OpenECU Developer Software Installation and Release Note - Release 3.1.0-FS r2021-1

Page created by Marcus Stanley
OpenECU Developer Software Installation and Release Note - Release 3.1.0-FS r2021-1

     OpenECU Developer Software
     Installation and Release Note
                             Release 3.1.0-FS r2021-1

Copyright © 2020 Pi Innovo
OpenECU Developer Software Installation and Release Note - Release 3.1.0-FS r2021-1
Table of Contents
          1. Release details ...................................................................................................... 1
                1.1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
                1.2. Summary of releases ................................................................................... 1
          2. Installation ............................................................................................................. 6
                2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 6
                       2.1.1. Third party tool requirements ............................................................. 6
                       2.1.2. Third party tool requirements — C-API ............................................... 6
                       2.1.3. Third party tool requirements — Simulink-API ..................................... 6
                       2.1.4. Third party tool requirements — installation ........................................ 7
                       2.1.5. Third party tool requirements — compatibility ...................................... 8
                2.2. Installing OpenECU ................................................................................... 10
                2.3. License setup ............................................................................................ 18
                       2.3.1. Floating license ............................................................................... 18
                       2.3.2. Node-locked license ........................................................................ 19
                2.4. Removing OpenECU ................................................................................. 20
                2.5. Integration notes for third party tools ........................................................... 21
                       2.5.1. Microsoft Windows 10 ..................................................................... 21
                       2.5.2. MATLAB ......................................................................................... 21
                       2.5.3. PiSnoop ......................................................................................... 22
                       2.5.4. ATI Vision ...................................................................................... 22
                       2.5.5. ETAS INCA calibration tool .............................................................. 23
                       2.5.6. Vector CANape ............................................................................... 24
                       2.5.7. Wind River (Diab) C Compiler v5.9.4.8 ............................................. 24
                       2.5.8. Python ............................................................................................ 25
          3. Change log .......................................................................................................... 26
                3.1. Feature sets .............................................................................................. 26
                3.2. Version numbering ..................................................................................... 26
                3.3. Product marked as deprecated or end-of-life ............................................... 27
                       3.3.1. Deprecated items ............................................................................ 27
                       3.3.2. End-of-life items .............................................................................. 29
          A. Contact information .............................................................................................. 94

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                                                              ii
OpenECU Developer Software Installation and Release Note - Release 3.1.0-FS r2021-1
Chapter 1. Release details
          1.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
          1.2. Summary of releases ........................................................................................... 1

          This document details generic release version 3.1.0-FS r2021-1 of the OpenECU developer
          software and related tools, created on 31-Mar-2021. Some changes may not be backwards
          compatible with older versions; please review the release notes to determine if there are
          enhancements, bugs, or compatibility considerations in this release that impact you.

1.1. Introduction
          This document is split into sections which detail how to install OpenECU, integrate OpenECU
          with supporting tools, what changes have been made to OpenECU software, and how to
          contact OpenECU technical support.

          • Procedural steps to install the OpenECU software are given in the Installation section.

             Review the installation steps to become familiar with the options available when OpenECU
             is installed. In some cases, it is beneficial to have installed other packages before
             OpenECU but this is not essential. Integration with other software packages is described

          • Integration with various third party applications supplied by other companies are detailed
            in the Third party tools requirements and Integration notes for third party tools section.

             Review the integration notes to become familiar with what tools OpenECU requires and
             how OpenECU integrates and uses these tools. In some cases, you must change the
             environment or tools before using OpenECU.

          • A detailed change log to each release version of the OpenECU developer software is given
            in the Change log section. A summary of each release is given in the Summary of releases

             Review the release notes to determine if there are enhancements, bugs, or compatibility
             considerations in this release that impact you.

             If you are upgrading from a software version other than the most recent one, review the
             current release notes and all interim versions. For example, when you upgrade from v1.2
             to v1.4, review the release notes for v1.3 and v1.4.

          • A full User Guide and associated set of help files are installed as part of this install package
            and can be accessed through Window's Start Menu, via an HTML browser or through the
            MATLAB help browser.

          • If you find an issue with OpenECU or require technical support, contact details can be
            found in the Contact information section.

1.2. Summary of releases
          This table provides quick access to what's new and changed in each version of OpenECU.

                        The version, and sometimes name, assigned to the release. A
                        description of version numbering is given in the Version numbering

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                                                            1
OpenECU Developer Software Installation and Release Note - Release 3.1.0-FS r2021-1
Release details

                   New Features
                      New features introduced by this version, or significant changes to
                      existing features. New features are grouped into similar functional areas
                      making it easier to find related changes.

                   Fixes and Improvements
                       Fixes or improvements to existing features with details of why they were
                       previously wrong. As with new features, fixes and improvements are
                       similarily grouped into functional area.

                   Backwards compatible
                      Whether the changes in the release retain backwards compatibility
                      with the immediately prior release. If the release is not backwards
                      compatible, review the changes which affect backward compatibility to
                      determine if the release affects your application.

                   Firmware upgrade
                       Whether there is a change in the release which might require a firmware
                       upgrade. The firmware of the ECU makes up the boot, reprogramming
                       and, in some cases, other permanently resident functionality of the ECU.
                       If the release indicates the need for for a firmware upgrade, review the
                       changes which affect the firmware to determine if the new or changed
                       features affect you.

