APRIL 3-20 - Wentworth Park

APRIL 3-20 - Wentworth Park
APRIL 3-20

  wentworthpark.com.au   •   Event Packages available
APRIL 3-20 - Wentworth Park
$250,000 To The Winner

                                                                                                               GOLDEN EASTER EGG 2019

                                                 Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg
                                                 520m (Group 1)
      All nominations                            Heats:               Saturday, April 6, 2019
      must be                                    Semi-Finals:         Saturday, April 13, 2019
      submitted to                               Final:               Saturday, April 20, 2019

      GRNSW by either:                           Eligibility:	The event is open to the best 80 greyhounds nominated plus
                                                               reserves. Special order of entry conditions applies.
                                                               Special event conditions apply (separate document)
      Phone: 1300 664 565
                                                 Nominations Close: Monday, April 1, 2019 at 12noon with GRNSW.
      Mon-Fri 8-9am
                                                 Prizemoney:          Heat:       1st $5,800.    2nd $1,785.   3rd $1,335.

      Fax: (02) 8580 5301                                             Semi-Final: 1st $10,000.   2nd $2,500. 3rd $1,800
      www.thedogs.com.au                                              Final:      1st $250,000. 2nd $54,000. 3rd $33,800. Unp $1,500.

2019 Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg Series Events
APRIL 3-20 - Wentworth Park
A. The event is open to the best 80 greyhounds nominated plus reserves.
    The following Order of Entry shall apply:
1.	Winners of the following Group/Feature events will be granted priority
    entry into the Golden Easter Egg if nominated and eligible to race:

        Year          Track                                      Event                                    Distance                    Group
        2018          GRSA Angle Park                            Adelaide Cup                             515m                        1
        2018          NSW GBOTA Wentworth Park                   Million Dollar Chase                     520m                        N/A
        2018          NSW GBOTA Lismore                          Lismore Cup                              520m                        2
        2018          MGRA The Meadows                           Topgun                                   525m                        1
        2018          NSW GBOTA Wentworth Park                   Vic Peters Classic                       520m                        1
        2018          SGRC Sandown Park                          Melbourne Cup                            515m                        1
        2018          Ballarat GRC                               Ballarat Cup                             450m                        2
        2018          BGRC Albion Park                           Brisbane Cup                             520m                        1
        2018          HGRC Hobart                                Hobart Thousand                          461m                        1
        2018          NSW GBOTA Wentworth Park                   Christmas Gift                           520m                        3
        2018          SGRC Sandown Park                          Laurels Classic                          515m                        2
        2019          MGRA The Meadows                           Silver Chief Classic                     525m                        1
        2019          Warragul GRC                               Warragul Cup                             460m                        2
        2019          Traralgon                                  Traralgon Cup                            513m                        2
        2019          Cranbourne                                 Cranbourne Cup                           520m                        2
        2019          NSW GBOTA Gosford                          Gosford Cup                              515m                        2
        2019          NSW GBOTA Wentworth Park                   Paws Of Thunder                          520m                        1
        2019          NSW GBOTA Wentworth Park                   The Collerson                            520m                        Listed
        2019          NSW GBOTA Wentworth Park                   National Futurity                        520m                        1
        2019          NSW GBOTA Wentworth Park                   National Derby                           520m                        1
        2019          NSW GBOTA Bathurst                         Bathurst Cup                             520m                        Listed
        2019          GWA Cannington                             Perth Cup                                520m                        1
        2019          Launceston                                 Launceston Cup                           515m                        2
        2019          MGRA The Meadows                           Australian Cup                           525m                        1
        2019          MGRA The Meadows                           Temlee                                   525m                        1
        2019          MGRA The Meadows                           Rookie Rebel                             600m                        1
        2019          NSW GBOTA Bulli                            Cyril Rowe Gold Cup                      472m                        2
        2019          Horsham                                    Horsham Cup                              480m                        2
        2019          Richmond                                   Richmond Derby                           535m                        2
        2019          Richmond                                   Richmond Oaks                            535m                        2
        2019          NSW GBOTA Maitland                         Maitland Cup                             450m                        2

2.	Greyhounds that are deemed by the GRNSW Grading Policy to be             B.	Greyhounds nominated for the Golden Easter Egg, which
    Grade 1 to 3 inclusive at Wentworth Park (520m Saturday night)               subsequently finish 3rd or 4th in the Semi-Finals will be
    at the time of nomination closing will be granted Priority Entry, if         automatically drawn in the The Ambrosoli, being the Golden Easter
    nominated and eligible to race.                                              Egg consolation event. The two fastest 5th greyhounds in the Semi-
                                                                                 Finals will be drawn as reserves for this event.
3.	Official winners of a Golden Easter Egg Prelude (including dead-
    heats) will be granted Priority Entry, if nominated and eligible to
4.	The balance of the best 80 nominations, plus up to 20 reserves, will
    be determined using the GRV APM as at nomination closing day.
    Further details re GRV APM are available at http://www.grv.org.

