Page created by Kim Chapman
1.   Board Members                   04   5. Vision             17    9.    Delivery     			50

2. Boston                            05   6. Strategy           20    10.   References      56

3. Analysis                          10   7. Accelerated funding 32

4. Engagement 			13                       8. Projects           33

“In such difficult and challenging times, the
                                     Town Deal provides a fantastic opportunity
                                      to attract significant government funding
                                         to make a real difference to the local
                                       economy in Boston. It has provided the
                                     platform for some of the key stakeholders
                                       from across all sectors to work together
                                        to formulate a plan to help deliver key
                                       projects to enable the town to kickstart
                                        economic growth and act as a catalyst
                                          for future investment to realise the
  Chair of the Boston Town Deal        undeniable potential in the area. With a
Land and Development Director of
                                       particular emphasis on the skills agenda
         Chestnut Homes              and raising the aspirations of the people of
                                     Boston, the Town Deal aims to build on the
                                      unique and historic nature of the town to
                                         deliver a better future for everyone.”

                     CLAIRE FOSTER                                                                  EMMA HADLEY
                                                                                CLLR PAUL
                     VICE-CHAIR                                                                     Chief Executive
                                                            PETER ISAAC         SKINNER
                     OF BOSTON          DONNA WATTON                                                Officer, The
                                                            Finance Director,   Leader of the
                     TOWN DEAL          Donna Comm Ltd                                              Boston Witham
                                                            Oldrids             Council, Boston
                     and Principal of                                                               Academies
                                                                                Borough Council
                     Boston College                                                                 Federation

                     MATT WARMAN        ANDY                CLLR EDDY POLL
                                                                                JOHN HARNESS        JACQUI BUNCE
                     MP for Boston      LAWRENCE            Lincolnshire
                                                                                NHS                 NHS
                     and Skegness       Port of Boston      County Council

                                                                                                    PROF VAL
                     CLIVE FLETCHER                                                                 BRAYBROOKS
                                        ROB BARCLAY         FAIRMAN BEM         RICHARD TORY
                     Historic                                                                       MBE
                                        ShodfrIars          Community           Boston Big Local
                     England                                                                        University of

                                                            NICK WORBOYS
                     BEARDSLEY                                                  KINGSLEY            NORMAN
                                        SANDRA              Director of
                     Chief Executive,                                           TAYLOR              ROBINSON
                                        DOWSON              Development &
                     Lincolnshire                                               CEO, Lincolnshire   Environment
                                        One Public Estate   Sales, Longhurst
                     Chamber of                                                 CAB                 Agency

                                                                                CLLR PAUL           NICK HEATH
                     GREG PICKUP                            DAVID FANNIN
                                        ALICE OLSSON                            GOODALE             Delivery Director,
                     Heritage                               CEO, Lincolnshire
                                        MetsaWood                               Boston Borough      Wilmott Dixon
                     Lincolnshire                           CVS

2             BOSTON

                                                                          1125 - May Fair              The earliest recording of Boston May Fair. Held during the
                                                                                                       first week of May, it is one of the few remaining fairs in the
                                                                                                       country still held in the town centre and is an important
                                                                                                       event in Boston residents calendars.

                                13-14th Century - Port
                                             Only London was richer and more
                                     important than Boston as a port. Boston’s
                                      wealth was based on wool being a staple
                                          port for the wool trade by Edward III.
                                    The town was sending three million fleeces
                                                                 a year abroad.
                                                                                                        1308 - Markets
                                                                                                                      Boston is granted a charter for weekly Wednesday
                                                                                                                      and Saturday markets which are still held today in the
                                                     1309-1520 - The Stump                                            wonderfully striking medieval Market.

                                          The stump began being built in 1309 and was completed
                                         in 1520. The tower is 272 feet 6 inches high, making it the
                                        tallest parish church in England. Views from the top of the
                                        tower reach 32 miles, with sights of The Wash and Lincoln

                                                         1450 - Hussey Tower
                                        The ruined Hussey Tower is all that remains of a medieval
                                            brick-fortified house. It was occupied by John Hussey,
                                        1st Baron Hussey of Sleaford until he was executed in the
                                                                               Lincolnshire Rising.                                                       1620 - The Mayflower
                                                                                                                                                                           A group of pilgrims from Boston
                                                                                                                                                                           set sail on the Mayflower to
                                                                                                                                                                           America, naming their new
                                                                                                                                                                           settlement after our town. They
                                                                                                                                                                           established the first school
                                                                                                                                                                           in America based on Boston
                                                                                                                                                                           Grammar School; this school would
                                                                                                                                                                           eventually evolve into Harvard

                                                                                                            1819 - Maud Foster Windmill
                                                                                                          Built in 1819, the windmill is unusual due to it’s odd number
                                                                                                       of sails. It was owned by Thomas and Isaac Reckitt and is now
                                                                                                                                the most productive mill in the country.


THE PLACE                                                                                                                                                 Ageing

                                                                                                                                    BOSTON’S           population is

Boston – a town rich in heritage, unpretentious yet
packed with potential, its people independent and
self-suf ficient, humble and with a hear t of gold.                                                              10 % 2 2 %
                                                                                                                   in terms of
                                                                                                                                                          compared to
                                                                                                                                                      national average
                                                                                                                                     RISE DUE
Situated on the coastline connecting the Wash
and the Humber, Boston is one of the three major
                                                         chose to leave the European Union and there is still
                                                         work to be continued on community cohesion.
                                                                                                                 skills ranking     TO INWARD                    (18%)
centres including Lincoln and Grantham that provide
for the administrative county of Lincolnshire. It has    Boston’s population has grown rapidly over the
                                                                                                                 across towns       MIGRATION
a thousand years of history as a Wash Port and           last few years. Between 2001 and 2017, it grew
                                                         by just under 22% - greater than Lincolnshire
                                                                                                                  in England[8]
served for centuries as a nucleus of international
trade and commerce. The town provides a centre           County at 6.3%, regionally at 6.2% and nationally
point and an anchor for South East Lincolnshire.         at 6.6%. However, various reports suggest
Boston has a substantial freight and logistics           that the figure could be as high as 55% due to
sector and is significant as a food processing and
wholesale hub. It is relatively well connected and
                                                         the net migration of eastern Europeans. Local
                                                         communities still believe there is underinvestment                       Average salary is    High usage of

has both a railway station and a port railhead.          in Boston as a place to support the level of inward

