Blue Blue - Sacred Heart College

Page created by Billy Mcdaniel
Blue Blue - Sacred Heart College
Blue &
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                                                                        April 2018
Blue Blue - Sacred Heart College
1        Principal's Report
2        College Council
         SCHOOL NEWS
3        Year 12 Graduation Ceremony
4        Dux of the College 2017
4        Celebrating Staff Achievements
5        Laureate Assembly &
         Government House Ceremony
6        2018 Student Leadership Team
7        House Descriptions
8        Marymount Cadet Unit
9        Year 12 Geography Camp
9        SHC VET Department
10       Music and Dance
11       Sports Day
12       Sport Captain Profiles
13       Cricket
14       Boarding House News
15       Head Boarders 2018
16       Parents & Friends
17       Francis (Frank) Adolph Holland
18       Youthquake
19       Marist Youth Ministry
20       President’s Report
21       Foundation Benefactors
22       Bursaries
23       Brother Stephen Bugg
23       Archival Donations
24       Chapel Renovations
29       SHOC President Report
27       SHOC Netball Club
27       SHOC Soccer Club
28       SHOC Football Club
30       SHOC Cricket Club
30       Letcher Moroney
32       Reunions
34       Upcoming Reunions
34       Where are they now?
43       Obituaries
47       Celebrations
Blue & Blue is a bi-annual publication for the
Sacred Heart College community.
Submissions are welcome and can be emailed to or contact Jane Crisp in the
Foundation Office on 8350 2590.

Editorial by Jane Crisp, Foundation and Old Collegians Liaison Officer
Designed and printed by Openbook Howden Print & Design.

Thank you to everyone who collaborated on this edition
of the Blue & Blue.
Blue Blue - Sacred Heart College
Dear members of the ‘Hearts’                 Courageous Hearts!                        environment and resources necessary
Community,                                                                             to ensure the wellbeing of our day
                                             In preparation for the amalgamation,
                                                                                       students, boarders, teachers, staff,
In keeping with the developments             the College has undergone a process
                                                                                       old collegians, our families, and our
of recent years, Sacred Heart                of reflecting upon its identity and
                                                                                       community. We endeavour to live
College commenced its 121st year             heritage. The process was led by
                                                                                       our lives both courageously and
in yet another form! Throughout              Greg Knagge (Managing Director,
                                                                                       compassionately, in equal measure.
our rich history we have relocated,          Nation) who donated his expertise
                                                                                       We empower young people to strive for
restructured, refurbished, rebuilt           as a proud Sacred Heart parent, to
                                                                                       personal and collective excellence, so
and renewed practically all there            lead us towards acknowledging and
                                                                                       they may remain true to their Marist
is to renew at some point or other!          reinvigorating our identity and public
                                                                                       values throughout their lives, as they
However, following the formal                presence in a contemporary manner.
                                                                                       adapt and respond to an ever-changing
amalgamation with Marymount                  We are most grateful to Greg and thank
                                                                                       world. Because we believe that under
College in January this year, we are         him sincerely!
                                                                                       all circumstances, courage triumphs. We
educating across three campuses. For
                                             Key to the process were focus groups      are Sacred Heart College and together
2018 we are comprised of a girls Middle
                                             comprising representatives of all         we foster courageous hearts.
School–Marymount Campus; a boys
                                             stakeholders from Marymount and
Middle School–Mitchell Park which,                                                     In essence, this now underpins our
                                             Sacred Heart–student leaders, parents,
for this year, will remain ‘The Middle                                                 public statements, marketing and
                                             staff, Old Scholars, The Brothers
School’; the Senior School Campus and                                                  publications. There is an obvious
                                             and the College leadership. Michelle
the Boarding House on the Paringa Hall                                                 emphasis being placed on our girls as
                                             Rice-Murphy (SHOCs President) also
site. Pleasingly, the Boarding House is                                                we aim to grow their enrolment across
                                             donated her services and worked with
fully enrolled with waiting lists into the                                             the College and to ensure that all
                                             Greg in developing and formulating
next few years!                                                                        students’ achievements are recognised
                                             a modern manifesto for the College
                                                                                       and all students’ areas of interest and
So, as the building works for the 2019       which was respectful of the past, yet
                                                                                       talents are nurtured, including their
Champagant Campus continue in                focused on the future. The following is
                                                                                       faith. To our more astute Old Scholars–
earnest, Sacred Heart is in transition       the result of that work:
                                                                                       I’m confident you can draw the link to
to becoming a Year 7 to Year 12, co-
                                             This is Sacred Heart College, a place     our College motto: Virtus Ubique Vincit!
educational College, with Boarding,
                                             of learning, belonging and holistic
across two campuses, as of next year.                                                  Best wishes to all,
                                             development. We strive to live our
Amidst these developments is, of
                                             lives in the way of Mary. We value a      Steve Byrne
course, our core business of providing
                                             love of work, family spirit, presence,    Principal
and ensuring an accessible, quality
                                             and simplicity. Together we grow in
and holistic Marist Catholic education
                                             faith guided by our Marist mission.
is had by our students, in relationship
                                             We teach, we learn and create the
with their families. Much of this
publication is dedicated to this!

                                             Blue & Blue April 2018 | School News                                             1
Blue Blue - Sacred Heart College
The Council acts in an advisory way,        Financial oversight and advice is         Congratulations are also extended to
providing advice and support to Steve       another of the key responsibilities of    the boarding staff for the support and
Byrne as College Principal in areas         Council. We are fortunate to have an      encouragement they give our boarders.
including strategic planning and policy     experienced and very able Business        Our boarding houses make our
review.                                     Manager, together with a hard-working     College unique amongst other senior
                                            and capable Finance Committee, as we      secondary schools in South Australia
The Council meets on a regular basis
                                            finalise the 2017 Financial Statements.   and they are an important part of the
to consider a wide range of important
                                                                                      fabric of our culture.
issues concerning not only the College,     The newly commissioned Br Joseph
but also the wider South West region.       McAteer Centre has seen good use          Paul Teisseire
                                            during the year and already has proven    Chair, Sacred Heart College Council
Of particular importance has been
                                            to be a showcase for what our College
the amalgamation process with
                                            offers its students and Old Scholars.
Marymount and the planning of
                                            For the first time in many years, the
Champagnat Campus at Mitchell
                                            College has an indoor venue capable of
Park. In the latter part of the year, the
                                            seating the entire senior campus.
respective Councils for Marymount
and the College have met as one to          Council continues to be pleased with
collaborate on the amalgamation.            the focus on academic excellence
                                            and notes that, for the second
With the valuable assistance of the
                                            consecutive year, the 2017 cohort
Council’s Property Committee and the
                                            achieved 100% SACE completion.
tireless work of the College’s Property
                                            Overall, they achieved outstanding
Manager, capital works planning is well
                                            academic results.
advanced for Champagnat Campus,
and 2018 will witness a transformation
of the site in readiness for the
relocation in 2019.