APRIL 3-20 - Wentworth Park
2019 Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg                                             The Ambrosoli - 520m (Group 3)
    Field Composition Details                                                    Final:             Saturday, April 20, 2019
                                                                                 Eligibility:	Greyhounds which were engaged in the Golden
    Heats The composition of the 10 heats of the Ladbrokes Golden                              Easter Egg semi-finals and finished 3rd or 4th will
    Easter Egg will be determined by conditions of entry to seek Best 80.                      be automatically drawn, with the two fastest 5th
    Greyhounds will then be ordered by pointscore system to seed the top                       greyhounds to be drawn as reserves.
    25%. No guarding will apply to the 25% that are seeded, balance of the
    fields will be determined by blind draw and guarded where possible.          Prizemoney:        1st $25,000. 2nd $5,405. 3rd $3,378. Unp $100

    Semi-Finals Four semi-finals of the Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg will
    be drawn and they will comprise the 10 heat winners, 10 heat second
    placegetters, 10 heat third placegetters and the fastest two fourths in
                                                                                 Trainers Support
    the heats. The field composition of the semi-finals will be determined,
                                                                                 The NSW GBOTA aims to make each participant’s involvement in
    firstly, by placings in heats and, secondly, times recorded in registering   the Carnival as enjoyable as possible. In the event you need further
    such placings. The formula used fairly seeds greyhounds into the semi-       information or assistance with information surrounding, trials,
    finals based on a combined consideration of the placings and times           kennelling, travel or accommodation please contact our Racing team
    recorded by all greyhounds in the heats. No guarding applies in the          on (02) 8587 1202 Monday – Friday.
    semi-finals. Semi-final composition is determined solely on the basis of
    heat performance to a pre-set formula.                                       An upgrade of the Wentworth Park Trainer’s Change Rooms was
                                                                                 undertaken to provide improved facilities for all trainers, with particular
    Final The final will comprise the four semi-final winners and the            concern for those travelling long distances. The change rooms include
    four semi-final second placegetters. The fastest two semi-final third        lockers, shower and toilet facilities and a sitting area. We encourage
    placegetters will be first and second reserves in the final.                 all travelling trainers to utilise this service, be it on arrival or prior to
                                                                                 departure. Travel packs are available free of charge from the race night
                                                                                 office and include Towel, Razor, Shampoo and Conditioner, Soap and
    Preludes                                                                     Toothbrush. Please do not hesitate to speak with our staff.

    Saturday, March 2, 2019; Open to best 16 greyhounds plus reserves of
    4th or 5th grade as per GRNSW grading policy. Nominations close with
    GRNSW, Tuesday, February 26 at 9am.
    Saturday, March 9, 2019; Open to best 16 greyhounds plus reserves            Wentworth Park trials every Tuesday evening Bookings are made via
    of 4th or 5th grade as per GRNSW grading policy. Nominations close           trialbooker.com or by contacting head office.
    with GRNSW, Tuesday, March 5 at 9am.                                         Standard trials are also conducted after the last race at Wednesday
    Saturday, March 16, 2019; Open to best 16 greyhounds plus reserves           Race Meetings. Standard trials are also available to trainers following
    of 4th or 5th grade as per GRNSW grading policy. Nominations close           the last race at Saturday night Race Meetings, provided the trainer has
    with GRNSW, Tuesday, March 12 at 9am.                                        other greyhounds engaged at the said Race Meeting.
                                                                                 Wentworth Park has changed its finish on trials. A synthetic skin only
    Saturday, March 23, 2019; Open to best 32 greyhounds plus reserves
                                                                                 option is also available at $16 per trial for finish ons, participants are
    5th grade as per GRNSW grading policy. Nominations close with
                                                                                 permitted to bring their own teaser, which must be synthetic only and
    GRNSW, Tuesday, March 19 at 9am.
                                                                                 checked by the trial supervisor prior to attachment by NSW GBOTA
    Saturday, March 30, 2019; Open to best 16 greyhounds plus reserves           staff.
    of 4th or 5th grade as per GRNSW grading policy. Nominations close           Trials into the pen are $13 each trial (multiple dogs are permitted).
    with GRNSW, Tuesday, March 26 at 9am.
                                                                                 Contact: NSW GBOTA Head Office on (02) 8587 1202 to book finish
    Greyhounds may compete in more than one Prelude, where grade                 on trials.
    eligible, but winners (including dead-heaters) of any Prelude are not
    eligible to contest further Preludes. Greyhounds winning a Prelude will
    be granted Priority Entry if nominated for the Heats of the Ladbrokes
    Golden Easter Egg.

