Page created by Jesus Contreras
APRIL 2023

  APRIL 2023


                            What Roe v. Wade Should Have Said
                            The Nation's Top Legal Experts Rewrite America's Most
                            Controversial Decision

                            By Balkin Jack M.

                            A unique introduction to the constitutional arguments for
                            and against the right to abortion. In January 1973, the
                            Supreme Court's opinion in Roe v. Wade struck down most
                            of the country's abortion laws and held for the first time
                            that the Constitution guarantees women the right to safe
                            and legal abortions.

                            Nearly five decades later, in 2022, the Court's 5-4 decision
                            in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization
                            overturned Roe and eliminated the constitutional right,
                            stunning the nation. Instead of finally resolving the
                            constitutional issues, Dobbs managed to bring new
                            attention to them while sparking a debate about the
                            Supreme Court's legitimacy.

                            Originally published in 2005, What Roe v. Wade Should
                            Have Said asked eleven distinguished constitutional
                            scholars to rewrite the opinions in this landmark case
                            considering thirty years' experience but making use only of
                            sources available at the time of the original decision.
                            Offering the best arguments for and against the
                            constitutional right to abortion, the contributors have
                            produced a series of powerful essays that get to the heart
                            of this fascinating case.

                            In addition, Jack Balkin gives a detailed historical
                            introduction that chronicles the Roe litigation-and the
                            constitutional and political clashes that followed it-and
                            explains the Dobbs decision and its aftermath.

                            Author Bio:
                            Jack M. Balkin is Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and
                            the First Amendment at Yale Law School, and the Founder
                            and Director of Yale's Information Society Project. He is the
                            author of numerous books, including The Cycles of
                            Constitutional Time, and the editor of What Brown v.
                            Board of Education should have Said. He lives in Branford,

                            AUD RRP: $56.99             ISBN-13: 9781479823109
                            Release Date: 17/01/2023    Discount: Acad & Professional
                            Format: Paperback           Size: 229 X 152
                                                        Pages: 344

                www.woodslane.com.au                                                        3

                                  Theatre as Human                                                 Rock & Roll in
                                  Action                                                           Kennedy's America

                                  By Hischak Thomas S.                                             By Aquila Richard
                                  ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD                                             JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY
                                  PUBLISHERS                                                       PRESS

An accessible introductory textbook that informs students           From the former host of NPR's Rock & Roll America,
about theatre by looking at the theoretical and practical           Richard Aquila's Rock & Roll in Kennedy's America offers
aspects-from the nature of theatre and drama to how it              an in-depth look at early 1960s rock & roll, as well as an
reflects society-and by examining the processes of                  unconventional history of Kennedy's America through the
playwrights, actors, designers, directors, producers,               lens of popular music. Based on extensive research the
critics, and more.                                                  book rejects the myth that Buddy Holly's death in 1959
                                                                    was "the day the music died."

AUD RRP: $97.99                     ISBN-13: 9781538163443          AUD RRP: $66.99                ISBN-13: 9781421444987
Release Date: April 2023            Discount: Acad & Professional   Release Date: April 2023       Discount: Acad & Professional
Format: Paperback                   Size: 254 X 203                 Format: Hardback               Size: 235 X 156
Illustration: Colour Section(S)     Pages: 320                      Illustration: B&W Throughout   Pages: 416

                                   Can't Stop the Grrrls                                           Literacies in Language

                                   By Hirsch Lily E.                                               By Paesani Kate
                                   ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD                                            GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY
                                   PUBLISHERS                                                      PRESS

From stars like Britney Spears and Mariah Carey to classic          Literacies in Language Education introduces
icons like Yoko Ono, female musicians have long been the            multiliteracies pedagogy, which focuses on critical
target of double standards and toxic labels in pop culture:         engagement with texts, intercultural understanding, and
liar, crazy, snake, diva, b*tch, and so on. Lily Hirsch             language proficiency development. Kate Paesani and
confronts the full range of sexist labelling and inspires us        Mandy Menke, seasoned workshop leaders and
to think about these remarkable women on their own                  multiliteracies scholars, define what the approach is.
AUD RRP: $56.99                     ISBN-13: 9781538169063          AUD RRP: $252.00               ISBN-13: 9781647123338
Release Date: 15/03/2023            Discount: Acad & Professional   Release Date: 01/04/2023       Discount: Acad & Professional
Format: Hardback                    Size: 229 X 152                 Format: Hardback               Size: 229 X 152
Illustration: B&W Throughout        Pages: 208                      Illustration: B&W Throughout   Pages: 210

                                                         www.woodslane.com.au                                                      4

                                 Aswat Mu'asira                                                  Writing Australian
                                                                                                 History on Screen

                                 By Elbousty Jonas                                               By Parnell Jo
                                 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY                                           ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD
                                 PRESS                                                           PUBLISHERS

Aswaat mu'aSira introduces advanced level students to             Writing Australian History on Screen reveals the depths in
fifty-five contemporary stories in Arabic from twenty             Australian history from convict times to the present day.
countries from across the Middle East. While most Arabic          The essays convey perspectives of Australian history on
literature textbooks include only excerpts of longer works,       screen taken from an Australian viewpoint in a way that
these stories give students the opportunity to immerse            offers insights and an understanding of the unique
themselves in a complete piece of literature.                     Australian history and sense of identity.

