Anomalous Aortic Origin of a Coronary Artery From the Inappropriate Sinus of Valsalva

Page created by Tommy Sanders
Anomalous Aortic Origin of a Coronary Artery From the Inappropriate Sinus of Valsalva
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY                                                                              VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017

                              PUBLISHED BY ELSEVIER ON BEHALF OF THE AMERICAN                                                                          ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00

                              COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY FOUNDATION                                                          

                              THE PRESENT AND FUTURE

                              STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW

                              Anomalous Aortic Origin of a
                              Coronary Artery From the
                              Inappropriate Sinus of Valsalva
                              Michael K. Cheezum, MD,a,b Richard R. Liberthson, MD,c Nishant R. Shah, MD, MPH, MSC,d Todd C. Villines, MD,e
                              Patrick T. O’Gara, MD,a Michael J. Landzberg, MD,f Ron Blankstein, MDa


                                 Anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery (AAOCA) from the inappropriate sinus of Valsalva is increasingly recognized
                                 by cardiac imaging. Although most AAOCA subtypes are benign, autopsy studies report an associated risk of sudden death
                                 with interarterial anomalous left coronary artery (ALCA) and anomalous right coronary artery (ARCA). Despite efforts to
                                 identify high-risk ALCA and ARCA patients who may benefit from surgical repair, debate remains regarding their classi-
                                 fication, prevalence, risk stratification, and management. We comprehensively reviewed 77 studies reporting the prev-
                                 alence of AAOCA among >1 million patients, and 20 studies examining outcomes of interarterial ALCA/ARCA patients.
                                 Observational data suggests that interarterial ALCA is rare (weighted prevalence ¼ 0.03%; 95% confidence interval [CI]:
                                 0.01% to 0.04%) compared with interarterial ARCA (weighted prevalence ¼ 0.23%; 95% CI: 0.17% to 0.31%).
                                 Recognizing the challenges in managing these patients, we review cardiac tests used to examine AAOCA and knowledge
                                 gaps in management. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;69:1592–608) Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of
                                 Cardiology Foundation.

                              C           ongenital coronary artery anomalies (CAA)
                                          are rare and may be broadly classified as ab-
                                          normalities of coronary artery origin, course,
                              destination, and size or number of vessels (1,2). This
                                                                                                         and anomalous right coronary artery (ARCA) arising
                                                                                                         at or above the left sinus of Valsalva. Rarely, AAOCA
                                                                                                         vessels may also arise from the “noncoronary” sinus.
                                                                                                         AAOCA are further characterized by 1 of 5 course sub-
                              review focuses on anomalous aortic origin of a coro-                       types as interarterial, subpulmonic (intraconal or
                              nary artery (AAOCA) arising at or above the inappro-                       intraseptal), pre-pulmonic, retroaortic, or retrocar-
                              priate sinus of Valsalva. Although classification of                        diac (Central Illustration). Additionally, AAOCA may
                              these cases varies (1–4), AAOCA arise from the aorta                       have an early intramural segment (within the aortic
                              by a separate ostium, shared or common ostium, or                          wall), as seen in the majority of interarterial cases.
                              as a branch vessel (5). Among subtypes, our discus-                        Among course subtypes, the potential for sudden car-
                              sion will focus on anomalous left coronary artery                          diac death (SCD) has been largely attributed to an
                              (ALCA) arising at or above the right sinus of Valsalva                     interarterial course between the aorta and pulmonary

                              From the aDepartments of Medicine and Radiology, Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical
Listen to this manuscript’s   School, Boston, Massachusetts; bDepartment of Medicine, Cardiology Service, Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, Ft. Belvoir,
audio summary by              Virginia; cDepartment of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
JACC Editor-in-Chief          Massachusetts; dLifespan Cardiovascular Institute, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Brown Uni-
Dr. Valentin Fuster.          versity Alpert School of Medicine, Providence, Rhode Island; eDepartment of Medicine, Cardiology Service, Walter Reed National
                              Military Medical Center, Bethesda Maryland; and the fDepartment of Cardiology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massa-
                              chusetts. The opinions and assertions herein are those of the authors alone, and do not represent the views of the U.S. Army,
                              Office of the Surgeon General, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. The authors have reported that they have no
                              relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.

                              Manuscript received October 7, 2016; revised manuscript received December 5, 2016, accepted January 3, 2017.
Anomalous Aortic Origin of a Coronary Artery From the Inappropriate Sinus of Valsalva
JACC VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017                                                                                       Cheezum et al.          1593
MARCH 28, 2017:1592–608                                                                                          AAOCA Review

artery (Figure 1A) (6). By comparison, a subpulmonic      for AAOCA in the absence of a clinical indi-         ABBREVIATIONS

course exits the aorta below the pulmonic valve and       cation for testing (Online Appendix A, Online        AND ACRONYMS

traverses the right ventricular outflow tract, pulmo-      Table 1) (8–12). Consequently, the true prev-
                                                                                                               AAOCA = anomalous aortic
nary infundibulum, and interventricular septum            alence of AAOCA in the general population            origin of a coronary artery
(Figure 1B) (7). Although prior studies with invasive     remains unknown.
                                                                                                               ALCA = anomalous left
angiography and echocardiography provide limited            In Figure 3, we focus specifically on the           coronary artery
visualization of these course subtypes, coronary          observed rate of interarterial ARCA and              ANOCOR = anomalous
computed tomography angiography (CTA), magnetic           interarterial ALCA cases among included              connections of coronary
resonance angiography (MRA), and intravascular ul-        studies. As shown, the frequency of inter-
trasound (IVUS) are improving characterization of         arterial ALCA is rare (weighted prevalence ¼         ARCA = anomalous right
                                                                                                               coronary artery
AAOCA vessels.                                            0.03%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.01% to
                                                                                                               CAA = coronary artery
  Although evidence demonstrates that interarterial       0.04%) by comparison with interarterial
ALCA and ARCA may be associated with an increased         ARCA (0.23%; 95% CI: 0.17% to 0.31%). The
                                                                                                               CI = confidence interval
risk of SCD among AAOCA subtypes (6), the preva-          observed prevalence of the remaining course
                                                                                                               CTA = computed tomography
lence of AAOCA and their associated absolute risk of      subtypes is listed in Online Table 2, with a         angiography
SCD in the general population is unknown. Thus,           retroaortic course comprising the most com-
                                                                                                               FFR = fractional flow reserve
controversy remains regarding the optimal approach        mon subtype (prevalence ¼ 0.28%; 95% CI:
                                                                                                               ICA = invasive coronary
to risk stratify and manage these patients. With          0.21% to 0.35%).                                     angiography
increasing recognition of AAOCA, we aimed to review                                                            IVUS = intravascular
                                                          EVALUATION OF AAOCA
the following: 1) the observed prevalence of AAOCA                                                             ultrasound