Table 1.1. Summary of releases
Release       New features                 Fixes and improvements Backwards              Firmware
                                                                  compatible             upgrade
3.1.0         Communications [33],         Application programming No                    Yes
(r2021-1)     Diagnostics                  interface [34],
              (communications and fault    Calibration [35],
              handling) [33],              Code generation [36],
              Input/output                 Communications [38],
              drivers [33],                Diagnostics
              Third party tool             (communications and fault
              support [33]                 handling) [39],
                                           documentation [40],
                                           Firmware (boot and
                                           reprogramming) [39],
                                           Target ECU [39],
                                           Third party tool
                                           support [40]
3.0.4 (build- Calibration [43]             Code generation [43],        Yes              No
time-eval)                                 User
                                           documentation [44],
                                           Examples [44],
                                           Firmware (boot and
                                           reprogramming) [44],
                                           Target ECU [44]
3.0.3         No                           Target ECU [45]              Yes              Yes
3.0.2         No                           Firmware (boot and           Yes              Yes
(r2019-2)                                  reprogramming) [46],
                                           Target ECU [46]
3.0.1         No                           Application programming      Yes              No
(qca-1)                                    interface [47]

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                           2
OpenECU Developer Software Installation and Release Note - Release 3.1.0-FS r2021-1
Release details

Release       New features                Fixes and improvements Backwards     Firmware
                                                                 compatible    upgrade
3.0.1         No                          Communications [48]      Yes         No
3.0.0 (FS-    Application programming     Application programming No           Yes
r2019-1)      interface [49],             interface [50],
              Third party tool            Calibration [50],
              support [49]                Code generation [50],
                                          Communications [51],
                                          (communications and fault
                                          handling) [52],
                                          documentation [55],
                                          Firmware (boot and
                                          reprogramming) [53],
                                          Target ECU [53],
                                          Third party tool
                                          support [54]
2.6.1         No                          Diagnostics               Yes        Yes
(m550-21)                                 (communications and fault
                                          handling) [55],
                                          storage [56]
2.6.1         No                          No                       Yes         No
2.6.1         No                          Communications [57]      Yes         No
2.6.1         No                          Diagnostics               Yes        No
(m550-18)                                 (communications and fault
                                          handling) [57]
2.6.1         No                          Diagnostics               Yes        No
(m550-17)                                 (communications and fault
                                          handling) [58],
                                          storage [58]
2.6.1         Code generation [59]        Diagnostics               Yes        Yes
(m550-16)                                 (communications and fault
                                          handling) [59],
                                          Target ECU [59]
2.6.1         Firmware (boot and          No                       Yes         Yes
(m550-15)     reprogramming) [60]
2.6.1         No                          No                       Yes         No
2.6.1         Firmware (boot and          No                       Yes         Yes
(m550-13)     reprogramming) [61]
2.6.1         Diagnostics                 Code generation [64],     No         Yes
(m550-12)     (communications and fault   Communications [64],
              handling) [62],             Diagnostics
              Firmware (boot and          (communications and fault
              reprogramming) [62],        handling) [64],

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                  3
OpenECU Developer Software Installation and Release Note - Release 3.1.0-FS r2021-1
Release details

Release       New features                Fixes and improvements Backwards     Firmware
                                                                 compatible    upgrade
              Input/output                Firmware (boot and
              drivers [63],               reprogramming) [65],
              Real-time operating         Input/output
              system [63]                 drivers [65],
                                          Real-time operating
                                          system [66],
                                          Target ECU [66],
                                          Third party tool
                                          support [67]
2.6.1         Input/output drivers [67]   No                        Yes        No
2.6.1         Application programming     Application programming   No         Yes
(m550-10)     interface [68],             interface [70],
              Communications [68],        Calibration [71],
              Target ECU [69],            Communications [71],
              Third party tool            Examples [72],
              support [70]                Input/output
                                          drivers [72],
                                          Target ECU [73]
2.6.1         Communications [73],      No                          No         Yes
(m550-9)      Diagnostics
              (communications and fault
              handling) [75]
2.6.1         Target ECU [76]             Application programming   Yes        Yes
(m550-8)                                  interface [77],
                                          Code generation [77],
                                          Communications [77],
                                          drivers [77],
                                          storage [78]
2.6.1         Input/output drivers [79]   Application programming Yes          Yes
(m550-7)                                  interface [79],
                                          Calibration [79],
                                          (communications and fault
                                          handling) [80],
                                          Firmware (boot and
                                          reprogramming) [80],
                                          Target ECU [81]
2.6.1         Input/output                Application programming Yes          Yes
(m550-6)      drivers [82],               interface [82],
              Target ECU [82]             Diagnostics
                                          (communications and fault
                                          handling) [83],
                                          Target ECU [83]
2.6.1         Non-volatile                Calibration [84]          Yes        No
(m550-5)      storage [84],
              Target ECU [84]
2.6.1         No                          Firmware (boot and        Yes        Yes
(m550-4)                                  reprogramming) [85],

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                  4
OpenECU Developer Software Installation and Release Note - Release 3.1.0-FS r2021-1
Release details

Release       New features              Fixes and improvements Backwards     Firmware
                                                               compatible    upgrade
                                        drivers [85],
                                        Target ECU [86]
2.6.1         Input/output              Calibration [87]       Yes           Yes
(m550-3)      drivers [87],
              Target ECU [87]
2.6.1         Calibration [88]          Communications [89],   Yes           Yes
(m550-2)                                User
                                        documentation [89],
                                        drivers [89],
                                        Target ECU [89]
2.6.0         Application programming   Communications [92]    Yes           Yes
(m550-1)      interface [90],
              Communications [91],
              Target ECU [92]

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                5
OpenECU Developer Software Installation and Release Note - Release 3.1.0-FS r2021-1
Chapter 2. Installation
          2.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 6
                2.1.1. Third party tool requirements ..................................................................... 6
                2.1.2. Third party tool requirements — C-API ....................................................... 6
                2.1.3. Third party tool requirements — Simulink-API ............................................. 6
                2.1.4. Third party tool requirements — installation ................................................ 7
                2.1.5. Third party tool requirements — compatibility ............................................. 8
          2.2. Installing OpenECU ........................................................................................... 10
          2.3. License setup .................................................................................................... 18
                2.3.1. Floating license ....................................................................................... 18
                2.3.2. Node-locked license ................................................................................ 19
          2.4. Removing OpenECU ......................................................................................... 20
          2.5. Integration notes for third party tools ................................................................... 21
                2.5.1. Microsoft Windows 10 ............................................................................. 21
                2.5.2. MATLAB ................................................................................................. 21
                2.5.3. PiSnoop ................................................................................................. 22
                2.5.4. ATI Vision .............................................................................................. 22
                2.5.5. ETAS INCA calibration tool ..................................................................... 23
                2.5.6. Vector CANape ....................................................................................... 24
                2.5.7. Wind River (Diab) C Compiler v5.9.4.8 ..................................................... 24
                2.5.8. Python .................................................................................................... 25

2.1. Introduction
          This chapter describes the installation process for the OpenECU Simulink Blockset package,
          C-API package, and its dependencies.