                               1                            2                             3    4

Blue Blue - Sacred Heart College
School News
Year 12 Graduation Ceremony
and Celebration
The Graduating Class of 2017            After the formalities, guests moved to the        The following from a parent sums
assembled at the inaugural Year 12      Function Centre, the outdoor marquee              the night up:
Graduation Ceremony and Celebration     and meandered around the food vans.
                                                                                          “Friday’s graduation was great
in the Br Joseph McAteer Centre. Over
                                        The entertainment was provided by                 recognition of the Year 12 students.
1,700 students, family members and
                                        the SHOCs Band. Guests caught up                  The evening had just the right level
friends attended. Graduands were
                                        with family and friends and sampled               of formality to make it a special, yet
presented in a formal ceremony in
                                        the delicious food and drinks on offer.           relaxed, night for everyone.”
the Marist Hall, followed by our 2017
                                        Despite the chilly weather and breeze,
College Captains, Gemma Thomas and                                                        Many thanks to Alex Dighton (Director
                                        the forecast rain did not arrive, which
Luke Wormald, closing the evening                                                         of Students), Kathryn Mortlock and
                                        meant that people had an enjoyable
with a wonderful speech, while                                                            the many other staff behind the scenes
                                        and family-filled evening. It was fabulous
Principal, Steve Byrne responded on                                                       who made the evening so enjoyable
                                        to see so many grandparents and
behalf of the College.                                                                    and such a success! Congratulations
                                        great-grandparents take the opportunity
                                                                                          to our Year 12 Graduating Class of
                                        to be part of the celebration.

                                                                                                  6                                       7

                                                             5                                    8                                       9
                                                                  1. Alexis, Christopher, Charmaine & Jacque Dignam 2. Dylan, Tracey,
                                                                  Cameron & Mark Vinall 3. John, Mitchell & Wendy Ward 4. Tania, Nastassja
                                                                  & Antonio Beatrice 5. Marquee at McAteer Centre 6. Jeb Tester being
                                                                  presented his Graduation Certificate from Steve Byrne 7. Indianna Paull
                                                                  being presented her Year 12 Graduation Certificate from Steve Byrne 8. Year
                                                                  12 boys 9. SHOC Music performing @ graduation 10. Government House


                                        Blue & Blue April 2018 | School News                                                                  3
Blue Blue - Sacred Heart College
Dux of the College 2017
Mariana Couto Moniz (99.90 ATAR)

Year 12 students achieved excellent        students in the State and also situates          were offered for study. This year, 43
results, both in the South Australian      them in the top 10% of the nation. 3             students achieved 59 A+ grades. Of
Certificate of Education (SACE) and        students secured scores in excess of 99.0,       these, 38 were A+ merits achieved
with their Australian Tertiary Admission   which places them in the top 1% of the           by 32 students in 15 subjects. For
Rank (ATAR).                               SACE group. This is truly outstanding!           a comprehensive list of the results,
                                                                                            please refer to the 2017 Year 12 Results
Learning and achievement continues         Of the 317 students eligible for an
                                                                                            Flyer on the SHC website. See link:-
to be promoted as a top priority at        ATAR, 18% achieved an ATAR over 90.
the College. We are confident that our     In total, 128 of these students (40.4%)          https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.
graduating students are well equipped      students secured an ATAR in excess               com/
as independent learners to take on the     of 80, which signifies a commendable             wh/5642/images/2017-SHC-Year12-
challenges that exist beyond Sacred        level of achievement.                            SACE-Results.pdf
Heart in the years ahead.
                                           The mix of students continues to be
SACE 2017                                  varied, with a number of students
100% of the 360 Year 12 students           studying part-time and/or studying at
enrolled at Sacred Heart College           more than one-year level, including a
successfully completed their SACE at       selection of Year 11 students studying
the conclusion of 2017.                    one or more Year 12 20-credit subjects.
ATAR 2017                                  Merit Recipients
The Year 12 students of 2017 have          Sacred Heart College Senior provides
                                           a broad selection of subjects in Year             1
performed at an exceptional level, with
57 students achieving an ATAR over 90      12. In 2017, 47 Tertiary Admissions               1. Mariana Couto Moniz receiving her Award
– which places them in the top 10% of      Subjects (TAS) and 8 non-TAS subject              from Paul Teisseire, College Chair

Celebrating Staff Achievements
Boarding Director, Shane Hennessy,           project or initiative;                         Garreth Hutton (SHC teacher since
received an award for Appreciation for     • Evidence of spiritual identification           2004) was rewarded for his 14 years of
Outstanding Contribution to Marist           with the deep purposes of Marist               dedication and contribution to school
Education at the Annual MSA Dinner,          education.                                     football when he received a Service
held in 2017. The Award was presented                                                       Award at the SANFL Volunteer Awards
                                           Shane has more than 25 years’ service
by the Provincial, Br Peter Carroll, and                                                    Dinner, held on 10 November 2017,
                                           at Sacred Heart, including 18 years
Dr Frank Malloy, National Director of                                                       at the Ian McLachlan Room at
                                           of teaching and 7 years as Director of
Marist Schools Australia at a gathering                                                     Adelaide Oval.
                                           Boarding. Congratulations, Shane, on
with Marist educators, Brothers and
                                           this award!                                      Congratulations to Garreth.
families from across Victoria, South
Australia and Western Australia.
This Award is made by the Marist
Association of St Marcellin Champagnat,
on the nomation of a local Principal.
Criteria that Principals use include:
• A contribution to Marist education                                              2
   beyond the ordinary. Such
   significance would be evident
   through the personifying of a
   characteristically Marist approach                                                   4
   to ministry over a long period,                                                      2. Shane with wife Andrea and Principal, Steve Byrne
   serviced above and beyond what                                                       3. Shane receiving his award from Provincial, Br
                                                                                        Peter Carroll and National Director of Marist Schools
   would be expected, and/or a major                                                    Australia, Dr Frank Malloy 4. Garreth with George
   contribution to a particular Marist                                            3     Hassouros of Adelaide High School

Blue Blue - Sacred Heart College
Laureate Assembly & Government
House Ceremony
On 6 February, students from the            Dr Mariana Rego’s post-school journey        Year 12 (quite a feat!).
Class of 2017 received their special        included a ‘gap’ year traversing
                                                                                         Dux Announcements
Merit Award at the SACE Board Merit         Europe with friends (having saved
Ceremony at Government House.               her earnings from her Foodland job),         Year 10 DUX of 2017
Congratulations to these students on        graduating with first class honours in       Tyson ROWE
their fantastic achievement.                Pharmaceutical Engineering and then          Year 11 DUX of 2017
                                            onto a post-graduate Medicine Degree         William SHANKS
On 14 February, the College hosted
                                            whereupon she graduated as the Dux of
the Laureate Assembly. This Assembly                                                     Year 12 DUX of 2017
                                            the Flinders University Medical School.
formally recognises the students of                                                      Mariana COUTO MONIZ
the graduating class from the previous      In her own words, Mariana graduated
year who have achieved outstanding          “… not because of her exam results,          Year 12 DUX Accessit Proxime
academic results. A ‘laureate’ is a         but due to her practicum placements”         Samantha MYLAN, Sean TAYLOR
person being honoured for achieving         which must have been outstanding!            For a complete list of awardees and
distinction in a particular field. Our      Mariana also took the opportunity to         their achievements, please refer to
‘laureates’ achieved distinction across a   undertake overseas placements as they        the SHC newsletter, Issue 1, 2018 (22
range of specific academic endeavours,      arose. Her key points of advice included:    February) located on our website www.
ranging from SACE Merits to high ATAR       • develop your resilience;         , Author Gail Morgan,
scores to University results.               • engage in a range of activities that       Head of Senior School.
Their achievements are very impressive         will broaden your (life) skills and
                                                                                         So, as Sacred Heart adopts the theme
- as is their sense of humility in             experiences;
                                                                                         of ‘Courageous Hearts’, Dr Rego’s
receiving this acknowledgement.             • “Your career path may not be               message is poignant! Both ‘Marianas’
Their sense of pride is mirrored by            direct; the winding path can lead to      have achieved what they have by way
their extended family’s presence at the        success”;                                 of working hard and utilising their
celebration. In recent years, we have       • make brave decisions that will assist      many gifts and talents. To share them
invited a Sacred Heart Old Collegian           you to find out what it is that you are   with us was our privilege! The hope
(SHOC) to present the Dux Award                passionate about.                         is that those present gained some
and to share some thoughts with the                                                      motivation to consider deeply what it
                                            In total, there were 32 merit winners
assembly.                                                                                is they intend to commit to and pursue
                                            and 57 students who achieved an ATAR
Mariana Couto Moniz (99.90 ATAR)            in excess of 90. We also congratulated       - both whilst at Sacred Heart and
graciously accepted the College Dux         10 students who achieved a High              beyond!
Award from Dr Mariana Rego (‘06).           Distinction for the University subject
                                            that they studied whilst completing