arising at or above the inappropriate sinus of Valsalva                                                        MRA = magnetic resonance
                                                          TRANSTHORACIC AND TRANSESOPHAGEAL
with attention to the interarterial course subtype; 2)                                                         angiography
                                                          ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY. TTE            is a common
the use of cardiac testing to examine AAOCA; 3) out-                                                           PCI = percutaneous coronary
                                                          technique used to evaluate young patients            intervention
comes of interarterial ALCA and ARCA patients; and
                                                          with suspected or known cardiac disease, as a        SCD = sudden cardiac death
4) recommendations and knowledge gaps in current
                                                          noninvasive, rapid, and widely available test
management.                                                                                                    TTE = transthoracic
                                                          with low cost (Figure 4). Yet TTE has limited        echocardiography
OBSERVED PREVALENCE OF AAOCA IN                           accuracy to detect AAOCA, requiring experi-
CLINICAL PRACTICE                                         enced operators to identify coronary ostia. In a study
                                                          by Thankavel et al. (13), a standardized TTE protocol
We performed a comprehensive review of published          improved AAOCA detection from 0.02% to 0.22% of
reports to examine the observed prevalence of             patients. TTE also depends on patient habitus for
AAOCA arising at or above the inappropriate sinus of      optimal image quality. Across studies designed to
Valsalva on cardiac testing with the course subtypes      visualize AAOCA, 6% to 10% of patients were excluded
shown in the Central Illustration. Studies were           on the basis of an uninterpretable TTE (8,9). Even after
included if they examined patients by invasive coro-      excluding unsatisfactory cases, Pelliccia et al. (8)
nary angiography (ICA), transthoracic echocardiogra-      were unable to visualize the RCA ostium in 20% of
phy (TTE), coronary CTA, or MRA. Detailed methods,        young athletes, a population expected to have good
and inclusion and exclusion criteria are described in     image quality. Lastly, TTE has limited spatial resolu-
Online Appendix A, incorporating evidence from 77         tion and lacks detailed characterization of AAOCA
studies and >1 million patients undergoing cardiac        features and surrounding structures (14). Among 159
testing (Online Figure 1).                                AAOCA patients in the CHSS (Congenital Heart
  In Figure 2, we summarize the observed prevalence       Surgeon’s Society) registry, there was limited agree-
of AAOCA arising at or above the inappropriate sinus      ment (weighted kappa) between institutional and
of Valsalva as the combined rate of all course sub-       expert TTE reports and surgical findings of AAOCA
types (interarterial, subpulmonic, pre-pulmonic, ret-     measures (i.e., interarterial course, intramural course,
roaortic, and retrocardiac) across included studies. As   and acute angle takeoff) (15).
shown, there is significant variability in the observed      Transesophageal echocardiography has been used
prevalence of AAOCA, which may be attributed to           to identify AAOCA (15–23) and may be useful to
inherent referral bias, differences in age groups and     visualize CAA perioperatively (24). With the addition
presentation of various cohorts, variable inclusion       of 3-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography,
criteria and AAOCA course descriptions, and limita-       visualization of AAOCA and their relation to sur-
tions in the ability of each modality to examine          rounding anatomy may improve (25). At this time,
AAOCA. To date, few studies have screened patients        however, transesophageal echocardiography is not a
Anomalous Aortic Origin of a Coronary Artery From the Inappropriate Sinus of Valsalva
1594      Cheezum et al.                                                                                                                      JACC VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017

          AAOCA Review                                                                                                                         MARCH 28, 2017:1592–608

   C E NT R AL IL L U STR AT IO N AAOCA: Course Subtypes

   Cheezum, M.K. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;69(12):1592–608.

   The 5 main course subtypes of anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery (AAOCA) arising from the inappropriate sinus are shown: blue ¼ pre-pulmonic;
   red ¼ interarterial; orange ¼ subpulmonic; green ¼ retroaortic; purple ¼ retrocardiac. Figure prepared by Robert Cheezum and Chris Shearin (DesignVis Studios Inc.,
   Indianapolis, Indiana), and adapted with permission from Angelini et al. (80). Ao ¼ aorta; MV ¼ mitral valve; PV ¼ pulmonic valve; TV ¼ tricuspid valve.

                       routine tool to image AAOCA, considering the ability                         expertise, availability, and the strengths and limita-
                       of alternative noninvasive techniques to visualize                           tions of these techniques (Figure 4). In many centers,
                       CAA.                                                                         CTA is preferred to image AAOCA due to rapid scan
                                                                                                    times, high spatial resolution, and lower cost in
                       CORONARY CTA/MRA. Currently, coronary CTA and                                comparison to MRA. CTA has also been shown to have
                       MRA are the only Class I–indicated tests used to im-                         a high diagnostic accuracy to detect coronary artery
                       age AAOCA (26). The choice between these tech-                               stenosis when compared with ICA (27) and has the
                       niques depends on multiple factors, including local                          ability to characterize multiple AAOCA features
JACC VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017                                                                                                                      Cheezum et al.   1595
MARCH 28, 2017:1592–608                                                                                                                         AAOCA Review

   F I G U R E 1 Interarterial Versus Subpulmonic Course Subtypes

   (A) Three-dimensional volume rendering (top) and multiplanar image reconstruction (bottom) demonstrate an anomalous left main (LM)
   coronary artery with an interarterial course above the pulmonic valve (PV); (B) 3-dimensional volume rendering (top) and multiplanar image
   reconstruction (bottom) demonstrate an anomalous LM coronary artery arising from the right coronary cusp and following a subpulmonic
   course below the PV. Reprinted with permission from Cheezum et al. (5). Ao ¼ aorta; PA ¼ pulmonary artery; RV ¼ right ventricle.

(Figure 5) (5). Although CTA incurs iodinated contrast                     iodinated contrast agents, but incurs lower spatial
agents and radiation exposure, dose reduction stra-                        resolution, increased scan times, and higher cost. In
tegies (28) and CT advancements continue to improve                        experienced centers, free-breathing MRA visualizes
patient safety (29). Newer scanners routinely permit                       the coronary takeoff and course in nearly all patients
very low radiation exposures (
F I G U R E 2 Observed Prevalence of AAOCA Arising at or Above the Inappropriate Sinus of Valsalva on Cardiac Testing

                                                                         Observed Prevalence of AAOCA on Cardiac Testing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AAOCA Review
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cheezum et al.
   Study                  # AAOCA/Total Prevalence [95% Confidence Interval]                       Weight (%)   Study              # AAOCA/Total Prevalence [95% Confidence Interval]                                 Weight (%)

