April 2022 - Ahwatukee Recreation Center

Page created by Jared Hill
April 2022 - Ahwatukee Recreation Center
April 2022

A 55+ Homeowners Association
April 2022 - Ahwatukee Recreation Center
A Message from Andy Wangstad

                               Things are getting busy around the ARC with all clubs gearing up for our high season.
                               The Dance Club has reformed and is planning a great dance with “The Cover-Ups” on
    Ahwatukee                  April 2nd. Tickets are only $7.00 in advance and $10.00 at the door. Plans are to pull
 Recreation Center
 5001 E. Cheyenne              back the divider and open up the dance floor to full size to allow for both ballroom danc-
 Phoenix, AZ 85044             ers and line dancers. Should be fun!
Phone: 480-893-2549
 Fax: 480-893-3683
  www.ARCAZ.net                The Ad Hoc Committee looking at the future of our fitness building B is busy seeing what
                               we can do to make this great asset even better. For one, we need better ventilation in
 Recreation Center
       Hours                   the aerobics room and upgraded exercise equipment. Have an idea? Send it to me at
Monday thru Saturday           aw@wangstad.com.
  6:30 AM—9 PM
   9 AM to 7 PM                The Board of Directors is a key group at the ARC, yet hardly anyone knows who we are.
                               So we’re having an open house at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, April 6. Come and see who
    Office Hours               is leading our recreation center and let us know how we’re doing. We’ll be talking about
   Monday to Friday
    8 AM to 4 PM
                               planning and how we’re making our annual dues go farther. All members are invited!

                               What a great Member Celebration on March 19! Thanks to Debbie Spalding and her
 For questions, com-           crew for a fantastic job - about 275 members enjoyed a BBQ dinner and dancing to the
ments or messages to           Montage Duo. One last thing - Horseshoes is every Wednesday at noon. Ask at the
  the BOD send to
                               Front Desk.
Ahwatukee RecCtr@

ARC Life
                                                              Board Report April 2022

       Publisher               Amy Nicholls made a surprise visit to our meeting. She looks great and is eager to start
      Mary Lentz               interacting with the members again!
   Activities Director                                                     • • •
                               The Member Celebration was Saturday, March 19 & was a big hit! Congratulations to
ARC Life is brought to
 you nine times a year         the Activities Committee.
   by the Ahwatukee                                                        • • •
  Recreation Center.
                               The Board is discussing providing training for all new committee member appointees as
                               well as newly elected Board members.
Please submit articles                                                     • • •
     for the May
    Newsletter by              The Properties Committee began scheduling the indoor pool rail replacement & cool
   April 10th, 2022            decking projects. These projects may require that the indoor pool be closed for about 2
 E-mail letters, com-
 ments, articles and           to 3 weeks. Members will be kept up to date on the progress of these items.
    photographs to                                                         • • •
   MaryL@ARCAZ.net             An AdHoc Committee is working with the Properties Committee to discuss future reno-
                               vations to Building B. Many of the projects involve safety and compliance issues.
ARC Life is a monthly publi-                                               • • •
 cation that is delivered to   The General Manager and maintenance crew have been hard at work fixing problems
residents in the Ahwatukee
 Recreation Center home-       that arise and making necessary improvements to the facility. These repairs include: a
     owner association         roof leak in Building A, a water fountain, removing grasses, adding blinds in the social
The Ahwatukee Recreation       area, and uncovering windows in the indoor pool area to let in more sunlight.
 Center does not promote                                                   • • •
any product or service ad-
   vertised. Verification of   A Board Sub-Committee has been working diligently on making some changes to the
 qualifications and current    Bylaws and Rules & Regulations to update them and make them more consistent.
 license of advertisers are                                                • • •
  the responsibility of the
 persons seeking services      Please plan on joining us for an upcoming Meet the Board event on Wednesday, April 6
                               @ 6 PM. This is your opportunity to meet the Board members, find out what we’re up to,
                               and share your ideas. Mark your calendars!
April 2022 - Ahwatukee Recreation Center
A Message from Bob Cossey, Acting General Manager                                       In this Issue