                                            Blue & Blue April 2018 | School News                                              5
Blue Blue - Sacred Heart College
2018 Student
Leadership Team
Senior School
                                                                          2018 “Specialist”
2018 College Captains 2018 House Captains
Josh Lloyd              Chanel                   Deputys                  Sport Captains
Maggie McKay            Will Shanks              Thomas Strudwick         Liam Wisdom
                        Charlotte Beavis         Remee Agars              Alice Priestly
2018 Head Boarders      Chavoin                  Deputys                  Arts Captains
Samuel McCabe           Tristan Camilleri        Ronan Fatt-Clifton       Bailey Barnes
Maggie Noonan           Issy Ryles               Bridget Morrissey        Kara Manansala
2018 Deputy Head        Fourviere                Deputys                  Mission Captains
Boarders                Bailey Caire             Austin McClure           Matthew Murray
Chloe Dutschke          Olivia Allen             Louise Palmer            Alyssa Sedunary
Jonah Whitelum
                        Marian                   Deputys
                        Gavin Regan              Tatenda Zembe
                        Ruby Fahey               Noosa Bayliss
                        Montagne                 Deputys
                        Lachlan Staker           Dominic Mayer
                        Izzy O’Dea               Elissa Francis

Middle School
2018 College Captains          2018 House Captains                2018 “Specialist” Captains
Logan Hooper                   Chanel                             Mission Captain
Bailey Giles                   Adam Bunworth                      Oliver Nalepa
                               Ben Tee (Deputy)
                               Chavoin                            Environment Captain
                               Ryan Kelton                        Edward Newberry
                               Joel Wilson (D)
                               Fourviere                          Sport Captain
                               Cooper Giles                       Domenic Vizzari
                               Ryan Morris (D)
                               Marian                             Arts Captain
                               Benjamin Mieszkuc                  Lachlan Attard
                               Lachie Brain (D)
                               Lachlan Fowell
                               Ashan Iqbal (D)

2018 Marymount Captains        2018 House Captains                2018 “Specialist” Captains
Rose Miller                    Adamson House                      Environment Captain
Aylish Marshall                Maya Thompson                      Maisie-Mae Foley
                               McEwen House                       Mission Captain
                               Sophie Allen                       Kristy Allison
                               McLaughlin House                   Wellbeing Captain
                               Lara Aristidou                     Fiona McCarl
                               Polding House                      Arts Captain
                               Natasha Allison                    Gabriella Bugno
                                                                  Jillaroos Class Captain
                                                                  Charlotte Marling
                                                                  Lighting Class Captain
                                                                  Bonnie Traeger
                                                                  Matildas Class Captain
                                                                  Lillian Orsillo
                                                                  Southern Stars Class Captain
                                                                  Tayla Farrelly
                                                                  Thunderbirds Class Captain
                                                                  Olivia Ronney

Blue Blue - Sacred Heart College
Sacred Heart College
House Descriptions
Chanel                                      Fourviere                                   Montagne
St Peter Chanel–"the man with a good        Before the Black Madonna in the             Jean Baptiste Montagne was dying,
heart”–joined the Marist Brothers in        Chapel of Fourviere on 23 July, 1816,       aged 16, and was ignorant to matters
1831, and responded to the call of Pope     a small group of young men pledged          of faith. Marcellin instructed him, heard
Gregory in travelling as a missionary       to found a religious congregation of        his confessions and prepared him for
throughout the South West Pacific. St.      "Marists". Their dream became a reality     death, and was inspired thereafter
Peter Chanel, was one of Marcellin’s        in the foundation of the Marist family of   to begin a community of teaching
earliest religious companions.              religious and lay men and women.            brothers.
St. Peter’s story is a lesson in faith      Logo Description                            Logo Description
and generosity. It is one of a human,
                                            The background graphic represents           The human figures in the middle of
lovable figure, blending the gentle
                                            the 600 steps that the 12 seminarians       the tree represent our spiritual growth
availability of Mary with the strength of
                                            climbed to the Fouviere Chapel with         and our ability to be agents of change.
her Son.
                                            their eyes agaze to the dream that was      The leaves on the tree symbolise the
Logo Description                            before them. The four stars symbolise       growth of the Marist family across more
                                            the “Marist Family”–made up of              than 80 countries worldwide.
The Sacred Heart brings some of the
                                            four congregations (Marist Brothers,
most peaceful moments to families
                                            Marist Sisters, Missionary Sisters of
and individuals because of the
                                            the Society of Mary, and Marist Laity).
unconditional love that it symbolises.
                                            These four groups are extensions of the
This also represents St Peter Chanel’s
                                            original seminarians at Fourviere.
life of finding light and generosity,
despite his enduring extreme
difficulties and hardships.                 Marian
                                            The Society of Mary was formed in
Chavoin                                     devotion to Mary, inspired by Mary, and
                                            as the inspiration for Marcellin. Gentle,
Jeanne-Marie Chavoin was the founder
                                            open minded, and with an open heart,
of the Marist Sisters, called to "do the
                                            Mary is the figure of tender strength for
work of Mary". Like Mary, Chavoin "lived
                                            our Church and a source of inspiration
simply", and was attentive to the needs
                                            for us all.
of others. Action was her second nature.
                                            Logo Description
She was renowned for doing works of
charity when it was not fashionable         The Fleur-de-lys (or lily flower) is a
or glamorous. That’s the charity that       long recognised symbol of the Blessed
counts.                                     Virgin Mary. It symbolises purity
                                            and whiteness. The slogan, “Faith,
Logo Description
                                            Simplicity, Strength.” represents the
Spiritual tradition among the Marist        characteristics of Mary that Marists
Brothers likened the three virtues of       hold dear.
humility, simplicity and modesty to
three violets hidden in the garden,
giving glory to God in their smallness
and hiddenness. This reflects Jeanne-
Marie’s work of living simply and with

                                            Blue & Blue April 2018 | School News                                                7
Blue Blue - Sacred Heart College
Future Developments for
Sacred Heart Senior
This year there is a major focus on the
development of the Middle School
transformation to Champagnat
Campus in readiness for 2019.
However, there will also be some
developments taking place at the
Senior School Campus. Starting later
this year, the upgrade of the quad will
commence, most likely in three stages,
to assist with the distribution of costs.
Featured here are some concept
drawings. We are looking forward to
seeing the transformation.