2.1.1. Third party tool requirements
          OpenECU developer software has been tested to work with Windows 10.

2.1.2. Third party tool requirements — C-API
          For C based development, OpenECU-FS requires one of the following compiler tools:

          • Wind River Diab compiler

          To program and calibrate an OpenECU with an application, OpenECU integrates with the
          following calibration tools. Only one calibration tool is required:

          • PiSnoop

          • ATI VISION

          • ETAS INCA

          • Vector CANape

2.1.3. Third party tool requirements — Simulink-API
          For Simulink model based development, OpenECU requires (at a minimum) the following
          MathWorks tools:

          • MATLAB (base product)

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                                                            6
OpenECU Developer Software Installation and Release Note - Release 3.1.0-FS r2021-1

          • Simulink (to develop the models)

          • Simulink Coder (to generate C code from the models)

          • MATLAB Coder (Simulink Coder depends on this)

          In addition, if you need to add state diagrams to the model, then you will also need:

          • Stateflow (to develop state flow diagrams inside your model) Simulink Coder generates C
            code from the state flow diagrams inside your model.

          Simulink Coder generates C code which does not lend itself to efficient repeatable testing.
          When creating a production version of your product, you may need better control of the
          structure of the C code generated from the model to reduce the cost of testing the C code
          against any industry standards. Under these circumstances you will also need:

          • Embedded Coder (to generate C code from the models)

          To compile the generated C code (from either Simulink Coder or Embedded Coder), you will
          need one of the following compilers:

          • Wind River Diab compiler

          To program and calibrate an OpenECU with an application, OpenECU integrates with the
          following calibration tools. Only one calibration tool is required:

          • PiSnoop

          • ATI VISION

          • ETAS INCA

          • Vector CANape

2.1.4. Third party tool requirements — installation
          OpenECU works with a number of applications (both required and optional) supplied by other
          companies. If you intend to use OpenECU with one of the following tools, it is best to install
          them before OpenECU. The installer will then integrate the OpenECU developer software
          with these applications. See OpenECU Compatibility with Third Party Tools for a list of
          supported versions.

          • MATLAB

          • ETAS INCA calibration tool

          OpenECU works with a number of other applications, but these need not be installed prior
          to the OpenECU developer software.

          • Simulink Coder, formerly Real-Time Workshop, (optional)

          • Embedded Coder, formerly Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder, (optional):

          • Stateflow

          • Wind River (Diab) C compiler

          • PiSnoop

          • ATI Vision calibration tool

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                             7
OpenECU Developer Software Installation and Release Note - Release 3.1.0-FS r2021-1

              • Vector CANape calibration tool

2.1.5. Third party tool requirements — compatibility
              OpenECU has been tested against the latest versions of each tool listed below. OpenECU
              may work with other versions of these applications, but Pi only provides technical support
              for the latest version.

              Operating system

              OpenECU works with the following operating systems.

              • Microsoft Windows

Version                 License          Installation and setup                      Troubleshooting
Win 10                  Issued by        Installation instructions provided          No known issues
                        Microsoft        by Microsoft.
                                         No special setup required.
   OpenECU developer software may not function correctly on encrypted drives. OpenECU developer software must be able to
create files on the host file system. If using an encrypted drive, be sure that permission settings will allow OpenECU to create
files. Pi Innovo cannot provide support for issues with encrypted drives.

              Modeling tools

              A modeling tool allows the user to diagrammatically describe their application logic and
              control. That tool generates source code which OpenECU automatically builds into an
              application using a compiler (next section). OpenECU supports the following modeling tools.

              • Mathworks MATLAB/Simulink

Version                 License          Installation and setup                      Troubleshooting
R2015a                  Issued by        Installation instructions provided          No known issues
(deprecated)            Mathworks        by Mathworks.
R2015b                                   Setup requires MATLAB's
(deprecated)                             PATH variable to be adjusted,
32-bit                                   which the OpenECU installer
                                         can do for you, see OpenECU
                                         Developer Software Installation
                                         and Release Note.

                    Mathworks by default only gives the "latest" versions of its tools as downloads from
                    their website, which may not be the qualified version.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                                                     8

                Because of this, you will need to install MATLAB using a ISO image for [Rxxxx]. That
                will install the General Release for [Rxxx] without any updates.

                Once installed, you will then need to manually update to [Rxxxx] [specific update]
                using the installation package on Only a License Administrator can
                download the ISO and the update files.

                How do I download a MATLAB ISO archive?


                How can I download and install a MATLAB Update manually?



           A compiler translates C source code (either written by hand or generated by a modeling tool)
           into machine code that runs directly on the ECU.

           All OpenECU targets use Freescale PowerPC microcontrollers. The M560 and M580
           use an MPC5746C for the primary microcontroller and SPC560P34 for the secondary

           See the Technicical Specification for your target for more information.

           • Wind River Diab compiler

Version            License        Installation and setup               Troubleshooting
v5.9.4.8           Issued by      Installation instructions provided   Known Defects for Diab v5.9.4.8
                   Wind River     by Wind River.
                                  Setup requires the Window's
                                  PATH environment variable to
                                  be adjusted, or an OpenECU
                                  specific environment variable
                                  to be created, see Integration
                                  notes for Diab v5.9.4.8.