   Krasuski 2011           301/210,700     0.14%                                             ICA         2.98   Werner 2001          8/62,320     0.01%                                                        Echo         3.76
   Correia 2010            6/3,906         0.15%                                                         2.48   Thankavel2015        14/6,428     0.22%                                                                     3.67
   Tuncer 2006             109/70,850      0.15%                                                         2.96   Lytrivi 2008         51/14,546    0.35%                                                                     3.73
                                                                                                                                                                                 Weighted = 0.15% [0.00%-0.54%]
   Yildiz 2010             24/12,457       0.19%                                                         2.81   Pooled:              73/83,294    0.09%                                  2                                  11.16
                                                                                                                                                                                        I = 98.4%, p < 0.001
   Tuo 2013                7/3,026         0.23%                                                         2.36
   Turkmen 2013            137/53,655      0.26%                                                         2.95
   Ghadri 2014             25/9,782        0.26%                                                         2.76   Srinivasan 2008       4/1,495     0.27%                                                         CTA         3.35
   Gol 2002                156/58,023      0.27%                                                         2.95   Sato 2005             4/1,153     0.35%                                                                     3.24
   Ouali 2009              20/7,330        0.27%                                                         2.69   Knickelbine 2009      16/4,543    0.35%                                                                     3.62
   Yuksel 2013             47/16,573       0.28%                                                         2.85   Yang 2010             22/6,014    0.37%                                                                     3.66
   Harikrishnan 2002       21/7,400        0.28%                                                         2.70   Komatsu 2008          17/3,910    0.43%                                                                     3.60
   Click 1989              73/24,959       0.29%                                                         2.90   Namgung 2014          48/8,864    0.54%                                                                     3.70
   Altin 2015              17/5,548        0.31%                                                         2.61   Xu 2012               73/12,145   0.60%                                                                     3.72
   Kaku 1996               56/17,731       0.32%                                                         2.86   Cheng 2010            23/3,625    0.63%                                                                     3.59
   Pillai 2000             46/14,424       0.32%                                                         2.83   Fujimoto 2011         38/5,869    0.65%                                                                     3.66
   Aydinlar 2005           39/12,059       0.32%                                                         2.80   Park 2013             11/1,582    0.70%                                                                     3.37
   Correia 2004            13/3,660        0.36%                                                         2.45   Krupinski 2014        54/7,115    0.76%                                                                     3.68
   Akpinar 2013            101/25,368      0.40%                                                         2.90   Graidis 2015          20/2,572    0.78%                                                                     3.52
   Barriales-Villa 2006    98/23,300       0.42%                                                         2.89   Opolski 2013          73/8,522    0.86%                                                                     3.69
   Donaldson 1982          42/9,153        0.46%                                                         2.75   Pan 2015              67/7,469    0.90%                                                                     3.68
   Karaca 2007             35/7,574        0.46%                                                         2.70   Turkvatan 2013        23/2,375    0.97%                                                                     3.50
   Sohrabi 2012            30/6,065        0.49%                                                         2.64   Shabestari 2012       28/2,697    1.04%                                                                     3.53
   Aydar 2011              39/7,810        0.50%                                                         2.71
                                                                                                                Erol 2011             22/2,096    1.05%                                                                     3.46
   Tuccar 2002             25/5,000        0.50%                                                         2.58
                                                                                                                Zhang 2010            20/1,879    1.06%                                                                     3.43
   Kardos 1997             39/7,694        0.51%                                                         2.71
                                                                                                                Andreini 2010         30/2,757    1.09%                                                                     3.53
   Tuo 2013                41/7,960        0.52%                                                         2.72
                                                                                                                Nasis 2015            107/9,774   1.09%                                                                     3.70
   Cieslinski 1993         22/4,016        0.55%                                                         2.49
                                                                                                                Schmitt 2005          25/1,758    1.42%                                                                     3.41
   Topaz 1992              78/13,010       0.60%                                                         2.82
                                                                                                                Clark 2014            22/1,518    1.45%                                                                     3.36
   Kimbris 1978            44/7,000        0.63%                                                         2.68
                                                                                                                Cheezum 2017          103/5,991   1.72%                                                                     3.66
   Sivri 2012              92/12,844       0.72%                                                         2.81
                                                                                                                Ghadri 2014           38/1,759    2.16%                                                                     3.41
   Eid 2009                34/4,650        0.73%                                                         2.55
                                                                                                                Pooled:             888/107,482   0.83%                                 Weighted = 0.82% [0.68-0.99%]       85.08
   Wilkins 1988            80/10,661       0.75%                                                         2.78                                                                                2
                                                                                                                                                                                             I = 86.6%, p < 0.001
   Chaitman 1976           31/3,750        0.83%                                                         2.46
   Garg 2000               34/4,100        0.83%                                                         2.50
   Engel 1975              41/4,250        0.96%                                                         2.51   Ripley 2014         116/59,844    0.19%                                                                     3.76
   Ugalde 2010             129/10,000      1.29%                                                         2.77                                                                                                  MRA
   Angelini 1999           34/1,950        1.74%                                                         2.12
                                                                Weighted = 0.44% [0.37-0.53%]
   Pooled:                 2,166/708,238   0.31%                         2                                                                                                              Weighted = 0.70% [0.48-0.95%]
                                                                 Overall: I = 95.6%, p < 0.001
                                                                                                                                                                                             I2 = 97.7%, p < 0.001

              Invasive Coronary                    0%    0.5%      1.0%         1.5%        2.0%     2.5%                      Noninvasive                0%       0.5%      1.0%       1.5%        2.0%        2.5%
                  Angiography                                                                                               Cardiac Imaging

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  JACC VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MARCH 28, 2017:1592–608
Forest plot of anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery (AAOCA) prevalence demonstrates the combined rate of all subtypes (interarterial, subpulmonic, pre-pulmonic, retroaortic, and retrocardiac) observed by
various cardiac testing methods. As described in Online Appendix A, weighted transformations and 95% confidence intervals are shown in patients undergoing coronary computed tomography angiography (CTA),
echocardiography (Echo), invasive coronary angiography (ICA), and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA).
MARCH 28, 2017:1592–608

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   JACC VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017
F I G U R E 3 Observed Prevalence of Interarterial ALCA and ARCA on Cardiac Testing

                                                            Interarterial ALCA                                                                                       Interarterial ARCA
                          Study              N / Total       Prevalence [95% CI]                                   Weight (%)     Study                N / Total       Prevalence [95% CI]                                            Weight (%)

                          Pelliccia 1993     0/1,273         0.00%                                                       1.04%    Pelliccia 1993       0/1,273         0.00%                                                                1.78%
                          Thankavel 2015     1/6,428         0.02%                                                       2.65%    Zeppilli 1998        2/3,150         0.06%                                                                2.13%
                                                                                                        Echo                                                                                                                 Echo
                          Lytrivi 2008       4/14,546        0.03%                                                       3.37%    Davis 2001           2/2,388         0.08%                                                                2.05%
                          Labombarda 2014    1/3,229         0.03%                                                       1.92%    Lytrivi 2008         23/14,546       0.16%                                                                2.39%
                          Zeppilli 1998      1/3,150         0.03%                                                       1.90%    Thankavel 2015       13/6,428        0.20%                                                                2.29%
                          Davis 2001         2/2,388         0.08%                                                       1.61%    Labombarda 2014      8/3,229         0.25%                                                                2.14%
                                                                                                        2                                                                                                     2
                          Pooled:             9/31,014       0.03%                    Weighted = 0.02%; I =0%, p=NS      12.5%    Pooled:              40/31,014       0.13%                 Weighted = 0.13%; I =40%, p=NS                 12.78%