Marymount Cadet Unit
Creates History
Marymount College students have               1975, the 431 unit is using their original   vice-president of the RSL in SA. SHC
marched into the history books by             hat badge design.                            principal, Steve Byrne, and Marymount
being the founding members of the                                                          Head of School, Shana Bennett
                                              The OC of the unit is Major (AAC) Don
State’s only all-female Army cadet unit.                                                   also attended.
                                              Harvy, with school support officers
Established in May last year, the             2LT Maria Bruno-Bossio, 2LT Sheryl           The following presentations were made:
unit comprises nine Year 8 and 9              Blowes and 2LT Darren Elliott, and
                                                                                           Principal’s Award for Overall Excellence
students, all from Marymount. With            quartermaster Vanessa Anderson.
                                                                                           – Zoe Hyde;
the approaching amalgamation of
                                              The Marymount cadets were joined by
Marymount and Sacred Heart College,                                                        Encouragement Award – Hannah
                                              cadets from other South Australian units
the unit has taken on the official title of                                                Partridge;
                                              for the end of year parade in November.
‘431 ACU Sacred Heart College’.                                                            Sacred Heart Old Collegians Award for
                                              The reviewing officer for the parade
Aware and proud of their historical                                                        Most Committed Cadet – Sarah Amos;
                                              was LT COL (Retd) Bill Denny AM BM,
links with the Sacred Heart College                                                        Best Shot Award – Megan Blyth.
                                              an Old Scholar of SHC and the current
cadet unit which operated from 1945 to
                                                                                           In addition to those who received
                                                                                           awards, the unit includes cadets Ella
                                                                                           Collopy, Taya Howden, Maddi Pollard,
                                                                                           Eadi Venning-Smith and Alyssa Vincenzi.
                                                                                           All cadets were presented with
                                                                                           commemorative medallions to
                                                                                           recognise them as founding members
                                                                                      2    of 431 ACU Sacred Heart College.

                                                                                           1. Kneeling front, left to right, LCPL Jessica Hinds,
                                                                                           CDT Megan Blyth, CDT Maddi Pollard, LCPL Zoe
                                                                                           Hyde, LCPL Sarah Amos; standing, middle row,
                                                                                           CDT SGT Danni Cardona, CDT Alyssa Vincenzi, CDT
                                                                                           Eadi Venning-Smith, CDT Taya Howden, CDT Ella
                                                                                           Collopy, CDT Hannah Partridge, CDT SGT Maddi
                                                                                           Schmidt; standing, back row, 2LT Darren Elliott, 2LT
                                                                                           Richard Hoisser, MAJ Don Harvy, 2LT Maria Bruno-
                                                       1                              3    Bossio. 2. Zoe Hyde 3. Sarah Amos

Year 12
In December 2017 Sacred Heart College
teachers Meredith Jones, Kurtis Harrison
and Michael Boers organised a Year 12
Geography camp to the Yorke Peninsula.          SHC VET Department
Over the 3-day period, students took
part in many varied activities, including:      Did you know that SHC has a very
• Heard and observed the impacts                strong VET Department? Almost 100
  of colonisation on the first nations          students are completing a Certificate
  Adjahdura Narungga people and                 II or III as part of their SACE. We have
  their land.                                   students studying construction,
• Heard, visited dreaming sites and             plumbing, electro-technology,
  understood the meaning behind                 bricklaying, carpentry, hair dressing,
  various Adjahdura Narungga lore               beauty therapy, fitness, sport and
  stories.                                      recreation, hospitality and animal
• Understood how the contemporary               husbandry . . . just to name a few!
  Yorke Peninsula community are                 In addition to attending a training
  attempting to build positive                  organisation (usually one day a
  relationships which endeavour to              week) many students are required to
  conserve significant Adjahdura                undertake a formal work placement.
  Narungga sites.                                                                                      2
                                                These work placements usually take
• Learnt how some current legislation           place during the school holidays and
  and bureaucracy are preventing                provide students with opportunities to
  the sustainable management of                 develop vocational skills, knowledge
  significant Adjahdura Narungga sites.         and attitudes in the context of real
Below are some photos from the trip. It         working environments.
was a very valuable opportunity for all.        If you are a business owner and would
                                                be interested in having a SHC VET
                                                student undertake a work placement
                                                with you, or would like to find out more
                                                information, please contact the VET
                                                Department on 8350 2570 or send them
                                                an email

                                                1. Cert II Construction Bricklaying Competency
                                                2. Sam Taheny - Cert II Construction 3. Vanessa Aloi
                                                and Taylah Arnold - Hair and Beauty Tradeskills
                                                RTTC 4. Jack Walkington - Cert II Construction
                                                5. Jake Ordway - Cert II Construction

                                                                                                  4    5

                                             Blue & Blue April 2018 | School News                          9
C0-Curricular News
Music and Dance
RFDS President’s Dinner
Abbey Rice (Year 12), Nathan Cooper (Year 12) and Chloe
Wilczek (Year 12) performed for the Royal Flying Doctor Service
President’s Dinner in October 2017.
The guests were so impressed with the performance that some
asked for their details to book them for future events.

End of Year Music Night
On 19 October, the SHC Music Department hosted its last event
with the 2017 Music Ensembles. It was a well-attended night with
all performers putting on a great performance which capped off
one huge year of performances!
Congratulations to the following award winners:
• The Mollie Gilchrist Music Scholarship
  Brodie Challinor (Year 10)
• The Rory O'Grady Award
  Riley Groundwater (Year 11)
• SHC Factor Winner
  Sam Harris (Year 12)
A big thank you to all the music staff and ensemble directors for
what has been a great year!

Stage 1 Music and Dance Showcase
On 14 November, the Stage 1 Music and Dance classes hosted an end-
of-semester showcase. All musicians presented a solo performance,
whilst the dance students presented two ensemble presentations.
In addition, there were presentations of combined Music and
Dance tasks on the night. The Stage 1 Dance class and the
Stage 1 Music Experience class worked on a collaborative task
where two dancers worked with a musician to create an original       1   2
composition of music and dance. The group exchanged ideas
of images, emotions and style and worked well towards the                1. Mollie Gilchrist Award
                                                                         Winner, Brodie Challinor
presentations, which were shown for the first time at this event.        2. Rory O'Grady Award
Well done to all staff and students involved!                            Winner, Riley Groundwater
                                                                         3. SHC Factor Award Winner,
                                                                         Sam Harris
Dan Ryan
Director of Music

Sports Day
Sports Day was held on Friday, 2
March. It was definitely a fun-filled
day with wonderful participation
from all our students. Our student
leaders were outstanding and showed
skilled leadership of their Houses.
Congratulations to Montagne House
who were the overall winners on the
day, and to Chanel House for winning
the House Spirit Award.