Boston’s little known but internationally notable
cluster of heritage buildings should be the envy
                                                         migration and the impact on local services, as
                                                         evidenced through the Town Deal consultation.                                                PUBLIC
of many an English city, but the retiring town has
yet to rekindle its former glow, encouraging new
                                                         In addition to the statistics opposite:
                                                         •   The town is struggling with its health
                                                                                                                                    per week[10]
investment. St Botolph’s Church, a magnificent
landmark that soars above the Fens, is one of                outcomes and is in the lowest third of
the largest parish churches in England and is
affectionately known as ‘The Stump’ and is one
                                                             all areas in England for this indicator
                                                             (English Indices of Deprivation 2019)[2].                                less than
of the only surviving examples of its kind left in
the country. The church’s scale and grandeur             •   The area has low levels of crime ranking
                                                                                                                    CLASS         national average
is testament to the town’s previous wealth and               237 out of 317 local authority areas in the
                                                             English Indices of Deprivation 2019[3].
                                                                                                                heritage assets
status. Boston boasts a major hospital - the
second largest acute facility in Lincolnshire.
                                                         •   The economic outlook for its young people is
                                                             in jeopardy. Before Covid-19, the number of
Boston schools are proud of their alumni and include
England’s Deputy Chief Medical Advisor and a                 benefits claimants as a proportion of its 16-24       Boston in
former Director General of the CBI. Its creative souls       population was very high (over 7% compared
                                                                                                                    worst                              Low levels of

                                                                                                                30% 6.4 CO2
include composer John Taverner, poet Jean Ingelow,           to a national figure of less than 2%)[4].
a Hollywood film producer and world-renowned
                                                         •   Although pay is low, Boston is nonetheless a
music producer. The town is not short of talent.
                                                             very hard-working town with levels of economic
The town recognises the limitations on development           inactivity at 15%, 6% lower than the national
posed by flood risk but continues to develop                 average at 21% (Nomis, March 2020)[5].
sensibly, due to the new £120m flood protection
barrier which came into operation in 2020.
                                                         Boston has borne the effects of Covid-19 more
                                                                                                                       of          housing cost
                                                         effectively to date, with furlough rates of 23%,
Boston is a town of diversity and home to a large        below both the Lincolnshire rate for East Lindsey
                                                                                                                neighbourhoods    to salary ratio      emissions per
                                                         of 35% and England of 28% (ONS)[6]. This is
cluster of migrant worker communities attracted
principally to the food and land based economic          because of its focus on the food chain, a strategic
                                                                                                                  in England in     vs national            head
                                                         sector with strong growth potential in the town.
sectors. However, 75% of those voting in the 2016[1]
referendum (the highest percentage in England)                                                                    employment      average of 8[12]
                                                                                                               Deputy Chief Executive (Place) at
                                                                                                                   Boston Borough Council and
Notwithstanding this, 7200 workers were on furlough        role as a departure point for the Pilgrim Fathers
                                                                                                                   East Lindsey District Council
in July 2020 (ONS)[7]. Boston’s greatest challenge,        400 years ago this very year. Its maritime
however, is low skills. It ranks worst of all local        tradition was instrumental in unlocking large
authorities in England in terms of the skills domain       swathes of the New World through individuals
within the 2019 English Indices of Deprivation.            such as Matthew Flinders, the first person to
The number of people qualified to NVQ3 and                 circumnavigate Australia. It is a place that has
above in Boston is over 20% points lower than the          spirit and determination to exceed expectations.
national average[13]. This tracks through into wages
with the area having wage levels that are £130 a           Working against the grain of these challenges

                                                                                                                      “The Town Deal has been
week lower than the England average (ASHE).                and determined to realise the full potential of
                                                           Boston, the Towns Fund Board has extensively
However, in recent years there has been significant        consulted and engaged with business and the
investment in Boston College through the
Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership
                                                           community to determine a vision for the town.
                                                           The Board gathered a collection of project ideas
                                                                                                                    quite simply an extraordinary
(GLLEP) and the college is now ranked in the
top 5 in the country, with a national reputation
                                                           through the #MyTown portal and a dialogue
                                                           with local people and organisations. Supported
                                                                                                                    opportunity to bring together
for innovation and high quality learning.                  by on-going communications including public
                                                           access to its meetings, the Board has refined               strategic partners across
The spark of enterprise in Boston has yet to be ignited.   a long list of project ideas to develop a final
The town has a very low level of business births just
over 20 per 10,000 population[14] – a third of the
                                                           portfolio of projects that underpin the plan and            private, public and third
                                                           seek to transform this vision into a reality.
England average and has a very ‘static’ economy
with a level of business ‘churn’ 50% less than the
                                                                                                                   sectors to create an ambitious
England average (ONS). Boston is 18% points behind
the national average[15] when it comes to workers                                                                    vision that levels up Boston,
involved in Knowledge Intensive Businesses (KIBS).

Using a town-based version of the Centre for Cities
                                                                                                                     generating interest, passion,
benchmarking approach and looking at 9 comparator
towns based on its audit family group, we were
                                                                                                                   excitement and enthusiasm for
                                                                                                                     all of us in our Borough. We
able to benchmark Boston. These towns were:
Carlisle, Corby, Dover, Great Yarmouth, Kings Lynn,
Mansfield, Redditch, South Hams and Wellingborough.
Boston had the smallest stock of jobs within this
group, the lowest level of Knowledge Intensive
                                                                                                                    have taken this platform and
Businesses and the lowest wages. It did, however,
have a relatively good level of GVA per worker 4th
                                                                                                                   used it at every opportunity to
out of 10 and came 5th in ranking in relation to the
number of home workers and CO2 emissions.                                                                           generate interest beyond our
Based on these comparisons, whilst Boston has high
rates of employment and GVA, it is challenged by
                                                                                                                   boundaries, beyond our County
low wages and fewer high paid jobs in KIBs, which
reinforces the need to focus on upskilling and new
                                                                                                                     and indeed beyond the UK.”
technology to create higher skills, higher paying jobs.

Despite these extensive challenges, Boston has
great social capital. It has a proud and distinguished
history and a considerable international diaspora
commencing as a major player in the Hanseatic
League and culminating most significantly in its

3              A N A LY S I S

OPPORTUNITY                                                                                                      S W O T A N A LY S I S
& NEED                                                                                                      We have developed the following SWOT in the light
                                                                                                            of our analysis, which underpins the facilitation and
Skills and Aspirations                              Sustainable                                               selection of the following projects for the town.
A key part of our levelling up focus will
                                                    Economic Growth
concentrate on people who are economically          We plan to increase the number of people
inactive. The most recent Greater Lincolnshire
                                                                                                             STRENGTHS                      WEAKNESSES
                                                    working in Knowledge Intensive Businesses
Covid-19 economic recovery plan highlights          and maximise the range and quality of jobs in
that young people, low skill and older workers      the High Street and Heritage sectors and the
are most impacted by the economic fall out          number of digital and learning sector jobs. This
of the pandemic and we will recognise this in
the way we target Towns Fund resources to
                                                    will help to begin to future proof the High Street
                                                    and retail core of the town against the ongoing
                                                                                                               Port of Boston                Low skills & wages
address the challenges these groups face.           impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic alongside
                                                    the decline of the traditional street-based          Food sector & supply chain         Skewed demography
We intend to place emphasis on maximising
                                                    offer. Boston also has a strongly distinctive
the opportunities for people over the age of
65 in Boston. The population constituted by
                                                    feature in terms of its port and associated               Heritage cluster               Health inequalities
                                                    food and logistics sector. We intend to build
those in this age category, is 21% compared
to the national average of 18% and the
                                                    on this aspect of its economic potential. In
                                                    terms of investment, skills and infrastructure
                                                                                                               Social capital              Low levels of enterprise
challenges of an increasing number of older
                                                    Boston is still perceived to be an attractive
people will be thoughtfully addressed[17].
                                                    local option for bigger scale ventures.                 Levels of economic             National perception of
We plan to find new and innovative ways to
harness not just the ageing population, but         The agri-food sector underpins the economy
                                                                                                               participation                 Boston as a place
the working age population as a strength            of the town, with 29% of local jobs in the
rather than a ‘weakness’ in the town in terms       sector compared to 4% nationally[18]. The Town            Excellent FE/HE                Outward migration
of their contribution of experience and
knowledge to their communities. Covid-19
                                                    has also seen significant investments in this
                                                    sector, with more planned and a business led
                                                                                                                                              of young people
has accelerated the need for the working            consortium is leading plans to develop the Port
age population to enhance their skills.             of Boston as a specialist food port to support