Don’t you just hate it when you read a sign, or someone says, “We’d like to apologize in      Travel                 4-5
advance for any inconvenience.” Sometimes inconvenient means that things are                  Library                5
getting done. Just tell me what you’re going to do and if it makes my life better, do it.     Roots Genealogy        5
Like the inconvenience created by building the South 202 at Pecos, what a mess. How-
                                                                                              Shred-a-thon           6
ever, when completed, I now save 30 minutes not having to drive through city traffic to
the I-10 West or the new construction between Chandler Boulevard and the Broadway             Meet the Board         6
curve. If it results in keeping me from dying in a fiery crash trying to cross two lanes to   Book Sale              6
get to the 143 exit to the airport, I’m all for it.
                                                                                              Support the Troops     7
With that set up, let me tell you about some upcoming disruptions that may be inconven-       Table Tennis           6
ient for you at the ARC. We will be closing the indoor pool for 2 to 3 weeks to install the
                                                                                              Gift Shoppe            6
new railings and tile. We will also repair the cool deck and replace the rusted door
frame to the closet in the indoor pool room. The outdoor pool will be heated by April 4.      Activities Committee   7

                                                                                              Women’s Club           7
There will be another inconvenient disruption when we complete the work on the men’s
and women’s locker rooms during April or May. We will be replacing the floors, the            Bridge                 7
partitions, the toilets and painting the locker rooms and the hallway.                        Lobby Display Case     8
Neither of these projects will save you 30 minutes or keep you from dying in a fiery          Woodshop               8
crash, but they will make your experience at the ARC a little better when they are            Readers Roundtable     8
                                                                                              American Legion/Vets   8

                                                                                              Arts and Crafts Fair   8

                                                                                              Pieces of Stained Glass 9
                      Properties Committee by Judy Steffen                                    Hale Theatre           9

                                                                                              Happy Hour             9
The Properties Committee has been inspecting the ARC property (buildings, equipment
and the grounds) to determine if they are safe, properly maintained and in good condi-        Jewelry Crafters       10
tion. The Committee will be submitting recommendations to the Board of Directors for          Senior Living          10
repairs, replacements and up-grades in May.                                                   Speaker Series

The indoor and outdoor pool decking is in need of repair and new rails need to be in-         Entertainers           11
stalled in the indoor pool (per City of Phoenix regulations). The repair to the pool decks    Saguaro Strippers      11
will occur prior to the opening of the outdoor pool. Currently, the plan is to close the      Make a Derby Hat       11
indoor pool on the night of Tuesday, March 29th. The decks will then be repaired and
                                                                                              Home Arts              12
have time to set and dry before the outdoor pool is opened on Monday, April 4th.
                                                                                              New Yoga Class         12
While the indoor pool is closed, it will be drained; the ARC Maintenance staff will be re-    Pool closures          12
moving the rails in the pool and preparing the pool for the installation of new tiles and
                                                                                              New Fitness Classes    12
rails in the pool. This means that the indoor pool will be closed for 2-3 weeks.
                                                                                              Clubs and Groups       13

Another project that the Committee is working on is the updating of the locker rooms in       Fitness classes        .
Building B. There will be new slip-resistant flooring, updated shower stalls, new toilets/    Dominos                15
urinals, partitions and much more. The updating of the locker rooms is something that
                                                                                              Volunteer Lunch        16
has been needed for many years.
                                                                                              Dance                  16
We would like to thank the ARC members for their cooperation during these projects.
We will keep you updated!                                                                     Swing Memories         16

                                                                                              Kentucky Derby Watch   16

April 2022 - Ahwatukee Recreation Center
Travel by Barb LeChaix

            "The ARC Travel Club visiting Costa Rica in March, with Arenal Volcano in the background."

April 2022……It’s hard to believe that April is here…… Spring flowers and warmer weather. Hopefully, we can
really enjoy April. When you read this, the Costa Rica group will have returned. I’m sure there will be many new
experiences to talk about. The next trip will be the Native Arizona trip departing on April 18. Be sure to contact Dee
if you are interested in finding out if there is still space available for you to join this group. (Dee- 480-496-0031)

Native AZ trip….. April 18 – 22, 2022...$1350 p.p. (double occup.). This is a trip you shouldn’t miss. We live in AZ
which has a remarkable history of the Navajo and Hopi Indians. Many live as they have for many decades. This is
your opportunity to experience a bit of their life as the natives tell their story. In addition, you will experience several
of the most beautiful spots in our state such as Antelope Canyon, Canyon de Chelly, and Monument Valley. Don’t
miss it. Contact Dee if you have questions.

San Diego ….. August 15 through August 18. What a great time to have 4 days in cooler San Diego along with the
beautiful 4-Diamond Viejas Casino/Resort plus an included tour along the California Coast and a whole day in San
Diego to just enjoy the sights and the weather. This was a big hit in 2019 and now we have reservations right in the
middle of August. The cost is $450 p.p. (double occupancy) which includes 3 hotel nights, luxury coach trans-
portation, taxes, luggage handling, and driver gratuity. In addition, $50 for free slot play, $20 food vouchers ($10
per voucher), and a $10 gift card to spend at the large outlet mall. We are planning to offer a group trip on either
the USS Midway or on a Harbor Cruise on the free day. This will be an additional cost for those interested. We
should have more details to share by the next newsletter. Get a flier with all the details and sign up soon.