                                                                                                                                  Krasuski 2011        36/210,700      0.02%                                                                2.46%
                          Garg 2000          0/4,100         0.00%                                                       2.18%
                                                                                                                                  Click 1989           7/24,959        0.03%                                                                2.42%
                          Correia 2004       0/3,660         0.00%                                          ICA          2.06%
                                                                                                                                  Harikrishnan 2002    7/7,400         0.09%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ICA           2.31%
                          Mavi 2004          0/10,042        0.00%                                                       3.08%
                                                                                                                                  Ayalp 2002           5/5,253         0.10%                                                                2.26%
                          Kaku 1996          1/17,731        0.01%                                                       3.51%
                                                                                                                                  Sohrabi 2012         6/6,065         0.10%                                                                2.28%
                          Click 1989         2/24,959        0.01%                                                       3.71%
                                                                                                                                  Correia 2004         4/3,660         0.11%                                                                2.18%
                          Krasuski 2011      18/210,700      0.01%                                                       4.22%    Chaitman 1976        6/3,750         0.16%                                                                2.18%
                          Topaz 1992         4/13,010        0.03%                                                       3.29%    Tuccar 2002          8/5,000         0.16%                                                                2.25%
                          Donaldson 1983     3/9,153         0.03%                                                       3.00%    Kimbiris 1978        12/7,000        0.17%                                                                2.31%
                          Kimbiris 1978      3/7,000         0.04%                                                       2.74%    Eid 2008             9/4,650         0.19%                                                                2.23%
                          Sohrabi 2012       3/6,065         0.05%                                                       2.59%    Kaku 1996            44/17,731       0.25%                                                                2.40%
                          Wilkins 1988       6/10,661        0.06%                                                       3.13%    Topaz 1992           36/13,010       0.28%                                                                2.38%
                          Tuccar 2002        3/5,000         0.06%                                                       2.39%    Wilkins 1988         30/10,661       0.28%                                                                2.36%
                          Chaitman 1976      4/3,750         0.11%                                                       2.08%    Garg 2000            15/4,100        0.37%                                                                2.20%
                          Pooled:            47/325,831      0.01%                                           2           38.0%    Berdoff 1986         12/2,145        0.56%                                                                2.01%
                                                                                         Weighted = 0.02%; I = 69%*                                                                                                2
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Weighted = 0.16%; I = 96%*
                                                                                                                                  Pooled:             237/326,084      0.07%                                                                34.23%
                          Sato 2005          0/1,153         0.00%                                                       0.96     Srinivasan 2008      1/1,495         0.07%                                                                1.86%
                          Komatsu 2008       0/3,910         0.00%                                                       2.13
                                                                                                            CTA                   Graidis 2015         3/2,572         0.12%                                                  CTA           2.07%
                          Zhang 2010         0/1,879         0.00%                                                       1.38     Yang 2010            9/6,014         0.15%                                                                2.28%
                          Fujimoto 2011      0/5,869         0.00%                                                       2.56     Krupinski 2014       11/7,115        0.15%                                                                2.31%
                          Park 2013          0/1,582         0.00%                                                       1.22     Turkvatan 2013       4/2,375         0.17%                                                                2.04%
                          Krupinski 2014     0/7,115         0.00%                                                       2.76     Andreini 2010        6/2,757         0.22%                                                                2.09%
                          Clark 2014         0/1,518         0.00%                                                       1.19     Knickelbine 2009     10/4,543        0.22%                                                                2.23%
                          Graidis 2015       0/2,572         0.00%                                                       1.69     Cheng 2010           8/3,625         0.22%                                                                2.17%
                          Namgung 2014       1/8,864         0.01%                                                       2.97     Lee 2012             53/22,925       0.23%                                                                2.42%
                          Yang 2010          1/6,014         0.02%                                                       2.59     Opolski 2013         20/8,522        0.23%                                                                2.33%
                          Knickelbine 2009   1/4,543         0.02%                                                       2.29     Park 2013            4/1,582         0.25%                                                                1.88%
                          Ashrafpoor 2015    1/4,160         0.02%                                                       2.20     Sato 2005            3/1,153         0.26%                                                                1.73%
                          Opolski 2013       3/8,522         0.04%                                                       2.93     Ashrafpoor 2015      14/4,160        0.34%                                                                2.21%
                          Turkvatan 2013     1/2,375         0.04%                                                       1.61     Komatsu 2008         14/3,910        0.36%                                                                2.19%
                          Erol 2011          1/2,096         0.05%                                                       1.48     Nasis 2015           36/9,774        0.37%                                                                2.35%
                          Cheezum 2017       3/5,991         0.05%                                                       2.58     Shabestari 2012      11/2,697        0.41%                                                                2.90%
                          Cheng 2010         2/3,625         0.06%                                                       2.05     Erol 2011            9/2,096         0.43%                                                                2.00%
                          Schmitt 2005       1/1,758         0.06%                                                       1.32     Fujimoto 2011        27/5,869        0.46%                                                                2.28%
                          Nasis 2015         8/9,774         0.08%                                                       3.05     Namgung 2014         41/8,864        0.46%                                                                2.34%
                          Ghadri 2014        2/1,759         0.11%                                                       1.32     Ghadri 2014          11/1,759        0.63%                                                                1.93%
                          Srinivasan 2008    2/1,495         0.13%                                                       1.17     Schmitt 2005         11/1,758        0.63%                                                                1.93%
                          Andreini 2010      4/2,757         0.15%                                                       1.76     Cheezum 2017         40/5,991        0.67%                                                                2.28%
                          Torres 2010        10/6,000        0.17%                                                       2.58     Zhang 2010           13/1,879        0.69%                                                                1.95%
                          Shabestari 2012    5/2,697         0.19%                                                       1.74     Clark 2014           12/1,518        0.79%                                                                1.86%
                                                                                                             2                                                                                                         2
                          Pooled:            46/98,028       0.05%                       Weighted = 0.03%; I = 54%*      47.5%    Pooled:             371/114,953      0.32%                      Weighted = 0.32%; I =73%*                 50.82%

                          Angelini 2015       6/3,529        0.17%                                       MRA             2.0%     Angelini 2015        12/3,529        0.34%                                                  MRA           2.17%

                                                                                   Weighted = 0.03% [0.01%-0.04%]                                                                                  Weighted = 0.23% [0.17%-0.31%]
                                                         Summary                           2                                                                        Summary                               2
                                                                                           I = 68%, p < 0.001                                                                                            I = 94%, p < 0.001

                                                                      0%      0.25%     0.5%       0.75%          1.0%    1.25%                                                0%   0.25%       0.5%     0.75%             1.0%     1.25%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     AAOCA Review
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Cheezum et al.
Forest plot of interarterial anomalous left coronary artery (ALCA) and anomalous right coronary artery (ARCA) prevalence observed by various cardiac testing methods. Weighted transformations and 95% confidence
intervals (CI) are shown in patients undergoing CTA, Echo, ICA, and MRA. Abbreviations as in Figure 2.

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            AAOCA Review                                                                                                                      MARCH 28, 2017:1592–608

   F I G U R E 4 Anatomic Tests Used to Characterize AAOCA Vessels

                                     Echo                       CTA                         MRA                           ICA                         IVUS

         Indication for
                                       -                       Class I                      Class I                     Class IIa                    Class IIa
        AAOCA Imaging
                                0.8 × 1.5 mm
       Spatial Resolution                               0.5 mm (isotropic)          1.0 mm (volumetric)                  0.3 mm                  0.15 × 0.25 mm
                             (4-MHz transducer)
                                   30 msec                 75-175 msec                 60 – 120 msec                   7-20 msec                     Variable
       Visualize surround
                                    Limited                                                                                 X                           X

       Dynamic imaging              Limited                   Limited                      Limited
                                                                                                                  (Limited at ostium)
                             Noninvasive, rapid        Noninvasive, rapid           Noninvasive                  Availability                  Dynamic imaging
                             Widely available          Visualize takeoff +          Visualize takeoff +          Improved spatial and          Evaluation of
                             Low cost                  course + surrounding         course + surrounding         temporal resolution           proximal narrowing
                                                       structures                   structures                   Ancillary techniques
           Strengths                                   Evaluate CAD                 Evaluate cardiac             (IVUS, OCT, FFR)
                                                       Examine multiple             function, perfusion and
                                                       AAOCA features *             prior MI
                                                                                    Avoid radiation &
                                                                                    iodinated contrast

                             Limited accuracy for       Limited availability        Limited availability         Invasive; Cost                Invasive
                             detection of AAOCA         lodinated contrast          Cost and scan-time           Contrast and radiation        Cost
                             Dependent on body          Radiation (low dose,        increased vs. CTA            Limited visualization of      Difficulty engaging
                             habitus and operator       e.g. 2-8 mSv now            Spatial resolution           ostium, proximal              anomalous vessel
                             technique                  routine)                    decreased vs. CTA            course, surrounding

   Comparison of available anatomic tests used to characterize AAOCA vessels. Adapted with permission from Angelini and Flamm (44). Echocardiography image courtesy
   of Daniel Shindler and Sudha Patel (Rutgers–Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey). *See Figure 5 for CTA-identified AAOCA features.
   CAD ¼ coronary artery disease; FFR ¼ fractional flow reserve; IVUS ¼ intravascular ultrasound; MI ¼ myocardial infarction; OCT ¼ optical coherence tomography; other
   abbreviations as in Figures 1, 2, and 3.