           Programming, Data Logging, and Calibration Tools

           OpenECU requires a tool to program (or “Flash”) the ECU with the application code from
           compilation. Once programmed, the ECU will execute the application. Interaction with the
           executing application requires a data logging or calibration tool to read and write information
           in the application.

           These tools have been tested for reprogramming, data logging, and calibration capabilities.
           Some of them have many other features which have not been tested with OpenECU.

           • Pi Snoop

Version            License        Installation and setup               Troubleshooting
Any                Issued by Pi Installation instructions provided     No known issues.
                                by Pi with the tool.
                                No special setup required.

           • ATI Vision

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                                9

Version                License         Installation and setup                    Troubleshooting
v2.5 through           Issued by       Installation instructions provided        OpenECU Developer Software
v6.0                   ATI             by ATI.                                   Installation and Release Note,
                                                                                 “ATI Vision, Known defects”
                                       The following Vision toolkits are
                                       typically used when working
                                       with OpenECU: Data Acquisition
                                       Toolkit, Calibration Toolkit,
                                       Universal ECU Interface
                                       Standard Toolkit, APOLLO
                                       Data Analysis Toolkit, CAN
                                       Interface Toolkit and HORIZON
                                       Scripting/Remote API Toolkit.
                                       In particular, the HORIZON
                                       Scripting/Remote API Toolkit is
                                       required if OpenECU builds are
                                       to generate Vision strategy files
 The OpenECU method of configuring ATI Vision uses standardised ASAP2 files. As a result, all future versions of Vision are
expected to be backwardly compatible (e.g., version 3.7 and version 4.0 are known to be compatible).

             • ETAS INCA

Version                License         Installation and setup                    Troubleshooting
v7.2.7                 Issued by       Installation instructions provided        No known issues.
                       ETAS            by ETAS.
                                       Setup requires INCA to read
                                       the ProF files for OpenECU
                                       for reprogramming purposes,
                                       which the OpenECU installer
                                       can do for you, see OpenECU
                                       Developer Software Installation
                                       and Release Note.

             • Vector CANape

Version                License         Installation and setup                    Troubleshooting
v8 through v17.0 Issued by             Installation instructions provided        No known issues.
                 Vector                by Vector.
                                       No special setup required.

2.2. Installing OpenECU
             The installer program, openecu_platform_3_1_0_FS_r2021-1.exe, installs all the
             necessary files for the OpenECU platform. This file can be obtained from the Pi Document
             and Download Center web page [].

             The installation process for the OpenECU developer software is performed by a wizard. To
             run the wizard, execute the appropriate installer program. The installation can be stopped at
             any point by selecting the Cancel button.

             The installer requires that the user has administrative rights to make changes on the
             computer. If a user without rights is trying to execute the installer a dialog box will be
             displayed and the installation stops. Login with an administrator account or contact your
             network administrator and try again.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                                              10

          If a version of an OpenECU installer is already running, a dialog box will appear saying so.
          Select OK (which stops the current installer) and change to the other OpenECU installer to

          If a version of MATLAB is running, a dialog box will appear saying so. Quit all instances of
          MATLAB, then select OK to continue installation.

          The installation process starts with an introduction. Select Next to continue.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                           11

          The next windows to appear present the license agreement for using OpenECU developer
          software and related software. Read the license agreements and if acceptable, select I accept
          the terms of the License Agreement and then Next. If not acceptable, do not install the

          The next window to appear provides a number of components that can be installed or

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                           12

          The following table breaks out each of the components:

          Table 2.1. Install components
           Component        Required     Installed Description
                                         by default
           Platform         Yes          Yes       A selection of packages to install, including the
                                                   C-API and Sim-API components.
           OpenECU          Yes          Yes       Install the Simulink interface to OpenECU,
           Sim-API                                 documentation and support packages.
           Blockset         Yes          Yes       Install the OpenECU blockset.
           Sim-API          (optional)   Yes       Install the OpenECU blockset, ECU Technical
           Manuals                                 Specifications and other documentation in
           (HTML)                                  HTML format.
           Sim-API          (optional)   Yes       Install the OpenECU blockset, ECU Technical
           Manuals                                 Specifications and other documentation in PDF
           (PDF)                                   format.
           Sim-API          (optional)   Yes       Install some examples of how to use the
           Examples                                OpenECU blockset.
           OpenECU C-       Yes          Yes       Install the OpenECU C-API files and libraries.
           C-API            Yes          Yes       Install the C interface to OpenECU,
                                                   documentation and support packages.
           C-API            (optional)   Yes       Install the OpenECU C-API User Guide,
           Manuals                                 ECU Technical Specifications and other
           (HTML)                                  documentation in HTML format.
           C-API            (optional)   Yes       Install the OpenECU C-API User Guide,
           Manuals                                 ECU Technical Specifications and other
           (PDF)                                   documentation in PDF format.
           C-API            (optional)   Yes       Install some examples of how to use the
           Examples                                OpenECU C interface.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                              13

           Component        Required     Installed Description
                                         by default
           Extended         (optional)   No          Install the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) library.
           Diagnostics                               This library is available at extra cost.
           Python           Yes          Yes         Install the Python application. This application is
                                                     used to provide build support when generating
                                                     and compiling the model source code.
           Tools            (optional)   No          Installs additional OpenECU tools.
           GCC              (optional)   Yes         Installs the GNU Compiler Collection (v4.7.3)
                                                     and related tools for OpenECU targets.
           lmadmin          (optional)   No          Installs the installers for the lmadmin license
           installer                                 server from flexera.
           FreeCCP          (optional)   No          Installs the FreeCCP programming tool (note
                                                     that this tool is provided without support or
           Integration      (optional)   Yes         Options to have the OpenECU installer integrate
                                                     OpenECU with third party tools, like MATLAB
                                                     and INCA.
           MATLAB           (optional)   Yes         During installation, the OpenECU blockset is
           Integration                               integrated into MATLAB's PATH.
           INCA-ProF        (optional)   No          During installation, INCA-ProF is update to
           Integration                               understand how to program an OpenECU.
           Start Menu       (optional)   Yes         During installation, the Window's Start menu
           Shortcuts                                 is updated to include shortcuts to installed

          Adjust the component selection as required (especially if you require the installer to update
          an installed copy of ETAS INCA) and select the Next button.

