API Reference Optical Character Recognition - HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD - Issue Date

Page created by Marilyn Anderson
API Reference Optical Character Recognition - HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD - Issue Date
Optical Character Recognition

API Reference

Issue           01
Date            2021-08-10

API Reference Optical Character Recognition - HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD - Issue Date
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2021. All rights reserved.
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API Reference Optical Character Recognition - HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD - Issue Date
Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                                                                                                                     Contents


1 Before You Start....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 API Calling..................................................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Endpoints....................................................................................................................................................................................1
1.4 Constraints................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Concepts..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

2 API Overview............................................................................................................................ 4
3 Calling APIs............................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Subscribing to OCR................................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Making an API Request......................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Authentication....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Response.................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

4 APIs........................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Web Image OCR.................................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Passport OCR.......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Thailand ID Card OCR......................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.4 Myanmar ID Card OCR....................................................................................................................................................... 36
4.5 Myanmar Driving License OCR........................................................................................................................................ 44
4.6 Chile ID Card OCR.................................................................................................................................................................51
4.7 Thailand Plate Number OCR.............................................................................................................................................56

5 Appendix..................................................................................................................................61
5.1 Status Codes........................................................................................................................................................................... 61
5.2 Error Codes.............................................................................................................................................................................. 65
5.3 Obtaining a Project ID.........................................................................................................................................................72
5.4 Obtaining an Account ID....................................................................................................................................................73
5.5 Configuring Access Permissions of OBS........................................................................................................................ 74

A Change History...................................................................................................................... 76

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API Reference Optical Character Recognition - HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD - Issue Date
Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                        1 Before You Start

                                                        1          Before You Start

1.1 Overview
                  Optical Character Recognition (OCR) allows you to detect and recognize printed
                  characters in images and convert the characters into editable text.

                  OCR provides services through open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
                  You can obtain the inference result by accessing and calling APIs in real time. It
                  helps you collect key data automatically and build an intelligent business system,
                  thereby improving service efficiency.

                  You can perform related operations based on the API description, syntax,
                  parameter description, and examples provided in this document. For example, you
                  can call the API for recognizing characters in general text, cards, or receipts. APIs
                  vary depending on regions. For details, see Endpoints. For details about all
                  operations supported by APIs, see API Overview.

                  If you intend to access OCR through an API, get familiar with OCR concepts. For
                  details, see the Service Overview.

                  OCR also provides software development kits (SDKs) for multiple programming
                  languages. For details about how to use SDKs, see SDK Reference.

1.2 API Calling
                  OCR provides Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs, allowing you to call
                  APIs using HTTPS. For details about API calling, see Calling APIs.

                  OCR also provides software development kits (SDKs) for multiple programming
                  languages. For details about how to use SDKs, see SDK Reference.

1.3 Endpoints
                  An endpoint is the request address for calling an API. Endpoints vary depending on
                  services and regions. For the endpoints of all services, see Regions and Endpoints.

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API Reference Optical Character Recognition - HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD - Issue Date
Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                         1 Before You Start

                  Table 1-1 lists the endpoints of OCR. Select an endpoint based on your service

                  Table 1-1 OCR endpoints

                   Regio       Endpoi    Endpoint               Service
                   n           nt

                   CN-         ap-       ocr.ap-                Passport OCR, Myanmar ID Card OCR,
                   Hong        southe    southeast-1.myhuaw     and Myanmar Driving License OCR
                   Kong        ast-1     eicloud.com

                   AP-         ap-       ocr.ap-                Thailand ID Card OCR, Passport OCR,
                   Bang        southe    southeast-2.myhuaw     Web Image OCR, and Thailand Plate
                   kok         ast-2     eicloud.com            Number OCR

                   LA-         la-       ocr.la-                Chile ID Card OCR
                   Santi       south-2   south-2.myhuaweiclo
                   ago                   ud.com

1.4 Constraints
                  For details, see the API description and Constraints.

1.5 Concepts
                  ●     Account
                        An account is created upon successful registration with HUAWEI CLOUD. The
                        account has full access permissions for all of its cloud services and resources.
                        It can be used to reset user passwords and grant user permissions. The
                        account is a payment entity. For security purposes, do not directly use the
                        account to perform routine management. Instead, create IAM users and grant
                        them permissions for routine management.
                  ●     User
                        A user is created in IAM using an account, for access to cloud services. Each
                        user has their own identity credentials (password and access keys).
                        An IAM user can view the account ID and user ID on the My Credentials
                        page of the console. The account name, username, and password will be
                        required for API authentication.
                  ●     Region
                        Regions are divided based on geographical location and network latency.
                        Public services, such as Elastic Cloud Server (ECS), Elastic Volume Service
                        (EVS), Object Storage Service (OBS), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Elastic IP
                        (EIP), and Image Management Service (IMS), are accessible within the same
                        region. Regions are classified as universal regions and dedicated regions. A
                        universal region provides universal cloud services for common tenants. A
                        dedicated region provides specific services for specific tenants.

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Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                        1 Before You Start

                  ●     AZ
                        An AZ contains one or more physical data centers. It has independent cooling,
                        fire extinguishing, moisture-proof, and electricity facilities. Within an AZ,
                        computing, network, storage, and other resources are logically divided into
                        multiple clusters. AZs within a region are interconnected using high-speed
                        optical fibers to allow you to build cross-AZ high-availability systems.
                  ●     Project
                        Projects group and isolate resources (including compute, storage, and network
                        resources) across physical regions. A default project is provided for each
                        HUAWEI CLOUD region, and subprojects can be created under each default
                        project. Users can be granted permissions to access all resources in a specific
                        project. For more refined access control, create subprojects under a project
                        and purchase resources in the subprojects. Users can then be assigned
                        permissions to access specific resources in the subprojects.