                          AAOCA vessels. In a registry of 13 hospitals and                            typically measured at the point of maximal narrowing
                          23,300 ICA cases, the initial course of anomalous                           in diastolic phase imaging. Yet systolic compression
                          coronary arteries was not identified in 41% of patients                      of proximal AAOCA vessels may be observed in cases
                          (n ¼ 40 of 98) (40). When ICA detects AAOCA, many                           with an early intramural course. As in patients with
                          patients are referred for CTA or MRA to improve                             deep myocardial bridging, prolonged pressure on
                          visualization. In our previously reported experience,                       coronary arteries during systole and early diastole
                          44% of AAOCA cases (n ¼ 45 of 103) were referred for                        may decrease coronary blood flow. In these cases,
                          CTA after a prior ICA (5). Nonetheless, more recent                         IVUS offers superior resolution to image coronary
                          use of specialized ICA catheters may improve the                            arteries throughout the cardiac cycle and is accord-
                          detection and characterization of AAOCA, particularly                       ingly designated as having a Class IIa indication to
                          when combined with IVUS.                                                    identify mechanisms of coronary flow restriction (26).
                             As a technique with high spatial and temporal                            Although IVUS is low risk, engaging AAOCA vessels
                          resolution, IVUS offers excellent dynamic imaging                           may be difficult in cases with ostial narrowing, an
                          (41,42) (Figure 4). Considering that the majority of                        ostial ridge, or an acute angle takeoff. Additional care
                          coronary artery perfusion in left-sided epicardial                          is needed during IVUS to distinguish vessel spasm
                          vessels occurs during diastole, stenosis grading is                         from true narrowing (43). In a review by Angelini and
JACC VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017                                                                                                                           Cheezum et al.         1599
MARCH 28, 2017:1592–608                                                                                                                              AAOCA Review

   F I G U R E 5 CTA-Identified AAOCA Features

   (A) Multiplanar axial computed tomography reconstruction at level of the coronary artery takeoff demonstrating AAOCA ostia types (separate ostium, shared ostium,
   and branch vessel). (B) Proximal vessel morphology in double oblique view using the percentage of lumen diameter narrowing compared with normal distal reference
   (not shown), stratified by normal, oval shape (
1600   Cheezum et al.                                                                                                                                     JACC VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017

       AAOCA Review                                                                                                                                        MARCH 28, 2017:1592–608

                        T A B L E 1 Autopsy Studies of SCD in ARCA/ALCA Patients

                                                                 Total Number of Autopsy
                                                                                                                                               % of ARCA/ALCA      % of ARCA/ALCA
                                                                 Patients With ARCA/ALCA                  Coronary-Related SCD
                                                                                                                                                Deaths During       Asymptomatic
                          First Author, Year (Ref. #)              ARCA              ALCA            ARCA (%)              ALCA (%)                Exercise         Before Death

                        Cheitlin et al., 1974 (55)                  18                33            0 of 18 (0)          9 of 33 (27)               78                    *
                        Kragel and Roberts, 1988 (56)               25                 7            8 of 25 (32)           5 of 7 (71)               *                    38
                        Taylor et al., 1992 (57)                    24                28                  *             23 of 28 (82)                *                   66
                        Taylor et al., 1997 (58)                    21                 9            4 of 21 (19)          8 of 9 (89)               83                   66
                        Frescura et al., 1998 (59)                   7                 4              4 of 7 (57)         4 of 4 (100)               75                  50

                        *Not reported. Adapted with permission from Mirchandani and Phoon (6).
                          ALCA ¼ anomalous left coronary artery; ARCA ¼ anomalous right coronary artery; SCD ¼ sudden cardiac death.

                   may be associated with more transient mechanisms of                                     risk of SCD (Table 1). By these studies, the risk of SCD
                   ischemia (46,47). Recognizing rare, but potential                                       appears highest in young individuals and particu-
                   difficulties with invasive testing, Lee et al. (45) noted                                larly in interarterial ALCA, during or following a
                   that 1 patient developed an ostial ARCA dissection                                      period of strenuous exertion. A significant portion
                   during ICA, and placement of a guiding catheter was                                     (38% to 66%) of ALCA and ARCA patients have no
                   not possible in 2 patients.                                                             reported         symptoms           before     sudden     death,      thus
                   NONINVASIVE                     FUNCTIONAL              TESTING. Several                limiting efforts to detect these patients antemortem.
                   studies have assessed the functional significance of                                     Despite this, the incidence of SCD from CAA in large
                   AAOCA by exercise treadmill testing and stress                                          cohorts of young athletes and screening populations
                   myocardial perfusion imaging (5,48–53). Gräni et al.                                    is exceedingly rare (Table 2). Given the rarity of
                   (54) examined 46 adults (mean age 56  12 years) with                                   these cases, current guidelines do not support uni-
                   CTA-identified AAOCA (26 interarterial, 20 other) by                                     versal pre-participation cardiac testing to screen for
                   single-photon emission computed tomography and                                          AAOCA in asymptomatic athletes (63). This remains
                   found that myocardial ischemia or scar was only                                         an evolving issue, with studies and clarification
                   present in patients with concomitant coronary artery                                    needed to consider screening options. Currently,
                   disease. Notably, vasodilator testing was used in 50%                                   the      American           Heart    Association       and    American
                   of patients. Yet exercise stress is preferable for eval-                                Academy of Pediatrics offer various tools for indi-
                   uating patients with AAOCA when considering that a                                      vidualized risk assessment (64,65). Additionally, a
                   majority of SCD cases attributed to AAOCA occur with                                    multidisciplinary task force held by the National
                   strenuous exercise (Table 1) (6,55–60). Nonetheless,                                    Collegiate Athletic Association provided a recent
                   both exercise treadmill testing and stress myocardial                                   consensus statement on cardiovascular care of col-
                   perfusion imaging may yield false-positive and false-                                   lege athletes (66).
                   negative results (46,47,61). Among 27 young athletes
                                                                                                           OUTCOME STUDIES: REVASCULARIZATION VERSUS
                   with AAOCA (23 ALCA, 4 ARCA) described by Basso
                                                                                                           CONSERVATIVE                  MANAGEMENT. To            examine out-
                   et al. (62), 6 patients had a normal exercise treadmill
                                                                                                           comes of interarterial ALCA and ARCA patients, we
                   test before SCD. Consequently, the absence of
                                                                                                           performed a comprehensive review of published data
                   ischemia during stress testing cannot be viewed as
                                                                                                           using detailed methods and inclusion and exclusion
                   reassuring currently, particularly when potentially
                                                                                                           criteria as described in Online Appendix B. Among
                   high-risk anatomic features are present (i.e., proximal
                                                                                                           5,459 abstracts in our initial search of published re-
                   vessel narrowing) (5,26). Ongoing studies are needed
                                                                                                           ports, we identified 20 studies reporting outcomes
                   to define the optimal approach to risk stratification
                                                                                                           (death,          revascularization,             symptoms,           and/or
                   of these patients and to compare the accuracy of
                                                                                                           myocardial infarction) with at least 20 ALCA/ARCA
                   various tests used to detect AAOCA narrowing and
                                                                                                           patients and >1 year of follow-up (Online Figure 2). As
                                                                                                           described in Table 3, the incidence of AAOCA-related
                   OUTCOMES                                                                                death in available follow-up is rare, incorporating
                                                                                                           evidence from 8 imaging cohorts, 10 selected revas-
                   SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH. To date, several autopsy                                          cularization cohorts (9 surgical, 1 percutaneous cor-
                   studies have demonstrated that interarterial ALCA                                       onary intervention [PCI]), and 2 systematic reviews.
                   and ARCA patients are associated with an increased                                      Notably, only 2 included studies in adult cohorts of
JACC VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017                                                                                                                                                    Cheezum et al.   1601
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    T A B L E 2 Population Studies of SCD