          The next window asks for a destination path to be specified. By default, the installer presents
          a path to your local drive.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                              14

             If the default path is changed, ensure that only digits, upper and lower case letters and
             the _ character are used to specify directory names. An installation path that includes
             any space characters will cause problems later on.

          If the MATLAB integration component was selected, the next window presented provides a
          list of installed and compatible versions of MATLAB. The example here shows that OpenECU
          should be integrated with MATLAB R2008b.

          Select which versions of MATLAB will be used with OpenECU and select the Next button.
          If no version should be updated select None.

          If no compatible versions of MATLAB were found, the next window presents the command
          to run to add OpenECU to MATLAB (more details given in Section 2.5.2, “MATLAB”).

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                                15

          If the INCA-ProF integration component was selected, the next window presented provides
          a list of installed versions of INCA.

          Select which versions of INCA will be used with OpenECU and select the Next button. If no
          version should be updated select None.

             If any version of INCA is selected, then the installer will add OpenECU integration to
             all versions of INCA. This is simply a consequence of the way INCA works.

          If no versions of INCA were found, the next window presents details on how to achieve this
          by hand (more details given in Section 2.5.5, “ETAS INCA calibration tool”). The instructions
          should be carried out when INCA-ProF runs.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                             16

          If the Start Menu Shortcuts component was selected, then the next window presented asks
          the user to select where in the Start menu the OpenECU items will be added. During install,
          the installer adds short cuts to the documentation components selected and to the OpenECU
          uninstall application.

          Once installation has completed, the user is provided an option to read the getting started
          guide, the release notes and to visit the OpenECU web site.

             Getting started guide
             If you are a first time user of OpenECU, it is strongly recommend following the
             getting started guide, which covers what tools can be used with OpenECU and how to
             configure OpenECU and those tools to work together.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                          17

             Release notes
             If you are installing a new version of OpenECU, it is strongly recommended that
             you read the release notes. Some releases of OpenECU change the functionality of
             features which may have an impact on existing applications.

2.3. License setup
          Machine identification generated by the license tools is required to activate an OpenECU
          platform license.

          This section is a quick setup guide to get OpenECU working with your license. Consult
          the license administration guide for more information on license management and
          administration. This document is provided with the installation at "[install path]\doc_user

2.3.1. Floating license
          To setup a floating license, the vender daemon will have to be run on the designated license
          server as well as have a license file on that machine. This section describes setting up the
          vendor daemon for a floating license. Server
          • After installing the platform, copy the files in "[install path]\tools\flexera\i86_n3\" to your
            designated license server. On that machine, run lmtools.exe.

          • Select the "System Settings tab", check "Include Domain", and press the button that says
            "Save HOSTID Info to a File".

          • Email the file to Pi Innovo with the purchase order. When the purchase is complete, Pi will
            send you a valid license file. (Or if you have already completed the purchase, reply to the
            welcome email with this information)

          • It is recommended that lmadmin license server manager be used to serve licenses. Run
            the lmadmin installer to install the software. Once the installation is complete, copy the
            vender daemon, openecu.exe, into the install directory, "C:\Program Files (x86)\FlexNet
            Publisher License Server Manager\".

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                               18

          • Start the license server manager. You can then use the web interface to upload the license
            file and start serving your license.

               If a license has not yet been purchased, email the file to Pi Innovo with the purchase
               order. When the purchase is complete, Pi will send a valid license file. If the purchace
               has already been completed, reply to the welcome email with this information.

          • It is recommended that lmadmin license server manager be used to serve licenses. Run
            the lmadmin installer and start the license server manager. The web interface can then be
            used to upload the license file and start serving your license.

               Details on installing and using the lmadmin tool are in Chapter 9 of the License
               Administration Guide, "[install path]\doc_user\License-Administration-Guide.pdf".

               lmgrd is also provided with the platform as an alternative to lmadmin; consult Chapter
               10 of the License Administration guide for details on its use. Client
          • On      the     user    development      machine, set the environment variable
            OPENECU_LICENSE_FILE to @to tell the OpenECU platform to look
            for a floating license from the license server.

2.3.2. Node-locked license
          To setup a node-locked license, a license file must be placed on the development machine.

          • After installing the platform, run the file: '[install path]\tools\flexera\i86_n3\lmtools.exe'

          • Select the "System Settings tab", check "Include Domain", and Press the button that says
            "Save HOSTID Info to a File" (see screen shot above)

          • Email the file to Pi Innovo with the purchase order. When the purchase is complete, Pi will
            send you a valid license file. (Or if you have already completed the purchase, reply to the
            welcome email with this information) If a license has not yet been purchased, email the
            file to Pi Innovo with the purchase order. When the purchase is complete, Pi will send a
            valid license file. If the purchace has already been completed, reply to the welcome email
            with this information.

          • Copy the file to the directory "C:\openecu" or update the OPENECU_LICENSE_FILE
            environment variable with the location of your file.

             A floating license can be temporarily assigned as a node-locked license by navigating
             to '[install path]\tools\flexera\i86_n3\' and executing 'lmutil lmborrow' in a command
             window. To get more information run 'lmutil lmborrow help'.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                                    19

2.4. Removing OpenECU
          Navigate through the Windows All Programs Start Menu shortcuts and find the OpenECU
          Developer Software directory. Select the version of OpenECU to remove and run the

          The uninstaller requires that the user has administrative rights to make changes on the
          computer. If a user without rights is trying to execute the uninstaller a dialog box will be
          displayed and the uninstaller stops. Login with an administrator account or contact your
          network administrator and try again.