                                                  Key contacts:
                                                  Wentworth Park                                 Wentworth Park
                                                  Operations Manager                             Racing Manager
                                                  Ellen Harris                                   Peter Cole
                                                  M: 0403 802 022                                P: (02) 8587 1202 M: 0418 603 099
                                                  E: ellen@gbota.com.au                          E: wentworthpark@gbota.com.au

2019 Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg Series Events
APRIL 3-20 - Wentworth Park
Message from LADBROKES
Ladbrokes is once again thrilled to be the naming sponsor of the 2019 Golden Easter Egg Carnival,
which continues our association with the NSW Greyhound Breeders, Owners and Trainers
This is the fifth year that we have been involved with the Golden Easter Egg Carnival and we have
been privileged to see the race cement itself as one of the most prestigious events on the Australian
Greyhound Racing Calendar.
Our partnership with the NSW GBOTA is truly unique and remains an integral part of our
partnerships portfolio.
This partnership has already seen an additional $500,000 returned to Greyhound Racing
participants, through the Ladbrokes Monthly Medal, and we also worked together closely on the
inaugural GRNSW + Ladbrokes Million Dollar Chase last year with great success.
Ladbrokes is continually developing innovative wagering promotions for its participants and punters
alike and we remain as committed as ever to the New South Wales Greyhound Racing industry.
On behalf of all at Ladbrokes, we wish all 2019 Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg Carnival competitors
the very best of luck.

Ladbrokes Chief Executive Officer

Message from the NSW GBOTA
It is with great pleasure, as NSW GBOTA Chairman, I present to participants across Australia the
2019 Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg Carnival program.

The Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg is one of the greatest championships within the Australian
greyhound racing landscape. Its three week structure continues to ensure that all runners have
the fairest opportunity to progress to the final and only the truest of champions are ultimately

Without the ongoing support of Jason Scott and his team at Ladbrokes, both the Ladbrokes Golden
Easter Egg Carnival and the NSW Greyhound Racing industry would not be able to deliver the
returns to participants that it currently does. The Association is again excited to be partnering with
Ladbrokes to not only deliver a world class greyhound racing program, but also exciting customer
offerings and experiences.

Participants are encouraged to review the Trainers Guide thoroughly and understand all of the
methods of qualification for each series. Our Operations Manager, Ellen Harris and Wentworth Park
Racing Manager Peter Cole are available to answer questions and assist where they can.

Interstate trainers are also encouraged to ensure their respective GRNSW prizemoney split forms are
completed and lodged prior to the series commencing. Again, please speak to our team if you have
any questions.

On behalf of the Directors of the NSW GBOTA and supporters of the Carnival, we wish all
competitors the very best of luck and safe racing.

Chairman, NSW GBOTA

APRIL 3-20 - Wentworth Park

    2018 Association Cup Winner Simon Keeping                                  2018 New Sensation Winner Winsome Money

    Association Cup - 720m (Group 1)                                           New Sensation – 520m (Group 3)
    Heats:          Saturday, April 13, 2019                                   Heats:         Wednesday, April 10, 2019
    Final:          Saturday, April 20, 2019                                   Final:         Saturday, April 20, 2019
    Eligibility:	Open to the best 32 greyhounds nominated plus                Eligibility:	The event is open to the best 40 greyhounds
                  reserves. Priority Entry will be granted to greyhounds                     nominated plus reserves. Open to greyhounds whelped
                  that have won a Group 1 or Group 2 event, of not less                      on or after 17/11/16, and have won no more than 10
                  than 595m, in the 12 months immediately prior to                           races from no more than 20 race starts at the time
                  close of nominations. Balance of fields for heats will be                  of nomination closing. Greyhounds with one win are
                  determined by top down grading based on the GRNSW                          eligible. Maidens are ineligible.
                  Grading Policy. Where less than 32 nominations are
                                                                               	Greyhounds will first be graded using GRNSW Grading
                  received the NSW GBOTA and GRNSW reserve the
                                                                                 Policy and then be ordered by pointscore system
                  right to determine the number of heats conducted.
                                                                                 to seed the top 25%. No guarding will apply to the
                  Greyhounds will then be ordered by pointscore system
                                                                                 25% that are seeded, balance of the fields will be
                  to seed the top 25%. No guarding will apply to the
                                                                                 determined by blind draw and guarded where possible
                  25% that are seeded, balance of the fields will be
                  determined by blind draw and guarded where possible.         	Where less than 40 nominations are received the NSW
                                                                                 GBOTA and GRNSW reserve the right to determine the
                                                                                 number of heats conducted.
    Close:      Tuesday, April 9, 2019 with GRNSW at 9am
                                                                               Close:      Monday, April 8, 2019 at 12noon to 9am with GRNSW.
    Heat:           1st $6,200. 2nd $1,900. 3rd $1,430.
    Final:          1st $75,000. 2nd $16,216. 3rd $10,135. Unp $500
                                                                               Heat:          1st $3,000. 2nd $920. 3rd $690.
                                                                               Final:         1st $25,000. 2nd $5,405. 3rd $3,378. Unp $100