                                                                                                                                                       Deaths Attributed
                                                                                                                        Sudden Deaths                       to CAA
    First Author, Year (Ref. #)                   Population                       N           Duration, yrs      Total, n (%)      Cardiac, n        n       Incidence

    Wren et al., 2000 (81)             England, children 1 to                 806,000               10            270 (0.03)            26            0           0
                                          20 years of age
    Eckart et al., 2004 (82)           U.S. military recruits                6,300,000              25            126 (0.002)           64            21    1 in 300,000
    Corrado et al., 2006 (83)          Italy, population 12–35 yrs of         4,379,900             26                  *              320            21    1 in 208,567
    Redelmeier and Greenwald,          Runners from 26 U.S.                   3,292,268             30           26 (0.0008)            21            2     1 in 1,646,134
       2007 (84)                          marathons
    Maron et al., 2009 (85)            U.S. competitive athletes                   *                27             1,866 (*)          1,049           119         *
    Chugh et al., 2009 (86)            Oregon county, children                660,486†               3                8 (*)              3            0           *
                                          #17 years of age
    Harris et al., 2010 (87)           U.S. triathletes                        959,214               3             14 (0.001)            7             1    1 in 959,214
    Harmon et al., 2011 (88)           NCAA athletes                           393,932               5             80 (0.02)            45             *          *

    *Not reported. †Total population of Multnomah County, Oregon, including children and adults. Adapted with permission from Peñalver et al. (89).
      CAA ¼ coronary artery anomalies (comprising all types of CAA; anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery subtype not reported); NCAA ¼ National Collegiate Athletic
    Association; SCD ¼ sudden cardiac death.

predominantly ARCA patients (>97%) have examined                                          management remain an evolving topic, with partic-
a     primary          approach          of     conservative            therapy,          ular debate regarding the indications for surgical
observing a very low mortality rate (
T A B L E 3 Outcomes of Interarterial ARCA/ALCA Patients (Studies With $20 Patients and at Least 1 Year of Follow-Up)

First Author, Year                                                                       Total N                            Surgery (n)      PCI (n)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AAOCA Review
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Cheezum et al.
      (Ref. #)           Year                Population              Age, yrs         (ARCA/ALCA)         Follow-Up, yrs   (ARCA/ALCA)    (ARCA/ALCA)                 Comments/Morbidity

                                                                                               Imaging Cohorts

Kaku et al. (48)         1996         17,731 adults referred for     56  12           44 (44/0)            5.6  4.2        0 (0/*)           *        All patients treated conservatively and no deaths
                                          ICA                                                                                                               attributed to ARCA.
Lytrivi et al. (90)      2008         14,546 children referred        45              27 (23/4)            2.5  3.0        6 (5/1)           *        No deaths attributed to ARCA/ALCA among
                                          for TTE                                                                                                          22 patients with follow-up.
Krasuski et al. (91)     2011         210,700 adults referred        58  14           54 (36/18)         9.2 [4.5–16.1]    28 (20/8)          *        Among 301 AAOCA, similar all-cause mortality
                                         for ICA                                                                                                          with surgery (n ¼ 36 of 94, 38%) vs. no
                                                                                                                                                          surgery (n ¼ 95 of 207, 46%). Among 54 IAC,
                                                                                                                                                          lower all-cause mortality with surgery (n ¼ 5
                                                                                                                                                          of 28, 18%) vs. no surgery (n ¼ 12 of 26,
                                                                                                                                                          46%), but underpowered for comparison. No
                                                                                                                                                          perioperative deaths occurred.
Lee et al. (92)          2012         22,925 adults referred for     56  12            53 (53/*)          2.5 [0.8–3.9]     8 (8/*)           *        1 CV death, 3 nonfatal MI, 8 UA in follow-up
                                          CTA                                                                                                              among 53 with IAC. Angina more common in
                                      53 IAC vs. 34 subpulmonic                                                                                            IAC group vs. subpulmonic course (43% vs.
                                          ARCA                                                                                                             6%, p ¼ 0.001)
Opolski et al. (67)      2013         8,522 adults referred for      56  13           22 (20/2)             1.3  1.0        2 (1/1)          *        Among 72 AAOCA, 97% (n ¼ 70 of 72)
                                         CTA                                                                                                              conservatively managed, with no deaths or MI
                                                                                                                                                          attributed to AAOCA; 27% had worsened
                                                                                                                                                          symptoms. Syncope more common in IAC
                                                                                                                                                          compared with no IAC (33% vs. 9%,
                                                                                                                                                          p ¼ 0.04).
Ripley et al. (38)       2014         59,844 adults referred       54 [40–64]           64 (†/†)           4.3 [2.5–7.8]     23 (†/†)          *        13 single coronaries with unclear course.†
                                         for MRA                                                                                                            3 deaths not attributed to IAC.
Nasis et al. (49)        2015         9,774 adults referred for      58  13           44 (36/8)             2.3  1.3       9 (6/3)           *        No cardiac deaths or acute coronary syndrome in
                                         CTA                                                                                                               follow-up.
Cheezum et al. (5)       2017         5,992 adults referred for      52  17           43 (40/3)           5.8 [3.8–7.8]     13 (12/1)         *        2 late ($90-day) CV deaths in ARCA patients, not
                                         CTA                                                                                                                attributed to ARCA vessel.