Mississippi River Cruise…. experience New Orleans then cruise north visiting several antebellum homes and his-
torical towns, ending in Memphis. The entire trip will have the excitement with all the beautiful Holiday trimmings….
The experience begins with a first night at the Hilton Riverside New Orleans hotel on Nov. 27, 2022, right in the
center of the fun and action of this unique city. On Nov. 28, the cruise begins heading toward Memphis. The cruise
ends in Memphis on Dec. 5. We do have a block of rooms reserved at the famous Peabody Hotel (home of the
strolling/ swimming ducks) to experience more of Memphis for those wanting this extra time. Our block of cabins
has sold quickly; however, we still have a few for anyone interested in joining this group.

April 2022 - Ahwatukee Recreation Center
Travel (continued)

Rocky Point, Mexico…… Oct. 24, 25, 26, 2022-- We know you are wanting this trip. We have two luxury
coaches reserved and the hotel rooms. We have lots more to do to complete the details. I just heard a great radio
program telling all about Rocky Point and the fun and safety of going there. The Rocky Point people love for us to
visit; therefore, they do their best to provide a great time with good food, entertainment, beautiful beaches,
spectacular sunsets, and great Margaritas and Mexican beer.

MIM (Musical Instruments Museum)—We are planning to do this day trip with The ARC Women’s Club Day-
trippers. This is a wonderful unique museum of musical instruments from all over the world throughout history. It is
the best well planned, interesting, history museum of music that I have ever visited. Watch for the details. If you
haven’t been there, you won’t want to miss this trip.

Iceland is soon to be on the plans for 2023 and Eastern Canada will be back with an early fall 2023 date. We
expect to finalize those plans very soon. Watch for other shorter day trips. Continue to give your ideas and
thoughts for fall 2022 and 2023. Leave your notes in the travel mailbox to the left of the fireplace in the Social Area
at the ARC or send/call a message to Barb, bjlechaix@gamil.com (480-893-2658) or to Dee, deem81@cox.net
(480-496-0021). Remember to check the arcaz.net website. Go to the clubs and scroll to the travel club. Our
plans are there, and you can print fliers from the website. If you contact us, we will also add you to our travel email

                                          Library by Ruth Steinbrunner

The BIG NEWS is the Used Book Sale on Friday and Saturday, April 8th and 9th, from 8:30 AM until 2 PM. Dell
Taylor is heading up this activity and with the other librarians has sorted through enough books to fill the 6 tables
that will be set up in the ARC Parking Lot near Cheyenne Drive. Paperbacks will be sold for $.50, hardback books
for $1, and coffee table type books for $5. Proceeds from the sale will help us purchase more large print books
and other items for the library. Reference books, best sellers and award winning books, history, special interest
(such as travel, sports or automobiles), biographies, romance, mystery and spy thrillers provide something for
every taste and interest. Check it out and invite your friends, neighbors, and family members to come
support the ARC Library!

Your librarians hope you are finding books that interest you in the ARC’s reorganized library. Although we cannot
develop every series that may be of interest, the black notebook binder has a listing of all the series in the collec-
tion with a page for each author, a list of the books in the series and which book are currently “owned” by the
library. This past month we added Dan Brown’s Robert Langdon series, including The DaVinci Code.

                                      Roots Genealogy by Dave Trombley

Tips to begin genealogy research include: 2) Always use birth names when recording your research. Whether
you’re working on paper or a computer, one essential rule is to always use maiden names or birth names. A wom-
an’s surname may change two or three (or more!) times in her life, and you don’t want to have records lurking
under several names. Always use the surname she had at birth. Likewise, if you have a child who is adopted, it is
usually best to use his or her birth surname, too, if known. (More tips in future ARC Life articles).

You may join the Roots Genealogy group on the third Thursday of each month in the multi-purpose room at 1 PM
for help. The April meeting will be on the 21st and will discuss wars in which the U.S. was a participant and how
they affect our research (re-scheduled from March).

April 2022 - Ahwatukee Recreation Center
Support the Troops by Carolyn Brinkley

This is a BIG Reminder! The troops need your support. We are going to
send boxes of goodies from home April 27, 2022. The boxes will be
packed on that day from 9 AM until done. We need hard candy. Please
remember we cannot send chocolate.