                                        Blue & Blue April 2018 | School News   11
Sport Captain

ACK-SHC                               Alice Priestly                             Liam Wisdom
                                      Marian House                               Fourviere House
                                      Alice commenced at Sacred Heart            Liam commenced at Sacred Heart in
                                      College in Year 10 in 2016 and enjoys      Year 10 in 2016 and enjoys playing in

Exchange                              Athletics, Touch Football and being a
                                      Sports Trainer.
                                                                                 the First XVIII Football Team.
                                                                                 Liam’s favourite role model is Nat Fyfe

                                      Charlotte Caslick is Alice’s favourite     because he is both professional and
                                      role model. She continually strives        humble, on and off the football field.
                                      for her goals and reaches them
                                                                                 Favourite Sporting team:
                                      by working hard and giving 100%
                                                                                 Collingwood Football Club.
                                      always. Charlotte is dedicated and
Sacred Heart College is excited to
                                      aims to better herself physically and      Superstitions or pre game habits:
be hosting the 62nd anniversary
                                      mentally, as well as her teammates.        Eggs on toast for breakfast, followed
of the Assumption College
                                                                                 by two oranges before the game. My
Kilmore and Sacred Heart College      Favourite Sporting team:
                                                                                 left sock goes on before my right,
Exchange–a weekend of sporting        Adelaide Strikers.
                                                                                 then my shorts are put on, followed
and cultural activities that
                                      Superstitions or pre-game habits:          by the guernsey, then football boots. I
encourage friendly competition
                                      Always have to braid my hair.              don't tie my football laces up until the
between two Marist Colleges.
                                                                                 warm-up starts.
                                      Favourite pre game feed:
This year’s event will be held from
                                      Spag bog.                                  Favourite pre-game feed:
Friday 17th to Sunday 19th August
                                                                                 Spaghetti Bolognese at Fasta Pasta.
across the SHC Campus and             Most memorable SHC sporting memory:
includes Athletics, Basketball,       Playing touch football for the school.     Most memorable SHC sporting memory:
Dance, Debating, Football, Hockey,                                               Winning the First XVIII 2016 Knockout
                                      Tell us about Kilmore:
Music, Netball and Soccer.                                                       Grand Final vs PAC.
                                      I've been involved in the Exchange
As a community, we are excited        in both my years at SHC. Kilmore is        Tell us about Kilmore:
for ACK to experience our new         one of the biggest highlights of my        Kilmore was a great experience which
Brother McAteer Centre as, last       year, getting to know your billets or      gives you an insight of other people's
time we hosted the Exchange in        being billeted and meeting some            lifestyle away from the city. You learn
2016, our gym was in the process of   new people who you call family for         lots about the person who is having
demolition.                           a few days. The Exchange is always         you for the weekend, and you learn
                                      competitive, but winning isn't the         lots about yourself too. The friendly
We would love to see past students
                                      point–it's about the family spirit         rivalry only grows stronger between
and staff who have participated in
                                      between our two Marist school              both schools and it will continue to
the Exchange at some of the events
                                      communities and bringing                   grow in years to come.
over the course of the weekend.
                                      us together.
Look out for more details over the                                               Favourite quote OR what is the best
coming weeks on our Facebook          Favourite quote OR what is the best        advice you have been given:
page and in our College newsletter.   advice you have been given:                My Dad has always told me: “There's
                                      "Be so good that they can't ignore you."   no i in team” and that has always
                                                                                 stuck with me.

SHC Team consisted of following players:

Marist Cricket Carnival
                                                                                              Aryan Sareen (C), Jonah Whitelum (vc), Brad
                                                                                              Thompson (vc), Gavin Regan, Joshua Aulert,
                                                                                              Lachlan Camm, Zac Driver, Darcy Burns,
                                                                                              Ethan Moore, Angus Judd, Tom Rooney, Kyle
                                                                                              Scott and Ben Stewart

From 5-12 December 2017 Sacred Heart’s           Any score is hard to chase in a Grand
First XI Cricket side travelled to Traralgon,    Final, but thanks to a match-winning
Victoria to complete in the 45th Annual          innings of 59 runs by Gavin Regan, we
Marist Cricket Carnival. There were eight        were able to cruise over the line with
teams competing in the Traralgon carnival:       6 wickets in hard. This win marked our
• Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic          first Marist Carnival triumph in 13 long
   College, Alice Springs NT                     years and every one of the players made
• Lavalla Catholic College, Traralgon VIC        a solid contribution throughout the
• St John's College, Woodlawn NSW                week. The group gelled extremely well
                                                 and thoroughly deserved the title of
• Marist College, Bendigo VIC
                                                 Champion School, and was awarded the
• St Francis Xavier's College,
                                                 Ray Lindwall/Stan McCabe Shield after
   Hamilton NSW
                                                 going through the Carnival undefeated.
• Notre Dame College, Shepparton VIC
• Bunbury Catholic College, Bunbury WA           Special congratulations to the leadership
                                                 group, ably led by Captain Aryan
• Sacred Heart College, Adelaide SA.
                                                 Sareen, who was presented with the Br
After an excellent Term 4 where most             Crispin O'Sullivan Shield and named
results went our way, the group was              as Captain of the combined Australian
looking forward to getting over to               Marist XI. Congratulations as well
Victoria for the Carnival. Due to some           to Brad Thompson (VC) and Jonah
poor weather, our first 3 matches were           Whitelum, who also earned selection
played on a hard wicket, which was a             in the combined Australian Marist XI
bit of a blast from the past for a lot of        representative team. A big thank you
the lads, but it didn't seem to phase the        also to the Coaching Staff and especially
group as they managed to notch up good           Garreth Hutton, who was named
victories against Shepparton, Newcastle          the Coach of the Australian Marist XI
and Bunbury. These consecutive victories         representative side.
meant that we found ourselves in the
                                                 This carnival was a memorable
Semi-Final stage of the carnival, and
                                                 experience for all players and staff and
having to come up against a spirited
                                                 it was great to see our playing group
Traralgon team. In a match where a lot
                                                 develop throughout the week and
didn't go our way, the players never lost
                                                 establish long-lasting friendships with
focus and managed to take 3 wickets in
                                                 fellow players and their host families. We
one over to defend our total of 106 and
                                                 now look towards the 2018 Marist Cricket
get over the line by 11 runs. This meant
                                                 Carnival, which we are hosting here in
that we had the chance to play in the
                                                 Adelaide as we try to go back to back and
Grand Final against Shepparton, whom
                                                 defend our title as Champion School.
we defeated in the first round.
                                                 Robert Gill
After losing the toss and having to bowl
                                                 Head of Chavoin House and Football and
first, our bowling group did a fantastic
                                                 Cricket Coordinator
job to restrict the opposition to just 112.

Brother Jordan
Redden Cup - Cricket
In November, 2017, the Brother Jordan Redden Cup was contested between SHC First
XI and the SHOC Cricket Club. This annual match has become a highlight in the season
fixture for both teams. In the end, SHC chased down the imposing SHOCCC total of 147
with one ball to spare. Gavin Regan was best afield with a score of 92. We were blessed
with the presence of Br Jordan to present his trophy!