                                                                                          Revascularization Cohorts

Osaki et al. (53)        2008         31 ARCA/ALCA patients;          67              31 (18/13)           4.8†/1.9†        7 (0/7)           *        1 patient with symptoms after surgery; 1 cardiac
                                          subset of 7 ALCA with                                                                                             death (care withdrawn POD1 for neurological
                                          surgery                                                                                                           impairment after resuscitation); No surgery/
Davies et al. (93)       2009         36 ARCA/ALCA surgical          44  16           36 (21/15†)           1.1  2.8      36 (21/15)         *        2 LAD included;† 1 (3%) recurrent symptoms;
                                         repair                                                                                                            1 death from subdural bleed.
Frommelt et al.          2011         27 ARCA/ALCA surgical           13  4           27 (20/7)              1.8 [*]       27 (20/7)          *        No ischemic symptoms or deaths in follow-up.
   (94)                                  repair                                                                                                            7 patients with trivial AI.
Mumtaz et al. (95)       2011         22 ARCA/ALCA unroofing           15 [*]            22 (15/7)                1.4 [*]    22 (15/7)          *        1 (5%) with chest pain but normal ICA post-
                                                                                                                                                            operatively. No deaths in follow-up.
Kaushal et al. (96)      2011         27 ARCA/ALCA surgical          14  12           27 (25/2)             1.2  0.1      27 (25/2)          *        2 (7%) with noncardiac symptoms. No deaths or

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               JACC VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017
                                         repair                                                                                                             significant morbidity.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MARCH 28, 2017:1592–608
Mainwaring et al.        2014         74 ARCA/ALCA surgical           15 [*]           74 (47/27)             6.0 [*]       74 (47/27)         *        1 heart transplant; remaining patients free of
   (51)                                  repair                                                                                                             cardiac symptoms. No deaths.
Wittlieb-Weber         2014/2007      24 ARCA/ALCA surgical           12 [*]           24 (16/8)              5.3 [*]       24 (16/8)          *        13 (54%) with follow-up symptoms, none with
   et al. (97)/                          repair                                                                                                             ischemia. Normal quality of life when reported
   Brothers                                                                                                                                                 (n ¼ 12). No deaths, 1 emergent reoperation
   et al. (52)                                                                                                                                              POD1, 2 post-operative infections, 4 mild AI,
                                                                                                                                                            11 effusions (1 requiring drainage).
                                                                                                                                                                                    Continued on the next page
JACC VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Cheezum et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1603
MARCH 28, 2017:1592–608                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             AAOCA Review

and, in selected individuals, the benefits of revascu-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         AAOCA ¼ anomalous aortic origin of the coronary artery; AI ¼ aortic insufficiency; BMS ¼ bare-metal stent; CTA ¼ computed tomography angiography; CV ¼ cardiovascular; DES ¼ drug-eluting stent; F/U ¼ follow-up; IAC ¼ interarterial course; ICA ¼ invasive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      coronary angiography; IVUS ¼ intravascular ultrasound; LAD ¼ left anterior descending artery; MRA ¼ magnetic resonance angiography; MI ¼ myocardial infarction; PCI ¼ percutaneous coronary intervention; POD ¼ post-operative day; SD ¼ standard deviation; TTE ¼
                                                                                                                                                                related deaths. n ¼ 10 had clinically indicated

                                                                                                                                                                restenosis (n ¼ 2 BMS, n ¼ 2 DES) and n ¼ 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                otherwise no significant operative morbidity.
                                                                                                                                                                follow-up ICA, including n ¼ 4 with in-stent

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                No deaths in follow-up. Weighted average.†
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2.2% symptoms, 9.2% morbidity, 0.6% cardiac
larization likely outweigh the benefits of surgery.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   97% free of symptoms attributed to coronary

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     prosthetic valve. No perioperative deaths.
                                                                                                                                                             Symptoms improved in PCI subset. No ARCA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1 (2%) with severe AI after ALCA unroofing,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     anomaly; 1 death from endocarditis of a
Conversely, a conservative approach may be reason-

                                                                                                                 1 (1%) late noncardiac death. No cardiac
able in asymptomatic individuals with interarterial

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  death (n ¼ 2 of 325) in follow-up
ARCA, no proximal vessel narrowing, and no evi-

                                                                                                                                                                with late-stent thrombosis.
dence of ischemia. Ultimately, we recognize that the

                                                                                                                     symptoms at follow-up.
optimal management strategy likely varies as a
function of individual age, presentation, anatomy,
and physiology.
SURGICAL REPAIR. When a decision is made to pur-
sue surgical repair, evidence suggests that coronary
artery bypass graft should be avoided in the absence
of concomitant obstructive coronary artery disease,
given the potential for competitive flow from native

                                                                                                                                                             42 (42/*)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            4 (*/4)
vessels to cause graft failure. Although a discussion of


surgical repair techniques is beyond the scope of this
review, coronary unroofing is generally preferred in
patients with an early intramural course, when

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               326 (*/326)
                                                                                                                 75 (69/6)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   29 (24/5)
feasible.   Alternatively,   coronary   reimplantation,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            57 (*/57)
                                                                                                                                                             3 (3/*)

fenestration, neo-ostia formation, or combination
techniques provide additional options. In all cases,
care must be taken to avoid iatrogenic injury to the
aortic valve commissure and its support.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3.8  0.8
                                                                                                                                                            5.0  2.9
                                                                                                                1.6  0.2



                                                                                    Revascularization Cohorts

evidence exists regarding the use of PCI in patients
with interarterial ALCA or ARCA. In a study of 42

predominantly adult patients (mean age 48 years,
range 12 to 73 years) with interarterial ARCA under-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           326 (*/326)
                                                                                                                 75 (69/6)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   29 (24/5)
                                                                                                                                                             67 (67/*)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            72 (*/72)

going PCI, the rate of in-stent restenosis was 13% by
serial IVUS (42). In that study, 29% of patients had
recurrent symptoms during a median follow-up
period of 5 years. Although coronary artery bypass
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Values are mean  SD [IQR] unless otherwise indicated. *Not applicable or not reported. †Median value.

graft guidelines acknowledge that PCI has been used
                                                                                                                40  20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            36  22
                                                                                                                                                            48  12

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  43  3

in adults with anomalous coronary arteries (71), a

recent American College of Cardiology/American
Heart Association Task Force recommends, “surgical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      transthoracic echocardiogram; UA ¼ unstable angina; other abbreviations as in Table 1.

procedures are the only therapies available for cor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   259 patients with AAOCA;

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               62 with no follow-up,
                                                                                                                 75 ARCA/ALCA unroofing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               326 ALCA surgical repair
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            264 ALCA (130 autopsy,

recting these anomalies” (72). Consequently, PCI is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               72 with follow-up)
                                                                                                                                                             42 PCI, 3 surgery, 22

currently not considered a routine option for revas-
                                                                                                                                                                medical therapy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   61 with surgery, 29
                                                                                                                                                             67 ARCA w/IVUS;

cularization in these patients.


Recommendations for exercise and disqualification
from competitive sports were the subjects of the 2015
American College of Cardiology/American Heart As-



sociation updated scientific statement (Table 4,
Available Recommendations section) (72). In ARCA
                                                            T A B L E 3 Continued

patients with symptoms, arrhythmias, or ischemia on
                                                                                                                                                             Angelini et al. (42)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Nguyen et al. (68)
                                                                                                                 Sharma et al. (98)

exercise testing, restriction from all competitive sports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Feins et al. (99)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Moustafa et al.

is recommended while awaiting surgical repair.

