMIERE
                                  75th anniversary performances of the premiere of Still’s
                                  grandest opera, in partnership with New York City Opera

                                  ULYSSES KAY        Frederick Douglass
                                  2025 — NEW ENGLAND PREMIERE
                                  The operatic gem considered by the composer to be his
                                  magnum opus, not performed in full since its 1991 premiere

                                  JONATHAN BAILEY HOLLAND              The Bridge
                                  2026 — WORLD PREMIERE / BMOP COMMISSION
                                  A new opera about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s years in Boston
                                  and his rise to national prominence

                                                   GIL ROSE, ARTISTIC DIRECTOR

                                  bmop.org | odysseyopera.org | #AsToldBy
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