                        Figure 1-1 Project isolation model

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Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                           2 API Overview

                                                               2            API Overview

                  You can perform the operations described in Table 2-1 with OCR APIs.

                  Table 2-1 API description
                   API              Description                                         Deployment

                   Passport         Passport OCR recognizes the text on the first       CN-Hong
                   OCR              page of a passport and returns the structured       Kong (ap-
                                    information in JSON format.                         southeast-1

                   Web Image        Web Image OCR recognizes characters in a web        AP-Bangkok
                   OCR              image and returns the structured result in JSON     (ap-
                                    format.                                             southeast-2

                   Thailand ID      Thailand ID Card OCR recognizes the text on a       AP-Bangkok
                   Card OCR         Thailand-issued national registration card.         (ap-

                   Myanmar ID       Myanmar ID Card OCR recognizes the text on a        CN-Hong
                   Card OCR         Myanmar-issued national registration card.          Kong (ap-

                   Myanmar          Myanmar Driving License OCR recognizes              CN-Hong
                   Driving          characters on a Myanmar-issued driver's license     Kong (ap-
                   License OCR      and returns the structured result in JSON format.   southeast-1

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Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                          2 API Overview

                   API              Description                                        Deployment

                   Chile ID         Chile ID Card OCR recognizes the text in a Chile   LA-
                   Card OCR         ID card image and returns the recognition result   Santiago-
                                    in JSON format.                                    (la-south-2)

                   Thailand         Thailand Plate Number OCR recognizes the           AP-Bangkok
                   Plate            license plate information in a Thailand license    (ap-
                   Number           plate image and returns the recognition result     southeast-2
                   OCR              and the location of the license plate.             )

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Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                                       3 Calling APIs

                                                                         3           Calling APIs

3.1 Subscribing to OCR
                  To use OCR, subscribe to it as instructed in the following procedure.


                        ● Register an account with HUAWEI CLOUD before applying for OCR.
                        ● Apply for OCR before you can use it for the first time. You only need to subscribe to OCR
                          once. If the service is not enabled, an error message with error code "ModelArts.4204"
                          will be displayed when you call the service. Before calling the service, log in to the OCR
                          console and enable the service. Ensure that the region where the service is enabled is
                          the same as that where the service is called.
                        ● When using OCR for the first time, you need to configure the OBS access permission
                          once. For details, see Configuring Access Permissions of OBS.

                  1.    Go to the OCR homepage and click Try Now to go to the OCR console. You
                        need to have an account for logging in to the OCR console.
                  2.    Select the region where the service is located on the console.
                  3.    On the Overview page, locate the target service and click Subscribe in the
                        Operation column of the service.
                  4.    After the service is successfully subscribed to, check that the status is

3.2 Making an API Request
                  This section describes the structure of a REST API, and uses the IAM API for
                  obtaining a user token as an example to demonstrate how to call an API. The
                  obtained token can then be used to authenticate the calling of other APIs.

Request URI
                  A request URI is in the following format:

                  {URI-scheme} :// {endpoint} / {resource-path} ? {query-string}

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API Reference                                                                                     3 Calling APIs

                  Although a request URI is included in the request header, most programming
                  languages and frameworks require the request URI to be transmitted separately.

                  Table 3-1 URI parameter description

                   Parameter            Description

                   URI-scheme           Protocol used to transmit requests. All APIs use HTTPS.

                   endpoint             Domain name or IP address of the server bearing the REST
                                        service. The endpoint varies between services in different
                                        regions. It can be obtained from Regions and Endpoints.

                   resource-path        Access path of an API for performing a specified operation.
                                        Obtain the path from the URI of an API. For example, the
                                        resource-path of the API used to obtain a user token is /v3/

                   query-string         Query parameter, which is optional. Ensure that a question
                                        mark (?) is included before each query parameter that is in the
                                        format of "Parameter name=Parameter value". For example,
                                        limit=10 indicates that a maximum of 10 data records will be

                  For example, to obtain an IAM token in the CN-Hong Kong region, obtain the
                  endpoint of IAM (iam.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com) for this region and
                  the resource-path (/v3/auth/tokens) in the URI of the API used to obtain a user
                  token. Then, construct the URI as follows:

                  Figure 3-1 Example URI


                        To simplify the URI display in this document, each API is provided only with a resource-
                        path and a request method. The URI-scheme of all APIs is HTTPS, and the endpoints of all
                        APIs in the same region are identical.

Request Methods
                  The HTTP protocol defines the following request methods that can be used to
                  send a request to the server:

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                  Table 3-2 HTTP-defined request methods
                   Method                    Description

                   GET                       Requests the server to return specified resources.

                   PUT                       Requests the server to update specified resources.

                   POST                      Requests the server to add resources or perform special

                   DELETE                    Requests the server to delete specified resources, for
                                             example, an object.

                   HEAD                      Same as GET except that the server must return only the
                                             response header.

                   PATCH                     Requests the server to update partial content of a specified
                                             If the resource does not exist, a new resource will be

                  For example, in the case of the API used to obtain a user token, the request
                  method is POST. The request is as follows:
                  POST https://iam.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com/v3/auth/tokens
                  Content-Type: application/json

Request Header
                  You can also add additional header fields to a request, such as the fields required
                  by a specified URI or HTTP method. For example, to request for the authentication
                  information, add Content-Type, which specifies the request body type.
                  Common request header fields are as follows:

                  Table 3-3 Common request headers
                   Header       Description                   Mandatory              Example

                   Content      MIME type of the              Yes                    application/json
                   -Type        response body

                   Content      Length of the request         This field is          3495
                   -Length      body, in bytes.               mandatory for
                                                              POST and PUT
                                                              requests, but
                                                              must be left
                                                              blank for GET

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                   Header       Description               Mandatory          Example

                   X-           Project ID. This          No                 e9993fc787d94b6c886cba
                   Project-     parameter is used to                         a340f9c0f4
                   ID           obtain the token for
                                the project.
                                This parameter is
                                mandatory for the
                                request from a DeC or
                                multi-project user.