AUD RRP: $114.00               ISBN-13: 9781647122799             AUD RRP: $169.00               ISBN-13: 9781666908688
Release Date: April 2023       Discount: Acad & Professional      Release Date: 15/01/2023       Discount: Acad & Professional
Format: Paperback              Size: 254 X 178                    Format: Hardback               Size: 229 X 152
                               Pages: 256                                                        Pages: 212

                                The COVID-19                                                      Why Wellness Sells
                                Intelligence Failure

                                                                                                  By Derkatch Colleen
                                By Dahl Erik J.
                                                                                                  JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY
                                GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY

Epidemiologists and national security agencies warned for         The concept of wellness entrenches an individualist
years about the potential for a deadly pandemic, but              model of health as a personal responsibility when
global surveillance and warning systems were not enough           collectivist approaches would more readily serve the
to avert the COVID-19 disaster. Erik J. Dahl demonstrates         health and well-being of whole populations. Derkatch
that understanding how intelligence warnings work-and             offers a nuanced account of how language, belief,
how they fail-shows why the years of predictions were not         behavior, experience, and persuasion collide to produce
enough.                                                           and promote wellness.

AUD RRP: $183.00                  ISBN-13: 9781647123055          AUD RRP: $111.00                 ISBN-13: 9781421445281
Release Date: 01/02/2023          Discount: Acad & Professional   Release Date: 15/11/2022         Discount: Acad & Professional
Format: Hardback                  Size: 229 X 152                 Format: Hardback                 Size: 229 X 152
Illustration: B&W Throughout      Pages: 232                      Illustration: B&W Throughout     Pages: 280

                                                      www.woodslane.com.au                                                         5

                                    Cave Biodiversity                                                 Global Sustainable

                                    By Wynne J. Judson                                                By Spiegel-Feld Danielle
                                    JOHNS HOPKINS                                                     NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
                                    UNIVERSITY PRESS

A deep dive into the evolutionary biology,                          Perspectives from worldwide experts on how major cities
biogeography, and conservation of the most elusive                  across the globe are responding to the major
subterranean creatures in the world. Far from the                   environmental threats of our time, including global climate
austere, sparsely populated ecosystems often conjured               change.Over half of the world's population now lives in
in the imagination, caves host some of the most                     cities, and this share is expected to increase in the coming
mysterious and biodiverse natural systems in the world.             decades.

AUD RRP: $210.00                    ISBN-13: 9781421444574          AUD RRP: $79.99                    ISBN-13: 9781479805754
Release Date: April 2023            Discount: Acad & Professional   Release Date: 24/01/2023           Discount: Acad & Professional
Format: Hardback                    Size: 229 X 152                 Format: Paperback                  Size: 229 X 152
Illustration: Colour Section(S)     Pages: 352                      Illustration: B&W Throughout       Pages: 384

                                       Can We Trust AI?                                                     The Great Gelatin

                                       By Chellappa Rama                                                    By Albala Ken
                                       JOHNS HOPKINS                                                        UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS
                                       UNIVERSITY PRESS                                                     PRESS

In Can We Trust AI? Dr. Rama Chellappa, a researcher                Once synonymous with food novelty, gelatine has re-
and innovator with 40 years in the field, recounts the              emerged as an attention-grabbing element of creative
evolution of AI, its current uses, and how it will drive            cuisine and avant-garde drinkology. Ken Albala's most
industries and shape lives in the future. Leading AI                fearless food exploration yet takes readers into the sublime
researchers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs                     world of aspics past and present. A light-hearted manifesto
contribute their expertise as well on how AI works, what            for the new age of aspics, The Great Gelatin Revival rattles
we can expect from it.                                              our very understanding of what food can be.

AUD RRP: $37.99                   ISBN-13: 9781421445304            AUD RRP: $63.99                    ISBN-13: 9780252086816
Release Date: April 2023          Discount: Acad & Professional     Release Date: April 2023           Discount: Acad & Professional
Format: Paperback                 Size: 178 X 127                   Format: Paperback                  Size: 254 X 203
                                  Pages: 216                        Illustration: Colour Section(S)    Pages: 232

                                                          www.woodslane.com.au                                                         6
  APRIL 2023


                       The CRAFT Treatment Manual for Substance
                       Use Problems
                       Working with Family Members

                       By Jane Ellen Smith and Robert J. Meyers

                       Packed with practical tools, this authoritative manual
                       offers a complete guide to implementing the evidence-
                       based Community Reinforcement and Family Training
                       (CRAFT) program.

                       Jane Ellen Smith and Robert J. Meyers have spent decades
                       developing and refining their approach for helping
                       concerned significant others (CSOs) of treatment-refusing
                       individuals with substance use problems.