                                                                                                         OPPORTUNITIES                          T H R E AT S
                                                    the food chain in South Lincolnshire and wider
Boston is also home to a significant population
                                                    Fens region, with over 70,000 jobs in this sector
of migrant workers who have a major positive
                                                    across South Lincolnshire and the Fens[19].
impact on the economic dynamism of the
town and we will continue to engage with
and channel their contribution to the town,
                                                    Boston has a mixed performance in terms of
                                                    the environment and sustainable behaviours
                                                                                                          Resilience of food sector               Flood risk
actively creating opportunities to enhance          and has a relatively low level of CO2 emissions
their integration and economic potential.           per head compared to similar towns and                  New national policy            Changes to immigration
                                                    performs moderately well in terms of %
                                                    of the population using public transport.
                                                                                                              focus on skills                rules impacting on
                                                    We plan to consolidate the town’s relative
                                                                                                          Strategic alliance with             labour availability
                                                    environmental strengths, delivering significant

      John Cridland, CBE - Director-General of
                                                    environmental improvements enabled,
                                                    in part, through the growth of walking
                                                                                                         ELDC creating new coast           Longer term impact of
     the Confederation of British Industry from
          January 2011 to November 2015
                                                    and cycling options in the town and the               themed joint working             Covid on the economy
                                                    enhancement of its railway station. We plan
     “The Mayflower proposal has the potential
     to better connect the worlds of education
                                                    to make Boston a more attractive location
                                                    for speculators through stimulating a more
                                                                                                          UK food valley and HPO         Cost of new infrastructure
     and business , and doing this is an exciting   diversified pattern of economic development
              opportunity for Boston .”             arising from the proposed investment in its                Port of Boston              Low levels of aspiration
                                                    workforce skills and physical infrastructure.
                                                                                                                   Brexit                   Community cohesion


                                     Pride in Place
                                     The Port of Boston is an important and distinctive feature of the local economy,
                                     which along with its rail links can be economically exploited to enhance growth
                                     potential. Our programme will help to manage the ongoing relative affordability of
                                     local housing in Boston by sustainably working on economic outcomes with those
                                     in the community who have the greatest challenges in terms of their housing status.
                                     Boston is an estuarine town and water is a key part of its context. This means it is
                                     challenged in relation to the cost of its infrastructure and flood risk, yet its river
                                     and coastal credentials are a real asset from a perspective of leisure and logistics.
                                     The evolution of Boston ’s infrastructure offers good opportunity in terms of
                                     economic development but is likely to be challenging based on current town-based
                                     development trajectories in terms of both housing and employment land. There
                                     is anecdotal evidence to suggest that the supply of utilities is a strain on growth
                                     opportunities. Our plan will maximise the sustainable growth and development of
                                     the town through effective investment in its infrastructure, linked to these assets.

4                ENGAGEMENT

THE ENGAGEMENT                                                                          MAYFLOWER                          HERITAGE

PROCESS                                                                             “We need more focus on
                                                                                     the business we have in
                                                                                                                       “I would like the town
                                                                                                                      deal to investigate how
                                                                                      Boston building better           to connect heritage to
                                                                                    connections with schools            all communities and
                                                                                      and our college so our        businesses, bringing people
     Facebook                                                Digital Radio          young people can see the        together, increasing access,

                                                                article              jobs they can aspire to.”      strengthening relationships
                                           VIDEO                        reached

                                                                                                                     and investing in the towns
           followers &                                                                                                      tourism offer.”

                                       80,700                                       BOSTON RAILWAY                              PE21
                                                                                   “Creating a sense of arrival       “Having multi use areas/
                                                                                     with attractive (and well      buildings in the town centre
     8,900 2,997
                                     PE21 Regeneration                              maintained) tree planting          that incorporate offices,
                                                                                    alongside main routes into      culture, restaurants, leisure,
                                                               VIDEO POST          town is a cost effective way       learning hubs, residential

                        views                                                         to say this is a pleasant         units, open spaces and

      YOUTH                                      reach
                                                                                     place to visit and live in.”    health facilities will attract
                                                                                                                    people in and they will then
        Ambassadors                                                                                                      use the shops more.”

                                     Town Deal posts between                            SHODFRIARS                    3G SPORTS PITCH
                                      16th Feb & 29th Mar                           “Blackfriars, Sam Newsom,           “I would like to see
                                     This was when we were actively promoting          the Guildhall and the        investment within the town
               ACADEMY                                                             redevelopment of Shodfriars      centre for facilities that can
                                                           the #MyTown links

                 VIDEO                                                              should be fully supported”      be utilised by and for young

       22,400                                                                                                               people to use.”

                   VIEWS                            reach

                                                                                  See more responses at

S TA K E H O L D E R S                                                                     EDUCATION
                                                                                           “The building we are standing in is the
                                                                                           Engineering, Manufacturing and Technology
                                                                                           Building, which is ready to ensure that businesses
                                                                                           get exactly what they need in terms of skills.
                                                                                           We’ve also got a transport and logistics academy
The vision and implementation strategy                                                     that’s going to be ready by Christmas 2020,

and projects are the product of extensive                                                  which will focus on the Port of Boston as well as
                                                                                           the digital parts of the industry.”
consultation and engagement with key cross-                                                Claire Foster, Boston College
sector stakeholders throughout Boston.
                                                                                           TRAIN STATION
                                                                                           “The station improvements that we are hoping
This has included networking across the town through the                                   to make at Boston train station mean that we are
constituencies which underpin the membership of the Town                                   looking to provide a gateway to Boston along
Board.                                                                                     with the PE21 project, ensuring we have the
                                                                                           right walkways, cycle access and delivering that
See full interviews by clicking on the Stakeholders images                                 entrance that Boston really needs.”
or by visiting our Facebook page
                                                                                           Kirsty Green, East Midlands Railways

                                     HERITAGE                                              FOOD
                                     So we’re excited to have a number of projects all     “The ambition is that Boston becomes a global
                                     working together to try and make the most of          centre for food logistics. We’re already in the
                                     Boston’s incredible heritage and bring the town       right place, as Lincolnshire is at the heart of
                                     centre back to its former glory, repairing historic   the food industry and for fresh produce in
                                     buildings in the town centre. This will hopefully     particular. We also have major food manufacturing
                                     create growth and jobs and will really benefit the    businesses here too, what’s important is that we
                                     town, all through the Towns Deal funding.             give them access to the best in technology.”