                   X-Auth-      User token                This parameter     N/A
                   Token                                  is mandatory for

                   X-Sdk-       Time when the             This field is      20150907T101459Z
                   Date         request is sent. The      mandatory for
                                time is in                AK/SK-based
                                YYYYMMDD'T'HHMM           authentication.
                                SS'Z' format.
                                The value is the
                                current Greenwich
                                Mean Time (GMT) of
                                the system.

                   Authori      Signature                 This parameter     SDK-HMAC-SHA256
                   zation       authentication            is mandatory for   Credential=ZIRRKMTWPT
                                information               AK/SK-based        QFQI1WKNKB/
                                The value can be          authentication.    20150907//ec2/
                                obtained from the                            sdk_request,
                                request signing result.                      SignedHeaders=content-

                   Host         Server domain name        This field is      code.test.com
                                and port number of        mandatory for      or
                                the resource being        AK/SK-based
                                requested. The value      authentication.    code.test.com:443
                                can be obtained from
                                the URL of the service
                                API. The value is
                                hostname[:port]. If the
                                port number is not
                                specified, the default
                                port is used. The
                                default port number
                                for https is 443.

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Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                                            3 Calling APIs


                        In addition to supporting token-based authentication, public cloud APIs also support
                        authentication using access key ID/secret access key (AK/SK). During AK/SK-based
                        authentication, an SDK is used to sign the request, and the Authorization (signature
                        information) and X-Sdk-Date (time when the request is sent) header fields are
                        automatically added to the request.
                        For more details, see AK/SK-based Authentication.

                  The API used to obtain a user token does not require authentication. Therefore,
                  this API only requires adding the Content-Type field. An example of such requests
                  is as follows:
                  POST https://iam.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com/v3/auth/tokens
                  Content-Type: application/json

Request Body
                  The body of a request is often sent in a structured format as specified in the
                  Content-Type header field. The request body transfers all content except the
                  request header.
                  The request body varies depending on APIs. Some APIs do not require the request
                  body, for example, the APIs requested using the GET and DELETE methods.
                  In case of the API for obtaining a user token, obtain the request parameters and
                  parameter description in the API request. The following provides an example
                  request with a body included. Replace username, domainname, ******** (login
                  password), and xxxxxxxx (project name) with the actual values and obtain the
                  token specified for the project. For example, if the project name is set to ap-
                  southeast-1, the obtained token applies to the services in ap-southeast-1. For
                  details about how to obtain a username, domainname, and project name, see
                  Obtaining the Username, User ID, Project Name, and Project ID.


                        The scope parameter specifies where a token will take effect. You can set scope to an
                        account or a project under an account. In the following example, the token takes effect
                        only for the resources in a specified project. For more information about this API, see
                        Obtaining a User Token.
                  POST https://iam.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com/v3/auth/tokens
                  Content-Type: application/json

                      "auth": {
                        "identity": {
                           "methods": [
                           "password": {
                               "user": {
                                  "name": "username", //Replace the value with the actual username.
                                  "password": "********", //Replace the value with the actual password.
                                  "domain": {
                                    "name": "domainname" //Replace the value with the actual account name.
                        "scope": {
                           "project": {

Issue 01 (2021-08-10)             Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.                                         10
Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                                                3 Calling APIs

                            "name": "xxxxxxxx" //Replace xxxxxxxx with the actual project name. For example, ap-

                  If all data required for the API request is available, you can send the request to call
                  the API through curl, Postman, or coding. In the response to the API used to
                  obtain a user token, x-subject-token is the desired user token. You can use this
                  token to authenticate the calling of other APIs.

3.3 Authentication
                  Requests for calling an API can be authenticated using either of the following

                  ●      Token-based authentication: Requests are authenticated using a token.
                  ●      AK/SK-based authentication: Requests are authenticated by encrypting the
                         request body using an AK/SK pair.

Token-based Authentication

                        The validity period of a token is 24 hours. When using a token for authentication, cache it
                        to prevent frequently calling the IAM API used to obtain a user token.

                  A token specifies temporary permissions in a computer system. During API
                  authentication using a token, the token is added to requests to obtain permissions
                  for calling the API.

                  When calling the API to obtain a user token, you must set auth.scope in the
                  request body to project. In the following code block, username indicates the
                  username; domainname indicates the account name; ******** indicates the user
                  login password; and xxxxxxxx indicates the project name. When xxxxxxxx is set, the
                  token of a specified project will be obtained. For example, if xxxxxxxx is set to ap-
                  southeast-1, the token of ap-southeast-1 will be obtained. For details about how
                  to obtain the username, domain name, and project name, see Obtaining the
                  Username, User ID, Project Name, and Project ID.
                      "auth": {
                        "identity": {
                           "methods": [
                           "password": {
                               "user": {
                                  "name": "username", //Replace it with the actual username.
                                  "password": "********", //Replace it with the actual password.
                                  "domain": {
                                    "name": "domainname" //Replace it with the actual account name.
                        "scope": {
                           "project": {
                               "name": "xxxxxxxx" //Replace it with the actual project name, such as ap-southeast-1.

Issue 01 (2021-08-10)              Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.                                            11
Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                                       3 Calling APIs


                  After a token is obtained, the X-Auth-Token header field must be added to
                  requests to specify the token when calling other APIs. For example, if the token is
                  ABCDEFJ...., X-Auth-Token: ABCDEFJ.... can be added to a request as follows:

                  POST https://ocr.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com/v2/{project_id}/ocr/passport
                  Content-Type: application/json
                  X-Auth-Token: ABCDEFJ....