                       Structured yet flexible, CRAFT teaches loved ones to
                       change their behavior with the identified patient to
                       encourage treatment entry and enhance their own well-

                       The volume features step-by-step implementation
                       guidelines, case examples, sample dialogues,
                       troubleshooting tips, and 24 reproducible forms, handouts,
                       and checklists that can be downloaded and printed in a
                       convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.

                       Author Bio:
                       Jane Ellen Smith, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at the
                       University of New Mexico (UNM). She was the first woman
                       to be tenured in the Psychology Department, to become
                       Director of Clinical Training, and to become Chair of the
                       Department, a role she filled for 12 years. Specializing in
                       both alcohol treatment and eating disorders.
                       Robert J. Meyers, PhD, is Director of Robert J. Meyers, PhD,
                       and Associates, and is Emeritus Research Associate
                       Professor of Psychology at the University of New Mexico,
                       where his primary affiliation is with the Center on Alcohol,
                       Substance use, And Addictions (CASAA). An internationally
                       sought speaker who has delivered trainings throughout the
                       world, Dr. Meyers is the developer of CRAFT.

                       AUD RRP: $84.99            ISBN-13: 9781462551101
                       Release Date: April 2023   Discount: Acad & Professional
                       Format: Paperback          Size: 254 X 178
                                                  Pages: 276

          www.woodslane.com.au                                                        8

Contemporary Intellectual Assessment 4/e                        The Science and Clinical Practice of
Theories, Tests, and Issues                                     Attachment Theory
                                                                A Guide From Infancy to Adulthood
By Flanagan Dawn P.                   NEW IN PAPERBACK

                                                                By Allen Brian
This highly practical book presents current developments
in play therapy, including innovative applications for     Attachment theory is often mischaracterized as focusing
problems and populations.                                  solely on maternal influences in early childhood, but
                                                           developmental science has explored the important roles
Contributors first discuss the latest ideas and techniques that other attachment figures play throughout one's life,
emerging from object relations, experiential, dynamic,     including foster parents, social peers, and romantic
and narrative perspectives. Next, research evaluating the partners. Following the history and evolution of
effectiveness of play interventions is reviewed in detail. attachment research, this book translates foundational
                                                           knowledge into clinical practice by reviewing
The books third and largest section demonstrates creative interventions such as parent training techniques,
approaches for helping children deal with a variety of     attachment-based family therapy, and mentalization-
adverse circumstances: homelessness, family problems,      based therapy. These attachment-based interventions are
sexual abuse, social aggression, natural disasters, and    differentiated from other, harmful treatments that have
more. Throughout, rich case illustrations enhance the      been erroneously linked to attachment theory, being
books utility for clinicians.                              labeled by their proponents as "attachment therapy."

Contributors address critical issues in evaluating culturally   Key concepts such as internal working models and secure
and linguistically diverse students, gifted students, and       vs. insecure attachment scripts are described, as are
those with intellectual disability, sensory-motor               important assessment measures like the strange situation
impairments, traumatic brain injuries, and learning             procedure and the adult attachment interview. Special
difficulties and disabilities. The fourth edition highlights    features highlight notable topics and controversies in
the use of cognitive test results in planning school-based      attachment theory and research and present case studies
interventions.                                                  that bring clinical guidance to life.
AUD RRP: $154.00           ISBN-13: 9781462552030               AUD RRP: $152.00           ISBN-13: 9781433837616
Release Date: April 2023   Discount: Acad & Professional        Release Date: April 2023   Discount: Acad & Professional
Format: Paperback          Size: 254 X 178                      Format: Paperback          Size: 254 X 178
                           Pages: 1130                                                     Pages: 286

                                                  www.woodslane.com.au                                                     9

                       The A-Z Guide to Exposure
                       Creative ERP Activities for 75 Childhood Fears

                       By Dawn Huebner and Erin Neely

                       Key Sales Points:
                       * A comprehensive resource for professionals filled with 75
                       creative Exposure and Response Prevention activity lists to
                       assist in the treatment of anxious children.

                       The art of exposure lies in perfectly pitched challenges. Get
                       them wrong and nothing changes. Get them right and you
                       set an anxious child free.

                       This practical resource guide contains 75 creative, user-
                       friendly lists of exposure activities appropriate for 5-12-
                       year-olds struggling with anxiety. Entries cover a wide
                       range of fears and concerns, such as Clowns, Making
                       Mistakes, Picky Eating, Separation Anxiety, and Vomiting.

                       An essential addition to the therapeutic toolbox of
                       practitioners using Exposure and Response Prevention
                       (ERP), this A-Z guide combines evidence-based guidance
                       with inventive, engaging, actionable activities for an
                       extensive list of childhood fears and concerns.

                       Author Bio:
                       Dawn Huebner, PhD is a Clinical Psychologist and Parent
                       Coach specializing in childhood anxiety. She is the author
                       of award-winning books for children including What to Do
                       When You Worry Too Much, Outsmarting Worry and Dr.
                       Dawn's Mini Books About Mighty Fears, and speaks to
                       groups of educators, mental health professionals, and
                       parents around the world. She is based in Sacramento,
                       California. https://www.dawnhuebnerphd.com/
                       Erin Neely, PsyD is a Clinical Psychologist and Integrative
                       Nutrition Coach. She works with elementary aged children
                       to help them create happier and healthier lives. She
                       combines her clinical mind and creative heart to produce
                       animations about mental health topics for her YouTube
                       channel, Miss Erin Doctor.