          If a version of an OpenECU uninstaller is already running, a dialog box will appear saying
          so. Select OK and change to the other OpenECU uninstaller to continue.

          The uninstaller presents the location of the previous install to remove. Select the Uninstall
          button to continue (this will remove that version of OpenECU) or select the Cancel button
          to stop the uninstall.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                           20

          When uninstalling, if this version of OpenECU is present in MATLAB's PATH, then the
          uninstaller will not remove the reference. Next time MATLAB is started, it will try to gain
          access to the deleted OpenECU directory and will raise an error. When this occurs, manually
          remove the OpenECU directories by selecting MATLAB's menu option File->Set Path....

             The OpenECU uninstaller does not remove the INCA-ProF configuration files for CCP.

2.5. Integration notes for third party tools
2.5.1. Microsoft Windows 10 Integration
          The installer integrates the OpenECU package with Windows 10 by modifying the Start menu,
          by modifying some registry items and by copying files to a local drive. Known defects/issues
          OpenECU developer software may not function correctly on encrypted drives. OpenECU
          developer software must be able to create files on the host file system. If using an encrypted
          drive, be sure that permission settings will allow OpenECU to create files. Pi Innovo cannot
          provide support for issues with encrypted drives.

2.5.2. MATLAB Integration
          The installer integrates the OpenECU package with MATLAB and Simulink. However, if for
          any reason the installer could not find an installed version of MATLAB, the user can manually
          integrate the OpenECU blockset by issuing the following MATLAB commands:
            addpath   '[install   path]\openecu'
            addpath   '[install   path]\openecu\rtw\c\openecu_ert\code_templates'
            addpath   '[install   path]\openecu\rtw\c\openecu_ert'
            addpath   '[install   path]\openecu\rtw\c\openecu_grt'
            addpath   '[install   path]\openecu\rtw\c\openecu_grt_rsim'
            addpath   '[install   path]\openecu\mex_r'
            addpath   '[install   path]\openecu\mfile'
            addpath   '[install   path]\openecu\model'

             where the text [install path] is replaced by the installed location of the OpenECU
             blockset, e.g., c:\openecu\platform\1_9_2; and the text  is replaced
             with the major version of MATLAB (e.g., 2013b or 2013b_64 for 64-bit versions of

          Once the path has been added, the user can check the OpenECU version by issuing the
          following MATLAB command:

            ver openecu

          A correct response will look something like:

          OpenECU Blockset (Pi Innovo) Version  

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                            21

          If nothing is printed, or an error message is returned, then the path specified by the addpath
          command was incorrect and should be changed. Known issues
          • Open: When loading an OpenECU model, Simulink may issue warnings similar to this:

              Warning: Model '...' was last saved using an old version (...) of Simulink.
              For advice on upgrading this model to the current version of Simulink, see
              the Upgrade Advisor.
              > In oe_test_required_platform_vers at 26
                In oe_make_rtw_hook at 153
                In openecu_make_rtw_hook at 6
                In general\private\openmdl at 13
                In open at 159
                In uiopen at 167

            Workaround: Turn off the Notify when loading an old model option in Simulink's

2.5.3. PiSnoop Integration
          Unlike some other calibration tools, during installation there is nothing special to be done
          when integrating PiSnoop and OpenECU. Known defects/issues

2.5.4. ATI Vision Integration
          Unlike some other calibration tools, during installation there is nothing special to be done
          when integrating Vision and OpenECU.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                            22
Installation Known defects/issues
          • Open: integration issues with OpenECU while creating a Vision VST (strategy) file.

            There have been integration issues between Vision and OpenECU, when the user
            requests a build create a Vision VST (strategy) file. If OpenECU cannot create a strategy
            file, then it may be necessary to register the COM interface for Vision by running the
            RegisterCOMInterface.bat file included in the install of ATI Vision.

          • Open: does not operate correctly with encrypted hard drives.

            There have been reports of Vision interacting poorly with encrypted hard drives. At the
            moment, it is not clear what the problem might be. On one occasion, Pi worked with ATI
            and a customer and determined a work around that is not understood. The work around
            was to rename the executable file for Vision to something longer than 11 characters.

          • Open: some earlier versions do not support CCP seed/key correctly.

            ATI Vision 2006 (v3.2) is the earliest version for which CCP seed/key security has been
            validated by Pi Innovo. Earlier versions may support CCP seed/key security (see the
            relevant Vision documentation) but bugs in the CCP implementation on various targets
            are known to exist. ATI have recommended that earlier versions should not be used, or
            should be used with caution.

2.5.5. ETAS INCA calibration tool Integration
          The installer integrates the OpenECU package with the ETAS INCA tool. However, if for
          any reason the installer could not find an installed version of INCA, the user can manually
          integrate the necessary ProF component.

          The INCA-ProF tool programs OpenECU over CCP using a set of configuration files. In order
          to manually integrate these configuration files, the user must run INCA, open an experiment,
          select manage memory then flash programming.

          The user is then presented with a dialog box to browse ProF configurations, or a ProF settings
          dialog box (in which case the user must select Configure...).

          With the browse ProF configurations dialog box, select the "Install..." button and browse to
          the install location of OpenECU:

          [install path]\tools_integration\inca_prof

          and select OK. This will have manually installed the INCA-ProF configuration file for

             If manually integrating and the ProF files cannot be found in the location above, then re-
             run the OpenECU installer and select the Integration -> INCA-ProF Integration option
             and try again. Known defects/issues

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                                 23

2.5.6. Vector CANape Integration
          Unlike some other calibration tools, during installation there is nothing special to be done
          when integrating CANape and OpenECU. Known defects/issues

2.5.7. Wind River (Diab) C Compiler v5.9.4.8 Installation
          The Wind River (Diab) compiler can be installed by running the file setup.exe from
          the supplied media — several options will be presented during the compiler install and the
          following responses should be used:

          • On Choose your Activation Type window, select one of the following options:

            • Permanent activation if you have been assigned with a license file from Wind River,
              usually named WRSLicence.lic. The full path should point to the license file.

