Annual Review 2020 2021 - - Bath Abbey

Page created by Jordan Ramos
Annual Review 2020 2021 - - Bath Abbey
2020 - 2021

Annual Review
Annual Review 2020 2021 - - Bath Abbey
Welcome from the Rector
                                    Dear Friends
                                    Welcome to our Annual Review,        move into some greatly improved
                                    which this year looks back over      offices and a magnificent Song
                                    just the last nine months at Bath    School.
                                    Abbey - the pandemic having
                                    disturbed this reporting cycle, as Finally, I must mention the
                                    so much else in all our lives.     Abbey financial team who have
                                                                       guided us through challenges
                                    As you will see from what follows,
                                                                       which, deprived of all visitor
                                    despite a range of extraordinary
                                                                       income, have been most acute.
                                    challenges, nevertheless in this
                                                                       We have had to make painful
    Contents                        period there has truly been an
                                    immense amount to give thanks      and unavoidable decisions to
                                    for in our life together.          cut staffing costs, and we have
                                                                       survived only through essential
    Welcome from the Rector     2   First and foremost, the prayers    extra support from individual
                                    and warm encouragement of          donors, grant bodies and Diocese
    Thanksgiving                    our Abbey congregation, though     alike.
      Connecting with God in        scattered and often only able
      the Every Day             3   to gather online, have been        It has been a very tough nine
      Worship and Music      4, 5   constantly sustaining.             months. But let us thank God for
    		                                                                   his faithfulness, and rejoice in
                                    I thank God also, most especially,
    Telling                  6, 7   for my simply marvellous             signs that better times really do
                                    colleagues. Our indefatigable        lie ahead. Writing this in Easter
    Teaching                        churchwardens and PCC, and           week, I gladly borrow the title
      Learning Programme        8   amazing team of clergy and staff     of a Christian book, popular
      Youth & Families          9   members, have worked tirelessly      some years ago : “It’s Friday, but
                                    to shape and enrich the ministry     Sunday’s Coming!”
    Tending                         of the Abbey, in a constantly
       Pastoral Care           10   changing landscape.
       Safeguarding            11   We have orienteered through        Revd Canon Guy Bridgewater
                                    permissions and possibilities that Rector of Bath Abbey
    Treasuring                      have changed, repeatedly and
       Footprint Project       12   unavoidably, for the safe conduct
       Footprint Thank you's   13   of almost everything we do at
                                    Bath Abbey: for our worship,
    Transforming                    singing, streaming online,
       Mission Support         14   visitor welcome, prayer, study,
                                    fellowship, volunteering and
                                    every aspect of working together
    Financial Review           15
                                    (whether on-site, at home, or
                                    with varying degrees of furlough).
      Volunteering             16   At the same time, excitement has
       Remembering             16   steadily grown, as the Footprint
       Message from                 Project moves steadfastly
      Churchwardens            17   towards a glorious conclusion.
                                    In the last few months we have
                                    been delighted to receive back
    Photo Gallery          18, 19
                                    our beautifully restored and
                                    eco-heated Abbey floor; and at
                                    last (as I write) we are about to

Annual Review 2020 2021 - - Bath Abbey
THANKSGIVING - Worshipping and Praying

Connecting with God                    For an alternative and fundamental       Our Abbey Missioner, Stephen
                                       way to make prayer real is, of           Girling has brilliantly enabled online
in the Every Day                       course, to need God more. I believe      support during lockdown (worship,
“Deepening Abbey Prayer Life” is       many of us will look back on these       prayer, encouragement and
the headline goal we set for 2020.     last nine months, and find we have       teaching from our faithful team of
To develop our primary purpose of      indeed grown in our prayer life. We      ministers, both daily and weekly).
worshipping and praying this year,     have just had to.                        Meanwhile Chantal Mason, who we
we envisaged setting up prayer                                                  have been so delighted to welcome
                                       Others however will have struggled.
meetings, training courses, on-site                                             as our new Abbey Pastor, has
                                       Especially perhaps those shielding
resources and a prayer ministry                                                 marvellously coordinated spiritual
                                       and forced to sacrifice any way of
team.                                                                           support for those at home, but not
                                       coming together, to encourage and
                                                                                online. Thank you both, so much.
There is an old saying that the best   be encouraged. On behalf of these
way to make God smile, is to tell      especially, I pay tribute to our music   “Lord teach us to pray”, Jesus was
Him your plans! I believe that he      department for providing a stream        asked by his first disciples. The
has indeed been deepening prayer       of online worship and inspiration;       Rector says “Amen” … and waits
life at Bath Abbey – while also        and also to my two senior clergy         with bated breath, for what might
teaching us afresh that “his ways      colleagues, without whom so much         be the lessons of 2021!
are not our ways” (as Scripture        would have been impossible.
                                                                                Revd Canon Guy Bridgewater
gently reminds us).                                                             Rector of Bath Abbey