                                     Greg Pickup - Heritage Lincolnshire                   Prof Val Braybrooks MBE, University of Lincoln

                                     WELLBEING                                             YOUTH
                                     “Integrating health and other activities is a         “Our ambition for the Youth Ambassadors project
                                     real driver for us and the opportunity to be in a     is to see a youth hub for the town of Boston. It
                                     collaborative space where we can show people          could be a central location for young people to
                                     what they might be able to achieve is fantastic.      relax, have fun, learn and make progress. It could
                                     How we can work together to support the people        also act as a place to socialise because I truly
                                     of Boston is a really exciting opportunity.”          believe that the future belongs to young people
                                                                                           and they need a space to collaborate to create a
                                     Jacqui Bunce, Partnerships and Planning at            bright future for this town.”
                                     NHS Lincolnshire CCG
                                                                                           Aureja Sarkauskaite, Voluntary Services

LOCAL INPUT                                                THE PROCESS
                                                           From September 2019
                                                                                    S TA K E H O L D E R
                                                                                                                          S TA R T

                                                                                     November meeting                                                      # MY TOWN                                 TEAM
                                                                                      to develop board         TOW N S F U N D                               P O R TA L                          LINCOLNSHIRE
                                                                                                               PROSPECTUS                                   Number 1 on

                                                                                                                                                           the #MyTown
Key Themes                                                          S TA K E H O L D E R                         Towns Fund Prospectus
                                                                                                               released by UK Government
                                                                                                                                                         digital suggestion
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Local consultation
                                                                                                                                                                                                  event. September
                                                                         EVENT                                                                                                                           17th.
                                                                                                                                                          board for ideas.
                                                                     December meeting
Our work to engage with public views, through                         to develop board
the #MyTown website analysis, the Towns Fund                            membership.

Board and its wider connections has enabled
                                                                                                                                                                                    SOCIAL MEDIA
us to identify the three key themes for the town                                           B OSTO N TOW N                              S TA K E H O L D E R
which form the core of our strategy. It is ‘mission-                                        FUND BOARD                                 ENGAGEMENT                                   Public input through
critical’ that to satisfy both the policy frameworks                                                                                                                                Facebook and blog
                                                                                             Creation of the board
                                                                                                                                      Ongoing local engagement
and public aspirations for Boston we need to:                                                and inaugural Board
                                                                                            Meeting, January 2020.                      events and channels

•    Build its aspirations and skills base – this is the
     central rationale for the Mayflower scheme
                                                                       BOARD MEET                                                                                                    PUBLIC
     as our flagship project – diversifying the
                                                                       Boston Town Fund                                                                                        C O N S U LTAT I O N S
     capability of the workforce to be more agile                       Board February
                                                                                                                                             BOSTON                               3 days at Guildhall,
     and participative in the face of the employment                    Board Meeting                     BOARD MEET
                                                                                                                                                                                Oldrids, Parish Council,
                                                                                                                                           TOWN FU N D
     challenges arising from the Covid-19                                                                   Boston Town                                                           Haven High School
                                                                                                          Fund Board June                    BOARD                               and Boston College.
                                                                                                           Board Meeting                    WEBSITE
•    Drive its sustainable urban growth – this is the
     core purpose of our major ports and logistics                                                                                        Sharing plans, blog
                                                               BOARD MEET
                                                                                                                                           insights and news
     focus, our smarter housing initiative and the                Boston Town                                                                                                                     BUSINESS
     redevelopment of its railway station – building            Fund Board July          BOARD MEET                                                                                                EVENTS
                                                                 Board Meeting                                                                                   PRESS
     its sectoral strengths in areas which are resilient                                 Boston Town Fund                                                                                         Conversations
                                                                                         Board September                                                        LAUNCH
     (particularly in terms of the food sector) to                                        Board Meeting
                                                                                                                                                                                                    with local
                                                                                                                                                            Spreading the                          businesses.
     reduce the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
                                                                                                                                                           word via various
                                                                                                                                                           media channels
•    Enhance its Pride of Place – this is the driver
                                                                      BOARD MEET
     for our heritage-led High Street regeneration
                                                                      Boston Town Fund              BOARD MEET                                                                             TEAM LINCS
     proposals and our cycling and walking                             Board October                                                                                                         EVENT
     alignment – repurposing the town’s centre                         Board Meeting                October meeting
                                                                                                   to finalise the Town
                                                                                                                                       TOW N                                              October meeting to
     offer and harnessing the wider natural                                                         Investment Plan.                INVESTMENT                                            discuss Mayflower
     environmental hinterland of the town in a way
     which is a positive antidote to the impact of
     the Covid-19 on retail and tourism assets.                                                                                     Ready for submission
The TIP is not an end but the start of a journey.                                                          ARE

The Town Board will be developing the next phase

of engagement with strategic partners and the                                                                               S U B MI T
community to use what we refer to as Phase 1 as            October 2020

                                                           (Pending approval)

a platform for future growth and development

opportunities within Boston. This includes working                                                                                   D E TA I L E D
with the GLLEP to ensure we have pipeline
projects to access other funding sources.
                                                                                                                                       Develop the Town
                                                                                                                                    Investment Plan projects
                                                                                                                                       and business cases

                                                           October 2021
                                                           (Pending approval)


5                                VISION

OUR VISION                              AN ENTREPRENEURIAL
                                        COMMUNIT Y

                                        An entrepreneurial community which nurtures
                                        existing opportunities around agri-food
Boston Towns Fund Vision:               automation, logistics, transport and engineering.
                                        Providing an environment for ambitious inward
      “To define and deliver the        investment and promoting the visitor economy.

   investment in professional and
 technological support needed for       A CONNECTED COMMUNITY

   strategic interventions that will    Creating a sustainable connected community through
                                        smart home technology, additional cycle ways and
    shape the development of an         improved public transport links by road and rail.

   aspirational, skilled and healthy
 population. To achieve sustainable     A H E A LT H Y C O M M U N I T Y
   economic growth and pride of         Nationally recognised as a centre of innovation

  place through bold urban design,      around health and care, with less than 20% of the
                                        workforce affected by long term health conditions.
   digital solutions and connected
communities. This will launch Boston
 into the future, build on its unique   AN INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY

   heritage and make our town an        Enabling the widest range of people and business
                                        to contribute to and benefit from economic
 exciting place to live, work, invest   success. Drive physical and social infrastructure
                                        that achieves more prosperity alongside greater
 and visit for generations to come.”    equity in opportunities and outcomes.