A list of donations: travel size toothpaste, beef jerky, small cans of Prin-
gles, Dried fruit/Trail mix, Granola bars, Nuts, Individual drink mix (single
serving of Crystal Light/Kool-aid),cross word puzzles, Sudoku, Individual
packets of Starbucks coffee, Menos rolls, Crackerjacks, pens, pencils,
magazines, Band aids, Handi wipes, gum, crew neck white t-shits L/XL,
white socks, Individual fruit snacks, money may be left at the Front Desk.
Look for the box in the lobby and leave donations. Thank you.

Please, bring your OLD important papers to the ARC on April 23, 2022 to
be shredded. On the 23rd of April there will be a Shred-A-Thon for 4
dollars per banker-sized box. This is a fund raising project to raise funds to
send boxes to the men and women serving in the services in foreign
countries. This event is from 9 AM -11 AM in the parking lot of the ARC.

There will be information later about other activities we will be having to
raise funds to continue sending boxes to the Service Men and Women.
Looking forward to seeing you. Thank you for making all this possible.

                     Table Tennis by Dave Trombley

To summarize recent ARC Life articles: Table tennis dramatically
improves your reflexes, improves hand-eye coordination, improves your
mental alertness and concentration, helps your mind and body develop
mental acuity, burns calories, is low impact, keeps you flexible, improves
your balance, helps you build strength, improves your heart health and it
actually can help treat early-onset dementia.

Join us for free trial use of equipment on Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays from 9 AM to 11 AM in the Building B Aerobics room. We are
happy to once again offer free table tennis instructions, upon request, for
the experienced or inexperienced player.

                       Gift Shoppe by Sylvia Holt

    SPRING…into the Gift Shoppe for all things that make you happy
and smile!
See all the wonderful and unique items that your fellow ARC members
Going to the Kentucky Derby party and need a hat??—we have hats for
sale now in the Gift Shoppe!

April 2022 - Ahwatukee Recreation Center
News from the Activities Committee

Linda Vallade, Activities Committee Member, is busy planning the next Committee Event—The Kentucky Derby
Watch Party on May 7th. Doors open starting at 3 PM.

This will be a fun and dressy affair for anyone who enjoys getting into the spirit of the Classy Kentucky Derby Event.
Tickets are free while they last. The event starts with traditional Kentucky derby appetizers while we watch the pre-
race on live TV. There will be the traditional Mint Julep drink mixer available at 4 PM and all you have to do is add
your own bourbon to make it an official Mint Julip. Attendees will be given a raffle ticket upon entrance and can drop
their ticket in the box representing the horse they think will win. After the race, one raffle ticket will be picked from
the winning horse entries. That person will win the grand prize! After the race, everyone can enjoy Derby Sliders,
and deviled eggs. This will be a lite meal. Next we start our own horse races. You won’t be running just rolling a big
dice and moving the number of feet on your dice. We will have four rounds of races and winners take home trophies
and door prizes. We will also have indoor horse shoe games. We expect the party to end by 6 PM.
See the ad on the back page for information on how to obtain a ticket. See the Home Arts article on page 12 about
making your official hat because there is a hat contest. We have free black derbies for the first 36 men!

           Women’s Club by Judy Steffen                                   Bridge by Ruth Steinbrunner

                                                               This Spring there have been 4 -5 tables playing bridge
                  General Meeting
               Monday, April 11, 2022                          each week. An increasing number of ARC members are
            Arizona Nursery Association                        enjoying playing Party or Contract Bridge. Any ARC
       Cheryl Goar Koury – Executive Director                  member who is interested in playing bridge on a regular
                                                               or semi-regular basis is welcome to join us and enjoy
                                                               the camaraderie and challenge of bridge play. The
                                                               Bridge Group meets on Thursdays from 12:30 PM – 4
                                                               PM in the Extension.

                                                               Starting in March. the Thursday Bridge Group began a
The Arizona Nursey Association was established in              series of weekly bridge tutorials before bridge play at
1959 as a professional trade organization dedicated to         11:30 AM on Thursdays. The tutorials, taught by Bridge
the promotion and advancement of the nursery industry
for its members and the public. Their purpose is (plus         Group Members, are an opportunity to review aspects
much more):                                                    of the game, ask questions, and pick up some new
                                                               ideas. Each week, a topic such as opening bids, is pre-
To promote a better understanding of nursery ser-              sented with discussion and examples.
vices, plant material and the use of garden
products by the general public.
                                                               As the weather heats up, if you play bridge, come join
      To promote and encourage the nursey indus-               us in the cool comfort of the ARC’s Extension Room.
      try to better service the ultimate retail consum-        Something to smile about:” If bridge is just a game,
      er                                                       then the Grand Canyon is just a hole in Arizona.”