Annual Review 2020 2021 - - Bath Abbey
THANKSGIVING - Worshipping and Praying
Worship & Music                       filming these.                         had Zoom rehearsals and regular
                                                                             one-to-one sessions.
The highlight of these past few       We were also able to sing two
months was the arrival of our new     Christmas concerts with small, but     It was a delight to welcome the
Christmas recording ‘Gaudete’         live audience. Our much-loved          Girls and Boys back on 12 April
which was played on local and         Melody Makers Choir, led by Shean      and 13 April respectively and they
national radio and received           Bowers, Assistant Director of Music,   visited the brand new Song School
widespread critical acclaim.          also put together a short online       which is looking wonderful.
                                      concert to help put smiles on faces
There were three events where         at Christmas.                          We have short UK tours to look
the Choir sang fully together in                                             forward to this summer: the Boys
the autumn: The Remembrance           There was some return to normal        at Gloucester Cathedral and the
Concert, the Advent Carol Service     between September and Christmas,       Girls at St Paul’s Cathedral. The
and the Festival of Nine Lessons      with regular rehearsals and services   Lay-clerks have sung more often
just before Christmas.                in the Abbey, albeit with smaller      these past months, proving how
                                      numbers. The autumn also saw a         flexible they can be, with recording
All were recorded in advance and      few organ recitals by Shean and me.    sessions early in 2021 and during
released online only, and we were                                            Holy Week singing most days in
really grateful to Ben Sandbrook      During the November 2020 and           very small numbers and adapting to
for his outstanding contribution in   2021 lockdowns the Boys and Girls      brand new repertoire.

Annual Review 2020 2021 - - Bath Abbey
THANKSGIVING - Worshipping and Praying
One of the highlights was the recording
of Lord you have been our dwelling place
which I wrote for the Remembrance
Service on 24 March. I am grateful to
everyone for their patience, flexibility
and generosity of spirit as we have
responded to the government guidelines
these past months.
Whilst we haven’t done as much as
normal, I think the singers remain
in great heart, and apart from some
departures from voice change in the
Boys and leaving for university in the
Girls, we have only lost two singers since
March 2020, though we have gained two
as well!
Huw Williams
Director of Music

Annual Review 2020 2021 - - Bath Abbey
TELLING - Proclaiming the Gospel

    The Abbey’s vision is to be        Between lockdowns Abbey
    living and telling the good news   congregations were limited to
    of Jesus Christ. During the        a maximum of sixty however
    period covered by this report      livestreaming has extended
    the ‘telling’ has largely moved    the reach of the service to an
    onto digital platforms with the    additional online congregation.
    benefit of wider reach and the
    drawback of the loss of face to    In March, on the first anniversary
    face learning.                     of the first lockdown, the Abbey
                                       partnered in curating and
    During periods of Covid-19         hosting an online Community
    lockdown the Abbey’s weekly        Remembering Service led by the
    worship has been made              Chaplain of the RUH Bath spiritual
    available online as a curated      care centre, a highly successful
    blend of up-close and personal     and hugely appreciated initiative.
    music, teaching, prayer and        The Abbey’s ministry team have
    testimony. The online platform     continued to offer a daily Thought
    has given a high level of          for The Day from Monday to
    consistency and attracted over     Saturday, which is regularly
    three hundred ‘unique viewers’     watched by up to 120 viewers.
                                       With many of the Abbey’s caring