            • Temporary activation if you wish to use the Wind River (Diab) compiler on an evaluation
               basis, or temporary basis until a permanent license is provided.
          • If using a single version of the Wind River (Diab) compiler, either setup the
            OPENECU_DIAB_5_9_4_8 environment variable as described in the next point, or adjust
            Window's system path to include the absolute path to the compiler's bin directory.
          • If using multiple versions of the Wind River (Diab) compiler (for instance, when you are
            using two or more versions of OpenECU which require different versions of the Wind River
            (Diab) compiler), the environment variable OPENECU_DIAB_5_9_4_8 must be set to the
            absolute path to the compiler's bin directory. This macro must terminate in a “\” and must
            use the DOS 8.3 short naming convention.

            E.g., D:\Progra~1\diab\5_9_4_8\win32\bin\ Known defects
          There is a compiler defect in which the optimizer may ignore local variable assignments under
          certain cases. Compiler patch diab_5_9_4_8_patch_TCDIAB-14743 is available from the Pi
          Innovo website. Known issues
          • Closed: compiling the main model file can take a long time.

            Small models compile in a short period of time, but once the code presented to the compiler
            exceeds a limit, the compiler takes a long time to compile the main model file (model-

            Workaround: the compiler sets aside an amount of memory for the compilation phase
            and if the size of the model code exceeds the limit, the compilation slows down. This can
            be avoided by increasing the size of the compiler's buffer using a command line option.
            Add the pcomp_CompileOptions block to the model, set the mode parameter to Add
            to options and set the compiler options parameter to -Xparse-size=100000. If the
            compilation is still slow, increase the option value further.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                           24

2.5.8. Python
          Python is general purpose, high level interpreted programming language, distributed under
          the PSF license which allows use in non open-source commercial applications. The license
          can be found in the [install path]\tools\python\license.txt file. Installation
          Python is a required component of the OpenECU installation. Known defects
          None identified. Known issues
          • Open: When using OpenECU, Python may raise an error about an incorrect DLL. For
            example, “The procedure entry point for X could not be located in the dynamic link library
            py[name].dll”. This can occur if another application installed on the same machine as
            OpenECU has also installed Python (for instance, dSpace ControlDesk).

            Workaround: Browse to the Windows system directory. Depending on the version of
            Windows, this will be one of:

              c:\windows\system32; or

            Locate the DLL referred to in the error message. The file will start with the characters “py”
            and end with “.dll”. Group all Python DLLs and move them to a temporary location, then
            restart OpenECU.

            Temporarily moving DLLs will cause the other application to run incorrectly (and if DLLs
            unrelated to Python are inadvertantly moved, then the applications that rely on those DLLs
            may not run correctly). You can resolve this by returning the moved DLLs to their original
            location, or possibly moving the DLLs to the location of the installed applications.

               The OpenECU installation of Python does not write files to the Windows directories,
               or modify global registry entries relating to Python. As such, the OpenECU
               installation of Python is entirely local to OpenECU and will not affect other packages.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                                25
Chapter 3. Change log
          3.1. Feature sets ......................................................................................................   26
          3.2. Version numbering .............................................................................................       26
          3.3. Product marked as deprecated or end-of-life .......................................................                   27
                3.3.1. Deprecated items ....................................................................................         27
                3.3.2. End-of-life items ......................................................................................      29

          Use these release notes, a log of changes to the software packages over time, when
          upgrading to a newer version to learn about:

                     New Features
                        New features introduced by this version, or significant changes to
                        existing features;

                     Fixes and Improvements
                         Fixes or improvements to existing features with details of why they were
                         previously wrong;

                     Outstanding Issues
                        Any issues known to cause problems in the latest release.

3.1. Feature sets
          As described in the installation section, some features are provided as standard and some
          features are optional (for instance, the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) library). The release note
          details changes for all feature sets, standard and optional, regardless of the feature sets
          selected during installation.

          Optional feature sets include:

          • Firmware support for ISO reprogramming

          • Firmware support for J1939 reprogramming

          • ISO 15765 messaging support for J1979, KPW2000 and UDS

          • J1939 messaging support for various DMs (DM1 and DM2 transmit and decode included
            as standard)

          • Extended diagnostic trouble code support (basic DTC support included as standard)

          • In-use performance ratio, diagnostic test monitoring and entity support

          • Freeze frame capture and storage support

3.2. Version numbering
          Each software release has a version number and an optional tag. Each combination of
          version number and tag is unique.

                     Version number
                        A version number consists of three numbers, separated by periods:
                        major, minor and sub-minor. For instance, the version number 1.8.3 has
                        a major number of 1, a minor number of 8, and a sub-minor number of 3.
                        A version number is more recent than another, when its numerical value
                        is larger. For instance, version 1.8.3 is more recent than version 1.7.5.

                     Version tag
                        A version tag is a textual string used to identify development versions
                        of the software, and typically ends with a tag number. For instance, the

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                                                            26
Change log

                       version tag pre-dev-2 would indicate the second development release
                       of the software.

                       Tags which start with pre indicate that the software is based on an earlier
                       version and that the final release of the software is likely to have the
                       same version number. For instance, the version number and tag 1.8.3-
                       pre-dev-3 indicates that the software is based on a version earlier than
                       1.8.3 and the final version of software will be 1.8.3.

                       Tags which start with post indicate that the software is based on the
                       same version and that the final release of the software is likely to have
                       the next version number. For instance, the version number and tag
                       1.8.3-post-dev-3 indicates that the software is based on the release
                       version of 1.8.3 and the final version of software will be 1.8.4.