      To provide speakers for public events, garden
      clubs, schools, etc., to explain the different
      facets of gar-             dening.

        Monday, September 12, 2022 ----- BINGO
            Saturday ----- White Elephant Sale
          Saturday ----- Don Scott Clothing Sale
April 2022 - Ahwatukee Recreation Center
Lobby Display Case by Sylvia Holt                         Readers Roundtable by Marianne Hutchinson

You have been treated so far this year to a Toaster              Readers Roundtable:
Collection by Don Ellwanger…
Mini quilters by the Saguaro Strippers…Stained glass             April 4 Tears of Amber by Sofia Segovia
creations from Club members…                                             To be presented by Marianne Hutchinson

AND NOW for April you will see in the Lobby Display              May 2 The Cloister by James Carroll
Case the Painted Pony’s collection from Cathy                           Open Forum
                                                                 June 6 All This I Give to You by Delores Redondo
Your collection could be the next one displayed! Let us                 Open Forum
know of your area of interest.
                                                                 The Readers Roundtable meets the first Monday of the
It would be so disappointing to see empty display cases          month at 2 PM in the Multipurpose Room.
in May – June – July…Please contact
Sylvia Holt, hholtsb@cox.net or                                    American Legion/Vets Club—by Pete Meier
Jan Christian jchristian4221@gmail.com
                                                                 Spring has sprung! Now we are enjoying the weather
    Woodshop Sawdust by Geri Cunningham                          that everyone comes to visit for. We are busily planning
                                                                 for The Easter Parade. As you know, the American
                                                                 Legion leads the parade. If you have a Burial Flag you
We would like to thank all those who showed their sup-           want flown, please contact Rod Green 480-234-0755.
port for the Woodshop by attending our annual Wood-
shop Pancake Breakfast. Special thanks goes to Dennis            We will be having a special Remembrance Ceremony
Wood and all the volunteers who pitched in to make this          during our April meeting. Our meetings are open to all.
a successful event. The craft show moved indoors due             We meet on the 3rd Wed. of the month at 4 PM in the
to weather forecasts but still enjoyed a good attendance         Main Hall. We have a short meeting and have Happy
and sales.                                                       Hour thereafter with lite refreshments and beer and
                                                                 wine. Hope to see you there.
Tickets for the train raffle will continue throughout the
year, with the drawing in December 2022. We will have
lobby sales periodically for more chances to buy a ticket.              Arts and Crafts Fair by Pattie Burke

                 Woodshop Train Raffle                           After having to delay our Annual Craft Fair due to the
               Tickets $1 each or 6 for $5                       pandemic, we are excited to announce that the fair will
               Drawing in December 2022                          take place on November 19th, 2022, and I happily
                                                                 accept my position as Chair to coordinate this enjoyable
The Executive Board will continue to meet throughout             event.
the spring and summer with our next General Member-
ship Meeting on October 8, 2022. The shop is open and            Originally from New Jersey, I have coordinated Arts &
membership is only $20 a year. A monitor is on duty to           Craft Fairs for my church and community for many
help you get started with your next project. The shop has        years. Since moving to Arizona 16 years ago, I have
all the tools needed to complete almost any wood                 continued coordinating craft fairs for church and
project from turning a beautiful bowl to cutting and             my children’s school fundraisers. Now an empty nester,
assembling any DIY project.                                      I am excited to be able to get back to doing what I so
                                                                 enjoyed in past years.
                                                                 I look forward to working with our crafters and commit-
                                                                 tee members and I will do my best to ensure a fun and
                                                                 successful event.

April 2022 - Ahwatukee Recreation Center
Pieces of Stained Glass by Ruth Steinbrunner

On the morning of Wednesday, March 30, the Stained Glass Club
hosted an Open House in the Studio for members of the other clubs in
the Craft Building. The club wanted to celebrate the newest addition to
our studio with our fellow artisans.

The picture shows the southwestern
stained glass piece in the door leading
into the studio. John Campbell de-
signed it and began work on it.
Michalene Eves, Margot Elliott and Ruth
Steinbrunner completed the stained
glass work and John Cunningham
(Wood Shop) provided the expertise to
install it in the door. The date marks
almost a year from the beginning of the
process. The original stained glass from
the door will be re-purposed as a mirror
in the studio.

The ARC display case in March, highlighted some of the possibilities
for creating with glass. We hope the display piqued your interest, as
members are eager to share their love for creating with stained glass
with you. An Introduction to Stained Glass began the last Thursday of
March and another may be added with interest. Currently, Thursday
morning is reserved for classes, but other days and times may be pos-
sible. Sign up in the Classes Book under Stained Glass in the Main
Building and someone will contact you. For anyone who has taken the
Intro class and would like to create without having to cut and grind
glass, the Bevels and Curlicues Class is planned for 3 weeks starting
April 28. Please sign up if interested.