AK/SK-based Authentication

                          AK/SK-based authentication supports API requests with a body less than or equal to 12 MB.
                          For API requests with a larger body, perform token-based authentication.

                  In AK/SK-based authentication, AK/SK is used to sign requests and the signature is
                  then added to the requests for authentication.
                  ●       AK: access key ID, which is a unique identifier used in conjunction with a
                          secret access key to sign requests cryptographically.
                  ●       SK: secret access key used in conjunction with an AK to sign requests
                          cryptographically. It identifies a request sender and prevents the request from
                          being modified.
                  In AK/SK-based authentication, you can use an AK/SK to sign a request based on
                  the signature algorithm or use a dedicated signature SDK to sign a request. For
                  details about how to sign requests and use the signing SDK, see API Request
                  Signing Guide.
                  If no AK/SK has been generated, access the My Credentials page, and choose
                  Access Keys > Create Access Key to obtain the access keys.


                  The signing SDK is only used for signing requests and is different from the SDKs
                  provided by services.
                  For details about how to obtain the AK/SK, see Obtaining the AK/SK.

3.4 Response
Status Code
                  After sending a request, you will receive a response, including a status code,
                  response header, and response body.
                  A status code consists of multiple digits, which indicates the response status of a
                  request. If the 2xx status code is returned, the API is called successfully. For details
                  about the status code list, see Status Codes.

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API Reference                                                                                3 Calling APIs

Response Header
                  Similar to a request, a response also has a header, for example, Content-Type.
                  Table 3-4 lists the fields in the response header.

                  Table 3-4 Response Header

                      Field                 Description

                      Content-Length        Length of the response body. The unit is byte.

                      Date                  Time when a request response is returned

                      Content-Type          MIME type of the response body

                  Figure 3-2 shows the response header fields for the API used to obtain a user
                  token. The x-subject-token header field is the desired user token. This token can
                  then be used to authenticate the calling of other APIs.

Figure 3-2 Header fields of the response to the request for obtaining a user token

Response Body
                  The body of a response is returned in structured format as specified in the
                  Content-Type header field. The response body transfers all content except the
                  response header.
                  The following is part of the response body for the API used to obtain a user
                      "token": {
                         "expires_at": "2019-02-13T06:52:13.855000Z",
                         "methods": [

Issue 01 (2021-08-10)              Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.                            13
Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                             3 Calling APIs

                           "catalog": [
                                 "endpoints": [
                           "region_id": "aaa"//The region ID aaa is used as an example.

                  If an error occurs during API calling, an error code and a message will be
                  displayed. The following shows an error response body.
                       "error_msg": "The format of message is error",
                       "error_code": "AS.0001"

                  In the response body, error_code indicates the error code, and error_msg provides
                  information about the error.

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Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                                                 4 APIs

                                                                                              4          APIs

4.1 Web Image OCR
                  Web Image OCR recognizes characters in a web image and returns the structured
                  result in JSON format. For details about the constraints on using this API, see
                  Constraints. For details about how to use this API, see .

                  Before using Web Image OCR, you need to apply for the service and complete
                  authentication. For details, see Subscribing to OCR and Authentication.


                        Before using the service for the first time, you need to enable the service by clicking
                        Subscribe. You only need to subscribe to the service once. If the service is not enabled, an
                        error message with error code "ModelArts.4204" will be displayed when you call the service.
                        Before calling the service, log in to the OCR console and enable the service. Ensure that the
                        region where the service is enabled is the same as that where the service is called.

                  POST https://{endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/ocr/web-image

                  Table 4-1 Path parameters

                   Parameter              Mandator       Description

                   endpoint               Yes            Domain name or IP address of the server
                                                         bearing the REST service endpoint. The endpoint
                                                         varies depending on services in different regions.
                                                         For more details, see Endpoints.

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API Reference                                                                                         4 APIs

                   Parameter           Mandator          Description

                   project_id          Yes               Project ID, which can be obtained from
                                                         Obtaining a Project ID.

Request Parameters

                  Table 4-2 Request header parameters
                   Parameter         Mandatory            Type             Description

                   X-Auth-Token      Yes                  String           User token
                                                                           During API authentication
                                                                           using a token, the token is
                                                                           added to requests to obtain
                                                                           permissions for calling the API.
                                                                           The value of X-Subject-Token
                                                                           in the response header is the
                                                                           obtained token.

                   Content-Type      Yes                  String           MIME type of the request
                                                                           body. The value is

                  Table 4-3 Request body parameters
                   Parameter               Mandator        Type        Description

                   image                   No. Set         String      Base64 character string converted
                                           either this                 from the image. The size cannot
                                           parameter                   exceed 10 MB.
                                           or url.                     No side of the image can be
                                                                       smaller than 15 or larger than
                                                                       8,192 pixels. Only images in JPEG,
                                                                       JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, or WEBP
                                                                       format can be recognized.