                                                Blue & Blue April 2018 | School News                                                   13
Boarding House News
The start of the 2018 boarding year has    While all of this was going on, the       boarding staff, teaching staff, College
been busy, non-stop and a joy!             “new” parents met with Steve Byrne        leaders from the three campuses and
                                           (Principal), Gail Morgan (Head of the     others–126 boarders commencing a
After weeks of frantic work in the
                                           Senior School), Sharon Armfield (RN       wonderful journey together.
Boarding House, the new boarders and
                                           from the College's Healthcare Centre)
their families arrived on Sunday, 28                                                 Monsignor Rob Egar led us in
                                           and Bernadette Buchanan (Boarding
January to begin life at Sacred Heart                                                celebrating Mass together as a
                                           Registrar). Parents were able to ask
College in 40-degree heat.                                                           community and our Chapel was
                                           questions and find out how the school
                                                                                     overflowing. Following Mass, we had a
The new boarders were greeted by           and the boarding community operate.
                                                                                     wonderful dinner in the quadrangle.
staff, shown their rooms and then          Following these sessions, 60 of the
introduced to a current SHC day-           new parents had dinner together at the    Boarding families will be able to keep
student from their Home Group. We          Holdfast Hotel, an event generously       up to date throughout the year via the
have asked new boarders where they         hosted by Kate and Adrian McCabe          Boarding Newsletter, which is emailed
need assistance and they universally       from Hamley Bridge.                       to families and can be accessed on the
tell us that walking into class on the                                               College website at
                                           The next day remained a blur as all
first day of school is very difficult.                                               shc/boarding-newsletters.
                                           of the existing boarders returned.
Having met a day-student helps to
                                           There were smiles, hugs and tears         Shane Hennessy
make this challenge a little easier. The
                                           as our community came together            Director of Boarding
boarders and day-students enjoyed
                                           as one: boarders, parents, brothers,
some “getting to know you” games
                                           sisters, grandparents, Marist Brothers,
before having a BBQ together.


                                                                 1     3

Head Boarders 2018
Congratulations to our Head Boarders for 2018, Maggie Noonan from Caltowie and Samuel McCabe from Hamley Bridge.
The Deputy Boarders are Chloe Dutschke from Maitland and Jonah Whitelum from Tanunda.
The Head and Deputy Head Boarders were recently asked to share their interests and visions.

Maggie Noonan                             Samuel McCabe                             Chloe Dutschke                             Jonah Whitelum
Head Boarder Girls                        Head Boarder Boys                         Deputy Boarder Girls                       Deputy Boarder Boys
Year 12 Subjects: Religious               Year 12 Subjects: Religious               Year 12 Subjects: Religious                Year 12 Subjects: Religious
Education, Maths, Design,                 Education, Maths Methods,                 Education, Maths Methods,                  Education, Maths Methods,
Business, Enterprise,                     Physics, Literary English &               Health, Food & Hospitality &               PE, Economics & Accounting
Geography & Research                      Economics                                 Entrepreneur Program                       Sporting
                                          Sporting Interests: Cricket,              Sporting Interest: Netball                 Sporting Interest: Cricket,
Sporting Interests: Netball               Footy, Tennis, Basketball                                                            Footy & Basketball
                                                                                    “As a leader, I want to
& Tennis
                                          “As a leader, I want to create            create a good culture in the               “As a leader, I want to make
“As a leader, I want to be                a happier and more friendly               boarding house.”                           the boarding community
approachable, effective and               environment, and to be                                                               more enjoyable and to be
                                                                                    “A leader I admire is Annie
to always lead by example.”               inclusive with both boarding                                                         in a position where people
                                                                                    Kellock because she is
                                          houses.”                                                                             feel comfortable enough to
“A leader I admire are                                                              completely herself all the
                                                                                                                               come to me for help.”
my parents. They are                      “A leader I admire is Nelson              time, no matter who she is
hardworking, encouraging                  Mandela because he pushed                 with or what she is doing.”                “A leader I admire is Michael
and supportive.”                          hard for what he knew was                                                            Clarke because even under
                                          right and did not allow                                                              hard circumstances and
                                          obstacles to get in his way.”                                                        with not a strong team he
                                                                                                                               always comes out and leads
                                                                                                                               by example.”

1. Welcome Mass 2. Leo Taylor (Year 11) and Jason Dam (Boys Boarding Co-Ordinator) at Opening Mass 3. Sister Liz with Natalie Carey and Winnie Taylor
4. Leo, Jenni & Declan Redden with Cate and Winnie Taylor 5. John Cummins, Brother Jordan Redden & Sam Cummins

                                                                             4                                                                           5

                                                        Blue & Blue April 2018 | School News                                                              15
Parents & Friends
The Sacred Heart College Parents              It was with pleasure that, in 2017, the        thank for that) which allowed the 80 or
and Friends (Senior School) supports          P & F contributed funds towards the            so that attended to enjoy the beautiful
the College by bringing together              commercial coffee machine located              ambience of the deck and the gardens.
parents of its Senior School students         in the new Brother Joseph McAteer
                                                                                             I would like to extend a big thank you
predominantly through two key events –        Centre. This coffee machine is used
                                                                                             to those who shared the evening with
Welcome Drinks and Farewell Drinks for        for school functions and barista
                                                                                             us and to the fantastic committee
Year 12 Parents (yes... there is a theme!).   courses for the students, improving
                                                                                             members who set up, manned the bar,
                                              employment prospects.
To wrap up 2017, The P & F hosted                                                            brought and handed around food and
Farewell Drinks for Year 12 Parents on        Moving forward into 2018–our year has          helped clean up afterwards. I would
Friday, 27 October, 2017 in the DeBourg       got off to a great start.                      also like to thank Nat Paparella who
Centre. This was a great success, with                                                       denuded her garden so we could be
                                              We had 20 enthusiastic parents attend
many memories and times reminisced                                                           surrounded by roses, and Sarah Kuhl
                                              our first meeting in February, which
with fondness, along with a tinge of                                                         who got us a great deal on some very
                                              means we have been able to bolster
sadness that, for many, this era of their                                                    fine wine.
                                              our committee member numbers even
lives and that of their children’s has
                                              more! Even more exciting is the fact           Should any one like to join us, you
come to a close.
                                              that many of our new members are               would be most welcome. Our next P &
The last activity for 2017 was the            parents of students in Year 10, which          F meeting is Wednesday, 2 May, 2018
AGM, which was held on 22 November            augers well for the future of the P & F        (week one, term 2) @ 7.00pm.
2017 at The Morphett Arms Hotel,              and its long standing rich tradition at
                                                                                             Ingrid McKay
in conjunction with dinner. The               Sacred Heart.
committee thanked outgoing
                                              In this vein of excitement, we ushered
Chairperson, Lynne O’Callaghan-
                                              in the new school year with our
Kurtzer and Treasurer, Jeannie Franklin,
                                              annual ‘Welcome Drinks’ on Friday,
for their help and dedication over
                                              23 February, held once again in the
the past few years and welcomed the
                                              DeBourg Centre.
following committee members for 2018:                                                         1. 2017 Yr 12 drinks 2. Scott Shanks, Phil Smith,
                                                                                              Greg Walkington, Matthew 3. Sarah Clarke,
                                              Our Welcome Drinks are an open
Chairperson:       Ingrid McKay                                                               Leanne Fosdike, Kylie Harvey, Teresa Ragless,
                                              invitation to parents and carers of             Marianne Loftus, Jan Viant and Jodie Veldhoen
Secretary:         Claudia Grez               students at the senior campus to                4. Ingrid McKay, Lynne O'Callaghan-Kurtzer &
                                                                                              Natalie Paparella
Treasurer:         Jo Paterson                catch up over nibbles and drinks and,
                                              inevitably, we find old friendships from
General            Nicole Farmer,
                                              primary school days re-kindled. This
Committee:         Natalie Paparella,
                                              year we also welcomed to the Sacred
                   Jodie Veldhoen,
                                              Heart Community a few new parents
                   Teresa Ragless,
                                              from interstate and overseas. The
                   Yvonne and
                                              weather was perfect (not sure which
                   David Caire and
                                              of the many weather patron saints to
                   Maureen Joyce.