                                        A N A S P I R AT I O N A L C O M M U N I T Y
                                        Creating a golden thread of learning between the
                                        schools, college and university to offer greater learning
                                        opportunities, increased earning potential and creating
                                        a supportive environment for businesses to flourish.


Our plan for delivering
this vision is built on
three pillars: Skills and
Aspirations , Sustainable
Economic Grow th and
Pride in Place.
The interplay of learning, heritage and our port
come together in the TIP, interlacing to provide a                                     S U S TA I N A B L E
golden thread, sustaining our levelling up agenda.
                                                           SKILLS AND                    ECONOMIC                         PRIDE
                                                          A S P I R AT I O N S             GROW TH                      IN PL ACE
Covid-19                                                    Boston Mayflower          Centre for Food and Fresh       Streetscape grants
                                                                                        Produce and Logistics        Shodfriars restoration
Covid-19 impact assessments have identified                Holy Trinity Initiative
immense and very real challenges for our area.                                             Railway station          St Botolph’s lighting and
                                                           Youth Ambassadors
We know from economic analysis that 20% of all                                                                      medieval library projects
                                                                                     Endeavour FM Digital Project
workers in Boston are furloughed. Across the whole                                                                   Blenkin Memorial Hall
of Boston Borough, furlough rates have continued to
                                                                                      Cycling and Walking Plan
increase and in July stood at over 7,200 workers[20]                                      PE21 Health Hub
– a rise of 800 during the month of June alone.                                            Smarter Homes
Whilst this is lower than national or county norms, it
still represents a prodigious impact on our relatively
small population and economic base. Covid-19 has
impacted on our retail offer – starkly highlighted
by the closure of the historic department store,
Oldrids – and on reduced footfall and increased
vacancy rates in our town centre. Emerging evidence
from the Greater Lincolnshire LEP suggests that
many of the individuals who have been most
adversely affected are the most vulnerable and low
paid members of the community. Those already
‘vulnerable’ are now at ‘most risk’. Certainly, from
our evidence base for ‘skills and aspiration’ planning,
it is clear that Boston is susceptible to the dangers
that will ensue. Our approach to tackling this as
our core challenge, is built on the following pillars:

6              S T R AT E G Y

                                                                                                                   Executive councillor for economy
We have generated an interconnected range of                                                                         and place at the county council
projects , which align with the key pillars in the Towns
Fund Inter vention Framework . Responding to our
analysis of need, they will deliver a levelling up of
the town based on the themes within the vision:
                                                                                                                      “The Department of International
Skills and Aspirations                                   Alongside the Mayflower, the Inclusive Growth

Our signature skills and aspirations driver will
                                                         Package which features outreach and learning
                                                         activities linking a project proposed by the Holy               Trade’s network in 177 cities
                                                         Trinity Initiative enabling a blended offer of
                                                                                                                           around the world, will be
be the creation of a new learning environment
at the heart of the town themed around its               economic and community activity in collaboration
heritage. Led by Boston College, the ‘Mayflower’         with Boston Youth Ambassadors and the iconic
will enable business and learners to connect,
create and innovate. We will support this by:
                                                         Boston College Mayflower proposal. Remodelling
                                                         and refurbishing the Holy Trinity’s infrastructure
                                                                                                                           supporting our agri-food
•    Delivering agri-tech opportunities to support
                                                         and sports hall will create an attractive, flexible
                                                         space and increase use by church and community               automation and robotics industry
     sector-driven economic growth. Stimulating          groups. It will enable ongoing input into children,
     an enterprising culture that encourages             young people and families to thrive, whilst providing           – showcasing and promoting
     businesses to start up and grow.                    a facility for activity, training and skills-based

•    Providing space for employers, businesses
                                                         learning for all, encouraging connectivity across
                                                         a network of community assets and facilities
                                                                                                                        opportunities to investors and
     and the voluntary sector to meet and
     to hold events and conferences.
                                                         across Boston and supporting mental health
                                                         and economic wellbeing in the community. This                    creating highly skilled jobs.
                                                         initiative is part of a cross cutting, inclusive growth
•    Learning pods designed for adult                    offer which will provide economic and outreach                 Our food and food processing
     learning access for digital upskilling              learning and employment opportunities.
     and career-skills development.
                                                                                                                       sector in Greater Lincolnshire is
                                                                                                                        something to shout about and
•    Student-supported small retail outlets including               Quote from the Commission for
     coffee shops, bakery, health foods, crafts etc.                   Colleges of the Future:

•    On-hand support and tuition provided in a
     low key, calm and spacious environment.
                                                               “Thriving societies built on the foundations
                                                                of fairness and sustainability, need strong,            deserves to be profiled on this
                                                                collaborative, and inclusive colleges - that
•    Health and well-being pods/outlets - with
                                                            empower people throughout their lives with the
                                                            skills they need to get on in life, support better
                                                                                                                              international stage.
     support to talk about mental health,
     nutrition and exercise advice, etc.
                                                             productivity and innovation of businesses, and
                                                             strengthen every community’s sense of place.              We need investors to know that
                                                                 Backing business, driving innovation and
•    Whilst the town has high levels of employment
     participation, there is a challenge for young
                                                             addressing skills gaps by establishing a unique
                                                               service for employers at their local colleges
                                                                                                                         being based here opens up a
     people in accessing the workforce, which we
     aim to address through the focus on skills.
                                                              for training and upskilling future and current
                                                                 employees and innovation support. The                 wealth of opportunities for their
                                                           development of new ways for employers to make
This initiative will form an exciting new anchor
development which will adapt to the Covid-19
                                                             the education and skills system work for their
                                                           needs should include sector specialist ‘employer
learning and enterprise environment, delivering a step                            hubs’.”
change in access and aspiration through making skills   
development essential feature of the townscape.

Sustainable Economic Growth Pride in Place
At the heart of this aspect of the plan is the proposal   Pride in Place – We have a compelling economic
to deliver a major ports and logistics investment         heritage offer which involves an integrated
proposal, bringing together: the Port, University of      package of investments based on:
Lincoln and Boston College around a consolidated
training and business development programme.              •   St Botolph’s Church Lighting Scheme
The Centre for Food and Fresh Produce Logistics, a
partnership between Boston College, the National          •   St Botolph’s Medieval Library – develop, conserve
Centre for Food Manufacturing (NCFM) at the                   and interpret artefacts along with training outputs
University of Lincoln and the food industry, will
                                                          •   Blenkin Memorial Hall – refurbish
spearhead the development of new skills and
                                                              and re-focus some activity
innovation in food chain logistics directly supporting
the 29% of jobs in this sector in the district.
                                                          •   Healing the High Street – Townscape
                                                              Heritage Proposal (Heritage Lincolnshire)
The Port is a defining feature of the town and
this investment will help cement its credentials
                                                          •   Townscape Heritage Project – engaging people
as the key piece of infrastructure sustaining
                                                              and upskilling them – Heritage Lincolnshire
major elements of the food supply chain across
south Lincolnshire and beyond. The Centre for             •   Wide Bargate shop front scheme
Food and Fresh Produce Logistics will focus on                – Heritage Lincolnshire
digitalisation and the way in which new technology
can be used to create complete traceability in the        •   Shodfriars Hall – Bring Shodfriars
international food chain and trade. Local food                Hall back into use as a culture centre
chain businesses are working with the University of           adjacent to Blackfriars Arts Centre
Lincoln to develop projects, supported by national
innovation funding, to address these challenges.          This cluster of activity will be managed by
                                                          Heritage Lincolnshire to ensure a joined up and
Important associated projects linked to different         co-ordinated approach across the town.
aspects of connectivity in Boston involve the creation
of a new digital component to the operation of
the local radio station Endeavour FM and a major
programme of investment in Boston Railway
Station. We also plan to align our Towns Fund
investments with the Cycling and Walking aspects
of the implementation of the Local Transport Plan.
We also have two major developments linked to
the PE21 cluster of assets at the heart of Boston
which will expand its retail core. Our food sector and
built environment work will provide an approach
which strengthens the post Covid-19 repurposing
of the High Street and the consolidation of a
sectoral strength which is resilient in the face of
the economic impacts of the pandemic. Finally our
Smarter Homes initiative will build the resilience
of people living in their own homes for longer
and open up a new economic sector in Boston.