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                   Parameter             Mandator      Type       Description

                   url                   No. Set       String     Image URL. Currently, the
                                         either this              following URLs are supported:
                                         parameter                ● Public network: HTTP/HTTPS
                                         or image.                  URL
                                                                  ● URL provided by OBS. You need
                                                                    to be authorized to use OBS
                                                                    data, including service
                                                                    authorization, temporary
                                                                    authorization, and anonymous
                                                                    public authorization. For
                                                                    details, see Configuring Access
                                                                    Permissions of OBS.
                                                                    ● The API response time depends on
                                                                      the image download time. If the
                                                                      image download takes a long
                                                                      time, the API call will fail.
                                                                    ● Ensure that the storage service
                                                                      where the images to be detected
                                                                      reside is stable and reliable. OBS is
                                                                      recommended for storing image

                   detect_direction      No            Boolean    Whether to enable the function of
                                                                  aligning tilted images. The options
                                                                  are as follows:
                                                                  ● true: The tilted image is
                                                                  ● false: The tilted image is not
                                                                  An image tilted at any angle can
                                                                  be aligned. If this parameter is not
                                                                  specified, the default value false is

                   extract_type          No            Array of   Structured data extraction
                                                       strings    parameter list. Currently, only the
                                                                  image width and height are
                                                                  supported. The input parameter
                                                                  value of the image width and
                                                                  height is image_size.
                                                                  If this parameter is not set or is
                                                                  deleted, this parameter will not be

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Response Parameters
                  Response parameters and status codes vary in different recognition results. They
                  are described as below.

                  Status code: 200

                  Table 4-4 Response body parameter

                   Parameter            Type          Description

                   result               WebImage      Calling result of a successful API call
                                        Result        This parameter is not included when the API
                                        object        fails to be called.

                  Table 4-5 WebImageResult

                   Parameter            Type          Description

                   words_block_cou      Integer       Number of detected text blocks

                   words_block_list     Array of      List of text blocks to be recognized. The
                                        WebImage      output sequence is from left to right and from
                                        WordsBloc     top to bottom.

                  Table 4-6 WebImageWordsBlockList

                   Parameter            Type          Description

                   words                String        Recognition result of a text block

                   confidence           Float         Confidence information of a related field. The
                                                      value ranges from 0 to 1.
                                                      A higher confidence level indicates a higher
                                                      reliability and accuracy of the corresponding
                                                      field identified.
                                                      The confidence is not equal to the accuracy,
                                                      and is calculated through related algorithms.

                   location             Array of      Recognized location information about a text
                                        integers      block, in list format, including the coordinates
                                                      (x, y) of four vertexes in the text area. The
                                                      image coordinate system is used. The
                                                      coordinate origin is the upper left corner of
                                                      the image, the X axis is horizontal, and the Y
                                                      axis is vertical.

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                   Parameter               Type              Description

                   extracted_data          Object            Structured data extraction parameter list.
                                                             Currently, only the image width and height are
                                                             supported. The input parameter value of the
                                                             image width and height is image_size.
                                                             If extract_type is left blank or missing, no
                                                             information is extracted.

                   image_size              Object            Width and height of an image
                                                             If extract_type does not contain this
                                                             parameter, this parameter does not exist in the

                   height                  Integer           Image height, which is returned when
                                                             image_size is passed.

                   width                   Integer           Image width, which is returned when
                                                             image_size is passed.

                  Status code: 400

                  Table 4-7 Response body parameters

                   Parameter                        Type            Description

                   error_code                       String          Error code of a failed API call. For
                                                                    details, see Error Codes.
                                                                    If error code ModelArts.4204 is
                                                                    displayed, refer to Why Is a Message
                                                                    Stating "ModelArts.4204" Displayed
                                                                    When the OCR API Is Called?
                                                                    This parameter is not included when
                                                                    the API is successfully called.

                   error_msg                        String          Error message returned when the API
                                                                    fails to be called

Request Example

                        ● The endpoint is the request URL for calling an API. Endpoints vary depending on services
                          and regions. For details, see Endpoints.
                           For example, Web Image OCR is deployed in the AP-Bangkok region. The endpoint is
                           ocr.ap-southeast-2.myhuaweicloud.com. The request URL is https://ocr.ap-
                           southeast-2.myhuaweicloud.com/v2/{project_id}/ocr/web-image. project_id is the
                           project ID. For details about how to obtain the project ID, see Obtaining a Project ID.
                        ● For details about how to obtain a token, see Making an API Request.

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                  ●       Request example (Method 1: Use the image Base64 string.)
                          POST https://{endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/ocr/web-image
                          Request Header:
                          Content-Type: application/json

                          Request Body:
                  ●       Request example (Method 2: Use the image URL.)
                          POST https://{endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/ocr/web-image
                          Request Header:
                          Content-Type: application/json
                          Request Body:
                  ●       Sample code for a Python 3 request (For codes in other languages, refer to
                          the following sample or use OCR SDK.)
                          # encoding:utf-8

                          import requests
                          import base64

                          url = "https://{endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/ocr/web-image"
                          token = "Actual token value obtained by the user"
                          headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token}

                          imagepath = r'./data/web-image-demo.png'
                          with open(imagepath, "rb") as bin_data:
                             image_data = bin_data.read()
                          image_base64 = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode("utf-8") # Base64 encoding of images.
                          payload = {"image": image_base64} # url or image.
                          response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=payload)

Example Response
                  Status code: 200
                  Successful response example
                      "result": {
                         "words_block_count": 2,
                         "words_block_list": [
                               "words": "Words recognized from the image",
                               "confidence": 0.9950,
                               "location": [
                                  [13, 476],
                                  [91, 332],
                                  [125, 351],
                                  [48, 494]
                               "words": "Words recognized from the image",
                               "confidence": 0.9910,
                               "location": [
                                  [13, 476],
                                  [91, 332],
                                  [125, 351],

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                                    [48, 494]
                           "extracted_data": {}

                  Status code: 400
                  Failure response example
                          "error_code": "AIS.0103",
                          "error_msg": "The image size does not meet the requirements."

Status Codes
                      Status Code                       Description

                      200                               Success response

                      400                               Failure response

                  For details about status codes, see Status Codes.

Error Codes
                  For details about error codes, see Error Codes.