Members should mark Wednesday, April 20 at 1 PM on their calendar
for the last meeting until October. We will meet in the meeting room
(off the Social Area) in the Main Building. Nomination of officers and
plans for this summer and fall, as well as, the 2022-2023 year will be

      Rocco’s Cheesesteak and Mediterranean food by Tzikii
     Bring your beverages, friends, fido and enjoy live music outside
                    on the beautiful ARC Front Lawn
   Ice Cream Bars and Cookies at 6 PM compliments of the Activities Committee

April 2022 - Ahwatukee Recreation Center
Jewelry Crafters by Wally Sorenson

Our club's Annual Holiday Party was held March 9th due to covid concerns. The club supplied turkey, ham, buns,
wine, soda, and water for the party. The party attendees each brought a dish to share and a feast was made! The
tables were brightly colored with tablecloths and flower centerpieces. One lucky
person at each table won their centerpiece. We had a silent auction of lapidary
items and played the "NO" game during the evening. Each person received one rib-
bon upon arrival and if they used the word "no" they had to give up all their ribbons
to the person who caught them saying it. Ribbons were exchanged often during the
evening but 1 person collected 21 out of the 42 ribbons that were handed out. Of
course, the prize was a handmade silver stylized "yes" necklace. The photo is of the
winning lady Ok Sun Darnell and Bob Bartz. More photos of the holiday party can be
found in the JCC bulletin board in Building C.

Have you ever wondered what a 3D printer is? The printers can be used to print
most any solid object in 3 dimensions. Two of our club members have 3D printers
and they use them to print jewelry molds for lost wax casting. Are you interested in
learning how to use a 3D printer? If so, please send an email to: bmusik@cox.net.

The Jewelry Crafters Club currently has three main areas of focus: lost wax casting,
rock cutting and polishing, and silversmithing. The Club offers classes to teach
these skills. In years past, the club also had a focus in rock tumbling. In fact, we
still have all the equipment for rock tumbling. We have two large rock tumblers and
all the medium tumblers for the various stages of tumbling. If you have interest in this area, please contact a

The last Basic Silversmithing Course of the season will start on April 7th and will continue every Thursday of April
from 9AM until noon. Please sign up in the "classes offered" book in the ARC Main Building under the event TV.
Classes for Rock Cutting and Polishing will be begin on Wednesday, April 6th from 9 AM until noon. In one 3 hour
class you will learn to take a raw slabbed stone and turn it into a polished and shaped stone that can be used for fine
jewelry. This course will be offered on the 1st Wednesday of each month throughout the summer. Please sign up in
the "Classes Offered" book in the ARC Main Building under the event TV.

                  Senior Living Speaker Series Continues—April 26th—6 PM Main Hall

                                  How to Declutter and Organize Your House
                                 How to Get the Most Out of Selling Your House

Feeling overwhelmed by clutter? Need tips for organizing your house or garage? Need assistance downsizing,
packing or unpacking? Jenny Almodovar, “More Than A Move,” will share her tips and tricks for accomplishing
some of the most daunting tasks for decluttering and organizing your home.

Carol Phillips, author of “Transitions with Dignity”, will discuss how to get the most out of selling your home and the
top 10 mistakes to avoid when selling your home. Topics include: The current market in Ahwatukee, How to deter-
mine your home’s value, What repairs make the most sense, The importance of curb appeal and much more.
Even if you are not planning to sell, you will learn something new.

                    FREE Carol’s book free for all attendees who did not receive one last month
                             Sign up in advance in the Social Area Events Binder
                                          Dessert and Coffee Served

Entertainers by Larry Riggs

                                      BIG BAND TO APPEAR AT THE ARC

Valley-based Swing Memories will perform in the ARC Main Hall on April 23 at 7 PM. On its website, the group
describes itself as a Glenn Miller-Style 16-Member Band. Their repertoire, which includes both instrumentals and
vocals, features favorite songs from the swing era such as “Autumn Leaves,” “Sentimental Journey,” “Boogie
Woogie Bugle Boy,” and “How High the Moon.” There will also be a Swing Dance Couple at the show, and there
will be space to dance for audience members who are so inclined.