Our proposals will align                                   Food Enterprise Zones
with a portfolio of wider                                  The evolution of the South Lincolnshire Food
activities, which are currently                            Enterprise Zone (FEZ) at Holbeach, which
                                                           is also the base of the University of Lincoln,
in train in Boston. Highlights                             NCFM, provides a real opportunity to better
are set out below:                                         link our logistics assets to the food sector.

                                                           UK Food Valley
Boston Transport Plan                                      The Greater Lincolnshire LEP, in partnership with
                                                           the industry and South Lincolnshire FEZ is leading
This initiative, led by the Transport Authority provides   work to position the region’s food sector as an
an opportunity to position the railway station,            internationally leading cluster. In 2020’-21 this is
our aspirations around cycling and walking and             being supported by the creation of a High Potential
wider connectivities into a statutory framework.           Opportunity (HPO) with DIT to promote the LEP’s
                                                           world class food processing and technology cluster
Flood Risk                                                 internationally. This is the key theme within our Centre
                                                           for Food and Fresh Produce Logistics project.
Our approach to flood risk is informed by the key
components within the South East Lincolnshire Joint        Health Provision
Planning Unit Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2017,
which identifies that almost the whole of the Borough      The NHS in Lincolnshire, Boston Borough Council
of Boston and a large part of the South Holland            and other partners are working together to
District are at a high probability of flooding. Approx     improve the health outcomes for the people
85% of Boston lies within the floodplain (84% in Flood     of Boston and to attract investment into the
Zone 3 ‘high probability’, 1% in Flood Zone 2 ‘ medium     area. Strategic planning and partnerships have
probability’) resulting in 26,503 residential and 1,212    been strengthened over the past few years. The
commercial properties being at risk. Approximately         Pilgrim Hospital is a major employer within the
74% of South Holland lies within the floodplain (68%       Borough and has received a package of capital
in Flood Zone 3, 6% in Flood Zone 2) resulting in          investment to improve its urgent and emergency
29,922 residential and 1,296 commercial properties         care facilities. The recruitment and retention of
being at risk. Costs within the plan take account          health and care staff and the NHS People plan are
of the additional development premiums driven              being linked in conversations with Boston College
by flood risk resilience requirements in Boston.           regarding skills training and social value impact.

Lincolnshire Institute                                     The local NHS has been working with Boston Borough
of Technology                                              Council regarding the concept to regenerate the West
                                                           Street/PE21 area of the Boston Town Centre and their
The roll out of a £16 million investment across            aspiration to develop the area into a new welcoming
Lincolnshire focused on higher level technical skills      and inviting gateway to the town. The proposal is a
with a key footprint in Boston via the College provides    health/wellbeing centre linked to new leisure facilities.
a fabulous opportunity to enhance the skills agenda        We are looking at this as potential opportunity
in Boston responding to the main issue at the heart        to integrate services and facilities/amenities with
of the challenges we face. The National Centre for         the NHS, Council and voluntary sector in order to
Food Manufacturing NCFM is the lead partner in             improve the health and wellbeing of local people.
the Lincolnshire Institute of Technology (IoT) which
creates a direct link to the Centre for Food and Fresh
Produce Logistics project and the food chain.

                                     AND INVESTMENT
                                     Building on and refreshing                               Focus
                                     a climate for investment                                 The projects, which we have facilitated not only
                                                                                              deliver against this agenda of post Covid-19
                                     We have assessed the economic impact of each
                                                                                              growth they have been carefully chosen to
                                     project proposal and more details are provided along
                                                                                              respond to the clean growth agenda.
                                     with the levels of private sector investment generated
                                     in the individual project descriptions further on in
                                                                                              In choosing them we have had regard to:
                                     this Town Investment Plan. Differential impacts of the
                                     projects have been assessed through a development        •   Promoting better design and sustainable
                                     dialogue with each project sponsor and the final list        construction approaches.
                                     of projects has been derived from active engagement
                                     by the Towns Fund Board and through detailed             •   Increasing energy efficiency
                                     consideration by a Technical Sub-Group of the Board          (particularly in terms of housing).
                                     which has assessed which projects to include in
                                     the Town Investment Plan. All projects have been         •   Promoting low carbon transport and enhance
                                     prioritized using the Towns Hub prioritisation tool.         the effective use of natural resources.

                                     Covid-19 Strategy
                                     Since the drafting and publication of these
                                     strategies which set the long term framework
                                     for the economic development of Boston local
                                     organisations have been working together, through
                                     the coordination of the Greater Lincolnshire Local
                                     Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to develop a response
                                     to the Covid-19 pandemic. The medium term plan
                                     is in development but the immediate response has
                                     been based on the following immediate actions:

                                     •   Business Support: To repurpose existing
                                         business support schemes, and design
                                         new business support schemes, that
                                         meet the challenges of Covid-19

                                     •   Workforce: To take measures to meet the changing
                                         employment and training needs of the greater
                                         Lincolnshire workforce in the context of Covid-19

                                     •   Sectors: To provide tailored support to greater
                                         Lincolnshire’s most important economic
                                         sectors so that they can respond to Covid-19.