4.2 Passport OCR
                  Passport OCR recognizes the text on the first page of a passport and returns the
                  structured information in JSON format.
                  In the current version, all fields of a Chinese passport can be recognized. For non-
                  Chinese passports, two lines of internationally standardized machine-readable
                  codes on the bottom of each passport can be recognized, and 6 to 7 key fields can
                  be extracted from the codes.For details about the constraints on using this API, see
                  Constraints. For details about how to use this API, see Introduction to OCR.

                  Figure 4-1 Passport OCR example

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                  Before using Passport OCR, you need to apply for the service and complete
                  authentication. For details, see Subscribing to OCR and Authentication.


                        Before using the service for the first time, you need to enable the service by clicking
                        Subscribe. You only need to subscribe to the service once. If the service is not enabled, an
                        error message with error code "ModelArts.4204" will be displayed when you call the service.
                        Before calling the service, log in to the OCR console and enable the service. Ensure that the
                        region where the service is enabled is the same as that where the service is called.

                  POST https://{endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/ocr/passport

                  Table 4-8 Path parameters
                   Parameter              Mandator       Description

                   endpoint               Yes            Domain name or IP address of the server
                                                         bearing the REST service endpoint. The endpoint
                                                         varies depending on services in different regions.
                                                         For more details, see Endpoints.

                   project_id             Yes            Project ID, which can be obtained from
                                                         Obtaining a Project ID.

Request Parameters

                  Table 4-9 Request header parameters
                   Parameter            Mandatory          Type                Description

                   X-Auth-Token         Yes                String              User token
                                                                               During API authentication
                                                                               using a token, the token is
                                                                               added to requests to obtain
                                                                               permissions for calling the API.
                                                                               The value of X-Subject-Token
                                                                               in the response header is the
                                                                               obtained token.

                   Content-Type         Yes                String              MIME type of the request
                                                                               body. The value is

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                  Table 4-10 Request body parameters
                   Parameter             Mandator      Type       Description

                   image                 No. Set       String     Base64 character string converted
                                         either this              from the image. The size cannot
                                         parameter                exceed 10 MB.
                                         or url.                  No side of the image can be
                                                                  smaller than 15 or larger than
                                                                  4,096 pixels. Only images in JPEG,
                                                                  JPG, PNG, BMP, or TIFF format can
                                                                  be recognized.

                   url                   No. Set       String     Image URL. Currently, the
                                         either this              following URLs are supported:
                                         parameter                ● Public network: HTTP/HTTPS
                                         or image.                  URL
                                                                  ● URL provided by OBS. You need
                                                                    to be authorized to use OBS
                                                                    data, including service
                                                                    authorization, temporary
                                                                    authorization, and anonymous
                                                                    public authorization. For
                                                                    details, see Configuring Access
                                                                    Permissions of OBS
                                                                    ● The API response time depends on
                                                                      the image download time. If the
                                                                      image download takes a long
                                                                      time, the API call will fail.
                                                                    ● Ensure that the storage service
                                                                      where the images to be detected
                                                                      reside is stable and reliable. OBS is
                                                                      recommended for storing image

                   country_code          No            String     Country code on the passport. The
                                                                  recognition mode is determined
                                                                  based on the country code.
                                                                  ● If this parameter is left blank,
                                                                    OCR automatically matches the
                                                                    recognition mode based on the
                                                                    passport type identified by the
                                                                  ● If you set this parameter to
                                                                    GENERAL, the passport is
                                                                    recognized based on the
                                                                    machine-readable code.
                                                                  ● If this parameter is set to CHN,
                                                                    all fields in the Chinese
                                                                    passport are recognized.

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Response Parameters
                  Response parameters and status codes vary in different recognition results. They
                  are described as below.

                  Status code: 200

                  Table 4-11 Response body parameter

                   Parameter             Type          Description

                   result                PassportR     Calling result of a successful API call
                                         esult         result consists of the following three parts: 13
                                         object        key fields, expressed in English; extra_info,
                                                       passport information in the local official
                                                       language; confidence, confidence scores of
                                                       key fields. A higher confidence score indicates
                                                       a more accurate result.
                                                       This parameter is not included when the API
                                                       fails to be called.

                  Table 4-12 PassportResult

                   Parameter             Type          Description

                   passport_type         String        Passport type. Possible values are as follows:
                                                       ● P: ordinary passport
                                                       ● W: diplomatic passport
                                                       ● G: service passport

                   country_code          String        Country code

                   passport_number       String        Passport ID

                   nationality           String        Nationality of the passport holder

                   surname               String        Last name

                   given_name            String        Given game

                   sex                   String        Gender

                   date_of_birth         String        Date of birth

                   date_of_expiry        String        Passport date of expiry

                   date_of_issue         String        Date of issue

                   place_of_birth        String        Place of birth

                   place_of_issue        String        Place of issue

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                   Parameter            Type              Description

                   issuing_authority    String            Issuing authority
                                                          The abbreviation of the issuing authority of
                                                          each consulate is not unified. The abbreviation
                                                          of Chinese issuing authority is P.R.China. For
                                                          example, if the issuing authority is P.R.C, the
                                                          recognition result is P.R.China.

                   confidence           Object            Confidence information of a related field. The
                                                          value ranges from 0 to 1.
                                                          Confidence of related fields. A higher
                                                          confidence indicates a more accurate result.
                                                          The confidence is not equal to the accuracy,
                                                          and is calculated through related algorithms.

                   extra_info           Object            By default, this parameter is left blank. For a
                                                          Chinese passport, extra_info contains Chinese
                                                          character-described fields on the passport,
                                                          such as the name and place of birth.