Annual Review 2020 2021 - - Bath Abbey
TELLING - Proclaiming the Gospel
ministries shut down due to          collective or organised effort.
Covid-19 restrictions there
                                     The Abbey’s ministry team have
has been a strong emphasis
                                     continued to work with the          " The Abbey's
upon members of the Abbey
congregation caring in their local
                                     Footprint interpretation and        vision is to
                                     education teams to help shape the
neighbourhoods. In this respect      curriculum for future formal and    be living and
‘the medium is the message’, so      informal education around the       telling the
the good news of Jesus Christ        good news of Jesus Christ.
has continued to be told through
                                                                         good news of
                                     Revd Stephen Girling                Jesus Christ. "
a myriad of local and personal
                                     Abbey Missioner
engagements rather than by

Annual Review 2020 2021 - - Bath Abbey
TEACHING - Growing as followers of Jesus

                                                                             will also create guidance on how
Learning Programme                      The National Archives, we are
                                                                             to communicate information
                                        working with the Bath Preservation
The new Learning programme              Trust and Bath Records Office        with honesty and sensitivity and
has continued to be developed           on a six-month research project      the recommendations will then
despite the restrictions. I have been   to explore Bath’s links to the       be shared with other archives
devising seven new workshops            transatlantic slave trade and the    nationally.
for schools which encompass the         history of a black presence in the   Polly Andrews
rich and impressive history of the      city by studying digitised copies    Learning Officer
Abbey. These will be on offer to        of the Bath Chronicle newspaper
primary and secondary schools           from the 18th century. Anna Riggs,
from September 2021, using the          Abbey Archivist, and her team of
new Learning room as a base for         research volunteers are looking at
workshops.                              the period 1760-80.
Costumes, art and craft activities      Since the 2020 Black Lives Matter
and high-quality digital resources      protests and the increasing
will help students to learn about       awareness of colonialism’s legacy
important subjects including the        today, the partner organisations
lives of Benedictine monks and how      feel there is an urgent need to
the Abbey is a Living Church today.     share a more inclusive history of
The major events in the Abbey’s         the Bath World Heritage Site.
history will be taught in a workshop
called ‘Bath Abbey through the          We will work with consultants
Ages’.                                  with inclusivity expertise to make
                                        the data available through a
In addition, thanks to a grant from     dedicated website. The project

Annual Review 2020 2021 - - Bath Abbey
TEACHING - Growing as followers of Jesus

Youth and Families                      Communion Service.

I have kept in touch with families      We also welcomed our newest            Our Abbey Family
by email, phone and wherever            member of the congregation, baby
possible in person.                     Penelope Fox born to Rob and Carly     Nativity Service
                                        on 15 March 2021 – mother and          featuring 'Dermot
We had great fun recording the          baby both doing well!
(socially distanced) Nativity film                                             the Donkey' was
and the families greatly appreciated    I have also helped Huw Williams,
the Family Nativity and Christmas       our Director of Music, with the        watched online
Day Services.                           weekly Choir rehearsals via zoom       by around 300
                                        and the boys in particular loved our
It was a joy to hand-deliver the        fortnightly Quiz and Games nights.     households.
Easter Activity packs to our families
and they all loved being back           Tim Norton
together for our Easter Family          Youth and Families Minister

Annual Review 2020 2021 - - Bath Abbey
TENDING - Caring as a church family

Pastoral Care                           Collaboration has been at the heart    And my thanks also go to our
                                        of Pastoral Care. The Pastoral Team,   Chaplains for their faithful ministry
Abbey Pastoral Care has been            working with our excellent Contact     in coming alongside our visitors.
expressed in extraordinary and          Group Leaders, generously offered
creative ways throughout the            a ‘Week of Blessing’ across the        Revd Chantal Mason
pandemic.                               church in January.                     Abbey Pastor