                       AUD RRP: $51.99             ISBN-13: 9781839973222
                       Release Date: April 2023    Discount: Trade International
                       Format: Paperback           Pages: 192

          www.woodslane.com.au                                                         10

                               Facing Mighty Fears                                             Facing Mighty Fears
                               About Throwing Up                                               About Trying New

                               By Huebner Dawn                                                 By Huebner Dawn
                               JESSICA KINGSLEY                                                JESSICA KINGSLEY PUBLISHERS

No one like to throw up, but emetophobia is different,          Written with warmth and humour, and filled with practical
turning disgust into dread. Facing Mighty Fears About           tips, this book eases anxiety about new experiences,
Throwing Up presents techniques to help shrink this             helping 6-10-year-olds live more varied lives.
common fear.                                                    Supplemental guidance for parents and caretakers ensures
                                                                maximum effectiveness.

AUD RRP: $28.99                 ISBN-13: 9781787759251          AUD RRP: $28.99                 ISBN-13: 9781787759503
Release Date: Available Now     Discount: Trade International   Release Date: Available Now     Discount: Trade International
Format: Paperback               Size: 229 X 152                 Format: Paperback               Size: 229 X 152
Illustration: B&W Throughout    Pages: 80                       Illustration: B&W Throughout    Pages: 64

                               Facing Mighty Fears                                             Facing Mighty Fears
                               About Health                                                    About Animals

                               By Huebner Dawn                                                 By Huebner Dawn
                               JESSICA KINGSLEY                                                JESSICA KINGSLEY PUBLISHERS

Written with warmth and humour, and filled with                 Filled with practical tips and fun facts, this book eases
practical tips, this book eases over-size fears about           over-size fears about animals, helping 6-10-year-olds live
health, helping 6-10-year-olds live happier lives.              happier lives. Supplemental guidance for parents and
Supplemental guidance for parents and caretakers                caretakers ensures maximum effectiveness.
ensures maximum effectiveness.

AUD RRP: $28.99                 ISBN-13: 9781787759282          AUD RRP: $28.99                 ISBN-13: 9781787759466
Release Date: Available Now     Discount: Trade International   Release Date: Available Now     Discount: Trade International
Format: Paperback               Size: 229 X 152                 Format: Paperback               Size: 229 X 152
Illustration: B&W Throughout    Pages: 80                       Illustration: B&W Throughout    Pages: 64

                                                     www.woodslane.com.au                                                       11

Leading Beyond Crisis                                                                            APA LIFETOOLS

                      Dr George S. Everly and Amy B. Athey                                      AUD RRP: $41.99
                                                                                                ISBN13: 9781433838033
                      This book teaches the art and science of transformative resilient         Release Date: April 2023
                      leadership, a unique leadership style that aims to identify opportunities Discount: TRADE
                      in adversity and uses them to foster resilience and growth. With over 70 INTERNATIONAL
                      years of combined experience training leaders in business, military,      Format: Paperback
                      sports, and other high-pressure settings, psychologists George S. Everly, Pages: 221
                      Jr., and Amy B. Athey have garnered unparalleled insight into how the     Illustrations: NOT
                      best leaders lead through the worst. This book distils their wisdom into ILLUSTRATED
                      practical, reader-friendly chapters and profiles leaders from classical
                      and modern history who demonstrate the five pillars of transformative
                      resilient leadership. You can learn to seize the unique opportunities
                      afforded by crisis to achieve organizational, community, and personal

Essential Strategies for Organizational and Systems Change                                   AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL
                      Skipton Leonard H.                                                     AUD RRP: $91.99
                      Organizational and systems change, a primary focus for many consulting ISBN13: 9781433837876
                      psychologists and other professional consultants, requires a subtle    Release Date: April 2023
                      knowledge of human organizations, cultures, and societies. This text   Discount: ACAD &
                      provides conceptual and operational descriptions of the major          PROFESSIONAL
                      approaches to the field of organizational and systems change (O/SC).   Format: Paperback
                      It describes a variety of strategies and principals involved in O/SC,  Pages: 108
                      including general systems theory, chaos and complexity theory,         Size: 229 X 152
                      organizational development and change management, organizational
                      and personal learning, psychodynamics and covert processes, and
                      emerging areas of interest including the integration of positive
                      psychology, appreciative inquiry, behavioural theory, and
                      neuropsychology into the practice of O/SC.