                  Status code: 400

                  Table 4-13 Response body parameters
                   Parameter                     Type            Description

                   error_code                    String          Error code of a failed API call. For
                                                                 details, see Error Codes.
                                                                 If error code ModelArts.4204 is
                                                                 displayed, refer to Why Is a Message
                                                                 Stating "ModelArts.4204" Displayed
                                                                 When the OCR API Is Called?
                                                                 This parameter is not included when
                                                                 the API is successfully called.

                   error_msg                     String          Error message returned when the API
                                                                 fails to be called
                                                                 This parameter is not included when
                                                                 the API is successfully called.

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Request Example

                        ● The endpoint is the request URL for calling an API. Endpoints vary depending on services
                          and regions. For details, see Endpoints.
                           For example, Passport OCR is deployed in the CN-Hong Kong region. The endpoint is
                           ocr.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com. The request URL is https://ocr.ap-
                           southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com/v2/{project_id}/ocr/passport. project_id is the
                           project ID. For details about how to obtain the project ID, see Obtaining a Project ID.
                        ● For details about how to obtain a token, see Making an API Request.
                  ●     Request example (Method 1: Use the image Base64 string.)
                        POST https://{endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/ocr/passport
                        Request Header:
                        Content-Type: application/json
                        Request Body:
                          "country_code": "GENERAL"
                  ●     Request example (Method 2: Use the image URL.)
                        POST https://{endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/ocr/passport
                        Request Header:
                        Content-Type: application/json
                        Request Body:
                          "country_code": "GENERAL"
                  ●     Sample code for a Python 3 request (For codes in other languages, refer to
                        the following sample or use OCR SDK.)
                        # encoding:utf-8

                        import requests
                        import base64

                        url = "https://{endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/ocr/passport"
                        token = "Actual token value obtained by the user"
                        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token}

                        imagepath = r'./data/passport-demo.png'
                        with open(imagepath, "rb") as bin_data:
                           image_data = bin_data.read()
                        image_base64 = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode("utf-8") # Base64 encoding of images.
                        payload = {"image": image_base64} # url or image.
                        response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=payload)

Example Response
                  Status code: 200
                  Chinese passport
                      "result": {
                         "passport_type": "P",
                         "country_code": "CHN",
                         "passport_number": "ED999XXXX",
                         "nationality": "CHINESE",

Issue 01 (2021-08-10)             Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.                                          26
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                          "surname": "ZHANG",
                          "given_name": "SAN",
                          "sex": "F",
                          "date_of_birth": "1990-12-12",
                          "date_of_expiry": "2020-07-08",
                          "date_of_issue": "2010-07-09",
                          "place_of_birth": "HUNAN",
                          "place_of_issue": "GUANGDONG",
                          "issuing_authority": "MPS Exit & Entry Administration",
                          "extra_info": {
                             "local_language": {
                                 "name": "Name recognized from the image",
                                "sex": "Gender recognized from the image",
                                "place_of_birth": "Place of birth recognized from the image",
                                "place_of_issue": "Place of issue recognized from the image",
                                "issuing_authority": "Issuing authority recognized from the image",
                                "nationality": "Nationality recognized from the image",
                          "confidence": {
                             "passport_type": 1.0,
                             "country_code": 1.0,
                             "passport_number": 0.9997,
                             "nationality": 1.0,
                             "surname": 0.9729,
                             "given_name": 0.9729,
                             "sex": 1.0,
                             "date_of_birth": 0.9998,
                             "date_of_expiry": 0.9995,
                             "date_of_issue": 0.9969,
                             "place_of_birth": 1.0,
                             "place_of_issue": 1.0,
                             "issuing_authority": 0.9985

                  Non-chinese passport
                      "result": {
                         "country_code": "ETF",
                         "surname": "HUZHAO",
                         "given_name": "ZHAOMIN DESALEGN ",
                         "passport_number": "EP435XXXX",
                         "date_of_birth": "1985-09-18",
                         "sex": "M",
                         "date_of_expiry": "2022-01-15",
                         "machine_code": "P
Optical Character Recognition
API Reference                                                                                  4 APIs

                      "error_msg": "The image size does not meet the requirements."

Status Codes
                      Status Code                   Description

                      200                           Success response

                      400                           Failure response

                  For details about status codes, see Status Codes.

Error Codes
                  For details about error codes, see Error Codes.

4.3 Thailand ID Card OCR
                  Thailand ID Card OCR recognizes characters on a Thailand-issued national
                  registration card and returns the structured result in JSON format. For details
                  about the constraints on using this API, see Constraints. For details about how to
                  use this API, see Introduction to OCR.

                  Figure 4-2 Thailand ID Card OCR example

                  Before using Thailand ID Card OCR, you need to apply for the service and
                  complete authentication. For details, see Subscribing to OCR and

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                        Before using the service for the first time, you need to enable the service by clicking
                        Subscribe. You only need to subscribe to the service once. If the service is not enabled, an
                        error message with error code "ModelArts.4204" will be displayed when you call the service.
                        Before calling the service, log in to the OCR console and enable the service. Ensure that the
                        region where the service is enabled is the same as that where the service is called.

                  POST https://{endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/ocr/thailand-id-card

                  Table 4-14 Path parameters
                   Parameter              Mandator       Description

                   endpoint               Yes            Domain name or IP address of the server
                                                         bearing the REST service endpoint. The endpoint
                                                         varies depending on services in different regions.
                                                         For details, see Endpoints.

                   project_id             Yes            Project ID, which can be obtained from
                                                         Obtaining a Project ID.

Request Parameters

                  Table 4-15 Request header parameters
                   Parameter            Mandatory          Type                Description

                   X-Auth-Token         Yes                String              User token
                                                                               During API authentication
                                                                               using a token, the token is
                                                                               added to requests to obtain
                                                                               permissions for calling the API.
                                                                               The value of X-Subject-Token
                                                                               in the response header is the
                                                                               obtained token.