WIDER INVESTMENT                                                                                                                  S T R AT E G Y —      Addressing need and opportunity and seeking to align
                                                                                                                                  with the core framework of Towns Fund, our strategy picks out five key

AND INTERVENTIONS                                                                                                                 interconnected themes: a balanced community, enterprise, health, resilience
                                                                                                                                  and connectivity. It builds on a comprehensive overview of established
                                                                                                                                  strategies and documents and is nested within a wider strategic and spatial
                                                                                                                                  plan for Boston (our strategy review is at Appendix A). Our overview of the
                                                                                                                                  focus of the most pertinent strategic documents is set out below:

               National Themes                                            Regional Themes                                                                           Local Themes
Industrial Strategy, Tourism Sector Deal                  Midlands Engine:                                          Boston Borough Council, Lincolnshire County Council, Greater Lincolnshire LEP:
Concept, DCMS Digital Connectivity Portal
and Inclusive Economy Partnership:                        •   Government strategy for the Midlands is focused       •   Local Plan Priorities - Boston sits within the South East Lincolnshire Local
                                                              on growth, connectivity, skills, enterprise and           Plan, within which local growth priorities are outlined as follows:
•    Levelling up all regions - by enabling                   innovation, trade and quality of life. The Midlands
                                                                                                                        •   Sustainable development - with particular emphasis on balancing greenspace, flood-risk and social needs,
     places to develop ambitious plans                        Engine’s innovation strategy and SIA both
     to drive economic growth.                                included Future Food Processing as themes,                •   Economy - diversifying and strengthening the economic base, vibrant
                                                              given how important this sector is the region                 historic town centres, supporting employment and business.
•    Liveable places - providing crucial infrastructure       and the need for innovation and skills to drive           •   Housing – providing sufficient housing land and ensuring supply meets the need
     to help individuals flourish and creating shared         sector growth, with these themes being led by                 of older people, first-time buyers and affordable/starter housing
     spaces that bring communities together.                  Greater Lincolnshire LEP and the University
                                                              of Lincoln on behalf of Midlands Engine.                  •   Environment – promoting understanding of the natural and historic environment,
•    Connected growth – digital, social and cultural                                                                        minimising climate change impacts, prioritising re-use of previously developed land and
     connectivity to ensure the economy grows in a        •   Regional bodies are focused on supporting                     providing for equal opportunities and shared benefits from economic development.
     way that is strong and sustainable and makes all         Government to deliver Inclusive growth – ensuring         •   Transport – improving accessible, sustainable and affordable transport
     places viable for work in the global economy.            people everywhere can both contribute to, and                 for all and to enhance efficiencies for business.
                                                              benefit from, economic growth through supporting
•    Enhancing the business environment – at                  concrete actions that will create more jobs,          •   Local Plan: Spatial Strategy – this clearly articulates the vision that Boston is the key sub-regional centre
     national and local levels (e.g. technical                export more goods and grow productivity.                  and economic driver for the area. The plan foresees development and investment in the area focusing on
     education and training, Tourism Zones).
                                                                                                                        Boston as this foci. Due to the level of services and economic opportunities, Boston is identified as an area
                                                          •   Improving connections between towns and cities            with significant infrastructure needs which need to be satiated if it is to take advantage of prospective
•    Flexibility – from the national level through            in the Midlands to support clusters to grow.              growth. The vibrancy of its historic core, street pattern and town-centre is considered a highly valuable
     to regional / LEP level to support innovation
                                                                                                                        asset, as are its further education provision at Boston College and health provision at Pilgrim hospital. Boston
     and ensure small towns and their rural               •   The coast as an economic engine that could
                                                                                                                        also offers the vast majority and wide variety of housing stock and housing growth potential in the area.
     hinterlands are able to contribute to, and               support thriving businesses and communities.
     benefit from, wider economic growth.
                                                                                                                    •   The Greater Lincolnshire Destination Management Plan identifies the potential for Boston to exploit its
                                                                                                                        individuality to improve its visitor offer and act as a key driver for expanding the visitor economy locally
                                                                                                                        and for the county as a whole. It has yet to release the unique and untapped promise as a destination town.

                                                                                                                    •   The Greater Lincolnshire LEP Local Industrial Strategy and Covid Recovery Plan, for
                                                                                                                        Boston acknowledges the importance of the food sector, the college and port, and the
                                                                                                                        challenges of deprivation, health care, 4G coverage and broadband speed.

                                                                                                                    •   Boston is within Natural England’s National character area profile: 46. The Fens. This stresses the
                                                                                                                        importance of local heritage assets like the Boston Stump, classified as an iconic local building, acting as
                                                                                                                        strong marker of place and icon in the landscape. It also supports the long-term aspirations to open up
                                                                                                                        fen waterways links opening up the fens for boating, recreation and tourism. The importance of Boston’s
                                                                                                                        port is also key to the settlement pattern and history of the area, as is the historic settlement itself.

                                                                                                                    •   Boston is a key part of Lincolnshire’s aspirational tourism sector deal – improving visitor infrastructure to
                                                                                                                        allow Boston to better “punch its weight” in tourism terms is a key part of this countywide strategy. Its
                                                                                                                        current hospitality offer is emerging despite the pandemic with new investments in both high quality town
                                                                                                                        centre stays and periphery offers, attracting visitors to stay and spend for both leisure and business purposes.


We have set out in th e
coh e re nce sec tion of this
plan , how we use d th e
broa de r strategic f ram eworks
releva nt to B oston , Covid -1 9
recove r y oppor tunities an d
clea n grow th priorities as key

                                                                                         Fresh Produce Logistics
ele m e nt s within our proje c t

                                                                                                                   Digitalisation of Local

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Blenkin Memorial Hall

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               St Botolph’s Lighting
                                                                                         Centre for Food and
prioritisation process to

                                                                   Youth Ambassadors
                                                                   The Trinity Centre/

                                                                                                                                                                                       Connected Living
dete rmin e our ultimate list of

                                                                                                                                                                                       (Smarter Homes)
                                                                                                                                                                   Heritage Cluster
proje c t s within th e struc ture

                                                                                                                   Radio Station
of our investm e nt plan .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and Library
                                                                                                                                             Boston Rail

     Sustainable construction

     Energy Efficiency

     Low Carbon Transport

     Enhanced Use of Natural Resources

                                      Enhanced digital capacity                                          Refurbishment approach                                                       Stimulation of modern high
                                                                                                                                                                                      standard investment in key aspects
                                      Build approach                                                     Enhance port and rail
                                                                                                                                                                                      of the tourism offer linked to
                                      Maximising sea transport                                           Provision of new options for local travel                                    The Wash as a natural asset

O U T C O M E S A N D TA R G E T S :                                                                                                                           Our short, medium and longer
                                                                                                                                                                 term targets for each of the

 S K I L L S A N D A S P I R AT I O N S                                                                                                                         three pillars are set out below:

                             SKILLS                                WAGES                              ENTERPRISE                                  JOBS                          EMPLOYMENT

                                                                                               The development of an enterprise                                           Boston has unemployment, which
                                                                                              culture, targeted at post-16 learners                                          is on a par with the national
                                                                                                                                        Through an increase in the
                                                                                                 and older people in the labour                                              average, with the reduction
                                                                                                                                       range and quality of jobs in ’s

                                                          An increase in the skills base       force for whom self employment                                               delivered through very clearly
                  Effective interventions close the                                                                                    strategic sectors, particularly
                                                         and range of job opportunities         is appropriate. This is led by the                                         focused targeted interventions
                    NVQ 3 gap between and the                                                                                         digital, manufacturing, learning
                                                          enables Boston to approach              growth and consolidation of                                                  in key neighbourhoods of
                   national average bringing the                                                                                       and heritage Boston achieves
                                                            parity with the average                the town’s key value adding                                               deprivation such as Fenside.
                  difference to no more than 10%.                                                                                         parity with the England
                                                            wage at a national level.           sectors and particularly through                                                These interventions are
                                                                                                                                       average for the stock of jobs
                                                                                                    its logistics and agri-food                                            particularly targeted on giving
                                                                                                                                          per head of population.
                                                                                               connections and the growth of its                                             young people a stake in the
                                                                                                 heritage and learning sectors.                                               community through work.