Tickets for the show will go on sale beginning Saturday, April 9. A sign-up sheet will be available at 6:30 AM at the
ARC front desk and sales will begin at 9 AM reserved. Payment can be made by cash, check or credit card. After
the first day, tickets will be sold from 9—11 AM Monday-Saturday. Sales will continue as long as tickets are availa-

                            ENTERTAINERS ANNUAL MEETING SET FOR APRIL 14

After two years of not being held due to COVID protocols, the Entertainers’ Annual Spring Meeting will be held on
Thursday, April 14, at 6 PM. The meeting will include a review of the year's activities and presentation of service
awards. Following the business portion of the meeting, there will be entertainment by a chorus called Vocal
Connection, which is part of Sweet Adelines International. For those not familiar with the Sweet Adelines, it is the
female version of a cappella barbershop harmony. In addition to the chorus, at least one quartet will perform. Leslie
Dalton, a new ARC area resident, is a group member and helped arrange for the groups to perform. Dessert will be
served following the performance. Even if you haven’t been a part of the Entertainers, come to the meeting to find
out more about the group and enjoy the performance by Vocal Connection.

          Saguaro Strippers by Nancy Askin                         Get ready for the Kentucky Derby Party

Thank you everyone who attended our Italian Night dinner.       Home Arts will be holding a Crafting Session on
We had a good turn out. These individuals are the lucky         Friday April 22th from 1 to 4 PM in building C.
winners of the beautiful gift baskets and quilted items:
Andrea Wood, Bonnie Weakland, Katie DeNapoli, Dennis            This event is a Hat Decorating Session for the up-
Wood, Sue Witte, Becky Lindstrom, Mary Doney, and Betsy         coming “Kentucky Derby Party” on May 7th.
                                                                So save the date and come and make a fabulous
We are learning new techniques and patterns every month.        hat.
Come join us! In March, Cathy Hawthorne was teaching
Mile-a-Minute quilts. We also learned about different types     You will be required to bring your own hat to the
of thread, how to use them and the right size needles need-     class and we will supply all embellishments for you.
ed.                                                             The cost will be $5 per hat. If you do not want a hat
                                                                but you want a fascinator, we can do that to. The
Our spring luncheon is the first week in April. We will be      cost will also be $5.
showing off our artwork that we have finished so far this
year. May will include creating a Dresden Plate block. We       There will be a sign-up sheet in the Social area in
will continue to meet throughout the summer, so if you don’t    the Classes Book under the Home Arts tab. Please
fly north please drop in. We love to have visitors and new      sign up. Hope to see you there!

Home Arts by Shari Silk                           New Yoga Class

                                The Tuesday Nidra Yoga Class that was at 5 PM
                                has been cancelled due to low or no attendance.

                                Instead, Michael will offer Yin Yoga every
                                Tuesday at 5:30 PM in the Aerobics Room.

                                Yin Yoga is a slow-paced practice focused on apply-
                                ing moderate stress to the connective tissues – ten-
                                dons, fascia, and ligaments – with the aim of
                                increasing circulation in the joints and improving
                                Most stretches and poses are mat and bolster-pillow
                                based and tend to be held for longer periods of time
                                (3 to 5 minutes). The longer held poses are the
                                equivalent of a deep-tissue massage.
                                This meditative approach to yoga helps cultivate
                                awareness of one’s inner stillness.
                                We have ordered bolster pillows. When they
                                come in, we will start up this class. Watch for an

                                         Changes to Pool Accessibility

                               Repairs and retiling the indoor pool and repair of the
                               cool desk will start March 30th. The indoor pool will
                               remain closed until all repairs are made. This is ex-
                               pected to take at least 3 weeks.
                               Next, the outdoor pool will be heated and warm on April
                               4th for all the aqua classes to be held in the outdoor
                               Children’s hours remain the same during Summer for
                               use in the outdoor pool only Childrens hours are
                               11AM—1 PM daily and 4—5 PM daily. Children are
                               not allowed in the Jacuzzi nor locker room areas at
                               any time.

                                           New fitness classes in May
                               In May, we will add two special classes to our fitness
                               schedule. Both are taught by Donna Lewen.
                               Safe and Strong: This is a chair class that is less
                               strenuous than our Chair Fitness in the morning. This
                               would be suitable for those needing to stretch their
                               muscles and get a bit of cardio. Mondays starts May
                               9th at
                               Next, Aqua Arthritis starts Tuesdays May 10th at
                               9:30 AM if the indoor pool is open.