                   Content-Type         Yes                String              MIME type of the request
                                                                               body. The value is

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                  Table 4-16 Request body parameters
                   Parameter        Mandatory         Type         Description

                   image            No. Set either    String       Base64 character string converted
                                    this parameter                 from the image. The size cannot
                                    or url.                        exceed 10 MB.
                                                                   No side of the image can be
                                                                   smaller than 15 or larger than
                                                                   8,192 pixels. Only images in JPEG,
                                                                   JPG, PNG, BMP, or TIFF format
                                                                   can be recognized.

                   url              No. Set either    String       Image URL. Currently, the
                                    this parameter                 following URLs are supported:
                                    or image.                      ● Public network: HTTP/HTTPS
                                                                   ● URL provided by OBS. You
                                                                     need to be authorized to use
                                                                     OBS data, including service
                                                                     authorization, temporary
                                                                     authorization, and anonymous
                                                                     public authorization. For
                                                                     details, see Configuring Access
                                                                     Permissions of OBS.
                                                                     ● The API response time depends on
                                                                       the image download time. If the
                                                                       image download takes a long
                                                                       time, the API call will fail.
                                                                     ● Ensure that the storage service
                                                                       where the images to be detected
                                                                       reside is stable and reliable. OBS is
                                                                       recommended for storing image

                   side             No                String       ● front: front of an ID card
                                                                   ● back: back of an ID card
                                                                   If this parameter is left empty or
                                                                   not included, the system
                                                                   automatically recognizes whether
                                                                   the image is the front or back of
                                                                   an ID card. To ensure accuracy, set
                                                                   this parameter.

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                   Parameter        Mandatory         Type         Description

                   return_portra    No                Boolean      Whether to return the head
                   it_image                                        portrait. Possible values are as
                                                                   ● true: The Base64 code of the
                                                                     head portrait on the ID card is
                                                                   ● false: The Base64 code of the
                                                                     head portrait on the ID card is
                                                                     not returned.
                                                                   If this parameter is not set, the
                                                                   default value false is used so that
                                                                   the Base64 code of the head
                                                                   portrait on the ID card is not

                   return_portra    No                Boolean      Whether to return the location of
                   it_location                                     the head portrait on the ID card.
                                                                   Possible values are as follows:
                                                                   ● true: The location of the head
                                                                     portrait on the ID card is
                                                                   ● false: The location of the head
                                                                     portrait on the ID card is not

                   return_idcard    No                Boolean      Whether to return the ID card
                   _type                                           type. Possible values are as
                                                                   ● true: The ID card type is
                                                                     returned, including the original
                                                                     ID card and the copy of the ID
                                                                   ● false: The ID card type is not

Response Parameters
                  Response parameters and status codes vary in different recognition results. They
                  are described as below.
                  Status code: 200

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                  Table 4-17 Response parameters
                   Parameter          Type             Description

                   result             Object           Calling result of a successful API call
                                                       This parameter is not included when the API
                                                       fails to be called.

                  Table 4-18 Response parameters
                   Parameter                 Type           Description

                   side                      String         Front or back of an ID card. Possible
                                                            values are front or back.

                   id_number                 String         ID number

                   name_th                   String         Thai name

                   first_name_en             String         English given name

                   last_name_en              String         English surname

                   date_of_birth_th          String         Date of birth, in Thai

                   date_of_birth_en          String         Date of birth, in English

                   religion_th               String         Religion

                   address_th                String         Address on the ID card

                   date_of_issue_th          String         Date of issue, in Thai

                   date_of_issue_en          String         Date of issue, in English

                   date_of_expiry_th         String         Date of expiry, in Thai

                   date_of_expiry_en         String         Date of expiry, in English

                   serial_number             String         Serial number

                   card_number               String         ID number on the back of the ID card

                   laser_number              String         Laser code

                   confidence                Object         Confidence information of a related field.
                                                            The value ranges from 0 to 1.
                                                            A higher confidence indicates a higher
                                                            reliability of the corresponding field
                                                            identified this time. In the statistical
                                                            sense, a higher confidence indicates a
                                                            higher accuracy.
                                                            The confidence is not equal to the
                                                            accuracy, and is calculated through
                                                            related algorithms.

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                   Parameter              Type             Description

                   portrait_image         String           Base64 code of the head portrait
                                                           This parameter is available only when
                                                           return_portrait_image is set to true.

                   portrait_location      Array of         Location of the head portrait on the
                                          objects          original image
                                                           This parameter is available only when
                                                           return_portrait_location is set to true.
                                                           The image is displayed in a list. The list
                                                           contains the two-dimensional coordinates
                                                           (x,y) of the four vertices in the head
                                                           portrait area. The origin of the
                                                           coordinates is the upper left corner of the
                                                           image. The x axis is horizontal, and the y
                                                           axis is vertical.

                   idcard_type            String           ID card type. Possible values are as
                                                           ● normal: original ID card
                                                           ● copy: copy of the ID card
                                                           This parameter is available only when
                                                           return_idcard_type is set to true.

                  Status code: 200

                  Table 4-19 Response body parameters
                   Parameter            Type          Description

                   error_code           String        Error code of a failed API call. For details, see
                                                      Error Codes.
                                                      If error code ModelArts.4204 is displayed,
                                                      refer to Why Is a Message Stating
                                                      "ModelArts.4204" Displayed When the OCR
                                                      API Is Called?
                                                      This parameter is not included when the API is
                                                      successfully called.

                   error_msg            String        Error message returned when the API fails to
                                                      be called
                                                      This parameter is not included when the API is
                                                      successfully called.

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You can also read