Our Pastoral Team, Chaplains and        In addition, numerous doorstep
Contact Group Leaders, to name          visits have been made, with special
                                                                                 " The Pastoral Team
but a few, have diligently served the   visits offering Christmas Care and       has provided a
church family. The Pastoral Team        Easter gifts.
has provided a valuable listening                                                valuable listening ear
ear to many, in hidden acts of          Recently a beautiful new Abbey           to many, in hidden
service, phone calls, and cards;        prayer station for ‘Peace of Mind
and Contact Group Leaders a vital       and Heart’ was designed by the           acts of service, phone
communication link in periods of        Pastoral Team for visitors seeking       calls and cards..."
lockdown.                               solace.

TENDING - Caring as a church family

Safeguarding                          their role.
                                      During this reporting period, 24   "[Safeguarding]
Notwithstanding the pandemic
closure, the work of Safeguarding     DBS clearances or re-clearances    continues to be
                                      were obtained, and 90 hours
goes on. It continues to be an
                                      of Safeguarding training were
                                                                         an integral part
integral part of Bath Abbey’s Safer
Recruitment procedures, including     completed online.                  of Bath Abbey’s
Disclosure and Barring System         Natalie Cox-Mullings               Safer Recruitment
(DBS) clearance where the role so
                                      Human Resources Officer            procedures, including
                                                                         Disclosure and
Appropriate Safeguarding training
is completed although in view                                            Barring System (DBS)
of best practice we encourage/                                           clearance where the
recommend all staff and volunteers
to undertake basic awareness                                             role so requires."
Safeguarding training regardless of

TREASURING - Sustaining and renewing creation

Footprint Project                       who have worked hard to keep              facilities for interpretation and
                                        the project on track. Inevitably          learning, a valuable resource for the
Those of you who have been to           we have seen delays, and there is         church, as well as local schools. The
the Abbey over the past couple of       still some work to do within the          team have been working over the
months will have noticed the huge       Abbey, including the installation of      past seven months to develop an
transformation that has happened        the new AV systems, cleaning and          exciting education programme, which
through the past year. Not only do we   restoration of monuments, and the         we aim to launch in the Autumn.
now have a completed Abbey floor,       re-installation of the Corporation
but we also have heating – now being    Stalls, all of which will be completed    Nathan Ward
provided by energy extracted from       over the summer months.                   Footprint Project Director
Bath’s natural spring water which
runs through the Roman Drain. This      The new Song School has been
a very welcome milestone as we push     taking shape and we are now into            " ...thanks are owed
on towards the completion of the        the final stages of fit-out. This is an     to our dedicated
Footprint Project.                      exceptional new space which will
                                        support the Abbey’s reputation and          consultants and
Work has progressed well throughout     development of musical excellence.          contractors who
the past year, despite the challenges   We are looking forward to opening
and complications brought by the        the practice rooms to the choirs.           have worked hard
pandemic, thanks are owed to our
                                        The new vaults and museum spaces
                                                                                    to keep the project
dedicated consultants and contractors
                                        will provide the Abbey with unique          on track."

THANK YOU - For the support of the Footprint Project

We are extremely grateful for the          •   29th May 1961 Charitable Trust   •   Layton Trust
generous financial support Footprint
                                           •   Allchurches Trust                •   Linbury Trust
has received from benefactors across
the community, including the Abbey’s       •   Annett Trust                     •   Lord Barnby’s Foundation
congregation, local philanthropists,
regional and national Trusts and           •   Bath Abbey Music Society         •   Peter Stormonth Darling
                                                                                    Charitable Trust
Foundations, and The National              •   Bath Boules Charitable Trust
Lottery Heritage Fund. We are                                                   •   Ray Harris Charitable Trust
thankful to all those who support this     •   Brownsword Charitable
                                               Foundation                       •   Restore Our Planet
visionary project, this year especially.
                                           •   Coles-Medlock Foundation         •   Roper Family Charitable Trust
Footprint’s Supporting Trusts &
Foundations                                •   Fairfield Charitable Trust       •   Sandra Le Marchant Trust
                                           •   Friends of Bath Abbey            •   Stephen Clark 1957 Charitable
                                           •   Garfield Weston Foundation
                                                                                •   Swire Charitable Trust
                                           •   Gatliff Trust
                                                                                •   Trevor Osborne Charitable Trust
                                           •   Grace Dieu Charitable Trust
                                                                                •   Wolfson Foundation
                                           •   Hobson Charity
The National Lottery Heritage Fund,                                             •   World Heritage Site
                                           •   J & P Benson Trust                   Enhancement Fund
Historic England and the DCMS's
Culture Recovery Fund                      •   Kirby Laing Foundation