Conversely, in ARCA patients without symptoms or a
positive exercise stress test, “permission to compete
can be considered after adequate counseling of the
1604   Cheezum et al.                                                                                                                                       JACC VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017

       AAOCA Review                                                                                                                                          MARCH 28, 2017:1592–608

                        T A B L E 4 Management of Interarterial ALCA/ARCA and Key Knowledge Gaps

                                                                        Available Recommendations in Interarterial ALCA/ARCA Management

                                                  2011 ACC/AHA Guideline for CABG (71) and                              2015 ACC/AHA Scientific Statement for Competitive Athletes
                        Class               2008 ACC/AHA Guidelines for Management of ACHD (26)                                  With Cardiovascular Abnormalities (72)

                        I               Surgical coronary revascularization for:                                                                        —
                                        —Anomalous left main with an interarterial course
                                        —Ischemia due to coronary compression (when coursing between
                                           the great arteries or in intramural fashion)
                                        —Interarterial ARCA and evidence of ischemia.
                        IIa             Surgical revascularization can be beneficial if there is vascular               ARCA patients should be evaluated by an exercise stress test. If
                                           wall hypoplasia or obstruction to coronary flow, regardless of                  normal stress test and no symptoms, permission to
                                           inability to document ischemia.                                                compete can be considered after counseling and
                                                                                                                          considering uncertain accuracy of a negative stress test.
                        IIb             Surgical coronary revascularization may be reasonable in patients              After successful surgical repair of ALCA/ARCA, athletes may
                                           with anomalous left anterior descending with a course                          consider participation in all sports 3 months after surgery if
                                           between the aorta and PA.                                                      free of symptoms and an exercise stress test shows no
                                                                                                                          evidence of ischemia or cardiac arrhythmias.
                        III                                                   —                                        Restrict ALCA patients from all competitive sports, regardless
                                                                                                                          of symptoms, before surgical repair, with possible
                                                                                                                          exception of Class IA sports.*
                                                                                                                       Restrict ARCA patients from all competitive sports before
                                                                                                                          surgical repair if symptoms, arrhythmias, or signs of
                                                                                                                          ischemia on exercise stress testing, with possible exception
                                                                                                                          of Class IA sports.*

                                                                                          Key Knowledge Gaps in AAOCA patients

                         1.   Do surgical repair, medical management, and/or exercise restriction affect the natural history of interarterial ALCA and ARCA?
                         2.   Do the risks of surgical repair outweigh potential long-term benefits?
                         3.   What is the optimal technique for AAOCA repair considering individual anatomy (e.g., intramural course, relation to commissure)?
                         4.   How should anatomic vs. functional testing guide risk stratification and management?
                         5.   Is there a role for other testing (e.g., MRI evaluation for scar, event monitoring) to risk stratify interarterial ALCA and ARCA patients?
                         6.   What is the comparative accuracy of tests used to identify AAOCA origin, course, and anatomic features (i.e., intramural course)?
                         7.   What degree of proximal vessel narrowing defines obstruction in AAOCA vessels?
                         8.   What is the true prevalence of AAOCA and the absolute risk of SCD associated with it in the general population?
                         9.   Consensus terminology and precise characterization of AAOCA are needed throughout published reports.
                        10.   Objective and clearly defined endpoints are needed to examine outcomes in AAOCA patients with prospective follow-up.

                        *IA sports: for example, bowling, cricket, golf, curling, riflery, yoga (101).
                          ACC ¼ American College of Cardiology; ACHD ¼ adult congenital heart disease; AHA ¼ American Heart Association; CABG ¼ coronary artery bypass graft; MRI ¼ magnetic
                        resonance imaging; PA ¼ pulmonary artery; other abbreviations as in Tables 1 and 3.

                   athlete and/or the athlete’s parents as to the risk and                                   collaborations are underway to improve our under-
                   benefit, taking into consideration the uncertainty of a                                    standing of these patients. The CHSS Registry of
                   negative stress test” (72). Additionally, exceptions                                      AAOCA is a multicenter study examining outcomes of
                   may be made for participation in Class IA sports (i.e.,                                   patients (age #30 years) with AAOCA managed by
                   bowling, cricket, golf, curling, riflery, yoga).                                           observation or surgery (73). CHSS includes AAOCA
                            In athletes with ALCA, “especially cases where the                               patients with an interarterial, intraseptal, and/or
                   artery passes between the pulmonary artery and                                            intramural course. The registry consists of a retro-
                   aorta” (72), restriction from all competitive sports is                                   spective cohort (diagnosis between January 1998 and
                   recommended (with the possible exception of Class                                         January 2009), and a prospective cohort diagnosed
                   IA sports) while awaiting surgical repair. After sur-                                     after January 2009. As of January 2014, 378 patients
                   gery, a return to intense activities may be considered                                    with AAOCA are included from 35 institutions (74),
                   if the patient remains asymptomatic and an exercise                                       incorporating patients from the Society of Thoracic
                   stress test shows no evidence of ischemia or cardiac                                      Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery Database (75).
                   arrhythmias.                                                                                  The registry of proximal anomalous connections of
                                                                                                             coronary arteries (ANOCOR) of the French Society of
                   FUTURE DIRECTIONS                                                                         Cardiology is a prospective multicenter observational
                                                                                                             study of patients $15 years of age with ANOCOR
                   In considering available evidence and recommenda-                                         diagnosed by ICA or CTA (76). Aims are to examine
                   tions in AAOCA management, we recognize that                                              strategies used to treat ANOCOR and their impact on
                   several key knowledge gaps remain and require                                             morbidity and mortality at 5-year follow-up with
                   further study (Table 4, Key Knowledge Gaps section).                                      scheduled completion in January 2018. As of February
                   To           examine          these         knowledge              gaps,        several   2015, the registry is composed of 472 patients
JACC VOL. 69, NO. 12, 2017                                                                                                                                          Cheezum et al.   1605
MARCH 28, 2017:1592–608                                                                                                                                             AAOCA Review

(mean age 63  13 years, range 16 to 95 years of age),                                 AAOCA patients remains uncertain. Recognizing the
including 451 (91%) with AAOCA among various                                           inherent variability in patient factors, as well as
ANOCOR subtypes (77).                                                                  institutional and provider preferences, an individu-
    Incorporating AAOCA among other causes of SCD                                      alized approach is recommended.
in young patients, the Sudden Death in the Young                                       ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to
Registry (78) will further aid studies of the incidence                                Robert Cheezum and Chris Shearin (DesignVis Studios
and mechanisms of SCD (79). With these collabora-                                      Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana) for their contribution of
tions, key knowledge gaps may be addressed to                                          the Central Illustration; Daniel Shindler and Sudha
inform public efforts and consensus guidelines, with                                   Patel (Rutgers–Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,
a common goal to improve AAOCA recognition and                                         New Brunswick, New Jersey) for their contribution of
management and prevent SCD.                                                            the echocardiography image in Figure 4; and Dr.
CONCLUSIONS                                                                            Justin Dunn (Summa Health System, Akron, Ohio)
                                                                                       and Hunain Shiwani (Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds,
The risk of SCD appears highest among patients with                                    United Kingdom) for their feedback and assistance in
interarterial ALCA and, in selected individuals, the                                   the preparation of the manuscript.
benefits of revascularization likely outweigh the risks
of surgery. However, in many individuals with ARCA                                     ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Michael K.
and an interarterial course, a conservative approach                                   Cheezum, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard
may be reasonable, particularly in older patients with                                 Medical School, Departments of Medicine and Radi-
no proximal vessel narrowing and no signs or symp-                                     ology (Cardiovascular Division), 75 Francis Street,
toms of ischemia. Nevertheless, the optimal approach                                   Boston, Massachusetts 02115. E-mail: mcheezum@
to risk stratification and management for many                                


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