The Pursuit of Life                                                                                PENN STATE UNIVERSITY
                      Fine Robert                                                                  AUD RRP: $75.99
                                                                                                   ISBN13: 9780271094410
                      This volume examines crucial concerns in palliative care, including the      Release Date: April 2023
                      proper balance between comfort and cure for the patient, the                 Discount: ACAD &
                      integration of spiritual well-being, and the challenges of providing care PROFESSIONAL
                      in the absence of basic medical services and supplies. In the first section, Format: Paperback
                      palliative-care pioneers Constance Dahlin, Eduardo Bruera, Neil              Pages: 248
                      MacDonald, and Declan Walsh recount the early history of the                 Size: 229 X 152
                      discipline. Part 2 discusses the role of poetry, prose, plays, and other     Illustrations: B&W
                      aspects of the humanities in the practice of palliative care. Part 3         THROUGHOUT
                      explores essential current issues in the field, including autonomy, the
                      use of opioids, and the impact of artificial intelligence on the evolution
                      of palliative care. The final section focuses on the spiritual dimensions
                      of pain and suffering. Rich with anecdotes and personal stories and
                      featuring contributions from pioneers and current practitioners,

                                             www.woodslane.com.au                                                             12

                                            Your Body is                                                           Manny's Mood
                                            Awesome 2/e                                                            Clouds

                                            By Danielsdottir Sigrun                                                By Ubidia Lourdes
                                            JESSICA KINGSLEY                                                       JESSICA KINGSLEY
                                            PUBLISHERS                                                             PUBLISHERS

                                                  NEW EDITION

The colourful and updated illustrations in this picture book          Manny has mood clouds... a big red cloud when he's
will help children learn to love their bodies from an early           frustrated, a purple one when he is panicked and even a
age and appreciate all the wonderful things their bodies              yellow one when he's so happy that he has too much
do. This second edition promotes a healthy attitude which             energy. Manny's brother Elijah doesn't know what to do
will help children understand that all bodies are different           or how to help. This picture book for ages 5-7 helps
and encourage them to take good care of their bodies.                 children understand mood disorders and how to support
                                                                      friends and siblings.
AUD RRP: $33.99                      ISBN-13: 9781839975332
Release Date: April 2023             Discount: Trade International    AUD RRP: $28.99                      ISBN-13: 9781839974953
Format: Paperback                    Pages: 40                        Release Date: April 2023             Discount: Trade International
Illustration: Colour Section(S)                                       Format: Hardback                     Size: 216 X 213
                                                                      Illustration: Colour Section(S)      Pages: 48

                                  Raising Sound Sleepers                                                       Supporting
                                                                                                               Adolescents with
                                                                                                               Autism in
                                                                                                               Secondary Schools
                                  By Blanning Adam
                                  FLORIS BOOKS
                                                                                                               By Odom Samuel L.

Help children of all ages learn life-long skills -- how to
sleep, self-soothe and feel calm using their senses. An               In a convenient large-size format, this book presents the
easy-to-absorb, holistic guide from doctor and child-                 first research-based, comprehensive program designed
development consultant Adam Blanning.                                 to support high school students with autism spectrum
                                                                      disorder (ASD).
AUD RRP: $32.99                   ISBN-13: 9781782508427
Release Date: April 2023          Discount: Trade International       AUD RRP: $79.99                   ISBN-13: 9781462551057
Format: Paperback                 Size: 216 X 138                     Release Date: April 2023          Discount: Acad & Professional
                                  Pages: 192                          Format: Paperback                 Pages: 202

                                                         www.woodslane.com.au                                                              13

The Pocket Guide to Neurodiversity                             I Will Die On This Hill
                                                               Autistic Adults, Autism Parents, and the Children Who
By Aherne Daniel                                               Deserve a Better World

At least one in seven people are thought to be                 By Meghan Ashburn and Jules Edwards
neurodivergent. In this simple guide, expert speaker and
trainer Daniel Aherne provides a clear introduction to         There is a significant divide between autistic advocates
neurodiversity and the four most common                        and parents of autistic children. Parents may feel attacked
neurodivergent identities of autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and       for their lack of understanding, and autistic adults who
dyspraxia. Using an analogy of a cactus needing a desert       offer insight and guidance are also met with hostility and
to grow in, he emphasises the importance of getting the        rejection. Meghan Ashburn, a mother of two autistic boys,
environment right for neurodivergent people, rather than       and Jules Edwards, an autistic parent, were no strangers
expecting them to adapt to the neurotypical world.             to this tension and had an adversarial relationship when
                                                               they first met.
Daniel, who himself has ADHD, also explains how
neurodivergent people often have great strengths               Over time, the two resolved their differences and are now
alongside areas of difficulty, and writes about the            co-conspirators in the pursuit of disability justice.
interplay between diagnoses, as well as unpacking tricky
concepts such as working memory, sensory processing,           This book unites both perspectives, exploring the rift
communication differences and more.                            between these communities and encouraging them to
                                                               work towards a common goal. It provides context to
Busting common misconceptions and setting out simple           dividing issues, and the authors use their experience to
tips and guidance for supporting the neurodivergent            illustrate where they've messed up, where they've got
people around you, whether among your family, friends          things right, and what they've learned along the way.
or at your school, college, or workplace.