                    Parity with England average
                                                                                                                                                                              Boston has a diverse range
                    for proportion of population           Boston is in the top 50% of          Boston surpasses parity with
10-15 YEARS

                                                                                                                                                                              of sustainable employment
                 developing level 3+ qualifications,   settlements in terms of the Indices        the national average for the
                                                                                                                                       Through a continuing trend                opportunities, with no
                    no reported skills shortages.      of Deprivation income measure. It      number of businesses in the area
                                                                                                                                       around the activities set out            neighbourhood hotspots
                      Recognition as a national         has a weekly wage based on the           to the ratio of its population.
                                                                                                                                       above Boston has 10% more                 of unemployment and
                      centre of learning around        growth of high value components            The area begins to develop
                                                                                                                                       jobs per head of population            disadvantage. This enables
                     the digital economy, ports         of its industrial base, which is on        a reputation as a centre of
                                                                                                                                        than the national average.           it to have an unemployment
                    and logistics, manufacturing        a par with the national average.      enterprise and know how in terms
                                                                                                                                                                            level, which is 10% less severe
                  economy, the learning economy                                                 of its most distinctive sectors.
                                                                                                                                                                               than the national average.
                       and the heritage sector

                                                                                                                                                                                  Boston has levels of
                                                           Boston is in the top 33% of
                                                                                                                                                                              unemployment, which are
                Creation of a nationally significant   settlements in terms of the Indices          Boston has a 50% higher
                                                                                                                                                                               considerably better than

                    cluster of high value skilled       of Deprivation income measure.          proportion of businesses to the        Boston builds on its sectoral
                                                                                                                                                                               the national average and
                  workers particularly in relation      It has a self – sustaining number         ratio of people compared to          strengths and supply chains,
                                                                                                                                                                              are statistically counted as
                  to the logistics, manufacturing        of economic sectors operating           the national average. Business        which enable it to outstrip the
                                                                                                                                                                          representing zero unemployment
                  sector, and the heritage sector,       at an international level, which      investors recognise the area as a      national number of jobs by over
                                                                                                                                                                          and which sustain the skills needs
                which is a key driver of sustainable       provide it with the ability to       smart location for the provision         10% on an on-going basis.
                                                                                                                                                                            of its key sectors particularly:
                 new businesses and jobs growth.          achieve wage levels which are           of business growth lending.
                                                                                                                                                                              logistics, agri-tech, digital
                                                        better than the national average.
                                                                                                                                                                           solutions, heritage and learning.

O U T C O M E S A N D TA R G E T S :

                           HEALTH                           INFRASTRUCTURE                             ENVIRONMENT

                 Boston is no more than 5% below         A plan to address the infrastructure
                   the national average in terms of          deficits in the Boston area is in
                  health outcomes as measured by          place with key utilities and is being

                 the English Indices of Deprivation.    implemented. Boston has a dynamic
                                                                                                       A structured pattern of
                     Through a series of targeted          infrastructure with no constraints
                                                                                                     investments realises the full
                employment focused interventions,        for business, which provides plenty
                                                                                                  potential of the town particularly
                including self employment options           in the way of utilities, access and
                                                                                                   in terms of its digital potential.
               and through an increase in the range     serviced sites to enable to maximise
                and diversity of local jobs levels of    its credentials as a Centre for Food
               economic activity fall to comfortably      and Fresh Produce Logistics hub.
                     below the national average.
10-15 YEARS

                                                                                                   Boston is a location of choice for
                     Boston maintains levels of                                                     investment in examples of the
                                                                  Boston is a natural
                   economic inactivity below the                                                  development of the environmental
                                                              location for investment in
                  national average. It is perceived                                                   sector, building particularly
                                                            infrastructure appropriate to
                 as a healthy town with a dynamic                                                    on its strong social enterprise
                                                               economic development.
                     and adaptable workforce.                                                      infrastructure around local food
                                                                                                  and waste management/recycling.

                                                            Boston achieves a parity or

                                                            outstrips currently regional
                     Boston has better overall
                                                          rivals including Kings Lynn and           Boston has a good reputation
                  levels of health and well-being
                                                         Wisbech as a rounded proposition             as a centre of excellence
                    than similar towns in terms
                                                           for investment building on its              as a net zero economy.
                     of size and functionality.
                                                             strengths around logistics,
                                                             heritage and its agri-food.

O U T C O M E S A N D TA R G E T S :

                        INVESTMENT                                   PEOPLE                             HOUSING

                                                             A digital revolution gives more
                Boston will have a diverse range of            people a stake in staying in

                proposed investments in different            Boston as a location of choice
                                                                                                  The housing developments
                 types of business activity, which           to work. The stock of jobs and
                                                                                                     planned for Boston
                provide the scope for it to support         businesses increases. This leads
                                                                                                       are fully realised.
                 particularly the development of           to the start of a new demographic
                 high skill, high wage businesses.            balance with the working age
                                                                population rising by 2%.

                    Boston will be recognised as a
                  smart investment choice for those
                                                                                                 Boston is on a clear trajectory
10-15 YEARS

               interested in long term sound returns
                                                                                                towards the achievement of the
                 from its agri-food, logistics, digital
                                                                                               houses planned for achievement
                  and manufacturing sectors. It will         The creation of more net jobs
                                                                                                 by the end of the current local
                   achieve higher levels of business       increases the working population
                                                                                               plan period. Homes are designed
               investment than the national average.       to 5% above the national average.
                                                                                                   and built to withstand and
               It will have a pipeline of infrastructure
                                                                                                  reduce the effects of climate
               enabled sites which enable it to meet
                                                                                                   change and are accessible.
                 the ongoing demand of businesses
                     in its main economic sectors.

                Boston will be a natural investment
                                                             Boston is a location of choice
               choice for those seeking to generate
                                                            for economically active people
               effective returns from investment. It
                                                               seeking employment in key

                will have a dynamic pattern of sites
                                                                sectors for which it has an
               available for economic development                                              Boston has a sustainable mix of
                                                             international reputation. With
                  and it will have acknowledged                                                houses in terms of variety and
                                                            the growth of the digital sector
                   economic clusters around the                                                 affordability which secure its
                                                               as its key “enabler” It has a
                heritage economy, manufacturing,                                                transition to a regional rather
                                                             higher proportion of people in
                logistics, digital solutions and agri-                                            than sub-regional centre.
                                                            the 16-64 age range and lower
                  food which generate their own
                                                              levels of economic inactivity
              economic dynamism through a process
                                                                than the national average.
                 known as agglomeration effects.

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