                                                                                         1    4

Marist Corner
                      Francis (Frank)
                      Adolph Holland (’36)
                      This edition of Marist Corner is dedicated to Frank, who passed away on 2 December 2017

Frank began school at St Anthony’s
at Edwardstown before moving onto
Sacred Heart College in 1933.
The onset of the Depression
contributed to his leaving SHC after the
first term of 1936, and his working life
was wide and varied.
He joined the Catholic Young Men’s
Society (CYMS) where he met many of
his lifelong friends and gained skills
through the debating society and other
social activities.
At Commercial Motors Vehicles he
progressed to become their first
Personnel Officer to a staff of 250. It
                                            Standing: Timothy, John, Sean, Paul, Andrew, Chris, Michael (deceased)
was a position he really enjoyed and        Front row: Margaret, Shirley, Frank, Elizabeth
was successful at. His ability to relate
to and support people led to a career
in Real Estate where he became Branch       Andrew, Sean, Margaret, Elizabeth and                   The three great loves of his life
Manager of M K Tremain’s Glenelg office.    Timothy attended Sacred Heart; and 12                   remained his wife – Shirley – and
                                            of his 19 grandchildren.                                family, his faith in God and people
In 1970, Moss Tremaine sold the
                                                                                                    in general. After his 90th birthday,
business–Frank Holland Pty Ltd began        You would be aware from past articles
                                                                                                    his cousin, Senator Don Farrell,
and operated successfully until his         in the “Blue and Blue” that Frank had a
                                                                                                    paid tribute to him in a speech to
retirement in 1995. It was in the later     devotion to the Sacred Heart. With the
                                                                                                    the Senate–this can be viewed by
part of his real estate career that he      assistance of Des and Bernie Dare, they
                                                                                                    searching “Hansard Frank Holland”.
took the opportunity to study for his       produced a small plastic cover with the
Bachelor of Arts at Flinders University,    image of the Sacred Heart on one side                   We thank Frank for his contribution
majoring in History and Politics.           and the words – “Sacred Heart of Jesus                  to Sacred Heart College and the
He subsequently completed a Post            I place my trust in you”. These plaques                 community and in particular for his
Graduate Diploma with a Thesis on –         have been sent to many countries                        contribution to the “Marist Corner.”
“The Australian Thoroughbred Racing         around the world and are available to
                                                                                                    Rest in Peace.
Industry and the Asian Connection”.         any of the Marist family upon request.
                                            (If you would like to obtain one, please
All his 9 children – John, Paul,
Christopher, Michael (deceased),

                                           Blue & Blue April 2018 | Marist Corner                                                          17
The following article (with minor adaptations), was written
by John Robinson, (Sydney Regional Director of Marist
Schools). It appeared in the Marist Schools Australia
Newsletter (March 8, 2018). We are about spreading the
Good News. I recommend it to you. - Br Des Howard
“Youthquake” was selected by Oxford Dictionaries as
the 2017 word of the year. The venerable folk at Oxford
define Youthquake as “a significant cultural, political,
or social change arising from the actions or influence of
young people”. Casper Grathwohl, president of Oxford
Dictionaries in a BlogSpot commented that:
“We chose Youthquake based on its evidence and linguistic
interest. But most importantly for me, at a time when our
language is reflecting our deepening unrest and exhausted
nerves, it is a rare political word that sounds a hopeful note.
Sometimes you pick a word as the word of the year because
you recognise that it has arrived, but other times you pick one
that is knocking at the door and you want to help usher in... I
think this past year calls for a word we can all rally behind.”
As a strange coalescence or the work of the Holy Spirit,
the Australian Catholic Bishops declaration of 2018 as
the national Year of Youth reflects a similar hope. They
call for the “authentic and personal engagement by
Church leaders in the challenges and success in young
people’s lives”.
The Year of Youth focus on local renewal and engagement
provides an added impetus for each of us in Marist
ministry, to discern and help give young people a voice
in our Church and society. In doing so we perhaps we
enable a ‘Youthquake’ to occur to counter the “deepening
unrest and exhausted nerves” we sometimes experience.
Perhaps we help bring to birth a renewal in our local
communities and in our Church born of the hopes and the
challenges of our young people.
Matthew’s Gospel (19:14) recounts how Jesus challenged
the instincts of his day and allowed the children to come
to him, ‘unhindered’. At a time when the harsh discipline
of Jansenism characterised much schooling, Marcellin’s
own counter cultural stance inspired his Brothers:
“Remember that the young people you teach are your
brothers and sisters; Your own likeness, bone of your bone,
another you. These young people have the same heavenly
Father, the same destiny, the same end, the same hope.
They are called to the same happiness. They are your
travelling companions in time. They will be heirs with you,
sharing the joys of the homeland of heaven with you.”
Adapted from Opinions, Conferences, Sayings and
Instructions of Marcellin Champagnat (founder of the
Marist Brothers)                                                  In the Bible, “heart” stands for the deepest reality, the
                                                                  essence of a person (it is used 814 times). In the eyes of
To have young people inform our faith lives is a rare             God, the heart is the real person. The heart of Jesus is what
moment of grace–to listen to young people, to encourage           makes Jesus be Jesus. It is a ‘sacred place’ where we and
and not to hinder them, to “love them and love them               God meet.
all equally” (Champagnat), and to give them Hope and a
Future, is our privileged vocation.                               (Dennis Murphy MSC)

Marist Youth Ministry
Marist Youth Ministry seeks to provide a
space to engage young people, inviting them
to an experience of home. We know that
young people are searching for places where
their stories of joy, hope, disappointment,
frustration, and discovery can be listened to
with genuine understanding and love.
We are committed to engaging with young
people, whether they are students, young
adults or graduates of Marist Schools, and
forming a new generation of Marist disciples
with strong minds and gentle hearts; young
men and women who desire to live the Good                                                                            1
News of the Gospel, simply and joyfully, in their
everyday lives.
For our students, we run programs connecting
the two Marist schools in Adelaide, Sacred
Heart College and Cardijn College. We gather
once a term to explore themes such as;
Awakening to the community, Awakening
to yourselves, and Audacious Hope.
These programs offer encouragement and
empowerment to make a difference in the
students’ lives, and their school community.
In our young adult program, we gather once or
twice a month sharing in a meal, discovering
and exploring current day topics, whilst
engaging in enriching conversation with like-                                                                       2
minded peers. As was Saint Marcellin’s mission,
we engage in ministry and service in our local                                            Top. A collective group of
                                                                                          Marist Association members,
community, running a local homework club,                                                 Marist Brothers, Marist Young
helping Justice for Refugees, aiding local justice                                        Adults and students from SHC
                                                                                          and Cardijn at the Adelaide
initiatives and constantly looking for more                                               Marist Gathering held earlier
ways to offer assistance and presence in our                                              this year 1. Year 11 and 12
                                                                                          students from SHC and Cardijn
community in any way possible.                                                            gathering for a Connect
                                                                                          evening 2. Marist Young Adults
If you would like more information, or                                                    celebrating the end of 2017
you know of any service or ministry                                                       3. Emma Zeitz (’14), Cassie
                                                                                          Wilmot (‘14) and Dylan Barnes
activities, please contact Maddy Forde at,                                                (’11) at the 2018 Marist Youth                                                                 Ministry Launch