AUD RRP: $32.99                ISBN-13: 9781839970146          AUD RRP: $38.99                ISBN-13: 9781839971686
Release Date: April 2023       Discount: Trade International   Release Date: April 2023       Discount: Trade International
Format: Paperback              Size: 216 X 138                 Format: Paperback              Size: 216 X 138
Illustration: B&W Throughout   Pages: 128                      Illustration: B&W Throughout   Pages: 256

                                                   www.woodslane.com.au                                                       14

Bisexual Men Exist                                                                               JESSICA KINGSLEY
                       Mehta Vaneet                                                              AUD RRP: $38.99
                                                                                                 ISBN13: 9781787757196
                       "You're just being greedy." "Are you sure you're not gay?" "Pick a side." Release Date: April 2023
                       Being a bisexual man isn't easy - something Vaneet Mehta knows all too Discount: TRADE
                       well. After spending more than a decade figuring out his identity,        INTERNATIONAL
                       Vaneet's coming out was met with questioning, ridicule, and erasure.      Format: Paperback
                       This experience inspired Vaneet to create the viral #BisexualMenExist     Pages: 272
                       campaign, combatting the hate and scepticism m-spec (multi-gender         Size: 216 X 138
                       attracted spectrum) men encounter, and helping others who felt
                       similarly alone and trapped. This powerful book is an extension of that
                       fight. Navigating a range of topics, including coming out, dating,
                       relationships and health, Vaneet shares his own lived experience as
                       well as personal stories from others in the community to help validate
                       and uplift other bisexual men.

All the Things They Said We Couldn't Have                                                        JESSICA KINGSLEY
                       Oakes-Monger Tash                                                         AUD RRP: $33.99
                                                                                                 ISBN13: 9781839971495
                       'Transition has not been something linear for me, my joy has come in      Release Date: April 2023
                       seasons.' Now, more than ever, trans people deserve to hear stories of Discount: TRADE
                       joy and hope, where being trans doesn't have to be defined by fear and INTERNATIONAL
                       dysphoria, but can be experienced through courage, freedom, and the Format: Paperback
                       love and acceptance of their chosen families. Through a series of         Pages: 144
                       uplifting, generous and beautifully crafted vignettes, T. C. Oakes-Monger Size: 198 X 129
                       gently leads you through the cycle of the seasons - beginning in          Illustrations: B&W
                       Autumn and the shedding of leaves and identity, moving through the        THROUGHOUT
                       darkness of Winter, its cold days, and the reality of daily life, into
                       Spring, newness, and change, and ending with the joy of long Summer
                       days and being out and proud - and invites you to find similar moments
                       of joy in your life.

First Year Out                                                                                     JESSICA KINGSLEY
                       Symington Sabrina                                                           AUD RRP: $42.99
                                                                                                   ISBN13: 9781839977725
                       From laser hair removal and coming out to her parents, through to           Release Date: April 2023
                       dating, voice training and gender reassignment surgery, this intimate       Discount: TRADE
                       and witty graphic novel follows the character of Lily as she transitions to INTERNATIONAL
                       living as her true, female self. Providing support and guidance on a        Format: Paperback
                       range of issues such as hormones, medical procedures and relationships, Pages: 128
                       the story traces the everyday thoughts, emotions and struggles many         Size: 260 X 170
                       trans and non-binary people face and seeks to empower those who are Illustrations: COLOUR
                       starting to question their gender as well as promoting wider discussion SECTION(S)
                       about the complexities of gender and identity. Based on the author's
                       own experiences as a trans woman, this honest and powerful work is a
                       testament to being who you are and a celebration of gender diversity.
                       HARDBACK VERSION – 9781785922589 – RRP $44.99

                                              www.woodslane.com.au                                                            15

                       The Gender Deck
                       100 Cards for Conversations about Gender Identity

                       By Triska Andrew

                       This unique pack of 100 cards provides a useful tool to help
                       guide conversations about gender identity in individual,
                       group, family, professional and school settings.

                       With vibrant and inclusive designs, the four color-coded
                       categories - consisting of reflective questions, interactive
                       activities, interview-style questions, and supportive
                       questions - are designed to prompt and encourage deep,
                       reflective, and supportive discussions about topics related
                       to gender identity, gender expression and relationships.

                       Developed by a renowned trans-identified
                       psychotherapist, and with an accompanying guidebook
                       instructing users on different formats and activities in
                       which the cards can be used, this card deck is an ideal
                       resource for professionals working with trans, non-binary
                       and/or queer clients to have in their therapeutic toolkit.

                       Author Bio:
                       Andrew Triska, LCSW is a psychotherapist and author who
                       practices in Manhattan and consults and trains on gender
                       and sexuality topics. He has previously published Parenting
                       your Transgender Teen, Gender Identity Workbook for
                       Teens, and The Transgender Self-Care Journal.

                       AUD RRP: $64.99                   ISBN-13: 9781839974366
                       Release Date: April 2023          Discount: Trade International
                       Format: Cards                     Size: 125 X 35
                       Illustration: Colour Throughout   Pages: 100

          www.woodslane.com.au                                                           16

                                   The Greater Me                                                   The Trauma
                                   Cards                                                            Treasure Deck

                                   By Dr Leanna Lopez and                                           By Treisman Dr. Karen
                                   Dr Samuel Kelly                                                  JESSICA KINGSLEY
                                   JESSICA KINGSLEY                                                 PUBLISHERS

This conversational tool made up of 52 cards and                Designed for working with those who have experienced
accompanying guidance, helps young people build their           trauma, stress and adversity, this pack is a versatile and
advocacy skills by establishing their own strengths and         creative tool. It aids discussion, assessments and
needs.                                                          interventions with children and adults.