TRANSFORMING - Pursuing justice & peace in society

Mission Support                       periods of lockdown.                 them that we know of the acute
                                                                           and pressing needs of so many
Keeping in contact!                   Meanwhile we also continue to be people, both near and far. There
                                      in regular contact with our partners are signs of a brighter future, of
Over these last few months,           in India (Reaching the Unreached)    new ideas and opportunities to
Mission Support has been faced        and Africa (Wycliffe) who send us    share more of our resources – and
with a different sort of challenge    informative and colourful updates, people, time and talents – once
in order to keep in touch with our    describing how they also have        again.
partners, both locally and abroad.    had to adapt to provide for their
It may have been by Zoom, but         communities in the most vital ways Starting, right now, with the
we have had reviews with all the      during the pandemic.                 Pentecost Appeal! Please think to
Bath-based charities that the Abbey                                        support us in that.
supports and have learnt of their     All this simply illustrates the
plans for the future and of new       importance of staying in touch and James Playfair
initiatives made necessary by the     maintaining our links. It is through Chair, Mission Support Group


Looking back, the last 12 months,      Abbey are not expected to return      Abbey with around £2m, mainly in
have been an incredibly challenging    until 2022                            the form of grants, to support both
period of change and upheaval,                                               the Footprint Project and our Bath
probably the most that the Abbey       In March 2020 we estimated that       Abbey operations. These funds
has experienced in a generation,       our visitor numbers and our key       have enabled us survive 2020 and
caused by the Footprint Project        income stream “visitor donations”     into 2021 we believe that we have
works and then overlaid with the       would drastically fall as would       enough cash to get us through to
pandemic, its lockdowns, our           our Tower Tour, Shop and Concert      2022, which is when we hope that
inability to gather, sing or worship   income streams. We estimated that     near-normal will return.
together and finishing the period      in 2020 and 2021 the pandemic
with staff redundancies and the        would lead to a reduction in our      We would like to take this
very sad passing away of HRH           commercial income of around           opportunity to thank our team of
Prince Philip.                         £1m. We quickly formulated and        wonderful volunteers; our PCC; our
                                       implemented a survival plan and       Churchwardens; staff and team of
When the pandemic gripped the          approached key stakeholders for       clergy and chaplains; as well as our
UK back in March 2020, the Abbey       assistance to help us get through     team of professional advisers and
was immediately impacted in the        2020 to 2022.                         Emerys our contractors for helping
following ways, all adverse:                                                 the Abbey get through these
                                       Our visitor numbers fell by around    difficult times. Its been a great
•       We closed to visitors just     75%; our shop remained closed         team effort. Thank you.
at the point when our peak season      for 8 months; we were unable to
was about to commence;                 deliver Tower Tours for 9 months      We are not “out of the woods” yet,
                                       due to our inability to comply with   however we are nearly there. The
•        When we were permitted to     COVID-19 social distancing and        success of the vaccination roll-
open, our visitor and shop capacity    hygiene guidelines and no concerts    out, we are in the final phase of
levels reduced significantly;          or graduations took place.            the Footprint Project, we re-open
                                                                             our doors to visitors on 17 May
•       We were unable to run          Fortunately, after months of          and a new spring/summer season
Tower Tours due to being unable        completing applications and           is ahead of us fills us with hope,
to comply with COVID-19 social         delivering presentations to           positivity and excitement.
distancing and hygiene guidelines;     stakeholders, we received
                                       significant financial support from    Frank Mowat
•      Our ability to fundraise
                                       the following organisations:          Executive Director
was hampered and de-prioritised
and competition for donations          •      The Diocese of Bath & Wells
                                       •      The National Lottery
•       The Footprint Project          Heritage Fund
suffered delays mainly due to
supply chain issues and social         •       The Department for Digital,
distancing;                            Culture, Media and Sport
•       Disruption costs increased     •      The Church of England
due to Footprint delays and our
daily operating costs increased due    •      The UK Government
to COVID-19;                           Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