                                             Blue & Blue April 2018 | Marist Corner                                  19

President’s Report

2018 has certainly started with a          sign that is now installed immediately    and this year we have a world class
rush and it is hard to believe that we     below the Scoreboard, on what we          entertainment ensemble that I can’t
are at the end of March already, and       all now affectionately call ‘Jim          wait to share with you all. Lock it in
celebrating the Easter break. Once         Whiting’s Hill’.                          Eddie, Friday, 29th June.
again there is no shortage of activity
                                           With so much building and change          The Foundation will also be
within the Sacred Heart Community.
                                           going on across the College, facilities   undertaking our annual giving process
As always, the year ahead holds so much    and community, the SHC Foundation         and I encourage you all to make
promise, with a new batch of students,     is again engaging with the College to     contact with Jane Crisp if you are
and a new set of hopes and dreams that     understand the next major project.        interested in seeing how you could
lie ahead. The SHC Foundation will once    There are a number of extremely           contribute to the SHC Foundation and
again be there to support the College to   exciting opportunities in the pipeline,   the future growth of the College.
achieve its aspirations.                   and I look forward to working together
                                                                                     On behalf of the SHC Foundation, I
                                           to see these come to fruition.
The SHC Foundation closed the 2017                                                   would like to congratulate the SHOC
year out by concluding the fund raising    Throughout 2018 the SHC Foundation        Football Club on achieving the 50-
project for the new SHC Main Oval          will once again be hosting its annual     year milestone, and look forward
electronic scoreboard. The success         business lunch. This year the lunch       to celebrating this at the dinner on
of this initiative was celebrated at       will be on Friday, 29th June. Please      Saturday, 28th April.
the Foundation Xmas function where         mark this date in your calendar as the
                                                                                     I would also like to congratulate
all donors were acknowledged and           lunch is an outstanding opportunity
                                                                                     Principal, Steve Byrne, and his team on
thanked, while launching the new look      to catch up with new and old friends,
                                                                                     the ongoing success of the College and
                                                                                     look forward to another exciting year
                                                                                     in 2018.
                                                                                     I know I speak on behalf of the entire
                                                                                     SHC community who are all very proud
                                                                                     to be associated with such a great
                                                                                     College and community.
                                                                                     I can’t wait to see what 2018 brings
                                                                                     for us all.
                                                                                     Rob McKay

Foundation Benefactors
The year 2017 saw the loss of three                                                     Bernie was known for his generosity,
significant benefactors to the Sacred      Bernie Lawry Lange                           commitment to regional South
Heart College Foundation. These were       18 August 2017                               Australia, and his love of sport. He
Margaret Dare, Bernie Lange and Jon        Bernie sadly passed away while               had a great zest for life and with his
Flaherty. We sincerely thank them                                      attending        charismatic personality, was a friend
for their contributions and pass our                                   a football       to many.
sincere condolences to their families                                  match of         He is survived by his wife Sharon, sons
and friends.                                                           his beloved      Ben, Paul and Nick, daughters Sally
                                                                       Adelaide         and Georgi and 15 grandchildren.
Margaret Olive Dare                                                    Crows with
11 December 1925 to 10 July 2017                                       his wife by
                                                                       his side.
                                                                                        Jonathon Brendan
                                                                       He was a
                                           passionate member and supporter
                           away                                                         8 October 2017
                                           of the Adelaide Crows Football
                           surrounded                                                   Jonathon was an inaugural member of
                                           Club. Bernie was a benefactor of the
                           by her                                                                                   the Sacred
                                           Sacred Heart College Foundation,
                           loving                                                                                   Heart
                                           having generously contributed to the
                           family at                                                                                College
                                           Foundation. Although Bernie was an
                           the age                                                                                  Foundation
                                           Old Scholar of Rostrevor, he and wife
                           of 91.                                                                                   when it was
                                           Sharon sent their boys Benjamin
Margaret and her husband Des, were                                                                                  established
                                           (’92) and Paul (’94) to Sacred Heart
benefactors to the Sacred Heart                                                                                     in 1989
                                           College, as Rostrevor no longer offered
College Foundation and have a room                                                                                  and he and
                                           boarding. During this time, Bernie was
in the Debourg Performing Arts Centre                                                                               his wife,
                                           a representative on the College Council
dedicated in their name, due to their                                                   Wilhelmina, were original trustees of
                                           and took up the position of Chairman
substantial contribution over the years.                                                the Foundation, making a substantial
                                           of the College Council in 1995.
Margaret was the loving mother of                                                       financial contribution.
                                           Bernie was also Past President of the
nine children, seven of whom attended                                                   In 1995 Jon became a member of the
                                           Carbine Club of SA, having joined the
Sacred Heart College.                                                                   Foundation Board of Management
                                           Club in 1996, and was elected to the
• Peter Desmond Dare (OS 1960-1968)        Committee in 2005. He passed away            Committee and took on the role of
• Brian John Dare (OS 1960-1969)           during his active term as Immediate          Senior Vice President where he chaired
• Phillip James Dare (OS 1963-1973)        Past President. Bernie represented           a group responsible for acquiring
• David Lawrence Dare (OS 1965-1973)       the Club at several International            new membership and bequests to
• Bernard Francis (OS 1966-1973) (RIP)     Congresses, and at other Congress            the Foundation. In 1996 Jon was
                                           groups during his time.                      instrumental in the appointment of a
• Catherine Joan Kenneally (nee Dare)
                                                                                        Foundation Development Manager and
   (OS 1978-1979)                          Bernie started his family’s rural supplies   in 1997/98 Jon was elected as Senior
• Jane Plane (nee Dare) (OS                business at Arthurton on the Yorke           Vice-President of the Foundation.
   1980-1982)                              Peninsula, where the family originated       In 1998 to 2000 Jon was elected as
• Patricia Ann Simpson (nee Dare)          from, and built it to be a very successful   Chairman of the Foundation. After
• Margaret Helen Dare                      company, while establishing several          this time, he remained a member of
                                           successful ventures, including the           the Foundation Committee until his
Margaret was a very special and selfless
                                           families’ grain trading business that        passing. Jon donated his valuable time
lady. Not only did she raise her own
                                           Ben and Paul run today.                      and wisdom over many years. Jonathon
nine children, but she also gave shelter
to other children that were in need,       Bernie and Sharon moved to Adelaide          was also a very successful businessman.
and there were many over the years.        in the late 90s when Bernie spent a          Jonathon passed away in beautiful
There was always room in Margaret and      period of time with Faulding, while          Port Douglas, surrounded by family.
Des’ house for more. Their generosity,     overseeing his other ventures. Later in      He will be missed by his devoted wife,
kindness and love flowed through           life Bernie was known to generously          Wilhelmina (Willy) and his children
everyone that knew her.                    offer his time on various boards and         Jason (‘89), Louise and Alyssa. He was
                                           committees, and in a mentoring role          also the loving papa of Saskia, Lily,
Margaret is survived by eight of her
                                           for more than a few.                         Owen and Ruby Close.
children, nineteen grandchildren and
thirteen great-grandchildren.

                                           Blue & Blue April 2018 | Foundation                                                   21
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