AUD RRP: $60.99                 ISBN-13: 9781787756908          AUD RRP: $68.99                    ISBN-13: 9781839971372
Release Date: Available Now     Discount: Trade International   Release Date: Available Now        Discount: Acad & Professional
Format: Cards                   Size: 140 X 100                 Format: Cards                      Size: 130 X 100
Illustration: Not Illustrated                                   Illustration: Colour Throughout

                                   A Therapeutic                                                    The Amazing Autistic
                                   Treasure Deck of                                                 Brain Cards
                                   Strengths and Self-
                                   Esteem Cards

                                   By Treisman Dr. Karen                                            By Dura-Vila Gloria
                                   JESSICA KINGSLEY                                                 JESSICA KINGSLEY
                                   PUBLISHERS                                                       PUBLISHERS

Dr Karen Treisman's colourful deck of self-esteem and           A set of cards to help children and teens recently
strengths cards provides a creative way to open                 diagnosed with autism to characterise and understand
discussions and explore feelings with children aged 6+ and      their diagnosis in a positive light. Comprising strengths
teens. Accompanied by an explanatory booklet, they are          and differences, with blank cards to be tailored to
designed to be flexible and adaptable and can be used           everyone, these cards can be used by practitioners to
one-on-one or in a group setting.                               facilitate discussions with patients and families.

AUD RRP: $43.99                 ISBN-13: 9781787757851          AUD RRP: $60.99                   ISBN-13: 9781787754300
Release Date: Available Now     Discount: Acad & Professional   Release Date: Available Now       Discount: Trade International
Format: Cards                   Size: 140 X 102                 Format: Cards                     Size: 75 X 105

                                                     www.woodslane.com.au                                                          17

                                Therapeutic Treasure                                           Therapeutic Treasure
                                Deck of Sentence                                               Deck of Grounding,
                                Completion and Feelings                                        Soothing, Coping and
                                Cards                                                          Regulating

                                By Treisman Dr. Karen                                          By Treisman Dr. Karen
                                JESSICA KINGSLEY                                               JESSICA KINGSLEY
                                PUBLISHERS                                                     PUBLISHERS

The perfect tool to add to any 'therapeutic treasure box',    This pack of 70 cards and explanatory guide offers a
this set of 68 cards provide a way to help open               playful, nonthreatening way to explore feelings, and to
conversations and structure discussions with children and     form effective coping, regulating, soothing, and grounding
adolescents aged 6+.                                          strategies through a range of games and activities.

AUD RRP: $43.99               ISBN-13: 9781785923982          AUD RRP: $43.99               ISBN-13: 9781785925290
Release Date: Available Now   Discount: Acad & Professional   Release Date: Available Now   Discount: Acad & Professional
Format: Cards                 Size: 150 X 150                 Format: Cards                 Size: 150 X 150
                              Pages: 68                                                     Pages: 70

                                 Parenting                                                     Therapeutic
                                 Patchwork Treasure                                            Parenting Jumbo
                                 Deck                                                          Cards
                                                                                               By Sarah Naish and Sarah
                                 By Dr. Karen Treisman and                                     Dillon
                                 Richy K. Chandler                                             JESSICA KINGSLEY
                                 JESSICA KINGSLEY                                              PUBLISHERS

This versatile deck features 100 colourful cards and a        The ideal starting point for understanding therapeutic
detailed instruction manual. Developed by Dr. Karen           parenting. This fully illustrated card pack uses
Treisman for professionals working with parents, carers,      straightforward language to explain this parenting style,
and families, it is a proven, easy to use tool to help        covering over 40 different common issues. The perfect
explore relationships and aid assessments and                 resource for parents, teachers, and other adults.

AUD RRP: $56.99               ISBN-13: 9781787753082          AUD RRP: $52.99               ISBN-13: 9781787757769
Release Date: Available Now   Discount: Acad & Professional   Release Date: Available Now   Discount: Trade International
Format: Kit                   Size: 135 X 104                 Format: Cards                 Size: 105 X 148
                              Pages: 100

                                                   www.woodslane.com.au                                                     18
  APRIL 2023


Tips for Teachers                                               The Magic in the Space Beyond
By Barton Craig                                                 By Wigston Ian

On each episode of the Tips for Teachers podcast Craig          Responding to a challenge posed by state and
Barton invites his guest to share five tips they think          independent schools, Ian and Hilary Wigston launched a
teachers should know about. Guests so far have included         unique mentoring programme to transform women's
education heavyweights such as Dylan William, Daisy             leadership in education.
Christodoulou and Tom Sherrington, as well as talented
teachers who are not established names but have so              This programme, explored in the 2021 book The Magic in
much wisdom to share.                                           the Space Between, achieved huge success in the UK and
                                                                led to similar initiatives in North America, Australasia, and
The tips cover all aspects of teaching, from planning           Africa.
lessons to well-being, calling in at routines, modelling, and
retrieval practice along the way. This book is Craig's          This new book, The Magic in the Space Beyond, presents a
attempt to weave hundreds of tips into a coherent               series of transformational projects produced by aspiring
narrative and present them in such a way that you can           school leaders who were given the opportunity to
use them the very next time you step inside a classroom.        collaborate with colleagues from around the world.