Clubs and Groups                               Meeting Time                                         Location
Ceramics             Tuesday 9 AM - noon                                                 Craft Room, Building C

Charity Sewers       Monday 1 - 3 PM                                                     Craft Room, Building C
Clay Club/pottery    Tuesday 9-12 and 1-4, and Friday 9-12 and 1-4                       Pottery room, Building C
Dance Club           2nd Tuesday of the Month                                            Multipurpose Room
Glass Arts           Wednesday 1—4 PM                                                    Craft Room, Building C
Home Arts            Second and 4th Friday from 1 PM to 4 PM                             Craft Room, Building C
Jewelry Crafters     Monday to Friday 9 AM until Noon. Monthly Meeting 1—3 PM            Lapidary
Painter’s Studio     Open Studio Mondays and Thursdays 9 AM - Noon                       Craft Room, Building C
Quilters             Tuesday 1 PM - 4 PM      First and Third Friday   9AM—4 PM          Craft Room, Building C

Stained Glass        Monday—Saturday 9 AM until 12 PM                                    Stained Glass Room
Woodshop             Monday—Saturday 9 AM—Noon Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday           Woodshop, Building C
                     1—4 PM
Billiards            Daily Noon - 3 PM                                                   Billiards Room
Bocce Ball           Tuesdays 2 PM – ***Played indoors starting in April***              Indoors
Cycling              8:30 AM November through April                                      Outdoor Bike Rack
Corn Hole            Any time—obtain key 14 from front desk for game pieces              Outdoor courts
Horseshoes           Any time—court is in back of the Main Hall                          Outdoors

Pickleball           Open play daily 7 AM - 8:30 PM; Sunday 9 AM - 6:30 PM               Pickleball Court
Table Tennis         Monday Wednesday Friday 9 AM —11 AM                                 Moved to Aerobics Studio
Water volleyball     Monday and Friday 2 PM to 4 PM                                      Indoor Pool

Bridge               Thursday 12:30—4 PM                                                 Extension
Canasta              Hand Foot Toe      Monday and Thursday 1 PM                         Extension
Bunco                Friday 1 PM                                                         Extension
Coffee Time          Monday—Saturday 7:30 AM—9:30 AM                                     Social Area
DP Garden Club       1st Monday monthly at 1PM Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, March, April          Main Hall
Happy Hour           Fridays 5 PM—7 PM                                                   Main Hall
Dominos              Wednesday 1:30—3:30 July 7, 2021                                    Social Area
Mahjong              Tuesday 10 AM                                                       Social Area
Pinochle             Thursday 1 PM call Jim McCullough 480-980-4093                      Social Area
Puzzles              Anytime during regular hours                                        Puzzle Room
Readers Roundtable   1st Monday of the month at 2PM                                      Multipurpose Room
Roots Genealogy      Third Thursday of month 1 PM                                        Multipurpose Room
Singers              Tuesdays 3:30 PM                                                    Main Hall
TOPS                 Wednesday 5:30 PM                                                   Multipurpose Room
Women’s Club Board   First Monday of month 10 AM—no meetings in June or July             Multipurpose Room
Women’s Club         2nd Monday of the month 1 PM—no meetings in June, July, or August   Main Hall

Vets/Amer. Legion    3rd Wednesday of Month 4 PM no meetings July & August Leadership    Main Hall
                     meeting 4 PM on 2nd Wednesday of Month in the Multipurpose room

Fitness Classes as of April 2022/May 2022

Join the ARC Cyclists on a ride—Tuesdays 8:30 AM—through April— meet at the Bicycle Rack in front of Building A

       Changes to evening Fitness Program                                 Easter Parade on April 16th
We have added classes in the early mornings and also in         Those who are
the evening to accommodate our members who are still            walking in the
working.                                                        Parade with STT
Here are the classes we have for you:                           and Home Arts,
                                                                line up on
Wednesday, 7:30 AM Pilates with Donna
                                                                Warner road
Thursday, 7:30 AM Boot Camp with Donna                          across from
                                                                McDonalds by
Monday 6 PM Aqua Fitness with Shari
                                                                9 AM.
Monday 5:30 PM Stretch and Balance Yoga with Michael
*********Cancelled—Every other Tuesday 5 PM
Nidra Yoga with Michael******* but has been replaced by
                                                                Legion/Vets will
          Every Tuesday at 5:30—Yin Yoga                        be the first ARC
          See description on page 12                            entry and all
                                                                other ARC
                                                                entries follow
Wednesday, 6 PM Aqua Aerobics with Shari                        behind. The
                                                                actual number for the ARC entry will be
Wednesday, 5:30 PM Chair Fitness with PK
                                                                communicated when Kiwanis advises the ARC of
Thursday, 6 PM Beginner Line Dancing with Shari                 our entry number.

                                            Dominos by Terri Rinaldi

Dominoes are played every Wednesday in the Social Area from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. We have a great time and
are looking for more players. Please come join us. Starting in April the new contact person will be Linda
Russman. You can reach her at 608-780-0613. Looking forward to seeing you there.

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