2019 Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg Series Events
APRIL 3-20 - Wentworth Park
Ladbrokes Magic Maiden - 520m                                             Ultra Sense – 520m (Listed)
(Group 3)                                                                 Heats:          Saturday, April 13, 2019
                                                                          Final:          Saturday, April 20, 2019
                                                                          Eligibility:	Open to 4/5th grade greyhounds, as determined
Wednesday, March 13, 2019 (up to 2 x 520m Four Dog Trials)                              by GRNSW Grading Policy. Greyhounds will then be
Friday, March 15, 2019 (up to 2 x 520m Four Dog Trials)                                 ordered by pointscore system to seed the top 25%.
                                                                                        No guarding will apply to the 25% that are seeded,
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 (up to 2 x 520m Four Dog Trials)                              balance of the fields will be determined by blind
Friday, March 22, 2019 (up to 2 x 520m Four Dog Trials)                                 draw and guarded where possible. Number of heats
                                                                                        conducted as determined by nominations received.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019 (up to 2 x 520m Four Dog Trials)
Friday, March 29, 2019 (up to 2 x 520m Four Dog Trials)                   Close:      Tuesday, April 9, 2019 with GRNSW at 9am

Heats:         Wednesday, April 3, 2019                                   Prizemoney:

Semi-Finals: Wednesday, April 10, 2019                                    Heat:           1st $5,300. 2nd $1,640.        3rd $1,220.

Final:         Saturday, April 20, 2019                                   Final:          1st $15,000. 2nd $3,243.       3rd $2,207. Unp $100

Eligibility:	Open to 88 maiden greyhounds plus reserves. Where
              less than 88 nominations are received the NSW
              GBOTA and GRNSW reserve the right to determine the
              number of heats conducted. To be eligible nominated
              greyhounds must have contested and passed a GRNSW
              sanctioned Performance Trial or an official race, in line
              with GRNSW Grading Policy conditions. Performance
              Trial preferences will be applied as per GRNSW Grading
	Best 80 plus reserves from Heats shall determined by
  GRNSW grading policy. Heat field composition will be
  determined by blind draw. Greyhounds trained and
  or owned by the same interest will be guarded where
  possible. The field composition of the semi-finals
  will be determined, firstly, by placings in heats and,
  secondly, times recorded in registering such placings.
  The formula used fairly seeds greyhounds into the                       2018 Ultra Sense Winner Real Simple
  semi-finals based on a combined consideration of the
  placings and times recorded by all greyhounds in the
  heats. No guarding applies in the semi-finals. Semi-
  final composition is determined solely on the basis of
  heat performance to a pre-set formula.

Close:      Monday, April 1, 2019 with GRNSW at 9am
Heat:          1st $2,500. 2nd $760. 3rd $580.
Semi-Final:    1st $4,800. 2nd $1,480. 3rd $1,100.
Final:         1st $25,000. 2nd $5,405. 3rd $3,378. Unp $100

                                                                          2018 Ladbrokes Magic Maiden Winner Nangar Jill

                         CARNIVAL                                 Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg
                                                                  Preludes commence

                                                                  Performance Trials available select
                                                                  Wednesday & Fridays


KEY DATES                                                         APR
                                                                  Monday, April 1
                                                                  Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg
                                                                  nominations close at 12noon
                                                                  plus 720m Best 8 nominations close for
                                                                  April 6 event
                                                                  Ladbrokes Magic Maiden
                                                                  Nominations close at 9am
Trainers                                                          Wednesday, April 3
Parade, live                                                      Ladbrokes Magic Maiden Heats

                                                                  Saturday, April 6
entertainment                                                     Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg Heats

and more!

                         Monday, April 8
                         New Sensation nominations close at 9am

                         Tuesday, April 9
                         Association Cup and Ultra Sense
                         nominations close at 9am
                         Wednesday, April 10                      Saturday, April 20
                         Ladbrokes Magic Maiden Semis             Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg Final Night

                         New Sensation Heats                      Association Cup
                                                                  The Ambrosoli
                         Saturday, April 13                       Ladbrokes Magic Maiden
                         Ladbrokes Golden Easter Egg Semis        New Sensation
                         Association Cup Heats                    Ultra Sense
                         Ultra Sense Heats
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