You will find twenty-one ideas to improve your Low-             Inspired by their world-class mentors, these remarkable
Stakes Quizzes, twenty-one ideas to enhance mini-               women have forged new and innovative pathways for
whiteboard use, thirteen ideas to make Silent Teacher           their own development while researching and
effective, eight ideas to help you observe student work         documenting radical solutions to contemporary issues.
with a purpose, and lots, lots more.

AUD RRP: $40.99            ISBN-13: 9781915261472               AUD RRP: $30.99            ISBN-13: 9781915261724
Release Date: April 2023   Discount: Acad & Professional        Release Date: April 2023   Discount: Acad & Professional
Format: Paperback          Size: 148 X 210                      Format: Paperback          Size: 120 X 148
                           Pages: 500                                                      Pages: 156

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At School in the World                                         Systems Thinking for Sustainable Schooling
Developing Globally Engaged Teachers                           A Mindshift for Educators to Lead and Achieve Quality
By Ullom Carine E.
                                                               By Snyder Karolyn J.
The first resource to combine the theory of globalizing
education preparation programs (EPP) with practice             This book presents arguments for adopting a Systems way
collected from all regions of the world, At School in the      of Thinking about developing schools to become in sync
World: Developing Globally Engaged Teachers makes the          with the times, both locally and globally. Systems Thinking
case for the importance of and necessity for incorporating     and Quality Management both are natural approaches for
global citizenship and intercultural competence                educators to adapt schooling to the rapid changes of life
development into education curricula at all levels and in      today in a global context.
every region of the world. Through insights from the field
and practical examples, along with its broad scope, this       The chapters include strong rationales for adopting a
comprehensive work aims to help teacher educators,             more natural way of thinking about schooling, one that
teachers, and education policy developers to: develop          prepares students for life as it is now evolving around the
their awareness of the importance of internationalization      world. Stories of success are abundant, which offer
of teacher education; develop their intercultural              evidence of the power of a systems approach to leading
competence; and learn strategies for incorporating global      school development in the complex context of schooling
approaches in their courses and programs. This volume          today.
includes the voices of 47 emerging and distinguished
intercultural education scholars from over ten countries,      Research studies report up-to-date evidence of the power
providing a breadth and depth of experiences and               of Systems Thinking to continuously adapt schooling to
practices never collected in one book.                         changing conditions.
AUD RRP: $85.99                ISBN-13: 9781538153833          AUD RRP: $62.99            ISBN-13: 9781475866407
Release Date: April 2023       Discount: Acad & Professional   Release Date: April 2023   Discount: Acad & Professional
Format: Paperback              Size: 254 X 178                 Format: Paperback          Size: 229 X 152
Illustration: B&W Throughout   Pages: 432                                                 Pages: 160

                                                   www.woodslane.com.au                                                      21

Creating Cultures of Consent                                   Supporting Adolescents with Autism in
A Guide for Parents and Educators                              Secondary Schools
By McGuire Laura                                               By Odom Samuel L.

With conversations about sexual violence, consent, and         In a convenient large-size format, this book presents the
bodily autonomy dominating national conversations it can       first research-based, comprehensive program designed to
be easy to get lost in the onslaught of well-intended but      support high school students with autism spectrum
often poorly executed messages. Through an exploration         disorder (ASD).
of research, scholarly expertise, and practical real-world
application we can better formulate an understanding of        Developed and tested in public schools by the Center on
what consent is, how we create consent cultures, and           Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum
where the path forward lies. This book is designed with        Disorder (CSESA), the program addresses four critical
both educators and parents in mind. The tools highlighted      areas--literacy, social competence and peer relationships,
throughout help adults unlearn harmful narratives about        independence, and post-school transition preparation for
consent, boundaries, and relationships so that they can        students and their families.
begin their work internally through modelling and self-
reflection. We then uncover what consent truly is and is       Chapters provide a roadmap for implementation of each
not, how culture plays an integral role in interpersonal       component, complete with intervention guidelines, case
scripting, and how teaching consent as a life skill can look   vignettes, key findings, lessons learned, and reproducible
in and out of the classroom. By integrating the need for       forms that can be downloaded and printed at the
consent to be taught in schools and homes we build             companion website. The book also helps readers navigate
bridges between the spaces where children learn and            the wealth of additional resources freely available from
create alliances in the often-daunting task of eradicating     CSESA.
                                                               AUD RRP: $79.99            ISBN-13: 9781462551057
AUD RRP: $46.99                ISBN-13: 9781475871258          Release Date: April 2023   Discount: Acad & Professional
Release Date: 15/03/2023       Discount: Trade International   Format: Paperback          Pages: 202
Format: Paperback              Size: 227 X 149
Illustration: B&W Throughout   Pages: 132

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