3.3. Product marked as deprecated or end-of-
          From time to time, Pi will announce when parts or features of the product become deprecated
          or have reached their end-of-life. This section details deprecated and end-of-life items
          identified prior to this release. An up-to-date list can be found on the Pi Innovo website (http://

                     Features of the product that will no longer be available or supported in
                     the future. Announcement of deprecation indicates features that should
                     be avoided. Features may become deprecated for different reasons. For
                     instance, an ECU may become redundant due to component availability.
                     Or it may be that a feature is considered extraneous and may be
                     removed to simplify the product.

                       Deprecated features remain available for a limited period of time to
                       allow transition to a replacement (if one is appropriate). For example,
                       if a Simulink model is developed using MATLAB R2008b and support
                       for MATLAB R2008b becomes deprecated, then support for MATLAB
                       R2008b will continue for a period of time to allow the model to be
                       transitioned to another version of MATLAB.

                     Announcement of end-of-life follows deprecation, indicating features
                     that are no longer available or supported. For instance, an ECU that
                     is announced end-of-life will no longer be available for purchase.
                     Requesting support for a version of the developer software marked end-
                     of-life will result in a request to upgrade to a supported version of the

3.3.1. Deprecated items
                  Developer software features
                     The following Sim-API developer software features will be removed in
                     a future release:

Block                           Replacement
put_SignalGapDetection          This functionality can be implemented with native Simulink

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                                 27
Change log

Block                         Replacement
put_SignalPrepare             This functionality can be implemented with native Simulink
put_SignalValidate            This functionality can be implemented with native Simulink
put_FaultCheck                This functionality can be implemented with native Simulink
put_RangeCheck                This functionality can be implemented with native Simulink
put_SlewRateCheck             This functionality can be implemented with native Simulink
pai_AnalogInput               Use the pai_BasicAnalogInput block to read analog inputs,
                              range and slew rate checks can be implemented with native
                              Simulink blocks.
pnv_AdaptiveMap1d             Use the pnv_file block to manage NVM data storage.
pnv_AdaptiveMap2d             Use the pnv_file block to manage NVM data storage.
pnv_AdaptiveScalar            Use the pnv_file block to manage NVM data storage.
pnv_array                     Use the pnv_file block to manage NVM data storage.
put_Calmap1d                  Use the Simulink 1-D Lookup Table.
put_Calmap2d                  Use the Simulink 2-D Lookup Table.
put_Debounce                  This functionality can be implemented with native Simulink
put_BufferedRateTransition    Use the Simulink rate transition blocks.
                            Use the Simulink rate transition blocks.
prtw_ShowSampleTimeColoursUse the built-in Sample Time Display in Simulink.
pcx_CANStatus                 Replaced by the pcx_BusStatus block in version 1.8.4.

                      The following C-API developer software features will be removed in a
                      future release:

Function                                Replacement
pax_set_input_update_rate()             No replacement, no longer required since version
pax_set_output_update_rate()            No replacement, no longer required since version
pcfg_softswitch_m460()                  Replaced by pcfg_setup_m460() in version
pcx_is_bus_unavailable()                Replaced by pcx_get_bus_state() in version
pdx_set_input_update_rate()             No replacement, no longer required since version
pdx_set_output_update_rate()            No replacement, no longer required since version
pss_set_switch()                        Replaced by pss_set_safety_switch() in
                                        version 1.7.3.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                         28
Change log

Declaration Types                          Replacement
volatile const                             Replaced by the OE_CAL macro in v2.2.0 for
                                           cross compiler compatibility when declaring or
                                           defining calibrations. Other variable types should
                                           not change the use of those qualifiers.

                       The following supporting software will be removed in a future release:

Tool                                       Replacement
FreeCCP                                    Replaced by PiSnoop []
                                           (demo or trial available on request).

                   Third-party tools
                       The following third-party tool support will be removed in a future release.

Third party tool                Replacement
MathWorks MATLAB R2015a MATLAB latest version (see Pi Innovo's website [http://
              ] for a
MathWorks MATLAB R2015b
                        complete list of supported versions of MATLAB).
MathWorks MATLAB R2016a
MathWorks MATLAB R2016b
MathWorks MATLAB R2017a
MathWorks MATLAB R2017b

3.3.2. End-of-life items
                   Developer software
                      The following developer software releases are marked end-of-life and
                      are no longer supported.

Developer software              Replacement
Up to Version 3.0.2 (r2019-2) Version 3.0.3 (r2019-3) or later.

                   Developer software features
                      The following Sim-API developer software features are marked end-of-
                      life and have been removed from the developer software package:

Block                           Replacement
pj1939_Dm1Decode                Replaced by the pj1939_Dm1Receive and
                                pj1939_Dm1DecodeDtc blocks in version 2.6.0 (r2016-1).
pj1939_Dm2Decode                Replaced by the pj1939_Dm2Receive and
                                pj1939_Dm2DecodeDtc() blocks in version 2.6.0 (r2016-1).
pj1939_Dm6Transmit              Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm12Transmit             Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm16Transmit             No replacement. Use the pj1939_PgTransmit block for this
pj1939_Dm23Transmit             Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                            29
Change log

Block                         Replacement
pj1939_Dm27Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm28Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm29Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm31Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm41Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm42Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm43Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm44Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm45Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm46Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm47Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm48Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm49Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm50Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm51Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version
pj1939_Dm52Transmit           Replaced by the pj1939_TransmitDtcDm block in version

                      The following C-API developer software features are marked end-of-life
                      and have been removed from the developer software package:

Function                                 Replacement
pj1939_dm1_decode()                      Replaced by pj1939_dm1_receive() and
                                         pj1939_dm1_decode_dtc() in version 2.6.0
pj1939_dm2_decode()                      Replaced by pj1939_dm2_receive() and
                                         pj1939_dm2_decode_dtc() in version 2.6.0
pj1939_dm6_transmit()                    Replaced by pj1939_ext_dtc_transmit() in
                                         version 3.1.0.
pj1939_dm12_transmit()                   Replaced by pj1939_ext_dtc_transmit() in
                                         version 3.1.0.

Copyright 2020, Pi Innovo                                                                      30
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