•      Overseas visitors to the        We are eternally grateful to these
                                       organisations for providing the
TREASURING - Volunteering
Through every stage of the           with our exploration of online         as Footprint completes.
pandemic our volunteers were         services, sewing sashes, and
instrumental in opening the Abbey    researching our links with historic    With thanks and in anticipation,
with a warm welcome, and those       slavery.                               Mary Wickenden
who could come in adapted to                                                Volunteers Officer
changed roles and responsibilities   We cannot wait to welcome you
with an enthusiasm that does them    all back as the Abbey reopens,
credit.                              especially those of you who have
                                     been shielding for some time. We
Volunteers supported our work        will have the roles you love as well
behind-the-scenes too, assisting     as some exciting new opportunities

     TREASURING - Remembering

Remembering with                     March, it was very moving              that gave voice to our song of
                                     to be part of the Bath and             lament.
love members of the                  North East Somerset online
Abbey family who                     ‘Community Remembering                 Revd Chantal Mason and Revd
have died during the                 Service’ partnering with the           Canon Guy Bridgewater
                                     Royal United Hospital, Dorothy         Abbey Pastor and Rector of
pandemic                             House, SWALLOW, Care Homes,            Bath Abbey
                                     and BANES Council in expressing
The impact of Covid-19 on
                                     our solidarity.
our Abbey community has
been profound. We have
                                     We recognised our shared grief
grieved with members of our
                                     and loss as a wider community.
Abbey church family who have
                                     During this service we
experienced the death of loved
                                     acknowledged the heartache of
ones this past year. All those
                                     being unable to meet together
who have died will of course
                                     at funerals and the pain of being
be remembered at our APCM,
                                     isolated in bereavement.
and also later in the year at
our ‘All Souls’ service.
                                     It was so fitting that Huw
                                     Williams, our Director of Music,
As we marked the anniversary
                                     composed an anthem for this
of the first lockdown on 24
                                     service based on Psalm 90,
TREASURING - Message from the Churchwardens
Keeping it going!                            cannot do something when you          longer have to be ‘let us see’
                                             are desperate to do just that. This   or just . . . . ‘possibly’. Two not
It is only a modest achievement but the      has been the role of the (this!)      entirely helpful answers.
Abbey has opened for private prayer          churchwarden. Keeping to the
almost every day over recent months          rules. In the olden days when they    It is all going to be coming back
when for much of that time, due to           had real power it would have been     soon and life one hopes will be a
the restrictions, services have been         different.                            lot simpler. Alleluia!
cancelled. There was no congregation                                               James Playfair
in the Abbey at all again in November        Like everyone else, the
                                             churchwardens, both of them, are      Churchwarden
and Remembrance Day services were
online. We were back for Christmas,          genuinely looking forward to when
with live-streaming and limited              the restrictions are lifted and the
numbers, but after the New Year, there       response to your requests will no
were no services in church until Palm
Sunday. It is marvellous now to be back
in more space and in time for Easter.
We are very grateful to our staff,
the Operations Team especially, the
chaplains, Stephen and his IT skills, and
the small, merry band of volunteers,
deputy wardens and worship support
who have helped us through this
confusing and uncertain time. Thank
you for your support, willingness and
ability to adapt, in several variations of
the limited space.
It has been very good to share
the churchwarden responsibilities
with Rose Amphlett. Elected at the
last APCM, Rose has already had a
very busy time of it, not just in the
Abbey itself, but in getting to know
more about the many facets of our
community life, from finance to fire
There is always going to be a prophet
of doom, an inflexible Jeremiah, who
it seems is there only to say that you

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